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Robotics and Servo Press Control Applications:

Experimental Implementations

Conference Paper April 2016

DOI: 10.1109/CoDIT.2016.7593543


0 47

5 authors, including:

Lale Canan Dlger Taylan Das

Gaziantep University Kirikkale University


Recep Halicioglu Sadettin Kapucu

19 PUBLICATIONS 17 CITATIONS Gaziantep University


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Robotics and Servo Press Control Applications:
Experimental Implementations


Dept. of Mechanical Dept. of Dept. of Mechanical Dept. of Mechanical Dept. of Textile
Engineering, MechanicalEng., Engineering, Engineering, Engineering,
University of University of University of Osmaniye University of University of Gaziantep,
Gaziantep, Krkkale, Korkut Ata, Gaziantep, Gaziantep, TURKEY
Gaziantep, TURKEY Krkkale, TURKEY Osmaniye, TURKEY Gaziantep, TURKEY tbekir@gantep.edu.tr
dulger@gantep.edu.tr mtdas@kku.edu.tr rhalicioglu@osmaniye.edu.tr kapucu@gantep.edu.tr

AbstractThree case studies are performed in robotics and including the actuator dynamics also.
industrial servo press mechanism by using systems nonlinear
dynamics. Robotic systems and servo crank press are currently Three case studies are presented in this paper. These are all
available in Mechanical Engineering Departments laboratory represented nonlinear dynamics in robotics and manufacturing
(Gaziantep University/Turkey). Identification and simulation in a crank press example. These studies are all performed in
studies are carried out to get dynamic behavior of the systems of Departments System Dynamics and Control Laboratory, and
interest. Different motion trajectories are applied according to Mechatronics Laboratory at Gaziantep University/Turkey. A
the requirements for all. Soft computing techniques are studied Scara robot is studied PNP (Pick and Place) operation with
on these systems. Traditional PID is also applied. Control PSO-NN first. Hydraulic robot is performed with PSO-NN.
techniques are implemented as PSO-NN (Particle Swarm PSO has been used to train the NNs. A crank press is designed
Optimization-Neural Network), BP (Back Propagation), PSO- and driven by an AC servo motor. Some conclusions are
PID; PID and also CasFF (Cascade Feed-Forward) control in presented at the end. Also a servo press application is
laboratory testing in this study. All of the studies are given as presented by using cascade feed-forward (CasFF) control.
experimental base herein. This study is performed as a part of an industrial Project.
KeywordsScara robot; hydraulic manipulator; soft
computing; servo crank press; motion control implementation;
II. Control of Robotic Systems
and Servo Press
I. Introduction A literature study is dated for recent applications with
modeling and control background especially on nonlinear
An open kinematic chain of rigid links become a robot dynamics. The system of second order ordinary differential
manipulator. In robot or mechanism control, especially in high equations is derived. The dynamic behaviors of these systems
speeds, some problems can happen depending on the are explored by solving these equations in Matlab platform. A
complexity of the dynamics. There are also uncertainties; general procedure is given for robotic systems and servo press
parametric and dynamic. Knowledge based kinematics; inertia mechanism together with its solution procedure. Here the
parameters are the parametric uncertainties. However, link equations of motion for these systems are based on the
flexibility, actuator dynamics (AC, DC) are counted as principles of Lagrange [1-3].
dynamic uncertainties. A methodology is necessary to get the
systems nonlinear dynamical model. The reference trajectory M (q)q
C(q, q)q F (q) G(q) Q (1)
is given first. Control techniques are needed to track any
required trajectories where they can be described as a set of where q includes the coordinates; positions, velocities and
algebraic equations [1-2]. accelerations. Q is the input generalized forces or torques,
M(q) is the inertia matrix and C(q,dq/dt) is the
By considering Euler-Lagrangian method, the equations of Coriolis/centripetal forces and G(q) is the gravity force or
motion are studied with actuator dynamics. DC servo motors torque and F(dq/dt) is the friction vector.
and hydraulic actuators are used in this study. Mathematical
models are derived with assumptions taken during laboratory Soft computing approaches are also proposed for solving
studies. A manipulator dynamic model is represented by nonlinear and mathematically unmodeled systems. Soft
nonlinear coupled differential equations. The experimental computing (SC) approaches are preferable over conventional
setups and the simulation results with experimental ones are methods. In the field of robotics and manufacturing
described. Mathematic models are derived for all systems by automation where nonlinear system dynamics is existed,
particular benefit is obtained solving the problems.
Manufacturing and automation especially for hands and
Last part of this study is supported by Ministry of Science, Industry and
Technology for the financial support under SANTEZ project (Number:
manipulators, mobile robots, multi agent robots are the Table I gives its mechanical and electrical data.A
potential applications seen [4]. In many recent studies soft mathematical model of SCARA robot is developed including
computing techniques are used for control of nonlinear servo actuator Dynamics. The equations of motion are derived
dynamical systems. Hybrid architectures are developed for by using Lagrangian mechanics which is an energy based
intelligent control systems. Soft computing techniques include approach. DC servo motors driving each robot joint is studied
fuzzy logic, swarm intelligence, neural networks and with a controller action. This robot is used for pick and place
evolutionary computation. They have been successfully operations. Scara robot is applied to point to point control.
applied to many robotic systems in practice. Satisfaction is
provided for controlling dynamic systems. Applications can
be accounted as hybrid soft computing. Combinations can be
Fuzzy-NN, GA-NN, PSO-NN for example. These techniques Masses of links m1=1.90 kg, m2=0.93 kg
are quite successful in the field of control. These techniques Linkage inertias J1=0.0980 kg.m2 ,
have been used together in hybrid form to provide better J2=0.0115 kg.m2
solutions for the problems [5]. A study is seen in Fuzzy- Motor voltage constant Ke1= Ke2=0.047 V/rad/s
Wavelet Neural Networks (FWNNs) [6]. Motor torque constant Kt1= Kt2=0.047 Nm/A
Armature resistances Ra1= Ra2=3.5
III. Case Studies Armature inductances La1= La2= 1.3 mH
Gear box ratios N1=90 , N2=220
Three case studies are performed with available systems at
Laboratory. Scara robot is generally used for pick and place Gearbox inertias Jg1=0.0002 kg.m2,
Jg2=0.0005 kg.m2
operations in assembly lines. Electro hydraulic manipulator is
applied for heavier operations in industry. Both robots are
operated as 2 dof during experiments. A crank press is Robot-actuator-control system is studied with numerical
applied for sheet metal forming. simulation here. Experiments are carried on motion
trajectories as well. Evolutionary techniques are studied and
A. Case Study I: Scara Robot PSO-PID is designed for different motion characteristics [9].
In many SCARA (Selective Compliant Articulated Robot The number of particles in the swarm influences the
Arm) consists of 3 planar revolute joints as shoulder, elbow convergence of the algorithm. PSO algorithm [9,12] is given:
vik 1 wvi c1 r1 ( pbesti xik ) c2 r2 ( gbest xi )
k k
and wrist and a prismatic joint which operates in vertical plane (2)
for proper positioning of the work piece especially a good
choice for assembly tasks. Fig.1. shows this system. xik 1 xik vik 1 (3)
k k
Where; vi is the velocity of the particle, xi is the current
position of the particle (solution), w is the inertia weight
factor, pbest is the best solution value among the particle found
in a particular iteration, gbest is the global best solution
achieved ,r1 and r2 are the random numbers between [0, 1], c1
and c2 are the acceleration constants where; c1=c2=2. The
inertia weight factor w in the equation (1) can be calculated by
using the equation (3) where iter is the iteration number in a
particular instance and itermax is the maximum number of
( wmax wmin )
w wmax .iter where 0.4 w 0.9 (4)
During the optimization, the number of particles in the
swarm, the objective function and the parameters c1 and c2 are
important. The following parameters in PSO are taken as
population size is 45, m=1000 iterations, c1=c2=2, wmax=0.9
and wmin=0.4 in this study. Performance of the controller can
be evaluated either in frequency domain or time domain. In
this study, performance of PID controller is analyzed in time
domain with the overshoot (Mp), the rise time (tr), the settling
time (ts) and the steady state error (ess). The performance
criterion W (K) is defined as
W ( K ) (1 e )(M P ess ) e (t s t r ) (5)

Fig 2 shows the results for scara robot with PSO-PID for
Fig.1. Scara robot; general view, top view and schematic representation [7,8] both motor axes.
Fig. 2. Simulation Results for Scara with PSO-PID

The parameter K includes the controller parameters Kp, Kd

and Ki. In this study, is represents the weighting factor (0.7).
The fitness function f of the PSO algorithm is defined as the
reciprocal of W (K) as f=1/W(K) [6, 9, 11].

B. Case Study II: An Electro-Hydraulic Spherical

A previously designed and manufactured hydraulic spherical
manipulator (ARTISAN-a project supported by State Planning
Organization) is used in the experimental study. The moves of
this manipulator are the base rotation, the elevation angle and
the reach. The joints are actuated by electro-hydraulic servo
valves. The supply of hydraulic pressure and flow to the servo
valves are provided by 22 kW hydraulic power unit (95 lit/min
-0.12 MPa) [10,11]. RRP manipulator is given in Fig.3 (a) and
(b) which is described by moving two revolute joints and one
prismatic link. The kinematics relations between the
coordinate variables are defined. The position, velocity and
acceleration relationships between the joint and the coordinate
variables are then established. The first two joints from the
ground are the revolute joints (0- the base rotation, 1-the
elevation angle) and the last joint is prismatic (r 2-the reach).
Parameters are M0, M1, M2 are the link masses (kg); J0, J1, J2
are the link moment of inertias (kg/m2); L1, L2 are the link
lengths (m); R0, R1, S1, S2 are distances to the links centers of
. ..

gravities(m); 0 , 0 , 0 are the angular displacement, velocity,

. ..

acceleration of the base rotation; 1 , 1 , 1 are the angular

displacement, velocity, acceleration of the elevation angles;
. ..
r2 , r2 , r2 are the linear displacement, velocity and acceleration
for the output link. Fig. 3. Artisan Robot and its configuration [10-12]
1 L
R0=0.0 mm R1=280 mm S1=7 mm S2=400 mm
E ( n) [d actual (n) d desired (n)]
2 j 1

L1=0.0 mm L2= 752 mm This error is then accepted as the fitness function of a particle
that can be calculated by.
M0=79 kg M1= 49 kg M2= 50 kg
d desired ) 2
Fitness ( particle i ) ET
J0=1.198 kg.m 2
J1=1.95 kg.m 2
J2= 6.8 kg.m 2 (7)
The mathematical model of manipulation system is
Controller presented for the manipulator configuration including actuator
type. The dynamic modeling and experimental implementation
are performed with the controller action. Lagrangian
X model mechanics is also applied and tested with applied controller.
Several trajectories are studied. System identification is
performed using PSO-NN for the robot. [10-13].
X reference
(2,L2 )
1 BP

Joint1 response (rad)



HYDRAULIC X robot 0,4


Fig. 4. Block diagram of the electro hydraulic robot
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of inputs
Table II gives all mechanical parameters for robotic
system Fig.4 shows block diagram of the electro hydraulic
robot system. A circular trajectory is traced in the second test 1,2 Reference
by giving the coordinates of a circle to a hydraulic robot, RP BP
configuration is referred. For example, 240 data have been
Joint2 Response (m)

recorded experimentally. Half of the data have been used for 0,8

the training. The rest of the data have been used in the test 0,6
session Test values for circular trajectory are given in Figs 5.a-
b-c.The system follows the reference signal with some error at
some points. A population of 45 particles is used for the PSO- 0,2
NN algorithm. Numbers of particles and hidden layers have
been tried on the system in different in various training. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Learning factors c1 and c2 are set to 2.0. Both the PSO-NN and Number of inputs
BP algorithm is trained for 5000 iterations. Learning rate and
momentum rate is chosen between 0 and 1. The initial weight
values are important on training results, if a priori knowledge
is available for weights. Initial weights of the both algorithms 1,4
are chosen between -1 and 1 randomly. Both algorithms are BP error rate
Total error rate

started with the same initial weight values. The performance 1 PSO-NN error rate
of the proposed algorithm is tried with many different initial 0,8
weights. For the solution of the problem a NN structure that
the input layer N has two nodes (N=2), hidden layer J with
twenty nodes (J=20) and output layer L with two nodes (L=2)
are used. The error E[n] is the sum of squares of the error 0,2
m 0
overall output units. ET E (n) is the total error, d actual is 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
n 1
Number of iteration
the actual output value taken from the system, and d desired is
the desired output value in each iteration.
Fig. 5. Joint response results for hydraulic robot
By looking at Fig. 5, PSO-NN algorithm is produced better
output values than BP-NN algorithm in this example. Similar
findings are taken dealing with different test signals Output
1(2) has got 96,407% correction rate in PSO-NN, but BP
gives 89,321%. Similarly, Output 2(L2) has given 95,574% for
PSO-NN, but 86, 4% for BP-NN. These errors can obviously
be reduced by using more training data, yielding increase in
computation in the network.
C. Case Study III: A Crank-Servo Press Mechanism
Metal forming applications are classified as bending,
stamping, deep drawing and shearing. Different motion
scenarios are necessary in metal forming sectors. Servo
presses offer motion flexibility and torque control. They
provide desired torques in desired velocities [14-19].

In this study, System dynamic model is derived by

Lagrange approach for a servo crank press machine tool
whose capacities are 50 ton loading with 200 mm stroke [18-
19]. The crank length, the crank angle, the transmission angle,
the rod length, the rod angle, the slider (ram) position are
given with parameters r, , , l, , y respectively. TDC
indicates the top dead center and BDC indicates the bottom
dead center. Besides, r and l are distance of center of gravity
(Cg1) of crank and distance of center of gravity (Cg2) of the
connecting rod. Fig. 6 (a) and (b) show the photograph of the
press with its schematic representation. The slider crank
mechanisms rod-crank ratio is selected as seven to reduce
motion of . The stroke of mechanism is 200 mm, in-line
mechanisms crank length must be 100 mm, and the rod length
is 700 mm according to crank/rod ratio of 1/7. Table III
represents mechanical parameters of the crank presss parts.

In this case study, The block diagram of the control system

for the servo press is given in Fig.7 [19]. Desired ram motion
is given. This is being performed by inverse kinematics. Here
the current feedback is included as inner loop. Velocity
feedback is being performed in the outer loop to eliminate
velocity variation. Position feedback is finally applied in the
outer loop improving disturbance. When the motion of ram is
designed, different forming operations are planned and
performed. A modular control system is performed. 400VAC - Fig. 6. Servo crank press
3 phase (19 kW rated power) servo motor is implemented.
Reduced backlash helical bevel gear unit with a servo adapter
is introduced a ratio of 1:10.4 (total ratio is 1:52).


Parts Mass Inertia Length Center of
(kg) (kgm2) (m) gravity (m)
Crank Shaft 307.70 8.39 r=0.1 r'=0.028
Rod 117.59 4.97 l=0.7 l'=0.205
Ram 186.30 - - -
Pinion shaft 65.02 0.08 - -
Servo motor - 0.014 - -
Gear unit - 0.0096 - -
Fig. 7. Servo crank press CasFF control block diagram
Last part of this study is an industrial project. The authors
would like to thank the Ministry of Science, Industry and
Technology for the financial support under SANTEZ project
(Number: 01422.STZ.2012-I).

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