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2620 E.J . CORE\i AND JOFIK c. B.iI12.1R, J K . lTol.


The Stereochemistry of Complex Inorganic Compounds. XXII. Stereospecific Effects

in Complex Ions

Stereospecific effects are observed in many of the reactions uf complex ions which contain opticallj- active coordinating
:Lgents. Some examples of such stereospecificity are described, and an explanation of them is given which depends on an
malysis of the stereochemistry of individual chelate rings and of the relationship between t h e rings in his- and tris-chelate
complexes. For example, it is shown t h a t the dextro- and levo-forms of [Coens] + 3 can each exist in four conformational forms
which differ in stability and which are in rapid equilibrium. One of these forms, designated herein as the lel form, is con-
sideiably more stable than the other three. The stereochemical requirements of the stable le1 form are such t h a t when a
racemic 1,2-diamine is substituted for ethylenediamine all three ligands in the complex possess the same configuration.
Hence, from a racemic 1,2-diamine, two isomers predominate at equilibrium, [Co(d-amine)a]* 3 and its enantiomer [Co(Z-
+3. The approach which has been developed makes possible predictions of relative stabilities and reactivities of
isomers and allows the assignment of absolute configuration t o chelate compounds.

I. Introduction ~H,coo-

Studies of the stereochemistry of complex in-

organic compounds have brought to light a con-
siderable number of examples of stereospecificity.
The phenomenon seems to be quite general, for
the examples involve several different metals, and x D
a wide variety of complexing agents, combined
into both four covalent and six covalent complexes. studied the stereochemistry of the cobalt(II1)
In spite of the importance of the subject to our complexes containing the asymmetric base, trans-
knowledge of stereochemistry, few systematic 1,2-cyclopentanediamine.They observed that oxi-
investigations have been made, and there has been dation of a solution containing the racemic base
no satisfactory explanation for the effects which and cobalt(II? ion leads to the formation of the
have been observed. Jaeger2 has attempted to isomers trans- [Co(d-~pn)~C1,] + and trans- [Co-
relate the stability of diastereoisomers to the sym- (Z-cpn)sCl?]+, with no admixture of [Cojl-cpn)-
metry of the complex molecules, but his explana- (d-cpn)C12]+. nhen a solution of the trans-
tion does not account for the properties of the sub- compound containing the dextro base, for example,
stances, even qualitatively. I n this paper, some was heated, conversion to the cis-form took place,
of the pertinent examples will be reviewed,? an the isomer I,- [ C ~ ( d - c p n ) ~ C+l ?apparently
] being
analysis of the general stereochemistry of chelate formed preferentially. This substance reacted
compounds urill be made and the results will then readily with another niole of de.~.tro-cq.clopentane-
he applied to some of the examples which have been diamine to give L- [Co(d-cpn)3]-?, but when Jaeger
cited. Finally, the assignment of absolute con- and Rlumendal tried to form [Co(d-cpn)y(/-cpn)] +3

figurations of chelate compounds will be discussed. by the reaction of the lwo-base with L- [Co(d-
11. Review of Experimental Data on Stereo- cpn)&]+, they obtained only a 2 :1 mixture of
specific Effects.-Although the majority of the L- [Co(d-~pn):~] and D- [ C ~ ( / - c p n )+ :3 .~ ] The stereo-
examples which have been described concern octa- specificity seems to be complete, for careful micro-
hedral complexes in which the metal atom serves as scopic examination failed to indicate the presence of
a center of asymmetry, this is not a necessary con- any of the other possible isomers.
dition for stereospecificity. For example, i t has Jaeger and Bluniendal also observed some
been found * that the tetracoiirdinate complex of interesting effects in the formation of the complex
palladiuin(I1) with ethylenediaminetetraacetate [Coen2 ~ p n ] + which
~, contains only one molecule
is the optically active form (-1) rather than the of the optically active base. The reaction of the
nzcso form (B). Repulsion between the uncoord- racemic complex DL-CZS- [Coen2Cls] with the race-
inated carboxyl groups is doubtless an important mic base, dl-cpn, is evidently completely stereo-
factor, but other geometric influences niay also play specific, for i t gives only two products, D- [Coen2(/-
a part. cpn) ] +s and 1,- [Coen2(d-cpn)] + 3 ; however, two
I n a classic piece of work, Jaeger and Blumendal; products also were obtained from the reaction
DI,- [Coen2C12] and i-cpn. These were D-COens(/-
(1) Presented a t a symposium on T h e Mechanism of Inorganic
Reactions in Solution, Evanston, Illinois, July 7 , 1958. Some of cpn) ] f 3 and 1.-[ C ~ e n ~ i l - c p+n3 .) ] Unfortunately.
the sug-gestions made in t h e discussion following t h a t presentation have Jaeger and Blumendal do not indicate the relative
been considered in t h e body of this article. For these suggestions, t h e proportions in which these were formed, and they
authors are indebted t o Fred Basolo, Henry Freiser. G. > f , Harris and evidently made no at tempt to determine whether
5. 1. Quagliano.
(2) F. > Jaeger,
I. Proc. m a d I V ~ l ~ i t ~ Armlrrdam,
ch. 29, 575 ( 1 9 2 6 ) ; ( 6 ) T h e following symtmls a t e used, representing in each case one
O1)tical Activity and High Temperature Xleasurements, Cornell mole of t h e cotjrdinating ajient: cpn. ti.a~zs-1,P-cyclopentanediamine:
University Pres.;, I t h a c a , N. Y., 1930, Chapter 1X. e n , ethylenediamine; t a r t . tartrate ion; p n , propylenediamine; i-hn,
( : I ) For an earlier r e v i e r , see J. C. Bailar. Jr., Record of Chemical isobutylenediamine; 2 , : l - a c t - l > n , 2.8-active-butylenediamine; m-bn.
Prciqress, Winter Issue 1948, p. 17. Incsr-h,,tylenerliamIne; tetralleen, 1 1.2,,5-tetramethylethylenedi-
(1) I>. H . Busch and John C. Bailar. Jr., THISJ O U R N A L , 78, 716 amine; stien, stilbenediamine; trim, trimethylenediamine. T h e sym-
i 1o.-,o) . bols D and 1. represent t h e signs of rotation o f complexes a t t h e d i n e of
1:. \ I Jxeger anrl H. I(. Hlumendal, Z.aiioifi. n l l n p i i i Ch~~iii..
175, sodium anrl the Tymhnlw (1 anrl 1 til? yiani { I f rotatirm nf liyancl mole
l f i l [lW8), cules.

one could be converted to the other. From the atom. Smirnoff* reported that the reaction of
results of the experiment with the racemic base, i t racemic propylenediamine with platinum(1V) chlo-
may be concluded that the D1-isomer is more stable ride gives only D- [ P t ( j - ~ n ) ~and
] + ~L- [ P t ( d - ~ n ) 3 ] + ~
than the ~ 1 and
, that on heating the latter might and Tschugaeff and Sokoloff8 observed that the
change into the former. reaction of [Co(l-pn)2Clz]+ with dextro-propylene-
The complexes of propylenediamine, in addition diamine gave a mixture of ~ - [ C o ( l - p n ) ~and ] + ~ D-
to showing isomerism based upon asymmetry of [Co(d-pn)a]f 3 rather than [Co(l-pn)z(d-pn)
the octahedral structure and upon the asymmetry The mixed complex may have been formed initially
of the carbon atom, might be expected also to show but disproportionated before i t could be isolated.
an isomerism dependent upon the fact that the The complexes of platinum(1V) show much less
propylenediamine molecule is disymmetric end for
end. This has been designated as cr,p-isomerism;
its actual existence was demonstrated by Werner?
in his study of cis-[Coen pn(NO2)2]+. Not only
tendency to rearrange than do those of cobalt(III),
so one might hope to obtain mixed complexes by
such reactions as ~is[-Pt(Z-pn)~Cl2]+~d-pn
[Pt(l-pn)2(d-pn)] +*. However, this experiment
does not seem to have been tried. In any event,
+ -
does this complex exist in D- and L-forms, and the
propylenediamine in it in d- and 1-modifications, disproportionation reactions do not take place in
but the methyl group may be adjacent to the every case, for both [Co(Z-pn)z(d-tart)] + and [Co-
equatorial plane containing the two nitro groups (I-pn)2(l-tart)J + can be obtained by the action of
or distant from it. One pair of a,p-isomers is the appropriate isomer of tartaric acid on [Co(I-
represented by C and D. ~ n ) ~ C+.0 ~In] these complex ions, the &tartrate is
held much more firmly than the I-tartrate, as is
shown by the difference in rate of displacement of
the tartrate by nitro groups13 or by levo-propylene-
diamine. l 4
By careful fractionation of salts of the tris-
levo-propylenediamine-cobalt(111) ion, Dwyer12has
obtained both the ~ l l andl the DIII complexes, the
former being generated in much greater quantity
than the latter. In solution, the two isomers
Although there is nothing in Werner's paper to evidently exist in equilibrium, for upon heating,
indicate that some of these isomers are more stable each was transformed into a mixture of the two.
than others, i t is probable that this is the case. Dwyer's observations on the complexes of opti-
The a- and 0-forms rotate the plane of polarized cally active propylenediamine are in agreement with
light by about the same amount, but the a-forms earlier observations on the behavior of [Co-l-
crystallize in prisms, and the @-forms in needles. pnz C 0 3 ] + . The n- and L-isomers of this ion were
I n view of such a striking difference, i t is surprising first prepared by Bailar and McReynoldslb who
that there is no evidence that a similar isomerism described them as the "stable" and "unstable"
exists for [Co pn2 Xz], for [Co pn3]+3or for [Pt- forms because it was found that the latter, upon
pn3]+4.s It is not known whether some stereo- being heated in water solution, changed to the
specific influence forbids its existence in these cases former. La cer work l e, demonstrated, however,
or whether the isomers exist but are so similar in that the two forms are interconvertible. Evapo-
solubility that they have not been separated. ration of a solution of the material on the steam-
Cooleyg observed no stereospecific influences in the bath gave a material showing a specific rotation
isolation of the ~ a DP,, ~a and LP isomers of cis- (at the D-line of sodium) of +130, whereas evapo-
[Co en ibn (NO&]+, but Liu10 found that the four ration a t room temperature yielded a product
isomers of cis- [Co en (2,3-act-bn)(N02)2] + are showing a rotation of -430'. Each of these, on
not of equal stability and that the less stable tend standing in solution a t room temperature, reverted
t o rearrange to the more stable in solution. This to an equilibrium mixture.
evidence, and other relevant data, indicate that Basolo, Chen and M ~ r m a n n 'have ~ measured
stereospecificity derives more from the presence of the formation constants of a series of copper(I1)
asymmetric centers in the ligands than from and nickel(I1) complexes containing C-methyl-
dissymmetry. However, the information on this ated ethylenediamines, and a portion of their
point is too meager to allow the conclusion to be results is shown in Table I.
drawn with certainty. I t is seen that substitution of methyl groups into
I n complexes containing two or three molecules the ethylenediamine molecule has much less in-
of propylenediamine, stereospecific effects are fluence on the stabilities of the planar copper(I1)
ve? striking. Hurlimannl' reported the prepa- complexes than on those of the octahedral nickel-
ration of cis- [Co(d-pn)(I-pn) (N02)z]+, but there (11) ions. This is what might have been expected
has been no other evidence, until very recently,12
that molecules of both dextro- and levo-propylene- (13) Sister Mary hlartinette, B.V.M., Thesis, University of Illinois.
diamine ever attach themselves to the same metal 1949.
(14) Hans B. Jonassen, J. C. Bailar, Jr., and E. H. Huffman, THIS
(7) A. Werner, Helu. Chim. A d a , 1, 5 (1918). JOURNAL, 70, 756 (1948).
(8) L. T. Tschugaeff and W. Sokoloff, Bey., 44, 55 (1909); A. P. (15) John C. Bailar, Jr., and J. P. McReynolds, ibid., 61, 3190
Smirnoff, Helo. Chim.Acta, 3, 177 (1920). (1939).
(9) W. E. Cooley, Thesis, University of Illinois, 1954. (16) Sister Mary Martinette, B . V . X , and J. C. Bailar, Jr., ibid.,
(10) C. F. Liu, Thesis, University of Illinois (1957). 74, 1054 (1952).
(11) H. Hurlimann, Thesis, Zurich, 1918. (17) F. Basolo, Yun Ti Chen and R. K. Murmann. ibid , 76, 9.56
(12) P.P. Dwyer. private communication. (19.54).
2622 E. J . COREY4 N D JOrIX c. BAILAR, J R . Vol. s1

T A B L EI proximation by assuming that in chelates the con-

FORMATION OF COPPER( 11) AND NICKEL(II) figuration of donor atoms around the metal ion is
WITH C-SUBSTITUTEDETHYLENEDIAMINES essentially the same as in the corresponding non-
chelate complexes. However, this is only an
log KT @?+
agent [CuKT
log (O0!+
base11 [Ni basel)
approximation since some distortion from the regu-
en 21.29 20.05 lar orientation will result in cases where the normal
21.77 19.77 angles between the metal-to-ligand bonds con-
d,l-bn 22.87 20.39
flict with the geometrical requirements of the
m-bn 21 55 16.74
chelate ring.
i-bn 21.19 15.98
The second aspect of the stereochemistry of metal
tetraMeen 23.10 ..
chelates, which relates to the geometry of the che-
d,l-stien 21.23 19.61
late ring, is trivial for cases in which the chelate
rn-stien 17.50 S .69"
ring is rigid and planar (e.g., acetylacetone com-
plexes) but assumes great significance when the
a The nickel complex of meso-stilbenediamine contains rings are non-planar and flexible because of facile
only two molecules of the base. internal rotation. For these cases i t is clear that
stereospecificity will depend upon the spatial
from the point of view of crowding of the coordi- arrangement of the ring atoms and that the solu-
nated groups, as will be considered in detail in a tion of stereochemical problems requires detailed
later section. consideration of ring geometry. For this reason,
Cobalt(II1) complexes containing stilbenedi- the stereochemistry of metal chelates ties in with
amine18 differ from those containing propylene- the general subject of the stereochemistry of flex-
diamine in several aspects. Because of the aro- ible cyclic structures. The techniques of stereo-
matic rings in the base, the bis- and tris-stil- chemical analysis which recently have achieved
benediamine complexes are insoluble in water, but signal success when applied to flexible carbocyclic
soluble in alcohol, and the experiments were per- rings (e.g., cyclohexane) are therefore relevant
formed in that solvent. Since the stilbenediamine and i t is this approach, frequently termed "con-
nlolecule contains two similar asymmetric carbon formational analysis,"20 which dominates the
atoms, it exists in a meso, as well as in optically stereochemical treatment of metal chelates out-
active forms, and even though a,p-isomerism does lined in the following sections I t is gratifying
not exist, there are twenty possible isomers of the that this treatment is effective since it rests on
ion [Co stien3lf3. From the reaction of trans- quite basic principles of stereochemistry and, in
[Co(d-~tien)~Clz] + with dextro-stilbenediamine, Fer- consequence, unites the stereochemistry of metal
rone isolated both D- [Co(d-stien)s]+ 3 and L- [Co- chelates with that of purely organic structures.
(d-stien)3]+ 3 ; reaction of the same complex with Geometry of Individual Chelate Rings.-Atten-
levo- and meso-stilbenediamine gave evidence for tion is first directed to the five-membered chelate
the existence of both D- and L-[Co(d-stien)z(L- ring formed by ethylenediamine. This example is
ti en)]+^ and both D- and L-[Co(d-stien)z(m- selected for consideration because it serves as an
stien) ] +3. Neither Ferrone nor Williams was able advantageous starting point for establishing the
to prepare a complex containing three molecules of significance of ring geometry. The geometry of
the meso-base. the five-membered metal-ethylenediamine chelate
There have been only a few studies of stereo- ring was calculated accurately by vector analysis
specific effects in complexes which do not contain by the method outlined earlierz1using the normal
diamines. LifschitzIg prepared tris-dextro-ala- values for the bond distances and four of the bond
nine-cobalt(III), from which he separated two a- angles (the $fth bond angle is fixed by thes? data) :
forms, differing slightly in physical properties. C-C, 1.54 A , ; C-N, 1.47 A., M-K, 2.00 A.(M =
From the shapes of the rotatory dispersion curves, metal); <MNC = <NCC = 109.5". The results
Lifschitz concluded that these were the Dddd and which were obtained are summarized in Table 11,
Lddd isomers. He was not able to isolate the two
@-forms from each other because of their much TABLE I1
lower solubilities. The fact that the two a-forms Atom Coordinates ( x , y, 8 ) Ring angle
seem to be of similar stability provides evidence M ( - 1 . 4 6 , 0, 0 ) 86.2'
that stereospecific effects are not as great in the s, (0, 1.37, 0 ) 109.5'
chelates of a-amino acids as in diamine chelates of sz ( 0 , -1.37, 0 ) 109.5'
the same sized rings. c1 (1.28, 0.74, 0.30) 109.5'
111. General Stereochemical Analysis of Che- cz (1.28, - 0 . T 4 , -0.30) 109.5
late Compounds and Applications.-An under- Ha*(?j,) (0.05, 1.85, - 0 . 9 8 ) ....
standing of the stereochemistry of metal chelates He*(XI) ( - 0 . 2 2 , 2.14, 0.76) ....
necessitates the solution of two distinct but re-
lated problems, (1) the orientation of donor atoms which is based upon the model shown in Fig. 1.
about the central metal ion and (2) the spatial The N-M-N angle, calculated as 86.2", is only
arrangements which can be assumed by the in- slightly distorted from a right angle, which is the
dividual chelate rings and their relative stabilities. normal angle for regular octahedral and square
The first of these is easily dealt with to a first ap- planar complexes. The ring is markedly puck-
(18) 0.F. Williams, Thesis, University of Illinois, 1951; B. A. (20) For a recent review, see D.H. R. Barton and R. C. Cookson,
Ferrone, Thesis, University of Illinois, 19.57. Quart. Ren., 10, 44 (1966).
( I O ) J. Lifschitz, L.p h y s i k . C h e w . 114, 4 9 3 (1925). (21) E. J. Corey and R. A. Sneen, TKISJOURNAL,7 7 , 2505 (1955).

eredZ2as is indicated by the z coordinates given in

Table I1 and the fact that the angle between the
projections of the two C-N bonds viewed down the
C-C axis, 0, is found to be 48.8" (for a planar ring
Fig. 1.-Metal-ethylenediamine ring as oriented for vector
6 = 0"). These values, obtained by calculation calculation.
using normal bond angles and bond distances, cor-
respond to an essentially strain-free structure and ing C-C bond in chair-formed cyclohexane is 60'.
agree almost exactly with those measured for The slightly smaller angle 0 in the metal-ethylene-
[Co en,]+3 ,by X-ray diffra~tjon'~ [C-C, 1.54 A.; diamine cycle (cu. 49") indicates that the degree of
C-N, 1.47 A.; CO-N, 2.00 A.; <CoNC, 109.5'; puckering of the metal-ethylenediamine cycle is
<NCC, 109.6"; <NCoN, 87.4"; 6 = 48'1. roughly comparable. Therefore, the substituents
Consequently, there is no doubt that this geometry on a chelated ethylenediamine ring possess axial
can be assumed for chelated ethylenediamine units or equatorial character and can be regarded as
in octahedral and square-planar complexes.24 axial type (abbreviated hereafteraas axial*) or
Alleviation of any slight NMN angle strain by in- equatorial type (equatorial*). The puckered
creasing this angle toward 90' with compensat- metal-ethylenediamine cycle mayjrthen be repre-
ing distortion of <MNC and/or <NCC would sented as
change ring geometry only slightly as is indicated
by the data in Table 111, based on a model with
<NMN = 90" and <NCC = 109.5'.
Atom Codrdinates (z,Y, E) Ring angle -a,* , e*
M (-1.41, 0, 0) 90 ''
N1 (0, 1.41,O) 104' The substituents attached to carbon have about
2 (0, -1.41,O) 104" 80% axial or equatorial character; those attached
c1 (1.23, 0.69, 0.35) 109.5' to nitrogen have much less although they are still
C2 (1.23, -0.69, -0.35) 109.5" by no means equivalent.
In the case of cyclohexane the axial orientation is
An important feature of the chelate ring de- of higher energy than the equatorial orientation for
scribed in Table I1 is the fact that the hydrogen groups larger than hydrogen, this difference in-
substituents on adjacent ring atoms are almost creasing with the size of the substituent group
completely staggered, an arrangement which tends (Table IV). The axial orientation of the group X
to minimize the energy of the cyclic structure as is involves compression with the cis axial substit-
apparent from data on carbocyclic systems, e.g., uents which increases with the size of X and which
cyclopentane and cyclohexane. Indeed, i t is quite does not fall off as the C-X distance becomes larger,
instructive to compare the geometry of chelated in contrast to the equatorial orientation.
ethylenediamine with that of cyclohexane. The
stable form of the cyclohexane ring is the chair TARLEIV
form which is puckered in such a way as to allow FREEESERGYDIFFERENCES
the normal tetrahedral value for each ring angle
and complete staggering of the hydrogens on adja-
cent carbon atoms. This form can be regarded as
free of strain in comparison with other cyclo-
Approx. A A F
paraffins and is more stable than the boat form (by Compound (kcal./mole) Ref.
cu. 5.6 kcal./mole) because the latter suffers from X = Br, Y = OH 0.6 25
eclipsing and other repulsive interactions involv- X = OH,Y = H 0.8 26
ing non-bonded hydrogens. I n the chair form, the X CHs, Y = H 1.8 26,28
substituents are of two varieties, axial and equa- X = CH3, Y = OH 3.3 27
torial, depending on whether the bond to carbon is X = CH3, Y = CH, >5 28
parallel t o the threefold symmetry axis through the The same considerations apply qualitatively to
center of the ring (axial bond) or extends outward the axial* and the equatorial* orientations in the
from the center of the ring (equatorial bond). ethylenediamine chelate ring. In the case of an
The angle 6 between the projection of any two al- octahedral complex the difference in free energy
ternate C-C bonds as viewed down the connect- for a given group on carbon, A F a * - A F e , , is
(22) J. V. Quagliano and S. Mizushima, THISJOURNAL, I S , 6084 probably considerably greater than for the same
(1953), have reported that infrared absorption data indicate prrckering
of chelated ethylenediamine rings with a gauche configuration for the
groups in the cyclohexane series because of the
ethylenediamine ligand. (25) E. L.Eliel and R. G. Haber, Chcmisfry C I n d u s f r y , 264 (1958).
(23) K. Nakatsu, M. Shiro, Y.Saito and H. Kuroya, Bull. Chcm. (26) S. Winstein and N. J. Holness, THISJOURNAL, 11, 5562
SOC.Jnfian, SO, 158 (1957). (1965).
(24) The metal-ethylenediamine ring in tetrahedral complexes is (27) E. L.Eliel and C. A. Lukach, ibid., 79, 5986 (1957).
also puckered. In addition these chelate rings possess a considerable (28) C. W. Beckett, IC. S. Pitzer and R. Spitzer, ibid., 69, 2488
amount of angle strain. (1947).
2624 13, J. COREYAND J O H N C.B.IIL.IR*J R . I?Ol, SI

large axial groups on the metal. The AFa* - six-membered chelate ring, the interactions be-
AFe* difference is probably also enhanced for an tween cis-axial substituents are intensified since
ethylenediamine ring in a tetrahedral metal com- the corresponding bonds are forced in toward one
plex. However, in the case of a carbon substit- another. In addition, the interaction between
uent on the ethylenediamine rings of square planar adjacent equatorial groups is increased slightly
complexes AFa* - AF,* should be less than the cor- because these substituents are less well staggered
responding value for a cyclohexane derivative due than in cyclohexane. Thus, substantial destabili-
to the somewhat smaller degree of puckering. zation of this particular ring system relative to the
These conclusions are critically important to the metal-ethylenediamine cycle should be antici-
stereochemical analysis of metal chelates with pated due to compression and eclipsing interactions,
ligands such as ethylenediamine, as will become and the magnitude of this effect will be especially
apparent from the illustrations which follow. large when bulky axial groups are present. In
The chain form of cyclohexane can be converted octahedral complexes, for example, one of the axial
to another (equivalent) structure by internal ro- positions on the metal-trimethylenediamine cycle
tation and in a similar way the skew form of the must be occupied by a relatively bulky donor group;
tnetal-ethylenediamine ring can be changed to a and. consequently, considerable destabilization
skew form which is a reflection (mirror image) of results.
the original. As a result of this process axial bonds The six-membered ring derived from P-amino
are transformed into equatorial bonds and @ice acids contains three fewer substituents than that
versa. The two reflectionally related skew forms of from trimethylenediamine and repulsions involving
the metal-ethylenediamine cycle correspond to the substituents will, therefore, be less serious. How-
two reflectionally related forms of gauche ethylene- ever, the coplanarity requirement forced upon the
diamine and are designated herein as k and k' ring for maximum electron delocali7ation. especially
configurations. of the type

Another five-membered chelate system of interest necessitates considerable angle strain and for this
is the cycle resulting from coordination of an CY- reason these chelate rings are not as stable as those
amino acid with a metal ion. Assuming normal formed from a-amino acids.29
bond distances and angles (with < 0-CO-C = I t is obvious that the above considerations do
120") the degree of puckering which the ring must not pertain to those planar, fully conjugated, six-
adopt is considerably less than in the ethylene- membered rings ( e . g . , those derived from anions of
diamine chelate ring. Since there is a strong 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds) which represent quite
tendency toward coplanarity of the ring members favorable electronic arrangements and which are
for maximum bonding, especially with respect to the comparable in stability to aromatic systems. How-
0-CO bond, i t seems advisable t o consider the ring ever, these ideas can be extended to other non-
as being approximately planar. For this as well as planar ring systems which possess axes of internal
for other reasons the distinction between substit- rotation, including the larger rings. In such cases,
uents in the axial-equatorial sense is completely the analogy between metal chelates and cyclo-
inappropriate (see Part 11). paraftins is clearly useful. The instability of seven
An approach to stereochemical problems in- and eight-membered chelate rings, for example, can
volving rings of other sizes can be based on similar be attributed at least in part to the same factors
considerations. Chelate rings containing less than which destabilize cycloheptane and cyclo6ctane
five members are expected to be considerably relative to cyclohexane, zliz., compression and
strained. and i t is not surprising that these are less eclipsing interactions, which also can be considered
common. However, little information is available as a type of internal entropy effect. Formation of
regarding the geometry of such rings. chelate rings by co6rdination is favored relative to
With six-membered chelates, non-planar rings formation of non-cyclic complexes by a less nega-
are frequently encountered. Tt'hen the angle tive translational entropy change. ao However,
N-AI-N is equal to 90, a s i t is in octahedral and this factor can be outweighed by adverse internal
square planar structures, the chelate ring derived entropy effects in the case of the larger rings.
from trirnethylenediamine is free of angle strain. Geometrical Relationships between Chelate
However, for an M-N distance of ca. 2 PI., or more, Rings.-It is also advantageous to focus on the
it is forced into a more sharply folded conformation specific case of the metal-ethylenediamine cycle to
than that of cyclohexane. The chair-formed rings illustrate the factors which influence the relation-
which are possible can be expected to be much more ship between chelate rings about a metal ion. As
stable than the various possible boat forms. For mentioned above, an isolated metal-ethylenedi-
a given ring in an octahedral complex, there are amine ring niay adopt either of two configurations
two such chair forms (not necessarily energetically which are energetically and geometrically equiva-
equivalent because of interactions with the adjacent (29) See (a) "Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes," part I ,
ligands), and these possess substituents which are hfetcalfe and Cooper L t d . , London, E. C. 2, 1957; and (b) J. C. Bailar,
essentially (but not strictly) of the axial-equatorial Jr., "The Chemistry of Coordination Compounds,'' Reinhold Publ.
Corp., New York, N. Y.,1956, p. 39.
type. As a result of the enhanced puckering of the (30) See A, W , Adamson, THISJOURNAL, 76, 1578 (1954).
IONS 2625

lent but which are enantiomeric, designated as kk f o r m

k and k'. In a system containing more than one
ring, even with a fixed orientation of the donor
nitrogens, the ethylenediamine ligands may, in
principle, be arrayed about the metal ion in a num-
ber of ways since each ring may possess either the
k or k' configuration. Although the energy barrier
separating these structures is probably small,31
the various forms can be expected to differ in
thermodynamic stability, possibly to the extent
that one form will predominate. In general,
differences in potential energy (or free energy)
between such conformational forms arise from the
non-bonded interactions involving the groups
attached to the metal (;.e., donor groups). As in
the case of all spiro rings, these groups are simul-
taneously members of one ring and substituents on
another. Such interactions are now considered
for the square-planar, tetrahedral and octahedral
metal chelates.
For a square-planar arrangement of two ethyl-
enediamine chelate rings there are three pos-
sibilities: the enantiomeric and energetically equiva-
lent kk and k'k' structures and a kk' structure
(identical with the k'k structure) as illustrated in
Fig. 2. The relative free energies of these two
forms in solution will depend on differences in the
interactions between non-bonded atoms in each
structure and differences in solvation. The energy
difference exclusive of solvation effects can he
calculated for the kk and kk' forms using the hy-
drogen-hydrogen potential function of Mason and kk' form
K r e e v ~ y ,since
~ ~ the only significant differences Fig. 2.
between the two forms are the hydrogen-hydrogen
interactions of the adjacent NH2 groups of op- he seen clearly in Fig. 2: the hydrogens attached
posite rings. Although such a calculation does not to the donor nitrogens of different rings are di-
yield the desired energy difference precisely, i t rectly opposed in the kk' form but are staggered, and
does provide evidence for the order of stability. hence further removed from one another, in the kk
The energy difference, E k k , - Ekk,thus calculated and k'k'structures.
is approximately 1 kcal./mole, which implies that I n the case of a tetrahedral his-ethylenediamine
a t equilibrium a t room temperature the kk form dielate the kk and k'k' configurations are again
will predominate over the kk' form by a factor of enantiomeric and probably more stable than the
ca. 5. There is no simple way of calculating the kk' (= k'k) configuration. In the kk' configuration
difference in solvation energies of the kk and kk' each axial* N-H is opposed to a neighboring equa-
forms a t present, and so it cannot be regarded as torial* N-H on the other ring ( k , the nitrogens
certain that the kk form will predominate in solu- and hydrogens of the two N-H groups are coplanar)
tion. However, it seems probable that the dif- making a total of four repulsive non-honded inter-
ference in solvation energies of the two forms is es- actions, whereas in the kk configuration there are
sentially negligible because the charge distribution only two such interactions which involve only the
and accessibility to solvent are virtually identical in equatorial* N-H units. The difference in sta-
the two forms.33 bility between the kk and kk' forms in the tetra-
The important difference between the kk and kk' hedral complex is roughly of the same order of
arrangements for two square-planar ligands can magnitude as for the square-planar variety, al-
(31) The intercanuereinn process, k p. k'. simply iovolves rotation though it is probably somewhat greater.
about internal. single-bind axes af the metal-ethylenediamine cycle. Perhaps the most interesting cases, however,
The barrier for this P ~ O C ~ Qi sSundoubtedly too low to give rise to classi- are the octahedral tris-ethylenediamine complexes
cal stereoisomerism (cf., ref. 22) rinee the intermediate structures are
only slightly strained. There is again an analogy with the eyclohcxaoe
for which, with a given configuration about the
system in which ehairrhzir and chair-boat intereonversions occur metal, four different forms are possible, kkk,
with low ( < l o keal./mole) activation energy. k'kk, k'k'k and k'k'k'. These four structures
(32) E. A. Mason end M. M. Kreevoy, T H ~ S JOURNAL. T I , 5808 generally all have different free energies and, of
(1955). The distanses between the hydrogens of the cir-NH. groups of
different rings, the only distances required for our ealeulationr, were
course, the order of stability is exactly reversed if
obtained by vector analysis and are as follows: (1) kk form-d(Hax- the configuration about the metal is inverted.
lax) 3.60 h.. d(HeQ-H, 1 2 91 A,, d(Heq-Hax) 2.77 A,: (2) kk' Calculation of the relative potential energies of
form-d(H-%,l 3.02 1.. d(HeQ-H& 2.48 h., d(Haa-lax) 3.27 A. these forms is more complex than that for the case
(33) X-Ray evidence indicates that io the crystalline state, t r m s -
[CoenrClzl.HCl.ZH~O posse9se9 the kk' arrangement of chelate rings stance will be more rtabie intrinsically than the kk' form, we propose
[A. Nakahara, Y. Seito and H. Kuroya, Bull. Chrm. Soc., Jason. 25, thatinthinease thckk'formmust befavored by Jpeeificintermolceular
331 (1952)l. Siocs our analysb predicts that the kk form of this nib- forces in the nolid state.

order of stability should be valid because of the

conservative treatment of the carbon-hydrogen in-
teractions. The difference in electrostatic (inverse
square) interactions between the NH2 groups in
the two forms is negligible. I t seems reasonable
that the difference in solvation energy for these two
forms will he less than the above value for the dif-
ference in internal energy because the shapes are so
I t is desirable to designate these two types of
complexes which are shown in Fig. 3, in a descrip-
tive way. The carbon-carbon bonds of the stable
kkk complex are approximately parallel to the short
trigonal axis aa, whereas in the unstable kkk
complex the carbon-carhon bonds are slanted
nhliquely relative to the short trigonal axis. Conse-
quently, the stable complex is designated herein as
the lel form and the unstable complex as the
ob form.
The kkk and kkk forms possess energies inter-
mediate between the kkk and kkk extremes and
the stability sequence predicted for the set is simply
kkk > kkk > kkk > kkk for a given metal
configuration. I t would appear from our analysis
that detectable amounts of the kkk and kkk forms
might be present at equilibrium but no estimate can
be made regarding quantities.
The above illustrations, based upon ethylene-
diamine chelates, indicate the types of interactions
which affect the relationship between chelate rings.
The sections which follow deal with the applica-
tion of these ideas to specific problems.
Illustrations.-The stereospecific effects ob-
served with the bis-(tmns-l,2-cyclopentanediamine)
complexes5 (see Part 11), for which heretofore there
bas been no satisfactory interpretation, can be
explained simply and unambiguously on the basis
of the stereochemical factors detailed above. The
N-C-C-N chain in these compounds possesses a
Ob 1orrn. fixed, skew configuration of the gauche ethylene-
Fig. 3. diamine type and each enantiomer can form chelate
rings of only one Configuration, say k for the d-
of two chelate rings with the square-planar orien- isomer and k for the 1-isomer. The enantiomers
tation for three reasons: (1) a larger number of correspond to kk and kk forms and the internally
hydrogen-hydrogen interactions must be evalu- compensated isomer corresponds to the kk form.
ated, (2) hydrogen-carbon interactions between the Recause the difference in energy between the kk and
two carbons of a ring and the hydrogens of the kk forms here should be essentially the same as for
axial NHz groups must be evaluated and ( 3 ) elec- square-planar forms ( E w - E k k 31 1 kcal./mole),
trostatic (inverse square) interactions between the i t follows that [Cod-cpn-1-cpn CIz]+ will be the
hydrogens of the donor NH2 groups must be con- less stable isomer in the trans series and will account
sidered. This calculation has been carried out for for only a small part of the equilibrium mixture at
the two extreme forms, kkk and kkk, having the room temperature. This is in accord with the
same configuration of rings about the asymmetric results observed hy Jaeger and Blumendal.
metal. Evaluation of the hydrogen-hydrogen The stereospecificity observed in octahedral com-
and carbon-hydrogen interactions by the method of plexes containing three molecules of Irans-1,2-cyclo-
Kreevoy and Mason leads to the result that one of pentanediamine also can be rationalized. The syn-
the forms, arbitrarily taken as the kkk form for this thesis of chelates derived from the racemic diamine
discussion, is more stable than the other by ca. 1.8 and cobalt(II1) or rhodium(II1) ions produces only
kcal./mole. The kkk form is favored mainly he- D- [ M ( I - C ~ ~ )and + ~( M ( d - ~ p n1)+3;
~ ] L- ~ no appreci-
cause of the less severe hydrogen-carhon inter- able amounts of the other six possible isomers have
actions, which were calculated conservatively as- been isolated. These enantiomeric products un-
suming the same potential function for carbon- doubtedly are equilibrium controlled. The dextro-
hydrogen as for hydrogen-hydrogen interactions. rotatory complex can he designated as D-[M-
It should be emphasized that the calculated energy (kkk)] +3 and, following the generalization given
difference for this complicated case is only a rough above, this will he the le1 form and will be more
approximation which has little quantitative sig- stable than the other possibilities, e.g., D-[M(k-
nificance. However, the conclusion regarding the kk)] or D-[M(kkk)] (ob) forms. I n the case of
IONS 2627

the levorotatory complex, the isomer L-[ M(kkk)] another but are greater by ca. lo4 than those for
(lel) will be the most stable. The k used here cor- m-bn and i-bn. The large difference in stability
responds to the configuration of the rings derived correlates nicely with the fact that whereas in the
from levo-cyclopentanediamine and the k cor- former group, which are more stable, all the methyl
responds to rings derived from dextro-cyclopentane- groups may occupy the equatorial* orientation,
diamine. The high degree of stereospecificity which in the latter group half of the methyl groups
has been reported would indicate that our calcu- necessarily possess the axial* orientation. Simi-
lated energy difference between ob and le1 forms is larly, the complex of nickel(T1) with d,l-stilbene-
too small. diamine (in which all phenyl groups are equatorial*)
The occurrence of similar stereospecificity in is more stable than the meso-stilbenediamine com-
complex formation between propylenediamine and plex (in which half the phenyl groups must be
metals is also subject to straightforward interpre- axial*) by cu. loll. These destabilizing effects
tation. The most stable complexes of cobalt(II1) must be caused mainly by the interaction between
with this diamine are the enantiomeric D-[CO- the large axial group and the cis axial donor
(d-pn)3]+ 3 and L-[ C ~ ( l - p n )+ ~3 ] forms. Similarly, NHz group since they disappear in the case of the
in the case of the platinum(1V) complex, the L- square-planar copper(I1) complexes.
[ P t ( d - ~ n )+4~ ] and D-[ Pt(i-pn)B]+4 complexes are In the section on ring geometry it was concluded
the most stable. Although propylenediamine can, that five-membered chelates from 1,2-diamines
in principle, form both k and k type chelate rings, should generally be more stable than the cor-
these are not of equal energy since the methyl group responding six-membered chelates from 1,3-di-
must be axial* in one and equatorial* in the other. amines because the latter are subject to unfavor-
This energy difference, probably in excess of 2 kcal. able internal entropy effects due to a highly folded
per mole for octahedral complexes, is sufficient to conformation. It is desirable to cite here some of
ensure the formation of mostly k units (say) from the experimental evidence on this point. Table
dextro-propylenediamine and k units from lmo- V, which presents data on the stability constants of
propylenediamine. Since the most stable octa- the copper(I1) and nickel(I1)-ethylenediamine and
hedral complexes are the le1 type with the same trimethylenediamine complexes, illustrates a num-
configuration for all three ligand rings, all three ber of points. First, the six-membered ring is
propylenediamine units will be levo- for one con- generally less stable than the five-membered ring
figuration about the metal and dextro for the op- and this difference, measured by the quantity log
posite configuration. In summary, the most K 5 - log K6 (= A log K ) , for a given metal in-
stable cobalt(II1) tris-propylenediamine complex creases as ligands are added to the central ion.
is that in which all of the chelate rings about a The increase in A log K values in going from K1 to
given cobalt possess the same configuration with K Z is an indication that the donor NHz groups of
the methyl substituent equatorial*; this neces- different rings interact more seriously in the case
sitates that all three ligands be either d-pn or 1-pn. of the six- than the five-membered ring.34 The
The formation of D-[Co(d-pn)z(l-pn)]+ 3 and L- inherent instability of a single chelated six-mem-
[ Co(1-pn)z(d-pn)]+ 3 in minor proportion is not bered ring as compared to that of a five-membered
unexpected. ring is measured roughly by the A log K1 values
I n actuality, further possibilities for isomerism and amounts to 1.25 kcal./mole. The differencein
exist since propylenediamine ligands can form k free energy of interaction between donor groups of
configuration rings with methyl equatorial in two different rings for the five- vs. the six-membered
different ways. Two different geometrical isomers rings can be estimated for square planar structures
result for each of the enantiomeric sets of [Co- from the quantity (A log K 1 - A log Kz) for cop-
(pn)3]+ 3 complexes which correspond to the a per(I1) and is also approximately 1.25 kcal./
and /3 isomers of Werner. These can also be mole.
described as cis (two equivalent forms) or trans As mentioned in the discussion of six-membered
(six equivalent forms), and statistically these would ring geometry, the octahedral complexes formed
be expected to occur in the ratio one to three. As from trimethylenediamine should be greatly de-
mentioned earlier, data on the occurrence of these stabilized by the inescapable presence of an axial
geometrical isomers are lacking in the case of bis- NH2 group on each of the highly puckered chelate
and tris-propylenediamine complexes. rings, so it is not surprising that the A log Ka value
NOTE ADDEDMARCH9, 1959.-F. P. Dwyer, F. J. Gar- for the nickel complex is quite large. The same
van and A. Shulman, THISJOURNAL, 81, 290 (19591, have considerations lead to the conclusion that in solu-
reported the formation from d-propylenediamine of a new tion in the energetically more favorable form of the
cobalt complex in addition t o the previously described
major isomer D- [Co(d-pn)J]+3. This has been formulated nickel(I1)-bis-diamine complexes, the four donor
as ~ - [ C o ( d - p n ) a ] + although,
~, as is stated, the two sub- atoms and the metal lie in the same plane. This is
stances might, instead, be geometrical (a$) isomers. At indicated by the similar values for A log K1 and
equilibrium (20) ~ - [ C o ( d - p n )+3~ ] predominates over t h e A log K Pfor copper and nickel.
new isomer by a factor of 5.75.
The observation that the tetrachloro-1,2,3-
Stereochemical analysis of chelate rings also triaminopropaneplatinate(1V) chelate and the
provides an insight regarding the stability of dichloro-platinate(I1) chelate possess the five-
chelate complexes as can be illustrated by a few membered ring structures rather than the alterna-
examples. The total formation constants for tive six-membered chelate structures emphasizes
nickel(I1) tris complexes expressed in Table I are further the relative stability of the five-membered
particularly interesting. The values of KT for (34) The same conclusion is reached by calculation of hydrogen-
en, pn and d,l-bn are within a factor of 10 of one hydrogen interactions.
2tiBb E. J . COREYA N D JOHK C.BXILAR,J R . Yol. 81

( A T 0" I N
1 KN03)298
0.15 A
Reagent; log K I log K2 log K3 log KT
CU(II), e11 11.45 9.83 .. 21.28
Cu(II), trim IO.52 7.94 .. 18.46
log K , 0 . 9 3 1 log K2 1.89 .. A log KT 2 . 8 2
S i ( I I ) , cii 7.88 B.7U 4.78 19.36
S i ( I I ) , trim t i . 98 4.93 1.90 13.81
1 10g l<i 0.90 i l o g K , 1.77 A l o g K , 2.88 A log KT 5 . 5 5

rings."" In these instances the fire-membered of configuration 11, two diastereomeric octahedral
rings should possess considerably higher rotational complexes are possible; these differ in the configu-
entropy than the rigid chair-formed six-membered ration of ligand groups about the metal and cor-
rings due to the possibility of side chain (-CH2- respond to the unstable ob type complex and
XHz) rotation and should be favored further for the stable le1 complex (Fig. 3). Since the relative
this reason. orientations of all groups in the stable le1 complex

I I1
Recently O'Brien and T o o P have measured
the optical rotatory dispersion of a number of are clear and since the absolute configuration of the
complex ions containing optically active diamines d-propylenediamine ligand is known, the absolute
and have found that the rotatory dispersion is configuration of the whole complex is defined. The
independent of the nature of the metal ion with configuration around cobalt in D- [Co(d-pn)31f3de-
certain metals. They have interpreted these data duced in this way is represented by 111.
in terms of a complete lack of stereospecificity in
the coordination of these metals (e.g., zinc, cadmium
and platinum(1V)) with asymmetric diamines.
However, their conclusions are subject to serious
question because of the fact that none of the metals
studied absorbs light appreciably a t the wave
lengths used in the measurements. Under these
circumstances an asymmetrically substituted metal
need not necessarily contribute to rotatory dis- I11 Iv \.'
persion of the complex in the spectral range covered
by the experiments. Since optical rotatory dispersion curves for D-
IV. Assignment of Absolute Configuration of [C0(d-pn)~]+3and D- [Co(en)3]+3 correspond,xb
Chelate Complexes.-The principles of stereochem- 111 must also represent the absolute configuration
ical analysis developed herein can also be applied of the latter. This result agrees with the absolute
to the determination of the absolute configura- configuration found for D-[CO en3]f3 by X-ray
tion of an asymmetrically substituted metal ion. analysis. 38
Such an application depends only on a knowledge It is of interest that the stable form of [Pt(d-
of the relative orientation of the various groups ~ n ) 3 ] +is~the levorotatory form, indicating that
in a metal complex and a knowledge of the ab- the platinum and cobalt complexes of the same ab-
solute configuration of one of the ligand groups. solute configuration differ in sign of rotation (so-
The method can be illustrated by derivation dium-D line), However, the dextrorotatory com-
plex with rhodiurn(II1) corresponds in configura-
of the absolute configuration of D- [ C ~ ( d - p n ) s ] + ~
and its enantiomer. Considering the dextro com- tion to D- [Co en3I +3.
plex formed from d-propylenediamine, each chelate From the absolute configuration of D- [Co(d-
ring will possess the sanie configuration and more p n ) ~ ] and + ~ the fact that the stable form of [Co(l-.
specifically that in which the methyl substituent cpn),] is dextrorotatory, i t follows that the abso-
possesses the equatorial orientation. Since d- lute configuration of l-trans-l,2-cyclopentanediani-
propylenediamine has been related to natural ine is as indicated by IV. This prediction has not
r d a n i n e by modification of COOH in the latter been checked a t present and, to our knowledge, no
to CHzNHz of the it must possess the other evidence has been obtained regarding the ab-
absolute configuration shown by I and the absolute solute configuration of I-trans-1,2-cyclopentane-
configuration of d-propylenediamine chelate rings diamine.
must be that shown in 11. With three ligand rings The dextrorotatory form of 2,3-butylenediamine
has been assigned3Qthe configuration shown by V.
(35) I'. C:. Maun, J . C'hem. Soc., 1224 (1927); 800 (1928).
(.3(,) 7'. D . O'Brien and K . C. Toole, T H I S JOURNAL, 77, 13l% (38) Y , Saito, K. Xakatsu, hZ. Skiro and H. Kuroya, Bull. Chern.
(1Y5.51. SOC. J a p n i i . 30, 793 (195;).
(.<7) 11. l i e i l i l w , 1,; \Veinl,renner arid (;. 1'. Hrsslinp, A11;7., 494, (;39) 1:. I I D i c k e y , W. Fickett ~ n t H.
i J . 1,,1c$ks, 1 i I r S J O U R N A I . , 7 4 ,
14:: (1%:2). !>I4 (1952).

Assuming that this assignment is valid, i t follows It is hoped that the method for correlation of ab-
from the above considerations that the stable tris- solute configurations which has been illustrated
chelate of d-2,3-butylenediamine with cobalt(II1) above will prove reliable and useful.
will be dextrorotatory a t the D-line of sodium. URBANA, I L L I N O I S


The Preparation of Some Ternary Oxides of the Platinum Metals1r2

4, 1958

Ternary oxides of the alkaline earth ions with ruthenium, rhodium, iridium and platinum have been prepared. CaRuOs
and SrRuO3 and S r I r 0 . ~ R u o . ~ 0 ~orthorhombic substances of the perovskite type. BaRuOa has a hexagonal structure.
SrzRu04,SrsRh04 are isotypic with SraIrOc which has the KzNiF4 structure. Sr4IrO6, Sr4PtOs and a n oxygen-deficient Sr4-
Rhos-y were found t o have the K4CdCl6 structure. Preliminary data suggest t h a t SrsPtzOT is structurally related t o Baa-
PtzOi and that ruthenium and iridium form ternary oxides with lead which have the pyrochlorite structure.

While there are many ternary oxides of transi- exception of the ihodium preparation, the reactions took
tion metals, relatively few of these contain a place rapidly, and a pure product could be obtained in
several hours with two intermediate grindings of the reac-
platinum metal. Waser and McClanahan3 have tion mixture.
prepared a phase, a t first formulated as NaPtsO4 For the preparations made in vacuo, the reaction mix-
and later as Na,Pt30d. The presence of square ture, in pellet form, was sealed in an evacuated silica
Pt04 groups in this preparation was ascertained by capsule
The ruthenium products were blue-black in color, the
a structure determination. The existence of this rhodium and iridium preparations were black, while the
phase later was confirmed by Scheer, Van Xrkel platinum compounds were tan or brown.
and H e ~ d i n g who , ~ have prepared the analogous ABO, Type Compounds.-The reaction of ruthenium
palladium compound. These authors also have metal with alkaline earth carbonates a t 1200 for periods of
12 to 24 hr. gave homogeneous dark blue products. The
prepared the compounds LiRhOa, LizRhOs, Xa- X-ray powder pattern of the calcium and strontium com-
Rho*, TualIrOs, NanPtOs, Li2PtOs and LizPtOa pounds were interpreted by analogy with patterns of other
in which the platinum metal is in sixfold coordi- known compounds. Thus the calcium ruthenium oxide was
nation with oxygen. found to resemble closely CahloO3 which probably has the
orthorhombic structure of the GdFe03 type.1 The stron-
Ternary oxides of alkaline earth cations and tium ruthenium oxide on the other hand showed a strong
platinum metals which have been reported are resemblance to LaV03,1z which has been indexed with a
B a 3 P t 2 0 ~and
~ , ~SrzIr04. tetragonal cell. A number of split lines, however, are ob-
The quaternary oxides BaTio . i f , P t 0 . 2 6 0 3 and served in the pattern of the strontium ruthenium oxide. On
the assumption t h a t the two lines of the first split (cor-
BadTizPtOlo also have been described.* The responding to the 404 reflection for the tetragonal cell) were
former is isotypic with hexagonal barium titanate. the 404 and 044 reflections of an orthorhombic unit cell the
An example of a ternary oxide of a lanthanide entire pattern could be indexed. The lattice constapts for
element and a platinum metal has been found in calcium ruthenium oxide were a = 5.53 A . , b = 5.36 A., c =
LaRh0s9 which has the orthorhombic modification 7.67 e. and for the strontium compound a = 5.57 b., b =
5.53 A . , c = 7.85 A . The barium compound appeared to be
of the perovskite structure typified by GdFe03.I0 quite different. The X-ray powder pattern w$s indexed on
This paper describes the preparation and char- the basis of a hexagonal unit cell a = 9.95 A . , c = 21.54
acterization of a number of ternary oxides of the A.13
types ABOS,AzB04 and A4B06, where A represents In view of the fact that a perovskite-type compound was
Ca, Sr or Ba and B represents Ru, Rh, I r or Pt. not obtained in the strontium-iridium-oxygen system, an
attempt was made to substitute iridium for ruthenium in the
Experimental strontium ruthenium oxide. Homogeneous products were
General Method of Preparation.-For products prepared obtained in the system S T I ~ ~ R U ( I -between
~ ) O ~ the limits
in air, the reactants were usually the alkaline earth carbonate 0 < x < 0.5. I n the region 0.5 < x < 1.0, mixtures of Sr-
and the platinum metal powder (-200 mesh). Reactants Iro.6RU0.608, SrJrOa and metallic iridium were formed. All
were ground thoroughly in a n agate mortar and the mixture the phases between 0 < x < 0.5 were orthorhombic and the
was fired in powder form, in air, a t 1000 to 1500. With the lattice constants at x = 0.5 were a = 5.58 X.,b = 5.55 8.,
c = 7.81 A. It was not found possible t o substitute any
(1) Taken in part from a Doctoral Thesis submitted by John J. R a n - platinum for the ruthenium in this phase.
dall, Jr., t o t h e Graduate School of T h e University of Connecticut. The composition of these phases is not precisely known.
( 2 ) This research was supported in p a r t by t h e Office of Xaval Re- The A l B cation ratio is probably near unity. Attempts t o
search. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for a n y purpose prepare phases in the systems S r R u , I ~ ~ R u.1v03-
l- 2,2 and
of t h e United States Government. Srl-,RuZTIRul- zlvOa were fruitless. Heterogeneous prod-
(3) J. Waser and E . McClanahan, J . Chem. Phys., 19, 40, 413 ucts were always obtained and the lattice dimensions for the
(1951). orthorhombic phase remained unchanged. Approximate
(4) J. Scheer, A . Van Arkel and R Heyding, Caw. J . Chent., 33, 083 measurements of conductivities of the alkaline earth ru-
(1955). thenium oxide phases using pressed pellets sintered a t 1200
( 5 ) A I . G. Roiisseaii, Compt. rend., 109, 144 (1889). gave values of about one reciprocal ohm cm. Direct oxygen
(6) U. 0. S t a t t o n , J . C h e m . P h y s . , 19, 40 (1961).
( 7 ) J. J. Randall, J r . , L. Katz a n d R . Ward, THISJ O U R N A L , 79, 266 (11) W.H. McCarroll, L. Katz and R. Ward, THIS JOURNAL, 79,
(1957). 5410 (1957).
(8) H. Blattner, H. Grznicher, W, Kanzig and W. N e r z , Helv. Phys. (12) hI. Kestigian, J. G. Dickinson and R. Ward, ibid., 79, 55Y8
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