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Discrete Mathematics

Review Counting Problems with answers

1. How many ways are there to select a group of 5 women from 16 husband/wife teams?
answer: C(16, 5)

2. How many ways are there to arrange the 7 letters AAABBBB?


answer: 3,4

3. How many ways are there to arrange the 12 letters of AAABBBBCCCCC without having
two Cs together?
answer: C(7, 4)C(8, 5). First arrange the As and Bs. Then choose 5 of the 8 interstices
in which to place the Cs.

4. How many ways are there to seat 10 people in a row?

answer: P (10, 10) = 10!

5. How many ways are there to seat 10 people at a round table?

answer: P (9, 9) = 9!

6. How many distinguishable dominoes are there? (Each of the two ends of domino has 0 to 6
dots on it.)
answer: C(8, 2). Think of arranging 6 bars to separate 7 compartments corresponding
to the 7 digits from 0 to 7, then arrange two stars to represent the two sides of the
domino. There are C(8, 2) = 28 strings of 8 stars and bars with 2 stars.

7. How many ways can 14 men and 9 women be seated in a row so that no 2 women sit next
to each other?
answer: P (14, 14)P (15, 9). Arrange the men first then put at most one woman in each

8. How many ways are there to select 10 cans of soda from 4 different brands?
answer: C(13, 3). (3 bars and 10 stars.)

9. How many ways can 22 cans of beer be handed out to 4 people if everyone must get at least
one can?
answer: C(21, 3). First give one can to each person. Then have 18 stars (for the cans)
and 3 bars (creating compartments for the 4 people).

10. How many ways are there to pick 9 cans from a tub containing 8 cans of 57 different varieties
of soda?
answer: C(65, 9) 57. (9 stars and 56 bars, but you cant choose all 9 cans to have the
same brand.)

11. How many ways are there to distribute 5 apples and 8 oranges to 6 children?
answer: C(10, 5)C(13, 8). In first task distribute the apples, in second distribute the

12. How many ways are there to select some fruit from 5 apples and 8 oranges, taking at least
one piece?
answer: 6 9 1 = 53

13. How many nonnegative integers less than a billion have five 7s?
answer: C(9, 5)94 . An integer less than a billion (which equals 109 ) can be viewed as a
string of length nine consisting of integers between 0 and 9. First pick five of the nine
positions in which to place the 7s then fill each of the remaining four positions with
one of the nine integers between 0 and 9 that dont equal 7.

14. How many 5-letter words can be formed from the alphabet without repeating any letter?
answer: P (26, 5)

15. How many ways are there to pair off 8 women and 8 men at a dance?
answer: P (8, 8)
16. How many positive integer solutions are there to the equation w + x + y + z = 24?
answer: C(23, 3). (20 stars and 3 bars.)

17. How many ways are there to pick 12 letters from 12 As and 12 Bs?
answer: C(13, 1) = 13

18. How many ways are there to pick 18 letters from 12 As and 12 Bs?
answer: C(7, 1) = 7. At least 6 As and 6 Bs must be chosen. This leaves 6 letters to
be chosen from 6 As and 6 Bs.

19. How many ways are there to pick 25 letters from 12 As, 12 Bs and 12 Cs?
answer: C(13, 11). Pick 11 letters from 12 As, 12 Bs and 12 Cs. Then take whats left

20. How many ways are there to select a dozen doughnuts chosen from 7 varieties with the
restriction that at least 1 doughnut of each variety is chosen?
answer: C(11, 6). (5 stars and 6 bars)

21. How many ways are there to assign 50 agents to 5 different countries so that each country
gets 10 agents?

answer: 10,10,10,10,10

22. How many ways are there to put 17 red balls into 12 distinguishable boxes with at least 1
ball in each box?
answer: C(16, 11) = C(16, 5)

23. How many ways can 9 dice fall (unordered)?

answer: C(14, 5)

24. How many ways are there to arrange 5 Cs and 15 Rs such that there are at least 2 Rs
between any 2 Cs?
answer: C(12, 5)

25. How many ways are there to select 5 integers from {1, 2, . . . , 20} such that the (positive)
difference between any two of the five is at least 3?
answer: C(12, 5) Comment: Think of arrangements with 5 stars (representing the five
integers to be chosen) and 19 bars (representing 20 different boxes in which each integer
is to be placed). The condition that the difference between two integers is at least 3
means that we are only interested in arrangements that have at least 3 bars between
any two successive stars. So start by putting 3 bars between 5 stars, this leaves 7 bars
to be placed in 5 possible positions.

26. How many possible outcomes (unordered) are there if k dice are tossed?
answer: C(k + 5, k)

27. How many bit strings of length 5 are there that either start with 000 or end with 111?
answer: 8

28. How many bit strings of length n where n > 5 are there that either start with 000 or end
with 111?
answer: 2n3 + 2n3 2n6 = 15 2n6

29. How many 4-letter words are there with the letters in alphabetical order?
answer: C(29, 25). Note that once we choose the letters to be used there is only one
way to arrange them in alphabetical order.

30. How many 4-letter words are there with no letter repeated and the letters in alphabetical
answer: C(26, 4)

31. How many ways

 can we partition 18 persons into study groups of 5, 6 and 7?
answer: 5,6,7

32. How many ways can we partition 18 persons into study groups of 5, 5 and 8?
answer: 5,5,8 /2
33. How many ways can we partition 18 persons into 3 study groups of 6?
answer: 6,6,6 /3!
34. How many arrangements of 7 Rs and 11 Bs are there such that no two Rs are adjacent?
answer: C(12, 7) First put the Bs down. Then choose 7 out of the 12 interstices in
which to put the Rs.

35. How many ways are there to give each of 5 children 4 of 20 distinguishable toys?
answer: 4,4,4,4,4

36. How many ways can 10 men and 7 women sit in a row so that no two women are next to
each other?
answer: 10!C(11, 7)7! = P (10, 10)P (11, 7)

37. How many ways can 10 men and 7 women sit at a round table so that no two women are
next to each other?
answer: P (9, 9)P (10, 7)

38. How many 3-letter words are there with no repeated letter if the middle letter is a vowel?
answer: 5 P (25, 2) (This is not counting y as a vowel.)

39. How many 5-card poker hands are there with two pairs?
answer: C(44, 1)C(13, 2)C(4, 2)2

40. How many arrangements  of

 the letters in MISSISSIPPI have at least two adjacent Is?
11 7 8

answer: 4,4,2,1 4,2,1 4

41. How many arrangements of the letters in MISSISSIPPI have no two Is adjacent?
answer: 4,2,1 4

42. How many arrangements of the letters in MISSISSIPPI have no P adjacent to an S? (Hint:
Although it is the same problem, it is easier to consider no S adjacent to a P.)
answer: C(5, 4)C(6, 2)C(7, 4) + 4,1,1 C(8, 4). Consider two cases (1) where the two Ps are

adjacent and (2) where they are not adjacent. In case (1), there are 4,1,1 ways to
put down one M, four Is and one PPonce these are put down then we must choose
how to distribute four Ss in 5 interstices (two of the interstices are ruled out for being
adjacent to the PP) and there are C(8, 4) ways to do this (4 stars and 4 bars). In
case (2) there are C(5, 4) ways to arrange one M and four Is, now choose two different
interstices in which to put two Ps (there are C(6, 2) ways to do this) and finally we
must choose how to distribute four Ss in 4 interstices (four of the interstices are ruled
out for being adjacent to a P) and there are C(7, 4) ways to do this (4 stars and 3 bars).

43. How many possible outcomes are there if a pair of dodecahedral dice, with sides numbered
1 through 12, are thrown?
answer: c(13, 2)

44. How many different selections of fruit can be made from 5 oranges and 7 apples?
answer: 6 8 = 48

45. How many different words of at least one letter can be made from 3 As and 3 Bs?
answer: 2 + 22 + 23 + (24 2) + (25 2 10) + C(6, 3)

46. How many ways can we partition mn distinguishable objects into m piles of n objects each?
answer: n,n, ,n /m!

47. How many 5-letter words using only As, Bs, Cs and Ds are there that do not contain the
word BAD?
answer: 45 3 42

48. How many 10-letter words using only As, Bs, Cs and Ds are there that either start or end
with BAD are there?
answer: 47 + 47 44
49. How many 10-letter words using only As, Bs, Cs and Ds are there which have 3 As, 2
Bs and 3 Cs but
 do not contain theword AB?
10 8 8

answer: 3,2,3,2 9 2,1,3,2 + 2,1,3,2
50. How many bit strings of length twelve dont include a 01 substring?
answer: 13

51. How many bit strings of length 12 dont contain a 11 substring?

52. How many nonnegative integer solutions are there to the equation

x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 = 32?

answer: C(37, 5)

53. How many positive integer solutions are there to the equation

x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 = 32?

answer: C(31, 5)

54. How many positive integer solutions are there to the inequality

x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 < 32?

(Hint: consider x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 + x7 = 32.)

answer: C(31, 6)

55. How many nonnegative integer solutions are there to the inequality

x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 + x6 < 32?

answer: C(37, 6)

56. How many arrangements of the letters of RECURRENCERELATION have no two vowels
10 8
answer: 4,2,2,1,1 C(11, 8) 4,1,1,1
57. How many arrangements of the letters of RECURRENCERELATION have the vowels in
alphabetical order?

answer: C(18, 7) 4,2,2,1,1 . First choose 7 of the 18 positions in which to place the vowels
E,E,E,E,I,O,U(there is only one way to arrange them in alphabetic order). Then position
the remaining letters in the ten remaining slots.
58. How many ways can 8 persons, including Peter and Paul, sit in a row with Peter and Paul
not sitting next to each other?
answer: P (8, 8) 2 P (7, 7)

59. How many ways can 8 persons, including Peter and Paul, sit at a round table with Peter
and Paul sitting next to each other?
answer: 2P (6, 6)

60. How many ways can 4 persons of each of n nationalities stand in a row with each person
standing next to a fellow national?
answer: (2n)!(4!)n /2n

61. How many ways are there to distribute 30 green balls to 4 persons if Alice and Eve together
get no more than 20 and Lucky gets at least 7?
answer: 2464

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