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4th semester mcqs of evidence based practices

1. Which of the following statements is not applicable to using an evidence-base in nursing practice?
a. To ensure the best quality of care given is to patients.
b. To ensure that nursing decisions are based on the best quality of evidence.
c. Evidence used in nursing practice must be appraised for its validity and applicability.
d. The use of research evidence in nursing practice does not need to be evaluated after it is
used or implemented.
2. Clinical effectiveness is about which of the following?
a. Undertaking research in order to determine effective outcomes.
b. Introducing new clinical procedures into practice.
c. Getting evidence of what works into everyday clinical practice and evaluating its effect on
patient care.
d. Evaluating the best evidence.
3. Which of the following stages of the nursing process is similar to that of the research process in
determining the focus of the research and the research aim?
a. Assessment.
b. Planning.
c. Implementing.
d. Evaluation.
4. Which of the following is not a qualitative research methodology?
a. Ethnography
b. Randomized control trial
c. Grounded theory
d. Phenomenology
5. Which of the following methodologies explores a culture or aspects of a culture?
a. Grounded theory
b. Case study.
c. Ethnography
d. Randomized control trial
6. Which of the following study titles reflects the use of a phenomenological methodology?
a. Determining the role of the mentor as assessor in clinical practice.
b. The experience of being a student nurse.
c. Evaluating the introduction of clinical supervision into a nursing care home.
d. A systematic review of the evidence base for caring for older people with dementia.
7. Which of the following data collecting methods is not normally used in qualitative research?
a. Participant observation.
b. Focus groups.
c. Questionnaire.
d. Semi-structured interview.

8. Which of the following types of observation is often associated with 'covert' research i.e. research
where the researcher does not tell people that they are doing research, and where their purpose in
being there is hidden from everyone?
a. Complete participant.
b. Participant as observer.
c. Observer as participant.
d. Complete observer.

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Skills

9. One area not seen in the characteristics of EBP is: code no: 22- 4- 41- 7
a. Provider expertise.
b. Client contribution.
c. Cost.
d. Decision-making scheme.
10. In what manner is EBP different from EBT? code no: 22- 4- 41- 7
a. EBP focuses on the clinical setting.
b. EBT focuses on the educational setting.
c. EBP includes only research results.
d. EBT is no different than EBP.
11. Critical thinking in nursing can be defined as: code no: 22- 4- 41- 7
a. The science of teaching ways of thinking about nursing care.
b. The art of analyzing and applying information gathered to make decisions regarding
nursing care.
c. A method of making decisions about nursing care.
d. The systematic process of thinking that results in optimal patient outcomes.
12. The center of the process within EBT is the: code no: 22- 4- 41- 7
a. Client.
b. Faculty member.
c. Student.
d. School process.
13. To provide patient care of the highest quality, nurses utilize an evidence-based practice approach
because evidence-based practice is: code no: 22- 4- 41- 8
a. A guide for nurses in making clinical decisions.
b. Based on the latest textbook information.
c. Easily attained at the bedside.
d. Always right for all situations.
14. In caring for patients, it is important for the nurse to realize that evidence-based practice is:
code no: 22- 4- 41- 8
a. The only valid source of knowledge that should be used.
b. Secondary to traditional or standard care knowledge.
c. Dependent on patient values and expectations.
d. Not shown to provide better patient outcomes.

15. What action would you take if a specimen had a biohazard sticker on it?

code no: 22- 4- 41- 8

a. Double bag it, in a self sealing bag, and wear gloves if handling the specimen.
b. Wear gloves if handling the specimen, ring ahead and tell the laboratory the sample
is on its way.

c. Wear goggles and under fill the sample bottle.

d. Wear appropriate PPE and overfill the bottle

Subjective Section

1. Definition of Evidence based practice (EBP):

Is the conscientious use of current best evidence in making decisions about patient
care (Sackett, Straus, Richardson, Rosenberg, & Haynes, 2000).
It means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external
clinical evidence from systematic research. ( Sackett D, 1996) EBP is the
integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into
the decision making process for patient care.Mar 14, 2016

2. What is evidence based practice process

Process by which nurses make clinical decisions using best available evidence, clinical
expertise, & patient preferences in the context of available resources (DiCenso, 1998).
The process of evidence-based practice (EBP) continues to gain momentum within health
care. EBP is one way to keep nurse's knowledge up to date, enhance clinical judgment,
and augment the existing provider-client decision-making process. it has the 6 steps:

6 Steps of the Evidence-Based Practice Process:

1. Formulate an answerable question

One of the fundamental skills required for EBP is the asking of well-built clinical questions. By
formulating an answerable question you to focus your efforts specifically on what matters.
These questions are usually triggered by patient encounters which generate questions about
the diagnosis, therapy, prognosis or etiology.
2. Find the best available evidence

The second step is to find the relevant evidence. This step involves identifying search terms
which will be found in your carefully constructed question from step one; selecting resources in
which to perform your search such as PubMed and Cochrane Library; and formulating an
effective search strategy using a combination of MESH terms and limitations of the results.

3. Appraise the evidence

It is important to be skilled in critical appraisal so that you can further filter out studies that may
seem interesting but are weak. Use a simple critical appraisal method that will answer these
questions: What question did the study address? Were the methods valid? What are the
results? How do the results apply to your practice?

4. Implement the evidence

Individual clinical decisions can then be made by combining the best available evidence with the
your clinical expertise and your patients values. These clinical decisions should then be
implemented into your clinical pra into your practice which can then be justified as evidence

5. Evaluate the outcome

The final step in the process is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficacy of your decision in
direct relation to your patient. Was the application of the new information effective? Should this
new information continue to be applied to practice? How could any of the 5 processes involved
in the clinical decision making process be improved the next time a question is asked?

Step 6: Disseminate EBP results - Clinicians can achieve wonderful outcomes for their
patients through EBP, but they often fail to share their experiences with colleagues and their
own or other health care organizations. This leads to needless duplication of effort, and
perpetuates clinical approaches that are not evidence based. Among ways to
disseminate successful initiatives are EBP rounds in your institution, presentations at local,
regional, and national conferences, reports in peer-reviewed journals or
professional newsletters and publications for general audiences and writing findings in

3. Why is EBP important to nursing practice?

1. Ensures patient/clients receive the care that fits their needs
2. Facilitates sound decision making and makes it more explicit
3. Minimises risk to the patient/client so that benefits outweigh harm
4. Provides the nurse with the skills and knowledge to evaluate healthcare literature and
5. Exposes gaps in knowledge and conflicts in evidence
6. Evidence-based practice demands changes in education of students, more practice-relevant
research, and closer working relationships between clinicians and researchers.
7. Evidence-based practice also provides opportunities for nursing care to be more
individualized, more effective, streamlined, and dynamic, and to maximize effects of clinical
8. Nursing care keeps pace with the latest technological advances and takes advantage of new
knowledge developments.
4. What are the barriers to implementing EBP?
1. Time factors.
2. Limited access to the literature.
3. Lack of confidence in the staff's ability to critically evaluate empirical research.
4. Limited interest in scientific inquiry.
5. A work environment that does not support or value EBP.
6. Inadequate research resources, and limited authority or power to change practice based on
research findings.
5. List the Benefits of EBP.
a. To guide patient care to achieve the best possible outcomes for the patient evidence-based
b. Have a lot of benefits in health care.
c. One of the advantages of implementing evidence-based practice by nurses and other health
professionals results in higher quality of care.
d. To improved patient outcomes.
e. Since EBP incorporates the latest research evidence that are made available to healthcare
providers at the point of care.
f. The current use of evidence in healthcare would result in increase patient outcome.
g. Since EBP includes healthcare recommendations that would help nurses in addressing
questions related to best client care.
h. As well, the use of evidences in the healthcare setting.
i. Increase the nurses confidence, adaptability; improve their skills, critical thinking and
decision making.
j. It is support and beneficial in nursing practice.
k. To enhance the nurses clinical performance.
l. Lead to higher job satisfaction and better group cohesion which promote job retention in
health care.
m. Also, another benefit of using evidence-based practice is reducing cost in health care
compared with the care that is based in tradition and outdated policies and practices.
n. The Implementation of evidence-based practice would manage available resources.
o. Since it would be used efficiently and effectively instead of being wasted in the process of
determining ways of providing competent client care.

Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Skills


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