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Mig-15 vs.

North American F-86 Sabre

Weight Thrust Power Climb Speed Acceleration Role

with fuel Loading rate
Mig-15 5112.0 kg 26.7 kN 0.53 51.2 1059 km/h Faster High Alt
m/s 0.97 Mach intercept

F-86 6255.5 kg 23.1 kN 0.38 45.7 1106 km/h Slower Air

Sabre m/s Over Mach 1 Superior

Wing Turning Landing Armament Protection Serviceability Wing

Area Time Gears loading
Mig-15 20.60m Lower Rough Strong, not for Little Easy 240.8
taking fighters, maintenance kg/m
F-86 26.75m Higher Smooth Good for Better Difficult 236.7
Sabre fighters but armor maintenance kg/m
not enough KE,
small punch
less range,
more accurate

Service Max Range Pylons Kill

Ceiling Weight Ratio
Mig-15 15500m 6105kg 1240km 2*100 kg
F-86 15100m 8234kg 2454km 4 external hard points
Sabre Rockets, bombs, fuel

Mikoyan-Gurivich Mig-15

Prototype I-310

German Ta 183 design with Mig-9 wing design, British Rolls-Royce Nene engine (Klimov RD-45).

Split forward air intake

The Sabre has a better front view than the Mig

Chaddha, R 2007, MiG vs. Sabre anatomy, viewed 3rd January 2016,
YBlood, W 2000, MiG Alley the fight for superiority, viewed 3rd January 2016,

Griffiths, J 2015, Head to head MiG-15 vs F-86 Sabre, viewed 2nd January 2016,

Dildy, D 2013, F-86 Sabre vs MiG-15 Korea 1950-53, Osprey Publishing, viewed 2nd January 2016,
< https://books.google.com.tw/books?id=qLmfAwAAQBAJ&source=gbs_navlinks_s>.

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