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International Ltd AbstractEssential prerequisite for High Speed corrid or is to have
control on the d egrad ation of track geometry so as to keep various tolerances well
within the specified limits. Degrad ation of track geometry is a function of Track
Design, Axle-Load , Speed , and Sub-Grad e characteristics. Improvement of sub-grad e
in poor ground areas is recognized as one of the most significant factor.This paper
d escribes the consid erations involved and the method ologies to be ad opted for sub-
grad e improvement. The engineering process to overcome the problems presented by
poor ground areas is d iscussed along with the examination of the various options
available, outlining their various ad vantages and limitations. Interface Between
Track, Sub-grad e and Ground Degrad ation of track geometry is a function of Track
Design, Axle-Load , Speed , Vehicle and Sub-Grad e characteristics.For the track
carrying mixed traffic, d esign has two d iffering requirements; light weight
passenger train at high speed s and heavily load ed freight train at lower speed .
This lead s to the requirement of sub-grad e, which can provid e the necessary surface
and alignment required for high-speed service, at the same time withstand heavy
axle load without resulting in rapid d eterioration or requiring frequent
maintenance. Trad e-off for cant and cant d eficiency between high-speed passenger
train and stability of slow speed heavy freight trains also need s to be consid ered .
Another issue related to high speed is whether to have conventional coaching
stock with increased super elevation or have tilting train for higher speed .
Techno-economical solutions have to be sought to enable safe running of train at
higher speed s on conventional railway track without expensive alignment work rather
than to d esign for too much d ifferential speed on the same track.The track system
comprising of Rails, Sleepers, Ballast and Sub-ballast is normally separated from
the sub-grad e by a layer of geo-textile separator. Track sub-surface layers
(ballast, sub-ballast and sub-grad e) provid e the required support to track
structure.The sub-grad e provid es a stable platform for the ballasted track
structure. The track system d istributes the load s from the rolling stock to a safe
level such that these stresses d o not prod uce und ue strains in the sub-grad e that
would cause non-recoverable d eformations and progressive d egrad ation of the track
geometry, affecting the safety and rid e quality.The d esign of the ballasted track
system is influenced by the characteristics of the sub-grad e, in particular the
resilience mod ulus of the sub-grad e soils. Resilience mod ulus has significant
influence on ability to maintain track geometry. Cond ition d eterioration at
locations where sub-grad e changes from geo-technical to structural element is a
chronic problem. Track d eterioration in these areas could be abnormally high and
may require 8 10 times more maintenance. These areas require transition
structures.Improvement in sub-grad e results in the red uction in the rate of track
geometry d egrad ation and measurable lower maintenance cost. Common problems d ue to
poor sub-grad e Poor sub-grad e may result into: Massive shear failure
attributable to the low shear strength of the sub-grad e material Progressive shear
failure or general sub-grad e failure d ue to the stresses imposed by the axle load s
progressively squeeze the overstressed sub-grad e clays to the sid e.Attrition or
local sub-grad e failure where the repeated load ing on the sub-grad e, especially in
the presence of water red uces the sub-grad e to slurry which can pump to the
surface. Sub-grad e settlement that can be caused by consolid ation, moisture content
changes or progressive d eformation d ue to repeated traffic stresses.Slope stability
of embankments and cuts also need to be assessed and the possibility of massive
shear failure has also to be preclud ed . For most projects the chosen sub-grad e
material pred ominantly consists of well-compacted resid ual soil fill material that
offers a high shear strength and mod ulus of resilience, preclud ing the possible
occurrence of progressive shear failure. Higher axle load can impose higher
stresses on sub-grad e, which consequently gives rise to accelerated track
d eterioration Settlement of the sub-grad e can occur ind epend ent of extent of axle-
load in the case of compressible sub-soils and this can cause d egrad ation of the
rail track particularly if the settlements are not uniform. Poor sub-base
cond itions can result in excessive and uneven track d egrad ation. Uneven track
d egrad ation results in costly maintenance and may even ad versely affect the track
safety. Further, the non-uniform nature of the soft soils will result in
d ifferential settlements, which will lead to rail track d egrad ation over time.
Ground Improvement OptionsImprovement of the sub-grad e is integral with and
d epend ent on the improvement of the und erlying natural ground formation. Ground
treatment is required at poor ground areas, as the naturally occurring sub-soils
may be unable to support the embankment and rail system without exceed ing the
requirements of the client s d esign brief.Various method s of ground treatment for
soft ground can be broad ly categorized into the structural (rigid ) and the
geotechnical solutions based on various consid erations, which includ ed the height
of fill, thickness and compressibility of the soil as well as time and cost.
Following method s of ground treatment can be ad opted for various poor ground
cond itions:Vibratory surface compaction and Deep vibro-compactionRemoval and
replacement of soft cohesive d eposits of limited thicknessPreload ing of existing
soft/loose fill Preload ing with vertical d rains.Dynamic Replacement.Stone Column
Piled Embankments in areas having soft soil to large d epths Viad uct for high
embankments on ground having very d eep soft soils with organic d eposits.3.1
Vibratory surface and Deep Vibro-compactionSurface vibratory compaction is
used for d ensification of loose cohesionless soils using vibratory roller. Deep
vibro-compaction can be d one for the loose sand y d eposits having less than 15% of
fines for d epths up to 10 m. Compaction is carried out by inserting the probe up to
the d esign d epth of improvement and allowing the soil around the probe to get
compacted for certain time interval. Then the probe is raised by about 0.5m to
compact the soil around the vibrator and the process is repeated .Removal and
ReplacementFor localised areas with soft soils of limited d epth and thickness,
removal of unsuitable material and replacement with suitable fill may be carried
out. These unsuitable materials were encountered in valleys and low-lying areas
and may be replaced with well-compacted suitable fill. Excavation and replacement
could be carried out up to 5m to 6m. The removal and replacement may be required to
be carried out even in cutting areas where the naturally occurring soils were found
to be of a low shear strength and high moisture content. Subsurface d rainage may
have to be introd uced in most of these areas. Preload ingFor low embankment over
soft compressible soil where the poor ground is of limited thickness (short
d rainage path) or is capable of compressing rapid ly und er load of excess preload
fill d ue to presence of sand lenses, preload ing may be resorted . Preload ing of
soft soils is based on the consolid ation concepts, whereby; pore water is squeezed
from the void s until the water content and the volume of the soil are in
equilibrium und er the load ing stresses imposed by the surcharge. This is usually
accompanied by gain in shear strength of soil. To a certain extent, the primary
consolid ation und er final load ing can be achieved d uring construction and hence
post construction settlement red uces. Prefabricated Vertical Drains and Pre-load ing
However, with increased thickness of the soft clay where the consolid ation period
is too long for full consolid ation of primary settlements, vertical d rainage may be
incorporated in conjunction with preload ing in ord er to accelerate the settlement.
Vertical d rains may be proposed in the areas where the thickness of soft soils is
limited to less than 10 m and embankment height are low. The anticipated primary
and second ary settlements in such areas are limited .Dynamic replacementDynamic
replacement may be used for d ensification of loose cohesionless soils which are up
to 5 to 6 m d eep and where height of embankment is more than 2.5 m. Dynamic
replacement utilizes a heavy pound er, usually lifted by crane to d esigned height
and then d ropped onto the soil, in a grid pattern such that the site is ad equately
covered . Craters formed by the pound er are filled with sand or aggregate and
compacted . Due to large vibrations ind uced by the d ropping of the pound er, this
method is only suitable at locations away from settlement-sensitive structures.
Stone ColumnsStone columns may be provid ed in areas where subsoil consists of more
than about 5 m thick soft cohesive soil and where stability and stringent
consid erations cannot be satisfied with conventional removal / replacement of soft
material. Stone columns enable the embankment to be constructed to its full height
continuously without requiring stage construction.Piled Embankment and Viad uctIn
the areas having low factor of safety against bearing capacity and slope stability;
stage construction of the embankment may have to be resorted to, in which waiting
period have to be introd uced between stages to allow for consolid ation and strength
gain. When the required construction period
extend s beyond the limited time frame available, stability berms need to be
introd uced to red uce the number of construction stages. Moreover, these berms may
extend beyond the right of way and require more land to be acquired . In cases of
problems of limited time and space constraints it may be necessary to ad opt
structural solution.In soft soil areas, embankment height exceed ing the pre-
consolid ation pressure will give rise to excessive settlement. This can be avoid ed
by means of structural solutions such as viad uct or piled embankment. Structural
solution is recommend ed in soft ground cond itions with d epths exceed ing 15 m.
Structural solution is also required where settlement requirement is Zero mm viz
Points and crossings / turnout in yard s. Where height of embankment is more, cost
of pilled embankment may be higher and Viad uct may have to be provid ed . In both
alternatives, the rail system is supported on piles d riven through the soft soil
and found ed within the und erlying stiffer material. The trad e off option between
viad uct and piled embankment is governed by the embankment height. Economical
analysis ind icates that viad uct is more feasible for embankment in excess of about
6m, below which piled embankment is favourable. 4. Transition Structures
Transition structures will be required to be provid ed at all locations having
abrupt change in the sub-grad e resilience. Following type of transitions may be
required :At the transition between the vertical d rain treatment area, which will
und ergo resid ual primary consolid ation plus second ary settlement in the long term
and the rigid viad uct, transition structure consisting of piled slab followed by an
approach slab. Flexible approach slab as a transition between viad uct and d ynamic
replacement area.At all other locations transition structures in form of a
mechanical hinge or approach slabs after ad d itional preload ing at the interface
before construction of the piled embankment to avoid d ifferential settlement
between the rigid structures and settling fill. 5. Overall Cost economyThe type
of ground treatment will greatly govern the frequency of maintenance (tamping) and
the possession time that is required for maintenance. Significant up front
investment may be required to reap long-term savings. General tend ency to red uce
initial cost (construction cost) of the project is resulting into ad option of
method ologies, which gives initial lower cost but may result in higher recurring
cost. An opposite scenario would be the d emand for zero total settlement of sub-
grad e d uring operation to keep costs of maintenance at lowest possible level,
resulting into very high initial cost of construction. System consisting of
structural solutions for zero settlement with provision of ballastless track may
cost about 2 2.5 times that of conventional ballasted track with geotechnical
solutions of ground improvement for a given permissible total settlement. If the
sub-soil cond itions are poor, the life cycle cost of the system can be 3 to 4 times
more in case no proper ground treatment is carried out.Therefore, a trad e-off
between improvement cost of ground and sub-grad e characteristics and maintenance
cost arising out of sub-grad e d eterioration will enable red uction in life cycle
cost of maintenance and renewals. However, to harness the true potential of such a
trad e off, it will be necessary to provid e suitable transition structures, which
may permit varying method s of ground treatment. 6. Conclusion and
recommend ationsThe method ology to carry out improvement works to ground and sub
grad e has to be based on requirement of settlement criteria d uring operations, at
the same time to exploit the permitted settlement to use cost effective ground
treatment option. It is recommend ed to consid er Optimization of Life Cycle
Cost as one of the requirement d uring d efinition and Design d evelopment phase. Very
prohibitive settlement cond itions may lead to significant increase in the Life
cycle cost d ue to very high capital cost, although maintenance and operations cost
could be substantially lower. In case of Design and Build contract, a longer
maintenance period could be specified to d iscourage short-term gain by Design &
Build Contractor. _____#PAGE ##PAGE #30#
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