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F O R I M M E D I A T E R E L E ASE Contact: M arisol Lopez

A ugust 4, 2010 510.499.9276

Statement from M ayor Ron Dellums

re: Decision Not to Seek a Second Term in O ffice

F ive years ago, my wife and I accepted the call to service based on our love of O akland, our home,
and our lifelong commitment to public service. I have dedicated 35 incredible years ²most of my
adult life²to my community. I have been a political activist, community organizer, social wor ker,
city councilmember, legislator, and now an executLYH1RZLW¶VWLPHWRSDVVWKHEDWRQWRWKHQH[W
generation of leadership.

for my constituents in O akland. We came here to lay the foundation for O akland going forward,
and we have done what people have asked us to do: to revitalize democracy by engaging a broad
we have appointed O aklanders to boards and commissions who represent every facet of this
community. We engaged young people in the political process, many for the first time. W e brought
stakeholders to the table because when people feel equal involvement and participation, the results
are always better.

W e have pursued our wor k within the context of a problem-solving strategy, an approach based on
building collaborative relationships across community, including philanthropic partners, non-profit
partners, government partners and members of this extraordinarily diverse and talented

T he role of City government has changed. In this era of limited resources, modern municipalities
must take a collaborative approach to achieve results. T he federal, state and local governments
have recognized the power of this collaborative model and have participated with us in
implementing our initiatives.

A lthough I have decided not to seek re-election, this is not about Ron Dellums. T he central focus of
this administration is community. A t I reach the end of this term, I am proud to see an O akland
that is more engaged, more enlightened and more empowered to continue the important wor k that
lies ahead.

I have been profoundly moved by the extraordinary opportunity to serve as M ayor of O akland. It
has been a deep honor and privilege. T his is my home, and I will continue to offer my services to
this great city in any way that I can in the coming years.

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