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OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.08 ‘The following text isthe property of Wizards of the Coast, Ine. and is Copyright 2000 Wizars of the Coast, Ine (‘Wizards’) Al Rights Reserved 1, Definitions: (a)'Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (by Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modifeativa, corretion, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridement or ather form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or wdapted; (6) "Distribute" means to reproduce license, rent, lease, sl broadeast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute (@"Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methode, procedures, processes and routines tothe extent sich content does not embody the Product entity and fehanicement over the prior art and any additional content clearly Identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor and means any work covered by this License, indluding translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity, (e) “Product Identity” means product und product Tine names, logos and identifying marks ineluding trade dress artifact; ereatures characters stories, storylines, plots, ‘thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, Tanguage, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions likenesses, formats, pases, ‘concepts themes and sraphic, photographie And other visual Audio representations: ames and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, tens personas, likenesses and Special abilities; places, Jocations, environments, creatures, eqtipment, magical orsupernatural lites or effect, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any ‘other trademark or reistered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specially excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” theans the logs, names, mark, sign, motto, design that are used ‘bya Contribator to identify itself or its products othe associated prodiuets contributed tothe Open Game License by the Contributor {(g) "Use", "Used! or Using” means to se, Ditrbute, copy, edit, format. modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material ‘of Open Game Content. 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All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14 Reformation: any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only tothe extent necessary to make it enforceable. 45 COPYRIGHT NOTICE, ‘Open Game License v1.0, Copyright 2000, Wizards ofthe Coast, Ine ‘System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast Ime; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on signal material by E, Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, Fang & Fury: A Guidebook to Vampires, Copyright 2003, Green Ronin Publishing: Author Jim Bishop. RRaces of Renown Sourcebook for the 20 System Design im Bahop Eling and Development Jnnfer Cae Wiles roofteading and Additional Development: Chis Pranas Cover Iustration: Tod Lackeood Interior Mustration Jann Allen, Andrew Baker Stor ‘Cook Jenifer Meyer so James Ras, Graphic Design: Hal Mangold (Green Ronin Saft Nicole Lindros, Hal Mongol, Chi Pramas, and Eran Sass Playtesters: Wiliam Adley. Chris Bactey, Bob Coopes, Dorothy Cooper, Rich Cates Tim Elkin, Eile Paterson, Steph Phar, Bal Uso” Shears ing © Fay A Gain Vania in ©2003 Gree Roni Pablihing Artis 2003 bythe respective aie Reference tothe pita mate in 0 wy onsite ‘allege to te especie copyright hades of tae ‘mite: Races of Renown, Green Ronin, sd he Green Ronin and Races hace of Green RoniaPubshing of Renown lagen te Dunosons & Desccns ad Wizards of dhe Coast are repiteralindemacs of Winade of the Coat ne, ed te wed ‘ith persion, "D20 System” and the “D20 Systm” logo are tademashs owned by Winads ofthe Coss, I ad ae wed ‘ecordig othe erm of he B20 System Leese ero 0. copy of tht ease ean be fund a senewnardcom/e20, Allee herein designated as Open Game Content Special amor thanks to Kevin Martens, Matt Goldman, Mask Dura, and Harvey Fong for ideas and feedback, the Green Ronin erew for ing oor of sm anew Kish Foc alway being se Green Ronin Publishing PO Box Rentoa, WA 980 13 Email curtsert@greenonin com We Sites wargreenoaincom - Table of Conjenys 7 - Licenee. Inside Front Cover Credits. ‘Table of Contents Inteoduetion. = Chapter One: The Vampire Scion . 3 ‘New Race: The Vampire Scion Paying a Vampite Scion Character Chapter Two: The Way of Blood. Alternative Racal Coneepss Vampire aman Opens 2 Chapter Thee: Feats. 2 Feat Descriptions. 22 ‘Adjusuments to Leadership. 28 CChaptee Four: Prestige Classes 29 Blick ABBOE nnn 29 Foundling. 31 Masqued Pay aeeasS Nighthawk, i 35 Rag Man... - 38 Regent. Revele. Scout Vampire Mage Chapter Five: Creatures (Chapter Six: The Gods and Theis Servants The Between The Great House ~ ‘Chapter Seven: Spells & Magic .. ‘Spell List. ‘New Cleric Domains ‘Now Spell Deseriptions (Chapter Bight: Equipmentesnean ‘Special and Superior Items Armor and Shield ‘Weapons Wondrous Tees Aries, Appendix: Sample NPCs... BQ ort rar) 2 Races of Renown: Fang & Fury MG Cr TT 1) Introduction Lhave made the big de: “The vampire myth is known the world over, and seemingly every cvlation has its version of this bogeyman who dinks blood in the dead Of night In recent years popular movies, TV, znd fiction have tackled the vampire phenomenon in many diferent ways, asa nev” genesation has retold these ancient stories “oulay the vampite i both more mindless and more sympathetic, savage ile films lke Ble al Frum Dak if Dav, x noble and eagle figute in TV shows like ag and books ike Ini withthe Vampire. tin the A20™ System the vampire has remainel opaque and out of reach, Even the intraduction of the vampire template ts not brought this ce into broad populasty as vilin where iis seen as 100 stereotypical by many weiter, Gamemasters, and players), and has not moved ican inch eloter to status a «player chareter (PC) race Vampires in the core rules are tough. Realy tough, But they arent much fun as wet, ‘They have slid abil scores a slew of bonus feats, and a laundry list of special attacks and special quale. They abo have those legendary weaknesses: to gutic to sunlight, to running water. Te sounds like a winning combination, but unfortunately, encounters with vampires tend t0 go one of ten ways, In the frst situation, che parry is prepared with holy wate, stakes, unhezm spells and wagonloads of gat, They encounter the vampire they ‘were expecting, give tthe old one-tvo, stake the cospse, and pick up che gold. Tiss ld hat—the party cetnly isin for any suspises. In the second situation, a vampize surprises the group while they are out adventuring It drops in behind chem, kills a party member or wo, and slaps the survivors with a half dazen negative levels before escaping back to is exlfin in gion frm. The PCs don' stand a chance. Nether of these typical vampire encounter ie flfilling The challenge is moving these monster back tsar dhe middle, where ight are challenging without being overwhelming, and where the plyers have the opportinity to be truly surprised by novel ‘Vampires are abo far too powerful as a PC rae for most campaigns. One ofthe best pars of the d20 rules isthe chance to play a monstes, and vampires scm like they have tons of promisc—but the standard vampire is nightmare for play balance. Akhough the vampire template ‘nly raises « monsters Challenge Rating by +2, it bumps effective character level (ECL) bya whopping +8: Iemakes create immune to half the spells in the rules and to most forms af damage, yet instantly destred ly mundane sunlight and creck watt. The challenge with making vampires PC race i to blend all dhe favor and character of these erentes ina package chat isnt gimmicky, overpowered, or lame: “This book attempts to solve all of these problems. It presents anew, tone-down vampite elle the “vampire scion” that is designed as-2 PC rae, and it includes tons of new feats, magic tems, campaign options, deities, spells, prestige classes, and other goodies to add spice roa ‘vampire encounter, «vampire PC, or even an all-vampire campaign. Uhope that you will experiment with the many combinations available and have Fon reinventing this ancient monster in your own campaign Most of the materi inthis book is wale by characters of any level, within the Bounds of clas level, and rice. However, thete ure Hikely cements that players and Gamemasters (GMs) wish to incorporate ito an ongoing campaign tha, had a player been aware of eadier, might Ihave caused an existing character to make different choices. New material should never punish a payer For choices mde at carly vel. ‘With eatin mind, there plenty of Rexibilry inthe 20 Ssstem for GMs and players to change the requirements for using new material or ven lightly alter existing characters Foc example, requirements fora prestige lve might be changed slightly to alow a player access to the claus without starting an entirely new character, or GMs might allow an existing PC to hecome a scion even if she has never encountered & ‘vampire “in pame” In all such eases, the GM is the final arbiter ofthe rules in the eamnpaig. Whenever yo inteprate this materia into your campaign in an incerestng wn, plate share your ideas on the message hoard at www.greenronin.com. Rous the Author Jim Bishop hasbeen involved inthe desin, development, snd/ot editing of Wath Rag, Hel in repr, Prep: The Ci of Advnte, Leia f “Hel, Aries of the As, The Asan} Hanabeo, nd Skul & Bons, He ives ia Edenonton and bas day ob at BioWare making computer games. Letra au aad aa ey: ar | (Ole cam cae LUC a rio TN eee | Cor é 4 Races of Renown: Fang & Fury Chapter One: The Vampire Scion Chapyer One: Oy ta ao “The stra cues f ‘when a humanoid or monstrous humanoid with a lea 5 HD is lila bya vampire blood dean attack. For the purposes of this book, new vampires are called “vampire scons” (often shortened to samplres «pec that a new vampire is eeated ‘cione”) and ae created ina different wy. Becoming a Vampire “The humanoid or monstroas humanoid must be ile by a warmpire’t blood drain attack, chen fed blood (see Biood Gift, below) by the same vampire to restore it to 0 hie poins, Humanoids and monstrous by blood denn but not fed a blood gitar Let ys Inter as varie spew. spumanoids ll A vampire scons iret few days of unlife are dark ones. Ina process called the Change, the new varpite’s body pases through all he stages oF death Limbs sifen, skin hecomes pale and eyes lose their color and shine. Finally the abdomen swells to grotesque size Irvelng again as they cute to liquid ancl as ternal ongins pte then ror away leaving only a shygyishly beating bears and » Ibyrith black veins While the body deesys, the vampires characterise fangs sprout from bloodless sums While going through this transformation, the vampie sions hic points remain at O: (Thi isan exception tothe normal rue that landead are destroyed teaching 0 hit poinss) He is unconscious and his condition ie stable, but he is completely unaffected by crrstive spells if spell inthis ease) or any other magia! means lf restoring health, He cannot benefit from use of the Heal skill 0 speed healing or halt the proces, nor ean he recover hit pois feom No known spell, magic em, or supernatural ability ean revere this change once it begins, though the vampire. co-be is vulnerable 0 turning and rebuking atemprs by clerics, nd he canbe killed by all the tadiconal banes of vampires (sunlight, running water, and stakes; see Vampire Vulnerabilities below). In addition, aie ei! Lor rmere care cast onthe body during this process slays the sc inamediatly. Only ae the end of this period (1441 days) does te scion aval He initally has 16 hic points and is weak aod disoriented. This condition resembles exhaustion (move at half normal speed, effceive deceeae of ~6 to Strength and Dexterity), After I hour of inactivis the scion is more in control of his new body buts sil alficted by pia this esi to the fatigued eonsdion (an run or charg to Strength and Dexterity). The new vampire can act normally afer 8 hours af inact. Archi point the scion first experiences what wil come to define his undead cexitence—the terble, overwhelming need for blood so strong itis simply called he Thiet.” fective decrease of GOs Opyion: Differeny Rules for Becoming a Vampire Various real-world cultures and Hollywood movies eat vampiism very diferent. You can eaily change the origins of vampires to fe your campaign or simply to confuse your players. Heve are some ‘examples of aleerative ways to become «vampire in your game. + Ablack eat (oF other tactiomally unlucky animal) seps over an unburied body: + -Avvampir feds From a pregnant woman—the child is bora 2 ‘vampire. A vampire Fed from the same perion on thre consceusve rigs A vampire kills someone by any means. ‘A witch of wizard dies violent “Moonlight falls onan unburied body. A suicide ies a8 « vampire a the next fall moon (the rg man in Chapter Four: Prestige Classes i built on this eradisonal origin sors) Addivonaly, the bite of a vampire could exeate other creatures under dhiferentereumstaness + Apperson killed by «vampire bur not filly drained of blood artes Ie days later asa 20mbic, +A person drained completely by a vampire but not fe blood pie arises 1d days ater a8 a ghoul + ‘Aliving person fea blood gift transform into a vampie spawn 1d day Inter. Atenatively he becomes a blood poppet (see Chapter Five: Creatures) Mesaphysics Plane for existence, but a vampires link to this plane s tenuous. Her id this attachment to the heart ell ives in some occu en “Matecial Plane weakens her hold on the negative energy of darkness tnd the night. Fach day at noon chi ink tothe dark plane reaches its nad, and the vampice scion i tormented by positive energy that washes over her unde form ike iid re, causing wounds that can be epaired only with living blood—the Thiet ‘The vampire straddles the planes of material realy and negative energy, not flly apart of either but depending on both to survive This dual dependence is behind tmdiional vulnerable to sunlight, running water, and astike to the heart. Sualight and running water are conduits of positive energy, and contact with ether breaks down the vampire already weal atachment to the Negative Energy Plane, Allowing the rough foress of the mateial world to wear down her Races of Renown: Fang & Fury Chapter One: The Vampire Scion boy like waves on sand, At the opposite extreme, a stake through the incre destroys the vample's attachment tothe Material Plan, ‘lowing the monster into a puff of nonexistence in an instant, Feeding The proces tha ums erature toa vampire scion lees the digestive system in rune The stomach, inesines liver and all anendant ‘organs rot into nothing, and dhe enatute ca uever again ex said fo. Its body snow converted to run on a specialized iui dt. "The vampire ingests blood through the mouth and throat, svallowing huge pouts that are distributed Uiroughout the body so that the dey tissues engorge with fresh blood lke a sponge. Blood is absorbed by a network of veins dat grow in untidy tangles around the heart these evils of Mick Hseue evenly fl the enti chest and abdomen of an elder vampire. A saed vampire Bushes rosy san infant, and a bloated one gives off the cherry-red glow of a furnace. A vampite in the exp of the Thirst rns porcelain white black vein eleuly visible under his skin, Drinking Blood Bvery vampire bas dhe supernatural abit to suk blood from a living victim dats suscepible ocx hits with a grapple cheek that results #suceesfl pn. Vampitescions drain bit pons a rate ‘of 2 hit points per tound the pin is maintained (unlike standard ‘vampires, which drain 1d4 points of Constttion per coun). rained hit picts are applied to the sion a8 permanent ht points, hough hit point gained in this manner never allow the scion to exceed her normal hit point maximr Essential the scion may ute blood 10 repair damage but aoe to become mone powerful than noeral Only ere that are subject to crea its may be dained of bloods constructs, elementals oozes, plants and most undead ate immune to this abiliy, (Other vampires are an excepdion; see Diinkng from Vampires, below) Consuming Food ‘Vampires cannot gain sustenance ftom sold food orden any uid other than blond and maple potions. A vampire who consumes solid Food, wate, of other fuds most succeed ata Will save (DC 20) or violently expel the offending material, taking 246 points of damage Blood Drain and Creayure Type ‘Vampire scions heal | hit point For every point of damage dea by blood drain to most creas, including aberrations, humanoid fey giant, monstrous humanoids, shapechangers, and magi beasts. For txample, a seion who drains 4 hit points from a dwarf or deyad heals 4 points of damage. Draining blood from animal, beasts, and vermin heals dhe vampire scion only I hit point for every 4 hit pois drained per round, ‘ound down, This lester blood smell and tastes foul wo mos vampires, and only the desperate drink from such creatures. Dimining the blood of true dragons and outsiders heals the scion normally and also imparts yore of the creates’ supernatural ‘essence. A scion who drains at leas § hi pots from a single dragon ina single combat gains a temporary benef, as though affected bya spell. The benefit is based on the subsype of the dexgon that Races of Renown: Fang & Fury ee Uae Lay Gass ‘was drained as shown inthe flowing rable. TF the dragon has no subsype, no benef is pained, Dragon Feeding Dragon Subtype Spell Effect Ai Cathgrae Cold esi samt (ld) Each Berkkin estas (fe) Rest laments (cid) A scion who drains a east Bit points fram a single outsider single combat gains temporary protection from creatures ofthat ‘oursider’aligomene subse, a8 shown in the following table. If che ‘outsider has no alignment subrype, no benefit guined, Oussider Feeding Outsider Alignment Subtype Spell Effect Good Proton from god Lawful Protein fram le Chaat Praection fro caer El Protein foe All such effect last umber af rounds equal to the dexined creature’ HD. The stion gains no additional benefit from repeatedly draining the same creature. Example: The vampire scion Jacl drains blood from a7 HD ‘wyrtling ced dragon. On the first round he deans 4 hit points, tnd drains another 4 hie poincs ‘on the second round. Ar che end of the second round, he gains the benetit of ru lent re this effect lasts for 7 rounds (10 the end ofthe nim round). “Destroying a Drinking from Vampires ining bod frm ster vampire bas Ue nora feet the feeder heals 1 hit poe fr every point of damage dea. Draining all the blood from another vampite can have spec corsequsnces A vampiic cannibal sesquites dstint “sine” that edly noticeable hy other mies Dbursbe can acquire power fom the destruction of mightier vampires as ‘described under the Reveler entry in Chapter Four: Prestige Classes Blood Gifts ‘Vampires can willy ttnsfer some of ther blood to other vamplces ina practice known 38th blood gf. The fing vampire slashes his cen fet (iting the rong it castomaey) and allows the repent to dink from the wound, It costs 1p to start the process, and the ‘ampire can transfer up t |p pee round pet level of the lowestlevel sompinein the exchange, to a maaimu of 10 hp/xound, "The blood gift ie ako use eo transform those killed by the vampie's blood desin atack into new vampire scions (see Becoming & lampire Scion aiden ee devo wn iy ah 0 hit points vig erenne. Vai slot ae an exrepton only way to permanently destoy a scion is to export’ Bt reg ses sn rnin weer pet fae (or oter pcg weapon) trough his hear If 2 Bo a encol tO npn by any exer means be tes the date of pes called Saber ‘Vampire, above) ot to reat sevitor beings (te Chapter Five: Creatures) Healing rama iy ais yom ‘int by gureciee Ta cones weve gray tag gel geen y wpe oe Sep oaiiel ieee ser nacre ee “ia he Orca ee post ‘negative energy an are described elsewhere i this book Resting and the Thirst ‘Vampires ase compelled to est when the sun sts, whether they can se the sun or mot. With the dawa, postive energy for becomes ascendant, and vampires cannot toleite it. At the moment of sunrise 1 vampire scion is aficted by pain, which produces an effect similar ro Fae (cn rn or charge, effective decrease of ~2ro Strength and Dexterity). Within 10 minutes the pan is eippling, a condition that mimies exhaustion (move at half noemal speed, effective decrease of ~6 to Strength and Dexterity), A scion who does not begin to sleep within an hour of suntie begins to take damage atthe race of 16 poins per minute, AU dese effees vanish at sunset, Everyday st noon, when the sua is at is highest pola athe ska bioF the vampire estence is “cooked of” by poscve enemy: This deals 148 + 1/HD points of damage, whieh cannot be prevented by any means (inching innate damage reduction, spells such as stmes, andthe ike) and cannot be healed by magiel or mundane means The ony way 20 etre these lost ic pois by dining blond from alving creature, hence the name for this condition: the Thirst. Only damage lst to the Thirst subject to this the wampice hese all ‘other damage normaly A sampite who is reduced to 12 ‘or fewer hit point a any ime smut immediately make « Wil save (DC 20 curret hit poins), repented every minute unt her hit pons exceed 12. On a fala, she is afticted with a peimal urge to feod with effecs identical eo the spell, canton (ras. sorae bonus to Sereng’s, +1 morale bonus on Wil faves,-1 penalty to AC. The vampire is compelled wo atuek and dain blood fom the neues living erature, regardless of the consequences. Slumber [If damage dec tothe Thin reduces a vampice’ total hi pons to 0 cor below, he does nr die buts paralyzed unable to move, speak, oF take any physical action. He may take purely mental actions, such as casting spell with no components o¢ communicating telepathically "The vampire no longer takes physical damage from the This, but the maddening lst for blood increases with every passing hone ‘This states called Shamber and ean las indefinitely: Vampires have a hort of being tspped in Shamber for cteriky—unable vo speak or move, consumed by the Thirst until the endl of dime. eae Chaprec One: The Vampire Scion even suggestions of one, suchas fallen tees that form a eros, oF a Uampire Weaknesses and jin’ ent tiinpatins at "This distaste is evident unless the vampire sueseeds ata Bluff check Vulnerabilities pponal yt observer Sent Mote chek This effect is eupernatual in nature and is pot sight-dependent. A vampire cannot ignore the presence of a haly symbol by Posing hie eyes of esting 2 Vampire ~~ GE's Oprio SIME rin spl Nov can drat Vampites, as creatures of both the material world and the Neyatve nergy Plane, are subject 10 special weaknesses remove the tinge of positive Weaknesses Abernate Weaknesses Seay mb me Aram esanot native Religious Weaknesses bert + Biter an area where church bells, oly symbols, agit, oF mieors a “The bulb of this Howering plant is famed forits song arora, finding use as an ingredient + eee ing wae cookngandas a fakome + Bera dveling tents ranging from infections uninvited, to seizures. Its pungency and + Hide his essential marae powcrfil medicinal quaties + Restounide his effin oF Combine to make this humble eve herb intolerable to vampires The ‘dor of pate keeps thers ata Church Bells fou may Freeh change this ably vo beste sit your distance, depending on quantity psig. Perhaps occupied homes emit enough positive fd reshnes A sirople gland ‘Vampires are cepelled bythe Energy to keep vampires a bay, bu that requires coming of of gaic pcrents a vemplre sound of bels ging in Bich cule hallows them wo enter safely when invited. QAM fom approaching closer than temple of aaonevil cre fret seh the definition of dweling to make 5 fet, mal sack of crushed Deause these bel carry the Gf interesting for vampire scion PCs: Docs a hunters ‘aes bsalnanue seerecy timbre and vibration ofthe ‘qual? A rondside sine whet sine sampice within 10 fet, and Posie Energy Plane. A vampire ‘eid to dvel? A houte won inksbitats have recently Spilled vial of fresh juice Keeps vill aot enter an area where ? The wale grouns of a wea landowner? This TM them at a comfortable range of such hell cn be cleat head, ness works best when creinfores the vamp’ alien SQM 20 fet. and she must succeed ata Bla Fronpieeefopeyian BEB The phrinetgroesto hei of sre et in ctl soymotens cinan towstbg a after a single year of growth. ‘Sense Modive check of betray her diseomfore xom even theie dlisant sound. The sound is not ferent requirement for resting i se emit Bixee vo Hee nf goon cg Then vere wi wae enge esa SR cei do oot co sed gn oly neo memes ler 1-2 cireumstance penalty on level when exposed to indirect sunlight (see below), ee Concentration eherks made Garlic used after this point ‘ocas spells, and on any skill retains only hal it effectiveness, cheek that requires unusual ring the day (en effect resembling exhaustion as ‘making the dark months of the concentration of attention £0 tlesered in Resting andthe Thiet, above), FAB cw year even more dangerous deal medi Cin, Resp ‘Vampices may rest anywhere without penal 0 v0 those apis tersony Knowledge, Open Lock, and asthey are not exposed to dzce sunlight This effect i extaoedinary in Search. ote, bat mundane defenses, such as plugging the nose or his effects supernatural in swearing a scarf over dhe nose satin pd ede ere dependent Thus the eects of Td mad hve oof church bes anor be bloke aro by linrapesorrore mundane mens ch as ing teens pe when) Micrors Avampie’ ender connection ihe Matta Pn iris y Holy Symbobs throws fact hase does ao show up in amir ll water, oF other reflective surfiee This effect also applies ro clothing, armor, fand any earied of worn eqpment, though t does not extend to the vampires companions Gneluding falar) or mount Like the sound of church bells the sight of « holy symbol dedicated toa noneril deity caries powerful echoes of postive energy. A ‘vampire sll aot enter an area where a oly symbol is visble—not Races of Renown: Fang & Fury Gerson Ur am Ue ot aes CD ‘The sight of a mittur reminds a vampire of her status as a creature tuapped berween two workls, and it causes her terrible anguish. She vwill ot enter an area where a mirror is visible, not even the rough reflective surface oF a wet cavern wall, or an opponent’ shield. Her horrors evident unless she succeeds ata Bluff check opposed by the observers Sense Motive check “Thic effect ie espernarural in nature bari ight dependent. A ‘vampire can shatter a mireor or deape material over ito enter the Running Water ia oa Rel agro poe ig that vampires canaot tolerate, They volintarily cogs running water, nor can they pass under it through a tunnel, oF Ay above it except at exceedingly high alorade. Sages who study this posive charge ilstrate it by ddeawing a cylinder with na extentive tds, whose ass the line formed by the low of A vampire who is forced to rose body of manning water centers the atte of paralysis called Slumber, recovering only after 143 hours inthis state. The ‘water must be freely roaning fina natral channel (uch as 4 steam or waterfall, but not the flow from a rain goter ‘0 foe a dsr of dct ance, and substantially five feomn contamination. Vampires may cross water that {s corrupted by blood, lth, of any substance other than soil without penaley This effects supernatural in ture and cannot be availed by spells such a ter rating, praition fom chet, ace 3000. Duselings (Opinions difer on the eason fo this strange weakness, but sampire inability to enter a dwelling uniavte is well documented, A least one sige bas speculated that homes are protected by an ancient covenant between the gods ofthe hearth and the gods of unlife, but others caim that along-forgotta hero won this protection by besting a lord of the underworld i a contest of wits ‘Vampires themselves can offer no explanation, and elders become vials upser when the subject comes up. Whatever the reatoo, no vampire can enter an occupied dwveling without Grst being invited in by a member of the household, For game purposes, “dwelling” i defined as any location with at last three walls where a sentient creature (Intelligence score of 3 or more) makes its home. A woodeuter cabin, an achmage’ tower, 1a dragon’ caver, and a worg’s den all qualify and ate all equally protected against vampire’ tespasces Essential Nature About pies smc dogs tems 8 moras wd on cic ape faces car af rng epee! ral ct Ew as oy rene a a tale thm recognimble repo th fom ey For most vampires, this signature is all too cleat: the eyes glow red in firelght, the skin has a woay white east, and nails and canine teeth are longated and razor-sharp, Some vampires vary ftom the norm and may have snow-hite hai, dak skin, ora fall mouth of nowdle sharp teeth, Regardless of the detail sy vampire can be ecogaized on sight by a simple Spot check (DC 12), even in animal form, Vampires take a4 Greumstance penalty on any Disguise sll checks to appear alive Coffins and Graves A vampire morbid atachment to the material world compels him wo rest ‘during the day in the same place ‘where he underwent his change to unlife (ypielly a cofin, mausoleum, rmongie, of burial pit). This location caries «special vibration chat is attuned to both the vampire and the Negative Energy Plane, improving his ability to rete the ‘noontime assault of ponitive energy. Each ‘day he spends sleeping ‘ntsc of thie place, he takes 348 + 1/HD points of damage fom the "This nstead of the usual Id In addition the vampire is racked by pai vwhen he awakens at sunset, ‘condition tht resembles favgue (cant an or charge, effective deerese of -200 Strength and Dexter Vampire Uulnerabilities Tatton to hel loge oF weakness hare hese specific vulnerabies These conditions urtely destroy the vampire, citherinstandy o in a mater of rounds. A vampire is destroyed by: + Exponure tn mag + Immersion in running wate + Asetke through the hese. Sunlight ‘Sunlight carries a powerful change of positive ener and even the slightest exporure to pure sunlight can weaken and destoy Races of Renown: Fang & Fury Chaprer One: The Vampire Scion a vampire Indirect exposure Although tavern stores hold dhat (och bn led ooh = iia sali oop sacs es Sealars cnbent cit ‘ampiethear eee wile sae ce oo Solar Eclipses Debye piece ep TEmponyeietrescetbe MIME ca souecdpeisa pense tin for ami he AM ies Ses of ema vampire. These negative levels: os Ln . j ash are traditional, since they_ ae = . level -~ Earth. During this interval, which lasts 2d4 minutes, a ‘overcome the Fey gives players and GMs che tools 1o build characters, encounters and even campaigns around the vampire scion race, This chapter ‘begins the work of character ancl worl design (as least as it pera roleplaying to vampires) and customize within the campaign, while for experienced players this discussion can pethaps even expand the. For beginners, there ae suggestions about what to change reaviy bed by hours of - Playing a Vampire - Fate Characer “The fia step in paying a vamp scion characteris to atk your GM, Scions have an effective characte level (ECL) 2 higher than thie Ise race; for example, human vampire scion with 1 class level roughly s tough asa lving human with 3 levels in a character class. ‘Your GM has final sayin whether vampire scions are allowed in hee campaign, and which sices ean take the vampite scion template Assuming you are allowed to play this unusual rice, you mus also be ready fo answera number of questions about your vampire scion character How long ago did his transformation tke place? Whats his relationship with the wamice or scion who created him? What {is his relationship with his family, and with fends he had before the change? What isthe characters atcude toward other varie felons, nd toward vampire kin such a blood puppees and thells? [If be ld a good alignment before his change, how does he fee! about hs alignment shifting toward chaoti evil? Does he have any ral objection o Feeding from sentient creatures? How did he deal with becoming an ex-palacin or loxing the fivor of his deity fis alignment change resulted inthis? “The answers to these questions ate cxscal to creating a deep, comples, and compelling vampire scion character. Someone who Inn eu himself off from family and frends but stil secredy watches lover them makes a sympathetic and tragic ero, A clei whose transformation destroyed his ith i a Fascinating erin loss, and possibly in redempsion. Even the standard predatory and elitist vampire ean be made more interesting by adding a morive to bie violenes: Perhaps he now secks revenge on an authority that once persecuted him, dreams of Hberang his people from an oppressos, ‘or simply secs Fame as a dreaded prince ofthe night. Uampire Scion Archerypes Ye i cp AN “nso elon lee ae ps gong ah stig oases mapa guy eg pe ce is esau Sor Avenger ‘You never asked to be turned into « monster, andl you don’ ke it ‘one bit. Akhough you'd never go sofa as o sek seldestruction, ‘your fury a losing control over your lifes bottomless. The creature that tamed you must be killed, and other wampizes who subject {anocent people to this horror deserve no mercy or understanding. Many avengers fll the path of the reveler (see Chapter Four: Prestige Clayses), bur even ify vampires whenever pocsble ou do not, you prefer to feed on An avenger would join a group of vampires only if they do not seck tw bring more mortals into dei fold Cursed ‘You tranagressed against a deity of powerful outsider and were cursed with vampirism as punishment, Because of this, you do not ‘necessarily know any other wampires—or even know that other vampires exist. All you are sure about is cht you can travel daring the day, and you need to drink blood to survive. Stupid, ignorant, or naive cursed vampires make interesting additions roan adventuring group, bet they may be taken adwantage of by more experienced scions. Esthere ‘You exist to sample the great tensions ofthe world, aveling like a wisp from centers of art to perfumerie, fron elegant balls nel boudbirs tothe finest eothiers and outfitters, Your life isa neverending pursuit of plersure, and feeding is only one more way to enjoy the endles arity of delights “Many ethores become jaded and perverse over ime, and no longer yet enjoyment from any but the most elaborate spectades, Young esthetes are sill astonished by the simplest of pleasures and might become ‘enchanted by the bouquet of ally othe sight of a meteor showes Races of Renown: Fang & Fury Chapter Two: The Way of Blood Monster In ie you spread sero and pin, and in undesth you have diecovre te pefect whic to bring thee things to more end snore people tan you ever dreamed pose Yow ae a lanes, dlving plese only fom the vfting of other and king ever gener enn of torment Some monsters are tured to eruely by thee transformation, but most were already thoroughly evil A monster PC cares the risk ‘of disrupting typical eampaign, but she fis igh nto a “decadent cruely” campaign (sce Vampire Campaigo Options, below). Penigeny ‘ou wen sai into va pint yout wil bo tena of fy you felony Tomrow and gu Youkeyretpais {Sener tha yoo thi fr bed doesnt ete you to bam innocent restr refering fed onthe Nowe of animale and bea: Whee pone, you wort eo rerome te sin thats on your soul od egal to renner beeen Some penitents might acrsly ‘be om formal penitent quests as pet of eligious observance, or believe that they ean eu thie “condition” by lving a ite of exireme asceticism, Penitents make great addons to standard adventuring group because they ean Ihe trusted not to Feed on the other parey members but they are typically «bad i fora party that ‘consas entirely of vampire Predaor ‘Whatever ou once wer you se now anes, Your ol has bared my lavingonly th ary of the Ti ad the teresa abr at rng ou Bh You may tot emerber our Mor fe our ame—Tout Hcy ey eed by your dees ‘Some predators prefer to stalk society From within, elivating a civilized fagade that is dropped dhe moment prey isin sight. Most live entcely outside civilization, ising in the many hiding places it ‘offers and never interacting with the world of the living except to feed, Uampire Scions and the Core Classes Scions excel at many roles, rom spllesters to mee combatants to stealthy infltrtors. The following notes provide an entry point into ates, choosing a las for a vampire scion character, whether aba player ‘uracter or an NPC. “Option” comments offer some roleplaying snd world-bulding ups, Remember that all class Hit Dice, both current and future, become 12s 0n transformation ito a vampire scion. RAdepr ‘Vampire adepts often inhabit the outskes of eiilization, ether posing as mortal hedge wizards in a small seclement o ruling over ‘savage tribe in hei fill desthlees glory. Seione make strong adepes beeauseof thei bonus ro Wisdom, bu few are content to sete for sceond:-rtespelleasting after cheie transformation and instead take levels in aPC clase GM Option Raising the adept sill points to 4 + Ine moder ‘pe level san easy way to bring this NPC. elas into closer pasty ‘with the PC classes. Alternatively, consider allowing ‘vampire scion adepes to prepare selected cere ‘of sorceer/wieard spel in addin wo their standard spl list. A surprising numberof seions are (or were) asstocrts. Many ‘vampes seek to create “childcen” from the ranks of nobility wo bring local government under their control oto gain wealth and prvilege without working fr those things. The arietoerat ie sold NPC class, nd many noble born vampires sions continue w advance i it GM Option: If the eampai bes the PCs above Ist level, consid axistoerat PCs the starting wealth of a character {level higher than thee staring level to simulate the social advantages of this class. Barbarian Beesuse scions have n0 ‘Constitution score, they do ‘ot benefit frm this clas at much as other aces. They can never eage for more than 3 rounds, and they gun no bonus hit pints while raping Sill, che sion racial bom 0 Strength makes chs a cempring offensive combination, and fromtline vampire combatants might consider taking a single level of burbusan GMr Option, Consider changing the rage ability so tha the scion gains a +4 bonus to Charisma instead of Constvtion, and the Adoration of the ability depends on the seins (improved) Charisma ‘modifier This wil tend to result in rages that last ongee than those of other races (beeause of the scion’ high Charisma bonus), though, and go may’make a vampire barbarian too powerful 2 choice. Pei Cer ata Chapter Two: The Way of Blood Bard ‘With their bonuses to Charisaa and Dexterity, vampire sions smake exceptional bards, This clas san excellent cover fo sciont— enteraines often perform a night and slep ding the day, and they ean tvel withour attracting suspicion, Bard clase abilities ako ‘complement those of the masqued player snd regent (sce Chapter Four: Prestige Classes), and a number of vampire feats tie nto thie lass nicely CM Option The bard clas soften overlooked by players Consider making it more staetve by positioning scion bard a followers of Aaiemre (Gee Chapter 6 The Gods snd Theit Servants) and giving them acces to divine spelis from the Chaos, Mania (ee Chapter 7 Spells and Magic), and/or Trickery domains as bard spells of half ‘the lsted cleric spl evel (round up). Cleric Vampire scions make highly effective elercs They gain the inherent abllty to rebuke or even contro their own kind, and have access to. long let of spells thee protect, trengrhen, heal, and destroy With the many different deities and domains available, eh s one ‘of the most flexible platforms available for vampire scion character development. An evil scion clevie with levels in black abbor or regent (sce Chapter Four: Prestige Clases) makes a spectacular campaign villi GM Option Normally varnpte clerics lose their abilty to turn ‘undead but gin the silty to rebuke undead, Consider relaxing tie rule wallow nevtnl scion PCs to continue riming undead, expecially if the characteris strongly conficted about hee nature (ee the penitent archerpe, bors). Commoner ‘The ubiquitous commoner is hardly the finest choice for a PC, but the class does have certain advantages Commoners are overlooked and forgorten, nd as a result they make the perfect urban. vampire. No one payt the alghtet attention to them, whether they walk around in heevy robes (ikely victims of leprosy), sleep all day Gikely dead), of wander the streets at nigh (likely beggar) Commoner scons ate Frequently rag men (se Chapter Four: Prestige Classes). GAS Option: Consider granting commoner PCs a circumstance da lng os other commoners bom an Hide checks to go una ace present, and on Disguise cheeks to pass a8 commoner of 2 diferent ree, sex, or age Druid ‘Vanpie lon ick any eonneton to the mtu wo andthe Ic fore ofthe Mata Panes they mos cer become duds sfier they go thoogh the chge Dr who became sons often gyal oe age tired vw explo execu tnd neaing Despite these conics, her bonus to Wao rakes ‘cons good (F nor exepdona) did GM Option: Disallow this lass for scion if it goes against your conception of the drs cannection to nature. Alkeratively, you could allow the scion to befdcnd evil and wndead creaaccs a8 ‘embodying the negative spect of the natural word Expert Sometimes vampires create cions ftom influential experts a ‘community to gain power or special consideration. Some expert, such a scholars and alchemists, might be targeted for their precious knowledge. Others, especially merchants are put dhrough the change ‘becca elder vampire nee their weit, A few experts ia ‘cea mysteries acualy seek to become scions to further theit own knowledge and material power. Player Option Fxpoit your access to restricted sills ike Decipher Sent, Read Lips, Sey, and Use Magic Device. This is one of the biggest assets of the expert cle —Use Magic Device i expecially useful to che advenruret. Be sure to include Strength- and Chars based sil lke Climb and Bluff when choosing your ten clas ski since these will heft the mot fom yous rial bonuses Fighter and Warrior ‘Vampire scione make good fighters and warriors. Although the lack ‘of a Constzation score hurts both hitpoints and Fore saves, the increased Hit Die and bonuses to Strength andl Dexterity make this combination atractve Scions make especialy good skirmishers, ‘weiting light armor to capitalize on thee Dexterity bonus to AC and good speed sin actical advantage fom Plager Option Consider taking Weapon Focus and Weapon ‘Specialization with a thrown weapon. This allows you to take advantage of your high Strength bonus to damage without risking your lowe hie points in melee. Alternative focus on the Feat chain ‘that ends in Enerey Drain (ce Chapter Two: Feats) This is one of the most powerful abies available toa scion, and it complements ‘the fighter’ hig base arack bonus perfectly Monk With endless die to practice and mediate, and their bonuses to Surength, Desteig, and Wisdom, scions make excellent monks. The ‘monk's foews on unarmed comb also complements the scons ‘aturl attcks and blood drain ability, making the combination even stronger. Monks of a lawful evl temple might even became scons 2s past of a higherlevelinitation that eveas the eath behind the high priest” ails, The oy domeside to thie combination is that a number of monk ease abilities (purity of body, diamond body, tnd timeless body) offer benefits that are aleady patt ofthe scion’ undead ype. GM: Option A 20th-evel scion monk’ ype should not change to “outsider,” since this woul render him imenune to rurn and rebuke artemprs and ruse a number of awleward questions (for example, is he now tly alive), Instead, have te scion monk remain an wodead creature, hough be enjoy all other benefits fr earning dis level. Paladin Because of the alignment change that occurs during the ransformation,a paladin who becomes -vampite scion i aways an cex-palain, Some scions endure this punishment for what they see as their weakness, bur many grow biter and cruel asthe years pass, creatualy fling tothe temptations ofthe blackguard prestige class While expaladins are werk compared to athet PC clases, they stil benefit rom strong base attack progression and good saves Too, the opportunites for pathos-heavy roleplaying ae uasvalled. cree ct Chapter Two: The Way of Blood Players Option ‘This combination epitomizes the aninero, a teal ‘oleplayng challenge for those who are up to it. Possible books include erating a vampiric thrall mount (see Chapter Fiver (Crextures) ss an echo of your lost wathorse, striking deals with vilins you used to oppose, and continuing to protect church that now views you at an abomination to be desteoyed. Ranger ‘apie make spe anges Tey hav gree Sten good Deter and Widom, unr aco, tnd the insets of bora Teas foxes i vel qagtr sha eestrenagy of ais twrwanpn experi by ging os wo cows lsh ‘ear ase ages cipese PC ces even oui e ih tbicon of power win he mp Reréhy gh pee in dea inet, Thy gin 0 dunage boats agains flow undead ‘comms bt he boven en Bk Sd Seam Mere norma op farts aba layers Option None scion sangers who choose undead as a favored enemy offer great roleplaying opportunities Such a character may he motivated by deep ambivalence ura desire for vengeance aginst the creature that stole ber life From her and cursed her: ‘unnatural existance, Rogue ‘With bonuses to Doster, atellgence, and Charisma and immonity to poison, sions make some ofthe best rogues (nd sssasine) around, They have the potential wo excels sncak thieves, backstabbers, confidence artist, smugglers, o° any number of other rogue specialties Scion rogues also transition nicely to the righthawk’s path (see Chapter Four: Prestige Classes). hyers Optio Consider taking the new Spider Climb and Tmproved Blood Dein feats to improve your aleady potent class abilities. Sorcerer and Wizard “The scion's bonuses to Intelligence and Charisma make them good “wizards and exceptional sorcerers, Arcane spells improve vampires" tturl abilities and help avoid dangerous situations andl with thie larget Hit Dice and racial bonuses to Destriy and Strength, they are rmoce survivable than most spllesstes, GM: Option Normally» splleaster who becomes « vampire loses his familiar and can cll only a rat or bat a 2 replacement. Consider allowing the player to keep his old familie by eurning ic into a ‘vampisie thrall (ce that entry template in Chaprer Five: Creatures) - Ahernazive Racial Concepts - “The popilae view of vampites and how they operate has been heavily influenced by mass media, Many movies, books, and games have established a "standard view" of the bloodsuckers of| legend. Despite the potential fexbiity of And possibilities for the race, they have been largely typecat as either one-dimensional bloodsuckers or tlts-cool, nihilistic club kids. Here are some alternative portrayals of wampite scons to help you, the GM, paint an entirely new and unique picture of these eretutes in your campaign worl, “These descriptions are not necessarily exclusive; you can easly ‘combine two or mare concep ro suit your vision, Alternatively, the ‘vampire race might have unique sine or even multiple competing tribes, each with a diferent background, The following suggestions also include ideas for modifying the race in minor ways to embody each theme. Blood Symbiores Tn thie option vampires are nor uly undead their blood i ‘Varnpire blood is iteelf sentient an partially empathic, and contains the accumulated wisdom of millennia of vampire existence. When a ‘ew scion is reated, the undead blood surges through hee veins 2nd uanges her body int its new for I consumes its host's natural ‘blood and replaces for more freak mor entirely, and then ives her a bottomless craving 1 blood. “This is avery different vision ofthe vampire rice, snd it has serious implications for vampire PCs. Beeause dhe personaly of every ‘vampire i epi beeween her core self and this invading blood en ros area ast pally schizoid and unbalanced—many are completely insane. Thee blood speaks to them and fores them : perform horse ats of cruelty and vilence, and they are completely ‘unable to reise help or even to find release in death Encounjers An encounter wit «blood symbiote vampire isrexifing in the ‘extreme. Te creature displays sharp contast between her speech and tetions, shouting wamings or sobbing even while she rps nto ber victims as her tional brain atempes to Fight agains the impulses chat come from her veins, Asie frm these roleplaying differences, bod! symbiote vampires hun an fight just ike ther coaventonal cousins. Abernative Racial Abilizies Because they have access to the symbiote's accumulated knowledge, blood symbiote vampires gain Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (vampire lore) as lass sl, with 4 free ranks in each (to the rmaximam normally allowed). Additionally, each tine a blood symbiote vampire kis another of her kind with blood drain she ins 1 fee rank in both sil Nazural Hunjers Perhaps the most radical reassessment of the vampire is ro place it outside dhe undead type completely In this option, vampires are ecully monetrous humanoid that breed true—not undead, and not ven a template, These creatures need blood to live, but they lak the supernatural powers that legend associates wth vampires Traditions vulnerabilities are absent or replaced by mere sensitivities, and the fable ie reveled a8 merely a noceurnal race with its own history, customs, and culture “These “natural” vampire are fa caic to integrate into a campaign than the undead variety, and may be the perfcr choice if you have concerns about a whole paryof deathless PCs They ae also perfect way to highlight the uniqueness of your campaign setting Races of Renown: Fang & Fury Chaprer Two:. The Way of Blood Encounjers Encounters with these creatures are extremely confusing for players who expect Hollywood-style vampires, They cross running ‘water at wil, tolerate sunlight with only mild discomfors, and are completely unaffected by holy water and other religious trappings, tai, and the attentions of the pary eleic. Mose players wil sesume that these creatures ate elders or have some sort oF magical protection, Uncovering the truth may take many encounters and long and detailed teseare, Abernazive Racial Abilities ed below A typical natura wampice is presen Natural Vampire Medium Monstrous Humanoid Hie Diees 1a8 (4 bp) Initiative: +1 (Des) Speed: 30 f AG: 14 (+1 Dex, +3 srudded lather) ‘Attacks: 2 cliws +4 melee Damage: Claw 1d¢+2 Face/Reuch 5 fe by 5£/5 & Special Attacks: Blood dain 2d4/sound ‘Special Qualities: Darkvsion 60 fe, light sensitivity -1 om stacks in bright sunlight oF dil Saves: Fore +0 Ref +3, Wil +3 Abilities: Ste 15, Dex 12, Com 11, Fn 12, Wis 13, Cha 12 Skills: Climb +5, lvimidate +5, jump +5, Listen +5, Spot +5, Wilderness Late +3 eats: Weapon Focus (law) (Climate/"Tereain: Any land or underground Organization: Soltey pair, oF cadre 2-4) Challenge Rating: t “Treasure: Standard Aligament: Often chaotic evil Advancement: By character elas Level Adjustment: +1 Psychic Vampires sipireexig aos canganfeorel Uedtioaierra nee ee eee eee, See SS a seeone a “This option is easy to integrate into an existing campaign, since only the metaphor of feeding is changed. Encounters Paychie vampires appear to be typical bloodsuckers at fst, bu victims of thei attics will beat marke of withered and burned shin instead ofthe expected bite-marks and severe blood los. Thee ‘combat tcties are other ential to those of conventional vampires, Rlernazive Racial Abilities Peychic vampires benefic from the supernatural ability to sense Living Sense Living (Su): A psychi vampire can take a stindacd action 10 concentrate of its surroundings, derecing the psychic imprint of any living creatures within 30 feet. This ability does not render invisible, ethereal ot hidden cretutes visible, nor does ie ela any information about detected creatures besides ther presence and appreximate location (within 5 fee) Uicyims of a Curse Io this alternative, new vamplees are ereated by divine eit, aot by other vampires, Whether only one deity hands out these curses, oF they are standaed punishments (or rewards) for those who violate the laws of Heaven, is upto you “This option rates the interesting possibilty that vampiram can be removed ifthe affcted one propedyatones for his wanspressions. (One campaign idea has the party members begioning as ‘creatures who accidentally violate an ancient edit during the course tf an adventure. Cursed with vampire, they ea be cued only by undergoing a demanding quest on the deity’ behalf all while learning to deal with their new powers and vulnerabilities. Encounters Cursed vampires renin ther mortal algment and are usualy far more agreable than typical scions. The PCs might even be approached by a party of cursed vampires who need their help to complete aquest of atonement. OF cours, hostile cursed vampires ‘would behave much like hostile standard varpizes. Abernazive Racial Abilities ‘Varies who are unde a curse may be of any ligament and eannot ‘crete new scion, vampiric thrall, or blood puppets They otherwise have the same abies dessibed in Chapter One: The Vampire Scion, Vicyims of a Disease This option presents vampires she eae ofa magia dsc, nd thc tine ics xpresons of he sydme Sos “eh” sheds fom otheinfetd car andpatitalongt thot they fd upon. Te das inks is wcimsw he Nee Enay Phe (ning ‘hem ino ured) and contre he Hood, which ess the Tite. ‘The most obvious consequence of this option isthe possibly of « ‘cure forthe disease. Depending on the sluton you want, vampirism could be cured by anything from a cup of water blessed by a priest 0 mia east by 2 20h-leve ere Ifthe remedy is cheap and accessible, ‘he eampaign could become a strugele against a plague that afc ousands If tis very expensive, rare, oFinaceesible, then the whole campaign may bes quest to cure a single important individual Encounters Diseased vampires arc superficially iden to stand vampies, but good chanictes may have moral conflicts about destroying ereacures ‘hat ate not in control oF ther actions. One intresting opdion isto Letra Cad ee a a ata Chapter Two: The Way of Blood rule thot “destroyed” resul from a tar check instead cures vampites| Of thei illness, The blast of postive enengy bucns out the disease ‘emt and restores a vampire to life without harming the moral eat Abernazive Racial Abilities ‘Te infectious mature of the vampire disease caries makes them much more prolife than normal ones once an outbreak occurs. Because every op of her hood earties the fection, whenever a dissed vampie| feeds she has a chance of erating a new scion. The perenrage chance is ‘apa to 5+ the tral damage deat by blood dein. ‘Vampiriam (Su): Supernatural disease injuy, Fortnade save (DC 20), incubation period 13 days. The disease deals no damage tots host but ransforms he into a bloodthirsty undead monster at midnight on the nigh it takes effet - Vampire Campaign Options - ere ae a number of ideas for eampaigas that center around vampires Againsy the Inquisizion Ta thie option, the PCs ae isolated scions in a land dominated by a hardline political or religious ideology that seeks their toral radiation, Inquiscos, soldiers and firebrand preachers wall the streets at night secking out creatures of evi, an children ate «encouraged to find sleping vampires during the day, at penay a head, The party's goals may be as simple as survival or as far reaching 2s revolution, Depending on thee goals and abies, the party could flee wo the countryside to sec the safety of eaves or uins, or they could choose to fortify chic hiding place and stick t out ina city oF town. In the fist situation the campaign takes on the frante pace ‘of a chase film, othe desperation of an exodus la the second, ie might be centered on decepsion, emphasizing roleplaying as the PCs use disguise nd iluion to feed and say one stp ahead of the inquisition, “This option is particularly attractive if you intend to make scions sympathetic figures, either through roleplaying or the naural or cursed vampire options Ic also works well ia historical context, if you wish to run a campaign that takes place ina dark and mythical lundersde 1o real events such as the Spanish Inquisition or the Crusades GE's Option Coie ging PCs Liat Ge Chaps Tt Feat) foam fat antacid delon wd copre Conquest A question people commonly ask about power monsters is: Why dont they rule the word? This hole tempts to patch that hole with ‘ements, such asthe Dash Crown arifocr andthe reveler prestige css, that hep vampiees fom working together, bt another opion is make the answer to this question cenual heme of your campaign ‘Acabal of powertal vampizes, perhaps working ia allance with ices and other intligent undead, pans o capture a ciyestate, a principal, tora county, of evento exablsh a globe spanning cmpite ‘The players could take the soe of soldiers on either side of the battle, or of the generals chemecves ifthe group wants co fight out batts using mase-combac rules. They could also play noncombatants cau up in the struggle who lock themselves in at night and emenge duting the day to scrounge for supplies, ever ‘mindful of the passage of the sun. Because the undead armies kill all ving crearres without discriminating berween good and evi Civile! and wil, the PCs could even be racial enemies who are bound together out of necessity. A party containing a drow a high clfja duergar, and a mountain dwarf would be a problem in many {groups butt could present a pret roleplaying challenge to players who are up fort GI"'s Option A campaign tha cers ound var beeen the lving and cred sul fe thee “tome ce hat occas rg rowacrad confi. Comider redoing the preree for ats ich tinpowerel Nerd Weapon ad Eoergy Da eke apie toes more dangerous and granting al eta aed god Cie ‘crew tothe Surloman wea ter boos demands oF tit ‘tiie portotn Decadeny Cruely [Not all roleplaying campaigns have to be abwe something In this ‘option the PCs are acions who live athe top of society, dispensing agony and ecstasy to morals ia thee care and living an existence of tedless debauchery. They crear blood puppets for sport and order them off balconies when they cease to be amusing; they invent ‘whole new spores and pastimes to hunliaterhel oral cells, treating them as ring beast, musical instruments, or paslor gue pieces; and they nove, ever get caught. In this sore of campaign, oss the standard rewards ovt the window sand instead orient the game around parior polities and the minor contests of inuence likely o occupy immortal sists Fach ‘session has its prince and ite gor, with plenty of minor nobles in ‘etsveen all squabbling for influence. While 420 rules are sil used to resolve sil checks and combat, a aed game lke “Presidents and Assholes” may be better suited to resolving the outcome of ‘complex polite struggles. For example, the PCs may be jockeying for ownership of the local orphanage and the supetb dining to be found therein. Their politicking toward tis end may be expressed by plying a single hand of eands to determine the relative placement of exch PC in the race GI's Option Half the fan of being a vampires having minions. Consider removing the nepaive level penlies for creating blood puppets and ‘vampire thrall, and thus encourage PCs to gather rst courtiers pets and sycophants to thee sides. Races of Renown: Fang & Fury

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