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Manic Attack Possibly Triggered

by Sulbutiamine: Case Report

Mahmut BULUT,MD,a ABSTRACT Sulbutiamine is a precursor of thiamine that crosses the blood-brain barrier. The mo-
dulatory effects on both dopaminergic and glutamatergic transmissions within the prefrontal cor-
Osman VIRIT, MD,a tex could play a pivotal role in the therapeutic action of sulbutiamine. Sulbutiamine is currently used
Salih SELEK, MD,b for the treatment of fatigue, exhaustion and asthenia in physical and psychiatric disorders; howe-
Esen SAVA, MD,c ver, it does not have any psycho-stimulant properties. While sulbutiamine has no anti-depressive
Feridun BLBL, MD,d effect, it exhibits several psychotropic effects such as a decrease in psycho-behavioural inhibition
occurring in major depressive disorder. In this report, we describe a possible case of sulbutiami-
Alican DALKILI, MD,e ne-triggered manic attack in a patient with major depressive disorder, who later developed bipolar
Haluk A. SAVA, MDa I disorder with spontaneous manic episodes. To our knowledge, this is the first possible case of sul-
butiamine-triggered manic attack at the proper therapeutic dosage of sulbutiamine in a major de-
Department of Psychiatry, pressive patient.
Gaziantep University
ahinbey Research Hospital, Key Words: Sulbutiamine; bipolar disorder
Department of Internal Medicine,
Av. Cengiz Gkek State Hospital,
Department of Psychiatry, ZET Sulbutiamin, tiaminin kan-beyin bariyerini geen bir ncldr. Etki mekanizmasnda pref-
Nizip State Hospital, Gaziantep rontal kortekste dopaminerjik ve glutamaterjik iletiler zerinde dzenleyici etkileri, muhtemelen
Department of Psychiatry, nemli rol almaktadr. Sulbutiamin gnmzde fiziksel ve psikiyatrik hastalklardaki yorgunluk,
Kahramanmara State Hospital, bitkinlik ve halsizliin tedavisinde kullanlmaktadr. Buna karn, hibir psiko-uyarc etkisi bulun-
Kahramanmara mamaktadr. Sulbutiamin antidepresan etkiye sahip deildir, ancak majr depresif bozuklukta mey-
Department of Psychiatry, dana gelen gnlk aktivitelere kar ilgi kayb gibi psikosoyal davranlarda azalma gibi eitli
St. Elizabeths Hospital, psikotrofik etkiler sergilemektedir. Bu almada, majr depresif bozukluu bulunan bir hastada
Washington, DC, & Virginia muhtemelen sulbutiamin tarafndan tetiklenen manik atak olgusunu tanmladk. Bildiimiz kada-
Commonwealth University, Richmond, ryla, bu vaka, uygun tedavi dozunda kullanlmasna ramen sulbutiaminin majr depresif bir has-
VA, USA tada tetikledii ilk manik atak olgusudur.

Geli Tarihi/Received: 07.05.2009 Anahtar Kelimeler: Sulbutiamin; bipolar bozukluk

Kabul Tarihi/Accepted: 19.07.2010

Presented in 42th National Pschiatry Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2011;31(2):487-9

Congress, November 1-5, 2006, stanbul as
a poster under the heading of
Affective Disorders.
ulbutiamine is a hydrophobic molecule that easily crosses the blood-
Yazma Adresi/Correspondence:
Haluk A. SAVA, MD
brain barrier and increases thiamine and thiamine phosphate esters in
Gaziantep University the brain.1,2 It does not have psycho-stimulant properties and is cur-
ahinbey Research Hospital, rently used for the treatment of somatic and psychic inhibitions. Sulbutia-
Department of Psychiatry,
Gaziantep, mine is not an antidepressant. It helps with psycho-motor inhibition during
TRKYE/TURKEY episodes of major depressive disorder and facilitates rehabilitation of pati-
ents in their social, professional, and family life functioning.3 Moreover, it
doi:10.5336/medsci.2009-13352 improves performance in behavioural models of inhibition (induced by an
Copyright 2011 by Trkiye Klinikleri aversive situation) such as learned helplessness and forced swimming

Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2011;31(2) 487

Bulut ve ark. Psikiyatri

tests.4 The changes in density of kainate nical Global Impression for Illness score (CGI-I)6
receptors in the cortex after sulbutiamine injection was 6 and Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS)7 was
lead to suggest that sulbutiamine and/or its meta- 29. The informed consent was obtained from the
bolites may modulate the cortical glutamatergic patient.
transmission. Changed on glutamatergic transmis- Results of a neurological and physical exami-
sion could initiate the modulation of nations, and laboratory tests were within the nor-
dopaminergic cortical transmission. These interac- mal limits and she did not have any other medical
tions between dopominergic and glutamatergic disorders. Her vital signs were within the normal
transmissions could play a pivotal role in the ther- ranges. She did not have any history of substance
apeutic action of sulbutiamine. These data strongly abuse or dependence. Since routine work up studi-
support recent findings that demonstrate improve- es were normal, no imaging studies were perfor-
ment in behavioural, cognitive, attentional and med. The clinical presentation of patient was a
functional disorders in schizophrenic, alcoholic classical manic episode, and there was no confusi-
and depressed patients.4 on, change in consciousness, or vital sign abnor-
In this case, we report a possibly sulbutiami- malities pointing a possible delirium or cognitive
ne-triggered manic attack in a patient with history disorder.
of major depressive disorder. Family history of the patient was positive for
bipolar disorder in her cousin, but she, herself did
CASE REPORT not have any history of manic or hypomanic episo-
Mrs. H, a 61-year-old married housewife with a des or psychotic disorders previously. Before this
history of one major depressive episode, was admit- manic episode, she was taking only sulbutiamine
ted for psychomotor agitation, decreased sleep, in- without any other concomitant medications. After
creased talkativeness and psychomotor activity. the diagnosis, sulbutiamine was discontinued and
She was delusional and had an elated mood. She risperidone 4 mg/day was started. After two weeks
claimed that she was speaking with her dead par- on this treatment, pressured speech, elevated mo-
ents. In her past psychiatric history, Mrs. H. had a od, and psychomotor agitation improved. Her CGI
major depressive episode three years before. She and YMRS scores decreased to 3 and 9, respecti-
was treated with sertraline 50 mg/day for two ye- vely. Low dose risperidone was continued (2
ars. As she continued to have some residual symp- mg/day) and the patients manic symptoms resol-
toms, her treatment was switched to venlafaxine ved completely within six weeks. Six months after
75 mg/day, which lasted seven months. Venlafaxi- her first manic episode, she stopped her medicati-
ne treatment was discontinued abruptly and sulbu- on by herself and a spontaneous manic attack oc-
tiamine regimen was started by a general curred. She was diagnosed with bipolar I disorder.
practitioner for asthenia 17 days prior to her pres-
entation to our clinic with symptoms of a manic
episode. She had been prescribed sulbutiamine 200 Some psychoactive substances and medications can
mg/day, 7 days earlier, sulbutiamine dose was in- destabilize mood (e.g. alcohol and mefloquine-in-
creased to 400 mg/day because of no response to duced mania).8,9 In our case, the patient developed
the treatment. Three days after the increased dose manic symptoms following a short course of sulbu-
of sulbutiamine, psychomotor agitation and delusi- tiamine administration at the proper therapeutic
ons have started. She became more talkative and dosage of 400 mg/day. An overdose of sulbutiami-
developed inflated self esteem, decreased need for ne (2000 mg/day) that triggered manic attack in a
sleep, flight of ideas, distractibility, increased goal patient with a previous bipolar history was repor-
directed activity, and elevated and irritable mood. ted before.10
In psychiatric examination, she met criteria for ma- Our case had no history of manic/hypomanic
nic episode according to DSM-IV5 criteria. Her Cli- but depressive episode previously treated with an

488 Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci 2011;31(2)

Psychiatry Bulut et al

antidepressant. The presentation of symptoms after mania has been estimated at 20-40% in adult bi-
increasing the dose of sulbutiamine and absence of polar populations and less than 10% in unipolar
a manic switch with previous antidepressants poin- depression.12
ted out a possible sulbutiamine induced manic at- Possible mechanism of sulbutiamine triggered
tack. Venlafaxine treatment was discontinued at mania is not known. It might be idiosyncratic or
once. In addition, rare cases of manic episodes in- related to psychoactive effects of sulbutiamine.
duced by antidepressant discontinuation have been
The authors postulate that sulbutiamine might
reported in the literature. Those episodes are usu-
exert a modulatory effect on glutaminergic and do-
ally brief and self limited, and start within two we-
paminergic transmission in the prefrontal cortex.
eks of antidepressant discontuniation.11 Therefore,
This could play a role in the psychoactive effect of
the severity of the presentation may suggest a rea-
sulbutiamine.4 It should be noted that manic epi-
son other than a withdrawal syndrome. It toox six
sode did not occur during venlafaxine and sertrali-
weeks for the patients manic episode to get in full
ne treatment. Since the patient did not switch to
remission with risperidone treatment. This does
mania under antidepressant treatments, sulbutia-
not rule out aspontaneous or antidepressant discon-
mine light have led to mania in a way other than
tuniation related manic episode.
known antidepressants mechanisms. Especially
She had been on venlafaxine for seven months glutaminergic pathway etiology for switch must be
without any adverse events. As she had a sponta- kept in minds.
neous manic episode six months after her drug in-
Clinicians should consider possibility of sulbu-
duced first manic episode, she was diagnosed with
tiamine triggering mania particularly in patients
bipolar I disorder and managed accordingly.
with history of bipolar disorder and inpatients who
Althought there is a significant variation are at risk for bipolarity e.g. with positive family
among studies, the risk of antidepressant-induced history of bipolar disorder.

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