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C Complete the sentences with HAVE TO or HAS TO:

1) They do an exam.

2) Jenny clean her desk.

3) Ken and Liz learn more English vocabulary.

4) Andy help his mom.

5) We do our homework.

6) He use pencil at school.

7) I feed my hamster.

8) You take photos.

9) Vicky read the newspaper.

10) The teacher correct a lot of homework.

D Complete the sentences using DON'T HAVE TO or DOESN'T HAVE TO:

1) He work in the evening.

2) We go shopping.

3) My friends get up early.

4) Mandy read the instructions.

5) You do the project.

6) I study for the test.

7) They carry the buckets.

8) She wash my clothes.

9) Mom make sandwiches.

10) Frank and Joe go to soccer practice every day.

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