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Teacher: Mayra A. Vargas Z. Course: AIT-1B Book: Top Notch 1 (2nd edition) Day: 1-4
Unit: 6 Lesson: 1-4 Pages: 62-73 Skills: L-S-R-W-G

Ideas for material: Book, markers, audio, video, flashcards, workbook.

Language objectives: Can / have to: meaning, form, usage. The present continuous and the simple present tense (review). The
present continuous: common errors. Non-action verbs. Frequency adverbs: common errors. Time expressions. More on can and
have to.
Functional objectives: Plan an activity with someone. Talk about habitual activities. Discuss fitness and eating habits. Describe
someones routines.
PREVIEW - Aim: To elicit previous knowledge.
Tim Procedure Materia
e l
7 Game to introduce ourselves. Guess my information, make sentences. Book
15 Pair work. Make questions, write answers. Then, introduce your partner. Board
10 Look at the picture. Describe it. Talk about the different activities. What activities do they practice? Markers
15 Class survey. How many calories can you burn in one hour? Stand up and ask to your partners about their Audio
activities. Change partners.
5 Photo story. Elicit information of the pictures without reading. Close and listen. Listen again and read.
15 Comprehension questions. Read the conversation in pairs.
10 Focus on language. Read and find expressions.
10 Workbook. Exercises 1- 4.

LESSON 1 - Aim: To plan an activity with someone.
Tim Procedure Materia
e l
15 Grammar. Read the chart. Give examples. Can,Have to. I can go out for dinner tonight. Can you go running Audio
tomorrow afternoon? She has to meet her cousin at the airport. They dont have to work late tonight. Book
(obligation, ability, possibility) Elicit the rules from the ss. Sand
15 Grammar practice. Complete the sentences. Check answers with their partners. Timer
8 Write sentences and questions using can and have to.
25 Grammar Booster. Check the form, common errors, information questions, etc with can and have to. Practice.
15 Pro. Make the difference between can /cant.
15 Conv. Model. Competition. Listen to the conversation, write it in groups. Then in the board. Use SAND TIMER.
Check. Practice the conversation in different moods.
10 Now you can. Model the conversation using the expressions. Add questions. Switch roles.

LESSON 2 - Aim: To talk about habitual activities.

Tim Procedure Material
10 Voc. Listen and repeat the places to do some activities. Ask what they can do in these places. Audio
15 Grammar. Write examples on the board. Im making dinner right now. Theyre swimming at the pool. I make Book
dinner at least twice a week. They usually swim at the pool on Tuesdays. Simple Present (routines, frequency Board
and habits) vs Present Continuous (actions in progress and future plans). Elicit rules. Markers
10 Gr. Booster. Check non-action verbs, placement of frequency adverbs, time expressions. Practice exercises. Photos
10 Gr. practice. Complete questions and answers.
5 List. Compr. Choose the correct frequency adverb.
15 Conv. Model. Close books and listen. Listen again and write the dialogue. Compr. questions. Practice in pairs.
8 Now you can. Stand up. Practice the conversation, one with one partner.
LESSON 3 - Aim: To discuss fitness and eating habits.
Time Procedure Material
15 Before you listen. Is it important for people to stay in shape? Elicit information from the ss. Elicit ideas about Audio
the pictures of the listening. Book
20 Listening comprehension. Look at the pictures. Infer the information. Listen and complete. Listen again. Map
Comprehension questions. Complete the following exercise.
5 Pron. Third person singular. s.
10 Now you can. Pair work. Class survey about fitness and eating habits.
10 Find someone who Stand up and ask questions about staying in shape.

LESSON 4 - Aim: To describe someones routines.

Time Procedure Material
5 Before you read. Elicit information about the reading. Sports and people with disabilities. Audio
20 Reading. Look at the picture. Infer the information. Listen and read. Comprehension questions of the first then in Book
pairs make questions and answer. Complete exercises A and B. Check in pairs.
15 Now you can. Write about ss daily routine. Morning, afternoon, evening

REVIEW - Aim: To consolidate the new information.
Tim Procedure Material
10 Listening comprehension. Listen the conversations and complete. Comprehension questions. Give complete Book
answers. Audio
10 Pair work. Complete exercises B, C and D. WB
7 Writing booster. Check punctuation. Practice. cellphon
15 Writing. Write your daily routine. e
20 Workbook. Lessons 1-4.
15 Oral Review. Pair work. One group one picture. Invent personal information for each person.

Teacher: Mayra A. Vargas Z. Course: AIT-1B Book: Top Notch 1 (2nd edition) Day: 5-8
Unit: 7 Lesson: 1-4 Pages: 74-85 Skills: L-S-R-W-G

Ideas for material: Book, markers, audio, video, flashcards, workbook.

Language objectives: The past tense of be (review). Simple past tense (review) Regular and irregular verb forms. Spelling.
Functional objectives: Greet someone arriving from a trip. Ask about someones vacation. Discuss vacation preferences. Describe
good and bad travel experiences.

PREVIEW - Aim: To elicit previous knowledge.
Tim Procedure Materia
e l
7 Look at the picture. Describe it. Talk about the different activities. Discuss questions. Talk about trips. Book
15 Photo story. Elicit information of the pictures without reading. Close and listen. Listen again and read. Board
10 Comprehension questions. Read the conversation in pairs. Markers
15 Focus on language. Read and find expressions. Audio
10 Workbook. Exercises 1- 4.

LESSON 1 - Aim: To greet someone arriving from a trip.
Tim Procedure Materia
e l
15 Conv. Model. Competition. Listen to the conversation, write it in groups. Then in the board. Use SAND TIMER. Audio
15 Grammar. Past tense of be. Give examples: I was on time. You werent late. Was your flight long? How was the Book
traffic? How long were you away? Elicit rules from the ss. Sand
15 Grammar practice. Complete the sentences. Check answers with their partners. Timer
15 Grammar Booster. More examples and exercise
5 Voc. Adjectives to describe trips with intensifiers.
10 Now you can. Model the conversation using the expressions. Add questions. Switch roles.

LESSON 2 - Aim: To ask about someones vacation.

Tim Procedure Material
10 Grammar. Write examples on the board. I arrived at three. She didnt arrive until six. Did he have a good time? Audio
15 Where did you go yesterday? What did she do every day? Elicit rules. Check regular and irregular verbs. Book
10 Gram. Practice. Complete the postcard and make questions about it. Board
10 Competition. Write the Simple past of some verbs on the board. Markers
15 Gr. Booster. Check non-action verbs, placement of frequency adverbs, time expressions. Practice exercises. Photos
5 Pro. The ending of regular verbs.
8 Conv. Model. Close books and listen. Listen again and write the dialogue. Compr. questions. Practice in pairs.
10 Now you can. Practice the conversation, one with one partner.

LESSON 3 - Aim: To discuss vacation preferences.

Time Procedure Material

8 Voc. Adjectives for vacations. Explain the meaning and give examples. Audio
8 Before you read. Elicit information about the reading. Opinions. Book
15 Reading. Look at the pictures. Infer the information. Listen and read. Comprehension questions of the first then
in pairs make questions and answer. Complete exercises A and B. Check in pairs.
10 Now you can. Pair work. Class survey about vacation preferences.

LESSON 4 - Aim: To describe good and bad travel experiences.

Time Procedure Material
5 Voc. Bad and good travel experiences. Adjectives. Read and listen the repeat. Audio
20 Complete the sentences according to the pictures. Book
Listening comprehension. Listen and complete. Listen again. Comprehension questions. Complete the following
15 exercise. Listen again for details and complete exercise B.
Now you can. Write about a travel experience. Good or bad. Pair work.

REVIEW - Aim: To consolidate the new information.
Tim Procedure Material
10 Listening comprehension. Listen the conversations and complete. Comprehension questions. Give complete Book
answers. Audio
10 Pair work. Complete exercises C and D. WB
7 Writing booster. Time order. Practice. Cellphone -
15 Writing. Write a postcard talking about a travel experience. app
20 Workbook. Lessons 1-4.
15 Oral Review. Pair work. One group one picture. Invent personal information for each person.
10 Create an advertisement offering a tour or cruise in a video using BuddyPoke. Show them how to use it.

Teacher: Mayra A. Vargas Z. Course: AIT-1B Book: Top Notch 1 (2nd edition) Day: 9-13
Unit: 8 Lesson: 1-4 Pages: 86-97 Skills: L-S-R-W-G

Ideas for material: Book, markers, audio, video, flashcards, workbook.

Language objectives: Use of object pronouns. Object pronouns: common errors. Comparative adjectives. Spelling rules.
Functional objectives: Shop and pay for clothes. Ask for a different size or color. Navigate a mall or department store. Discuss
clothing dos and donts.

PREVIEW - Aim: To elicit previous knowledge.
Tim Procedure Materia
e l
7 Look at the picture. Describe it. Talk about the different clothes. Discuss questions. Book
8 Discussion. Catalogue or store? Board
10 Photo story. Elicit information of the pictures without reading. Close and listen. Listen again and read. Markers
10 Comprehension questions. Read the conversation in pairs. Audio
10 Focus on language. Read and find expressions.
15 Workbook. Exercises 1- 4.
15 Pair work. Questions about important things when you buy clothes.

LESSON 1 - Aim: To shop and pay for clothes.
Tim Procedure Material
15 Show flashcards. Ss remember clothes. Elicit information. Add vocabulary. Types of clothing and shoes. Audio
15 Grammar. Object pronouns. Give examples: I want the cardigan. I want it. We gave the V-neck to Jane. We gave Book
the V-neck to her. Elicit rules from the ss. Sand
15 Grammar practice. Complete the sentences. Check answers with their partners. Timer
15 Grammar Booster. More examples and exercise. Copy&g
15 Copy&go. Sentence builder. Page 58. o
10 Conv. Model. Competition. Listen to the conversation, write it in groups. Then in the board. Use SAND TIMER.
10 Now you can. Model the conversation using the expressions. Add questions. Switch roles.

LESSON 2 - Aim: To ask for a different size or color.

Tim Procedure Material
10 Voc. Clothing that comes in pairs. Read, listen and repeat. Audio
15 List. Compre. Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences. Book
15 Grammar. Comparative adjectives. Write examples on the board. That suit is nicer than the one Im wearing. Board
These gloves are more expensive than the other ones. Elicit rules. Check spelling. Markers
10 Gram. Practice. Complete the postcard and make questions about it. Copy&g
15 Copy &go. Create sentences page 59. Pair work. Practice comparative adjectives. o
15 Gr. Booster. More examples and exercise.
8 Conv. Model. Close books and listen. Listen again and write the dialogue. Compr. questions. Practice in pairs.
10 Now you can. Practice the conversation, one with one partner.

LESSON 3 - Aim: To navigate a mall or department store.

Time Procedure Material
8 Voc. Interior locations and directions. Explain the meaning and give examples. Audio
8 Listening comprehension. Listen and complete. Listen again. Comprehension questions. Complete the following Book
15 exercise. Listen again for details and complete exercise B.
Pron. Contrastive stress for clarification.
10 Now you can. Pair work. Navigate a mall or department store.

LESSON 4 - Aim: To discuss clothing dos and donts.

Time Procedure Material
5 Voc. Formality and appropriateness. Explain new words. Audio
8 Before you read. Elicit information about the reading. Opinions. Book
15 Reading. Look at the pictures. Infer the information. Listen and read. Comprehension questions of the first then
in pairs make questions and answer. Complete exercises A and B. Check in pairs.
10 Now you can. Pair work. Class survey about personal dress code.
10 Give suggestions about dos and donts for visitors to Cochabamba.

REVIEW - Aim: To consolidate the new information.
Tim Procedure Material
10 Listening comprehension. Listen the conversations and complete. Comprehension questions. Give complete Book
answers. Audio
10 Pair work. Complete exercises B, C and D. WB
7 Writing booster. Connecting ideas with because and since. Practice. App Sand
15 Writing. Write an e-mail to your friend who is coming to visit your country. timer
20 Workbook. Lessons 1-4.
15 Oral Review. Competition. Memorize all the items in the picture. Divide the class in 2 teams, they have to write
all the words that they remember.
10 Create a conversation using the picture.

Teacher: Mayra A. Vargas Z. Course: AIT-1B Book: Top Notch 1 (2nd edition) Day: 13-16
Unit: 9 Lesson: 1-4 Pages: 98-109 Skills: L-S-R-W-G

Ideas for material: Book, markers, audio, video, flashcards, workbook.

Language objectives: Modals should and could. Be going to to express the future: Review.
Functional objectives: Discuss schedules and buy tickets. Book travel services. Understand airport announcements. Describe
transportation problems.

PREVIEW - Aim: To elicit previous knowledge.
Tim Procedure Materia
e l
7 Look at the picture. Describe it. Complete exercise A. Book
8 Photo story. Elicit information of the pictures without reading. Close and listen. Listen again and read. Board
10 Comprehension questions. Read the conversation in pairs. Markers
10 Focus on language. Read and find expressions. Audio
10 Workbook. Exercises 1- 4.
15 Pair work. Means of transportation. Stand up make a survey about that.

LESSON 1 - Aim: To shop and pay for clothes.
Tim Procedure Material
15 Show flashcards. Ss remember clothes. Elicit information. Add vocabulary. Types of clothing and shoes. Audio
15 Grammar. Object pronouns. Give examples: I want the cardigan. I want it. We gave the V-neck to Jane. We gave Book
the V-neck to her. Elicit rules from the ss. Sand
15 Grammar practice. Complete the sentences. Check answers with their partners. Timer
15 Grammar Booster. More examples and exercise. Copy&g
15 Copy&go. Sentence builder. Page 58. o
10 Conv. Model. Competition. Listen to the conversation, write it in groups. Then in the board. Use SAND TIMER.
10 Now you can. Model the conversation using the expressions. Add questions. Switch roles.

LESSON 2 - Aim: To ask for a different size or color.

Tim Procedure Material
10 Voc. Clothing that comes in pairs. Read, listen and repeat. Audio
15 List. Compre. Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences. Book
15 Grammar. Comparative adjectives. Write examples on the board. That suit is nicer than the one Im wearing. Board
These gloves are more expensive than the other ones. Elicit rules. Check spelling. Markers
10 Gram. Practice. Complete the postcard and make questions about it. Copy&g
15 Copy &go. Create sentences page 59. Pair work. Practice comparative adjectives. o
15 Gr. Booster. More examples and exercise.
8 Conv. Model. Close books and listen. Listen again and write the dialogue. Compr. questions. Practice in pairs.
10 Now you can. Practice the conversation, one with one partner.

LESSON 3 - Aim: To navigate a mall or department store.

Time Procedure Material

8 Voc. Interior locations and directions. Explain the meaning and give examples. Audio
8 Listening comprehension. Listen and complete. Listen again. Comprehension questions. Complete the following Book
15 exercise. Listen again for details and complete exercise B.
Pron. Contrastive stress for clarification.
10 Now you can. Pair work. Navigate a mall or department store.

LESSON 4 - Aim: To discuss clothing dos and donts.

Time Procedure Material
5 Voc. Formality and appropriateness. Explain new words. Audio
8 Before you read. Elicit information about the reading. Opinions. Book
15 Reading. Look at the pictures. Infer the information. Listen and read. Comprehension questions of the first then
in pairs make questions and answer. Complete exercises A and B. Check in pairs.
10 Now you can. Pair work. Class survey about personal dress code.
10 Give suggestions about dos and donts for visitors to Cochabamba.

REVIEW - Aim: To consolidate the new information.
Tim Procedure Material
10 Listening comprehension. Listen the conversations and complete. Comprehension questions. Give complete Book
answers. Audio
10 Pair work. Complete exercises B, C and D. WB
7 Writing booster. Connecting ideas with because and since. Practice. App Sand
15 Writing. Write an e-mail to your friend who is coming to visit your country. timer
20 Workbook. Lessons 1-4.
15 Oral Review. Competition. Memorize all the items in the picture. Divide the class in 2 teams, they have to write
all the words that they remember.
10 Create a conversation using the picture.

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