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BECH TE L DOC NO : 25509-100-V1B-EKL0-01046

SIEM ENS DOC NO : 4000-QA-106




Bechtel Client Name AP LNG

Project Title Australia Pacific LNG Project

Project Location Curtis Island, Queensland, Australia

Bechtel Project Number 25605

Bechtel Document Number 25509-100-V1B-EKL0-01046

0A-4007; 0A-4009; 0A-4010; 1A-4012;
Equipment Tag Number
1A-4056; 2A-4012; 2A-4056
Equipment Service ALL SUBSTATIONS

Bechtel P.O. Number 25605-140-POB-EKL0-00001

Supplier Order number

Supplier Drawing Number 4000-QA-106

Supplier Rev Number A

Document Title
Module Fabrication Procedure

B echtel Document Code 001
Supplier Document Status
Code 1 = Work may proceed.
Code 2NC = Revise and Resubmit; Work May Proceed.
Code 2EX = Revise and Resubmit; Work May Proceed;
Expedite Return
Code 2CR = Revise and Resubmit; Work May Proceed;
Priority Return.
Code 3 = Revise and resubmit; Work may not proceed.
Code 4 = Review not required; Work may proceed.
Permission to proceed does not constitute acceptance or
approval of design details, calculations, analyses, test
methods, or materials developed or selected by the Supplier
and does not relieve the Supplier from full compliance with
contractual obligations.

Responsible Engineer-

Date Issued - EEHA -NO

VPTL-VPTL-15347 Doc Cat Code - SD

Equipment No.- 0A-4007

Client Doc No.-

Client Dwg Code.-



BECH TE L DOC NO : 25509-100-V1B-ELK0-01046

SIEM ENS DOC NO : 4000-QA-106


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1 P u rp o s e ........ .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............................3

2 R e ferenc e C od e s an d stan d a rds ................................................... 3
3 P re p a ratio n ............. .......... .......... ................................................3
4 F a b ricatio n ... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............................5
5 In sp ec tio n a nd E xa m ina tio n ........................................................... 7

M odule Fabric ation Proc edure
BECH TE L DOC NO : 25509-100-V1B-ELK0-01046

SIEM ENS DOC NO : 4000-QA-106


PAGE : P age 3 of 7

1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to specify the m inim um requirem ents for the Fabrication
and welding of Girder, Tubular, Deck plates and all other steel Structures for AP LNG

2. Reference C odes a nd sta ndard s

References specification, codes and standards that shall be used:

Project S pecification & International C odes

25509-100-3PS-EKL0-F0001 Project Specification for prefabricated Substation Buildings

AW S D1.1 (2010) Structural W elding Code - Steel

3. P re pa ra tio n

3 .1. Base Metal Preparation

S urfaces to be welded shall be visually exam ined and m ust be cleaned to bright m etal for a
distance of not less than 12.7 m m from the edge of the weld grooves. All surface finish
paints, including hot dip galvanizing, shall be rem oved from the weld groove when welding
pre-painted m aterials. W eld-through "weldable prim er" is acceptable provided they are
included in the weld procedure qualification. U sing of we ld-through prim ers shall require
written contractor approval to the start of fabrication.

3.2. Cutting E dge Preparation and Repair

3.2.1. Shearing shall be lim ited to plate m aterial with thickness not exceeding 5/8
In. (15.9 mm). A m inim um of 1/32 inch (0.8 mm ) shall be ground or m achined
from the cold sheared edge prior to use.

3.2.2. All c ut edges shall be visually exam ined for lam inations, cracks, and other
defects. Sharp edges shall be rem oved by grinding. Edge defects on surfaces to
be painted shall be repaired. Prior to m aking repairs, the m ethod to be used shall
be subm itted to Com pany for approval

3.2.3. For fabricated beams, all web and flange plates shall be cut such that the
princip le rolling direction of the plate lies along the longitudinal axis of the finished
plate girder.

3.2.4. Therm ally cut surfaces shall be ground to bright m etal prior to subsequent
weld ing. S urfaces inaccessible to grinding shall be abrasive blasted to white m etal
with subsequent rem oval of all abrasive and residue near the weld groove.

3.2.5. Trimm ing tubular braces in-situ for closed root openings is not acceptable
without specific approval by C om pany.

M odule Fabric ation Proc edure
BECH TE L DOC NO : 25509-100-V1B-ELK0-01046

SIEM ENS DOC NO : 4000-QA-106


PAGE : P age 4 of 7

3 .3. Tack W elds

3.3.1. All m embers shall be well fitted and firm ly tacked into place before welding.

3.3.2. All tacks shall be m ade in the weld groove.

3.3.3. Tack welding shall be performed according to a qualified and approved

welding procedure and shall only be perform ed by qualified tack welders or
qua lified welders.

3.3.4. All other welding, including welding of temporary attachm ents (such as
scaffolding supports and tie downs), shall be performed by qualified welders.

3.4. Run-on and Run-off Tabs

Run-on and run-off tabs shall be used for all welds at the plates, tubular end locations, and at
beam splices and term inations. These tabs shall be produced from m aterial of the same
grade and type as being welded.

3.5. Preheat Tem perature

3.5.1. Welding preheat shall be as specified in the qualified WPS but shall not be
less than show n in the table below, unless otherwise approved by the contractor.

3.5.2. For any m etal that is dam p or less than 10C (50F), a m inim um preheat of
65C (150F) shall be required regardless of thickn ess.

T h ic k n es s m m (in ) P r eh ea t Tem p er a t u r e C (F)

t 38 (1.5) 10 (50)

38 ( 1. 5 ) < t 65 ( 2 . 5) 65 (150)

t > 65 (2.5) 110 (225)

3 .6. Arc strikes

Arc strikes outside the weld groove area are not allowed. Arc strikes outside the weld groove
area shall be rem oved by grinding or rem oval and replacem ent of the section affected by the
arc strike. All arc strike areas outside the weld area shall be subject to m agnetic particle
inspection. All indication(s) of cracking shall be subject to grinding and re-inspection to insure
com plete rem oval.

3.7. W elded Joints Cover-Up

3.7.1. All welded joints to be subsequently covered by an abutting m ember weld

shall be accepted by NDT in accordance with this procedure and Client
Requirem ent prior to fit-up or welding of the covering m em ber.

3.7.2. All plate butt welds that will be subsequently covered by an abutting weld
shall be ground sm ooth on the attachm ent surface for a m inim um distance of 2 in.
(50 mm ) either side of the intended attachm ent. A gradual transitio n shall e xist
between the ground and ungrounded areas of welded joint.
M odule Fabric ation Proc edure
BECH TE L DOC NO : 25509-100-V1B-ELK0-01046

SIEM ENS DOC NO : 4000-QA-106


PAGE : P age 5 of 7

3.8. Cope and Weld Access Holes

3.8.1. Contractor shall develop fabrication sequences and weld details to m inim ize
the requirem ent for cope holes. Cope holes shall only be perm itted at the
locat ions specified on the Contract D rawings, or as subsequently shown on
approved Contractor S hop Drawings

3.8.2. Cope holes shall have an edge finish that com plies with the requirem ents of
AW S D1.1 S ection 5.17 and a size sufficient for coating application.

3.8.3. Full fillet welds shall be returned through the cope holes

3 .9. Interruption of W eld ing

W henever possible, welding of joints shall be com pleted in one continuous operation. W here
interruption is unavoidable, at least one-third of the weld joint thickness over the full weld
length shall be com pleted before welding is discontinued. Interruption of welding with less
than one-third of the joint completed is perm issible if qualified by test. All cases of interruption
shall be approved by Client.


4.1. General

Final fabrication tolerances shall be as Q uality P rocedure. except as m odified or

supplem ented in this Procedure. W hen appropriate, dim ensions shall be m easured and
corrected to a standard temperature of 68F (20C) if the ambient tem perature is m ore than
20F (11.1C) from 68F (20C ). In some cases, m ea surem ents should be carried out at
night so as to avoid local distortion due to daytim e tem perature changes.

4 .2. G ener al Structural Det ails

Splices m ay be introduced into the fabrication of m embers. The location of all splices shall be
clearly indicated on the S hop Drawings and shall be subject to approval by C om pany.

4 .3. S hapes and P lates

4 . 3. 1 . For cantilever beams, no splices m ay be located closer to the point of

support than one-half of the cantilevered length. For span beam s, there should be no
splice within one-eighth of the span from beam center nor within the eighth of the
span nearest a support, nor directly over a support.

4 . 3 .2. W eb-to-W eb and flange butt weld locatio ns shall be offset a m inim um of the 6 in.
(150m m). If single side splice welds are necessary, approval shall be obtained from
Com pany before welding.

4 . 3 .3. All edges of plate and/or structure shapes to be broken with a powerdisk to a 2mm
cham ber and dressed to remove burrs.

M odule Fabric ation Proc edure
BECH TE L DOC NO : 25509-100-V1B-ELK0-01046

SIEM ENS DOC NO : 4000-QA-106


PAGE : P age 6 of 7

4.4. Tubular T, Y and K-Joints

4.4.1. Adjacent structure braces which are not specifically shown as overlapping shall be
provided with a separation between adjacent weld toes. Minim um gap shall be 1) 4
inches (100mm ) when m easured prior to welding-m easured as an extension as brace
surface, and 2) 2 1/2 inches (64m m) m easured toe-to-toe from any structural joint

4.4.3. O verlapped mem ber joint shall not be perm itted unless specifically detailed on the
drawings. W hen overlapped joints are details, the assembly order shall be strictly in
accordance with the details.

4.4.3. Tubular m em bers shall not intersect a larger through m em ber within 2 inches (50mm )
of the existing weld on the through m ember. This is applicable to both girth and
lo ngitud inal we lds on the through m em ber. In the event that it is not possible to
position tubular m ember so that their intersection avoid overlap with weld seams,
S iem ens shall subm it the proposed location of the girth weld for Client approval.

4.4.4. The root face of T-,Y-, and K-joints is the zero unless dim ensioned otherwise.
However, it may be details to exceed zero or the specified dimensio n by not m ore
than 1/16 in. (1.6mm ), but is shall not be detailed less than the specified dim ension.

4.5 Tubular Butt Joints

W hen joining tubular m embers (Butt welds) that differ in wall thickness by m ore than 1/8 in.
(3.2mm ), there shall be a smooth transition accom plished by chamfering the thicker member with
a slope no greater than 1 to 4.

4.6 Tem porary W elds

4.6.1 Tem porary welds or fabrication aids shall not be m ade in high-stress areas where
tubular m ember intersect. There welds shall be subject to the sam e welding and
m aterial requirem ents as other structure welds. There welds shall not be made within
2 in.(100m m) or 2 tim es the chord thickness of a tubular joint whichever is greater.

4 .6 .2 . Unless the approved W PS specifically addresses the higher preheat for

temporary welds as required by this procedure, an additional 56c shall be used
for tem porary welds.

4 . 6 . 3. All fabrication aids shall be rem oved after the welding is com pleted.
Rem oval shall be accom plished by cutting no closer than 3 mm from the m ain
member and the rem ainder ground flush. It is perm issible to grind up to 2 mm into
the base metal surface to rem ove any undercut associated with the attachm ent
weld. If damage has observed to the prim ary structure as a result of flam e cutting
or gouging, the damage shall be rectified by grinding followed by repair we lding,
and the cutting position sha ll be changed to 6 mm from the base metal surface.

4 .6 .4. W hen ap pr oved by C om pany, som e erection a id s we ld m a y r em a in o n t he

structure. These welds shall be trim med to within 3/8 in. (10 m m) of the m ain
member. All rough edges shall be ground sm ooth. There shall be no crevices.
Additional seal welding m ay be required to elim inate crevices.

4.6.5. All are as of prim ar y str uct ur al m em be rs from whic h te m porary attac hm e nts
are com plete ly rem oved shall be e xam ined b y m agnetic particle.

M odule Fabric ation Proc edure
BECH TE L DOC NO : 25509-100-V1B-ELK0-01046

SIEM ENS DOC NO : 4000-QA-106


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5 .1 . Inspection and non-destructive e xam ination sha ll com ply with the requirem ents of
AW S D1.1 and the additional requirements of this Procedure. Each inspection or
exam ination shall be carried out using a written procedure approved by Client.

5 .2 The required NDE methods and the m inim um extent of inspection sha ll com ply with
W eld Map and Customer Requirement within this procedure

5 .3. E xcept as noted below the acceptance criteria for nondestructive exam ination,
including visual inspection, of non tubular connections sha ll com ply wit h the qua lity leve l
requirem ents of AW S D 1.1 Section 6 acceptance standards for statically loaded structures.

5 .4. The acceptance standards for cyclically loaded structures subject to tension norm al to the
weld shall app ly to:

5.4.1. any location where prim ary structural m embers are joined to form a node
connection. This zone extends beyond the footprint area of any branch(s) at the
node to a m inim um of one half of the diam eter, or nom inal size, of the loca l
branch m ember.

5.4.2. any welds noted on the drawings requiring im proved fatigue performance (e.g.,
im proved profile, toe grinding, etc.)

M odule Fabric ation Proc edure

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