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Daily Intentions

Open Circles Daily Intentions

This e-book is meant to be used with or without Open Circles Intention

If you wish to order pack of intention cards, contact us for order information.
Every morning, once a week, once a month, on your birthday or whenever
you feel the need for that, shuffle the pack of cards and then let your intuition
guide you to choose a card.
(If you dont have the cards, just pick an intention that fits you from the list
Look at the photo and the intention written on it.
Let both the photo and the words sink in.
Use them as your intention for the day, the week, the month or the year.
Contemplate this intention often.
Click on the card name below to learn how to practice this intention in your
daily life.
Use these cards. They work! Enjoy them.

Abundance Action Adventure

Awareness Balance Celebration

Completion Cooperation Courage

Creativity Determination Enthusiasm

Flexibility Forgiveness Friendship

Giving Going with the Flow Gratefulness

Humor Joy Letting Go

Love Openness Patience

Playfulness Receiving Reflection

Relaxation Responsibility Sharing

Simplicity Slowing Down Spontaneity

Support Tenderness Trust

Copyright 2003 Open Circles. All Rights Reserved.

Daily Intentions

Your Beliefs Concerning Money

Find for yourself a quiet space where you can relax and
be undisturbed for at least 30 minutes. On a piece of
paper, write the heading, "My Beliefs Concerning Money
Are As Follows"

For the following 15 minutes, write freely about any aspect concerning the subject of
money that enters into your mind.

Include all beliefs, concepts, opinions and points of view you inherited from your parents
and teachers, not forgetting those ideas from outside sources such as your family
members, your friends, the church, the books you read, television, cartoons and movies
you have seen. Realize that these influences have, in many instances, been non-verbal
messages as well as verbal.

For the duration of this 15-minute period, continue writing, without pausing to think. When
the 15 minutes are completed, revise your list, identifying those messages that in some
way touch you. Obviously, those messages that you agree with, however, take special
note of those that create feelings of anger or frustration. These uncomfortable beliefs are
most likely your unconscious beliefs...

Take time to review the results in your life at present, both positive and negative, and
notice how these results correlate with your written list of beliefs.

Are you able to expose the negative beliefs concerning money that are most active in your
life? Do you see the price tag you pay for holding these beliefs to be true in your daily

Are you willing to change your belief structure in relation to the way you look at or handle

If so, then make the conscious commitment to change these beliefs NOW!

Daily Intentions

Take Your Life in Your Hands (Cheryl

Write down the answers to the following questions:

1. What do I really want for my life and myself?

When you consider this question, what comes to mind first? Do you want more rest?
More time to yourself or with your family? A new car or home? Just list everything as it
occurs to you.

2. What "should" I want? As you review your answer to the first question, notice how
many of the answers are based on what you're "supposed" to want. Simply take notice
and write down all that occurs to you.

3. What are my "soul" priorities? These are the priorities that you really, really want.
These are the priorities that are most often hidden from others or that feel too good to
be possible. Write them down regardless.

4. What are my "head" priorities? These priorities might be the ones you think about all
the time. List them out in their entirety.

5. Are your desires really "your" desires or are they designed to please someone else?
Review what you've written so far and notice how much of what you want is really for

6. What really matters to me at this time in my life?

7. What demands my attention? Once again, keep the writing fluid.

8. What am I afraid of?

9. What am I afraid of losing?

10. What am I afraid of gaining?

Once you've answered the questions, complete the process by answering these last two:

1. What do I need to do right now with what I've learned about myself?

2. Who can I call to support me?

And then JUST DO IT!!

Good Luck!

Daily Intentions

When we are truly consumed by a spirit of
adventure, we are moving as though we were once
again children. Full of trust, we journey forth
undaunted, step-by-step, drawn by our sense of
wonder into the unknown.

Adventure in reality has nothing to do with plans, maps, programs and organization. It can
manifest itself to us anywhere - at home or in the office, in the wilderness or in the city, in a
creative project or in our relationship with others. Whenever we move into the new and
unknown with the trusting spirit of a child, innocent and open and vulnerable, even lifes
smallest occurrences have the potential to become the greatest adventure.

Today do something new. Try traveling to your work in a different way. Take public
transportation and stop anywhere and from that point, try to make your way back home. If
you usually phone a handyman to do repair problems at home, try it yourself -tasks such
as fixing the sink, or painting your room. Go to the library (or search on the internet) for a
topic you know nothing about.

Today give yourself the space to be adventurous in anything that you do. Approach
everything from the point of NOT KNOWING.

Daily Intentions

Becoming Your Authentic You

Awareness (or being aware) is the ability to

observe your patterns of behavior and ascertaining
whether your current activities originate directly
from who you are, or whether these activities are
simply repetition of old patterns and conditioning.

We must all continue to stretch and grow. Of course, this isn't easy. The prerequisite here
is a genuine desire to explore the inner regions of both your heart and mind. It requires the
courage to change what isn't working in your life. And, it requires your willingness to take
the steps necessary to accomplish your goals.

Here are a few practical tools to support you on your way.

Ask yourself:

1. Whatever you're currently doing - are you doing what you love and enjoy or was that
choice a result of a powerful voice from the past, pressurizing your decision?

2. How many times have you made decisions affecting your life, based on revenge
against someone? Or a decision rooted in proving yourself to someone through
accomplishing a difficult goal?

3. What do you really want to accomplish in your life?

Whenever you start something new in your life, the voices from the past are often
deafening. These are the voices of your parents, teachers, friends and colleagues. These
voices are mostly judgmental. They rarely inspire, rather, they tell you all of the reasons
why you can't accomplish your goals. You don't have to shut them off, as ironically, they
automatically do just that, as you simply plunge deeper into the task at hand.

Here are some keys to assist you in quieting the voices:

1. In order to give your complete attention to what you're doing - be enthusiastic about it.
Or, if you don't particularly like it, at least find the joy in doing your best.

2. Spend some quiet time discovering what really motivates you. What do you currently
do that is joyful and meaningful? How can you spend more time doing those things?
When you're focused on what you want to accomplish you attract the people, methods
and opportunities required in order to accomplish these goals.

3. Do you have the courage to change, if you discover that you're not being your authentic
self? Most of the people around you want to stop you from changing. They were
comfortable with who you were until now and they might have to change themselves if
you change...

Create new experiences and find new ways to express yourself. Choose every moment to
become more and more yourself.

Daily Intentions

10 Ways to Simplify Your Life

The first step to create a balanced life is to simplify

it as much as possible. Here are a few methods
that you can employ today:

1. Determine what your priorities are for this month and post your list someplace that's
highly visible so you can check it periodically against what you're currently doing.

2. What excites you? Expressing your passion is a great way to feel very alive and
engaged in the world - which although a simple pleasure, is one of lifes best.

3. Discover yourself, what are your personal best rhythms and routine in sleeping, eating,
exercising and thinking.

4. It is far less complicated to be yourself and not worry, than to try be the person you
think your family, friends, and strangers want you to be.

5. Telling the truth is ultimately the simplest way to handle any situation.

6. Think about who and what you really value, and then decide how can you be most
present to those people and activities.

7. Repossess your own time by setting limits on mundane activities that don't truly add to
the quality of your life in some way.

8. While planning your day, check with yourself what you really wish to extract from the

9. When was the last time you allowed yourself to play like a child? Jump into puddles,
walk in the rain, play imagination games, etc...? What prevents you from doing this

10. Learn to say 'NO' guilt-free.

Daily Intentions

The state of celebration is never dependent on
outside circumstances. We need not wait for a
special holiday or a formal occasion, or a sunny,
cloudless day. True celebration arises from a joy
that is first experienced deep within, then spilling
over into an overflow of song, dance and laughter,
and yes, even tears of gratitude.

When you choose to celebrate, it indicates that you are becoming increasingly available
and open to the many opportunities that are to celebrate in life, and in so doing infecting
others to do likewise. Dont bother about scheduling a party on your calendar. Let your hair
down, take your shoes off, and dance. The party is happening all around you every

Today make a celebration of everything. Buy yourself flowers; treat yourself to a nice meal.
You can either prepare this yourself or go to a restaurant. Give yourself a present, invite
friends over to simply celebrate the breathless wonder of your being alive.

Daily Intentions

Even in the ever-changing flow of life, there are
moments in which we come to a point of
completion. In these moments we are able to
perceive the whole picture, the composite of all the
small pieces that have occupied our attention for
an extended period. In the finishing, we can either
wallow in despair due to the approaching end, or
we can be grateful and accepting of the fact that life is full of endings and new beginnings.

Today, observe whatever has been absorbing your time and energy and is now coming to
an end. In the completion, you will be clearing the space for something new to begin. Use
this interval to celebrate both - the end of the situation at hand and the arrival of the new.

Today reflect on the previous year and make a list of twenty-five things you are most proud
of accomplishing over the last twelve months. This list may include ways that youve grown
as a person, goals youve achieved and the positive changes that youve made in your life.

When youve completed the list, share it with your partner or team. Better yet, hold a
bragging party and invite several people to gather and share their lists.

Start by completing the following sentences:

My five most important accomplishments are:






The three ways Ive grown over the last year are:




Daily Intentions

Cooperation can take various forms and varies in
intensity. It may involve mutual support and advice,
combining in a complementary manner individual
tasks and skills to achieve a common global goal,
or intensive work sharing. Whatever form these
sorts of cooperative enterprises take, they all share
one common denominator. A natural feature of cooperation is fairness, the embodiment of
an ethical ideal - which involves more than mutual contacts or discussions, which possibly
can be of a competitive nature.

Cooperation is therefore defined as follows:

Two parties cooperate if they work together or at least share information, yielding
equal benefits to both sides.

The basic requirement, therefore, is that cooperation provides benefits to society. Thus, in
summary, cooperation is only meaningful when the benefits it provides for society are
greater than the sum of the benefits that would have resulted from both partners working

Today, see how you can cooperate with people around you.
Notice if there is a coworker that could use some of your time, or maybe some advice.
Devise a project at home that requires the cooperation of all your household members in
order to see it to completion. Question how you can make a contribution to your

Daily Intentions


by Cheryl Richardson

Whats the one thing you know you must do in

order to improve the quality of your life right now
that youre most afraid to do? For many of us fear,
is a constant companion on the path of personal
change. Fear of the unknown. Fear of the action or reaction of others. Fear of pain or
humiliation. Fear of loss. In order for any of us to create a great life, we must confront our
fears on a regular basis, understanding that this process is just a normal part of the human
experience. What you finally do with your fear, however, will direct the course of your life. If
you allow fear to stagnate your growth, life becomes a demotivating experience based on
empty wishing and hoping for better times to come.

Today, take an inventory of the things youve been avoiding out of a basis of fear and
choose one item. Next, go through the steps necessary to get the support you need so you
can take challenge yourself, taking action once and for all.

Remember: even small steps to overcome your fear can make a big difference. Start by
finishing the following sentences:

1. The one thing Ive been afraid to do is:

2. The friends who can support me are:

3. The facts I need to research are:

4. The action I will take today is:

Daily Intentions

10 Ways To Increase Your Creativity

You want to be creative? Look inside yourself.

You're already creative.

Believing that you are not sufficiently creative is

simply the propaganda you've bought from the
media, school, and from everybody who has tricked you into thinking you're lacking unless
both rich and famous.

In addition, thinking you're not creative is just your convenient excuse so you that you feel
exempt from the process of learning to love what you've got and who you are.

When will the world get to see your stuff, your real gifts and talents? Stop the
procrastination game and start generating some truly original and terrible ideas. Don't
worry - they'll get better.

Commit yourself to making time and space to apply the following strategies to jump-start
your creativity and if you wont apply the brakes too soon, you'll find that you really have a
hell of a lot to say and do in whatever area turns you on.

1. Be curious and follow your curiosity.

2. Spend 20 minutes a day in a comfortable spot where you will be undisturbed
and let your mind wander wherever it will.
3. Work to music, which inspires you. Classical music is usually recommended as
the most effective. If you're not a classical fan, stretch yourself and see if it
works. If not, experiment to determine what type of music is most effective for
4. Think hard about your problem, then stop thinking about it, forgetting it for a
while, or go to sleep after telling yourself that you will awaken with new ideas
concerning your problem. Then wait for the Eureka! Einstein had many of his
great solutions come to him whilst in the shower.
5. Try to mentally reframe your problem so it doesn't look like a problem. Rather,
see your problem as the proverbial golden egg, unexpected wealth, just waiting
for you.
6. Do something completely different - change your routine. Take a new way to or
from work. Eat lunch in a new area. Listen to a new radio station. Watch a
television show that's not in your native language. Love gardening? Read a
magazine about boxing.
7. Think about your problem in terms of your five senses. How does the problem
taste, feel, smell, look, sound? Look to your reactions as openings that trigger
new insights about your problem and its possible solution.
8. Work actively with the suggestions of your intuition. For many of us our intuition
represents a muscle, which is rarely tested. Just like any other muscle, if you
don't use it you'll lose it!
9. Carry a notebook or a mini tape recorder everywhere and capture ALL the
ideas your subconscious feeds you.

Daily Intentions

And the most important:

10. If you want to be creative, start doing! Turn off the idiot box. Stop reading the
newspaper and start doing. Forget about what the world thinks, what your
mother and friends think.

Just do it NOW!

Daily Intentions

by Cheryl Richardson

Sometimes the actions we take in life, not only

bring success, but also serve to teach us new,
important ways of being in our world. For example,
having a child teaches us to be more patient. Or
embarking on a new career path helps us become more courageous.

Developing our ability to be focused on our purpose and goals is the first step of the
process of determination. Today practice and in so doing, develop your ability to be
focused and determined.

Today, choose a project or goal, and devote your focused energy to it the entire day.
Nominate a block of time, schedule it into your agenda, and challenge yourself to stay on
target. You might decide to use this focused time for something related to self-care, writing
an article, or marketing your business. Simply shut the door, turn down or disconnect the
phone, post a DO NOT DISTURB sign, whatever it takes to maintain your attention, in this
way focusing on whats important.

Each time youre tempted to sway toward something else (and you will be), bring your
attention back to the present. When your mind starts to wander, remind yourself to stay
focused by using a simple mantra like: I complete all my work. Using this mantra you
build your focus muscle. Once you improve at staying focused, youll not only be less
tempted by distractions, youll also engage more joyfully in the process of creation.

Daily Intentions

Enthusiasm means having God/Divine/Spirit within
or being at one with them. People in possession of
this gift carry a special kind of energy. They bring
warmth and feeling to their relationships and vigor
and freshness to their activities.
Enthusiasm is stimulating. It helps you get up and
go. It is a good antidote for when you are feeling exhausted and listless, and on those
occasions when your energy appears to have dissipated.

To practice enthusiasm, make others aware when you are excited about something. Throw
yourself fully into your projects. Be known for your eagerness, your curiosity, your
willingness to give it all you've got. Proclaim your passions. Hold nothing back. Sing to
your hearts content.

Today practice the following in order to enhance your enthusiasm:

See how many times you can say "Wow!" today.

Select a favorite song and sing it with desire and with a good courage. Dont sing as
if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice and sing as loud as you

Daily Intentions

When you are rigid in your thinking this state
manifests itself physically in your movements and
your behavior.
Learning to be flexible in life softens your body and
allows you to flow more with life. The result of being
more flexible in life is that you keep an open mind to
things, and you become gentler with yourself and
those in your surroundings.

To contemplate gentleness, imagine that you are holding a butterfly in your hand. That is
softening - holding something gently.
Today, explore what it's like to hold yourself gently - to hold attitudes, expectations, and
awareness about yourself softly. Softness offers an immediate opportunity to relax into
experience rather than fight against it.

Softening is a whole-body/being experience. It involves a way of thinking, feeling, and

physically relaxing that is quite profound, and the process itself, asks you to abandon the
insistence that you always need to know what is going to happen or why things unfold as
they do.

The next time you find yourself in a situation or state of mind that creates tension or a
wish/need to control your current surroundings, explore what happens should you choose
to become flexible with the situation. If you relax your body/mind being into your
experience, what changes? Does your thinking shift, along with your body?
When you soften your thinking, what thoughts disappear and what thoughts emerge? How
does your mood vary when you soften into what is? Becoming flexible doesn't mean
giving up your intentions to achieve certain outcomes. It just means, that you allow
yourself to move with what appears on your way to the next steps in fulfilling your
underlying intentions.

Are you angry or resentful toward someone close to you? Notice what happens if you
soften into those feelings and simply allow them to be there, without building on them or
pushing them away. Flexibility doesn't mean you have to agree with the other person or
the situation you don't like. It simply means that your internal experience shifts. That's the
benefit from this gift to you. Flexibility eases stress and distress.

Daily Intentions

Telling the Truth to Get Over Anger

In order for us to forgive, we must first be honest.

Honest with ourselves, and the other person
involved. Honesty leads to greater intimacy. You
have to have some guts to do these exercises, but
the results are rewarding.

Exercise One

Close your eyes for a moment, picture a person you don't like, and have an imaginary
dialogue with them. Reveal your judgments concerning them. Tell them what they did that
you resent. Then imaging their response and respond back. Pay attention to your body as
you engage in this imaginary dialogue. Take a moment to do that now.

Exercise Two

Call that person you just had an imaginary conversation with and make an appointment to
tell them your withholds in person. Tell the person when you call, that you wish to tell them
why you are angry, with the purpose of completion in mind. Ask them to meet you as a
favor to you. Persist until they agree to meet with you.

Exercise Three

Meet this person and use the following guidelines in your conversation:

Start your sentences as often as possible with the words,

"I resent you for..." or "I appreciate you for..."
Speak in present tense.
Eventually, get specific. Don't stop with general descriptions of behavior or general
Focus as much as you can on what did happen instead of what didn't happen.
Stay in touch with your experience as you talk.
Stay there with the person beyond the time it takes to exchange resentments.
After you both fully expressed your specific resentments, state your appreciations in
the same way.

And then, forgive him or her, not as a favor to them, but for your own selfish benefit.

Daily Intentions

In order to create successful long-lasting
friendships, you need to learn new skills and
acquire new qualities.

How to Make Your Friendship Work:

1. Responsibility: First and foremost, each one of us needs to take responsibility for our
own needs, feelings, attitudes and behaviors.

EVEN when it may appear easier to blame the other person.

Remind yourself, if something exists in your life, then you must have created it in
some way.

Also remember, when you are aware of a problem and the other isnt - it is always
YOUR responsibility, either to solve the problem, or at the very least to make the other
aware of the problem, so you can become partners in solving it.

2. Respect, Care and Compassion:

Respect means, no matter what state or place you are in and what state or place the
other is in - you respect yourself and you respect the other!

To care is to see what your friend needs and being willing to give it (don't confuse
his/her needs with what he/she wants - they are not the same).

Compassion is the ability to see your friend as they are without judgment, whilst
asking yourself, "why are they acting this way?" and "what can I do to support them?"

3. Exploration:

We keep our relationship healthy through active exploration and mutual understanding
of each other.

This means sharing adventures, taking risks together, learning from the experiences
and giving each other feedback so as to share the wisdom that both have

4. Positivity:

Simply put, it is the continual quest for solutions.

We can confront any difficulty or crisis easily when we work as a team at the solution.

We go nowhere, when we become opponents or competitors or when we blame or

undermine each other.

5. Confrontation:

Our friendship is mature and strong when we can confront each other on important

Daily Intentions

Through genuine confrontation we can become aware and deal with our withholds,
contracts and hidden agendas.

1. Today make a list that includes your real friends.

Go over the list and, one by one, let them know it.

2. Make a list that includes all those you believe yourself to be their real friend.
Are these the same people as in the first list?
What can you learn about yourself from comparing the lists?

3. Make a list of your standards of a real friend.

Can you abide by these standards?
Are these standards what you find acceptable? If not, change them!

Daily Intentions

The Game of Giving and Receiving

It was Albert Schweitzer who once said, "The one

who gives is the one that receives most".

Giving should be a joyful act, comparable to a child

bringing a flower to his mother. Giving for the sake
of giving.
Only then can the flow begin.
The intention behind the act of giving is what is most important. The gift needs to be given
with the creation of happiness, harmony, peace and joy, foremost in mind, as these
aspects are fundamental to life. The reward will be there, when you give from your heart
without conditions or attachments..

Giving is the other side of receiving. Therefore if you wish to receive anything in your life,
you first need to give it.

It is that simple.

If you wish for happiness, simply give happiness to the people around you. If you wish for
love, simply give love.
If you wish for friendship, joy or abundance simply give it to the people in your midst, and
you will receive abundance in return.

Today practice the following game:

1. Wherever you go today bring a small present with you. It can be a compliment, a
flower or a prayer. Commit yourself to the goal that today you will give something to
each person that you encounter. This will start the flow of abundance in your life as
well as in the lives of others.

If you like it, continue for a week, month and the rest of your life.

2. Commit yourself for a day to acknowledge all that life gives you. Receive presents
from nature: sunshine, birds singing, leaves falling or the first rain. In this way you
open yourself up to receive gifts from others, be it physical, material or verbally {such
as a compliment}

Daily Intentions

Going with the Flow

A Vacation Every Day

It is naturally easier to go with the flow when you are

in a state of relaxation, without worries,
responsibilities or commitments. A month-long
retreat would probably do the trick. Chances are,
however, that you haven't got that sort of time
available right at this minute. Don't despair;
following are five ways to indulge yourself in
practical self-care that you can begin immediately.


Every day take a short spiritual break. Sit outside and listen to the birds singing; or sit
inside and listen to a piece of inspirational music; or close your eyes for a few minutes,
focusing on your breathing. Inhaling and exhaling.


You don't need a membership for the local gym to do this. What did you enjoy doing when
you were a kid? I love to dance. It makes my heart soar. I also love to go for long walks in
the woods. These are my spirit-filled times. What's fun for you?


Begin to focus on the things that you enjoy and bring you energy. This is one of the ways
in which your intuition can communicate with you. If a given situation consistently drains
you, find a way to shift your focus or take steps to move in a new direction.


My grandmother used to say, 'every delay is for the best'. Do you want everything to
happen immediately?
Learn to enjoy and have fun in the process of achieving your goals. It will all happen when
the time is right.


Life can get all too serious at times. Do you get discouraged easily? Learn to lighten up.
There's something positively uplifting and downright spiritual about seeing a funny movie,
reading an entertaining book or sharing a fun evening with friends. It can recharge your
batteries and open you to a renewed life force. All things are possible with a fresh

And above all... celebrate!

Daily Intentions

The Acknowledgement Game

Being grateful is the ability to appreciate and be

thankful for all that life gives us. It is a state of
being where we are able to see that all is well and
that everything that happens is for the good.

We are too often accustomed to looking for the negative things in life. The first step in
order to learn gratefulness is to start acknowledging yourself and the people around you.

The Acknowledgement Game increases the powerful background support mechanism that
is your unconscious mind, by acknowledging accomplishments. The Acknowledgement
Game also allows you to experience the satisfaction of your accomplishments. The game
is simple but very powerful.

First, make a list of at least 10 people that you can acknowledge for supporting you in your
life right now.
It can be family members, co-workers, friends, teachers, and writers...

And for the next 10 days follow the following steps:

1. Every morning create a to-do list containing 9 items. The first 3 should be major items
(e.g. making this important sales call, confronting your boss, go to your son's football
game) The next 3 should be minor items (e.g. having coffee with your neighbor,
cleaning the bathroom, picking up your kids from school. The last 3 items should be
items you usually not acknowledge (e.g. eating breakfast, taking a shower before
going to work, arriving on time at the office)

2. Whenever you accomplish one of these results YIPPEE it! Make it big! Exaggerate it!
Get excited!

3. Every day meet or telephone at least one of the people you wish to acknowledge for
their contribution to your life, and take the time to acknowledge them. Do not expect
anything back.

4. Every evening acknowledge yourself for your achievements during the day, and notice
how you feel...

Enjoy it...

Daily Intentions

by Cheryl Richardson

Doing something out of the ordinary routine can be

a great way to add some fun to your life. Whens the
last time you had fun? Indulged in a good long belly
laugh or a thrilling experience that forced you to
catch your breath? Remember? The sort of activity that keeps a smile on your face for at
least thirty minutes? Sound vaguely familiar?

Humor is a vital nutrient for an abundant life, and for most of us this nutrient is in short
supply. We are too much absorbed and concerned with how to do things The Right Way
or about what will the others think about me to do anything purely for the sake of fun.

Wouldnt it be great if we could buy humor powder at the local health-food store, much
like protein drink, and mix up a serving before heading off to work?

Today - actually, RIGHT NOW, open your word processor, and create a sign (using at
least 24 point font) that says: AM I HAVING FUN YET?

Print this sign and hang it in your home or office. Use it to remind yourself to do something
humorous at least 3 times today. (Remember the 30-minute smile test!)

For those of you who forgot to have fun, dont worry here are some ideas:

1. Play with your friends

2. Try video games (and worry if youre not good at first)

3. Go to the toy store

4. Cuddle a kitten

5. Eat ice cream (a large size, cause it lasts longer)

6. Slide down a slide or swing on the swings

7. Go to the beach and splash around

8. Go sledding and take your mittens

9. Take an afternoon off and see a funny movie

10. Dont take a shower

Daily Intentions

Joy is an essential spiritual practice growing out of
faith, grace, gratitude, hope, and love. It is the pure
and simple delight in being alive. Joy is our elated
response to feelings of happiness, experiences of
pleasure, and awareness of abundance. It is also
the deep satisfaction we experience, when we are
able to serve others and be genuinely pleased for
their good fortune.

Here are some ideas how you can practice joy in your life today:

Today invite joy into your life by staging celebrations, any kind of celebrations for no
apparent or logical reason, but purely the joy of living itself.

Host festivities to mark transitions and changes in your life.

Toast moments of happiness, you notice as you go through your day.

Dance jump for joy as often as possible. Life is not meant to be endured; it is
to be enjoyed.

Go dancing with your partner and/or friends.

Take classes.

Rent any Fred Astaire movie or a film about ballet, disco, flamenco, or ballroom
dancing. Act out the emotions the dance elicits in you.

Smile more even when youre feeling overwhelmed or at your wits end, you can
trick your body into a state of joy by holding a smile on your face for at least thirty
seconds. Try it right now.

Practice traffic singing. Start singing in the traffic at the top of your lungs, ensuring you
make all the right dancing movements that go along with your song. This way youll add
also a little joy to those around you.

Daily Intentions

Letting Go
One of the reasons why we suffer so much is that
we are so attached to ideas, feelings, people, and
things. The spiritual practice of letting go
challenges us to loosen our grip on things, habitual
patterns of action, and rigid lists of likes and

Practicing letting go, can be as simple as paying attention to why something doesnt fit
your life-style, or your self-image, anymore.
As our minds whirl through so many thoughts during the course of a day, let alone a
minute, they provide an excellent place to begin in the practice of letting go.
Fundamentally, letting go requires just two steps: (1) becoming aware of whatever arises
within the field of your experience or consciousness, and then (2) becoming aware of how
you relate to it.

Today allow yourself to have at least 30-45 minutes uninterrupted time. Create for yourself
a place where you can relax and not be disturbed. Then allow yourself to relax whilst
focusing on your breathing.

Once you feel totally relaxed, allow your attention to move inward and ask yourself the
following questions:

Which things in my physical surrounding have I no need for anymore and I am

willing to let go of?

Who are the people in my life that I know I can let go of?

What habits do I have that I do not need anymore and am willing to let go of?

Now, try to observe whatever arises, without judgment or reaction. Investigate and
examine the feeling, thought, or emotion, without bringing external or internal activity to
bear on it. If the thought, feeling, or sensation requires that you act, decide how to channel
your energy into action, or simply release the sensation, thought, or feeling, recognizing
the passing, empty nature of all experiences.

Daily Intentions

by Cheryl Richardson

Love is the divine force that connects us all. Much

like electricity, love is the energy that flows through
each of us. We share this love energy in many
ways. For example, reaching out to hold a hand or
touch a shoulder passes the energy of love through your touch. Speaking kind words to
another, passes the energy of love through your words. The deliberate and conscious use
of this force, creates this energy, and produces predictable, powerful results - people feel
your love and are through this means healed.

Is there someone in your life who needs your love? Your irritable boss or nosy next-door
neighbor? Perhaps the grouchy bus driver or your husbands bitter ex-wife? Think of how
sending your love to the people you least want to can create a powerful form of healing.

Today, send messages of love. There are the very direct messages such as I love you
that we might say to family members. Then there are the more subtle messages, such as
smiling at a stranger or offering a helping hand to a friend in need. Today, ensure that you
create the space to deliberately send these messages.

Imagine that you are given a pocketful of love to share with others throughout the day (a
very LARGE pocket). Your mission today is to empty this pocket. You might decide to
simply say, I love you to someone close (its usually the people closest to us that need to
hear it the most). Or you may reach out a coworker who drives you to distraction and offer
to assist that person with a project. Maybe you decide to bite your tongue in the middle of
an argument and instead offer a kind word or admit you were wrong. Regardless of the
situation, stop right now and choose that someone. Then pick up the telephone and
communicate with that person. Or sit quietly and imagine your energy of love reaching out
to encompass them. As you empty your pocket of love, notice how good it makes you feel

The people who most need my love today are:

The way I will share this love is by:

Daily Intentions

Let the sunshine in (Cheryl Richardson)

How often have you kept your most treasured

desire a secret - that one thing you fantasize about
that no one else knows? The kind of desire that
seems too good to be true? Is there something you
long to do, be, or offer, that continues to be placed
on the back burner? Maybe you wish to participate
as an actor in a local theater production, start a new business venture, learn to dance,
travel for your work, or write a book. What stops you from making that fantasy a reality?

Sometimes it appears that the things we most want seem attached to the most risk - the
risk of rejection, disappointment, or failure. But if you play it safe, and never be open about
your desire, you risk something greater - the opportunity to experience the joy that comes
from expressing your unique talents and gifts. And to make matters worse, by not taking
the risk, you are forever haunted by that inner voice that whispers continually: if only and
"what if What a loss!

What if you were to decide right now to throw caution to the wind and open up to your
desire? Whats the worst that could happen? It might be a success!

Today do something about your desire - Open up! Share your desire with a trusted friend
or colleague and ask for their feedback and support (be sure to tell them that you only
want POSITIVE feedback). Take one action to move this dream forward. You might be
pleasantly surprised, as things appear to fall into place, once you become open to the
universe about your dreams.

My secret desire is:

I will be open about it with:

One practical step I can take today is:

Daily Intentions

by Cheryl Richardson

Have you ever felt frustrated or discouraged whilst

waiting for something you really wanted? A
relationship to blossom? Your business to take off?
A new baby to come into your life? Maybe youve
been forced to wait because youre unsure of whats next, feeling as though your dreams
have been put on permanent hold.

Usually this waiting period is signaling a turning point - a period of soul growth that leads to
something better. Its during these times of transition that you need to settle more deeply
into yourself, connecting to that strength of character that you did not know existed.

Although waiting can sometimes feel like a form of torture, it may be exactly what you
need in order to prepare better for the next stage of YOUR life. Patience is the ingredient
that allows you to connect to your inner wisdom on an entirely new level thus, an
opportunity to get to know yourself even better.

Today embrace your time of waiting. If there is an area of your life that feels as though its
on hold. Make the conscious decision to sit with it patiently. Dont try to change things,
push against the flow, or assume control of the circumstances. Instead, sit quietly and be
open to the messages contained within. Use this time to relax and rest. When the time is
right and youre ready to move on, youll be glad you did.

Daily Intentions

We all need more childlike moments to balance our
serious nature. As adults, we tend to take ourselves
and life too seriously, and in so doing, we forget the
kind of carefree timeless moments that children
experience while having only one goal in mind
FUN and playing. How quickly we lose the simple
pleasures of childhood

Life is actually one big game, but we have forgotten how to play it. Today, you want to do
as many activities as possible that will allow you to play.

Here are some suggestions that might help you to reawaken the child within:

Buy yourself a giant pad of paper and some pastels and schedule a time to draw,
using your fingers to smudge the colors together.
Invite friends over for a meal and forget the silverware. Have your guests eat with
their hands (serve spaghetti to really make it fun)
Buy several cans of Play-Dough and keep them in your office. Create a new
monster every time you feel tensed.
Spend an hour in the woods noticing the height of the trees, the color of the grass,
and the little pinecones, sticks and rocks that make for forest jewels.
Close the shades, put on your favorite dance music, and dance in your living room.
Get dirty. Go out and weed the yard, plant a tree, or simply dig holes in the dirt.
Visit a local toy store and spend some time picking out a favorite coloring book (feel
free to wear glasses and an overcoat if you must). Keep this book in your office and
between your adult duties steal some time to color.
Spend an hour sitting on the grass looking for a four-leaf clover.
Have a serious conversation with your dog.
Get a temporary tattoo.
Gather together a group of friends for dinner and play musical chairs.
Grab a friend, buy a watermelon and have a contest to see how far you can spit the
Buy yourself a teddy bear and/or sleep with a stuffed animal
Paint your partners toenails
Spend fifteen minutes mimicking your cat.

Have FUN!

Daily Intentions

Due to conditioned low self-esteem, most people
experience themselves as too unworthy to receive
Often they will avoid their sense of unworthiness
with beliefs like "life is not fair".
Life is not fair - it is just abundant!

At first, receiving joyously feels awkward, as the act itself gives rise to all your unconscious
negative thoughts about yourself.

Going beyond this awkwardness takes practice.

It requires saying "yes" even when you feel not good enough, especially when your
reactive brain is distorting your ability to receive council from Spirit.

Today - Practice receiving any opportunity that presents itself today, open yourself to the
process of receiving. It may be a compliment, a gift or even advice from someone you did
not expect. In order to benefit from it fully, complete the following sentences.

Write down how have you discounted what you have received until today?

Write down how can you practice receiving? Be specific.

Daily Intentions

by Cheryl Richardson

Too often, we tend to move from one project, goal

or task to the next without stopping to acknowledge
what weve accomplished already. We all need to
pause for a while taking some time out to reflect on
our actions. We need to review what we have
completed, in order to create some clarity for
ourselves. Most important in this process, is the question we must ask ourselves, whether
what we are doing really brings us closer to where we wish to be.

Reflection is an important part of our life if we wish to live using our full potential.
Today take some time and give yourself the gift of self-reflection whilst considering the
following questions:

1. What changes (small or large) have I made in my life so far?

2. How have I grown as a result of these changes?

3. What have I accomplished?

4. What am I proud of?

5. The five most valuable changes Ive made in the last 6 months are:

Once youve spent time answering these questions give yourself a reward for the changes
youve made in your life. Whether a gift, write yourself a congratulatory letter, or even
having a dinner party with yourself as honored guest - its important that you DO
SOMETHING to acknowledge and appreciate your commitment to yourself.

Daily Intentions

10 ways to take time for yourself

What happens when you run continuously without

pausing to ask, "Where am I running to" and "why
am I running there?"

Quite simply stated


Whether physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or any combination thereof.

You don't need the official label of 'workaholic' to be a victim of burnout. Instead, you may
be a busy full-time mother, an over stimulated pensioner, or an over worked college or
university student.

Only you control your destiny. You are the one, who can make it happen, let it go or simply
change it. If you want something different in your life, what are you doing to achieve it?

Make time to take time...

Here are some ways you can use TODAY to do it:

Be Creative - write, draw, paint, design, knit, sew, crochet, build, sing...

Exercise - swim, jog, walk, skip, bike, hike, roller blade...

Relax - lie in a hammock, take a nap, practice yoga, meditate... just BE...

Read - enjoy a great novel, get lost in a page-turner...

Enjoy - movies, plays, concerts...

Play - be a kid again... play games, be silly, have fun. Go sailing, go horseback
riding, play golf, play tennis, sing and dance...

Spend more time - with the people you care about: significant others, family and
friends; make new friends...

Travel - go someplace you have never been...somewhere you have always

wanted to go.

Laugh - find ways to get more humor into your life: read funny stories, go to a
comedy show, and rent a comedy movie...

Sleep - catch up on your sleep; take naps...

Daily Intentions

Accepting more personal responsibility and choice
consciously into your life will allow you to move
from feeling victimized or helpless in everyday
situations, toward a developing sense that, no
matter what happens, you have an opportunity to
choose how youre going to meet the moment.
You acknowledge that you can't control what each
moment brings your way, but you can decide how to navigate those moments to the best
of your ability.

While you can't control what may come your way in life, and while you may not always be
able to control the feelings that come up in response to an event, you can choose, to
some degree, more or less at any given moment, how you will respond, in spite of your
Even if you are activated by intense feelings, you can practice the art of choosing to feel,
with or without acting on your emotions, depending on the particular, unique circumstance
in which you find yourself today, as you encounter each challenge, or whatever experience
comes your way, take a moment to notice whether or not you are choosing or simply
reacting. Choosing leads to response. Reacting leads to who knows what, because in
this uncontrollable state you are not in the driver's seat.

Daily Intentions

Close Encounters (Cheryl Richardson)

If youd like to experience more soulful connections

in your life, then improve your ability to connect and
share. Be present for others. Slow down and make
the time to get together. Stop what youre doing,
when a friend calls and actually pay attention. Take
time out of your busy schedule to spend quality
time with your family. When you are with loved ones, take the conversation to a deeper
level by asking more meaningful questions and share about your dreams, your hopes and
wishes. This will help to move the relationship beyond boring, superficial chitchat to a
deeper level where true connection can be made.

Today step out of your comfort zone and risk a deeper involvement. If youd like to take an
existing relationship to a new level, communicate your wish to that person directly. If
theres someone youd like to get to know better, pick up the phone and invite that person
to dinner. If you long to bring new relationship into your life, let three people in your
community know about it. Since most of us share that very same desire, when you reach
out and share, the chances are favorable that someone will reach back.

The person(s) Id like to connect more deeply with is (are):

Two people Id like to get to know better are:

The one action I will take today is:

Daily Intentions

10 Little Reminders to Living Life

Real life is everything you experience. Everything

you are. We tend to confuse our career/work and
life itself, not being able to differentiate between the
two. Life and work are not the same entity.
Learn to make the distinction between the two. Work is only an aspect of your life.

Your life consists of more than simply sitting at your desk, in front of your computer or
commuting to and from your workplace.

Your life involves more than living through your head it is essentially about living from
your heart. Life is more than your bank account - it is your essence, your source, your

Here are some reminders you can use today to start living real life in the simplicity of life.

Take nothing for granted. Everything is a wonder. Experience water flow, flowers
blooming, leaves blowing, the rhythmical sound of your neighbor mowing.

Notice the sun and the moon as they rise and set. They are remarkable for their
steady pattern of movement, not their speed.

Talk and play with children. It will bring out the unhurried little person inside you.

Create a place in your home, at your work, in your heart, where you can be quiet.
You deserve it.

Talk slower. Talk less. Don't talk. Communication isn't measured by words.

When you find yourself rushing and anxious, stop! Remember, this is not the
essence of life.

Direct your life with purposeful choices, not with speed and efficiency. The best
musician is one who plays with expression and meaning, not the one who finishes

Work with your hands. It frees the mind.

Sit in the dark. It will teach you to see, hear, taste, smell and sense.

Count your blessings one at a time and slowly.

Daily Intentions

Slowing Down
5 Ways to Step into the Magic of Living

Taking things more slowly, means beginning to live

with the flow of life. Here are some ways you can
practice it today:

Magic moments manifest as a result of being fully

present. You might be sensing the soft breeze on your face, smelling a baby's hair or
eating an apple - but whatever you are doing, you are not distracted by thoughts of the
past or future, but fully alive in the here-and-now. Right now, let your thoughts slow down
and drift past without attempting to grab hold of them, and allow yourself to enter into this
unique moment. What can you see, hear, feel or smell right now? How does your body
feel? What is happening around you? Can you feel the magic?

Next time you are in a crowded place a supermarket queue, a busy shopping street,
railway station or cafe - spend a few minutes looking around at the faces around you,
seeing everyone present as part of you. Gaze at each person, accepting them totally as an
integral part of you. See Spirit, God, Goddess, Divine, the Universe in each of them.
Surround each person in white light, sending them your love. Allow yourself to merge with
them all, experiencing your Oneness. Be aware (beware) of any 'better than' or 'less than'
judgments that might pass through your mind, and remind yourself that in judging others,
you judge yourself.

Start simplifying your life. If you don't know where to start, grab pen and paper, and ask
yourself: "What do I need to do to simplify my life?" Listen to your heart and be open to
whatever answers may come. Be open for the possibility of making big changes such as
moving to a smaller home, leaving the city, resigning from your job or going part-time, or
throwing out your entire wardrobe. Instead, you might feel moved to take small, easy steps
to begin with - such as not listening to the news, shopping less often, or limiting your
wardrobe to two or three basic colors, which suit you. Trust your heart - and take action!

Spend time in silence in nature. Use all your senses. Smell the air, the earth and the
flowers. Listen to the birds, the insects and the wind. Observe everything as if it was for
the first time in your life.

For 24 hours choose to have an attitude of YES. Anything that comes your way, find the
YES to it. If you like it, say YES. If you don't, say YES. Even if you have a NO, say YES to
your NO. Check your mood and energy at the end of the experiment and if you like it,
extend the experiment for another 24 hours, another week, another month...

Daily Intentions

Do you ever feel that life is one long routine day
followed by another? You wake up, take a shower,
brush your teeth, get dressed, head off to work...
Well, if one day of the same ol stuff makes you
feel cranky, it may well be time for a spontaneity

The idea of scheduling a spontaneity break may well sound like a contradiction in terms,
but when you consider how our society lives and thrives by means of the clock, it makes
sense. Too often, we fall into the trap of believing that life will become easier and more
meaningful, when we master the art of living and acting efficiently. But schedules, clocks,
and well-planned time can suffocate our creative spirit that part of us that thrives on
spontaneous, open-ended time.

As creative beings, we all need periods of time to live spontaneously without commitments
or distractions. By creating the space to live in the moment, we strengthen the connection
of our inner wisdom, giving ourselves a much-needed rest from the routine of day-to-day
living. So, if the idea of brushing your teeth or getting dressed feels like an overwhelming
task, it might be the definite signal that it is time for a spontaneity break!

Today, schedule a spontaneity break. Take an afternoon or evening off and give yourself
the gift of `down` time, free from appointments or obligations. Do whatever comes to mind
at that moment. During this time stop, check in with your Wise Self, and ask, What do I
REALLY want to do right now? However goofy or simple the answer might be, trust your
instinct and act upon this impulse !

Daily Intentions

by Cheryl Richardson

Too often, we neglect to ask for help. Conditioned

to do it alone, we may fear appearing weak or in
need. Ironically, for many of us, it simply doesnt
occur to us to reach out to others for support. But
co-operation can have an amazing impact on the lives of all parties involved.

Human beings are not meant to live in isolation. Sharing ourselves and supporting each
other, deepens our connection and gives us the courage and strength to move beyond our
limitations. Best of all, asking for support brings another people into your life that could
also share in the celebration of your success.

Today, choose a goal or project, find a partner, and ask for support. For example, you
might ask a co-worker to walk with you during lunchtime, so that you can support each
other as you both get in shape. Or you and a friend might each choose a project that you
have procrastinated on, and challenge each other to finish it by the end of the week.
Maybe its time for you to hire an assistant or support person to ease your work load?
Perhaps its is simply arranging to speak with someone before and after a difficult phone
call or the more challenging task of getting help with your taxes, give yourself (and
someone else) the chance to experience the power of giving support and becoming
partners in co-operation.

The project Id like support with is:

Three potential partners are:




Daily Intentions

Tenderness is the ability to see all beings with the
eye of compassion. When you practice tenderness,
you speak to others from understanding that all
living beings are part of the Divine. By praising
people who are virtuous, and feeling saddened for
people who are not, you turn your enemies into
friends. Those people who are your friends become
closer, and thus tenderness strengthens the
friendship between you. Whenever you speak kindly to another, their face brightens up
and their heart is warmed. An even deeper impression is made, when hearing kind words
spoken about oneself in one's absence. Tenderness can have a revolutionary impact on

Today practice bringing in some tenderness into your life and the people around you.

Here are some tips how you can do it:

Respect - Think about how you show your respect for your loved one? Do you tell them
you respect their opinion, ask for their opinion, or do something they want to do? How
often do you do this? What else do you do? Do it more! It is easy.

Thoughtfulness - There are so many ways that your loved ones are thoughtful with you.
Tell them you appreciate specific things they do for you. How they understand when you
have to work late, and miss time with them. Maybe they buy the juice you like at the store,
or pick up your dry cleaning. Every day you can show your thoughtfulness.
A little thoughtfulness goes a long way and comes right back to you.

Kindness - We need so much kindness. Be aware of being a little more kindly in the way
you speak and act. You love these people. Be your loving self with them more of the time.
Dont save it for special occasions. Be kind enough to apologize when you err. Even when
you dont give the daily attention they deserve. It helps.

Daily Intentions

Trust is probably the most important ingredient in
the building process of any kind of relationship.
Whether this relationship involves another person or
whether it is with yourself

At the root of every control-freak and self-righteous

personality, is a fundamental lack of trust in the other partner or in yourself. Bottom line,
you dont truly believe that things will work out, if you are not present. There is a deep
anxiety that something will go amiss, or that you will fail. Therefore you need to control

No relationship can survive if there is no foundation of trust. If you have identified that one
of your issues is concerning trust, manifesting itself in a need to control or act in a self-
righteous manner, the following process is a powerful method in learning to let go of that
control and learning to trust your partner and yourself.

For the next process you will need a blindfold and to invest 2 hours time.

Drive out to a nearby place in nature, such as a forest, a park, or any natural environment
where you can be assured of some privacy.

Decide who will be the first person to complete the process. The best way is for the partner
most lacking in trust to begin first.

Once you have decided who begins first, blindfold him or her and take them for a walk.
The concept is to guide them through the area without touching them, by means of verbal
directions such as where to go and where to turn.

It is a process about communication; therefore throughout the entirety of the journey, you
need to communicate with your partner in order to make him/her feel safe.

You also want to allow them to experience the environment utilizing different senses, than
the normal and dominating sense of eyesight. Surprise them and guide them to a tree and
let them sense and feel the leaves, the fruits of the tree, or the trunk. Let them smell a
flower without them knowing it. Bring it close to their nose. If you feel that your partner is
starting to trust you more, allow them do more courageous things than just walking. Guide
them through the exercise of climbing over a fallen tree or a bush. Let them start running.
Allow your creativity to lead you.

After 30-40 minutes change over. Before changing roles, allow yourself some time with
your partner. Talk about what and how he/she felt. Find out how it felt to be guided by you
and how they experienced trusting you during this process.

Daily Intentions

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Daily Intentions

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