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Klenk 1

Hannah Klenk

November 10th, 2016

Reflection Assignment

Why did I chose this topic?

The topic that I ended up choosing for this paper assignment is how to get

parents to vaccinate their children if they have not already. I feel like with my

background growing up I heard my mother talk a lot about subjects like; health care,

science, and nursing that ended up catching my interest. She would often discuss what

it was like growing up without certain vaccinations like the MMR,

measles/mumps/rubella, vaccine. Also this issue is now a common subject in

documentaries and on news channels. These reporting efforts show either the debate

between the people who vaccinate and the ones who do not.

Or it would show the consequences that would happen. For example, recently

there has been a Mumps outbreak that has been happening in the Northwest of the

state. This outbreak has ended up spreading to Little Rock. In my opinion, these un-

vaccinated children/adults are spreading diseases that are thought to be eradicated

from the United States.

When I was researching this topic, the World Health Organization does a

campaign that tries to get the message out about how important it is. The message is

that vaccination ends up preventing unnecessary deaths and yet if not done can cause

millions of deaths worldwide.

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The Typefaces

The typeface, or font, that I ended up choosing in my visual graphic was Minion

Pro and Helvetica Neue. The headings have Helvetica in two different types, bold,

heavy italic, and roman. This typeface is a typeface that I thought ended up being more

striking because, Helvetica is a typeface that is often used with official government

street signs and railroad signs in the United Kingdom and in the United States. It has

sleek lines and feel about it that lets the message of what Im sending be paramount.

The best design combination is when a serif and a sans-serif typeface is used. For the

extra information I used the Minion Pro to create a dynamic visual. I ended up choosing

to make all of the text white, because of the legibility. Black text on a non-white

background is really hard to read for the audience, and having white makes it much

easier for them. This is important when you are doing a campaign for a public event like

this. You need your audience to be able to read it or the message does not come

across to them.


The header that I ended up choosing was, Dont let them become a statistic.

With this header that I put in bold to create a visual hierarchy. I wanted the audience to

understand that if they did not vaccinate their children, and they became sick as a

result, they would end up become a statistic collected by the CDC. I wanted to create a

sense of urgency with the headers. This theme continues with the

subheader,Vaccinate your children today. I felt that having the Violet background

behind the headers would stand out against the image that I picked and that the text

would not be lost in the image. I also included a second but smaller subheader at the
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right corner. This time it is in the Helvetica bold and Minion Pro. I wanted to have a

catchy phrase that would ensure that people knew the urgency to get vaccinated.

The Image

I had some trouble at first finding an image that I thought would go well with what

I wanted to do. It took me a while to find what message that I wanted to send with the

photo. After a bit of thinking, I had nailed down what I wanted to do. Some of the images

that I had chosen were of babies with their doctors getting their first vaccination. I

thought after a while that this was too simple and did not exactly fit what I wanted. I

eventually went to a website like Shutterstock that has stock images. And I ended up

finding the image that I am using now. The image that I picked is of a young girl getting

a vaccination in her arm.

I thought that this played into the topic of people who end up not vaccinating

their children. Having the girls face not being shown gives it a sense of anonymity of

who the person is. This girl could be anybodys child, and that is what I want to send to

the audience. Plus it becomes more visually interesting when there is cropping of the

photo. I also thought that having it in a landscape format would make it easier to send

out as postcards to make sure that parents did vaccinated their children.

The color that I ended up choosing to go with the image was meant to be a

soothing color. I did not want to include a color that would be alarming like bright Yellow

or Red. I have seen a dark Violet used in hospitals before, and I find it is a calming color

to look at. It flows well with what the girl is wearing in the photograph.

Body Text
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I wanted to align the majority of my text on a left align. I ended up putting the

catch phrase on a right align to provide contrast between the two areas of information.

This left aligned text makes it easier for westerners who are accustomed to reading left

to right. I ended up putting two main facts about vaccines that I think are important. The

first one is about how many children worldwide that arent vaccinated.

And how many childrens deaths could have been prevented by vaccines that

had already existed. The second point is is that at least three millions deaths are

prevented by vaccines. That not vaccinating put your children and many others at risk of

serious illness and death. I ended up including the WHO organization name in the

graphic, because I feel compelled by their campaign to end preventable diseases in


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