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Solutions to Thermal Physics


When two objects are in thermal equilibrium, they are at the same temperature. There is also no net
heat exchange between them. Options A, C and D are correct statements. But internal energy of an
object does not depend on temperature of the object alone. Internal energy also depends on the
amount of substance. Option B is an incorrect statement.

Thermometer uses physical thermometric properties that vary with temperature.

The thermometric property used by thermometer does not need to vary linearly. The thermometer is
calibrated at two fixed points. All thermometers will agree at the two calibration points namely ice
point and steam point for the empirical Centigrade Scale.

Draw a vertical line a z z
cuts B is the reading by the Q-scale thermometer.

The substance is heated at constant rate. i.e. dQ/dt is constant. Since dQ/dt = m c (d/dt), the faster
the temperature rise (i.e. the greater the d/dt gradient of graph of temperature vs. time), the
smaller the specific heat capacity (i.e. less energy is needed to cause the increase in temperature).
Therefore the region whose gradient is the steepest has the smallest specific heat capacity.

Since m = V, mass of 1.0 cm3 of ethanol = (0.79)(1) = 0.79 g
Heat required, Q
= Heat required to increase the temperature the liquid to its b.p. + heat required for vaporization
= m c (f i) + m Lv = (0.79)(2.4)(78 20) + (0.79)(840) = 774 J

During s of B and A (when temperature
starts to rise after all the ice has melted) should be the same both are water with the same specific
heat capacity and the heat that B loses is transferred to A.

8. Rate of heat removal,

dQ/dt = mccc(d/dt) + mwcw(d/dt) = (d/dt)(mccc + mwcw)
=(2.00/60)(0.150 x 387 + 0.500 x 4186)
= 71.7 W

9. (a)(i) Power, P = mc
= 0.50 x5000 x(90 30)
= 500 W

(ii) Energy supplied, Pt = ml

Time taken, t = ml / P
= 0.50 x 3.0 x 106/500 = 3000 s

(iii) Assume no heat is lost to the surroundings, OR no heat is absorbed by the apparatus.
(Assumption is not valid in practice because no lagging is perfect, OR the apparatus will
definitely absorb some heat as it warms up.)

(b) Power supplied = rate of heat absorbed by liquid to boil + rate of heat lost to surroundings
P= ml + h
h = P - ml
= 500 - 050 x3.0 x10
= 125 W


Heat gained by mercury = heat lost by calorimeter and water
1.00(LHg) + 1.00(140) (55.5) = 0.50(900) (3.5) + 1.20(4200) (3.5)
LHg = 11.4 kJ kg-1

11. Let m be the mass of ice formed.

Energy removed to form ice = energy used to vaporise water
m (3.40 x 105) = (110 m) (2.52 x 106) m = 96.9 g

12. Let W be the rate of loss of energy from the human body and h be the rate at which energy
is lost from the chamber by other means other than by water.

Rate of heat gained by water = Rate of heat lost by man

rate of heat lost by other means

When one man sits in the chamber, 4.0 x 4200 x (31-23) = W h

W h = 134400 --------------(1)
When two men sit in the chamber, 11.0 x 4200 x (31-23) = 2W h
2W h = 369600 -------------- (2)

(i) W = 235 kJ h-1
(ii) h = 101 kJ h-1

Section 2 Level 1: IDEAL GAS and KINETIC THEORY

Using pV = NkT
(1105)(1) = N (1.38 x 10-23) (27 + 273)
N = 2 x 1025

<k.e.> of n moles of monatomic gas = n R T where T is the thermodynamic temperature
Thus <k.e.> T . (1)

Furthermore, using Equation of State pV = nRT

For a rigid container V is constant and for a fixed mass of gas (i.e. for fixed n).
p T . (2)

Comparing (1) and (2) <k.e.> p

Hence, if <k.e.> is increased by a factor of 4, so p is also increased by a factor of 4.

1 3
Translational <k.e.> of a gas molecule = m c.r.m.s2 = k T
2 2
where c.r.m.s is the r.m.s. velocity of the molecule

Thus c.r.m.s2 T . (1)

Furthermore, pV = nRT

For constant pressure p, V T . (2)

Comparing (1) and (2), c.r.m.s2 V

Hence, if c.r.m.s is doubled V will be quadrupled

Using Equation of State pV = nRT where T is the thermodynamic temperature of the gas

As the fixed volume of gas is heated, pressure of the gas, p T

Using Equation of State pV = nRT V = nRT/P.
A straight line graph will be obtained for the graph of V versus T. Gradient of the line is given by
If n is halved and P is reduced to a quarter of its original value, the slope will double.

Considering the Equation of State pV = nRT.
if V (V is 1 litre for both) and p are the same for both, then nRT is the same for both (monatomic
Since Internal energy of n moles of monatomic gas = 3/2 nRT. Hence, the internal energy is the
same for both gases.

Considering the Equation of State
pV = nRT.
n = (p V) / (R T)

The pressure in both bulbs are the same, otherwise gas will flow between them.
n V/T
n y V y Tx
n x Vx Ty
ny 1 200

x 2 400
ny = x/4

Using Equation of state: p V = n R T
Since the product of pV is quadrupled, T will be quadrupled. Hence k.e. is also quadrupled.

9. (i) Using Equation of state : p V = n R T

For a fixed mass of gas and fixed volume, p T
p2 T2

p1 T1
p2 373

1.00 10 5 273
p2 = 1.00 105 Pa 373 K / 273 K
= 1.37 105 Pa

(i) and (ii)

Pressure/10 5 Pa 4

2.73 (2.62.8)


1.37 (1.31.4)
1 A

0 20 40 60 80 100
Line A: Temperature/C

10(a) When the volume is reduced, the space available for moving gas molecules is smaller.
The frequency of collision of molecules with the wall will increase.
The force exerted by the gas on wall will increase as well.
Thus pressure exerted by the gas increases as the total force per unit area has
Note that you cannot say that the change of momentum per collision has increased, as the
average speed of the molecules is unchanged, since temperature is constant.

Section 2 Level 2: IDEAL GAS and KINETIC THEORY

Density doubled implies that volume is halved.
By pV = nRT, T must be halved <ke> is halved mean-square-speed is halved.

Pressure of trapped air + pressure due to Hg = atmospheric pressure
Originally the pressure of trapped air is 3.0 cm Hg.
For the trapped air, since T is constant, p1V1 = p2V2 3.0(8.0) = p2(7.0) p2 = 3.4 cm Hg
Therefore, height of mercury = 76.0 - 3.4 = 72.6 cm.

1 2 3P
P c & c 2 T => grad of first graph 1/T
3 c2
Hence T2 > T1
m m M
=> grad. of second graph M . Hence M1 > M2

14(a)(i) Pressure of gas, P

= Patm + (Weight of piston/Area of piston) = 1.01 x 105 + (6.00 x 9.81/0.005)
= 1.13 x 105 Pa

(ii) Since M crms2 = 3/2 R T where M is the Molar mass = Mass of 1 mole
3RT 3 8.31 300
crms = 480 m s-1
Mr 0.032
(iii) Momentum change per collision = 480 480 = 5.12 x 10-23 kg m s-1
6 10
Force on piston due to O2 = P A = 1.13 x 105 x 0.005 = 565 N

By N 2nd law of Motion,

Force on piston due to O2 = rate of change of momentum
= Momentum change per collision
x Number of collision per unit time
Number of collision per unit time = (565 /5.12 x 10-23) = 1.10 x 1025

(iv) When a downward force is exerted on the piston, the volume occupied by the oxygen
will be further reduced. During compression, the average kinetic energy of molecules
will increase y v I
the average distance traveled by the molecules between collisions will be reduced
resulting in a higher frequency of collision, exerting a larger force on the piston to
support the additional force.

(v) When intermolecular forces are significant, the interactions between molecules cannot
be neglected. Total energy will not be due to kinetic energy only. (Kinetic energy is
converted to potential energy as molecules approach each other.) This means that the
calculated root-mean-square velocity of the molecule will be smaller.

(b) Piston oscillates up and down with constant period.

15. (a)(i) Taking the direction of rebound as positive: p = mv mu = mu (-mu) = 2mu

(ii) time taken = distance traveled between collisions / speed of molecule = 2L / u

(iii) p/t = 2mu/ (2L/u) = mu2/L (shown)

(iv) Area under each peak = change in momentum of wall caused by one molecule
= change in momentum of a molecule
Fmax t = 2mu Fmax = 4mu / t

(b)(i) Given that PV = 1/3 N m <u2> (1)

From Equation of State PV = N k T (2)
Comparing (1) and (2) /3 Nm <u2> = N k T
Nm <u2> = 3/2 NkT
m <u2> = 3/2 kT
where m<u2> is the av. KE of a gas molecule
Since k is constant, m<u2> T

(ii) Given: average microscopic KE of a gas molecule = 3/2 kT

For ideal gas, there is no intermolecular forces, hence there is no microscopic PE
internal energy of ideal gas = total microscopic KE of gas
For N molecules, total microscopic KE of gas = /2 NkT
Hence, internal energy of gas = 3/2 NkT

(iii) To keep internal energy constant, the doubling in number of molecules is offset by
the reduction in temperature by half. Since P V= N kT, while N k T and V remain
constant, pressure must remain unchanged.

Section 3 Level 1: THERMODYNAMICS (1st LAW)

Using First law of Thermodynamics U = Q + W
S Q = S y U is
positive. By the first law of thermodynamics, W is positive i.e. work is done on the gas.

Using First law y U = Q + W
Process 1: W = -v U = +ve Q must be +ve
Complete: cycle: W = -ve U = 0 Q must be +ve

U F y U = Q + W
P B: U = 0 and Q = 500 J W = -500 J
Process BC: Q = U = 900 J W = 900 J
Hence net WD on the gas = -500 + 900 = 400 J

4. Net work done by the gas in one cycle = area of the enclosed rectangle
= [(3.0- 1.0) x105][10.0-2.0]
=1.6 x 106 J

Path Q W U T
KL + - + +
LM - 0 - -
MN - + 0 0
NK 0 + + +
Whole cycle + - 0 0

6. (a) (i) Work is done on gas as gas is compressed.

(ii) U F y U = Q + W
As temperature decreases, U is negative, As work is done on gas, W is
positive, therefore Q is negative. Thus since Q is negative heat is ejected
from the gas.
(b) work done = pV;
= 1.0 105 0.40 = 0.40 105 J = 40 kJ
(c) Area enclosed = x 0.40 x 4.0 x 105 = 80 kJ (this is an estimate and represents
the NET work done in one cycle BY the gas)
(d) Efficiency = (work out/heat in) x 100
= (80/120) x 100 % =67 %

7(c)(i) The first law of thermodynamics states that the increase in internal energy of a system is
equal to the sum of heat absorbed by the system and the work done on the system.

(ii) 1.

Note that the two isotherms not asked for in the question- but it is useful to draw.
At the start of the process, using equation of state,
0.500 8.31 300
4.00 105
3.12 103 m3

V1 T1
For the process (1), at constant pressure,
V2 T2
V1 300

2V1 T2
T2 = 600 K

P1 T 1
For process (3), at constant volume,
P2 T 2
P1 600

4.00 x 105 300

P 1 8.00 105 Pa
2. Work done by gas = P (Vf Vi)
= 4.00x105(6.24-3.12) x10-3
= 1250 J

8(a) The First Law of Thermodynamics states that the increase in the internal energy of a
system is equal to the heat supplied to the system plus the work done on the system.

PAVA PDVD PAV A (1.0 105 )(10.0 105 )

(b) (i) TA TD 720 300 K
TA TD PDVD (16 105 )(1.50 104 )

(ii) Process CD is an isobaric compression PC PD

PC (VD VC ) 720 J
16 105 (1.50 104 VC ) 720
VC 6.00 104 m3
VD TD V 6.00 104
TC C TD 720 2880 K
VC TC VD 1.50 104

(iii) Compress the piston very slowly, so that the gas has sufficient time to maintain its
original temperature by releasing heat to the surroundings (which should be maintained
at 2880 K).

(iv) Since it is a complete cycle, there is no change in the temperature, and hence the
internal energy remains unchanged. The work done on the gas (area under BCD) is
more than the work done by the gas (area under DA), hence there is net work done on
the gas. According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, there must be a net output of
heat energy by the system.

9. (a) (i) 1. Internal energy of a system refers to the sum of the microscopic kinetic and
potential energies of the molecules due to the random motion of the
molecules of the system.
2. For an ideal gas, there is no potential energy because there are no
intermolecular forces of attraction. (note that this is analogous to the case of
gravitation where no gravitational force between two objects at infinity is taken
to be the zero potential energy configuration. If the gas molecules experience
intermolecular forces of attraction the molecules will have negative potential
The internal energy is entirely kinetic energy due to the random motion of the

(ii) 1. Both hydrogen and oxygen are at the same temperature and therefore
have the same average kinetic energy.
For the same kinetic energy, the lighter (in mass) hydrogen molecule has a
larger velocity.
2. They are moving at a velocity larger than that needed to escape
gravitational attraction, i.e. they are at or have a speed greater than escape
3. Even at the same temperature the oxygen molecules have a spread or
range of velocities (Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution). There are some moving
fast enough to escape gravitational attraction.

(b) (i) 1 3p
Using p c2 c rms

total mass

3 1.01 10 5
0.01N A 20u
250 10 6
= 616 m s-1
(ii) 1. The two objects are at the same temperature and there is no net transfer
of heat between them.

(ii) 2. Using Equation of State, p V = n R T

1.00 x 10 -2 (8.31) 273
New volume, V = = 2.246 10-4 m3 = 225 cm3
1.01 10 5

Change in volume = 225 250 = - 25 cm3. (negative sign necessary)

(iii) 1.
B: + 0 +
B : - - 0
: 0 + -
Entire Cycle 0 - +
2. U =Q+W
U =0
Energy lost to ice = 0.00200)(3.36 105) = 672 J
Qsupplied to gas = -672 J
0 = (-672) + W
W = 672 J

Section 3 Level 2: THERMODYNAMICS (1st LAW)

10. (i)Using Equation of State PV nRT

(250 x 103)(0.25 x 0.030) = n x 8.31 x (300 + 273)
n = 0.394 mol

(ii) Pressure due to piston and atmosphere

150 9.81
= 100 103
= 149050 Pa
The piston starts moving down when the pressure in the cylinder is equal to the pressure
due to the piston and atmosphere.

Using PV = nRT,
149050(0.25 x 0.030) = 0.3937 x 8.31 x T
T = 342 K

(iii) The volume of the cylinder decreases at constant pressure.
Using 2 3 ,
T 2 T3
0.25 0.030 V3

342 30 273
V3 6.65 10 3 m3


(v) W PV 149 103 (7.50 6.65) 10 3

= 127 J

(vi) U Q W
(0.394)(8.31)(30 300) Q 127
Q = -1450 J
Heat lost = +1450 J

11(a) N L : bj x bj B, object B
exerts back an equal and opposite force on object A. Thus as the gas exits the rear of the
engine, force is exerted on the gas by the airplane in the backward direction, Hence, the gas
will exert a forward thrust on the airplane in the forward direction.

(b) Air in the upper atmosphere has much lower density and pressure (very few air molecules) as
compared to the air clo b b radiation whereas air
b b (
like a big hot water bottle!). Thus the air temperature outside the plane is so low compared to
the average temperature on the ground.

(c) (i) Volume of air at B = 420/15 = 28 m3

n PV / t 28000 420
(ii) = 6300 moles s-1
t RT 8.31 225
(iii) TA = 273 48 = 225 K
TB = PBVBTA / PAVA = (1240000) (28) (225) / (28000) (420) = 664 K
TC = PCTB/PB = (2610000) (664) /1240000 = 1400 K
(iv) cv , m = 95000000 / [(6300) (736)] = 20.5 J K-1 mol-1
n / t

(v) Given that 1 kg of fuel will supply 50 MJ
If 95 MJ of heat per second is provided by the fuel during the isovolumetric change B
to C, then the mass of fuel used in 1 s is 95/50 = 1.9 kg s-1
For 4 engines, total mass of fuel used for 6 hours = 1.9 x 4 x 60 x 60 x 6
= 160 000 kg

(d) Difference in pressure, p = (1.00 0.28) 105 Pa = 7.2 104 Pa

Hence, force exerted on the entrance door = p A = (7.2 104) (2.0) = 1.4 105 N

(e) Temperature of exhaust gases is 390 K (=117 C), hence water vapour condenses when it
hits the cool air -

12 (a)(i) The Internal energy of a system is the sum of the microscopic kinetic and potential
energies of the molecules of the system due to the random motion of the molecules of
the system.
(ii) Heat supplied by heating or in thermal contact with a temperature bath. Work is done on
the system by compressing the gas in a tight container.

(b)(i) Work done on air.

(ii) For a fixed number of moles n, during ignition at C, heat is supplied. Using First Law of
Thermodynamics, at constant volume there is no work done on the gas, internal energy
increases i.e. T increases.
From PV = nRT, P increases as T increases at constant volume.
(iii) Net work done in each cycle = area enclosed by the curve ABCD
Graphically, there are about 72 squares enclosed by curve ABCD
Work done represented by each square = (0.5 x 106) (12.5 x 10-6) J
Therefore Work done by gas = 72 x (0.5 x 106) (12.5 x 10-6) = 450 J

For 4 cylinders, Total Power Output, P = W/t = 3000 x 450 x 1/60 x 4

= 90 x 103 W


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