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Apparent Motion

Below you will find information about the Apparent Motion of the Planetary Bodies.
Because the Earth and other planets move around the Sun at different speeds, there are
times when the apparent motion of a planet, as observed from Earth, seems to slow, stop,
and move backwards. If you traced the route in the sky, the planet's path would make a
large loop as it slowed down, came to a complete stop (retrograde station), began moving
backwards in the sky (retrograde motion), slowed to a stop again (direct station), and
then began again it's forward motion across the sky (direct motion).

Symbol Name Brief Description

Direct Motion Normal, forward motion.

Stationed Retrograde Fixed in the sky, turning retrograde.
Retrograde Motion Moving backwards in the sky.
Stationed Direct Fixed in the sky, turning direct.
The distance in the sky a planet has traveled
Retrograde Shadow
in retrograde motion.

Direct Motion

The normal motion of a planet. The Sun and Moon are always in Direct motion. All the other
planets can move in retrograde motion at times.

Stationed Retrograde

A planet reaches its retrograde station when it begins to move backwards in the sky. The
moment when this happens is a time when the planet's energy is operating particularly
powerfully, due to its lack of apparent motion. It stays in orb of whatever aspect it is
making - and conjunctions are particularly strong - far longer than it usually does. The
retrograde stations of the outer planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are especially
Retrograde Motion

A planet moves backwards through the Zodiac in its Geocentric position - as seen from the
earth. For the personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars, this happens rarely in terms of
total duration. For Mars this type of motion occurs once every two years or so, and lasts
about eight weeks. Venus is retrograde - like Mars - about every two years, but for only
about six weeks. The outer planets beyond Mars go into retrograde motion for about 5
months of every year. Astrologers interpret transiting personal retrograde planets as more
inner directed. Transiting Marsretrograde inhibits direct action. When Venus is retrograde
we might expect relationships with other people to operate on a more internal level. The
reflection on one's partnership situation or the research of possible romance is a better bet
than acting on the impulse, which might not last longer than the six-week period of time.

Mercury retrograde, which occurs three times a year for about three weeks each time, is
interpreted particularly strongly. Mental pursuits and connections break down.
The Mercury retrograde period is best used as a time for inner reflection. It is not a good
time for making new decisions or new business plans, but it is ideal for reflecting on your
current situation. It is best to quietly observe your inner process during Mercury retrograde,
and to carry forward with your preexisting plans. Ask yourself: Where am I heading in my
life at this particular juncture? Then try to move forward with new directions only
after Mercury has gone direct, and perhaps even a fortnight beyond, when Mercury has left
its retrograde shadow.

Stationed Direct

A planet reaches its direct station when it begins to move forwards once again. Like the
planet's retrograde station, this moment is a time when the planet is operating particularly
powerfully. And again the conjunction is quite strong. The direct station of the outer
planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, are especially powerful.

Retrograde Shadow
The degrees traversed by a planet's retrograde or backwards motion through the zodiac.
Usually only a few degrees, as much as 12-15 degrees in the case of inner planets such
as Mercury. Every Mercury retrograde period requires a few weeks after its direct station to
emerge out of this shadow, to regain the original degree where it turned retrograde.
Example: On March 19th 2005 Mercury went retrograde at 14 plus degrees of Aries. On
April 12th it turned direct in the second degree of Aries, at 1 Aries 45. On April 30th it
regained the 15th degree of Aries, and left its Retrograde Shadow.

What is the cause of retrograde motion?

Astronomers use the term to refer to the occasional backwards motion of the planets
as seen in Earth's sky. When used in this way, retrograde motion is entirely an
illusion caused by the moving Earth passing the outer planets in their orbits.
What is meant by retrograde motion?

Retrograde motion is an APPARENT change in the movement of the planet through

the sky. It is not REAL in that the planet does not physically start moving backwards in
its orbit. It just appears to do so because of the relative positions of the planet and Earth
and how they are moving around the Sun.

What is the retrograde motion of Mars caused by?

It's an illusion, caused by the ways that Earth and Mars orbit the sun. Animation of
Mars Retrograde using 2003 as an example. Click the "play" arrow to put the Earth
and Mars in motion. An "overhead" view of the two planets' orbits is shown in the
bottom half of the animation.

What does Mercury transit mean?

A transit of Mercury across the Sun takes place when the planet Mercury passes
directly between the Sun and a superior planet, becoming visible against (and hence
obscuring a small portion of) the solar disk. During a transit, Mercury appears as a tiny
black dot moving across the disk of the Sun.

Which planets have retrograde motion?

All of the planets move around the Sun in a direct (eastward) direction, but three of
them (Venus, Uranus and Pluto) rotate in a retrograde (westward) direction, and are
said to have a retrograde rotation. Do not confuse revolution, or motion around an
orbit, with rotation, or turning about an axis.

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