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Planejamento bsico de um poo

Um planejamento deve ser feito essencialmente com cautela para se obter sucesso

Cada poo tem um objetivo especifico, definido pelo reservatrio, e o design do poo deve ser
adaptado para encontrar todos os objetivos,

Our gol in planning a well profile is to determine the most economic path from the surface to
the bottom hole location.

We first have to determine the target coordinates with respect to the proposed surface
location at the same time we have to assign the target radios based onour well objectives.

This target radius indicates how tightly we have to control the well tracjectory.

The degree of control as much less critical for a relatively thick homogeneous interval than it
would be for a thin steeply dipping zone.

Dogleg severity limits are based on drill string operating specs, completion considerations and
other factors. Note that it's possible to run into problems even when the departure from
vertical is within an acceptable range.

Here even though the inclination is within its assigned limited three degrees per 100 feet.

The dogleg severity is too high. This illustrates the importance of measuring both inclination
and direction even on vertical wells.In laying out the well trajectory we may start by looking
Type 2 (Build, hold & drop).

The build, hold and drop pattern likewise employs a relatively shallow deflection, and hold
angle until it reaches most to the desired lateral displacement. But then the angle is reduced
or brought back to vertical to reach the target.

This pattern is primarily for wells in multiple pay zones, or where they release or target

We can define well profiles in terms of several key parameters.

-The inclination angle is the deflection from vertical at a given point, while the kick-off point is
the depth at which we first begin building the inclination angle.
-The azimuth refers to the angle in the horizontal plane with respect to true north.

-The turn off point is the depth at which we changed as a month.

-The turn right angled represents the incremental change in azimuth over measured course

-The build right angle refers to the incremental increase inclination.

-The drop rate angle on a bill to hold and drop pattern, is the increamental decrease in whole

-The lead angle measured in the horizontal plane from the left of the target area accounts for
the tendency of a rotary bit to walk to the right (its value depends on local drilling conditions).


O objetivo no planejamento de um perfil de poo determinar qual a trajetria mais

econmica desde a superfcie at o fundo do poo.

Para isso, primeiro precisamos determinar as coordenadas do alvo em relao localizao de

superfcie proposta, e tambm precisamos atribuir um ngulo relacionado ao alvo com base
nos objetivos do poo.

Esse ngulo indica o quanto devemos controlar a trajetria do poo. O grau de


Limites de severidades de dogleg so baseados em caractersticas operacionais, e da coluna de

perfurao, entre outros fatores.

A severidade do dogleg muito elevada para o tipo S.

O perfil tipo S (build, hold and drop) impe um desvio relativamente raso, e mantm o ngulo
at que o deslocamento lateral desejado seja atingido. Aps, o ngulo reduzido ou trazido de
volta vertical para atingir o alvo.

Este perfil principalmente utilizado em poos de diversos pay zones, ou onde liberam ou
restries de destino.

Podemos definir perfis bem em termos de vrios parmetros-chave.

-O ngulo de inclinao a deflexo da vertical em um determinado ponto, enquanto o ponto

de kick-off a profundidade em que ns primeiro comear a construir o ngulo de inclinao.

-O Azimute refere-se ao ngulo no plano horizontal em relao ao verdadeiro norte.

-O Desligue ponto a profundidade em que ns mudamos como um ms.

-O Virar direita em ngulo representa a mudana incremental no azimute ao longo do

comprimento do percurso medido.
-O Construir ngulo direito refere-se ao aumento de inclinao incremental.

-A Queda ngulo taxa de um projeto de lei para prender e soltar padro, a diminuio
increamental na inclinao todo.

-O ngulo de avano medido no plano horizontal da esquerda da rea-alvo representa a

tendncia de um pouco de rotao de andar para a direita (seu valor depende das condies
de perfurao locais).

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