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Behavioural and Classroom Management Plan

Phase Model / Approach Details / Tactics Implementation Date

Proactive Classroom organisation Set-up of desks to avoid congestion, to monitor students, Beginning of year, review
(McDonald, 2013) seating plan throughout the year
Resources easily accessible
Dreikurs (1957): Class Rules created with the class, no more than 5. Students Beginning of the year, review
Goal centred theory understand the consequences of breaking the rules. throughout the year
- Class Rules
Procedures (McDonald, 2013) Timetable on the wall - routine Always
Nelsen, Lott & Glenn (1997): - Humour, personal stories Beginning of year, Always
- Develop positive relationships - Show interest
- Empathetic
- Connecting strategies

- Safe learning environment - High expectations

- Respect
- Problem solving
Supportive Dreikurs (1957): Positive encouragement and feedback rather than praise Always
- Encouragement
Rogers (1998) Remind students what they should be doing As needed
Kounin (1970): - avoid tangents and distractions, keep the lesson flowing Always
- Smoothness - supervise multiple activities at one time, able to watch
- Overlapping everyone
- Momentum - maintain pace of lessons, stay on track and appropriate
delivery of lessons/teaching
Maintenance Gordon (1989): Description of behaviour, effect, consequence and feeling As needed
- I messages
Glasser (1998), Choice theory: What are you doing? As needed
- rules What is the rule?
What should you be doing?
Kounin (1970): Call on students at random to show their work they have done Each lesson if needed or every
- Group alerting so far. few lessons.
Non-verbal E.g. finger over lips to signal for quiet, hand up to stop, thumbs As needed
(McDonald, 2013) up good work / well done. Proximity stand near the student
that is talking.
Mendler (1997): Privacy quietly speak with them about their behaviour As needed
- PEP Eye contact looking at them, implies please stop talking, get
back on task
Proximity - Move towards the students that are not on task
Curwin & Mendler, (1999): Listening To what they are saying. As needed
- LAAD Acknowledging That you hear them
Agreeing that what they are saying may be true
Deferring let them know you will speak to them later
Dreikurs (1957): Give students a choice when they are making a poor learning As needed
- Providing a choice choice. E.g. move desks or stay and get back on task give a
time frame for this decision.
Reactive Albert (1996): Related, Reasonable, Respectful, Reliably enforced Always when consequences are
- Consequences required
Gordon (1989): 1. Identify the problem As needed
- Problem Solving 2. Identify possible solutions
3. Identify the outcome for each solution
4. Delete unacceptable options
5. Apply the agree solution
6. Identify a time for review
Adler (1930): What happened? As needed
- Private logic What were you feeling?
What were you thinking?
What do we need to do know?
Removing a student Keep in room as long as possible, for when the behaviour makes Only when absolutely necessary
(McDonald, 2013) it impossible for teaching and for learning to occur.
Adler, A. (1930). The Problem Child. Putnams, New York
Albert, L. (1996). Cooperative Discipline. American Guidance Services, Circle Pine, MN.
Cope, B. (2005). How to Make a Classroom Management Plan. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia
Curwin, R. & Mendler, A. (1999). Zero Tolerance for Zero Tolerance. Phi Delta Kappan, 81, 119-120.
Driekurs, R. (1957). Psychology in the Classroom. Harper & Row: New York.
Glasser, W. (1998). Choice Theory: A New Psychology of Personal Freedom. HarperCollins: New York.
Gordon, T. (1989). Discipline That Works. Plume: New York.
Kounin, J. S. (1970). Discipline and Group Management in Classrooms. Holt, Rinehart and Winston: New York.
McDonald, T. (2013). Classroom Management: Engaging Students in Learning (2nd Ed). Oxford University Press: Melbourne.
Mendler, A. (1997). Power Struggles. Discipline Associates, Rochester: New York.
Nelsen, J., Lott, L. & Glenn, H. S. (1997). Positive Discipline in the Classroom. Prima Publishing, Roseville, CA.
Rogers, B. (1998). You Know the Fair Rule and More. Pitman: London.

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