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diverse uses need, basic services

energy baseline ashore 90.1

water energy act policy of 1992- baseline for toilets 1.6
heat island non roof - 50 percent of parking be shaded or under cover
even if you double parking space
IAQ comfort and control ergonomics, daylighting, ventilation
MPRS: permanent location on existing land, reasonable leed
boundaries (teams must follow and report specific site boundaries =
land in and around the project space that are affected as a result. That
includes the site area affected by the construction, including parking
and open space. The lead boundary may not be gerrymandered or be
designed to exclude portions of a space simply for purposes of seeking
certificaiton, comply with size requirements

EA Prerequisite refrigerant management : purpose is to reduce ozone

depletion and comply with montreal protocol prohibits use of CFC
based refrigerants in new HVAC systems.

Building annual energy cost = percentage renewable energy = energy

produced annually by renewable/total building energy annual cost

HVAC requitements: thermal comfort for at least 50% of occupant

spaces.. must meet either ASHRAE 55-2010, ISO, CEN standards for
ergonomics of the thermal environment

VOC standard use PCRs(product category rules) or VOC budgets to

test for VOC emissions standard can be met either by complying with
thresholds for interior paints and coatings/ adhesives and silence or
using the budget calculation method, which is a weighted average cal
that uses VOC info for each product

Materials reuse, recycled content: - 25% by cost of per

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