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Culture is the system of shared beliefs; values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of

society embrace. Culture is transmitted from generation to generation through learning, a process
known as enculturation. Our culture helps to shape and influence our perceptions and behaviors (Sue &
Sue, 2003).

Cross-culture : dealing with or comparing two or more cultures. The interaction of people from
different backgrounds in the world

Culture awareness :
So how does this impact on the challenges of preparing managers for working
internationally, where cultural awareness is often cited as being the critical ingredient
for success?
The truth is its not always essential for success. Indeed information on customer
preferences, organizational talent, local laws rules and regulations and organizational
performance may have much more of a positive impact on a managers performance
than acutely tuned cultural insight. But this is far from being true in all cases.
When it comes to the relative importance of cultural awareness in international
business, there is an uneven landscape:
Some industries require more cross cultural awareness than others.
Some countries require greater cross cultural sensitivity and analysis than others.
Some functions need more specific cross cultural knowledge than others.
Some people, because of their role and personality, need more cross cultural insight than others.

After watching the video..

Ras menjadi stereotype

Stereotype: Fixed ideas, often unfavorable, about what members of a group are like.

Tdk boleh membeda-bedakan orang berdasar ras nya , bahwa semua manusia itu sama walaupun dilihat
dari penampilan luarnya beda, diperlakukan seadil mungkin

Memperlakukan orang sebagai suatu individu , bukan sebagai ras tertentu

Contoh ;

Kadang orang kulit putih memandang orang kulit hitam sebagai makhluk rendahan,

Orang asia dipandang sinis ,dan kadang mereka hanya respect dengan orang ras sama
Bahasa persepsi beda , salah paham
Kadang dengan bahasa tubuh orang lain lebih mengerti

Selain itu belajar bahasa inggris juga penting untuk semua orang karena sekarang ini bahasa inggris
menjadi bahasa universal yang banyak digunakan dalam komunikasi antar bangsa

belajar budaya lain itu penting untuk memperkecil kemungkinan kesalah pahaman, menambah
toleransi, dan kekayaan budaya


We live in a world with diversity. There are many different languages and cultures. Theres no culture or
race that better than another. Theres nothing we can do but respect each other. So, we have to learn
about social cultural awareness to prevent racism conflict or misunderstanding between others.

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