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Deborah M. Amster, O.D. INTRODUCTION the literature. Scheiman et al5 reported a
prevalence of 0.6% in children aged 6-18
ptometrists, as primary eye/ years. Porcar6 found a prevalence of 1.5%
vision care providers, are in a university population. Based on these
Abstract charged to diagnose and treat
Fusional vergence dysfunction is a bin- reports, FVD is considerably less common
eye and vision related problems includ- than convergence insufficiency (7%) and
ocular condition that is relatively easy to ing binocular and accommodative dys-
diagnose and treat but is often overlooked. convergence excess (5.9%-7.1%).7 The
functions. Binocular and accommodative differential diagnosis of FVD includes:
FVD can negatively impact an individuals conditions can interfere with a childs aca-
ability to function, particularly when per- accommodative conditions (insufficiency,
demic and athletic performance.1 Once excessive lag, and infacility), conver-
forming near work. A 17-year-old white diagnosed, these deficiencies can be suc-
female presented to our clinic with visual gence insufficiency, convergence excess,
cessfully treated with lenses and/or vision latent hyperopia, vertical or cyclodevia-
symptoms associated with sustained near therapy (VT) to enhance functional vision
work. The findings were characterized by tions, aniseikonia, systemic disease and
and increase visual comfort.2 Although medication.1
normal phorias, poor but relatively bal- binocular conditions, typically character-
anced vergence ranges and low positive/ ized by high phorias at distance or near The Case
negative relative accommodation. A com- are readily recognized, the diagnosis of A 17-year-old female presented for a
prehensive eye/vision examination with fusional vergence dysfunction is often vision examination. The chief complaint
a complete binocular vision evaluation overlooked. was discomfort with prolonged near
revealed a fusional vergence dysfunction Fusional vergence dysfunction (FVD) work, blur when reading, words running
and a secondary accommodative dysfunc- has been clinically defined as a condition together, a pulling sensation around her
tion. The patient was successfully treated where a patient may have a normal AC/A, eyes and frontal headaches with reading.
with a combination of a near vision spec- phorias within expected values at distance Other, less severe symptoms included
tacle correction and a course of optomet- and near but with restricted fusional ver- losing her place while reading and words
ric vision therapy. gence findings1 and binocular instability.2 smushing together or moving apart. She
Patients with FVD usually do not have a always read with a three-year-old specta-
Key Words high degree of refractive error.1 However, cle prescription of +1.50 sph. OU. Symp-
accommodative dysfunction, asthenopia, inaccurate ocular motilities and suppres- toms began several months earlier and
fusional vergence dysfunction, vergence sion have also been documented.2 were relieved only by discontinuing near
infacility, vision therapy There are often low negative relative work and resting. Her medical and ocu-
accommodation (NRA) and positive lar histories were unremarkable. Color
relative accommodation (PRA) findings vision was normal (14/14- Ishihara). Pupil
(these can be considered an indirect mea- testing and confrontation fields were nor-
sure of fusional vergence) along with low- mal. Table 1 contains the pertinent initial
ered accommodative and vergence facility vision exam data.
findings.1,3,4 Symptoms include eyestrain, Analysis of the findings indicated fusional
headaches after relatively short periods vergence dysfunction and accommodative
of near work, sleepiness, inability to con- infacility. The findings that lead to this
centrate, excessive tearing, blurred vision, diagnosis included: slightly high exo-
and loss of comprehension over time. phoria at near (but within normal limits),
Patients often occlude one eye when read- low positive fusional vergence (PFV) at
ing, suppress one eye or avoid near tasks. distance and near, low negative fusional
If they have a high pain threshold, patients vergence (NFV) at distance and near, low
may also be asymptomatic.1 NRA, low PRA and low binocular accom-
The etiology of FVD is unknown and the modative facility (BAF), reduced cycles
prevalence has not been clearly defined in per minute on monocular accommodative
Journal of Behavioral Optometry Volume 19/2008/Number 3/Page 59
facilities (MAF) and no lag of accommo-
Table 1.
dation on MEM (possible accommodative
excess). In addition to FVD, these find- Optometric Examination Findings
ings also indicated a secondary diagnosis Finding Initial Evaluation Final Evaluation
of accommodative dysfunction. External/Internal No Abnormalities NP
No distance Rx was issued but the patient Distance VA 20/20 OD, OS 20/20 OD, OS
was offered a new near vision spectacle Near VA 20/25 with +1.50 OD,OS,OU 20/20 OD, OS sc
prescription and VT. The patient was
Keratometry 45.50@180/46.25@90 OD, OS NP
educated on the advantages and disadvan-
Static Retinoscopy Dry OD +0.50-0.50x180 NP
tages of lenses alone and lenses in con-
OS +1.00
junction with VT. The patient chose the
latter of the two options. She was given Static Retinoscopy Wet OD +0.50 NP
a reduced reading Rx of +0.50DS OD, OS +0.75
+0.75DS OS, her subjective refractive Manifest Refraction OD +0.50 ,OS +0.75 NP
measure. The patient subsequently under- 20/20 OU
went a program of combined in-office and Cover Test Far/Near Ortho/6XP Ortho/4XP
at home VT for 14 weeks. Weekly therapy
Nearpoint Convergence 1st 15/17 cm;2nd /3rd 11/13 cm NP
sessions were administered and consisted
primarily of vergence and accommodative No Rx: Wirt Circles 50 arc sec NP
procedures. Similar support techniques Randot Stereo 250 arc sec NP
were prescribed for home activities. Distance Phoria Ortho Ortho
The patients phoric posture remained Distance Pos. Fus. Verg. 6/10/4 X/35/30
relatively unchanged at distance and near Distance Neg. Fus. Verg. 6/10/2 X/13/4
throughout therapy. (Table 1.) There was
Near Phoria with +1.5 6XP 4XP
significant improvement in both positive
and negative fusional vergences at dis- Near Phoria with +2.5 7XP NP
tance and near to normal or above normal AC/A 1:1 NP
ranges. Both monocular and binocular Binocular Cross Cyl +1.00 NP
accommodative facilities as well as the MEM Plano OU NP
NRA and PRA improved. As VT pro- Near Pos. Fus. Verg. (+1) 4/7/3 >40 no suppression
gressed, the patient reported a decrease in
Near Neg. Fus. Verg. (+1) 5/12/6 10/18/13
symptoms and began to discontinue use
of her prescribed lenses. By the end of Neg. Rel. Acc. +1.50 +4.00*
therapy, she reported complete resolution Pos. Rel. Acc. -0.50 -2.50
of symptoms and was able to enjoy read- Acc. Fac. OD,OS, OU 4/5/1 cyc/min 24/24/12 cyc/min
ing comfortably for longer periods of time sc=without correction
without using her spectacles. NP=not performed

DISCUSSION cataract extraction.1 Although aniseikonia print with plus lenses on NRA and BAF
There are several possible visual condi- was not specifically assessed, this condi- and with tests involving divergence capa-
tions that can cause similar symptoms tion would not be expected in this case. bility (NFV, PRA, minus BAF). These
to FVD. Moderate to severe amounts of The patient had essentially symmetrical results were found in the presence of a
latent hyperopia can cause symptoms that refractive measures between the eyes, and normal phoria. Pseudo CI should show
include; red or tearing eyes, asthenopia, no history of cataract extraction. Like- improvement in the NPC with plus at near.
constant or intermittent blurred vision, wise, the medical history ruled out sys- A patient with CE would have a high AC/A
decreased binocularity, poor eye-hand temic disease. The patient had recently along with greater esophoria at near. By
coordination and an aversion to read- undergone a physical exam with her pri- ruling out these conditions, the diagnosis
ing.8 Latent hyperopia alone was ruled mary care physician and was not taking of FVD was made.
out in this case as only low hyperopia was any medications. A secondary diagnosis of accommodative
measured on both dry and wet refraction, Diagnoses of convergence insufficiency dysfunction, specifically infacility, was
objectively and subjectively. (Table 1.) In (CI), pseudo CI, and convergence excess also concluded in this case. Accommoda-
addition, the patient had reported that her (CE) could not be made. See Table 1 for tive infacility (AI) is a condition where the
previously prescribed lens Rx (+1.50 sph. all of the following discussed findings. patient experiences difficulty accommo-
OU) had been exacerbating her symp- The patient demonstrated a low gradient dating from one distance to another.1 The
toms, not alleviating them. accommodative convergence ratio (AC/ patient demonstrated reduced findings on:
A vertical deviation and a cyclodevia- A), a receded nearpoint of convergence PRV/NRV, NRA/PRA, BAF, and the Bin-
tion were ruled out as well since neither (NPC), low PFV, and a potential lead of ocular Cross Cylinder Test (BCC).
manifested on either the cover test or ver- accommodation (there was no measure-
tical phoria test. Aniseikonia is usually able lag of accommodation) with MEM
the result of anisometropic spectacle cor- retinoscopy. She had difficulty clearing
rection, or pseudophakia after unilateral
Volume 19/2008/Number 3/Page 60 Journal of Behavioral Optometry
VT enables an individual to develop also reported a decrease in headaches and
VT: FVD and Accommodative
smoothness, efficiency, stability of vision, asthenopic symptoms.
Dysfunction and enhances the ability to sustain atten- Others have demonstrated improvement in
A reading prescription of +0.50 OD, tion. VT further allows a person to adjust subjective Risley prism vergence ranges
+0.75 OS was given. In hindsight, due to performance to levels of high automatic- with VT.14 Objective vergence tracking
the insignificant amount of anisometropia ity in each of the basic visual functions of rate in patients with vergence dysfunc-
(0.25 D) between the eyes, another, more ocular motility, accommodation and bin- tion also showed improvement after VT.14
conservative approach would have been ocular fusion.10 VT, in addition to lenses, Persistence of the training effect was
to prescribe a balanced/equal Rx of +0.50 has become the accepted standard of care monitored for up to nine months, with no
or +0.75 OD, OS. Some near testing dur- in managing patients with FVD.7 It is regression in patients who met all release
ing the initial examination (higher NRA important to realize, however, that VT criteria and did not discontinue vision
vs. PRA and lag on BCC) indicated that can only be effective if the patient is moti- training when they achieved only symp-
a higher amount of plus should have been vated and willing to invest valuable time tomatic relief.14 Goss et al15 reviewed the
considered. However, since the patient and effort. records of 26 patients who had undergone
would be entering VT and the previ- For over 75 years, optometric VT has VT for accommodative dysfunction and
ous near prescription of +1.50 increased been an important treatment modality for found that in addition to improved clinical
the symptoms, a lower prescription was both children and adults who manifest a test findings, 88% of patients symptoms
issued. When managing the patient with variety of non-strabismic accommodative were either reduced or eliminated.
binocular and/or accommodative dysfunc- and vergence disorders.10 Several studies Lastly, convergence insufficiency, the
tion, it is of utmost importance to ensure have evaluated the efficacy of VT in elim- most prevalent type of vergence dysfunc-
that he or she is wearing the appropriate inating symptoms and abnormal objective tion,11 is the subject of numerous research
refractive correction.1 It has been sug- findings associated with binocular anoma- projects.16,17 In a pilot study16 and the Con-
gested that even small magnitude pre- lies.11-15 The VT implemented in this case vergence Insufficiency Treatment Trial
scriptions should be considered. followed a traditional protocol. Study Group, it was determined that VT
Dwyer and Wick9 found that 67% of The VT we conducted for accommodative was more effective than pencil pushups or
patients with fusional vergence dysfunc- and binocular dysfunction was in accord placebo therapy. VT reduced symptoms
tion recovered to normal findings, as with the American Optometric Associa- and improved signs of convergence insuf-
defined by the study, after one or more tions Clinical Practice Guidelines for this ficiency in children 9 to 18 years of age.
months of spectacle wear. They com- entity.7 It was divided into four phases. Another study17 also found that orthoptic
pared initial heterophoria, AC/A, fusional The goal of the first phase was to normal- exercises are an effective means of reduc-
ranges, fixation disparity curve slope and/ ize accommodative and vergence ampli- ing symptoms in patients with conver-
or accommodative finding to those taken tudes. The second phase was designed to gence insufficiency and decompensating
at least one month after lens wear. Recov- increase the speed of response to accom- exophoria.
ery of diagnostic findings to within normal modative and vergence stimuli. The third
ranges was found in 51.6% of patients. phase utilized step and/or jump vergence CONCLUSION
In addition, 52% of patients who ini- stimuli, while the fourth phase integrated Fusional vergence dysfunction is a sig-
tially failed an accommodative response vergence and accommodation to auto- nificant finding that can be easily missed
test recovered to normal. However, the mate both accommodative and vergence by even the most astute clinician. In addi-
spectacle prescriptions were determined responses. tion to taking a detailed patient history,
objectively with an auto refractor and The goals were to increase the efficiency it is crucial that a complete examination,
the study failed to mention patient symp- of the accommodative system to facili- including a binocular vision assessment,
toms. In addition, they found that one half tate a more effective interaction between be performed. This testing should include
of patients with heterophoric binocular accommodation and vergence. This vergence ranges and vergence facilities to
anomalies required further management.9 would serve to maximize functioning of rule in or out a diagnosis of fusional ver-
Press2 proposed that plus lenses may be the fusional vergence system.12 There is gence dysfunction. Once properly diag-
required for increased functioning in a evidence that this protocol is effective nosed, it can be quickly and easily man-
patient diagnosed with FVD. However, for binocular dysfunctions. Cooper et aged with a course of active VT, thereby
one drawback to only prescribing plus al13 performed a controlled, prospective enhancing the individuals daily function
lenses for near may be that although they double blind reversal study that evalu- and overall quality of life.
may temporarily reduce or eliminate ated computer based vergence treatment
symptoms, they may serve as a crutch and References
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Corresponding author:
Deborah M. Amster, O.D., FAAO
Nova Southeastern University
College of Optometry
3200 South University Drive
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328
Date accepted for publication:
April 24, 2008

Volume 19/2008/Number 3/Page 62 Journal of Behavioral Optometry

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