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Hyperkalemia means an abnormal high level of potassium in the blood. This condition is a
medical emergency since it can cause cardiac arrest. Some management are: insulin (to
increase cellular reuptake); a gluconate (antagonize cardiac effect); Na bicarbonate (reverse
acidosis); kayexalate (K exchange resin); dialysis; and diuretics.

Potassium Deficit
Potassium deficit is also known as Hypokalemia. Clients are advised to eat potassium rich foods
like banana, raisins, dry fruits, nuts, celery and
potato skin.

Never give potassium preparation in IV

push because it can cause death. Remember, it is
the killer drug in lethal injection.
Mnemonics For Nursing
Nursing Assessment

5 Areas of the Heart

One of the most important Mnemonics For Nursing and parts of physical examination is
auscultation of the heart. It is done by using the stethoscope to hear the sounds made by the
heart to determine the heart condition; normal or pathological.
The Classical 5Ps of Compartment Syndrome

Pain usually severe, deep, constant and poorly localized and felt early by the patient.
Pulse lack of pulse rarely occurs in the patient
Pallor bruising and shiny swollen skin
Paresthesia altered sensation
Paralysis a late finding in compartment syndrome
6-Ps of Dyspnea

Dyspnea - shortness of breath or difficult, labored breathing is a subjective symptom of

Emergency Trauma Assessment

Airway it is the first priority. Assess it by determining the ability of air to pass unobstructed
into the lungs.

Breathing - to determine patient ability to ventilate and oxygenate.

Circulation to identify hypovolemia, cardiac tamponade, and external sources of hemorrhage.

Disability can be determine by performing gross mental status and motor examinations.

Examine check the pupils for size, symmetry, and reactiveness to light

Fahrenheit check patient exposure and control of the immediate environment.

Head to Toe Assessment - remove patient clothes completely for a thorough physical

Intervention - initiate treatment.

Mnemonics For Nursing
Nursing Assessment Part 3

The following Mnemonics for Nursing about Assessment can help you easily memorize this
subject in preparation for your nursing examination.

Insufficient supply of blood flow to tissues or body organs sometimes result to shock. Some
waste products due to imbalance of oxygen supply and demand damage the organs can result in
collapse, coma or even death if not treated promptly. But how can you render treatment if you
do not know the signs?

The picture below shows the early and late signs of shock. Learn it easy with the help of
The Stethoscope

From the Greek word stthos chest and skop examination. Stethoscope is a medical
instrument used for auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of the body. Most commonly
used to measure blood pressure with the combination of a sphygmomanometer.

Stethoscope is also used to listen to lung, heart sounds, intestines and blood flow in arteries and
Physical Assessment

Mnemonics for Nursing about Physical Assessment.

Inspection comes from a Latin word "Inspectio" or the act of beholding. It requires the used
of the naked eye for thorough visualization of the client.

Palpation an examination using the hands to determine its size, shape, firmness, or

Percussion an assessment used to determine the condition of the underlying body structure
by tapping the body surface.

Auscultation from the Latin word "auscultare - to listen. The term was introduced by Ren-
Thophile-Hyacinthe Laennec as a technical term to use for listening to the internal sounds of
the body using the stethoscope.
Trauma Survey
Hydration Status
Hemoglobin it is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen.

Normal Values:

Male: 13.8 to 17.2 gm/dL

Female: 12.1 to 15.1 gm/dL

Overhydration - Lower-than-normal

Dehydration - Higher-than-normal

Hematocrit - it is the proportion, by volume, of the blood that consists of red blood cells. This
measurement depends on the number of red blood cells and the size of red blood cells.

Normal Values:

Male: 40.7 - 50.3%

Female: 36.1 - 44.3%

Overhydration - Low hematocrit

Dehydration - High hematocrit

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Related Post:

- Nursing Assessment I

- Nursing Assessment II
Autonomic Nervous System Response
ANS or Autonomic Nervous System acts as a control system of peripheral nervous system.
ANS is divided into two (2) subsystems namely:Parasympathetic Nervous System (PSNS) and
Sympathetic Nervous system.

When body naturally regenerates itself and maintains chemical and metabolic balance (Rest
and Digest) - Parasympathetic response occurs.

When the human body immediately or automatically reacts to a threatening situation (Fight or
Flight) - Sympathetic response occurs.
Bleeding Precautions
Bleeding precaution is a nursing intervention to reduce stimuli that may cause hemorrhage or
bleeding in at-risk clients.

You must avoid the following:

Contact sports or activities that may cause falls or injury

Sharp objects, such as razors
Stiff-bristled toothbrushes
Constipation, rectal suppositories or enemas
Medicine by injection, unless absolutely necessary

Or just look at the picture of the Mnemonics For Nurses below for easy memorization of bleeding

Basic Care Mnemonics Part II

Basic Care Mnemonics Part 2

Blood pressure (BP) it is one of the principal vital signs. BP is the pressure exerted by
circulating blood or cardiac output against the walls of blood vessels.

BP decreases as the circulating blood moves away from the heart through arteries. It rapidly
drops along the small arteries and arterioles, and decreases continuously as the blood moves
through the capillaries and back to the heart through veins.

BP is usually expressed in terms of the systolic (maximum) pressure over diastolic (minimum)
pressure (mmHg), for example 140/90.

Blood pressure reading higher than systolic of 140 and diastolic higher than 90 is considered as
High Blood Pressure (Hypertension); and a reading of 90/60 mmHg or lower is considered Low
Blood Pressure (Hypotension).
Basic Care Mnemonics about The BRAT diet - it is a treatment prescribed for patients with
diarrhea, dyspepsia, gastroenteritis and other gastrointestinal distress. It consists of foods that
are relatively bland and low in fiber. Low-fiber foods were recommended because high fiber diet
can cause gas and possibly worsen the condition of the patient.

BBANANAS it is bland fruit that can be constipating and a good thing when symptoms
include diarrhea.

RRICE well tolerated by the stomach and likely to not cause further nausea.

AAPPLESAUCE its creamy consistency goes down easily and soothes a dry throat.

TTOAST adds calories needed by he client to gain strength. A yummy food specially with a
little bit of jelly.
Transient Incontinence

When a certain person cannot control evacuating wastes or urine from the body, it is called
Type of this medical condition is what we called Transient Incontinence.
This type usually occurs in older people and it is temporary, when the underlying causes
disappears and so the transient incontinence. So we can conclude that transient incontinence is
a temporary type of urinary incontinence.

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