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Identify the common noun in each sentence.

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Common Noun Exercises correct answer
1. Sarah finally got her degree
Choose the common noun or the phrase containing the common
noun to fill in each blank. A Sarah, B her, C degree
2. Jennifer and her brother are going to Disneyland next
1. Id really like some ____________ after lunch.
A. Entenmanns chocolate cake B. Vanilla
pudding with coconut A Jennifer, B brother, C Disneyland
3. I told Donald that I prefer vegetarian food.
2. I received ______________ from my grandmother today. A told, B Donald, C food
A. A copy of War and Peace B. A handmade 4. Harry went to the park with his friend Keisha.
A Harry, B park, C Keisha

3. Please call ____________.

A. Jennifer B. the police C. Aunt Sally Fill in the blank with the common noun that fits best:
4. _______________ brought our drinks promptly.
1. Im going to see the _____________ about my tooth.
A. Simon B. A waitress named Sarah C. The flight attendant
A Dr. Ling, B dentist, C cardiologist
2. The ________________ sank during the storm.
5. I heard that ________________ is going to San Francisco in May. A Karen II, B bridge, C sailboat
A. My cousin B. Rani C. The A-Team basketball player 3. Of all animals, _____________ are my favorite.
A dog, B dogs, C pretzels 4
4. The ___________ were named Nick and Jerry.
A kitchen, B library, C spa
5. The __________________ is full of books, including classics
by everyone from Shakespeare to Tolkien.
A Nick and Terry, B fight, C Dennis

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