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Diseases: New Concepts of

Pathogenesis and Their
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Therapeutic Implications
Daniel M. Skovronsky,1 Virginia M.-Y. Lee,2
and John Q. Trojanowski2
Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104;
email: skovronsky@avidrp.com
Center for Neurodegenerative Disease Research, Institute on Aging, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104;
email: trojanow@mail.med.upenn.edu; vmylee@mail.med.upenn.edu

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. Key Words

2006. 1:15170
amyloid, Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease,
First published online as a
Review in Advance on neurodegeneration, misfolding
October 11, 2005
The Annual Review of
Pathology: Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative diseases as diverse as Alzheimers, Parkinsons,
Disease is online at and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease share a common pathogenetic mech-
anism involving aggregation and deposition of misfolded proteins,
doi: 10.1146/ which leads to progressive central nervous system disease. Although
the type of aggregated protein and the regional and cellular distribu-
c 2006 by tion of deposition vary from disease to disease, these disorders may
Annual Reviews. All rights
reserved all be linked by similar pathways of protein aggregation with bril
formation and amyloid deposition. This perspective on pathogene-
0151$20.00 sis suggests that a wide variety of neurodegenerative diseases can be
grouped mechanistically as brain amyloidoses, an outlook that yields
novel insights into potential therapeutic approaches that may be ap-
plicable across the broad spectrum of neurodegenerative disease.

ANRV268-PM01-06 ARI 8 December 2005 19:15

AMYLOID AS A COMMON tion and deposition of misfolded proteins. As

THEME IN summarized in Table 1, nearly every ma-
NEURODEGENERATIVE jor neurodegenerative disease is characterized
Amyloid: protein
aggregates that share DISEASE pathologically by the insidious accumulation
specic traits, Neurodegenerative disorders such as of insoluble lamentous aggregates of nor-
including cross
Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease account mally soluble proteins in the central nervous
-sheet quaternary system (CNS). Because these lamentous ag-
structure for a signicant and increasing proportion
of morbidity and mortality in the devel- gregates display the ultrastructural and tincto-
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oped world (1, 2). Largely as a result of rial properties of amyloid (i.e., 10-nm-wide
increased life expectancy and changing brils with crossed -pleated sheet struc-
population demographics (i.e., the aging of tures that stain with Congo red, thioavin-S,
baby boomers), neurodegenerative dementias or other related dyes), these diseases can be
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

and neurodegenerative movement disorders grouped together as brain amyloidoses.

are becoming more common (3, 4). As our What, then, accounts for the striking phe-
population ages, an improved understanding notypic diversity seen in these diseases? Each
of these diseases will be vital to developing of the related brain amyloidoses is distin-
more effective therapies and combating the guished by (a) distinct temporal and regional
staggering personal, social, and economic patterns of deposition of aggregates, (b) vary-
costs of these diseases (5). Unifying theories ing cellular hosts or extracellular locales of
of pathogenesis in neurodegenerative disease the aggregates, and (c) different protein con-
provide an avenue for developing therapeutic stituents of the aggregates (Table 1). Each of
strategies with broad applicability for disease these characteristics, combined with the pa-
prevention and an opportunity for decreasing tients own innate and variable response to
morbidity and mortality from these disorders the aggregates, may in turn alter the cas-
in the elderly population (6). cade of events leading to a particular temporal
Converging lines of investigation have re- and regional pattern of neuronal dysfunction
vealed a potential single common pathogenic and death, which manifests as a specic clini-
mechanism underlying many diverse neu- cal syndrome such as dementia in Alzheimers
rodegenerative disorders, i.e., the aggrega- disease or a movement disorder in Parkin-
sons disease. Thus, from a pathological stand-
point, neurodegenerative entities are dened
by the type and pattern of amyloid depo-
COMMON MOTIFS IN sition in the brain. Unfortunately, the type
NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASE and pattern of brain amyloidosis does not al-
ways correlate well with the observed clini-
The major pathological lesions are accumulations of insol- cal phenotype. This disconnect has led to a
uble lamentous aggregates that take the form of amyloid. perplexing nosology that sometimes requires
The aggregates are composed of a normal, soluble protein or clinicians to describe phenotypes on the ba-
peptide that has been misfolded. This amyloidogenic protein sis of the presumed presence of pathologi-
constituent differs among various neurodegenerative diseases. cal lesions (e.g., dementia with Lewy bodies)
The amyloidogenic protein is typically expressed systemically, and sometimes requires pathologists to de-
but accumulates only in the CNS. The aggregates accumulate scribe lesions using clinical language regard-
early in the lifetime of the individual, but only manifest clini- less of the patients actual clinical presentation
cally in middle or late life. Most cases are sporadic, but genetic (e.g., progressive supranuclear palsy, PSP).
forms can be caused by mutations in the gene encoding the The best way to circumvent this morass may
amyloidgenic protein that make it more prone to misfold and be the use some day of chemical analytes of
aggregate. biological uids and neuroimaging biomark-
ers that allow clinicians to distinguish between

152 Skovronsky
Lee Trojanowski
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TABLE 1 Common neurodegenerative diseases characterized by deposition of aggregated proteins

Disease Microscopic lesion Location Aggregated protein
Alzheimers disease Amyloid plaque Extracellular Amyloid- (A)
Neurobrillary tangle Intracytoplasmic (neurons) Tau
Lewy bodies (seen in Intracytoplasmic (neurons) -synuclein
Lewy body variant)
Amyotrophic lateral Hyaline inclusions Intracytoplasmic (neurons) Superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD1)
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Cortical basal Tau positive inclusions Intracytoplasmic (neurons, Tau

degeneration/ oligodendroglia and astrocyes)
supranuclear palsy
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Dementia with Lewy Lewy bodies Intracytoplasmic (neurons) -synuclein

Huntington disease Neuronal inclusions Intranuclear (neurons) Huntington (containing
polyglutamine repeat expansion)
Multiple system Glial cytoplasmic Intracytoplasmic (oligodendroglia) -synuclein
atrophy inclusions
Parkinsons disease Lewy bodies Intracytoplasmic (neurons) -synuclein
Picks disease Pick bodies Intracytoplasmic (neurons) Tau
Prion diseases Prion plaques Extracellular Protease-resistant prion protein
Spinocerebellar ataxia Neuronal inclusions Intranuclear (neurons) Ataxin (containing polyglutamine
repeat expansion)

these related brain amyloidoses on the basis of General Mechanisms of Brain

the nature and extent of the brain pathology Amyloid Formation
as well as the specic amyloidogenic protein(s)
Brain amyloidosis begins with the pro- Amyloidogenic:
involved in disease pathogenesis. property of being
duction of a soluble native protein that is
Recognizing that all these related neu- prone to aggregation
misfolded to yield the precursor for bril
rodegenerative diseases share common mech- and amyloid
formation (Figure 1). The misfolded pro-
anisms involving CNS accumulation of formation
tein can self-associate to form oligomers,
misfolded proteins suggests that these disor- A (also amyloid-
protobrils, or other intermediates en route
ders may have similar targets for the devel- or -amyloid):
to bril formation (reviewed in Reference 3943 amino acid
opment of diagnostic and therapeutic agents.
7). Oligomers of A can be detected in vitro peptide generated by
This review highlights these potential tar- proteolytic cleavage
(8), in cell culture and transgenic mouse
gets, focusing on three prototypical and com- of the amyloid
models of Alzheimers disease (911), and
mon amyloidgenic proteins: A, tau, and precursor protein,
in postmortem Alzheimers disease brain
synuclein. Within this context, Alzheimers which is prone to
specimens (12). Although oligomers of A aggregating as
disease, the tauopathies (Picks disease, cor-
have been the most well studied, it is apparent amyloid
tical basal degeneration, and PSP), and the
that other amyloidogenic proteins such as
synucleinopathies (dementia with Lewy bod-
-synuclein or polyglutamine-containing
ies, Parkinsons disease, and multiple system
proteins can also form oligomers. Remark-
atrophy) are discussed as exemplars or models
ably, oligomers composed of each of these
of the brain amyloidoses that occur in many
amyloidogenic proteins (which share no
aging-related neurodegenerative disorders.
primary sequence homology) show a similar

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ANRV268-PM01-06 ARI 8 December 2005 19:15

Inhibit production
or post-translational
modification of
native protein Promote dissolution /
clearance of fibrils

Stabilize monomer
or upregulate Inhibit Inhibit fibril
chaperone activity oligomerization formation
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Misfolding Oligomerization Fibril formation

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

activity Misfolded
Native protein
Oligomers, protofibrils, Fibrils
Upregulate and other intermediates

Protein Protein
degradation degradation

Figure 1
Model for protein misfolding and brillization. Soluble native protein is misfolded and associates in the
form of oligomers and other intermediates that eventually give rise to brils. Potential opportunities for
theapeutic intervention are shown in blue boxes.

conformation-dependent structure (12). developed currently for different forms of

These studies may suggest a common mecha- amyloid.
nism of amyloid formation that depends upon
structural determinants within the oligomers.
Further support for this hypothesis comes Consequences of Brain Amyloidosis
from the observation that different forms Although accumulation of brain amyloid is
of amyloid interact with one another in clearly a unifying characteristic of many neu-
vitro. For example, -synuclein can initiate rodegenerative diseases, the mechanisms by
brillization of tau, and coincubation of tau which brain amyloid leads to neuronal death
and -synuclein synergistically promotes or dysfunction are ill dened, but likely to
brillization of both proteins (13). be numerous and diverse. For example, ev-
In vivo, various factors may inuence idence suggests that brain amyloid is linked
the balance between native protein, mis- mechanistically to impairments in axonal
folded protein, oligomers, and brils. For transport (1417), inhibition of proteasomal
example, in the disease state, overproduc- activity (18, 19), defects in DNA transcription
tion of the amyloidogenic protein constituent, (20), increased levels of oxidative stress (21,
inappropriate covalent modication or cleav- 22), and apoptosis (23, 24). Despite a wealth
age, failed degradation, or insufcient molec- of experimental data, there is still no consen-
ular chaperone activity may all contribute in sus on whether oligomers, protobrils, or ma-
shifting the balance towards misfolded pro- ture brils (or some combination of these)
tein and oligomer formation. Each of these are the important toxic species that mediate
steps represents a potential target for ther- neurodegeneration, nor do we understand the
apeutic intervention, with therapies being mechanisms by which they compromise the

154 Skovronsky
Lee Trojanowski
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function and viability of selectively vulnera- giopathy, which manifests clinically as a stroke
ble CNS cells. syndrome.

The Role of A Pathology in

Alzheimers Disease
DISEASE Amyloid plaques are not only a histopatho-
logical hallmark of Alzheimers disease, but
Alzheimers Disease: The Prototype
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the aggregated A of which they are com-

A Amyloidosis posed likely plays a key role in the patho-
The sina qua non of Alzheimers disease, as genesis of Alzheimers disease (summarized
dened originally by Alois Alzheimer, is the by the amyloid cascade hypothesis) (34). The
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

presence of extracellular amyloid plaques and most direct evidence supporting this hypoth-
intraneuronal neurobrillary tangles (NFTs). esis stems from studies of gene mutations that
In addition to these two cardinal lesions, cause autosomal-dominant inherited forms of
>50% of sporadic and familial Alzheimers Alzheimers disease. As illustrated in Figure 2,
patients have coexisting cortical Lewy bod- most but not all of these mutations lead to in-
ies (2528). Indeed, these three types of amy- creased production and accumulation of spe-
loid lesions dene the Lewy body variant cic A species (A42), either through effects
of Alzheimers disease, the most common on the amyloid precursor protein (APP) itself
pathological subtype of this widespread de- (35) or through effects on presenilin 1 or 2
mentia disorder. Because each of these three (36), which form part of -secretase, one of
lesions is composed of lamentous aggregates the proteolytic complexes that cleaves APP to
of distinctly different misfolded proteins, the generate A (37). Aggregated amyloid (in the
Lewy body variant of Alzheimers disease form of oligomers, protobrils, or brils) is
is a triple amyloidosis. Specically, amyloid toxic to neurons in most but not all culture
plaques are comprised of brils formed by 39 conditions (38, 39), and in primary neuronal
42 amino acid long A peptides, tangles are culture and mouse models, A may act syn-
comprised of brils of hyperphosphorylated ergistically with neurobrillary tangle pathol-
tau protein, and Lewy bodies are comprised ogy (40, 41). These observations have led to
of lamentous -synuclein. the hypothesis that increased production, ag-
Other triple brain amyloidoses that can gregation, and accumulation of A initiates a
display A, tau, and -synuclein pathology cascade of events leading to neurotoxicity and
include Downs syndrome (29) and Guam eventually to clinical symptoms of Alzheimers
Parkinsons dementia complex (30). Examples disease (34), as summarized in Figure 3. Au-
of double amyloidoses (two forms of brain topsy studies of patients with genetic forms
amyloid) include the majority of Alzheimers of Alzheimers disease, Downs syndrome, or
disease patients (A and tau), certain Parkin- mild cognitive impairment (which appears to
sons disease patients (e.g., patients of the be a prodromal phase of Alzheimers disease)
Contursi kindred, who show both abundant have shown that accumulation of A may
tau and -synuclein pathology) (31), and precede clinical development of Alzheimers
subsets of patients with Niemann-Pick type disease by as many as 10 years (4245); impor-
C disease (some have tau and A pathol- tantly, the increased presence of A correlates
ogy, whereas others have tau and -synuclein well with cognitive decline early in the course
pathology) (32, 33). Notably, A pathology is of the disease (46).
accompanied by other forms of amyloidosis Thus, A pathology (a) is required for the
in all neurodegenerative dementias, but pure diagnosis of Alzheimers disease, (b) plays a
A amyloidosis is seen in cerebral amyloid an- key role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimers

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ANRV268-PM01-06 ARI 8 December 2005 19:15

A production
Inhibitors of APP -secretase modulators
productio n inhibitors


inhibitors A
40 A
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Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org


-secretase CTF

Figure 2
A production. The integral membrane protein amyloid precursor protein (APP) is cleaved by the
beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme (BACE, or -secretase) to yield a secreted fragment of APP (sAPP) and
a C-terminal fragment of APP (CTF). CTF is then cleaved by -secretase within the membrane to
yield a smaller C-terminal fragment (CTF) and A fragments of various lengths (shown in red). An
alternate cleavage by -secretase (not shown) cuts within the A domain and thus precludes A
production. Potential opportunities for therapeutic intervention are shown in the blue boxes.

disease, and (c) develops prior to symptomatic (48), (b) BACE belongs to a well-studied class
manifestations of Alzheimers disease. For of proteases (aspartic proteases) for which
these reasons, there has been great inter- inhibitors have been developed successfully
est in developing therapies and diagnostic for human use (i.e., renin and HIV protease
tools aimed at A. Of the 66 drugs that are inhibitors) (49), (c) the X-ray crystal struc-
known currently to be in clinical trials for ture of BACE has been published (50), and
Alzheimers disease, more than 40% target (d ) peptidomimetic inhibitors of BACE with
amyloid plaques or A production. nanomolar activity have been generated (51).
However, the development of small-molecule
BACE inhibitors is complicated by the fact
Potential Therapeutic Interventions that the active-site cleft of the enzyme is larger
Suggested by Current Understanding and more open than other aspartic proteases
of A Amyloidosis (50).
-secretase inhibitors. The proteases that
cleave APP to generate A (Figure 2) provide
some of the most alluring targets for drug de- -secretase inhibitors. The APP -secr-
velopment (47). The -secretase protein re- etase has been an active target for drug
ferred to as beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme development, with multiple classes of potent
(BACE) may be a particularly good drug tar- inhibitors described (5254). At the 2004
get because (a) knock-out of BACE in mice International Conference on Alzheimers
eliminates A production without side effects Disease and Related Disorders, investigators

156 Skovronsky
Lee Trojanowski
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Figure 3
Amyloid cascade hypothesis. Increased aggregation of A can occur as a result of
(a) overproduction of A42 [as in the case of most amyloid precursor protein (APP), presenilin 1 (PS1),
and presenilin 2 (PS2) gene mutations], (b) expression of mutations in the A domain of APP that
increases its propensity for aggregation, (c) Apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4) expression, and (d ) other genetic
and environmental factors, including aging. Aggregated A accumulates in various forms and locations,
some or all of which may result in cellular toxicities mediated by a variety of mechanisms. Decreased
clearance of aggregates and failures of cellular defenses to toxicity may exacerbate this process. The toxic
effects of amyloid result eventually in neuronal death and dysfunction, manifesting as dementia. Patients
with decreased neuronal reserve (perhaps as a result of existing comorbidities) may show increased
sensitivity to neuronal loss. NFT, neurobrillary tangles.

from Eli Lilly reported Phase I data with signaling (55) or inhibition of signaling
a -secretase inhibitor (LY450139), which by other -secretase-cleaved substrates
reduced blood levels of A, but did not (56). Alternatively, indirect inhibition of
alter levels of A in cerebral spinal uid -secretase may be one way to avoid this
(CSF). However, enthusiasm for the use of issue. For example, inhibitors of glycogen
-secretase inhibitors is tempered by synthase kinase 3 (GSK3), such as lithium
concerns regarding toxicity caused by inter- and kenpaullones as well as small interfering
ference with -secretase-mediated Notch RNAs directed against GSK3, reduce A

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ANRV268-PM01-06 ARI 8 December 2005 19:15

production in cells and transgenic mice lated compounds for treatment of Alzheimers
by inhibiting -secretase cleavage, without disease is bolstered by epidemiological evi-
altering Notch cleavage (57). dence linking NSAID use to decreased risk
of the disease (69).
A vaccination. A vaccination has proven
to be one of the most exciting and novel Statins. Epidemiological studies suggest that
strategies for removing amyloid plaques from high levels of cholesterol may contribute
the brain (reviewed in Reference 58). Im- to the pathogenesis of Alzheimers disease
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munization of transgenic mice with A (70; reviewed in Reference 71). Retrospec-

peptides (active immunization) or with mono- tive studies indicate that the cholesterol-
clonal antibodies directed against A (passive lowering drugs or statins can protect against
immunization) results in dramatic clearance Alzheimers disease, in some cases reducing
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

of plaques (59, 60). Immunization also re- the relative risk of Alzheimers by more than
sults in improved cognitive performance in 70% (72, 73). These data prompted prospec-
several different transgenic mouse models of tive studies of statins in Alzheimers disease.
Alzheimers disease (61, 62). Various mech- Preliminary data from one such study has
anisms for immunization have been hy- shown a reduction of A40 in the CSF and
pothesized, including antibody-mediated mi- slight improvement in cognitive function (74)
croglial clearance of plaques, clearance of with simvastatin treatment. However, results
brain A oligomers, and peripheral clearance from a larger-scale trial of a different de-
of soluble A. A combination of mechanisms sign (named Prospective Study of Pravastatin
may be required for maximal effect of im- in the Elderly at Risk, PROSPER) have not
munization. Human studies of active A im- shown similar improvements (75). The mech-
munization were halted because of cases of anisms by which statins affect brain A depo-
meningoencephalitis in treated patients (63, sition remains an area of active investigation
64). However, active and passive immuniza- (71). Nonetheless, there is growing evidence
tion strategies that decrease the risk of this that high cholesterol levels increase A gen-
serious side effect are currently under preclin- eration and plaque deposition (76, 77), and
ical and clinical development (58). Provoca- these effects appear to be offset or reversed
tively, preliminary analysis of the Phase II data by statins (7880).
from the rst vaccination study suggested that
patients who generated antiplaque antibodies Clioquinol. The metal-protein-attenuating
showed a slower rate of cognitive decline (65). compound (MPAC) clioquinol (iodochlorhy-
droxyquin) dissociates amyloid plaques in
NSAIDS. Several nonsteroidal anti-ina- postmortem human brain samples by a mech-
mmatory drugs (NSAIDs) selectively lower anism that may involve chelating Cu2+ and
A42 through a mechanism independent of Zn2+ (81). Strikingly, clioquinol decreases
cyclooxygenase but likely involves the mod- brain A deposition in a transgenic mouse
ulation of -secretase (66, 67). Indeed, pre- model of Alzheimers disease (82), and pre-
clinical studies on R-urbiprofen, the pure liminary data from a Phase II study of clio-
R enantiomer of the NSAID urbiprofen, quinol in Alzheimers patients has shown
show that it does not inhibit cyclooxygenase decreased plasma A42 levels as well as slowed
enzymes, but it does reduce A42 levels in cognitive deterioration in clioquinol-treated
vitro and in vivo, and it also reduces A amy- patients (83).
loid pathology in the brain (68). Not surpris-
ingly, this compound recently entered Phase Glycosaminoglycans mimetics. Another
III trials for Alzheimers disease (Myriad ge- strategy to prevent the formation of A
netics). The approach using NSAIDs and re- brils in Alzheimers disease capitalized on

158 Skovronsky
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the role of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in pathology, which suggests that neurodegener-

amyloid formation (reviewed in Reference ation mediated by tau pathology may also be
84). Small-molecule GAG mimetics compete activated downstream of disease pathways re-
with binding of GAGs to amyloid brils and sulting from accumulations of both A and -
thus prevent bril formation. Encouragingly, synuclein amyloidogenesis. This ts well with
the biotechnology company Neurochem re- observations from human disease that patients
ports that one such GAG mimetic is currently with APP mutations show abundant A and
in Phase III clinical trials for Alzheimers tau pathology, but patients with tau mutations
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disease (reviewed in Reference 85). show primarily tau pathology alone.

TAU: A PROTOYPICAL Mechanisms of Tau-Induced

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Tau is a microtubule-associated protein that

Tauopathies binds to and stabilizes microtubules. There
Tau pathology is not only a prominent fea- are now more than 30 distinct mutations
ture of Alzheimers disease, but it is also seen or pathogenic nucleotide substitutions in the
in a variety of other related neurodegener- gene for tau that have been shown to cause
ative diseases. Indeed, Picks disease, corti- FTDP-17 in more than 50 different kin-
cobasal degeneration (CBD), PSP, and frontal dreds (reviewed in Reference 90), represen-
temporal dementia with parkinsonism linked tative examples of which are shown in Figure
to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) are all de- 4. These mutations may lead to neurodegen-
ned by specic regional and cellular dis- erative disease by one or more distinct mecha-
tributions of abnormally aggregated tau l- nisms: (a) alterations in tau splicing, leading to
aments. There is now unequivocal evidence abnormal patterns of tau-isoform expression
demonstrating that abnormalities in tau are (91), (b) compromise of taus ability to bind
sufcient to cause neurodegenerative disease. to and stabilize microtubules (92, 93), and (c)
These abonormalities include (a) the pres- enhanced brillization of tau (94). Thus, as
ence of causative mutations in the gene for illustrated in Figure 5, tau mutations, and
tau in patients with FTDP-17 (86, 87), (b) the by analogy tau dysfunction in sporadic dis-
linkage of specic tau haplotypes to PSP and ease, may be pathogenic through mechanisms
CBD (88), (c) the absence of other disease- involving both loss of function (decreased
specic neuropathological abnormalities in microtubule stabilization) and toxic gain of
many tauopathies, and (d ) the generation function (increased bril formation). Reect-
of tau transgenic mice that recapitulate the ing this fundamental dichotomy, therapies tar-
key phenotypic hallmarks of authentic human geted at both mechanisms are currently in
neurodegenerative tauopathies (89). development.
Although tau dysfunction alone is suf-
cient to induce neurodegeneration in the ab-
sence of other brain amyloids, the frequency Potential Therapeutic Interventions
with which tau pathology occurs in a wide va- Suggested by Current Understanding
riety of other neurodegenerative diseases has of Tau Amyloidosis
led to the hypothesis that tau plays a role Microtubule-stabilizing drugs. Because
in a nal, common pathway leading to neu- tauopathies may be caused in part by the fail-
ronal death or dysfunction, which can be acti- ure of tau to appropriately stabilize micro-
vated by other initiating events. In transgenic tubules, microtubule-stabilizing drugs may be
mice expressing tau, coexpression of APP or therapeutically benecial for these diseases
-synuclein results in the acceleration of tau (95). Transgenic mice that overexpress tau

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Figure 4
Tau mutations cause frontal temporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17)
by different mechanisms. Tau mutations may lead to neurodegenerative disease by impairing taus ability
to bind to and stabilize microtubules, promoting tau aggregation, and altering exon-10 splicing.

accumulate lamentous tau inclusions and ent classes of inhibitors (98101), although
show reductions in microtubules and im- in vivo data are not yet available. Similarly,
paired fast axonal transport, in addition inhibition of tau phosphorylation has pre-
to neurodegeneration and motor weakness sented a tempting target for drug design, with
(96). When these mice are treated with the most efforts focused on inhibiting GSK3
microtubule-stabilizing drug paclitaxel they (reviewed in Reference 102). However dif-
show improvements in microtubule numbers culties generating inhibitors with appropri-
and fast axonal transport, accompanied by im- ate specicity for GSK3 as well as issues
proved motor abilities, thus providing in vivo with target-mediated toxicity complicate this
evidence that microtubule-stabilizing drugs approach.
may have a therapeutic benet for human
tauopathies (97).
Inhibitors of tau filament and tau phos- OF PARKINSONS DISEASE
phorylation. There has been a growing
emphasis on designing inhibitors of tau l-
Parkinsons Disease and Other
ament formation in an attempt to gener-
ate drugs that ameliorate tau pathology in Although the molecular identities of the amy-
neurodegenerative diseases. Rational-design loidogenic proteins that dene Alzheimers
approaches and screening of small-molecule disease and tauopathies were discovered by
libraries have revealed a number of differ- biochemical methods, the molecular identity

160 Skovronsky
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Figure 5
Deleterious effects
of tau amyloidosis.
Tau hyperphospho-
rylation and
aggregation may
lead to neuronal
dysfunction through
a variety of
This in turn may
lead to impaired
axonal transport,
causing synaptic
dysfunction and
eventually axonal

of the amyloidogenic protein in Parkinsons acterized by inclusions formed by the same

disease was rst suggested by genetic stud- protein, are now classied together as -
ies. The discovery that familial forms of synculeinopathies (105107).
Parkinsons disease may be caused by muta-
tions in the gene for -synuclein (103) pro-
vided the rationale for studies demonstrating Mechanisms of -Synuclein-Induced
that the Lewy bodies that dene Parkinsons Pathogenesis
disease are composed of lamentous aggre- Because mutations or duplications in the gene
gates of -synuclein (104). Similar stud- for -synuclein lead to genetic forms of
ies have demonstrated extensive -synuclein autosomal-dominantly inherited Parkinsons
pathology in dementia with Lewy bodies, disease and dementia with Lewy bodies (103,
multiple system atrophy, and other seemingly 108), it has been hypothesized that increased
distinct disorders that, because they are char- expression, aggregation, and accumulation of

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-synuclein in the brain plays a key role in the ity of dopaminergic neurons in Parkinsons
pathogenesis of neurodegeneration (reviewed disease, although many other types of neu-
in Reference 109). Further support for the rons as well as glial cells are selectively
role of -synuclein in disease has come from affected by accumulations of -synuclein
transgenic mice engineered to overexpress inclusions.
mutant forms of -synuclein, which show
both -synuclein pathology and neurode- Induction of chaperones. A complemen-
generation (110112). Importantly, in human tary approach to inhibiting -synuclein-
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disease, deposition of brain -synuclein may induced toxicity has been suggested by
precede disease symptoms by more than a Drosophila studies, which show that expression
decade, providing a window for therapeutic of the molecular chaperone Hsp70 prevents
intervention (113, 114). the dopaminergic neuron loss associated with
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Environmental factors may also play a -synuclein expression and that interference
crucial role in the pathogenesis of synu- with endogenous chaperone activity acceler-
cleinopathies, and epidemiological studies ates -synuclein toxicity (125). Treatment of
suggest an association between Parkinsons Drosophila ies with the drug geldanamycin
disease and environmental toxins such as protects neurons against -synuclein toxicity,
pesticides (115). Chronic systemic treat- likely through enhanced chaperone activation
ment of rats with rotenone, a pesticide (125127).
known to inhibit mitochondria, causes se-
lective nigrostriatal dopaminergic degener-
ation with associated inclusions containing SUMMARY
brillar -synuclein (116). Rotenone treat- Neurodegenerative diseases have long been
ment may induce an increase in oxidative dened by the properties of the neuropatho-
stress in the dopaminergic neurons, which logical lesions observed in the brain. We now
in turn may facilitate brillization of - know that these lesions are not just mark-
synuclein, providing a link between oxidative ers for neurodegenerative diseases, but are
stress and pathogenesis of synucleionopathies tied intrinsically to their pathogenesis. More-
(117119). over, the striking similarities between many
neurodegenerative diseases suggest common
mechanisms in the etiology of these disorders.
Potential Therapeutic Interventions The repeated theme of protein misfolding
Suggested by Current Understanding leading to amyloid formation and neuro-
of -Synuclein Amyloidosis toxicity is reinforced by a striking message
Inhibition of aggregation. Inhibition of - from genetic studies: In each case of dom-
synuclein aggregation is an attractive tar- inantly inherited neurodegeneration, the
get for drug development, and several disease-causing mutations can be linked di-
groups have identied small-molecule and rectly to amyloid formation. These clues have
peptide-based inhibitors of aggregation (120 now come into sharp focus and neurodegen-
124). A number of catecholamines, includ- erative properties are better understood, and
ing dopamine, have been found to inhibit they have provided a strong rationale for the
synuclein bril formation (124). The in- in vitro experiments, mouse models, and epi-
hibitory activity of dopamine depends on demiological studies that have gone a long way
its oxidation and leads to accumulation towards verifying this hypothesis. These ex-
of -synuclein protobrils (124). The link periments have laid a solid groundwork for
between dopamine and -synuclein may a number of potential therapeutics that are
provide insights into the potential mech- now in preclinical and clinical development.
anisms underlying the selective vulnerabil- Over the next ve years the efcacy of a large

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number of these drugs will be tested, and there trials will conrm current notions of the eti-
is a growing optimism that the results of these ology of neurodegenerative diseases.

1. Most neurodegenerative diseases are characterized by pathological lesions composed
of accumulations of amyloid.
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2. Mutations that cause familial forms of these diseases are linked to accumulation of
the amyloid, and mouse models that recapitulate features of these diseases can be
generated by engineering amyloid accumulation in the brain.
3. In different diseases the amyloid is composed of different protein constituents, but in
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

each case there are likely to be quite similar pathways of misfolding, oligomerization,
and bril formation.
4. Each step in these pathways may provide targets for therapeutic drug development.


1. What causes amyloid deposition in sporadic (nonfamilial) cases of neurodegenerative
2. Why does amyloid take decades to accumulate and become symptomatic?
3. Which intermediates along the pathway from misfolded protein to amyloid brils are
the toxic species?
4. What are the mechanisms underlying the toxicity of these species?
5. What accounts for the striking selective vulnerability of different brain regions to
amyloid and its effects?
6. Why is the brain so prone to amyloidosis?

During the writing of this review, the authors were supported by grants from the National
Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke of the
National Institutes of Health (grant numbers AG-09215; AG-10124; AG-14382; AG-17586;
AG-17628; and NS-44233), the Marian S. Ware Alzheimer Drug Discovery Program, and
the Picower Foundation. V.M.Y.L. is the John H. Ware 3rd Professor for Alzheimers Disease
Research and J.Q.T. is the William Maul Measey-Truman G. Schnabel Jr. M.D. Professor of
Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology.

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170 Skovronsky
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Contents ARI 7 December 2005 18:14

Annual Review
of Pathology:
Mechanisms of
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Volume 1, 2006

Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

Morris J. Karnovsky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p xii

A Pathologists Odyssey
Morris J. Karnovsky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Immunobiology and Pathogenesis of Viral Hepatitis
Luca G. Guidotti and Francis V. Chisari p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p23
The Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pyloriInduced
Gastro-Duodenal Diseases
John C. Atherton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p63
Molecular Pathology of Malignant Gliomas
David N. Louis p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p97
Tumor Stroma and Regulation of Cancer Development
Thea D. Tlsty and Lisa M. Coussens p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 119
Neurodegenerative Diseases: New Concepts of Pathogenesis and
Their Therapeutic Implications
Daniel M. Skovronsky, Virginia M.-Y. Lee, and John Q. Trojanowski p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 151
The Endothelium as a Target for Infections
Gustavo Valbuena and David H. Walker p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 171
Genetic Regulation of Cardiogenesis and Congenital Heart Disease
Deepak Srivastava p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 199
Regulation of Lung Inammation in the Model of IgG
Immune-Complex Injury
Hongwei Gao, Thomas Neff, and Peter A. Ward p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 215
Integrative Biology of Prostate Cancer Progression
Scott A. Tomlins, Mark A. Rubin, and Arul M. Chinnaiyan p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 243
KSHV Infection and the Pathogenesis of Kaposis Sarcoma
Don Ganem p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 273

Contents ARI 7 December 2005 18:14

Inammation and Atherosclerosis

Goran K. Hansson, Anna-Karin L. Robertson, and Cecilia Sderberg-Nauclr p p p p p p p p p 297
Lung Cancer Preneoplasia
Ignacio I. Wistuba and Adi F. Gazdar p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 331
Pathogenesis of Nonimmune Glomerulopathies
Christopher Kwoh, M. Brendan Shannon, Jeffrey H. Miner, and Andrey Shaw p p p p p p p p 349
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Spectrum of Epstein-Barr VirusAssociated Diseases

J.L. Kutok and F. Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375
Calcium in Cell Injury and Death
Zheng Dong, Pothana Saikumar, Joel M. Weinberg,
Annu. Rev. Pathol. Mech. Dis. 2006.1:151-170. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

and Manjeri A. Venkatachalam p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 405

Genetics of Soft Tissue Tumors
Matt van de Rijn and Jonathan A. Fletcher p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 435
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: The Role of Gram-Negative
Robert S. Munford p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 467
Proteases in Parasitic Diseases
James H. McKerrow, Conor Caffrey, Ben Kelly, Png Loke, and Mohammed Sajid p p p p 497


Subject Index p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 537

Contents vii

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