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Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC

Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications

Porto, Portugal, July 19-21, 2006



N. M. Fonseca Ferreira ,1
J. A. Tenreiro Machado
Alexandra M. S. F. Galhano
J. Boaventura Cunha

Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Rua Pedro Nunes,
3031-601 Coimbra, Portugal
nunomig@isec.pt, Institute of Engineering of Coimbra

Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Rua Dr Ant. Bern. de
Almeida, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal
{jtm, amf}@dee.isep.ipp.pt, Inst. of Engineering of Porto

Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Ap 1013, 5000-911
Vila Real, Portugal, jboavent@utad.pt
University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Abstract: This paper analyzes the performance of two cooperative robot manip-
ulators. It is studied the implementation of fractional-order algorithms in the
position/force control of two robots holding an object. The experiments reveal
that fractional algorithms lead to performances superior to classical integer-order

Keywords: Cooperative robots, fractional calculus, control

1. INTRODUCTION natively, the statistical evaluation of manipula-

tion (Machado and Galhano, 1997). Other related
Two robots carrying a common object are a logical aspects such as the coordination of two robots
alternative for the case in which a single robot handling objects, collision avoidance and free path
is not able to handle the load. The choice of a planning have been also investigated (Nakamura
robotic mechanism depends on the task or the et al., 1989).
type of work to be performed and, consequently,
is determined by the position of the robots and With two cooperative robots the resulting inter-
by their dimensions and structure. In general, action forces have to be accommodated and con-
the selection is done through experience and in- sequently, in addition to position feedback, force
tuition; nevertheless, it is important to measure control is also required to accomplish adequate
the manipulation capability of the robotic sys- performances (Bejczy and Tarn, 2000; Raibert
tem (Tsai and Soni, 1981), that can be useful and Craig, 1981). There are two basic meth-
in the robot operation. In this perspective it was ods for force control, namely the hybrid posi-
proposed the concept of kinematic manipulabil- tion/force and the impedance schemes. The first
ity (Yoshikawa, 1985) and its generalization by method (Ferreira et al., 2004) separates the task
including the dynamics (Asada, 1983) or, alter- into two orthogonal sub-spaces corresponding to
the force and the position controlled variables.
Once established the subspace decomposition two
1 Institute of Engineering of Coimbra
independent controllers are designed. The sec- with the load is modeled through a linear system
ond method (Hogan, 1985) requires the defi- with a mass M , a damping B and a stiffness
nition of the arm mechanical impedance. The K. The numerical values adopted for the RR
impedance accommodates the interaction forces robots and the object are m1 = m2 = 1.0 kg,
that can be controlled to obtain an adequate re- l1 = l2 = lb = l0 = 1.0 m, 0 = 0 deg,
sponse. This paper addresses the control of two B1 = B2 = 1 Ns.m1 and K1 = K2 = 104 Nm1 .
arm systems, through the dynamical analysis and
a statistical evaluation (Galhano and Machado,
2001) of the joint torques, using fractional-order y (m)
Robot B
(F O) control algorithms (Ferreira and Machado, Robot A

2003; Oustaloup, 1995; Machado, 1997; Podlubny, l0 (m)

1999). l12 {x2 , y2 }

Bearing these facts in mind this article is orga-
nized as follows. Section two presents the con-
troller architecture for the position/force control 0
{x1 , y1 }
of two robotic arms. Based on these concepts, l21

section three develops several experiments for the

statistical analysis and the performance evalua- lb (m)
x (m)

tion of F O and the P ID controllers, for robots

having several types of dynamic phenomena at
the joints. Finally, section four outlines the main
conclusions. Fig. 1. Two RR robots working in cooperation
for the manipulation of an object with length
l0 , orientation 0 and distance lb between the
2. CONTROL OF TWO ARMS shoulders.
Tra jectory Planning

The dynamics of a robot with n links interacting


with the environment is modeled as:

Position + Force
Controller Controller Robots
= C(q, q) + G(q) JT (q)F + H(q)q (1) x -

where is the n 1 vector of actuator torques, Forces

q is the n 1 vector of joint coordinates, H(q) Kinematics

Position Object
is the n n inertia matrix, C(q, q) is the n 1
vector of centrifugal / Coriolis terms and G(q) Velocity
is the n 1 vector of gravitational effects. The
matrix JT (q) is the transpose of the Jacobian
Fig. 2. The position/force cascade controller.
and F is the force that the load exerts in the
robot gripper. For a RR manipulator (n = 2) the The controller architecture (Fig. 2), namely the
dynamics yields: cascade controller, is inspired on the impedance
and compliance schemes. Therefore, we establish
  a cascade of force and position algorithms as
m2 r1 r2 S2 q22 2m2 r1 r2 S2 q1 q2
C (q, q) = internal an external feedback loops, respectively,
m2 r1 r2 S2 q12
where x d and F d are the payload desired position
 (2) coordinates and contact forces.
g (m1 r1 C1 + m2 r1 C1 + m2 r2 C12 )
G (q) =
gm2 r2 C12 In the position and force control loops we consider
  (3) F O controllers: of the type C(s) = Kp + K s ,
r1 S1 r2 S12 r1 C11 + r2 C12 1 < < 1, that are approximated by 4th
JT (q) = (4)
r2 S12 r2 C12 order discretetime Pade expressions (ai, , bi, R,
k = 4):

(m1 +m2 )r12 m2 r22 m2 r22 +m2 r1 r2 C2
H(q)= +2m2 r1 r2 C2 +J1m +J1g (5) a0 z k + a1 z k1 + .. + ak
C (z) K (6)
m2 r22 +m2 r1 r2 C2 m2 r22 +J2m +J2g b0 z k + b1 z k1 + ... + bk
To analyze the system performance we consider
where Cij = cos(qi + qj ) and Sij = sin(qi + qj ).
robots with ideal transmissions, and robots with
We consider two robots with identical dimen- joint backlash and flexibility. Moreover, we com-
sions (Fig. 1). The contact of the robot gripper pare the response of F O and classical P D P I
Table 1. The parameters of the position the velocities of the ith joint and motor before (af-
and force F O controllers ter) the collision, respectively. The parameter Jii
(Jim ) stands for the link (motor) inertias of joint
(a) Position controller
i. The numerical values adopted are hi = 1.8 104
i Kp K
rad and i = 0.8.
1 0.1259 1.55 103 2
2 0.1259 1.55 103 2 In a third phase (figure 5) we study the RR robot
(b) Force controller with compliant joints. For this case the dynamic
i Kp K model corresponds to model (1) augmented by the
1 10.59 2 103 15 equations:
2 10.59 2 103 15

T = Jm qm + Bm qm + Km (qm q) (11)
Table 2. The parameters of the position
and force P D P I controllers

(a) Position controller (b) Force controller Km (qm q) = J(q)q + C(q, q) + G(q) (12)
i Kp Kd i Kp Ki
1 25 103 25 101 1 5 102 10 102 where Jm , Bm and Km are the n n diagonal
2 25 103 25 101 2 5 102 10 102 matrices of the motor and transmission inertias,
damping and stiffness, respectively. In the sim-
algorithms, in the position and force loops, respec- ulations we adopt Kmi = 2 106 Nm rad1 and
tively. Bmi = 104 Nms rad1 (i = 1,2).
The low-pass characteristics of |y(j)/yd(j)| re-
C(s) = Kp + Kd s (7) veal the existence of some coupling between the
position and force loops due to the non-ideal per-
formance of both algorithms. Figure 6 show the
C(s) = Kp + Ki (8) frequency responses for robots with ideal joints,
having backlash and transmissions flexibility, both
Both algorithms were tuned by trial and error, under the action of the F O and the P D P I
having in mind getting a similar performance in controllers, for a pulse perturbation, at the robot
the two cases (Tables 1 and 2). In order to study reference yd. The charts reveal that the F O
the system dynamics we apply a small amplitude algorithms have a superior performance, namely
rectangular pulse yd at the position reference and a good robustness and larger bandwidth.
we analyze the system response.
The experiments adopt a controller sampling fre-
quency fc = 10 kHz, contact forces of the grippers 3. STATISTICAL EVALUATION
{Fx j ,Fy j }{0.5,5} Nm, a operating point of the
center of the object A{x,y}{0,1} and = 0o . Usually system descriptions are based on a set
of differential equations which, in general, require
In a first phase we consider robots with ideal laborious computations and may be difficult to an-
transmissions at the joints. Figure 3 depicts the alyze. These facts motivate the need of alternative
time response of robot A under the action of the models based on different mathematical concepts.
F O and P D P I algorithms. The proposed statistical method give clear guide-
In a second phase (figure 4) we analyze the re- lines towards the robotic system evaluation.
sponse of robots with dynamic backlash at the A statistical sample for the variables is ob-
joints. For the ith joint gear (i= 1, 2), with clear- tained by driving the cooperating robots though
ance hi , the backlash reveals impact phenomena a large numbers of trajectories, having appropri-
between the inertias, which obey the principle of ate time/space evolutions. All variables are calcu-
conservation of momentum and the Newton law: lated, sampled in the time domain, and the result-
ing numerical values are organized in histograms.
qi (Jii Jim ) + qim Jim (1 + )
qi = (9) In order to illustrate the method, we specify dif-
Jii + Jim ferent desired motions and planed N = 10000
distinct trajectories with different types of ac-
qi Ji (1 + ) + qim (Jim Jii ) celerations. The performance of the controller,
qim = (10) using fractional order and classical integer order
Jii + Jim
control algorithms, is characterized by the torque
where 0 1 is a constant that defines the variations of the two robots. We can observe that
type of impact ( = 0 inelastic impact, = 1 the P D P I controller requires higher actuators
elastic impact) and qi and qim (qi and qim

) are torques in the cases of backlash and flexible joints.
x 10 0.016
5 Reference
FO 0.014 FO

3 0.012



yA [m]
xA [m]




4 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
time[s] time[s]

15 35



F yA [N ]
F xA [N ]



10 10
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
time[s] time[s]

Fig. 3. Time response for robots with ideal joints under the action of the F O and the P DP I algorithms
for a reference position perturbation yd = 0.1 m and a payload with M = 1 kg, Bi = 10 Ns/m and
Ki = 103 N/m.

x 10
0.5 0.015


yA [m]
xA [m]



3 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
time[s] time[s]

30 FO

20 50

10 40

F xA [N ]

F yA [N ]



40 20
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
time[s] time[s]

Fig. 4. Time response for robots with joints having backlash under the action of the F O and the P D P I
algorithms, for a pulse perturbation at the robot A position reference yd = 103 m and a payload
M = 1 kg, Bi = 1 Ns/m and Ki = 103 N/m.
x 10 0.015
0.5 Reference



yA [m]
xA [m]



3.5 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
time[s] time[s]
25 40
20 FO FO



F yA [N ]
F xA [N ]



20 0

25 5
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
time[s] time[s]

Fig. 5. Time response for robots with joints having flexibility under the action of the F O and the P DP I
algorithms, for a pulse perturbation at the robot A position reference yd = 103 m and a payload
M = 1 kg, Bi = 1 Ns/m and Ki = 103 N/m.

10 5 5

5 0 0
| G(jw) | [dbs]

| G(jw) | [dbs]

0 5
| G(jw) | [dbs]

5 10
10 15
15 20
20 25

25 30
30 1 40 1 35 1 0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

w[rads1 ] w[rads1 ] w[rads1 ]

(a) Ideal joints. (b) Joints having backlash. (c) Joints having flexibility.

Fig. 6. The Bode diagram of the closed-loop transfer function G(jw)= FF{yd(t)}
for two cooperating RR
robots A with: a) ideal joints, b) joints having backlash and c) joints having flexibility.

The figure 7 shows the relative frequency of the a good performance and a high robustness. The
dynamics and required actuators torques for the transient response of the system, shows the qual-
performance of the classical and fractional con- ity of the performance of the fractional order
trollers. controllers.

This paper studied the position/force control of Asada, H. (1983). A geometrical representation of
two robots working in cooperation using frac- manipulator dynamics and its application to
tional order and classical integer order control arm design. ASME J. Dynamic Syst. Meas.,
algorithms. The system dynamics was analyzed Contr., vol. 105 pp. 131142.
for manipulators having several types of dynami- Bejczy, A. K. and T. Jonhg Tarn (2000). Redun-
cal phenomena at the joints. The results demon- dancy in robotics connected robots arms as
strated that the fractional-order algorithm reveals redundant systems. 4th IEEE International
0.14 0.14
PSfrag replacemen PDPI (Ideal) PDPI (Ideal)
PDPI (Backlash) PDPI (Backlash)
0.12 PDPI (Flexible) 0.12 PDPI (Flexible)
FO (Ideal) FO (Ideal)

RelativeF requency
FO (Backlash) FO (Backlash)

RelativeF requency
0.1 FO (Flexible) 0.1 FO (Flexible)

0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40
T11 [N ] T21 [N ]

0.14 0.14
PDPI (Ideal) PDPI (Ideal)
PDPI (Backlash) PDPI (Backlash)
0.12 PDPI (Flexible) 0.12 PDPI (Flexible)
FO (Ideal) FO (Ideal)

RelativeF requency
FO (Backlash) FO (Backlash)
RelativeF requency

0.1 FO (Flexible) 0.1 FO (Flexible)

0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 30
T12 [N ] T22 [N ]

Fig. 7. Comparison of the torque distribution for two cooperating RR robots with ideal joints, joints
with backlash, joints with flexibility, for a payload with M = 1 kg, Bi = 1 Ns/m and Ki = 103
N/m, under the action of the P D P I and F O algorithms, for a constant sinusoidal acceleration.

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