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8 Billion Years old- Age of the observable universe Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson (1965)- discovered
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
4.54 billion years- age of solar system
Big Bang Theory- states that the universe originated
Lucy- Australopithecus afarensis; first early human from a singular, dense point
Ancestor; 3.2 million years old
Oscillating Universe- Einsteins favored model that
Genesis- described how God separated light from followed his theory of relativity in a positive
darkness and created the universe in a span of curvature
six days - States that the universe will expand but will
stop at a certain point and contract,
Rigveda- Hindu text that describes the universe as an resulting to big crunch and to another big
oscillating universe in which a cosmic egg or bang giving birth to another universe
Brahmanda containing that whole universe
expands out of a single point Steady State Theory- universe expands but does not
change in density; matter was inserted to the
Bindu- single concentrated point in Rigveda universe in order to maintain a constant density

Primordial Universe- original state of cosmos was a Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold and Herman Bondi-
primordial mixture of all its ingredients which proponents of steady state theory
existed in infinitesimally small fragments
Inflationary Model- incorporation of early period of
Anaxagoras- proponent of Primordial Universe exponential cosmic inflation in order to
solve the horizon and flatness problems
Nous- mind: set the motion for the primordial of the standard big bang model
ingredients in primordial universe
Alan Guth- proponent of Inflationary Model based on
Atomic Universe- universe is made up of indestructible, big bang
eternal atoms
Cyclic Model- variation of inflation that is model of
Leucippus and Democritus- proponents of Atomic cosmic evolution according to which the
Universe universe undergoes endless cycles of
expansion and cooling, each beginning
Stoic philosophers- believed that the universe was like a with a big bang and ending in a big
body in which the sun and stars are the crunch
most important part and everything is
interconnected Paul Steindhart and Neil Turok- proponents of Cyclic
Rene Descartes- French Philosopher who outlined a
model of the universe heavily influenced by Superstring Theory- an attempt to explain all of the
Isaacs steady state theory particles and fundamental forces of
- Stated that the vacuum of the universe was nature in one theory by modelling them
not empty but rather filled with matter as vibrations of tiny supersymmetric
swirling in small vortices strings

Gravitational Effects- system of huge swirling Chaotic Inflation Theory- sees the universe as only a
whirlpools of fine matter bubble that grew as a part of a multiverse

Principia- book of Isaac Newton Andrei Linde- proponent of chaotic inflation

Newton: Matter in the universe is uniformly distributed Hugh Everett III and Bryce DeWitt- popularized many
and the universe is gravitationally balanced but worlds in 60s and 70s
essentially unstable.
Georges Lamaitre- first known academic to propose
Albert Einstein- also believed that the universe is theory of the expansion of the universe which
neither contracting nor expanding but later he called as hypothesis of the primeval atom
abandoned that conjecture when Edwin Hubble
proved that the universe is expanding in 1929 Model- representation of an idea used to explain
Cosmological Constant- counteract the dynamical
effects of gravity which would have been the Claudius Ptolemy- proponent of geocentric model
cause of the collapse of the universe
Geocentric model- Earth is the center of the solar
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation- System
Nicholas Copernicus- proponent of heliocentric Subsystems- interacting parts of a system

Heliocentric model- sun is the center Silicosis- inhaling too much volcanic ash

Retrogade motion- strange motion caused by Earths Geosphere- refers to the solid eath
Rocks- natural glass
Angular Momentum- quantity of the rotation of a body
which is the product of its moment of inertia Regolith- loose particles of rocks blanketing the surface
and angular velocity of the earth

Nebular Hypothesis- solar system began as a cloud of Hydrosphere- totality of Earths water
dispersed interstellar gas called nebula
Cryosphere- permanently frozen parts
Immanuel Kant and Pierre-Samon Laplace- proponents
of Nebular Hypothesis Atmosphere- mixture of gases that surround the planet
- 78% Nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon
Orion Nebula- closest region of a massive star
formation on Earth Biosphere- includes all life forms, even organic matter
that has not yet decomposed
Planetisimal- a star passed by the sun creating huge
tides causing materials to be ejected Osmosis- water absorption by plants

Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin and Forest Ray

Moulton- proponents of Planetisimal

Tidal Theory- a huge tidal wave was created from the

suns collision with a star drawing out a filament

James Hopwood Jeans and Harold Jeffreys- proponents

of tidal theory

Protoplanet theory- the gas in the area of the nebula

condenses and forms the protoplanets

Gerald Kuiper and Cal von Weizsacker- proponents of


Water- allowed the first photosynthetic organisms to


Habitable zone- Earths distance from the sun that

allows it to retain water in its liquid form

Recurring Slope Lineae- features on the Martian terrain

Rotation- amount of time it needs for the earth to

rotate in its axis

Axis- imaginary line about which a body rotates

23.5 degrees- tilt of eaths axis

Sidereal rotation- amount of time it takes for the earth

to rotate around its axis

Solar day- for the sun to move in its natural position

Photosynthesis- process of converting radiant energy to

chemical energy

Solar Radiation- drives earths weather and climate

General Circulation- determine Earths ecosystem

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