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Wei r d Con spi r acy Th eor i es!

By Br ian Taliano

You?ve hear d of the Illum inati and

flat Ear th, but have you hear d of

1. The gover nm ent r adio-contr ols

shar ks to spy on ships. (Does this
m ean the gover nm ent w as behind
Volu m e 48B | Issu e 8 | Fr i, 8/ 4/ 17 Jaw s, and they paid Steven Spielber g
to distr act the public w ith a nice
Fr iday Th em e Issu e: hor r or m ovie so that they w ouldn?t
figur e out the tr uth?)
2. Fluor ide is actually a substance
that the gover nm ent uses to decr ease
W hy Do Peopl e Even Com e Up W i t h the IQ in childr en so that they ar e
Con spi r acy Th eor i es? easier to m anipulate. (They m ust
By Sar ah have to br ainw ash tons of dentists to
keep that one fr om being discover ed.)
W hy do people even com e up w ith conspir acy
theor ies? W hat does conspir acy even m ean? 3. Dinosaur s helped build the
Questions like these ar e often answ er ed w ith pyr am ids. (If dinosaur s w er en?t alive
conspir acy theor ies. Don?t ast m e w hy, I can?t at the sam e tim e as hum ans, though,
answ er that question. Tw o r easons for that, I then w hy did they feel m otivated to
don?t have an advice colum n, so you have no build r andom tr iangular str uctur es?
w ay to ask m e, and I sim ply don?t know. So ask M aybe they just w or e them as giant
that to som eone else in the Daily Double hats or som ething. Dinosaur s had a
(som eone w ho has an advice colum n). I can tell sense of fashion, pass it on.)
you my opinion on conspir acy theor ies, they
ar e just a bunch of r andom stuff that people use 4. The w or ld is r un by lizar d people.
to m ake them selves feel better. They ar e useless (Walker is obviously a lizar d.)
to sane people. W hat is your opinion on
conspir acy theor ies? 5. Rober t Kar dashian and Ted Cr uz
ar e actually the sam e per son. (Of
cour se, Ted Cr uz has been claim ed to
Spoon s Ar e Th e Sou r ce of Al l Ev i l - A have m ultiple identities, including
Con spi r acy Th eor y but not lim ited to M r s. Doubtfir e,
By AnoNYm OuS777 (Ben Cr able) War io, Kevin fr om The Office, the Tin
M an, and a blobfish. Ted Cr uz is
We m ay use spoons in ever yday lives, BUT NOT ever ything and ever yone. Ted Cr uz is
M E, I WAS IN M Y BASEM ENT FOR THE PAST 20 you and m e. Ther e is no point in
YEARS AVOIDING SPOONS. I m ay have lost out denying it.)
on the oppor tunity to r aise a fam ily, but w or th
the fact that the gover nm ent can?t get to m e 6. The tr ails of vapour that planes
w ithout their pr ecious spoons. Spoons ar e used leave behind in the sky ar e
by the gover nm ent to spy on you, using the ?chem tr ails.? (Appar ently the
distor ted r eflection of you as data sent to the gover nm ent is contr olling the
gover nm ent thr ough connections that I am not population by using special chem icals
sur e of yet. Avoid spoons at all cost, childr en! r eleased by planes. That?s nice and
We m ust not let the gover nm ent spy on us any r eassur ing, isn?t it?)
m or e! If you guys need m e, I?ll be in my
basem ent eating beans in a can w hile w ear ing a 7. Nick Cage is a vam pir e.
tinfoil hat. (No duh.)
Con spi r acy Th eor i es Abou t Cam p M y m om w as f r am ed f or a cr i m e
By Chloe and Ava (M i sadven t u r es of m y M ot h er Par t 3)
By Tillie Vslosser aptor
Chloe: Ok so w e have looked far and w ide to find som e
conspir acy theor ies and r eview them . The day w as sunny, per fect for a
Ava: So w e ar e going to tell you them . w edding. M y gr andad, the m inister , w as
C: The only per son w e actually got an idea fr om that w e m ar r ying a couple, befor e they w ould go
decided to use w as Aar on. to my m om ?s house to have the par ty. M y
A: Let's star t w ith the fir st conspir acy, m om w as ar ound 5, w hich, as it tur ns
?Walker Is Not Hum an? out, seem s to be her age of getting in
C: OK w e all know this is tr ue, tr ouble. M y gr andm a had baked a
A: and it is obvious beautiful w edding cake, nicely fr osted
C: Soooooooo next conspir acy. and ever ything. As the w edding par ty
?Aar on is the illum inati CONFIRM ED? goer s r ounded the cor ner into the
C: Ok w e talked to him ear lier to get som e ideas and he backyar d, a gasp r ose fr om the cr ow d.
acted like he w as the ILLUM INATI The w edding cake, w hich had been
A: And he said that he w as head of som e- sitting out on the table, had a lar ge
C: DON'T REVEAL TOO M UCH AVA chunk m issing out of the side. Of cour se,
A: Ok fine given her tr ack r ecor d, ever yone tur ned
C: Sadly w e m ust m ove on in life. NEXT CONSPIRACY!! to my m om . ?Honey!? They gasped, ?How
?The School Photos in the activity center next to the locker could you do this!? M y m om , of cour se,
r oom s, W HAT DO THEY M EAN?! pr otested her innocence. W hy w ould she
C: Ever ything. They m ean ever ything w ant to eat the cake, besides the obvious.
C: Oh fun fact Walker is in about 9 of those photos She w as in deep tr ouble, and she knew
A: UH you do know that they have the school kids in it. But then, fr om ar ound the cor ner ,
them ... cam e Jenny, the fam ily poodle. Jenny
C: Yeah I said school photos. w as ver y happy, w agging her tail.
A: THEY COULD BE THE M INDS CONTROLLING ?SEE! I didn?t do it!? my m om
CAM PERS!!!!! cr ied. She pointed at Jenny, w ho had
C: Because Walker is in them . Next conspir acy. fr osting fr om ear to ear. Ever yone
?Ar e the star s kids spider s? They clim b so w ell.? laughed it off, im m ediately for getting the
C: Inter esting. m assive injustice to my m om , w ho w as
A: I know 3 of them and they clim b like spider s!!!! pr om ptly sent out to the gar den to pick
C: Okayyy then. They tr uly m ight be spider s. som e flow er s. M y gr andm a cut out the
A: M y sis taught her self how to clim b a tr ee!!! par t of the cake that had been bitten, and
C: Alr ight then. So tr ue, so tr ue cause Ava is so evil, so evil. ar r anged som e flow er s on to the side to
NEXT CONSPIRACY! cover it up (PSA: M y gr andm a invented
?Ar e the letter s in the cafeter ia that r ead ?You ar e w hat you decor ating cakes w ith flow er s).
head to your head to your feet?, evil?!? Side note: Anim als m ake good
C: Alr ight. scapegoats so even if you did com m it a
A: THEY ARE M ADE OF FOOD!!!!!!! cr im e like this, you can just pin it on the
C: Oh ok all better. And Ava is r ight. They ar e m ade of food.
A: THEY have M cDonalds
C: Alr ight then? tim e for the LAST CONSPIRICYYYYYYY
?Ar e m e and Ava tr ying to take over cam p w ith our anim al
ear s??- Aar on Gelb
C: psst Ava help m e out her e
A: .....i HEAR THAT..but that not tur e
C: Okkkkkkkk sooo Yeah Aar on is w r ong it?s not tr ue
A: bye!!!
An I n t er v i ew W i t h Noah M cVi ck er Pi ct u r e Peopl e
(Basi cal l y Th e Cr eat or Of Pl ay-Doh ) By Abby
By Gabe And M atan
Cam per s ar ound CRCAP have been r epor ting
Before we start this article, let?s have a brief str ange things happening. One day I noticed the
recap of previous Play-Doh scandals: pictur es in w r iting r oom 1 m ove, so I asked
-Brian Goldner supports bringing back ar ound. Her e ar e the r esults...
M K-Ultra Have you seen the eyes m ove?
-Parents sue Hasbro, Play-Doh?s creator, for Answ er #1: No, I have not seen the eyes m ove.
$400,000,000 after traces of Dopamine, a But if they ar e m oving it?s pr obably because
highly addictive drug, were found in some som eone cut holes and is looking in,
containers Answ er #2: No. You?r e cr azy- the lights ar e
-Traces of Ethylene Glycol, an extremely tr icking you.
harmful drug, were found in some Play-Doh Answ er #3: Yes! They?r e w atching m e! They?r e
products w atching M E!
-Hasbro has been transporting illegal Answ er #4: Yes! They?r e star ing thr ough my soul!
immigrants into the United States Answ er #5: No. It?s not tr ue. They?r e not m oving.
-Hasbro supporting communism in the U.S. Answ er #6: Yes, it?s Aar on? I m ean the
Aar on-illum inati! No. No! CRCAP-illum inati!
Q: W hen and why did you make Play-Doh? W hat?s your vote, cam per s?
A: I m ade Play-Doh to be a w allpaper
cleaner in the 1930s.

Q: Did you predict that it would be as successful as it was/is?

A: No - I thought it?d be a nor m al w allpaper cleaner ; I never expected it w ould tur n into a childr en?s toy
of all things.

Q: W hat is one thing about Play-Doh you would change if you could?
A: I?d change the shape of the m ountain m aker. I?d also set up a com pany know n as the Play-Doh
Com pany - I don?t like how Hasbr o has taken my cr eation and m ade it their ow n.

Q: W hat is your opinion on Hasbro?s Transformers movies?

A: M y gr ave doesn?t have a TV so I?ve never w atched it.

Q: W hich movie would you say is the best Hasbro movie.

A: Uhh? Tr ansfor m er s? I?ve never seen any of Hasbr o?s m ovies, so I?m just going w ith the only one I?ve
hear d of.

Q: Have you ever played Dungeons And Dragons?

A: W hat?s Dungeons and Dr agons?

Q: Was this interview annoying?

A: Extr em ely.

Q: W hat do you think about the recent Play-Doh scandals that we told you about?
A: M y w allpaper cleaner has been disgr aced. [C E N S O R E D] you, Hasbr o!

[Editor?s note: This article is about to get M ETA.]

[Author?s note: Agreed.]

Q: W hat would be two questions you would ask yourself? Then answer them.
A: How am I answ er ing these questions if I?m dead, and w hy did I let you inter view m e?
I have no idea how I?m answ er ing these questions, and I think I?m letting you inter view m e because
you br ibed m e w ith a toad in the hole.

(Toad In The Hole is a type of food)

M y Hai k u s Ret r act i on f or Th e M yst er y of t h e Dog Th i ef ?s
By Zachar y Ian Levine Tr easu r e
By Jacob Rast
The lake:
I dr op a stone in the hot In the ar ticle ?The M yster y of the Dog Thief ?s
Water dr ip dr op dr ip Tr easur e?, the note the dog thief leaves r eads ?To find
Rings slow ly m oving outw ar d my tr easur e beneath the gr ound, take thr ee steps back
and flip it ar ound! If m or e than tw ice you get it w r ong,
Natur e: my loot w ill blow up w ith a bom b!
The w ind is blow ing, sw oosh sw oosh Uhqur fw pplhkw qr hor khkw. ~Dog Thief ?. This w as a
The bir ds ar e chir ping, pr inting er r or. The note should say ?To find my
Tw eet tw eet. Natur e's beautiful. tr easur e beneath the gr ound, take thr ee steps back and
flip it ar ound! If m or e than tw ice you get it w r ong, my
Iced tea: loot w ill blow up w ith a bom b! Uhqur fw kjlusr w. ~Dog
The taste, r ich and sw eet, it just Thief ?. M y deepest apologies for this er r or.
Com pletes m e. The iced
Bever age, the taste is beauty.
An sw er t o Th e M yst er y of t h e Dog Th i ef ?s Tr easu r e
The ear th: By Jacob Rast
The ear th, just r otating and
Rotating ar ound The seem ingly r andom str ing of letter s in the note,
The sun, and m oon ar ound ear th ?Uhqur fw kjlusr w ?, is, in actuality, the location of the
tr easur e w r itten in code, w ith the instr uctions on the
note being clues to decipher it. ?Take thr ee steps back?
m eans, for each letter , m ove thr ee letter s back in the
alphabet. For exam ple, ?D?, the four th letter of the
How t o m ak e St r aw ber r y Lem on ade alphabet, becom es ?A?, the fir st letter of the alphabet,
By Kalie and so on. This is actually one of the m ost com m on
for m s of encr yption, com m only r efer r ed to as ?Caesar ?s
On hot sum m er days this str aw ber r y code? or ?Caesar shift?. Decr ypting this str ing of letter s
lem onade is so r efr eshing. I hope you r esults in a new str ing of letter s, ?Renr octhgir pot?. The
like it! instr uctions on the note continue w ith ?...and flip it
ar ound!?, m eaning that the code m ust be r ever sed,
Take a glass and w et the r im of the r esulting in the answ er. Doing this r esults in the
glass w ith w ater. Take sugar and dip location of the tr easur e, ?top r ight cor ner ?. You find the
the r im in the sugar. (this par t is tr easur e in the signified hole and r etur n the tr easur e
optional). Next pour lem onade over to the com m unity, m aking you a local her o and
ice halfw ay in the cup. Blend secur ing your pr om otion (w ith a nice bonus, to boot)!
str aw ber r ies and r aspber r ies in a
blender. Add the str aw ber r ies and
r aspber r ies to the lem onade and m ix.
The lem onade should tur n pink . Add Sol ar Ecl i pse on t h e 21st
fr esh blueber r ies and a m int leaf to By AnoNYm OuS777 (Ben Cr able)
the dr ink . On the r im add a lem on
slice. So unlike my other ar ticles, w her e I use only a few
r eliable sour ces, I have over w helm ing pr oof that ther e
Str aw ber r y Lem onade Cake ? Follow is going to be a solar eclipse on M onday, August 21st.
the dir ections on a vanilla cake box. This event w ill happen ar ound 2:21 pm , but the bad
Add cup of fr esh blended new s is that it?s on a M onday and ever ybody hates a
str aw ber r ies and lem on zest and juice. M onday, also this solar eclipse w ill only appear as a
Follow the baking dir ections and your par tial eclipse to us up her e in M assachusetts, if you
let cool. Take a jar of vanilla fr osting w ant a total eclipse, visit Colum bia, South Car olina.
and add cup of blended Don?t believe m e? Look it up w ith your par ents/
str aw ber r ies and lem on zest and juice. sm ar tphone. Would I m ake up som ething THIS
Fr ost cake and then eat. am azing?
Ask Li n k ! M or e I dea Box Rev i ew s
By Link and Lita (but m ostly Link) By Chloe Cr able

W hat is Hyrule? You are a hero? Hello fr om the other side? I m ust?ve done
Hyr ule is w her e I live! It's a beautiful place w her e idea box r eview s a thousand tim es. I w anna
ever yone w ho lives ther e has pointy ear s and lives tell you I?m sor r y for doing this to you. Yeah
in the w oods. Yes I am a her o, and I have saved the ? you like my intr oduction? I tr ied har d..
land of Hyr ule m any M ANY tim es! Don't m ake m e sad if you didn't like it ?
Just r oll w ith it ? Today, I'm answ er ing five
Do you like fun? idea box questions. Her e w e go ?
We elves in Hyr ule LOVE to have fun! I like to r ide
my hor se, and play my ocar ina. I like to sleep in Question Number One: Sculpt Seth?s likeness
sun patches and cook . (and eat. YUM !) M y fr iends out of pepper jack cheese & pears.
back in hyr ule ar e Sar ia, Ilia, and Zelda. Okkkkaaaaay? . One, how can w e sculpt
(And Lita of cour se). Seth? He is to aw esom e. And I am assum ing
that pepper jack cheese is cheese, LET GET
Remind me, what is a Bob Johnson again? - YOUR SCULPTING KIDS
Um m m , isn't he a dr um m er ? I hear d he br oke his Question Number Two: DON?T trust nobody.
dr um m ing r ecor d at CRCAP yester day. Explain your findings.
Is this Ganondor f w r iting to m e? Or my bad hair Kids, r em em ber w e need to be logical her e
days w r iting to m e? Those ar e my w or st ok? I don't tr ust the per son w ho w r ote this..
nightm ar es. ARE THEY THE ILLUM INATI?!

W ho are your friends? Question Number Three: Be yourself, then be

M y fr iends ar e Sar ia, Zelda, and Ilia. I m et Sar ia in someone else?
Kakar iko village, and I m et Zelda at my school, Logic. Rem em ber logic. But i w ill tr y to do
knight academy. I m et Ilia in Or don village. And this question, Hi i'm Chloe.
they'r e all super nice. * w eir d voice* Hi i'm Walker

W hich Divine Beast is your favorite? Question Number Four: Is a hotdog meat?
I liked divine beast var uta. She w as the r ight No one w ants to know this answ er.
am ount of challenge for m e! And Ganon w as a bit And last question I w r ote this 8 m inutes
har d to defeat, but I felt so satisfied once I beat the ago?
divine beast. I HATE the stupid cam el though. That
one is so har d to beat. Question Number Five: Write a interaction
between two characters technically
Do you have a journal? And if you do, tell us about it. singing/saying the lyrics of the song called
Yes! I have a jour nal. Her e's the entr y I w r ote ?Hello?
yester day. I got this her e w e go:
Dear diar y, today I cooked a lot of food. But then I Kai: Hello Katelyn,
accidentally put a m onster toe nail into one of my Katelyn: Fr om the other side
dishes. It w as absolutely DUBIOUS. It w as too gr oss Kai: I m ust?ve called your nam e a thousand
to look at. An odd sm ell issued for th fr om that tim es..
heap. It w on't hur t m e if I eat it. Pr obably. Katelyn: Hey Kai i need to tell you
som ething
Biggest pet peeve? Kai: Yeah?
W hen my w eapons br eak w hen I?m in the m iddle Katelyn: I'm sor r y
of a battle. How com e my ENEM Y'S w eapons never Kai: For ever ything that you?ve done?
br eak? Katelyn: Exactly.
Well I?ve alw ays w anted to w r ite that yay
Do you have any pets? m e I'm so happy now yay.
Yes, I have a loyal steed nam ed Epona. She is the
bestest hor se I could EVER w ish for. She loves Anyw ay that's m e signing off fr om my
sugar cubes, car r ots, apples, and som etim es even thir d..? Idea box r eview !!
bananas w eir d, r ight?
M y Fave Fi ves Cou n sel or /CI T Fan dom Nam es
By Cadence Rosenblum By Roxanne V. Glassenber g (W hose fans ar e
called Glassenbur ger s)
Welcom e Back to M y Fave Fives! Ever y couple of
days I list my favor ite five things in r andom M ost fandom s have a nam e r ight? Think
categor ies. If you w ant to subm it a categor y you Potter heads, etc. But w hat about
can w r ite it dow n and put it in a r ed pouch that counselor s? They need fandom nam es, too.
says ?Cadence?s Fave Fives? in the Activity So her e w e go!
Center in the hallw ay by the bathr oom s. Today, I Bar r ett?s fans: Bar r ett-ster s
picked a subm ission out of the pouch, and w ill David Baler ?s fans: Hay Bales
be listing my favor ite five childhood TV show s. David Colem an?s fans: Handler s
I?ve been thinking about the show s I used to Walker ?s fans: The Ander -sons (And
w atch, though, and som e of them seem so Daughter s)
absur d to m e now. The concepts of these TV M ojo?s fans: W hite Belts
show s ar e so str ange, yet they alw ays m ake Olive?s fans: Calm attas
sense to toddler s. For exam ple, looking back as Anna?s fans: The Sum m er -Guar d
a teen, the fact that m ost toddler s cher ish a m an Stephanie?s fans: Ste-Fan-Ies
in a giant pur ple dinosaur costum e is a bit Adr ianna?s fans: The Adr i-Aunties
concer ning. This ar ticle is m e basically m aking Ow en?s fans: the I. Ow en. U.s
fun of old show s I used to w atch. Anyw ays, her e Har r ison?s fans: Hair balls
ar e my old favor ites: Rachel Shufelt?s fans: Shoes
M addie?s fan: M addie Hatter s
5. ?Cur ious Geor ge? ? This show w as a classic. I Kelsey?s fans: Fish in the Kel-sea
couldn?t m ake a list of the best childr en?s TV Cam ?s fans: Cam -per s
show and not m ention banana guy and his Sally?s fans: Sally-m ander s
m onkey fr iend. M y fr iend and I w er e talking, Angelique's fans: Angels
though, and w e r ealized that Cur ious Geor ge Lis?fans: Lis-ar ds
doesn?t have a tail. Is he supposed to? Is he not? Por k?s fans: Por k Chops
I don?t know.

4. ?Wor d Gir l? ? Wor d gir l w as a super gir l w ith

special pow er s including her ability to defeat
villains w ith vocabular y. This show w as r eally
enter taining, and out of all the show s on this list, it w as pr obably the m ost nor m al. Yet im agine in r eal
life som eone tr ying to stop a bur glar by shouting som e fancy w or d like ?per vicacious? in their face.
That w ould stop em .

3. ?Fetch w ith Ruff Ruffm an? ? If you don?t know w hat this is, it is basically a gam e show for ten year
olds w her e they let a vir tual dog on a scr een boss them ar ound and tell them to go places and com plete
challenges. This w as one of my favor ites because it took place in Boston. Fun fact, I had alw ays w anted
to go on the show , and they even sent us a letter telling us w her e the auditions w er e, but by the tim e I
w as old enough the show stopped r unning. :/

2. ?Cyber chase? ? I loooved this show. It w as about thr ee kids fr om ear th w ho get w ar ped into space to
defeat a hacker. A bit intense for toddler s, I know , but it w as a lot m or e enter taining than som e of the
other s.

1. ?Dinosaur Tr ain? ? Befor e I keep w r iting, let m e just tell you that I am now ver y asham ed by the
fact that this w as my all tim e favor ite. Ver y asham ed. Dinosaur s on a tr ain. I w ish I could have sat in
the m eeting w her e som e guy pr oposed the idea: ?Let?s take a bunch of Dinosaur s and put them on a
tr ain?. Because ther e w ould be tr ains 200 m illion year s ago. Som ehow , I loved the show.

Random PSA: Caillou didn?t m ake the cut, but I?ve noticed that ever yone hates him . I get it, he?s w hiny
and annoying, but m aybe he?s upset because of his inability to gr ow hair. #suppor tCaillou2017

Rem em ber to subm it categor ies!

Happy Bi r t h day, Obam a! ! ! 5 Bad Jok es
By Ryan Kane By Addison Kane

It?s that tim e of the year again, the Q: W hy did the chicken cross the road?
legendar y Bar ack Obam a gr acefully ages A: To get to the other side
one m or e year. This year he?s tur ning 56
year s young. Let's look at som e of the Q: W hat did the turkey say to the person when he
highlights of his extr avagant life so far. sneezed?
His life begins in Honolulu, A: Gobble-es you
Haw aii on August 4, 1961. He w as bor n in
the sam e year as m any fam ous people, Q: W hy did the rabbit cross the road?
such as Geor ge Clooney, Eddie M ur phy, A: ?Cause he w as stapled to the chicken
and M ichael J. Fox. He w as the fir st U.S.
pr esident to be bor n outside of the Q: W hat do you call an alligator in a vest?
contiguous 48 states. He lived in Haw aii A: An in-vest-igator
up until 1967, w hen he m oved to Jakar ta,
Indonesia. He then r etur ned back to Q: W hat do you call a seagull that flies over the
Haw aii in 1971 and stayed ther e until he bay?
finished gr ade school in 1979. He w ent to A: A Bagel
Occidental College in Los Angeles his
fr eshm an and sophom or e year s and then
m oved to Colum bia Univer sity in New
Har m on Qu est
Yor k City for his junior and senior year s.
By Zachar y Levine
After he r eceived his bachelor ?s degr ee,
he w ent to Har var d Law School for 3
year s and gr aduated in 1991. He then Har m on Quest is a funny TV show about a
ser ved on the Illinois State Senate fr om bunch of people, Dan Har m on, Er in M cGathy,
1997 to 2008. In 2008, he r an for Jeff Davis, and Spencer Cr ittenden. Dan Har m on
pr esidency and w on by 192 elector al is the cr eator of Com m unity, Rick and M or ty,
votes, and then r an again in 2012 and Har m on Quest, and Har m ontow n. In Har m on
w on. Quest all the people I m entioned ear lier all play
Even though our lor d and savior pathfinder , a gam e that's basically the sam e as
Bar ack Obam a is no longer the U.S.?s d&d; they play pathfinder and anim ate it.
br ave leader , he w ill alw ays hold a SPOILER: In Har m on Quest, they have to
special place in our hear ts. pr otect the ar cane cr ystals, that have the pow er
to unleash a giant m anticor e. The people or
Editor?s Note: We miss Obama!!! dem ons w ho ar e tr ying to unleash this beast ar e
the her alds of the m anticor e, and the char acter s,
Fondue Zoobag, Bonew eevil, and Beor O'Shift,
tr y to pr otect the cr ystals, one w as the necklace
on Beor O?shift, one w as the dem on seal to keep
M y Dog i s a Goat the dem on aw ay, the other w as hidden in a
By Kylie O?Hear n libr ar y. The her alds collect the ar cane cr ystals
and unleash the m anticor e, later they send the
M y dog is a goat because she eats gr ass! m anicor e into a por tal to pr obably the double
M y dog (M ochi) is supposed to go to the hockey sticks. Bonew eevil is accidentally
bathr oom outside, but instead w e see her tr anspor ted to the place too.
licking and biting gr ass. M ochi also licks Er in M cGathy and Dan Har m on in r eal
shoes. She is r eally funny! She goes up to life used to be m ar r ied for like a w eek or a
a shoe and licks it! She w ill eat alm ost m onth. The second season w as supposed to be
ever ything. M ochi is a ver y str ange dog, r eleased on July 2, 2017, but it w as canceled, and
so she m ust be a goat. I think M ochi is bought by a differ ent com pany. Har m on quest is
also a chicken. That is because she looks r ated PG.
like one! The fur on her head sticks up in
a lot of dir ections. But, M ochi does not
have w ings, so she m ust be a goat.
Qu est i on s 5 thing that m atter s is the quality of the baseball
By Baseball and Special Guest, Hor sey team . W hich Boston still w ins.
Hor sey: Even I can r ead the r oom !
Baseball: Hello, and w elcom e to our 5th Baseball: See, Tigger , even Hor sey can r ead
questions! Tigger is off today, so w e have a r oom s!
special guest, hailing fr om Los Angeles, It?s Hor sey: Yes, Boston is ver y sm ar t and w itty!
Hor sey! Hor sey, I hear you?r e the Dodger ?s Baseball: Yes, even m or e than all of New Yor k
baseball cat! How does it feel for your team to doubled.
be 75 - 32? Hor sey: I'm on Baseballs side.
Hor sey: Um m m ? Pr etty good I have to say. Baseball: Thank you, Hor sey.
Baseball: Gr eat! So, w e?ll have som e gr eat Hor sey: You?r e w elcom e.
com m entar y fr om a differ ent view point today! Hor sey: This is getting out of hand!
We have 1 question today, so w e?ll get star ted. Baseball: I know !!
Question: I like basketball better. Hor sey: Is Tigger gone?
Baseball: If you like basketball better , than w e?ll Baseball: I think so. W hat a r elief. Tigger butts
accept that. We just w on?t let it sit pr etty on our in all the tim e at the w or st tim es.
or ganization. Ask som e other advice colum n. Tigger : Like now ! Hahahahahahaha I?m back!
They?d know m or e. Baseball: TIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hor sey: I agr ee it?s fine, but please ask som eone Hor sey: TIGGER!!! W HY!!
else. Baseball is gr eat to you should tr y it! You?ll Hor sey: I w ish ther e w as som eone to back us
get hooked soon enough. Also, all of us LA up!
citizens love that the Red Sox ar e beating the Tigger : You w ish you had som eone to back YOU
division. You m ay have hear d the Yankees ar e up? It?s tw o against one! I?m the one! You?r e the
also one of our biggest r ivals, so w e appr eciate tw o! You don?t need anyone else!
you w inning the division. Hor sey: TIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I? .I? I CAN NOT
Baseball: Thank you, Hor sey. But It hasn?t been EVEN!
a gr eat year w hen w e play the Yankees. They?ve Baseball: I just m et a M ets baseball cat fr om the
beat us in both of our ser ies. :( good side of NY. It?s nam e is ? Fluffy! Fluffy
Hor sey: Ver y tr ue baseball. hates the Yankees and ever ything about them .
Tigger : Haha! Fluffy: (over a phone) Hey, Guys. I love the
Baseball: Tigger !!!! You?r e supposed to be off M ets. The Yankees stink and alw ays w ill.
today!!! Hor sey: Yay! FLUFF!
Hor sey: Oh gosh!! W hat is happening!??! Baseball: Hor sey. Calm dow n.
Baseball: Tigger ?s tr ying to disr upt our gr eat Hor sey: Ok . I'm calm . Baseball, I'm just so
guest appear ance!!! This can?t happen!!! annoyed!
Hor sey: Oh I get it. OH NO I GET IT!! Baseball: You have ever y r ight to be annoyed.
Tigger : M w ahahahaha... Tigger can be annoying at all tim es (w hich is
Baseball; But you can bet that w e?r e going to ever y day).
beat their butt for the r est of the season. Hor sey: You?r e r ight. Fr om now on I w ill keep
Hor sey: Kick their BUTTS!!! my cool.
Tigger : You can tr y, donkey-m an. Hor sey: I feel this m atter is now getting absur d!
Baseball: Tr y!?!?! DO!!!! Tigger : W hatever. I?m out of her e. You guys
Hor sey: I AM NOT A DONKEY!!!! Offensive! ar en?t playing fair. See ya.
Baseball: Tigger , you need to lear n how to r ead Baseball: You do not know your r ivalr ies. The
the r oom . Have you ever hear d about that? M y Rays ar e you?r e #3 r ival. Good thing Tigger ?s
m other taught m e that. We bostonians ar e gone. And w e ar e playing fair. You never gave
sm ar t and w itty, let alone pr oud hosts of the us any r ules. Oh, Tigger left. Good thing, too.
best AL team . She w as supposed to be on vacation.
Hor sey: YEAH, TIGGER!!! Hor sey: I'm so Baffled r ight now !
Tigger : Sm ar t and w itty? Haha, hahaha, Baseball: This happens in ever y set of
hahahahaha, oh stop hahahahahahahaha it questions. We ar gue just like that, except m or e
hur ts hahahahahahahahaha violently som etim es.
Baseball: M or e than New Yor ker s! Baseball: And this w r aps up our issue. This is
(ohhhhhhhhhhhh, bur n) Baseball, Red Sox fan, signing off.
Tigger : That w as liter ally the w or st bur n. Hor sey: Bye signing off!
Baseball: W ho car es. We all know that the only

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