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Ethnographic Study

Unrequited love ni Beshy

1st Semester AY 2016-2017

Anthro 10 THV

Prof. Madilene Landicho

Group 5

Asuncion, Rachel

Brindle, Maia

Lizardo, Ep

Lumang, Lara

Zeta, Allan


1. Conduct a study on the nature of the ethnographical group of people who have, at some point
in their lives, been rendered heartbroken or have felt emotional pain and/or trauma due to
unrequited feelings for a close friend
a. Ethnography is an art of describing a group or culture, case study is an in depth analysis
of a particular instance, event, individual, or a group
b. Friendzone is a metaphorical place where romantic love comes to die (Anonymous
from a UP Manila Comm 1 Paper). In popular culture, the friend zone is a situation in
which one member of a friendship wishes to enter into a romantic or sexual
relationship, while the other does not (Dasgupta, 2014). It is generally considered to be
an undesirable or dreaded situation by the lovelorn person (Binazir, 2011).
2. Explore and reiterate the culture and customs of heartbroken unrequited people.
3. Have 5-6 research subjects who suit the following parameters:
a. UP student of any gender
b. 17-22 years old
c. Has had their heart broken due to unrequited love
d. Is currently single
TO THE RESPONDENT: Please be advised that most of the following questions may infringe
on some details of your private life. In light of this, we guarantee your anonymity as a
respondent, and that the information you would willingly share will only be used for academic
purposes and will not, in any way, be used against you. Should some of the questions prove
excessively pressing, you may opt not to answer, but please do consider providing even the
most vague of descriptions.

A. The Basics
a. Name:
b. Age:
c. Year/Course:
d. Gender
e. Relationship Experience (eg. hasnt had a boyfriend/girlfriend since birth, has had n
number of labelled relationships in the past, and so forth):
f. Rejection/Requitement Ratio (i.e. how many times your feelings have been
rejected vs. how many times theyve been requited in the past):

B. The onset (transition to and beginnings of being heartbroken)

a. How do you think people usually enter the state of being heartbroken?
i. Where and how do you think the transitions happen?
ii. Was this the case for you?
b. What were the sudden and obvious changes that you felt within the first few hours of
being rejected?
i. The first few days?
ii. The first few weeks?
iii. How and by how much did these changes affect your daily life?
c. Do you still see the person who rejected you regularly?
i. How did the rejection affect your relationship at first?
d. What measures did you take to make yourself feel better after feeling dejected?
(eg. got a haircut, started working out, etc.)
e. Compare the [atmosphere] between you whenever you interact in social media
with that in real life. Are there any differences?
f. Did you have a support group to tell your grievances to? If so, how did they
comfort you?

C. The Span (relating to the stretch of time spent heartbroken/onset to before being
able to move on)
a. Can you walk us through your daily routine (within the bounds of what you are willing to
b. Are you the type that tries to forget the whole affair because of the sad memories, or
are you the type who tries to hold on to remember its fond memories?
c. What do you do with tokens which remind you of the other person?
d. In social media, do you still interact with the person who rejected you? Do you
still catch yourself going directly to their accounts out of habit to see how theyre
faring, that is, in the modern sense of the word, do you stalk them?
i. If so, for how long and how frequently?

D. Closure (questions relating to closure and resolution)

a. Are you feeling any signs of coming into terms with what had happened? Are you
making any conscious effort in this regard? (This is in the context of the long-
term, as opposed to question 4 from The onset)
b. Describe your ideal state of mind (with regards to the ended affair) after a year or
i. How do you see yourself in the future, in the event that you make amends
with your past?
ii. Do you believe in the saying time heals all wounds?
c. Do you still believe that therell come a day when theyd change their mind and
feel the same for you?

Thank you for sharing your experience with us!

-nothing follows-

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