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Follow-up cognates for text comprehension

5. Dr. Humayuns Hair Transplant (Transplante) Institute (Instituto).

6. But to see my mother, proud and intelligent (inteligente) woman, struggle to read the prices in the
bazaar (bazaar) was an unspoken sadness for both of us, I think.

7. Some fathers dont even think of their daughters as valued members (miembros) of their families

8. But most of the volunteers (voluntarios) and medical (medical) help came from organizations
(organizaciones) that were linked with militant groups (grupos militares).


Images might include but are not limited to the following;


Expected points in scholar discussion for going over the kahoot game

Little girl seems to be upset with boy and vice-versa, her body language is telling me that she really
wants to get her point across, however, the little boy is not being attentive, the little boys body
language demonstrates that he is frustrated at the little girl and is not changing his opinion, both the
boy and the little girl appear to be raising their voices

The image is mysterious and puzzling, there appears to be a human form holding a floating sphere,
these creatures that look like humans could be aliens, seems as if the human has found a magical entity,
there is no real indication as to context, however, one can make an assumption that this image reflects
an alternate to Earth


Men are sitting down and appear to be having a good time, their body postures reflect an impression
that they are relaxed and enjoying each others company, there are beverages on the table which
indicates socialization


Malala is leaning against her father, Malala seems tired and her father appears to be carrying some of
the emotional and physical weight, Malala seems to be protected and supported by her father

Speech: The words that a person speaks says a lot about them. If they use complex language, they may
well be intelligent. If they swear, they may be angry or crude, If they talk a lot, they may be social or

What they say and how they say it.

Thoughts: In a written story a person's thoughts can easily be exposed.

In plays monologues can be used and in movies thoughts can be betrayed from self-talk to
conversation and action. Thinking is based on such as beliefs about how the world
works. Decisions also show the rationality (or not) of thought, as does the way a
person argues.
Thoughts and feelings of characters.
Effects on Others:
The way a person interacts with other person says a great deal about their character. This
shows factors such as empathy and social understanding.
Of note are the emotions a person elicits in others. Do they invoke repulsion, fear or love? Are
others attracted to them or move away?
The way others react to a character also says a lot about them. Are they popular or alone? Are
they leaders or followers? Do others help them or ignore them?

The way a person acts is driven by how they think, feel and how they interact with others.
Above all, it is in the actions of people that the true character emerges.
With others
A particular test of a character is how they interact with other people, for example how selfish
or sympathetic they are and whether they will altruistically help others without expecting
something back in return.
Under stress
When we are stresssed, our behavior often changes to something less thoughtful. Stress is thus
a further test of personality and reveals more of the person's character.

The appearance of a person can give much away about them, although appearances can be
deceptive. Looks thus should not be the only way a character is portrayed.
Facial expression and other body language tells much about a person. If they are scarred or
otherwise battered by life or the weather, this also says much.
A person's dress says something about what they can afford and also something about their
sense of fashion (and concern for it). Thus a casually dressed person may be less worldly than
a smart dude in a zoot suit!
Annotating for STEAL in I am Malala

Chapter 1

As Free as a Bird

Text Explain: What does this tell us about the character?


(Speech) Safina stole from me first! I cried. Malala can easily become passionate about a

(Thoughts) Malala considers herself like any other girl with Malala is a humble girl who is accomplished in
special talents, such as being double-jointed and many ways and who has lived through intense
liking cupcakes experiences, however, this does not alter her
desire to have a childhood. By stating her likes
I was way luckier than most girls in one other way,
and dislikes, she is wants the audience to
too: My father ran a school.
relate to her, specifically other young girls.

Malala sees that other girls do not get the

opportunity to get an education and she feels
she is a unique case. She feels lucky which
indicates she understands that education is not
attainable for most girls.

(Effect) But my father said I could do as I wish, Malala will Malala listens to her father and she hold great
live as free as a bird, he told everyone. respect and admiration for him. She respects
what she has to say to her.

(Actions) When it was finally time for me to go to classes, I She has a drive and a passion for education.
was so excited I could hardly contain myself. You Education is a big part of her life and it is her
could say I grew up in a school. main focus.

(Looks) She does not care for much jewelry or make up Malala does not dress in luxurious or flashy
and does not consider herself a girly-girl attire, she is humble and she seems to tie in
humbleness in general as being embedded in
her family.

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