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archived as http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/LookingGlass_2.

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more related documents at http://www.stealthskater.com/UFO.htm#LookingGlass

note: because important websites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was
archived from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/endsecrecy/message/3136 on January 3, 2003.
This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader
should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.

The Science behind Project "Looking Glass"

Message 3136 of 3995 | Previous | Next [ Up Thread ] Message Index Msg #

From: "Robert Lucien Howe" <lucien86@h...>

Date: Thu May 23, 2002 12:57 am
Subject: Transience Theory & Project Looking Glass

I don't know the specifics Project Looking Glass. But I do know quite a bit about some of its
physics. It is almost certain that the device is based on the same technology that the Hoovers were using
in the 1950s.

The machine can't actually "see" the Future. It "accelerates" the current time and looks at the
potentialities it sees. The real problem with such machines is that they don't see the "Future" the way a
camera would. Rather, they "feel" it like a hand. And the machine often changes the Future it sees. If
Project Looking Glass did "see" September 11, then there is a very real possibility that it actually made
it happen. It's not surprising the CIA is afraid of it.

The heart of the device is a machine called a "transiator" or "time transiator". It does not work by
looking into the Future directly. The theory says that this is actually impossible because time is not a
dimension (i.e. it is not like a spatial dimension). A lot of what I'll say later will seem to contradict this
even though it doesn't. It is simpler to regard "time" as an abstract concept that doesn't actually exist in
reality; but does make it much easier for us to understand. Transiator theory changes a lot of other
physics. Multiverses become impossible because they lose energy into each other and merge into one.
Einstein's theories become much stronger and simpler. But it corrupts Relativity so it always allows
FTL travel (because reality itself only moves at the speed-of-light)

The machine tries to "transiate" (i.e., make real) the Future it wants and de-transiates realities it
doesn't want (i.e., tries to make them not happen). The common name for such machines is 'Fate'
engines. The real problem is that the machine works like a rocket creating a vector of thrust -- and
vectors add together. If any other vector impinges on it, it changes the overall vector of the machine.
Worse, a special class of machines have been developed that specifically subvert the vectors of other

People all have a transiator sensor that tries to make our future better and looks for things that
threaten us and warns us. If we do a 'spell', our transiator is part of what does it for us. Our transiator is
very important because it is what we use to protect ourselves from entropy so we can live much longer.
A human with no transiator at all might only live 5-or-10 years. Sadly, most of this is in the past
because human transiators can never have more than about 5-10 watts (and often only milliwatts) while
some machines have achieved tens of kilowatts. We can still win here sometimes because 5 milliwatts
can win against 5 kilowatts because of the complex rules that transience follows.

A worse problem is that human transiators have been subverted by a simpler method. The electrical
fields in the brain can be contaminated by electrical noise -- especially of the energies and frequencies
found in TV tubes. Which is why most of us have become so soul-less in the last 50 years.

If you feel ugly or weird reading any of this, then you are probably feeling a defense for something
like Project Looking Glass directly.

The machine is actually a time accelerator. It works by creating a change of momentum or energy
of matter inside a 'Schrodinger' box. A peculiarity of many movies about time travel is that you often
find some moving component in the center: Back to the Future, the Time Machine (V1 and V2), Dr
Who, Time Cop -- all seem to have read the same book of physics I have.

The box is actually very simple to make. Its heart is a very strong EM shield. It is electrically-
shielded. Inside is a special box full of warm water at body temperature 35 degrees Celsius. It is non-
conducting and non-metallic and should have a magnetic field of-or-near zero. Finally it should have
little or no sound vibration, and the machine must generally not move in any way.

Extraneous pulsations of any kind will tend to stop the machine working. The shape of the machine
decides what it does in the same way that shape decides the function of ordinary machines. The heart of
the machine, though, is that it must survive into the Future. If someone breaks it in the Future, it will
stop working now. They also work better the older they are, though this was apparently omitted from
the CIA's version.

Such machines can be very dangerous because they can emit enormous quantities of radiation and
energy without warning. This is because the space inside the machine can reach 90% of crescendo.
"Crescendo theory" says that all tardon mater is trying to spontaneously jump to lightspeed in a special
kind of superposition. Matter is at "crescendo "when it has enough energy to reach lightspeed, the
super-light part of its superposition has lower or equal energy than its tardon state.

There are 2 routes for matter to reach crescendo: 'zero' energy or total energy. The 'zero' energy
state works by touching energy that is already moving at the speed-of-light. One of the most difficult
parts of crescendo theory to grasp is that matter can be transient (at the speed-of-light) while not moving
(this is not a contradiction) because crescendo matter can deform space completely on the atomic scale.

The theory is part of a greater theory called "common atom" that gives space a finite strength against
bending. On small scales, space is smaller and so has less energy. At atomic scales, it becomes
deformed completely. Each atom is a tiny massed singularity with its own independent internal time
space. An atom's universe only lives for a few seconds. But this doesn't matter because its time is static
compared to ours, thanks to space-time curvature.

The same theory allows photons to co-exist as real particles and waves, and greatly simplifies
Quantum Mechanics and Relativity by allowing all the different theories to co-exist together. The
graviton particle turns out to be physical matter itself.

If you can decode the above, you have the bare bones of about 80-90% of all the military censorship
ever done to physics. I'm afraid about half of it is my own work because my copy of the original blue
book wasn't complete. I started uncovering it when I was working on an advanced 3-D machine vision

system for strong AI. This was my personal route into Hell and how I gained 'access' to the Hoover files
and also how I learned about psychic attack by being shot.

Transiator Theory says that the reality that sent the agent back would be destroyed as it did so. It
would take a lot of energy to do -- enough to temporarily destroy everything inside the deformation in
the light cone created by the time-travel. It would certainly include the Earth if more than 8 minutes; the
Sun if more than a day-or-so; the whole Solar System if more then 4 years; then the Alpha Centuri
system and so on.

Of course, this would also include all the empty space as well as the full. So you are talking a great
deal of energy. The only thing I could think of that could power time-travel of any length would be a
super-nova, which might get you years or even decades into the Past. Engineering on this scale seems
ridiculous to send a couple of agents back, though, even though they will get it all back when they reach
the Past.

There is a low energy route into the Past. But it requires low or zero entropy so you won't be
allowed to do anything that changes the Future beyond a certain point. People who have experienced
this aspect of 'fate' transience often call it 'the hand of God'? Also, no one else is 'allowed' to believe in
it including the CIA!

Put another way, tampering with time transience has made the 'dirty' bits of the secret police
and -- by contact -- the whole system of the state the enemy of time, transience, fate, and --
obviously -- God! This is the real reason that everything everywhere has gone wrong. (Unless the
KGB out-paced the West after all and forgot to tell anyone.)

- Robert Lucien

[StealthSkater note: The Montauk Project allegedly evolved from the Philadelphia Experiment.
Unconfirmed reports have been made that "stargate"-like time portals were created at the
former SAGE USAF radar site on Long Island. It is also rumored that time
"manipulations" were done that adversely affected timelines to the point where we are
existing in what would appear to be an irreversible "time loop". For more on Montauk, see
doc pdf URL ]

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