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Class Procedures

Mr. Conrad J. Torres- conrad.torres@salinasuhsd.org Student Name:____________________

U.S. History & AVID- 8th grade tdanger.weebly.com
Office hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays after school

El Sausal Middle School is a place of opportunity for all students to reach their highest potential as responsible
members of the school and classroom community. Mr. Torres goal is to create a safe, nurturing, rigorous and
respectful learning environment in the classroom in order for EVERYONE to learn and achieve their academic
growth. To accomplish this, the help of parents and student is fundamental and leads to the following
expectations to be established. Parents please read this document carefully with the student, sign the last page
and return to the teacher.

Materials- In order to be ready to learn and participate, students should bring these materials EVERYDAY to
class. If a parent cannot supply the materials, they are required to notify the main office or Mr. Torres as soon
as possible. It is the parent's responsibility to check everyday that the student has the materials for the next
school day for the ENTIRE school year. Missing supplies must be restocked as soon as possible. The student is
required to have all materials while in social studies class.

1 notebook; size 8.5 x 11 (Must be a minimum of 100 pages: recommended with plastic cover)
Pages CANNOT be teared to be used in different class. This notebook is only used for social studies.
Pencils (at least 5 in backpack)
2 Highlighters: Different colors
2 Glues sticks
Colored Pencils (box of 12)
Sharpener with cover
AR book at ALL TIMES: This books will be checked out from the library when their English teacher
is assigned to take the students.
El Sausal Agenda. Student should not tear pages. Agenda must be with student at all times.
Social Studies Textbook: Textbook must be covered and the name of the student must be in the front
of the book. NO blue or red covers.
School I.D.
Headphones: this is when we use chromebooks.
Chromebooks-Must be charged

School, community and Classroom Rules: In these three areas you are responsible for how you carry yourself
and will be disciplined if you are not doing the following inside and outside class.
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
ALL rules in district handbook and educational code will be enforced

Consequences: The following consequences will be implemented based on the level of violation of school and
classroom rules. (not in specific order)
Verbal warning and teacher counseling
Student detention with teacher
Phone call home/parent conference
Class suspension/ administration interference
U as citizenship grade
Routines and Expectations
Students must line up outside the classroom in order to have their uniforms checked. No student is
allowed inside the classroom without the teacher present.
Students must be on time, with all materials and ready to learn as soon as they come into the classroom.
No passes to lockers will be given.
If a student is late or often forgets materials in locker, teacher will notify administration and request for
locker privileges to be denied.
Students must remove backpack from their shoulders for the entire classroom period.
As soon as the student walks into the classroom, they have to complete the Bell Ringers
No passes will be given to go drink water. All students must bring their own water bottle to drink. No
sugary drinks or gum are allowed.
Student are responsible to write their homework in their El Sausal agenda.
When assigned, all homework must be completed on time. If homework is not done a written letter from
the parent is expected to justify the reason for why the homework is not done; otherwise, it will be
considered as a students refusal to complete the homework.
Student is expected to keep all conversations related to the lessons topic.
If students use the computer for something not related to the lesson, access to the computer will be
denied and activity will be completed on paper.
Students must inform teacher of any problems with the computer as soon as they open the computer.
Student must only use computer assigned to them.
Students shall not begin to pack up their belongings until after the bell rings or Mr. Torres says it's time.
Phones must be put on silent and should not be taken out during class time. If the student needs to
contact a parent, a phone is available in the classroom. If the parent needs to contact the student, while
the student is in class, parents need to call the main office and ask to be transferred to the classroom.

Tardies: Because of the unnecessary tardy arrival of a student adversely impacts learning opportunity and
quality of instruction for all students, the following rules are established.
If a student is late, a tardy slip is required in order to not be marked tardy.
If the student is tardy, the student should not disrupt other students time to learn. They must wait
standing at the door until Mr. Torres marks them late in the attendance roster; then, they can proceed to
their seat.
After 5 tardies a student will receive a U for their citizenship grade (District Policy)

Returning From Absences: Students should be present to receive the best quality instruction and be able to
understand the content. Learning quality is affected with absences. We ask you to ensure the student is present
every day. Students should not take vacations during school days.
Students are responsible to complete the work missed due to an absence. (All work missed affects the
students grade.) Not all work can be made up after an absence since some work is also participation.
After an absence, students are required to schedule an appointment with Mr.Torres, during lunch or after
school, to find out about the work they have missed. If they do not understand how to complete the
assignment, and the time permits, they must ask for help during the intervention period.
If parents request homework for an excused absence, it is required for the teacher to be provided 24
hours in order for the homework to be ready for pick up.
Make-up work will be accepted within two weeks of absence.
E.L.C.A.B.: Email, Lunch, Classmates, After school, Before school.
Restroom Pass- Restroom use should take place within passing periods. If restroom is needed within the
classroom period, El Sausal agenda is required (school rule). Only one student is allowed to go use the restroom
at a time. If student asks to go to the restroom on a constant basis, student will be directed to the nurse's office
and the parent will be requested to take the student to the doctor.

Grading: Grade is based on Mastery of content and skills. Grade will be divided in the following
categories: 50% participation, (Notebook/ Cornell notes 20%), 10% homework/classwork, 20%
Assessment/ Tutorials.
In order to retake a quiz, all notebook work must be completed.
Students can only redo assignments, complete missing work, or retake quizzes within two
weeks from the date the assignment was given.
The only extra credit given is for participation in open house and back to school night. No
other extra credit is given.
If student is struggling with an assignment and needs additional support, they can ask for help
during the intervention period or set an appointment with teacher for 15 minutes after school. If
the student needs additional help, it is the parent's responsibility to contact the counseling
department to determine the best options that the school could provide for the student.
If student has several missing assignments, teacher will keep students during lunch for 20
minutes or less, when time permits, to complete missing work. This does not ensure that all
work will be done. Missing work still needs to be redone at home if extra time is needed.
Grades and progress reports will be submitted as mandated by the district, it is the job of the
parent to check that the progress reports or report card is received by mail. It is also the parents
job to keep address and phone contact current with the school.
For more up to date grades, parents can check grades on their own by accessing the school portal called
Home Access Center. If parent needs help accessing Home Access Center, please contact administration
or the counseling department.
Earning an Incomplete: If students do not serve their detentions by the end of the semester they will
earn an incomplete on their report card.
Grading scale based on percentages:
100 90 = A
89 80=B
79 70=C
69 60= D

Citizenship Grade (O, S, and U): A student will receive a U for citizenship for any of the following reasons.
More than 5 tardies in a quarter
5 or more violation on ANY of the items listed in this document
Receiving a referral to the principals office during a quarter
A student with a grade of F will automatically receive an U for citizenship
Photographs: Occasionally, your child may be included in a photograph or video related to school activities. If
you wish that your child be excluded from such uses, you must notify the school principal in writing.
Contacting teacher
Mr. Torres is available to meet with parents and encourages them to contact him to work together to help
improve the grade and learning of the student. To meet with the teacher, an appointment is needed to ensure
the proper time is allocated for discussion. An appointment can be made by contacting the counseling office by
calling the school at 831-796-7200. Parents are also encouraged to contact Mr. Torres by sending an e-mail to
conrad.torres@salinauhsd.org. Phone calls and emails will be answered within two business days.

Please read the following statement and sign below. Please do not tear this page because the entire
document needs to be turn-in to the teacher. If you would like a copy of this document, they will be available
during back to school night or can be requested from the teacher. It can also be found be accessing
www.tdanger.weebly.com. If this document is not turned in signed, an appointment with administration and
the teacher will be required.

We, the student and parent/guardian, have read the above information, understand it, and agree with the
stated class procedures.

__________________ ___________ ______________________

Student Signature Period Parent/guardian Signature

__________________ ____________________ ______________________

Home # Cell # Work #

Parents/Guardians please provide any information below that may help me understand more your child.
For example, do they need to wear glasses? Does your child have a health condition? Are there any issues that
may conflict or distract your childs learning? What are some strategies that have worked in the past to improve
the learning of your child? Or any other information.

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