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MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
40206 6.3mmSuperpaveHMA X BR343/307
40209 9.5mmSuperpaveHMA X BR343/307
40212 12.5mmSuperpaveHMA X BR343/307
40219 19mmSuperpaveHMA X BR343/307
40225 25mmSuperpaveHMA X BR343/307
40237 37.5mmSuperpaveHMA X BR343/307
402ATPBT1 Type1AsphaltTreatedPermeableBase X BR343/307
402ATPBT2 Type2AsphaltTreatedPermeableBase X BR343/307
402HIPR HotInplaceRecycling
402HRAD HotMixRecyclingAdmixture
402HSCR HeaterScarification
402SHIM Type5ShimCourse X BR343/307
402TLEV TrueAndLevelingSuperpaveHMA X BR343/307
40406 WarmMix X BR343/307
40409 WarmMix X BR343/307
40412 WarmMix X BR343/307
40419 WarmMix X BR343/307
40425 WarmMix X BR343/307
40437 WarmMix X BR343/307
404SHIM WarmMix X BR343/307
404TLEV WarmMix X BR343/307
405CIPR ColdInplaceRecycling
5830000 Shotcrete X EICAcceptance
7000000 NoMaterials
7000001 NoMaterialsYet
7009901 ItemAcceptancew/oMC,PerSpec X
7009902 ItemAcceptancew/oMC,Visual X EICAcceptance
70102 MasonryAndMortarCement X EICAcceptance
7010410 ConcreteRepairMaterial X NYSDOTweb
70105 ConcreteGroutingMaterial X NYSDOTweb
70106 CementBasedGroutMatlsForShearKeys X NYSDOTweb
70107 AnchoringMaterialsChemicallyCuring X NYSDOTweb
70108 VerticalAndOverheadPatchingMaterial X NYSDOTweb
7010910 RapidSetConcRepairMatlCementitious X NYSDOTweb
7010920 RapidSetConcRepairMatlNonCement. X NYSDOTweb
70111 ElastomericConcrete X NYSDOTweb
7020500 AC20 X NYSDOTweb
7020700 Misc.AsphaltCement1860 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7020900 HotpouredJointSealantD3405 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7021100 RapidCuringLiquidAsphaltRC70 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7021200 RapidCuringLiquidAsphaltRC250 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7021300 RapidCuringLiquidAsphaltRC2501 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7021400 RapidCuringLiquidAsphaltRC800 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7021500 RapidCuringLiquidAsphaltRC8001 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
7021600 RapidCuringLiquidAsphaltRC3000 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7022000 MediumCuringLiquidAsphaltMC30 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7022100 MediumCuringLiquidAsphaltMC70 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7022200 MediumCuringLiquidAsphaltMC250 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7022300 MediumCuringLiquidAsphaltMC2501 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7022400 MediumCuringLiquidAsphaltMC800 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7022500 MediumCuringLiquidAsphaltMC3000 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023001 RS1AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023002 RS1hAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023101 RS2AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023102 HFRS2AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023201 MS2AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023301 HFMS2AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023401 HFMS2hAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023402 HFMS2sAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023501 SS1AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023601 SS1hAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023701 RS2pAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7023801 HFRS2pAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024001 CRS1AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024002 CRS1hAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024101 CRS2AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024201 CMS2AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024301 CMS2hAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024401 CSS1AsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024501 CSS1hAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024601 CQS1hAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024701 CRS1pAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024702 CRS2pAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7024801 CQS1hpAsphaltEmulsion X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7027000 SyntheticResinForHotPlantMix X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7027100 SyntheticResinForTackCoat X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7029001 AsphaltEmulsionTackCoatUsingRS1h X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7029002 AsphaltEmulsionTackCoatUsingHFMS2h X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7029003 AsphaltEmulsionTackCoatUsingSS1h X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7029004 AsphaltEmulsionTackCoatUsingCSS1h X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7029005 AsphaltEmulsionTackCoatUsingCRS1h X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7029006 AsphaltEmulsionTackCoatUsingRS1 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
7029007 AsphaltEmulsionTackCoatUsingCRS1 X BR162 X NYSDOTweb
702TACKCOAT GenericTackCoatforProjectAcceptance X BR162
7030100 FineAggregate X EICAcceptance
70301FM ManufacturedSand X EICAcceptance
7030200 CoarseAggregate(Generic) X EICAcceptance
7030201 CoarseAggregateCrushedStone(Generic) X EICAcceptance
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
703020101 #1CrushedStone X EICAcceptance
703020102 #2CrushedStone X EICAcceptance
7030201SCRN CrushedStoneScreenings X EICAcceptance
7030202 CoarseAggregateCrushedGravelGeneric X EICAcceptance
703020201 #1CrushedGravel X EICAcceptance
703020202 #2CrushedGravel X EICAcceptance
7030203 CoarseAggregateScreenedGravelGeneric X EICAcceptance
7030204 CoarseAggregateCrushedSlagGeneric X EICAcceptance
70302CA1 CoarseAggCA1 X EICAcceptance
70302CA2 CoarseAggCA2 X EICAcceptance
7030300 MortarSand X EICAcceptance
7030400 GroutSand X EICAcceptance
7030500 FineAggregateForWhitePCC X EICAcceptance
7030600 CushionSand X EICAcceptance
7030700 ConcreteSand X EICAcceptance
7030800 MineralFiller X ProducerCert
7030900 ReclaimedAsphaltPavementRAP X ContractorCert
7030910 ReclaimedAsphaltPavementDOT X ContractorCert
7030920 ReclaimedAsphaltPavementTWY X ContractorCert
7040110 CommonBrick X MatlCert
7040210 ConcreteBrick X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040300 PrecastConcrete X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040410 ConcreteBlockSlopePaving X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040510 PrecastConcreteMedianBarrierHwy X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040521 PermTrafficBarrierStructuresFull X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040522 PermTrafficBarrierStructuresHalf X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040531 SingleSlopeConc.BridgeBarrierFull X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040532 SingleSlopeConc.BridgeBarrierHalf X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040540 TemporaryPrecastConcreteBarrierSys. X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040610 PrecastConc.CribbingWallUnitType X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040620 PrecastConc.CribbingModularWalls X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040710 SegmentalRetainingWallBlock X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7040810 BrickSidewalkandDrivewayPavers X MatlCert
7040910 StoneBlocks X EICAcceptance
7041011 SplitFacedConcreteBrick X MatlCert
7041110 PrecastConcreteCoping X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7041210 DecorativeConcreteBlock X MatlCert
7041310 PrecastConcreteDriveway&SidewkPaver X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7041410 PrecastConcretePanelUnits X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7041420 PrecastConcretePanelUnitsMSES X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7041510 PrecastPavementSlabSystem X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7042310 PrecastConcreteStreetPavers X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7050100 PreformedCorkJointFiller X MatlCert
7050200 HighwayJointSealants X NYSDOTweb
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
7050300 PreformedRubberJointFiller X MatlCert
7050400 ArmorlessBridgeJoints X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7050500 SiliconeJointSealantsForPavements X NYSDOTweb
7050510 SiliconeJointSealantsForStructures X NYSDOTweb
7050600 CaulkingCompoundForStructures X MatlCert
7050700 PremoldedResilientJointFiller X NYSDOTweb
7050800 PreformedClosedCellFoamMaterial X NYSDOTweb
7050900 PreformedElasticBridgeJointSealer X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7051000 PreformedElasticLongitudinalJt.Seal X MatlCert
7051100 PolyvinylChlorideExtrudedShape/Sheets X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7051200 PreformedElasticTrans.Cont/ExpanJts. X MatlCert
7051300 LubricantForPreformedElasticJtSeal X MatlCert
7051400 LongitudinalJointTies X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7051500 TransverseJointSupports X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7051600 ConcretePipeJointSealingCompound X CheckLabels
7051700 ConcretePipeJointElastomericGaskets X CheckLabels
7052100 MasonryMortar X CheckLabels
7052200 PortlandCementMortarBondingGrout X CheckLabels
7060110 NonreinforcedConcretePipe X ValidatedBR97
7060210 ReinforcedConcretePipeMachineMade X ValidatedBR97 X NYSDOTweb
7060211 ReinforcedConc.CattlePassmachine X ValidatedBR97 X NYSDOTweb
7060220 ReinforcedConcretePipewetCast X ValidatedBR97 X NYSDOTweb
7060221 ReinforcedConc.CattlePassWetCast X ValidatedBR97 X NYSDOTweb
7060310 Reinf.Conc.EllipticalPipemachine X ValidatedBR97 X NYSDOTweb
7060320 Reinf.Conc.EllipticalPipeWetCast X ValidatedBR97 X NYSDOTweb
7060410 PrecastDrainageUnitsWetCastRound X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7060420 PrecastDrainageUnits,WetCast,Rectan X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7060430 PrecastDrainageUnit,MachineMadeRound X MatlCert
7060440 PrecastDrainageUnit,MachineMadeRect X MatlCert
7060510 PorousConcretePipeUnderdrain X EICAcceptance X
7060520 PorousConc.PipeUnderdrainXStrength X EICAcceptance X
7060600 PolyesterFormedInPlacePipeLiner X NYSDOTweb
7060710 Rein.ConcretePipeEndSectMachineMade X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7060720 ReinforceConcreteEndSectionsWetCast X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7061000 PolyvinylChloridePipeRelining X NYSDOTweb
7061100 HighDensityPolyethylenePipeRelining X NYSDOTweb
7061200 SmoothInteriorCorrugatedPolyethylene X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7061300 PerforatedCorrugatedPEUnderdrainTube X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7061400 CorrugatedInteriorPolyethylenePipe X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7061500 PVCPlasticDrainPipeSystem X MatlCert
7061600 CellularPolystyreneProtectiveCover X MatlCert
7061710 PrecastConcreteBoxCulverts X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7061800 PerforatedPolyvinylChlorideUnderdrain X MatlCert
7070211 CorrugatedSteelPipeZincCoated X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
7070212 CorrugatedSteelPipeAluminumCoated X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7070221 CorrugatedSteelPipeBituminousInvert X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7070222 CorrugatedSteelPipeBituminFullPaved X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7070231 CorrugatedSteelPipePolymerCoated X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7070232 Corr.SteelPipePolymerw/Bit.Invert X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7070240 CorrugatedSteelPipeConcreteLined X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7070299 BandAngles X NYSDOTweb
7070300 DuctileIronPipe(NonPressure) X MatlCert
7070510 TunnelLinerPlateSteel X NYSDOTweb
7070521 TunnelLinerPlateAlum(.125.150) X NYSDOTweb
7070522 TunnelLinerPlateAlum(.175.225) X NYSDOTweb
7070900 CorrugatedStructuralSteelPlate X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7071000 GalvanizedSteelEndSections X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7071100 AluminumEndSections X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7071300 CorrugatedAluminumPipe X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X CoatingThickness
7071400 CorrugatedAluminumStructuralPlate X MatlCert(fabricator) X NYSDOTweb
7072000 AnchorBoltsForCorrugatedCulverts X MatlCert
7080101 StructuralSteelPaints,Class1,Primer X NYSDOTweb
7080102 StructuralSteelPaints,Class1,Interm X NYSDOTweb
7080103 StructuralSteelPaints,Class1,Finish X NYSDOTweb
7080201 StructuralSteelPaints,Class2,Primer X NYSDOTweb
7080202 StructuralSteelPaints,Class2,Interm X NYSDOTweb
7080203 StructuralSteelPaints,Class2,Finish X NYSDOTweb
7080400 ZincChromatePrimer X EICAcceptance
70805 StandardPaintColor X
70806 PaintForGalvanizedSurfaced X MatlCert
70807 PaintforAluminumSurfaces X MatlCert
70830 WoodPerservativeCreosoteOil X
70831 WoodPerservativeWaterborne X
70832 WoodPerservativeOilBorne X
7090100 BarReinforcement,Grade60 X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7090200 WireFabricForConcreteReinforcement X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7090400 EpoxyCoatedBarReinforcement X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7090500 StudShearConnectors X Manufacturer
7090600 LowrelaxationPrestressingSteelG1860 X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7090700 StoneCurbAnchorBars X EICAcceptance
7090800 EpoxyCoatedWireFabricReinforcement X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7090900 ColdDrawnWireForConc.Reinforcemet X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7091000 MechanicalConnectorForReinforcingBar X NYSDOTweb
7091100 GalvanizedBarReinforcement X Applicator'sCertofCompliance
7091200 StainlessCladBarReinforcement X
7091300 StainlessSteelBarReinforcement X
7091400 BarReinforcement,Grade75 X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7100100 AluminumFenceFabric X MatlCert
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
7100200 GalvanizedSteelFenceFabric X MatlCert
7100300 VinylCoatedSteelFenceFabric X MatlCert
7100400 AluminumCoatedSteelFenceFabric X MatlCert
7100500 CoatedSteelFence95%Zinc5%Aluminum X MatlCert
7100601 RockSlopeNetAssembly X MatlCert
7100602 RockSlopeWireMeshAssembly X MatlCert
7100603 RockSlopeWireMeshDrapeAssembly X MatlCert
7101000 SteelAndIronPosts,Rails,ForFence X MatlCert
7101100 AluminumPosts,Rails,BracesForFence X MatlCert
7101200 PlasticCoatedPosts,RailsForFence X MatlCert
7101300 WoodAndTimberPosts&TimberBlockouts X MatlCert
7101400 GalvanizedSteelBarrierPosts X MatlCert
7102000 CorrugatedBeamGuideRailingAndMedian X BR336/338
7102100 BoxBeamGuideRailing&MedianBarrier X BR335/336/337
7102200 CableGuideRailing X BR339
7102300 SteelBridgeRailing X FormB&GC4 X AgencyInspStamp
7102400 BoxBeam:GuideRailT3,MedBarrierTC X MatlCert
7102500 GuideRailMedianBarrierSystemRustic XX Applicator/Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7102600 Plastic&SynBlockoutsHeavyPostRail X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7102701 NetSupportingWireRope X MatlCert
7102702 SeamRopeWireRopeRockCatchmentFence X MatlCert
7102703 TiebackRestrainingCable X MatlCert
7102704 AnchorRopeWireRopeRockCatch.Fence X MatlCert
7102705 SeamRopeWireMeshSlopeProtection X MatlCert
7103000 RightofWayFencing X MatlCert
71101 FibersforConcreteReinforcement X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7110200 QuiltedCovers(ForCuring) X Manufacturer
7110300 PlasticCoatedFiberBlanketsForCuring X NYSDOTweb
7110400 PolyethyleneCuringCoversWhiteOpaque X Manufacturer
7110500 MembraneCuringCompound X NYSDOTweb
7110600 Burlap X EICAcceptance
7110700 FormInsulatingMaterialsForWinterPCC X NYSDOTweb
7110900 EmulsifiedCarbonBlack X
711CURE ConcreteCuring X Seeremarks
7120100 Water X EICAcceptance
7120200 CalciumChloride X EICAcceptance
7120300 SodiumChloride X EICAcceptance
7120400 HydratedLime X Manufacturer
7120510 PrecastConcreteRightofWayMarkers X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7120610 ExpendableImpactAttenuatorL2 X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7120620 ExpendableImpactAttenuatorL3 X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7120700 InertialBarrierModules X NYSDOTweb
7120810 ReusableImpactAttenuatorL2 X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7120820 ReusableImpactAttenuatorL3 X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
7121200 AsphaltRoofingFelt X Manufacturer
7121300 TimberAndLumber X EICAcceptance
7121400 StressGradedTimberAndLumber X Manufacturer
7121500 Gabions X Manufacturer
7121600 PigmentColoredSyntheticResinBinder X
7121700 WoodCrossTies X
7121800 ImpactAttenuator,HDPECylinderCable X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7121900 ImpactAttenuator,QuadBeamW/Expendab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7122000 ImpactAttenuator,CorrugatedBeamType X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7122100 ImpactAttenuator,ThrieBeamW/Expend X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7122200 ImpactAttenuator,HdpeCylW/Monorail X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
7130110 TopsoilTypeA X LandscapeArchitecturememo
7130120 TopsoilTypeB X LandscapeArchitecturememo
71302 Limestone X Manufacturer
71303 Fertilizer X Manufacturer
71304 Seeds X Manufacturer
71305 WoodChips X EICAcceptance
71306 Trees,Shrubs,AndVines X EICAcceptance
7130700 RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713071A RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713071B RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713071C RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713072A RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713072B RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713072C RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713072D RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713073A RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713073B RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713073C RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713073D RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713074A RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713074B RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
713074C RolledErosionControlProd&SoilStab X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
71308 MaterialsForProtectionOfPlants X EICAcceptance
71309 MYCORRHIZALFUNGI X Manufacturer
71311 WoodFiberMulch X MatlCert
7131201 MulchAnchorageTypeA X ProductLabel
7131202 MulchAnchorageTypeB X ProductLabel
71313 Pesticides X EICAcceptance
71314 Sod X EICAcceptance
71315 OrganicMaterial X EICAcceptance
71318 Hay X EICAcceptance
71319 Straw X EICAcceptance
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
71401 StoneCurb X NYSDOTweb X
7140410 PrecastConcreteCurb X Manufacturer X NYSDOTweb
71406 AsphaltConcreteCurb X
7140710 PrecastConcreteGutter X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
71501 StructuralSteel X Seeremarks X nspectionstamps/TestResults
71502 SteelCastings X Seeremarks X nspectionstamps/TestResults
71503 AluminumCastings X FormB&GC4/TestResults
71504 WroughtAluminum X FormB&GC4/TestResults
71505 IronCastings X
71506 SteelForgings X
71507 ProofLoadedIronCastings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7150710 ProofLoadedIronCastings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7150720 ProofLoadedIronCastings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7150730 ProofLoadedIronCastings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7150740 ProofLoadedIronCastings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7150750 ProofLoadedIronCastings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
71509 MalleableIronCastings X
71511 MetalBinTypeRetainingWall X MatlCert X EICAcceptance
71513 PrefabricatedAdjustmentRingsAndFrame X NYSDOTweb
71514BOLT GenericHighStrengthBolts X
71514NUTS GenericHighStrengthNuts X
71514WASH GenericHighStrengthWashers X
71515 PinsAndRollers X MatlCert X EICAcceptance
71516BOLT GenericSSBolts X
71516NUTS GenericSSNuts X
71516WASH GenericSSWashers X
7160601 DiscdesignStructuralBridgeBearings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X EICAcceptance
7160701 PotdesignStructuralBridgeBearings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X EICAcceptance
71609 BaseIsolationBearingSystems X
71610 PlainElastomericBridgeBearings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
71611 SteelLaminatedElastomericBearings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X Inspectionstamps
71612 ElastomericBearingWithExternalPlates X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb X Inspectionstamps
71703 PenetratingTypeProtectiveSealers X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
71704 CoatingTypeProtectiveSealers X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
71901 GalvanizedCoatingsandRepairMaterials X CoveredbyItem X
71902 AluminumAnodicCoatings X
71903 AluminumCoating(HotDip) X
72002 TreatedTimberPiles X EICAcceptance
72003 CasingsForCastinplaceConcretePile X MatlCert
72004 SteelBearingPiles X MatlCert
72005 PileShoes X EICAcceptance
72006 MechanicalPileSplices X NYSDOTweb
72101 EpoxyResinSystem X EICAcceptance
72103 EpoxyPolysulfideGrout X EICAcceptance
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
72120 RapidHardeningPolymerConcrete X NYSDOTweb
72201 DuctileIronWaterPipeandFittings X MatlCert
72202 SteelWaterPipeAndFittings X MatlCert
72203 ConcreteWaterPipe X MatlCert
72204 WaterValvesAndHydrants X MatlCert
72205 PlasticWaterPipeAndFittings X MatlCert
72206 WaterServicePipe,ValvesAndFittings X MatlCert
72207 WedgeTypeMechanicalRestraintGlands X MatlCert
72208 InsulationForWaterMains X MatlCert
72301 AluminumLightStandardsAndArms X MatlCert X EICAcceptance
72302 HighMastPole,HeadFrameAssembly X MatlCert
72303 PortablePowerDriveForMastLuminaire X MatlCert
72310 AnchorBasealuminum X MatlCert
72315 BreakawayTransformerBase(Aluminum) X NYSDOTweb
72319 RigidPlasticConduit X MatlCert
72320 MetalSteelConduit,ZincCoated X MatlCert
72323 PVCCoatedGalvanizedSteelConduit X MatlCert
72324 FlexibleLiquidTightSteelConduit X MatlCert
72327 HighPressureSodiumVaporLuminaires X MatlCert X EICAcceptance
72328 LowPressureSodiumVaporLuminaires X MatlCert X EICAcceptance
72329 HighPressureSodiumVaporLuminaires X MatlCert X EICAcceptance
72330 MercuryVaporLuminairesstd.Mount X MatlCert
72331 MercuryVaporLuminairesunderbridge X MatlCert
72340 CastIronJunctionBox X MatlCert
7234510 PrecastReinforcedConcretePullboxes X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72350 PhotoelectricControl X MatlCert
72360 AnchorBolts X MatlCert
72370 SingleConductorCable X MatlCert
72371 SingleConductorDirectBurialCable X MatlCert
72375 GroundWire X MatlCert
72401 SignalCable X MatlCert
72402 SpanWire X MatlCert
72403 TrafficSignalPoles XX ManfCert/MillCert X NYSDOTweb
72404 TrafficSignalHeads X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72408 ShieldedCommunicationCable X MatlCert
72409 SignalCableWithIntegralMessenger X MatlCert
72410 ShieldedCommunicationCableW/Integral X MatlCert
72415 FirePreEmptionTellTaleLight X MatlCert
72420 InductanceLoopWire X MatlCert
72421 ShieldedLeadInCable X MatlCert
72422 RoadwayLoopEmbeddedSealer X NYSDOTweb
72423 PedestrianPushButtonAndSign X MatlCert
72501 CopperFlashing X MatlCert
72502 StepsForManholes X MatlCert
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
72601 DetectableWarningUnits X NYSDOTweb
72602 DetectableWarningUnits X NYSDOTweb
7270111 WhiteThermoplasticPavementMarkings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270121 YellowThermoplasticPavementMarkings X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72702 WhiteAndYellowRemovableReflectorized X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270310 WhiteEpoxyPav'tMarking X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270320 YellowEpoxyPav'tMarking X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72704 WhiteAndYellowPreformedReflectorized X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72705 GlassBeadsForReflectorizedPavt.Mark X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270511 GlassBeadsEpoxy X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270512 GlassBeadsTrafficPaint X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270513 GlassBeadsThermoplastic X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270521 GlassBeadsEpoxyWet/NightReflective X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270610 RemovablePavementTapeReflectiveW X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270611 WhiteFastdryAcrylicWaterborneTZP X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270620 RemovablePavementTapeReflectiveY X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270621 YellowFastdryAcrylicWaterborneTZP X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270630 RemovablePavementTapeMasking X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72707 RemovableWetNightReflectiveTape X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270710 RemovableWetNightReflect.TapeWhite X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270720 RemovableWetNightReflect.TapeYellow X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72708 PermanentWetNightReflectiveTape X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270901 TrafficPaintConventionalDry X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270902 TrafficPaintRapidDry X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270911 TrafficPaintWhiteWaterborne X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270912 TrafficPaintWhiteSolventborne X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270921 TrafficPaintYellowWaterborne X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
7270922 TrafficPaintYellowSolventborne X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72801 RubberImpregnatedWovenCottonFabric X MatlCert
72802 RubberImpregnatedRandomFiberPad X NYSDOTweb
72803 PlainRubberPad X MatlCert
72804 SheetLead X MatlCert
72806 SheetGasketTreatedBothSides X NYSDOTweb
72901 Drums X MatlCert
72902 Cones X MatlCert
72903 TemporaryTubularMarkers X MatlCert
72904 VerticalPanels X MatlCert
72905 StopSlowPaddles X MatlCert
72906 TypeIConstructionBarricades X MatlCert
72907 TypeIIConstructionBarricades X MatlCert
72908 TypeIIIConstructionBarricades X MatlCert
72909 TemporarySignSupports X MatlCert
72910 TemporaryImpactAttenuatorsRedirective X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72911 TemporaryImpactAttenuatorsGating X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
72912 TruckMountedImpactAttenuators X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72913 TemporarySandBarrels X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72914 VehicleArrestingSystem X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72915 ArrowPanels X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72916 PortableVariableMessageSigns X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
72917 TemporaryGlareScreens X MatlCert
72918 WarningLights X MatlCert
73001 AluminumSignPanels X MatlCert
73005 ReflectiveSheeting X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
73009 TubularMarkers X NYSDOTweb
73012 ReflectorSheetingSignCharactersType4 X MatlCert
73013 ReflectorSheetingSignCharactersType5 X MatlCert
73019 TemporaryWoodenSignPosts X MatlCert
73020 SignPostsAndFootings X MatlCert
73021 FlexibleDelineatorPosts X NYSDOTweb
73022 Stiffeners,OverheadBracketsAndMiscH X MatlCert
73023 FiberglassReinforcedPlasticSignPanel X NYSDOTweb
73024 TypeASignSupports X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
73025 TypeBSignPosts X MatlCert
73026 BreakawayBasesAndHingeAssemblies X MatlCert
73027 PermanentVariableMessageSigns X MatlCert X NYSDOTweb
73101 SoilNailTendonAssemblage
7310101 SoilNailWallSysSolidBarNailTendon XX MatlCert/MillTestResults
7310102 SoilNailWallSystemEpoxyCoating X MatlCert
7310103 SoilNailWallSystemEncapsulation X MatlCert
7310104 SoilNailWallSystemCentralizers X EICAcceptance
7310105 SoilNailWallSystemBarCouplers X MatlCert
73102 GroutedTiebackAssemblage
7310201 GroutedTiebackSystemTendons XX MatlCert/MillTestResults
7310202 GroutedTiebackSystemCouplers X MatlCert
7310203 GroutedTiebackSystemSheath X MatlCert
7310204 GroutedTiebackSystemGrease X EICAcceptance
7310205 GroutedTiebackSystemEncapsulation X MatlCert
7310206 GTSCentralizersandSpacers X MatlCert
7310207 GroutedTiebackSystemTrumpet X MatlCert
7310301 RockBoltAssembly26mmDia.SteelBar XX MatlCert/MillTestResults
7310302 RockBoltAssembly32mmDia.SteelBar XX MatlCert/MillTestResults
7310303 Resin X MatlCert
73201 DrillRigs X EICAcceptance
7320101 Barges X EICAcceptance
7320102 Platforms X EICAcceptance
7320103 SupportVessels X EICAcceptance
7320104 GroutPipe X EICAcceptance
73202 DrivePipe X EICAcceptance
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
73203 Casing X EICAcceptance
73204 Samplers X EICAcceptance
73205 ThinWallSampleTubes X EICAcceptance
73206 CoringBits X EICAcceptance
73207 SampleStorageBags X EICAcceptance
73208 SampleJars X EICAcceptance
73209 JarCartons X EICAcceptance
73210 BoulderAndRockCoreBoxes X EICAcceptance
73211 OpenWellPiezometer X EICAcceptance
7321101 VibratingWirePiezometer X EICAcceptance
73212 Grout X EICAcceptance
7321301 JarSamplesReceivedatLab
7321302 TubeSamplesReceivedatLab
7321303 AXSamplesReceivedatLab
7321304 BXSamplesReceivedatLab
7321305 NXSamplesReceivedatLab
7321306 HXSamplesReceivedatLab
73301 ControlledLowStrengthMaterial(CLSM) X ApprMixDesign
7330211 MSESBackfill X GE454
7330212 MSESBackfill,#2SizeGradation X GE454
7330221 MSESBackfill,RecycledConcreteAgg. X GE454
7330222 MSESBackfill,RecycledConc.Agg.#2 X GE454
73303 GRESBackfillMaterial X EICAcceptance X
7330401 SubbaseCourse,Type1 X GE454 X
7330402 SubbaseCourse,Type2 X GE454 X
7330403 SubbaseCourse,Type3 X GE454 X
7330404 SubbaseCourse,Type4 X GE454 X
73305 GlassBackfill X Testresults(RGE)
73306 RAPforEarthworkandSubbase X Testresults(RGE)
7330701 RecycledPCCAggregate X GE454
7330702 RecycledPCCAggregateMixture X GE454
73308 EmbankmentInPlace X EICAcceptance X
73309 SelectBorrow X P/SMatlsWindow X
73310 SelectFill X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331101 SelectGranularFill(Typical) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331102 SelectGranularFillforCorr.AlumPipe X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331201 SelGranFillSlopeProt.(BlastedRock) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331202 SelectGran.FillSlopeProtection(Typ) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331301 SelectGranularSubgrade(BlastedRock) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331302 SelectGranularSubgrade(Typical) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331303 SelectGranularSubgrade(RCA) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331304 SelectGranularSubgrade(RCAMixture) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331305 SelectGranularSubgrade(RAP) X P/SMatlsWindow X
73314 SelectStructuralFill X P/SMatlsWindow X
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
73315 SandBackfill X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331601 WEMforEmbankmentInPlace X EICAcceptance X
7331602 WEMforSelectBorrow X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331603 WEMforSelectFill X P/SMatlsWindow X
733160401 WEMforSelectGranularFill X P/SMatlsWindow X
733160402 WEMSelectGranularFill(CorrAlPipe) X P/SMatlsWindow X
733160501 WEMSelectGranSubgrade(BlastedRock) X P/SMatlsWindow X
733160502 WEMforSelectGranSubgrade(Typical) X P/SMatlsWindow X
733160503 WEMforSelectGranSubgrade(RCA) X P/SMatlsWindow X
733160504 WEMforSelectGranSubgrade(RCAMix) X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331606 WEMforSelectStructuralFill X P/SMatlsWindow X
7331607 WEMforGRESSlopeBackfill X P/SMatlsWindow
733160801 WEMforSubbaseCourse X GE454
733160802 WEMforSubbaseCourse(RCA) X GE454
733160803 WEMforSubbaseCourse(RCAMixture) X GE454
73317 SurfaceSettlementGage X Manufacturer's
73318 SettlementRod X MatlCert
73319 CorianBackfill X Testresults(RGE)
7332001 Type1UnderdrainFilter X GE454
7332002 Type2UnderdrainFilter X GE454
7332101 StoneFillingFine X MemofromGEB X EICGradation
7332102 StoneFillingLight X MemofromGEB X EICGradation
7332103 StoneFillingMedium X MemofromGEB X EICGradation
7332104 StoneFillingHeavy X MemofromGEB X EICGradation
7332201 DryRipRap X MemofromGEB X EICGradation
7332202 GroutedRipRap X MemofromGEB X EICGradation
73323 BeddingMaterial X GE454
73501 ConcreteCylinderCuringBoxes X EICAcceptance
73601 PermanentCorrugatedMetalFormsBridge X Manufacturer's X ShopDrawingconformance
7370101 GeotextileNPNW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
7370102 GeotextileHBNW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
7370103 GeotextileMFW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
7370104 GeotextileMuFW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
7370105 GeotextileSFW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
7370106 GeotextileCW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
7370107 GeotextileW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
7370108 GeotextileCirW X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
73702 Geomembranes X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
73703 PrefabricatedVerticalDrains X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
73704 Prefab.Comp.StructuralDrains X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
73705 Prefab.Comp.IntegralAbut.Drains X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
73706 Prefab.Comp.EdgeDrains X Manufacturer's X NYSDOTweb X Label
73707 Geogrids X Manufacturer's X Label
73708 Geocells X Manufacturer's X Label
MaterialCode MaterialName Cert CertType AppLst ALType Vis VisType Spec FieldTest
CLASSA ClassAConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSASUBS ClassAConcretewSubstitutionsGeneric X BR316 X
CLASSC ClassCConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSCSUBS ClassCConcretewSubstitutionsGeneric X BR316 X
CLASSD ClassDConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSDP ClassDPConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSDSUBS ClassCConcretewSubstitutionsGeneric X BR316 X
CLASSE ClassEConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSESUBS ClassEConcretewSubstitutionsGeneric X BR316 X
CLASSF ClassFConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSG ClassGConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSGG ClassGGConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSGROUT GroutMixUsedinField X EICAcceptance
CLASSH ClassHConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSHES ClassHighEarlyStrengthConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSHP ClassHPConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSHSUBS ClassHConcretewSubstitutionsGeneric X BR316 X
CLASSI ClassIConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSISUBS ClassIConcretewSubstitutionsGeneric X BR316 X
CLASSJ ClassJConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSMICRO MicrosilicaConcrete X
CLASSSCC SelfConsolidatingConcrete X BR316 X
CLASSSPECIAL ConcreteSpecial(ContrDgn,HighStr) X BR316 X




Material Acceptance Requirements in SiteManager - "MIM"
Material Code Material Name
402-06 6.3 mm Superpave HMA
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 6.3 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material instal
led. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-09 9.5 mm Superpave HMA

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 9.5 mm mix delivered to the project.. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-12 12.5 mm Superpave HMA

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 12.5 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-19 19 mm Superpave HMA

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 19 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-25 25 mm Superpave HMA

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 25 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-37 37.5 mm Superpave HMA

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 37.5 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-ATPBT1 Type 1 Asphalt-Treated Permeable Base

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of Type 1, Asphalt-Treated Permeable Base mix delivered to
the project. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item
equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-ATPBT2 Type 2 Asphalt-Treated Permeable Base

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307 specifying the quantity of Type 2, Asphalt-Treated Permeable Base mix delivered to
the project. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item e
quivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 1 of 93

Material Code Material Name
402-SHIM Type 5 - Shim Course
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of Type 5 Shim mix delivered to the project. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material
installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

402-TLEV True And Leveling Superpave HMA

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of Trueing and Leveling mix delivered to the project. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

404-09 9.5 mm Superpave Warm Mix Asphalt

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 9.5 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material instal
led. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

404-12 12.5 mm Superpave Warm Mix Asphalt

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 12.5 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

404-19 19 mm Superpave Warm Mix Asphalt

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 19 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

404-25 25 mm Superpave Warm Mix Asphalt

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 25 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

404-37 37 mm Superpave Warm Mix Asphalt

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of 37 mm mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

404-SHIM Shim Course Warm Mix Asphalt

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of Shim Course mix delivered to the project. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material i
nstalled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 2 of 93

Material Code Material Name
404-TLEV Truing and Leveling Warm Mix Asphalt
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 343 or BR 307) specifying the quantity of T&L mix delivered to the project. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed
. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

700-0000 No Material Requirements

700-0001 Follow Spec Material Requirements

When this materials is associated to any item, field staff should continue to follow any material acceptance requirements found in the
pay item specification. These requirements still need to be enforced in the field, outside the SiteManager system, if
any apply.

SiteManager will not require a sample to satisfy the material requirements of 700-0001. Further analysis needs to be completed during
2010, to formally establish any material requirements within SiteManager. In 2009, this material is bein
g used as a place holder, until the formal business analysis can be completed. The details of the pay item specification still apply even
though any applicable material requirements are presently not being inforced within SM.

700-9901 Matl Acceptance in Pay Item - Per Spec

Project acceptance based on:
a sample logged into SM, for this material. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of
the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance

700-9902 Matl Acceptance in Pay Item - Visual

Project acceptance based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

l acceptance can apply to approving required equipment, visually inspecting labels, and/or EIC approval of delivered material.

701-0410 Concrete Repair Material

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
1. Brand name labeled on container. (more)
2. Date ma
nufactured printed on container.
SPECIAL NOTE: Acceptance of the material expires when date of proposed use extends beyond the shelf life identified on the Approved

701-05 Concrete Grouting Material

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
1. Brand name labeled on container.
2. Date manufactu
red printed on container.
SPECIAL NOTE: Acceptance of the material expires when date of proposed use extends beyond the shelf life identified on the Approved

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 3 of 93

Material Code Material Name
701-06 Cement Based Grout Matls For Shear Keys
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
1. Brand name labeled on container.
2. Date manufactu
red printed on container.
SPECIAL NOTE: Acceptance of the material expires when date of proposed use extends beyond the shelf life identified on the Approved

701-07 Anchoring Materials - Chemically Curing

WARNING: The following products SHALL NOT be used a) in any overhead applications or b) where sustained tensile loads will exist
such that failure of the material would result in risk or injury to the public. Contact the Deputy Chief Engineer (Structures
) for appropriate alternative anchoring materials or methods when overhead or sustained tensile load conditions exist.

Project Material Acceptance is based on:

an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sam
ple is required. Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
1. Brand name labeled on container.

701-08 Vertical And Overhead Patching Material

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
1. Brand name labeled on container.
2. Date manufactu
red printed on container.
SPECIAL NOTE: Acceptance of the material expires when date of proposed use extends beyond the shelf life identified on the Approved

701-0910 Rapid Set Conc Repair Matl Cementitious

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
1. Brand name labeled on container.
2. Date manufactu
red printed on container.
SPECIAL NOTE: Acceptance of the material expires when date of proposed use extends beyond the shelf life identified on the Approved

701-0920 Rapid Set Conc Repair Matl Non-Cement.

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
1. Brand name labeled on container.
2. Date manufactu
red printed on container.
SPECIAL NOTE: Acceptance of the material expires when date of proposed use extends beyond the shelf life identified on the Approved

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 4 of 93

Material Code Material Name
701-11 Elastomeric Concrete
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-0700 Misc. Asphalt Cement 18-60

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-07. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-1100 Rapid Curing Liquid Asphalt RC-70

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-11. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-1200 Rapid Curing Liquid Asphalt RC-250

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-12. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-1300 Rapid Curing Liquid Asphalt RC-250-1

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-13. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-1400 Rapid Curing Liquid Asphalt RC-800

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-14. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 5 of 93

Material Code Material Name
702-1500 Rapid Curing Liquid Asphalt RC-800-1
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-15. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-1600 Rapid Curing Liquid Asphalt RC-3000

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-16. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-2000 Medium Curing Liquid Asphalt MC-30

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-20. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-2100 Medium Curing Liquid Asphalt MC-70

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-21. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-2200 Medium Curing Liquid Asphalt MC-250

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-22. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 6 of 93

Material Code Material Name
702-2300 Medium Curing Liquid Asphalt MC-250-1
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-23. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-2400 Medium Curing Liquid Asphalt MC-800

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-24. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-2500 Medium Curing Liquid Asphalt MC-3000

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-25. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3001 RS-1 Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-30. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3002 RS-1h Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-30. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 7 of 93

Material Code Material Name
702-3101 RS-2 Asphalt Emulsion
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-31. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3102 HFRS-2 Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-31. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3201 MS-2 Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-32. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3301 HFMS-2 Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-33. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3401 HFMS-2h Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-34. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 8 of 93

Material Code Material Name
702-3402 HFMS-2s Asphalt Emulsion
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-34. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3501 SS-1 Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-35. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3601 SS-1h Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-36. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3701 RS-2p Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-37. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-3801 HFRS-2p Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-38. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 9 of 93

Material Code Material Name
702-4001 CRS-1 Asphalt Emulsion
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-40. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4002 CRS-1h Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-40. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4101 CRS-2 Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-41. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4201 CMS-2 Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-42. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4301 CMS-2h Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-43. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 10 of 93

Material Code Material Name
702-4401 CSS-1 Asphalt Emulsion
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-44. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4501 CSS-1h Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-45. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4601 CQS-1h Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-46. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4701 CRS-1p Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-47. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-4702 CRS-2p Asphalt Emulsion

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-47. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 11 of 93

Material Code Material Name
702-4801 CQS-1hp Asphalt Emulsion
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702-48. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-7000 Synthetic Resin For Hot Plant Mix

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-7100 Synthetic Resin For Tack Coat

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

702-TACKCOAT Generic Tack Coat

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 162) specifying the product conforms to 702 Bituminous Material. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

703-0100 Fine Aggregate

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0200 Coarse Aggregate (Generic)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0201 Coarse Aggregate Crushed Stone (Generic)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-020101 #1 Crushed Stone

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 12 of 93

Material Code Material Name
703-020102 #2 Crushed Stone
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0201SCRN Screenings Crushed Stone

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0202 Coarse Aggregate Crushed Gravel Generic

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-020201 #1 Crushed Gravel

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-020202 #2 Crushed Gravel

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0203 Coarse Aggregate Screened Gravel Generic

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0204 Coarse Aggregate Crushed Slag Generic

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-02CA1 CA 1 Coarse/Fine Agg. Gradation

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 13 of 93

Material Code Material Name
703-02CA2 CA 2 Coarse/Fine Agg. Gradation
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0300 Mortar Sand

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0600 Cushion Sand

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0700 Concrete Sand

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

703-0800 Mineral Filler

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Producer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 703-08 Mineral Filler. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material inst
alled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

704-0110 Common Brick

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-01 Common Brick. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

704-0210 Concrete Brick

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-02 Concrete Brick. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details show
n on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded o
n a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 14 of 93

Material Code Material Name
704-0300 Precast Concrete
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-03 Precast Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details sh
own on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded
on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

704-0410 Concrete Block - Slope Paving

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-04 Concrete Block - Slope Paving. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use t
he details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details shoul
d be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

704-0510 Precast Concrete Median Barrier-Hwy

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-05 Precast Concrete Barrier. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

704-0521 Perm Traffic Barrier-Structures-Full

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-05 Precasr Concrete Barrier. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

This material is rela

ted to Item 569.01.

704-0522 Perm Traffic Barrier-Structures-Half

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-05 Precast Concrete Barrier. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

This material is rela

ted to Item 569.02.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 15 of 93

Material Code Material Name
704-0531 Single Slope Conc. Bridge Barrier-Full
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-05 Precast Concrete Barrier. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

This material is rela

ted to Item 569.05.

704-0532 Single Slope Conc. Bridge Barrier-Half

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-05 Precast Concrete Barrier. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

This material is rela

ted to Item 569.04.

704-0540 Temporary Precast Concrete Barrier Sys.

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-05 Precast Concrete Barrier. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

704-0561 F-Shaped Concrete Bridge Barrier (Full)

704-0562 F-Shaped Concrete Bridge Barrier Half

704-0570 Texas Aesthetic Concrete Bridge Barrier

704-0610 Precast Conc. Cribbing- Wall Unit Type

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-06 Precast Concrete Cribbing. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the d
etails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 16 of 93

Material Code Material Name
704-0620 Precast Conc. Cribbing - Modular Walls
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-06 Precast Concrete Cribbing. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the d
etails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

704-0710 Segmental Retaining Wall Block

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-07 Segmental Retaining Wall Block. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details sho
uld be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Field acceptanc
e based upon:
Two copies of Materials Details drawings, listed on Approved List, submitted through the Contractor to the Engineer in-charge at least 10
days prior to use.

704-0810 Brick Sidewalk and Driveway Pavers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-0810 Brick Sidewalk and Driveway Pavers. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed
. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

704-0910 Stone Blocks

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

704-1110 Precast Concrete Coping

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-11 Precast Concrete Coping. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be r
ecorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

704-1210 Decorative Concrete Block

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-12 Decorative Concrete Block. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the d
etails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 17 of 93

Material Code Material Name
704-1310 Precast Concrete Driveway & Sidewk Paver
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-13 Precast Concrete Driveway & Sidewalk Paver. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand
names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

704-1510 Precast Pavement Slab System

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 704-15 Precast Concrete Pavement Slabs. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details sho
uld be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

705-0200 Highway Joint Sealants

Project Material Acceptance based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TM
PL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Highway joint sealants will be accepted at the contract

based on the product name appearing on the appropriate Approved List entitled:
- Highway Joint Sealants (ASTM D6690, Type II) or - Highway Joint Sealants (ASTM D 6690, Type IV)
under Joint Materials, Pavements.

705-0400 Armorless Bridge Joints

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 705-04 Armorless Bridge Joints. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be r
ecorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

The supplier will provi

de two copies of the approved Materials Details through the Contractor to the Engineer as part of the evidence of acceptability at least
10 days prior to shipment of the product to the job site.

705-0500 Silicone Joint Sealants For Pavements

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 18 of 93

Material Code Material Name
705-0510 Silicone Joint Seals for Structures
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

705-0600 Caulking Compound For Structures

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 705-06 Caulking Compound for Structures. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Us
e the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

705-06 requires this material meet federal spec TT-S-230.

705-0700 Premolded Resilient Joint Filler

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

705-0800 Preformed Closed Cell Foam Material

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

705-1100 Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Shape/Sheets

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 705-11 Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Shape/Sheets. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance de
tails should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand
names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

705-1400 Longitudinal Joint Ties

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION ( and Applicators) specifying the product conforms to 705-14 Longitudinal Joint Ties. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material in
stalled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand
names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

America applies to 705-14.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 19 of 93

Material Code Material Name
705-1500 Transverse Joint Supports
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 705-15 Transverse Joint Supports. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the d
etails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America applies t

o 705-15.

Field acceptance criteria include:

1) Approved Materials Details, w/ drawing number and approval date matching App List 705-15
2) Rolling Mill - name, address, phone, & e-mail - w/ mill cert as to LTD type, grade, & ASTM designation
3) Br
and name of Epoxy Coating, including the manufacturer's name, address, phone & e-mail
4) Exopy Coating Applicator's Certification, including name, address, phone, and e-mail
5) Bond Breaker brand name used on dowels, including the manufacturer's name,
address, phone & e-mail

LTD dowel bars should be smooth, never accept rebars for this application.

705-2100 Masonry Mortar

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Label stating meets AASHTO M198 Type B or ASTM C992

706-0110 Non-reinforced Concrete Pipe

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Validated BR 97) specifying the product conforms to 706-01 Non-Reinforced Concrete Pipe. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material
installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Pipe arriving at the job site should have a validated BR 97 with each delivery, and each pipe should be stenciled with the name of
manufacturer, date of manufa
cture, Lot #, Class (if applicable), Wall designation (if applicable), Diameter

706-0210 Reinforced Concrete Pipe-Machine Made

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Validated BR 97) specifying the product conforms to 706-02 Reinforced Concrete Pipe-Machine
Made. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materia
l acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL det

Pipe arriving at the job site should have a validated BR 97 with each delivery, and each pipe should be stenciled with the name of
manufacturer, date of manufacture, Lot #, Class (if applicable), Wall designation (if applicable), Diameter

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 20 of 93

Material Code Material Name
706-0220 Reinforced Concrete Pipe-wet Cast
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Validated BR 97) specifying the product conforms to 706-02 Reinforced Concrete Pipe. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand
names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

attachment for direct link to Precast Approved List (Group 2 - Wet Cast Pipe)

706-0310 Reinf. Conc. Elliptical Pipe-machine

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Validated BR 97) specifying the product conforms to 706-03 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the m
aterial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL deta

Pipe arriving at the job site should have a validated BR 97 with each delivery, and each pipe should be stenciled with the name of
manufacturer, date of manufacture, Lot #, Class (if applicable), Wall designation (if applicable), Diameter

706-0320 Reinf. Conc. Elliptical Pipe-Wet Cast

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Validated BR 97) specifying the product conforms to 706-03 Reinforced Concrete Elliptical Pipe. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the m
aterial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL deta

Pipe arriving at the job site should have a validated BR 97 with each delivery, and each pipe should be stenciled with the name of
manufacturer, date of manufacture, Lot #, Class (if applicable), Wall designation (if applicable), Diameter

706-0510 Porous Concrete Pipe Underdrain

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

706-0520 Porous Conc. Pipe Underdrain - XStrength

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 21 of 93

Material Code Material Name
706-0600 Polyester Formed In Place Pipe Liner
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

706-0710 Rein.Concrete Pipe End Sect Machine Made

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 706-07 ReinforcedConcrete Pipe End Sections. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed
. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

No approved list at this time (dry cast) (9/08)

706-0720 Reinforce Concrete End Sections Wet Cast

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 706-07 Reinforce Concrete End Sections. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details sho
uld be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

See attachment
for direct link to Precast Approved List (wet cast) (Group 5 - Pipe End Sections)

706-1000 Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe Relining

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

706-1100 High Density Polyethylene Pipe-Relining

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

706-1200 Smooth Interior Corrugated Polyethylene

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 706-12 Smooth Interior Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material i
nstalled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptanc
e details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand
names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 22 of 93

Material Code Material Name
706-1300 Perforated Corrugated PE Underdrain Tube
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 706-13 Perforated Corrugated Polyethylene Underdrain Tube. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mate
rial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acc
eptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or
brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

706-1710 Precast Concrete Box Culverts

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 706-17 Precast Concrete Box Culverts. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use t
he details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details shoul
d be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

See attachment fo
r direct link to Precast Approved List (Group 1 - Box Culverts)

706-1800 Perforated Polyvinyl Chloride Underdrain

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 706-18 Perforated Polyvinyl Chloride Underdrain. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

707-0211 Corrugated Steel Pipe Zinc Coated

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-02 Corrugated Steel Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or
approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Project staff must verify metal and/or coating thickness with
equipment supplied by contractor.

Buy America applies to 707-02.

4) If corrugated connecting angles are provided, two (2) copies of Approved Materials Details, properly identified by
Material suppliers name, location, reference number, and date

5) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

SPECIAL NOTE: Minimum thickne

ss for each gauge is detailed in MM 12.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 23 of 93

Material Code Material Name
707-0212 Corrugated Steel Pipe Aluminum Coated
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-02 Corrugated Steel Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or
approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Project staff must verify metal and/or coating thickness with
equipment supplied by contractor.

Buy America applies to 707-02.

4) If corrugated connecting angles are provided, two (2) copies of Approved Materials Details, properly identified by
Material suppliers name, location, reference number, and date

5)Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

SPECIAL NOTE: Minimum thicknes

s for each gauge is detailed in MM 12.

707-0221 Corrugated Steel Pipe Bituminous Invert

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-02 Corrugated Steel Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or
approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Project staff must verify metal and/or coating thickness with
equipment supplied by contractor.

Buy America applies to 707-02.

4) If corrugated connecting angles are provided, two (2) copies of Approved Materials Details, properly identified by
Material suppliers name, location, reference number, and date

5) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

SPECIAL NOTE: Minimum thickne

ss for each gauge is detailed in MM 12.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 24 of 93

Material Code Material Name
707-0222 Corrugated Steel Pipe Bitumin Full Paved
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-02 Corrugated Steel Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America applies to 70


3) If corrugated connecting angles are provided, two (2) copies of Approved Materials Details, properly identified by
Material suppliers name, location, reference number, and date shown on Approved List, BAND ANGLES FOR CORRUGATED STEEL

SPECIAL NOTE: Minimum thickness for each gauge is detailed in MM 12.

707-0231 Corrugated Steel Pipe Polymer Coated

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-02 Corrugated Steel Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or
approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Project staff must verify metal and/or coating thickness with
equipment supplied by contractor.

Buy America applies to 707-02.

4) If pipe is Polymer Coated, a certification of conformance including the Brand of Polymer Coating and Applicator on

5) If corrugated connecting angles are provided, two (2) copies of Approved Materials Details, properly identified by
Material suppliers name, location, reference number, and date shown on Approved List,

6) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

SPECIAL NOTE: Minimum thickness for each gauge is det

ailed in MM 12.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 25 of 93

Material Code Material Name
707-0232 Corr. Steel Pipe Polymer w/ Bit. Invert
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-02 Corrugated Steel Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or
approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Project staff must verify metal and/or coating thickness with
equipment supplied by contractor.

Buy America applies to 707-02.

4) If pipe is Polymer Coated, a certification of conformance including the Brand of Polymer Coating and Applicator on

5) If corrugated connecting angles are provided, two (2) copies of Approved Materials Details, properly identified by
Material suppliers name, location, reference number, and date shown on Approved List,

6) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

SPECIAL NOTE: Minimum thickness for each gauge is det

ailed in MM 12.

707-0240 Corrugated Steel Pipe Concrete Lined

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-02 Corrugated Steel Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or
approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Project staff must verify metal and/or coating thickness with
equipment supplied by contractor.

Buy America applies to 707-02.

4) If corrugated connecting angles are provided, two (2) copies of Approved Materials Details, properly identified by
Material suppliers name, location, reference number, and date

5) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

SPECIAL NOTE: Minimum thickne

ss for each gauge is detailed in MM 12.

707-0299 Band Angles for Corrugated Steel Pipe

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 26 of 93

Material Code Material Name
707-0300 Ductile Iron Pipe (Non-Pressure)
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-03 Ductile Iron Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details s
hown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 707-03.

707-0510 Tunnel Liner Plate Steel

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America applies to 707-0510.

707-0521 Tunnel Liner Plate Alum (.125-.150)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America applies to 707-0521.

707-0522 Tunnel Liner Plate Alum (.175-.225)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America applies to 707-0522.

707-0900 Corrugated Structural Steel Plate

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-09 Corrugated Structural Steel Plate. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details s
hould be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not
on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America a
pplies to 707-09.

Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 27 of 93

Material Code Material Name
707-1000 Galvanized Steel End Sections
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-10 Galvanized Steel End Sections. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use t
he details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details shoul
d be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspectio
n and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should
be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Metal and coating thicknesses will be measured at the
project by project inspectors.

Buy America applies to 707-10.

4) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

707-1100 Aluminum End Sections

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-11 Aluminum End Sections. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be rec
orded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or
approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Metal thicknesses will be measured at the project by project i

Buy America applies to 707-11.

4) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

707-1300 Corrugated Aluminum Pipe

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-13 Corrugated Aluminum Pipe. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the
AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection an
d/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be
recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Metal thicknesses will be measured at the project by proje
ct inspectors.

Buy America applies to 707-13.

4) Equipment required to measure metal and coating thickness shall be supplied by the contractor as detailed in '603-3.02G, Thickness
Measuring Equipment.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 28 of 93

Material Code Material Name
707-1400 Corrugated Aluminum Structural Plate
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (from fabricator) specifying the product conforms to 707-14 Corrugated Aluminum Structural Plate. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materia
l acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL det

Certification Details - from the fabricator. Each fabricator shall furnish upon request by the Materials Bureau a certified analysis and
guarantee executed by the manufacturer of the base metal as described in AASHTO M219.
2) At the option of
the Department, structural plates may be subjected to shop inspection or may be shipped to the project site accompanied by certified
documentation executed in a form prescribed by the Department.
3) the manufacturer's name appearing on the Approved Lis
t for 707-14.

707-2000 Anchor Bolts For Corrugated Culverts

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 707-20 Anchor Bolts For Corrugated Culverts. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed
. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 707-20.

708-0101 Structural Steel Paints, Class 1, Primer

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

- Class 1, Structural Steel Paints are also Localize

d Approved, they are NOT Approved for Overcoating.

- This material is manufacturer certified to comply with the volatile organic compound (VOC) requirement of the NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation regulation 6 NYCRR, Part 205, Architectural
and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings.

708-0102 Structural Steel Paints, Class 1, Interm

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

- Class 1, Structural Steel Paints are also Localize

d Approved, they are NOT Approved for Overcoating.

- This material is manufacturer certified to comply with the volatile organic compound (VOC) requirement of the NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation regulation 6 NYCRR, Part 205, Architectural
and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 29 of 93

Material Code Material Name
708-0103 Structural Steel Paints, Class 1, Finish
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

- Class 1, Structural Steel Paints are also Localize

d Approved, they are NOT Approved for Overcoating.

- This material is manufacturer certified to comply with the volatile organic compound (VOC) requirement of the NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation regulation 6 NYCRR, Part 205, Architectural
and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings.

708-0201 Structural Steel Paints, Class 2, Primer

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

- Class 2, Structural Steel Paints must be applied i

n the order listed. Both primer and 2nd coat-primer paints are required on all areas that are cleaned to the steel substrate.

- Class 1, Structural Steel Paints are also Localized Approved, they are NOT Approved for Overcoating.

- This material is
manufacturer certified to comply with the volatile organic compound (VOC) requirement of the NYS Department of Environmental
Conservation regulation 6 NYCRR, Part 205, Architectural and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings.

708-0202 Structural Steel Paints, Class 2, Interm

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

- Class 2, Structural Steel Paints must be applied i

n the order listed. Both primer and 2nd coat-primer paints are required on all areas that are cleaned to the steel substrate.

- Class 1, Structural Steel Paints are also Localized Approved, they are NOT Approved for Overcoating.

- This material is
manufacturer certified to comply with the volatile organic compound (VOC) requirement of the NYS Department of Environmental
Conservation regulation 6 NYCRR, Part 205, Architectural and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings.

708-0203 Structural Steel Paints, Class 2, Finish

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

- Class 2, Structural Steel Paints must be applied i

n the order listed. Both primer and 2nd coat-primer paints are required on all areas that are cleaned to the steel substrate.

- Class 1, Structural Steel Paints are also Localized Approved, they are NOT Approved for Overcoating.

- This material is
manufacturer certified to comply with the volatile organic compound (VOC) requirement of the NYS Department of Environmental
Conservation regulation 6 NYCRR, Part 205, Architectural and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 30 of 93

Material Code Material Name
708-0400 Zinc Chromate Primer
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

708-06 Paint For Galvanized Surfaced

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 708-06 PAINT FOR GALVANIZED SURFACES. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use t
he details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

708-07 Paint for Aluminum Surfaces

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 708-07 PAINT FOR ALUMINUM SURFACES. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the
details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

708-30 Wood Perservative - Creosote Oil

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

708-31 Wood Perservative - Waterborne

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

708-32 Wood Perservative - Oil Borne

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 31 of 93

Material Code Material Name
709-0100 Bar Reinforcement, Grade 60 (420)
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 709-01 Bar Reinforcing, Grade 60 (420). A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details sho
uld be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

2a) Bar
Reinforcement and spirals will be accepted on the basis of the manufacturer's name and location appearing on the Department's
Approved List
2b) The Conformance of bar markings with those displayed on the Approved List for each manufacturer.
2c) a mate
rial certification that specifies the product conforms to 709-14 Bar Reinforcement, Grade 75

3) Buy America requirements apply.

See attachment for direct link to Approved List for allowable rebar sizes, for each manufacturer.

709-0200 Wire Fabric For Concrete Reinforcement

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 709-02 Wire Fabric For Concrete Reinforcement. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance deta
ils should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

709-0400 Epoxy Coated Bar Reinforcement

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 709-04 Epoxy Coated Bar Reinforcement. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details sho
uld be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy A
merica requirements apply.

Make sure bar markings match Approved List symbols for rebar manufacturer providng reinforcing steel. See Approved List attachment
on 709-01.

709-0500 Stud Shear Connectors

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 709-05 Stud Shear Connectors. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 32 of 93

Material Code Material Name
709-0700 Stone Curb Anchor Bars
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Buy America requirements apply.

709-0800 Epoxy Coated Wire Fabric Reinforcement

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 709-08 Epoxy Coated Wire Fabric Reinforcement. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance deta
ils should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

709-1000 Mechanical Connector For Reinforcing Bar

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

709-1100 Galvanized Bar Reinforcement

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Applicator's Certificate of Compliance) specifying the product conforms to 709-11 Galvanized Bar
Reinfrocement. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equ
ivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Basis of Acceptance -
1) Applicator's Certification
2) Mill Cert for the steel
3) Documentation requirements for 709-01 shall come w
ith each shipment.
4) Buy America applies

709-1200 Stainless-Clad Bar Reinforcement

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

Considered in mill banded-stock lot quantities.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 33 of 93

Material Code Material Name
709-1300 Stainless Steel Bar Reinforcement
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

Considered in mill banded-stock lot quantities.

709-1400 Bar Reinforcement, Grade 75 (520)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 709-14 Bar Reinfrocement, Grade 75 (520). A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed
. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance detai
ls should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

2a) Bar Reinforcement and spirals will be accepted on the basis of the manufacturer's name and location appearing on the Department's
Approved List
2b) The Conformance of bar markings with those displayed on the Approved List for each manufacturer.
a material certification that specifies the product conforms to 709-14 Bar Reinforcement, Grade 75 ksi

3) Buy America requirements apply.

See attachment for direct link to Approved List.

710-0100 Aluminum Fence Fabric

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-01 Aluminum Fence Fabric. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detai
ls shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-0200 Galvanized Steel Fence Fabric

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-02 Galvanized Steel Fence Fabric. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use t
he details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-0300 Vinyl Coated Steel Fence Fabric

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-03 Vinyl Coated Steel Fence Fabric. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 34 of 93

Material Code Material Name
710-0400 Aluminum Coated Steel Fence Fabric
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-04 Aluminum Coated Steel Fence Fabric. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed.
Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-0500 Coated Steel Fence 95% Zinc 5% Aluminum

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-05 Coated Steel Fence 95% Zinc 5% Aluminum. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-0601 Rock Slope Net Assembly

710-0602 Rock Slope Wire Mesh Assembly

710-0603 Rock Slope Wire Mesh Drape Assembly

710-1000 Steel And Iron Posts, Rails, For Fence

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-10 Steel And Iron Posts, Rails, For Fence. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-1100 Aluminum Posts, Rails, Braces For Fence

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-11 Aluminum Posts, Rails, Braces For Fence. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material instal
led. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

710-1200 Plastic Coated Posts, Rails For Fence

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-12 Plastic Coated Posts, Rails For Fence. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installe
d. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-1300 Wood And Timber Posts & Timber Blockouts

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

710-1400 Galvanized Steel Barrier Posts

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-14 GALVANIZED STEEL BARRIER POSTS. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 35 of 93

Material Code Material Name
710-2000 Corrugated Beam Guide Railing And Median
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Validated BR 336 or BR 338 Form) specifying the product conforms to 710-20 Corrugated Beam Guide
Railing And Median. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the it
em equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-2100 Box Beam Guide Railing & Median Barrier

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (validated BR 335, BR 336 or BR 337) specifying the product conforms to 710-21 Box Beam Guide
Railing & Median Barrier. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the i
tem equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-2200 Cable Guide Railing

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 339 Matl Cert for installation, Validated Matl Cert for payment) specifying the product conforms to
710-22 Cable Guide Railing. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized docum
enting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-2300 Steel Bridge Railing

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Form B&GC4) specifying the product conforms to 710-23 Steel Bridge Railing. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed
. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Validate (more)
agency inspection stamp for visual approval.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-2400 Box Beam: Guide Rail T3, Med Barrier T-C

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-24 Box Beam: Guide Rail Type 3, Median Barrier Type C. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mate
rial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

710-2600 Plastic & Syn Block-outs Heavy Post Rail

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-26 Plastic & Synth Block-Outs. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the
details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should
be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

710-2701 Net Supporting Wire Rope

710-2702 Seam Rope-Wire Rope Rock Catchment Fence

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 36 of 93

Material Code Material Name
710-2703 Tieback Restraining Cable

710-2704 Anchor Rope-Wire Rope Rock Catch. Fence

710-2705 Seam Rope-Wire Mesh Slope Protection

710-3000 Right-of-Way Fencing

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 710-30 Right-of-Way Fencing. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the detail
s shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

711-0500 Membrane Curing Compound

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

711-CURE Generic Concrete Curing

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a sample logged into SiteManager, similar to the process for Certification samples. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details sh
own on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

This is a "generic" material used for acceptance of all types of concrete curing. If any of the following materials are used to cure
concrete, use 711-CURE as part of the concrete item's a
cceptance, with a note under remarks indicating which material was used:
711-02 Quilted Covers
711-03 Fiber Blankets
711-04 Polyethelene Curing Cover
711-05 Membrane Curing Compound
711-06 Burlap
711-07 Insulating Material - Winter Concrete

In a
ddition, the Approved List should be checked for the following curing materials:
711-03 Fiber Blankets
711-05 Membrane Curing Compound
711-07 Insulating Material - Winter Concrete

711-06 Burlap is accepted by visual acceptance.

712-0100 Water
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

712-0200 Calcium Chloride

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 37 of 93

Material Code Material Name
712-0300 Sodium Chloride
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

712-0400 Hydrated Lime

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-04 Hydrated Lime. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

712-0510 Precast Concrete Right-of-Way Markers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-05 Precast Concrete Right-of-Way Markers.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materia
l acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches th
e AL details. See Group 5 on AL.

712-0610 Expendable Impact Attentuators TL2

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-06 Expendable Impact Attenuators. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent quantity of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materia
l acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.

712-0620 Expendable Impact Attentuators TL3

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-06 Expendable Impact Attenuators. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent quantity of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materia
l acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.

712-0700 Inertial Barrier Modules

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Refer to Materials Details on AL.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 38 of 93

Material Code Material Name
712-0810 Reusable Impact Attentuators TL2
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-08 Reusable Impact Attenuators. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent quantity of the m
aterial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.

712-0820 Reusable Impact Attentuators TL3

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-08 Reusable Impact Attenuators. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent quantity of the m
aterial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.

712-1300 Timber And Lumber

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

712-1400 Stress Graded Timber And Lumber

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-1400 Stress Graded Timber And Lumber. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mate
rial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Branded with Stress Grade mark, conforming to ASTM D245 including inspectors identifying mark

712-1500 Gabions
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-15 Gabions. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

712-1700 Wood Cross Ties

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

712-1800 Impact Attenuator, HDPE Cylinder Cable

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-18 Impact Attenuators, HDPE. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material inst
alled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance d
etails should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Ensure submitted Material Details
documentation from the contractor matches the AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 39 of 93

Material Code Material Name
712-1900 Impact Attenuator, Quad Beam W/ Expendab
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-190 Impact Attenuators, Quad Beam. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the materia
l installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material accept
ance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL det

Buy America requirements apply.

712-2000 Impact Attenuator, Corrugated Beam Type

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-20 Impact Attenuators, Corr Beam Type. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mat
erial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material ac
ceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL

Buy America requirements apply.

712-2100 Impact Attenuator, Thrie Beam W/ Expend

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 712-21 Impact Attenuators, Thrie Beam Type. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the ma
terial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material a
cceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the A
L details.

713-0110 Topsoil - Type A

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Approval from Landscape Architecture, based on test results from Geotech) specifying the product
conforms to 713-01 Top Soil. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documentin
g the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Acceptance of topsoil will be based upon the test results unless otherwise specified. Tested topsoil must be approved in w
riting by the Engineer before any material is used, except that topsoil used for establishing turf and wildflowers or sodding may be placed
at the Contractor's option, prior to amending it to correct deficiencies in its organic content and/or pH. Accepta
nce of topsoil placed prior to correcting organic content and/or pH deficiencies will be based on retest results of samples taken after the
placed topsoil has been amended.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 40 of 93

Material Code Material Name
713-0120 Topsoil Type B
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Approval from Landscape Architecture, based on test results from Geotech) specifying the product
conforms to 713-01 Top Soil. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documentin
g the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Acceptance of topsoil will be based upon the test results unless otherwise specified. Tested topsoil must be approved in w
riting by the Engineer before any material is used, except that topsoil used for establishing turf and wildflowers or sodding may be placed
at the Contractor's option, prior to amending it to correct deficiencies in its organic content and/or pH. Accepta
nce of topsoil placed prior to correcting organic content and/or pH deficiencies will be based on retest results of samples taken after the
placed topsoil has been amended.

713-02 Limestone
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-02 Limestone. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the
details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

713-03 Fertilizer
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-03 Fertilizer. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the
details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

713-04 Seeds
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-04 Seeds. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the deta
ils shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Basis of Acceptance -
1. Label attached to each container including:
A. Certification of conformance.
B. Test date of the same calendar year that seeds are sown,
2. Sampling and testing as specified or ordered by EIC
A. Sampling by Department representatives.
B. Testing by Department of Seed Investigations, New York State Agriculture Experiment Station, Geneva, NY.
C. Written approv
al prior to sowing.

713-05 Wood Chips

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

See 713-05 Wood Chips for Type A and Type B requirements.

713-06 Trees, Shrubs, And Vines

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

The Engineer-in-Charge should consult with the Regional

Landscape Architect when considering the acceptability of all plant materials.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 41 of 93

Material Code Material Name
713-071A Rolled Erosion Control Prod C1 Type A
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

713-071B Rolled Erosion Control Prod C1 Type B

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

713-071C Rolled Erosion Control Prod C1 Type C

Project Material Acceptance based on:
713-072A Rolled Erosion Control Prod C2 Type A
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

Jute Mesh must be a uniform open plain weave of undyed and unbleached single jute yarn, non-toxic to vegetation, and woven as
Appox. 55 warp ends per meter of width
Approx. 37 weft ends per linear meter.

Weight average of
0.5 Kg/sq. m

713-072B Rolled Erosion Control Prod C2 Type B

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

713-072C Rolled Erosion Control Prod C2 Type C

Project Material Acceptance based on:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 42 of 93

Material Code Material Name
713-072D Rolled Erosion Control Prod C2 Type D
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

713-073A Rolled Erosion Control Prod C3 Type A

Project Material Acceptance based on:
713-073B Rolled Erosion Control Prod C3 Type B
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

713-073C Rolled Erosion Control Prod C3 Type C

Project Material Acceptance based on:
713-073D Rolled Erosion Control Prod C3 Type D
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

713-074A Rolled Erosion Control Prod C4 Type A

Project Material Acceptance based on:
713-074B Rolled Erosion Control Prod C4 Type B
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 43 of 93

Material Code Material Name
713-074C Rolled Erosion Control Prod C4 Type C
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 713-07 Rolled Erosion Control Prod & Soil Stab.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Materi
al acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches t
he AL details.

713-08 Materials For Protection Of Plants

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

713-11 Wood Fiber Mulch

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 713-11 Wood Fiber Mulch. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details sh
own on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

713-1201 Mulch Anchorage - Type A

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

- The basis of acceptance for Mulch Anchorage Type A shall be the manufacturer's product label or product literature that indicates
compliance with 713-12 Mulch Anchorage.
- See Material Requirements - Type A and packaging requirements for Type A
in 713-12, Page 861.

713-13 Pesticides
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Original, sealed, and properly labeled containers.

713-14 Sod
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 44 of 93

Material Code Material Name
713-15 Organic Material
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install
1) Acceptance of humus, peat and peat moss will be based on the Producer's label or certificate of analysis by an established laboratory
indicating compliance with the material requirements.
2) Acceptance of source-separated compost shal
l be based upon the Producer's label or certificate of analysis by an established laboratory indicating compliance with the material
requirements; and a delivery inspection by the Engineer (Visual). Source-separated compost may be sampled and tested by t
he Department to assure compliance with the material requirements.
3) Acceptance of composted sewage sludge shall be based on certification by a DEC approved laboratory indicating compliance with the
material requirements and all applicable regulations.

713-19 Straw
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Materials Requirements - Straw for mulching shall be stalks of oats, wheat, rye or the approved crops which are free from noxious
weeds. Materials which are low grade and unfit for farm use, such as AU.S. sample grade@ will be acceptable. Weight
shall be calculated on the basis of the materials having not more than 15% of moisture content.

714-01 Stone Curb

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachm
ent for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitt
ed documentation matches the AL details.

714-0410 Precast Concrete Curb

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 714-04 Precast Concrete Curb. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance deta
ils should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

See Group 4 on the Approved List.

Sampling and Testing Requirements from 704-03 shall apply.

714-06 Asphalt Concrete Curb

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 45 of 93

Material Code Material Name
714-0710 Precast Concrete Gutter
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 714-07 Precast Concrete Gutter. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

715-01 Structural Steel

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1a) Structural Steel items requiring shop inspection - a certification for shop inspected structural steel items represents a report of
shipment, Form B&GC4
1b) Structural Steel items w
ithout shop inspection - a certification represents manufacturer's certified test results, specifying the product conforms to 715-01
Structural Steel. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method (more)

2) VISUAL inspection
2a) Shop inspected structural steel should be visually inspected to verify agency inspection stamps.
2b) Items w/o shop inspection shou
ld be visually inspected by the EIC, and submitted test results should be checked against specification requirements.
No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Buy
ca requirements apply.

715-02 Steel Castings

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1a) Steel Casting items requiring shop inspection - a certification for shop inspected steel casting items represents a report of shipment,
Form B&GC4
1b) Steel casting items without sh
op inspection - a certification represents manufacturer's certified test results, specifying the product conforms to 715-02 Steel Castings.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method (more)

2) VISUAL inspection
2a) Shop inspected steel castings should be visually inspected to verify agency inspection stamps.
2b) Items w/o shop inspection should be visuall
y inspected by the EIC, and submitted test results should be checked against specification requirements.
No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Buy
America requiremen
ts apply.

715-04 Wrought Aluminum

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (see exceptions)
1a) Wrought Aluminum items requiring shop inspection - a certification for shop inspected wrought aluminum items represents a report
of shipment, Form B&GC4
1b) Wrought
Aluminum items without shop inspection - a certification represents manufacturer's certified test results, specifying the product
conforms to 715-04 Wrought Aluminum. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of
the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method (more).

Buy America requirements apply.

EXCEPTION: When the material is used in:
3) Bridge Railings, Wrought Aluminum is accepted based on shop i
nspection by the Department, according to Department directives
4) Fencing, Wrought Aluminum is accepted based on samples secured in accordance with Department diectives.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 46 of 93

Material Code Material Name
715-05 Iron Castings
Project Material Acceptance based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Acceptance of Iron Castings shall be in accordance with the procedural directives of the

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent
of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

715-0710 Manhole Frames

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 715-07 Proof Loaded Iron Castings.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of t
he material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Mater
ial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches
the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

Note Material Detail # and Approval Date from the AL.

715-0720 Manhole Covers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 715-07 Proof Loaded Iron Castings.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of t
he material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Mater
ial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches
the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

Note Material Detail # and Approval Date from the AL.

715-0730 Frames
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 715-07 Proof Loaded Iron Castings.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of t
he material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Mater
ial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches
the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

Note Material Detail # and Approval Date from the AL.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 47 of 93

Material Code Material Name
715-0740 Curb Boxes (Unmountable)
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 715-07 Proof Loaded Iron Castings.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of t
he material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Mater
ial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches
the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

Note Material Detail # and Approval Date from the AL.

715-0750 Curb Boxes (Mountable)

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 715-07 Proof Loaded Iron Castings.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of t
he material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Mater
ial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches
the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply.

Note Material Detail # and Approval Date from the AL.

715-09 Malleable Iron Castings

Project Material Acceptance based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Acceptance of Malleable Iron Castings shall be in accordance with the procedural directives of the

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item

equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

715-11 Metal Bin Type Retaining Wall

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certified Analysis and guarantee for the metal) specifying the product conforms to
715-11 Metal Bin Type Retaining Wall. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authoriz
ed documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and
Acceptance Method.
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance w
ith material requirements. No sample is required. (more)

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

Buy America requirements apply.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 48 of 93

Material Code Material Name
715-13 Prefabricated Adjustment Rings And Frame
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

NOTE: Material Detail # and Approval Date from the AL

Buy America requirements apply.

715-14BOLT Generic High Strength Bolts

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
Tests and acceptance of high strength bolts, nuts, and washers shall be described in Section 10 of the Steel Construction Manual.

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized

documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance
Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.
Buy America requirements apply.

715-14NUTS Generic High Strength Nuts

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
Tests and acceptance of high strength bolts, nuts, and washers shall be described in Section 10 of the Steel Construction Manual.

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized

documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance
Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.
Buy America requirements apply.

715-14WASH Generic High Strength Washers

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
Tests and acceptance of high strength bolts, nuts, and washers shall be described in Section 10 of the Steel Construction Manual.

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized

documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance
Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.
Buy America requirements apply.

715-15 Pins And Rollers

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Based on Manufacturer's Certified Test Results) specifying the product conforms to 715-15 Pins and
Rollers. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equival
ent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) Visual inspection at the project site, insuring dimensional compliance with the contract plans and specifications.

Buy America requirem

ents apply.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 49 of 93

Material Code Material Name
715-16BOLT Generic Stainless Steel Bolts
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
For stainless steel connecting products, this means accepting stock lot quantities at the project site or the manufacturer's location.
Grade B8 bolts less than 3/8 inch in diameter wi
ll be accepted based on chemical properties only.

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This require
ment includes stock lot acceptance. Buy America requirements apply.

715-16NUTS Generic Stainless Steel Nuts

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
For stainless steel connecting products, this means accepting stock lot quantities at the project site or at the manufacturer's location.
Grade B8 bolts less than 3/8 inch in diameter
will be accepted based on chemical properties only.

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requ
irement includes stock lot acceptance. Buy America requirements apply.

715-16WASH Generic Stainless Steel Washers

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
For stainless steel connecting products, this means accepting stock lot quantities at the project site or at the manufacturer's location.
Grade B8 bolts less than 3/8 inch in diameter
will be accepted based on chemical properties only.

A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requ
irement includes stock lot acceptance. Buy America requirements apply.

716-0601 Disc-design Structural Bridge Bearings

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 195 Form) specifying the product conforms to 716-06 Disc-Design Structural Bridge Bearings. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the ma
terial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material a
cceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the A
L details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

Project staff verify

inspection agency stamp on bearings.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 50 of 93

Material Code Material Name
716-0701 Pot-design Structural Bridge Bearings
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 195 Form) specifying the product conforms to 716-0701 Pot-Design Structural Bridge Bearings. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the m
aterial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation matches the
AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

Project staff veri

fy inspection agency stamp on bearings.

716-09 Base Isolation Bearing Systems

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
SPECIFICATION REQUIREMENTS listing the material acceptance requirements for the item installed. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use th
e details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. This requirement includes stock lot acceptance.

716-10 Plain Elastomeric Bridge Bearings

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 716-10 Plain Elastomeric Bridge
Bearings. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent
of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details.
Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation ma
tches the AL details.

716-11 Steel Laminated Elastomeric Bearings

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 195 Form) specifying the product conforms to 716-11 Steel Laminated Elastomeric Bearings
(Type EL). A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent o
f the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Ma
terial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation match
es the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

Project staf
f verify inspection agency stamp on bearings.
One of the following combination of stencils on each unit:
A. Double Inspection Agency Stamp.
B. One Inspection Agency Stamp with one NYSDOT Accepted Stamp.
C. One NYSDOT Sampled and one NYSDOT Accepted S

Buy America requirements apply.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 51 of 93

Material Code Material Name
716-12 Elastomeric Bearing With External Plates
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 195 Form) specifying the product conforms to 716-12 Elastomeric Bearings with External Load
Plates (Type EB). A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item eq
uivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL d
etails. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documenta
tion matches the AL details.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

oject staff verify inspection agency stamp on bearings.
One of the following combination of stencils on each unit:
A. Double Inspection Agency Stamp.
B. One Inspection Agency Stamp with one NYSDOT Accepted Stamp.
C. One NYSDOT Sampled and one NYSDOT
Accepted Stamp.

Buy America requirements apply.

717-03 Penetrating Type Protective Sealers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 717-03 Penetrating Type Protective
Sealers. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equiva
lent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL detai
ls. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation
matches the AL details.

NOTE: Shelf life is 12 months from manufacture.

717-04 Coating Type Protective Sealers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 717-04 Coating Type Protective
Sealers. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent
of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details.
Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) (more)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required,
ensure submitted documentation ma
tches the AL details.

NOTE: Shelf life is 12 months from manufacture.

719-01 Galvanized Coatings And Repair Methods

Project acceptance covered by Item receiving the coating.
719-02 Aluminum Anodic Coatings
Project acceptance covered by Item receiving the coating.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 52 of 93

Material Code Material Name
720-02 Treated Timber Piles
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

NOTE: Inspector's indelible stamp of approval shall constitute sufficient basis of acceptance at project site.

720-03 Casings For Cast-in-Place Concrete Pile

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 720-03 Casing for Cast-in-Place
Concrete Piles. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item eq
uivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

720-04 Steel Bearing Piles

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 720-04 Steel Bearing Piles. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mate
rial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Each heat must comply with ASTM standards for ASTM A36.
Buy America requirements apply.

720-05 Pile Shoes

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

Approved by DCES. Steel must meet ASTM A36.

Buy America requirements apply.

720-06 Mechanical Pile Splices

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Rejec
t any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted
documentation matches the AL details.

Please contact NYSDOT Structures Bridge Foundations & Construction Unit at (518) 457-8160
for Approved List details.

721-01 Epoxy Resin System

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

NOTE: The expiration date of acceptance of this material shall be one year after the date of manufacturer. Accepted in stock lot
quantities at project, based in inspection agency seal of approval.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 53 of 93

Material Code Material Name
721-03 Epoxy Polysulfide Grout
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

NOTE: The expiration date of acceptance of this material shall be one year after the date of manufacturer. Accepted in stock lot
quantities at project, based in inspection agency seal of approval.

722-01 Ductile Iron Water Pipe and Fittings

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 722-01 Ductile Iron Water Pipe and
Fittings . A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equi
valent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.


Certification for iron fittings shall include the following:

A. Fitting description.
B. Qua
C. Bare fitting weight.
D. Source: AWWA Standard C110, C153 or Manufacturer, if fitting is not listed in either standard.

The Department reserves the right to sample and test this material subsequent to delivery at the project site.

722-02 Steel Water Pipe And Fittings

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 722-02 Steel Water Pipe And Fittings .
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent
of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

The Department reserves the right to sample and test this material subsequent to delivery at the project sit

722-03 Concrete Water Pipe

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 722-03 Concrete Water Pipe. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mate
rial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 722-03.

The Department reserves the right to sample and test this material subsequent to delivery at the project site.

722-04 Water Valves And Hydrants

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 722-04 Water Valves And Hydrants. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of th
e material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 722-04.

The Department reserves the right to sample and test this material subsequent to delivery at the project site.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 54 of 93

Material Code Material Name
722-05 Plastic Water Pipe And Fittings
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 722-05 Plastic Water Pipe And Fittings.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent
of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply.

The Department reserves the right to sample and test this material subsequent to delivery at the project site

722-07 Wedge Type Mechanical Restraint Glands

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 722-07 Wedge Type Mechanical
Restraint Glands. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equ
ivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply to 722-07.

The Department reserves the right to sample and test this material subsequent to delivery a
t the project site.

722-08 Insulation For Water Mains

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 722-08 Insulation for Water Mains. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of t
he material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 722-08.

The Department reserves the right to sample and test this material subsequent to delivery at the project site.

723-01 Aluminum Light Standards And Arms

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification, signed by PE) specifying the product conforms to 723-01 Aluminum
Light Standards And Arms. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the
item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this acc
eptance. Material acceptance details
should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Visual inspection should confirm that design and fabrication
details were provided by a licensed engineer (P.E.)

NOTE: Design and fa

brication details for each shaft anchor base, and arm intended for a particular design load as specified in the contract documents. The
above submitted details shall be approved and signed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in New York State
and received by the Engineer-in-Charge at least 10 working days prior to the date the Contractor orders the poles, anchor bases, and

723-02 High Mast Pole, Head Frame Assembly

Project Material Acceptance based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification, signed by PE) specifying the product conforms to 723-02 High Mast Pole,
Head Frame Assemply. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the
item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

The project should recieve 5 copies of shop drawings in accordance with Item 670-3.02 Shop Drawings, as part of this acceptance.
If the shape of the pole (more)
and/or appurtenances are different than contract documents, see 723-02 Basis of Acceptance for details.

Buy America requirements apply to 723-02.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 55 of 93

Material Code Material Name
723-03 Portable Power Drive For Mast Luminaire
Project Material Acceptance based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification, signed by PE) specifying the product conforms to 723-03 Portable Power
Drive for High Mast Luminaire Lowering System . A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and a
uthorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and
Acceptance Method.

The project should recieve 5 copies of shop drawings in accordance with Item 670-3.02 Shop Drawings, as
part of this acceptance.

723-15 Breakaway Transformer Base (Aluminum)

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details. Verify base number and Material Details number from App
roved List. Materials Details required 10 days prior to use of the product.

723-19 Rigid Plastic Conduit

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-19 Rigid Plastic Conduit. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the ma
terial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

1. For Conduit
A. Manufacturer's Certification.
B. Visual acceptance of Evidence of Underwriter's Laboratory Listed.
2. Fo
r Fittings, Coupling, and Solvent Cement:
A. Manufacturer's Certification.

723-20 Metal Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-20 Metal Steel Conduit, Zinc
Coated. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalen
t of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 723-20 Metal Steel Conduit, Zinc Coated.

723-23 PVC Coated Galvanized Steel Conduit

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-23 PVC Coated Galvanized Steel
Conduit. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equiva
lent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 723-23 PVC Coated Galvanized Steel Conduit.

723-24 Flexible Liquid-Tight Steel Conduit

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-24 Flexible Liquid-Tight Steel
Conduit. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equiva
lent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 723-24 Flexible Liquid-Tight Steel Conduit.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 56 of 93

Material Code Material Name
723-27 High Pressure Sodium Vapor Luminaires
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1)a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-27 High Pressure Sodium Vapor
Luminaires. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item eq
uivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
e details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Visual inspection should ensure no damage or
defects are evident.

723-28 Low Pressure Sodium Vapor Luminaires

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification of U.L. approval) specifying the product conforms to 723-28 Low
Pressure Sodium Vapor Luminaires. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized docume
nting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. M
aterial acceptance details should be recorded on (more)
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Visual inspection should ensure no damage or defects are evident.

723-29 High Pressure Sodium Vapor Luminaires

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1)a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-29 High Pressure Sodium Vapor
Luminaires. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item eq
uivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
e details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Visual inspection should ensure no damage or
defects are evident.

723-30 Mercury Vapor Luminaires-std. Mount

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-30 Mercury Vapor Luminaires-
Standard Mount. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item e
quivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

723-31 Mercury Vapor Luminaires-Underbridge

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-31 Mecury Vapor Luminaires -
Underbridge Mount. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the ite
m equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

723-40 Cast-Iron Junction Box

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-40 Cast-Iron Junction Box. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the m
aterial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America applies to 723-40 Cast-Iron Junction Box.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 57 of 93

Material Code Material Name
723-4510 Precast Reinforced Concrete Pullboxes
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-45 Precast Reinforced Concrete
Pullboxes. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item e
quivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL
details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material
from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation m
atches the AL details. See Group 2 Pull Boxes on AL.

723-4520 Precast Reinforced Concrete Foundations

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-45 Precast Reinforced Concrete
Foundations. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item
equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material
from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentatio
n matches the AL details. See Group 5 Light Pole Bases on AL.

723-50 Photoelectric Control

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-50 Photoelectric Control. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

723-60 Anchor Bolts

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-60 Anchor Bolts. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material
installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply to 723-60 Anchor Bolts.

723-70 Single Conductor Cable

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification of U.L. approval) specifying the product conforms to 723-70 Single
Conductor Cable. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the ite
m equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

723-71 Single Conductor Direct Burial Cable

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 723-71 Single Conductor Direct Burial
Cable. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equiv
alent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

723-75 Ground Wire

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification of U.L. approval) specifying the product conforms to 723-75 Ground Wire.
Ground Wire lmust be labeled U.L. approved) A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and a
uthorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and
Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 58 of 93

Material Code Material Name
724-01 Signal Cable
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-01 Signal Cable. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material in
stalled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

724-02 Span Wire

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-02 Span Wire. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material insta
lled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply to 724-02.

724-03 Traffic Signal Poles

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1a) Manufacturer's Certification for Poles and Arms
1b) Mill Certification for all structural material
These certifications must specifying the product conforms to 724-03 Traffic
Signal ploes. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized FOR EACH CERT, documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicatin
g the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. (more)
No sample is required for this acceptance. Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a
DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any ma
terial from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation
matches the AL details.

Buy America requirements apply to 724-03.


1) All Poles and Arms:

A. Fabricatio
n details for each pole intended for worst case configuration of the load as specified in the contract
documents approved, stamped, and signed by a licensed Professional Engineer registered to practice in NYS.
B. Manufacturer's Certification and approv
ed fabrication details.
2. Span Wire Poles:
A. All requirements detailed above for All Poles and Arms.
B. Mill certifications for all structural material.

724-04 Traffic Signal Heads

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-04 Traffic Signal Heads. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (NYS Signal Qualified Products List
) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details
should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names
not on the AL.

For Signal Heads, Secti

ons, and/or LED Signal Modules
A. Manufacturer's Certification.
B. List of serial numbers of the units being supplied.
C. Copies of all applicable test reports on the signal modules.
D. Signature of person responsible for certifying test results.
LED module model number and manufacturers name must be listed either on the NYS Signal Qualified Products List maintained by
the Main Office Traffic and Safety Division.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 59 of 93

Material Code Material Name
724-08 Shielded Communication Cable
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-08 Shielded Communication Cable.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of
the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

724-09 Signal Cable With Integral Messenger

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-09 Signal Cable With Integral
Messenger. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equiv
alent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

724-10 Shielded Communication Cable W/ Integral

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-10 Shielded Communication Cable
W/ Integral. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item e
quivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

724-15 Fire Pre-Emption Tell-Tale Light

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-15 Fire Pre-Emption Tell-Tale
Light. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalen
t of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

724-20 Inductance Loop Wire

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-20 Inductance Loop Wire. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mat
erial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

724-21 Shielded Lead-In Cable

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-21 Shielded Lead-In Cable. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the m
aterial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

724-22 Roadway Loop Embedded Sealer

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details. Confirm brand name and Supplier/loca
tion from the Approvd List.

724-23 Pedestrian Push Button And Sign

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 724-23 Pedestrian Push Button And
Sign. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent
of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 60 of 93

Material Code Material Name
725-02 Steps For Manholes
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 725-02 Steps for Manholes. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the mater
ial installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply to 725-02.

The Department reserves the right to take random samples at any time for testing, for compliance to 725-02.

726-01 Detectable Warning Units Surface Applied

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Confirm product name and Manufacturer/location from t

he Approved List.

726-02 Detectable Warning Units Embedded

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment for
AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR
-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material Detail sheets are
required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Confirm product name and Manufacturer/location from t

he Approved List.

727-0111 White Thermoplastic Pavement Markings

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-01 EXTRUDED THERMOPLASTIC. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the deta
ils shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm manufacturer and location from
the Approved List.

727-0121 Yellow Thermoplastic Pavement Markings

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-01 EXTRUDED THERMOPLASTIC. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the deta
ils shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm manufacturer and location from
the Approved List.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 61 of 93

Material Code Material Name
727-02 White And Yellow Removable Reflectorized
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-02 REMOVABLE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and Supplier/location
from the Approved List.

727-0310 White Epoxy Pavement Marking

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-03 EPOXY PAINT. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details sho
uld be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and Supplier/location from the Approved List.

727-0320 Yellow Epoxy Pavement Marking

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-03 EPOXY PAINT. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details sho
uld be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and Supplier/location from the Approved List.

727-04 Permanent Pavement Tape

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-04 PERMANENT PAVEMENT TAPE. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR (more)
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand
name and Supplier/location from the Approved List.

727-0511 Glass Beads - Epoxy

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-05 GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKINGS. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR (more)
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
Confirm Supplier, location, or glass sphere details from the Approved List.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 62 of 93

Material Code Material Name
727-0512 Glass Beads - Traffic Paint
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-05 GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKINGS. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR (more)
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
Confirm Supplier, location, or glass sphere details from the Approved List.

727-0513 Glass Beads - Thermoplastic

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-05 GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKINGS. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR (more)
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
Confirm Supplier, location, or glass sphere details from the Approved List.

727-0521 Glass Beads - Epoxy Wet/Night Reflective

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-05 GLASS BEADS FOR PAVEMENT MARKINGS. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR (more)
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
Confirm Supplier, location, or glass sphere details from the Approved List.

727-0610 Removable Pavement Tape - Reflective - W

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-06 REMOVABLE PAVEMENT TAPE. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and
Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

727-0620 Removable Pavement Tape - Reflective - Y

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-06 REMOVABLE PAVEMENT TAPE. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and
Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 63 of 93

Material Code Material Name
727-0630 Removable Pavement Tape - Masking
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-06 REMOVABLE PAVEMENT TAPE. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and
Supplier/location details for "Masking" from the Approved List.

727-0710 Removable Wet-Night Reflect. Tape White

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-07 Removable Wet Night Reflective Tape. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed.
Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Materia
l acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)(more)

for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and
Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

727-0720 Removable Wet-Night Reflect. Tape Yellow

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-07 Removable Wet Night Reflective Tape. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed.
Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Materia
l acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)(more)

for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and
Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

727-0911 Traffic Paint - White - Waterborne

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-09 TRAFFIC PAINT. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details s
hould be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand name and Supplier/location
details from the Approved List.

727-0912 Traffic Paint - White - Solventborne

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-09 TRAFFIC PAINT. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 64 of 93

Material Code Material Name
727-0921 Traffic Paint - Yellow - Waterborne
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-09 TRAFFIC PAINT. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

727-0922 Traffic Paint - Yellow - Solventborne

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 727-09 TRAFFIC PAINT. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required. Open the attachment
for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL.

728-01 Rubber Impregnated Woven Cotton Fabric

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 728-01 Rubber Impregnated Woven
Cotton Fabric. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equ
ivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

728-02 Rubber Impregnated Random Fiber Pad

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When
Material Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL details.

Confirm brand name and Supplier/l

ocation details from the Approved List.

728-03 Plain Rubber Pad

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 240 Form) specifying the product conforms to 728-03 Plain Rubber Pad. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Project must submit one sample (6"x12") to the Materials Bureau, randomly selected by the Engineer.

729-01 Drums
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-01 Drums. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the
MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

729-02 Cones
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-02 Cones. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the
MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 65 of 93

Material Code Material Name
729-03 Temporary Tubular Markers
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-03 Temporary Tubular Markers. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the d
etails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

729-05 Stop Slow Paddles

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-05 Stop/Slow Paddles. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details s
hown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

729-08 Type III Construction Barricades

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-08 Type III Construction Barricades. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Us
e the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

729-09 Temporary Sign Supports

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-09 Temporary Sign Supports. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

729-10 Temporary Impact Attenuators Redirective

Project Material Acceptance based on:
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details.
Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand
name and Manufacturr/Supplier details from the Approved Lis

729-11 Temporary Impact Attenuators - Gating

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-11 TEMPORARY IMPACT ATTENUATORS - GATING. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installe
d. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Mater
ial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand
name and Manufacturer/Supplier details from the Approved List.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 66 of 93

Material Code Material Name
729-12 Truck-Mounted Impact Attenuators
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-12 TRUCK-MOUNTED IMPACT ATTENUATORS. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Us
e the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material a
cceptance details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand
name and Manufacturer/Supplier details from the Approved list.

729-13 Temporary Sand Barrels

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-13 Temporary Sand Barrels. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the deta
ils shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance
details should be recorded on a DWR (more)
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. When Material
Detail sheets are required, ensure submitted documentation matches the AL detail
s. Verify brand name, Manufactuer, and Drawing # and approval date.

729-14 Vehicle-Arresting System

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-14 Vehicle-Arresting Systems. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the d
etails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptan
ce details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm brand
name and Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

729-15 Arrow Panels

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-15 Arrow Panels. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown
on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details s
hould be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm model, expiration date, and Manufacturer details from the
Approved List.

729-16 Portable Variable Message Signs

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-16 Portable Variable-Message Signs (PVMS). A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material install
ed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Mate
rial acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm model,
expiration date, and Manufacturer details from the Approved Lis

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 67 of 93

Material Code Material Name
729-17 Temporary Glare Screens
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-17 Temporary Glare Screens. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the det
ails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

729-18 Warning Lights

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 729-18 Warning Lights. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details show
n on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

730-01 Aluminum Sign Panels

SPECIAL NOTE: If the reflective sheeting (730-05) used with this sign panel material is certified, referring to both 730-05 and 730 -01,
both materials may be documented and accepted under a single certifcation sample for 730-05, and 730-01's sign panel
requirements may be turned off in SM.

Project Material Acceptance is based on:

a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 730-01 Aluminum Sign Panels. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized
documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance

However, the Department reserves the right to conduct tests, upon aluminum panels supplied. When tests are to be
made, all test samples without reflective sheeting applied shall be submitted to the Materials Bureau. The number of
samples shall comprise approximately one percent of the number of panels. Each sample shall contain a minimum area of 0.1 sq. m for
h thickness of panel used. Failure of the samples to meet all the requirements of the above specifications shall be cause for rejection of
the aluminum panels represented by such samples.

730-05 Reflective Sheeting

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification for Class A, B, C, D) specifying the product conforms to 730-05
Reflective Sheeting. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the ite
m equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
the attachment for AL details.
Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm Class A,
B, D, and E against Appr
oved List Details for brand name, color, series number, and Supplier/location.

Basis of Acceptance -
Contract acceptance of Type I (Class A), Type III (Class B), Type IX (Class E), and Class D reflective sheetings will be based on the
inclusion of th
e sheeting material on the Department's Approved List of reflective sheeting materials and the manufacturer's certification of compliance
with this specification. See attachment for link to Approved List.

Contract acceptance of Type V (Class C) refl

ective sheeting will be based on the manufacturer's certification of compliance with this specification.

730-09 Tubular Markers

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm
brand name and Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 68 of 93

Material Code Material Name
730-12 Reflector Sheeting Sign Characters Type4
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's) specifying the product conforms to 730-12 REFLECTORIZED SHEETING AND SIGN
CHARACTERS (TYPE IV). A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equ
ivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

730-20 Delineator, Ref Marker, Snowplow Post

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 730-20 DELINEATOR, REFERENCE MARKER AND
SNOWPLOWING MARKER POSTS. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of t
he material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buymerica requirements apply to 730-20.

730-21 Flexible Delineator Posts

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm
brand name and Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

730-22 Stiffeners, Overhead Brackets And Misc H

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 730-22 STIFFENERS, OVERHEAD
BRACKETS AND MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized docume
nting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply to 730-22.

730-23 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Sign Panel

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for this acceptance.
Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on
a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand names not on the AL. Confirm
brand name and Supplier/location details from the Approved List.

730-24 Type A Sign Supports

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
For Type A sign Supports -
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 730-24 Type A Sign Supports. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting th
e item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

For Type A Sign Supports not on standard sheets, accept by

an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material
r, supplier or brand name. No sample is required
for this acceptance. Open the attachment for AL details. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-
TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies and/or brand
names not on the AL. Confirm Manufacturer location and Material Details from the Approved List. Two copies of Materials Details are

Buy America requirements apply to 730-24.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 69 of 93

Material Code Material Name
730-25 Type B Sign Posts
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 730-25 Type B Sign Posts. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the materi
al installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply to 730-25.

730-26 Breakaway Bases And Hinge Assemblies

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 730-26 BREAKAWAY BASES AND
HINGE ASSEMBLIES. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equiv
alent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Buy America requirements apply to 730-26.

731-01 Soil Nail Tendon Assembly

731-0101 SNWS Solid Bar Nail Tendon

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-01 Soil Nail Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details
shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0102 SNWS Epoxy Coating

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-01 Soil Nail Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details
shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0103 SNWS Encapsulation

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-01 Soil Nail Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details
shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0104 SNWS Centralizers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-01 Soil Nail Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details
shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0105 SNWS Bar Couplers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-01 Soil Nail Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged
and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details
shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly

731-0201 GTS Tendons

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 70 of 93

Material Code Material Name
731-0202 GTS Couplers
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0203 GTS Sheath

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0204 GTS Grease

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0205 GTS Encapsulation

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0206 GTS Centralizers and Spacers

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0207 GTS Trumpet

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-02 Grouted Tieback Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the de
tails shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0302 Rock Bolt Assembly 32mm Dia. Steel Bar

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-03 Rock Bolt Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details
shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

731-0303 Resin
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION specifying the product conforms to 731-03 Rock Bolt Assembly. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be
logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details
shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 71 of 93

Material Code Material Name
732-01 Drill Rigs
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-02 Drive Pipe

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-03 Casing
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-04 Samplers
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-05 Thin Wall Sample Tubes

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-06 Coring Bits

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-07 Sample Storage Bags

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-08 Sample Jars

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 72 of 93

Material Code Material Name
732-09 Jar Cartons
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-10 Boulder And Rock Core Boxes

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-11 Open Well Piezometer

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-12 Grout
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

732-1301 Jar Samples Reveived at Lab

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the number of samples taken. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel w

ho recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must only log the sample, and the GEB lab will recieve and authorize the sample.
Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

732-1302 Tube Samples Reveived at Lab

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the number of samples taken. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel w

ho recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must only log the sample, and the GEB lab will recieve and authorize the sample.
Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

732-1303 AX Core Reveived at Lab

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the number of samples taken. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel w

ho recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must only log the sample, and the GEB lab will recieve and authorize the sample.
Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 73 of 93

Material Code Material Name
732-1304 BX Core Reveived at Lab
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the number of samples taken. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel w

ho recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must only log the sample, and the GEB lab will recieve and authorize the sample.
Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

732-1305 NX Core Reveived at Lab

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the number of samples taken. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel w

ho recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must only log the sample, and the GEB lab will recieve and authorize the sample.
Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

732-1306 HX Core Reveived at Lab

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the number of samples taken. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel w

ho recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must only log the sample, and the GEB lab will recieve and authorize the sample.
Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

733-01 Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1). A MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Mix Design with certified test results) specifying the product conforms to 733-01 Controlled Low
Strength Material (CLSM). A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized document
ing the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2). SAMPLING+TESTING. During placement of CLSM fill, Spread Tests will be performed and cylinders for Strength Testing will
be cast and broken at a rate/frequency shown on the MID window. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and
Acceptance Method.

733-0211 MSES Backfill

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE-454 from Geotechnical Engineering) is required to validate initial stockpile testing and approval. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the certified quantity of 733-02 appr
oved for use. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) SAMPLING & TESTING. During MSES wall construction, monitor samples of backfill material should be taken by Reg. Geotech. A
sample (SMPL-TEST) must be logged
into SM for the Sample Recieved Test. Use the details shown on the
MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

These samples satisfy S+T requirements by the number of samples entered, compared to the rate/frequency required on the MID
window. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab) for these samples.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel who recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must
only log the sample, and the GEB lab will r
ecieve and authorize the sample. Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

3) SMPL-TST Compaction Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate from any Material Approval process
(e.g., Stockpile sampling an
d approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window. Use the
details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab) for the
se samples.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 74 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-0212 MSES Backfill, #2 Size Gradation
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE-454 from Geotechnical Engineering) is required to validate initial stockpile testing and approval. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the certified quantity of 733-02 appr
oved for use. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) SAMPLING & TESTING. During MSES wall construction, monitor samples of backfill material should be taken by Reg. Geotech. A
sample (SMPL-TEST) must be logged
into SM for the Sample Recieved Test. Use the details shown on the
MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

These samples satisfy S+T requirements by the number of samples entered, compared to the rate/frequency required on the MID
window. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab) for these samples.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel who recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must
only log the sample, and the GEB lab will r
ecieve and authorize the sample. Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

3) SMPL-TST Compaction Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate from any Material Approval process
(e.g., Stockpile sampling an
d approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window. Use the
details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab) for the
se samples.

733-0221 MSES Backfill, Recycled Concrete Agg.

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE-454 from Geotechnical Engineering) is required to validate initial stockpile testing and approval. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the certified quantity of 733-02 appr
oved for use. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) SAMPLING & TESTING. During MSES wall construction, monitor samples of backfill material should be taken by Reg. Geotech. A
sample (SMPL-TEST) must be logged
into SM for the Sample Recieved Test. Use the details shown on the
MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
These samples satisfy S+T requirements by the number of samples entered, compared to the rate/frequency required on t
he MID window. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab) for these samples.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel who recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must
only log the sample, and the GEB lab
will recieve and authorize the sample. Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

3) SMPL-TST Compaction Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate from any Material Approval process
(e.g., Stockpile samp
ling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab)
for these samples.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 75 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-0222 MSES Backfill, Recycled Conc. Agg. #2
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE-454 from Geotechnical Engineering) is required to validate initial stockpile testing and approval. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged documenting the certified quantity of 733-02 appr
oved for use. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) SAMPLING & TESTING. During MSES wall construction, monitor samples of backfill material should be taken by Reg. Geotech. A
sample (SMPL-TEST) must be logged
into SM for the Sample Recieved Test. Use the details shown on the
MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
These samples satisfy S+T requirements by the number of samples entered, compared to the rate/frequency required on t
he MID window. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab) for these samples.

The test, "Sample Recieved" is completed by the appropriate lab personnel who recieve the sample, not by field staff. Field staff must
only log the sample, and the GEB lab
will recieve and authorize the sample. Payment can not be made until the GEB lab authorizes the samples.

3) SMPL-TST Compaction Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate from any Material Approval process
(e.g., Stockpile samp
ling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window. Use
the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab)
for these samples.

733-03 GRES Backfill Material

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements 733-03 GRES Backfill. No sample is
required for visual acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a D
WR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate from any Material Approval process (e.g.,
Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and
should be done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

733-0401 Subbase Course, Type 1

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE 454 from Geotechnical Engineering Bureau) specifying the test results meet the requirements of
733-04 Subbase Course. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the
item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

733-0402 Subbase Course, Type 2

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE 454 from Geotechnical Engineering Bureau) specifying the test results meet the requirements of
733-04 Subbase Course. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the
item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

733-0403 Subbase Course, Type 3

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE 454 from Geotechnical Engineering Bureau) specifying the test results meet the requirements of
733-04 Subbase Course. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the
item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

733-0404 Subbase Course, Type 4

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE 454 from Geotechnical Engineering Bureau) specifying the test results meet the requirements of
733-04 Subbase Course. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the
item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 76 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-05 Glass Backfill
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Certified test results from the Regional Geotechnical Engineer) specifying the test results meet the
requirements of 733-05 Glass Backfill. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authori
zed documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and
Acceptance Method.

733-08 Embankment In Place

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

SMPL-TST Compaction Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate from any Material Approval process (e.g.,
Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be done at a r
ate/frequency as indicated on the MID window

733-09 Select Borrow

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 77 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-10 Select Fill
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

733-1101 Select Granular Fill (Typical)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

SMPL-TST Compaction Tests performed during placement. This QA re

quirement is separate from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process,
etc.), and should be done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sa
mple Type and Acceptance Method. DO NOT enter quantity (on the Contract tab) for these samples.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 78 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-1201 Sel Gran Fill Slope Prot. (Blasted Rock)
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material Grada
tion requirements. No sample is required for this acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-
TMPL) for the item installed.

733-1202 Select Gran. Fill Slope Protection (Typ)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material Grada
tion requirements. No sample is required for this acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-
TMPL) for the item installed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 79 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-1301 Select Granular Subgrade (Blasted Rock)
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

733-1302 Select Granular Subgrade (Typical)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 80 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-1303 Select Granular Subgrade (RCA)
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

733-1304 Select Granular Subgrade (RCA Mixture)

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 81 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-1305 Select Granular Subgrade (RAP)
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

733-14 Select Structural Fill

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

SMPL-TST Compaction Tests performed during placement. This QA re

quirement is separate from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process,
etc.), and should be done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 82 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-15 Sand Backfill
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
an APPROVED LIST indicating the material is found on the Producer Supplier Materials list in SM. No sample is required for this

Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (D

WR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any material from companies not found in Producer Supplier Materials.

To find aggregate sources for this acceptance, look up companies using the Producer/Supplier Material (more) window (path below).
After selec
t the P/S Materials icon, on the Producer Supplier List window:

Search by P/S Code: select the P/S code column heading, which opens the Find: field. In the Find:, enter "GSN" for Geotech granular
sources or "1-2R" for aggregates on the Materials Burea
u Approved List of Fine & Coarse Aggregates. (1 denotes Reg. 1 agg. sources)

Search by Company Name: select the P/S Name column heading, which opens up the Find: field. In the Find:, enter named spelled A)
all caps "ALLIED" or B) spelled "Allied". Th
is field is case sensitive, and names are a mix of all caps and "Allied" formats.

Path: Main Panel, Materials Management(+), Approved Lists(+), P/S Materials icon

SMPL-TST Gradation Tests performed during placement. This QA requirement is separate

from any Material Approval process (e.g., Stockpile sampling and approval process, Source Approval process, etc.), and should be
done at a rate/frequency as indicated on the MID window.

733-1601 WEM for Embankment In Place

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL)
for the item installed.

733-17 Surface Settlement Gage

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 733-17 Surface Settlement Gage. A
sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the
material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

733-18 Settlement Rod

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 733-18 Settlement Rod. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material
installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

733-2001 Type 1 Underdrain Filter

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE 454 from Geotech) specifying the product conforms to 737-20 Underdrain Filter. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

733-2002 Type 2 Underdrain Filter

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE 454 from Geotech) specifying the product conforms to 737-20 Underdrain Filter. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 83 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-2101 Stone Filling - Fine
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMP
L) for the item installed.
2) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (a letter from Region Geotechnical Engineer for Type "A" sources -OR- a Stone Fill Evaluation Report
for Type "B" sources) specifying the fill meets soundness requirements. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
See attachment for gradation details.

733-2102 Stone Filling - Light

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMP
L) for the item installed.
2) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (a letter from Region Geotechnical Engineer for Type "A" sources -OR- a Stone Fill Evaluation Report
for Type "B" sources) specifying the fill meets soundness requirements. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
See attachment for gradation details.

733-2103 Stone Filling - Medium

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMP
L) for the item installed.
2) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (a letter from Region Geotechnical Engineer for Type "A" sources -OR- a Stone Fill Evaluation Report
for Type "B" sources) specifying the fill meets soundness requirements. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
See attachment for gradation details.

733-2104 Stone Filling - Heavy

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMP
L) for the item installed.
2) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (a letter from Region Geotechnical Engineer for Type "A" sources -OR- a Stone Fill Evaluation Report
for Type "B" sources) specifying the fill meets soundness requirements. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
See attachment for gradation details.

733-2201 Dry Rip-Rap

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMP
L) for the item installed.
2) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (a letter from Region Geotechnical Engineer for Type "A" sources -OR- a Stone Fill Evaluation Report
for Type "B" sources) specifying the fill meets soundness requirements. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
See attachment for gradation details.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 84 of 93

Material Code Material Name
733-2202 Grouted Rip-Rap
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for this
acceptance. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMP
L) for the item installed.
2) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (a letter from Region Geotechnical Engineer for Type "A" sources -OR- a Stone Fill Evaluation Report
for Type "B" sources) specifying the fill meets soundness requirements. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
See attachment for gradation details.

733-23 Bedding Material

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (GE 454 from Geotech) specifying the product conforms to 737-23 Bedding Material. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material inst
alled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

736-01 Permanent Corrugated Metal Forms Bridge

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 736-01 Permanent Corrugated Metal
Forms Bridge. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item eq
uivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. Visually inspect forms for compliance
to s
hop drawings.
No sample is required. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

737-0101 Geotextile NP-NW

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-01 Geotextiles. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

NP-NW = Needle-punched, non-woven

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 85 of 93

Material Code Material Name
737-0102 Geotextile HB-NW
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-01 Geotextiles. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

HB-NW = Heatbonded - Non-Woven

737-0103 Geotextile MF-W

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-01 Geotextiles. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

MF-W = Monofilament - Woven

737-0104 Geotextile MuF-W

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-01 Geotextiles. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

MuF-W = Multifilament - Woven

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 86 of 93

Material Code Material Name
737-0105 Geotextile SF-W
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-01 Geotextiles. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

SF-W = Slit Film - Woven

737-0106 Geotextile C-W

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-01 Geotextiles. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

C-W = Combination Monofilament/Fibrillated Yarn - Woven

737-0108 Geotextile Cir-W

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-01 Geotextiles. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material ins
talled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

Cir-W = Circular Woven

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 87 of 93

Material Code Material Name
737-02 Geomembranes
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-02 Geomembranes. A sample
(SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material in
stalled. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or brand names not on
the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand nam
e. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

737-03 Prefabricated Vertical Drains

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-03 Prefabricated Vertical Drains.
A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent o
f the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Open the
attachment for AL details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies and/or b
rand names not on the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufactu
rer and brand name. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

737-04 Prefab. Composite Structural Drains

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-04 Prefabricated Comp.
Structural Drains. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equ
ivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from compani
es and/or brand names not on the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, includin
g manufacturer and brand name. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 88 of 93

Material Code Material Name
737-05 Prefab. Comp. Integral Abutment Drains
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-05 Prefabricated Composite
Integral Abutment Drains. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting t
he item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List a
cceptance. Open the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material fr
om companies and/or brand names not on the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling
, including manufacturer and brand name. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item

737-06 Prefab. Composite Edge Drains

Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-06 Prefabricated Composite
Edge Drains. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equiv
alent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) an APPROVED LIST (AL) indicating the material manufacturer, supplier or brand name. No sample is required for Approved List
acceptance. Op
en the attachment for AL
details, and verify that the submitted material matches the
intended application. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed. Reject any
material from companies
and/or brand names not on the AL.
3) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required for visual
acceptance. Field staff should visually inspect each roll for proper labeling, including
manufacturer and brand name. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

737-07 Geogrids
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-07 Geogrids, as per stated
minumum requirements in the contract documents. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and aut
horized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and
Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample i
s required for visual acceptance. Field staff should visually
inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand name. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the item installed.

737-08 Geocells
Project Material Acceptance based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (Manufacturer's Certification) specifying the product conforms to 737-08 Geocells, as per stated
minumum requirements in the contract documents and Table 737-08. A sample (SMPL-QTY) must
be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown on the MID window for
Sample Type and Acceptance Method.
2) VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material require
ments. No sample is required for visual acceptance. Field staff should visually
inspect each roll for proper labeling, including manufacturer and brand name. Material acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR
template (DWR-TMPL) for the it
em installed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 89 of 93

Material Code Material Name
CLASS-A Class A Concrete
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
1) a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS A - Class A Concrete. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed
. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at th
e Regional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO

CLASS-A-SUBS Class A Concrete w Substitutions Generic

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS A - Class A Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

CLASS-C-SUBS Class C Concrete w Substitutions Generic

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS C - Class C Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

CLASS-DP Class DP Concrete

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS DP - Class DP Concrete. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed.
Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the
Regional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO

CLASS-D-SUBS Class D Concrete w Substitutions Generic

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS D - Class D Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 90 of 93

Material Code Material Name
CLASS-E-SUBS Class E Concrete w Substitutions Generic
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS E - Class E Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

CLASS-F Class F Concrete

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS F - Class F Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

CLASS-G Class G Concrete

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS G - Class G Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

CLASS-GG Class GG Concrete

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS GG - Class GG Concrete. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed.
Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the
Regional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO

CLASS-GROUT Grout Mix Used in Field

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
VISUAL inspection and/or approval by the Engineer, in accordance with material requirements. No sample is required. Material
acceptance details should be recorded on a DWR template (DWR-TMPL) for the item install

This is NOT the same as 732-12 Grout, used for drilling.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 91 of 93

Material Code Material Name
CLASS-HES Class High Early Strength Concrete
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS HES - Class HES Concrete. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installe
d. Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at t
he Regional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO

CLASS-HP Class HP Concrete

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS HP - Class HP Concrete. A sample (SMPL-
QTY) must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed.
Use the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the
Regional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO

CLASS-I-SUBS Class I Concrete w Substitutions Generic

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS I - Class I Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

CLASS-J Class J Concrete

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS J - Class J Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

CLASS-MICRO Microsilica Concrete

CLASS-PERMBASE Concrete Permeable Base

Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form from the plant with quantities supplied). A sample (SMPL-QTY) must be logged and
authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. Use the details shown o
n the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 92 of 93

Material Code Material Name
CLASS-SPECIAL Concrete - Special (Contr Dgn, High Str)
Project Material Acceptance is based on:
a MATERIAL CERTIFICATION (BR 316 Form) specifying the product conforms to CLASS J - Class J Concrete. A sample (SMPL-QTY)
must be logged and authorized documenting the item equivalent of the material installed. U
se the details shown on the MID window for Sample Type and Acceptance Method.

2) SMPL-TST - Samples must be logged to document Slump/Air Tests performed at the project and information pertaining to cylinders
cast at the project, to be broken at the R
egional Lab, or other Lab as necessary. These samples should be performed at a Rate/Frequency found on the MID window. DO NOT

Wednesday, October 20, 2010 Page 93 of 93

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