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8.1 What Is a Fractal?

The term fractal (from the Latin fractus, meaning broken) was coined by the
mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot in 1975.

He defines a fractal as a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split

into parts,
each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole.

Joye (whose specialist field is philosophy) points to research

showing that human beings are innately attracted to fractals, that fractal shapes
and images have a calming effect on us

Diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) is a process for generating organic forms from

a few simple rules.
Particles moving through space, typically in a pattern called a random walk, stick
together when they collide.
The form is built up over time as more and more particles collide and clump
The aggregate form often has a complex, branching structure.

DLA is a simple algorithmic model of a type of fractal growth that produces

dendritic forms
which occur frequently in both living and non-living nature, introduced in 1981 by
Witten and Sander in this paper(pdf).
It has become quite popular as a generative design tool in recent years.
The forms produced are similar to certain lichens, corals, crystals, brains, veins,
rivers, tree roots, etc...
In its basic form it is remarkably simple - Starting with some seed points,
particles are introduced one at a time,
then they wander around randomly until touching part of the existing cluster,
at which point they stick to it and the process repeats

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