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Gaucin 1

Garden Gaucin

Simone Flanigan



Look Back Effect Project

In this project, I am going to discuss some of the things that I have learned in my English

2010 class that has helped improve my writing skills and has enhanced my ability to identify and

navigate through unique styles and genres of writing. Additionally, I am going to address a few

other aspects of this class that have helped me improve my writing skills. Mainly the course

objective in this class was to be able to improve the students understanding and writing ability in

different genres such as writing commentaries, info-graphs, PowerPoints and reflective writing

assignments just to name a few. It also taught me how to identify certain styles of writing and

how I as a writer was supposed to argue intelligently and accurately given the context of each

genre. Where as in some writing assignments a student may be asked to state his or her opinion

on the matter combined with facts and sources to make a sound argument, I found that there were

times when I was supposed to keep personal opinion out of it and strictly look to the facts, or to

use said facts in such a way that it would stress my point, yet give the reader information to the

contrary so the piece didnt come off as biased or prejudiced, which in turn is a powerful writing

concept and tool to use when trying to persuade the reader without coming off as if you are

somewhat close-minded on the subject at hand.

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I also learned that a lot of what goes into these diverse types of writing and research

papers must do with the type of research that you gather itself. One cant merely go on

Wikipedia and take everything that they see on every site as fact. There must be a certain value

as to what the information is and where it came from. Furthermore, the information when cited

should be done so in a correct fashion so that it can be understood by those who know what they

are looking for when they see something such as a MLA format. This task can be somewhat

tricky since there are several distinct types of formatting/sourcing options out there when trying

to show sources for a certain piece or paper that you wrote. A high degree of professionalism and

proficiency is required to make your point clear and valid as well as understandable to the reader

while staying within the confines of what is expected of you for each specific genre of writing

and the guidelines associated with it.

One thing that was particularly useful and helpful throughout the class was the notion of

having peer reviews for our major writing assignments where we could get constructive criticism

from other students in the class that completed the same writing projects. By doing so, I was able

to go back through some of the projects I worked on and improve them based on the criticism I

received as well as look at other students work projects as well and have some sort of scale to

compare it to in terms of professionalism and accuracy of what I was writing about.

After going over the different genres of writing, learning how to research and cite sources

correctly, combined with constructive criticism I believe I could become a better writer, by

putting myself in a group environment with a handful of other writers I was consistently able to

compare my work with, I think we all improved our techniques to some degree or another. I

remember some of the comments on my writing projects that were particularly helpful, even
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unimportant things such as suggestions as to where to place a graphic or piece of clipart I placed

in my info-graph that made it appear more relevant to the topic I was addressing. I remember

when I submitted a Power Point on and placed a few pictures throughout it such as graphs and

pictures of people getting abused by police setting when addressing the issue of Police Brutality

in the U.S. I didnt realize that I have forgotten to add those officers who arent pro on the

brutality, making my presentation seem a bit biased. I have included such as when addressing the

cost of misconduct courts and attorney fees, the number of fatalities and such. But like I

mentioned I forgot to add how many of those officers are good, what techniques are being taught

to those officers and more. They are things that you might catch on your own if given enough

time, but by having other minds at work on your projects it was an efficient and easier way to

catch things that you might have missed and away to get reassurance when you think you did a

certain part of your paper particularly well. I dont consider myself the best writer in the world,

but when I conducted peer reviews on my fellow students I always tried my best to give

supportive advice on their papers. Some of the time I was happy to catch even a few typos here

and there that could have been easily missed so I could address some criticism even when I

thought the rough draft looked near perfect.

As I look through all the work Ive done in this class there are a few pieces that I decided

stood out more than most for the final portfolio addition. I am required to post two of my writing

projects in my final portfolio and I decided that the PowerPoint that I made addressing students

about informing themselves about Police Brutality options thoroughly along with research to be

done before taking guard on someone who is harmless. I also decided that Id post my open letter

to masculinity. I decided to use these 2 projects because I felt that they were very powerful topics

that many people could benefit from visualizing, therefore I believe it is an important part of my
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writing projects concerning this class and deserves to make the top of the list of what I find to be

my two projects I want to display on in my final portfolio. I feel that this class has helped fine

tune my writing ability and has enticed me to look at certain writing styles in a new light. It was

helpful in that regard and having constructive criticism throughout the class in a consistent

manner was also very helpful as well.

Revision #1

Open Letter To Masculinity

Dear Masculinity,

We as females love the greatness and subtle tenderness that man can give, like water to

the earth. So, if women bring life as the earth does, then men can feed that life like water does.

Water is a powerful force that in extremes can devastate, but when in balance, with a softer

touch, water can nourish the gentle greens and move towering mountains with a slow and steady

stream. But there are things you need to hear that people in society might not share with you. All

men have both 50% masculine and 50% feminine within them. Its just that most men are

ashamed of the feminine, believing its somehow weak.

The truth is that when you are balanced with both, you have the strength of truly great

men Men who dont take things personally and instead, act on their principles. Men who take

the time to hear and understand different viewpoints and find a way to work together. True

leaders are those who break through barriers of domination and bondage. These are men who

have the subtle, gentle touch and fierce strength to endure great hardships and come out the other

side whole and complete. I want you to know and understand this because I believe you have
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both the strong and gentle force within you. I want you to discover for yourself your own

balance. Learn to express yourself and to be able to listen and understand others so that you will

never feel shame but rather pride and compassion.

So, what does that mean for how to be with others? It means learning to listen, not being

afraid to express yourself, and finding a balance of the two. I like the image of the Yin and

Yang symbol of Taoism. Its a beautiful, simple representation of the masculine (Yang) and

feminine (Yin) energy in us that swims back and forth. The masculine or Yang in each of us is

what allows us to push forward and use our strength of will and determination to achieve

wonderful things in our lives. You can see this in women as well; we can see this in our

mothers. This force allows you to express yourself without being caught in the shame and fear of

others. It allows you to take bold steps in life. So, take bold steps in what you believe is good and

true for you.

Speak up for yourself and what you feel. Follow those feelings and find out what you can

discover about yourself and the world through that expression. The feminine Yin in each of us-

our fathers, grandfathers, uncles and ourselves as men is what gives us the strength and

sensitivity to endure the great hardships in our lives. It allows us the ability to receive and

understand even the things most difficult to hear. Femininity reaches out and gently embraces

others, no matter the circumstance, to let them know that they are still loved. Its one of the most

difficult things a person can do. It takes great courage and belief in yourself and in others to be

able to move beyond circumstances and find connection.

So, with anyone, especially those you find your heart is interested in, be bold yet be

patient and take the time to find out about this new and different person. Learn about those

differences. Dont be fooled by boys who are too afraid to express themselves so they express
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the fake stories shown by men in movies and tv. Too tough and distant, too cool to open up.

Those boys grow up sick with feelings stirring in them that they never let themselves express.

Dont be afraid. Be bold and be receptive to what your feelings tell you about your thoughts and

fears, and do the same for others. Having women mentors is a blessing for a man in this life.

Find role models for both the Yin and Yang of your being. Being a female, I was so lucky to

have many female mentors throughout my life.

I learned more than most of my friends and peers about making connections with people.

It was from women that I learned to be strong - not head-strong but heart-strong. You may have

already learned this from your mothers as she is truly your first women mentor. Learn from her

and from others. A man can be just as nurturing and creative if he takes the time to do so. You

will find that your touch is powerful when you are subtle and nurturing. Its almost innate to

fathers to share that gentle and strong nurturing touch. When you offer it, you will feel the soft

subtle strength within moving through you.

So, what is your duty? What can you do? Well, you are not responsible for others, they

must find their own balance. But just as I have shared with you the slow and steady strength of

water in balance that you may be nourished by it and moved gently in the direction that gives

you greater opportunity and harmony in your life, this is how you can be in the world as well, so

that others will find the same value of living together in harmony and cooperation. This is how

the world heals, by healing ourselves and finding balance in our own masculinity.

Your friend,

Garden Gaucin.

Revision #2
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Police Brutality In The United States

Most commonly people have a bitter hatred for the police. This is because the news tends

to hype things up and make all police officers look bad. When in really there are only a few bad

insights giving these other law-abiding officers a bad name. I am not here to state how bad police

are, I want people to know that police misconducts do happen, and it is very wrong. However, it

isnt a problem with every officer out there on watch.

These minority officers are making the streets dangerous for the officers who are doing

their jobs properly. I believe police brutality is a problem with those who are committing it- and I

want to inform the public who believe that all police are dirty, cruel and believe that all officers

commit these crimes. But without police officers, there would no such thing as a safe society.

We need these police officers who lay their lives down at every watch for the public, but we

need to weed out the bad insights so that we can pave a safer road for the officers and civilians of

the future.

Police brutality has had a long history in the U.S. In the early days of policing, acts of

mass brutality were usually attributed to the poor labor workers. From the Great Railroad Strike

of 1877 (Bruce, Robert), to the Hanapepe Massacre of 1924-where police would brutally beat

striking laborers to death. Tthen came Prohibition, The Civil Rights Movement, The Vietnam War

and the Nixon Administration which all had large scale acts of police brutality spanning from the

20s through the 60s. However, it did not stop there. Police misconduct and brutality is still very

much a problem in our country. An extensive U.S. Department of Justice report on police use of

force released in 2001 indicates that in 1999, approximately 422,000 people 16 years old and

older were estimated to have had contact with police in which force or the threat of force was

used. Another Department of Justice report issued in 2006 shows that out of 26,556 citizen
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complaints about excessive use of police force among large U.S. agencies (representing 5% of

agencies and 59% of officers) in 2002, about 2000 were sustained (Hickman, Matthew).

However, other studies have shown that most police brutality goes unreported. In 1982,

the Federal Government funded a Police Services Study in which over 12,000 randomly

selected citizens were interviewed in three metropolitan areas. The study found that 13 percent of

those surveyed had been victims of police brutality the previous year. Yet only 30 percent of

those who acknowledged such brutality filed formal complaints (Woorden, Robert E., and Robin

L. Shepard). A 1998 Human Rights Watch report stated that in all 14 precincts which it

examined, the process of filing a complaint was unnecessarily difficult and often intimidating

("Shielded from Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States").

Many social justice issues rise out of this. The police have been abusing their power

throughout much of U.S. history and creating fearful environments in many cities when they

should be making people feel safe. Minorities appear to be the main targets of this violence as

well. In 2002, 32 individuals were shot to death in questionable circumstances, with 90% of the

victims being Black or Hispanics, and over 50% of the shooters being Caucasian. In 2003, 17

individuals have been shot to death, with 90% of the victims being Black or Hispanic, while two-

thirds of the shooters were Caucasian (Race and the Police).

Even from the beginning of policing to present day, most police brutality styles have

remained the same. However, with the rise in technology since the early days some things have

changed. Officers in the early 20th century might have used fists or batons, but now pepper spray,

tasers, and guns are more common use of police brutality. Today officers have a variety of police

brutality methods. Most commonly there is the excessive use of force. But that is not the only
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type of police misconduct. Police brutality can take form in false arrests, malicious prosecution,

failure of an officer to intervene, and sexual assault (Police misconduct and Civil Rights).

Excessive use of force is the most common police misconduct, this takes form when an

officer physically handles a civilian. It may be that the officer is using his fists to take advantage

of the civilian, or what is used more often for this is pepper spray or CEDs. The pepper spray is

less harmless than tasers but can sometimes be used more than is necessary. Tasers are the big

problem in America. Since 2005, nearly 500 deaths have come out of the misuse of tasers. Tasers

have in some cases not only injured the suspect but the police officer as well (Online Safety and

Technology Working Group Final Report).

False arrests are present when police take an individual into custody, without an arrest

warrant and without probable cause. An officer would have probable cause if he or she saw

the person commit a serious crime or had a reasonable belief that the person had or was just

about to commit a serious crime. The reasonableness of the officers belief is based on the

information available at the time of the arrest, even if it turns out to be wrong. When police lack

this legal justification, the person is taken into custody and may have a claim for false arrest

(Police Misconduct and Civil Rights).

A person may be the victim of malicious prosecution when a law enforcement official

begins a criminal proceeding, without probable cause, but with malice toward the victim, and

the criminal proceeding ends in the victims favor (without a conviction). This claim arises

because the law states that no one should be subjected to the extreme emotional stress,

embarrassment, and financial expense often involved in a criminal prosecution that lacks a

legitimate basis (Police Misconduct and Civil Rights).

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When an officer witnesses a possible presence of police brutality and does not report it to

the superiors. This turns into a type of police brutality, because just like letting a bully beat your

friend up is wrong, a police officer allowing police misconduct to happen is illegal. The officer

could face charges if evidence is found that the officer witnessed the incident but did not report it

(Police Misconduct and Civil Rights). Lastly, is police sexual assault. This can take forms in

many ways. An officer giving a female a pat down search, could begin groping her or improperly

touching her especially in areas that are not intended to be touched in the initial search. An

officer could also verbally harass a female victim by using inappropriate language, or saying

inappropriate things to the female. Officers can also bribe women to have sexual intercourse with

them, to get them out of trouble.

Police brutality is not a thing that should be taken lightly, but there is the law Section

1983 of Civil Rights Act which exists to protect victims from police attacks on their

constitutional rights. Congress enacted 42 U.S.C.in 1983 to protect the rights guaranteed to all

Americans by the 14th Amendment. Under Section 1983, a victim can file a lawsuit in federal

court for police brutality. Section 1983 allows any person within the United States to sue a

government official for depriving them of a constitutional right (Britnall, Kent).

In police brutality cases, the following violations are common: such as the 4th

Amendment. An officer touching your physical person or even using a gun is a "seizure" under

the 4th Amendment. Even a police officer CED may violate this right. 5th Amendment.

Intentionally refusing to read a suspect their Miranda Rights and interrogating them can violate

this right. Slurs and verbal abuse based on race can violate a suspect's right to equal protection

(Britnall, Kent).
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Victims of police brutality can sue any police agency or government institution under

Section 1983. Depending on who was the one violating your rights you can sue: Law

enforcement officers? It may seem obvious, but you can sue the officers responsible as well as

their supervisors for any injuries and violations of your rights. These officers, however, in a lot

of cases the officers do not get the blame. City and counties are often the common way to sue a

police department, which cannot be sued directly. For example, victims often sue "The City of

Los Angeles" instead of the "LAPD" or the mayor of a city. Another way to sue a city

department is to sue the mayor of that city (Britnall, Kent).

The Rodney King case is an example of the officers getting tried for their mistakes. But

even in this case the officers came out with only a slap to the hand. This in no way teaches

other offending officers the lesson they need to change, so the brutality continues to affect

innocent people as well as making it dangerous for those officers doing their jobs right. Its a

cold reality, but its a reality we must face unless something is done about it. Police officers can

make a difference in this effort though.

When an obvious incident of police misconduct is witnessed officers need to be the ones

to inform the authorities so that a similar incident does not happen again. In some circumstances,

this may be difficult to detect, since there are many cases where it may have appeared police

brutality was present when the victim was really the one in the wrong. This is also a community

issue as well, it does not have to be the officers that are the ones trying to resolve these types of

domestic cases. Neighborhood watches can help officers out and limit the use officers must do.

Civilians could start raising funds for police brutality organizations to bring a stop to it.
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Something is going to have to be done to secure the rights and safety of the people, as well as the

safety of future officers to come.

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