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Volu m e 48B | Issu e 11 | Weds, 8/ 9/ 17

Gu est Edit or s: Ryan an d Addison Kan e

W h at Nu m ber Com es Nex t ?
By Kalie

Her e ar e som e fun pr oblem s get your br ain m oving.



I hope you enjoyed these fun pr oblem s!

How t o M ak e a Hi gh Fan t asy Wor l d Ol i ve?s Apol ogi es

By Peter Tr avis By Olive (w ith som e help fr om Liam )

Author?s Note: Yet again, this is satire. To Kelsey?

Sor r y for not listening to w hat you tell m e to do. Can I
So you w ant to m ake a High Fantasy w or ld. have a hug?
Good! I?ll show you how to m ake one. (Post Fr om ,
Edit: High Fantasy is basically stuff you?d see Olive
in Lord of The Rings. Now, this is a very basic
understanding, but I have to have this here To Olive?
for clarity) Sor r y for chasing people that w er e tr ying to w r ap m e
ar ound the tr ee.
1. Bar r icade your door to pr event the angr y Fr om ,
par ents fr om getting inside your house and Olive
bur ning your stuff.
To Ever yone W ho Was Her e Last Session W hen I Got
2. Play at least 24 hour s of Dungeons and Loose?
Dr agons. (W hile playing, think of the Sor r y for tr ying to r un aw ay w hen you let m e off
char acter s in your gr oup, and steal those leash.
char acter s w ithout giving cr edit to the Fr om ,
actual player s. That usually tur ns out w ell.) Olive

3. Log onto Inter net Explor er and look up

pictur es of Dw ar ves on DeviantAr t and/or
Tum blr. (Don?t for get to steal those pictur es
as w ell.)

4. Pull up M icr osoft Wor d, choose Com ic

Sans, and w r ite your stor y w ith the w or st
gr am m ar possible. (I.E an den teh par tey
w ent to teh m ushr oom ies and dancied
ar ound it)

5. Post your stor y on Reddit.

Congr atulations! You?ve just r uined any

chance of you getting a job! Now you have
to m ake m oney on Patr eon. Have fun!
Fem i n i sm Ran t Hor r i bl e ver si on s of t ag, an d w hy t h ey'r e
By Kather ine Lam ber t bad.
Top 5.
Hey guys, fem inist Kather ine is back and By Sar ah
better than ever. Due to r ecent events, our
pr esident is a chauvinist. I m iss Obam a ? No 1. Blob tag. Rules of the gam e, the ?it?has to go
m atter how har d w e tr y, though, w e can?t br ing ar ound tagging people like nor m al tag, but say
him back . We can get r id of Tr um p if w e r ant they tag som eone they ar e both ?it?. Then, they
har d enough, though! have to hold hands and tag m or e people and
Okay, so Donald Tr um p thinks it?s okay to they all have to hold hands w ith one another.
explain aw ay a w hole conver sation about It?s bad for the ?it?side. W hy? Have you ever
disr especting w om en as ?locker r oom talk?. W hat tr ied to r un holding hands w ith ten other
m essage does that send to young boys w ho listen people? Well, you tr ip. A lot. Then, because you
to him ? That you can say w hatever you w ant, ar en't r unning, ever ybody is bor ed.
and tr eat w om en how ever you w ant, just
because you ar e r ich and pow er ful. And it 2. Toilet tag. Rules of the gam e; it?s like fr eeze
doesn?t even m atter , because it?s just ?locker tag, but w hen you get tagged you have to go
r oom talk?. It?s just w hat guys do. And that?s not into a squatting position, and hold your ar m
r ight! It just m akes w om en ever yw her e feel? out. To get untagged som eone has to push your
violated. Like w e don?t even m atter. That no ar m dow n and than you m ake a shhh noise.
m atter how har d w e tr y, w e w ill never get the Yes, you ar e im itating flushing a toilet. Side it?s
r espect w e w ant. Because I think that?s r eally bad for , the player side. W hy? It is disgusting
w hat ever yone w ants. Respect. and tir ing.
Not to m ention his com m ents about
Pr esident M acr on?s w ife, Br igitte, that he m ade?
3. Pig pen. Rules of the gam e; it is liter ally
to her face! He m eets her and the fir st thing he
nor m al tag in an enclosed space. Side it?s bad
thinks to do is com plim ent her body? Cr eepy
for , both sides. W hy? It is w ay too easy for the
stalker aler t! He says to her , ?You?r e in such good
?it?side and r eally bor ing.
shape.? Then he tur ns to Pr esident M acr on and
says, ?She?s in such good physical shape.? He
looks back at Br igitte and says, ?Beautiful.? At 4. Fr eeze tag. Rules of the gam e; w hen you get
w hich point, she gr abs M elania?s ar m and takes a tagged, you fr eeze in place. To get untagged
step back . Honestly, I w ould pr obably do the som eone sim ply has to tag you again. Side it?s
sam e thing. Cr edit: I used infor m ation fr om Liam bad for , the ?it?side. W hy? The only w ay to w in
Stack?s ar ticle on the New Yor k Tim es, titled is to tag ever yone! It is a hor r ifying exper ience.
?Tr um p, in Fr ance, Tells Br igitte M acr on, ?You?r e I tell you that as som eone w ho has played. IT IS
in Such Good Shape??. NOT FUN!
Also, he ow ned the M iss Univer se pageant,
w hich I find disgusting. Pageants ar e just super 5. Classic tag. Rules of the gam e, you get tagged,
sexist in gener al? it is liter ally a contest to judge you'r e ?it?. Side it?s bad for , both sides. W hy? It
w ho the hottest gir l is. Congr atulations! You ar e is just plain bor ing.
skinny and look pr etty in a bikini! W hat an
accom plishm ent. The M iss Univer se pageant says it is about m aking w om en m or e confident, but the
w ebsite says, and I quote, ?Resear ch has show n the #1 obstacle for w om en to over com e in r eaching
their potential in any endeavor is a lack of self-confidence. In doing so our contestants and titleholder s
have the oppor tunity to gr ow as w om en and be confident in any goal they choose to pur sue.? Really?
Has anyone thought that per haps som e w om en ar en?t confident because they ar e constantly taught
m en ar e sm ar ter , m en ar e str onger , m en ar e better ? The or ganization decides to tr y to give w om en
confidence by putting them in a looks contest, w her e all but one ar e told they ar en?t pr etty enough. I
know that w ould give m e loads of confidence? not. Also, the w ebsite says it is ?r un by w om en for
w om en,? but Donald Tr um p ow ned it! And he w as r eally cr eepy tow ar ds all the contestants w hen he
I am honestly shocked he m ade it to the W hite House. How did the w or ld com e to this? I thought
w e w er e m oving for w ar ds by electing our fir st Black pr esident (ohhh, Obam a, I m iss you so
m uuuuuch), but then som e under gr ound cult bur st for th and elected the cur r ent r acist, sexist, or ange
pig! We m ust r esist! Know your r epr esentative and m ake a change.
W h i ch Pu n ct u at i on M ar k Ar e You ? Acr ost i c Poet r y st u f f
By AnoNYm OuS777 (Ben Cr able) By Zach Levine

Question One: How do you talk? Rubik?s:

A: W hat do you m ean? Rubik?s
C: I talk just fine, thank you for asking, hey r em em ber Beautiful
that tim e w hen w e w er e in clay class, and I w as all I can solve it and I'm a
like ?Hey m an, w hat?s up, you w anna m ake Kid
som ething w ith m e,? and he w as all like ?No m an, So eat my shor ts
w ho ar e you.?
D: I don't judge my com m unication. Cam p:
Char les r iver cr eative
Question Two: Do people find you annoying? Ar ts pr ogr am the
A: No? do they? M ost am azing
C: I m ean, they find m e a LITTLE bit annoying, but I Poetr y:
don?t find myself annoying, so isn?t that all that Poetr y is
m atter s, oh by the w ay this r em inds m e of the tim e Obviously
one of my fr iends r ead my daily double ar ticle and he Enter taining
laughed so har d he star ted coughing? To
D: No. Read
Question Three: How do you text people?
A: Wait, do people still use cell phones?
C: Well, I text people on a phone, but not ever yone
has a phone, did you know m or e people have access
to a phone than they do to a toilet, because that fact
shocked m e, anyw ay I text people on a phone and
m ake looong texts so that I can get out all the
infor m ation I need?
D: I text like a nor m al hum an being.

Question Four: Do you like to sing?

A: How do I sing?
C: Singing w as never my str ong suit, I pr efer to dance,
or do ar t, or anything else but sing, I can?t stand being
in fr ont of an audience w ith a m ike that pr ojects my
ever y br eath to the audience, it?s so em bar r assing for
that to happen?
D: Som edays I like to sing, som edays I like to do
som ething else.

If you got m ostly A, then you ar e a Question M ar k! You question ever ything ar ound you, including
Walker. Ther e is nothing w r ong w ith questioning people, but you m ay not know of the latest tr ends.
If you got m ostly B, then you ar e a Exclam ation Point! You LOVE to yell and shout and ar e SUPER
excited about ever ything.
If you got m ostly C, then you ar e a Com m a! You love to talk and talk w ithout end. People could find you
annoying for this, but it does get your point acr oss to ever yone (If they ar e half-listening)
If you ar e m ostly D then you ar e a Per iod! You like to keep things shor t and sim ple, and you ar e ver y,
ver y nor m al. M aybe even too nor m al. M aybe as nor m al as? Walker !
Well, ther e is another Unique W hich [Blank] Ar e You Quiz! I hope you enjoyed it.
Explor in g t h e Woods

Th e Woods i s M ad Cr azy

Good after noon, Xplor er m an the blogger her e.

For year s, the gr aveyar d behind the CRCAP
cam pus has been r iddled w ith myster ies. Being
a cer tified Ghostbuster , I saw it as my duty to
Xplor e? the secr ets linger ing just beyond our
cam p. Upon Xplor ing , I discover ed a gor geous
w oods behind the gr aveyar d. l cam e back later
that w eek to Xplor e and cam e acr oss quite the
discover y. To my sur pr ise, an old m ill sat in the
w oods. Could this be the Xplonation? for the
gr aveyar d??? The place sur e is myster ious. I
then m oved on fr om the spooky scar y skeletons
to Xplor e fur ther and find a BEAUTIFUL r ocky
peak . This over looked the vast and r ugged
ter r ain of Dover and the skyline of Boston,
w hich is a gr eat display of the beauty of natur e.
I love natur e.

By: X1X__Xplor er M Annn__X1X

Wit h Ph ot ojou r n alism
Th e Secr et Woods

For a long tim e now the secr et w oods have been hidden
behind the cem eter y and for bidden to cam per s. BUT W HY?
You m ay ask . Well that?s w hat you ar e about to find out! Our
par ty snuck thr ough the cem eter y, steer ing clear of the
suspicious feeling of being w atched fr om som ew her e in the
distance. We w alked betw een gr aves in com plete silence. It
w as eer ily quiet. The silence br oke to the sound of quickly
shuffling footsteps, our par ty sear ched to find the sour ce, but
to no avail. We continued onw ar d but the footsteps seem ed to
follow us. We then found a pathw ay leading up to an
abandoned ir on m ill sur r ounded by a sm all pond. The
footsteps picked up speed then suddenly ceased, the spir it had
found its hom e. The air w as cold and cr isp, despite the sun
r eflecting off of the pond and hitting our backs as w e w alked
on. We hear d the tr ickle of w ater , dr ipping fr om the m ill, it
suddenly stopped, w e pear ed over the fence guar ding the m ill.
Then, w ith a gust of w ind the w ater bur st out of the m ill, and
ever ything w as back to nor m al, or so w e thought. One of our
ankles w as gently splashed w ith the pond w ater. That?s w hen
w e knew it w asn?t over. We r an thr ough the w oods but one of
us tr ipped. At fir st w e kept on r unning but the guilt w as
killing us just like the abandoned w ould soon be. ?We have to
go back!? I said ?Ther e?s not enough tim e. Keep on r unning!?
our tr oop leader said. ?Then let?s m ake tim e!? w e all said.
W hen w e ar r ived he w as deathly ill, he w as shaking, ?YOU!?
he yelled, pointing to our tr oupe leader. ?IT WAS YOU!?, he
w as hyster ical, his eyes glazed over and he fainted, w e all
cr ow ded ar ound him , except for one, our leader. He tur ned
his back and began to laugh. W E picked up our fainted fr iend
and r an, our leader just stood ther e and laughed, ?It?s not over
yet? he said calm ly, and disappear ed.

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Adven t u r es of Gu ac-er : Gu ac-er an d t h e A Fi ve Ni gh t s at Fr eddy?s Qu i z
m i sh ap By An Evil Gir l (Ava)
By AnoNYm OuS777 (Ben Cr able)
W hat is your fav color?
One day, Walker w as at the Daily A: yellow
Double r oom , eating som e guacam ole. Out of B: r ed
now her e, a bolt of lightning str uck Walker C: br ow n
and the bow l of guacam ole. The lightning w as D: blue
so pow er ful that Walker ?s atom s and the E: pur ple
atom s fr om the guacam ole m ixed together. F: gr ay and pink
W hen Walker r egained consciousness, he
noticed he w as a BOW L OF GUACAM OLE! W hat is your fav food?
Then a cam per w alked into the Daily Double A: PIZZA!!1
r oom and saw the Walker -Guacam ole hybr id. B+C+D: not listed
The cam per r ecognized this bow l of E: TOAST!!!!
guacam ole as Walker. F: fr ontal lobe
?Walker , w hat happened to you? Or should I
saw , Guac-er ??
W hat is your fav ship?
?A lightning bolt com bined m e and my
A: Chica + Bonnie
guacam ole together.? Replied Guac-er.
B: M angle + Foxy
?Well, since you ar e a bow l of
C: Fr eddy +Baby
guacam ole, you m ust have som e super pow er s
D: Bon Bon + Bonnet
fr om the lightning,? said the cam per.
E: Pur ple Guy + Spr ing Bonnie
Walker r ealized that he could shoot
F: Foxy + M angle
avocados out of his m outh and that he could
?You?r e r ight! W ith the pow er s of W hat do you think first when I say PIZZA?
guacam ole, I w ill pr otect this cam pus fr om A: GIVE M E IT NOW !!
any and all for m s of evil!? exclaim ed Guac-er B: * no com m ent*
w ith pr ide. ?But I?m still a bow l of C: * plays m usic box* give m e it?
guacam ole.? D: M INE * gr abs pizza*
And so the adventur es of Guac-er E: m eh..
F: jhsbgcjhvsdfthcfw hfv
begin. Guac-er
w ill encounter
m any enem ies, W hat your fav game?
such as Aar on A: CAN YOUR PET
and Evil Lizzy. B: Foxy Go Go Go
Guac-er w ill C: FNAF 1
have to use the D: FNAF Sister Location
help of his E: FNAF 3
fr iends to F: FNAF 2 and Happy W heels
over com e
these If you got A the m ost, you ar e Chica. You LOVE to
challenges, but eat pizza and you ar e funny and ver y lovable, but
one challenge a lot of peeps do not like you.
r em ains: w ill If you got B the m ost, you ar e Foxy! You ar e ver y
he be able to loved and you ar e M angle?s gir lfr iend.
teach the Daily If you got C the m ost, you ar e Fr eddy ? not m uch
Double class if is know n about you and you ar e cr eepy.
he is only a If you got D the m ost, you ar e Bon Bon; you ar e
bow l of my enemy, but your g.f. is not.
guacam ole?? If you got E the m ost, you ar e Pur ple Guy. You ar e
Find out in the a m ur der er ?
next issue. If you got F the m ost, you ar e M angle. You ar e
br oken, but you ar e cool and you ar e my senpai,
but you ar e Foxy?s g.f.
Ever yone: BBBYYYYEE
Th er e ar e j u st so m an y t h i n gs t h at w en t w r on g Ask Li n k
i n t h i s st or y, I ?m n ot su r e w h at t o m ak e a j ok e (By Link and Lita)
ou t of . (M i sadven t u r es of m y M ot h er Par t 5)
By Tillie Slosser M y friend broke up with me, what do I do?
Aw , I?m sor r y! M y advice is to take a little br eak
W hen my m om w as a teen, she w ent fr om talking to that per son, and then later tr y to
thr ough som ew hat of a r ebellious phase. She and talk about the situation. I hope things w or k out
her fr iend, w ho shall r em ain unnam ed, got into a for you.
lot of tr ouble. Ever y sum m er , as pr eviously
m entioned on M isadventur es of my M other , her * obnoxious scribbling*
fam ily w ould go dow n to Cape Cod, w her e she Link: Um m m m , thank you for all the tender
w ould m eet her fr iend and hang out for the loving car e you put into this beautiful piece of
sum m er. This tim e, they decided to take a boat out ar t you gave m e! I?m going to hang it up!
into the Nantucket sound (not as cool as it sounds, Lita: Link, that isn't ar t?
just a bunch of w ater ). So ther e they w er e, happily Link: Well, to m e it is.
r ow ing along w hen all of a sudden, they lost the Lita: * sighhhh* w hatever , do w hat you w ant.
oar locks (hooks for the oar s so they don?t go
slipping ar ound) over boar d. This isn?t r eally a big W ho are you?
deal, it just m eans you have to buy new oar locks Link: I am Link, the her o of Hyr ule!
and have a har der tim e getting back to shor e. So Lita: oh Link, the her o of Hyr ule? w e love him !
my m om and her fr iend w er en?t all that w or r ied The inter net loves him ! Anim als love him ! Even
and continued to hang all over the boat, dipping inanim ate talking objects love him !
their feet in the w ater , belting cam pfir e songs at Link: yeah yeah, w hatever. Hey! Get outta my
the top of their lungs, and in gener al having a good ar ticle! People w anna talk to m e!
tim e. Lita: * slow ly cr eeps aw ay*
How often do you get advice from a human?
Well, I don't think I've ever gotten r eal advice?
* is cur r ently tr ying to stick a m etal for k in an
electr ic socket.* W hat's this thing? We don't
her fr iend w er e ver y confused for about .57
have these in Hyr ule.
seconds. Then they r ealised that the sound had
been the car car r ying fer r y, and they w er e dir ectly
in its path. Rem em ber w hat I said happened if you How do you insult people in Hyrule?
lost your oar locks? Yeah, that w as a pr oblem now. Well, if you w er e to tr anslate out m ost offensive
M y m om and her unfor tunate com panion had to insult? It w ould be tr anslated as
paddle the r ow boat canoe-style, w hich if you?ve ?You'r e a long nosed duck,? w hich doesn't sound
ever tr ied, is not easy. How ever , I guess that they ver y insulting in English.
w er e just fueled by the extr em e w ant to not be r un
over by a boat. It?s ver y pow er ful. So, m ir acle of Do you watch Youtube? W ho's your favorite
m ir acles, my m om and her fr iend didn?t die and Youtuber?
m ade it to the dock . By this tim e, a cr ow d had Lita! Check out her youtube channel! She
gather ed to w atch and gasped in r elief as they r ecently m ade a video w her e she ate gr oss
pulled them selves up to the dock . M y m om looked Russian candy w ith her fr iend! Look up xx
at the per son in fr ont of her , fir st the socks and fallenangelxx and put on the filter to channels!
sandals (don?t do that), then the Ber m uda shor ts, Check out her videos! I love all of them and-
then the Lita; all my videos suck, please Link? stop.
Haw aiian T-shir t. W her e have I seen him Link: go aw ay!
befor e? she w onder ed. Then she r ealised. It w as Lita: fine.
Walter Cr onkite, the host of the evening new s.
?Does your father know w her e you young I have a huge crush on you Link. And I think
ladies ar e?? He said in his big, boom ing, TV you're so cute! I love your video game. W ill you be
announcer voice. He dr agged them hom e, w her e my boyfriend?
they both got an ear ful. So, if you'r e going the go I'm flatter ed? * Link blushes* But if you'r e too
out on the w ater w ithout telling anyone, don?t lose shy to talk to m e? plus, I?m an elf and you'r e a
your oar locks. hum an.
Bat t l esh i p
By Lleyton W ing
3) Reload ? A key str ategy par t to the
So. Even though I for got about w hat I w as going to gam e. Ever y ship can fir e, but each
w r ite about, her e?s one of the ideas I had stor ed in the r eloads differ ently. This, how ever ,
back of my head. Recently I star ted playing the r equir es som e note taking. Destr oyer s
classical gam e of Battleship, and I thought had and can fir e ever y tur n and do one hit. They
later got ideas on how to m ake the gam e m or e also have tor pedoes, w hich also fir e in a
r ealistic. Of cour se, w ith the new er r ules that I?ve spr ead of 3, and tr avel a distance of 5
added w ill m ost likely r equir e w r iting m ost stuff fr om w her e the player chooses. These
dow n, even if var iants of the nor m al gam e exist. Right r eload ever y 4 r ounds. Battleships fir e
now this is W IP, and I w ill add or r em ove edits in ever y 2 tur ns, but if they hit the m iddle
futur e ar ticles, stay tuned. This?ll pr obably also be cut par t/2 par ts of any ship, they?ll pr event it
dow n into m ultiple ar ticles because staff and etc . If fr om fir ing for 4 r ounds. Subm ar ines do
you don't know how the gam e w or ks, the r ules ar e not have m ain batter ies, but they do have
r elatively sim ple. Place your boat things on a gr id, call fast fir ing tor pedoes. They tr avel for 3
out a spot on the gr id, and the per son you ar e playing blocks fr om the chosen location, spr ead
tells you w hether you ?hit? one of their gam e pieces (If of 2 either to the left or r ight, ever y
their ship is located on the ar ea w her e you called) or r ound. They cannot be hit by dive
m issed. Last one w ith gam e pieces not hit w ins. Ther e bom ber s, destr oyer guns, or battleships
ar e five types of gam e pieces, air cr aft car r ier , because they ar e under w ater. In or der to
battleship, destr oyer , subm ar ine, and patr ol boat. keep the gam e BALANCED (no bias her e
am I r ight), if they ar e hit by at least 1
1) M oving Pieces ? This is a featur e in quite a few tor pedo, they sink . Physics that the
var iants. M y idea is that you can m ove each ship per or iginal gam e doesn?t use. Patr ol boats
tur n, any w hich w ay one block, unless that cer tain ship can?t fir e anything, but they do car r y anti
fir es their m ain batter y (m or e on that par t later ). air cr aft guns. If an enemy plane attacks
Air cr aft car r ier s can m ove ever y tur n if the player w ithin a 2 block r adius of it, it gets shot
w ishes, even if hit. dow n. The plane w ill not do any dam age
if it attacks a ship in that 2 block r adius of
2) Air cr aft Car r ier s ? Speaking of air cr aft car r ier s, the patr ol boat. If you hit the patr ol boat
her e?s my section on them . I based the plane types off w ith liter ally anything it w ill sink .
of r eal W W II air cr aft types, since this is a W W II gam e.
(M oder n navies don?t use battleships because their 4) Por ts ? Located in each bottom left
r ange is lim ited). They can launch up to 2 planes at a cor ner , they can be used to r epair a ship
tim e, 3 differ ent types of planes, w ith 5 of any type. that w as hit, m ost likely air cr aft car r ier s.
The thr ee plane types include fighter s, dive bom ber s, Rem em ber the r ule about being able to
and tor pedo bom ber s. They do pr etty m uch w hat their m ove air cr aft car r ier s ever y tur n? Her e?s
nam e says. Fighter s attack enemy air cr aft of any type, the par t w her e the ?even if hit? par t
dive bom ber s just hit enemy ships fr om above, tor pedo com es in. You can choose to m ove your
bom ber s r elease a spr ead of tor pedoes. You can have air cr aft car r ier gam e piece one spot per
any com bo of these planes, as long as it?s equal to 5. tur n to the 1x1 block w her e the so called
Fighter s can be launched ever y r ound, as long as por t is. To keep things fair , you cannot
they'r e not shot dow n by enemy fighter s or enemy place any ship w ithin a 2 block r adius of
patr ol boats (m or e on that in a sec). Dive bom ber s can it, but for air cr aft car r ier s, that saves 2
also be used ever y r ound, unless shot dow n. The tur ns of not having any planes in the air.
player calls out a spot for it and one ?bom b? is This can also be used both in your favor
dr opped. It m ay or m ay not hit an enemy ship. and against you, because you and the
Tor pedo bom ber s can be used ever y tw o r ounds, but per son you ar e playing both know that
they can fir e a spr ead of 3 blocks in any dir ection. ther e m ight be an air cr aft car r ier on that
These ?tor pedoes? tr avel for another 3 blocks in that boundar y line or close by.
dir ection. Once again, one of these planes cannot be
used if shot dow n. If the per son you ar e playing That is ever ything I cur r ently have fully
against hits your air cr aft car r ier w ith ANYTHING, planned out. If this list gets any longer
planes cannot be launched for 7 tur ns. Nice easy to and m or e com plex just call it Baffle-ship.
r em em ber num ber tbh. If you have any ideas let m e know.

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