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Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

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Location selection analysis for biological treatment plants for municipal

Grazyna Wjcik,a , Magorzata Jacynob , Jolanta Korkosz-Gebska
, Ewa Krasuskad , Anna
Oniszk-Popawskae , Dominika Trebacz

Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW)
Faculty of Production Engineering, Poland
Institute of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Sociology
University of Warsaw, Poland
Institute for Organisation of Production Systems, Faculty of Production Engineering
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Automotive Industry Institute
Renewable Energy Department, Poland
Institute for Renewable Energy, Poland
Automotive Industry Institute, Poland

This article aims to analyze the choice of location for an organic recycling plant for biodegradable municipal
solid waste prepared for small and medium-sized enterprise investments. The multi-criteria analysis (using
compromise programming) is based on a mathematical selection of the best solution, taking into account
all the circumstances and making a full description of the selected options. A point analysis of the selected
locations is made: expert evaluation using appropriate evaluation criteriatechnical, geographical, legal,
economic and social. Based on this SWOT analysis was performed, designed to aid evaluation of the loca-
tions from the perspective of 23 criteria categorized into groups (strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats).
A four-level scale of expert evaluation was used in the assessment.
Keywords: Organic recycling and energy recovery plants, Management of biodegradable municipal solid
waste, Multi-criteria analysis, Expert analysis of investment sitting

1. Introduction at source organic fraction of municipal solid waste

(OFMSW). The AD plant sitting is based on the ex-
This paper aims to select the best location for organic
ample of selected municipalities in the Mazowsze re-
recycling and energy recovery plant based on Anaer-
gion in Poland. This planned venture is likely in the
obic Digestion (AD plant) running on the separated
near future to be one of the key elements in the field

Corresponding author of waste management, while at the same time gen-
Email addresses: grazyna_wojcik@sggw.pl (Grazyna erating green energy. The solution might eventually
Wjcik, ), jacynoma@is.uw.edu.pl (Magorzata Jacyno), be used as a tool by small and medium-sized enter-
j.korkosz@wip.pw.edu.pl (Jolanta Korkosz-Gebska),
prises (SMEs) seeking locations for investments in
e.krasuska@pimot.org.pl (Ewa Krasuska),
the field of ecological waste management and green
aoniszk@ieo.pl (Anna Oniszk-Popawska),
d.trebacz@pimot.org.pl (Dominika Trebacz)
energy production. This article continues the topic
Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

dealt with in the article titled The concept of biogas Sweden and Norway, smaller units of 8 kt/a capacity
plants using municipal waste [1]. have been installed. In Germany, Belgium and Italy
The OFMSW fraction is suitable for anaerobic diges- medium-sized facilities 30...50 kt/a are more com-
tion to produce biogas includes biodegradable garden mon [4, 6, 7].
and park waste, food and kitchen waste from house- The first biogas plants based on municipal waste
holds, restaurants, catering units and retail units, as erected in the 1990s were based on co-fermentation
well as comparable waste from food manufacturing with other substrates [8]. Currently, the co-
and retail. The AD plant based on OFMSW is similar fermentation with substrates of agricultural origin is
in principle to the agricultural biogas plant, but with not often used, but it has been noted that operators of
additional technological modules (pre-treatment of agricultural biogas plants are seeking new sources of
waste). A key element of the AD plant for OFMSW feedstock due to the rising cost of obtaining energy
is its location in or near urbanized areas, where there crops as feedstock [7].
it is easier to separately collect OFMSW due to a bet- The preliminary stage in the construction of
ter technical infrastructure. OFMSW treatment plants is choosing the right loca-
In line with the EU policy, Member States should en- tion. This choice depends in particular on the techno-
sure the management of waste in accordance with the logical requirements of the facility, as well as techni-
principles of sustainable development. This refers in cal and legal, geographical and socio-political issues.
particular to the waste hierarchy defined in the Waste
Framework Directive 2008/98/EC [2], which gives 2. Summary of the delimitated research area
priority to measures preventing waste generation,
followed by the recovery and recycling. Poland im-
plemented the Directive and it became effective as of Table 1: General characteristics of the areas studied [9]
July 2013. The estimated amount of organic fraction Lo- Type Popu- Area Population
of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) to be recycled ca- lation 000 density
and treated to avoid landfill in Poland is 2.19 Mt/a tion 000 ha inhabitants/km2
(50%) in 2013, 1.53 Mt/a (35%) in 2020 [3]. A rural- 42.7 10.7 398
Poland has not yet developed an organizational base urban
for the mass deployment of organic recycling plants B ru- 4.8 5.0 66
for OFMSW, although they are successfully used in ral
17 countries in Europe (e.g. Germany, France, Spain, C ur- 3.9 1.0 388
Denmark, Sweden). ban
There are 200 commercial facilities treating OMSW D ru- 10.9 5.5 198
in Europe for biogas production (90% of anaerobic ral
plants worldwide), with a total capacity of 6 Mt/a [4]. E ur- 16.3 1.3 1216
About 100 facilities of this type have been installed ban
in Germany, with an average capacity of 23 kt/a [5], F ru- 7.5 10.5 71
followed by Spain and France [6]. The average ral
capacity has grown from 12 kt of waste a in the
1990s to 30 kt/y in 2010. However, systems that
The Table 1 presents a brief characterization of the
use mixed municipal waste have greater capacity:
six analyzed areas in the region (voivodship).
100...200 kt/a. The size of the planned facilities
varies depending on the waste collection system pre- Location A is a local employment center and
vailing in the country. In countries where separate one of the most industrialized suburbia cities of
collection is not widely used (France, Spain, United the Warsaw agglomeration. Its main function is
Kingdom), planned mixed waste facilities are larger industry and services. The municipality oper-
than 100 kt/a. In other countries, where separate ates a sewage treatment plant and a plant com-
collection takes place, such as Switzerland, Austria, posting biodegradable municipal solid waste

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

serving adjacent areas. The unpleasant smell is est in doing business in the municipality. Up-
a major source of conflict with residents. It is grading and expansion of the road network in-
assumed that, after upgrading, the composting frastructure is essential to ensure easy access to
facility will become a part of the regional mu- all locations. 400 kV and 220 kV power cables
nicipal solid waste management system. The are running across the municipality. The area is
city has a power reduction station 110/15 kV dominated by single-family houses and home-
(PCO). Apartment blocks, commercial and in- steads heated by individual heating systems, the
dustrial buildings are heated with district heat- vast majority using coal-fired boilers.
ing systems and local boiler houses, the rest are The inhabitants are mostly middle class, which
equipped with individual boilers. The city area in some circumstances reduces, and in others in-
is powered by a high pressure gas pipeline. creases, the social risk. It is generally said that
Compared to the other locations under consid- the people belonging to the middle classes fa-
eration, this area is characterized by less social vor investments related to clean technologies.
capital investment and comparatively less expe- It should, however, be remembered that the en-
rience in the field of collective action. A rela- vironmental awareness of the middle classes is
tively lower sense of local identity can be an- conducive not only to solidarity, but also to ri-
ticipated, because many residents work outside valry as to who will be the giver and who will
their local neighborhood. We should bear in be the recipient of risk, as defined by [10].
mind, however, that a sense of empowerment The relative lack of a tradition or history of
and collective identity can exist in a hiber- collective action in this area may be compen-
nation, where there is no clear and inclusive sated for by a strong sense of integration aris-
context for action, but can be activated very ing from a similar orientation in life, be it real
quickly if the occasion arises. This shows the or perceived. In other words, the belief that
dangers, but also the possible opportunities for what unites us is that we made similar choices
a OFMSW investment in this location. It is in terms of place of residence, is significant
necessary to recognize right from the start that and symptomatic for groups within the middle
protests and waves of sentiment can spread. classes who share a specific life orientation. We
The advantages of this location include the fact can also expect that the protests in this place
that the sense of local identity is seen as a scarce will immediately form a well-organized resis-
good and that all activities and cultural and ed- tance to prevent inhabitants becoming a recipi-
ucational initiatives aimed at creating or recre- ent of risk.
ating the local us would be efficient in a sym-
Location C is an urban area, mostly made up
bolic sense.
of parklands. In administrative terms the mu-
Location B is a rural district with a predomi- nicipality consists of built-up areas and forests.
nance of high quality soils (I-III quality class), The municipality also includes a number of
heavily dominated by agriculture, particularly listed historic monuments. Low levels of local
market gardening. The decrease in profitabil- production and services means that the majority
ity of agricultural production will increase in- of the population works or has a source of in-
terest in other forms of investment in rural ar- come outside of the town (a poor district with
eas. Due to the presence of dense areas of good rich residents).
soils, the B municipality is mainly used for agri- The character of the terrain as a recreational and
cultural purposes, but is also open to investment health resort in principle rules out the possibil-
from industrial and service sectors. The largest ity of infrastructural investment planning. Au-
designated area lies at the intersection of re- thorities and numerous cultural and social orga-
gional roads in the central part of the munici- nizations working in the area interact well with
pality. Outside investors have shown no inter- each other and are involved not only in efforts

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

to maintain and improve the recreational and with investment proposals. The actions of au-
health resort features of the area. These fea- thorities and cultural organizations are focused
tures are also an essential element of the iden- on maintaining and enhancing the image of the
tity and image of the municipality. Experience municipality as a place of great natural value
from the not too distant past indicates that vio- and with recognized symbolic capital.
lent protests can arise in the locality.
Location F is a rural municipality. The soil
Location D is a rural municipality, but is char- conditions for agricultural production are aver-
acterized by unfavorable soil conditions for age (60% of the land is class V and VI). The
agricultural production (land valuation classes tradition of out-of-town residences in munici-
V and VI). Only a small number of farms pro- pality F dates back to the nineteenth century.
duce commercially. In recent years, its func- It boasts a particularly large number of monu-
tion has been to provide housing and recreation ments, in the form of 11 historic residences or
for the people of the surrounding towns. Indi- ruins. Holiday-makers form a major proportion
vidual properties are heated using natural gas, of the population, using seasonal recreational
coal and coke. A high-pressure gas pipe-line plots. The district has its own landfill site. It
runs through the western part of the municipal- is expected that it will take municipal waste un-
ity. The municipality does not have a sewage til 2013. The district has good conditions for
treatment plant. It has a high potential for recre- light industry along main roads. The municipal-
ation and relaxation. Pull factors include the ity is supplied with electricity from neighbor-
proximity to nature reserves, woodland and hik- ing municipalities. Due to the great interest in
ing routes. construction sites, there is a need to construct
The presence of attractive recreational areas a municipal power supply point in the area and
tends to discourage the investment planning. It expand the grid. The district owns property ear-
should be noted that even if the recreational at- marked for this purpose.
tractiveness of the given area is less compared Location F is an attractive area in terms of its
to the three other municipalitiesas is the case natural and cultural heritage. In recent years,
herethe direct vicinity of municipalities with the population has grown. The new residents are
areas that are recognized as valuable in terms of mainly middle class inhabitants seeking pres-
nature and culture is likely to encourage com- tige and a healthy environment. The infrastruc-
petition in this regard and intensify action taken tural investment planning would raise protests
by authorities and residents aimed at achieving from the outset. The presence of middle class
a similar level of attractiveness. inhabitants and the large social capital accumu-
lated from previous experience in a joint action,
Location E is mainly an urban area, consisting suggest that conflict would immediately assume
mostly of parkland. These areas contain par- the form of a well-organized protest, the pur-
ticularly valuable plant life. Location E has an pose of which would not only be to protect se-
ecological policy, based on sustainable develop- lected, specific places or structures.
ment. The city authorities have made significant
strides that are leading to an improved quality
of life. The municipality borders a high-impact 3. Basic assumptions for small and medium-sized
waste composting plant in Location A, which enterprises
has triggered much social conflict. Two large Described below there are the basic assumptions
boilers operate in residential areas. regarding technical, geographical, legal, economic
The presence of valuable and attractive recre- and social requirements for OFMSW treatment plant
ational sites prevents investment planning. This defining the criteria important for the location of
fact is confirmed by recent conflicts associated such an investment.

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

3.1. Basic technical assumptions of community, expressed in kg or m3 respec-

The most important element of the investment tively.
for the biological recycling plant for organic munic-
ipal waste fractions is to determine the amount of
waste for the studied area. Waste sources are house- Table 2: The estimated theoretically obtainable amounts of BIO
waste generated according to type of municipality, in Poland in
holds and other entities (trade, services, crafts, edu- the Mazovian region [16]
cation, social industry and others) [11].
The average annual production of municipal waste in Substrates Kitchen and garden waste
Poland is 316 kg/capita and this figure is significantly Urban 113 kg/ inhabitant /r
lower than in the EU as a whole (512 kg/capita). Rural-urban 128 kg/ inhabitant /r
However, Poland produces as much as 29% of the Rural 78 kg/ inhabitant /r
municipal solid waste generated in the new EU
Member States(12.1 million tons) [3]. The following technical criteria have been identified
In this article we focus only on OFMSW sepa- for the multi-criteria analysis:
rately collected at source. Germany already has
many years of experience in the separate collec- the municipality has a large potential for
tion of the biodegradable waste fraction of munic- OFMSW substrates,
ipal waste OFMSW (which grew from 2.1 million
in the municipality there is no alternative
tons in 1990 to 8.6 million tons in 2006). In 2009,
for processing of OFMSW,
79.2% of the population of Germany was able to sep-
arate OFMSW at source, and the system was used OFMSW can be processed together with
by 69% of the country) [12]. The selective col- waste from the agricultural/ food processing
lection of waste involves 56% of the population industry(co-fermentation).
more than 8 million tons of OFMSW per year, of
which 2 million tons are allocated as input for AD 3.2. Basic geographical assumptions
plants [5]. In green areas in Germany such as parks Infrastructure constraints can include difficulties
and cemeteries, the amount of waste is estimated in accessing the grid or too great a distance from
at 5 t/ha., and in areas where mowing is required: the existing heating network. A prerequisite for
3.5 t/ha (of which 25...50% is usable). The amount of the realization of AD plants for OFMSW is the ex-
waste from gardens is estimated at 0.5...1 kg/m2 gar- pansion of local roads (for efficient collection of
den/year [13, 14]. The selective waste collection will waste).
be required in all municipalities from 2015. In Swe- When analyzing the logistics of supplying OFMSW
den, 153 of 290 municipalities had selective collec- substrates at a given location , attention must be paid
tion in 2009 [15]. In the EU-11, including Poland, to the possibility of increased road traffic, which can
the efficacy of selective collection at source, has so trigger protests. It is essential that roads are designed
far been unsatisfactory [3]. for transporting substrates in heavy duty vehicles. It
The plant size is determined by the estimated amount may be that a suitable access road to the site does not
of OFMSW produced in the region analyzed AD exist and must be built from a scratch.
plants only uses waste from selective collection at In principle, the plant will be located in areas that
source. The quantities of feedstock are estimated on cause the least inconvenience to residents, prefer-
the basis of the indicators. ably in areas designated for that purpose in the spa-
To perform a quantitative analysis it is necessary to: tial policy documents of municipalities (the Study of
identify sources of waste, Conditions and Directions of Spatial Development
(SCDSD). Ideally, the organic recycling AD plant
determine the mass or volume of waste accumu- should rely on the existing municipal infrastructure,
lation, i.e. the amount of waste produced annu- in predestined areas. The location will enable the
ally by a statistical inhabitant of a given type collection and use of products generated by the AD

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

plant: gas, energy (heat, electricity) and organic fer- land) and to protect legal rights on neighboring prop-
tilizer. erties (e.g. by establishing a transmission easement).
The following geographical criteria have been iden- The investor will explore the possibility of acquiring
tified for the multi-criteria analysis: a property by checking its legal status at the District
Court (entry in the land register), as well as the pos-
the ability to use existing or planned municipal sibility of signing contracts for the use of power line
facilities, infrastructure, when it passes through neighboring
territory not belonging to the land. In cases where
the possibility of increased traffic, the land is owned by the municipality or local gov-
ernment, the Treasury will be involved in the pro-
there is an PDP (Power Distribution Point) or
curement procedure or sale of the lease.
MPP (Main Point of Power) (regional or pri-
mary power station connected to the high volt- Although the spatial policy document (SCDSD) is
age grid) and a 110kV line in the district, not an act of local law, study findings are binding on
the municipal authorities preparing local spatial de-
a pipeline or the first degree pressure reduction velopment plans (LDP). If SCDSD does not provide
station runs through the district, for the location of industrial investments, a consent
must be obtained for a change in the land use. If the
a proximity to a boiler-house, district heating municipality is expected to identify areas for devices
network or major heat consumers, generating power from renewable energy sources in
excess of 100 kWel (a AD plant usually has an output
there is no risk of flooding. greater than 500 kWel ) the distribution will be deter-
mined in the SCDSD document.
3.3. Basic legal assumptions The following legal criteria have been identified for
Investors are encouraged to use innovative technol- the multi-criteria analysis:
ogy by the existing regulatory mechanisms. This
includes on the one hand a set of directives /laws/ the district owns land, which could potentially
regulations in the area of waste management; on the be allocated to such an investment.
other hand the impact of legal mechanisms in the
production of green energy will also play an impor- in the SCDSD or LDP, areas are identified for
tant role. In terms of waste management, Poland waste treatment facilities.
must comply with the Waste Framework Directive
2008/98/EC [2]. 3.4. Basic economic assumptions
The directive promotes selective collection and treat- Whether selective collection of BFMW will be prof-
ment of OFMSW, obliges Member States to develop itable in a given area depends on the generation of
and implement strategies to reduce landfill disposal BFMW per capita in an area of a given popula-
of biodegradable waste and calls for action to achieve tion density. The higher the population density, the
targets to reduce landfill disposal of biodegradable lower the threshold required for waste generation per
municipal waste. An important requirement is the capita, which is associated with the unit expenditure
duty to reduce the quantities of bio-waste sent to on waste transport [12, 14]:
landfills. In 2013, Poland will have to find another
way of disposing of approximately 2.1 million tones for areas with a population density below
of additional waste, and in 2020, as much as 2.8 mil- 1,000 inhabitants/km2 the threshold for sepa-
lion tons of OFMSW waste [3]. rate collection is 120 kg/inhabitant/year (food
Local laws impact any investment assessment. For and green waste). In rural areas with extensive
the investora developer interested in building an development, the limit of profitability for sep-
AD plantthe first step is to legally secure prop- arate collection is a population density of over
erty (purchase, public ground lease or private lease of 150 persons per km2 ,

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

for areas with a population density between wrong choice of location,

150...1,000 inhabitants/km2 the threshold for
a separate collection is 80 kg/inhabitants/year, inadequate supervision and inadequate levels
of cleaning during operation.
for areas with a population density above
2,000 inhabitants/km2 , the threshold for sepa- It is important to create a positive social climate for
rate collection is 50 kg/inhabitant/year. investment in renewable energy, such as a biologi-
Other criterion includes: the participation of at least cal treatment plant for organic fraction of municipal
70...75% of population (practically achievable only solid waste. Winning the favor of the local com-
in subarbial areas). munity is also an important element in meeting the
For an investment to make sense from an economic regulatory requirements established by law. Biolog-
point of view a primary source of certain substrates ical treatment of municipal waste will be accepted if
must be provided. The location chosen by the in- harm to the environment is minimized through:
vestor should ensure the availability of substrates
which enable the established levels of power gener- protection of residential areas,
ation. The ideal situation is one in which the AD
plant for OFMSW is based on the input produced reduction of undesirable odors and noise,
in a given municipality. However, in practice this
is difficult to implement and biomass is transported optimization of feedstock supply logistics and
to within a radius of a dozen or even dozens of kilo- export of digestate,
meters. The aim should always be, however, to min-
imize the need for transport. use of best available technology.
One of the benefits of implementing AD plants for
OFMSW in a given area may be local tax revenues: To reduce the possible negative impacts of AD plants
from a corporate income and property tax. on the environment (noise, odor and possible conse-
The following economic criteria are identified for the quences of failure) the plants should be at the neces-
multi-criteria analysis: sary distance to minimize the negative impacts of the
installation on the health and safety of people.
local investment income as an incentive for resi- Other cultural factors limiting the development of
dents (local income from the investment will be AD plants for OFMSW include the lack of social
an important item in the budget of the munici- acceptance and the presence of structures and areas
pality), listed as historical monuments or protection zones.
favorable ratio of waste transport distances with The following social criteria are identified for the
waste quantities. multi-criteria analysis:

3.5. Basic social assumptions 1. residents are positively disposed towards envi-
ronmental investments, as is shown in the his-
With nearly every initiative relating to environmen-
tory of activities in the district,
tal protection, critical moments arise for investments
such as criticism and negative evaluation, which is 2. there have been no protests in the municipality
the result of emotional conflicts of interests, the oc- related to infrastructure projects,
currence of crisis situations leading to losses and 3. the district is not a holiday or health resort,
delays. These negative phenomena should be pre- 4. there are industrial activities in the municipality,
vented by properly prepared information/promotion 5. there are no areas of natural or cultural value
campaigns. It should be remembered that social re- in the municipality,
sistance stems from three basic issues:
6. a number of people work in environmental pro-
use of industrial waste, tection in public administration.

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

4. Analysis of social risk associated with the in- of interpreting local, global and political problems in
vestment order to understand what is going on and what resi-
dents are experiencing and why.
4.1. SMEsassessing social risk associated with
the investment 4.2. SMEsthe ability to manage social risks
It should be noted that in places, where there is a tra- It should be borne in mind that social risk is not
dition of collective action for environmental protec- a constant value, but a quality that can be at least
tion and high social capital, as is the case for places C partially managed. The advantage of SMEs is that
and E, people have a strong sense that they are right, smaller projects, which are easier to fit in with
and possess the appropriate skills for self-assessing the scale of local experience, can count today on
the various short and long-term side effects of the a friendlier welcome. Large projects, associated with
project. globalization are seen as a manifestation of anony-
In foreseeing potential conflicts, not only the ac- mous forces of action and actors. The benefits
tual effects of prior, misguided investments should and opportunities of large infrastructural investments
be considered, but also how the size of these effects (e.g. new jobs) are seen as temporary and uncertain,
is seen and interpreted by the people. It is very likely because residents feel that they are likely to disap-
that some of the previous failures are seen not only pear just as suddenly as they came along [17]. For
in their immediate and noticeable effect, but also as this reason, placing emphasis on symmetry at each
a failure of the local environment and the partial loss stage between the planned investment by SMEs and
of an important local identity attribute, namely the the level of localness can be an important advan-
autonomy. Risky ventures are often preceded by a re- tage. Localness in the popular consciousness of
search survey to identify the level of social accep- individuals and the government is seen as a resource
tance. Note, however, that traditional surveys do not and quality that resists globalization, understood as
reveal what already exists (attitudes, capabilities). an anonymous, impersonal, or top-down influence.
Surveys are (more or less successfully) a form of en- A sense of local identity is manifested among others
vironmental intervention, if only because the prob- by the fact that different places which are not covered
lems or intentions are named in a certain way. Sur- by legal protection should, in the opinion of inhabi-
vey results depend largely on whether the manner of tants, be protected because of their social importance
presenting the problem relates directly to the current (e.g. places of recreation or sites of local historical
experience of residents (smell, lack of recreation for importance known only to residents).
children, view spoiled by the local scrap yard), or The second local effective context for appeals is tech-
refers to a high level of generality, relating poorly to nological citizenship [10]. The technological citizen-
everyday experience (statistics, concepts associated ship is a term referring to issues of citizenship in re-
with bureaucratic jargon). Social risk can also be es- lation to the world of technology and things. A sense
timated using data that does not require costly tests. of a lack of the empowerment is in fact often asso-
The presence in the local market of organic prod- ciated with invasive technology. Local aspirations
ucts, the activities of cultural organizations or the relating to a sense of empowerment may be at odds
fact that inhabitants discipline one another in mat- with a new technological venture right from the out-
ters of the aesthetics of local spacethese are indi- set. The risk posed by each technological project is
cators, which are easy to identify and, which can give seen as the risk of handing over decisions to peo-
an indication of the level of acceptance of environ- ple at the top and allowing in their own back yard
mental investments. Especially in areas, where there what is called, writes [10], no mans rule, or the
are existing cultural and social organizations, there rule of technology and things (which do what they
is an opportunity for SMEs, because they are enti- want, act how they want, and may be in the near or
ties, which can be reached during the implementation distant future unpredictable). The logic of tech-
and operation of the project. Such organizations are nology is seen as a threat to the autonomy of cul-
also intermediaries, who normally perform the work tural and social processes and, in the present case,

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

to the social meanings that local communities have 5. Multi-criteria analysis

given specific places. The opportunity to support or
join SMEs in relatively low cost activities, which aim The Multi-Criteria analysis, often called Multi-
to civilize public spaces (increasing access to public Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) or Multi-Criteria
space, helping to eliminate local problems, improv- Decision Aid methods (MCDA), is a branch of Op-
ing the appearance of public spaces) can significantly erations Research models which deals with the pro-
increase acceptance of the planned investment. cess of making decisions in the presence of mul-
tiple objectives. These methods, which can han-
dle both quantitative and qualitative criteria, deal
4.3. Possible social conflicts
with the design/selection of alternatives. The multi-
The social risk associated with the new investment is criteria analysis is a mathematical selection of the
manifested here by the fact that in the first phase of most effective solution, taking into account all cir-
the investment it is difficult to discern who is for cumstances and making a full description of selected
and who is against. This is not due to the weak- options. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is
ness of research techniques, but because of the fact the most popular technique followed by outranking
that many of the inhabitants cannot be certain of their techniques PROMETHEE and ELECTRE to validate
attitudes. It may, therefore, be necessary to conduct results, develop interactive decision support systems
multiple surveys of social acceptance for the project. and to tackle uncertainties in the data [19].
These studies would take into account the effective- Multi-criteria decision-making methods can provide
ness of the information and educational activities. useful insights for decision makers and stakeholders
It is possible to give some pointers to ensure public on local waste management and energy planning is-
acceptance and thus reduce social risk. Firstly, the sues [2025]. The main problematical points of site
survey of public acceptance should be linked to en- selection applications are risks connected with the
vironmental interventions, the aim of which would ecological damage and the social acceptance. To give
be education in the field of green consumption and due consideration to these factors a decision structure
the expansion of environmental imagination in such needs to be found that eliminates problems simulta-
a way as to create a sense of solidarity. Secondly, neously [26]. Successful implementation of the strat-
these activities should avoid bureaucratic and expert egy will not just be based on economic criteria, or
jargon because this would give rise to the sense that diversion rates from landfill, but also on social issues
the investment is linked to the activities of people such as stakeholder inclusion [27].
from above and is the result of decisions that were The following describes the basic methods of the
made behind our backs. Thirdly, information and multi-criteria evaluation (decision variants), both in
education campaigns should place particular empha- the case of a single and multiple criteria [28]:
sis on formulating statements that relate to individual
mathematical methods (standardization, nor-
and local experience. People, as the researchers note,
malization method, John von Neumann and Os-
in spite of everything are more inclined to believe
kar Morgenstern, PATTERN, synthetic formula
their own instincts than numerical, abstract informa-
tion about the destruction of the environment. It is
not the generally known ills and screaming num- geometric methods (spider web, resultant vec-
bers, but information from everyday life and indi- tor),
vidual experience that is more readily heard [18]. In-
stead of talking about the ozone hole and endangered taxonomic methods (Taxonomic measure of de-
species in the world and the potential effects of these velopment, the Czekanowski method, Wroclaw
phenomena, it is better to talk more about what peo- taxonomy),
ple already face now on a daily basis (even if it is not
directly connected with the planned investment) dirty quantitative methods (quality evaluation index,
beaches, lack of recreation space, allergies, etc. [18]. global measure of quality, economic effect,

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

comprehensive indicator of quality, average community members (community organizations, cit-

quality traits, experts). izens).

Advanced mathematical methods for the multi- 5.2. SWOT analysis for the considered OFMSW bi-
criteria evaluation are: ELECTRE, AHP, the ideal ological treatment plants locations
point method, the entropy method and the method The SWOT analysis can be used as a tool to assist the
using elements of logic. comparative assessment of planning solutions, in this
In this paper it is an attempt to choose the best loca- case the location of plants in the Mazovian region.
tion for anaerobic digestion plants for OFMSW us- The SWOT analysis is based on the set of informa-
ing the multi-criteria optimization method, which is tion obtained for each of the locations analyzed, eval-
called compromise programming. uation and determination, in four groups of strate-
Compromise programming, first used in a MOLP gic factors. For each location an evaluation is given,
context [29], is a distance-based technique designed the following are specified:
to identify a compromise solution that is determined
to be the closest, by some distance of measure, to an S Strengths: internal factorsfacts and circum-
ideal solution. stances, which are an asset, advantage or benefit
for placing the plant in that location.
5.1. Score points
W Weaknesses: internal factorsfacts and cir-
Potential locations for investment in Locations A...F cumstances which are a weakness, defect or bar-
are identified by the use of criteria, to which partici- rier for placing the plant in that location.
pants in the pre-investment process assign appropri-
ate values. All indicators for site evaluations should O Opportunities: external factorspositive:
be described in full to enable comparison of differ- characteristics and trends which, if used appro-
ent locations. Therefore, selecting the measurement priately for the realization of the investment,
indicators and measuring them is the hardest task in will spur the development in the locality.
the comprehensive assessment of the location.
T Threats: external factorsnegative social,
For a full task description, the number of criteria is
environmental or technical factors, which may
usually very high, and in addition they often repre-
hinder, delay or even prevent realization of the
sent conflicting goals. The criteria adopted for eval-
investment in that location.
uating the location, are thus, according to the SWOT
analysis, presented in five groups: technical, spatial, Descriptive SWOT analysis for the Locations A...F
legal, economic, social. are presented in Tables 4...9.
This division into groups makes it easy to calculate
and adopt a hierarchy of importance of the criteria in 5.3. Evaluation with analysis results
groups rather than assessing each of them separately. Six potential plants sites have been described
For the purposes of the point analysis the same crite- and characterized on a point scale. The SWOT anal-
ria are adopted for each potential location. The cri- ysis described them in such a way that it was possi-
teria are chosen in such a way as to present a com- ble to evaluate and compare them with one another.
prehensive evaluation of issues analyzed and to limit A comparison of point-valued criteria alone does not
subjectivity as far as possible. give a clear answer to the question of which loca-
Table 3 presents a summary of the selected individual tion is the most advantageous. An attempt to solve
indicators with a suitable criterion to be used to give this problem was made using a multi-criteria com-
an evaluation score. promise programming technique.
To assess social risk it may be important to obtain This paper presents the analysis, assuming at this
two types of data. One type of data is informa- stage the duly designated evaluation criteria. The
tion that can be obtained from institutional docu- characteristics of each location with an attempt to
ments. The second type of data can be extracted from evaluate the adopted and reported indicators (scale

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

Table 4: Descriptive SWOT analysis for Location A Table 5: Descriptive SWOT analysis for Location B
Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses
Increased income of Existing social Increased income of Small
the district. protests over the district. municipality
a malfunctioning insufficient amounts
infrastructure. of OFMSW input for
Easy and economical No political will to AD plants.
to obtain an input deal with the topic Municipality seeks No provision of heat
OFMSW for the AD of waste treatment. new non-agricultural (no heating
plants. activities, income, network).
Quality infrastructure. and local jobs.
Technical Farmers could
infrastructure (sewage specialize in
treatment, providing substrates
composting). for AD plants.
Designated sites
Opportunities Threats
for an investment.
Composting in the No legal support at The investment will
municipality was the national level attract new investors.
designated as part of supporting the Activation of
the regional waste investment. farmersthe
management plan. creation
The pressure from Protests expected of cooperatives.
inhabitants to upgrade in neighboring Quality
composting and municipalities infrastructure.
sewage treatment. against expansion
Opportunities Threats
of composting.
The ability to tap the The ability to tap the No legal support at
EU EU 20142020 the national level,
20142020structural structural funds. supporting the
funds. investment.
No charge available
for AD plants from
0...3) are presented in the Table 10 and taken into neighboring
account when defining the criteria and weights for municipalities.
these criteria in the multi-criteria analysis. The val-
ues adopted for the analysis in Table 10 form the ba-
sis for decision-making. The point evaluation in the table 11 reinforces the re-
The scale used: sults of the preliminary assessment presented earlier.
Ranking from the highest place:
1. Location A (48 points) including 14 very good
1satisfactory and 2 good assessment ratings,
2. Location B (31 points) including 7 very good
2good and 2 good assessment ratings,
3. Location C (17 points) including 3 very good
3very good and 3 good assessment ratings,

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

Table 6: Descriptive SWOT analysis for Location C Table 7: Descriptive SWOT analysis for Location D
Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses
Increased income of Small Increased income Small municipality
the district. municipality of the district. insufficient amounts of
insufficient amounts substrates for AD
of substrates for AD plants.
plants. Designated sites Social protestsdistrict
A large amount of Social for the used for recreation and
waste from protestsdistrict investment. leisure.
maintenance of used for recreation Municipality Insufficient appropriate
green areas. and leisure. seeks new land for the investment.
Insufficient non-agricultural
appropriate land for activities.
the investment.
Opportunities Threats
Opportunities Threats
The ability to tap No legal support at the
The ability to No legal support at the EU 2014 national level
strengthen the the national level 2020structural supporting the
environmental image supporting the funds. investment.
of the municipality. investment. No charge available for
The ability to tap EU No charge available AD plants from
20142020 for AD plants from neighboring
structural funds. neighboring municipalities.

criterion were adopted by the authors of the study.

4. Location D (22 points) including 2 very good
Adopted values are shown in the table of final results.
and 5 good assessment ratings,
5. Location E (24 points) including 6 very good
and 2 good assessment ratings, 5.5. Results of the multi-criteria analysis
6. Location F (27 points) including 4 very good
and 5 good assessment ratings.
For calculations, the compromise programming
5.4. Criteria weightings method of multi-criteria analysis was used. Its strat-
While the location is ultimately described by mea- egy is to order alternatives depending on their dis-
suring and determining the value of each criterion, tance from the utopian (ideal) point. This is a hy-
the question may arise as to whether all criteria are pothetically established strategy in which all the cri-
equally important. The hierarchy would be deter- teria achieve the best value. The method makes it
mined differently by ecologists, business analysts possible to additionally weight criteria by using the
and local residents owing to their differing prefer- formula exponent . The exponent allows for ad-
ences. A properly conducted decision-making pro- ditional weighting of each deviation from the ideal
cess takes into account the interests of all groups in- point, in proportion to their size. The greater the
terested in the shape of the project. It must, therefore, value of , the greater the importance of deviations
strive to develop, as far as possible, uniform prefer- from the ideal point.
ences, so that all interested parties are satisfied. The distance from the ideal point is calculated for
The importance of criteria is reflected by weighting each variant. The following formula is used to deter-
factors. In this study, the weighting factors for each mine the distance of a variant from the ideal point:

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

Table 8: Descriptive SWOT analysis for Location E Table 9: Descriptive SWOT analysis for Location F
Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses
Increased income of the Social Increased Small municipality
district. protests income of the insufficient amounts
district used district. of substrates for biogas
for plants.
recreation Municipality
and leisure. seeks new
A large amount of waste non-agricultural
from maintenance of green activities.
areas. Quality
Easy and economical to infrastructure.
obtain a charge for AD
Opportunities Threats
The ability to tap No legal support at the
Opportunities Threats
EU 20142020 national level supporting
The ability to tap EU No legal structural funds. the investment.
20142020 structural funds. support No charge available for
The ability to resolve at the na- AD plants from
problems arising from tional level neighboring
defective composting, supporting municipalities.
together with Location A. the
t n
X  2
d (a) = wi gi gi (a)
n 1 i=1

d (a) = wi gi gi (a)
For =


d (a) = max wi gi gi (a)

where wi weight of i-th criterion, gi i-th criterion
(i = 1, 2, ..., 23), a variant location, nnumber
of criteria, coefficient, gi value of i-th criterion Individual calculations taking into account the differ-
for the ideal point. ent values of the coefficient are presented in three
After the distances for all variants were determined, columns in the Table 13.
they were ordered from the smallest to the largest The first column also shows the previously described
distance and thus rank variants were determined. criteria weighting adopted here by the authors of the
Coefficient can have any positive value, but the paper. It defines the importance of each criterion
compromise programming method usually uses three group (technical - geographical - legal - economic
values of this coefficient: = 1, = 2 and = . - social). For example, in the first row, all of the
In individual cases, the distance formula takes the groups of criteria are weighted as 1, in the second
form: row the group of technical criteria is given a weight
For = 1 of 2, while the rest are given a weight of 1, etc.
Depending on the weighting of criteria, results
X of the analysis are shown in the subsequent columns.
d (a) = wi gi gi (a)

Individual locations AD plants for OFMSW are
i=1 ranked, taking into account the previously assessed
For = 2 criteria.

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

Table 10: Summary of scores for each criterion in the analyzed best location 23 times, and B was chosen as the best
locations location 22 times.
Location Ideal A B C D E F The location A has favorable technical conditions,
Criterion therefore, in this position, significant weighting was
given to these criteria, and therefore this location is
K1 3 3 0 1 0 3 0 selected as the most advantageous.
K2 3 0 3 3 3 3 3 The location B has slightly inferior technical condi-
K3 3 3 3 0 1 1 1 tions. However, its considerable distance from resi-
K4 3 3 0 0 0 2 2 dential clusters meant that social criteria were given
K5 3 3 0 0 1 0 1 more weighting. Therefore, in terms of social crite-
K6 3 3 3 0 0 0 3 ria Location B was chosen as the most advantageous,
K7 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 and Location A moved into second position.
K8 3 3 0 0 2 0 0 The least favorable location according to the calcu-
K9 2 2 1 1 2 0 1 lations was Location Cthe character of the area as
a recreation and health resort generally rules out the
K10 3 3 1 0 0 0 2
possibility of planning the investment there.
K11 3 3 2 0 0 0 2
K12 3 0 3 0 0 0 0
6. Summary
K13 3 0 3 3 3 0 3
K14 3 2 1 2 1 3 0
The aim of this study was to propose a methodology
K15 3 1 1 2 0 3 2 for the selection of the best location for the construc-
K16 2 0 0 2 1 2 1 tion of a anaerobic digestion plant for organic frac-
K17 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 tion of municipal solid wastes in the Mazovian re-
K18 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 gion. The planned project may in the future be a key
K19 3 3 1 0 1 0 1 component of the waste management system. On the
K20 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 basis of certain basic criteria, six potential sites were
K21 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 identified for the facility.
K22 3 3 0 3 2 3 3 The locations of six potential sites for AD plants
K23 3 3 0 0 2 3 0 were described and characterized on a point scale.
Source: own study The SWOT analysis described them in such a way
that it was possible to evaluate and compare them
with one another. A point-valued criteria compar-
Table 11: Summary of point marks ison does not give a clear answer to the question of
Location Sum of Details on the number of scores which location is the most advantageous. An attempt
to resolve this problem was made using multi-criteria
scores (3) (2) (1) (0)
analysisthe method of compromise programming.
A 48 14 2 2 5 This paper presents this analysis, assuming at this
B 31 7 2 6 8 stage duly designated evaluation criteria.
C 17 3 3 2 15 Each of the potential sites was briefly described
D 22 2 5 6 9 in terms of location, currently existing technical in-
E 24 6 2 2 2 frastructure, population, geographical conditions, as
F 27 4 5 5 9 well as the potential for social conflict.
A point analysis of the locations in questionexpert
evaluationwas conducted, taking into account the
45 calculations were performed assuming different relevant criteria for the assessment of technical,
hierarchies of importance of various groups of cri- legal, geographical, economic and social factors.
teria. In the results Location A was chosen as the Within these criteria, sub-criteria appropriate were

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

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Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

Table 3: Summary of the criteria in thematic groups

Group Description of criterion Cri-
of te-
criteria rion
The district has a lot of potential OFMSW substrate K1
Techni- In the municipality there is no alternative for processing OFMSW waste K2
OFMSW can be processed together with waste from the agricultural / food K3
Ability to use existing or planned municipal facilities K4
Road infrastructure K5
Geo- There is a PDP or MPP station and a 110 kV line in the municipality K6
Proximity to a boiler-house, district heating or major heat consumers K7
A high pressure gas pipeline passes through the municipality and 1st degree K8
pressure reducing station
No risk of flooding K9
Legal The municipality owns land that can potentially be allocated for such an invest- K10
In spatial policy document SCDSD or LDP areas are identified that could be K11
designated for waste treatment facilities
The local investment income as an incentive for residents K12
Eco- Local impacts arising from an investment location will be an important item in K13
nomic the budget of the municipality
Favorable ratio of waste transport distance to waste quantities K14
Inhabitants are positively disposed towards environmental investments, as K15
shown by the history of community activities (information obtained from ad-
ministrative staff)
Previous environmental investments have led to other changes (on the local K16
market organic products are available)
In the municipality there have been no protests related to infrastructure projects K17
The municipality is not a holiday or health resort K18
Social There is other industrial activity in the municipality K19
There are no areas of natural or cultural value in the municipality K20
Areas that are undeveloped, have no recreational value for local people (infor- K21
mation obtained from residents of where they spend their free time)
There are cultural and community organizations, which can act as mediators K22
during investment realization
A number of people work in environmental protection in public administration K23

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

Table 12: Adopted criteria weightings (example)

Group criterion Criterion Weight assigned to each criterion
K1 0.333
Technical K2 0.333 1
K3 0.333
K4 0.167
K5 0.167
Geographical K6 0.167 1
K7 0.167
K8 0.167
K9 0.167
Legal K10 0.500 1
K11 0.500
K12 0.333
Economic K13 0.333 1
K14 0.333
K15 0.111
K16 0.111
K17 0.111
K18 0.111
Social K19 0.111 1
K20 0.111
K21 0.111
K23 0.111

Journal of Power Technologies 94 (1) (2014) 119

Table 13: Results of a multi-criteria analysis for the OFMSW treatment plant sitting
Weights of individual Rankings of locations
groups of criteria alpha = 1 alpha = 2 alpha = infinity


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