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1) WHAT IS YOGA * Agnya Chakra - pituitary and pineal glands,

hypothalamus, retina, optic chiasma and optic lobes.
Yoga literally means "union. The union referred to
is between the conscious mind through the subtle By a series of subtle connections called "nadis" in
mechanism described below, with a higher, universal Yogic terminology, each chakra is connected to and brings
consciousness. Thus, after Yoga has taken place a new its influence to bear on the whole body. For example, the
level of human awareness becomes accessible to Nabhi Chakra controls the entire Sympathetic system. In
consciousness. This has been described as an classical texts there are said to be three hundred and fifty
"epistemological breakthrough". At this stage each individual million of these nadis. Very importantly each chakra is
has the capacity to explore the mechanism, but until then connected to a part of the hand as indicated in the diagram.
what follows must remain a hypothesis, with its supporting Once the state of Yoga is achieved the hands become
evidence, However, we can each state that after years of sensitive to the state of the Chakras, and with practice, this
deep and serious investigation we have all become convinced is easily interpreted.
that what follows is an accurate account of real processes The chakras also influence and reflect our mental
which occur in human beings. Furthermore we believe them and emotional life. For example, the Swadisthana chakra
to be of profound importance for medicine. controls a person's creativity, and in those who work too
2) THE MECHANISM OF YOGA hard - artists and other creative people it may become weak.
The right Anahat chakra (there are three parts of the Anahat
a) Chakras chakra : right, centre and left) reflects the relationship of
The chakra is a subtle energy centre which cannot fatherhood, either with the person's own father or his own
normally be perceived. The human being has seven major children. Sufferers from anorexia nervosa, for example,
Chakras (as shown on the accompanying diagram) and invariably have a problem with this centre.
these correspond to the autonomic nerve plexuses. Thus : Thus, the state of the chakras at a subtle level
* The Mooladhara Chakra corresponds to the pelvic plexus. reflects and influences a person's physical, mental and
* The Swadisthana Chakra corresponds to the aortic emotional welfare. This is a dynamic relationship so that
plexus. action at a subtle level on the chakra can improve and (very
importantly) integrate all these aspects. This is why, in a
* The Nabhi (or Manipur) Chakra corresponds to the coeliac nutshell, people who achieve and consolidate their Yoga
plexus. invariably find that their physical, emotional and other
* The Anahat (or Heart) Chakra corresponds to the problems improve.
cardiac plexus. b) The nadis
* The Vishudhi chakra corresponds to the cervical plexus
There are three nadis, as shown in the diagram,
* The Agnya Chakra has its gross expression as theoptic
Chiasma. They are the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna which correspond
* The Sahastrara the limbic area. to the left and right sympathetic and the parasympathetic
Further, more the petals of each chakra corresponds systems respectively. The discontinuity between the cranial
to the subplexuses of the autonomic system. and pelvic outflows of the parasympathetic system reflects
the gap in the Sushumna known as the void in Sahaja Yoga
Each chakra directs the particular type of energy
and as Maya or the Bhava Sagara in Indian Philosophy. The
controlling the autonomic nerve plexus and also adjacent
Pingala is also known as the Sun (Ha) channel and the Ida
endocrine and other organs. For example :
as the Moon (Tha) channel, hence the name Hatha Yoga. It
* Mooladhara Chakra - prostate gland, vas deferens, cervix should be noted that the system of Hatha Yoga described
of the uterus, Fallopian tubes. by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras is very different from the
* Swadisthana Chakra - pancreas, part of liver and spleen version practiced in the west today. Each exercise is for a
* Nabhi Chakra - adrenal gland, remainder of liver and specific chakra and so to perform them in an indiscriminate
spleen, pancreas, kidneys, part of the uterus way, without indentifying where the problem is, is unlikely to
be of any benefit and might actually be harmful. This style of
* Anahat Chakra - lungs, pleura, pericardium, heart. Yoga was practised in a very different society from our own,
* Vishuddhi Chakra - thyroid and parathyroid glands, neck, and is simply not practical under modern conditions.
ear, nose, throat, face, teeth, tongue, mouth, face, The Ida Nadi nourishes and nurtures our desires
palate, anterior parts of the eyes. This centre is also and our emotions. It begins at the Mooladhara chakra and
important for its control over the hands. crosses at the Agnya chakra. Its activity gives rise to waste

products which bloat up into a balloon like structure which 1) When the Kundalini reaches the Agnya Chakra
is called the super-ego. This is controlled by left Agnya. one becomes silent and peaceful. The person sits with his
The Pingala Nadi looks after our action, both eyes closed; so this is not a state of hypnosis nor is it a
physical and mental, that is to say our intellect. It gives us state of intoxication. The person is fully aware of himself
energy when we think and plan about the future. It begins at and of his surroundings however the person is very relaxed
the Right Swadisthana chakra and crosses at the Agnya. and his attention is not constantly being distracted by the
Its activity gives rise to another balloon like by product, the normal flow of mundane thoughts.
ego, which is controlled by the Right Agnya. This state is not achieved by any effort of will or by
The Sushumna Nadi represents our mental exercise on the part of the patient. It occurs
parasympathetic nervous system and it looks after our spontaneously when the Kundalini is awakened. Thus the
evolutionary capacity. In the normal human being , this nadi Kundalini reaches the area of the fontanelle and emerges
is not fully enlightened. It is in a way a potential channel as emitting a cool breeze. This in itself is an unprecedented
far as our central nervous system (c.n.s) is concerned, that break-through in human consciousness. The wrong practices
is, one cannot feel its existence in one's conscious (discussed in paragraph above) which we have found to be
awareness. This potential channel only becomes activated harmful to the mechanism may give rise to such bizarre
after Yoga has taken place i.e. after awakening. Then one manifestations as jumping, dancing, shaking, screaming,
can feel its existence through the c.n.s i.e. in our bodily contortions or moving things from here to there. The
consciousness. summoning up of these occurrences and manifestations is
of no inherent value and does not achieve any benefit to the
c) Kundalini and Kundalini Awakening practitioner.
Kundalini means 'coiled energy' and refers to a power 2) If one of the chakras is damaged or defective, the
which lies in three and a half coils in the sacrum bone Kundalini may be obstructed at that level. In such cases it
which is called Mooladhara (whish is distinct from and lies is often possible to see the pulsation of the Kundalini at that
above the Mooladhara chakra). A pulsation is sometimes level with the naked eye, and to hear it with a stethoscope.
seen at this level during Kundalini Awakening. Like the This pulsation can also be heard at the fontanelle and this
Sushumna, the Kundalini is normally in a potential state. was called "Spandakarika" by Adi Shankaracharya.
When it is awakened it ascends to the top of the Sushumna.
When the Kundalini emerges at this point, Yoga is said to 3) As the Kundalini rises through the Agnya Chakra
have taken place. Yoga is impossible without Kurdalini it cools down the system, especially the cerebro spinal fluid.
Awakening. This results in the balloons of left and right Agnya becoming
progressively deflated Once this happens the Kundalini is
This happening of Kundalini Awakening and ultimate able to reach the top of the Sushumana, the Sahastrara
union with a higher consciousness is an inborn mechanism Chakra. At this point we can say that Yoga has taken
and is activated in a spontaneous and natural way without place....
extreme efforts.
4) The sensations on the hands, can with very little
Until recently the Kundalini has been a mysterious practice, be used to ascertain the state of the chakras. The
power and misleading ideas about it are unfortunately nadis and the chakras themselves begin to manifest in the
common-place. One of the most serious of these conscious awareness and what has so far been a hypothesis
misconceptions is the mistaken notion that the kundalini is becomes part of ones everyday sensory experience. Thus
placed below the Mooladhara chakra which manifests the we can feel on our fingers ourselves and also other people
pelvic plexus. As has already been stated, this chakra by a proper method of decoding which can be taught, to
controls the reproductive organs. This reversal of the anyone who reaches this state, in a month. Thus, the
relationship between the Mooladhara chakra and the diagnosis takes place at a deeper level of our being, through
Kundlaini was used to justify the entirely false notion that our sensitivity to these seven centres.
Kundalini awakening can be accomplished by sex. Infact all
such perverse practises and all forms of "black magic" are 5) If one learns how to nourish the chakras through
against Nature and extremely harmful to the Kundalini. It the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga one can cure the exhausted
cannot be stressed too strongly that sex plays no part in chakras and have very good physical, mental & emotional
Kundalini Awakening. We are now seeing further evidence health & a very balanced life.
of the harmful effects of the abuse of this chakra, for example 6) As explained above, Sahaja Yoga, enables one
in the emergence of the acquired immune deficiency to feel the chakras of other people, which represents a
syndrome (A.I.D.S.) qualitative change in human consciousness manifesting in
We have now seen several thousand people our c.n.s. The collective aspect of the human psyche
experience Kundalini Awakening through Sahaja Yoga and becomes directly accessible for the first time.
in not one case has any one had in any way a disturbing or 7) This, then is the epitome of our living evolutionary
distressing experience/ process, brought forth by the living forces of Nature. We can
It is not possible to describe fully the experience of conclude that we become able to control our autonomic
Kundalini Awakening of Yoga " in words, but some of the nervous system and to utilise the energies of the
changes that take place are as follows :

parasympathetic system. required that we attend collective meditation sessions which
We are a group of people who have all experienced are held on a weekly basis across all Sahaja Yoga Centres
this Yoga. We have found that our own lives, those of our across the country & across the world.
families and the many of our friends who also practice it So it is necessary for us to see the need to rise
have become very much richer in health, in quality and in through our inbuilt evolutionary process to reach a higher
objectivity as a result. consciousness. This consciousness can cure other people
We can show Sahaja Yoga to be the most scientific and in return gives tremendous joy to the Yogi. This joy
and logical method that Nature has created within ourselves, does not have the quality of happiness or unhappiness.
which gives us a balance, redeems us of our mental and All our great scientific discoveries have seemed
physical troubles, comforts us without any medicines and fantastic at the time, and this perhaps seems equally so.
counsels us. By activating the subtle instrument we are able But we are certain that the people conducting this
to use a subtle 'vibratory awareness, which guides us to the investigation will have a scientific attitude of open mindedness.
answers to gross and subtle questions. What we are putting forward is that human consciousness
can become one with The all Pervading Power which is
responsible for all living work. This is not a jump into the
To experience the bliss of Sahaja Yoga it is dark, but a jump into the light - into a complete enlightened
necessary that we should have the pure desire in our freedom state.
for our Kundalini to awaken & connect us to the all Pervading
Power and to feel The Divine Energy within us on our central
nervous system. To grow deeper and ascend higher, it is

I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very onset I thing that is affected is liver. Now bad liver because it cannot
have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, throw its heat which is the poison of the body, so what
you cannot transform it, you cannot explain it. Only thing is happens is that heat starts rising. If it rises to the right side
that you can experience it. In this Kaliyuga there are special it goes to the right heart chakra which controls the lungs.
people born in every country who are the seekers of truth. Such a person can get Asthma. The Asthma has been cured
William Blake, a great poet of England, had said that those through Sahaja Yoga very easily. Same thing happens when
men of God will be born this time and they will know the the heat moves to the left side that is pancreas. Mostly
truth. people who are thinking too much and planning too much
If I am telling you something today, you need not get diabetes. The sugar does not cause diabetes. Then it
accept, We have had enough problems with blind faith. First goes down to the kidney. With this heat kidney coagulates
of all you must get the experience and then you will not and you need dialysis & if not, you die but you die bankrupt.
doubtit. There is a simple way of curing kidney trouble. But the most
difficult is the spleen. Now in modern times life is very hectic
I discovered a method to solve problem of Kundalini . Then we have no time to eat our food properly. In America,
Awakening. There are seven Chakras within us basically. I have seen some doctors brushing their teeth in the car.
These Seven Chakras are responsible for our physical, That is the limit of things. So in this kind of hectic life, spleen
emotional and mental being. There is no doubt about it. But poor thing which has to produce RBC's for emergencies,
you have to first find out and then believe. Once you get gets mad and it cannot also, sort of cooperate with all the
your realisation, you feel these subtle centres within you. madness that is happening.
Sahaja Yoga is going to the roots, the roots are Doctors are completely treated like criminals in
seven chakras and our Kundalini of course, Without medical America. So if they do anything wrong by mistake, they are
science you can't understand Sahaja Yoga because you finished. Their practice is gone. They are put in jail. After all
can't corelate. Now there are three nadis, left, right and centre.
they are human beings, but this consideration is not there.
Left is called Ida, right is called Pingla and centre is called So the futuristic life makes them very crazy really. Then
Sushumna Nadi, Kabira has described it very clearly they become very hot tempered. And for the slightest things
I am so very happy that the Indian Medical you start saying things. Then you start feeling guilty. Then
Association has given me this honour to be able to talk to you catch the chakra called left-vishudhi By this you have
you. I also did my medicine and I know how difficult it was. spondylitis
Now you should also know one more thing that this Now according to Sahaja Yoga we have two types
is the Yogbhoomi. They have given us science all right but of heart attacks, one is active massive heart attack, the
we will give them Yoga, the real basic knowledge, that is the other is lethargic like Angina. So the first one which is massive
foundation of medical science. So we have to go to something one is where that heat reaches the heart. Say there is a boy
which is absolute. Now it is a subject of medicine. I will who is playing tennis at the age of 21 or 22 and drinking
speak on one of the centres which is very important and also and competing with his father. If you continue this kind
Doctors are always affected by that. So I will say that what of things, may be you might get one day a massive heart
can go wrong with Doctors and what they should be careful attack, specially the industrialist. Industrialists are so much
about. futuristic, so much calculative that they don't calculate that
It is the second centre which is called Swadhishthan this will entail them heart problems. So this heart suddenly
Chakra, which on physical side is manifested as aortic collapses and they die. Another one is lethargic heart attack
plexus. It supplies energy to our liver, pancreas, spleen, like angina, and happens if you feel guilty. Some people are
intestines and kidneys and converts the fat for the use of very sensitive and very formal type and you know they feel
our grey cells which we are using all the time. guilty, I should have done this. I have known people who
were crying all their life", I spilled coffee on the table". For
Why do we call this liver, because of liver we live.
anything they start feeling guilty. Not only you develop
Liver is very important in Sahaja Yoga. I know that in medicine
spondylitis you develop a situation where your heart can not
we don't know much about liver. It is absolutely curable in
pump blood properly. That is the angina.
Sahaja Yoga. Liver is the one which sucks up all the poisons
and throws it into the blood. There are two sides of life, left side, and right side
when they meet (when one side is over active), you get the
Such a man who is always thinking, all his energy
"psychosomatic diseases". If the Kundalini rises what
is going to the brain and other organs are neglected. First

happens that it nourishes those centres. But suppose you very far in scientific approach. They have tried to find out
are using right side too much , left side breaks up. Then energies that are subtle energies. Lot of things they have
what happens that your connection with the main is lost. done, specially they are interested in working through Sahaja
You are on your own and Cancer starts. Cancer can be Yoga. You become a person who is absolutely in balance.
cured not at a galloping stage but at an early stage. We Ask the doctors," who runs the heart?" they say,
have also tried some galloping stage patients. When "Autonomous nervous system". Now who is this auto ?
Kundalini rises it goes and crosses over the fontanelle bone. They are honest on that and will say "we do not know".
"Shunya Shikhar Par Anahad Baje" Kabira said" They know very little about parasympathetic nervous system.
In emergency our sympathetic nervous system goes into
On the central nervous system you can feel the action and what brings it back to normal afterwards is
"Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost", they used to call it in parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic
Bible, or they call it as "............", Alakh Niranjan" or they nervous system when it is filled with energy it settles down,
call it "Brahma Chaitanya"................"when the Kundalini it gets nourished, then it starts working in such a beautiful
rises she helps you physically. In all there are the seven manner that you achieve so many things that you normally
chakras & all seven chakras with the permutations and cannot achieve. First thing that happens is you become a
combinations of these three channels, are cleansed by the very peaceful person.
Kundalini it cures all. As a result you start enjoying You
become a person who is a witness, whole thing becomes The thoughts are rising and falling but there is a
just a drama. By this you know the complete knowledge of gap in between. This is called in Sanskrit .............. Villamb,
medical science in totality. On the finger tips you can see we can call it "pause" in English. When we are jumping in
where is the disease. Now if you know what are these future or in the past. but you cannot be in the centre. It is a
centres (Chakras) meant for, you should know what they big problem, you cannot be in the present and in the present
are related to as far as physical side is concerned. Then is the reality. In the present is totality and in the present is
you will know that this person is suffering from this disease. the silence. So what happens that you become "Nirvichar".
i.e. without any thoughts. This thoughtless awareness gives
This all pervading power, they have called it Brahma you complete peace within yourself.
Chaitanya, when it starts flowing through you, tremendous
things happen. This not only guides you or gives you The common problem is the stress. Now why this
knowledge but it protects you as well. I met a doctor who stress is there that also you should know. Ida & Pingla are
has a dialysis hospital, he got his kidney affected, Normally two channels and they cross each other at optic chiasma.
doctors have no protection of any kind when they treat any Pingla Nadi (Right sympathetic) creates ego balloon, Ida
body. If they are sensitive they may catch slowly the disease Nadi (Left sympathetic) creates super ego balloon (due to
they are curing. We are human beings not machines. In conditionings). When you are too right sided then ego moves
Sahaja Yoga, you know what you are catching and you know and covers the left side, so there is a block, whatever problem
how to clear that and how to protect youself. Sahaja Yoga you have it cannot pass out of your body. Then you become
can not be imposed on any body. It respects your freedom. weaker & weaker. That is how you.have stress. First of all
this Kundalini has started working in this Kaliyuga. With the
How will you know that Guru Nanak was an rise of Kundalini these two (ego and super ego) move out
incarnation or about Christ or about any one of them. But and the channel is opened out and you become one with
once you are born in Sahaja Yoga, you know exactly that all The Divine and so many areas of your brain get enlightened.
the Sufis are one, all the great prophets are one. All your
problems will be solved as far as integration of religions is Also I don't know how far the medical science has
concerned. You don't have to give up anything. Religions gone for the understanding that the left and right side are
can never teach you to hate anybody. This all pervading two different complementary systems. But in Sahaja Yoga
power is the power of love. It guides you, it looks after you, you know that they are two complementary systems
it co-operates, it co-ordinates. It is so efficient a government (sympathetic channels). One is right side and the other is
I don't think we can ever imagine. Guru Nanak said " know left side. When right side is too active left side comes into
yourself". Christ said "know thyself" The truth is that you action and vice-versa. Right sided people are futuristic and
are not this body nor this mind, not these emotions, you are left sided people are who live in the past.
not this ego, you are not these conditionings, but you are If some body has viral you may give him antiboitics
the pure spirit. One should become a little humble about it or what you like, it wont help only Sahaja Yoga can drive it
as we do not know about the absolute. So the religion and out because Sahaja Yoga can act on the left side (Viral is
science become one. We can explain it scientifically as Dr. left side problem) Many mad people crazy people have also
U.C. Rai has done You don't have to become a ritualistic. been cured through Sahaja Yoga as well.
Once realised, you have to do a little meditation every day. In Sahaja Yoga you become peaceful and you
Param Chaitanya has given us a chance to have a become generous. There is nothing like sanyasa. Nobody
hospital in Vashi (Bombay) and the results are very good has to go out of the family. You have to be a very normal
(where the patients are being treated according to Sahaja person. But one thing is important that you must have your
Yoga). Doctors are coming from Russia also they have gone pure desire to get your realization. First of all we have to

believe that we are the reflection of God Almightly. When all sufis, and all the incarnations.
you go abroad, you get amazed. I tell you they are very Basically our genes are very good. In Sahaja Yoga
stupid people. Americans sometimes, they are not grown you can change your genes also. It is not from the parents,
up as human beings. To me they said, "We cannot take to it is not with the circumstances, it is from your own reactions
Sahaja Yoga because you do not take money. If you don't to things that you develop your genes. What happens with
take money we have no value. Why should we believe in genes that you become a very very religious man from inside.
you". So we should not look to them for understanding of Love for humanity is religion. You enjoy giving your love.
life. We have such a heritage. Imagine that thousands of Even those who hate you, you love them. Their hatred is
years back we have been talking of------, Brahma. We have out of ignorance. So let the whole world come here. Once
been talking of absolute truth. In what country there had they came to give us slavery. Let them come here to learn
been this kind of culture? No country, we should be very what is Divine. don't have to read many books . First of all
proud to be Indians. they should be completely one with the Divine otherwise
I am very very thankful to this Indian Medical they are not entitled.They have no power. When you are not
Association for this. I know in this country if the doctors empowered how will you grow? But for that you don't have
take it up, all over the world they will have to understand the to spend too much of time 5 minutes in the morning and 10
value of our knowledge of life and of medical science. minutes in the evening. You will see really what is right and
In Russia they had a meeting of about 250 scientists. what is wrong. What is going wrong with you also. You
I started talking about science. I thought better be at their develop new dimensions, that we call as " Collective
level to talk to them, so one of them got up and said "Mother Consciousness....................". Sitting down here you can
please don't tell us this science. We know all of it. Now you see the vibrations of Mr. Clinton or you can feel the vibrations
tell us the science of God. Science of Divine." I was amazed. of any other person. You can correct the vibrations of other
Look at these Russians. So I found out that all these countries people who are sitting far away.
like Bulgaria, Russia, Romania, their people are like clean Sahaja Yoga has many dimensions. This is power
slates. In Romania I was amazed. One paper I read, I told of love, of Divine Love. You should take to Sahaja Yoga and
them medical things like this. They gave me a doctorate not make the best of your lives. It becomes our responsibility
honorary but real. You can imagine? Such clear mind. Indians that this basic knowledge goes all over.
are also very much like that and very much more capable. May God Bless You All !
Our culture is very deep We have to thank all the saints and

R.D. Kulkarni

WHAT IS STRESS ? emergencies, the person has to pass through the stages of
alarm and resistance time and again and the accumulated
In daily life we frequently face difficult situations that
pressure causes exhaustion, diseases or emotional
bring mental and emotional pressure. The body then
problems, leading to fall in performance levels, productivity
responds in prompt, speedy and efficient ways. Stress is
and strained relations in family and at workplaces.
any thing that causes fear, anxiety, worry apprehensions,
Sometimes, however, the person gets withdrawn into
anger and even excitement. Continuous efforts to cope with
depression. These are chronic effects of stress, which are
such situations have adverse effects on human system for
the signals that life style or work habits should be adjusted
want of relief from mental and emotional strains and it leads
before worst problems emerge. Hence the importance of
to diseases. According to Dr. Vernon Coleman, who has
effective stress management.
arrived at the conclusions after discussions with a number
of doctors from different regions, that 90-95% illness can be STRESS MANAGEMENT
blamed totally or mainly on psychological forces, 98% A number of strategies have been evolved over the
headaches are stress or pressure related, a vast majority of years which bring relief of varying degrees. A number of people
indigestions are due to stress etc. resort to drinking, smoking etc. which are harmful. Relaxation
STRESS THRESHOLD techniques have been found to be more effective than others
and meditation is the best ralaxation technique. In Sahaja
It is a point where more pressure would become
Yoga, developed by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,
counter productive. Beyond this point, more pressure would
the regular practice of meditation, after the self-realization,
lead to fall in productivity and contentment.
can bring sustained relief, from short term and chronic effect
This point differs from person to person depending of stress, and stress related diseases. It can also bring about
upon one's ability to cope with the pressure. Some people necessary additional changes as the person is evolved to
can sustain higher levels of pressure, some thrive on stress take a balanced outlook toward events and situations he
while some suffer enormously even under modest amount has to face in daily life.
of stress. There is fairly fixed stress threshold for activity
and inactivity. At one end there is inactivity that we can STRESS MANAGEMENT THROUGH THE
cope with and at the other end, it is activity that we can SAHAJA YOGA
cope with. If the range between them is narrow, one is stress In the state of arousal there is over activity of
prone. sympathetic nervous system thereby causing imbalance
RESPONE TO STRESS between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous
systems. In Sahaja Yoga meditation Parasympathetic
Byitselfstress never causes a problem. It is the nervous system. is activated and the imbalance is corrected,
way one responds to stress that can lead to problems. The which brings relief to the person.
response is generally in three stages:
In this connection, a research was conducted by
ALARM - In the face of a challenge or a threat, the two doctors, under the guidance of Dr. U.C. Rai, the head of
nervous system is highly stimulated, heart rate increases, Physiology Department, Lady Hardings Medical college,
muscles become tense, breathing becomes fast, The body New Delhi.
systems are now ready to fight or flee.
It has been concluded that Sahaja Yoga practice
RESISTANCE - If the cause producing the stress produces significant physiological changes in both trainees
continues the body chemistry adjusts to that situation (i.e. and advanced Sahaja Yogis, by bringing about an equilibrium
steady flow of adrenal and other glands secretions & in order between sympathetic and parasympathetic dominance which
to keep the body at a more easily maintained level of arousal is usually seen in the situations of stress. Thus Sahaja Yoga
during the time needed to fight or get away. helps an individual in providing relief against stress and
EXHAUSTION - If the challenge continues for a long thereby could prevent stress disorders". This research was
time, the resources for arousal and resistance are used. accepted by Delhi University and the degree of MD was
They are involuntary physical responses to stress for which conferred upon the doctors.
built-in mechanism exist in human body. They may be Sahaja Yoga aims at spiritual evolution of man-
triggered even by imagining or thinking about an upcoming kind,thorugh the realization of his innate self (the Atma).
situation. The self realization enlightens one's inner being which
So long as the problem is solved and we are able to comprises thousands of nerves (and nerve centres, which
rest, even the acute effects of stress are not dangerous to a are known as Nadis and Chakras respectively in Yoga
healthy person. Due to repeated occurrences of theory, and through which the energy circulates. Three main

nerves among them, viz the Ida, Pingla and Sushumna The benefits are numerous and depends upon
correspond to left, right nervous systems and sincerity and regularity in the practises of meditation Some
Parasympathetic nervous system respectively. They cater of them can be as under :
the energy for the functioning of sympathetic and * Peace of mind, contentment and joy are felt within.
* The health is improved.
The chakras are subtle energy centres which
correspond to autonomic nerve plexuses. Each chakra is a * Relationships become harmonious.
group of nerves which are known as petals in Yoga and their * Innumerable people have been cured of diseases
number corresponds to the subplexuses of the autonomic * Sound mind and body, improved concentration, memory
nervous system. The chakras are connected to different and grasp is achieved.
organs and glands through subtle nerves through the
Sahaja Yoga can be practised by people from all
plexuses, Besides influencing the functioning of various
castes, religions and nationalities.
systems, the chakras also influence and reflect our mental
emotional life. Hence the state of chakras, at a subtle level, There is no alternative to experience, in order to
reflects a persons, physical, mental and emotional welfare. understand the benefits of self-realization and meditation, in
Action on the chakras can therefore improve and integrate Sahaja Yoga. It is therefore important to accept the knowledge
these aspects. The chakras are so established on the imparted in programmes as a hypothesis and follow it with
Sushumna channel, that they are enveloped from the left regular practice for some time, with an open mind of a
side by the Ida channel and from the right side by the Pingala scientist, as an experiment. Results achieved would certainly
channel. The Ida Nadi nourishes, our desires emotions and convince you to continue with it and finally to make it as the
gives us our past. The Pingala Nadi looks after our actions, way of overcoming stress, and thereby live a very balanced
both physical and mental that is to say our intellect and li
attention. It gives us energy when we think and plan. The "Face youself honestly. Sahaja Yoga is an honest
Sushumna Nadi looks after our evolutionary capacity. In the endeavour"
normal human being this Nadi and consequently the Para
Sympathetic is generally not enlightened. This channel "Sahaja Yoga makes you so powerful and so pure
becomes activated after the Divine Power Kundalini that that impurities just fall out . It is a cleansing force".
resides in our sacrum bone, is awakened.
In the situation of stress, the perception of a
challenge or a danger, causes the activity of the Pingala
channel, the chakras enveloped by it and glands connected
to the chakras, and thereby the activity of endocrine system.
The prolonged over activity of the Pingala channel, results
into an imbalance which if remained uncorrected, entails
disorders and diseases.
The Kundalini Shakti which is coiled in the sacrum
bone, when awakened, ascends through the Sushumna
channel and the chakras, and emerges out of the fontenelle
bone. While descending, the Divine Energy soothes down
the nervous and connected physical, mental and psychic
systems. The activity of the Kundalini corrects the imbalance
as the dominance of the Pingala channel is reduced. Through
the regular practice of Sahaja Yoga meditation, in which
this process is repeated proper balance between the
sympathetic and Parasympathetic is established.
Techniques have been developed in Sahaja Yoga, to restore
the balance, if imbalance takes place for some reason.
The process of awakening of the Kundalini shakti
has been made extremely simple by Her Holines Shri Nirmala
Devi and the person is not required to make any effort. The
regular meditation for short time brings about further spiritual
progress and bestows a number of benefits. Some of the
salient features of Sahaja Yoga are as under :
Sahaja Yoga can be practised with in one's family
without disturbing day to day activities.
There is no need to give up anything.

Doctors establish that with practice of Sahaja Yoga
tensions can be reduced
Recent medical investigations have shown that which show whether the patient is tense or relaxed. All 10
emotional stress and anxiety can precipitate chemic heart were patients of hypertension, some of them on drugs. As
disease and cause sudden death. Clinicians have also the Sahaja Yoga practice progressed the medicines were
suspected for long that accumulation of small stresses from reduced and finally stopped. In 12 weeks the diastolic blood
long standing conflicts can augment the develoment of pressure dropped from 100 to 80 and the adrenalin flow, it
hypertension and even coronary atherosclerosis. Inspite of was found also dropped.
their side effects and habit forming nature there is a tendency The second group of 10 trained Sahaja Yogis from
to use tranquilisers and other drugs to control tensions and the centre at Safdarjung Enclave had been practicing Sahaja
blood pressure. Yoga for two to six years . Readings were taken before,
The physiology department of the Lady Hardinge during and after Sahaja Yoga.
and the Sucheta Kripalani hospital has establihed through The GSR in the first group of subjects increased
elaborate scientific studies the effect of Sahaja Yoga on the from 43.9 kohms to 64.7 Kohms. In the second group
human body and its role in preventing stress disorder. practising Sahaja Yoga the mean level was 103.9 kohms. In
The study, published in the journal of the International the second group practising Sahaja Yoga the mean GSR
Medical Sciences Academy establishes that even with a was 130.4 kohms which increased by practise to 183.85
few weeks practice of Sahaja Yoga, tensions are reduced kohms.
and people can lead a more relaxed life. The changes in the skin resistance are a measure
Prof. U.C. Rai, former head of the Department of of sweat gland activities and are related to the sympathetic
Physiology at the Sucheta Kriplani hospital and currently nervous system. The study says the sweat glands are
additional medical superintendent who heads the team connected to the hypothalamus, reticular formation and
undertaking Sahaja Yoga (stress studies) says, "drugs are cerebal cortex and therefore reflect the activity of different
not a satisfactory long term answer to tackle the problems regions of the brain related to the individuals's arousal and
of severe stress. Various relaxation techniques meditation awareness. The ascending reticular activating system and
& biofeed back technique have been tried to reduce the effect hypothalamus are the fundamental structures which
of stress on the body. But there have been little or no determine the state of awareness of an individual."
scientific studies to show how this relaxation occurs. Therefore, the change in the activity of the sweat
Now Prof. Rai alongwith Dr. S. Sethi and Dr. S.H. glands should be closely related to one's awareness and
Singh have also established that the awakening of the level of tension or relaxation., The study shows that Sahaja
Kundalini which the Yogis maintain is manifest in the subtle Yoga awakens the Kundalini there by producing a state of
feeling of coolness in the palm of the hand and a sense of thoughtless awareness with deep relaxation. which in turn,
euphoria of release are possible with the practise of Sahaja is responsible for increased skin resistance in both groups.
Yoga. In patients with anxiety neurosis the blood lactate
The static Kundalini is symbolised by a serpent concentration increases. On doing Sahaja Yoga this reduces
coiled into a length of 3.5 inches with its tail southwards and the adrenalin production drops. Increased adrenal activity
and spiralling around the central axis at the base of spine. leads to high blood pressure.
When the Kundalini Shakti is activated with Sahaja Yoga it Significant Physiological Changes have been noticed
ascends to unite with Shiva (pure consciousness) above in both trainees and the advanced Sahaja Yogis. The
the crown of the head and self realisation occurs. sympathetic system dominance, noticed in situations of
Studies done which were published in scientific stress, is knocked down by the Yoga.
journals were conducted on 20 people in the age group 35 Two papers named, "Effects of Sahaj Yoga Pratise
to 50. Ten of them were from the Department of Physiology on patients of Psychosomatic Diseases" and Physiological
and had no previous training in any form of Yoga, meditation Effect of Kundalini Awakening by Sahaj Yoga which were
or bio feedback techniques. They were given two days prepared by Dr. Deepak Kumar Chugh and Dr. Sandeep Sethi
training by a qualified Sahaja Yoga teacher in the physiology have already earned doctorates.
department. There after they practised it for a few weeks. 20
minutes daily on weekdays under the watchful eyes of their
At fixed intervals doctors studied the effect of Sahaja
Yoga on the heart rate, blood pressure, the level of the blood
lactic acid, VMA in urine which indicates secreation of
adrenalin by the body and the glavanic skin resistance (GSR).


Dr. Brotin Khan

All these men and women When the physiological needs of man such as food
Entering through the gates of the factory and housing are reasonably satisfied, his next need is safety,
Showing their badges and punching cards, that means security of employment and freedom of arbitrary
For them everything has become a ritual management actions.
Some are dominating, some are frustrated,
-No joy. When physiological and security needs are
Is there, Someone, Some Power? satisfied, his social needs become important. He wants to
Who can penetrate into their hearts have a feeling of belonging.
To awaken their Spirits? The next need of man after all these is his need for
So that all can become achievement-egoistical and self-fulfilment need. In this way
Children of one Family it goes on - and lack of satisfaction will have behavioural
Bubbling with creativity consequences, his efforts become ineffective.
From the Love and Compassion of that Power And LEARNING IS NOT BECOMING ;
contributing the maximum to the humanity Yes, yes, still
there is hope! The Japanese believe that continous training can
HAVENT YOU HEARD ABOUT SAHAJA lead to continous improvement in performance. Therefore,
in most Japanese Companies, everyone from Sweeper to a
YOGA? Managing Director attends training classes throughout their
Management is an exceedingly complex art. It is career. This approach is also known as the Zen approach,
at times mathematics, at times poetry but always in balanced as opposed to the Chinese approach which is known as
sense. Management means dealing with people. It is the Confucious approach. According to the Zen approach, the
responsibility of the managers to get the maximum out of purpose of training is continous improvement in the
people for the maximum productivity. For that the managers performance of whatever one does no matter what one's work
have to understand human nature and behaviour. So the first is everyone can improve on his throughout his or her career
step towards better management will be to know what are by continous training. The Confucious approach, on the other
the qualities of good manager and then how to transform the hand, holds that the aim of training is to qualify the trainee
human beings for the best results of the organisation. for a more important job, in other words, the training is for
promotion. The Confucious approach emphasises attention
QUALITY OF A GOOD MANAGER to status, wages and other benefits, rather then the
* He by nature is not resistant to organisational needs excellence of work.
and normally considers work as a natural Today management experts are talking and lecturing
activity. on TQM (Total Quality Managemnt), Zero Defect Management
* He is ready and eager to assume responsibility. etc. The Mantra of continous improvement like other TQM
Principles, sounds wonderful. But it is neither original nor
* He has no favourite
easy to implement So, while the management commitment
* He is not rude, irritable, hard-driving and rough : manager to continous improvement may be unflinching. It is often
on the other hand believes that good human relations unable to translate the noble intention into action. It may be
increase productivity noticed that these are all a mental approach. These experts
* He has no immoral behaviour to his colleagues of are overlooking the fundamental fact that human beings can't
opposite sex. be transformed into better humans only by learning and
* He is creative. training. When a human mind is exposed to a certain
knowledge or behavioural attitude only through the mental
* He is lovable and compassionate. approach, the process of learning and training upto a certain
* He is not adverse to the change in the organisation. point is absorbed but after that it recoils back. It generates
BARRIER AGAINST DEVELOPMENT OF reactions in his mind, body and life style. Thus after some
time, the executives or managers of the company, may not
MANAGERIAL QUALITY : be able to contribute their best to the company, if they are
Human being's desire is never ending. As soon as trained only be these management experts.
one of his desires, is fulfilled another appears in its place.
Once a need is satisfied it no longer becomes a motivator of
behaviour. We have to become a perfect instrument within
before we can perfect the world outside" is the message of
H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga.
Thus transformation should be viewed as an inner phenomena

than an outside event. To transform ourselves for better who are often thinking of the past, are very emotional, avoid
qualities we have to look inside us. meeting people and are introverts. They cannot face criticism.
UNDERSTANDING TRANSFORMATION Such Managers are by nature indolent, work as little
THROUGH SAHAJA YOGA : as possible; lack ambition and dislike responsibilities. They
are inherently self-centred and indifferent to organisational
According to the Meta Science of Sahaja Yoga, as needs. They prefer to be led. They are by nature resistant
revealed by H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, there exists a to change. They are gullible and the ready dupe of the
subtle instrument in each human being which is ready for charlatans and the demagogue. They sit in the corner of the
connection with the higher consciousness beyond the human office & try to hide themselves from the rest.
awareness. When this connection between our limited self
(The Atma) and the Unlimited Divine Power (The Paramatma) Management directs the effort of management it fails
is established and made stronger through regular and sincere to obtain the desired improvement in these type of people
practice of Sahaja Yoga, transformation within occurs as there is no harmony which results in very poor
automatically. Our attention turns inward and we become performance. In other words, these group of people are dealt
very introspective. We start judging and perfecting ourselves with management by control and this does not yield the
instead of judging and trying to perfect others. It is logical optimum result.
also because we have no control over others but we can The Managers or people who are using their right
control and change ourselves. For the world to transform, it sympathetic channel too much are always very aggresive.
is imperative that each of us looks inside ourselves instead They always like to dominate over others and make the
of looking at the mistakes of others and this is possible employer or colleague's lives miserable. If they are leaders
only through Sahaja Yoga. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi or heads of departments, they do not delegate anything so
says ,"everything becomes perfect as soon as we perfect as to keep the credits of any success intact for himself
ourselves". We know more about the motor car that we drive only. They try to hide others success, as a result the
than our own instrument which is so beautiful and so subtle. company suffers immensely. They become barriers for
Sahaja Yoga is a way of life. It is transformation effective communication as a proper two way communication
within. It is the culminating point of our human evolution means explanations, questions, criticism both up and down
which has been promised by the scriptures. and not only one way. These people are invariably hard
task masters and workoholics which may not yield best
The Kundalini is the germinating power of the seed result or take out the best from the people. They carry work
of our being. This seed sprouts through Sahaja Yoga. The to home, have no time for family and become dry persons.
Kundalini cleanses us, comforts us,redeems us, counsels For any function to perform these type of people depend on
us and connects us to the All Pervading Divine Power. The only a few handful of persons, as a result a sense of belonging
Chakras are the life force within us. Chakra means wheel to the company is not generated in other persons who are
and they are so called because vital life energy spins at working under such a leader as no team effort is created.
these points. These people are always rushing around and looking busy.
The left sympathetic nervous system the Ida Nadi They make the appraisal of their subordinates usually
or Moon Channel represents the power of desire of an concentrating on their faults and weaknesses. Though they
individual. It brings our attention to the memories of the past. work like lieutenants, they may not be prepared to take the
The energy flow in this nadi is blocked by conditioning, best decision for the company.
superstitions, feeling of guilt, to much pity on self, sexual
perversion and pornography. Movement in this channel gives
rise to reactions which are stored in a balloon like structure
at the right side of the brain and known as super-ego. As
long as this channel remains active there is human desire
to remain alive.
Right sympathetic nervous system the Pingla Nadi
or the Sun Channel represents our power of actions It makes
us think, work, plan and organise for the future events. The
reactions generated due to all these actions are stored in a
balloon like structure at the end of this channel at the left
side of the brain and is known as ego.
Whereas we have control over the sympathetic
nervous system, we have no control over the functions of
parasympathetic nervous system, known as Sushumna or
the central channel, like the digestion of food, function of
lungs, heart etc.
When we use the sympathetic nervous system, we
consume energy. Thus, the managers or people who are
using the left sympathetic channel too much are the persons

Dr. Deepak K. Chugh, Department of Physiology
Lady Hardinge medical College, New Delhi-110001 (India)

INTRODUCTION other people can also be felt and brought into balance.
Modern Sahaja Yoga is an authentic system of yoga The changes postulated above obviously amount to
meditation, the theoretical basis of which suggets an a very fundamental change in the physiology of the person.
alternative physiological paradigm. PRELIMINARY PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES
We present here experimental evidence showing
A Preliminary study (4) compared a group of naive
beneficial effects of Sahaja Yoga in essential hypertension
subjects (N=10) with a group of experienced (2 to 6 years)
and bronchial asthma and suggets that the alternative
meditators (N=10)
paradigm maypoint the way to further lines of investigation.
The first group was trained in Sahaja Yoga for 12
THE SAHAJA YOGA HYPOTHESIS weeks. Over the course of the 12 weeks galvanic skin
Thus Sahaja Yoga is a vitalist theory. Three major resistance (GSR) increased and blood lactic acid urinary
energy channels are postulated, corresponding to: vanilly Imandelic acid (VMA), heart rate, respiratory rate and
1. Sympathetic nervous system (left) systolic blood pressure all decreased.

2. Sympathetic nervous system (right) The group of experienced meditatory showed similar
Physiological changes over the course of 20 minutes Sahaja
3. Parasympathetic nervous system Yoga practice.
The awakened residual force bridges the gap Subjects reported a sensation of a cool breeze in
between the cranial and sacral outflows of the the hands and measurement of skin temperature in the palm
parasympathetic system . of the hand showed a significant decrease.
In addition seven subtle energy centres correspond to : Study in essential hypertension (5)
1. the pelvic autonomic plexus The experimental group A consisted of 15
2. the aortic autonomic plexus female patients aged between 38 and 45 from the hospital
3. the coeliac autonomic plexus hypertension clinic. The control group B consisted of ten
patients with similar ages and socio economic backgrounds.
4. the cardiac autonomic plexus
Group A was trained in Sahaja Yoga and followed
5. the cervical autonomic plexus
up for 16 weeks. Again GSR increased, whilst blood lactic
6. the optic chiasma acid and urinary VMA decreased in the experimental group.
7. the limbic area At the start of the experiments the blood pressure of both
groups were poorly controlled despite medication. At the
These channels and centres have significance in
end of the 16 weeks period, the blood pressure of the
physical, mental, emotional and spiritual areas, thus a theory
experimental group was well controlled and all the patients
is put forward capable of predicting associations across
stopped medication. No significant changes were observed
these areas; for example between disordered family
in the control group, and their blood pressure remained poorly
relationships and physical disease.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems act
Study in Bronchial Asthma (5)
on the plexuses but in opposition to each other, the
parasympathetic relaxes the plexuses, increasing their The experimental group consisted of nine female
vitality. Over-acting of the sympathetic system or imbalance patients aged between 38 and 45 years . They were trained
between the left and right sides is the cause of many in Sahaja Yoga and followed up for 16 weeks. Control group
diseases. By the activation of residual force the D consisted of nine female patients of similar age group and
parasympathetic activity can be maximised and a balance socio economic class.
established. In addition a change of awareness takes place In the meditating group there was a significant improvement
such that the plexuses can be felt both in the body and in in lung function (FEVI/FEV) and a significant decrease in
the hands. Thus the patient gains a very much clearer the number of acute asthmatic attacks. As the clinical
understanding of his problems by reviving the vitality of his condition of the patients in the meditating group improved, it
plexuses. This is achieved be means of very simple was possible for all but one of them to cease all medication.
techniques which require only a few minutes each day. No
No significant changes were observed in the control
strenuous physical exercises are involved. The plexuses of

In Sahaja Yoga terms asthma is said to be due to a We have found the Sahaja Yoga hypothesis a
constriction in the cardiac centre on the right side. A productive source of experimental prediction and would
prediction of this hypothesis is that heat will accumulate in certainly welcome further studies which, in our opinion, are
the liver due to the constriction, blocking its upward clearly required. The implication for health care also merit
movement. careful consideration.
In order to test this prediction the temperature over REFERENCES :
the liver was compared to the temperature in the right iliac
1. Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi. Sahaja Yoga and its practice,
fossa. In the Sahaja Yoga group the percentage difference
The Life Eternal Trust Publishers, New Delhi.
between the liver surface temperature and the abdominal
surface temperature decreased significantly. 2. Kalibermatten G.De (1979). The Advent The Life Eternal
Trust Publisher Bombay.
3. Rai U.C. Sethi S.Singh S.H. Some effetc of Sahaja Yoga
In Sahaja Yoga terms hypertension is said to be and its role in the prevention
due to an excess of right side sympathetic activity. Sahaja of stress disorders, Journal Int. Med. Sciences pp 19-
Yoga practice is held to correct this imbalance. Similarly 23 March 1988.
Sahaja Yoga is held to relieve the constriction causing
asthma. 4. Chugh D.K. Effects of Sahaja Yoga practice on Patients
of Psychomatic Diseases.
Our results show clinically significant benefits in Thesis submitted in 1987 to University of Delhi, India
both these conditions from the practice of Sahaja Yoga. Of
particular interest, all but one of the patients in both treatment
groups was able to give up all medication and yet still
demonstrate clinical improvement.

Prof Umesh C Rai

The Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) was conditions could be bacterial pneumonia fungi infection,
originally defined by the Centre for Disease control (CDC) Kaposi's Sarcoma and Lymphoid intestinal pneumonia.
as the disease which is indicative of defect in cell mediated Gastro intestinal and hepatic manifestations, restroternal
immunity. The examples cited for such disease were Kaposi's chest pain, difficulty in swallowing ulceration of gastro and
Sarcoma, a life threatening opportunistic infection of duodenal mucosa, Diarrhoea, malabsorption and weightloss
Pneumocystis Carini Pneumonia. AIDS is caused by human is a common symptom in patients with chronic HIV infection,
immuno deficiency virus (HIV). This virus is Large deep ulcers of perianal area are diagnostic of AIDS.
Lymphocytotrophic and selectively infects human T Hepatitis in patients with AIDS may present with fever,
Lymphocytes. abdominal pain, hepatomegaly and abnormal liver function
The AIDS was first discovered in 1981, but it has tests.
since then reached epidemic proportions with over 38,000
cases reported in USA alone. It is estimated that 1 to 2 NEURLOGICAL MANIFESTATION
million Americans are already infected with the HIV in
addition, the Public Health Service recently predicted that The disorders of the nervous system most commonly
approximately 270,000 cases of AIDS will have developed seen in patients with AIDS are encephalitis, meningitis,
by 1991. Worldwide, thousands of Europeans and possibly cerebral space occupying lessions, demyelination, retinitis,
millions of Africans are also infected with HIV. AIDS did not myelopathy and peripheral neuropathy. The common
exist in USA till 1970. In 1981 CDC announced two cases in complaints of encephalitis patients are loss of balance,
homosexuals at New York and Los Angeles Since then the forgetfulness, loss of concentration and lethargy. In cases
number of cases started increasing drastically. By mid 1986 of meningitis headache is universally present in all the
approximately 22,000 cases had been reported in the United patients. The other symptoms are fever, neck, stiffness,
States alone. The disease has taken the shape of a global nausea and vomiting. Sometimes, unusual demyelination
epidemic Sexual contact is the major mode of transmission disease is seen in AIDS patients, which causes aphasia,
of the AIDS retro virus. Transmission can also occur via blindness, hemiparesis and ataxia.
blood, as in individuals who share contaminated needles for
I.V. drug abuse or for blood transfusions. Mothers may
transmit the virus prenatally to their infants.
a) General health education, information and
Among adults in USA, 73% cases are among
counselling, (b) Screening of blood and organ donation, (c)
homosexuals or bisexual men (mainly in New York, San
Surveillance and (d) Behavioural modifications.
Francisco and Los angeles); 17% are among I.V. drug
abusers, 1% in haemophilics, 2% amongst those who Health Education and Health Information is one of
received blood transfusion, 1% in heterosexuals partners the major preventive strategies for reducing the spread of
and 7% into m\none of the above categories Except for sexual HIV throughout the world. Although research continues there
transmission, there is no evidence that the virus could spread appears at present no cure or vaccine. The pioneers of
among family members living in the same household with health education compaigns in the USA and UK have
AIDS patients. voluntary groups, initially directing their efforts towards
homosexual men. Following these, substantial changes have
In just six years after the initial description of the
taken place in sex behaviour and also reduction in the
clinical syndrome and four years after the first detection of
incidence of HIV infection. Clinicians should take the lead
the etiologic agent, much has been learned about AIDS and
to practise preventive medicine and respond both
HIV. Seldom has medical science progressed so quickly
sympathetically and with sound practical information.
and yet the AIDS epidemic continues unabated. An acute
illness occuring three to six weeks after primary infection
has been documented in a few patients. It is characterised PREVENTIVE SEXUAL TRANSMISSION
by fevers, arthralgias myalgians, maculo papular rash,
urticaria abdominal cramps and diarrhoea. Patients with full The epidemiology of HIV infection in UK
blown syndrome demonstrate one of a number of patterns indicates that people who take part or have taken part in
of disease. About 50% of patients develop pneumocystis particular activities are currently at much higher risk than
Carini pheumonia. Patients complain of prolonged i.e. six to others. These are homosexuals and bisexual men,
eight weeks of breathlessness, dry cough and inability to intravenous drug users, haemophilics, the sexual partners
take a deep breath. Fever is almost invariable. Other of these individuals and those who have had sexual contacts

in parts of Africa. Even though the prevalence among those heterosexual activity and sex should be avoided while
without a recognised risk factor is very low, it requires sexual travelling abroad, as at home one should be reminded of
contact with only one infected person for transmission to risk, of casual sexual encounters particularly in areas where
occur The sensible message for everyone should be that "in HIV is highly prevalent . Casual heterosexual encounters
order to reduce the risk of AIDS one should reduce the are very risky and should be avoided. Travellers should be
number of sexual partners" Or should know about his reminded that in many parts of the world screening of blood
partner's previous sexual history and drug use history. Always for HIV before blood transfusion is not carried out.
use a condom. The HIV sero positive individual may wish to
Behavioural Modification Through Sahaja
consider bringing his or her regular sexual partners for
counselling and testing. Yoga
Preventive Transmission in "Saha" means 'with', "Ja" means born, "Yoga"
means 'Union'. The benefits of Sahaj Yoga are unlimited
Those who Inject Drugs provided the person practices it regularly and sincerely with
Stop Using Drugs and Stop Needles. This is done a strong pure desire to elevate himself or herself to a state
by stopping the sharing of needles and other paraphermalia much higher than the human. The sincere practice of Sahaj
of drug use (Syringes, mixing bowls and spoons) used in Yoga meditation raises our consciousness to a higher level
injecting works. Ideally the best prevention is to stop using of awareness. We enter into a state of collective
drugs. Sahaja Yoga can help in it in a long way. It has been consiousness where we can feel our own subtle system &
seen that people who do Sahaja Yoga regularly, leave that of others. The awakening of the Kundalini pulls our
smoking, drinking and drugs. attention inside & we become thoughlessly aware. The seven
HIV Antibody Testing: All blood donors should be important energy centres (Chakras) are the seven heavens
screened for HIV antibody with appropriate counselling. All within us & they along with the three channels encompass
suspected positives should be discarded. all aspects of our lives. Each chakra has Presiding duties &
Divine Qualities which manifest only if the Kundalini has
Screening of Blood and Organ Donations : All factor
risen & cleansed & cleared the chakras on Her way to the,
VIII preparation of Haemophilics should be heat-treated to
Thousand Petaled lotus i.e. the Sahasrar. The kundalini is
destroy any active virus. Donors of organs and semen must
our own individual Mother & Knows us in & out She knows
be screemed for HIV antibody
all our problems, weaknesses & strengths.
Preventing vertical Transmission : Once an individual gets Self Realisation the inner
Women with risk factor for infection should be offered transformation starts working and divine qualities are
counselling and HIV antibody testing if they want it in early exhibited by an individual. One experiences improved
stages of pregnancy may increase the risk of AIDS physical and mental health and old habits of smoking,
progression in the mother. drinking alcohol and sexual encounters with casual partners
Sero positive women should also be advised against disappear in due course of time. In a survey study on people
breast feeding their infants, since one such case has been who joined Sahaja Yoga, it was found that in some cases,
reported. the above vices disappeared in a few days, but usually in
three to six months period about 90% people have been
Preventing Transmission by Blood, Blood able to leave these vices. As regards sexual encounters
Products and Organ Donations : with casual partners it is prohibited. Below the Kundalini is
All Blood donation should be screened for HIV one of the most delicate importantchakras presided by Lord
antibody. All suspected confirmed positive blood is discarded. Ganesh who informs mother Kundalini about the right time
All factor VIII for haemophilics is now heat treated to destroy of awakening. As sense of chastity is essential for the growth
any active virus. Donors of semen and organs should be of this chakra, adultery, pornography, tantric practices,
screened for HIV antibody before organs are used. flirtation, lustful attention spoil this chakra. AIDS is supposed
to be due to bad Mooladhara Chakra. Even Christ said "Thou
Call War Against AIDS shall not have adulterous Eyes". This is very important.
Prof. Luc Montagnier, discoverer of AIDS virus, However, sex should not be suppressed as it is a
recently pleaded for a massive international effort with active physiological desire. For this an individual should get married
public involvement for preventive care against the disease. and should have sex with his wife alone. Wisdom lies in the
He cautioned againt any complacency in the fight against life-time marriage with one lady or one man because marriage
the disease. As per WHO forecast, by the year 2000 AD the is a collective sanction of the society and has in-built security
majority of AIDS cases would be in the third world and too essences for the proper growth of the children. With sensible
largely due to heterosexual contact. The AIDs injection would married life and following the normal codes of morality as
remian unknown unless widespread screening for AIDS per Dharmic codes described in sacred scriptures the
antibodies is undertaken in developing countries. Mooladhara becomes strong and gets awakened by Sahaja
Yoga technique. The awakened Mooladhara Chakra brings
Foreign Travel : forth wisdom, chastity, purity strength and inner sense of
In central Africa, transmission of HIV is through

right direction and one cannot think of casual sexual of life. One's Mooladhara Chakra becomes strong. Such a
encounters. Not only that one even cannot have adulterous person cannot have casual sexual encounters or even
eyes, because immediately it will produce heat or burning adulterous eyes and this is a very important Behavioural
sensation in the heel of the palms. One, becomes careful Modification which occurs through Sahaja Yoga.
and clears his Chakra to come back in balance which is In view of this it is felt that Sahaja Yoga practice
essential for keeping good health and to be free form sexually would go a long way in prevention of AIDS, for which at the
transmitted diseases which are caused by bad Mooladhara moment there is no treatment, nor is there any possibility in
Chakra. A shift of consciousness in this direction has already the near future even for any vaccine to prevent this disease
started in about 130 countries of the world who are requesting which is engulfing the world like a wild fire.
their people to adopt Sahaja-Yoga lifestyle to prevent the
spread of dreaded disease like AIDS which is spreading fast
all over the world.
This is going to usher the beginning of a New Age. Note :
With this there is a possibility of overall change for a new This document is part of a medical journal published by the
paradigm, a new way of viewing life and a new type of Indian Medical Association in 1997. Various tests, thesis &
Understanding on this planet. Sahaja prescribed ages ago research etc. which have been mentioned in this document
in Markandeya purana and now rediscovered by Her Holiness have already been completed & converted into PHD's,
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 is an ideal Yoga in bringing doctorates & widely acclaimed medical research. Some
about a transformation in human beings from within. It fills changes have been done to avoid repetition without affecting
one with compassion and love for the society. One is lifted the medical facts.
to higher plane of awareness where animal instincts do not
bother him. One gets the right direction for various activities


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