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Sistema de inyeccin secuencial de gas.

Manual de instalador
Sistemas 4,6,8 cilindros

Catlogo de Producto I Product Catalogue

ESPAOL EI-0054-Rev.03-02/11/2011-2230054
Caractersticas 2
Funcionamiento 2
Requerimientos de calidad 3
Caractersticas del kit de conversin 3
Montaje Bsico 4
inspeccion general de la unidad a convertir 5
Instalacin - Ubicacin de componentes 5
Instalacin - Regulador de presin 6
Instalacin - Vlvula de corte y carga 6
Instalacin - Inyectores 7
Instalacin - Rampa IG-1 8
Instalacin - Rampa HD344 9
Instalacin - Rampa IN-03 10
Instalacin - Filtro de gas 10
Instalacin - Conexionados 11
Instalacin - Manmetro con sensor 12
Instalacin - Llave conmutadora con indicador de nivel 12
Instalacin - ECU 12
Instalacin - Variador de avance 13
Instalacin - Electrovlvula de alta presin (EVAP) 13
Instalacin - Vlvula de cilindro 13
Instalacin - Cilindro y cuna 14
Instalacin - Cao de alta presin 14
Instalacin - Sistema de venteo 15
Instalacin - Consideraciones generales 15
Reductor - Caractersticas - calibracin 15
Instalacin - Picos de mltiple 16
Instalacin - Esquema de conexiones 17
Instalacin - Diagrama neumtico 18
Instalacin - Captulo Sigas 3.xx: Diagrama de conexin 19
Instalacin - Captulo Sigas 3.xx: Diagrama neumtico 3.4 20
Instalacin - Captulo Sigas 3.xx: Diagrama neumtico 3.6 / 3.8 21
Seguridad - pruebas de estanqueidad 22
Seguridad - Impactos 22
Seguridad - Vibraciones y movimiento 23
Seguridad - Temperatura 23
Seguridad - Agentes qumicos 23
Seguridad - Sistema elctrico 23
Seguridad - Sistema de venteo 23

ESPAOL Pgina 1
Caractersticas Generales SIGAS Plus es un sistema de inyeccin secuencial de gas, para la conversin de motores vehiculares. A
diferencia de un equipo de 2da o 3era generacin, con un reductor de tres etapas y mezclador que entrega gas
en funcin de la depresin causada por ste ltimo,en el sistema SIGAS 2.4 el gas es inyectado a presin desde
los inyectores hacia el mltiple de admisin, copiando el funcionamiento del combustible original. Las ventajas
principales obedecen a la inexistente restriccin en admisin, siendo un sistema que no altera las prestaciones
del vehculo en el combustible original, la ausencia de contraexplosiones, an en las peores condiciones
posibles, y la ausencia total de emulaciones, por ser un sistema que funciona real-time.

En el cuello del cilindro, se rosca la vlvula, que posee dispositivos de seguridad por presin y temperatura,
Componentes - adems de cerrar el circuito de alta presin con una electrovlvula (sujeto a normativas y regulaciones de cada
Ubicacin y funcionamiento pas), cuando el sistema de GNV no est activo, o el vehculo est detenido. A la vlvula del cilindro, mediante los
conectores, se vincula el cao de alta presin, que cruza desde el compartimento de carga del automvil, o caja
de carga de camioneta, hacia la vlvula master, situada en el vano motor (la cual permite el cierre del segmento
que comunica tanque con vlvula, aislando al reductor, y adems permite la recarga de combustible, por tener
acoplado el pico de carga, para luego llegar a la, vlvula de corte elctrico (dependiendo de normativa) que
mediante un solenoide cierra el paso del gas al reductor, cuando el sistema no est en uso. De esta forma, tanto
la vlvula del cilindro, como la Electrovlvula de alta presin, se encuentran cerradas durante el funcionamiento
a gasolina, o con el motor detenido. Slo conmutando a GNV permiten el pasaje de la alta presin, alcanzando
estndares de seguridad mucho ms altos. Desde la electrovlvula de alta presin se conecta el reductor de
presin, el cual en su salida, dependiendo a calibracin y configuracin tendr una presin de 1 a 3 bar. (15 a 45
p.s.i), alimentando con la misma al riel de inyectores. ste riel es comandado por la ECU del sistema SIGAS 2.4
al conmutar a GNV, permitiendo el aporte de la cantidad de combustible necesario por el motor, en cada ciclo de
admisin del mismo. De sta forma, adems de evitar las consecuencias indeseables de las contraexplosiones o
"backfire", se logra una respuesta del motor mucho ms franca y certera. El riel de inyectores se conecta
mediante mangueras con los picos colocados en el mltiple, cercanos a la vlvula de admisin, para acortar lo
mayor posible, el tiempo de respuesta del sistema.

Gestin - Funcionamiento
Para sto, la Unidad de Control Electrnico (ECU) SIGAS 2.4, se vale de los parmetros del sistema de
inyeccin original del vehculo, utilizando los pulsos de cada inyector de gasolina como principal factor,
realizando el corte de los mismos, para luego utilizar compensaciones propias, como temperatura de gas y de
reductor, a travs del sensor de temperatura de riel de inyectores, presin de gas, y presin absoluta de mltiple
de admisin. De sta forma, la ECU y la inyeccin original del motor, siguen trabajando del mismo modo, siendo
el sistema de gas un adicional para la conversin de masa de combustible (de gasolina a gas), y la ECU original
se mantiene en operacin de la misma forma que lo hara a gasolina. No se requieren emulaciones de ningn
tipo, el sistema de alimentacin del vehculo sigue trabajando en tiempo real, con sus compensaciones
dinmicas sin alteracin.

ESPAOL Pgina 2
Requerimientos sobre el De un equipo de GNV instalado y funcionando se espera que rena las mejores condiciones de
conjunto y cada uno de los seguridad, funcionalidad y durabilidad.
componentes La seguridad est cubierta por la calidad de materiales y el cumplimiento de normas de inspeccin e instalacin.
La funcionalidad queda a cubierto por el propio diseo y correcta ubicacin de los componentes,
atendiendo los requerimientos propios y del vehculo, acompaando todo esto, con una gestin de combustible y
puesta apunto ptima.
La durabilidad surge de las dos premisas anteriores, agregando un servicio de mantenimiento y/o
reparacin esmerado,en el que se utilizarn conocimientos prcticos y herramental apropiado.

Caractersticas del kit de conversin

8 1
4 2

10 13
6 5.c 6
11 12

5.b 5.a



1. Reductor PP 6. Inyectores
2. Vlvula de carga con pico 7. Filtro
3. Vlvula de cilindro 8. Cao de alta presin
4. Electrovlvula de alta presin 9. Kit mangueras
5. Unidad electrnica de control SIGAS 2.4 10. Mangueras de venteo
Incluye 11. Soporte reductor
5.a. Mdulo de control SIGAS 2.4 12. Soporte vlvulas
5.b. Llave selectora de combustible inyeccin e indicador sonoro 13. Soporte rampa
5.c. Manmetro con sensor 14. Accesorios

ESPAOL Pgina 3
Ubicacin de componentes
Montaje bsico

Vlvula de cilindro con
ECU corte elctrico (opcional)



Llave conmutadora

Riel de inyectores

Reductor Vlvula de carga

Manmetro con sensor EVAP

ESPAOL Pgina 4
Inspeccin general La inspeccin pre-conversin evitar problemas relacionados a fallas que tal vez tuvieran existencia anterior a la
de la unidad a convertir conversin, pero luego de haberla llevado a cabo, no pueden precisarse con exactitud.
Las recomendaciones generales para el caso, son las siguientes:

a) Verificar el estado general de la estructura del vehculo, asegurando que la misma garantice robustez y
permita segura fijacin de los componentes del "kit" de conversin, en especial: cilindros, tubera para alta
presin, vlvula de carga y regulador de presin.
En ninguna circunstancia la instalacin de GNV debilitar la estructura del vehculo, debindose reforzar la
misma, slo si fuera necesario.

b) Verificar que las condiciones mecnicas y elctricas del equipo motriz aseguren una aceptable performance
en gasolina, y enconsecuencia con GNC. Principalmente lneas de alta tensin y sus componentes.

c) Las unidades que no cumplimenten los items anteriores, debern ser reparadas previamente a la
conversin, o asesorado el propietario de la movilidad sobre sta condicin.

d)Realizar un scanneo de inyeccin para asegurar el buen funcionamiento del sistema, ya que SIGAS 2.4
depende directamente del sistemade alimentacin original.

Instalacin - 1- En el vano motor, se ubican:

Ubicacin de componentes
a)- Reductor o regulador de presin
b) Mangueras y conexiones para agua
c) Vlvula master con pico de carga
d) Rampa de inyectores
e) Filtro de Gas
f) Manguera de conexin reductor-filtro-rampa de inyectores
g) Manguera de interconexin rampa de inyectores-picos de mltiple
h) Manmetro con sensor para el indicador remoto.
i) Vlvula de lnea de corte elctrico EVAP (sujeto a normativas y reglamentaciones de cada pas)

2 - En el habitculo se ubican:

a) Llave conmutadora con Indicador de combustible.

b) ECU SIGAS 2.4 (puede ser colocada en vano motor, pero la recomendacin es en el habitculo)
c) Variador electrnico de encendido (Opcional, dem punto anterior)

3 - En bal (automviles), en caja o bajo chasis (en vehculos de carga) se ubican:

a) Cilindros contenedores con soportes (cuna-cama) y vlvula de cilindro.

b) Sistema de venteo (dependiendo del tipo de vlvula por normativa, el sistema a utilizar).
c) Conectando el cilindro con la vlvula de corte y carga (en el vano motor), el manmetro sensor y el reductor, se
encuentra el tubo de acero para alta presin. El recorrido de unin se realiza por debajo de la carrocera del
vehculo, y los tramos de vnculo entre los diferentes elementos deben ser nicos.

ESPAOL Pgina 5
Instalacin - El regulador de presin se instalar tratando de cumplir lo siguiente:
Regulador de presin - Protegido de impacto por choque.
- La fijacin del regulador se har a travs del soporte correspondiente y se posicionar a distancia no menor de
150 mm de la lnea frontal o trasera del vehculo, segn corresponda por proximidad y disponibilidad de espacio
en el vano motor.
- La posicin del regulador debe permitir visualizar sin dificultad el manmetro, especialmente en el momento de
carga, por quin realice esta operacin, como as tambin ser accesible para el instalador el tornillo de
regulacin de presin.
- El circuito de calefaccin de GNC debe conectarse de forma que con el motor en marcha quede asegurada la
circulacin de refrigerante de manera permanente.
- Se asegura por medio de abrazaderas la total estanqueidad del sistema, tanto para refrigerante como para
combustible. (Ver detalle de aplicacin de abrazaderas en las caractersticas del kit de conversin)
- Finalizada la instalacin, se purgar convenientemente el aire de todo el circuito de refrigeracin.



Instalacin -
Vlvula de corte y carga - Ubicada cerca del regulador de presin, alejamientomximo recomendado 600mm,y a la mayor altura posible.
- La ubicacin del sistema de carga debe permitiro perarlo sin dificultad.
- El montaje se har a travs del soporte correspondiente evitando la instalacin cerca del colector de escape o
acumulador de energa (batera).
- Las vinculaciones entre cilindro de almacenamiento y vlvula de corte y carga, entre vlvula de corte y carga y
EVAP (si correspondiera por normativa), y entre EVAP y reductor han de constar con los rulos para evitar el corte
de la caera. Si existiera un accidente y la carrocera se deformara, alejando dos puntos de vinculacin del cao
de alta presin, stos rulos se estirarn, evitando el corte en la lnea de alta presin.

ESPAOL Pgina 6
Instalacin -
Riel de inyectores
Special attention must be paid to the fixing of the rail, following the order the wiring of injectors. If the wiring was
installed with the end marked as 1 in the first injector of the left, the injector 1 of the injector rail must be fixed,
with its corresponding pipe, to that inlet duct, as the system injects the fuel according to the reading of the injection
time of the original ECU.
In order to keep the soundproof of the vehicle, the injector rail must be fixed to the intake manifold or to another
place which accompanies the movement of the engine, and avoiding the fixing to the vehicle body, which would
increase the sonority of the injector assembly.
To improve vehicle response, it is recommended to use the connectors that allow the use of shorter hoses e.g.
the straight connectors included in the kit, or the adjustable optional connectors (the length of the pipes must be
balanced, a variation of 10% to 20% is acceptable between hoses).

Rampa IG-1 l Rampa HD-344 Rampa IN-03

En los tres modelos el concepto aplica por igual. Lo ms cerca posible del mltiple, fijado al motor y no a partes
fijas de carrocera y picos calibrados/caudal apropiado (ver pginas siguientes para ms informacin)

En imagen de la izquierda el riel IG-1, en el centro HD-344 y a la derecha IN-03

Los tres utilizan el mismo sensor PTS, para medir presin y temperatura de gas, el cual informa stos valores a la
ECU para hacer los clculos pertinentes.

ESPAOL Pgina 7
Instalacin Para poder proporcionar la cantidad adecuada de combustible, hay dos elementos que permiten un punto de
Picos calibrados inicio en magnitud de combustible, conforme al motor en el que estuviera instalndose el sistema. Los picos
rampa IG-1 calibrados, disponibles en diferentes medidas, se instalarn en cada una de las salidas del riel de inyectores,
antes de colocar las mangueras. En motores de baja cilindrada y potencia, 1.75mm ser el calibre a utilizar,
siendo hasta 2.50mm para la mayor potencia tolerada, con 2 puntos intermedios (2.00mm, 2.25mm), . El otro
punto determinante es la presin de gas, desde 1600 hasta 2900 mbar (ver manual de calibracin para ms info)

Eleccin del pico calibrado Si bien la prctica es la que dictar el buen trmino de la conversin, como lineamiento general, y en base a la
prctica, se desprende la siguiente tabla base que servir para guiar el comienzo de la conversin

Presin (P1) en mbar

1600 2900
Pico( ) HP
1.75 65 85
2.00 86 105
2.25 106 135
2.50 136 165

Riel IG-1 Instalado en un motor VVT-i

ESPAOL Pgina 8
Instalacin Para poder proporcionar la cantidad adecuada de combustible, hay dos elementos que permiten un punto de
Picos calibrados inicio en magnitud de combustible, conforme al motor en el que estuviera instalndose el sistema. Los picos
Rampa HD-344 calibrados, disponibles en diferentes medidas, se instalarn en cada una de las salidas del riel de inyectores,
antes de colocar las mangueras. En motores de baja cilindrada y potencia, 1.75mm (E) ser el calibre a utilizar,
siendo hasta 4.00mm (A) para la mayor potencia tolerada, con 3 puntos intermedios (2.25mm, 2.75mm,
3.50mm). Otro punto determinante es la presin, de 1600 a 2900 mbar (ver manual de calibracin para ms info)

Eleccin del pico calibrado Si bien la prctica es la que dictar el buen trmino de la conversin, como lineamiento general, y en base a la
prctica, se desprende la siguiente tabla base que servir para guiar el comienzo de la conversin

Presin (P1) en mbar

1600 2900
Pico ( ) HP
E 1.75 50 65
D 2.25 66 80
C 2.75 81 100
B 3.50 101 115
A 4.00 116 140

Riel HD-344 instalado en un motor VVT-i

ESPAOL Pgina 9
Instalacin - La rampa de inyectores IN-03 se compone de inyectores
Rampa de inyectores individuales montados sobre un riel. Recordar que
IN-03 siempre el sensor de presin debe estar includo en el

stos inyectores se clasifican en tres tipos, identificados por color. Normal (azul) 70-110 HP. Max (naranja) 115-
140 HP, y Supermax (amarillo) 145-170 HP. El encastre es en todos los casos es el mismo.

Rampa IN-03 montada en el mltiple de admisin de un Peugeot/Citron Tu3.

Instalacin -
Filtro de gas Siendo el riel o rampa de inyectores, el elemento ms sensible del conjunto a cualquier impureza u objeto
extrao que pudiera encontrarse en el fludo combustible, se instala el filtro de gas entre el reductor y el riel de
inyectores. Se sujeta mediante abrazaderas, y se debe evitar que la vibracin afecte otros componentes del
motor, por lo que se lo debe fijar ya sea mediante precintos, o utilizando locaciones propicias en el vano motor del
vehculo. Las abrazaderas que garantizan la estanqueidad estn indicadas en Caractersticas del Kit de

ESPAOL Pgina 10
Instalacin - El cableado con sus respectivos ramales ha de ser ruteado en forma prolija y evitando zonas que comprometan
Cableado su durabilidad. Evitar partes mviles, proximidad con fuentes de calor, o reas destinadas al mantenimiento
peridico de la unidad, son algunas de las premisas que sern acompaadas por el sentido comn del instalador,
pudiendo redundar en lo explicado previamente referido a confiabilidad, seguridad, calidad.

En los pases vano motor-habitculo o similares, utilizar un prensacable de goma existente, o si se perfora el
parallamas, colocar uno nuevo. Nunca dejar el cable desprotegido en contacto con la chapa, que terminar
desgastando la funda aislante, provocando un corto circuito.

Las uniones entre cable y terminales deben estaarse y de ser posible aislarse con tubo termocontrctil,
garantizando la aislacin y solidez de la unin, como as tambin su continuidad.





ESPAOL Pgina 11
Instalacin - El sistema cuenta con un manmetro con sensor, el cual indica a la ECU SIGAS 2.4 la presin actual del sistema
Manmetro con sensor y sta indicar el nivel de gas en la llave conmutadora, mediante cuatro leds verdes.
Ha de ajustarse mediante llave de 14mm, evitando el apriete a mano desde su cuerpo, lo cual lo daara.
Siempre debe colocarse la arandela de aluminio deformable que tiene la funcin del sello en el ensamble,
evitando perdidas en el circuito de alta presin.

Instalacin -
Llave conmutadora con La ubicacin de la llave ser en lugar que permita al conductor rpida visualizacin y que preferente posibilite la
indicador de nivel operacin con la mano opuesta a la utilizada para girar la llave de ignicin del automotor.
Para el conexionado elctrico, seguir las instrucciones en el esquema de instalacin.
Soldar las conexiones elctricas con estao, cuidando de no daar la aislacindelos conductores.
Aislar los empalmes con tubo termocontrable.
Deber respetarse la correcta fijacin de la llave, utilizando los accesorios provistos en el kit, evitando elementos
adicionales como adhesivos que pudieran afectar el correcto funcionamiento e invalidar la garanta.



Instalacin -
ECU (Unidad de Control Debe colocarse alejada de fuentes de calor como el mltiple de escape, y debe ser de fcil acceso.
Electrnico) Debe amurarse por medio de tornillos para evitar posibles vibraciones, ruidos, golpes.
La toma de diagnostico y programacin debe quedar a la vista con su respectivo capuchn Protector.
Si bien la ECU SIGAS 2.4 es a prueba de agua, y soporta temperaturas normales de un cofre motor, como as
tambin su conector, mantenemos la recomendacin de instalar dentro del habitculo, si fuera posible.

ESPAOL Pgina 12
Instalacin - El variador de avance (Modelo y tipo segn corresponda por vehculo) se instalar de ser posible, al igual que la
Variador de avance ECU, en el habitculo, protegido de agua y calor excesivo. Si no fuera posible, y se instalara en el vano motor, se
har en zona protegida de elevadas temperaturas y a cubierto de eventuales salpicaduras de agua ya sea por
lavado, lluvia o trnsito por zonas anegadas. Para conexionado y regulacin, seguir instrucciones adicionales
que adjunta el fabricante.

Instalacin -
Electrovlvula de alta Esta vlvula se coloca entre el reductor y la vlvula de abastecimiento, permitiendo el corte de la lnea de alta
presin (EVAP) presin antes del reductor, con lo que se logra una proteccin extra ante una posible fuga en el circuito de baja
presin. Al instalarla, respetar el sentido del pasaje de gas que est indicado con una flecha grabada en el cuerpo
de dicha vlvula.

Vlvula de cilindro Como su nombre lo indica va ubicada en el cuello del cilindro. Existen varias alternativas, y ha de ser colocada la
que corresponda por normativa vigente. Si no se instalase EVAP, deber instalarse una vlvula de cilindro con
corte elctrico, para evitar dejar siempre el reductor con suministro. Como mnimo debe existir un corte elctrico
en la lnea de gas. Para instalar la vlvula de cilindro:
Fijar el cilindro en un soporte adecuado para realizar el montaje y ajuste de lavlvula.
- Comprobar que la rosca est limpia y sin deformaciones.
- Aplicar sobre la rosca de la vlvula 6 vueltas de cinta de tefln en sentido horario, aplicar una delgada capa de
sellador para roscas de alto torque (Loctite680).
- Roscar la vlvula al cilindro y ajustar con torqumetro a un torque de 19 a 21kgm utilizando una llave
Especial para el tipo de vlvula utilizada.
- Vlvula de cilindro standard: Herramienta 2338040
- Vlvula de cilindro DFV: Herramienta 2339999
- Vlvula de cilindro DFVE: Herramienta 2339998

ESPAOL Pgina 13
Instalacin - En habitculo o bal se instalan venteos al exterior, su funcin es direccionar posibles fugas en la vlvula de
Cilindro y cuna cilindro, o sus conexiones, fuera del habitculo o compartimento de carga.
Utilizar bolsa de venteo, en caso de usar la vlvula convencional. En el caso de usar valvula de cilindro electrica
no es necesaria la bolsa de venteo, como as tambin en la TDV.Paramontar las boquillas ser necesario hacer 2
perforaciones 32mm que se fijan a la carrocera con remaches 5mm. Las boquillas se ubicarn prximas a la
vlvula de cilindro cuidando que los venteos no descarguen sobre el sistema de salida de gases de combustin,
y que la ubicacin de sus bocas no permita el obturado total o parcial, por acumulacin de lodo o por defensas
contra ste.
Montar la bolsa de venteo (si correspondiera) cubriendo la vlvula, fijar las mangueras entre la bolsa y las
boquillas, asegurar el conjunto con los precintos provistos en el kit.
Cuando el vehculo convertido, por las caractersticas de su prestacin posibilite que cilindros o vlvulas queden
expuestos a golpes o esfuerzos. Se elaboran defensas, que en caso de ser cerradas contarn con ventilacin a
propiada y rpido acceso a vlvulas de servicio.
La fijacin de la cuna debe realizarse garantizando la ausencia de vibraciones o flexin excesiva de la carrocera
chassis. Para sto, en la medida de lo posible, se montan espejos de hierro perfil para descomponer inercias en
reas mayores. Mnimamente ha de contar con 4 tornillos de 3/8. Informarse sobre las normativas de cada pas.
Instalaciones bajo piso/chassis, deben mantener un despeje mnimo de 250 mm del piso con carga mxima. La
instalacin deber hacerse con la totalidad del material provisto con el "kit", soportes, zunchos, bulonera,
fundas, protecciones, etc.
Se recomienda siempre que se realicen perforaciones en el vehculo que se coloque (en forma prolija)
pintura anticorrosin/sellador de carrocera para evitar daos a corto plazo.

Cuna para 2 cilindros de 30 litros Cuna para montaje bajo chassis en Espejos de hierro perfil en un Chery
instalada en un Fiat Siena una Toyota Hilux A516

Instalacin - Toda tubera para alta presin que vincule con cilindros,o stos con el resto del equipo, estar dotada
Cao de alta presin de "rulo" para evitar la rotura en caso de desplazamiento por accidente. La ubicacinde los "rulos" ser la ms
cercana a los extremos de conexin. El "rulo" ser conformado con dimetro no menor a 50mm con una espira
mnimo, y dejando no menos de 2mm entre espiras.
Los "rulos", "omegas" y curvas deben conformarse demanera tal que ante una eventual deformacin
del vehculo, por impacto en su frente o lateral ms cercano, tiendan a estirar, absorbiendo evitando as su
estrangulamiento o rotura, con la prdida de combustible que sto conllevara.

La fijacin de la tubera en la zona bajo el chasis se realiza con las grampas provistas en el kit,
colocando al menos una grampa cada 300mm. En el recorrido se debe tener en cuenta lo siguiente:
- Evitar la cercana con partes mviles del vehculo, como ser varillas de comando, semiejes, cardanes, etc.
- Mantener distancia de tubos de escape y convertidores catalticos.
- Evitar contacto con partes filosas de la carrocera
- Intentar copiar el recorrido de las lneas de combustible y freno, pues stas suelen estar a resguardo de
posibles impactos.

Cao instalado en una baha libre de Cao sujetado por las grampas Rulo
los sujetadores originales delvehculo. provistas en el kit

ESPAOL Pgina 14
Instalacin - Las boquillas de venteo se instalan de forma tal de garantizar un flujo constante de aire cuando el vehculo se
Sistema de venteo desplaza. Se ubicarn prximas a la vlvula de cilindro cuidando que los venteos no descarguen sobre el
sistema de salida de gases de combustin, y que la ubicacin de sus bocas no permita el obturado total o parcial,
por acumulacin de lodo o por defensas contra ste.Las mangueras se conectarn a ellas y a la vlvula, y/o bolsa
de venteo si correspondiera.

Grfico del sistema de venteo Boquillas de venteo vistas de abajo Sistema de venteo en un Fiat Siena
con dos cilindros de 30L

Consideraciones a) La instalacin de un kit de conversin a GNV debe realizarse de manera que sus componentes no
generales impidan o molesten en el normal mantenimiento del vehculo. Por ejemplo, el acceso a bujas,lquido hidrulico,
b)Los elementos instalados deben posibilitar sin dificultad su mantenimiento y reparacin.
c)Los componentes del kit de conversin se ubicarn de forma que queden a cubierto de malos tratos y
no entorpezcan las prestaciones originales del vehculo.
d) Al instalar el kit de GNV se prever que el mismo quede cubierto de elementos proyectados por el
vehculo en su marcha o por eventual rotura de partes mviles de ste.
e)Es de vital importancia, asegurar que el tubo de alta presin que vincula los cilindros con lavlvula de
carga se fije convenientemente, con grampas distanciadas entre s, 300 mm como mximo y que el
recorrido por debajo de la carrocera se realice por las zonas ms protegidas de agresiones por parte
de elementos propios y ajenos al vehculo.
f ) stas normas de instalacin sern verificadas en su cumplimiento, segn se indica en los criterios de
inspeccin de unidades convertidas a GNV, siendo el espritu de poner el mayor esfuerzo al servicio de
las siguientes premisas:
- Seguridad
- Funcionalidad
- Durabilidad

Reductor - Estos reductores poseen 2 etapas de reduccin de presin, cuando se presiona la llave conmutadora
Caractersticas - calibracin para el paso del gas se activa la electrovalvula de alta presin y se presuriza el circuito a ~200bar
(cilindro lleno), el reductor en su primer etapa reduce la presin a 7bar +/- 0.5bar y luego con la 2da etapa
regulable podemos obtener una presin de ~1.5bar a 2.5bar, aproximadamente.
El tornillo de regulacin es el que se encuentra en la parte superior, que girndolo en sentido horario baja la
presin y si se gira anti-horario sube la presin de trabajo.
Recordar que para bajar la presin debe hacerse con el vehculo regulando en GNV, pues en sta condicin hay
consumo de gas y podremos ajustar la presin deseada. Ms informacin conl respecto de la presin a utilizar,
se encuentra disponible en el anexo de calibracin.

+ -

Tapa de 2da etapa del reductor Llave allen de 4mm para ajuste Sentido horario disminuye presin,
de la presin de trabajo Sentido antihorario aumenta presin

ESPAOL Pgina 15
Instalacin - aporte de gas Como se hubiera explicado anteriormente, el SIGAS 2.4 es un sistema de inyeccin de gas, por lo que la misma
al mltiple de admisin tiene lugar en el mltiple de admisin. Antes de hacer cualquier modificacin, ha de observarse la ubicacin de
los inyectores de gasolina, e intentar luego asemejar esa ubicacin con los picos de gas.

Como primera medida se deben instalar los raccords o conectores. Para ello hay que extraer el mltiple y trabajar
en un ambiente limpio y adecuado. Se deben quitar todos los tornillos y cables que estn vinculados al mismo.
Una vez quitado se deber estudiar, segn la forma del mltiple, cual es la mejor ubicacin para los raccords,
siempre manteniendo como norma general ubicarlos lo ms cerca posible de los conductos de la tapa de
cilindros y as evitar acumulacin de gas en el recorrido del mltiple, y obviamente la demora por la diferencia en
La perforacin se realizar con una mecha respetando la simetra en todos los conductos, posteriormente con un
macho o fileteador, se har la rosca correspondiente al tamao de los conectores.
Ser 1 pico por cilindro, ms otro en el plenum (antes de la divisin de cilindros) para la compensacin de vaco.
Una vez que los picos se encuentran en el mltiple, se conectan las mangueras de 6mm entre stos y la rampa,
asegurndolos con abrazaderas Inox-track.

Perforando los conductos del mltiple Roscando Picos (en ste caso orientables)

Pico toma de presin instalado Rampa colocada y conectada Perforaciones incorrectas (1)
Vs. Correctas (2)

Ubicacin del inyector original Rampa colocada y conectada Rampa colocada y conectada

Vista en corte del raccord en el

ducto de admisin

(*) Las imgenes del tipo de rampa pueden diferir por actualizaciones de modelo

ESPAOL Pgina 16
Esquema de conexiones

Conector de Conector
diagnstico sensor de nivel

Conector electrovlvula
del cilindro


Electronic Control Unit
Cdigo: 2371835

Naranja (iny. 4 gasolina)

Naranja (iny. 3 gasolina)

Naranja (iny. 1 gasolina)

Naranja (iny. 2 gasolina)

Violeta (iny. 2 gasolina)
Violeta (iny. 4 gasolina)

Violeta (iny. 3 gasolina)

Violeta (iny. 1 gasolina)

Seal Gris
Seal RPM
12V bajo contacto
Negativo iny.1 Gasolina
Negativo iny.2 Gasolina
Negativo iny.3 Gasolina
Negativo iny.4 Gasolina ECU GASOLINA

Sensor de presin
y temperatura de gas

Orden de de gas
Orden de inyectores de gas

Electrovlvula de cilindro

con sensor
Rojo Electrovlvula

de alta presin
Fusible (EVAP)


ESPAOL Pgina 17
Esquema de conexiones En el caso de la instalacin de ms de una vlvula de cilindro, a fin de evitar cargar el mini-relay de la ECU con
Ms de una electrovlvula una potencia ms alta, se coloca un rele automotriz con su respectivo zcalo, para conectar de la siguiente
de cilindro manera:

Rele automotriz
12 Volt 30A mnimo


Ubicacin de componentes
Diagrama neumtico

1 2 3 4

ESPAOL Pgina 18
Captulo SIGAS 3.xx

Diagrama de conexin SIGAS 3.4 / 3.6 / 3.8

Las principales diferencias existentes con el Sigas 3.xx (adems del mayor nmero de cilindros, claro est)
son cuatro:
- Conexin con toma de diagnstico: (K-Line, CAN-BUS) que puede ser conectada para monitoreo (no es
necesario para que el sistema funcione, pero provee informacin adicional de utilidad para el personal de
instalacin / calibracin) (ver manual de calibracin para ms informacin)

- Sensor de temperatura de agua: Sigas 2.4 estima la temperatura de agua en funcin de la temperatura de gas
y un promedio de tiempo, y en el caso del 3.xx es ledo directamente por un sensor ubicado en el reductor.

- Sensor MAP: En Sigas 2.4 puede usarse un map de calibracin, o conectar directamente al sensor MAP del
motor. En el caso del 3.xx trae un MAP de conexin directa.

- Salidas Auxiliares: Conexiones especficas a utilizar bajo instrucciones especficas del departamento de
Asistencia Tcnica de TA.

Conectar nicamente bajo

instrucciones de TA




Pin n 6 (OBD Conn. CAN H) - Opcional

Pin n 7 (OBD Conn. K Line) - Opcional

Pin n 14 (OBD Conn. CAN L) - Opcional
Slo el cable blanco, o amarillo y
amarillo/negro ha de ser conectado
a la toma de diagnstico. No todos
al mismo tiempo.
Electronic Control Unit
Cdigo: 2371835

Sensor MAP
Sensor temperatura de agua (En el reductor)

ESPAOL Pgina 19
Captulo SIGAS 3.xx

Diagrama neumtico Sigas 3.4


Montaje de componentes ELECTRO

diagrama neumtico VALVULA VACIO


1 2 3 4








ESPAOL Pgina 20
Captulo SIGAS 3.xx

Diagrama neumtico SIGAS 3.6 / 3.8





5 6 7 8

Montaje de componentes ELECTRO FILTRO




1 2 3 4







ESPAOL Pgina 21
Verificacin de la
instalacin - Seguridad

Prueba de estanqueidad Prueba Neumtica Inicial (previa a carga GNV)

Presin: 150 bar
Tiempo: 10minutos.
Elementos a ensayar: caera de alta presin y uniones roscadas
Fluido empleado: Gas inerte (Nitrgeno).

1- Cerrar las vlvulas de servicio instaladas en cilindros.
2- Abrir la vlvula de carga.
3- Conectar lalnea de prueba de vlvula de carga, utilizando un adaptador en el orificio de conexin.
4- Someter todo el circuito a presin y tiempo de prueba, Verificando estanqueidad en todos los puntos de
conexin, con espuma de jabn neutro.
5- Terminado el ensayo, ventear el sistema y abrirlas vlvulas de cilindros.

Prueba Neumtica (primer carga GNV)

Presin aproximada: 200 bar.

Verificar con agua jabonosa, todo ensamble/unin de partes que confinen gas, desde el cuello de cilindros,
hasta la salida del regulador.
Finalizada la verificacin, limpiar con agua y reconectar el sistema de venteo.

Impactos a) Verificar que el reductor y la vlvula de carga, estn instalados a no menos de 150 mm de la lnea frontal o
trasera de la carrocera, segn corresponda por proximidad, y alejados de elementos que se puedan proyectar
sobre los mismos.

b) Verificar que rulos, omegas y curvas de la caera de alta presin, sean de dimetro no inferior a 50mm, y que
los mismos contemplen la posibilidad de estirarse, en caso de deformacin por impacto frontal o en el lateral ms

c) La posicin ideal para rulos y omegas que no atiendan exigencias particulares, es cerca de cada punto de

d) Verificar que el cao de alta presin y dems componentes se instalen en lugares donde la eventual rotura de
cualquier parte mvil del vehculo, no los afecte. (Transmisin, suspensin, direccin, etc.).

e) El cao de alta presin, en su recorrido bajo piso debe estar firmemente fijado cada 400mm como mximo e
instalado en las zonas ms protegidas de impactos con elementos proyectados o por escaso despeje del

ESPAOL Pgina 22
Verificacin de la
instalacin - Seguridad

Movimientos y A) Verificar que toda conexin realizada con cao para alta presin cuente con rulos que tengan como
vibraciones mnimo 1 espira, y que la misma sea de paso abierto, dejando 2mm de separacin entre s.

b) Verificar que cuna y cilindros estn firmemente fijados entre s ya la carrocera.

Alta temperatura Verificar que ningn elemento, en especial los que conducen gas est alejado no menos de 50
mm del sistema de escape de gases de combustin.

Agentes qumicos Verificar que el reductor, la tubera protegida con cubierta metlica, los opcionales, etc., se
encuentren lo suficientemente alejados o protegidos de emanaciones o salpicaduras de cido
proveniente de batera o lquido de frenos, que pudieran ser derramados en eventuales reposiciones del mismo.

Sistema elctrico a) Verificar la instalacin elctrica, asegurando las conexiones, apropiada aislacin y confiabilidad en toda su
extensin,con relacin a altas temperaturas y agentes mecnicos.

b) Verificar que las mangueras de Gas o con proteccin metlica, pasen alejadas o protegidas del borne positivo
de batera o cualquier elemento con tensin no aislado.

Sistema de venteo a) Verificar que el sistema de venteo no descargue sobre los componentes del escape de gases o
sobre cualquier otro elemento que pudiere iniciar la combustin.

b) Verificar que la ubicacin de las bocas de venteo no permita el obturado total o parcial de las mismas,
por acumulacin de lodo o por defensas contra ste.

ESPAOL Pgina 23
Revisin: 03 - Fecha: 02/11/2011 - Realizado: Julin A. Palermo - Aprobado: Ing. Andrs A. Carella

Jos Ingenieros N2250 (B1643FQT) Beccar - Buenos Aires - Argentina - Tel. Fax: (54 11) 4892-1200



2 3 3638

Sequential Gas Injection System

Installer's Manual
4,6,8 cylinders

Catlogo de Producto I Product Catalogue

ENGLISH EI-0054-Rev.03-02/11/2011-2230054
Characteristics 2
Operation 2
Quality Requirements 3
Characteristics of the Conversion Kit 3
Basic Mounting 4
General Inspection of the Unit to Be Converted 5
Installation - Component Location 5
Installation - Pressure Regulator 6
Installation - Shut off and Filling Valve 6
Installation - Injectors 7
Installation - IG-1 Injector rail 8
Installation - HD344 Injector rail 9
Installation - IN-03 Injectors 10
Installation - Gas filter 10
Installation - Wiring and Harness 11
Installation - Sensor Gauge 12
Installation - Switch with Level Indicator 12
Installation - ECU 12
Installation - Timing Advance Processor 13
Installation - High Pressure Solenoid (EVAP) 13
Installation - Cylinder Valve 13
Installation - Cylinder and Support 14
Installation - High Pressure Pipe 14
Installation - Venting System 15
Installation - Overview 15
Reducer - Characteristics - Calibration 15
Installation - Intake Manifold Nozzles 16
Installation - wiring diagram 17
Installation - Pneumatic Diagram 18
Installation - Sigas 3.xx chapter: wiring diagram 19
Installation - Sigas 3.xx chapter: Pneumatic Diagram 3.4 20
Installation - Sigas 3.xx chapter: Pneumatic Diagram 3.6 / 3.8 21
Safety - Imperviousness Tests 22
Safety - Impacts 22
Safety - Vibration and Movement 23
Safety - Temperature 23
Safety - Chemical Agents 23
Safety - Electrical System 23
Safety - Venting System 23

General Features SIGAS 2.4 is a sequential gas multipoint injection system for the conversion of vehicle engines. Unlike 2nd or 3rd
generation equipments, with a three stage regulator and a mixer which delivers gas according to the depression
caused by the regulator, in the SIGAS 2.4 system, the gas is injected under pressure from the injectors into the
intake manifold, copying the functioning of the original fuel. The main advantages are attributed to the lack of
restriction in the intake manifold because this is a system that does not alter the vehicle performance with the
original fuel, to the absence of backfires, even in the worst possible conditions, and the total absence of
emulations, because it is a system with real time operation.

The valve is threaded into the cylinder neck, which has temperature and pressure safety devices, and also closes
Components - the high pressure circuit with an electrovalve (subject to the rules and regulations of each country) when the NGV
Location and Operation system is not active or the vehicle is stopped. The cylinder valve is coupled by means of the connectors to the high
pressure pipe, which stretches from the load compartment of the car or the load box of a van to the master valve,
which is located in the engine bay (this valve allows the closing of the segment that connects the tank with the
valve, insulating the regulator, and allowing also the fuel refill because of the coupling to the filling nozzle, and
then the electrical cut-out valve (depending on the regulations) which, by means of a solenoid, it shuts off the gas
passage to the regulator when the system is not in use. So, both the cylinder valve and the high pressure solenoid
are shut off during gasoline operation or when the engine is not running. Only when switched to NGV, these
valves allow the high pressure passage and therefore reaching much higher safety standards. From the high
pressure solenoid, the pressure regulator is connected, which will have 1 to 3 bar pressure in its outlet, depending
on the calibration and configuration, (15 to 45 p.s.i), and the high pressure solenoid feeds the injector rail. This
injector rail is commanded by the ECU of the SIGAS 2.4 System when switched to NGV, allowing the necessary
fuel supply for the engine in each intake cycle. This way, in addition to avoiding the undesirable consequences of
backfires, a more precise and accurate engine performance is achieved. The injector rail is connected with pipes,
with the nozzles placed in the intake manifold, close to the intake valve, to reduce as much as possible the
response time of the system.

Administration - Operation
The SIGAS 2.4 ECU (Electronic Control Unit) uses the parameters of the original injection system of the vehicle
by using each gasoline injector pulse as main factor, by shutting them off, and then uses its own compensations,
such as the gas and regulator temperature by means of the injector rail temperature sensor, gas pressure and
absolute pressure of the intake manifold. So, the ECU and the original engine injection continue operating
similarly, being the gas system an additional element for the fuel mass conversion (from gasoline into gas) and
the original ECU keeps operating as it would with gasoline. No emulations are required; the fuel supply system of
the vehicle continues operating in real time with the dynamic compensations without alterations.

Requirements for the An installed and operating NGV equipment is expected to meet the highest requirements regarding safety,
assembly and functionality and durability.
each component Safety is ensured by the material quality and the strict compliance with inspection and installation standards.
Functionality is guaranteed by the design and the correct location of components,
meeting our own requirements and those of the vehicle, together with correct fuel administration and tuning.
Durability is ensured by the aforementioned facts, and by adding top notch maintenance and/or repairing service,
which includes the right tools and know how.

Characteristics of the Conversion Kit

8 1
4 2

10 13
6 5.c 6
11 12

5.b 5.a



1. PP Reducer 6. Injectors
2. Filling valve with nozzle 7. Filter
3. Cylinder valve with venting-in system 8. High pressure pipe
4. High pressure solenoid valve 9. Hoses kit
5. SIGAS 2.4 Electronic control unit 10. Venting hoses
Includes: 11. Reducers support
5.a. SIGAS 2.4 Control module 12. Valves support
5.b. Injection fuel selector switch 13. Injection rails support
5.c. Manometer 14. Accessories (*)

Component Location
Basic mounting

Cylinder valve with electric
ECU shut off (optional)



Switch and indicator

Injector rail

Reducer Master and filling valve

Manometer with sensor EVAP

General Inspection of The inspection prior to conversion will avoid problems related with previous failures, but after the conversion has
the Unit to be Converted taken place, such failures are difficult to detect accurately.
The general recommendations are the following:
a) Check the general condition of the vehicle structure, and make sure it is robust and that the conversion kit
components can be safely fixed, e.g.: cylinders, high pressure piping, filling valve and pressure regulator. Under
no circumstances, the NGV installation will weaken the vehicle structure, which should be strengthened only
when necessary.
b) Check that the mechanical and electrical condition of the engine ensures an acceptable performance with
gasoline and therefore, with CNG. Please check the high voltage wires and its components.
c) Those units which do not meet the above mentioned items must be repaired before starting the conversion or
the vehicle owner should be warned about this situation.
d) Perform an injection scanning to ensure the adequate system performance because SIGAS 2.4 depends
directly on the original fuel supply system.

Installation - 1 - In the Engine Bay:

Location of Components
a) Regulator or pressure regulator
b) Water connections and pipes.
c) Master valve with filling nozzle
d) Injector rail
e) Gas filter
f) Regulator-filter-injector rail connection pipe
G) Injector intake manifold connection pipe
h) Sensor gauge for remote indicator
i) Electrical cut out high pressure solenoid (EVAP) (subject to rules and regulations of each country)

2 - In the vehicle interior:

a) Switch with fuel indicator

B) SIGAS 2.4 ECU (it can be fixed in the engine bay, but the vehicle interior is recommended).
c) Timing Advance Processor (optional, same as previous item).

3 - Inside the trunk (cars), inside the truck body or under the chassis (heavy duty vehicles):

a) NGV cylinders with base (cylinder base) and cylinder valve.

b) Venting system (the system to be used will depend on the valve type regulations)
c) The high pressure steel pipe connects the cylinder with the cut out and filling valve (in the engine bay), the
sensor gauge, and the regulator. The pipe connection routing must be made under the vehicle body and the
connecting sections of the different elements must not have splices.

Installation - The pressure regulator must be installed following these guidelines (if possible):
Pressure Regulator - Protected from crash impacts.
- The regulator will be fixed using the corresponding holder and at a distance not inferior than 150 mm from the
front or rear line of the vehicle, according to the proximity and the room available inside the engine bay.
- The regulator must be placed in such a position that allows a clear sight of the gauge, especially during the filling
procedure, by the person performing it, and the regulation screw must be easily accessible to the installer.
- The CNG heating system circuit must be connected adequately to ensure the permanent coolant circulation
when the engine is running.
- The total imperviousness of the system must be ensured by placing clamps, both for the coolant and the fuel.
(See details of clamp placing in the characteristics of the conversion kit).
- Once the installation is finished, the air must be conveniently purged from the cooling circuit).



Installation -
Shut off and Filling Valve -It is placed near the pressure regulator, the maximum recommended distance is 600mm, and it must be fixed as
high as possible.
- The location of the filling system must allow operation without any difficulties.
- The mounting will be performed using the corresponding holder and avoiding the installation close to the
exhaust manifold or the battery.
- The connections between the storage cylinder and the shut off and filling valve, between the shut off and filling
valve and high pressure solenoid (EVAP), (if applicable according to regulations), and between the high pressure
solenoid (EVAP) and the regulator must be made by using the curls to avoid cutting the piping. If there is an
accident and the vehicle body is deformed, if two connection points of the high pressure pipes are fixed apart,
these curls will stretch, avoiding the cut in the high pressure line.

Installation -
Injector rail
Special attention must be paid to the fixing of the rail, following the order the wiring of injectors. If the wiring was
installed with the end marked as 1 in the first injector of the left, the injector 1 of the injector rail must be fixed,
with its corresponding pipe, to that inlet duct, as the system injects the fuel according to the reading of the injection
time of the original ECU.
In order to keep the soundproof of the vehicle, the injector rail must be fixed to the intake manifold or to another
place which accompanies the movement of the engine, and avoiding the fixing to the vehicle body, which would
increase the sonority of the injector assembly.
To improve vehicle response, it is recommended to use the connectors that allow the use of shorter hoses e.g.
the straight connectors included in the kit, or the adjustable optional connectors (the length of the pipes must be
balanced, a variation of 10% to 20% is acceptable between hoses).

IG-1 Injector rail HD-344 Injector rail IN-03 Injector rail

In the three models the concept applies for them all. Closest possible to the manifold, fixed to the engine not to
chassis, and flow/gicleurs/jets accurate for the engine (see next pages for info).
On the left, IG-1 type, center Matrix HD 344, and IN-03 at the right.

The three uses a PTS sensor connected at the end of it, to measure pressure and temperature of the gas, and
informing that to the ECU, will do volume calculation.

Installation - To be able to provide the right fuel supply, there are two elements which allow a starting point regarding the
Calibrated Nozzles amount of fuel, according to the engine in which the system is being installed. The calibrated nozzles, available in
IG-1 Injector rail different sizes, will be installed in each of the outlets of the injector rail, before fixing the pipes. In small
displacement and low power engines, the size to be used is 1.75mm, being 2.50mm for the maximum power
tolerated, with two intermediate points (1.75mm, 2.00mm, 2.25mm, and 2.50mm). The other decisive point is
the gas pressure, which can be set from 1600 to 3000 mbar (as shown on P1, see calibration manual for info).

Selection of the
calibrated nozzle Although practice will determine the right conversion, as a general rule, and based on practice, the following basic
table will guide the beginning of the conversion.

Presure (P1) in mbar

1600 2900
Nozzle( ) HP
1.75 65 85
2.00 86 105
2.25 106 135
2.50 136 165

IG-1 Injector rail installed on a VVT-i engine

Installation - To be able to provide the right fuel supply, there are two elements which allow a starting point regarding the
Calibrated Nozzles amount of fuel, according to the engine in which the system is being installed. The calibrated nozzles, available in
HD 344 Injector rail different sizes, will be installed in each of the outlets of the injector rail, before fixing the pipes. In small
displacement and low power engines, the size to be used is 1.75mm, being 4.0mm for the maximum power
tolerated, with three intermediate points (1.75mm, 2.25mm, 2.75mm, 3.50mm and 4.00mm,). The other
decisive point is the gas pressure, which can be set from 1600 to 3000 mbar (see calibration manual for info).

Selection of the Although practice will determine the right conversion, as a general rule, and based on practice, the following basic
calibrated nozzle table will guide the beginning of the conversion.

Presure (P1) in mbar

1600 2900
Nozzle( ) HP
E 1.75 50 65
D 2.25 66 80
C 2.75 81 100
B 3.50 101 115
A 4.00 116 140

HD-344 Injector rail installed on a VVT-i engine

Installation -
The IN-03 injector rail is composed by the assembly of the
IN-03 Injector rail
four individual injector into the rail. It is important to
remember that the PTS sensor has to be included on the

These injectors are identified by type and color: Normal (blue) 70-110 HP. Max (orange) 115- 140 HP, and
Supermax (yellow) 145-170 HP. The assembly and dimensions are the same for all.

Injector rail installed on a Peugeot/Citron Tu3 intake manifold

Installation - Gas Filter

As the injector rail is the most sensitive element of the assembly to foreign objects or impurities from the fuel flow,
the gas filter is installed between the regulator and the injector rail. The gas filter is fixed with clamps, and
vibration effects on other engine components must be avoided, so straps/zip ties must be used for fixing the gas
filter, or adequate fixing locations must be found in the engine bay. The clamps that guarantee the imperviousness
are mentioned in Characteristics of the Conversion Kit.

ESPAOL Page 10
Installation - Wiring The harness and wiring must be routed neatly and avoiding areas which may jeopardize its durability.
Wiring mobile parts, proximity to heat sources or areas of the vehicle that need periodic servicing must be
These premises must be followed, ruled by common sense, to guarantee reliability, safety and quality.
In passages such as from the engine bay to the vehicle interior or similar, please use the existing rubber cable
gland, or if the flame arrester is perforated, please replace it. Never leave the cable unprotected in contact with
metallic surfaces, which will wear away the insulating protectors and produce a short circuit.

The cable-terminal connections must be soldered with tin, and if possible, insulated with heat shrink cable,
ensuring the insulation and strength of the connection, as well as the continuity.





Installation - The system has a sensor gauge with indicates to the SIGAS 2.4 ECU the current system pressure and the
Manometer with sensor pressure will indicate the gas level in the switch, by means of four green led lights.
A 14mm wrench must be used for fixing, and the manual screwing by grabbing the body of the sensor gauge must
be avoided. The aluminium deformable washer must always be fitted, which is the seal of the assembly and
avoids leaks in the high pressure circuit.

Installation - Switch
with Level Indicator The switch must be fixed in a an easily visible place for the driver, and such place must allow the operation of the
switch with the opposite hand to the one used for engine ignition.
For the electrical connection, follow the instructions of the installation diagram.
Solder the electrical connections with tin, without damaging the insulation of conductors. Insulate the splices with
heat shrink cable.
The switch must be fixed properly, using the accessories provided in the kit, and avoiding the use of additional
elements such as adhesives, which could affect the right functioning and would void the warranty.



Installation - ECU
(Electronic Control Unit) The ECU must be fixed far from heat sources, e.g. exhaust manifold, and it must be easily accessible. It must be
fixed with screws to avoid possible vibrations, noise and bumps.
The diagnosis and programming inlet must be visible and the protection cap placed.

Although theSIGAS 2.4 ECU is waterproof and endures the normal temperatures of an engine bay, as well as its
connector, we recommend to install it inside the vehicle interior, if possible.

Installation - The advance variator (model and type according to the kind of vehicle) will be installed, if possible, in the vehicle
Timing Advance Processor interior, as well as the ECU, protected from water and excessive heat. If this is not possible, and the advance
variator is installed in the engine bay, it must be installed in an area protected from high temperatures and
possible splashes of water due to washing, rain, or flooded areas. Please, follow the additional instructions from
the manufacturer for connection and set up.

Installation -
High pressure solenoid This solenoid is fixed between the regulator and the filling valve, allowing the high pressure line shut off before the
(EVAP) regulator, which provides extra protection in case of a possible leak in the low pressure line. When fixing this
valve, please check the direction of the gas flow, which is indicated by an arrow engraved on the body of the valve.

Cylinder Valve As shown by its name, this valve is fixed to the cylinder neck. There are several alternatives, and the cylinder
valve must be fixed according to applicable regulations. If the high pressure solenoid (EVAP) is not installed, a
cylinder valve with electrical cut out must be installed to avoid leaving the regulator always with fuel supply. There
must be at least one electrical cut out in the gas line. To install the cylinder valve:
Fix the cylinder on an appropriate holder for the valve mounting and adjustment.
- Check that the screw thread is clean and without strains.
- Wrap the screw thread 6 times with teflon tape clockwise; apply a thin layer of high-torque thread sealant (Loctite
- Thread the valve to the cylinder and adjust with torquemeter with a 19kgm to 21kgm torque with a special wrench
for the type of valve used.

- Standard: 2338040 tool

- DFV: 2339999 tool
- DFVE: 2339998 tool

Installation - Venting tubes leading to the outside must be installed in the boot or vehicle interior to lead possible leaks from the
Cylinder and support cylinder valve or its connections outside the vehicle interior or load box.
Please use venting bags in case of using the conventional valve. In the case of the cylinder valve, the venting bag
is not necessary, as in the case of the TDV valve. For the mounting of the venting tubes, two 32 mm perforations
will be made, and the venting pipes must be fixed to the vehicle body with 5mm rivets. The venting pipes must
be fixed near the cylinder valve, and special attention must be paid to avoid the discharge of the venting on the
outlet of the combustion gases and the location of the venting pipes must not allow partial or total valve obturation
due to mud accumulation or to mud guards.
Mount the venting bag covering the valve (if applicable), fix the pipes between the bag and the venting pipes, and
fix the assembly with the straps provided in the kit.
When the converted vehicle, due to its performance characteristics, has the cylinders or valves exposed to
bumps or stress, guards must be made, and in case such guards are closed, they must have adequate ventilation
and quick access to service valves.
The fixing to the holder must be made guaranteeing the lack of vibrations or the excessive bending of the vehicle
chassis. So, if possible, iron profile mirrors are mounted to absorb inertia in bigger areas. There must be at least
4 3/8 screws. Please check the regulations of each country. Installations under floor/chassis must keep a
250mm minimum distance between the floor and the vehicle with maximum load. The installation must be
performed using all the materials provided in the kit, e.g. bearings, belts, bolts, covers, protectors, etc.

It is always recommended that every time perforations are made on the vehicle, the affected area should be
painted neatly with anticorrosive paint/car body sealant to prevent damages in the short term

Support for 2x30L cylinders, installed Toyota Hilux support, installed under Iron Mirrors under the trunk floor
on a Fiat Siena the vehicle mounted on a Chery A516

Installation -
High pressure pipe All the high pressure pipes connected to cylinders, or the cylinders connected to the rest of the equipment must
have the curls to avoid breakage in case of displacement due to accidents. Those curls should be located as
close as possible to the ends of the connection. The "curl" will have a diameter not smaller than 50 mm and a
minimum of one turn and the distance between turns must be 2 mm.
The "curls", omegas, and curves must be shaped in such a way that in case of deformation of the vehicle due to
impacts on the front or the side closest to the curls, they tend to enlarge, thus preventing the constriction or
breakage, with the fuel leakage this would cause.
The fixing of the piping under the chassis must be made with the clamps provided in the kit, and the clamps must
be placed at least every 300 mm. Please follow these guidelines for the routing:
- Avoid the proximity to the mobile parts of the vehicle, for example, control rods, axle shafts, cardans, etc. - Keep
distance from exhaust pipes and catalytic converters.
Avoid contact with sharp edged parts of the vehicle body.
- Try to copy the routing of the fuel and brake lines, because these lines are usually protected from possible

Pipes installed in a free slot of the Pipe secured with the clamps Curl
original holders of the vehicle provided in the kit.

Installation - Venting pipes should be installed to guarantee a constant air flow when the vehicle moves.
Venting System The venting pipes must be fixed near the cylinder valve, and special attention must be paid to avoid the discharge
of the venting on the outlet of the combustion gases, and the location of the venting pipes must not allow partial or
total valve obturation due to mud accumulation or to mud guards.

Venting system diagram Venting pipes seen from below Venting system in a Fiat Siena with
two 30 litre cylinders

Overview A) The installation of a NGV conversion kit must be performed in such a way that the CNG components do not
interfere with the normal vehicle maintenance.
For example, access to sparks, hydraulic liquid, brakes, etc.
b) The elements installed must allow easy repairing and maintenance.
c) The components of the conversion kit must be fixed appropriately and protected from mistreatment and must
not hinder the original features of the vehicle.
d) When installing the NGV kit, special attention must be paid to the protection of the NGV kit from elements that
may be projected by the vehicle when in motion or in case of breakages of mobile parts of the vehicle.
e) It is extremely important that the high pressure pipe that connects the cylinders with the filling valve is
adequately fixed with clamps every 300 mm (maximum) and that the fixing of the piping under the vehicle body is
performed in the most protected areas from aggressions from internal elements of the vehicle or external
f) These installation standards must be complied with according to the inspection criteria for vehicles converted to
NGV, and the following goals must be met:


Regulator - These regulators have 2 steps of pressure reduction, when the switch is pressed for gas passage, the high
Characteristics - Calibration pressure solenoid is activated and the circuit is pressurized at ~200bar (full cylinder), the regulator decreases the
pressure up to 7bar +/- 0.5bar in the first step and then in the second adjustable step, an approximate ~1.5bar to
2.5bar pressure can be obtained.
The regulation screw is the one located in the upper part, when this screw is tightened clockwise, the pressure is
reduced, and when it is loosened (anticlockwise), the operation pressure increases.
Please remember that to reduce the pressure, the vehicle must be running on GNV, and as there is gas
consumption, it will be possible to achieve the pressure desired. There is more information available regarding
the pressure to be used in the Calibration Annex.

+ -

Cap of the 2nd stage regulator 4mm Allen wrench for adjusting Clockwise: Pressure is reduced.
operation pressure Anticlockwise: Pressure is increased.

Installation - As explained above, SIGAS 2.4 is a gas injection system, so injection takes place in the intake manifold. Before
Gas supply to making any modifications, the location of the gasoline injectors must be observed, and such location must be
the intake manifold imitated with the gas nozzles.
Firstly, the raccords or connectors must be installed. So, the intake manifold must be extracted and this must be
performed in a clean and adequate place. Remove all the screws and cables connected to the intake manifold.
Once they are removed, the best fitting place for the raccords or connectors must be found, according to the
shape of the intake manifold, and, as a general rule, they should be fixed as close as possible of the cylinder head
pipes to avoid gas accumulation in the routing of the intake manifold, and therefore, the delay due to distance
Perforations must be made with a drill bit keeping the symmetry of all the ducts, and then a tap threader or
threading machine must be used to thread the connectors according to the size of the connectors.
There will be a nozzle per cylinder, in addition to another one in the plenum (before the cylinder division) for the
vacuum compensation. Once the nozzles are in the intake manifold, the 6mm pipes are connected between the
nozzles and the injector rail, and they must be fixed with Inox-track clamps

Perforating the intake manifold Threading Installed nozzles (in this case,

Installed pressure intake Fixed and connected rail Incorrect perforations (1) Vs.
nozzle Correct perforations (2)

Original injector location Fixed and connected rail Fixed and connected rail

View of the connector (raccord)

in the intake duct

(*) The images of the type of rail may differ due to model upgrade.

Wiring Diagram SIGAS 2.4

Diagnostic Manometer
Switch with indicator
connection connector

Cylinder electrovalve


Electronic Control Unit
Cdigo: 2371835

Orange (inj. 4 gasoline)

Orange (inj. 3 gasoline)

Orange (inj. 1 gasoline)

Orange (inj. 2 gasoline)

Violet (inj. 2 gasoline)
Violet (inj. 4 gasoline)

Violet (inj. 3 gasoline)

Violet (inj. 1 gasoline)

RPM Signal
12V key on
Negative inj.1 Gasoline
Negative inj.2 Gasoline
Negative inj.3 Gasoline
Negative inj.4 Gasoline GASOLINE ECU

PTS Sensor

Gasoline Inlet
Gas injector order

Cylinder Electrovalve

Red High pressure

Fuse (EVAP)


Connection diagram - If more than one electric cylinder valve is installed, this diagram should be applied, due to the higher current.
For more than one
electric cylinder valve

Automotive relay
12 Volt 30A mnimum


EVCL: Electro valve


Component Location HIGH VACCUM

Pneumatic Diagram PRESSURE

1 2 3 4







SIGAS 3.xx chapter

Wiring Diagram SIGAS 3.4 / 3.6 / 3.8

The main difference on the Sigas 3.xx wiring diagram (besides the extra cylinders in the case of 3.6 and/or 3.8)
are four:
- Connection to On Board Diagnosys (K-Line, CAN-BUS) that can be connected for monitoring (it is not
needed for the system to work, but it can provide extra information useful for the installation and/or tuning)
(See Calibration Manual for more info)

- Water temperature sensor: Sigas 2.4 estimates the water temperature by an average according to Gas
Temperature, on this case is directly connected to a sensor.

- MAP Sensor: On the Sigas 2.4 can be connected to a MAP for calibration, or directly connected to the engine
MAP sensor. Sigas 3.xx has a MAP sensor and its connection.

- Auxiliar outputs: Specific connections only to be connected IF NEEDED, under the advice of TA Technical

Connect only under TA

Technical Assistance Authorization

Light blue


Pin n 6 (OBD Conn. CAN H) - Optional

Pin n 7 (OBD Conn. K Line) - Optional

Pin n 14 (OBD Conn. CAN L) - Optional
Only the White wire or both Yellow
and Yellow/Black wires must be
connected to the EOBD Diagnostic
Connector and not together at the same time
Electronic Control Unit
Cdigo: 2371835

MAP Sensor
Water temperature sensor (on the reducer)

SIGAS 3.xx chapter

Pneumatic diagram SIGAS 3.4


Component Location HIGH VACCUM

Pneumatic Diagram PRESSURE

1 2 3 4







SIGAS 3.xx chapter

Pneumatic diagram SIGAS 3.6 / 3.8





5 6 7 8

Component Location HIGH FILTER


1 2 3 4







Installation - Verification -

Imperviousness Test Initial Pneumatic Test (previous NGV filling)

Pressure: 150bar
Time: 10 minutes.
Elements to be tested: high pressure piping and threaded connections
Fluid used: Inert gas (nitrogen)


1- Close the service valves installed in the cylinders.
2- Open the filling valve.
3- Connect the filling valve test line, using an adapter in the connection hole.
4- The whole circuit must be subjected to pressure and testing time, checking the imperviousness in all the
connection points with neutral soap foam.
5- Once the test is finished, vent the system and open the cylinder valves.

Pneumatic Test (First NGV Filling)

Approximate pressure: 200 bar.


Check with soapy water the connections of all those joints/parts that accumulate gas, from the cylinder necks to
the controller outlet.
Once the checking is finished, clean with water and connect again the venting system.

Impacts Check that the regulator and the filling valve are installed at least at 150 mm from the front or rear lines of the
vehicle body, as deemed necessary according to proximity, and far from elements that could affect them.
a) Check that the "curls", omega shaped clamps, and curves of the high pressure piping have a diameter not
inferior than 50mm, and that they can be enlarged in case of deformation caused by frontal impacts or impacts on
the nearest side of the vehicle.

b) The best location for those curls and omega shaped clamps with no particular requirements is near each
connection point.

c) Check that the high-pressure pipe and other components are installed in such places in which, in the event of
breakage of any mobile part of the vehicle, they would not be affected. (Transmission, suspension, steering gear,

d) The high-pressure pipe must be firmly fixed every 400 mm (maximum) under the vehicle floor and the high
pressure pipe must be installed in the most protected areas from the impact of elements that may be projected or
due to the short distance between the chassis and the floor.

Installation Verification -

Movement a) Check that all the connections made with high pressure pipes have curls that have at least one turn and that
and Vibration such turn has an open passage, and the turns must be at least 2 mm apart.

b) Check that the cylinder base and the cylinders are firmly fixed to each other and to the vehicle body.

High temperature Check that none of the elements, especially those that carry gas, are placed at a distance not inferior than 50 mm
from the system of combustion gases exhaust.

Chemical agents Check that the regulator, the piping protected with metallic cover, the optional devices, etc. are far enough or
protected from emanations or splashes of acid from the battery or brake fluid that could be spilled during

Electric System a) Check the electrical installation, ensuring the firmness of connections, the adequate insulation and reliability of
the entire installation, regarding high temperature and mechanical agents.

b) Check that the gas pipes or pipes with metallic protection are fixed far from the positive terminal of the battery or
protected from it or from any element with electricity which is not insulated.

Venting System a) Check that the venting system does not exhaust on the exhaust components or on any other element that could
generate combustion.

b) Check that the location of the venting pipes does not cause the total or partial obturation of the venting pipes,
due to mud accumulation or to mud guards.

Revisin: 03 - Fecha: 02/11/2011 - Done: Julin A. Palermo - Approved: Ing. Andrs A. Carella

Jos Ingenieros N2250 (B1643FQT) Beccar - Buenos Aires - Argentina - Tel. Fax: (54 11) 4892-1200




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