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Tom Jones by Henry Fielding

Identify the features of a Bildungsroman.

In my opinion the features of the Bildungsroman in Fieldings novel are visible.

The Bildungsroman focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the main character
from youth to adulthood. We can notice this aspect in the this novel because the novel
begins with the childhood of Tom Jones and the way how he was adopted by the
Allworthy family and it ends with his marriage and discovers his origins. In this literary
genre the main character is a sensitive man who is looking for answers, in this case he
wants to know his origin, parents and his place in the world after that was banished from
his home. Every protagonist starts a journey and at the end of this journey the goal is
maturity. Tom Jones were banished and at the end of his journey he will be reaccepted by
his family. Also he is a seducer but at the end he marries with his love, Sophia. The main
character in the Bildungsromans is against society but at the end he will be accepted by
this society. This conflict between the main character and society it is noticeable but in
the end he discovers himself and his place. The changes from childhood to adulthood are
visible by the fact that he becomes a real member of his family.

2. Laurence Sterne - Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

Identify the features of an anti-novel.

This novel it is an anti-novel because it is a form of an experimental fiction that

concludes traditional and new narrative techniques. Like the analysis of characters states
of mind or unfolding of a sequential plot. The traditional elements in this plot are : the
picaresque form, biographical structure and authorial digression. The new techniques are
the association of ideas and new sense of time. In this novel that has a biograhical
structure we can notice the life and opinions of the character and not the life and
adventures. There are not many actions; the main protagonist is speaking about his
beliefs and his life. This is an unconventional narrative technique. The fact that the plot
begins until he borns is also a derivation from the traditional techniques from the
biographical structure of the novel.
3Charles Dickens - Great Expectations
The symbolism of Satis House, a haunting Gothic residence.

The Satis House symbolizes Pips daydream in which he pleases himself with the
fantasy of social ascension and gentility. He wants to become a wealthy gentleman and
marry Estella. The house symbolizes this daydream, but it also symbolizes te romantic
perception of the upper-class of Pip. The weeding dress of Miss Havisham becomes a
sybol of death and degeneration, because in this dress she was left in front of the altar and
this dress is the motif of her illness, when gets fire. The dress and the wedding feast is a
symbol of her past and the stopped clocks means her determination to freeze the time or
preserving the thing everything like it was since she was abandoned on her wedding day.
The brewery near the house is the connection between commerce and wealth which is
associated to the real Victorian age and in the book is connected with the fact that Miss
Havishams fortune is a product of recent success and not aristocratic. The stones of the
house, the dust and the darkness is a symbol of general decadence of the life of its
inhabitants and of upper class. Also the ruined garden at the end symbolizes the wealth
and fortune that can change and everyone can lose everything.

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss

The link to the past in The Mill on the Floss. The Tullivers versus the Dodsons in The
Mill on the Floss. Maggies inner life versus outward events.

In the novel the past it is very important for the life of the characters, it has a
cumulative presence and has a determining effect upon characters. Tom and Maggie are
similar to heir family their parents, both have features from one part that determines
them. Their childhood becomes past of the rest of the novel. Her past is affecting her
future, because it is connected to the past. The distinction between the two are: Dodsons
are socially, respectable, concerned with codes of behavior and they are materialistic like
Tom and the Tullivers are less socially respectable, and have depth of emotion and
affection like Maggie. So the past of their family, their features represents main
characters of the novel. Maggies internal struggle is because she feels divided between
family and love. The family is represented by Tom, who reminds her the duty that has for
his father and love because ahe has two relationships one intellectual with Philip and one
based on Physical attraction with Stephen. But at the end she chooses family, duty, her
brother Tom.

Thomas Hardy: Tess of the dUrbervilles

Identify the social-cosmic dimension of Thomas Hardys realism.

The novel is divided from concrete physical details to a social, cosmic forces
shaping the human existence. Tess destiny comes with superstitions, myths. The fate has
a role of cruelty what paly with the life of the characters like the Greek gods. There are
mythical conflicts between man and his fate. The human beings are crushed by a
superior force; nature, society or their errors. Tess is the mythical incarnation of
womenhood, and the fact that they lived in a world that was dominated by men and were
victimized by social and moral rigidity. For example when Angel cannot forgive her for
what happened in the past. Also Tess represents the original sin. This novel also reflects
that in the Victorian era it was not important the nobility, because with the industrialism
many lost their money and other received wealth and with it famous names. The fact that
Tess family were aristocrats and she was a milkmaid, and that Alecs father purchased
fortune and a famous name shows the changed society, when the money was essential
and not the name.

Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter

.Analyse the multiple levels of significance suggested by the letter A

The letter A for the puritans symbolises the sin and shame. The letter comes
from adultery and for that society the adultery was a major sin. Reflects the human
authority and the fact that in this way they are trying to punish Hester, but this system of
judgment is meaningless because it is not judged by God. The letter later becomes a
powerful symbol of identity to Hester. Because symbolizes her identity and experience
of her past. Her sin is part of her and she does not want to deny herself. This is the reason
that when she can take down the letter she does not remove it because this might mean
that other determine her and not she herself. If we look from this perspective the letter
means able, able to forget the past, to live with a sin that committed. The symbol for
the native Americans means that she is an important person. But the letter could be a
remainder for the relationship of Dimmesdale with Hester. Like Pearls the letter reminds
her the love which was so powerful, and not even the society , the puritans or law could
destroy it.

Henry James: The Portrait of a Lady

European and American identities. The importance of circumstance.

In oppinion of Henry James America represents the innocence, independence and

optimism and Europe represents the decadence, sophistication and social constrains. The
main protagonist of the novel Isabel when she lived in America was a selfish person who
didn want to loose her independence so she doesnt want to marry and lived an
optimistic life. But after she moved to Europe she gradually loose her independence and
she become motivated by a sense of social duty. The Decadence of Europe is reflected by
Osmond, Isabels husband who wanted her money and not her. Because the fact that she
was an American, she was innocence and she did not realized that her husband it is not a
good man. At the end she became a real European who is motivated by sense of social
duty, pride and love for her stepdaughter. Casper represents America, he is optimistic and
he is trying for several times to marry Isabel.

Jane Austen - Emma

Identify the irony Jane Austen used in characterizing her heroes and heroines.

The irony in this novel shows the character of Emma. Because she is presented at
first like an intelligent woman, who is independence and has a kind heart. But we can
also see that she is very spoiled by her father and she think that she always has right. This
blindness can destroy many lives including the life of Harriet, who is the target of the
obsession of Emma, who wants to find a mach for Harriet. The irony from the novel
shows that Emma is trying so hard to find a match for Harriet, but at the end she hopes
that this marriage will not take place, because she loves the man who is supposed to be
Harriets husband. She wants to improve Harriets situation but she makes it worst all
because she thinks that she has always right. About Harriet we can find that she
desperately needs a husband, but the choices are not always right. The biggest irony in
the plot is that Emma wants her friends happiness, with her help no one, not even her
wont be happy.

Emily Bront - Wuthering Heights

. Identify the narrators in the novel.

In the novel are two types of narrators: Lockwood and Nelly. Lockwood is the
narrator but he records what is told by Nelly and writes the narration in her voice. But
also some parts of the narration are from letters and Catherines diary. Lockwood is an
outsider, a city gentleman, who sees the present, the effect of the love story. He is the one
who begins the narration. He presents the situation as he sees. she begins the story near
the end and works backward and forward. He presents the events detailed and precise.
Nelly is a withness of the love story. She is there when the story takes place, she makes
the past to be live. She also is a character in her narration. She presents the plot
depending on her mood in which she approves or disapproves the love affair. Her
language is colloquial and imaginative, she does not understand the motif and the actions
of the characters because she has other beliefs. She is not as intelligent as Lockwood
because she is a housemaid.

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