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An introduction to modal testing

i l 1 Modal testing lias become an A

* increasingly popnlarmeans or i
I Studying tbe Eynamifc behaMoiirt

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Ijfbr Solving problems and for ^ ; S J
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We give h e r i ^ ; - ^ p # : % -
I lowed by a disetission <d some of
tibe many applications of modal
itesting, tecnniques. *inallyjwe;
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1 nai Analyzers t ype$ 203 2 and,l

Briiel & Kjaer supplies a wide range of equipment for modal testing. The many
different applications of modal testing include trouble-shooting noise and
vibration problems, design optimization, structural monitoring, and the veri-
fication of analytical models of structures

What is modal testing? techniques of varying sophistication. stiffness or damping between points.
The choice of technique depends on: We can then simulate the vibration
The sound we hear from a bell is The type and size of the structure. response of the modified structure.
due to the resonances and the radiated The extent to which the structure
sound resulting from high vibration behaves linearity. If we make modal tests on different
energy at resonant frequencies. What the test will be used for. substructures (or components), we can
The time and resources available. use the models to discover how the
We can describe the dynamic be- assembled structure will behave.
haviour of any linear mechanical

structure in terms of parameters VKTL f i i , .. The many different applications of

which describe its structural reso-
Wnat IS modal testing modal testing include:
nances. These modal parameters are USed for^
the resonant frequency, the damping * Trouble-shooting noise and vi-
at the resonance, and the vibration Since the result of a modal test is a bration problems. First we find the
pattern (mode shape) for the reso- mathematical model of the dynamic source of the problem by using vibra-
nance. behaviour of the structure under test, tion measurements on the structure
we can simulate the vibration re- under operating conditions. If the
The mathematical model based on sponse due to some forces which we problem is caused by a structural reso-
these parameters is a linear model giv- assume could act on the structure in nance (in fact a structural weakness),
ing a complete description of the lin- its working environment. we can apply modifications to the dy-
ear behaviour of the structure. Modal namic model and find alternative
testing, then, is a class of experimental We can also use the model to simu- ways to remedy the structural weak-
methods which determines a system's late modifications to the structure to ness.
dynamic characteristics, and defines a obtain the modal parameters of the D e s i g n optimization. Tests on pro-
dynamic model of a structure. modified structure. We define such totype structures allow us to optimize
modifications in terms of mass addi- designs by simulating the response of
In modal testing we use a number of tion or subtraction at certain points, the prototype, and making modifica-
different measurement and analysis or by the addition or subtraction of tions to the dynamic model.

BO 0172-11
S t r u c t u r a l m o n i t o r i n g . The modal I JiSMft / . . - - ^ ^ ^ / S y ^ : ^ ; ^ ; ^ & t t ^ / : t t & :
parameters can be used to monitor the W'Hamnw Line Drive Acceleromete, p
condition of structures. As defects or Excitation r ^^SSSSS^^'- '-^tf'^"- F ~ S O E Z 3 3 T I R e s P n s e
imperfections such as cracks develop, \ibration \ -JTZ* U
one or more of the modal parameters 7 ^ 1 j | j j | l * vForolp MDMWA\
Of the Structure will change. TranXerl ^ / W Accelerometer Transducer y^SB
V e r i f y i n g a n a l y t i c a l m o d e l s . We W r ^ l } W A F i ^
can use analytical models (derived ; C :. f a t f t i i g -::: ^ I f f g y ^ v
through theoretical as opposed to ex- I ^ ^ ^ : r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v ; : : . ; . ; \ &^3;/;-y
perimental techniques) extensively in | | | | lglff; I a, C a s s e t t e R e c o r d e r yjy '
, the early design stage of aircraft, .; a yyy u ;,r I : . , . ft
spacecraft, and most other vehicles. ; ;; - < ^ T 1
T W models usually obtained ^ X | | | I g g ^ ^ 1 f l | De s k ,o P c o n f e r |
through the finite element technique, m :WmrJ&,A ^ l l l t l ~ ~ ^ F ^ H H S sUjwith Modal Analysis Plllf
are also used for simulation and opti- wim^M'^\ Em\amtisi%m\ V M | " | U| ** A f~~n P r 9 r a m a n d
.. , i .,, , &m ..<>V'C-7f;f l_w I T J Wff ^ P* Graphics Plotter
mization. Once we nave built a proto- ii;H!i|gtpj ^ S ^ T fa^H^B ^ ' ^^^m^-,- -..
type structure we do a modal test and : # # fc&fr*fct-Si^al L , , , . . , a i ^ ? W M B M W W i
compare the resulting model with the :^
analytical model. This comparison *3g$$&0" ^ # ^ ? Q n a l " *?

analytical model ^#- ^ ^ r # e ^ <& ^/flBr modal analysis systems are based on Dual Channel Signal Analyzer
Types 2032 and 2034. There is a wide range of equipment for testing small and
medium sized structures
U/-.TT7 Ar\ TTTA -r^^T-Pi-vtw-i o & a high quality force transducer tures and where simulations and mod-
-^ and accelerometer respectively. nications are required, the modal pa-
modal test? rameters are obtained from the mobil-
We measure the relation between ity measurements through a software
Since the accuracy of our dynamic the input excitation and the resulting program run on a desk top computer.
model will depend on the accuracy of vibration response between a selected
our measurements, it is important number of points and directions. For Fig. 2 is an example of a typical
that we choose the best modal testing this we use the frequency response measurement made with a Dual Chan-
equipment available for the test. function (mobility function). We can nel Signal Analyzer Type 2034 on a
do this rapidly using a 2032 or 2034. car mirror. From a number of these
Fig. 1 shows typical instrumenta- measurements the best fit to a linear
tion for testing small and medium For some applications a simple mathematical model is derived giving
sized structures. We apply the excita- technique known as "Quadrature the modal model containing the reso-
tion using an impact hammer or a vi- Picking" is sufficient to obtain the res- nant frequencies, damping and mode
bration exciter. We measure the exci- onant frequencies and unsealed mode shapes. Fig. 3 shows the mode shape
tation and response waveforms by us- shapes. However, for complex struc- for the third mode of the mirror.

Fig. 2. Typical frequency response function from measurements on Fig. 3. The Bruel & Kjcer Modal Analysis Software WT 9101 ex-
a car mirror. The magnitude and imaginary part have been tracts modal parameters from the frequency response func-
selected for the upper and lower trace respectively. The plot tion. Here we see the third mode of vibration of the car
was obtained from the Graphics Plotter Type 2319. mirror, superimposed on the undeformed structure.

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