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4 Form the singular or plural possessive

V.3 Identify plurals, singular possessives and plural possessives
M.3 Is it a complete sentence, a fragment or a run-on?
W.1 Identify pronouns and their antecedents
X.2 Simple past, present and future tense: review
AA.2 Is the word an adjective or adverb?
MM.1 Use dictionary entries
P.2 Identify all of the possible antecedents
NN.1 Use personification
I.2 Formatting titles
EE.1 Use the correct frequently confused word
W.10 Use relative pronouns: who, whom, whose, which and that
X.4 Form the perfect verb tenses
X.3 Form the progressive verb tenses
Y.2 Order adjectives
I.1 Capitalising titles
I.3 Formatting and capitalising titles: review
K.2 Identify the simple subject or simple predicate of a sentence
X.5 Identify transitive and intransitive verbs
N.1 Is it a phrase or a clause?
N.4 Combine sentences using relative clauses
P.1 Identify vague pronoun references
Time spent
W.2 Use the pronoun that agrees with the antecedent
LL.2 Use words as clues to the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
LL.3 Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots
LL.1 Use Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words
Q.1 Identify and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense
R.1 Use parallel structure
II.1 Describe the difference between related words
B.1 Commas with non-restrictive elements
Z.4 Transitions with conjunctive adverbs
C.1 Use semicolons and commas to separate clauses
S.2 Select the misplaced or dangling modifier
C.2 Use semicolons, colons and commas with lists
F.1 Decide whether ellipses are used appropriately
G.1 Use hyphens in compound adjectives
D.1 Identify and correct errors with plural and possessive nouns
H.1 Correct capitalisation errors
K.3 Identify the compound subject or compound predicate of a sentence
L.1 Is it a direct object or an indirect object?
N.2 Identify prepositional phrases
N.3 Identify appositives and appositive phrases
S.3 Are the modifiers used correctly?
T.1 Remove redundant words or phrases
Y.1 Identify adjectives
EE.2 Correct errors with frequently confused words
FF.2 Analogies: challenge
GG.2 Choose the synonym
HH.2 Choose the antonym
II.2 Positive and negative connotation
LL.4 Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots
HH.1 Determine the meaning of words using antonyms in context
NN.2 Classify figures of speech
NN.3 Interpret figures of speech
Z.1 Identify adverbs
X.6 Identify linking verbs, predicate adjectives and predicate noun
CC.1 Use context to identify the meaning of a word
GG.1 Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context
MM.2 Use dictionary definitions
O.2 Is the sentence simple, compound, complex or compound-complex?
R.8 Exterior angle property
M.4 Use Venn diagrams to solve problems
M.2 Multi-step word problems
M.6 Elapsed time word problems
J.12 Estimate population size using proportions
L.10 Simple interest
W.7 Semicircles: calculate area, perimeter, radius and diameter
U.2 Pythagoras' theorem: find the missing leg length
U.3 Pythagoras' theorem: word problems
W.8 Quarter circles: calculate area, perimeter and radius

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