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ADE HELMIANTI (PO713201151099)

A.AYU LESTARI (PO713201151098)





Writers Praise Allah SWT, for the overflow of His grace and guidance, so that the author
can complete papers which contain "DISEASE CANCER" Fulfilling Duty English tutorial.

In this paper, contains material about cancer, where the cancer is one disease that is
dangerous and deadly as a result of abnormal growth of tissue cells of the body that turn into
cancer cells. During its development, the cancer cells can spread to other body parts that can
cause death.

Furthermore Writer say thank you to all those who have helped author in completing this
paper. Thanks to Mrs. Subjects Biology teachers namely Mrs. Muttamirati that has guided
Author to make this paper, as well as to family and friends writer who also helped author in
working and provides information about these papers.

If in this paper found many shortcomings, I am sorry profusely. Given Writer ordinary
humans make mistakes, where everything created by man certainly has its drawbacks. Therefore
Writer expect criticism and constructive suggestions for the perfection of this paper, and also
author hope this paper can be useful for the community and its users.

Makassar, 14 March 2017

Table of contents

Title sheet .................................................. .........................................

Foreword................................................ ..............................................
Table of contents................................................ ..................................
A. Chapter I Introduction............................................... .....................
1. Background .............................................. ...............................
2. Problem Formulation .............................................. .................
3. Interest ............................................... .......................................
4. Benefits
A. Benefits Theoretical .............................................. .................
B. Practical Benefits .............................................. .....................
Breakfast. Chapter II Discussion............................................... ...........

Understanding Cancer ............................................... ......................

Symptoms of Cancer ............................................. ...........................
The factors that cause cancer ............................................ ...............
Factors that can increase the risk of cancer ......................................
How the examination and treatment of cancer .................................
The process of spread of cancer to other body parts ........................
The types of cancer .............................................. ...........................
How cancer prevention ............................................... ....................

C. Chapter III closing............................................... ...........................

Conclusion ................................................. .....................................

Suggestion ................................................. ......................................

Bibliography................................................ ........................................

1. Background
Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of tissue cells of the body that turn into
cancer cells. During its development, the cancer cells can spread to other body parts that can
cause death. Cancer is often known by the public as a tumor, but not all tumors are cancerous.
Tumor is all lumps are not normal or abnormal. Tumors were divided into two groups, namely
benign and malignant tumors. Cancer is a general term for all types of malignant cancer can
happen to any person, on any part of the body, and on all gologan age, but more often affects
people over the age of 40 years.
Generally, before the cancer is widespread or damaging surrounding tissue, the patient does not
feel any complaints or symptoms. When you have any complaints or symptoms, the disease is
already advanced. On that basis, the author will try to discuss more about the ancient Roman
belief system.
2. Problem Formulation
In writing this paper, the issues to be examined are:
Understanding Cancer?
The symptoms of cancer?
The factors that cause cancer?
Factors that may increase the risk of cancer?
How to diagnosis and treatment of cancer?
The process of spread of cancer to other parts of the body?
Types of Cancer?
How cancer prevention?
3. Objectives
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the objectives to be achieved are:
Knowing the understanding of cancer.
Knowing the symptoms of cancer.
Knowing the factors that cause cancer.
Knowing the factors that may increase the risk of cancer.
Knowing how the examination and treatment of cancer.
Knowing the process of spread of cancer to other parts of the body.
Mengetrahui types of cancer.
Knowing how to prevent cancer.
4. Benefits
The theoretical benefits:
As a comparison to the reader to make paper.
As the material for the assessment Teacher Subjects of History.
As a source of reference for readers.
Practical benefits:
This paper can be a source of information for people to get to know some more about
cancer, and how prevention and factors that cause cancer. And also so that people can know how
dangerous and how deadly the cancer disease. Although initially the cancer was just something
very small, but if left to develop into a big cancer (malignant cancer), so as to cause of death for
the man himself.

1. Understanding cancer
Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of tissue cells of the body that turn into
cancer cells. During its development, the cancer cells can spread to other body parts that can
cause death. Cancer is a term that encompasses more complex group of different types of cancer.
Cancer can affect almost every organ in the human body. Many people are surprised to learn that
cancer can affect parts of the body such as the eyes and heart. Each type of cancer is typical with
the causes, symptoms, and different treatment methods. As another group of diseases, some
types of cancer is more common than others.
2. Symptoms of cancer
Symptoms of cancer in general that may arise depending on the types or organs are
attacked, namely:
Changes in bowel habits,
Wounds that do not heal - heal.
Lump in the breast.
Changes in moles or skin are striking.
Gastrointestinal disorders, such as difficulty swallowing continuously.
Weight loss quickly due to the lack of fat and protein (cachexia)
Deaf, or the absence of sound - the sound in the ear are settled.
Pain may occur as a result of widespread tumor pressing surrounding nerves and blood
vessels, immune and inflammatory reaction against growing cancer, and pain is also caused
because of fear or anxiety.
3. The factors that cause cancer
Cause Cancer is difficult to know for sure because it is a combination of a set of genetic
and environmental factors. But actually there are factors that are thought to increase the risk of
Cancer, among others are:

Genetic factors cause some families have a higher risk for certain cancers when compared
with other families.

Psychological factors, emotional

Stress means can cause disruption to cellular balance of the body.

behavioral factors
The behavior in question is smoke and consume foods that contain lots of fat and meat is
preserved also drink alcoholic beverages.
Sexual behavior that intercourse early age and frequently changing partners.

Factors foods containing chemicals

Meals can also be important risk factors other causes of cancer, particularly cancers of the
digestive tract. Examples of foods that can cause cancer is
Smoked foods and acidified (in the form of pickles) increase the risk of gastric cancer.
Drinks containing alcohol causes a higher risk for cancer of the esophagus.
Food coloring
Heavy metals such as mercury are often found in contaminated seafood such as shellfish,
fish, etc.
The variety of food (sweet, flour) are processed in excess.

4. Factors that may increase the risk of cancer

Factors that may increase the risk of cancer, among others:

Chemical material
Substances contained in cigarette smoke can cause various types of cancer in smokers and
passive smokers (nonsmokers inadvertently inhaling other people's smoke) in the long term.
Chemicals for industrial and smoke containing carbon compounds can increase the likelihood of
an industrial worker suffering from cancer.
Excessive radiation
Ultra violet rays from the sun can cause skin cancer. Radio active rays, X rays or excessive
radiation can cause skin cancer and leukemia.
Some types of viruses closely related to the transformation of normal cells into cancer cells.
This type of virus called a cancer-causing virus or oncogenic virus.
Hormones are substances produced by glands of the body whose function is to regulate the
activities of organs of certain membranes. In some studies it is known that administration of
certain hormones in excess can lead to increased incidence of some cancers such as breast,
uterine, ovarian and prostate (male sex gland).
Substances or chemicals found in certain foods can cause cancer such as foods stored and moldy
old can be contaminated by aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is a substance produced by the fungus
Aspergillus flavus that may increase the risk of liver cancer.

5. How the examination and treatment of cancer

For that there are suspicions, the examination can be done is:
Cytology and anatomic pathology
Tests sign of cancer in the blood
Mammography (special X-rays of the breast)
Ultrasound / Ultrasound (photographing inner organs)
Endoscopy (observation of the inner organs)
Colposcopy (observation of the cervix)
Laparoscopy (observation of the abdominal cavity)
Photographing the layers of the body by means of CT Scan, MRI (Magnetic Resonance

Cancer treatment consists of one or a combination of the following procedures:

Surgery (operation)
Radiation (Radio-therapy)
The use of medications cancer cell killing (sitostatika / chemotherapy)
Increased endurance (immunotherapy)
Treatment with hormones
Organ transplants.
stem Cell
The results of treatment mainly depends on the stage or stage of cancer.
6. The process of spread of cancer to other parts of the body
Cells in malignant tumors have the ability to invade surrounding tissues and organs, so that
the spread of the disease. It is also possible for the cancer cells to break away from the tumor and
enter the bloodstream, resulting in the spread of the disease to other organs. This spreading
process is called metastasis. If the cancer has spread and has affected other areas of the body, the
disease is still referring to the organ origination. For example, if cervical cancer spreads to the
lungs, it is still called cervical cancer, not lung cancer. Although most cancers develop and
spread this way (with organ), but not blood cancers such as leukemia. They affect the blood and
organs that make up the blood and then invade nearby tissues.
7. Types of cancer
As for the types of cancer are as follows:
Cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer)
Breast cancer
Malignant trophoblast disease
Skin cancer
nasopharyngeal cancer
Lung cancer
Heart cancer
Lymph node cancer (lymphoma malignum)
Colon cancer
Blood cancer (leukemia).
8. How cancer prevention
Most types of cancer can be prevented by healthy lifestyle habits from a young age and
avoid factors that cause cancer. Although the causes of cancer is not known, everyone can take
steps to prevent the healthy way of life and avoid the causes of cancer:
Regarding the food:
Reduce excessive fatty foods
Eat more fibrous foods.
More eat colored vegetables and fruits, several times a day
Eat more fresh food
Reduce foods that have been preserved or stored for too long
Limiting alcohol drinks

about Behavior
Avoid yourself from sexually transmitted infections
Avoid smoking. For smokers: quit smoking.
Strive for a balanced life and avoid stress
Health check periodically and regularly.

1. Conclusions
Cancer is a disease that is highly lethal and very dangerous and very lethal as a result of
abnormal growth of tissue cells of the body that turn into cancer cells. During its development,
the cancer cells can spread to other body parts that can cause death.
Cancer is a disease caused by abnormal growth of tissue cells of the body that turn into
cancer cells. During its development, the cancer cells can spread to other body parts that can
cause death. Cancer is a term that encompasses more complex group of different types of cancer.
Cancer can affect almost every organ in the human body. Many people are surprised to learn that
cancer can affect parts of the body such as the eyes and heart. Each type of cancer is typical with
the causes, symptoms, and different treatment methods. As another group of diseases, some
types of cancer is more common than others.

2. Suggestions
In this paper are still many who do not writer's talk about Cancer. By because it is
expected to Another writer who wants the same theme, that of Cancer, in order to better and
more detail in a paper about the disease, because there are in fact still a lot of discussion about
my paper is that the author has to say in the paper this.

3.bp.blogspot.com. Detailed knowledge about cancer (Sunday, 20-10-2013 20:00 on Warkop

http://macammacamoenyakit.com. Symptoms- symptoms of cancer, cancer-causing factors,
Types of Cancer, cancer deployment process. (Sunday, 20-10-2013 20:00 on Warkop Nacana).
http://yayasankankerindonesia.org. System symptoms of cancer, cancer-causing factors, Types of
Cancer, Understanding Cancer, Cancer Prevention. (Sunday, 20-10-2013 20:00 on Warkop
http://solusiorganik.com. Cancer Knowledge. (Sunday, 20-10-2013 20:00 on Warkop Nacana).
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