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1. The 240V AC, 50 Hz single-phase source was connected and the main switch was on.
The PLC system was allowed to warm up for a few seconds before performing the
2. The UP or DOWN button (say, floor 3) was pressed to request for the CAR.
3. The lift door will be opened by the DOOR OPERATOR for passengers to travel in
when the CAR arrives to the requested floor.
4. At this moment, DOOR OPERATOR will be forced to open the lift door for a moment
of time before closing back the lift door when the Force Door OPEN button is
pressed. For Force Door CLOSE button, it will force the lift door to close when
requested to.
5. If no force buttons are pressed, the lift door will be closed by DOOR OPERATOR and
the CAR will travel to passengers requested floor, say from G to 3.
6. The lift door will be opened by DOOR OPERATOR for passenger to walk out when the
CAR arrived to the passengers requested floor.
7. The CAR will stay and wait for a new request signal (to move to the next floor).

4. Discuss the types of modern lifts available nowadays.

i. Passenger Lifts
Most common type of lift and come in different sizes that correspond to
specific. It can be found in building that more than 6 storeys.
ii. Cargo Lifts
Cargo lifts are lifts that used to transport heavy things and are often
dedicated for this function to cut down on foot traffic. This type of lift is
common in commercial establishments likes stores, restaurants and offices.
iii. Double-purpose Lifts
Double-purpose lifts are functioned for both cargo and passenger, they also
have the features of non-slip floors, handicap-friendly support bars and
easy-to-reach emergency systems. This lifts can be found in residential
buildings, hospitals and office-building.
iv. Bespoke Lifts
Bespoke lifts are designed to suit a unique need and are mostly installed in
private or luxury buildings to provide an unparalleled level of utility and
convenience for residents. This lift has challenging in design as this lift the
required a higher degree of development and installation expertise.
v. High Speed Lifts
The most differ aspect of these lifts are speed and they are faster than
conventional lifts. These lifts are more suitable for modern skyscrapers
where traditional lifts take longer time to reach destination. To ensure they
do not malfunction, high-speed lifts are normally subject to more stringent
safety regulations than conventional lifts.
vi. Observation Lifts
Observation lifts are lifts that provide better view of specific area for
passengers. These lifts can be found in buildings with historical significance
and it move in slower pace than standard lifts to provide ample time for
passenger to enjoy the view.
Anon, (2017). [online] Available at: http://www.sheridanlifts.com/construction/types-
lifts-different-buildings/ . [Accessed 15 Jun. 2017]..

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