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Naci el 2 de febrero de 1987 en Barcelona, Espaa.

Nada ms nacer, su abuelo Amador Bernabu, que era vicepresidente del F.C.
Barcelona, le hizo socio del club cul.

Perteneciente a una familia acomodada y tradicional. Hijo de Joan Piqu, abogado, y

Montserrat Bernabu, jefa de la Unidad de Dao Cerebral del Hospital Instituto
Guttman. Tiene un hermano menor, Marc.

Gerard Piqu es uno de los jugadores de ftbol ms populares y destacados por estos
tiempos. Brilla tanto en el club que lo tiene contratado, F. C. Barcelona y en la
seleccin de su patria, Espaa. Su posicin es la defensa, aunque, su enorme tcnica
y disposicin a la hora de salir jugando desde atrs y llegar al rea contraria lo hacen
al mismo tiempo un defensa goleador. Y excediendo la cuestin futbolstica, Piqu,
tambin es mundialmente reconocido como consecuencia de su noviazgo con la
cantante colombiana Shakira.
Desde pequeo demostr talento para la pelota y as es que su familia lo llev al F.C.
Barcelona, una de las instituciones deportivas ms destacadas de Espaa y all, desde
los 10 aos comenz una larga experiencia y aprendizaje que lo llev a transitar por
todas las categoras del club.
Increblemente, Piqu, no debutara en el F. C. Barcelona sino que su debut se
producira fuera de Espaa, en Inglaterra, en el Manchester United, club que le hizo
firmar su primer contrato profesional cuando corra el ao 2004.

En el ao 2006 el Manchester lo cede en calidad de prstamo al equipo espaol Real

Zaragoza. Su desempeo fue tan bueno que una vez que finaliz el prstamo el
Manchester lo sum a sus filas nuevamente en el ao 2007. Y la verdad que no se
equivocara ya que sera uno de los facttums del logro de dos torneos
importantsimos: la Premier League y la Copa UEFA.
En mayo de 2008 es contratado por el F. C. Barcelona, club que lo vio crecer y
formarse. Pronto y gracias a la confianza del entrenador Josep Guardiola, Piqu, se
convertir en el defensa ms destacado del equipo. Con el F. C. Barcelona, Piqu se
consagrara nuevamente campen de la UEFA, campen de la liga espaola y de la
Copa del Rey.

En febrero de 2010, Piqu, renov su relacin con el F. C. Barcelona hasta el ao

2015 con una clusula de rescisin millonaria, 200 millones de Euros.
Tambin, Piqu, se ha desempeado con notable xito en la seleccin de su pas.
Debut en el ao 2009 y al ao siguiente se coron campen del mundo en el Mundial
de Sudfrica.

En el plano personal, como mencionamos, es la actual pareja de la cantante

colombiana Shakira. La relacin se hara pblica en el ao 2011 causando un enorme
revuelo en la prensa del corazn. En septiembre de 2012, la pareja vuelve a dar que
hablar cuando se confirma el embarazo de la cantante. Recientemente fueron padres
del pequeo Milan.

He was born on February 2, 1987 in Barcelona, Spain.

As soon as he was born, his grandfather Amador Bernabu, who was vice-president of
the F.C. Barcelona, made him a member of the club cul.

Belonging to a wealthy and traditional family. Son of Joan Piqu, lawyer, and
Montserrat Bernabu, head of the Brain Injury Unit of the Guttman Institute Hospital.
He has a younger brother, Marc.

Gerard Piqu is one of the most popular and outstanding football players of the times.
It shines so much in the club that has it contracted, F. C. Barcelona and in the
selection of its homeland, Spain. His position is defense, although his enormous
technique and willingness to leave playing from behind and reach the opposing area
make him at the same time a scoring defense. And exceeding the football issue, Piqu,
is also globally recognized as a result of his courtship with the Colombian singer

From a young age he showed talent for the ball and so his family took him to F.C.
Barcelona, one of the most outstanding sports institutions in Spain and there, from the
age of 10 began a long experience and learning that led him to travel through all
categories of the club.

Piqu, unbelievably, would not make his debut in FC Barcelona but his debut would be
out of Spain in England at Manchester United, club that made him sign his first
professional contract when he was in 2004.

In 2006, Manchester loan to the Spanish team Real Zaragoza. His performance was so
good that once the loan was finalized Manchester joined his ranks again in 2007. And
the truth that he would not be wrong since he would be one of the factotums of the
achievement of two major tournaments: the Premier League and The UEFA Cup.

In May 2008 he was hired by F. C. Barcelona, a club that saw him grow and form.
Soon and thanks to the confidence of the coach Josep Guardiola, Piqu, will become
the most outstanding defender of the equipment. With F. C. Barcelona, Piqu would
once again become champion of UEFA, the Spanish league champion and the Copa del

In February 2010, Piqu renewed its relationship with F. C. Barcelona until 2015 with a
million-year termination clause, 200 million Euros.

Also, Piqu, has performed with notable success in the selection of his country. He
debuted in 2009 and the following year was crowned world champion in the World Cup
in South Africa.

On a personal level, as we mentioned, is the current partner of the Colombian singer

Shakira. The relationship would be made public in 2011 causing a huge stir in the heart
press. In September of 2012, the couple returns to give to speak when it confirms the
pregnancy of the singer. They were recently parents of little Milan.

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