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My opinion about music

Since I was a little boy I loved the music.All the day I was listening
music and it was so interesting.My favourite music was pop music, all from
Madonna to Justin Timberlake. But all is going to change when you are
growing up!At pop music I loved the rhytme .I loved dancing ,but all over these
years I realised it is so hard to know how to dance so I quit.I loved the pop
music until the summer of 2012 .In that summer I changed my style of music
from pop music to rap,bass and trap.A lot say : ,,Rap is not a type of music ,is
just a man that is saying a lot of words fast.They better go to words races .In
all these years I realised that are a lot of people that are hating extremely .At a
film festival one man killed an actor because he was haiting him.But I dont
need to explain why I like this type of music .It is my choice to listen what I
want .Its better to listen to something real and do not listen to nightcore.The
explication of the word ,,nightcore is music transformed in a techo music ,but
a lot of people doesnt no this thing and they say about the autors ,they are
amazing singers ,but they just change the voices.For me is so hard to make rap
because I am not so good at singing ,but it is so funny to try to sing with your
friends .Now lets talk about bass music .Since I got my laptop I started to play a
lot of games.Its still my hobby but from free games that I download from
websites I started from 2014 to pay a lot of money on them.In the spring of
2015 Rockstar Games just released the best game of the year with a budget of
milions G.T.A. Five.I didnt bought this game imediatly ,but with my
schoolarship results my parent accepted to buy me this game.A lot of people
said me that Im crazy to pay 60 euros for one game.But they after realised that
Im not a boy who stay all the day to play laptop ,because daily in the summer I
go play football with my friends.I know is not so important ,but this year my
parents decided to make me a very good computer to listen to music, to play
games,to talk with my friends on Skype

.SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!In this game it was a lot of

music ,all the types and i got in love with bass music. I was trying to find bass
music ,but in my country radiostation is just pop music and traditional music
and news chanels .But also in that summer my uncle bought a car and asked a
friend if he wants him to make some CDs with rap and bass music and I loved
to go with him and his friends for a ride.And then I realised that Id better be
brave ,not afraid to show my family that I love to listen this and to be someone
that I am not.Until that year I was listening music that is ,,clean ,but if I listen
music that is ,,dirty its not bad ,if I have good results at school and Im good.

Now lets get to my favourite part.TRAP MUSIC is my favourite type

of music .Satra B.EN.Z is one of the most popular band in Romania for her
dedication for her fans .They reached famous on Youtube with their seen all
that they want to say they say to the public .They hate politicions ,police and
the people who are laying .They are a band with 4 members ,but they have a
friend who participate at all their songs .Her members are Keed ,Super ED,Killa
Fonic ,NOSFE and LUK-A Beats.What can I say about Keed :he is a big fan of F.C.
Dinamo,likes to travel ,he has a beautiful girlfriend and dont like the people
who are known in my country like ,,ipocriti. Super ED is a man who is about 2
meters tall ,he likes percings ,he is funny and he loves to stay with his
friends.Killa Fonic the fastest raper from Romania,he likes smoking weed and
to sing with his fans. I also forgot to say that them have an album named
O.S.O.D and Killa just released an album named Ramses ,that is so awsome .In
my opinion he can beat Eminem :))))))) NOSFE I can say is the most powerful
member of the band .He drunks a lot of alchool,he has 13 of making music ,but
he is still practicing to be better .His full name is Nosferatu.In Romanian
,,nosferatul means ,,devil.In one song he said he want to get to hell to hear
his songs that he made with GOD. LUK-A Beats is the man where they are
recording their songs .He is the man who make them so famous, because he
offerd them the chance to be where they are now.At the begining Keed wasnt
in the band ,but they are now best friends and they are staying toghether
every time.I hope they can advance more with their career .Now I want to say
another thing.A lot of people say to me :,,Why you listen to this idiots ?They
sound like s@#t..Also they make jokes like:,,Vine Satra si iti fura casa /Satra
comes and steal your house . I dont need someone to say to me what can I
listen too,because I hope they shut their mouth ,because I have bad things to
say about the haters (I have a lot of haters from my friends from my class ,and
the fans of other bands ).But the type of music that you like its something
that none of your friends ,family ,parteners can change.Dont let the other
people to chose for you.You are the hero of your story!!!!!!

I hope you like my opinion about music!I hope to write more about my
life ,not just my opinions .All that I know now is thanks my mother and father
who incuraged me to make what I love and not to be a slave in this bad world
who is thanks the bad people who steal money from the working people who
try to make their family happy.I started with other things ,but the idea of this
all story is to chose your way in life .I hope this story was not just a lesson for
life ,I hope it was also an funny story ,but a story who shows you how bad is the
world in this days.

Mihai Galan ,Hunedoara


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