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Princeton Field Guides

Rooted in lichl C\P,:llcncc .mt! 'c1cnl1tic 'tudy. Princeton~ guide<> to Jmmal' dntl plant'
arc the au1h11rit) 1111 p11k'll,11111JI M:tcnll~L\ and nmateur naturali~b ahJ..c Princeton Htld
G uidts pr....,.cnt 1111~ 1ntonn.11111n in a compact forma1 carefuJly designed for c '') tN: in the
field 111.: ~1111ks 11111 tr.lie C\<.'f'Y pcc1e:. m color and pro'ide de1.a1lctJ 1nl11m1Jl10n lln
idcnulic;,1111111, tJ1 1nhu11on. and biology.

Bm/1 fl/ At111<1 and V11rth1rn Tan::ama Field Guide Edition. by Dale A /1mn11:m1.1n.

Birds of Chile
Dtmald \ Turner, nnd David J Pearson
Bmll of India. l't1l11111u11. Ntpt1l, Bunglad!!sh. Bhutan. Sri Lanka. and tit!! M11/d11n .
by Richard Cirunmctt, Carol ln~kipp, and Tun lnskipp
Bird~ of A1mmlia. by Ken Simpson and Nicolas Day
Bird.I' oj H11n.1p<'. by Killian Mullurncy, Lurs Svcnsson, Dan Zctterstrom, and
Pclcr J. Grunt
/3ird.I' of N<1J1tl, by Richnrd (.irimrrn:lt, Carol lnskipp, and Tim lnskipp
/Jirds ofthe Sl)clwlltJN, hy A.drinn Skcrrctl and Ian Bullock
Stars m11/ Plo11cts, hy lun Ridputh and Wil Tirion
B111t<1jlif!~ of E11mpl', by Torn Tolman and Richard Lewington Alvaro Jaramillo
Mumma/\ 11/f.11mpt'. by David W. Macdonald and Priscilla Barrett
81rd.f "/Sm1tlll'rn 4/rirn. by Ian Sinclair. Ph.ii Hockey, and Warwick Tarbo1on
Illustrated by
Binlf o(Th111/uml. by t nug Rob!>On
Momma/\ of "lnr1/1 lm1rirn . by Roland Kays and Don E. Wilson Peter Burke and David Beadle
\ fannc .\famma/\ t>f the ,\ort/1 ft/antic. by Carl Christian Kinzc
Rt>pllll'S and lmph11>1an\ of 11mpe. by E Nicholas Arnold and Denys W. Ch endcn
Bmis ofC/11/1:. by Al\iaro Jaramillo
Bmls ofthe IJbt Indtr' by 1lerbcn Raffaele. James 'Vtley, Orlando Gamdo.
Allan Keith. Jnd Jani\ Raffaele
Bmh of/\ortllcrn lm/111, by Richard Grimmen and Tcm lnskipp



Pt ('f,1cc 6

Acknowledgements 7
1/\mv 10 "-31J3 for all the joy you have brought to my life
Introduction 10
1'1 I r h J."'nm.:. /(IC, and Evan with whom I look forward lO visibog thtl> wonderful country

f),111 Kalle and Jamei. for C\ erlasting Jove and patience How to use this book 11

Habitats and eco-geography of Chile 15

Migration and vagrancy 18

Notes o n seabirds 18

Fie ld identification 19

Conservation 25

Glossary 26

Topography 27
l'Rl>!1\hcd Ill !Ix llniltJ \utn,. ('....W,, , Md dw Phal1ppu1C l>lmds by~ LID\'USlty Pres... -41 \l:tfl- "rttl.
l'tlnct "' "'"' krw os~o
Colour plates and species accounts 28
1111 I t Ital l.:tnpka and I~ l -. ,...li>.lltd by C'bnstopbor Rdm. ""impnnl of A&. C Biid Plihli>Jom lid.
I Soho :>qu.u~.1.-s.., Wto Q?
Appendix: Taxonmic notes 222

"'' "r;l ' '"""<J """pan of thot l"'Ma.:a- nu> be rerroctucm or oSICd m my f0<m or by an) m-att> r'""'Jlarh1t, References 232
I '!1 ltu, 1111\.ln1c.J, tncludtnt l'h"IOCClp)'lnC, ra:ord1nc, tapmg. or 111fODIWIOD stooge nil rctnc\ll )'tctnf
"'1tutt11 I tttUJ&lton ctl lhr puhh.t\th

I 1111 ult''"~" t 1inlnI Numl>cr 20011()(1168

Scientific index 234
I llN ti h1ll litll 1111 I (1 ln1h)
I ll "l 111o11 I I /~ II I lth1ie1hnc~) Spanish index 237
I Iii '""'' 1111~ h1"1' ll li111111o;c1l In l'l111c New Roman and ChBrlouc Sans Medium
English index 239

l tllll I 1t1 !.111 J ~100

111 jl J 11 \ I 1 l 1
\\c 111.1111 1.1.111 C. l:irl for hcrconlnbu11on 10 our projC{ 1111 mcmol') ol De" I.'} <1.11" I 1111n JiL
' ' ' ' 1111 11cncrow. m their kind con1nbu11on 10 1he pro1ec1
Author, acknowledgements
I ulrl h.1\c been unable to obtain much of the field e\pcncnce necc-.sary 10 contc.'lnrla
h111 hr 1h..: tours and their pauen1 p3n1c1pan1o; tha1 ha\.c p.cnmtted me 10 '<isi1 Chile c. Ir) " 11
ul th, I 1eld Guides 'fumil) for their ttood humour. hclpfolne,., and all their other qu 11111
ollu.:c :ind in the field. I ,~\Ould p;inicularly hl.c 1<1 thank Pegg) Wat:.on for her multrlJriUll ,
l'1"'fwn lor his inpuL ad\1ce and grca1 le.1dc~h1p. and 'cote C3rulon for helping 'll"'''
cad1 \Cat Similarly the foll..s al ~n Franc1c;co Ra, 01rd Ob'-CJ'\atOI) have encouragcJ I I''' I 1 , I
..11,1\'\lt:n-31 suppon. particularly fanc1 I lanwn Thccdllol"\ at lhn,tophcr Hehn A&C Blad , .11, 1 t 1
I "'"'"'') Press have been \.Cl) pauent and \Upporlr\c Nigel Redman, Robert IGrk and S.1111 I I \11tlh
I 011 "" l1111gtr 1 l11IJ .md many th1ny~ have changed tn my life. Ho\\-e'<er, the dream 10 \Hile 1lm book \ J>WJC:Ct such as this is impossible w11hout the :i'"'t.1nce or variou museum collectron' an.I 1th1 111
Ii 111 II I ttt(l l"'1'c1 1111: truvcl hug cmue early, and I have been fortunate lO ' rsit Chrlc and Soulh America ~h tnccrcst thanks to Carla Cicero (Mu~eum of Vencbm1c loolog). Berkeley); Paul S\\cd, Sh "" l
11111111111111111 "" """" 1mt111lly o~ n backpacking teenager and latterly as a birdmg guide for I 1cld ( ruidcs K.-nrh:y and Peter Capainolo (American Mu~eutn uf Natural ll 1~1ory. New York); Rene Corc11J\1 (\\, 1 111
ltn \lli t 111,111~ l11 p' I hnvc been able lo sec nearly all of the species covered here, giving me 1hc conlldcnce I 1111111t.11ion of Venebrate Zoology. Cnnrnrillo. ('olifornia): Tom Schulenberg and David Willa1cl !1idd
111 \\tll~ 111 1~ hook ll111 ii was a friendship with Peter Burke. made as teenagers, 1ha1 reo lly gave me the f\.111w11m of Natural History, Chicago); Juan Curios 'lorrcl!Mur:i (Museo NaciooaJ de His1orrn N.11111 111
1or1litl<1111. 111 ~c ttlc dow n 10 work. The lirsl lime I was in the field with him, n1 Long Poi111, Onw rio, he l-:1111l1:il11ll, Doug Long (California Acodcmy of Science, Sun Francisco); Tomas Cekalovik (M 11~l't1 ti
11111111~~1,d lll l' w11h his ponoil skelches. /\ superb Buff-breasted Sandpiper wa~ a lifer which I remember /011h1gia, Uttiversidad de Conccpci6n, Concc1w i<ln); C11 n11011 Quiroga Oropeza (Colecci6n Bnlivu111 11 di
1 1 ~ ull y, p111ilully duu lo lhc reco lleulio11 of'lhal grcal sketch. Little by little we became in volved lit a slcud il y 111111111, Museo Nacional de Historin Nnturnl, l,n Pn1.) und Eugenio <.:oco nicr (Library, Asociaci6n Ornit11li'11-111,1
111111,1Mi11n 1H1111her or projcols, l~om nrticlcs in regional birding magazi nes lo cvenl u11 lly worki ng on 11tc iltI l'l111a, Buenos Aires. Experts have di~cusscd vorious :t~pce1 s oflnxonomy, distribution and idc1111tk11111111
l11 11 th \Im World JllaC'M1iltls, euch step 11 grcal learning experience. Al some poin1 we knew we wctc rcully d t lt1lcan birds. They are Jonalhnn Alderfer, Pedro 131cndinger. Ned Brinkley, Michael de L. Brooke, I k t 111111
1" 111111..l 1 111 ~ h~1oi.. lrnppcn. The pmJeCt hal> evolved qutle considerably from the original ideu. llnd curly on 11 C t'il1r\:il;, Terry Chesser, William Clark. l~nnquc Couve, Cl11 1s Corbcn, Guillenno Egli, Craig Farq11h111, Ji111
'" 1 11111 dc11r 1hat. jtl\Cll the number ofplotes this book would entail. more than one ani<.1 would he needed 1 tthba. Michael Force, Rosendo 1-mga. Gontalo Cio1v:\le1. llasilio Guiflez, Steve N. G. Ho\\cll. 1),1\ltl
I 111t1111.t1cly,11nc nf Canada's top bird illu~trators was an old friend from the Long Pom1 day:.. and '>O Dave l,1111e!>, Jaime Jahncke, Barbaro Knnp1on, Nicb Krabbe, Dan Lane, Manuel Marin, Daniel Martine1, R~ .11 41,,
11 11th. "' I llMlbhm.in no\\ from Toromo, JOmcd our projecL !\1111us. Sjoerd Mayer. Juan Ma7llr Bamen, Gary Nunn. Mark Peannan. John Quattro, Pamela Ra.,nmi; u1
I 111\ 1>.1ok 1ook longer thao Cll.pectcd, as j, almost al\\ays lbe case. However, 11 has been a fn.111ful tune \.111 Remsen. Michel Sallabery, Brinn K Schm1d1 'lom chulenberg. Dave Stejskal Juan Tai.sara. II 111\
11)11 "" hot\e lc,1mt a 101 In fact, 11 ;, clear 10 me now !hat. the reason you \\rile a book is not bec:aus.: you are I 1vlor, Juan Carlos Torres-Mura, Claudio Vid.11, G.1ry Voelker. Richard Wcb:.ter, Richard White. Bret \\ 111111 >
111 \f'll 11 , hut b..-cau..;c you w1,h to learn more about the subject. I felt I kne\\ something about Ch1l1:Jn \n~u<; Wilson and KnstofZy~Jm\\ ,i..1 \1any 1hanh 10 Ciuy J.... rrwan for copy-editing the manu:..:r1p1
huJ "hen \\C 'tancd but I wa' \\f'Ong. I l..ne"' very hUle_The process of pulling th1~ book together ha\ I am c:.'Cttemely chanl..ful for the commenh ol the lollo"'l08 1ndJ'<1duals on lbe pJates and dh1111>1111011,1l
t_1u~l11 l'~tcr, nave and my'-Cll more lhan \\C could ha"e imagined about Chilean bmb It 11.'.b aho wught me 111 r~ Jonathan Alderfer, Chns Bene h. ~cc.I nnnl.IC). ferry Che ser. \\illiam Clark. Paul CO<lpnl.lns. ( IOl)l
rlt t1 I till I.ml\\ very l111le: there arc many dt~O\.enes to be made regarding the binh or Chile. 111 ~ thr I uh4uhar. Michael Force. Gon7alo Gonule.r. ~ar C1nnJ.alc1. Greg Lasley. Klaus MaOing 01-..:n \I "'' I
1f 1h...c:n\cl')' 1tui1 1~ C"tcllinl/.. and we hope that the book will open up the d1scoH:ry of Chile '~ bird \ l.mn Daniel Martinez. Ricardo \1atu-. \tlark Peannan. Oa1;1d R1calde. Tom ScbuJe:nberg. 03,1: s1q !. I
111 ""' '" I rs'" II did tor us_ tiu) Tudor. Richard Webster. Rrc1 Wh1tnc} and \ngu~ WrJ<.on, as \\ell as the entire Field C11111lts 11
\\ hrh: I accept full responsibility for any erron. or Cltnl''iOn\ m the d1slributiooal data. l" 1sh ht ~111 I ''"'
Iv 11 l.111111111111 ll 1t.irdo Marus. Gonzalo Go11L:ilc1. Daniel \.1anlnC1 :inc.I \.1 onucl \1arin for their effom. rn hdp111g 111~ It
' ' ""'''' '' t 11/1/11fllw, IJ<nm/l(r 1001 l'"tk<t the maps. Photographic ma1cnal wai. mvon:ibly helpful I appre<:tatc the efforts oflhc hllm~ 11111111
lllli ny me such material: Delano / .. Anin. Jov1110 llaroldo Avaria, Jim Bangma, Chuck 111.11111, P.i1t 1
I h~cman, MikeDanzenbakcr, Don DcsJnrd111~. Wrn1h rop ll nmngton, Jon Hornbuckle, ( 'a111111>11 ._,pt. 1
11.u ha rn Knapton , Harald Kocksch, Greg l.n~lcy, Mort 1n Reid, Don Roberson, 1\11d1c' S put, .it
l\1'1Hv 1:cpo.odu.edu/-andres/avcs/list11.html), Juu11 Tossurn (www.ovcschilc11as.1Tipo<l,com)ll111f l{oh \\ 111111 11
I hl' lh llowingwereofinvaluablc n ss 1~111 ncc in commcnling on or sending me obscrva1in11~ ol'lt111I 111 t 1111
My N1nccrcs1 thanks to John Coopcr, l\rtnaN J lill, Sr1111i11go lmhcrli. Sieve Gantlet!, llfuht1H1 l\1111p11111 t 111 11
I " "k y, Sieve Lister, Gail Mackicrnnll, Ian MoLoren, Terry Oa1lcy, Cora Phillips, l'cll:-1 1'11~1 ~t.110 1 1 I r 111
I l11\I< S1t:1skaJ, Jay VandcrGaus1, Ri chard While and Ada m Winer. I am n l~u nmsl p1 .11el\1I l1111ll 11l 11 11 1 1 wl 11 1
1111111 hcir reports from trips to 1he counlry. Scvcrol others have gone l1tl 11f'1lw11 w11\ ht I""',,,, I 11.t 111
1111.t litiwlurc for me: Ken Burden, Ian Pm1lscn, Jcff P11kh:n. Ro'~ S1lc1t~k R1l'h,11.t \\Ir! tr t 11.l 11t
11111 tl11n1lll'U Robert Cushman Murphy\ book~ m me
I 11111 111 1hr field can be frustm11ng .md c\h1l.11.11111 IJ11111 II.it '"''' 111 1111\ ,IJ , \ 11
11t 11 J. rt1111\ 1hlr by 1he many wlw h,1\lc hd~d me t.1111nil.11 1h.111~li l'' ''' Ih 1111\ 11 11 ""
,1111c v. 11ndcrful recording!> lhr our u>~: to my uncle, Jew mo IJarold(l /\varia. ror his piloting skills and island Leading birding trips for Bagle-Eye T1>urs Inc. w11-. .111 1nv11h1otllh 111~ Ht ti 1 111 111 I II llt
v\~11$, to Rodrigo Laurie Glci::.twr one day we will get to the glacier! Klltjl1 Rimmi has been wonderful, become familiar wlU1 1(~ birds, and for this opponunny I thank Vic S1111th ~hilt. ul 11. 1 ~111 1111111 11111
hclpi11$ me in my fieldwol'I. nrnrll thnn she can imaginc - you arc the best! rt1u11ks nlso to: Juan and Monica whom I travelled. some of whom are mentioned above, provided me w11li 111~P11t11 11 1111111 111.I 111111 llt l1
Aguirre. Ned ' Pcrki11s' Brinldty, Ji111 Danzenbaker, Megan Edward~. Gon:rnlo Gonzalez, Basilio Guitic;,, waited as I sketched and made notes. During those I.rips. my eyes wen: upcm:tl tu 11 \\11111t. 11111 111 111111111
Arma1ido Iglesias, Nory J:irnnitllh Nos$, Tito Jaramillo Nass, Daniel Martinet. Ru,:urdo Matus, Jan J>icrson, country that I have filllen in love with. Not only is it the natural beauty M Chile I 111 d1 11111 h t 111 .I , 111
Patricia Tagle, Jorge lulcdl. Juan Carlos Torres-Mura, and Roxana and Alcja11llru. A 'lp<.-cial mention must culture and people that I have been forruna1e to meet. Special mention must be made tI 1I 111 111
be made of the variou-. "k1pp.ir. und deckhands that have helped us to get out 011 the ncean. Thanks to Jose Connie Laurie endured many visits and late evening mornings. 1aught me about the re 1t t hll II! 11
Luis Escobar (Valparmsol, l dunrdo Verdejo Barria (Valparaiso), Gustavo 7eballos Alvarez (lquique) and treat me like an old friend when I visit Santiago. Bcm1ett ~ennessey made our mr 111 u1<1th 111 1 IHI
his deckhand Washington, .md to Frederico (Perico) in fahal. nothing short of a 'blast'. Enrique Couve, Manuel Marin and Claudio Vidal went out nl th111 ' 1\ lh 1111~
A special thanks tu Rodrigo Laurie and Connie Divinetz for their hospitnlity 111 Santiago and for the cold me feel welcome and were fabulous field companions. Barbara Knapton was alway,.; 11 111 11 1 111 11!
beer. Thanks to the resr of my family for their various ways in which they have helped. They still think I am infonnation and a friendly face in Putre. Felipe Pino Armijo welcomt:c.I me into his home 111111 ii1111'11111 I
crazy. but they are us,c.l to me. assisted me around Arica. To Alvaro's many relatives with whom we swyed or visited. l wirnt 111 1111111~ 1111
Much gratirudc also to other people who have helped me, either on visits to Chile or in museum~. for making me feel comfortable and patienily interpreting my Spanish.
including thcAhulles (Yam ii Jr. Claudia. Yamil Sr. and Sonia) for their hospitality in Viiiaand Chicago, rhc The countless hours pn.'Jlaring the plates were powered by my wonderful wife Dawn's abihtv h l "I"
Huber family in Arica, Barbara Knapton in Putrc, Tom and Diana Kilip in Ne" York. and Ricardo Matus withe very young family. supply endless encouragement and helpful comments. She has always h.:hn ..1111
and Olivia Blankh io Punta Arenas. In California, the Primos Jaramillos (Pmri, Poncho. Sebasrian, Roberto my abilil.)' and r can'1 thank her sufficiently for all she has given to me. Both of our families hilH .11 ,,
and Rebecca) are always tl1ere to share an asado, drink some wine and infuse some Chile into California. eonrribmed by providing extra childcare and supplying me with confidence when I needed a boos1 M1u11
Mona and Horacio Mena are central elements of the gang. and now bird more than I do! Muchos abrazos a Dad, Chris. Lori, Arine, Gerry. Paddi and Zenon have all helped me by just being there.
todos. My greatest reward from this project has been continuing my lengrhy companionship with Alvn10 und
Finally, my parents have been wonderfully supponive over the years. My ltrlher bored me with his Dave, The years of preparation of this guide will always stimulate a nood of great memories. rrom field
lishing but entertained me with his love for the outdoors and good humour; my love of nature would not lrips to the aortbem puna to loitering around ports looking for a way out to sea. Having a rellow illustrotor
have happened were it not for his fishing, and stories of the land in the shadow ofVolcan Villarica. My nearby to share ideas, techniques or thoughts on the latcsr field guide is sornethmg I'm gratefuJ to Dave for
mother gave me a love of books and (Cading: nothing has helped me so much as this simple gift. Abrazos a He is aJways ready to help and provide tnsight or 1ips tha1 make the difference. As Alvaro describes in the
Otlando, Finita. Alex, Joanna, and, of course. Pablo (DJ Spinz) and Angeline - I love you all. preface, this book was an idea that he shared with me when we were teenagers. I can easily recall the
AJ excitement and overwhelming feeling of that initial thought of embarking upon such a large project in the
basement of Al and Kat's Bain Street apartment. I wouldn't have been able to accomplish my task ff it
Artists' acknowledgements
hadn' t been forhis friendship.
{ialhering the resources to paint the plates for this book was a continuous process. Ofcourse, working with PB
an ovifauna half a globe away posed some problems that I could never have overcome without the help of
nthcri.. n1ere are many people who gave their tlme and resources, and they dcscr.c many thanks. David Many of the people who helped pro,,ide material on Pc1cr's list also contributed to my efforts. Special
W1llnrd. John Ba1es and Mary Hennen of the Field Museum of Natural lfa1ory in ChicagQ were extremely mention must be made of Glen Murphy and Mark Pe~k at the Royal Ontario Museum, Philip Angle at the
V'lllrous and helpful lhroug_hou1. In London, Sandy Johnston and Sarah I cc of the University of Wes1ern Smithsonian lastitulion. as well as David Agro, Paul rrior. Martin Reid and Michael Force. Thanks also to
1111t111111 ,1ccommodated my needs for a never-ending now of loans. Ju:,t u~ 1mponnmly, Glen Murphy and Robert Kirk at Princeton University Press and Nigel Redman at A & C Black for their belief and suppon 111
f\l,11 I. l'1d of the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. oflhcd their hi:lp w11h spcc1111~n~ whenever it was the project.
th 11h ii 1111111 Carlos Torres-Mura ofU1e Museo Nacioni1I de Historin N11111rul, S1111linpu.11nd B~si l io Guiiiez
Ill 11 1111wu krndly granted me access to their collectk111s. which wl1h 1111pl!rntivc l'or certain spccies and
ph1111.1111 t\l11ry LcCroy. Shtrnnon Kenney and Paul Swcut 11fth1: Aincncan Musl111m of Natural f-(jstory and
11111 I 1111 111 I 11ois1nna State University all provic.l.:d infonna11M and help w11h specimens. Photographic
111111ol11 11111 fll'hl 11Hll:!. were very kindJy provided by J11an Aguirre. Jim Bangma. Ned Brinkley. William
l f lf I I 11111111, I 111\1 Mike Oanzenbaker. Don Des.lard ins. Dale Dyer, Gunnar Engblom. Gonzalo Gonzatez.
Y. 1111 11111 ttt~ t.. 11 11~1111~11 llenncsse.y, Jon Hornbuckle, Marc Johnson, Barbara Knapton, Greg Lasley.
l 111 t 11 ho 11 f\l1111111 l 1 11p~.1'ony P;tlliser, Brian P11t1\!Son, Martin Reid, Michael Richardson, Don Roberson,
1,,1,.. 1 111 111 111 l11l111 l<11wlt1JI, fohn Schmitt. Mall Sharp (VIREO), Craig Smith, Reagan Szabo, Christopher
I I I 1 111111 I 1 1111 1111\ I 111101, ( 'hiudio Vidal, Christopher Vowles, George Wallace, Angu.~ Wllson and
I1 I
' 1 tlo l1dpl11I ~1 1mme11t~ Ctrthe following on the dratl plt11cs: Juan Agu1rn:, J(lnathan
I 11111tu 1 um, 1\111 I rut~. (.mig Farquhar. Gonzalo Gmu{tll'l I!ugh & Ro~lta Harvey,
lo11t11 111111 111 i M 111 hlm 1111, C01111 Jones, Karl Kon1c B111kl K11ri1l. llt1rham Knapton.
I It t " 'mo I ~ 1 .11111 1111111.J l\l1111h1c1. l)nug McR.m:, h1h11 II N~fll I 11c:i Nol. Martin
I fll 11 I 11111111 I 1.. 111 ;. l 1111 1'11111 Inn r~ 1chants, H11h1 tt It 11h1lry. "utja Rin1mi. Carl
t tI II 1 t 11111 1t11i111111111 t 111111111 l1t11k. h1ri.t1: 'lol(th1 1111111t1 1110~ ' l 11rn~s. UuyTudor,
II 1 \ t 1 1 111 1 \\1111111 n11llt11~v Wh1t111111
1111lh 1111111 m 41111 ,p.:c10:-- found in the Republic of Chile. incluthnM the off,horc SPECIES ACCOUNTS
111111.I \\h1d1 .ire 11111 I lh 1 1111, 111 ti:mhiry. namcl) Easter Island 1Rara "'utl Sala ~ Gome1 the f ltc hulk ftbe book comprio;e lhc plat.:' and facmg-pagc -.p.:dc-. 3t.:t.:ounh anJ 111a1
ll ~ve11111r.11J.is 1s n mbru 10 1111 .1n I ch\) and the Juan Feman~.z arch1p.:'3go I \leJandro Sell.1rl;. l>.'ll!\.'S re
latd om in a standardised form:u, horcfull> 10 mal..c them mfonna111c and 11111
!{i\h111,iln ( rn'>l>c ind S;ini 1 ( 1111111 I >tI,hore \\liters are included to a distance ul 200 nau11cal mile' from p;in th..'\ are ;;elf-explanatol'). bu1 here 11c mnltnc thctr 'tructurc and cxpl:un an) ahl
Ure ..1.1 1 ,>I l h1lc nd II 1 I 11111 In n.JJ111on. '\\c include the Antan:tic Pemlbula and ad1accn1 "l;imh. a, ommonl) used.
well lh the I :.all..111 I 11 I Suulh I 1.:c11:ia. l_(t\ mg an addnional 13 species. Chile j, the ,tan mg roint tor
111 L.111 11 !ll'Cm logical to include these areas in the boo!. Top of page generalities
h\ \~been fi.r thi' boo!. to be a field guide, the '\\ork 10 '\\htch you tum 10 put 3 I ;11:h page commences '\\Ith ..;omc gcncml point' regarding 1he srec1~ col'ered rhet'\"111
nJlll\' 1" llll hlnl ytu 1r ch C:I\ mg. lfo,..efull). 11 u1/I perm11 you 10 put a name to it, and ma)!x' C\cn ~cncral description of the famil) or 'iubgmup 10 11 hich the) hclong. For others. then~ ,
111 1 ot 1h~ h1rd 1f .1t all po~'ibk. or course. lhe more detail >ou put into a b<x1I.;, the tnfo~tion on how age. or se:1.e;, di Iler within lhe group, 1f thc'e appl) to all or most spe.:1c ,
1.111;1c1 1l l-<:w1n \\lt1 Ii 11r11111p.11n,1 the 01hcr aim, 10 produce a book small enough 10 be carried cJ'91y in plalc This permitted us to mention omc potnl' IOr 11 luch we c1.>uld no1 afford the luxurv lI t 1 II 11
1hc h Iii 111111 ''Ill 11 1111111,, ""'' fri endly la)'OUI Principally, we w-anted lbc plate to be oppo,1te 1hc te\t ;ind c'cry species on Uiat page. Do n:mcmb<r 10 con,uh thc'c o,eeuons '"hen crying Lo ideoul v a I ~111 ul 1
111.11 1 "11111 111 .i th 111tnrm.1t1on fur 11 ~pccic) b m one place. To our minds the vuluc M 1h1' cln""' lield ,pcci.:s: lhey may provide addiuonal bchu' 1011ral or tn~onom1c poinh to increase the conli1k111 111 t 111
1111111 11,1111 11111" 1111t. the ncga11vc..., fo1 example using small type to fit everything onto one pugc. ancl 11kntilication. Note, we chose not to provide .1 dciarlcd 'ummary of Chi le's bird families in the inltmh11111 11
11111h111L' t '" 111 1111111 ~ dcl:ut... conccming nnlurul hil>tory and behaviour. These arc 1ntcre)ting 1op1cs, hut h11 'c1eral Teasons. We have found that such fomily-lcvcl tlc~cn p1i ons are seldom used by licl1l 11h ,, , 1
th.' h 111.1 111 ".,,1111ly hclu11g. in a lfold guide. 1 his book is a basic tool. a starting point fm rnore indcplh d '"'unfamiliar bird is located, a hirdur 1 ~ mo;.t likllly to nip th rough the book to fmd an ilhc.l1011011 111111
1 11111111111111111~1111 1 ~11 1 the h1rcls of' Chi le. Mvsl oft he information in Lhis book is contoinod in the lllOt c~ nnd Imi ks correct. Given our perception thnt fomi ly dcsc1lptionNlmvc lilt le didac1ic value, and th:1l tltuy 111111 l'I
"'"Ilk 1111.I lh1 ll'\I I ~ II fllllclc which he l p~ lo highlight the important points upon which onu must l'ocu~ ror 11 hook's weight and size, we opted Ill rnnil them,
i.h 1111 Ill 111.111 "' 1111dl1~11111d l ng where u spccics occurs.
t >111 'ii 111 ~ 11111.,1 thllicult dcc1~io11~ lo mui..c is which species to include, and which Ill 011111 Uniikc muny
English name
, 111111 111 111 N111th /\mcncu and I uropc, Chile does not have a rare bird records commillec to udjudiculc the I Ill' l!nglish name is given in bold Ot thi.: i.lan ofcuch ,pcc1cs r1ccoun1. I f there is another commonly nn<'l* I
' 1h1lil\ ul "'" 1111 1i.:currc111:c' hao,ed on uv111lahle data. We not only wanted to include ~JlCCIC'> wh1~h arc I uglish name we have included it witlun p:u'C111hc~~ nfler the name we com.ider the~tandanf English nanll' 'it
1c tllrnt 111J 11l 1.:gul,1roccurrcncc or wcllC!oLabh hed introductions. bulalso accepted vagran10, :ind mr111c,, th fnxonomy section for more tnfom1u11on un nume~ 11nd p.tmcularly which names wecoos1dcr olfo 1.11
It ~ ck.11 111.11 m.1ny 'P.:C>C' h1Monc.1lly con'1dercd 10 be accidenta.ls. wilh onl)' a fe1\ record' in the coun1ry. Chilean name
, 11t11 '-""" n 11 be n:gular in {.lute. bampJe., mclude Westland Petrel Least andp1rcr. ( hll S\1 ~llO\\ I he Chilean name appears after the f.'ngh'h narne Sr.1m~h names arc not standardised. and th.:1c I) m
nJCtl I uhl n hilled '::iahJttU to n.1mc JU'>t a re\\. Surely othtt accidenmr species 11111 become rc~ul;sr um;c "c 1>anicular mx">C! 10 do so between nilltOn. bccau-c the '-C11:n1tfic n.tmes are used as standard. Each Sp umh
I 111" hc.-rc. 1hc11 Jnd ho\\ to 'catch for them Then: 1s 3.lso lhe problem of man) hiqoncal rccorJ, publth~-d :31ung country has a series of \\Ondcrful. olkn 1.:ulturally n:lc,-ani. names 11onh~ of prescnallon l11Vl:ll
111 th '''"''1' trca11:-e~. '0111e m1ol1 mg o,pcxrmcn.. 1ha1 ha1e long since disappeared. We ha1c included th~'l.C 11, h regional variations. 1he name., u..cd ;m: ncll ncce.."4nly u,eful for communicating outside Clnle ll1u
1~10 hl.'ft' 1 here h:l\C al'o been more n:cent ..1ghtmgs of spttiesne11 to Chile. and 11c ha1.: b<cn forcl-d
tlic) are referred 10 as Chilean n.imc.. \fany .ire m 111d.:,prcad u c and clearly established.. UUilll) 101 th
li rnalc ;111c11 hat nrbur.uy dc .. 1""' on" hat ttl include and what to le:we oUL Some 'J>CC'C'. li.lr '' h1ch the """' common and highly visible sptt1c.. Rural { h1lcan~ tend 10 t..oo'\\ man) of lhe local !-JX'CI~ 'll1id )'UO
n 1J occ "' occurn:n~c m the count!') 1., "'cal., 'uch a., Plain-coloured S~ter. \\ere mdutk-d b..'Ca11;;c \\ e '' 111 tind that Chilean names are ~urpno,m!!l)o u-eful 11 hen tr) mg 10 C:{plam to locals exact I} y,h;)t "" r
I II 11t;i1 111 "crs "uuld then !'IC cquirpc:d 10 dctcnnine the identification of!>uch ~'etc,, 'hould th.:y 1)Cc11r
J,,.,J.:mg for. Forlhe most part. \\I.! ha1e folll>'\\Cd name-. tn \r.iya'~ 11985) L1s1a patr6n de l~ a\\.-s dulCtJ
II t\11111;; I 01 111~,.:, \\c h.t1c noted th:u occurrence needs 1erificarion. SeYeral rcccntl> n:roncd ~pcctc..,
/~1"1 o,c. fns1. Oceanologia {,n11 Va/p1mmo No. l, .ind more recent papers dealing with aJd1t1<11h lu 1h
" 11 11111 "" 11111 ti tor \armu' rca"'"' Some 11,cre only published recent!) and could nut !>..included tor 1 l11lean a,ifauna. However, for many or t hc~e recent add111ons. new Chilean names have bttn l 1t1nt .1
11 ''"" ul 11111111~ Other, ha\c b<cn published hut lac!. a com;ncing analy1ill. or1h.:1r 11knt11ic.111un, lcJ1 mg
1 111t,r than adopting a name ui.cd in a nc1ghhour1ng nation 11here the species in quesi:ion ~more 1:11111111111
t111 c 1111 ,1..11111 ,,, 111 their ,1u1hcntic11y A le1cl of arbitranness exists in the dcc1smn tv include or C\cludc
111 .ncral instances we chose to use ;i name from an ad1uccnt country rather than invent a nc" ,,111: 111 tit
I' 1{ ~ 1111111 tlu !11111!.. 11 h1ch we urc uncomfonnhlc \I ith. Lacking a recent comm11tcc-bhetl chccl..h~l ltl 1hc
111h'1c'L~ of maintaining stabili ty among aln:ndy c~t.1blishcd Spam~h names. Some altemativc C'lult.11111.1111<:
111111111~ \\! It"' lwcn ltm:cd to pick nnd choo'>c whnt to include.
II ~iven in parentheses.
N \I th I 1 1l11 1ss11c ul'thc order 111 which species are presented. Recently, thcrc has been yrem uphcnvul
1111111 11.;l 1111111 lilpN w11h11111ml hotwccn l'nmilics ofb1rds brought about by new genetic dnltlMllS. fhi~ work \, l~ 11tific name
1 li11 111111111\11, 1111!11111 \11111c l:(rnup~ (11ine-primaricd oscines) it has just begun. /\.,, the tlim oflhis lmoJ.. i ~ 1111' Nl'11:11tific name is given in ilallcs nflur till: Chilen111111111u. ror more information on scic11J jl11 11111111 1~1
11111111 Iii 111 1111I l i~t11111111111i~c {Ill the sys1cma1ics a11d taxonomy of Chile's birds, we h ~1vc 1:1rnupcd :.pccics ih~ 111\'onomy section on page 15 .
.. 1111 h 11 111111.11 111111111111 1h1s1ly rclulcd, 01110 the same plate. Some plate groupi n g~ 111uk1 more sc11su
( rH fl'\
111.1111111t. 1 1 \ 1 11 111h'd th1 1111tJU11ty ufplcitcs to deal with species at the same ~culc. I hc1cfnr.:. ollhou1.1h
Ill ii 1111111 h 11< 11t.11 111u11nuu' arc more closely related to rhea~ thnn 1111> 111l11:t grouri 1rcntcd I"' 111111 ~rec.ies, several codes nre prcscnH:d follow1ng 1he nnmc' ~cclion. fhcs<: 1>11vhl1 11lif1111011 ti
iii 11t 11111pl1 1111111 th~ ,an11. pl111e b<cause of size restrictions. The g.:ncrnl 11r1kr dt\l'-cll ,., mon: lut... 1111111111 on the range or taxonomy. nn<l arc lh lnllow~:
11 .11111 111l 11t 11111111.i 111 t111c111h.111h, 11.1d111unal order is much more famthar h hmkr' .md cvcn ltl mo~I I \ I lt,lt'I'> to a taxonomic note. which fom10, <1n uppt.:ndi\ at the end nl 1hc ho111L 1.,1, h 1~ 11111111 11
'"' \'.!"<: lfloailion
I I< ul.11 cumfl(lnenl of the '\nwrtlti.: ,1\11.11111.1, 111cl111hng 1h
I I 11141 \I <1 refon; to f'l'l.1 1~ hml in lh~ Stt11lh< nl U,c.111

I t lltl!lt'tf II till' 1111' ''ode

I ll 11
It k 111111!.11111111p1111rnl 11I tlll I ,11~1.uul~ (lslu~ Mt1lv111as) av1founn 1nd11d111godjacc111 sea:. Vagrant~
111 1111 t ,111.1111111 111. 1111t 11lc1111f1c<l u,111g this code. ~

\:. tit
M, IC. 11111111 111111p11111:nt 111 thc South Georgian avifouna including n<lJacenl seu~ Vugmnl\ to South
c.e..1l:1.1 .ire not 1dcn1tlied us111g tlus code. XI resident
VI .~
l nttth
I Ii, kni;th (L) of the ~rcc1c,,, lrom b1ll np 10 1a1l 11p 1s given in cm and {in pan:mhe..c') inchc-. for l;irgcr,
~lt Austral summer

r.1r11rnlarly acnal. pec1e 'uch a, 'iCJbmb anJ raptors a wmgspan of wingtip to win~tip (\\ l "uh.o 1l"cn
\'Ill { Austral winter

Species generalities ' LX migr.ition

The fust sec11on of each 'r't" account pro\ ide:. general infonnation on habiw, somettmc<. a ~cry @cn.:ral Jm ..'-11 ~
note on abundance and u~ually cle,auonal r.ingc The abundanc.e ofman7 ofCbrlc':> binh i~ im~cetly x
1-nov.-n and vanes 3':cordm to lalltudc mal.mg 11 premature 10 present anything other than a v.:ry gcneml ...... '
note on abundance Other points of mtcreM such as endemism. vagrancy. presence on Chile'' ofT,,hore B
islands, water tempera tun:~ preferred by '>cab1nh. general breeding periods of seabirds. and glob31 threat
sta1Us (based on BrrdL1fc lntemntmnol's Threatened 811Yis ofthe World) are given here 1lk I.\\ l'>C 10 create a neat alignment. Thus, 1hc north arrow faces slightly to the right in the righthand 111111'1
Identification I"' ,out hem third of Chile stretches for to the cao,t of the rc\I or the country, enforcing this slight r1,1t.il11111111
1h '>11t11bcm third.
The primary dcscription of the bml nnd how tn identify it is treated in this section. 1 he most 1mpurton1
I )J1 l,.cr lines delineate the 12 gco1>0li1 rea l re"1ons nl'C'hi le. Note that these are numbered from I. 111 th
criteria to note ore i111/lci,11tl. It' plu11111gcs diffor due to age and sex, the different plumages arc treated in
11111lh. 10 XII , in the south, and arc written ns Romu11 1111mcrals. 'l'he Metropoli1an Region ofSantingn 1~ 11
sequence. I f onl y one plu111agc is th:scribcd then Ihis is assumed to be standard adu lt pluma1,to. t1ncl there is
( lll11cgion, which is not numbered. T he no1thcrn 1)11111:1mnr s lhc uren between the Peruvian border ~ou1h Ill
liulc difference bctwcl111 the :;oxes or younger plumages are similar, rarely observed or unknown. The
t lvullc, south of Coquimbo Bay, und includes Regions I lo part of IV. The central panel begins north 111
rtll! ntilication section co111111c11ccs with 11 fow notes on the species' structure, which Llrt u~uu ll y t:1i lnrcd In
t 111111imbo and La Serena, and extends ROhth lo centra l Chilo(: Island: regions IV to part ofX are i11cludc1I
rrov(de 0 broad implO~SiOll Of lhe bird, (IS Well aS lO present details usefu l in itS Separatkll1 frolll ~im i lnr
1111 Metropolitan Region lies cast of Region V. and Santiugo is shown as a red do1. The sou lhemmo~t panl.'I
~pecies. Sometimes a Chilean -.pec1es is compared to a North American or even European bpcc1c,, as a
111111" the area from northern Chiloc south 10 (';ape I lorn; pun of region X and all ofXl and XU are includc1I
short-cut to its 1dcn1ificatio11 To ob~crvcrs lnckmg experience with the comparison ~pecic,, these notes nrc
I It p.:nding on the distribution of the specie~ concerned sometimes only two and occasionally just one p:1111:I
11;,._ than uo;cful, but 10 tho~e who nrc they may be ofinestimable value. We consider that the 'unnoyancc' uf 1 11'.:d. 1n order lo conserve space. Finally, two other. l.1rgcr scale. map:. depict the ranges ofLhose specie~
,uch rnmp:msuns 10 ,nmc reader.. " outweighed by 1heir use lO a great many others There " no 'cpara11:
1 tmtcd to the extreme north or extreme south The nonhem map highlights the region from the Perm 1.111
11111lur -.pcc1cs' sc,uon. but nOIC\ detailing ho"' to differentiate close relatives or confusion ,pt.-crcs Jrc
h11<kr to just north of the latitude of AnlofaJ:?ll ta. 111 Region II lhc southern map highlights soulhcmm'"'
111cluJcd Due 10 ~pace constr.unts and the difference in difficulty ofidentifica1Jon.1hc l~el ordcu11l 1n the
"''"1llanes. in XII Region. and include" the area from lorrc del Paine south to Cape Horn.
, nun" Jrfl\:r; bct\\-een plate" In 11 pcrfoct ''orld "'c \\iOuld have included a few more plate~ and pa anted
h:\h't ix-.:1.:' on ea.:h, but l!\:onom1c-. precluded lhr!>. The plates contain all of the rele\iant 1den111ica11on THE PLATES
1111&11111.111..11: the tc\t mere!) dra"'' the ob-.ervcr' ancntion 10 the key points to note. I h l.1}ou1 of the plateS C\O(\.ed O\er the life ofthi., proJc.-ct rile aim was to present as much i.nforrnall('n '
Vo"" fli !;1hlc in the illustration:., and 10 fac1hwtc !>"ifl ond c:i:.y companson betll.eeo similar species. HO\\C\.:1,
Ih "" ~ 1lcscrrbcd lil"ll. tollO\\-cd by the mam callo;. Sometimes assocrateJ di~play" ore al'4t lk:~nbed .
th.- projec1. evolved so did the realisation that 'm11lar bird., mu t be posed similarly lO a_~"1 ""'It
Ih 1io11 ul 1l1u sc,uon 1 nol to outhnc the full \ocal repertoire ofeadi sp...~1es. but tu prc'>Cnt .in o\Crvrc~
1nr.nisons, even ifthis detracted from tbc ae..the11c of 1he plate. In general, the earliest plates did 1111t u~
tI lh 1Ut1 I ~111111111111 \l>eali..aliC>n l Or 'l'l11C 'JlCCI~. \Ueh as seabird-.., \\her.: H>C,1hs.ill111l\ lltC '>eldom 1.111dard layout. while more recent one.. ;ire much nmre ,1andanhscd to pcnnit easy comparisons. All 111.1111
11i:_111,, on a plate are illustrated a1 the same ~ale, unlc,., noted. I lowcver, flight images. distant 'IC\\' .11111
11l 1111h, ln:hl .1111l .1n: m11 u:.cful for field 1Jcn11fic:ll1on away from the col,ln)'. fin, :.ce11un 1~ onllllcd l hr
\ 11 1 11.-ttc~ depicting charactenstrc behaviour. arc ill11w.i1cJ at mnllcr i.calcs: these changes in scak h11uhl
l"''I'" , "' 111 , "", "' 111111 1~ ru provide another characteri!.1ic that may ass1~1 field 1den11fica11on, .rod w1"
I II evident and hopefully will not cause confusion
Ii 1111111 l "11 hi t.1111111.1\ hi whether 10 include thrb sccuon or noL For many vagranti. which arc unhkely to
1111 141111 1111 l11t. 1111)\ .1 ,1111dc~cript1on1s given and ~omelimc:s nothing al all. Do bear 1n mind that the \111'11 credits are as follows:
111 1111111 111 111.111\ I l111i ..111 huth. ore imperfectly known or wholly unknown. Mnny 11mcs we dc~cdbo /'111r Rurke AU introductory figures, oil su111d1tlMc unugcs in lext. Plates I 6, 8-9, 12 15, IX 111,
I 1.1 1 11111111\ 11hnndf'ul of licld experiences and a small number orrecor<ling~. making sumc ' I 22,24-26,29-34.36 39,44,46,49 52,55 59,6 1 76. 78,8 1 83, 89-90,94- 96.
1111111111111pkt1 1111111101wholly rcprcscmative of the variation in a given spucies' voc111isut io11s. / 11111 /Jead/e Plates 7, I0- 11 , 16 17, 20, 23, 27 2/l, 35, 40 43, 45, 47--48, 53-54, M, 77, 71l Kil
KI XX, 91- 93.
IW\ 1IClllll11< IN MAI'\
111. 111h1111 11 ti 111llcm11e1hc different seasonal distribution' wu llll\C c111ploycd. r>uc IA)(ONOMY
1 111111 1ilt tu 1lq 11J1 lttl\\ 111 c1eatc a map that was mor..: or II.'' 1\'\'W11~111lar II fi1 within 1'11!1.111 1111 lssu..: in ornithology and birding is more co111cn1 1ous than taxonomy. parllc11l11rh 1111 11111 ~ 111111111
\\ 1~ 1 l<11< .t 111111\111 th~ c11untry into three part,., 11111l 1hc11 ltm up ca1:h 'tlurd' II\ 1111' olllh II Ill tn.xa are treated. Some of the disagreement' (lr :lt least dillcrcncc!i Ill hfllllll'll ~ .. Ill ' " ' " '
11111111 un11l1 1111111"1 ..-.1111111111 thc lefi and sou1hcrn11111,t '~'\ 111111 .1t th.: right I h" pl11l11 11ph\ h."1<:ally which specici. concept ,.uit'> the re,c.m:her Vannu' conecpt' :1nil 11,..,, 11111 11 11111111 ...
11h 11l 1h .. , 1hll\:1cn1 'cctions. m:i) 1111111111\i '111""11 curnher...omc. but til 1 Ii 1111111 111111,., a :.p.:c1es C'(l'>I. 111 add111on tu rclincmi:nt<; 11fnldcr c11111:ept' \\h1d1 111 1111111'11 111
hu111.1 ""' 11u1 11ic ...11uthcmmu..1 -.c\'111m h.111 tu be mtnted shghll) 1 111 11, 11 h111h 11111111!'' The 111.1111fl(llnt111cu111cn1111111t11 11111'1 re t.H\.hl.'1" "'' hcth(1' 111111 111 t
11 "1 I""""' 1h, lld1111111111111 1ltfll'11'' '' lu~h becomes paJ1icularly problematic when the race:. in question HABITATS AND ECO-GEOGRAPHY or Hilt
, ..1 , ,,,11.1r.1k 1 Ill" 11111 11111 1111,1h1'l'Jmg and gene-exchange (key feature:. m the dctenmna11on of
l1111li1r11.1t ~r.:11c1tl 1 11111111 Ii " 1, 111 II "in such cases that most decisions as whether to ~pl11 (elevate o
"1L1 11e11:s h 1ic I 1 1~111 I 11 l11111p 11kmme a species to a subspecies) anse. Ch1h: is no d11Tercnt from
most nthc1 fC"&' 11 ht "' '~ 11111 tl11 rl' ure many well-differentiated subspeci~ \\<h1ch may be be~t treated desert
1-.dcs I '"'' "'" 1 1111h111 "1 h,1\ 1 our opinions on how these should be classified and how many such
'"""~ sh1111hl he Jll1t 111 IU11IJ1Ct'I I l11wc\ er. "e do consider lhat these pn>p<bal arc ~t m;ide else" here, m high And~n sleppr (Altifliilt f'uo
11<'( "'._.' ;...,, o:d 1111111111 "Ii l 1111 d.na 3lld full rationale can be presented for the readers anal} SI~ i\ field
m<1lorr.i I nd sderopllyUou' Iut
urcl ".1 11101 h1 '' 1 I 11 1\ t'ti; 1kt1rmine which pecies they are w.uching, not an aren:i to introduce ne"
1;a,uno111\ JtUJ ' p11hl1 h 11 " pcc11."" arrangements. At the same nme, \\e are "'ell aware that many readers dry deciduous forest
.11c 111tc11 1111 '" l.11111\ 1h 11p111111n~ of authon. on these subjects, howe\'er incomplete their data may be
I h11<f,111' \\l hav \111t1p1lnl ,111 append!'\ that co"ers some of the ta:xooom1c problems :b'OC:mtetl w11h 1hc
~an-Patagon;.n forest
c lnl<'.1111\\ 1loa111111 1111 lll ..,11nmns on :.omc of the~. We are currently worf.ing 10 obtain the data needed to broadleaf evergreen forest
ic " " ' 1111 11 111 \1 11~1111111111c headache~ and publish them for peer review. What is cle:ir is that m the
l111111c 111111111 r ,,r ",II 1hllcren11a1cd fonn., treatcd as subspecies here"'ill be elc,;11cd to sp.:c1cs. Cl earl). evergreen forest
1111 1 11111111111111111th1111.il11plano und bouthcm Andean taxa is imponanl, and several ofthcse gco!!raph1c Patagonian steppe
11111~ ' 1111llH 1 I" h,1\\ ,1-. :o.rcc1cs mther than races.
I 11~ 1111111111, 1.1\11111,my of so muny species is tn flux, it 1s difficult to cs1ablish n standurd 'baseline' as
th'" rn 1111 """ 11111h1cl..J11>t to the birds or South America as exists for North and Central Americn t111d the
u111111 ,111 t lh1 \1111"m:an Omithologi:.ts Umon list). For species covered in 1hc Inlier lisl and us supplcmenls DESERT
I\ 111111 1111111,1llv followed this lead. Rece11tly lhc AOU established a new com111it1cc, the Snulh American tlnsicall y, an area where evaporn1 ion exceeds rrccipitar in11 is culled a desert. The Atacama is consi1lcnal lh1
c 111" ~ lit I 111111111lll'C, charged with the task of creating a baseline taxonomy for those species that occur in 11111::.I ' hot' desert (i.e. excludi ng polar de~cns) 111 thc world. among ureas with less than 50 mm pn:e1p11.1111 u1
"'""'" \1111111 .1 I hl' firM published "ersion of this lbt is not available, but preliminary li st ~ and no1es were 1m year. In 1he heart of the Atacnmn (inland of Anr ofagn~ln) there are areas that do nol receive mc11~u1 i1hl1
111.1111 ,11111l.1hlc lli u~ ns an unofficial. general guideline for the taxonomy employed here. There will be no 1a111fall in decades, or even hundred~ uf yen~ nt ~ome i;ites! Menn annual rainfall is less rhan I mm I If,

1.1 11111111111 ur11nw,, we expccl, rn our Lrcatmcnt of the Chilean avifuuna. \t,1cama has been temled 'absolute de..cn' a.' no vegcLatton grows m this dry environment. II ''a w.11.11
ck-.crt, with parallels in 1he deserts of llnJn \nlrfomiu and the Nnmib. Cold water otrshore cools till' 111
1 1usmg water vapour to condense nod fall off:\hore. dryrng the air by the time 11 reache shore. !'hi.' 'c' 111
.11hdi"1sions of the desen zone pre entcd bclO\~ ha\c an 1mponant effect on bird distributions 10 Clul.
Absolute desert
1111-:> co1 ers most of the area Ill:fined a\ de-.cn on the map. There 1s no \'egetanon, and the rel:!111n 1i.11 lic
termed a moonscape'_ Essent1all), no brrJ, arc found in this hab1tn1.. the mnJor C'<ception being the flm:1h11"
~1lom~ of Gre) Gull Birds that ma} !IC ....ccn occas1l'nally arc u:.ually rno\'mg bemeen more h<hp111hlc
1r..:as Greyish \1mer is one spe..:1e'i that tnhab1h the t""Cotone bc1wecn absolute desert and moi\ll:r hal111.11 ~
O.lSis valleys, riparian habitats
I hL""C .ire the most imponam habitats for bird' "1thm the de,ert environment. and inclutle 1h.: ''clll.1111" 11
"''"'alleys of the Lluta and A1apa. a~ well 3\ ..cverul major valleys to the south, I.be most import.1111 he111
111, l haC3. Camarones and the more 1'-0lated l OJ The latter~ the only one of these wa1crc11111-,c,. 1li.11 u
fl< 1111a11cn1rather1han temporary. All 31'\: fod by wo1er from the moister Andean region. Mosr nl the 1111.1ri 111
"' ..., m Chile arc heavily impacted by agncuhurc or uroomsauon; \Cl') fey, sites retain ;1 trul\ 1t.1hH l'l 1111
C111nanchaca vegetation
\l~.1 !.nnwo as Lomas vegetation, in reru. This b n narrnw /.One of desert vcgetnt1on that 1:1rnw" 111 ~1111\ 1 1111
1111'11111 ~ l...lpcs and cliffs 011 the cousl. ll is watered l>y the morinc invcrqio11 layer, known 11' t .11111111 11.1, 1 111
1 11111 'iuch vegetation reaches north a' far a~ Qucbrnd11 Paposo. south uf Antofagtbl:l, h11l 1 1111111 1111 ,
11ul d11N' 111 ~trueture fanher south, where it grod11ally grades into S!'ler11pl111/1111\ ft111'kl

I 1111, 11 ugo forests

''' "' pmnarily composed of />rr>11Jf'/.\ fl111111rn~11 .111cl arc founcl 1111.11111 1111111 J.111111111
cl r 11 Y.111" 11111und water rs ava1l:1blc, uml JI lc.l\t \llllll' 1111 ({ .1111.111. h I 11111ttthl 1
111 11.1 '"' I w.1 ut h1,toncull> hut l.1~c 11.1,1 h.l\c h .-n l\'h'nll) r pl.111111 1111 1 Ill
111 111111 I 1111.111111 l"onl'h1ll
11 "' h.1h11111 .111 JI l111!h l'lc\alwn Many s1lCcies arc res1ric1cd 10 1hc puno 1onc, with charnc1eris1ic I ht lnr~"1 tone largely marl." 1hc 1mnsi11011 from ma1orral 111 mo1.,1cr liirc~I II It, 111 1 mi11I 1111 1 111
1 111.J 1 111 1 1111 I 1111 the gruundtyranh. ~1crra-linchc) and ycllo~finchc~ ,1mong other. d1111.111, 1one m1cnncdJa1c m mo1srure bcl\\Ccn the \1edtterrJncJn d1mah: and the '""111'1 I
Mulh In the north. 111s marked hy a vanety oftn:c spect~. bu1 hao, onl> a very "nail \1 1/111/,
Alt111l1111 '"tl.1011, , bofedales I .1rthcr ,ou1h. ,.,.(Jthnfag11.\ increase:. and becomes :i mn1or component of such forest 1'.111 111 1, 1
\ 111111111~ 1rn111t, , .1l111>lano 1s a high plom. lhc al11plano itself is a geographic fc:uurc r.uhcr than a hab1ta1 \\ i1h111 'uch ~oodlands arc deciduous, hu1 the maJonty i.hcd 1hc1r leaves Chestnut 11.,,, I I I ht
I p 1111 l1l'!i l,trl''I) m Boltvrn bu1 c-cten<l~ to Chile. southern Peru and northwc~ \rgcnuna 11 i on 1h1 ~ pcrhaJ" the species whose rongc is mo 1closely allied 10 1hi:. rorc~t l)'J>C. although 11 1tnh
111111 111 H1ll\ ia and Peru.'' here In.I..~ l11icaca and Poopo are found These are remnanh of a large ml:md 11111rc northern areas.
1 "ht h 'hMlcJ 1hc uluplano. A1rdlifc is nchl:!>t ''hen: wetlands such as lake,.s or cushion bogs. Imo" n lb
""" 1li1h- 11t'l'ur. In Chile, mos1 of these arc fed from snowmell. bul there is n marked wet season in the ANDEAN-PATAGONIAN FOREST
111 1111 .111111111:r Many highland lakes and ponds experience high level~ of evapor.11ion and have oo outlet, In the north ofi1 range. this fore"t occur. on Andean !>lopes u.swilly abo\c 1000 m to the 1r1c1111
11\l h1i,:hh ,,,line and \ery altr.lcll\C 10 species such as flamingos. lh far outh it can be found IO . c.1 level. The key feature 1s thal \ ndean-Pa1agoTii:10 fore:.l l'\ 1>(11~ 11 11 "

1'1111.1 i;1 .n\lilnds 111 '' 101cr. The dom111an1 tree 1s Leng:i Nl)f/iofagus p11milio. w11h N1rrc V cm1arc1ico al~u .111 111111111 1111
c11n,11tuen1. fn the coastal mountains of ahuelbutn :.1nd 1he Andc<. mland ofTcmuco are fanu,u, \r Ill 111
"' 'J''1 1 n111ponen1of1he high-1\ndean u:ppc-. are puna grasslands. compri'<.-d of small to large patch~.,, of
1r MunkC} Puzzle' .lra11cur1011ra11cuna fOl'CSlS. Whrlc nol rcs1nc1ed m thoc. Slender-billed Pamle.:I 'l'I" 11
llll h 1 1 li \\ htch '' r'-"'"tanl to :i har..h clunate .ind dry periods. In Chile puna gra.sslands are invariably df).
ht h.l\c evolved its peculiar heal tn order 10 efficiently e-ctrnct lra11cario piiions. Austral Paralo.c.-1 ts
'1lh 1 ""'I \Cl ..c,1son, usually 1n summer. I hey are :i common component of the ah1plano.
l.11')!.ely restricted to Andea11-Pa111goninn l-ores1, as 1s Magellanic Woodpecker.
l' r" 11111111 ~hr ub zone
1111 liil1 1111., 1q11on i'> ~mall. citiendmg south from Peru. Between c.2500 and 3700 m :i more diverse. dcn~cr
""' 111 .1111111-, and c11c11 occur~. south appmx11nu1el} to Lhe latitude oflsluga. I he pre!>cncc of1,crcnnial and In .1rcas of high rainfall some coasts possess 1ruc 1c1111x:ra tc ra mforests. wt1h rainfall 1n place' sm h ,,,
, 11 1111111d 11t1wc11ng shrubs such as So/01111111, cremes habirnt for species such :1s 13l ~ck-1hroa1cd Plowerpicrcor, V11l1livia and Puerto Monti avoragingj11s1 less than 2 111 per yollf'l This is a lush, tall and wondo1f11 I l<itl'NI
111111 .11111 ~ ll ow'l'nuugcr and a husl of olhcrs which are found only in 1his small region of Chi le. Putrc is lhc 1ypc the only lcmperalc nunforcst in South America. In addition 10 scvcrnl species of Norhoj11g11.1, 11t1
11111 1 "11h I\ \ ''11cd ~ 1tc within 1l11s habiUJI. d1:1rnc1cris1ic vcge1a1ivc components are several broodlcaf irccs of various families. Alcrcc ltt '"' ''
11111rvssoides, a relative of the Rcdw0<1d and Sequorn!., fom1s tall ancien t forests on the -wct1cs1 ... tor, c,1 .1
l'lylflpl' forests .ind \.\.CSI of Puerto Monti. Alcrcc forests are a d1s1111c1ive and endangered subset of 1h1::1 habi1a1. but ""
1111 11 11 It 1hc1r 'ou1hcmmos1 limtt in the northcm Andes of Chile and. in compari'>on 10 :.uch fore:.t~ t l11leun birds arc rcs1nc1ed 10 this fore~ type.
I ulll 1 tll'lth ire much less di\cM m their il\'tfauna and vegetation. Small pa1chc of Po~~kpt\ sun1vc m
1111 1lu ''"'""' < luh: \\-llh the largc--1of1hci.e probably around Belen, south of Putrc Gu1n1Conebill1\ an EVERGREEN FOREST
thlt '" ol l'ol1 lrp1' forests. and 1:.qu11e rare in Chile, but a hOSI or other species also occur tn .. uch \\oodland~. I h1-."' the typical forest IYJ>C of many 1slnnds and ijordlands of1hc Chilean soulh. II occurs in area ... 111 ht1!h
"'' l1111t11v 11 Orh1g11y\ Chat-Tyram. rm:1p11ation wllh a climn1c moderated by the ocean. there is no sno,~fnll here. The} are do111m.11i;ll hy
,,;\era.I species of ~othofagm. mosl tmportllnlly \.fagallanes Cotgue N beh1lo1des. \\rule Guaih!Cih ( ) fll\'!iS
Altlr tl" """ ' l'tlJ.:t'roderon 11wfenim i~ al'>O :m 1mportan1 component.
1 1 '''""I' Iii ~ 11111.: kni,t1h of the country, 1h1'> 1one 1s characterized by a short growing scas<1n, IO\\ average
11111p 1 11111< .11111n ' cry short frost-free period. In much of Chile lhe alpine 1onc 1s snow-covered for more PATAGONIAN STEPPE
11 11 h 111 "' th w.11 1\ s one pro..:ecds 0ulh, the elevatton a1 which 1one occur~ dcchnc:.. In anttago, ti \nd grassland in the rainshJOO\\ of the Andes, ~1th dry 'ltmmcr \\-tnds further accemuaung 11.. di) n.11111c
111111 111 111 , tMIO m, while around Tom:s del Paine 11 is below 1000 m \!lost alpt~ 111ne specie\ m M.iny lakes in 1he steppe arc bract.1sh or even extremely o;altnc due 10 the high degree or O:\JI"'' ''"'"
th h.1111111only10 ::.ummcr Ground 1yran1s arc a charactensttc componc11111I alpine nrc;h 1hmughout \\ o:mge temperatures are cold and 1h1s habi tal has greater sea~onal temperature difference' 1h;111 e' ''H' 11
lh I 11111111) t11ro:-.1 Most Pat:igonian 1cppe has been greatly altered by :.hcep fanning. and few grll$S) are.1 h.1\\ 11111
h..oen ...ubject Lo overgrazing. Some silt:.\\ 1thtn lhe steppe ha\e large 'hrub componenlS. wuh ('al.1IJ1c //, ''" 11
l111nmfolia being a well-known const11uen1 species of uch areas. Many bird species arc rc,lrlll' l1 ll11
1111 1 1111 I I'' I' I' 1.1111m or 1hc Med1tc1Tancan chm.lie region 01 ( h1lc. Such cltma1es nr.: characten~cd l111h11nt z:one in Chile. including: Ruddy-headed Goose. Mngclkmic Plover, Chocolulc\c1111J I 1 1111
I h 11111111111 '''Cl w1111ers. It is a rather rcslncted climalc typt:. with all areas experiencing ~uch 1'11t.11wnian Yellow-finch and Ulack-1hronled Finch. In ~hrubby site'\. one may find Pacag(ln1ar11\11>1I111 h111I
1 111 111 11 111 I l.111111111' 111 either hcmi~pherc. These reg.ions are well known for their frui1 and wmcs. .11111the rcsrricted-mnge Ound-1a1led t:anhcrceper.
h 1 1 hll 1f11 h lo1111 l1 t1 lllll" .....m1c oflh c country's best-known endemic birth, such as Mou~m:hcd Turca,
\\ 1111 th11 "' I t.111111 11!.1 Il11~ky n.raculo and Chilean Mockingbird. Due 10 iis climotc and gcogmphic locution MAGELLANIC TUNDRA OR MOORLAND
11111 I 111 tl11 Ii 1li1111 h111 li1(11 lw11vily lmpuctcd by agriculture or u.rbattisntion. Lilllc unlouchi.'d n1utorml L:Xists. 1 lit 1~incl:hvep1 areas exposed 10 the full wrnth of oceanic wi nds, a wet gm~sy ltubi1u1 i~ \'1111111111 u ol \\ 1111 11
111 h1: 1tm1cd Magellanic 1undm. II occurs on Cape I lorn, and mnny of1he C\JlOSCd islm11I I 111111 1 11 1111 11111
"' I 1>11c 10 tis extreme inacccssib11i1y very few observers have v1.,ttcd 'Itch urea' \1t1111I1 111H1 !ltll 11111
It is an clnl11111c.1l counlcrpan of the
11111~ ~It C'1nclode~ arc res1nc1cd 10 this hobi1:11 in Chile. while Fucvmn S111pc \:..111 h, '''""""" 111 '"Ii 11 1

... I I II I I "' """~~ Ill thn ti II h "" .:onltnUllU~. albeit open 1;;111111'~
1111.t 111111111t111111, 1111~ ul the 11111,1 la.;c1naii11g topics in omilhology. In Nonh Amenca anJ l:111op1: 1t 1~ takc11 Stru cture
lu .,1,1111cd 1hat 1111g111t11ry rnowmcnl~ and taming arc well understood for most species. Year~ ol obscrvat1lln \ c,urate field idenrification is a mix of experience, luck, cooperation by the subJc't
1lilt)(1."11t llltc-tak1ng. btrd-bnndmg, record-keeping and so forth have yielded a rather clear understand mg ul m.ttenal. We hope rhat this book al least contributes to the last. 1lowcver, some genc1,1I 1111111 l11111ht h
\\h111 ,;nJ where nugran~ can be c~pected to appear over much of the northern hemisphere. This 1s not th1 me1111oned here to assist with the experience part of the equation. Experienced birr.ll1 t 1111 111 tt, f 11t11l
l .l<;c m South America. Careful re'iCllrch on southern (austral) migrants is a new field. For mo~t C'h1lc.111 ,1h....:rvers. both looking at a variety of features and remembering them well. in add1111>n 1.. t "' tlit. '''
'IX"CICS migratory routes and 11mmg are very imperrectly known. Where does White-crested Elacnia, one ol '"cs:. these features quickly. It may seem like an impossible task. but like any skill u tS gil.111 I \\ 111111
themost common forest birds in C'h1le. cross the Andes en route to its nopical wimering grounds? Where Jo I ortunately. birding is fun and practice should not be a chore. On the other hand, on. I I 1.. t.1111 1111
Giant Hummmgbmls go nnd what routei. do they take? Countless similar questions exist even for some ol ,h.1rpcning these skills while birding to really g;un practice wuh them. For cum.pie. expcncnu1l {fl < { 11
Chile's commonest birds. TI1crc 1s a great need for detailed observations and notes on where and when ire quick to first look at the shape and structure of a bird. oflen before noucing the plumag~ I~ 11111 c .t 1111
certain species occur m Chile to help understand thetr movements. \ 'JlCCtacular bird such as a Magellanic Woodpecker may seem like a flying field mark \\1th 11 h11lh 11tl
What is clear is that a large proponion of Chile's birds are either entirely migratory or panially m1gratol) 1.:rJ head, black body and white wingstnpc, so conccntratmg on Its structure may seem pointle, l111t
as might be expected in a temperate country. Some may rerreat from the southernmost ponion of their range h,11e done so, however unconsciously. To correctly identify 11 as a Magellanic Woodpecker, you II 11 ht
only be present 1n tl1c nonhcmmost pan in the austral winter, while others disappear' completely. Other~ ~ nmv its size, that it has broad, rounded wrngs, a long stifTto1l that 1s used to brace the bird on a 1r.;1 t11111I
may move ahitudinally. as well as north and south along the flanks of the Andes. It appears that many, if not .1lung chisel-shaped bill etc. These fearures arc structural, and provide the basis for a suceessfuJ iden111il;i11.111
most, of Chile's ~pccics posses~ some migratory tendency. l t is the details of these migrations that rcqum: 1ven of the most brilliantly colourful or unmistakable species. Where practice is needed is to t.11.. 1111
elaboration. Keep this though t in mind ir you encounter a species away from its mapped range, as there 1~ , uhconscious look at structure and bring it to the conscious level. An experienced birder is able to ~ep111.111
siill much to learn and your obscrvotion may prove valuable in this process. A general poi nt to rei nforce i~ 11 ( Irey Gull from a Band-tai led Gull based solely on sil houette, by paying attention to aspects such as hill
the expected general patlcm of mi grations in Chile. Being a southern h emisphere lempern tc country, summer ~i 1c. bill thickness, size o f head, length of legs, lcnglh o f wings, bulk of body, etc. Tbere are several s11nll111
is in December-February. Ltite spring/surrtmer is the primary breeding season for Chilean birds. particularl y !\pccies pairs of Chi lean birds, where structure is porhups the best llJea ns of separaliug them in the field, c ~
iltoRe in the centre and south ol' lhc country. Thus, spring arri vals tend to occur between September and t 'onlmon vs. Short-billed Miners, Grey-fl anked v~. Dark-bellied Cinclodes, Lake vs. Andean Duck~ i:ll:.
December (earl ier in the north, later in the south) whi le autumn migrarion occurs between late Fcbrnury nnd l 'rilical observation of stru cture may be more importMI in ident ifying many of these than plumage fe11tu 1 l'~.
April. These an: general guidelines and do not app ly to all species, but should help the visi tor in understa nding One sel of structural features which arc seldom looked at arc lhe primary ex tension and primary spatin~
when bird movements can be cxpcclcd. uf htrds. These can be wonderful field marks which arc no harder to see on some species than the strength 111
l~crusing thjs book, you will notice that many species are vagrants that have occurred only a handfu l of ~1rca ki ng on the breast or supercilium on the face These wingtip structural traits are extremely uscl11 I
t11m:s. A:s many species 1n the :..outhern cone are migrants. they are also prone to become di\onented. be it fea tures. which are no doubt an under-used and under-appreciated means of separating many of the really
ht1 <'limu11c or phy~iolog1cal reasons. Some extremely rare vagrants will probably prove to be regular v1sttor, \1mi lar species throughout South America Prnnary proJeCtion refers to the length of the primaries projcc111w
,,, \\c learn more conccming Clulcan bird distribution. It is also clear that with increasing observer a1:11v1ty li.:yond the folded tertials. The tenials arc the innem10!>1 of the secondary feathers. and always lie d1rt>ctl)
111 l h1I.: many more vagrants will be discovered. It is too early to accurately assess the statu;, of the. e. 1111 top of the folded primaries; the secondaries the1melvel. arc mainly concealed by the longer tertials. In tlw
11 111, h .1n: regular visitors and" h1ch :ue once-in-a-lifetime evenrs. As such, we have included a great many illustration below, the longer primary projecllon of the Short-billed Miner clearly differs from th1. shorh:r
11l 1h1 1.1grants reponcd from Chile m the hope that a bener understanding of their occurrence will prove primary projection of Common Miner. If you compare the pnmary projections to bill sizes the diffcrcm:c
I'"' 1hk become even more noticeable. with the primary projecuon of Common Miner being roughly the same kngth
'" the bill. but is more than twice the bill length Ill Shon-billed Miner. This straightforward feature is
NOTES ON SEABIRDS , Jdinitive in separating these two dull brown sp.:c1cs, much more so than slight differences in strcal.111p 1111
th.: breast or face. 1 ole that migratory species tend to have longer primaries than non-migratory '11':'' '~'' t"
\\ h1J "' h.l\t" nntcd how l111le 1~ knO\\ll of different aspects of the Chilean nv1fauna. 1t "prnbably trnc to th11sc migrating over shoner distances.
I 11 1)1 11 1111 il1l11hutmns of pelagic seabird~ arc among the least well kno\\ n ol an~ group nl hird' globally.
!I I 11) 11111 ti 11 ..1111 ove1 half the world's oceans. returning to smafl rock.y 1sleti- to brct.:d .11 ccrt111n seasons.
I Ii ' 1111~ l1o1\1 ll!'lll 1c fomgmg ranges while breeding, proscribed migratory routes Hi the nonbrcccling
1 '11111111 I" ' 1111 1 1~ 111 oltl 111011lting areas. and large and variable non-breedi ng grounds depcmkn t on ocean
1 '"1 1 11111. 111111111 1 1 1111lttwn~ ur1d global oceanographic events. Many differ in their distnhut1 ons as
t l11ll 11 111 1111 lt11t1lt1111 1111111oturcs. As such, the ranges of seabi.rds in Chile arc impcrli:etl y known.
I11 1 1 1111 1111111111 1 11 111hM"1 \ll'lll ore venturi ng from pon s such as Valparaiso and Arica, as well us nn cru ises
111 111.11 111 1 1111d 1111 ~11h11 11111rcl1c islnnds, providing more information than ever bd\irc. llul given the Short-billed Miner Co mmon Mi ner
1 111 1 111.i lh1 , .. 11111wl\' lcw nrc:is where seabirds are being regularly observed. it 1<> ch!11r lilat lhcrc is
till 111111 la 111 I 1111 111 11hl1111111, 1hi: l'nh.:t of the El Nino Southern Oscillation (J::NSO) on Chi le's mari ne 1111111111y spacing is a measure()(' how the stack of folded pri mary tips arc spnecd. I hi.' ~p.irt ll' 1 loll "'
1 11111111 I' tttl 11! 11 I tli ' 11 ..1t 1111 w1 1h 11 t l~ visiti ng from other pa,rts of the globe 1s nut well known. Although 1111 1"111Hlld11css or pointedness of lhc wi ng. Species with longer primary spaci n~ tt1wu11I. llw \I 1111.i11t 111111
11111 II 111111111 1111111t\\ 11 II t , 11.11 th111 ni.111y ore under extreme threat from fncll>" t~ iii verse as longlinc 111 l1.1t1 11111rc pointed wings. Generally. longer distance migrant~ or birds that ~11cnd 11110 h 111111 111 llitht
11 ltlfl 111 111 11111 111111d11lt.1I \1,,111111111 We encourage you to be conservative in your identifications Ii.I\ I 111111 l'Olllt.:d wings than those that ny shorter d1i.tancc~. As lt111gc1 1h~l.llll'l' llllj!l 1111 11 ,, hu I hul[ l 1
I 1 111 11 11111111 1.1ill'll 1111k . 11ncl help develop a clear knowlcc.lge 111 \'rh1ch species occur m '' 111~ 111.111)' 111 these have both a long pnmary pm1cct11111 ond l:'rl;11c1 rin11H11 v "P" 1111 11t.111 h1t 1 th 1""
11111 1111. ll11h1 11lusir.11ion overleaf. nmc that the l11Ml' t111y1;1t11r'r wh'I"" 11 '111 \\lull ,. Ii I I I 1111 111
I I ''
1 h I 11 1 Ii 1 1f11111H 1 111111i.u \ f'"'Jc~ 1 11111 .md wider primary spncing than lhc rcsidcn1 n111dcsta rocc of
'"" 111 11111111 11 l11h l11111hflll1111111d11lcrcnccs111 colour and pattern be1wcen these two forn1s, wing SlntclUrc
\I uh c(1mrlt.:1c rehabtltty to subspecies.

\11ennon 10 wing ...truc:.ture :ud' in <;eparatmg some \cry similar spectc:. or race:., nnd there arc \urcly some
1,1'Ca for which this ''on und iscovered and reliable field mark.
Lighting and appearance in the field
Needle ...,, to 'kl), we have attempted 10 1llus1rn1e average individuals of each species. underavcmge cond111ons
111 fighting. In the field, 11 1s more complex; seldom is anything 'average'. In particular, lighting condi 11 on~
1 hung;; hy the mi nute, and can have u subsrnntial cll'ect on a bird's appearance. It i~ nn obviou' foci, but still Pink-footed Shearwater and Masa lierrn Petrel
It 1ak~s conc;.;ntmttun and exp;.;ncncc 10 evaluate bow lie.Id conditions affect the 'isual 1mprcss1on you
h!\'etve ul an ind1v1dual bird. Below, the illusimtion orthc Rufous-bandcd Miner nnd Bar-winged Cinclodes the petrel is darker and it is more difficult 10 'ce the up1>erwi11g patlcm. In hari.her light. 01hcr efTc'" 111.t\
occur. For example, back lit nnd agai nst the sky, the petrel can uppcnr ro show a crisp blackish houtl, .11tel
1t~11 1 c1 s the effect of hnt ~ h light vctsus diffuse light. The upper images show crisper plumugc foulurcs; 11 is
would go down as a Stejnegcr's Petrel in lhc notebook. of a less-experienced birdeL Effects of lil!ltt111v
\'1tslc1 tu sec lhc face pnttcrns, ond the actual colours of the back, of the foce, ofthe underpnrt~ even. rhis is
hackground. distance. posture and many other f:tcwr~ mu~t be considered when identifying birds 111 th
,, tw11:11I d1ffu..,c light "tuotion. on overcast but bright day. It is perhaps the bc~1 lighting 111 which to CrtJOY
111d 1dcn1tly birds rt1c lower image~ sho.,., more washed-out colours, harsher shadow:. on 1he underpart:.. licld. and do remember that the plates prc:.cnt n Mandardt~cd idc:il. not real birds.
''"'fl'" ill't111ct face patterns. Tht'> 1s the common situation in harsh overhead light, which 1s typical 111 the Ha bitat and b ehaviour in identification
l11Hh \mk~ nnd dc,;.;rt Morning and evening light is warm and can make bird~ appear more reddish or Bmb differ in habnat and bcha\ tour, c\ en bc1wccn clo..ely related 'pccies. The:.e are elements that c.m he
rntuu th.111 they n:all) arc. Mtdda) hght is the opposite - ii is harsh and bleache<> coloun.. Note also that the 11-.:d in bird ideotificarion cM be qut1c rehablc. llo,,e,er. m mam CtlSC!> the use ofbabuat or pamcul.11
1l11t~1~11,ci; tn po"turc~. excited nnd alert in the lower images, and rela."<ed in 1hc upper images. make the hehaviours are variable and are not rcltahlc field mark\' but only useful pointers to an iden11fica111111 I 111
h111I 111111 r1111rely d11Tcrcnt The 1111\ ofvanallon in posture and lighung coodittons can gn:a1ly nfTect what namplc, most ground-tyrants perch on thc ground, but Spot-billed and Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrnnh ultcn
1111 C, 111111 mu't Ile! talcn mto account tn making field identifications. Beware lha1 in ha~h desert and
p..tth on sticks or small bushel> This doc.. no1 meJn that 1f a ground-tyrant b perched on a bu~h 11 must ht
nJ an 1111, maybe that dull face pattern )OU are one of these two pec1es, but 11 I!> mon: hl..d) On the other hand, a 'hciodcd' sierra-finch ob~r\('(I 111
1I "111,e "" that mmer you hope 1~ a Creamy- \111hofag11s forest ts almost certainly t1 Pa1.1go111an 1crr:1-I mch. a-. the lookalike Grey-hooded Sierra-I m. h
' u111'-1l 1~ 111crdy u trtcl of the light, and 11 1~ really l..1.-e~ to open habiuus. The hnbt1at d11Tercnc~ bct.,.,cen the;,.: f\\O hold up mcely. although the t~1 urc
t I 1tf1111 i.1111111:11 Mmcr. ume to lool.. at pnmary lnm\n 10 hybridise in some 'edge' an:a.' of the e'\tn:me ..outh Some canastel"O:> are usuall.> found 111 1he
I II th, 0\.1.'T of a bush. ~bile olhen> arc more terres1rial and run on the ground or perch prommcntl} on rod.
llcl11w. Cordillemn Canastero ;, ::t terrc'1r1al 'pcc1cs, wl11lc Sharp-billed is invariably in a bush. I he c 111
1111t foolproofdiffcrencei.. as Sharp-billed doe,, forogc at the ba\e of bushes, but the difference,., ,u111, 1crttl>
1.:1111..1\tCnl that beha\iour alone w.ually ,umcc' 10 ...:para1e the t\\O pecies

\1.11 1c 111pwpnate, we haH~ JXlinled 11111 wch lhflcr;;n~es m h1:haH11111 "' hal1111 I
11, 111111 1tcl1l 11kn1tlication Do rcmemll<:r tlt.11 d1c) Hll' 11111 rnh:. hut !-;Cllc111l ll 11I 11( 1 '
Rufous-banded Miner .ind Bar-winged Cinclodes ttt tl1 It hi
In tlo1 1llt1,1rJ1cJ1:\11111plc (t1ppos11c), a June I lcganl ll-111~1111\\~11 hl:11:l..1,h wo:df" 111 lh~ 1111111 "11111 !1111 h 11111
ho ~h,1 111111t pmnun'' cvn1rn.,1mg w11h lhc old. black outc1 prunaric~ Nute th:11111.1< l1\~ \; 111 1111111111 1. 1..1.. 11
tl1 ""'' f'Jllcm can be .,cco when frc,h. ncwl) moulted 1mmane, co111rai.1\\llh1!.111; 1111 1 1
tnntpl,tl' moult (fcbruary' the 'illrnc tern 1:11.:h 1hc dart. \\Cdgc and \hO\\" a mun: e\cnly r 1111111
h 111 1 11 '"I h ( nd rl.'sult 1s l'h11n;1gc fading ac1s m the opposite manner, making fon1her- paler The cf!l.'ct \)f 11h11111
H111 1111111~ 1 1 c,1111hll I ading or """' oil\ 1ous on fcmhers that arc not well proh:o;1ed nnd arc exposed to the SWl :. radtJllll r
1 ,;:111>ed h\ the 1111, pmnJnl) the \Un 's lh rr1111at) feathers and tail
I 11111(111 \\hth ICllCI, \\llh he h:.uhcr LO slo\\I) \ the mner pnmanes arc more often protected due 10 the \\U) the "ing fold,,, th, r
I 1 11, ''""n II\ 'lnlll111. I he end re,uh j., a p:ilc 1,.... ,1.;111g than the outer pnmane' Jlie ma111 cfTt'Cl of l11d111g 1 that black or blacL.1sh kalh 1 ' 111\1 111
11111 ",. ,i.; t.:.11hcr 1>.1tJ.. pigm.:nl\ 111 the fca1her. lk ""to dark brown or bro\\ru"1l-blacJ.. ro [!t'lic an C'Camplc.dunnr acU\e moult. when;, l re~l111t1n r
111 l1111111r., p11lle,1 tcJthcr-. from both effects. he R"cn nc\l lO an old primary the d11Tere01:e m blacknc" I'> ob' 1ou..
I l1crelltfc, hlaclmh teacher.. \\car and fade less 'i11mlarly. if two srccies di ITcr m moult llmmg or I\\ o ag~ of a <,pc..-c1es differ m moul1 11111u1a 1 l 111
11111, l.,I\ th.in paler li:lllhcr.. and p.1le no1chcs on a '" 'hnes~ and darknel\S ofprimnnes and 1a1I can be useful 1111den11t'icn11on and. particularly. ayc111g I111111111
.111~ k.11hcr \\c,ir a\\ay hcfore 1he main body 01'1he yo111 \:)C' to observe these differences demand, -.omc C\pcnencc. bu1 can be srudicd even on 1:<1111111011 ''
1111~ h:.1tlu;r (...:e nghl) Old and worn fca1her. urc 1 , h!s ..uch as Rock Do"c and I lou~ Srarmw1 So, i;omi; bacl. to our e"tamplc of the Moummg S1 11
"11 "~11 1hrough a procc's called moult. \\ h1ch l111d1. 111 \Hirn plumage the blacl.. wing,, and IOll '' 111 lool.. more bro,~n1sh than when fresh.
'.1111 111,>.tcnl and liming depending on 1he bpcc1es Some species appear lo employ feather wear to change to o di1Tcren1 plumage without underlo11111
111 11111111111 birds (sec 11cx1 sec1ion). 11111111! 1hi:.1s observed in severol ~ongbird group'>, porttculorly the lctcndae (blackbirds). In fresh plum.111~ .
l'l11nmgc: car causes tli\llnct chongcs in Lhc way IMi:c bniwnish tips to the plumage conceal 1he underlying plumage pattern. As Lhcse lips wear off in'' 11111:1
11 h11il Jf1pc:ir~. A:. 1101cd above, 1n1lcr notches or lltty n:vc:il lhe more con t rastin~ 'breeding' plumage by the lime spring arrives. To illustrate this situul11111
, .Ip,~ <111 d11rk fca1hcrs wenr away hcfore dark ~ee 11N 111~ l'h1.: :Yellow-winged Blackbi rd, the frc~h male pl1111111gc is l11rgcly black wi th yellow shoulders. but 'o
l11 11IN 11r foa l111:1 Logically, pallcrns on lhe edgc of a hr11.11lly tipped with brown thm the bold plum:111e pullcm i~ panially hidden by a more cryptic browuhh
It' Uhl'' \\car away before 1hose rn thc ccn1re ofu feather. So, as a generality, worn b1rds arc dnrker (fewer plumage. By spring. oil th.:se brown tips have worn. revealing a bold blucl.-and-yellow plumage tha1 1~ 11-.c1I
11.11o' "''"> 1l1.1n frc,h bird'; 1h1~ 1<; particularly 1hc case if pale feather lips arc prc,cn1 m fresh plumage. 111 .1dvcr1isc to potential mates during the hrccd111g season.
t h1'"'' 11.ilc 11p~ wear off first, rcvl!aling the underlying dark section and expand the O\'Cr<lll umoun1 of dark 1-inally. species that lack clnrl. blnck fca1hcnng ore more prone 10 exhibit 1he clTects of ''car and fi11h1111
pl11111.w~ M the bird I his 1' 1lluslfi11ed by the Moum- lh.m those which posi.css strong mclomn' (darl. pigments) in lhc1r plumage. Species such as miner. anI
Hlj' S1lrr 1 I inch Iright) '~hen rre,h (late summer ,1rthcn:cpers fit into this scenario. The ml1rc \Wm and fodcd they urc. the paler and less disti.nc1 an} pa111:111
11111111111 11 has pale llp\ to many ol 1he brca!>I and the~ ha,c appears. Always be a\\3rc of the general s1at1: of wear in a ~pec1es lhat you are trying to idc11t1l >o
1", l\'.tlhcr,., reMncung 1he blacl. 10 a modcrulely 1.1111cularlyone that presents problem.,. Tho1 o b1rd ,., worn and faded may explain ''hy lhat Common \1111 r
11t-.l lh1t.1t .ind bre-J:.t pall:h As 1hc p:ile feather ups '''"'"'"1 lool lik:e a Common hncr1We 113, c aucmptcd 10 \hO\\ 3\ crage plumage t)'J)CS in the illu,tr.11io11'
"~ u ..,. I) hprrng, 'ummcr) the undcrly1ns cLlrk 111ll one must be mmdful that e\trcmel} frc~h. e\trcmcl) worn or rnd1' iduals in hea'~ moult ma~ l1v 1J..
h K' In lh hrea~t fca1heri nrc C"JlO'Cd and the ... me'' hat drfferenl from those dcp1c1cd here.
ltl 1 ~1 h h1c.1'I patch l'ro\\\. ~1m1larly, 1he upper
I' 111s .. 1 ~lnurmng 'S1c1111-hnch b.!comc darJ..cr
Moult and plumage terminology
lhfl'U~ft \\('.II \\c 113,.e discussed how realbel'!> \\Car out O\cr lime. A' fl.'athers dQ not grow conunuousl} like na1h cr hair
I It, 1ltlh 1.n~c m op~1rnnccJust through wear 11 111.:ans they must be enurely n.:ne'' ed pcnod1cnlly. Thi.. process of dropping an old feather anJ gm,1111g
1 111111 ~111l..1ng rems arc n special ~11u,111on Their hl'h one 1s called moult (molt 111 1he USJ\l Moult not only funcuons to rcne\\ feather.. but mn\ 11 "
111111111) h 11hcr' m~ mated w11h a greyish bloom 'lt.111gc a bird's appearance. fTom 3 duller non-breeding Ill It brti!hlcr breeding plumnge. for C'l.ampf.: I H
"''' :11 h h ".1 lrc'h tern pnrnat) looks cn~p and
1111r..c. moult is like any other charoc1en~11c of bird' 11 ''di\ erse 1n 1h many different form, 'II,.,
''"I 11 \ lhi '<' prunancs wear, they lose much of the grey bloom (actually a rm1lr11.11111 become more 1111111dcrsta.nding of some geneml111cs of moult and how 11 nlTccts the appearance of birds is \cry Jl\l'l11l 111
It l}ul ''' 111111 1111, l>lll' to eomph:x moults. many terns. in which only the in1w1 1-uu11p nl 1mmnries nrc 111111g, 'exing and identifying birds.
1111111111 ii ,, 1.1111 '' 111111111d hl.1cker. outer primaries which create noticeable pallcm l\.h1uh is an energetically expensive procc'" Smee tncrgy budgets arc lirn11cd. moult doc' 111 k nlt 1..
11\ctl.111 wnh other high-energy nc1iv1t1es such as brccdmg and m1gm11on. The general pattern "1h.11 1111.i
I <11111111ll1Cl! 1heirmos1extensive 111oult i111111etli11tcly aner breeding and before rrngrauon. Moi1 h lllillllf/ di l'l' tlil

1111 1 111~ rati 11n and migratory distance. Lon,1,1-di,toncc migronts, mai nly th ose from lhc n11rllt1.'t 11 h1111hfll" i.
111.1y 1khw moult until after reaching Chile. T'yplcnlly. ttt lcn,1 in i.ongbirch and ~01.111.:r nou I'' '11111 h 1
1 11111 111nult that renews the enurc set of fc:uhc:r~. mcludmy the\\ 1ng' nnd tail. wlmh '' 1 tlh d 1111111111 1
111111111 "'1111111 of the night fca1 her~ begins wilh the i1111crrnos1 pr1mary (Pl I 1111tl p111..cc1I' 111n11 .111I II
tlu 1111111.11 ll'' Jre fully renewed, the inncm10,t ..econdar)' (SI) 1' 111uull11I ,111,1 .1 w 1\>1 .. 1 1111 1111 11
111 1111 11 ..111 thcrc. The three inner 'ccondnrie' 111 pa,-.cru1c' (lln111:1l 1(111.1I 11~ o1111 rrnr11l1111 I f, 1
1111tu ~r 111111.1111, .ire comrleted. IJ1l leathc" arc 11111111!,11111 ,1ks'1q~11l.11I1 111011 1.111111 11 I 11 I
llt 1>11111111 ~ h.I\<" lxcn cnhrcly 1cnl'\\Cd, In 11111'1 p.1"'''llll'S the ..1111 ti 11,111 1111 .. 111 111 1 11111111 111 1111
11 1111 11 11111111 111 1111111111 the C\\Cfllwn being bhtckbirds and cowhirds which \how rapton. retain their ju\cmle plumage through lhc '"'' \\111k1 111111 h1, 111 111 1111111 111 11
111 1 I 11111111111\ 1111 t, 11111pel,1I muuh). Some moults may renew only some or ult of the spring, wh:ile adults may not commence rcncwnl 11111111:111. 1<11111111~1 S1111il.11I ~,. 1111 1 1111
I' 1 Ii~ , p.1111.11 tlloults occur in ihe late winter or spring und ofien bnng the moult substantially earlier than ad uh-., which have 10 con1e11d w11h lhe c11cr)l11. 11 111111tl 111
t I ti hi I I l 1111 j1ltlt1li1 t 1hey can smn feather replacement Young seabird' moult at cnllrel} d1llcrc111 11111 11 t1 I ti
r 111111 111 tit .w i!< ticr.11 rules. Fin.1 oralJ, as you ma} imagine. the longer or l:ui;cr o data 1~ not well known for many )Cilb1rd . bul careful nolel; on \\h<!n bird' arc 11101111111
tit 11 111 1111 11111 ,111r.ci; 1c11~~.:11c or physiological) are rcquued. Bccau..e of 1h1Jt la~e birds determine if these arc adulti. or young bird~ m Chilean waler..
1h 11 1 1011 \\ 1111 p;1 r1111, 111.1y moult in two months. birds such as pelicani., boob1ei., albatro,,,es.
I 1 111 111111 11 r1 \\ 1, 1111111 ""''\'than one year to complete a full moult of their bod) plumage \new
1 I 1111 1 1p11111i11\ ,11111.11 1)r 11111> ~ro~., at ihe rate of 5-lO mm per day. thU) a 30 cm (12"1 ti!atbcr CONSERVATION
IU Ml d.i tu vu11 \, th.:-e birds ttU need to fly during moult. they can onl> replace a 'mall
, 11 f11 111 1.~1lic1 111111h.111\'0u,ly. making moult a lengthy process. Outer pnmane,, ~~r more qu1d,ly. l'\owhere in the world are natural habitat'> and birch en11rely .,.,fe Thcdange,..., vary, and l 1111 I 1"Lhl!
,, 1h11111 """' 111 1he '"orl.; on the wing, thus some larger birds ha1e evolved complex Mmh.:g1c:. A reasonable proportion oft be count!) 's tOllll landrnnl>.' 1 pro1ec1cd "ithm ational ParJ...,. N.lt 11111
111111 r 1111111 111\'' arc replaced more trequently than mner ones. and the entire replacement of pnrnJne,, or 'latural Monuments. all of"h1ch are rn.inogcd by CO:\ \r (W\\\\.conaf.cl). The at11111I \\ l r , I
11 1111 ''" 111t1) 1>\:..:upy ":'eraI year.. The oppo 11e extreme is thnt some waterbird:. do not need to Protected Wildlan<.b (SNASPC) wo.., eructed in 1984 10 pre-t.-nc Chile''> nauvc nora and 1.1ur1a fl. 1111111 f
1 11111 111 11h1li1 '" lly in order to feed and 'uccessfully e<.cape predators Some. such ai. certain duck!> and 29 o of Chites fol'C!it rs protected under S ASP L. but much of 11 1 in lhe far south awn} lru111 "''I 11111 I
1 \\, II 1 1111111v pclre", moult quickly, dropping a large number of night fcnthers s1mul1uncllt1~ly. area~. WhileS ASP!! proiect~ i,ome wonderful h;ib11111. many ecotypes are not represented wi1h1111h1 " , 11
1 111 11111!. 1 111\'lll t11ghtlcss or nearly :.o for a period, but they can undergo moult foster by such means. system, and some rnre and local habm11s receive h11te or no rrotcc1ion. More elTon is required hy gO\ \"I 11111 111
1 lilt'\ 1lu 1\111mc 11c:h foraging i;rounds to fuel such a quick moult. Of course, there are many other and private groups to incorporate 11 broader d1ver-.11y of hab1t111 1ypcs into reserves, and care h n.:0.:11, ,, 111
1 111 111111111 It tll'Jrn:\. 1111d many nmrc pages could be lilted with descriptions of ~pcc1es thut rnonh in ensure that these hold viable popula11on~ of narc ,rnd endangered plants or animals.
1 I.I\\ 1 N 111 11111111r1.1111 hl'le to 11ndcnao111t the common patterns of moult, and this knowledge wilt hopefully r he following non-govemmcnlul organisntlons serve ns s1or11ni; r>oin1s for lhose interested 111 lcu11111111
1; It 1111 '" 1tl111t11f > 11~c 11d fy, mo11lti11g lmd or pcrmil you to successfully age n ceru11n species. about. contributing 10 or assisting Ilic co11serva1ion of Chi le's birds and naturu l areas.
1111 h1ll11111111 111 1 Mll lll' 1,1cnura l pallcrn~ which arc helpful. to know. After the <fown. birds grow thei r
UNORCll- Union de Ornit6togos de C hile thl~ organisation is 1he Birdlifc ln1emational partner in C'h1l~
111 1 11111 , "11 ,,1 1111 leather., l hi'> " 1111: juvenile plumage and the hir<I i::. tem1ed u 1uvc111le. All of the
and ha:. both active working group~ and educn11on.1I programmes working on Chile's birds. W\\'\\.unon:h d
I 1lh t "'' 110111 .11 the 'a111c 11me, 11i.1k1nll them evenly frc~h and cni;p During 1h1.., 'ame peritld, 110cr the
111111I1\ 11' 1lt.1,d .11lt1fl, .111 1yp1cally 1111hc11 nms1 worn and faded, neee:.sitahni; u complete moult Upon CODEFF-Cornite Nacional Pro defen se de 1:11un11 y Florio Tiu~ organisation works to educalc and l11hh}
1i11 1.t 111111111111. 1111 1~1ng' nnd 1,111 appcu lrc<hc1 on adults than young. as mo:.1 'flCc1e~ eilhcr rc1111n 1hcir for lhc conservation of Chile's lloro and faunu www.codclT.et
I iii (II\ '"" 11h1111.1)-!e J1111111_! the J'lhl ha1d11ng
C:onsenalion Land Trust (Fundaci6n Pumatin) A pnv;ue. non-prolic organisation that purchase' .111J
I 11 I 11 It ,.11n 1111\ '"" bvdy feather.., Jlld rclam
..:1,n..enes land in Chile and Argcn11na. Parquc Pumahn fC)Crve pro\tdcs a '"onderfuJ exampleofho~ pm .lie
t 1 'till i!!lll 1111 Rurcly. '"ml 'onthird' money can be used in the con.\erva11on of w11l1 area ... The Ctm..crva11on Land Trust, 1062 Fort Cront...l11t\'
ti I I I it1l "'"' i.11,1tlt1\\":1c:.)undcr1Hl.tt.olllplctc 'Sausal110, CaJifomia 94965 USA. lei I 4 I 5-22C)-9339. Fa\' 415-229-9340 fhe Conservation Land 1 ru't
111 1111 Ill 11i 11"1 111111 h1l'e1hntJ, ,e,1-.1111 Jui c111te
1Ch1lel. Buin 356 Puerto Monu. '( Reg16n Chile Tel 56 65-250079 Fax: .. 56 65-2551 l 'i
11 1 1 " 1h1 .11111 11111rc ~u....:cpuhk Ill \\L'ar. 1\"w.parquepumal1n.cl
I 11 11h 1 ''I' the .1iirc1\ncc~ b.:11\1.:en \\om tail
111 \111111 h111l, und frc,h k-uthcr.. of I he Patagonia Land Trus t Another orgaml'<!llOn that ~using pm ate money to purchase and prc:.cn e l.11111
.1.n.uurc reserves. Their work 1~ centred in the PntJgoman rci:1on WW\\.pamgonialandtrust.orgtinde\ .htn1t

adul t juvemle
I 1111111 11\111~
1111 11 1 , 111.t 111 1h'Ml'i 1'\ 1cm other non-passerines, juveniles have longer lad amt l11[.1ht feathers lhan
I II 1111 1 11 1 11 1 1tlv lunger. ,11111111cr winged loot.. in a juvenile tlymg nc'I ht .111 iidull During the
I 111 I 11t 1111111 h 111111 lt\'llllj,lC') the d11Tercnce between newer and 'hnrt..:1 1111111 l)'flC h:.llhl'f\ next
I II I I 111, ' 111 111h k.11her' 1' eh:ar. Many raptors retain irnrnnturc pl11111111~ 1h1e111gh th\l1r liN
111 li1111 1111111 f11111111'' llll't leathers in their second a1111111rn scpnmt1N 1h1111 u~ lllll'yenr olds
hi ti h.111 11 1,~ i. l 11 11h1.11~ 11ll of 1he same length. As Btuck-chc~11d ll1111111'd Ft111.lc. Andct1n
Condor and other 1 ul11111., 1t1h 111t11c 1han a ycnr In
replace d1cir rnnmm.:' 11 1~ 11u1 '"""ual hl 'cc a
youngster" ith a 1111 \ 11 11111~11 11111,honer ti:athcf\
ns well as acll\c 11101111 p1111l11r1ni; o conlusiny
appearance (sec lcll 1
Finally. 11m111~ 111 lh 1:11111111\'lc mouh (111cl11d111g
"1nl!., and w1h i.:an 1hl1cr heh\n~n age grouJl' :I.I.my
\lln11111 h A'''" \ 't 1 1ph1< .111\'I 111 lhJI n:lc1' 10 two 1ax:i or populatio~ 1hu1 arc found in different geograplm;
11111111 1 \""' lite l\11 .ire n111found1ogc1her.
ltuh 1l11t. I ltglt \1ul1.":1n l>og' of,hon grJ'-.c~ and cushion plants. The tenn 1s rei.1nctctl 10 bogs found m lhc
h11l 111t
I 11111 h;ir \ JJrl..cr or hgh1c:r p:itch on the uppcrwmg that extends from the bend of the wmg 1oward, the
I 1 . 111 th.: \\ m 1 he bend or 1he w mg 1s actually the wrist of the bird, where 1he carpal bones arc found
I 111111111 'ure 1 he hnc along which the mandibles of the bill come 1oge1her.
( ul111cn rhe upper edge of the upper m.md1ble al> l>Cen in profile.
( unlng cd~c (ofb1ll) Properly referred to as 1he 1om111m (plural tomia). The sharp edge<. of the mandible~
\\l11d1 mcc:l along the comm1s'\urc
Dihedral I he 01ght profile m \\htch the wmgs are held ia a slight angle abo"e the body: an upward
1111:hna11on of thew tng'> m rclatton to the plane of the body.
Hloplu111e 'lender, ha1r-hkc fcathc~ thal arc d1fficul t 10 see other than on b1rJ~ m 1he hand. They may ~/
undertail-coverts primary
i.er\'e a 'cnsory func11on ah hough 111 some bird,, mamly cormorants, they are used 10 create d1:.play pallcms. extension
Fingc~ l his refers m::unly to vulture and hawk wmg-tips. l f longer primaries arc notched and cmarginaled
on the spread w111g these feathers extend out of 1hc wing-tip like fingers, breaking up the contour of 1hc
Frontal Nhlcld /\11 extension ol'lh1i bill 0 1110 the forehead, most common in coots one.I gnllin11 lcs. Thc$c arc scapulars ] tcr l'ials
oflen brightl y coloured.
G ular pouch A d1stcnsible pouch al the base of the bill, mosr strongly deve loped in the Pclccaniformcs
(pchcans, .:ormorants, boobies etc.) secondaries
Cnnys The undc:r;1de of the lower mandible bc}ond the pan where 1hc l\\O 'ltk' fr.11111) or the bill meet. On greater (secondary) coverts
gulls there ''a d1l>llnet angle at the l>Hln of the !,!Onr 1..no\\ n as the gonydeal angle. marginal median (secondary) coverts
Corj!Ct 1 he f"llCh of tndcscent feather\ u'ually found on the throab of male hummtngb1r~. lesser (secondary) coverts
IJallu" The hmd toe
llandkerchicr A hght or coloured p:uch at tbc oo-.c of the prim:mes thal forms a ~uamh or rcctangulnr alula
shape on the folded wmg The term su~eMs J l>1m1lam} to the white handkerchief poling out from a man,
1ux1..'Clo primaries tail spint'\
Patagi um fhc fold of skm that extend\ from the bend of the wing inwards towards the ba..e of the wmg. h
.11-..1 rcfi:r.. to a patch of different coloured fe.1thcf\ found ia this region; Rufou,ta1led 11.t\~t..s have dark --".:-":..--gr.iduahd t;11I
~~" (ooter r~~thr" ...... 1
r.11.1t1,1I pa1chc!> on the undcrMng inner ~ lon11)
l'tctoral line ome pccics ha\.e s1real..1ng or spot1tng on the breast that stop abruptly on the lower brea.\I wingstripe
'""'""' ,1 hnc, 1h1'> pattern 1' de:.cnbcd as a pectoral line. greater primary coverts
Hn trh Cplural r\.'Ctnccs) A tall feather
' 111l1111l111u1lnn\ Pnnial webs between the t~ Full webs between 1he toe:. arc l..011\1 n " p.1lma11ons
' 1111'" \ l.ttl1.1l m1.1vc on 1he upper mandible near the culling edge (tom1um). It'" ltlli-11 wtth u coloured
1111 111h111t1' 1111lw 1wn 'pcc1c~ of soo1y alba1rosscs. lores median crown stripe
1'11p1ulua111 I hi 111 ~11 immediately above the lores: refers to Lhe part of the s1111c1~ 1 I 1111111111111 inr to the eyes. lateral crown stripe
' 1111 11111111111 I Ill' 111111 11111111:<1mtely above th e mnlar area, sometimes know11us llH' wl11Nk.:1' or moustache. cul me n
~ I 111111111 h '\ l11111"1111111pl11.:nl tcr1111hat refers 10 two taxa or populations tha1a1.: 1111111111111lw ~11 111.: geogr.iphic
eyering upper mandible
11o 1 111"'"'1 11111 1 lh~ rno mny be found together. lower mandible
I 11~11h 1h{ lull ttl it. 1h.11 1111111hc Cn\I uf 1hc lnll, in other words the houl.., "'"' 111 1h11:t..cn111g at the end of chin
lit '1111 h 1 1II .1. "l1pnl 111 l'rinlluruforrm:~ The unguis on the ur~1 111.111J1hlc " known as the throat
111 '""" 1111111" \1h1I th 11 II tit lo\\U 11i.111thhll.' llt the mandibular w1~1 111 partial breclsl band
li1tr1i1l throat stripe
Chilean Tinamou

sympatricandcxuand) ~Aniklin Tui:am"" RcbllCI king

bill with noliccably dccuncd trp. IJ'C)1$h.,.. hc>nt ,. ,th bl~lr<h
culmen and Up. nc"r any orange <W liri1h1 )'C 11.,,. at h.uc l>.111.
111 fl " "J'Cnlng> rn m.:ll<>mil 'Cf~Hoa hloctislt-Crottn '""'n. 11tCf..J,~f.,,..lw'oJ, 111b1~h 11 lm.>SI
!IJ '""''"'a.lh. farmland an nonb la IM al"''llYs raised. gi.-wng 11 an alarmed arrca,.....c. 11,.,,. ru))) f.l.:c
ll!'>Ulh, rnmanl) ~ f.lrmJ.anJ, <>llCll ai !hr cd81' with cak dzrkcrcyclinc and~,,,.,..,,,. hla<L1ltJp<>ll111f1 th.al
<>I f<l<C>! or ~-mer. Sa k\d io 2000 m. comilmc$0111n t.v .. ,, Jtl.. ('octnhhns f;'fJ10ll ii gt') f>rt>ot
but mo.ii\/ 111 k .. unJ, uJ foollull \1orc and ~..,.ides_ becoming b<.O) nn bell\ nd cnl Any
lrl'qUrnlf) hQrJ 11\.an >n. 11> II Lcqie> 10 I.hid pattcmmg pre:$Clll on lo\On l>rcalltsi.SC. ia1,-. fonn ol 11111.lll
,l ~mer I ull) uhiencd hnc n~cr 1n duir bars.. not spolS. Dad. bamng on 11.tnl ;., bu1 oncn h1Jd.:n
.I 11,,.L, lnirC'Clu.:cJ 111 1..,,,., I IOE,llF'l- by fol<kd wing; the """"''"'" Ju1111a/1 f..Jny,J nrJc4n
1 \ 1111' S11,. ~y anJ nnrl~ 1ulfln, "lh <""n. 1h1ck p:ilc TUl3lDou has an un~pocred g~) ncd and "'h11c.. pc1tcd arc\/
"""'It J~, hf'r.3f 1tn~mt1u h~nnJ l'Chlu~ofwalLrng brcasl. Abo1ea very complc>. p.incm of Unh ~nJ h.lr , "'"h
'' "'' "''"' 111111,hr ""h lr,,rl 1,11/ u111l 1utl-<111.rl\ drutJping adcfinitegn,'1<tt1htoup/H'rbad "htch ~Jlfl<.11'\0\Clllll forn d
t'hi' /, ' I he only llndnltlu rn 1h ran11c. hu1 cum11a.rc rmlru ilran streaJ.:ed as on Anllc.in W111~"U'Cl'\4! bJnc:r.l Ind Andean Tinamou
01111'" t 111t1'11rnru Qu111I 11111 horn-.olourcd and rnned. uswilly visible on folded wing 111 0thl. rn1 b.:lhcd and
111111~ lh l.lll('r ~ $hull hl11~L hill. Appc'"' .rmpetl 011 brownish-winged, wnh Mrongcr barring on tdil than A11dcan,
"I'/ '/""'" ul1h11u11h pnllan uclutrlly q1111 c coniplc\. Fucc bulTy VOI CE: A loud, s1ridc n1, furred wll 1~1h SWl:'f. 11 wl'''
111 ih l o1>pl n1:1 unrL uyc l 111~ und #lic111 11111lt1r "ripe, nnu Compared to Andean Tinamou II ~ounds 1woyl lrrhlcd, ~ luwcr
11111ir1is1rni; durk c111w11. Neck hrnwn whh ~011111 dnrk spollfng pitched and longer.
" 11 lower ll<'Uk, Ur\lnNi u1cy. w11h ~nmc uo111 plcxri11ucr11cd
11 ... 1~ 11111111 8idc~ . So111h of'V ll Rc11lo11, ('hilc.u1 I i1111111ou hns California Quail Codorniz
.1 hrown1~h milter lhnu grey hrcn~1. wlih 1110rc 11olous h11111 ng Callipepla californica
1111 1hc urpcrp;tns muJ rump (race 1111hm111) fhe 111n1Js urc
L 25 cm (10"), Tcrrc~lna l ln1rod11ccd 10 ('
liJdy covc1~d n1 re~r. bur in lli11h1 lhc l.ui;cly rut'"" 1n1wr
Chile 111 1870. now :1b11ndun1 A11nc11hurul
"'"V' urc obv11)U, 1 he lart;c rounded 11 ln1. w1u11\l h<ld) ~nd
..11ca'. gm"l,11111 cdltc' nc.11 th1tkcl\ 111111c
..f11111 lu1I """ drflcrenll~IC II il\1111 ( '1hfu11111 ()11<111111 0111h1.
\ 0 1( t. \ hlr11Jcnt, lnu\l l~1-carl)111 """lie rhI ,oun\l,
mahirrul '<>t'lllwn. " IHll ~ url>,m and
1l>1H!>Jn >111-., rrm 1\l..,f ulliu"m rn1cr I
rf'1UbfC\)ffahfcd. IMtH' M('('('t" \\hen 0uhCd t!IH'> I de,.
JlCKnl M< lli111<Lrn1 hr ( luk tlwn "'lhtn
~.. oJmg ~"1 :d,,nn '4ht'll<"'~"tttt ......, .. ,,.,..,y ccc.~ _
al...,1 ,,.h1m11p ,..,.e nc>1~ R\ll\ ~otlfr ll!Cfl ln ldllg\' ( )ff.-11 lft 0.X:J.t
' ' " ' I 1111l1lt I hrk n lr11.1mou IO' II
Andean Tinamou Pe rdiz cordillera na de Arica I I( \I IO' Sh hrl) 111),'l: th.tn o1hru h. but
modi Slt'lcl."-"' "'''h I L\ la..'#J 1111 \ ') atw.1 btll \""'11.r
Nothoprocta pentland11
"""J/1-.u tli.M ( """"" 11,.,,,,..,,. ....1, l'ft''l'<lflocutcl~ ~
l 'S cm (I I I ftn-ich rvc 1n(h1k, faxrly bo"n from ttul .\d. Cahfonua Vua1l alu lu pull' l1nn tm th.- Ju/Jn/
'i.1,;on>m.a ti ltcJ1<rnl. n.11r~ordcJ r-ccnrlv Tnt'CAnal 0.."'Clln lenia/s Iha! nn..n..lln llC'er tU~l\11 lhc:u: lnr1.1J lrnc.. lllC 101
Jn. pa. l) - rJ !CfTa.;l:J ~uhural '-1 2..<1)0. 1500 m. contraslingonqui:nlch1d r.l nut a 11\ 1<>gn,,cJb) rluh-
IOf '1 IJ IC" \ TIO' \ rudy, dumr> 11N1n1- not1~-abl) sltapmp/1Dlk't>11f,,,.,Ju-ad bl'1illhr 1111h1h UfJt-.cll1u..,unJ
1lk.-r ..nJ ,frlTIMCf 1h.to )mp&llK OmA1c I u'"rnou. Contra.SI 11c:chtril"!as well"' ,,11.lc,I !lcll r I hhll "'f'"I bro""
m "''""Lr:Jlc:;;rr not u,..afly ra1-cd 11> m Om;i~ T1nam..>u Grey. jlmilt:s:. Female duller llun male, wnlr lnlk h '"' lkr lieaJ plume,
lac.,,f ..... h hld.1>h ur. J:l'Yl '"'"'" .11/ 1tnJ r.luk C)clme; and lacks ..-bite on fJ.c 11nJ hi 1 ~ 1t11ua1 11.... c,cr, larady
''"' ,,.,.~ 11rn an\l s:n,.. """'" 'l"lfJ 11/111r ~""'" npfH'Dl't &"'>'am:/ IOl!Xlllt:rnt:J ul~11. until ltrnl\1t1 h unJ lrrpcd
,,,,.. d nc>t b:llTCd, llh<rn11h .i.:tu.il p.rncm c1~m11fc.\. 8111 colour Chilean Tmamou U:ht1t 1111.-.I I.ml 11 I .1hl11m1~ Qud1f
r1.1hlc, bur ll>UJlly hu "'"""" '" 11r11n,. 1rflo11 l>01e. In af"a)'S safely separate 11 lrln r lnl 111 I 1111111011 I 'en <tUrlc
llwh1. ""'i'' hrn"'n"h w11h rl.trLcr rnrnnrc W1ng-co1cn' small young arc c3pahk i 11111111 ""' '"" '11111111ly barred
1 u111J1ll'\ly h.irrcd bul u'uully hidden b} ~I riped ,cupulars on 1all, largely brown plumu11~ .111.t "1111. I", ~ lr'll hh'llSI ( l11c~s
. 10 ...d wrn11 IJ11dcnn1I nn111orlcc.1hly barred, VO i ~: A&lr1dcnl always accompanied by 11111111 111rl 1111111111111 ,. 1111 ~onl\1~fon
wl11l lc, 1c1y ~1m1lr.r 111 1onc IO l hllcan 'l 11111mou bu1 riing VOICE Male song n rc1w111111 11111 11,11' """ 111 1'11/cA 0 1'1,
lc1ply 111111 111glcyllnblcd, '"'"'"'''" Whou llu~hcd, niters nasal in qua lity and has frc111t'll\\ 1111111111111111111111111 ~pccch, so
"'"''tftJ '''"cl''"
St 1l~flj 01 11111 1111 whisllt.:S1 W/H't'O easi ly imitated. Give~ clucks 111111 11 Mf1IJl l1111 /llt'l/I pwlp /iWlp
lhal acceferates d~pcnd111it 1111 t'M'li11111111 lcv~l n l' lmlt vldunl.
Ornate Tina mo u Perdiz cordlllerana Whirring wing noise"' 11 e'P'"'"'111111 ll1uh1, 11 <1111lly uccom
Noll1oprocto ornaltJ panied by clucking note'
I 1\ '"' i I J H") Tcrrc.rrinl lnh.1b11s dry punu
\ ~r;i,,f,1nd\ ulC'ircrnc north, ijl 3000 -4000 m,
l"'''mn1111rc.1- oi 1ullcr bunch grass. Not
1 w,.,111c-.l11o11h.ii:rirnhunrlrc.1\. IOl "TI FI-
( \ 110' I h.- I 11 '< I \111lw('mc111 m Crute
1th '""'l'ltHfy )IUd1cr body 1b1n
t'I Al I 'I I 11 t;c l111,1111um

1tl11111I I 1" 111.11 1hi< kc11 Ill. h1 rd~. I hey " " nearly tail-lc..'<S. "'ith a dis11nc11ve 'droo111n~ rear end and
"'' I
I~ llru 1.ui, ' "'' ~ ""'' m.il.tn d1st1ncti\C !l'3d;s in mud t.tgcrspcc1e> are nflert -nm three;, '"'"
""''' I
11 1 of "'" 11 h nnt , le 11h u1kk~tood Otey att rnconsp1cuous, mOll! ofkn heard than 11ecn Thc.c >II<' 1t\ II" c luud
ull Ht n lndu< "' ccn 1n" Males 1ncub.i1c the eggs and care fortbc )Oung Tinamou cw a11: bauulul and \hill) ,
,,, 1h" .c 1hrcc ~'"'arc nhc-grecn.
Puna Tlnamou
f'un.a Jin.imou K1ulc> (Perdiz de la Puna) Elegant-crested Tinamou
I 111.1mo to ~n tland1i Perdiz copetona (Martineta)
I ~ cm 111>.~"I
Tcm:T uul, 1nbabllm1 n><:l:.y. Eudromias elegans
hrubb) puna Mo~t on.,n Ill dncr "'\g
(If' Srll'')'
L 39 cm (I S"l In Chile 1b1) !'<'CIC$ ha, ~n
"""' bu1 wmcttmC'- for.ire 1n lll<)1.>1tr bofcdal cxtmnely res1r1.reJ 1'3Jlge, arOUfld Chile ( h1co
~rcas Rc-triucJ tn ah1plno. JSOO _.~00 111 .
tnA)~(Xll Rcl'O'll lnmbihlftl'l1mJ. plly
slopusg bills..,, mixed'"' '""'"' ~nJ sru..tanJ
ID~ 'T IFI( \ 110 ' I\ l&IJc ohccrttn tuwnou 1110 d1~playing
... uh a l>ti/J/1 lrrpcd Anid fa,c tnpms cnmplc,. Al<0 for.tg~ 1n ancultural field form llrvcr
""hall Mnpc' con11num1110 b.asc ofncd <:rown flocks.up toS-0. on winter 200 IOOm IOf'l 11
.Lirt. "'11h l'Jlct central >lr1pc ~ httc )Upcr~1hum
F'lCATI0:-1 A lurr gm oA .f>n,.. n fltlOlfll)U .. " "
11nJ neckstnrc:. Jark loru, e)chnc and nc.btnpc.
.. 1111~ >upr~m.ilar stnpc. nd d:uk malar lrtpc aho conunu1ng
I - 0 IOllg. tlnn Uf"llrllf'J CITJI r ....,, ... h1tc tnrc
~ on bead and ncd, one utcndinto: bchmd eye hl
\\-CJU} tu 11ccl ba;c. Uppcrp;irh ol o\<c woth hmc-grctn wlllih, lower occk and rhc other on 1hc >Uprnmalor 10 lower 11eck.
the fcJthcr- rnm)llcxly twrcd nnd >frl11c1I, hut ocrnll nppcnring Upperparts complexly pattcmcd with buff >llOI>. dark ban. uncl
nttin: co:ir.cly lnpcd on b3Ck. cloM~t 10 nccl.. Underparts dnrk <;treaks. The paucm is lin.:, 'uch that dclaol' nre lo~t ul ~
lludy b,1rrcd blacl.. and while. w11h some >1rcalong towanb di<tance, when the b3ck appc.111 wcyi>hbmwn Undcrp.1ru
uJlPCr bn:a,c, but pancm hm and appclll'll l1rcy1sh at a ditoncc. also complexly pa11emed; strcnl<cd ond bam:1I blJclo ~h on n
C'/ lt'.1111111 "'"' tflnr,;110.H1(', Symr ntnc only wuh Ommc Tcnnmou. bull' ground colour. Borring s1ro11gc~1 on f1unk~ 11nd h~l ly, while
ll1e /111~1 s/:('lllld bold l 111w~ on hcod n11d 11cck scpnriitc Puna strcukiug strongcsc on neck nnd upr>er brc11~1 . T hus. neck
linnmou lh1111 Omntc. Al'o nocc lock ol' u Jar!.. cup und bushy BJlpcars streaked and res1ofunJcfTlans barred. Sc1>.1n11cd fmon
nest 1lf Om.11c In Ocghc. l'un.i 1~ Ja'llc 11nd broad-wonid with Patagonia n Tinamou
potcnrially sympamc Pacagoo1M Tmamnu by r le,.int..,rcl~'d '
n oouccahly por-bclhcd 11ruccurc. In Oti:ht from Omate by prominent crest. Elegant-<~ccJ I nl.o more finely Pttcmcd,
larger <11c, deep belly nnd more concolourou arpcamncc of appearing unicolourcd at n dcsrancc, and lhc focc Mnpc' ooc
the upperrun rutd wona VOI C"t' A churu\ of at lcaI three le. bold than Pawgonian . Ill jlig/11, Elrgu111 t lt'lll!d O/l/ll"llf
l!mls. rendered Aruu 1<c.-A:11nu Auu ""<
"'""duu wttAl<'Oa , gm uA-brown and u11it:olour1'J t:<'n tin "'"1'' wh1th IJIT
\\htch may IHI for mmu1c, If lll<>rc bm4 arc tn\Ol\ed the glY,l'ISlt. \ 'OJC Three mclan.:holy ,.bt<tlc.. u.:b \hghtl)
choru> I mun:' comrlc\, ho..ccr the mufficJ ,nunding lo'11cr ca pitch thafl the prtted1n1 and ><>mc.,. lllll famter in
,.h,~tl.,_ ire a charac1.-n,11c $\und which lllract ancntton in
volume, p1nn:tt plruuu "'"" The "'hist le\ Ml<lnd mufficJ and
lhc aluplano.
tbe entire sequence laSts c. I . Ah.o choru<e> "-lfh tndl\ odu.ih.
rivmg. ~of double whi<t~
Patagonian Tinamou Pe rdiz austral
namot1s mgoufi
L 36 cm (14") Li.trcmcly rue 1n <.b ile.
there arc "'' reccnl ""''J' bul ti ,...,. buto-
n,..11) rcpun.:d 10 Av~n and \ l.tpllancs.
TlM: 1c;;11rJ from \lagallanc oimc from
.,.......1-.Jn (Jl'C);.'UnO. u o.. C\'CI', tbc Cho'""
~"" 111 th" P~1aaonian ''~'" 1w1 ... cll
'""O:)~I ..111J th~ 'flC~"" rn.iy rrmc '''be
t\!Ulor "' 1hc: 11.. uth ol tit<' "'uni!') PcrhJr onl) J'fc:M"nt cn Elegant-crested Tlnamou
Chit lt1llv 111v l'"I"''"'' n l>.N>rn m "''~<nit"" l'~t3V101.1
1nh.tbH''''"'" -.kf'I"" t"~ "'d i ,,, -.m:.11ii w11h C,,l1tfuh: CJl.1/11 ,."
>fl) s hruh 1111.N 111 I( \ 1 lllN I\ llltJ.1' W<'l'11111/ 11/111 llm1
"""'"'''"II (t,,t.1/1 ,,, ,,~ .11,.....,.,111111 A 1'1111<111.ort r1~y "1l h
blJck fl"" ~ltl 111lc hull Httl Iii j/111111 1/fui.:1111111, tllh
u11murl.:J /itWtl1111, rttm.u, tu+~ 11t 011;/ '' t1mlar1; t l,1tfH
tinily SYlllllolffll Wilh I 11111111 ' 1c~h1I I 111111111111 l111h11111lll1111 I
sc11ara1~d 1'10111 1!1~111111 1 111h1I hy u-. li11~ 11/ 111 ' "''1111111111111
boldly stnpcd llc.od 111111 11... 1 "'""'"Ill
111 I """ ' '"'' ,..!)
patterned bo1h llbtl\c """' hdol< tit 111 111~ 1111 1'' '"'' ~1111 111
lliglu ha. d1Mondl\'t chi 111111 1111111 \ OIC I '' 1111 l.1111 11111)'
deseendinawh1>tlc.1'111111111111111111. l,1.111w11111h I """'
chorus, u~ua lly of three bir1h, 10111111 '"'"II mcl11nd111h ... 1,,.1le
thmt arc vanmbly tnO.:clcd.11h,r11 "''", 1" rh1 "'"

fll All
1u 111 tilhl \\ 1lh 11<11111~,1.11 I 11,1 ~lly comprc~>Cd bills. Unlike mo,1 01her w.uerb1rJ,, 1hc1r ""'' 11rc lobed m1hc1 1h~11
I 1 bu 1111 ""' "''' l11~h 11111hc 14Jtcr. however. they ha' e the ability to >in!.. ~1<1141) .tt will 11111111.l) w.mc11mca White-tufted Gre be
11 I '11.l '"'"" "~fer 111,!x,"> .re nearly 1411-lcss and their dorsal <'nJ ort<11 app<'Jt'\ Oull)l Ill J<1,.ny \ 1<'1 grcl>c
1 1 I (lfl 011A1rn,11111~1 ul c~<~tmn, the chrd:5 are prccoci.al bold!) striped on the face anJ ufkn n<k 1-.n lhc l>~cl.. 111
1 li<:o 1ddom tly J mll8 lie ti.a). m1phon and mosl OJ gins bang undenal..cn al n1gb1 In 01i;h1. rhe I..: 1. 01 ~ 1.111 a.:<rotuIQ
11 ,, th r I ir" 1001.1"11 f~ fttl. affording gJcbes a dunnct'C appor.tlk:C
White-tufted Grebe Pimpollo Hooded Grebe Pimpollo tobiano
Hul/,1nd1.J rolliJnd FLK
.. Pomceps galhrdoi

l ' '""' 001 A frnb14atcr spe- l 31 cm Ul.51 ~bt'J m 191-' Imm A~rna, r'fi:-rnt
cies. wwlly (on;1ni rx-.ar cmtt. sight records rn Chile, here ("frh~ps mote' rc1utu than
Require> emcr~cnt egc1at1oa. pn:smdy boo-A,._ Dunnr. breed mg~ O.."\.'\&n <n nall Lile
$1XhUI lie f'd(.\,'1'7'UJSf!p.Jfur and poods. pan;cularly \\here the: A>alftl pUl'll II 1 .,.. //
i.ttt.lm 0. 11<>1 ,.....,11) OocL ,,farbtorJes occun 0-{>()() m ' " ' fhtntCllcd ID t \ fl.
0--l~IOm IO~ '\'TIFICATIO:" A
Silvery Grebe
FICATIOX A boldl) pa11cmcd >m.ill 1rchc 141lh a l111f1 h1J

.m.111, d.lrl. sr.:bc tlw1 shoo.> mod- ll 1iireR*a11dj1J11/.:s conrru.11 """ th<"Mxl.1,Ji "'"A ,m,f No,
era1c chonal plumgc change. head. R~ 14ondcrfull} adorned \\llh a .,.h11ofof1h.-.JJ unit 11n
Brcedini ud h~, /1141,4 """J
""'A .. 1111 lir>f.11,/111.. wt ,.1t1111r1 1/1111 form u p.uch The dark
and wa:tahle clre$tnUI c,.,.,, uhu o:..," At 111\IJn..:c ant.I in 'tmni;
light oceipitalts S1hery Greb<: may pp.:.11 1rn1l~r lhl\\C\cr
11.ic\. cunirJ,l'i w11h "'""" J11111A1 NC1nbrccd111g ad. bas the laneralways has a dark forehead .md lack chc.1nu1nl>uc
\'Onlru\1111g p11/c ear /1<11(/1, ulh<l1t duller. but 1h runt. nee!.. and
eye. Jn fligh1, 1hc lurgelr "'"''" ll'ln1:1 nrc dl11.imm1c \'OIC~
llnnk' .uc bully-bmwn con1n1.11nr,: wnh 1he darker back. Juv. Trilled whistles, 1ee-wlree.:rrrrr11 or A.,~urt' cull.
l1k llllllbrcc<lmg ud 11111 hn~ hold Mn1ic, on f~cc nnd hill. In
11111111. Whilt-1unec1 CJrcbc uriwnr~ durk wnh 11 noliccnbk wl11cc Pied-billed Grebe Picurio
CC\>11tlill') ' 11atch. llro111lly ~yn(lntric wilh holh Slivery u11d Pied breeding occlplt.11/s
l11llcd ( i1 ~hcs. <:cunhln11l l1111 o f da1k neck 1111d 11alc fncc patch Podilymbus podiceps
cp111 ,11cs 11 from ho1h species V()J(' J: Mcun ly sllcn1 , gives L 32 cm ( 12.5"). V1 c~lm ntcr lokc~
11ro-.lo11i; Ollnd'> m ulunn
.. nml 111111d with t1lh 10111inl mnNhy
edge~ Ooc~ 1101 nock. 0 /IOU n1
lfooded Grebe c rest raised
IDl'.N f IH C'A"l l(}N A 'mall hut
\ln..:J..y. brattn11h 111""' 11/th 11
Ji'11nfl tlw t <hlrA,11/1t.- hill
I ~7 .rn 111") T"o cleat!} dJf.
fcrcnll.tte.J form,, m1an11"'} acct
In breeding ....-own bi II "'"'"K"''
11/t 11 Jo,,IJ hfa, t 1Tt1e11I liar
!'I/Jiii tn 1hcsoo1htO IOOOm)and
'\ed. nd henJ lff>"lun.:d. anJ
1'1:'\1Jcn11unu1C'nh of the alupl:ino
11 II Rea"'"' 3500 -ISOO ml
1bratn black. Dunng non-litte'd1na """'lfl
!>ill hnm or t.l~IJ
~owi5h. lad:ing the dart..~, In Add1uon, 1ht....1 ,.hnc and
u~ ... fresh ... a1ttmloosccol- nccl: and breast suffuiN c1111umoP \\ id.:h ., mrn ,. 11h
<lftln. ~inter- rn l'locls OD largn- Pied-billed Grebe
dad::-pllumged \\llitt-tUfl~ <.lttbc,.h,.;h al1u11 ha a not<
"'CC<boJ~ ~them t'Of'llalu able t.ite paicls l'tl the ~'"C nd ha. a much th11111Cr htll In
altcnlllk'& IDlS TWICATI Q;\ 01~Picd-billcdGr...bC' 1s tvo..n ,.Ub ap.\lct bell), the "''llS'
1111unp.ilepd>ctlw lo.l.s 1nl111'IY "h"< 1nu~ f>dd. Grn- 1aet hire. \"OJCF <om1oonl) a ocnn ,,r a.:iul JNPI ~
t-o.h'nl "llh ""*""Md.
al'IJ ,,,.J~rp.irl tll'lJ llufl> ,.hue~ g...agi.01. Song 1 .ni;KflCjnrr,rt"I f"'l1ng1neo .. noic, ,
nd lh1n uptumcJ bill .inJ 1te1m1n11 rcJ ~'' Soutbcm
''"'"'" IS m11rah>ry nJ hu. ' ' " hf'OJ ' '"" UICJ tlrmat,
... '"
0011J 11ag 'M11h ~ l>t;i,;lt n.are ht cc.>nunuc. ~a dul. -inre Great Grebe Hu,11.t
11.:m moot l111cot honJnc.:l lnbrccd1n1rluma1.,11hiu .. lloh<>..,.
f f h "' i:11t1f11t '""""" Nonbrccd<r ha, grcy"h ur-
1IVfll "11h 11 111.111 .ind re\lrtteJ num~r of 11nld plume- I 11 71$ 1111 t:' 11 I An clcl!~nt
"'"'''' " ' '"""'' " ' " 1, nm1-11111nhlry, II plum~11c dt'<' n11t
I 1111 11o111, 1hl) '" 'h \C,1~011 1 hi~ fom1hn<11 wluw c/1111 u11d
.. r t '11 l.1111r1 l.1J..c, m1dmar,hc~
111, 11 1111 1,., h 111 hr,1c1.1h water
l/J11tlf I "" 111 111111111, 111wn 11roy1,h hlncl.., 11nly sligh1ly pUJ(r '111 t 111rnu11ut " w1 111"r~ on thi:
111111 111,,. ~ 1 h 111111 llhn~ ~1tt11c 011 hi nu neck very nurrow. II "'I .111, 111 1 11111~~ Ill Mllflll n()C~S.
1111 111 ~1 ly 11/11/1 1/111Av 1111/t vp11r.vt hlurk w11l 111/1itl.1h gn .>1 IJ 11111111 1111,:N 1 lfl (":ArlON A
11/1111111 1\ loll h 111111111 11~ lhi11 1111d Ir l'\:lllllur wi~py ~ripes on /11114111111/ 1/1111 )111/JI, Wtth U,Yll'l lll
1111 ii 11111 11 1111 p 1h j,lfll)' ho1ly 11nd whl10 nock un~mbi g- llAI' /1111~ m rA Illtlncllvc wi1h hs
111111 h qrn 11 ii 1111111 Wl111" 111tlcd Clrcbc (crl~o ~ce Hooded ,, .I.Ii.Ii ,,,.,A 1'0111111\llll)l ll'/111 II
I 11 I ) 111 tl1 hi 11 I 1.11 <1llllrl)i while bolnw, grcy obovc bloC'k ish-Jf1'i'.I' h,utl, " l1i1h Ji1 1 " " ''" " " " ere in brccdina
111 I II 11 hll ' ' "11l <11o \ 0 1( t. ~1 11\lly wcnk whm lcs; plumage.Bodyd~1 ~ hl.1<k1,h IP v 1111h ,11111n11n10n1nil' l1110"
I 1w , tin I ull 111111111 1(1 Nonbem bird~ hiivr ~lt)~t I 11t, """''"'"'~ w11h 1hc darker
cro"'n. Non-brceJ11111 pl11m.1f' 111111.ir h11t race pale 11rc). C.r Nl Grebe
contrasting with darl.r.,..
J r(l ul m.. k n:du~cJ, l1cn l\Jvma
wmc wl111e on brea<1 In lhght , l~r~'tl) "hue -.c~ondane, and
primaricse--.dent. \ OICf I oJ w1ho11 IH H-<>0000<"""1
11f\ II
"' "&.: 1hor1I, rtnJmg m"' ul 1hc1rlM:.s on the ocean. moHog bcl\ccn fo<1d 'IOutcc, Recent ;.atclhtc-
1t..11 plh;11t11no nu) Ira\ cl O\CT much the Southern Ocnn. wmcumc\ mo\tnl hundred, or km per
t >!I I I 1 l~nd. u.ully c-cr) 1wu )C3f'. "-' in many SJl"cics the ~1011 of'"" 1nglc )OUnJ 14kc~ lll<)tc 12
l hil tt11 RI I l< DWtv ~an"' 111111un:, and lrA'cl throughout the SoUlhcm Ottan hcfon: n:1um1ng 101hcu natal "land
I.ti<' wr;i1utl'J IMn 1hc .mallcr mall~m'"b by 1bcirbrgttsizc. pinl1sb b1lh. nd ,.h11c ba.:k. ond ,,,.1, 1n !heir

W.1111l~r1 ng Al bi>lross Albalros errante Royal Albatro ss Albatros real

fl1o111wcl~.i exulansTX#2, ANT, FLK. SG Diomedea epomophora TX#3, ANT, FLK, SG
L IOS 11~ cm 141 SJ")\\ ;?S-1 - L 107 122 cm (-12 -11<"1 W 3-0S
lS I .:m (I 00 I)ll"l The largcsr )SI cm (120 131<"1 S1m1l1r 10
alblro-~. 11 ha.~ the l<ni;c.I -.mg- \\andcrin11 Allutro< bu1 more
pan on canh Pcb111c, ,,_,qtc:d clVM:I) ucd "' con11ncntal hclf
w11h cold-l'atcr 1cmpcra1urc.; and may boi n:latf\d)' more com-
1mm> mk h farther north than ad>. mon hrnhcr nonh Two sc~
l'.<11 ll' cltliCI) tied IO con11ncn1al phi< 1,1rm d1lkr 1n plUtNsc und
'hclf ,.ale"' "' Royal >\lhalro ugc pru11rc"1on both occur 1n
\ 'ulncniblc IOL' I lfl{"'\TIO' Chile. lhc '"'' form. Southern
{ 11111<' plu11111~ m~1ura11un, often cl""licd 1n1<1 'even end ' orthcm. an: 1rca1cd cp1ra1ely b,,lo" 10. :-. 111'1-
.J,11, 1rn1 ''"II"' In general, )Oung an: browner nd ad~ whttcr. CATIO~ Both fomis of Ro)itl Alba1ro,, /1111t o 1/orll c11111ng
..1, 111.11 1,rn.1k' may ncvcr reach the -.h11c 1cmun~I ~ai:cs. edge lo 1he bill. and 1 shghtly longer dnd >0111c11111c~ more
otul 111.11 ~""ll'lll?htc v.1rmltnn ""'" 111 the wlutenc\~ uf 11lder orange-toned bill than Wandcnng. No,tnl tube~ pornt forward
1,1Jt', c\~11 umong n1nlc.. Voun11c'1 hlrd~ (Swi;c I) nrc the or even slightlydownward, unlik~ Wondcrin11. Sou thern ltu)lll
11111111ht1111 llV\,, huv11111 t111irdy hrml'lt p/1111111gt1w/11t11 w/rll< Alb~rross D. e. ep()111nplt<w11 (Vulncrnblc) I.cs' complex agc-
' ' " 1 .11111 whil e underwinllN Srni;c II hn~ whitc-l'lcekcd rc latcd plumage mu1ura1i11n thon Wnndorln11. five MIUQcS
1111111tp.om. 1111tl the central Inner wm11 Inn s to hccomc paler. identified. Juv. (Stage I) ha, lot'llcly dorli. uppcrwrngs. tlnrk
"''''1 1111 11;1lc1. hut rctnin'a mulllcd brca,l-b<tnd Singe IV ts mottling on crown. and d:irk on 1011ond dark t11<lllltn11 on back
1 1h 1 .1111 ""h 1hc heed onJ body l.1r11clY .,..h11c SIOltC' V ~ S1age ll bas a 0011ceable wh1tl! rat~h on centre of111ncrw111g, o
""I h hl!lil' ""the "'"ll wllh the" hllc ....1n11 palehc rc.1ch1np wbote leading edge, and no 1forli. on tall urcm,.n <i1ai:c Ill and
lit tlol)' ''fC \I b.:<unc' ,.h11cr on lhc "'"II'" the teadin11 IV are e\en paler. ""h 1n.:rt'a\ln11 wh11c on ludtnl .:J11c
J bin 11ll 1N111~< JarA tatl <uln Stai;c \'JI .,.h1tcr and ha cngulfmg white patch on .:cntral inner '"'"II 'i1a1c V iw,
11;U1l1l11L11I Cini nulc.of'oOUthcm c.liw1W/Wr11rc.li:ll'>l.lac greatest amoontof ,.hn..,oo "'lnfl 'm1lar to \\3ndcnng. nupt
\II lrnuln ra.:h sugc IV VI . The .\n11roJ<- anJ C1n1rbcll heat! and tmtkrports ol""'' c/,.i,, .. 1r11e. Ill) bro-. n ..-..,h or
I tn11n (lltllp<,Nl.m/1 (\ulncn.bkl. which 11.u bcc.'n ck.-:llcd -crmicularions on ncd. arc d1a1rn...111: of \\andcnng. 4(1<'
I 1 !' raru., b ,\n11po<)nn All>atll"' hh o.:currcd 1n Sloge I. 1Jrz b:lil is oll\'tll"S ""''"on R111<Jl ,fl""'"''" O.uk on
1'h k llm l'fm necr micha ..ugc \'I or \ II . ccn rn utdcr the tail ofSta!!C I u:oW. to be n:>tnctcJ 10 the up. !IOI c"cnd1n11
ll J, n.l ICIUJI..,. rcm:un at much lllW..'f rluma~c ''a#C "!Im much to the base at the "de' I> on \\andcnnr Any arcat
m.11urc II '''"" tcnJ to ho-. a dull bm.,.ni'h llJI 1u 1hc lo.,.cr aloottoss ,.;th an 1sola1cd .,.hllc l"'l~h on the rnncr uppc,..1n1
rn 111111!>1< hut ltdd 1dl'n111icat1on crnerra 1rc 'UbJeCI to and all -white wl is a Royal.''" any 'bowing a cbri. oral mo
doh11rn11I Ilk!\ 11.., 1ckn11f~<111on ch.tlkngc., vcp.&r.111on from darl. uppe"' iog and an all--.h11c head and undcrparb
lh T') 11!1111.u Rut I o\lb.itro-' Structurally 1hc 1... 0 al'l' \Ct) "onhtt11 Ro~al \ lb11ron D ~ 1onfr>n/1 llfkbngcn:J) The
tnnl hut Oil \\,1 J..nn111hc bill " lt~hll) '""""' nJ the commooeT fonn off C Clulc. lo1m1IM tu S.>Uthcm. hu1 ha only
h I fM ml 11111<'; I''""'
obliquely upward \\an.Jenn& hn a l'lo plumage sugtt \ct d1flc" lrom oJ Southern Ro~al rn "'
pml 1 bill lhil11 Royal, and luct< u dur>. <""'"Jl rJf(c 'luuni;er rn1udxdarkup~,....,,,g, c\~CJ'I tur a am.ill .. hit tn;&11glc on
''"""" \\itlll.lun..: \l"11r'"'an:d1<1tn<llc. Ro~al \lbatro., the innermost lcaJ1ng olgc Ju\ HT\ 11m1l"r 10 JU <;.,ulhcm
' lw I"""" on the lk'<k "' unJ<qun' Sia;c I\ \II arc Royal., but has<br.. <JIC"kltnt <>rt"""" and 111<>rc: du._ on * l:
I 1mll 11 10 Rn al ""' ~ hi.cl) 10 gcncnnc confu>ion . pani.:ularly. mon' llOllC-"lt>lt r1nccn. Jue II> more: UICll~I\ Cl)
I Ir""""' I/ult u.,.11 r1ni: tlhu1n.1Httain1 JurA rail oJ~s. d3rl< scapular up. fcn SlalJC I Sc1u1hcm Royal ha' a !"lcr
11""1h1 1.ik I 11 ,\nv d31i<-1a1lcd arat albatron Mth patch on the ccntr.al mncr w rn11.1ha1 1" a~111n Non hem Royal
1 111!1 '"' 1111111 "" 1ht; "l'l"'"''"I> "a Wandcnna Wh11c-uuled l11Jen..ingpa11emJJag11Mtlc, both >h<lll< a narro.,.. blBck ltnc
1 \II \\-11.i 1111r 11111v hr 'cparntcd fmm Rllyol by the lacl. along 1be leadmg edge of 1hc fit1111Qrie>, whll'lr hrmultn.\
Ol l~tl 111111111 tl111 "" lh hill Al~o. nio>t Wundcrong nro//11d1 110/iceobly 11ear the wing hc!lltl (Ill N11r1hrm Rn)'lli, ~cpnr11li111:1
11111111 ''''"' I 1" 111r11/,. /11,.11<t 11111/ 1lt'l'k, which may be visible it from Southern Royul untl Wnnd~rin1;. In Olldlllon, thc e11tl1,ly
111 ,, 11111111 111111 '.111111 11ldcr mu les pos80SN a 1'i11klsh or dark upperwing, combined with whit<: hc11d 111111 hotly, und wh11c
''"' '" n 1/1. "" 11111111, which 1-111cvc1 present on lloyul tail separates it from Wundcrin~.
\II 11111 "' 11 ' 1111 1"1111111111wluch1lu1 wrn11s whiten . as
11t1 111J 111 111111.-11111 I It, 11h11" 1111 1he u11pcrwong of
~ 11 I 11 o fit 1 t I' 11 11 1 "" .11 11111111 i111crior 10 the "'"I:
I 1 I I 1 II 111111{ ,1 '"'" "'"fl"".,.."'!: c-J~" 1nly when
I h ti I 1J11111.:dg1 ul thc\\111~ lhcw.hllc
I ht llnll fouo~J n11 lhC' ltahnJ cJ~c nJ
Waved Albatross
tl1ll 1 1111111 th h 11 11111111.. ' 0 .1111111t1ll)nu11.h by thc.-irlargcl} d.1tl. lx>du:\ and cnu~I)' d4rl. undcrwmg1
n1 l111lht:i ,1,11m 111t~cI b) lh~tr n3rro,.winged profile and Iona po1n1cd ldtl f1l<: un~l.ilcd &nl
< I lnull r pll '"" ..., >llI 1n }.>ungcr ..u~s att moSd} dart.. tn.11.m111bc:m I'\' ''blc confll\tOn pe tc
Sp;!non [If 1ti.: '"'" "'""~ alba~ and lhe ""'O gian1-pctn:I\ un be d1ffi..:ul1, obtcr.m "hc>uld

.1.11 1 "rh .1 11\J. mvrc ranicularl}. on !he rdiabk ..nd C<m.\l>lall d1tr~ on boll roucm

W.tv~d Albatron Alb.Jlros de Galapagos Southern (Antarctic) Giant-Petrel

l'l1ocb.istri,. lfrOr.Jtd 1 X#4 Pe trel gigante antirtico
~ H '"' 0 l ~ l" l \\. '10 2-10 cm t'lll 'M1 Recencly Macronectes giganteus FLK, SC, ANT
'" ........... Ill '-I ( h1k I \n,~. Anlofag.hlJ), nu~ .. Ann,. 31CT I 86 ~ tm 1.14 311' >\\' 185 205 Light-mantled
11..,.111~ '' unhkcl) Jo bc: .~I 111 Chile athcr rhan an 1:1 cm172 Iii") Tl>Ccc>mm1>n1111n1 Albatross
N111" '"""""'atcrl )""" Sl'C'Cd> ooly on I 'f"trlOU 1 111 lhc petrel 1n C-h1k, and the ba.11 of
<1.11 1"'8"' ..,,d hla de l.t l'lat.rnlfthc C4&>t 1111 cu.i.k>r, 1n \br C<'mpa11<0n lM 1dcn11fy1n1 rhc
JJ11 '>rend~ non-brccJ1ni period in ,.arcn. 11ff Peru and
rarc1" 'unhcm (itntPctrcl Ad.
I CWk~ir \'ulnenhlc 10~ '1 ln C \TIO' Ad .C1nctMly .....g <)Ut fanhcr "''uth dun JU'- anJ
n..-..LcJ ~nd lonJ:l11llcd alhJtr~ 0oJ) ftnd~ -cnn1C\JIJlcd,
mm but all 11c- """ c 11<>11h in
hut Dl'f"'lll'S liar!. TCY ~t d1'1Jn<C, c.>n1rao;11ng "'"h 1hc "htU..h "''nlcr \'ulncrablc IO~' Tlf.1 -
hc~J. "ht< h h.- o <'<'Dlfll u:llm '"''h 111 tlr ""P" anJ (" \I 10' <1u1n1.pc:trc1' arc lll'J!C
h111Jn.v1 lhc '"'K" 1>11/ I\ br1s:h11el/11", ind \l>thlc a1 l11ng bulky seabird:, related t<' fulmar. I heir large ;,11c cAn cau"'
dt 1.rn..:. l'Jlc p;11ch al rhc b.1-.e of the tatl . confusion with albat~-c,, but g1an1 petrel Arc Mnck1cr, ha\C
relauvely shonu les~ pointed wing~. and dct"p-b.1-cd bulky hill Sooty Albatross
light- mant led Albatross wi1h a promi11e111 nasal tubt 11/rmg 1/11' r11/111t11 Juv. 111un1-pc1rl'ls
Alb,ltros oscuro de manto claro may also be confused w11h />rQ1'1//11rl11 pdrcl~. b111 lhc tuner
Phoebctria palpebrata FLK, SC arc much smaller w11h proporrinnotcly slln1111cr wings nml
smaller bills. Gianlpclrcl.~ noahtrc over scvorol ycnrs, ~1111 Iinti
] ' 7!1 89~ 111 (l l JS"J W l~J 2 1Kcm (72
with the evenly blac ki>hbrown Juv. 11nd becoming grey with 11
H6''). An nllJ:llrO$S of col<I wu1ers, ll(:ldorn
paler bead when nd A1 ull 011c~. SrJ11tlwm Gl11111-Pu1rt'I ""''hr:
) r. " 10 be c'<pcc1cd 11011h of1hc (iolfo d e tcn'"
identified by its ye/101..,,lt bill t>lth 11 1111/c gi,.111 ltp. In ~Onie
cxccp1 111 winter or ccitd.wu1cr ycur~ llrecds
lights, the pale tip can appcr co11lm11n11ly \l;11kcr th.n the bill
.\ ~ Oii HMOU) '11ban1un:11c t\IJnd>, 1hc ncarc\t
base. but it oc' er appear rcdd1,h a on '""h<m When .id ,
10 Ch1lc b.:1n11 Sou1h Gcor111i 1'c:irThrc:i1-
Southern Giant-Pe.1rcl hos ,,.,.,n.,... "h11, mt th .. """" .. , .. ,,
cn<.:d 10f ' fl fl('ATI O' Ille l\\O 'MlOt)
011 drt> nape UJ1/it \orthftnt Hat u '4/llft> lt'a.lmg l'd,...- 111 tit<'
alb..111"~ arc darl. haH' n..rro" anJ long Southern
wi1rg as ad.. th"'"~ tn onhcm . '10-t ;aJ S.>uthcm (illlnt
p>tnlcd "'"" ... h1.:h trc uncn hclJ v.11h. Petrel ban: datt eyes. bu1 th" 'u1c- Tht' "'frequent .,. hlft'
11 ' " ' ahkl t.cnJ ~t th.: 'cit>.". !'he Ion'- romi.:d sail funhtt
Ii\ "1111Ule> 1hc1r d.-11n.;1t\C .uucture. Thc11 01ah1" 1t1h1111d morph. 'WhiU' \elltl/! ', u '""' 111 Clr1/,. u,,J ""'' IK'<"un "'
SomhHlf Giani-Pt>tn:I
'""')lint 11nl1\\' hul~ 1cr alb;Unh>C' ~1flh1-man11cd Albatn
Mt J,.11110/ p.11,r 1'.J,1 u1rJ ur:Jl'rp.1'1> ..,,,1r111111rs: Mllh
Ii l '''" IJtl '""~' .uJ ltnttl Tbt- lrong comra.i bct-.ccn
Northern (Hall's) Giant-Petrel
ti 111 11111 heuJ I u...c1ut for 1dcnt1li.:a11on 'otc that Soal) Petrel gigante subanUrtico
ii tr ' mn ltlc11<h ~nd "c.u to form pale pa1,h on the Macronectes ha/Ii FLK, SC, ANT
1 a11tl 11~ '"'' ~. ,....10.:u!.rl> b<-tOt'e moulting thO<" fcalhtt- I Ml 9oh11111: lTI\\' llSO 200
t.h)' I t mcn a druc """ the: polf' Nw ukm (C"'lfllfg cml11 111 Muchrrcrr~n th<'
h 111 .fta '"""~of l1gh1-m.antlcJ Alb.ttrO\ prc>lllUI reel<.'.' 1n ( t11fc, but
rr111'Jhly nlllf<' ltc11ucot lhan
('Un\'1\lly thi1u)11 R..-..,orJ,arc11<>1
nwc ltl 1, 111 lhc nor1h. dcp11e
SOI Cl'lnlirml'd from 11 I It h rWn<' 'Oc;;.1 11\rc:U
e11 I fill ' I II I('\ 110'1 \'cry
.inul 11 Ir "'uth.-rn C...mll'ctrcl
and onl) crn<bh 111 do" 1111111<1 \t ,;ii I'<''''' m111ra\llnJl
foddi.</i Up fll t/w ll //,111 flt/I h ,ft11111ml!o I h' tlfll\Cllt~ A\ a
tlnrk tip even Ill ii l"111nc'. h111 l1< .11111t' lh111lh11111 lcf B1;ic111sh
bill 1ip of Southern 0111 111 11 1,.l 11111 look tlHr~c1 in >01110
conditions. There are 110 11111" ""'~ 11111l 1111111~ 11l'j11v, nr 1111111.
giant-petrels. Ad Nonh\'111 11111111 l''ll<'l 1111~ whltu rc~11ictctl
10 the face. corum~1111g rn11ki.1i. I~ "'''" th1 durk(r crown nud
""IX'- While morcc~r~n'"~ 11n "'11lh(11t l11.1111 l'ctrcl. In l111Jhl
has darldeadingcJxc Ill 11111g, p.11<- 111 "outhcm l.)C-. arc oAcn
t 1 '""'~ 1 h h" .uttl UOt\.\!n
uld II\ (1111111111<1 h~ lu"ktng p:ill' in ad. Nonhcm. bu1 "''""' m rrl.11
Ill// "'1 , A I 1~1/, 1Tll" "''
luller's Albatross
1 1 Jl)'ll I,. h1,11, ~ '"""""" l"llkrn 111 \\hll~ unJerparu and rump. wnh cnun:I) J.irl. 11rrcr,<1ng,, .,..rJdlc'
'I II r~u n. fll\'jCI ""' 1f.~1..:~ .,,. ~rcy c>n 1he neck and bead. and undcrwrna p.inem Tht'..e lhrtc fc&llll'C\
111 lit hi ""'" "'"" \l11ll)rn.1"L' brc~ 1n colonies. bu1 lr.ld g<QI d1!t.11Jl<:c\ ~'"'" 11!.: wu1hcrn O.:can
111 111111 rt r&l hJh 11lrmm;11un1y.

Aull"' , All111huu (l'.mflc Albatross) unJ hrad than Sah1n ~ Ad anJ. to a lc,<er c\lcnl, 1mm ltJd
Alli 11' 111 11111.., puJ,.r forduuul of S..h 1n ~ The mo" rchablc featu"' ror
ll111/11u;i1d1r l11tll<'11 \P TX#S ~gads. is !he bnght H'iln l>tll. "'llh rc-.1nc1ed blac:I.
lip to lo..-er mandible ofC'M.tham Alboat""' Imm ma) no1
l IW n t 111 J \\ 110 cm llll"I Pcbg1c
~ rcadil) separable uni~' ad bill colnW"> arc c>1dcn1 ''''"
llrc J .0111u~ll), Oct \fa), 11n C'lunham h . Jarlcncss of head and nccl. C'hathllm Albotro..\ ma) tend 10
JI.,... /c.il.1nJ \'ulntrablc tot' I II IC \ -
\how dart of necl. c."tndtn~ to Oanu. I 1clJ 1dc:n111ica1ton
1 I CI' \ 'rNllcr and hmm.:r n1t11l)rna"'I. ~ma arc still ~mg resohcJ.
I I th"" t>(hrr1 \J m<>I hLcl) s.tvin'1 Albatross
'" b.. confu<cJ v.uh GrC)hcadcd Alb.am"' Grey-headed Albatross
l 11>k,.,.1ntofBullcr'sMullkJcrald1 /.n1-
"'/ b/,, 1 /n.u/ing n/gc \\ tlh a ,,.,,.,th .,.,'fl/I Albatros de cabeza gris adult
'""il "'"'""'
1>aru//, / 1., th noc the br1>adcr Thalassarche chrysostoma ANT, FLK, SG
.,,., '" ' n l ..1,.,.. tr.I cofGIC)h~~dcd Grey hcaJofBultt-r\ l 8 t cm 1)2" 1 \\ no 'm (f\7" I Ptlagtc
I lo 1nl """ .t mot contnl'Jm11,pul. /on/1,uc/ uncl ' "'"" Bm:J.. t:\Ct) '"o year\, 0.1 \la). on Doc
I 11 \lt'\H, th1 h1ll 11r Buller'' hh l>n><1J.-r \'l'//1111 '"''"'" go Ran11re1 ond htnl>lh 1>thcr \Ubanum:hc
l\llh ''''" t m1111d1/tl, 11r1111 """''1 nachmc up (11111111/un island$. More clo~cl> a>,oc1111cd "llh 1111ld
ult ul I "'"' /1 '' 11//t111, n111 ornngc. Juv. irntl youn11cr unm wa1cr thon other C'h1lc1111 mollymnwh.
11111111 I 1"'"'~ Su lvm,, Alba1ro llowcv~r. note brt111dcr Vulneroblc. ll>ENl'l f'lCATION A >mull
I 1il111v .-;If.Ir H umlrnvtng or Buller\, which is ~uh.flullinl l y
chunky nwllymnwk. Ad. shows c1>mbm Ch1th1m
111.1 1111 .111tl ~ll 111nwr hi lled. or
at ion /Jrr1atl 11111/ /1ng11/r11 h//111k '""'''"!(
edge 111 11111/1'1'11'/ng und 11rcy head, Sec
(hHd only)
\.11Y111 '~
Albatross (Shy Albatross) Bullers /\lbatms~ for scparoltun rrum 1h111 irccrcs Grey
Alh.1frn\ de frente blanca hcaJcd has a bll1ck bill wuh n11rro11 1<"//1111 l/Mf'<'>,Onc on lower
/ ll,1/.1HJrche cauta salvini TX #6, FLK? manchble (no1reud11ng1111g11/\) untl the uthcr cm the culmcn
bccorrungorangcon l>tll 11p <..ire' h'Jtl 1111h only 'hsJ!tly J>3lct
L <IS''" 1n 1 \\ ~~II ('lll (Qs,
forch~d. bnm. hb """"'" "'"'" "'" lacl..ontt r31cr ha'IC
Pelagic. Brc.:d 1111nually 0.:1 -'I"
on f;k,unty ~J Sn.art:> h Sc"'
Youngesrhinls hac almo\l cnurcl~ blacl..1-h ~~ Imm'"i'>
most similar to imm . Blad.-bro,..ed, but nut..: bladcr hill
/ .cal.v>d The .crnnJ-n,.nt .ibun "'nhout pale base.. and ihH4l' gm Arud ...11h ' ""''"'''"g ,..,,,.
d1n1 m oll)'m... l <'Ill C and ~ ched parch. not dusl..> collar or Bb<l..-tiro"' er.I
C'h1lc Vulncrabk I Ol ' 111 I
C i\ l 10' T\t: ltJf'JI~" "'""""""4. Black-browed Albatross
ha"n11 lo~ "'"ll"" tth ct) hnlc Albatros de ceja negra
blacl on unJcr1dc 1111n 11 lt11t
/, 14/ng nl ' '" 11/010 mg ~nJ "1l.lll bl~d. 11t11m/111.,rJ.' wh<'rc Thalassarche melanophris TX#7, ANT, FU<, SG
ltlkllfi I o nll"th h...S) only ,h;arcJ "uh Ch~tll.lm Alb.nrm.. l ~"cm (35"1 \\ 224 cm (811"1
u1 Jle l'ltr on saJJlc than 01hcr moll)ma ..h , oOcn Pcl.:aa" Rr.-cd' annu.:all). Oct -
""'" tUIJl 'IO 111t .J ll~CI .. 1ng.' p.,1. 1...-lln ...hnnt """"'" Jo1r \t.l), on Sc>mc f11q1un ~,lands. the
t /, 111UfU/1hlc 1J, >Cf\&f't1on from ad Buller' Alba f-'111.fand .,,,uth leorg11 ind
It At.I tm lat '" Ch.1111.im !\lNlnh>, "'h1ch ~ 'IC that other ub,nta1,11c hl3nh The
11111 I ~y N rJ"' 1n ( htlc, \\1th"''' 5.thin' bcmg 1mm cumm .. nnt , '""'' "'1dc,prcad
..t.11 In t hllc "" h.n cmm: up 10 bill blad. drcang in mc>llym.a,.l 1nl h1k. ll111Aoc\cr,m
1111111 mtlJr h> 1mni Buller')., but bill of Sil brttJin ' on ~I lllO\C 'loOUth,
In ""'dt1l q lt11l l1pl11!~ d>rlo.crin colour. unJ ur>dc:f\\tn& lcav1n1 11 .11.111~ only 1mm' off
I I 1p1I) '""rote younp Sahm' havona wmc and C Chile. NCllT Threatened IUI ' I II IC \ 'l 10'1 Orani:
.1., ~ "'""""' ""It .;,ft11!1 llj;c tipped yellcrn bill of ad. Jiagtl'"'" Onh ( luk.tn nmllymawk
with an emire~v white hem/. Su111ltl11tll) 111>11C.1r' hkc a hu11c
< lrnl h 11111 Alh.1lro~s (Shy Albatross) Kelp Gull. Blackish 'broil'' noit ~uhl1 when chose, uml contru-i~ dult
l\lli11I tor, 111 111~ INlil\ Chalham 1Vith white head. U11durwl11g /1111 /111111tl 11111/ /r111:1d111 II/ark
I /1,t/,10,111 111 1.1111,, Ncmita TX#6 lcadl11g edge, like Grcy-hc11cl1'<f l\lb111111-. Juv. hus blackish
bill with black lip. With lllJ.l' th1 h''" l1ecu111~' paler. mnk1 n11
I 1111 111 I I\\ "llu11f~1"l l11ln111c lln:c11Nannunlly, Sep the dark lip more prominent hi\, 11 11<1 yn111111cr llllll1~ shfl\\
11 "11 I l111h 1111 I1 N<' /r.ilnn1I Onl) recently n::co31111cJ diffuse but noticeable 1/111A /.11 "'' /~1111/ .ond nc,k. n1n1rmllmc
111 11 1 oll 11111111.. 1 nll I hilc 1n1mlly "'"h Sah in~
,..;rh paler head Lntltrl\m11 , ,,,,,.. /1 ,J,,,4 in JU' S1m1la.r It>
t 11 1111r1 Cri11.:.tll) I nd.ln~crcJ (onl)
J"' Grey-beaded. bul hill h r 1ler "'"' onrJ l:M:I..' d3.l'l.hcar.lcd
I 1111 I If fl \I II" I \lrtmd) "11111t\l!'>.ll\t11'' ..
and pale-cbed<<d "J'PCill'~"'" 11.111rr
11 f lh< 'hhll) ltn3tlCT, AnJ ha~
111 r tn'J'<r l fl 1 II haJ.Jrt,.,. J:rn n(
t t~ 1 l/t t 111 1111 ~ '""'" 111 whooh fut mars are the best-known rcprc,cntame, lhcy arc more cfo,ct~
tlo I lh I ""~' 1; "I 11adll) petrels Pterodromo. All of the 'l'CCIC> ct\crcd here nc,11n th~ Ant~rcllc
I 1 m1 dtll' I h> "'"'"north m winter and \001C non-brecdc" nia)' ummcr v.cll north nl the
It'"' ,. I urc "'""" ll'd t(l pact ice. All are stitr-v.1nged n~c" ltl..e hcaN.alcr., but 1.-nd '" n~p
I 11 t i. I h 11<111,., ~nJ broader 14ings. 1\11 ba\-c "bite underpart> nJ \llflal>lc an1t><1nh ol v.h11c on the
11 11 u _,"lil) but 1, tn:atcd here because it JS a spec;c,. of colJ '>OUlhcrn "'Itri
onJ iu grncral colour

111tllt111 (A11t:.11cltc) Fulmar Petrel plateado Antarctic Petrel Petrel a nUrtico

I 11/11111tru ,;I.< t.1lt>1tlt'~ ANT, FLK, SC Thalassoica antarct1ca ANT. FLK. SC
I '"' ~<Tl( ~ 20"1\\ 114--l:!Oan L .t0-46 an (16'-IS"t \\ IOI lfl.l Tll (40 -1 I I 11>'" J\1~ cold
C4S 471 Or... of lbe m0<t ,.,dc- >.nian:tic: and ~1.: "''n-.A ''takd ,.1111 t'C Oo1h
!'f'fOJ and o:oau11tJO '.>Cahmb tn 1b northern~ m mler '' hm11CJ b, the ('ten! ol the r.al
( h1k, 11 bc.:mc mu.;b more iec. l;sually south of Chilean \\llt.:t" b-111n r~" Int~"' mo\C
~bunJ.int 1n "'llll"f Part1rulatly31 nonh and 1113)' be: 'v.tttlcJ '"' b..-a.11<, llrJ l>ll chili 1n
tbC" I.in ... sat.111, cun1monl) enlCJ'S Antarntica. lDE,llflC \110' A, IJlq;c, turd) and l>ull~
h~rtoun And " .;cen ""-"'> from pettel ";tb a deep bell) and h<'n ncd 01\cn Ilic h1i;h 11-<l\c
lanJ \ti) fnllo14 li\lung cs~h !he "ater Darl. on head ~nJ UJIJICl11'1rh, llfl/~ ,.,, '"!!' 1l1Jr4 ""
'" lor1t1r lllOUJI' IO~' fl F ICA- leodi1tg edge c:onlromng "11h "hue "'' 1incl11r1<1 11nd l1mtr
11 " '"' l) f'Cllcl wllh 11 hullnccl.cd appcarnnco: and primaril!S. Similarly, the While tot! contro'1 w11h lhc d.n~ h.i'l
1 I tt" h hro.ul round llflpcd "ln11 Ollcn 01c' sc1111nong wnh and black 1crmm.al band. llch1\\ while, w11h nnrnm hlJ.t,
th h 111. l1~1k1n 1k1wn unlike 'hcnn11tc", which 1c11d 10 view fe.ading edge to undcr1Ving~ uml contr."tmjl llilll'~ i~h h~nd
'" " " "" 1111/ 11111A1111/11"/mA ''I'Cicncrnl c<1lm1r p311Cm ;,i milar Wben worn may appear much brnw11cr n111I 1111tcr. w11h con-
'" 111111 111.1111111, huv1111! 11 wlt/11 /11t11/ 11111/ 1111tl111111rt.1. nnd grty trasting blackish head. M11y be c1>nfoNcd with much l.'111n1111mcr
/,,,, ~ r111d 11'/ll.~1, Nole, ht1WCV~1 , thc Iii ncrcnl bll'UclUr1.1 nnd sti ll~ Cape Petrel, bu l nolc lirnl A11l11rc1lc flctrol hn~ 11 ln11t1.1 forge
l\ lt11tl'1I ll tghl 11f th~ l\1lmn1. Th e 11rcy wi1111~ ~how <forker white wing pa1ch, no11wn 11utchcs scpur11t(d by 11d111k nrcn in
0111li11 11 .111111>rl111uric,, wllh n nottccnblc wltit<! 11111dt 011 lhe centre of the w111i,: 11s ()11 t'1111c Pct rd . 0 11 thl.' waler lhcy
th 1111111 p11111111l1111/ 1/,1 111111trw/11g. 1>u111culnrly 111u th'>l:tncc. also resemble ca1:h 01h~r. hu1 An1.1r.11c Petrel hll u Hol1dly tlurk
1111. I' 11d1 m.ty tctllll the "lute patch or ('a1..: t>circl .inti the bacL. scapular. nnd f<>r~wmp
'"" c.,ulJ II<" u1nfu..cd, al1h11u11h the fulm.1r" 1mmcdin1cl>
1 011hlr hy '" "h1tc lie.id und lac~ nr w blac~ 1.111 h.ir White- headed Petrel Fardcla de frcnte blanca
Pterodroma lessoni ANT, FLK, SC
C.ipe (Pinl.ldo) Petrel
L 40-46cm111>-lll' I\\. 109 Cln (41"1 11, "'ln1m;1 pcutl ol
Ptlrel moleado (Damero) cold !iOUthem ""'en..brctJ1ng in.inly 10 ulanJ~ 1n th.- cv.
/)Jpt1on capense ANT, FLK. SC Zcabnd regionaod s lnd10U1 O.:Cilll Ot.inbutK.. In ( h1le roorl~
Wlderslood. Proo..bl) regubt m the rolJ \\111.:r rr:g uia lrom the
I 3 .1<1"" (1~ 16"1\\ l!l->11 cm
Golfo dt Paaa, soash to C. llom, b..a 111<.>rt> d.>1a 1&1c D<"CJcJ
tl2 16"1 t\mong the mo>t "''de
$f'<Ud anti common .cabirds 10
IDL 'TIFTC \TIO' .\I~ l'lcmJrWflll tlw 01<"> on bu"'cd
<rulc,o.;,VTml r,...,. w Peru\WI "'ings. nsmg m lugh ~ t)PI ...r the pin llrt111g Oott,
bordcf lo (pt Hum )CM-round. h:lndling lligh md> '"the~ TlllS l!K ""loured petrel~
ahhol!gh muo:h more cummon m ~~ dart "PP<'"'IA,, o"'1" COlflftlJlJ.lfR ..11111.ilt ht'OJ anJ
...... n"nh In,., IC1' 0Rcn follo1"s whitisi 1a1/_ The "hnc head ua<crnh,.tcd l>yu bQIJltlltt ~'t'
fl'hln \C ,cf, In hu~c gTOUJ"'. paiclL Undcrpart> ,.hlle. ncq>e ~l pq bteat-b.u>J, and
contra5I "ith the en11rely Jad. WlI""' m~ I he Uflf'(N ong,
ID~' I U IC" \T IO' \boldly
11 11 11c1I h><h fk'lrcl, 'hapcd \nmc,.hll hkc Soutl!~ possess a darl. \.1 panem. but th" "rall~lly ,.i...,ureJ II) the
l 11111 11 lut .... u~ ~nJ e1cn hl\.k1cr, "llh \hon bullocck. cbrk inner primane. and >e~nJancs />.nA un.Jrn. tn}l\ h1rcd
C mp/ I'' .1,.,,,, "' 1111 llflfll'I> tnK and 1111/ tha11110>1tt" The by Grey Petrel. "h1ch " larger, l11ll1~r .1nd much bmadcr
f.IA I 1 lo" 111 Hh"' .1 l11~c white flJICh on the mncr primaries
Winged_ Thewb11e bead. up,,...l'\\lnjl f' 111.111, "ht1.:to1l 11nd do1l
It,,,, tlw tnmr win/(. Tt"1d uhlte ''"ha
1l111I lt1mflh 1 ,,/,,,,~ l'"fi
eye patch identify \Vhllc-hc.111...1 l'tt11I
/o/,,, A I'"""''' '""'" .11111 the lnrscty while lqil-covcns are
1 1 I h 1111.1 ~ I h11111Mh wc111 lhc 1clnt ivc pri1ponio11; ufwhi1e Snow Petrel Petrel de l,n ni rvr~
111.I M111 I 1f1,111v1 111111thll f!Wl e~ llJlpCnrs clnrkcr when worn, Pagrodroma nivea ANT, rt K, CiC
lh lo" h11 11111111 111111 111 11111hrwlng. while, conmmlnf\ with L 30-35 cm ( 12- 14") W 71> 711\111 (10 11 "), 'llt is tliN(tllCti vc
1i1,,tf h 111 111111111 ~ 11111, ~ h111l 1111d d111k 1111 l l1n11d immediately petrel is confined lO the llllC~ let 111 <'11111 1111' "' lhc 01r .Olllh
Snow Petrel
11111 '" 11 1111111 ~111t1hl'111 I 111111111, which n1 a di. rnnce mny even in winter and hn nol 1><'<11 tkt.-.i11I 111 ( h1ku11 wn lcrN,
111 11tulo111 11 11111111"11111 111111c111 An111rc11c Pe1rcl 1; larger bu1 is common in Anturct1cu ~nil'""'" t 1~urw11 llH' N 11 f'I
1111l lo11l ~l[I 111d I 1... """"~ fl.ll l<'lllCJ , DUI ha, .otid white CATION Perbap' the """' <11.1111111\c pt1rd. 1>cin11 1111/rt'/1
ilf\1111dtf11" fi111l 111n r 1111111.110:, l ht whire "" 1he wing 1s white with a dork <'.I<'""'' lot// 4'111.111 l"r ,1petrel, w11h n ~lncky
I' u1t1 .I 11 h\1,1 (ttl\h 111 tpc t"trd body and short fan-<ha['<'1l 1.11t ()uicl. t ill .1lmn>1 blithl.c

f IAll H c 1111A1/.u1.1 pt.trc l ~ and-'pL...r_i_o_n_s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I 11 I he l'l'rtlwmu Jl(tn:I ts ch~ruc1en.edb) small size. compa-i ~11'\k.-turc Jnd 'hurt"'" compared I<>
II " "1>11c hcln,., "tlh J.arl. \I pantm on lhc uppcrwmgs. Pnon, arc vt1.&ll ~h1rd, ur cold "alcr. 1ha1
""" 1b1l M J>.lllcn1 on 1h.: uri>Cf" 1np and cnsp "bite undc:tpam The) are 'malkr and 1n<irc ~ump;a.:1 11\;an
I 1 rd" "m1l;ar'"a rnon a1 loa. and appears 10 be closely related 111 lMm
M..., ,,.,,,. (01' tlhppi's) Petrel J1agm""'" of Bl~ Petrel from pnon1 h)
l 1111h1la l1l.1m.i dt Masatierra Nm:l Np etlllf'lllltng .. 1t11r f""'h'..J ur11/
t'tr1 11/1c1111.1 tlefilipp1ana TX#8 lac! nf ""'" 1U('<'1T1l11111f Al~ nOI( uppa-
"' 1na \1 brukcn on lower Ii.tel l arscr
1 'I .m 1 IO" J \\ 66 cm (2b"l Pelagic. Late SICJ""l!tr'' Petrel h:u 'llntlu head p.111.,m ,
""''<' l>fc:eJcr cJul 'o\. Y.'mctunc lo1cr) but 1~ loni;cr ta kd. hll'l~'Cf "ui+ed and more
..;,,."on Rub1n..cw1 t """"'and Dncnllltlkb
araccful an 0111h1 . 1m:inB hahcr ab.JH
'' \11ull '"' \far Vulnerable {c 10.~ ocean . Uprc,... na \ I or Oluc Pcucl 1)
111J,.1Ju.il I ti) \ llH C \TIO\ \llhl >tm
na.t'l'O\\crand tn'J)Cf th.an 1n Sl<'Jntgcr'~nJ
tlr 10 Cool,. Petrel. bu1 " I J.ur. large1-. olbcr Cooblario In add11ton. Bl~ Pctrd h.n cnurcl~ ... 1r,,,.
fy,.,.J,r n1ngrJ, nullccabl) /1<011tr h1lltJ
ijfld ti. 1 brwdrr luil D1~t1m:1 darJ. I:'"
Ital( roll.ir. 2cccn11U1cd ht """' ,..,, }Ur
Antarctic Prion Petrel-paloma anLirtico
11H,/ '"'""''' ' ' I }C .ipflC.tl'\ l~r11c and M:t '"1hm a lorg..
111 J.1.it1h l.11J. 11/ tfurJ. tarl 11p J1u1:no\/lr, bu1 man) ha\c Pachyptila desolata ANT, FLK, SC
I') "' ht.id 1.11l t1p. In clu!>C YICW, tfn-p./~11e1/ /Hlllt'rful hill I 27cmII11 W 61 c.:rn (24")
1 uhl\I d111111111tc' Cool'> l'ctrcl. Ile" nrc \\Om hnd' (Sep Nov) Pcla!ltC. !'>ummcr breeder (Oct
h11 h 111111 llflpcnr 'IO'mcwhot dM~cu11red, J1Lc S1c1nc~cr's. .. Apr) 111 Sou th Clcorj,\111 nnd ,.11111d
nonh or A111urc11c flcn i 11 ~ 11l 11.
Cook') Petre l Fardela blanca de Cook Moulls Mur Mny. ll) l: NTlll f.
l'l11oclrom;1 cookiTX#B CAT ION l:xlrcmcly similn r lo
I hm btllcd Pmrn , and 1101 olwuy~
I 21> cm \ 10") W M c111 121"1 Pdui:1c \cpm11hlc 111 ~a A111un;11c 1cn(l\
Summer breeder in Ne"' /caland rcgllln,
h holJ head 1i11h1 anlO OO<ly an
0,1 Apr. non br.:cdanc >h111tr '" Chile. 01gh1. acc:enuutmg 1h1do,cr ncI.. und tlcep.:r brc.N i\n1~"11c
~hiulh Mar \ug fnd~n~crcJ IOI ' I IM-
C" \rtO' MC>'' <1m11Jr10 \h...,11crrn l'ctrcl.
bul lrlfllflP,!""11/.,r, thrnttt 11111 ,Jandn.1r-
" 5ltgbdy dancr. p.11110.:ularl) 1>11 1hc head TllC bro.~d. d.lti.
gtt) half-collar '' roorc c'tcn'lC thJn 1n Tlnn-btllcJ Pr1on
Antaraicbas la.. ,.h,,,. mr 1M-}H.<', lllld <ltcn h.u lwnf,.YJ.l"J

n1" ,., 1o11lc.J 81/J """// '"'" ull<I ..rat I acLf

gl'I 1 lwlf~/ar anJ ""''' ,..,, Jum.>1111<1'.
dart and more c'llcn~c bla1..li. cycltnc. g1'lnll more.,.,,,,,,.,
l ~ c appe.tl'\ '"'"" 1111</ /tnJJ" aurroundcd facial e:cpression. ~"'""' ""'"""''" ~t.tll)' ,.fl.:n '"""'
Upperwing \ 1 ~hpU) "tdcr and bbl..et. nul lppc;uln& broken
f>nl) h) a""'"" ,f,rr4 f'<ll< Ir J\ ""'>'
ha a bl.acL l31l 11p. Tend> ..-hen worn (Fcb-\1mr). A\cragc' ru.v" bl3.:li. on 1:111 up Dall
11 tl111,. '"'"' "hue 1>n nu1cr1;uf. but '"tcn,l\c u\crl.ap :.hapediffi:rcocesd1<1gno;1tc. Aoun:h la'lngaJ..-pcr, """'d""
bill. bur this is dtfficuh 10 ob.c"c a1 '"" fnrog<' d1urnJ1ll1.
\lf'jneger's Petrel Fardela blanco de Masafuera b) holding .wing open and u,1111: l'cn In pru\ldc tu .... uJ
l'tNudromd /ongirostris momentum ..-tuJc lhnbllnl tnll and p.tn of head undcnulcr
I ~bc11CI0"1W~cm12111 Pelagic: B~s
onh on !\lcJandro ~ILarL 1Mu.afucr.a) I Thin-b illed Prion
..,...,,.,,.., brttdcr (Oc '4art \touh. o\pr Petrel-paloma de pico delgado
\.ulncrablc (262 000 1nd1\ldual<)
11)1'111 IC'ATIO\ f'tom "m1lu Juan Pachyptila belcheri ANT, FLK. SC
I'""'"""' Petrel hy mu.:h mallet >llC :ind I 'I 1111 I \\ .S/\ cm (22"1

h1>r1,r "''"~ Al"I)' ha; dark rump 01hcr- Pcl~JI" "ummcr brttdcr (0.:r
" '!'C 111111.ar 10 Ma,~hcrra <ook ,, hu1 hlh J\tr> 111 th, ~ l~lnnd,. \foulc, Antarctic Prion
1111t1.1-111111 l!IJCl.l\h c:ap and C~ICfl(l'C .. hale Mo11 """ 1111 N 11 ~'I CA fl O\'
1 " 1.. ''' 1111 I 11111 t\\11 ""n nppe31 d.orkcnp1icd m the field
il110 tu h11111111 11111111 h1d1caJ pullcm. lln hlnckioh hnlf
I ~11.-11111~ lllt ol.ir h> Allldrctic:
1'11011 (\\Ith h 'fc). 1101 alwoy

1 111111 ,, ~lo1 11111111. h11t 1l111k~1 nnd lcN~ cxlcn~lvc. Uppcrwing <'Jlolr11hk 111 '~" Slim , very 1lnlc
I""' '11111, 1,111 hli111111. 111111 blncf..ofu11dcnvingollgh1ly mm~ fll 1!111 \\ llfi /1111: 111//<ll///I 11/ ll'Ji//1
I ,, II I 11!1111 111 111 I lt<ll r't111A11iiri11. lMQ thin hill, 1111llkc 1111 /11'<' Wiiii<' 1111 <.:\tensive und
P-t l 1 01 It I , , I s upercili11m brood, j1111wl 11111/ 111i/1A111 Nurmi\ cyclrnc
conlributes 10 neutf11c1u/ ,,,,,,,.,,, tJ11p<'t .. lll1!1 II.I bhghtly n.tr
rower and ll13Y appear hr<1Lc11 "" v.o1111 I I .-1 f\lr) ind1v1dawl~
Thin-billt'd l'r ton
11111,. l'll t<I l'l11l t1111lt1do
Forages e.rc/wnc/1 111 111g"1. 111 111.11111cr ol 'turmpclrcl
11 ""'''""' I .11111/1.1 ANT, FLK. SC skipping. on water and p1, l1n 11~111 It urn in1rfac:c. Slralltn
1 I' I 1 '" 111 .old"' at<I'\ Summ.:r and""""" bill diu111111<1tl', 1>1111ltl11,11h to obloenc clos.:ly at
1 I I "" I tnI ( a~ ltom rcg11m sea. Usual!} bas le>- d.ulo."" 1111 11r
1111 " I II II \ 110\ l'11on.l1~c 1n i:~ncr.ll
~ 1\~ fl, ... r ,., 1/,/ .,.h11. 1a1l t1p
f'I AIf 1 l't ,., "''' ""''' fWI 1e.ls
I II I NlllJ#t" I ftte :aluJ' lhI lllhl>ll ckq>.:r \\"1en fut from the Co:ll>I 1 ~ \ &!')' In J')umagc pallnn, bul
a 1l.1J l M JUll1'fn of 'II) ini; If ngth on the uppeiwln~ f'tt'todrvma fly ma hani.:lc:n>ltc manner. "hcelma
\I 1 "" 1111 "ll!:!J l\cr)!u<kn l'c1rd ":l\ once classed within P1etodn11110 but " fl(l\\ accorded its o-. n genlli>
Muttlo111I Prlr d r.1rdela moteada Femandei: rroup Occu1onall) our m81nland Summer
I lr114f1,1111.1 mc\/>t'rtata breeder: IDF,TIFI CA flO' 1'11l)100rph1c:darl. tntmncd111c
I 11 I} (111 111 11"1 \\ 7-l 7~ cm 12<1 30") S1a1us on C hole and pale morphs c"'' In Chile dJrk and int~"Tmcdutc morrl"
I 11111 <I 111hc1hn<1 llmom:all) when r<'J'ult10115 o( th1> 1l'cdom1na1~. Po... crful n 01&:ht. ~)' rc.:all a PCS"' Jue to
r I \l\'.lt'mt<h 1.&11<' then: -.ere r."COl'd. fruin Cluk~n \\liters. >Jructurc .:i.od plumage 1'31tcm \'ccy umtlar 10 Hcr1ld 1'1:1tcl
1111)1 1q11111cJ 1>c1wccn CllJl<' llom and 1hc An1ure11c which occurs m Ea,1er I wale~ Kcrm:nkc:" J010 ln111cr thdn
11111 1111 \ 1..-11d I ~ulJ -.a1er-.. 11 ,houlJ be ~artbcd for Herald. and shont-r tailed. appc:ar1na more robust and 51ock1cr
11fj l 1C111I 11IK'c.:1'c-.1rThtcatcned IOf,, I IHC \110' A "'th a broado-. more '>qUJIC-<Ul 1..t1I '\II m1>rph of Kcmud..-c
11 111 t.1\:1' 1nJd1,11111:ll\C gadfly Sho\\a a 111<dcr:udy ,tmng bac ><ml.: pnmary <ha/I 1111blr ''" 1/r, 1J/l/'<'r-f11g. -.hoch arc
M 1""'111 ""th.: uppcrwonp, anJ lt"CY IJ1I. laclmll "huc of lackiog on Item Id I unl1crmorc, 1h.: ba~e' of1hc uppcrsidc or
( ~ '1/;ma 1,,, "'"' <'<1111ra.rn11g "ult Jh, ,...,tcr tlrn,.,/ .,,,J th" priman<"> 1ltC u-u.111~ -.hot.:, cn:a11n11a1:.eg<r-ltl.e ~ch
h "' tlu '"'"'"
I lvt1l1 l""h\.('
,,,..,,.,,.,J011J bold Mad""'''""'"'" f'<Jllf71 al>setu oo llenlJ UnJ.:r..on!!' J..irl but~" piq;cr.toke bold
"hue fl'll<:h on b.t..: uf prim.me, anJ b.1-c of greater under
pnm:iry-.:o>en. (comma) \ '"'c c~100 <>I the d.ttk lllOf'Jlh
l'hocntlt Petrel Fardela de Fenix '3cks lhc \\httc unJcr..1ng ratch. bur docs ilO"""
l't,., odroma alba dt>cli~he \\bnc pnmal') halh Paint t-cnnadec> hac
gleaming "hue head" .1 pluma11e unknown 111 lleruld
I '' 111 t I l''l W 8J cm t 12 JJ"). In C'hok. knU\\ n only lrom
11 " I "'"' I . -.here ~utus unccnm. Vulncrnhlc 11,.; 'Tl-
1 IC \I 10 ' A "'l'.l /1111>: 1/im g(lf/{11 1111/1 lmt)I nnrro~ 11 tflgs.
Herald Petrel Fardela heraldica
I 1111111) 11.irk cxcep1 rt1111r<ml11g wltl1e /111/1 11111/ 111t/. /'oh Pterodroma arminjoniana TX #9
/'''lli111111 (1 1111dlng t d}\c to undcrwmg). Mo,1 likely Ill be l 35-39 cm{ l4-lti") W 88 102cni(l4"40"1.lnClulekn1>wn
'""'"'"'I w11h p~lc-murph llcrald Petrel but Phoenix ha' more only from E.ttcr I (wmtcr brccdcrl Unlikely near <:111lrnn
1t111to1111lv tl.uL undc1"1nfl' darl< lore' anti forchcad. \Ohdly mainfand IDF. ;TrfIC\TION l'1llymorph1c. only p~k fonn
I 11~. lore'"' .111rl ~l11nmcr structul'<' l 3h111 l'ctrcl {unrecorded common 011 Ulster I \lund. dllrk 11111rrh recently recorded there
"""'I i>tcr I but l'\)."oble) rs cry 1m1lar 1,; ih.-.:n1~ 11 hlb a b idencc $UJ:gcsts d.ltl. lll<>rJ'h " a '<p.italc .pccoes, HcnJCt'S(>ll
d u1cr 1h11 I IA~c:r bill. no pale on pai..tiJUm and hold ..,1ngs Pct:rcl. A dim. long1>J1-uil~ o;..iJCh uf v.ann "r.:110 M't
llhl litcr in ll1rh1. "11h1>L11 rhe l)J'1cal 'bcnt ""'' nrPh1tem~. u,u.aJfy confused v.nh Cf) Jurul.or "l'cnnnJC\: Pctrd (-.hoch
l'hot111\ " c 70'.. smnlfcr than Thni Petrel and 11;a, darL ~cc). Hc~ld Petrel u/..-.,i> /,u At """'" pr11rtary lro(t.t nr
' I' 1.111-co><n' ruhcr tlun pale a-"' T~oh Kcnmdtt and 1> iltmmcr. ITkrc hi;hrly l>wh, 'it1111111~ billed
and looi;cr tailed. Plllcmarl'h I l'l'llld tcrh lo h~c tl.lrlcr fa.:c
ju.in Fernandez Petrel than Kermsdtt. Undcrn ong rrtcrn Jilk" wmcwhst. wnh
1.udela blanc.a de Juan Fernandez Herald ha-.11g larger \>hlle J'"ICh on r.1111111m. and "hire of
l't.orodroma externa primaJ} ba.'CS cittc:n.h a. p.&lc ~~h ~lh lo -.ccuncbric>
\\hoch an: dul.crm Kmnadec. U.irk nu"J'h clknd.:l'><ln Petrel)
I 43 cm {17") W '>5 cm cl7") 1hc mosi scparued from darl KcrmaJc.: l'ctr.-11111 111" 111rc. d.irl. pnm31')'
common P1erodrom1.1 1n thtlc. afler M.t.'11- shafts. and often lxh f'.llc j>.11< I '"' unol,r 11lc ~f pnmanes
ltemi Petrel ummcr bfcal~r tDcc \tJr), See Phoen1J< PClrel fe>< iCf\311111<>11 '""" tlUll rc-:ic<.
more than one million p'1r' on AlcJandto
Sclkirt Vulncruhlc IDE" IH C \110' \
l:iFJC anJ :>Jim pctr<'I -.uh 'N> Ion,"'" >
Kerguelen Petrel Fardel.1 de KNguelen
UfC) above "llh >Irons M r:mcrn on Aphrodroma brevirostris TXll 10, FLK, SG
UJ'PCT"'lR!I>- a 1w11ru11mx J.1rl. 1"P ond ,/,1rJ. L J6an (14"1 \\ 81 cm P1' I \ ..1,1 11 ' 11hJntJrct1q1c11'<'I
tml "'""" ramt'llm<'\ /r1.1J tt ,,.,,.,.,,,. 11/r11., (.. which brttd> on islanoJ, m '"-' .., \1141111 ""I lnd1.in Occaih
1 Ir Hlfll' lt.uch h..., pale cull~r behind d~rl car. moI 1.uus in Oulc U1KctU1n. bu I \ll h '" I>r~l.c P:i'>.tJ!C and
ft I 111ly Ink' 11~>11h1n~ (0a f>I \luch lo11jter-.1n11cd and rmbabl) f'l'J:,'lllat off I. cl>d ul '1rni:l1 ul M 11.:llan 'iummcr
111111 1 I 111..1 l""f\01t1tonully lnr~ct nnd thicker billed. thnn breeder. IDENTIFICi\ l IO" \ .111.111 111..L,ct petrel -.11h o
111111 1 I ,,.,1/111111 l!nnr Also lw1 a vc:ry ,mnll uncJcrwmi; proporrioru11cly shon rnil l'lu111" 11111<1111.ut. t>ni-.ni.h. w11h
11 1 I 1h h '" '"1 h~C) 111 hcconru..,-d wnh Ma .... ucrrG l'~tr"CI, Mhc!F) wa-.h appan:nl m 0111 lt~l11 I h1 .t.ul 11tt1ftr,..lng
t.111 h 1111 11, I'"'"'"'~"' 11h11c f11rchead un\( whuc (HI nomp /lush pale ""'"r 011 tlll' p111ot11111111 11111111 /111111 "'" lJ11pcrc1art>
1h1111111.. ll1 111 1111111 I 111111111<1, foil more cx1c11sivc ly dork on entirely dark. cxccr1 ~l 1 11hlly 111111 11111111 111111 dur~~,. lotlltl
111111 I 111.111111 'i111111111,, \\l111.: on rump. dnrk r.111 und prese111ing lwoclt'tl uppn11.111,. 111 """ \1, 1,..e quanm, \hon
umr , ..... .., t 111 tH ltit It( fu\tn Stc1ntger, P~1tcl bill and srccp foreh<-:tll ll1>11I .1 ''"'"'' 11\C rl1CJJ'IUlc:c llcad
may look propome>nld> ''"t!' 1111h,.1-.:trcl Confu>oon lllOI
1( .. 1111111111 11..11 el l1Lely wirh Sooty Shc.im .111 01 c1 en \\ h11.:...,hmncd Pc1tcl
I1wl1 I 1 111 1; 1.1 cl" Ju.in Fernandez Tht' sbcaNater 1\ '"''"~.-r \lh1I \lhn~-.hinned Pclrel r
<Ubstantiall} ~ ~nd l>ulLrn ..11.. ~h 1111)' h~e palc under
l'tr1'""""'' 1111;/rrt.1 pnmary flashes 1n ccn 1111 hj1hl\ hon neuhcr h' a s11\cry p.nch
I mll\" t\\ P,111111.1 tllun l .a,1,rl,San lch\ ,
n \mhP\I 1~1 llnblnun l ru ..... -.~ni~ l la~ on J1i.n
on the patat:1um "=.. kn ~url n...- fo,t_ lllld rc:rf'omh '>lttJI
high loops "-' c the lier
111111 11()t ll)Hlll "'' 1111 \\ ng-. and grviogqaicl: flaps mtcrspcncd by Ihde Cihdin11 anJ d)'nam1c
11 I 1rln \\ ""' I h41 "11.ar,utn, mc:luJc some of !he commoocg and moI \\ 1tk.prcaJ 1ubcn<>sc 1n Chile To
lool hit.I 011!Ktr re
anJ f'"""'1:11 ~IUC1llte.. "1icthcr Ibey ba'c pak undap.arh, /lftd the apc.:11ic undcrv.1n1

lt1llt' 1 ' \ ht'Jrw.ater r.trdela de dorso gris nttkban4tllfdno1iuab/,. ,.,,,,~ ,.,..PPll4:lt lllldcno~ ,.hole
h1ffl1110 lwllrtt "'ilh a narrow dart.; d1J1gonal bar frPm 11\c a\lllancs t the
I .CCl<m 11!1-1 W ~7 cm (JS~). 8'ttch ID~~ lcadi:ng algt. \'ent darl<. anJ ha_, a Jw~no"" darJ. g~ pattli
Oii the bell) ttwtTl'. "fog "m1lar to Buller Sht--1tcr, bus
l.e:abnJ "'&IOI\, H<lh>rto <.'lulcoa m1granon..
rni.-td~rl) 1n ~ch \l.v SuOU'IU bra:da- ~ bcb \f. and i.. a..11.:<abk .. b11c 111mp p.a<h .....t
1 \ 11 \rrl \ulnc11blc ID' TIFIC .\- nedband.Also. undcnnnp aftd u~. noc fk.&m "'h1tc
110' "' latJ:c. bc.-.u11full~ .lwpcd. dcgmt as oo Bulkrs. Al rest. C\ m mllf'C "1T!1lar 1<1 &lier bul C1R:~tn
is bro"DCT. less gtty. the nccl 1$ more c.1~"'cl) ,. h11c incl
I 4rv.a1cr I ong. narr"'" "'"'\ OIJtd slttl.
rroltlc due 1e1 /,.ng /'<1nrnl t.i1/. S1nbng If the: uoderuil-co\cns arc dark 'iC1'4t1tcJ lnm P1nl foo1,'1J
J'dlh rn on 11/Jptr-.. m11. nu11ru.,111tg ntlt pale Sbearwater by blad bill, cri,p "'hllc thrl);ll, conlra1tn11 blad,
1:"1'1><m.-l t1n 1tt'htlt r C<1"f'rt s~ar blal'kuh
cap and wlutc rump oond
,,,, .1.111.<1 th.in 11rcy b.i~. uud th in hlJl~ bill l,nJtnmg Pink-footed Slt11a1 w11I
1n. 11.. ll1w '"'"'of 11mam glr111111111111 ltlt<'. White underparts. Manx Shearwa te r Fardela atlcintlca
o,..,.. , "t1h p.1lc-bdhcd Pini.. footed Shcurwutcr. but note Puffinus puffinus TX#13 , FLK
11111111,r .11111 l.111~~r h11ild of' ll11llcr' und mor~ ~111ccrul flight, L 30 38 cm (12 I ~") W 7( ~9 cm (30
h.. l1li111J \\ 111~~ 11hvio11Aly bowed. llntJht white undcrwing~ and
111111' 1'" '' ~ scpnnnc llullcr'N tr11111 l'lnk footcd at considerable .. 35"). BoroB I hrccde1 111 l ' hllc rci:ulnr
aro1111d Cupe I lt11ii n11d cnsl of 'l'lcrrn dcl
.11, 1.111n When backlit , Plnk l'ootcd mny llJlllCn1 to show 11 p:lle Fucgn. An lncr~u slni: po1111 l11rlo11 off W
111"h 1111 1hc t'<WcftS, 111.c 13ullcr'~: In these situation~ rely on roas1 of North A111ericn probnhly winters
ltupurr 1111.I 1111tlcrwi111t pullcrn llu llcr's sllllrcs plumage in or m1i:rotc~ 1hmu11h (. hHr1m \Hll<'l'S, n'
I'"'""' m1lur111r> w1 1h Juun ~cm1111dc1 Pclrcl, but lauer is M1ggcstcd by rcccni ob..:rva11011 rmm ('
111.111~1 und "'"" .11111mcr w11111cd. "''ha \\lute forehead, smnll coul<t. Breed~ in Nnrch Atlnnrlc (durmg
.t.uk 111.1rl on undch1dc c1rwr"' und oncn "'hue on rump aust111l-..1nter)and 'f'fleal'li tn t1C col11n111n11
N Pacific. ID E:NTI FICAflOll. /\ fma// M111t-nn1/.,.hm
Pink-footed Shearwater Fardela blanca shem-><a.ur. smaller than Sooty '\hcal'\\1tcr \hm and v.cll Great Shea rw.:il r.r
Puffinus creatopus pn>ponioocd. flici.,. lib quick "ingbc.&t l.IOcJ ah\lc, much le>
L ~II cm I IY"t \\ 109 cm (43"). than latgtt whitcbcl11a.I hcaN-acrs In iaJJn,.,n, tend h.> 0)
clostt IO d>c ~tcr, pcrfomung l<l>ot'f 1111J fc,.cr atU aho\c
. Cummon. thc111<t~1 palc-
bclhcd ( h1IQn ~llltt Sum- surface. Much smallcrlhan P1nlf-cd "llcarn-atcr. ,.itli N11c4
lnt'r hrJtr on R'>b""''a Crusoe bill Ollll ckar """~ tlrmm. ivNI atJJ ..,.nl 4/w h/a. l<'r a.J
anll Moch h II'\ Region) ~-ifonttt!J c:olou>YJ "~'Ing> nt1 lvt A ~litr ~llfttJ
Vul~T&l>k Cl4.0110 60,000 IOdt- ear-cm-rns. 'ear <ld'r0"'1 : Ja111u:11 ... ~ l.111k ~hcltt...-lltcr
\WWllI IOf' ' rlHC" \TIO' A for separaooa from tbat <pee~
l.ii:tc t>r"'od "1a cd <hcvwucr
... th. hon ...de t.ail. night~ littfe Sbearwater Fardela ch1ca
liiIDoint th;in tb.o1 vm11.:lfJ11al 'hc:arv.'"' bc111.g laboured and Puffinus iJ5similis
llC:IV) 111.. 11 nhh ah.1\c. tad.mg Wn)' M l"'llcm oa uprcrv..mgs. L!.S lh-m!IU l~"I\\ 'W '17cm
ll t1\\CH'.1 \\h.:11,,,..1.ht.d In~)' 'ho" f>.1k lfelltCfCl)\Cft panel. 12J 2111 I int found 1n (.'h1lc Manx Sh!At w01t r.1
ll~ c llulkr ' ~h....tf\\tcr. llwJ aml 11..cA ""'"""h "''" rhc clunn11 c:ul) 1'170 I c-.. 11h11ne
lh""'' />n A/1'11"'''" n nut de.in white I.I) on other palebclhcd \lllW, bt1t .1pP,:3"1 tobo- rcwulM1>fl
ht "";le'' I """'""JI tl<1rk II 11/r n pcrlr 11111d1 011 under (. h1lc. 11nd hrccdin~ >h11u hl b.:
111tt11t1 ,,,,./ 11111/11 W mu/arr ""' rh. I to"'c"c:r. lhi: C*<lcnt of scnrcl1c1J for Mound t'h d11c
I 11~ 11111111 11111!.-1 Wlllf' v.111c' 11ulw1du.llly. \\ llh ~ome havang IOt:l\i l'IFI C'A'l ION lhe ~mnll
1111~ 11 1111111 . 1111l 11ihcri- '">Wl111i1 while there. Sln11larly.1he
c~ shc11rwa1 cr. C'1"11ly "'"'~ 11111/
I 111111.1111 ~1111tin111ld1q1t11I Vlll'I Cs, bul nll f)OS~C>S !II least
whlu. w/1/r 1\/11rfr1l1.v/11111 rm111tf
'"'"' /1 .. 11111/1111111//1111 m1f/1111k11111/ '"' 1'111/n/y dark vellf. eel wings. Flies wl//J q11il'k 111/11g/w1t1.f 11111/ 1'<'1'1' llt/11' g/ltflr1J1.
1111/ 11114 1111/i 11 /l/.11 4 ff/.11l h1f wh ll ~-hcllicd slic1l1wulcrs have 'l'he form in Ch ile, elcgmt.f, is ns~ocl11tr1I wllh cold w11lc1 . II
hl<11I li1ll ~
has dark checks, and is thus quite ~ 11nil11r in "''' " 11111 lcrn 10
Manx Sbcarwater, from which II i '<'f'llllll1ll hy 11 ,/uirt<1: Litt Ir. h n11 1 Wiii il l
more round-""i11ged stn1c1wt. mu/11101.- '''' "\'' 1/t H Iott 11m.1t'r

~ings. Furthennore, L11tlc olkn hau1~11t 11111 / m11J11 J!nurrr

Nn-erts. Juv. and frc,h Llllk ~fot'lll\\.1ffl 11< 1111~d white
above. giving 3 '>Cal)' r1i.:Jr.n, c

Flesh-footed ShHrwater
Chrbtm1n Sh..rwlet

f111tlt lnolr1J ShC'.1rw.tler higbO\-er-r.noe:s. Wbtmq. quid lbf".shalk>,.cr 1n ampliluck

l4'trlrl11 nrsra de patas palid;u tbao dttper snff' ~ ( """''
I 11(/111111 '.1rr1c1ptos
I 41 4 milt. I "I\\~ llll-mll9 4~, '-t.at1Bunclor White-chinned Petrel Fardela negni grande
( h k> I '1nrq1onC'd1-.1,1.'lrotn\i.;1nnyafJuanrnnan- Proce/laria aequinoctialis ANT, FLK. SC
h1rcbgu aoJ >hurt' in \ Region. bu1 rtt<>rd> ma) l ~I <~cm(~> .1 I\\ 1\4 IH
I I I to C"\ lltme J.ul. form of rinl. h1<>1al "hc:an.l<'f' Summer ~m t~l !>II I "u111cr<>uJ larsc
bf nkr Ill:-.~,. /.('~1.mJ. tn!Dhllnd lnJwn C>..-....in IOE:\Tl-
1 II \I II I:\ la!fCt hon..tcr -.11h ''"'~ n:lall\ely bt03d
V.1n1 r.iruourolly nucrncl) '11ntl1 10 P1nlfomcd Shear-

I rctrd 11r the S<>Ulhcrn 0.:can
Summer l>rkr 011 m>us Jub-
anlor< I" ''lnll Vulncrohlc
" 11 r b111 thmnitr "'m~(J \foI h.1hlc 10 be c<>n1u_..ed wnh IOE' 1111( \rl0 ' i />11/A\'f'CI/
~nv !.he.11,.,11cr I k,ll-f11<11cd "craralcd h'.w' 11i larger ize, />d/trr/ P trd, noll~ubly h1111cr
""'"'" "1n~n111t mon: fluid t115h1 ""h much 5hd111g Flc;h- nnd hrnnd~r \1111~~d 1hu11 Soot)
""'''' 1l 1lt><" 1111 h11" a"" cry N 11-t111c llah on the undcl'\1 mgs. Slmu"'n1cr I n111cly hlu<~1oh
11111 i/1114 ,,,,,,,."/II/IA /11111~ \ ts1blc HI It di~inncc. l'trh plt1A leg. brown "'ilh a 1111y wh11e fXll <>II ~hin wl11d1 i 1111 i~1 ble 1n lhc
"""" lllll1c11 1t 10 ~cc. h111 11 1 ~0 1lil'rcrcn11111c from S1>1Hy lici.d. Bill deep-based and hus lursc nnul 111hrs. I m11c head
\ hc111 w.11cr. Wl111c-chin11cd 11nd Wc~lll1111I llctrct~ nrc 11lso all and l arge bill alone 1mpu11 di fferent w11<:t11r<' ~om1111rcd 111
1lt11 k, h111 11111ch l11rcr 1111!1 h11 lk1cr w11h rroporho11n1cly shoncr sbearwaters. Dill yellowlsh-/111111, ll'ltlt ('/1r/t /1/1111 u1111/11,1l /11
w1111 11111111 pm l>ullk d 1111pcnr11nc11, Wh11c-d11nnccl luck" 11 cl3rk dark, most 1101ice11/JI~ 0 11 tlw hi// w11/tll1'.' tl1111tl
h1ll 1111, unll w~,11111111huM11ycll owii.111111hcr1h.rn pink bil l base.
Westland Petrel Fardela de Nueva Ze landa
Sooty Shearwater Fardela negra (Yegua) Procelfaria westlandica
Puffinus griseus FLK. SC I 51 cm t20"l W 117 "'" (~4")
I Ill ll"m( It> lll"l \\ 11-1--10-l an S1.11u '"l'h1lc uni) rt<cmly dJrt
(17 41 "I fhc common o.Llrt.. lied lkgullu, ulbe11 unct>mrnun
>h.:~r,.arcr 1n Chile Aburnbni. and ahuy1 1utnumhcrcd h>
""') b.: ~01 '""" ''''""' In llls \\ ltlk-dmmcJ f'cue! llr J on
ol ctral 1h,1uund liain1og island off Nc / .. land 1n
c.'.\('C'naKc.'i'1th1hh,~ateri, ~ VulncrJb IUl '111 I-
uxlUJ and scoo :a. a n:fttenc:c C \I JO' I "m: r 10
j>\JUll for uln111h1~ ol"cr <;Ca WJ11tcch111ncd I circa, aln1011
binb ~ummn bft a rn '> C.ln~ idcm:ical m nze and !oll\M;lllfC '""'"'" II lend. IO ha\1.'.
\uraha 'I;.-.. J'abi!J IDt.' nn- deepC>" bascd upper awMi1ble 81/I to~hl t' J //OM l/uui Uf
< \ f 10 ' \ IC'dium-~1led, dt'ndT ~ltrorMTll<r 11f '''" rv" H~ a.I up Nod. <YHllrmtlng, lnzTh M 11Ji 1lrepa1,.,.
" fl 1 th qwcL dttp "'tnL-bc:.li. t ntrrcl) J..rir. bmv.n. ~- During austral 'Jll'ID& f Oct :'\Om I In ha') " mg moult,
~nng l:Kl 1111JH.lallC. (,1t1/u>11t,;1 '""a stll...,., Jla1 ,. hen most Wbi1t-clun11ed are 001 moulh111t
"'th. ,,,,J, r rri"""' ""'' '"tJ"' rconJoJn'<<"VT" ~olc. lhc
trM~h of the u111kr" 1ni; flah " dcrcnJcnt on hgbtang Grey Petrel Fardela gns
" nd111011 ''"'SI 1J11n "'"' t /.1// I cg bl.i.:k lloJJ, 1a1l 11ghlly Proce/laria dnerea
\h NI '" ll111h1 11011 m~ l1>1k ro1n1cd, pam<ulrly af tips of
I "l)l<m(1\l"t\\ 117 l''tm(~b
11 11 1~n11111h11g \lmo,1.1l,.<1y1 ccn in l11'llc numb.:". anJ
~0"1 I( II Ill I htlc ,1-.<ICIAICJ
o~'~ 111 111 11i1I lr111n lu1h. ,u n~.1r-J\htlrc w;a1cnt
? WlllH1lih llr1 t Ht.'111rn1ds w11h
< 1111\ t 111 11\ Shtorwnter Fardela de Pascua r11l ul l.111 '"" I lll"N l'l F l
< \I I ON \ .1111~~. 1lm~ ;c111C1rci
1111/111111\ l1t lllVl l 11l h with 1111,.,/,I i/111 AllA fli.~ltt. high
I Ii I~ 11111 l l I ~''I W 7 1 HI ~111 (2ll 32"), A 1mpicul shear- ? <1V1'1 wn111 ~h1y 111 1u1111 11 >ml lh.1111
''"" 1 1 ~11ol11h1I Y. IJll w111111 IVlll~rK, 0 111w11rdiy rc;cmblcs a II hv11hl 1111 I 11/llll'J', 11'/ifl/~/t l1t'-
111111 /i1111t Mu " 11 11 1 11t11 111 11~ !1111~ Jlh1111ug~. bu1 appears l1111 "/tit I 111111.1111111: ""'A
111111 I""'' , J,, I~ 1rlo1h 11111 I 1llll' 1111!1 A11tlubon~ Shcurwnter ll'illgs. Bill yellowish 11Hh i/1114 ,,,,/,/11 \\111111 hr.ukI l'circl
I lh '"1/11111 '"'' 1111 ''"" ,11 1111111.1l11mllan11c.-.11hoo1h. shows a poler heaJ an,I d.11~ r~, 1 11\ 11 ,1 \Otll a u p.llc 1,111
Pale shearwater~ all hnvr '"" 1hh a11101111tJ nl 1~h11c un undcr-
Wilson's Storm P~tr~I

!!i llli " ...au,,,. ht.c, g" mg rise 10 !he Spanish Mme Golondrini J., martr 'Ka '"'1110.. ',
'"" 1 ll'Cu fn 1ru.:ture. flight style and subde plwnage d1fT=n~

Legs shon, feet do DOI e.imd be~ onJ uul '" ll1ch1 Uld.i.it-
brown abon: "'ith larcc "'h11c """I' p.irch rr1rn.l1'Ql iln11
I l'I 11cm11> J\\ JI; 2cm mtirPS1ppD1ailan"h <f'l'Ul"'I: o lo1f'!l<"lrlil~11lar put, lo tlout
( 15 If> '\"1 n,., commoa ~ a1- <><n'!'n die slton t.111 Thc disliil ectcc or ,i.c, namp ,,.,~h
l'Cltcl "' <'bile As.>o..-wcd .. ;111 is almost .smrigJu. The Jonal I/) Ol thit '1ormJ'C1~1 rpean
"'bile doe to didar~ rump pai.:h Uft<brarh ml1ttl) Mcl Hh-
J Bttcd '" s OUk IQ Elliot's Storm-Petrel
~r ,,,. 1 l"'IOuh Apt Jun. brown.. Lpperv.-ing pou~h bold "' ., woni I Mar JulJ
ll>t' fll'I C \TI O ' A datl.
,,,.11 lllftpdrcl In moq >llWI White-bellied Storm-Petrel
llOn, the '""II ' trailing edge Golondrina de mar de vientn blanco
appellrHllllShl tlrnd of,.ing i> Fregetta gra//aria
t.1 ht-I, DcnluJllng l~~t. 11f ~ harJI bend in the wing L 20 cm (8'") \\ 46 cm ( IIi" I Subtmpical h1rm >r1111lrl b-.h
111111 I h11h1 '"'on.I ,,.,11.,,..hkc. oflcn ,...u.,.,, 10 'parcer' (Dec-Jao)on Juan Fcmando:-7 I\., s.tn r~li~ and S~n Amhro,io
'"' "' 1111 ''' 11111 "I"''"''" lii:lrt/1 nmrlt~J 11nJ Jut protrude Unknown near mainland. 03rl. morJlh not m:onl.:1! in Chile
I ~"' ./ 1.111 m /111:/11 (due lo l1m11 '-II) Yellow webs and dart. IDENT IFICAT ION Mcd1um .. i1cd 'ltlrm11c1rcl, "Ith 1 fnt.
'"' u 11.111\ ""fl<""
hie lo 'cc 111 lh<: licltl Pl11mJge J.1rk brown. stocky loolL Wing; shore ond mudcmccly rou111kd, 111ru1gh1 Wedge-rumped Storm-Petrel
.. lilt r.11\'r h.11 011 llllllCIWlllit~(i.\n. nnd ObVlllll\ Whtie rump Lrailing edge. tail squnrc. Feel do 11111 rcnch 11111 1111 111 ll111h1
" h11 h "fll>' ormmtl vcnt~ulcs. llu1nr11101uh i visibly Uslu1pcd Blackisb above with con1mshn11 while rurn11 hunJ , while belly
foraging postu res of Wilson's
11111111 1'11011 v1uwh. IJ11tl1rp11rt.' tlt11~ . lloru11c~ by pallcring and Elliot's Storm-Pet rels
and while wing li11ing1o. f'nlcr 011 t111ck thun ltcud; 111 l'rc~h 1)1 11111
lll f111c 111~ca whh dn1111tln11 fCu11 while wl11i;s held over buck
age has ralc tips 10 upporpuns, 11lvini; 11 scoly look. lllock or
111 11 V 'i'C ,fmilor Hho1's S1111111 l'ccrcl. br<l:ISt cleanly di vided from all-wh ile rcsl 11fl1111lcrin1rts. U111lc1111ll
cove(l's blackish, When feeding hold wi r1g~ floe, ~~hl~ nhin11
[ lliot's (White-vented) Storm-Petrel with one fool in water while hotly Wll1jl wildly, nl~ll houncc'
Colondrina de ma r chica off ocean surface, huung 11 w11h hrca,1 nnu chcn r11wcr11111 oO
Oct>Jnites gracifis using the legs. From Blnelbdhcd b) while l><:lly and feel
l I~ lhcm(f ti~")\\'40cm(lt>").Astorm shorrer lhan tall in Oighc, p..1lcr Uf'r<rJlaM' .1nd urr<,..11111 bJr, White-bellied Storm-Petrel
pcltcl ul cnol "lcu of ahc llumbolda brighter "'ilire \\1ng Iin mg>. and 'lnllJhtcr lkn~uo1tn1111f blkl
Current Wing m>uh '"mplctcd 10 May. hood. Bulkier than Wilson, Ind l-lht>1'< S1onn.f'c1rcl. with
CMhctlMn\\of un-.\lormPc1rcl ~~ ncsb "bite v.ing lmings and c\tcn"\cl)' ,. hrlc undcrp.sn'
ltu,.n btt.-J r.. C 1 rk '\Cl Pena l>..ur Deli-
a.. IOt '\ Jll IC <\ I IC) ' 'i11111C1urall} and Black-berlied Storm-Petrel
VI II) " > rr I ot to \\ .,., '- bul -11tt. Golondrina de mar de vientre negro
II l~r ro-.;ht .nu ~ ~ to '""I' Fregetta tropic.a

aarpil bead - ltoJy Aod '11.allu...,-l10ldlccf '"'( L20cmtx1\\ c46c ti~ I \r> .:1icbrttJ.
1.ail "th rrocniJ1n11 f,"Cl llu-rcr, flight wrfla and more ( 1 - er. cold -att I D 'TIH (. \110 ' S114' Md
cn11t1 tlwt \\1l1"n., "'ith frequent d1rc..--11oaal clwigo and
7 1.awnt- PJum..cc br....111\h "th c>1111ti111" "'lute nmip
J stru.."tm'C lmo'I - ,. I t Wh1 bellied Black-bellied Storm Pet~I
Storm-Pct~I. c\<:tpl ft'$ (., r pro1,.,../11tg
'"' l"lc tlJll'Cf'"Dal p.uicl 111111<' hr/It J1/Tl(u/110 .<r<'"' tM bn nJ 1o1il111 //1glt1 l'l=ic 1m1lar, o:'rq-1
/ll'IJ hut JurgttiUtu: ~!.o notr.cal>k 1> a """" p.Jlt' a~a ""
Bla.:k-belltcJ iw, Mad /,,., "" "'"""'" if foot skidding by
1lo. umlt'nting, '"'"' h \\ rl><m' l~<h In comp.ins.111. thc while ~lh . From ~lllcdh\ 1L11i<crUJ'l'CTl'ill1...,
ntrr111 "'1nol h """""er 11nJ nm~ 1'4'rJllcl\ldcd ch.an oo Wil- Black or White-bellied
black belly. less eten>l\e "'h11.: "mg 1111111~ k11 p1u1ruJ1nr Storm-Petrels
101 l 11r1h~11nutr lhl' uprcn1>1ng bor acra11c narmwcr and
beyond tail io lltght. Md oflrn ha' "htlc chin h1r1i;c, ltkc
I' 11 r 111..1,. '""'~ ~untr.hhng vn 1111111'" ~hh11ugh lhtJ> \llrie1> White-bellred. See Gn:)backcd Scnnnl'<U'CI for ...:parutton
11)1 W U ttlll tlhHlh tillllfllC

Markham's Storm-Petrel
W1il14c> llllllf)t'd (Galapagos) Storm-Petrel Golondrina de mar negra
<.1111111111 hi.1 d.- rnnr p<'ruana
Oceanodroma markhami Markham's Storm Pet rel
(), 'olllttc/111111. 1 t1thy~
1. 23 cm (9") w ~o ~111 ( 1J") ll11mh11ld1
I I h u 1 111 t I K'') W I ~ ijtn ( I ~"). A s111oll s1onn- Currcnc nrco, hrecdlnj! 1.1111111111 111ll'~t l 11i 11.
lfh t I ul "''"" 1111 w111cr, ~ttongly pelagic. Oal:t D.:f1clcnl. Ill" 1'1 l'IC A'l ION A h1111c
111 I ~ i 1\ tut 111 l'nu W11111 mnul1 {/\ug Sep)
bul slini larm rcd "''" 1111111 1h111 w11111<
111 11101 "" rl1 "uh lh .11111 Wot,on\ and Hliocs and /011g t/111111 /mA1 d tar/ "'"'f'llhdck "1011
1111111 I' rd 1111 '1111 IC'<\ I ION .\moll "''" profile, wuh "'"'l'"hlllt<tl) 1111~lrJ f1111n~1
/111 d I
/>lui-Allh '''""" '"" h.u '"'''' "i'l"'"'lnll "'1r.
\\ hrlc oh.tit tr.- h ut lo "c ''' prrmartc,
lo<nu11111111) ""''"" l111i.ra<:<'ftl Nn1>1hcr
blacl.Wi 'lonnrctrd "Uh cl.rl nam1 "'"Uf~ 1n C htlt. \iarl
ham'~ a ttraL"C'lul lhtJ11 ,.11h '"" lr lut, bu1tcrll)"hl.r
f!JAt I I \ <,, !j st 0 1111 p1 1l 1tI\ and diving-petrels
Grey-backed Storm-Petrel

I ~:; 11.u kf'd ~ torm Petrel rump separate from Homby'< , l4'C lie 11.., aucful t rom
f.,1111111.h 111a de m.ir sub.1nl.1rtic.i \\lute-filic:ed Srorm-Petrcl (ttcenth '"''Jed
1n (. h1k, 5tt P1ak
<Mr1t.l1.1 t1Nt1\ ANT. FLK. SG 95) h) d3lk colW and .,.lute Nll1J'

Ll,...N "'" ~ 1\\ J9onll5). Pcl~

r. , 1n colJ ul>.int.th< "'lit<~ U>uall) Peruvian Diving-Petrel Yunco
fitundarounJ~tin.Lclp.,,d.."bn ~ Pelecanoides garnoti Homby's Storm-Petrel
ral .w1u1>c:r.nntN~W1~100nlc

1n L 20-:!4 c:m (8 9 ~1 IMbor(' mann." llf'K""-
on '" th. f al~l.anJ \loulh Feb \la . rcstncted to H wnboldH urrro1 UittJ, >car
Ill '111 IC \ JIO'\ A l1m &rt'11flr <to,.,;.- round. v.11b "inter ~nna cggla)1n1 ,,..akt
prrt.lnh 1;u cl) "hllc undcrpan, \\ings
It ll ,. 11h 011~1 l~riJ ch..., h """'> hut m1>dtni1cl) pointed
lt '''" ol Int c\l~nJ bc}<>nd 1.111 1n 01ght 111< fa\I and
i (ro Peru. prc~umabt,_ "m1l11 tn (."htlc:I
Complete m<>uh Aug 0.:1. '" fl"(-11 plumF"
m Nov. lndangcrcd IH.000 211.1100 md1
''"' 1 "" h.11 hL.- '"n!!bcah. murc crr~uc "'hen foniaang. 1duab). IO t\'TI H ("A I 10'" lurs:t'I
,/i. fl ., '''J! '''"'', ,.,, J.tn Ult'f ftU'( rl\, u /11ch lltr llPfH:d '~''"'* dfrrng-pc11"(!/. Only d1vm1111C1rel 111 ( and N
'" "'"'''"'~' 1mlt /'"''"' When fre~h. 1cyofu11p.:1)1J11Ji tipped Clute. Head blackl'h, rcu,01111bly writ
" '"" '"""'' '"''lYAl11C:imncc. I lctl hlnckl1>h, 1'ontrh11ng with demarcated white lhron1 and gicy hnlf-oollur on neck Him~""
r h.11 ~ ,;, .... I 111111' 11111/ 1i11/ b11wtll11RIJ(J\l/t', Sq11urc-c111 1;rcy neck-sides extend as brood 1/11skj' 1111nt11/ /1111n/./11111d. lJt1dc1
1.11/ 11///11/111/1111/1/11(41!'111111111/ //1111tl. lie low wh11c, hlnck head wings greyish-while. Greyish flnnk~.
1111f I""'"' "'11l 111 ckur-c1111>cclornl line. U11dc1win11s huvc while Polynesian Storm-Petrel
11111111\', hlnl'k lc11cli1111 cd11~ rind rc111i11c5, whi te cKlUnds 10 Magellanic Diving-Petrel Yunco de Magn llanes
1u1 h11l1 """' <1I' p1l111nncs.
Pelecanoides magellani
I lornby's (Ringed) Storm-Petrel l. 20-23 cm (H 9") W 32 cm ( t ' S''I.
lnshon: marinc spccac\, one11 1n c.rnalond
Golondrin.1 de mar de collar fjords rather limn open <k:can Brc~d' No
Ou',inodroma hornbyi Dec. moulb Apr Jun I he m1hl common
l 21 '.l cm (K II") rclu1111:, l'C\lrlctcd 10 d1vmg-pctrcl 11'1 S Ouk II)~' I ltl( \ .
I lunih.>ldt Cuncnt "atcn. Brtt<l1ng groun..b TIO'i D>fTt~No rnm 11ll 1>1h.:rd1vm~ pctl"(I
unLnm n. h)f'ndic"icd h> be in th< A1.icam:1 UI us "/Ille /kJ/f-.:111/ar ..ru/>ptng ""'""''
fkoat bul f'<>l~nh.111> coa ll ('omplct~ darJ. Nr-cm erh ~nJ accntualcJ by the
r. ..ih D '"" l>t" Otfiucnt O \ TIFIC \- d11r. darl. ,,,,,, Ull '"" MiJHtJn r 4tlern
110\ \ I ll'JC 'll>ml f'Clrcl olOd.)I and makes it 3flPC3T anon: capped in the r.cld h J~ plturtagt',
"'" ... .,, :al 01""'1 iar1glc <11 ""n.t, giing ,.-Jriu rips"" cmens olld !lppc,.,,.,,-U 1/tai;1"ntlt' Urrcr b<Qt Peruvian Diving-Petrel
ll'lp \loC1'4b.i.:l Uf'Jlnnll'l\:t', ToJ1/ f<Jll
onJ o.lw:t>< pure one. noa 'J>kLkd or "uhcJ ~) Bnrhl ""hllc
dp/1jtwW, lcp""' no1 c\lcnd bc)ond wl st2pUhv patdi. WluJt' uconJ"n lip bn.odrr lllWn" ;11"b11g
n llos;hl. ""kb o ~lul and'""'''" of'"" >Jo,. 11ro~ l/taa C-Dnvtg-PctrrJ. C/<'UMJI w4J1, 1uiJcno1Q:t t>( Olt)
~ '"" I b) ii ~'""' of ghd1n& Dt>11,,.11c fl'C). black and dii~. and fbw Jattcl\ "hole..... l'r(\I h
""' flum:tie ''"' ulot.1.- 11111t N.uJ. "'"g 1111/ onJ cop.
" ' ""' I 1\ .. '"I:-'
bc h.>l<l i.-rt) <:alJ"I p.ai.h v.h1ch t\ broad Common Diving- Petrel Yunco de los canales
111'""1.kJ 1rlli:lun1 l>cr1<I of ""'"8 1\4"'''"'"1 to pn1n1 on Pelecanoides urinatrix FLK, SG
t 11111 liu/"f'O'h "// ""''' t111lr 111/d. '""'""""J: blacJ:
I , I ,,.,, I ' '" ~Ith l l..20-23 cm Ill Cl I\\ P ""I 12 ~ I s1~1u,
unclear tn ('h1k, ... 1.,,., ~pp.11cntly It" 111~1-
' cd lo can.al\ un1J IJoHh nr "''uth ( rl:.UI)
l'ol\'n"'1.111 (Wlute throated) Storm-Petrel outnumbcml h) \l.11wll.1n" l>MO!' l'c1rcl, Magellanic Diving-Petrel
1h m.tr de garganta blanca
1...1111ouh11111 but pcrlwl"' n1111h111111l111ol rn111c'l llrccth1111
N 11l111tl'fl,1 111111:1110\.1 grounds o( ('111h1111 1111111 ln1ppl11>11'rt)
unknown IDI~ 1111( \I IC )N S1111lt11 r In
si7..c lo Mo11cll111m /1111 1'11,A 1111w/1/1, ///('~
f11golwi1111.i111tl11'11//111 /11/1liJ1it'111'1'fll'('l1.1.
Grey waslt 10 bredst, 1m1 wlr/11. 1/1111/111h1/11,111/ I.> t111/ 1th1lm11/11
white. Lack.~ strong capped 111111co111111n 111 rl""'d~111ur.:111i1111
of white throat from dar~ luc~ '''"" M1111dl1111f< k111111/11r1111tt'l1
greyish. no1 ...h1w. but wltlu11111h\11111 /,,/, ltf'V /111rc11111/11m
Common Diving-Petrel
rcslricted. often ''"'hie 111 llll' lld1I t u9"h und~rwin~' un1I
c~tcnsively grey flani~ Ncc Ill\\~" h11~ l1p t11 ~1,.cn nil
uppctpart fcathen. llf Ire h ~ljl('ll.1111t
t I Al I lft l\l\111l1d .11111 t ,..,tc-cJ pn..,,
g_ ui_n_s_____________
oou 11111 t bc ong l.u~.:. ,1unl). flightless mannc bml> .. uh strong boll\ anJ clwl'll<lcnllC
I 1 t amt - IJlc >mtcally; lhetr black-and-..-buc plumage be~' comp;ui""' h> h1tlc men

bill~ Typ1calJ).juv. \131clbnic 11&., cbrlcr I"> r""c. v.h11;h

becomes d:ukcr oo lores. Okkr tmm sta11' to ""'""t 1~p1.-al
broad supescilium of ail. cuaua,11ng nh bbo:k1.Ja fa.:c

Rodchopper Penguin
Pingi.iino de penacho amarillo
Eudyptes chrysocome TX#12, FLK, SC

. 1~ _, =~:~:!~~~l;:~:~~r~~::
" Fcb-.,lar Imm nuy J"f'C"" mnh ind
should be !>Cllrchc:c.I for m (' Ch1 h: I he: mo.1
common cn,.lcd pcn11u1n 1n tht1c
Vulnerable. IOf:N l'IFICA 1101' A 'n111ll Humbo ldt Penguin
; ihll cn:sacd pcn~11111 1~ilh blilk u11pc1part
and while undctpnn'< /lill 1wl. l11rk1111: pinA
fleshy area at base. Obvious Nparse 1'!'//f111' c1'l'.1l ll1111 cf111//1111l'
f6nvurd as a 11c111'Qw yellow .Wfl('ld/111111 1c1lfltill!J //w /111(.1.
Length of cres1 varies, som\l have loni;cr. llrouplc1' crest.. rtu.o
only penguin tha1 erects crown (r111hvr. /ti"''~"'''"'< rt'VI l111pe older irnm. ~
Eye and bill rod. Juv. similar to ~d. bul 1111~ 111cy1~h 1hrou1, and
narrow yellowsupen:ilmm with no ere"" Scp.u111cd lr11m l11111cr ~f '7 adult
Macaroni Penguin by lack of nc,hpmk 11arc. narro,..er bill.
spJrser and more lemon ~cllow cr"l3. "' 11cll a~ 1h111 )clln"'
'upemlia that do not meet on forchc:ul \1<.Q. R0<:kh11~r ha
a neater. suaigbler d1vision bct,.ccn 1hc hlJ<:k anJ "'hllt' <n

Macaroni Penguin PingUino macaroni

M 1111 1111 1.. ngum Pinguino de Magallanes Eudyptes chrysolophus TX#13. ANT. fll(, SG Rockhopper Penguin
1l1 11 uiu mlft;rlf.1mcus FLK t}' L 7J cm 128") Pclic 1n colJ ui...nar,uc

L 11 cm I'~ ~1 Pcl.1111c Brttds / llnUtt>. Brtt<b lJl a~.lral wr ~ Oii ulallc4 off
In 101111>crmno~ ( b1k. P.1u1onia .. socn~ Cb1lc \t. ill I rl> \l&1 \ulncr
ni.I the I alkl111Js 1n au11ral .-" ablc. IDESTil'IC \l 10' \1tJ1um-t1TcJcrni~\f a dull
umm.:r, rnnull afkr brecJing ' ' penguin ,. uh blacl. urpcrrorh unJ .,. hue shorter-cruted
ti cb Marl llt hly m11t111\lry, nndctJwu. Btll n.J, Rdh /utf.(' pJd /l~h\ fl1TI/ (youngu?)
min" nw.n c '\Url1h ln \'Int.ct -..:ta' 01g~ ObnousJttpycll"' ,.,..,u tltoJlc 11111111w individual
lhrr.otcn<J IOl'"lflC.\ flO' _ fonwd in a .,,J, l>anJ .,,,,1,,.,..,, ,.,. '""
\lul ltt"J rcn11u1n. "'1th turd). E}C and bill rcJ Ju\ ~111111.11 h hI hut h4 Mn
1111,I. 1>111 811/ /1111< 4 tu h.Ln bu1 orange-yellow forehead band 1hat \'\ltnolo hchtnJ <"\C
or ''"""' mandible and Separated from smaller Rockhop[>er ''"n~u111 h\ 11c,hp1n~
gape, thicker bill. densc.r ond nun.: or11n11 \1 !111" '"'~'hut
project forward as a band 10 m~1 on lmdmul j\l.;1, Mnc~run1
lacks erec1able cro11 n feathers ol ll11< ~lt11p1w1, .ind thC' hlnck Macaroni Penguin
on 1hc throat reaches n po1111 " ' 1h1' hr111I ..ntr.\ unlike lhc
straight cut of Rockhop1>er.

Little Penguin PingUino LVUI

Eudy ptula minor
L 4-0-45 cm tl6-lll) Ne" /<.11.11111'I""" 'Ulllllll In C'111lc.
w11h several record!. 1111 a111J \ I ~11111 I Mohl hk"I)' n,..,,
colonies of Humlr<tlJ1 l'"11i11111 1111 ' 111 IC \I IO'-' fh
rmalles.1 pengwn Brit '"''II 1111d 111111 Ill .,, 1 " " ' " ' 111..11
he/cJ,. wuhpal<'n. s~r-" it"'" h;;t"'n 111IJ1~tt urrcrJ'llrl' "'"'
"'h11c ~ inw ~"' 1 llli: '"'ll Ju:rll) '"""'""II nn
unm. Splwni<ob I"'"&"'" but IWI hlUC1'fC} rlum:igc: Alll.l
, lJll "*"' 11r1VoJt mul bmh I I tt llr l'rnguin
Adelie Penguin PingUino de Adelia
Pygoscelis adeliae ANT, SC
I O 111 I l ~ 11 M.u11o<', p.:lag, rc,1n.:1cJ II> \n1.1n:lr. l 70-71cm127.S 28"1. Stnctl) "'111~r.11c, unl.nn"n lrorn
nol t p.1L\ Sclol,n1 lc1nd ,....,, frnm 1u ''>I
Cp.-.:tcd mainbnd.. A food spcc1ahs1 , fora11n8 wrcly on knll, -..ht<h
111 ll1411tl.and < 1111 Brtt.b 1n ,.,n1..-r 1\1ar lkq e>n
Conttntratc aroomd ice: al> r.-c ""'" rclrch due: to ~hm:uo~
111< uh I>.;, I ti> 10' rt l'I(' \TIO' Tlr. larJ:cfl change. this pen;,'Ulll ~ ran1.: ha,, l'\:tra..'1cJ 50u1h 1n th< .\nw.:11,
It l'llfu/b11l1;r p.,.,, .,.J. Jc.:unC'll btll ..11h r ,,~ po1d1 Peninsul:.. and II.lo porulation h~ J<-:rcucJ there Summer
In I ll0011um1 Oarl<&r~\ abo\c, hole bcl""' Blad, breeder (Oct- Fcbl i;.:ncrall) 111<>uh< un cc n~, ffcl> \fMI
;J Ill dlo <J<Unj;... ""l<:h bch1nJ C'JfCO\Cfh n,,J'llttJi IDE..'\JJFICA110' " m1J-,11cJ ~n1uin lona-fa.;cd hut
, nJ I wid und "'11" d1ff"-<" <"f c ,.,,,.,.. 11 .,,. "g,.., n:nher shon-b1/led Cru"n flat, hur ma~ h1he d11111U/11(" I" aA
It ll>Q the 1>111\.k hM that beJtn' 11 lh.: Otl'f"'f anJ
on rearl"t'O"n Small oranC boll \lo 1th tiarl.1cmunal marling
1 I r 111 ~ u/ '~" bflC1l\t. tlldtnJ: 111 a ''""' pur that Black alx"e and "hllc bcln\\, ,.,th blc~ lhrt>.ll a.nd upp.r
1 If , /J 1/t " " 4 r.1tc It hu.- tt Ml'o't th1 for, aI 8=;1 breasL Mo~/ ob111111 " "hm !l1b11ul rmg. \1>1blc ~I stmc
" 11..1 I' 11, 1 .:Ito" S11c: alone i helpful 111 'cpar:urng lrom di~tance and ghcs 'JlCllC' a 4u1u1c.1I h'flk , ln1111. ~1mll.11 111
I 111 1'111f111111tuu11d forohcr n11nh) hut 1hc honer m1irc cur~cd ad. but has" hilo 1hro:i1.
11111 1l.11~r1 11111xrJlllth nnd doOcrcntly cunfigurcd neck pn1ch
'" il11111111h11r h111ioror hu~ les~ while on 1hc 11111.lcritlo nl 1hc Chinstrap Penguin PingUino a ntdrtico
ll1111w1, 1h1111 K11111. lmrn . En1pcror ~11nilnr 111 ud.. hul lncks
H 11.,,. 111t'k 11o11Ch nnd hnK n p11lc: 1hrn:11. S1ruc:1urc cpnrntc:s
Pygoscelis antarctica ANT, SC
lro111 1111111 1\1111. ~111 alw note: brumlcr whl1c: nee~ IMldt und L 68- 76 cm (27- 30"). Mnrrn~. pclu111c, ubuntarcltc hut nl~11
11111 1111111 l\1n11 h.1 u d.ir~ 1hrn;11 occurs on Antarctic Pc:ninul,1 'iummer br1mkr INo>~ \11,orJ.
moulis Feb-Mu. One n:curd rt1>rn i.t~ Nuc\u ('1(11 Region)
Ko1i; Pe nguin PingUino rey IOE:\'TITICATIO' \hJ-\INll p.ngmn, ,h:ipc '' \tkloc IM
A11tModytes patagonica FLK, SC noticeably looger bill ,itJpcJ Irk.: rnng lno re and cn11rcl)
L II< 'I~ cm (H P' 1 \bnnc, pelagic blade. Bfaclabocand "hate bclo11 ff1t111 /okc11..Jd1u1111Hl1
Prt>bhl) m<>rc regular on ou1hct11mo,1 hluct drinstrap /111c jrt>nt .,,Jtrm ~ 111 tltmat Bl.kl ur b.J.: k
(hole th.an " L!kl\lon lnJl\1d11;1" rq1uLtrl) cM<nds as fOWkkd ,. cde on btt'llSt-'$td...,. O.ir~ "ransc c~ e
tome 'horc to moull on lhc m1nt.nd Ad. C!Silyconfu>CJ "''th omm Alkloc at J<a. but" hnc ""~;
1'1n11111 \IJ~clLan areal lnd1Hdwtl brttd abo'c eye on Cbtru.1r.rp ~nJ boll no11cc:ibly lnllf'r. ''"l"""C
differentjizz. Imm. hk~ad but h:a.' reduced \\hlleM fa.:educ Gentoo adult
"'-Ctn thrtt )'an. ii. llo.hnf qdc IXCU
pl('< ihnoI a )CAllr. \11JUlb ~ f ch. 1mm, 10 'ehinstl'llj>" line bcm@ niore 111 Jch"'J "nd flr""kr
nol U1110.:.c:nf11I ~re Jc" c;arhcr 1n thi, l"'nuJ '01 improbable
1lu1IIhrttJ,111 (hale Of\ 111' 1(' \ TIO' \huge penguin Snowy (American) Sheathbill
'"llh o l'f1t harrl> f't>1n1cJ h1/l 1fcwra1. tf /. u lvitht "''"'le" Paloma ant.irtic.a
""ill tr1p. 1,1cyah.t1caud\rohllcbc1Q" . Blad~wnlr."1\
lh11/ It ulOl'UW1t<'dpalrh /f{tprJ/Jl.t'u~ 11p11JNl1mn
Chionis alba ANT, FLK, SC
1 Inv upo runvtg j<1n+an/ w1t'Ur<b 111'CI The orange
I lol Ille llC'C~ nJ l><.'\:Olll<'> p;ilcr 111\J )~llo\lo(f tn,.arJ Adelie Penguin
It !A '""Y'l<YA 1idt!.t'.t111d/<>,...artlua f'ltruflnmt
In (mn/ Imm h.i1 "'""' l."-"tk.T.ll J"lll'111 I aJ htu l<J111ial
u 1 t I 111 I; anJ nL p;tlch "hlll\ll \\Uh onl) 1 hin1 of
II \\
.011100 11r
11111 I rnp1:r11 l'eni.:urn fur ..:pMu1111n

nguin P1ngUino papua

L.,__ - --
' *" Htnc rnam-

chunk .. ~ur /11,/ 1 11 IL wmc .. hut

upnght. an.I " 11 ul 11111 11ull H1ht
strong on pointed \\ing' / 111/11 /1 11 /1111 1111// 1111A /(I( 1 111111
ANT, FLK, SC .1ellowisll bill with darA 1111.
I 71 )O cm (29.S 35.4"!. A h11h11n1 nnd
hrn l ~11111111li sl 11mo11g l'yi;tu<'l'i/." 1H11nbcr~
"' 1111 '"''""ItSlimincrhrc:cdrr(Scp Mor).
Chinstra p Pe nguin
111111111 1i.1 Mor Ncur1 hrcatcnctl IDENTl-
1 II \ 1111"1 I 11t~cr th.in mhcr f'1g1J>ul/.>
11111h 1lh J /rin~ '"'"'>I'
ht// an.I .lar4
"' ,, ,,,,./''I' lh:.aJ h,ng. "llh rounded
ti hn lhrt 11 11.J .,,,,,.,1, rc't of unJcrp3rt'
A '"" "-"" "' ,,, n, (/d. 'ltc.vd-.
\ 1 11 ;unuun1 of \\l111c r~hn& on

In ' ' 11111< h lilt' nJ , b111 111:..v 1i;a, c

I II 111 h;ll c.olcour ~a.lph.>P<"s' m.&)
Snowy Shuthb1ll
Kt>d I lll'd lrop1cb ird Masked Booby Piquero blanco
Av 1lcl lro p1c.o de cola roja Sula dactylatra TX#14
/'l1arll11111 rubricauda l. 81-9~ an (3:!- 36"1 \\ 15:! cm 1t.J>1 TM coomwn brttd111g
I tnt11 j\\ IO t \ J, IJ< ~l'f,a1"'1LlyG0mu booby at Sala } Gomez I alw br<edt "" I ~ I and 1n
I ;n I~ I llH' llfl( \110\ 1,,..lart'lllropubird DcS\"ennaadats. \"isnor10Rooin onC-ru ~1 .,.,.,11irmcd
II ill) l11ol1111: p.1 11,.J 1n the licld Slt><ly appearance from die Chilean mainl.1nd 101:." 11-1(' \ 110' r"' lugc\I
1 111 tal In <h n.' nu/.,,...,,,.,.,., "h1Ch illl: no11<:cably booby. Siad) and bca' )-boJ1cd .4 .. "''' ., ,,1r """''"""g
Ii no th11 lht' 1~..i, length fJ "'" '"' bill an.I ,...4 101/ />lad.: jliglu femhen and tail Tm/ unJ tc-r/luf\ "''"" , /ol.,, l
lft'hm '' 1'111"'"''11oflu,,hft n tltt '"' tfr whll~ "'"'''and !see whire Red-fooled Booby> n11c 1>111 I"< 1/1111, con1rut1n
"'"Jl' "h1d1 ID<k h111d. urr-:rwin~ P'lch, he prmlllrtC hcing "ith dark facial skin around ycllo\\ c)c. JU\ l>ro" nl'h, 111d11d jlMftlle
'" 1l.c11 1!.11l <!re:~ .11 tnU\l, 11111 lonntn~ a bnld pn1ch Bod> mg bead and neck. and whnc bchw. '""" con11rn<>1I' I~\\ hilt.'
"11111 '" c '""w dork mer1,, on 1rninlH, Nearly while neck collar separating dar~ bnck unJ hru" n head. l>uc 10 dc.11
"l'I """' '"II' 1fo1g11ut1c. Juv. b;1ncc.I ulwvc 11kc 01hcr 1rc1111cb1rds. division between darl. hcod aml while 1111dc11mrl<. c1111 ~c
11,,. .1d.trl lull wil h 11 ycll111v ba~c, wluch Dc41omcs yel ltlwcr
11 ll111nhh'1. l.otk 11fs1run(I. block pnl~h 1111 prim11rlc~ dls11nc1l vc,
111111 111.-J.. 111 hli1ck 11111ch 011 11rc111cr prl1m1ry-covc1ts ,cr nn11os
11 ..111 ll.c<I h1llc'I I ropkoinl
con fused with Brown Booby. Note Ihut the du1l./lighl hun,i1inn
onjuv. Masked Booby is 011 lhu neck. while M Hmw11 it occurs
on line across brc~sl lo lcnc.li1111 et11:1c of wln11. Mu)' ulMl be
confused wi1h juv. Blue-fooled Dooby. b111 l11 11cr hu~ whhu .11
<lw({ \"-
base of iail. on rump and as an bulnlcd pntch 1111 rcur neck (mll Whit tlld
Red billed Tropicbird a collar). Masked has whi1er undcrn '"' cx1cmlm1o1 hi 1hc under Tropicblrd
Ave del tr6pico de pico rojo pcimary-covens.
Ph,1ethon aethereus
I Is"" 1w1 \\. 105 cm 1-11 1 lh~ mo.1
Red-footed Booby Piquero de patas rojas
~'""'"'lfl 1mp<cborJ in Cn1le1u1"l<1'.1 "n;all
Sula sula
,,,lony " ri~n1 on <halbral I 1Ill Rea1on1 L 66-~cm 116-30") \\ 91 IQI 'm (lf> -111) One rc.:0<J, u1
1110."1 \pr Rc~larly cnc<>u~-n:J in :mn- $313 yGOincz I. lDE,TIFIC \TIO ' The ~!IN booby. ..i1m
Cf ~t.:r,.. otrr.borc- from Uf1 hr. """' 111 and muil-be:idcd \\lib a mall h ii ,, .,.,. Fat \11n:llkln 1n
Ilic r \bsnll from S p f ~~ lhc pluma!'C wnb lut~b w and curL adt Ill oJ, Aa1r
.. I t or~buds ran;c IOf YJ IFtC \ - grry 1>1/ls lritlr purki>lt fllJ. onJ retl /<'t:I. Ju\ oil d.Ji1' anJ
110 ' ' 1lkr and shshch , ,,.. >Cl" 1 3n m:J) ~ Btmtn Boob}. bu1 note onullcr uc llnd t..l of
tcJ "1Tnip1,buJ.bulbq:c1..,.Jb\...l..1er dlisioft bcNtto cbr\;cr bead and bf-t'a'1 and paler undcrp.111>
llw> \\ 'hitc-U1Jc:d IrgpicotrJ Ad ba rrd bill mu/Jinrli-borrwl Jui. Red-fOOled Illa} -i.o,. du\; ~~and "~O.lcd
"PP"f'ilrl' The onl) tror1cbird 1ha1 rt1.a1ni hamn; on paler bron ab<n c. DOI -.olid bro10 n lilc Bt1nu1 Bootl) Brl/1
111'"1',," 1n lkl.. plUlll.1~ s''"' Jul nv l.. f<)elinc1 i:. Joag pdler dttm nd~,...flt.s:.
nl Uri> urward;. 10 n.:1rc. l.uFJ:<' blo. 1,,.,,, It 01t ouru 1~.
(1111<"1 Jlllm.:mn a..r~el~ hlacl. , kn kl Oii mcJl~ll J'lllll1J,<nc<;, Brown Booby Piquero c.afe
hutrh. >n/J tn11ich11J "ulr l.irxdJ hl11c! P"'""'}'<muh Tail Sula leucogaster
1rtw1<1 "hitc khrr\l~rnvtch lonr .. hc>J) . Ju, , rm1lar
L 64-74 cm (25-29"1 \\. 132 l~O cm I'' ~11 I \act
11 '"" 1 11v11<h11J,, hare larj?t nlllunl of 1>1.1,1.. on ou1cr
distribuuon and OCCWTcncc ob,<llfO: If,,. h"<ll rr<11~J fr<1rn
1111111111 "'11h \\Inf< 11111,d hul -.c1;aro1I from laucr b)' ln~t>r
c03'>131 Chile. but m1~idcnt1ficnt11t11 !""""''' I Ill N I I I I( A-
I 11111 (\h '"I\' hl.1tl..11n 11rc.ncr p111nary-co\lmN. Funhcr- TION A medium-sized booby th111 "111111<' l1~1 l y llCHI CO/hi
11111v lld ni. ~ '"' lktl hilled ex1enil~ 10 nnpc. crea11ng
1han 1he more pelagic Rctlhlnttl '" t.h.-kc<I lloohic . M
oh 11 111 111 11 11 I 1111111 h11 has yell owish hill with hlack lip.
brown above and 0 11 ncrk h111 /1111 111r11,. 11111/1111111111, /)11i.1/r111
Wlill t l11ll1cl lloplcblrd between dark bret1st 011d wlil/1 11111/,111111/1 t r/1/11111d 11l lt11/ I!(
leading edge of wings 111.fU11;h1 I lt11l1hh ul 1111111 wl1111 whli ll
Avi rl11l l111pl111 cl1 tola blanca with dark ulnar stripe. rlil l 111111 ~vc~ 11111111 I 111111k 1111< d111k
l 1/1.1r'l/11Uf /r/11111 II\ loral spot and yellow foe<". t1111l 11111 It 111t1<') 1.1.i I c11ydlo11 i~h
I Juv. brown on belly. but tlMlm tly p.1kr 1h.111 1wd.d1rc;i.t 1111d
has demarca1ion ltnc . .i~ on u1I I 1111. t" 1111 w111t1l'll1t1&I)' p11ler
llllln body, unltkcJU' lkl lu.ito:I
l'l At I 11 l\1111l11t\, 111. 11 I 11g.1lc bird a nd Peruvian Pelican
I ill 1ftl 1.. 1111111 "' IJ1 (' <' ol111t ht<h look pomt.:J at both ends due 101hc1r ,1ou1, 'h.irp ton9'JI b1l1' nnd pumlcd
I . 1 t II It 11 " 11 Ill 1111leI 111111~1~ a11hc 'wn~1 Om:ct Strong llight on qwtl \\tn11bcai- 1' mt<"J"'Nd "''h lllUth Peruvian Booby
II ) 1. 1 by l'luntt "'""K 111 ~" PllJ!lc. I n11a1cbirds (freg;atidae) are wun1siabblc. huge. hhm. <'trcn1cly hnll" mrcJ
1 1111 11 tar c li~lc:d ~unJ tnn 11 hu..i.-urrcJ bill' The) arecoastalo.-pelagicbu1 canno. '"'1m.1h9 uRC'll klcrh("lt11u1roc
t ud< ahlk:JUJh rl.I) tn m.inl> ,,,. O)mJ li<h offshore. Pelicans (Pclccanubcl arc ,.cllLrk>"n b1rJ, .. uh lure 1>111,
JI I t

P1qucro booli;cd at tip. Sexuall)< dimorpluc. oJ _,., .-11111rl1 hi.,, A.. 11Jr
brok71er pmid 01t -..1ng-co1utJ L~ t<J, donn& d"pl~
C"<Pfnds bri~ red throat ,a, , fJ }C'mal" blfl<4 J..,.A /trod
I 7-1 cm (2Yt \\ ISO cm IS'l"j.
CINIIn1.fiiJrg itlt puler tlrrou1 a..J du, /wrau Ulx I.. ..r !1(-11~
The' Hmmi>n and tdcprcad
~ 10 lowerbttast h toneuc aloog m1Jl11~. ~Pini,. h1tc
buol>} 1n ( hole ,\II <>her boot.in
an: coil,cr ran:' l"C>lnIN 111 olT- of undcqmt$ into an io'crtcd U. Ju\ ~Ullll.tr lu (t11\llc. but
i.borc 1 lnJ. Abun.J.tn1 us cold
,.hilC ccmre to beUy. C'ltetld1ng 3> put to \lllJttn. ;,,, ""'
llumb.kh ( um:nt '"1lh:rs.oftcn 1n
cinltQJllOlf kt!ad. lt1clr Jvc,,,,,,.
p<1f,r ,.,,. Ill( '\ ~1da1cJ Blue-footed Booby
plumage changes complex. tMrc ap('<ar tu be three plun1;11c
hu11c lora11n noel Breed~
s1agcs afltrtbc Jui. bcfll<C ad plum.1gc ac.1u1rcJ \cry >1n11lar
tOln1o1lly (SU.100 ptCIC.) Pop-
Mal!mfirent Frig:iu:bird ha.> been rcroncJ ln>m t h1lc, but hJ,
ulJhlln hill> ou1h 1n 11 Ninos.
IOf;:0-11 Fl C \TIO~ I\ mcd1um-11cJ hooby sh11wmg 1yp1cal
DOI been confirmed. Ad. male> can be \Cf>Jr.ilcd "uh cJrc. nm~
the pink feet of Grc:ner rJthcr 1hon t)tC)' of Md11111 ncc111 1111d
po111tcd 01 bo1h end> .iru~1urc It/ 11/t111hr111ll'll 11nll .,,Jri1e
pale bar oD uppcni.ing of Greater which" lackm on Mn11111
hdm !lack an1I w11111 duri. , 1h" /111d 11111/ n11"1:rt11/ppc1/ "-/1i1e
t1w11111g 11 l't11/1d fl<ll/~111 11/11111" Hnc whi1l~h cu l1111: 11ivcs
ficcnt. Mos male Greater J><lS>CM 110111c p~ lc 11~111101111111on1hc
axillnries. Ad. female M113n1ficcn1 hu u hind., thr11111, hlw
lbrcwings a Ri lvcry n11pcnrnncc liul dnrk w11h pole busc. Legs
bluc-groy. Oi/l hl111-1:ve.1\ 1011tn1.1l11M 111/1/1 b/11ckl<h Jiwi11/ ski11 orbital ring and 1i nurrowcr, mOl'c 1101111 od hluok be lly 1111tch.
t1111l 111/11111 el'I', JIJv, ~i1111J11r hut s1wc~ lcd yollowl ~h-brown on Juv. Magnificent differs from Cir(ulcr 111 lho bluo l'ccl 1111<11110111
diamond-shaped whi1c bel ly pu1cl1, nud uc~cr h11~ cl11nn111nn
untl~rpo11s ond neck, MOsl "1111lor Ill Oluc f'outcd Booby. head colour.
Great Frigatebird
Itm1cwr Pcn1vinn m 11ll .1l!C\ l1111Hlark rump. 1'111 1hcrmt1n.\ uds.
h;11c un,1rcakcd hc3d~ und n <h1t kcr, more t1>n1mi.1lng race.
Peruvian has wh11e ,cal111g' 1111 up1K:rpnm nnt.1 "'F' more Per uvia n Pelican Pelkano
e\le1h"C and nu11cc.1blc 1l>1n un Uluc-r1Kllc:d l1cru1 ian always Pelecanus t.hagus
ha' grc~ 1>h leg' L I Sl cm lbO"I \\ 22K cm C'lll"I
The 0111) rcl"un 1n Chik l bi
Blue-footed Booby Piquero de patas azules qu1hUU"1 ~ ultd ( coa-1, b.it l"l
Sula n~bouxii pclaa1~ , man> .,01 fr.m horc
t llc.ntll I ~ 15:!cm1N> I \r"1'C\l,1lorh1nocthnnmost
Breed> 1n la~ col>1111 m C h1lc
l lulc f.t l1ld) 10 oc .- J1n11.111 '11\0 )Ul'I. udjUH. or al'ld Peru (J.'Wn<> '1'"'''lyp1.:al
p<:c1u 11( llumbohh <. "rrc111
1num uw;ilh '"''"'~-.! IOF'' f 111( \ 110 ' \ ll"N~
zone IOF',TIUC \110' llu1c
hlJOb>, >m1lar 1n~1..,.. io p.-nn...n 41 f J1 '""'"~ A)
N...,.fttr l11dtd1.v.t .. 1111,.,.,.r.... 1>n... ,,.,,......L..,
l!nJnp.ub bull) -c..ob1rd "''h bf'" .J ""IV
and s1one.:1 ,.iagtrJK Often 01c. 1n k>nJ!. ''"'"h 1MKlo1l.11nJ
..1111e Bm;o o} rd "'"'" Olld wu1,y11A;oJ contra"/"&'"'" lilacs \' fom13tion on ICWI but ~, "'mgl-ch f ccd b\ adult male
, W lu-11J 11"'1 bn>-.wltlr had tltc bfu,. "'llB> do llOI
plungc-di,ing. somrt~ from 1:<>M1J..ubk hc1a,ht Tip1rol
IKJ'A lbc J(llS( ,. h11c ,..,..11ng (11ppmg1 of Pcru\l.tn ~. tM.1
,, "' !'111311 llJld h;l(I. llllt'11ll'1\C111>111(' hllc 11pp1ng. ero.. n
pel1ca" bill.,.-;,,. largeguwr IX*'",.,... ,
nea ..-lien perclrl!d. On land, bull) boJ, nJ a11L1.1~rJ ,
llJ'I n1 111 Utlor1cl"il'tin "'"''""'"'f'/'<J/1 It, IJ1I d.ar\ \\1th .. hue
I 1 11tl "1111"1 1c.lt1C l111t bluc-11rc)'. ~uh '1m1latl) some"' hat aprigln 5lallCC chan.:ter""' \11 ~I" U\ 1 k.i gre~
body including underpan.. Un.kn 111~.\ .11111cly t.1.ut.. S1i>~n
, 1!0111 .t 111 \ I ( 11l ,k111 ,.,.J ycll111.1 C)C Ju. hn11.1n1<h ~th
uppen.-ings contra$/ hi/Ir darAcr Jltghl 1..11ha" 11111/ J111J..
I 11 r I i i~ \u11111111 ...1.,1. 'hm hllc nape p.:uch, o' "'ell as
rectangular patch 01 bo."' 11) 111111: In 111,-. 1h1111 plumuac ha
1 Ii "'"'I' '''''' h ..: p "'"" 1hcin tro111 P<n1vm.n and Other )Clio"' crown and c.rest, c"emhn11.11" 11 hll.- lrf1" Cn lront of
neck Nape and back of net~ hh11 ~ lh h111wn 11111 n1lt111r1
it11ensifj1 IQ yellow b(ISI' 011,/ ,,.,li/l.1h rr.111~1 1/11 ll'llh 11 b/u, Peruvian Pe lican
gul/Jr pouch. Non-breeder> h11w p11k1 hill u111I li11 11"lv white
head and neck, some nlo lunk111v wl1111~h 1111 Hl'll''' h11~~ n11d
upper breast. Ma1urat i(lll 11V1'1 """ y1111N, 1111 , (lirHI yc.111 )
brownish with white hcl lv ,uul ~f~ hill I 111i111wl1111 dln~rH Juvenile
from ad. in that i1 ha> u p.111 '"1111.il '''""' 'il'l1111l)'\'li" have
a darkerbcUy. but arc hn11111<11ho111.11I 111111 d11lk1 bill colour~
a nd a weaker head l'llt111 111.110 111 lh11 w11 l'cll\'.111 I'
ocddentoltSn:ac~' 1111c111 '"'"' 1111~m>111111l lute II 1~ 1nud1
~mallc.-. d:ltLcr lwd1l 11,, 1 , .,1,11 h I'"'" h .inti ~d" latL
contnbftngdarl p.i1d1 '"' tllll( \\111 ~
l'I Al I IH: ( ui m m .mt ~
Med-legged Cormorant Gu.may Coe"'"' 111
1111111 1l'l11l11 1"' ,.ru,11l.1c1 u11 dtllnc111c. lal'{lc, long-nccltcd and long-bod1cd s.:ub1rd. with IMti. Ihm. blun1-1111pcd bill,
1'I toloe.1 1, 1 ..111. P"~C ar.- ~n11wn as lti~ Bn:cd colonially.
Mt-cl legged Cormorant Lile bea>ming buffy or cco "hllllh on nc.L and 1hr<>;11, 8111 ma)
l'h11l.1crocor11X gaimilrdl be ycUo,.isb or doll oran11e ""h dan. cul men and 11p
l 1to en\ 00 1 \lann<" . 1'01
pcltf<:. n:m.11n1ng d.-1oshore Rock Cormorant (Magellan Co,.morant)
B~ 1n lo.~ coloru~ or1 chili. Connor.in de las Rocas
tlin clotc 1<1,.111tt, ll.>U&ll) smgl). Pharacrocorax mage/lanicus FU<
M- ...., no.:J.. "= T1un1tlll:d
110.0011 2~.000 1nd,.1duals).
l 66 a"I (2b I \I 1t1r.. Ctlf'mOfaJll of cold.
101 ' f l t IC \00' A ,Jun md
J>&tJbo111n '""ct< I ..i 1n mull n.,. i...
oral.- brJ,cnlw !ly<ltHUCL) d11T1
ill'lall ,..,..onnt Grc1 ,. nh an
ID' Tl H C \Tl()' \ mall .and .hm
,.,..,,,,,. 1<J11nltJ'l'l<lt<11ltt'n.ct-
ronnoran1 v.11h a lc-iJer ltL'< l and thin btll
siJc Grey UJ'l'Cr anJ un.k-rpan1, and huv.1 d:lri.cr ttmigcs
IQ 01glu Grey ~11), /tUh tclu/c u11./rrpdrtt ormo.1 Chil~ B/.,r4 "''"a""''" /v//1 ,,,,. "'"'' t>} lh<'
11t'd it rlt-ar/1 d~,_.,,. atrJ t>n tltl' ,.,...,,_,,.
connuranl~ 811/ l>ri11h11-r//1>11 1<11/t 11 ''"' /lu14", Rl"ll lf1:s J1ag-
St:f'l'NllllJ>: ii '"'"' tlw 1111111' /Jt'//1 I
nQ.111c When '"''""mna, v.h1lih nc.:J. patch 1s v1.1blc and.
mcludm11 forched. red Durina hrct'dm11
g1cn a good \1<:11.. 1he ttd .1nd-)cllow boll No other Chilean
season has a 11hi1e pmch 011 <'Jr-011..-r/\ One pl11nia11c v.1nan1
connor:1n1 Is la~cl)' 1,ttt)'. and ull except Neo1rop1c and juv.
has a white throat. and ano1hcr clcnl\c wh11c 1hn1 c11n1m11c
Roel. ha'"" h11c on 1hc uo11k:rp.1n1. Imm 111mllar 10 od. but l>Jrc- to the upper neck: (most pre' alcnl 1n lhe I nlkl1111(b) Nole thlll
pan coloun1 duller nnd 11rcy body 11l11111n11c n111y be wo~hcd buff.
some individuals are dark-eyed, while 111hcni hnvc whh 1sh C)IC$
(again more in the Falkland~). When 8win1111ln11. no while on
Guanay Cormorant Guanay neck is visible, Much larger (lunnny t'11rmoir111t iK ~i1111lnr, 0111
Pha/acrocorax bougalnvll/ii allopalric tsce lhal specie~ for ~cpnrnhon), Juv, dnrk brown,
L 7<i cm (JO"). Mml11c, 1y1lico l of the llum- lacking white on 11ndcrpa11~. nnd c1111ld he con l'u~cd with
h<lldt C11rr.:111, u aunno ~pcclc>. Can be higJ1ly Neotropic Connorant, b111 Rook IM smnllcr. ~llmmcr, ha, u Rock Cormorant
l pclOjlic. rorlllllfll! OlllO)I km from shore in
deep w111cr C'nlonrnl, 1n 1mrncn;e, dense
colun1e on tlJI 1~lnnd, Uually m Oocb.
straight neck in fiigh1, and n dull redd1~h focc A11c~ over n1
f;,ast two years. thus while develop rml~hI)' on 1hc undcrpJn

101'1\ rlH CA"l 101\ A 1'1rgc bull) c<>nnor- Imperial Cormora nt (Imperial Shag)
~nl bl.tc:1'. Jb." ~ und "hue beta-. n hue on Cormoran imperial
hrrul 1<1/,. r. /1> u f'<>llf/ Ulf '"'cl Rn/ fVlch Phalacrocorax atriceps TX#lS, FLK
uro1J11J n '" hut f<wh .ul Noel The small
"hne lltm.al f'llch t> K"ld.>m \&Ible tn the field. When ~,m l 72 an 1211 I MJnnc cold P.i.is.,...1.ao
mtng. lool.. bl3d ""h ml~.,.,..,,, J, anJ ,m.tJI am.xint oflt/uu .. a1en. BreeJ 1n l1r1e colonic. oo Oat
rlJ1b/C' un tJuo lot1~r lfir4 DffJ 4tJ l/t~ MOfffll~ " t/t;: />rr.zs/_ ,. i,Jand. Oflrn1nOud 1Df,Tlrl(\-
Y.-h>IC ~lb aod ml ~e !"Ith .q..uau: lrom ~~mpamc Tl0' Al.lfl<'*lh rr>n<'Orullt ''~ rorJ.
brood ,.,,.~, Black abo e dnd ,,,.,.,..,,,
kaS kggC\I arid ~cocroric cormnrant ~o oC1Up11h Roct
Sb.1s. IMJl lhb $UWW Jf'CCICli I> wn.tlkr. bu In ftll1ROI) blade "'""t be..,,.11"'1 "If ~nt1n>jor~MrA ltttd
hrr ii reJ orra..~ e1nid1113 k> forchrad. anJ a l11rc fatt pmcb throat .\d b.u)cllu,.1sllnn"1deun lroot
In the linTdln ~'Cl Ju\ anJ 1mm tiu.aNt~ Cormonmb lil:c of C)t' and .,,;J blwormtoJf rmg. I unhcf.
ii bul llrl1111h-l>l.i.:I; rJlhct than bl.tel, anJ ha\e a pale more. brttJ1ng ad "- crn1 h<"e C)e
ru Variable. wilh nr.o fornh fOWld 1n C111k lhe ll!Qfl' llC.,,hem,
,.=em and 11idcspiead fonn. Bl~<)ed l"1lk<t1n1. 11.1, "hue
N 1111h lJllt Cormorant Yeco oflhroat e..-ru-nd:ing behind c~c: abur lc\cl 1\f aupc, anJ lu
v.~1e patch on bacl ,.hrn brced1nc More aleil)' (A1lan11c)
l'/1 1/,11 t 11 m '"
br,uilianus King Connorant has wh11e of 1hr031 11111 c\lcndina ni..1, c le' cl
I ~M 71 cm (2.1 21>").1\qualic but ofgape and lacks whnc bJck patch. Imm brown .. h. lnckt wh11e
11111 II 1clly munne. common tn- bar oo coverts and facial ornamcntauun 11ft1.. I y11I'
1111111 u11tl 1111 fresh wn1cr. Breeds 11111 1.. ,11llng
rnl1111111l ly In lurgc trees usually Antarctic Cormorant (Antarct ic Shng)
111 ;l1lr w11111ho1l1ci. F'ound In Cormoran antartico
ll1to ~ 111 11lo111~ IJ11 llkc 01hcr Chil-
111 111111111.1111. tfkn Illes high
Phalacrocorax brans fieldensls TX# 16, ANT
du,,~ wuh.'' u111I u\IL'tlnntl Ti1': L 77 cm (30"). Marine. res1ric1~d 111 A11rn11'llL f'c11l1i.i1ln, Smtih
Orkneys. South She1lnnd~ Cle. i\111111.11111 wnh l1111<'1i11l ond
Sou1b Georgia Connoranl (111.111 I\) In lll'hJ 111mllar 10
Imperial (Blue-eyed) Cun1111run1 11111 u1h,1111111 1lly ltuver nnd
ha more" hue on lace
l'I All

t I- II oltt 1 , l.11 c t11~l11lcl b"'h related 10 the 0Strich Strothio camelu< and l mu Drom1111" 11111od111/111n.Jia
I 1hl111111 1 th~t 1111.11111111 I I 111,umdJcl belong \\ttbon this general groupmg. Rhn arc laf'Ct' ind luc trons. po"ct1 ul
an 11111 quote ~I I hrn nc, k- arc long but they arc ;,mall-beaded. \\1th small ch1ckcn-hLc l11f, Their leather ar
Darwin's Rhea
"" 111trol I h k111g the'"'"'' l~t bind fcathcn together and tbercforcappearinort tile fur than fcathcn Rhca1 luc thm:
d plnllf\l too, :anJ .iron~ 111rd) fen There u no' 1s1blc 1111 and the" mp. while reduced. arc ><ell fea1hcrc.l and can he
1 11 t I to help l'fakc the birJ ''' a<i1'1 II male hMp tw1i.- The Lesstt llbca poup oo:urs 1n C111lc. ,.both 1> often treated a
I I'\ o Nit here con1dcttJ .u '"o (.cc Tuonom1c l\otrs). In ibeas the mal~ perform chc 1ncublo11t>11 duhc. and tend ti
"' llJ St'\ cul troulc. ma la) tUJ "' lhc no1 or a ~tngk maL:: Tbc young .,., ~"' but -toll mall m.>Ugh IO be
rnual pte\ ''" m.1n~ ipc~~ Male. cuarJ !he Slnpcd )OUDg until lhcy are sufficiently LvJc Lo cffccmdy e\\.'ap.: prcJat,on,
I lu111!1on 1~Lcs s.:cr:d )CAn and 11 roorl> wi.krstood. Yowigcr birds (Ju\'? ) ace dari.e<1 btown. older uoo Cl'C>" Onlv full
I I ~,(1,.h11C orn.im~ntal feather llp> ScC>fli (C1eon1cbc) arc not d~ly related IO rhea-<. being more ~lo>ely refaced tu :\c
\\ I I 1ul1111co 1C411wl1iJae) ttnJ hero~ (Ank1.bc} Tbcy ~large. long-~ lons-ncd,cd bm!. v.nb 1h1d. uni) l>ilh
I n J 1ori ~1crtaccJ on 1hc l>.tmc pl~le due to tbe1rsharcd large size rather than lift) real re>embf;ina ordo.c: rcla11ooh1,
l>.t1wm's Rhea Nandu 1mmcd1atcly behind the base of the necl While wh11c 11p111ns
l'lr1 ornt>mia pennata TX# 18 is prescn1 on the rc:tt of tile Lrt . 11 "much le" f"Om111en
Like Dar.. ms Rhea. 1he frPnl of the IM\I ho r.:11~ul"1c (jr~n
I 92 100 cm t36 W") A common spccu:s
ular)scutesat lbc ba5e.11nd rc"lllnllular 1nn"cr-c -..;UIC't near"
ol fVll ') Pa11tgon1an \ttppe "1th ~tered
1be foot. Howeer, Puna Rhea hA\ 0<11) 8 101mn~cr.c ~ute
$hrub~ Often fom11c> "11b flocks or
roughly half1he numti.,,rofDarwm '' Rhc" VO i t Unlo.nown
or somcumc w11h Ouan~co~ l\a11ve 101hc
presumably simolur 10 Darwin's Rhea
ma on lnnd. 11 hus been onirooured 111 ricm1
<lei hc110. \I here Ii~ CIJIT~n MBIU\ IS un-
clcor 0 6()0 Ill, u~1rnl l y Ill flocks of 2-.30: Maguari Stork Pillo
olnrlll)! lm1mcr 11 is nm unu,ual 10 find single mnlc~ Jl1cndong Euxenura maguari
'""'Y~ 1f1o1n11ll chock~. NcnrThrcntcncd. 11)1-:fll'f'IFICATIO L I Ill cm (43"). Vagmnl I litonc~lly a reguln viilor 10 ('hil~ Puna Rhea
l 1111111t.1~~.1ble in range. no l)lhcr /OIJ:I' .nl11h1/i:t landh1rd is from Argentina. frequen1in11 wc1ln11ds on 1hc cent ml ~one. muny
1..11111l 1hc1c. All ho) brown neck untl o~ck. hccnming (:n:y on of which arc now dra111<:J Ii lia' bc:cn uuc.1cd rhut ''' prc...:nc.
111r '"",kin' Thc.e grey fcothcra arc luog anJ plumc-hkc, m Chile "os linked 10 dr1>11ght' on A11:ent 1no Nt> rcccn1 n:porll
111111111~ 1110'1of1hc n.111k,, BorA and <CO/t11lur fi-01hcnfind1 Either the population that once 'mlcd ('l11lc 11 c~tup.1tcd
llf/ot: I 1111' lhr\c ltp~ l>t-com1111r lm11er luMcr dolln on I/ti' insufficient habna1 rtmam\ m 1hc country 11r 1hc prec1-c chmatt
J.'h 1 ft tll1<r1 trra111111 o "huefrillgt' ro tht' '1lurr Tbc strong cooditions tha1 fnrccd their ani\al ha\c not nee~ rc.;cnll
lrp 31(' IC411~cd In lhc hue or lhe ..,...U\ On Dar..10$ ~ ttistoncal rtCOrds "'ere maml} from V X Re91nn. \\1lh at lea
hf lromt of 1hc 1;in11c ha' unall rcuwlte -..;utes l'~lcs'I our one record m \upllann fC>Q~c tn dncr area adJa,cnl tc
the t<.<~. and lt>-.ltl lrall>cr.c r1&n11ubr ..:u1c oo tile fo,.cr largcman.hcs.somcumcsm ><ctl~nd. IOF'' l U IC \TIO'
n11r1111110 I cmalc hgb1ly mllllcr than male anJ sbo"s le... large d utL r.ort ~th Ma, l /o,...,. bu. 4 altJ fl1111t1 ftathrr
"ho IC lf'('tllnS <>n llrpcrpat\ C111ck a miniature \CISIOO ofad dorsal J:J appears bloct. t'U11tra1r111g """ '"'' "'"'"'' 1'cd
h1111.... iri>ngl) wi.,N no:cl 11nd hc'ad JU\ ~. but same"t.-u llDd bead ofien sumed buff or 1'1111) 0111IOftg.straight. 1h1, l Puna Rhea
mu Ila dw1 lld . v. 1th tc>hJ cl.rt.. bru"'11 UJ'l!CfPlll1S. no ~). and s!wply poinrtd. blutgm """ o mlJHlr lip . <Mall running
ornl l.irb 'l'<~tm11 As the Ul'f'Crpat1 (c.&thcr- ate >honer thaa rrtkf'ull ....,,t ~r till" 1rllm t')" Tail "hnc, hut OUtcr
LW1ild 1~ .. h11cbcll) 1upp.uentonJU Oldcr1mm. 1>11rular rec1nces blacl. manaular and pruN<k <>Ul\\ani.. &"118 the
1.. ,,,. hut '"'"'"lll<>fc grey on tn .. crurrcrran feather., "lu.:h r.ail an odd <bape. Lons rcJ I~ In ll1sh1, !he blad 01gh1
alet hihtly lnn~T 1h.tn nn J"' Allop111nc Puna Rhea differs 1n fealhcrs separate 11 from Cf"" ~nJ 1hc d.trk l>caJ aq>aratc>i
'"' 11 rnc p..1tcm, 11 Jll"l'l'll<lmlcl)' lk>ncr leg> anJ ad>- from Wood StarL \ OICE U.u.tlh ,,fcnt, II""" 1 t\1-0nolc
1 nd I hloc kn unccn "hlle border to the 'sl1n. VOICE whistle.
lo111t,d 1fcnt. but ch1d0> nl3~ 81\C Wft pecr1111 note~. Dunn&
hr 1111~ """"n. m~lc~ m.iy 111vc a scldom-ht:ird booming call Wood Stork CigUena de cabeza pelada Maguari Wood Stork
Myderia americana Stork
P1111.1 RheiJ Suri
l 107 cm (42"). V~nn1 rcc.,,.J.. I lr.1m S..nti.1110 ond Anca
l't11<>rn('m1i1 (p.) tarapacensis TX#18 Associated with wooded pond.,, .111d 111hcr ,1111-wulcr uqut111c
I 01\ r111 (37") Uncommon 10 rare, declining. habita1s. IDENTIFICATIO' A \\hltc lllrk. ~h11wmg hut.
H(t11.i,1I 111 oh1plano llm~lnnds nnd shrubby black on lhe p1>;1e1101 nrc11s or th.- holly wl11lc ul rcs1. /I///
111111 \p1w11r. 10 prefer nu1 nr.:n.s with some wet l>/ackish, tltidrnntl dtrHJpN.l 111 lhl' If/, t1111lu11111h111ofun1b1>
1011111 .. ~ hn1,dotc~ nr ct111c~ <lrlnrgc1 lakes. ChJle bu1 broader based. lll'/11/ 1111tf tit' ( 1111/1u11/11111/ hltttk wi//1 u
I1111111111 11 'lr11n111Xlp11ln1ion oflhlupccic:s. which bare area 011 the fol"l'ltcad I c~ hf,1ck, l<c )Clhw1~h T11<
'" rl 11...-11 .-.crdy in nc1ghbo11rmg 51a1cs. 3500 naked head separates i1 from CjlNi< VOi( I"Silcm, Ofl 11runh
I Hit 111 Nr 11 l hr.:Jlcncd IOt~NTI FIC TION
I lo 001ly /111 //1~lol/1"1f h11J in II range, thus
rn11111 ta~, 1hl, 1'111111 Rhea 1~ 'lruCtW'Jlly '1igblly
.1111 "' '" 1<11tht1111\'1~11~c Ad ;,nmlar m overall
t I AII l O 111 1 on~ and ~r_
e_ts_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

1 lung kll.Jl"I 111111:-11,d..cd wading birch. All Oy "uh Mad lucked 10111 the bod). 1hc ncd. folded bclo"
I 1"11c lhtht rruOk 0111 and ban: facial skin colour changes dras11callydunn111hc brtt<Jing ~n , hut mav
I ult~ I " "ctb lu\cniks ha'c C\cn les> dc'~loped bill and face colorauori. At 1hc"" 1 hcn1n\ S"'-' d1,11la)' rn
I I o<t hm '.1mu\ knJ:! plume'" h1ch JUcmlcs bck.. .>\II breed colon1all) ">mct1mc 1n m"ctl colon1a.
, ,.., I I g1tI G.:irza grande Cattle Egret Garza boyera
Atd~.-. ulb.1 Bubulrus ibis
I I'S 10~ cm fl 01 .\'"'de l $0 $1> cm ( ~O 221. \ m!I
~prcad. l~rgc egret found 1n a egrc1 of 11usland, field and
\Vici\ ol frc-h,.lll<'fhab!ab. 0- p;a,1urc,, u\111lly lorl!'"ll near
:woo m IOt.' 11 IC TIO' A hesk>Ct. Colom~ ~,\l!Wric;u
1.-JC csrrt 11h. >Zn>n&-11-:k l&...:d rrom \fr1<.:a '"lhc late ll<Olls h m
hill and 1111&- "'"......, nccl.. Tile >1ghtcJ 1n Chile in 1%'> fAnlola
lio,..- lorc1I f<1< .. /"1tC'h >ho" fa spttr g3.lll). ' " " common 1hrougbow
lt'-<'ttl<nll'JllOl-..J"l(h<lm oltd 1he ciiun1ry, '111nin" rc.:onkd on
ltt:html tltt 'll' Bill ud/o,. ""h <;ub;antarch< land, ind u..1cr
1/1J1A.-tr11/w. fa,1.il p.t1ch )cllo"1h, ~n.-b in high breed- blnnd. 0-1000 m IOt' ' 11 ICA 110'< Stocky, wnh lllrt md
"' lo l11~h 1>1ccd11111 thc bill may b<.-comc 1>rangc ycll11". wuh blll anJ leg.< Tends 10 lool. hun<hb.i.;kcJ The b1ll 1 thick '
11 u~ '"'''"'" It ~ hlor t int /11dmi.: /<'1'1 Bo.Ji u11.J dng.1 cntifl!I)' tbe ba>c. stou1compared10 Sno")' l:11rc1 Yellow face 111111 eyC'-
""" 111111.. llrccdinJl mlull h;i~c lon1,1 plume~ on th.: lowC1' Plum3ge is cnnrely "hue, nccpl in hrt1tl1t1>1 11d11lt, "hit'h
I,,,~ .11111 .:rul.mt"crh.mgini,: the 1011. \ OICh A deer cnrrrr. lwve bufly pntcltt'> 011 the <'l'I>"" bar t>/fort111rA. \t'U/m/u,..
mt1J lowu back. Some rctnm ~ome bull" nil ycnr. l11r le11s ond
~nowy Egret Garza chica bill tum reddish-11run11r In high lm:ed1n11. '11011 -hrcedina ndull
I s1 l'lta thu/a hnveyello11'h1/l,v11111/)1'//1111 leg.v Juvenile~ luck h11fly puiche.
I ~(1 60 cm 122 2 1") Wide-
'J1"'nJ, found 111 u 'nnc1y offrci.h-
anti sho" blnckih or grccm~hlll'I') lc11 T/111r m t></11tln11 11 Ith
ft),sto(k 0111/ gra.v.1 ltmi/1' /.y t'/111r111 ter/\111:. No Cl Iher ci:rct how
" atcr hab1wt' 'ion1e11mt' fomgc' ~cllo.. bill and lei: In n11:1h1,, 'CflAMC ll'Olll Snowy 111rc1 b}
tln rocky coa>lllnc,, und ..undy bca- slighlly fuster w1nsb<:.11., aml ,h.,ncr lcjt- \-OIC' f' A \On r" '
hC 0 2000m IOf'llf'IC \-
1 10'11 J\ \lim. 1nall bod1cd egret Little Blue Heron Garza azul
wuh a 1hin, ~harpl) pointed bill Egretta caerulea
ld11/11 h,,,,. l>lad flt/ls. eontrru1 L 56 cm (:?2"1 Ollcn on rod) ct>UI\ and

11ltJ1t1lmg 1.llu-. /'~I

mg "11/i """'' IOI\" B/11ek lt.'gs
,.,,,. bt,./1 u1tel" '"i:' un: ~nJirC'/1 ..hur.
l'lum"' un h1nJncd. ncd l>J'IC, ind on lower~. In high
!>cache>, 1bo inland (r,~h..,ller habitat\
1JnJcigo1ni; range c~1cn\lon. r.~1 rcponcd
m (1ulc 1n ICl71 '""' a<"'" "11 on lhc \nca
brccd1ns rhc lores anJ fI nut) d1.. n1e 10 1n oran1e-red. .?
coa-t 0 ~00(2400mJ 101'111< \TIO'
J111c111k hJ\C gr.-.:n"h ~ "'"h black ''"P>n Illar front. ll!llbr.. -u.c k> s......y l -n:I. ttme\\ ..... ""'".
nnd)cllo feet The)tltu... l1>1n, ndn>br<lywh11cpnmanes {
lcgzcd and 'lOUlb1llcJ Rill N~. tv> 11Ji
ocr;11n1c lrom JU\cntlc lmlc Blue llcron In 01~ Sno"'"') .: a b/u('ti.h ftp R,,./, p/U""'JI'' tMrl. N11t~J(ff'1 breeding .dult
I r<"l Aho"" Jo.11no:tly l<>nf<I leg , c"cnding ;a 1rcaicr llJJlOuru 11Ji llttt e11Jd NaJ .1,,,1 h/uc-\'iolt'I The kp
1 11 L 1111 nC.aulclsrci.. \ OIC Ata.'Pnrnmrrr arc blad.lsh. Onl) all-<brl< hnnn in (111lc Ju,cnilc L\ "'h1tc, h~c
S""') Egtt1 but -hov. gm hit I' 1 fl/" al-.u d10C1' by bill
Coco1 (White-necked) Heron Garza cuca colourandll'C\-"ll!Shgn:y k.'f,:uwJkct \O IC F \lk-rtAA1<1<1
ArJe,1 co coi
" L 120 cm H7J. lnhJb1t;. maf$/les.
Tricolored Heron Garza tricolor
ponth and lakca. t..ncommon. ITIOSI Egretta tricolor
lolcly bct,.,ccn Conception and I.. 66 cm (:?6). Vagrant. rccorJ~,1 111 ( M1U11nbo and Anca
Pueno Monn. 0 ~00 m. IOE iTl- IOEt\TrFICAT ION A mcd111111 \11~d h~r11111h:it shl)ws t111rlk
~ l('ATI O~ 1"1! /Clrgt:~I Chtlt'Ufl ittg{l' lung. 1/1in l>rll. and propu1111m.11rly lung nck. Ycllo\\ 1,h
/Imm. Only (Jl'l:ill l:!!,TCI ~in1ilar m face skin, orungc eye In l1111h h1cc1l111v lucc 1111\l bill bccnmc
,l;c lhe('uco1llcnmliasayellt" blULSh. n.., hl't1d, llt'C'/.. Clllt/ ll[l/111/'111> "' t/tt\ itl'ITlll <111' 1ft1i<t
lsh bo ll. ~11 lo11011 u1the ba~e in high bl11e. purplish 011/IJIW!r11cck 11111//111111 1 11111/1< lm111 hmA. C'/l'(lrl_I
hrecding I he f11einl ~l"n and orbi- tlemw-cotl!d white belf111111/ """' B1 c1'1lo11~ 11(11111~ ' how whit<>
1.11111111" him ~111 1l11d111111n11-lm:cdlnjj 1i111cs. Show a white bead plumes. JuvcnilCj< hll" mht11 hl'.111.11 <~.mtl w11111 co\Cth.
nn A '"''"'"'Jr" tth" r/11111/1 '"' t>/f /l/C1r/c t:Clfl, Thi: h<Jdy 1$ Eastern Reef Egret Garl.J de los arreclfes
~ 1 111tll11//11,l/orl/q>i111/i .. 1t1111/ilgl~rn11d1-e111 Gm rnrgs
HUit 11 bfu, 4 /'0/1 It rtl //,1 tt rl\I, \/Wit.\ up U.\ ~/UJu/dtr patch Egretta sacra (not illu\trall'd) llCluh
"h1 If/''''""' 111< 1111~111.11 (11\cn' arc "'hue. and appear as L 58cm(23"). Vogrnn1 rt:tnkd1>11 I .hll'I lla111J 11)1';1' 11111
1 '" \\l11t h 1.1t1~h1s' 1111 " 11111111 bird I.cg arc blackish. CAT IOS A stoc~y. 1h1dc hllkJ 111"!ouin 1-.-J hmn "'"h <tri4
"I\ 1111 "'"101 t 1 ;a.luh hu1 urrcr nl.lndlbk dark. and 1~ occk
I rA) I h I 111" I lh lll \I h11, '>cJ' llDlc lrolll fllhcr darl. herons
mRfyslion /11[S B1ll an<I fo11.1I .~11111 l/1111 t1/I '"'h dC11Jc 1:ulnll'n
Olld ap. Polymorphic o~rl h11o1 <nl~I) lle1n:y v.nh 'n11ll
I ln1 lffnJ 11111 1onghb;~,orr.J,.hnc1>ed \OICE f)3tch of"h"~ on chm \\ hnc n1<rph ha' \cllow1$h btll "1th
"uml """I" .11,J u~I a I call ~huu.w.d.. cbrlc llJ'. and ~cllo" t<h t<> ~ kg'
ftl,1 f k ( 1own ed Night-Heron

1 II 1 1J tun Ir. 11,J 111 1111, JllJt< .ire 'h)cr, more retiring than !Mir l31J!cr rclJtiI!" on~n huntini.t fr.im cmcr or lit
111,, ~1u11111l111l 1chrc l.111,1c d1n11 b1nh, rcl:ued 10 herons bm immediately rcC<!ilnl'141blc b> 1h.:1r lon1.1hin Jc:.:u1'.:d
I ,./,. 1b1 .1h 11111IJr !>nth~ cbrl and mow iridescence on the bod} end "'"i\>

greenish-blue 1l0t Cl"' f<J o,,J/"'"' JJm

J11ki rlt~tl. l>t,,.J~r~ b1 o "'"' of 11111'
I ~~ M Clll IH 2~ S"l \lai:nly fc111lur> LC'l:t r.-dJult In n<1nbrccd111;

.. rurag.:\ at DIJ!hl, but DOI 1n-

rrc<1U<nll) 111 ~y. ohcn found
pcnod occt. be.;<>mQ bro11 DJ "teat.~
lo>CS bu.: burdCT to ~~. bt>Jy pcnum Strip Lttc~r1I
ruo'lt 111 Jen~ t~ hell noc glo--.eJ lU "ell " cmcrb J1l\ , hle Bittern
fora 0 -4\IJO m IDE,Tlfl- nao-brecdingaJ. bacc-C11f'Wll"l:Sm:o1\h ~
C" \ 110' \ <>cl) loion-na:.Ud. Puna lb"' r... sq.ant "' \ O IC I \ mufllcd
hun<hb.td.cJ heron ~J uotl ~nes. ....,.,,, .,,...,,," . uall~ 11 01"11

grn ,.11ltN"'-J.1litapanJl>od:
/, J!' """'' n r r,J The dark Puna Ibis Cuervo de pantano de la puna
I I 10 fi/srmu. " common 1hrnuchou1 the country. Plegadis ridgwayi
Ill lt11l111 In '""'JI nor1h l'lcr ""'"''" ha. "hllhb-grc) L00-61 cm(2J ~ 24"1h>unJ1n"n~ll011d

1111 k11 111 .mJ '' ~ lrt<tcJ 111 nh1pl11no J11 bro\\n w11b
tn aJ11pl1no. bu1 rc11ularly c.ko,centl> 10 co.1'tdl
I "'""I' h.111<:J whnc.- Mrc311\ ubuc, nnd 'lnpcd nccl; and
wetland~ (Anca) f'!mac~ m open wcllund \ I 1 l11led He ron
u11.I lj ttl '\i"\'<llllf)Colr .. mlf3r hut hn dnr\: Cnfl like ad.. less
0-SOOO m. IDt:N'rl! l ('A I ION 'ohn1lC 111u~h
111 1~ 111p, 1111f .,.1l1d hlll\\ 111hIJ<C)' buck 4'1npcbnckcd Bi11em
""" 11 111.11111 i\ 11h 101111 ycll111 lnpc on back D11d burfy wiag like Whitc-foccd Ibo~ b111 '""'''~' /1gi(r1/
Breeding o<I. 1'how-i dork chc.i11111 hend, n111I
1 t1111 YOIC ' h 1\ bJ11k111g 111111kl
viole1 g/o!J'.~ tu hC116 1 mul wing\, lht1 t.'tWtll'f\
hovillg a purplish gloss, co1111t1.vtl11/( h'il/I >;1rn11l.M l1r//ol.1. 11111
\ ldnicd Heron Carzita azulada pi11ki~lt. with a 1/tirk btw 111 illl'e, w/1rrt /1111..11.1 lh<'./11c10. f..)1
/111/t11M1~ )tr/atus red, whilefi1cial skill w-ey. tmtlimtl ,,, ,,,,,4
(1k/11, llOl./1111/wr.1)
I I 111 1111 I I I ~ l<"I Vu11r.1111 rcurdc<l 111 Aroc.1, Co,nblonca Belly blackish. and lt'g> hl11r4il1-11n1'. Non brocdrn1111d hu'
1 111 r11111) 1111IC l"f111111h< llny. IO~:N 11~ I( A 110 /\~mall, browner bead wilh >trca~. duller 11111 11nJ lilcc ~oloun1, nnJ
" I h '"" \\ 1111 '""" neck 1rnd v1\ 1d )~llo" Ice> Id har gre.:msll gloss toco>el'b. Cicncrnlly 11llopa1r1c "llh Wh1lcfocc,1
t :11o A him A /I 1t"'1111!. ""'II'
(j.-111/u:r> 1ri11,d huOJ Ibis. but lallcr could occur \\n coa<t 111 IJr north 'icpar.1111,n 11r
1 f /,,. n I "<A Ju more l>ru1<n1h and ,ncalcJ, could imms. and non-bf'Cl.'dcrs d10icuh . S1ru,1urally, Pun.i 1> l:IJ'T,
"'''1 I "11h "'"'h l~rs.,.r Imm OIJd1..:rn1<ncJ '&Ill ~oclocr and bas proponion.ucl~ '"""~' legs In Ori;hl lqr
Not linN hi11fy lrl.'~~1n 1n v.1n1t I'"> wihb on nttl lmgth diffamcc noticeable. 0<1Jy feet o( l'llnA clcnJ bc)"nd
lit"' r ol 'u~1cJ llct\lfl \ OICf .\ Jlarp quNU .. . WI.. while ft a.ad pan or lc8) 1>1blc on Wl11h.~ f.a.:N \d.
Puna. e.-m in ~Ill plumagr. fla.,. r1nlcr bill "'"".
~ 11111., b-Hktd Bittern Huiravillo dark b:rrat ~ aod ~)' r~cc th
r1n\.1<1t umunJ \\1111
, /111, mvolucns l'aad has a t!R)ish btll 1th p1nlih f.Jo:c anJ "" lllTl'IU1lJ
Bod) gloss ofl>uiJa ~olrt. mhcr thu Cn:t'tl!.11. 11nJ u~
I l I) crn 111 111 T1nn-e1..,,..,.1i hml. bl:ackish.. rather than Juli brov.m>b 1n --brco.ln Ju\ and
tlul l~ -ell h1JJm 111 .~,.,,,,,and Tpho mun. do II()(~ dUl1ncu c fa..-gl Ct'l"n of aJ , but note
ma1h 'L 11l.. 111t and 'h~ . much more blacl:er belly of Puna. SINCU&nll dllCT\.-iKn, llllJ more '1okl
"" '"' '" n 1-h-co-:11100 n:nca O 00 m (as opposed 10 grcco1~1 mdc~clk'.c "n hacl. and "'"I'
1111 ' I II I( \ rtO' The nn.illr<t lk'tf!n 111 \ "O ICE Call ;,. a 8""a!-g,,J>al.
ch '" II ,...J,,-J,.11h11nywl. ll.-..d nect
""" "'"'' ~, ..,,.,, ,,,,.,,,,,, ,,,..,, .. ~t<llO'h .
Lp-pc...,.... Bla ck-faced Ibis Bandurria
I "I/'"''',,,,. 11 1rt1 of /.11(1. .1d/m1uh and
Theristicus melanopis
hi A""'''' 111111 """"' huJly r1>111ra.ning
HI ' (1/11111\ 111 /lli:/11/ I cg1, C>c and bill L 74 ?S ~111 ti11 D"11n~11c 1h"
"'"'" "~1111 1J, 1111lic~ 1111, b1ncm, bur back or1111l.111J,, l111111;ini; ma111ly'" pa
11 tnjl l Ml 10. """' 111 1111 \1111111."1l llc11m VOIC't~ /\low, " """' 1111cl hcld, 11"111lly 1n fluck
I lu1111111 '"~'"' ''I" .11111 1111111y t1111cs. Al~o a 1hrou1y <:111111111111 111 I ukc 1)"1rlc1 Mllllh.
NrI 1111 h11~c1 l!l'C~ Ill clilTs. {)
25()() 11\ (1111/1111111/11): 1()1)() ~000"'
Wlo t Io " I II.I C111~1110 <k pn11tnno (lm111/1W) llrnN 'l'lll'I C'A'l ' l(}N
/'/1 / 11 fl I /11/1/ I 111gc, M111ky, hro111l wm11cd 1111,
( lrcyl,h, wllh /111//i d111111111011 lwatl
I 1 111111111111 111 l 1111,111.-...1 ""''forage~ 1n and neck, black m11lerJl"rl' 11111/ 1i1I.I11111A '"Ii'
lllncl. f11dnl
1111111 } 11 11 1, 11111 ' ' ' 111uddy fields. skin outlines red C)'C, w1dc,prc.1d 111!'11111111111 h11, lur11c bl.icl
~ 11 1111 111 11>1 I\ I JI. ICATIO" wauJe. Form bl-0111dii ( \n!kn ll>t I 111 lt111cully rcJlOrlcd fr\1111
11-.ut\cd bill. Lauca. may no loogcnx:cur l>olkr lr<1111 rn1/un11J1n m 'hincr
bill. smallerv.:ntk, m<>rc '" ..1.1nJ<\l~nuu: cmn..amoo 1>n 111
:md back of lhXL. Ptlc:r ""'ill ~nd h1r~ncd, aod '"'""I'\'''"'
l I
black belly. \'OICE DltU1\..1t\C' I011J bu11hn1 call>.

( hllc.Mn Fla mingo subadu ll
1 I !f'h lf,t "1 '"''" tttl<ll\C"Jd111g bmls. with long stilt-like leg" lon11 neck sand churocccns11c bent hill "h1<l1 ~ adult
11 1111 1 ' "' '""'l!>lil1111t h1~11 d~ w~tcr The) arc "eb-footed but ~I) <>o.tm Colon1.'1 brttdcr' T"'' ~cn<011110 (111lc,
I If. 1 "' l'"'l"lfl111f1i l/'hm n""l'h n11 longer legged) and bill shape (Ph<H"111cnP<1m1.< ha' much dC<!'K' lower mand1bl
'"" me eJt hes u,Jrl) t<> the culmcn). Plto,-,ucoparrvs is restnetcd tot"" alnpbno "'Ouk lclcn11fica11<l<1l'lf1mniatur
I 1 hkntJl1< onc mu.i h>e..,. on bill <:tructurc and bill face colornrion. There arc ill lca,1 thn:c plum~ t)pcs bnn\DM
11, 11nm21urc lhN~"" 1..,1th "bile bod). dull bill colour :md no uppcrpan rt~ 11Ubadult Case'!) l~c adult but ,.11
II l>d> 1lu11"~~ ;anJ adult 'l;vcc that plunuge <tagcs n01 well lnown. and 'ubaJult ta~c mll)' a''IUJll)' n:tcr 10 a 111'111-
1 h 11 , I a.lull hme\~ burb l)'J!C' can be ~"Cd i111n11ed floe\.$ dun111 the '1rJ1ng pnjod

l l11l.,,1n Fl.imingo flamenco chileno tell.lb le v. ~) to lq>:lr.llc fnm Chile.an A\cn~ ia, c - '
l'/1<1..111<opterus chilensis suea~ on uppcrp.tn' and ha' d.arker bru'' bas.: Yo 1th collv
of.ireak> than Chilean from Ju Puna b~ Larger ..u. looftf
L'>~ IQSon(\7-41).lhu:ill)'m
nccl. and legs. .ind m<>rc e'1enm bl.1'1.. on hall
n...u. fon111111 m hallo" lakes

~ l
. ? or lattoon>. ~c1all) brack1~b
.. MIC 0-IXOO m The 'suandard'
Puna Oa mes's) Flamingo Parina chica
fuim1n;<> 1n (.l11lc. the lll<lSt wide Phoenicoparrus jamesi

'Prc,ul. and ~f\>C> a. companson L 90 cm (35" I R.:,1r1.tcd "' n11r1hcm run.a for
ror the tlther t .. o .pcca~ \icar ging in shallow ..1hnc lake pond,, .J()C)()-4WOO rn
:l 1hn:a1cncd 1200.000 individuals. earThrc.11en(d IOH rll 'l(' \ 'T 10 ' Themu/1
of "'h1~h Up lo 30.000 m Chile). tm Ch1leu11.f111111111~11. "1th rcln11vcly ~hon lea Ande.m Flamingo
1111 \ I IHC'A 1101' I he 1mly C:lulcun Phot'11icof1ter11f, ii daf- nee~ 11nd bill Uod) pole p1nl. . cu11t1'11st1ng w11h
1 I rr1111.111ly 111 thc follOYo 1ng chJni(lcn rrum Pl11>eniroparn's redtli.hpinl.. ncol... breast 1111d hcod. Al(l hn~ d~rl
I \ 1111<.111 11 ml l' unu). Rcl111lvcly lougcr lc11s. I Ins o hind toe pink in po;lcrior -1Cup11lnr<;. Pini. lcnmi.. nlll hlud
lhllU\) which Pl1tJertlrnpar111.r Inch Rill suhstantinlly like Andcnn, b111 pl11111cs shan, OXfl(lN111g 11 thi11
<111111,111 111 ~hope: the Cllll lllll CdJIC ()f f'l10111itIJflltrrU< juts Up wedJ:t>-t/1<1ped /l/11c! patch /Jluc4 11rml11a/ p<1r1111
"""'"'" the 1111pcr mandible. and die lucr mandible 1s deep bill much 1ed11C"cd,. m1~1 roHr111g 11rml1111/ l/J 111 M>. l'fllt
1111l 11111111hhkc m crn,~Sccuon m Pll11C'11/cupurn1 but br~dcr dfraio11 """"'"'" J>dl"' u11d Jark conr<iH How t1/ bill ""'I
11111,.,. 1111 op1..ni1 Ad pink tht011i;hou1, conc:cntflltcd on brea't. .~'t'/111>1: """" rul >/>tll ut 'lwml' to/ r11/111c11 u11tl dar4 pl11M.1/i
luy,cr 11r<k, bnck nnd rilume. Rcor body tends to appear mas4 aro1mJ tl11rl et'< Cllnn<.:tcd h> ball h'"" 1..-g ~nttrr/1 ,.,
i.11 lo r pinl. thin the re>t Usuall)' no bl"I. v1>1ble on folded Imm similar 10 nd but boJy "hue nnd 'hll" mon: bind a
1\111!1' /111/ pu/,. p111A '"'h Mu<~ rm l<'tt>rtnal /12 or~" 11hiti.sh rear Separ4t<'d from mrn ( htlei&n by mailer'"<. h1ll ,l111"
h / 1 1t ,.,,,, rf"il JllnH und/<... / In 01ght, red lei; Joints ycllo" btll ba.c. r~1nc1cd htod, hill up nnd lad or halhn.
1c,.d11n1l up Juv brt>"n"h, <trcal..cd 1bo\c, tad.> ~1s1blep1nl.. and from mun. Andean by -11c. lt1ll c.,.1.,111 and. p.tn1cubrl)o
lc:p CJ<), lt1ll f"C)'I hat !>aw. Imm. ,.bnc-bodicd. lacl.> longer extent ofbl3Ck on bill Ju brown lllld trcakcd. bill b:i.c FY
1111111.~. thu' blJcl. of folded "1ng ""blc. lcj?' g.rcyisb but :md bbd up more <'~tCMl\C than olJ.:r bird. but'"" k-.. diaa
II. I' L.1 h bill baM' and rate C) c of ad. ocher thm1ngo-. S17c and n:-otrictcd bucl b1ll 11p i.cparatci. from
Olhcr No~,..,. 8111 ttu<lurc kpu~c~ IR> ( halcu Le\
Andean Fla mingo Parina grande coar;cl) stn:akN 1hJn 01hcr t,.., Oamin11<>~
l'ltoenicop.irrus andinus
I 110 cm (4'.\") Rc<mcted to nonhem puma. Roseate Spoonbill Esp;Hul.i
l<>nJ:!ln(I ID 'Ilalio.. >ahnt loY.C1' ponds 2.S00-1800 Plata/ea ajaja
m \ulncrabl~ 1fc,.cr than 3-1.000 ind"1duals) L 70 cm (28") Vagrant 1n Uuk "c\Cnal h uori.:.al ra:ords.
IOt \ T it I(' \ 1 10 \ I.attest lbm1n~o 1n Clulc. 'Cf) fc"' reccnlly. IDE:\Tl fl CAT IO \ l..u'ljc y,.adin11 brrd
Puna Flamingo
hut due ton:t.111-cly huncr lep appcarssamc>11e pinkish hl..c a nammga. llu,.e<r. '"''.intly n:copuzabk t
~- ( h1I. 1n Flam1nl>u Stt lncr for gcnen diffn-
spoo11-shafh'd bill. Funhcrmorc, l.1ck, blncl. on flight fc.ihcn
cnrc. Ad pink, p.1n1c11l111ly on ncc:k, becoming has bare head and. unhlc 0Jm1ngu._ hJt brcchtc't pin
\ m.i.:ct1Up111J. on lu"cr brc<&jt Duwt<:ti e blod color.uion of wing, on Jcscr co~cn'
'"" ltJ, d11r tn blud.. tl'ruol ond ~lion plumes.
I flllllf II! I 111 hill bl.ick, moss c~lcn"\COfthe thm: lbmmgos,
/lo1" "' 11111w1 11111111/d1/1 111-.mg<'. c11111111.<1f11>: withvt'/1011Iowa
111111o/1/1/, '""'' 11111 pi11A J"'ld1 111 /HJ1t'). /ouce giTenlshg~>
1111/1 111 /llllA /11111/, ht'./t11~ tl11rA 1'.l'U leJI-' //rig/ii yt'llow. In
th11h1 lo I' iulil d> '"" h:.ich 0011 hp. In night blacl. 1enlnls visl
hl 11111111 .. 111~ '"''Crl~ u11t1ruly pink, but dorkcr pink 1rianglc
11111hill 11 10 1111111 .11111lu1 l> ad hul hody wh1lc. l31ll yellowish - <;
"lit 1 '"'I 1111 11111111111 rnl1>111 ~ ufod Scpnro111111 from imm.
1 Iott, 111110111 uh 1..11uk1L1rt. C)\!', )clloYo ball b.uc. red before
111111 "'ti 11111 h 111" 111 t hi Icon 1hol!nO>llt, us is presence
I 1 1.11 .. , Ill . L ., ""' u lul cn '-Cpar-.il1on <>n JU\ . 1mm. Ro$catc Spoonbill
I 111 11 "'II"""" ' I""''" tyr1col uf i\ndcan 1han Chilean
1111111 1 111 '""""""" l'un tlw lul'JCr 11e. bill colour and.
1 11 ~1111) t"''""""t11thl11L 11111>111 lu hro"m'hand
l d 11 m 1>11 1 lln11un~" fhll tr hU< ma' be onl)

I 1 li.11 '""'1 nu Dl'f'C:IJ '"I~ rJlhcr uldgroup among waICrfowl ~are lonclctiflcd (feet IUOJ~I beyond ta1l 1n
I n I """ rn ..1,1u l \\1lh a l)J'll"lll uJ>Nghr po~tun' Widespread in tropical \\Cllancb. ~u Chilean J>tn arc 111.!fnt
111~1 I lie me ~"an< 1:1w ar.- reptt>cn~ 10 Ouk b} Bbd-nctlcd S"an Thi~ STUUJ>" m3onl) J"1ribu1cd 10 the
111 rtlN.- " Iii ""'" 1r.-<1c' in .... u,trah . Fually. Coscoroba S\\an is ... hue hle a ll\lc Yillll. but 111 affin111C< are
I 111 ti J I

t 11lvo10 Whrstlmg-Duck Pato silbOn >DUil llo.;ll (n<>nb.-ttd.:'r."'1arc common.

11, 11. lt oc.ygn.J bu:olor IDE,1 IHC \110' '"llNCsYi-.n. 1
I A I I \~r:r; 11 II 'Ol:ln'Rd"'cnl umn in ;ippc-a1" ncr ncdcJ anJ I~, llfllCfol
1 11 I ton<' '\m.111 JJ<>nd and la.kc. fl\ "ell ._, IDU'<bC>. 1han '""" fro1u nunhcra hem .. rbnc
lli(ljl('nl\ltr IOf' nflC \TI O,ArathttdWl-plum;agcd Ho-..ccr. tru.1unll) lon11-nc.:kcJ bu1 per
In 111111 1111, ~. "llh "'""' bulJ j uu "'"' nrd. 1111d .. arm haps "nh a~ 1oooc-l1l..c 1h.1n '"'u-11
"n Ir nr hultr ""''' ,,..,,,, C>.u\.cr abo'l. 1u1h rndl!>lnct ilruc1ure . IJ 1>h11r 1.itll u m1ru>11ni;
111) bo1n11g 1~1 l>J,l \/mt nt11tu11M~ urr tire ~llo>1dh f<tutlrer rnld111t hill and 1.-x, In R1,h1. ' "'P 1'l.1t~
" tb ff.,, " '"'"""" " bvf.I tnf"'J pullrrn. Bill a.nd 11p1 '" l'nni.me11/1111111 "'" ( ould be con
I II'") I b wh11..- on"'"'!" ,ho"' d3rl undc~ing.' bu1 fused wi1h domes11c gcC11<' or I.user 1li1mc.11~ Ju.;l~ J,.., 1u 111
I JIJ ,.,,,,, """I' ,,.,,,.Ir \
01(t. Call nlll'lll:llly J '""~>liable "'hire plum.igc; no1c rcr.ld1~h r.uhcr 1han ;nnnac bill , Iona
\lh1 II, /1111 ll\1111. Al;o u ~hDrp ,.h..ilcdfX>rpt'l'TEEEF.W. necked WUClllfC, Ja~~ ofbl.1cll'h 'gnn t>al~h' <lrJo1ncllC J."00
I '"' 11 ~.1. \\llh uc11cd qu311ty. bill. lacl.. or neck ndge; on neck 1yp1cal or gccMe. nnd blac~
wingtip. Juv. similar to nd and U\uJll) toahcr Sho.- .i Jarl..
Whit' faced Whistling-Duck Pato pampa base 10 1hc bill ond Hlrinblc u111m1111 .,r grey or hrvw11i~h w11ih
/ l111tl1 ocygm1 viduota
10 head, neck nnd back VQ l('r, An 11noma1opoc11c three
syllable cos-ct1-1'Qw wuh n d1<t111c1 1vc b1111h11g quulliy.
I 11 IK ' "' 117 rn''). V1111rr1111, 011c 1ccunl fN111 Metropolitan
II flll .1 <111 111 011c~ near <.'ulamo, anJ enulhcr report from
Black-necked Swan Cisne de cuello negro
' 1111! 1,1 I ..unll 1n mnll 11ond 11d mul"<hy cugc. Morn rci;ulor
"'" 11111.1 I 1d..in11 c~lrll\ll'C t1l\cr1han other wh1~1hng1hx:"s.
Cygnus melancoryphus
1111 1'1 I II If .\I IOI\ "' h<1ldly pn11cmcd "hiMling-lluck with I I I 02 124 cm (40 4'1") A w1dc,prcad
11! " l /lcJcA unJ l>l'llllt t>"''"''"'ll h1tl1 l>lu<l..- an lound rn a artc1y of open w1tcr
.,. "'''" '11 .1.J I occ, throat tnd cro... n \I lute contni-tmg "1th c11v110111ncnt... Bl\.._,,1, '''''cs '"''h abundaN
lJ '\ ''""" anJ upper nccl.. \mall "hnc 'f><>I ~' bend of nee!.;_ cnicq;c111 H&;C1allllft '"' h <.ma1 t 1ir recd' Coscoroba Swan
\\ 11 1111kl 111\\cr h.1c~ bru.-nl'h, <vn1111,11ng '"'b rufou> ba<:L. Al<o lafl!C P~ll~<ntan l>rack1J1 b~et.. arad
114111,. fllloin on l>rc.t'' ha:mc> l>ladbh on mid ~II) and con11n<1nl) found rn mannc ljnrJ, and c en
; I untr.1'11ng \\llh lincl) b.irtcdl>lacland-,.hnc ~t.IUll un Cl\4~1. 1'llr11<Uf.trl) 1n nunlm:eJ1n
~ 1 1rn " J ''""'c I cp and bill Ill')1.h In R11ht. llarl:. linSOtl lnunabl> 1n 11.>ck-, from ram1I)
11111111 1!>o~l: id l>.lu\l, "1th n1(<111 ft'U(},,. Nl(NO 11rpcno11g_ arour> 10 20 .lO \t lttd1n'1 or ~rng
I II"' hb;:l \OIC"l 'h11.llcJ ~J"'Y'l-WEETJFET- ~ qu>tc ~-.al. arid can be ob>cr\cd 1n hundn:Jo lhahh
mobile. noct~ lll3) be elKVUnlcrcd far fm"'I regular l'llt ~. h.. adult
b<aaiiglrtedon \lkl~dc l. 1n \nl.lm1ca 101 \ 1IHC" \f10'
Ol,u k bdlte!d Whistling-Duck A l.ugt S'A<lll \lltb l)pica.I Sra<:cfuf l""I lkl~ oO~n hdd 10 a..
I' Jlo "lbon d~ ala blanca S shape. Same,. bat long-1.11tcJ 1nJ hJ> lo" bo..ly plllile on
Pr11drocn:nJ Jutumnalis
"'3ter_ Unhlc any Others" >1n !hit ;pec1~ hat 111 cnt1NI)' "J,,,,.
boch " o ct>ntrmtin>: l>larA ,,.., .l 11t1d h,.,,, II cad ;iJomcJ
I I "11111 11 Vo11nu11 OncrworJncrlalJni6n(X by I \'3Nbly >llCd \\ hrtl' Cl I' p.Jlt Jr u..J l't:/ 1tJr1111 fu IJ( /Ja1t'
fi 11"'41' m.111 .,.,.,,._ a.nJ mal>h> cd11c> '\prc:u 10 require of/.111- unter more cxicnmc on m~I.- thJn lcn1Jlc U1ll 11rc>
l '' 1li.111 Oll~cncnc>. prc(crrmii 'mall pond;, with
" ' r1 and legs red to orange-red S11c a.nd blaknd,.hllc plumaac Black-necked Swan
11 ' II '"" h~ dnJ JJri<. ~had) re> mt:.'\TH' l- diagnosuc In Right. cn11rely "'h11c "mg. 1n Chile a li:aiutc
1 \ 111 ' ' \ i'"'ll"''u whMllntcJucl.. w11h a bnhlol'r111gt-l'l"d shared only by male Kelp (,00\C lwhi<h -~J and cgrcl' Ju.
111 I I "'' ttn.f lll'f.-1 1u.-A 11"~' 1< Ith "hilt' t1'<'rlng. similar to nd but neck nnd hcutl d.irk gr..-ylsh wnh u hrown
1 I "''"'""">! l11r1111111/1111111111tl li/111/11t'1A W:irtn brown nccl.. wash. Wh11c bod)' ,,,nably ..:1;hcd bro" n, ma~111111t oppcar
111111111 'I'''' I 11tt1r br.-1111t1nrn1 tn1tl\I) blocA. While much les conirnsung than nd. 11111 ln111ully loch cunmclcs,
111111 , .,, /1 I l<lhl1 "" l11ldc1I Wllljl 01 l'CSt. In 01gh1, block which arc gained slowly over 11mc. Younger hlrJ, muy he
1111.1 '" Uhl 1l 11L 111r-11~11111 w11h b(lhl "h11e wlngs1npc confused w11h young Coc<r<>b11 Swo11, bu1oven111 1his n.ic 1hc
11 I 1111 I 'il1111ln1 111 I ulvous bul with more note~. a di~lincr conuaM or a dnrkcr net~. clearly ..:p,11111.:d l'rum 1hc
111 ti I / II f 11 U 11/111 11,.,., paler brcusr and bod) 1;, obviou V()l("JI U~u.1lly ,Hc11I In
alarm may giveu \leak. muffied "l11\llc, pl1111< plWt'I plit't'""
Ct\nt' coscoroba repeated al an cer-increa""ll rm dc11e11tl1r1i! 1111 1,11.: of ularrn
111111111f11111\l lltflfM
Kelp Cuu)fl

(!I rJ.,, :" i. ""' " " ' M'''" nd ore more closely related to Old World ;hclduck. Tu1/nrnc1 l 'nhl..C' lruc ;cc.c Andean Goose
' hon Mrnna se\u 11 ch1111>f'Jlhl\M f'unhermorc. sm,tdgeese plS<:S< ~lnl1ng \\1011 p;IUcm.. hl~cl rrnn~n~
lo ,. 1th lik """'"'Y ""C'IU, nJ l.ugcl) "'hllc 1Mc:rw1ogs.. The illlleN1ng.s Jo""'"'" 11d;irkb.r11rci11rr cocnl llut male
I I t.1 '"'" !i Ii Jrc.:111~ or ru1 rh,h rnd.:>cC'fl' depending on the species. Undc:rw1n1 ~Items c.i .... 11~ rnlmc. cnllrcl)
r, rl Ma<L 1uni rto Shc!Ji;,C'C all h:le >hon bills and a lhick-ncd.c:J f'Pal'ancc

CO#UTllSls"a rufoas 11td allJ hnuu ad tkrt K'1'J ~ female

Small "'1iilc e}~ CT<N:Cnl. lllld bJJ blact Rni of undcTp
I 7~ o cm I ''I 12, Typic:llly o.."CUn rn hiu: "'ilh smki.rag blkl...i,,J.,.f111c bamng on 11.lnls, and
lush ndcan '"Clbndi lbotcdalc,) 11h rufous nm. Tall bla.;l. ~ blal'l u,,,J OT01Q;<", h' l 1
abullCUnr <U\hl<'D rlanl\ Of gra>>, ~\Olds and orange oo l'C2I" Slnl111g rlwnage rattcm. rartK
~nhn Rcqurrn ncatb) drO l..v ncsung rufous breasl scpam~ I (rum all other o.hcklg4 \()I( t
In \\inter ~cnJ 10 l<Lmd Ooo.ktt licl<h \ialc: gn-cs a "'hwlc fnnalc a mmt.
DI lc;i,1 In Mllllh flf range- \ta) lucm mall
fl<'<l of Up l<I '\O ID llOllbttcdtl'4' ~ Ruddy-headed Coose
I 11,~~1-c 1n ~"' 100 ~ m. IDE\- Canquen colorado (Avudarda)
1111(" \ 110\ I he lars<I (hokan held
Chfoephaga rubidiceps FLK
'"lh 11..1,.c.shlc 'C\ual llr 1f111l<1fl'ho.m, male much
I~ 1111111.11111< /I hon-hollcll. l>llflncckcd mnd dcc(H:hc~c<l L .:is-so cm (I~ .W"I RN hcldi:oo ,,,
le 1.1 "'" ll1ll 111nl 1111h 1111y hhock lip, nd red IC'Q>- Boih Pa14gonrun ''Cl'Jlt !fewer them SOO ind1
~ l111r 011 hc~1l, neck and undr111nrh 811t/, white wllh ''dual in (hole) l.ool 311d '"''"r, mn I
11 "''"'/' ltc1/hc/11/11c k 1/1111A,, l<'l'I of 11111/ir111111.1 m11/ /<11/ solid common 11c11r S1111 C.rc1or111 un1I "''""
Mi.' 111 ~'""' hl!lll, l~rlh1I, mny liow IJl'Ccnish tnde;ccncc. cmmost Isla Grande, lnhnhrt ltttijc :rreu,
11 otl li,11 1111 llJll)<'rwi1111 in lllj!lll hu p11r11tc lridc,rcncc, Un or sc11sonally Om\dcd jlr11~s lund wlthtn
Ill ' I~ 111 ''"'""'"I l11r1111gcof'1111y1Hhgr lnr11oly whir\) wn1crrowl; Pat11go11inn ~IUf)j)C, Ml!Jrltlltly. IJ )00 111
d1 "'" 111, 1111111< und bi11c~l<lr\:nkcrl buck dlng1111~1/c YO ICF. IDENTIF ICATIO N SIHtpc very much ll~c A;hyhcndcd
I 111 i 11 1 11 whllk. li:111ule 11 low l111n1 Goose. smaJI with slurin1:1 forchc:1ll nnd pull'y hrndnuuk A
greyish goose. with a nrfou\-wn~hcJ brcQI 1111d 11111111111/11~
klp Goose Caranca rtll/d,- head a11d tipper nt'd. f l:tnk ftndy b.1rnJ hluck ml
r l1fmph,1gil hybrida FLK white. upperpan_~ greyrh l.111 e111J thi!th ro/11u1 Hill blucl
orange leg$. some11mc,, spedlcJ bldcl at lf<Htl 11l 1Jr" Hl.i.:~
I ~~ ()~ cm nz
2S ') 'ilrlcll) C<l<hlal , rail. Ofteo confused "''th fem;llc Up~nJ (JO<>;;:, but 110" \m.tlkr

lhll.illl) in rucky lf'C.h in .tichcrcJ b.t)' or size.. smaller bill. and ttlQR' ,1or1og fnrchcuJ Snull .. h11c eye
,.litre 1t loraiC on l<lr. '><>mnunc-s c=rus typical of RuJJ) -hc:.aJcd Goosc. ,. hr, h h.u a rufou~
oo '3nJy bc:i.hc., but 1><11) ,.tint DOl bladc-an<1-... hi1c ~ml, .tnJ nifQV11h1sh "nh .. h,1c b.and
r.i.:barc rcnt111 UJU:tlh &np.l<f'h>rflmtl} antetionolhe leg.. r.uha th:.n bud. ,.,lh .. hire bean <hC'fllll,
t:n"Jllt'$. rarely ll..x1. ID\ TlflC \TIO\ undcrp311sofRuddy-bcaJcJ m.>rc find~ Nm.I 1h.tn t;jllmJ,
\ ihcl~ ,.,th. hon nc.;1 r.Jlhkd
and legs more Olaal!C- \ OIC[ \llc UllCB 1 Ihm hltlc,
lO<l) bod ;and rounded kd Seu~ fcmaJe a quadlikc gnuar Hrprrer P.htd 1b;m Ashyhc.adtJ
S111kmgh 1hffc:CTnl \J ma/~, ull lllli' Goose.
lq; a,.Jd.Jrlbill mulc~bl~lardiiuncc Upla nd Goose
L11 I)' ht.d.1sh ltrad, nc.;l, and lll'f'CCf\Ub <ldonlcd
Upland (Magellan) Goose Ca1quen -~
1f otb11;tln111trmdhm,.n'1"'" !kl" bt..;l,.111l .. h11c
11 t1o m l>rofl Iv bcll1, "fnl 11nd unJnta11,...,,CTt, 'Ahne. Chloephdga pictl TX# 17, FLK
1 11 "'"' !\!i:irn ytlfo" leg vf nulc, hul bill r>nl. L 6(H\f\ cm IW 'ti"> \bund.tnt E)()SC of
I "' " nulc ..111t l.1ri;tly M l fcmal< 1>1lh1tn.;111 t wnen P<11agoma, found rn ~cprc ncaJom' ~nJ
j ill b 11 d Inun male inllrll> Irle fcmalc, become gta>S) area.' "nhrn lorc,1 1<>nc Olten 1n
! ' r ~"I) "ln1rr '"1 h.-.id urul urP<fl'n \\'h11~-brc:i.1cd
I 1 I 1 ~ 1uao 1111 u11l1l,h n.-.11rn~'t'1hlwrc1 b.1m:J Oanl,
lal};c Oock' 0 I OOCJ m tO"' rt M ( A
TIO'\ A 111.1\lc and l:oulk) 'hddg'lll\.C' 1111h
11 1 llh hu1 kit~,.,,. hlu.~ nni yellow. VOICF Mnle a rcluuvcly la~e !>ill nnd 'qturrc,horml
I' f t1Mh"1t Im\ 8""" head. Male ha., while hc:1d, iJl'l:Y uppcrpnrh.

"'ltf,v l1 t1111lr cl1111/lurip/111!.1

1 1111/t. 11111
Gtrn\r C.111que n
white vcnl, nnd .111r111g/1 /i/urA11111/ "''""'
/>ar1'f!djl11rtk 1\vn fom1( u11e wllh h1111 cd
underpans and the 01f1er wi1h while 1111tlct111111s, which r1111 Ill' hMred
ob$ervcd in lhe snme n ock~. B1111cd ntt1f~ 111111t 0111111011 111 male
I \IJ I\ 1 111 I Jo 'i"J. /\ ~hc ldgoo~e M'
1 """''' .t 1111111p-. WCI 111,udow, nnd other
1 tillI ol111n111 111 N111/1t1f1111m forcs1.
Tierra def Fuego. Males wbi1c-b1c11s1cd (II th" I 11ll.l1111d Mulo
has black bill and legs. l'cmalc 11rcy uhul'l f>,111cd b,lnw 1111d
has a rufoushead. Leg~ycllow 11111l 1<'11l 11/i/l1 11111/h/ml Sec
I 1111111 Jh lno.,t u111i.: nut ,,,th1~oninn
Ruddy-headed Goose for ser.ir.umn :0.1>111< fcrn.ik, ()'OUlllJCr'/ J
1 11 h1 "'"'' t 1111 11111 ""'"''"l lidd, and have pale buffhcalb VOIC~ t\t~lc g1"" n "h"1lc: kl113lt a
ho ,f !\ 11 'llMI 111 1111 I\ 111 I( \ 110\ Jeep gntnl, guff-guff.

rr' ltf'".11J
l'I Al I i , Ducks Fllghtleu Steamer Duck

11 l u d1 "'"'~'"~" I>} th"L,~t. plump 11n:) bodt~ and bright orange leg.. Both 'f'"'e' 'h"" "'hll<' p;:~ufum
\\I 11 1111111<,.l, thn 111..orMlil) run ncrl'I.\ the "ater "'lule flapping the wing$ to make a ""btc 'Pl.1"1, a N:h.i\luur tht
I "'"" ,.f,tc.1mh.t1, trnm "h"h th<y <kme their n:tmc. Crested Dude and Spcctadcd l)ud. iuc ck...cl) n:Lttcd and
I I ,,, luug ho.ho Jnd a J ..lln<tl\(' p1nl1,h'OOlct 'pttulum. Torrent Duck 1, a c.1j>tl'attng Jud. I r~,tflo.. lns ,\nJ.:.an
" r '"'"<~ 1 1nL 110 h ,..i.,pi at n:<o<ltn the current and using it ID lb bencfiL
J h& l111~,~ Stt'.>mer-Duck Quetru no volador
I 111,,,.,,., ptcneres !Ital""'' "I' "''"'"' nlf'<rn<nh
fhe.c J'llchc, rui.-.1Ddi\1Ju.:ill). ti.It an
! 71i J cm 110 J11 \f.tri114: 01gbtlc-. "EC~k:r(lll fenulc 81llmm'" ~ ,.1tb
t.~uffr,><I..) cu:s~ pmtia.l:atl~ ~ a blue tone Ualfeh bfo,.-n ,. 1th d.uln
>hcl~ , .. ..., ~1JOS ..., ....,_ O..,,.,. llQI bad..blad.uhf...,1/rn-ttn1"" -11a,,IJ. 11Dd
'" "'I" ar ,...,... butr,.m...11 brt:a.I In 01gbl.1xlflid1
11( \l I(" "' lamil) JIUUI' IOf 'TI-
o\ luge bull) JucL. "1th a
' " -i~ b<...t~ b~ head and bill hut linn
1iokt 1~'-1. nmu"I~ hnnkml nn rrall-
IDJ! edge l!otlh l>tl and htlC ( Jc1~J r I
ouht,. "lllg\ 81/I brtJ;IJI OTU"J:t' / If h<>tlt trru d1<hncl11c, nc>1 c;-.il) n11t~rn for n
,, "" deertha;ocd ""ha J>t'<111t11nccd blad: othttOtile:mducL Comp:an: IA)QUkJ<: \\ t~111(1'Ltk' I \ O IC'I
11,111 II lllK "''" ulmn/1 >lwrt u/ f'<'I <Ir "4ale g>ves a soft ne>c7) "ht<tlc. fem.tic a na..,.l It""""'
ftr1nt11J ,,'"''I.:'J'tTJf10111on of'''"''' u11d JundP"rt.f
Crested Duck Pato juarjual
/,I 1tn1d '""'"'""'II' llt>tly pluma~c 11n:y. 111h 'cal)
11 "", 1ft11 tu Jnr~ lrut~c, cn l>utk, -c11pulani dnd Oan~~. Lophonetta specularoides FLK
l' 11 I"' '"111111 lrnc d1M11wtovc ul ''r;1111crd11ck, Older male L .SO 60 c111 (Ill ~~1 lound on
fj I \i lllh I hl'olll, lllUfc ,1IWUY 'llh,lnt1tl11 1i) IOl'JjCr lh~ll rcniOJC, /\11dc1111 JnkcN m11l 1wnd~ 111 11onh
/1111/i , , , "1lw111 " " w11//w 111111'11111/ 11/11111('.~" 1111cl bill f'()flllw. 1111d cc111111I 1m1c. lowlund 1111ml~
.... , , I ''" '"''" 11'11/l'I' litll <11111'/ 1111d 1111/1111d. r/11~.f 11111 l'lll'I nnd lll~cs i11 111111w111i11. l1~1111l l y ht
1111/i '" l11 I lv11111 :itc11111~1 U11vk. Pnr ~c1mrnriuo1 ,<ce lnttcr, 1>nlrs. dtocN 11ot lend lo !lock, 0
I n tt I ~lult i!IVc' n l111llow ~l1111crl n11:11t11Jrw1111:ll'r.-o ... -1600 111. 11)N'l'I FICA1'10N A
11111 1111 h'111.1lc wc~ luw ~nuns Iorgo lo1111bt1dic11 due~ w11h d
1111111rlh 1i..11d ('~,, 'hort, 11101,
or 11ruunJtd1111l c1n the n.ipc. bu1
se?VeS 10 give it a dil.tincuc head ,h.1~. lJ..,,l.gn1 hill '"'');'''
{Nrle bro...71 wi1h pok marblinl( <Jfl /lw1I. m1J Jori"""~ '""""" Crested D: l u k
ne. Tail long and pointed In n111h1, "lttt /rnlulft un.t
pin/ash-viola ma/kin rol'n I''"' It Shaht ,,,.,,.rh,.. m. tton
>A>01hemspecu/aroUt.."' .mallcr and has ~rC)C 1i..1111 nonn.:n
aliirola.. "'irich bas )Cllo"~ or uranic-)clto .. ~ \ OIC
Male gi\es a repeat~ hollo" 'n('(''Y ,.htMk pit
female !!J'-CS a Da.al grunt
J'~ - -
Torrent Duck
Pato cortacorrientes (Pato correntmo) 5pectaded Duck

. .'
Merganetta armata
l40-46tmflf>.1~"1 R~tnctnl
I< ruuuni; ll'Cam> and men In
the Andc' r1t1n <lc.ar,.alcr
'''"m s. hut .. ,11 Uk' mort' tu1h1d
\!oater. C'l'C<illl) 1n l!o1n1cr ~nd
spnni In rN tit lamtl) j!lupt,
dnc, 001 fl<1<l onc11 perch.-. on
large roch m \llc111 ur h) 'horc
f'hcS 1011 rollnll'fllll >t1Cdll1 Cl\11
tour and ne;irly alway~ upstream I he wny th,. du~k hancll~
1orrcnts, even as a chick, Is lruly >pcllh111di1111 100 -1200 111
I DENTIFLCAT(ON Ah1t1)'S 011 r11vhl1111 v/1111111v, <\ ~11111, long
duck with a long stiff r" il, Vivid 111'1111<'-ml Mil In 1ul Mn lc
holdly siriped Mack 0 11 while 1111 /11'111/ 11111/ 11c1A 111~'"' nntl
flanks blackish, s1riped black ontl iircy 1111 lJP<'Jl"'- l \'11111/1
lwsgrey cop tmd 11ect ,..;,,, r11/1111 1/111111111111/ 1111.l1111111 ' ' Muk
of central and southern arml'11l1 h11 ,, d.ot~ t>.or hl'11m eye uni.I
1s largely solid black un 11.onl M '''' ul llllh~rn (I R~1111n1
h<'rlepst:hi (leucosi"ni.<I IJd J irl J. II l>dt\\ C)~. h.1 "'htt(I
upcn:rlia that meet on ""I"' 110.l 1><1 11.:.1h-J flank I cm~I~
of both races ~imllar Ju "hh .1. II. 1,,.., ~' b."~ anJ '"''
mJ"11nctly grey-b'.im:d 111111 \ OIC I \llc ~,..., a hit)\
r11d1cJ,. ho<tk. female a lo 111, 11 hl\tk'
t'I A, 11 l' h J I >.1hblins ducks -_.....P_in_t_a_ils_ an_d_ te_a_I_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
Yellow-billed Pintail
to l " h I 1111111~11111, ~ , 1;l11d1 include our dome.tic duck. Lll:c all duck~. they urc aqw111c. l>Abhhn11 duck$ tend to
1 111 ft11 "I' ,.11111 "11111111111 inJ IP""l?"'8 on ~ubmerged aqwuic vegeiatton Nc>tt u~uall) on the 11rnWtd, ~nd they Oud
1 1 '" lucc,l111!l "'""'" ll111lllcolou~ males moult imo a more subdued pluma~c. the cChpj<, "h1ch Ilk:) rcu1n for
I " l I f,, '' .11111111 11...., hrttJtng plumage. Parr formatJon 1n1ds 10 occur m "mcr
t llow lullt'd Pintail Pato jerg6n grande
no t;twg1c.1 TX#19, FU< 'cllo btlltd P1nta1I, hut mc
,quarchu.Scd, Gnen ao<>d
l'I l .fl! Sol Cll'I Cltl :::t"). Widc- vteW. tr'J buw 10&'"J NII >vp-
f'C'caJ. bncb llCI rnll llOd brnd;isb kd ... ,,,, ,,,,,,,.,,J,'t/ ,.,..,., <"lrtt!
" ,. er 6-.&000m. IDE'llFICA- "'111ur>o1 d1~p101.hc lfo,.na
rtO' \ .-..:J;....,.,nd but $1.un, In h.antl lrthJ and II a d1<Ua.:e
bro,.n-plunurcJ ducL. "llh an lky can l>c d1ffi.:ul1 10 KJ'.lllll<
cl<Htgutn/ Jn'llui/ \ppears lhiu- Tloc pale, nearl) 10h11c 1'11 of
nlcd ""'" a lho.propot100iitcly \\ hllc-.;h.,clcJ 1and out I a
loal\,-e haJ. Sc'{o. ahlc. 81//}el/01> dis1:1nee. Female $1m1br IO 11\ik bu1114, '"'"'er larl iinJ 1>.ull}
""" a Jari. , 11/1rfln und 11p. \10st dull...- bill. In 01iht. 11ttn pc,ulum (brrghrcr 1ti.in 'ctto...
a 11; onl11w:I llh Sp..'Cllcd Teal. ,..h1ch "abo brownish billed)" ith a runo.. bufl leading cJj\: anJ" l>r<>ud hufT1raJ11n
""' h:i 1111111.11 11111 c1l1ur Tho: pm1a1I ,, lllfl?cr and has a edge. VO ICE -'131c 8"' u 11 \l>h1,1lc. "hrlc lcm1lc quad,
fnnn1<1 l11nr1r nccl , as"~" lun11cr. pointed iarl. Ycllo"- softly.
11llt 111'1111.nl 11~1~~ '"'"~olourou,ly bro"'" 111 lhc lic ld, lacking
111 "'"""l"'Wd.ir~ hend nf 'ip.:cklctl Teal In ~me lighis. Puna Teal Pato puna
' ' """ IH lll'<I 11111;111 muy P11cnr 1c1 h:1vc n pale check, like Ana.s puna TX #21 .iltipano
\\ 1111, h1-.t.cd 1'11111111, bm 1101,1 y11tlow bill of Yellow-billed
1 11111111 1111111111111 11~1lng pale 1:1il of Whllcchcckcd Pintail. In L 4~ -49 crn ( 17,S Ill") . RcMrictcd 11111hlrlunu, I (~YP"") - ~
11111111 11 llrn , hoown, lon1111cked duck wi1h n pointed iaj l. II Reg ion (3000 4~00 111, vn11rnn1 <Jn co11~1)
\11'11111111 d11rt. ween, nurrowly bordered by buff on leading
111ol 1t,11ll111' <1ljjC \l()f('~; Mnlc 111vcs u whi~llc, a11d female a
1pi h l
IDEN'f'lf?fC ATl ()N i\ 111c11i11m~iLcd duck wlllo
a rky b/111 Ml/, w/11//.1(1 /i1r1 11111/ l/trk. 111/
co111ro<tl11g h/ll(M1/1 mp. Urc1i.1111eyrsh bro"n urul
spo11cd black. 1he ~jl(lls ~cmn1n11 frnc hM on
\ p{'t klcd Teal Pato jerg6n chico Oaaks thm nprur 111cy ftl do\l.m<~ I cr111lc ~rmilar
10 male but O\ cnill bro..,ncr. p.1n1culllrly on llani."
An.I\ fl.1Virost ris TX#20, FLK, SG
In Oigh1. appc~n ll'C) l'h,. llh J'lllc .:heel, anil ha
I 10 41 cn1 (IS.~ 16"1 oplt'm :r dull greenish speculum bonkrcd "1 lhc kllm11.anil lrarhng
.a.i m 117"1 WKbp~~ l~ely edgi:S by buff. Alljtpatm:,. orb mc ''''h\'l'h 1><11 1m1l~r S11H7
on frc,11 "ucr T o d1stinc1 Teal Puna is subsunuall)' larger. m.>n: ''<")'I h, nh a "hlltt
gco1raphrc form,, "rdcspn.-.ad face and dicbill 1~ blue ID the ba...: \ OICt \fakg"c' "cal..
oourhem J1.,rtmsrru (0-1500 ml IA bislJc. fenulc a .CO~ or I~ or " q lo
anJ 01 .,.,....., of 1he al11plmo 1n I-
ll RC"gio , l.lS<~~OO m. rardy Silver Teal Pato capuchino
l<>lllallcch IOE" flFJC .\TJO' Anas versko/orTX#21 , FLK
....-,n. alike -' ""'11Jud11onl1 a
h<lfl'Cl<'(lo.cd DJ'l'Canllo;C o,.,. """'Collll'USIS ...11Jr
r l>frufl mtd J1'nAJ R,..-,,,, pollril ht,1 f/"d< IUllllDrUd.
'l ..L .ao ~3 cm Cl~ < 11 It.in~ bul
prcaJ 1n C'lule, moll Cllmmon 1n \II
f111 lu 1rl/0tt "''" ,/.,,4 '"'""" 1111.J rrp. The ><>Uthcm.
rcgl\111 , Fn->b11oi.1cr ru J .1nJ lkc 0.-
fi mlYI f0Jn!C'"'1,,.. \\ 1lcl) v. rth Ycltov.-bclk'<I Piniail. Due 1000 m IOE:o.orn rc \ 110 '1; A ,mall
1 II 11 nlidual 1lurr1Jf~ r.nd "m1far hrlt colour<. they att oftc:n <10.:L> d11<~ w11h1h11/ff. , 11tdhro .. 11hlt
111111 rd llo\\'Hr, 'ipc<LkJ fol\ durl hc01.t. unmarked hw,tcttJ 8/u,h1//M1tlclt"fl1m I>.~" BulT
fl nl a11d .iudy, ~hon 111,kcd 'ln111urc ~re d1al!JIOlol1c. The brea I J~!.CI) J'l<llcd hl.1.:k1h Mnd Oan~t
I 11 ~I 1 I,.~ llu lr.urlv l'\lllllCJ WI ur1hc prnu1l Nonhem. Coar.!I)> b.irrcd rcu1;1lc Alnlll~r Ill '"llC bul
n111p11111 ot<>11o1 11 c1c11 1111orc c1ntrn,1111g 1han /1111fro.s1ris. bro" ncr. le~' jlfC')'ih, nnJ h~~ ~ rnorc
h 11<1111 I' 1h 1 l'I CV 11.onl. 1rnd ~ ulso much larger 1han restricted amounr of ycllo" u1 baw nf bill In lll11h1, look.
1/ '''""'' In ll 1 ~ht .1 111,111 und ' lucky duck 1hn1 11how~ a brownish. wi1h pale cheek. and hn~ n 11rcen ,p;:cu l11111 burdcred
on the leading and 1rniling edge~ by pule buff. Widely ~y1npulr1c
l11~h1 11 111111 r h.111 ''' '"" 1ccnh1111, bordered l>y buff on
I 111011 1ot1 11111111111" 11111111oll1lfl Cdf\C, VOICE Mn lc glws a with White-cheeked Pinrnll wuh which l1111uy he c1111f1iscd duo
I 1111 '"111111 1111 "' f' """ h11w l1 11 low r11111r~ lo pale check. Scpnrn1cd rrorn lhc 1>11111111 hy lt~ Mllllllcr .tic,
stockier s1ructure, greyer ovcm tl plwnn~t\ ylllnw hill bnsc.
Whlh , lt111kNI l'l11t.1ll P.llo gargantillo comrasting grey dO(Snl pon,, nnd conrsc h111llnl(1111 ll1111k. Sec
l'ul)a TeaJ for diffcrcn11n11on frM1 1h111 11llo1n1ri~ 'llCc1c,.
~ 111 I 1/i 1111111'1'
YOJCF; Mal~ gives a 'Wenk whillc, k11i.11t 11 ..rlc ol four or
I I Only so quacks.
I .1hhl111g ducks - wigeon, shoveler and teals
~ 1
,, r 11111 "" cJ lnl a;1uuparcdabbli~dud::sormarshcsand frtsh11n1cr bodtt\ \\111con~ ''""' ~r1kio1
,, , 1o, i., Fl""} i;rnn ar<J\ aroum.1 the eyes and blue gte) bill~ outh~ 1n bllck The ll<l\ dtT Blue 1n1cJ
11 111 1 11
I" Chiloe Wigeon
blllt' "'f'8<0\<'ft> and a frn."11 srccu.Jum of,<YiAl!le t"<lmL The blue "'"I parch" mo~ c\rcn,l\c on
1 :. ln, long 'f'l>0n-ll.1J>l'd
hi I no rlr
u-c:J 10 fihcr food from "lllCT or mud In all these d11tl.... JU\cn1lco anJ r.:h~
l11lcu~ Wigeon Pato real
A11~0 ubtliJtmt FU<
but lkll"ca"lc 8111 bl.1.:L"~
Malt' " 11111111wnrutm "1th ITJ
l 43 $4<m(l7 2 11. ~nN1.. a1cr .., .. \bo1c rufou1 ,. 11b t o n-
IAJ..u. p.'G<b ~ imnhc... \J,.,1 oiucuo11' ll11c.,tr1rcd blcL
c1>mnwn """'" Cm<:l]!.:nt "'llClll 'ICllpular anJ rcnr~h . 8/a.A Mir
tton ur 11'2) -~ iH1: ptCSCJIL 1~1l<<1crt 1. t.111 dar" anJ
In ""'" ,., tam1I~ group 1n sum mll\lcrarcl)' po1ntcJ "om11111e
ntcr nod' tn ""lier 0 1000 llL form v.1d.."prc.tJ in<. .ind!)<. h1lc
I O~' llH C \110' One of larger nd 1~, pc>ttrJ onnmrtus
<h1lc'' nio>t \lrtl.1n11 duel. $. in hjghl:tnds ofnonh FPmul< "flm1 lll'V1111 "'"" n1ftm /11n('J
\h:J1um l1cJ "th a "ocJ..y F3ce brownish. "ith \\t'alt: ltluc!11lt r1rl111r 1111J m1/1 ltxlt1l1
'""'"" JnJ pe11111cd 1.ul l>1\hnctl\C head profile .,r ''CCP paler <1Jperri/111m; paler ~J'UI .il b.1..- af bill bully, 111d1111111ct.
'"" h1<,1J uml h11h U0\\-11 8/111J1f'l'.I' hill 11/1/i hluc4 llp ~mall Legs of female yellow1,h Sep.1mrcd fl'\)m \1111""11 fcm:1lc Blt1<'
'"' hir,r~ 1\cn1ll "1c I ll> 11rcy1,h M~lc h3 a lllf'll<fr "'"'" 11 in~ed Teal by warmer, mo~ rufo11,brnwn plu111.1~c. """ li1cc
'''', u 11h """'"'( c111 >;it''"'''"'/" ht ltl11tl 1t't.'. Al~o, a tvuml wltlt(' pattern l~ss d1s1inct due to br()wncr bnckaround col(tur which Blue-winged Teal
1,111h lw/11w 1ur.i1iv,rrr Neck dark, \cUlcd whuc on brC#J-t obscurescon1rut ordurkcrcychnc. S11p.:n:1hum uncl paler 'pot
.111111.. ,~k. H11(m11 /ltmh oh''"'" .11 clo-.c rnnac 1is1hly marbled at base otbill only ~lightly 1>11lcr 1hn11 bnck11rnu11d focc cuk1ur
ti ,11,:1kctl 1>nlc1 rufou~ nr ltun, U1>pc1 r>~rt d11rk. wilh while Most import~111ly, ('ln,,11111011 n11l /wr a 101111..r <1111/ 1111//u11hli
,,,,111111 on bad beconuns 'tripcd. blaclo. and 11 hnc. Ctn broader hill 1h1111 Bl11c-wing1d tn d1r.:ct compnn~u11. I dip~c
IJ1111Un. Qlld 1cn1nl~. In n11.1h1, ,, "''"I lllllJl //1111 o /111)<c wit//(' malcsiin1lar to female hut d1Minctly more rnfou~. wuh rel.I eye
''"'' /1 ,,,, i111wr u111trw/11)l (m11di.m nnd grcar.-r co-.,ns) and In Oight. l>lue "'1ng-c0Hns and sni.111 i:rccn p.'<:ulum in mile
1..-11 >j'IC\:ulum the unly Clulcnn dud wuh \\hire rump remaJc similar but blue more i:TC}'t>h nnd ~h1lw, le.- green on
I "'"' bd1111, comm<111111,. hue belly dl,1111ct1>c ~clllJlc similar speculum. VOICE Mak gi>c 1 ge./;A-11.JtA tn d1i.pl&) ' tcmak
l11t l1tllcr "th m.tllcr "'"I Jlollch, lc" 11h1tc and m~t a higb-pttcbed quack.
B'"''" "" l~c Sf'C'<tdcd l)ucl. lo ha.' Mnl.1011 "hue p:llchc'
"" I i.e. hur dtltcr- 1n 1~1r pllkt'mcnt and at..., lu.. a "bllC' Red Shoveler Pato cucha~
11;;,t. .ir.ar \ OIC f \blql"" d"1tnt11\c t"ll-llOlc whistk. Anas platalea
p/tfM .,,c,u. (em.eh: a 'Clft l!Orr '(dfY
L (I 51>~111120 .?.?"! frc-h,.accr
lal~. ponch .11\J llW'll\c, UWlll) Cinnamon Teal
Blue-winged Teal Palo de alas azules
ID ra1r. <Ir f1m1I~ 1roup ID
AnJs discors
brccd1ni1 ca'''" at other time'
I , .i I <m t 1~ lb"l \a~r1n1, r.-.:onkd tn t'oqu1mbu II\' ma\' form ID.Ill OCJ<h 0 bl}I) m.
kc fOlll QRJ n.;ar \anti~ o l 11111-dounu m1gr.111ob aoJ ID E' rlH C \ l 10' A l1ri;cr
lcndcn.:) h> "..tnd..r urcl)' lll<"an 11 "111 be l'\:ofJcd naain m Jabbhnp duck "'th an u<rl:'li
1 hilt I r'>h\loatcr lake and J'<nd' I Of' I IFIC \ rl 0' 'Po<'""'l'l"'J hdl unlike that of
SrnKtw,~umlJri.t<. nnan >nlnl, butmallc v.uh~laun:ly any orhcr Chilean duel.. OOen
111 lkr ml narro"'cr bill \llJlc crcamybuff "''lb dali. spo<s appears to bnc a high rear end, ~nJ pon., a hng rc11ntcd t.til
()ft 1l 111~11.N11t JI'<)" ,,./.,,,J,.n 4 unJ '""'"'1 """"''"'S<'t'fll Tends lO droop />11/ l1wrJ, .. ,11cr, ..-ccn1u..t1ng ''' '"c ind
'"'"" r" R.:Jr ll.1nl' ~ho" la111c "h"" \pol anrcnor to darl. \hape. Male c11111am1m. 1/rn .. 11" IHlflttl 011 /111nt, 1111J hr'cJYI

111ukrt.11I \ "":rh. u, in Red Shot"lcr \\i1ng JlJttcm C'inna- n.:ck am! head gn,ycrl>m .. ,, and 1..1., d11tn<1 r~~c pallcm
"""' h 11 I <m.1k wry \lm1l~r ru laucr bul .:uldcr brown, Er<' 11h1tr, sinking. B1tl black1.,h. llurk ci11n11111un brown.
1. 11 ~""~1\111111h111w111nnc~nnd111111/ltr/11/l,tl t\l<.1.Jo<' "f>ult"" ~apula~ and lcmals blac~1sh '"'h cm1l,,.h1te edge' Ob\10111
,.,,, ,,,,,,. 1111/r i/11rA.-1 <'I d1111 1><1/1r :iu{H'T<'illum. mon
''" 1"'" ., /111, ,., , 1111(1111.1, nntl l11r11cr uncl more obvious while
1,.,, 111 hill h'"" l1lcn1l1i~.11lo11 'HQhlly more 'tru1ghrforwnrd
"' 1111th \1111111 ,, 11t.111 111 North t\111(11c11 ns 101:01 fonns of
1 1111111111111 1... ,1 11111'1 111111c 1uo1111ly rcd1l1'<11 l'emolc~ than in
round Hlr11~ p1Jl('/r 011 rear jlt111I.." con1no1111g 1111h blncl.
undcrtail,covcn~. Tail Jons and blncki1h wnh \\hire cdljc:. I c11
yellowish in all allcs. ond both cxe~. l'clipw mnlc ~hnilnr 10
fomole but ha~ white oye. 1:1'lllnl1 /111)1111/"I' #l'r,1 l111ki1t#
11(11/ceableface pu11ern, dppcnnng unitolaurcd nnd brt>wn, hur
Red Shoveler

"'1111 \OH t \t 11. ""' .1A11J.. tc111Jlcah1sh p1td1cdquack easily idenuficd by t/1<1inu11r hi// 1/1<1111 Scp11r,11ed f10111
Ill 'l111mrn11 11 11 female Cinnam1m Teal by la'l!cr bill 1111d tl\~rull J,e. p.1lc1
pllunagc. longer tail ond duller face p.111(111 In lhj!hl 13ri;cr
l 11111.11111111 h11I r.110 rolorado ond paler than Cinnamon Teal; '"""'lc1 hfll 'hapc .irtd >11~
Ob\lous when ocrbcad \ OIC ~ t 1ull> 11 t. ntlllc I'<
111ult: ~ dunn1 d1,pla), fcm~lc '"'' <IU.H k

pochards and stifftails Rosy-billed Pochard
~ tr 11 I h 1 ar. 1lt>t. , ind 11Clll 11n ln:,h "'a1er All are sexually dimorphic Both pochards arc Jar~. whdl) coloured
I 1 11!1111 111<~ h<m 11rll111g "11110"1ng,1nrc> The >1tffiails are n:latcd II> lhc "'cll-kno"'n Rudd} Ou;;~ uf ~rlh .\mtnca
I l't I ""'11'1 111.- llu 011ur11111c wry ,1m1lar and males otTctao idenufic:111on challenge 1ha1 "ncttlmtI Al ka\I Junn
I 1 lllL') ..:l lhcu tall- I h, r111lrs bl~ bills an: d1sn0C1i~e. Blade-headed Dud. has a remarkable hk h1,lt11'), bcina 1b~
1l1l I 1Ntlt l!bhf!ltlc bh'4lol r.tr:o'11\' olu.;k Elljh an: 13td in the DCSIS ofsevt'ftl 'pcl'.IC>. USWlll) COOb F11//N On.:c the youn,
It ti Jrup ml\ the" u'f ind 1c11J tor 1hcm'ICl'.:s. not competin~ "ith rhc h<>-1youn1ti10 ITl<>'li 0111.!r ~n>oJ p.ara'11c)
""'Y billed Pochard Pato negro s1ripd. fcmoak ,,_oly ~ from female I.Ake Dud. b>
N ''" pcpouc~ ~sac. daBer Jllwnagc and la.:k of'"''"''" raa
~tales '"Ct) ddlicult 10 Kparatc, bus Andean m_, a bluer bill,
I 53 57 cm 121 ~3")
la pairs
Jurina brccd111g sea>e>n, mJlll
..-!Ucb IS~ 81 lip. ancf Ille ltlaJ U #Wt>~ toflfUlrd, '"1111 a
SINfJt!T~llv.n Lale Oud..Sa fmm the front, tbc.Jupc
Oach cir ""&I~ Otha umc,
I rcsbwatt'f \\ctlends, pn:fcmng of the bill dcrnl>< <1 I ' " hn't! I/ lllN'LI '"' /r>t~f.nul nJnt1
atca e>I Jttpt'f \\8lcr. ~fore likely
nearl) alway coc~' llil, "l11lc ~l.c Duel. uni) d<lc, 10 '
display. VOICE D1pl1y of malt mcluJc, oh\ mu' head-
to Y1'11 tar:cr bkcs ind "ctl3nds
pumping and a froa-hkc cro;ak1n11
1n nc11t-bn:cdingseason O 600 m
I Ol 'I flfil C ATIO:'\ A lu11c immature
bulk dul duck w11h a /~1/d 1<hw: Lake Duck Pato rana de pico delgado
rn1 Maf.. I>/," 4 ""h II"" .iJn '1ntlKhU.'1Wtt. The red Oxyura vittata
111"' "" nla1-i:1-.I 4noh 01 ' " b"'" Imm male s1m1ler bo1 L 40-46 cm I In 111"1 l'<>nd' and
!11 v. oLI <k:clopcd lrnob, dull~ncd bill and bro\\ 111sh "ah marshc' with nbu111l1n1 cmc'icnl
I 1rt 1111 I 1n1ult' /11T11111h/1111v1 with 11/111., 1~n1, darker atxi1 c vcgc1011on. 0 IOOO 111. I OR rt
111ol .11111rr brown on llnnk~. I emole focc pmlcm vnrioble, lll CA1'10N Struciurnlly 'lml lnr
ii '" 111111- look~ clatkcn1111ct1 ond hus po le 1hro111 and ltl A11dcu11 Ou~k h11t .<t1111//1r. with
bill" I 11 111111. Otlcn 11ulc 111 hill buKC. /"1111111/e hill P,t\'J' rm/y /11rrg<r 1111/, 11ml 11w1wrtlmro1el;
/11111/1 1 p<mtl"d 111 bt11<' llnifonn ct)lour. grey bill , wltitl' MMller 1111d 11urr<11'l'I' tlp1w1/ hi/I
1111 '"""'.ind "llill'lrlflC wr.~ 10 ..:r.1ra1e female from mhcr rend' tu huw Jlmtrr fi1f'<'heaJ
1111 1111111.f \.01( ~ ll.I01lq11vc wft \\.h1s1lc. female a na.'kll than Andean. and ntcI often
observed S\\ 1mm1ng "llh 1t1il tra1/mg l>.ltt"'1 on tJr/111 t'o cocli.'
Wl largel)' in dt>play. \lalc chc>tnul, "11h d.trlt liul and bli,~ Andean Duck
111tl1t'rn Pochard Pato castano head and neck 8111 bngh1 blue. 1-,.,,1<J/r hrn1.n, jtn"IJ
N .. 11.1 NythropthillmiJ \'ermU:u/arcJ on ""'11 unJ 11<11 t>lwfout pal.. tfl/'(' l>t./111>' ryr
11 19 W). V!lfanl ll1,1oncal!lpCC1m'DfromAnca. a11d pale throat. ~emnlt: ..epanllcd fruni Anilcn by 1m.1lkr ''"''
I Jiii 1 1 {inb. unhlcly du.- tn ~cent populauun tkchnes in and face stripe ~lalc tt1tl.1crto 1dcnufy. l..tli.c Dud. i> 'malkr,
I I 11 hy h1nbu11on llH ' I l fl (' \110' Shghdy .mailer, has proporttona1cly lonccr 1011 , a Oancr hcaJ profile and
t ::tlcd head. >J n1 re roundcJ ~~ ch.on Ro.y-t>illcd ll3tTO\\CTb1ll. II u.'SU311) ~noc cock lhc 1~! \l.'lulc th<'. btll t
11l lfiJ/c- chnunn 1th l>ia..#. """ ortJ lt<aJ Red C)C blue. ii is !es.~" iJ thAo ~adcaii.. "'till a /Nr!fltl"r o...a 111 1bt-
I "bile bill ,. blucgr.:y "''th a "'bile Mlhlcrm1nal biU ~ ro1~ tli<I11 ~'"Z ,..,r,,/r bright hlw c.:l. ~ '
d b111d. 1~11 I 1~e Rosyb1lleJ Pocbrd, 11 u.; an more blad than Oft An<kaa (d1ffiC1111 '" >) ~ rnlft'I the
> lrtk Mttptrlpc . althoup II Ii le> C'tlCIL\I\~ 1M1 from. !he sbolpc or Ille I>.// J~mha " i luzl/m,.. U ..-1:,.... ,t ,....,..,,,
tl;;w 1n Win I c:malc lm1lar i..1 RO\)-b1llcd Pochanl. tbefarehectd. \ OICE Oi'play of male 1nclu.Jc. hcadpump111
eclipse male
I ti. ~ ""'" cu1111,l\11n ,. h11.- l~c nurl.mJllo and >1n1llcr
while Dtt'k mJlatcd. .i.nd I!" mg a soil p<>PJllOI f'llPf'tJf'-/'flP-
I II Ii 1 1 111alc: hL< lc111.1I~ Inn h.u m1>rc c:-.tcn.'"" "hue at pnmp.AJSll '1gorou.<hcad and DCC'k <ulKncr<o1on ,.h1lc l1Nnl1ng
Lake Duck
I 111 A nllC!>"' '"' "" C"ar Hl~Crl
Black-headed Duck Pato rinconero
A1ult .rn (Ruddy) Duck Heteronetta atriapilla
I' 111 1 111 de p1cu Jncho L 35 38 cm (14 1s1 Pond nd mar,hc. " "h
abund.an1 cmcq:cnt vcgc1a11on. rart1<ulMly S<1r1 w
<hp11 l<'trugmr.1TX#22 (n:cd}. 0 600m IOE.Yrl~1CATl0'11 A/11n~l>t1d11~/
.t I 1' -llC n11 (17 l'l"). l'onds ond sUm dud nth ti lung narro..- bl/I, hllf 1/111rt tud S" Im<
1111 ,., """' cC\111mc111 1n Andc low on wa1cr. add rng 10 slun ~~pc~r1111cc. ~clo11wl )
Y11I l11wl11111I nr~ni. in Wll\ltr in short wini;. 11111n of rill! r1111111111111tl< ll1:1'11111l 11'/11g
11\oth 111111 , 1111111! 1011c, nnd rcg- 1/icm 011 8imllttr-slwd 1J11cks. Mnlc dnrk hrnw11, wllh
111 111 l11lowl1111d' 111 l';11.11:1oni11 0 warmer brown llttnks nnd ltlu1All1 lwml. /Jiii h/111
1111111 111 llWN I ll' IC'A l'I ON gn.'}' with n.tl,/is/1 b<1.fc. Female \ltnilar but h.1, 1uq
bill and paler face und Oanks O:u'I. cyd111t. p.1lcr '11pcn:1luu1
and pale lhroaL Perhaps the mo.1 d1'1111<11'~ k.11u1.:" Ill<"'"'
"''"' .fhape. In 01gb1, '"''htte traJ/ltlp rJ,., t "'"''"'"~ "h1rl.
" wmehm~ ll>lhll' '"' (t1/Jnl ""' \ O lf ~ I '"~"> iu l<tll
male give<> "'10 runt nJ '"""'' I 11110 1"n <l111;Lm
1 V11 llt11 c~.
1'1 Al I l AndC'dn Condor and Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle
111 ''""' 111 1111111111>< I h "' 1...-.,. ~'''"ltkr.:J pan of the order that mcludeii the hawk, ind ldlcon, lhll"on1formc) for
I l 1111 ..11 1..-1,.,,.,.,, ,, a111l 1c:"nll} genetic data have all pointed 10 a d1ffcrcn1 ~m1ngcmcn1, m.aml) thJI lhe'>C
I lll(l<C' '""IY ~I 11 .11.. Ilic: h" "Ihm the Ciconiiformcs.Afl att large. blacl.1-h. ~1.111n11 b1rJ lh.ot r~cd "" um,lO
ifl 1!ih tvli"uc.l ,... i.e.1 h~ lhe \nJcan C0Ddorisamoogthemost1m~~"ct1fSouth \mcn:t" brJ, The SI.id.
t I '1 rd I I 1 11 I A ultu1< '"' an oJdl) 'hon-tailed, rapror Iha! may be rno-1 clo\c,I} allied tu Bulro

1111 li.-y Vulture Jole d~ cabeza colorada size ofcbc coodor" l'"l'fc "c. 11.,. C\ er. 11>1ully lhc) arc rai
ith.~11~' ~uril TX#23, FLK off"'hc:rc tbr luge IW'C ma)' !'Cl4 be ub1 ~ fl1.-. ,. uh .i11lu
I " "6un12-4 J-0 1W160-182 dihedral and up curkd outcqn~ \\ ~ l:>nll anJ panalld
cm (II ' 72"1 \'anou hab1ta1>. sided. rttWtgubr. ,.lib 'f lu17g 'fiARr'' "" llfZ 11p fall to of
rr.,,n dC'!lcn 10 PataplUI <itcppe. modenic length. but 1> broad anJ latsc ,\nJc.n <.:oo.J.lf ts
but re chn rnu1mum dcnslnes shaped mos1 lite Twl.c) \ Wlm:, but ~onruau111 Mly lit.ti)
on n<>t1hcm COHIS 0 1500 m. 'hen obscr\-ed al ~t Jutan.~ Tl..: arcatn urfao:c am of
I Df' rir1 c \TIO' A large. cbc ,.-ingsoflhc condor. ld. ofa llr'<ll'IJ! d1hcdnl, anJ ,h1>ncr Black Vulture
hi ll\hbro'" 11 'olttJrc that ili~ broada lail hdp 1dcnt1f'y 11. Adule NcJ<A 1tlr "it1111n111g "h""
on '""" M llfj/t ltl!IJ llf a d1snnCI Uf'PO"'ing, olld et>tllrtJ..1111g }111111 """' ""''"" 1m1"'J "' 4
J1/u:Jr.,/ \11mc11meo. 01es lo'" When standing. look\ bulk~ wllh umc1< h11 lt1111c h 1..1.-A.-.I
Y r111111I. 11><cl.11111 h,1,k MJ lorth ht..c a la~e black harrier postl,fr(!. While on folded wing Intl on collar uh1 Ou' Jl, ..,J
ltd 1 /1 //11/" olllil \\hen II tloc the 0Dl1' art \IMI and laboured. naked Kilh plnH1h-orong, rn/1111n w11/ lt1t)I 111111/1 1111 11111/1'
fl I'"" lh11111 c.1rhc1 1n dny, ond ''O)'S 11111 lnrcr in e1ening than Female lacks comb and hus i:rcylh hcutl. "1th lcs 0111n11c
111.,, l \ 11h11r< 'V11Ar1/ ht'ud I< hr/11/11 1,,,/, H<'foll' 1he wmi::s colour. Adult plumage nc:quircd ovc1 ~vcrul yc.ir. J1111111lc
"/'/' 111 '""' 111111~/. 1hc cJnrk w11111 llnin11 co111r.1sling with the brown with paler covens nnd Inch ll111Ty whttl c111l:or. Olclc1
111ff1 lrllllj!C. ru1l l11n11 ur11I lllllT(lW, Cll'COICr covert~ mid SCC juveniles and younger lmmmurc~ of'lc11 look vc1y W(llu untl
1111il111 I<' nl11od 11nlc, clt hct 1111lc 11rcy or ln1tf; lllO~c pale edges rarry, with grca1 contrU$1bc1wccn older, t~l<1111od wl 1111 fom hc1 ~
1111 11n1t1111hlc l'Vcn 111 ro dl~loncc, When sill Ing uppcnrs sm111/- and newer ones. rtic)' cl11111g~ to blnc~cr hody n11d 11c1111irc while Andean Condor
/10,,,/,,/1111111111111 lim11 hmllid S1m11N '""" /1<>1/t1111m/ po<111re, oo neck collar und uppcrwingK, Mr111y lntcrmcdlntc 11lu11rnfl.C~
111hl Ill\\'' 11 "1hm111tiol f'rllnor)' projcclio11 Ond o l<log fail. possible.
""""k h,,, H hr11w11..h hc~tl; whole lnimuturc (fir~t-yearl is
11~ ' "'"" hu1 "1lh n 'li~htly r.1lcr hci!d anti cl.irk bill up Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle Aguila
Geranoaetus melanoleucus
IU.it k Vulture Jole de cabeza negra l bO 711cmt24 '0"1W 14<1 1114
( 01,1gyps <i l ratus
~ . I .Sfl 74(ml22 29"1WIH- 160
(m 1s~ 1111 \'anow. habitat>,
cm I S<I 72"). \ 'a nou. h.ib1m,, hu1
of'lcn near n1<M1nt1in l<lf'r' both
1hc Andc a. well '" C'11a.1a l
lllll8Coi .\1\\1 founJ al lC>t edl"'
m.1 ~ c..-.mvn 1 I.ind 0<?000 m.
IO~' 1 ltl C \110' l71n onjkn 1n Pa11g,n1a, a1ncuhunl areas
"<. lfO J1l;c Jl'l1f Ono. nol rod. ,.1 '""'
'f ln><>rt'. '<' 11 11nd de><n
\, " "'b1I~ 1n 01a;h1 T)ln~IJ) gl\CS ()lllS1 .al ) IQ tho. P""11! () 4000

Jrtr,ol <flllCA flopJ ood 1/1t nt I D~' I If IC HIO' .. la~

glidn "btgr b~I.. 1uh..rc w11h r.rptor -..,th a bat-bU lt11~ 1 1n ' '< bt<Wd at I~
~ ad modcralcly ro1n1..d ....,,. th~ ,,,,, u rli/1('o
~ '""' u11I alld 1WirJ """kl<'d
,.., ltrod <>utn M\ prunann tl1uu1Ctl} Jl.l)n i)Qn fCSl 1da<uslydtonandd4l,,,.mtl""'prJ lhcl>road 1nPC:r ,.,n..,.and
uf \\ 11 ~IK'" 1ng a a""'"""''''" "'ti f"'lt li 10 f11W.1 "bo-e 5bon WlgM: lhbcaglc thcudtl lllld1llil1n.:llc trningular h.lflC,
I ,,. 1~11, tllfl> "" Ulcr rnmancs On vound stocky wltl1 lhc -re" a the tall Ju1cn11cJ h.>w n4rTo\<i:r \\lngs anti 1
t11hu11! 1ha1 .tland l\I"" 11pr1glt1 The rnm.11) C\lcns1on is longe.-1.11L loolio11 ITl(11T hLc a W11tl;uJ Ru1i-.1 in >hap.: Adult
.t11.1141111f llo~ iail 1 hnrt S...pan11ed from l uii.c> \uhurc by is dark b'1''.1 Mllh f"'/.:r >111111.,'<Jt'rl cJnJ u ftmtrallllf: M11cl
hnot 1111 111tc ""'II "I'' OJ1-w111gcJ ghdc f'\l~lln'c, Oap-and- cites/ and .. JuJe hc/11 \\lute un1.lctpart vu1ahl) hJrrcd or Black-chested
1 ''' '' I h11""' u11r1ph1 -1untc, uml t!Jrk head . Streaked dar~. In 01gh1 ~hO\\\ 11ul1 lrlli llntl ""'S l111/11Jl1 Buzzard-Eagle
comra..<ting S1rongl1 nlh /l/t1rAnlt rr1111>;,1, loll 11111/ /lrrtl\I
Atttl,111 Condor C6ndor Juvenile hellJ"' buffor nl\~I' our/111>/1n111rA11/11i1/1lm11111,1101
Vu/I 111 111 yplws appearing so much like wen~~ us 111uch 11 tlu1k hl111ch111g on
underparts. Face >h1Jws .vir/klllg p11/1 111/tt'l'rt/111111 11111/ 1111/1
In I llJO 122 cm (JI) 4~")
.1 1(I ( 1 1)~
w 274-
122''), (.'l111rac1cristic
moust11c/1ia/ s1ret1k thar c11111111.1rs ll'lr/1 d11rA 1111i/1w <11/1111. In
night shows greyish fllgh1 fculhcrs 11mt 11111 1ln1ke1 wing 1 11>~
s1w~ ic of Andes. p11r1icul11rly and narrow and rMher im'li,1in~1 IUll b.ir1 "'titlu wnlk sc1M1111ed
\\h1r" ~11 ll\. "' rocky mountains from adult Rufous-rniletl lluwk hy ~1cy1h 11111, ,1rll.l11i.; 1lnl~
'"~ 1111111~111 1 10 more heav ily supercilium, a11d blotchy n111JC:11111wr 111 11111lc1p11rl luve111lc
~ll1111,.,1 "l"J'<:' 1\1,<1 found on Rufous-tailed Howl.'' while l>el1n1 lh 1~<11 il..rl Mth dl\llOcl
' ...... Ill ,,,,. 1.1r """" ll>>OCi3tcd belly band. lackint: ru.'I~ col11111' "' hu11111l l~glc Juveml,
111t lr1111~ nl l""'l'C'I' In Pa1a- Variable Ha\<k" rnu~h ,fimm.-r lh 111 ''" llu11.1rJ-e~11le IKl1>
more pornted 1>111g nr. llu.ilh p.tkr 1hr1.l1 ~nil brc.M ara,
and 3 d:u\. 51tlp." bcl111< Ilic O <'

Wl11t1 l1ll11 llWt
Chilean Hawk
l'I i\ I I ',O I t,1 wk~. harriers and White-tailed Kite cf. Chlmango
c:.a~a ra
d 101111 i.i1,,1 l1l<"~l h" ~ lhol 1-cn11h\C m bunung birds. The) rel) on surpri<c, and 1hcah1hl) 10 chn\C 1hc11pl'C) 111
I ll11rn1 h ""'ol I ht" .1, tun< 1111< mJnocuvrab1l11y "11b 1berr shon. rounded w1np und IQl\111.1111, and ~lw cccl 1
h -rJ r.arw1t' 1larrm '"' aDolMr ma1ur group of rartors "hich is global!) dii11nl>u1cd They hunl hy >urpm1n1 thm
hot i:lo.1111g I" mer 1h.- i:round lo 1hdc cffic1cntl) m the unsuble atr clo<c lo !he rTound. IM) haH long "''"I" I hat ar
en ~c d1bC'Jn1I llam.~ hlc ""lhl.c disc, around !heir C)cs. \\hich help 1hcm 1u hear pre) .u they 0) <1cr
ll II in\s ll"I. 1$ rla,cJ ID II m<>nt>i'ric gC11~ Iha! U>CS scrub babilllU . II 1> a ~d pt'I 1n lht Amcm:as, aod tn
II l ~ 1 l k; Uf th~ fC rapltlr' 10 fur.tgc in '>()ci:iJ gn>UJIS- lfO"C\ef', IR Chile: lhl> bcba\ IOW' .. U"lflto"l11

Gnereous Harrier Vari

1~1 W ~i.. '0 cm Cll

Grcus cinereus
Ll'I l!<cmllS 1111\\ I)() llS
'I I F1rn1cJ lie'- p.m1cularly more open cm ClS S"l. lnhab11 sra.uland
locc,1 or forc..i cJ,c In WU11cr ma) occur Pd>IUtc>. m.1,,hc' and ra1~11on11n
on more open nrca, , eHn urban Lono . 'tcppc Prefer open, irclc"
lJ 11<."unllll<>ll., UM1.tll) 1btcr>cJ 11} mg lo" area.' Pcrchc' on jlnlund 11r !>Om
b.:h\ccn furc't ratehc\ c;\\;I" r.trcly. and ltm.:-. un " lo" I""' not in Ire.
Ihm 1nly m bri:..'ll1n11 -ca<'n. I OEi\ flf 1- () 10()0 rn IOf:~rl HC \110\
Ci\110' l ypi<al 1td111i.-rw11h1ltmb0Jr. \ tyr1cuf h~mcr; o '""' /1111,. Clnereous Harrier
ht>rt 111u11d1d" "'II' uni/ ft111g. NllU1t/1d ((If/. "''"'1"" /11111: wtlrJ rup111r th.. (
11111 1111,1111.: wml.1r 1u "lllrth 1\m.:11cun Coo1i.:r I la"k flies /011 11wr gro11111J, glttlmg 1111/1
11111g.1 h1wt 11t ,..rf;t 111111
I I"' 111 lltj,!111 ~1111\1 ,is ul .H'W111f 1111trA. ,lffj jlup.1 /i1/1011 et/ Ill' Judd in /J dis1111c1 d1h<!<lrttl All plumac' 'hlm """' rtllll/
11 n . ,./Id, Kcc11 lung 1nlf d1hcd unlc~~ 60Unng. Tail and fuce hos owll rf..t dibc> around cyc< ty11l~ul of hnrricrs i\J
/1111111/1 /11111/ttl 111 r1/I111111, 11 Ith d11rk />1111tl r/1111/ur 111 IO'idlh malt! gt<i> witlt blork wmgup.,, durl. 'ccondnt')' line und d111f.. r
p;1/. I 111.f, \d 1lnr~ ~rcy rlhO\C wllh /Jlu1~fah ""P he/ow sub1erminal !nil bn11d. Be low grey, bnrrcd ttM)' on belly KnJ
,,,,/, I"'" 111111 tllfm" /H?lllllJ: 1111rtln1/u1/1 e111 lii111lflon!t1 vent Undcn-.ngs whuc with cnrblack llfl nnd tm11Jn11 cd11c

dI l/1 S11111.: 11111d1n1111.: nJfo11, hclow, Dcllll! furijcly hn ndcd 10 sccondllric,, Female hro"" \\ 11h tmnJcJ 1a1I .ind w1nf
111 11 1111111 '"~"" do" n lh1sh' ulwap ~ohd rufou,. 83nd.ed rufou~ on l>elly und "tng l1111n11s Juv, "milnr 111 lcmglc
111 1 li uM"''" 11/111< 1111t In l11~h1. tu1I aud "lllt;' banded but more dh11nc11y ,1rc.tl.<J on undcrp3n and darf..-c)~J
I 1f Ill I h ttl "1n~ hmnr\ ll.11 rate ra1cflc\ Oil pnmane>. VOICI:. A sburp \Cne' ol h-f'k 1 note U'ually 'lent
1 mn "'""' .. 1111, l>du11 "1111 trt/t d"rJ.. lnaL1t( and
~I i.,. ..-rnilcd from ( h1mani;u Canicara by ~malkr Long-winged Harrier Vari huevetero
"11Jl;k1 muscul;ar tltuIUrc and cla.ri} bandcJ tail Grcus buffoni Long-winged Harrier
I l11f~.1n fla"I< ld .,ale p41che. on '""r> \'OIC E L 4b-OIJ an (18 2-11 \\. I Ill I.SS ~m 1<17111"1 \agranl
1 ar 1,;,.,, ~ ~ 1ha1 ..:ec:luain. and n) rcmmJ Se\cral htstoncal n.-conl ~uuc,111 ma) hie hn formcrl>
I 01 ln I I pt< 1 u....11~ "fcnl ~1ann Onie. :'\o ra:n>t ~sh1ni \Iott~ lo-cly a oaatcd
with mal'bcs than Cuicretl4l Hamer IDt ,-, l fK \TI O'
Whtl 1.11lt'd Kite Sailuin Bulkit-nnd 1oni;tt" in~ than C1nc1roua H;amn- mu.:h '"""'
' ''""" 11111 11111~ \\'"10~ zod tail al"~)~ 'llOClfly b.&nckd. lrp.TJ-uTt u..J chol
alt1'tn'S w/ul/1 J.>rk \i.alc bl.~1."h aboc. tbrk on brc;UI DML
I 'S l cm 114 111 \\ 11i! 1112 cm (3S-
t0') f annl;and aJ.1accn1 l<I Wfcr Im:!> IJlOrllbl-iliu<intallako Mada,b bd<"' female d.lr\ brovn
n.111 Oft<n p..'f~he, quietly on uuluy posl. aboe. cbrk on brca<r and "h1I<' 011 ~II~
I II $1131 or fcn~"C J"'I \\hen huntJDg 11 Harris's Hawk Peuco
l1h1cll)' hO\c,. llH:r field. ""h lhc ;ud of
hc..J1>1nJ If pro:)" l1>c::11.:d.11~chu1cs Parabuteo unicindus TX#25
l.wn "uh 1..na ,..,.._..i
h1wh O\ er b.>J} 1n I .tS 59 cm (Ill ~l"I \V '>2-121
\ 0 l~llllm IOt,rtFI C \TION i\n .:m (lb -Ill"). Op1:n dr) forol
111r.1Cll\C clc11.1n1 r.ip1or .\/,,.,.bojf,,J .,.,th edge. maiorral ,ind J.:,cn 'tCnoh
1111/ long. /Hll'ullI 111lc1/ t<1il. Falcun-h f..e i\lsu in formla11J nc~r di') forcI
111 11lar JIO"crlul JU. lhu~ PP::"
gull- 0 2000m. IOF N llH C'i\'llON
" 111 t 1111 oily due 101;li11l11ly bcni wing.. G1'1'1'l1bo1-e 1\ bulky, hon and bmad-wm11cd
~ I 1/1111l 11111/ 11111IN/11rt.~ white. fllocA pt1td1 hnwk w11h n long 1011 Ad 1111d J11v.
I I 11 ",11,1111c1!w look. 'Tii1/ ,.lif1t ""'' grc.1 hO\\ f'U/r /II/Ith Ill /11111 u( / II I
II I' 111 wllh i/111k1r 11n1/,1 ' 11ml \ I 111111111s. .luv. lll llfl('\, while l'Clll ClUlrUMlllJ.'
J 111 11 11n hc,1d, brcat on1I b.icl. Separated with res\ of bod) plumGge ani.l mm>m 11/1lt1 111111/t, i\11 //n11111
'' 1t.1mcr by luck of bluet.. ~houldcrs. olxie. rufou< 1111 1/t1Ju/Uer ~nJ hrt>\\ n h..111 \\ llh inc" llJI
r h.111\lcd hnf nd bcha~mur of Oying streaked or blotched palltm. l<uloll' 1h1 ~h' ,,11111,"1 " ll h wh11,
111 h 1i11cll\t hhrtlral VOI CE: A soft ven1. Rumpwhi1cand1.,,/11/,.//,l .J, A 1tl h, . ,,/,.h111111
' , h "'"' ", ,,,,, A1"' -on rpmi; no1c' Ju,. has paler head and ,. '""" h t111<th h111~i:cl t>cl"'
<NH.fderpak ruf'*> "''" 1lmAJ<>1 Ml <Nlfn.> R111t1p "'"'' "''"
greV1sh. narrn"IY l>JnJr,11.il "rp.111tc.t httm J"' 11nJ lir t
bo>1c) \'tlriabk Hav. I. hy Ion ,.. t 11 "'~tk 1 fiCCltl.1n.:, nJhll
<htiuldcr, "b11.: ru11>JI a11<l l1" J. I 1l ~u~nnuul 1.1!1.bafld

1""1._hN1>;1_,,, \lorl 1hlcl \ Oii I /\. lo1MI , h.uh M lt'llnl

typical female
'11111.tble Hawk typkJI m.ill'
ind femdle
h'(I 1, lruo1t ''' C'<I 1h.,n-1a1leJ r:apton. often seen <n&nnll on lhtnnal\ dunn1 mtdd.I) Tu rdct>lr f)
11 1 on I 11 r 11 m r"Ct<:c ut 1.t<:~ of a dart. palllgial bar. and s11c and .iructurc. Wing moult oc~u..., all.-.
Ill 1lorflli ftol 1hl\ ill "111tc1 ljWll r ht \\bth.:throa~d HawJ,;;bo-.-e-a-. )OUn 'borJ.. lltt" """l'\cJ 1n .. tng 11\0llh fn>m
V ltlc: H.1wk Agu1lutho Jar!""" l'tV f"1lr11Jirt1.; to 1ull-n11 rrtt and
rn.t} ~ more oh.,ou than rcJ of 1a1I
ll11/ru 1mlyu~om.i TX# 26. FLK
I I t>2'm(20 221w Ill - ISi \\'h11"h on 1hr<'At and brul .an~rnon
(111 (511 5111 Tiie: mo..s C(>t11!Dl'ft
ct.c..bcrc, "'lh J.rrl hri/> b<J,,J Ind hfasl
p:uchc Urrcrpan<1bru"nhh, "''h tthltuli
Rutt'" 10 l lttlc Open areas and
for~ cJcc:. from~ In cl 10 5000
,;.,,1o1., mt SrtJf'l'lor Rc.1n,1cJ pale 1hroa1
fie)( dearl) $<:1 00 from datl.cr r.-;c lb OD
m \ J"1rnc111" l<>nn l'i>""K""<~I
\\ b1tc-thmAlcJ llA\l;I. In n111h1 . Rufo11,..
,,. Uf' " " lhc Jun FcmanJcL b
u1lcd /las o Jur4 potu~lal bc1r anJ 'nna
lilt'' 111 IC \11 0' The mosl
1Jnhk Rul'r>. .,lructunlly rarhcr mon "i"l! lmms 03rk morph 1nttrrh hrrM1tt1h-h/"'' "'nh
>Orne Miiite P<'CJ.illf[l on -.,1puf<Jf'\ and narc Tail IJ'CYth"'
loni: "1ni;.:J. "<\:undan"' do no<
lu c\1~111 <>I Rutuu,1111lcd ll~w~. W1n11 protilc Oa1 or u
narrow bamng. lack" rufnu, Ju> wh11"h hclll\1, "'''" nbvrnu
unmarked 14hll< hr11tr/ and Cl>nlta\llns fur4. tr.uA1J l>t / '
" .~ 1hh~1lr,,J Only (hr lean 8111""' "h tn4ing "h1t<' tu1/ unJ
band Brown upJ1Crp~n;, w11h 1'11itf\/1.<mp11/11r11111rJ.1n11.~. 1~11
, t 4 1, 111111o1f 1111f./tr111d 1\1 lc.N 27 d10crc111 od morplh known
H J, '" t ,, 4 uUJll) onl> on r~malc. bu1M~01crl3p L~oungcr brownosb Wtth uurAl!r ""'" MJ<ldl'r Jlwn "" ''"'""'' ''"" A
Undcrwin11s of 1uv. show dor4 p111111,1f11/ 1111ir4, und bold d11ri
llltk 1 MoI common morph ~fm111/1111 wftltt bt/,,.,. 11ightly
1..,, ,1 il.Jo1111~n .ind red 1>.1d, (lu'l!cly fctnafc,). Cum:spondin11
commn on grcalcr 11ndcrwmg-covcn \ OICE \ h,,,.,.h A11
1111111 1l1111h11. f)111 11h<lo111cn whl1c11111l bu~k 1!/'C)'. 0 1hcrcomrno11
111 .. qoh 111111.,, h111 m111.: dcn..cly li.1rrcd bchm. {1n:y morhs
. 111111 11111..Jv i:.rcy bulow. ~rcy <111 hrc.l\I anJ 1hrCM1 "nh barred White-throated Hawk Agullucho chico
I lh "' ncn rcdthoh nn belly. bud.. grey or red Reddish fom1' Buteo albigula
111 I ~ 1,t1JiJ,hl!rcy <ln 1hro.11. rcJ1H'h on l'l:'l llrundctp;tns vr - __........, L -10--lli ctn t 17"1W11-1 102 cm (37") J\n
toof.h Jr.i;re) un 1hrna1 and hrNI onJ rt'ddr~h on belly. uncvmmon /111Jt1 of \111h11fu1111' fore
1111111ulro11, hJl 1trc redhh l><'lu" arc ahia) ~1"1 on bad dunng hre~dmg 'CJ'l>O Sea le\ cl '" '0<1Cl m
111 I 1~1 " Ith 1...11 )' b.irrrng tln belly, 1cJJ"h t>n ba<k uml Hti,ihly n1111111COI'). 11 ltaH\ Ch1lc 1n wmlc1
ljhll "' .u1J 1.11! ~1m1lr In J UI' C\<<'l'l n<>11ccablc cbr\ >Uh- \11J!r.ttc 1lnoi Andean lc'l<>lhrll, ~ lca't h i
1< 11111111 h.uul I 1r-tb;1"c: \lm1l~1 10 JU' llnm,, Ha"k tn Sanu:ago. funl>cr nutth m.ay m ,,-ol cit\I of
r .. ua,c. l>ul ...,., ,rJ: o/ bn>.1J ....,,, Ju1l 1111. rufou> Oii hac~. Andes 1rou1c> unnnwn) IOt" 1 IH C \ .
Iii>! I" I houhkn. JarA run11' and uu.:1ural d11Tercncc, Jui TIO' The J Malll'JI, """ ..,,., ' Mf'ilC'I
\ar h hul ah-a1> b.u gmu" tu1/ '"'" nJl/ll<"f>W '"'""" Chile.in 8u110 '\hnI 3lwa~ olhcl"lcJ 1D
f.irl. r hu,.., \1011 arc p.ilc c1~1tamon bck>,., ulbt~cd on OtgbL Sboft-bod1-'CI. >hon-1a1leJ litNtlurc, wnd 1>1na1Jb11r:111hns
brc'sl tfalC'J Oii abdotnc:n llnd ~IC rate 1upcrc1hum and ~ 10 .. 1ngs. ll1ni:pn!fil/IUJ. M1th1/111t1Ul w~rl6/n1tqtll~
d 1L nul.u 1111'<' IMrlct lt1(lrpb JU' hc:a\ll)i llTQl.cd bcl.,,. . Win!?' l'QCb 11dt hr>n of 1a1l lip I tnl C1111trm/ "' "'"'
m 1nd111Ju.tls ~re moukJ on hrcaI and un}lrc:al..cd on throdl "i1/t durt 'ltd"'"'' nuuceablt: <:1cn at a d11ao.:c Un.ltt-
t..J.,mcn \I.a be tonfuied "''lh J U\ Utx.. -chc,ICJ 8tU.r.ard- ~ "'hnr, wnh brov. n chnt l'llh<. 3n.J hrr11 nt>h /"JI It " "
I 1,, but mlkr "'th Jc, h11l111ng '4-,;11ndoinc:a. llttcr "''II f/an.b 111lid! is \hiblC ID niahr \'ariahlc. bul .....11c-m1 leardn~
I rolik- rid ruundc "'1ngtrp> ~l.o bou.ard-c.ai;lc 1rn.t.1n ~ shaped suc::iks"" b-.t and bell) 1 high barrcJ connamun
<I) '"'I hdly IJvth JU' \\ h11c-1hn>.;1tnl ;ind Rufnu.Llil"<i Dari. brov.D aoo1c, /<Jt"kilq/, >dlt~ K Jf'llf.,, '1'"""'1' ot Ruft>U""
1..1 Irr 1 "'" " " ~1n unJ..-rp.in, and bro.i.krJ.irt. Uri wl~ Haw!.. or grc)'>h uprcrpJrb nt V1it1.1blc lllwl. G11cn
1>1111111111 J1111 h tnandc1 Ila" k (form rt111/1 OIU.:(~t IO~ good ,.;.,,. C'iJJJWlfftNlMJ:ltnl htnHt ptllcl.l!l 11nJ ,.....1; .,.J,-s
All 11 lhr Iii.in hconr neutral 1re), J1,11nc1ly -.h1tc- \1,;ibk Tari ~rt.. grc)r$h, wnh m3'11m.illy tlarl.cr n;1rro11o uul
11p11\ .11 .1,J,; t...utwr. .uld while undcrp;ut \lor'U\ct, no f'Cdd1,h band. and lightl) broatkr 'lllbtcm11n.1l h.utd Ju\. '1m1IJr h
I hen m ~nowrtruu";uron bJ~l.oc1fc11h~tcx oflhr< fom1 ad., panicularly on upperpnm fuct' \lrcakctJ, II t.lark helmet
1111 lmtl.u IJ p.ol<r IYllC' found on mrnl~nI \ OICt:: Maon I~ pronounced than ad Below whrtl\h "'"h 1111lc nnnnonun
' I\ 1h1111011 t..:~111 Milt 11 lo11gcr m11c 1hcn rcri:tncJ A<o11 nolc~. wash. streaking more no11ceubl~ nnJ blacker lht1n t>n ud , nnd
th11 A.1, I ~. ,,,. 'n>n A1m (t'f>"- ~HI" Atou kttm .ltuw- W'" cittcnds to cc:nirc of brcu" nnd ccnrrnl belly. A1~11>1 ttnd llnnk
A.''" 11111111 ,,wrnl ccmuls. J11v. jjlVC\ 11 l11~hcr prlchcd patches.comprise lnrgcs1nink>. 11111>1M1h1l1hllll In lh11h1juv.
I I' """" ,.,......,.,, Alltt'f' may be confused with 01hc1 1wo R1111M, 11111 111111> /111'4 <!{ d11rA
paragi11/ 11<11ch and /\ola1r1/ d11r{ m1111m1 .\1:.- 1111(/ ''"" tttl\
lh1fo"' t .iil~d Hawk Aguilucho de cola rojiza nrc bc.~l used 10 sepnro1C" from .i'.lmc juv. Vurrnhlc, und nok
/111/111 v111t1,1/n Whi1e-thro:11ed\ lack Ofa rah: llJl<'f'1hU111 Mnd lln111 nt/, mun
uniform uppN(JOrf\. \IO IC t <\ hnll A1 r11li, 'cll11'1t1 heard While- throated
Southern Caracara

more \dk" ~ ,., nrmi;c fac1al ~n J en

brn,.ni.h. utrcmcl) Mm1lar 10 JU\
l 49 ''~ 19 2(;"1 \\ 120 an \fou111am. 114~ '""Y.
tt:puahle 1n fldd
I 11 1 \ m"' cf habna~ from \\.hitc INO&la! htra c. d.vltn br,.,...
l&rml~DJ to ~ open fcn95. bod) . 01 fer 1n <11n1lu manner from
Patagonian Slt:rpc aJld coasts Omnan C.,., 111 d<:~, JU\ \IOW11.ltll
f te>lntled IO~ m nonhl. l:.u:H- Ch1ch I \ 0 1( I 1'oc kn''""'
h olil.it).ll\llpth<'r<&r~-..:s
ur 11arl>a1c Jump>. 0 :moo m.
IO~\ I lfl( \l 10\ The lafl.!est
umc~na tn Ch1lc Robust :.hape. Mountain Caracara Cara ncho cordillerano Striated Caracara
I lh I 111 .. hli' 0.11.rpv.11 Id Mm ~llhhrrh'1l t:<1ntrasi111g with Phalcoboenus megalopterus
IH1ll1 II' lr11 A <1111/ hrotnt 11/11tli 11 Ju1-./) lwrf\'J hro1111.
I S2 $(cm (2U ?2") W 11 I 124 cm (44
I "" 1111l.1111d ollld p.dc, Ctllllr.1111111\\Cit111th.blnck cap. Large
4<J") SolltAr)' unit~\ Ill c.11cn'~ ll111h \mlc~n
' " 1 /11/1111111 lm>:ht tittlllJl,<~ ti.I /tJ<WI <km. the colour gn"stnmb w~ttun.i, mHJ chn~. 2fl!Kl $(KIO rn
1111 1 1 11~ .1w1irdl1111 10 ' 1a1c Mbml l.un11 yellow leg~. In lllght
ID F.NTI PIC'1\'l'I ON A l111111tu llcd um! long
11011~ l111 t11 11 hlr~ prlinnry p111chcs nml burred while tail with
wingcil curn~uru, winl:lM ncnrly rcuch It 11111
h1111ul hlnck 1orn111111I hllnd, l' nlcr covens oppcar II' l)[Ownish
lip n1 rc.i. SliGlll Ct'CMI . At/, Mai-4 11/1/r w/111,
111111..t 0111 11pp~rwl1111. Juv. .imlltu hu1 browner. nnd st reaked on
11r1 ~ a111l 1111dcr11un~. n01 bllfrcd. Ynung stngcs may be confused bl'l/p """ l't'lt/, 1111/ hl11d "''" IW'/11' 11 '/r//('
"1th 1uv, ol t1thc1 lur1wr cnrncarus bu1 c(lntra,ting dark cap It"''''
'""" 111111' ""'I' 1111111/ri11 111111/1111/ h1t11J
Smn ll 11lute11r~ to 11rl11111nc... wh1d1 conttnuc
oh.1~11u,11c lu1t1cl)' v. hlll\h 11111 1\lth many narrow dark bars
as white 1ru1hng cd{lc on ,,.,onJorrc Unll.-rwin11 ru11crn
~I o 11d11I h>r '''11.1r1t1011 \ O IC' F 1\ ni'pmg. 1011. repealed
1;,,,( striking, M'h11e /1111ng111111/ 111111 r11111r111/ "11/1 hloJ Ar,111111<'
Bill $k~ blue 11ith redd"h ha-. o1nJ 13ciAI ~Lin, bn1h1 )cllu11
leg.. Juv. bmwn1,h, L1<k1ng v.lutc on hell~ Whnc 11~ tc1<01cn White- throated
St riated Caracara Carancho negro and 1enials Tail bml>n1-h 1111h bu01 N.~ ~nJ rump Jui """"s Caracara
Phalcoboenus aust ralis FU< a pale pnmaJ') rarch anJ 1n l111h1 111 he confu><:J 10l1h
I. b-4 < n 1~~1 \I, II~ 125 cm 1.16-49"1. Chimango Cania111 llu..,c\-.:r. ~foun~1n" much L>ricr \011h
\\ 1nJ,,.cpt i;ra1Wlds on fuci:ian 1\lands. darlo:atail. ... brtcr rumranJ J1ffcrellll) 'l"'J p;olc """ f'Aldl.
R11rc r.-~111,tcd 10 largel} 1oa..:cnsible See \\lute-throated Cancan""' .qiatoll O"\ \ 0 1( EA ,Jurrcd
ac- or n11~ s lluJc,. ~'la' 10 fmd in muffled w..~...,fthft
_ 1~ ran L .t 'nr
Tiltt.'ltcnN. IOE.\TJ-
Chimango Caracara Tiuque
1 IC' \ fl O\ Luce 10.:l;i. c:.nian "id1
n ''"I
"'"'1 lftJ ....S small bill. ,fi/. Milvag o chimango
'1PJ><un hlacA11N l>..t hupc: lkt! uttJ ~,~<I <trraW
'- L -40 "'1116"1 \\ fl 9<I cm 1.ll
u/..:ry, <lellln; 1NICJ ''"'" Bill rate blue. barr/JoiJ/ ~u. _l<i1 Al<11nJ.an1, c,of"Jli.'311 Ctun-
,,,..,,,g,B.irc ra,e pat<h tnU<:h rcJu.;c<l .:ompared to other
rc~rt uf nur1hcm ht"m"rhcn:
<olr.IO>lll' &>J Na< .l, dtlu:r tltalf f'llf"'" 1A1glu anJ 1 rnt. Black
Cn>" s. Olt.-n m llOI,, n..d, u....-s
'"" 11/i ~"' ltf' In ll111h1 l1'()k' blad, 1111h ,tnJJI buff primary
rrct~ uf h~tiu.11 ~tmat un) Mountain Caracara
r-11,h u11.l 1inna11111n '"'J'C an undel'\l in1-coem Juv. Ilk" ad. "her~ m\ludm1H11Jc,, farmland
1'1111 "1'11wn"h. "11h 11111~ lu<1ul urea nnd 1rey leg" s~-parared
nml 111hcr open or cm1npcn
h11111 '"' Whnc-1hro.1Lcd t'nrncarn by ln'l!Cr '"" ~mallcr bill. hab1t111s I nrcly tcncstnut while
fl,111,r <r111o11 Jnd Incl Ill pule ' l>Ots 1111 llp~ llflcnmls and wing
hlru111ng, wull1nv w11 h dcrcr
11~"' '" lull c1n11.1n11111 with d,1rker 1crm1nnl band. no whitish mined gaic. lmroduccd lo f'n~rcr I I) I ~0() 111. IOF N !'I FICA
llns< u~ 1111 \V h11v thront ~d . VO l (' I: Ad. 11t1crs u hoarse TJON A smnll bmwn1~h cnrncnrn wlch 11 ~1 11111 1 hill nnd rnthcr
1m1111/1/t/t/, yo11n11~ivc11 crnwJlkc "'""'"' 11111ml1! gentk cxp1 cssion due 111 folntivcly l1t1"11c tyll. ll:uc lildul ~kin
restricted. pinkish, 1101 coloutl'ul Rs in 1cloclvcs1 11111 pnlc grey
White- throated Caracara with greenish cip. Brown but n1t1ltlNI f!Qlor lhrc111twu1, p.1 lcr
co1dlllcrano dcl sur
C a 1d11 c h o on ~iroat and vem. Thooc from C'oncc11cii\11 'outh ,1r\! dnrkc1.
/111.1/cobornus 11/boguliJris ln Oigbt noce dis11 nc1 bcnu u1 wm1 tunltkl' < l11fl111 fl u11ok),
pale primary pa1ches and pale llAo,( 1111.111 W11111,fl11ro. 'mllcr
I ~ 11111 I ""I \\1110 IN cnt tn -4~"), Gnr~lands of
~Oii '\IHI 111 IO t:~'l IFI CATIOl\ size and pale pnrnary pillth '<l""''c' lro111 ' "'"11. llams\
Ha11 k. Juv. like ad. , bur mor< 'r' 11\ , .1l1l 1>11 ut>J>Cl"J>.trh and
more blad.:.i;Ji Ml 11r \ ()IC I ~ 1.-.ucl ..._,rin~l""'' J"ttt:
lrt<a lr"'O h"a 4,..., A <1 I tr I '" ""!CS lurrcJ ~nd lon11. end
notes ttptlllllT, h.h .,ub'hht; q...illl\

Ooclt foraging
l'l All ~= ()\pr ey and ralco_n_s _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
1111 1 m111101)11< lomoly 1l .s11J1vn1.UC). It as ;i large fish-c;mng raptor \\llh a ch;iracterhl1 lung, hcnl\\111tcd
II I 111 ' " ~1111 "" " c"11 1Ci ""''~ th.u "dp lo bold ~lipper) fish. Falcon\ arc ch;ar.i.:icn,cJ h> thcor lc1111. l"illltnl
11 or1 r ll In grn,~l I")~"''"'""'"' hunlcf" of Otherbirds.e\.l'q>t IM l,.e,.tttl ,.b,,h hunl\ mall Rkkoi. and in\C<'t
I I Alt' mhh l:.rcrr rh rnak>.All .how d small notch ltoothl along the cunani cd;;c ol rhc urrtt nunJ1hk, nc:ar I

fl111ty Aguila pescadora Aplomado Falcon Halc6n perdiguero

I' 1111/10 11 IJ.JliJ~tus Falco femoralis
I ~8 em llJ "I \\ l~O 1~11 cm (55 7 1"1. L l1>4S cm I 14 Ill" )\\ llU cm
\t111111I> .o,u.;1~1eJ .,.11h \\ater. lar&d> c-'l"1 lnh.tbrh r.1n11c or habrw
CNlll on l hole, II prefer> C>IU~rtC and all o pni ur Jcmr<>~n de
mnlin bah Ii.ti.,.""'" 11 ca1<~..,, ~ hoer- farmland. marurnl Pa11t1
11111 anJ 1h\111g. "'n.' fiN. to rta-UWI~ c"
crre O J~(JO m 101 ' 11
~lricc pre \f1~n1n1 fmm nonhcm hcm1- I IC \ l IO'o "' hm, mcd1urn
rtierc, moult t1111h1 r~~lhcr- -.h1lc on Chile. lrr~ fal.(ln "'"""'"'""Jtcl> 1.
tu" m.1) ,1.1y 1hc1r lil'>t )CM 1n Chile. ().. 11111 nnll 1<11111 narrn-. "'"8'
5011 on 10~ :0.. 11 FIC. \11 0~ A lurgc. long- Bc~1111fully plum.11(cd, ,,,,,,._.,,n11 l1
h, ;iJ r 'I'"'' Wong' hdtl nn1:1lcd, aml from u tlos1ancc may lead gl"l!o con1r11mg ntllr />11//1 l>rr1nl h/11.-Alh h'\I ,,,.,,

11 h 1l.ir1 a:11ll When perched ln1111 \\>Ing ""end beyond c:mnt111w11lx!ll11<> 1mdert11il-Ml'C'rl /:"' t' lt111J, ,.11/r thin bla I
lotl l //,,,,.I ll/'/11'1/111//< wot/ 14/('11111111)1 lilllt umll!r/1tlr/$ Strwrg mo11.>ta(1rial anti dorA <'.Vtluw 1111t1m11111g with /m1111/ hll//
""'' 111"""1/11rA r'l't'llt//11'. pule >up~rciloum nnd crown. Sup<'rci/111m. In llish1 nolc ~hm, lonlltnol(.'tJ ~h~flC 1\ll U!!C~ hn\\
11>11 1111. 1l1t...11 hyc y~lli'W in ad, Sc~< s11nilnr bm male blackish 3xillarlc:s ~tld win11 li11h1g, la1I blud;"h \\ilh man:
h't11I I .1i11w nwrc ltcukinl! 11n b~"' In 01gh1, gteammg narr()w. whi1ish bnnd,. Juv. .rm llu r bu t hrown"h nbo<
11111" 11111111111111, 1111<1 wi1111 hnlng' c11111ru'l "11h block 'wri<1" Jtreakcd on breaM Jnd bull 011 bclly1verl1 . Scporutctl fro11 1
"'' nrul 11" . 1 111111.rric~ p.11cr 111 ba~c. b111 blnck ttl lips_ Ju\. Pcrt'grine l'nkt'" by 11111111.-r 'h11pc l11ngc1 111rl, dao
11111111 h ~I h111 up1ocrpmn tea1hcr. ~rtpl) fnngcd wh11e. undcrn mg~ uml dork 'vcsl' cot11ra\lin11 wilh pJlcr brcuI
11111!11111 I .ol\ ""l'C.lr<IOCI, lye rcdd1,h and brca\I onco \ 'O ICt:: Slwl'Jl <,enc, ol Ack 11t1IC.
!.., 1 l~rll I nlrl.cl~ to be (Onfll't(I wrlh an~ 01hcr ( hilcao
1 11 1 I I " pakbclhctl \anablc Ila,. h ma) cause Peregrine Falcon Halcon peregrino
'' ~IJ f, c l"'llcrn bLM:I. ,,.~ JICllCh and l>alTtd Falco peregrinus TX # 28. FU<
, \(I I( I \ "'"c' nflouJ """'It'""('""-"'"""
, ., ,,, , ~~cJ ~ c 1., mtcn als, bu1 van<'S L )K ~o cm (IS 201 \\ QS II
r l1I "''cl .. ~ t37 -46"1 C'n,1111>11<ht111. in
<111tc O<CU~ In V8fl<)U h:ab1lah
1ndud1n1 all. h11h Andt')
A 111r111 .1n Kt'strel Cemicalo
Pa1Jgon1an lcpp.- anti, more
'"'' ,.., ~I'" ~flus
, I 2~
cm WI'! \\ SS cm 121").
rcccntly, <,11,.,, 1.. 0 "''"'' .,,.."
dent brcc:Jcr " """"'' and 11 Peregrine falcon
c)pen C<'W!U), la~I) farmland. m11ran1 trom 1hc nonhcm hnnl-
ll'J' I.ind and .\n.X.. 'r:st ID 'ph~n: ltu11tfn1111 -.hoch t J'l'C1CO''
CJ\!llC I he most w1d.:<prcad and bigel~ msummer, BurcaJ ~ moulr an Chrl~ srnn 'umm..
"""'"''" r1kon'" (bric. fmages \\bile t:USStnl moull on .lutullll\ .,.inter II HOO rn IOE' TI
ftf m-.-.:1 and ,m.1J1 nummab b) FlC ATIO:\ A bulky, deep <hci.1cJ. fl''"crfui.to..1L1n faf<;,
hmcrm& o\cr pre)' iUIJ dropping IHngs long. rt"Llrl11ng tar I up" hen pc~lr.:.J ,ft/ h1u hl14'A l111tx l
11111ckly 10 m.11.c ktfl Endemic blur-grc_1 bud lpu/.,~ in nralrJ. pvl huU U1JJ.-,.,,.m< 11 h1< It orr
-<th,rc~conJu:an Fcm.uKk..:and srrong~1 tw=d nn b<'lll um/ v.nr. 3otd un,1n:~l.ed 1hr0;a1 and
IOlt'i f If.IC \110' A m31l, ,hm brean. Blucgrt) tuol nllrrO\l>ly barred blnCkl\h Mou1/u,hwl
broad and blends into 1/urA C'/1uk" nuturg /o,/m1 ''"' ll/1
pee.ranee. A small amount of pale from neck rcachc bch1n1J
moustachial. bu1 is variable. Ad 111111/r/111 uvcrngc paler aboH
nnd belQw. wnh lhon mou~lltchonl brna1tly b1irdorcd pule 011
checks. A rore pa le morph of tun1111, fonnc1ly conMdcrcd 11
~pccies (Pallid Falcon). occu r In 'i1r1111 nf M11gd lu11 and
Pauigonian Steppe. Ad. whiush bdow, wnh vuri11l1k sp.u11<: dur~
barring. narrO\\ mou~1achi11I. pale forchc.ul or '"l>crclllum
Many Peregrines in the for 'o<1u1h C\h1b11 ><mt' ckmcnt ot 1ruc
Pallid Falcon. Juv. rnss111/ lokc nil hul l\111"1111h11\c, w11h blue U1 tlftf
cen: and orb11al nng, bu,ad pJlt up"' 111 n111t ,11,,1~ctl undco
pans. Juv. rundnuf '1m1l.i1 bu1 h.t Nlht\\ '"""'1a<:h1dl .an '
obviou; pale <trpcrc1lrum. paler h11" 11 nl~l\C Ju,, l.:dlu.1 ~k"<h
lil.c ..d.. bul <!41.nl hdo" r~lln r Ito.on hrrcJ, with hluc <ere
llnd otba1al ~ 'See \pl.lf'lr.Jd.l I 1tlron kif >qUral1on ff\lm l.rttcr
ildult ' P.illtd
\ 'O ICf \ ~lo,. "'"'ul n rn ,./,..A"'"- lc""I> ac:..~kr.;11111-1 rat<on \o.11 111g
Plumbcous R.111
11111..111 '" h1hl 1~ ""''ti hut Im 11.1111111ly elusive denizens of marshes. TI1cy ar~ >tllCky bu1 lntcmlly cum1irc 11
11111 ""I''""''"' \\~ILrn~ thwu II tire Jcn""st marsh 'egetatioo tn a Stealth), quiet mannct l"o of('h1l1!' teol .n
I 1 t ''""'" 1111..! t11ll111ut..-, arc also rails. but often swim in the open, in the manner of coo11f11/tc ,,
I lu1nlu,ou R.lll Ptdf n Spotted Rail Piden moteado
I'.,,/,, 11//111 \nsuinolt'ntu' Pardira//us maculatus
l 211 38 nn (ll-15) Marshes L 25-3:? cm (10-12..5") \'l1ran1 cmc: rc.-<'fd rrum Rciht1Ul111
nnJ pond bordered b) dco$c Crusoe I. \ur<lic IOF,TIFIC \TIO' .\ ' tri'dur{ roll t/W
aq1L111c c1cta11oa or sbntbby is olrriowsh SJ'('flt'ti ottJ stn ' <I ~ 1 l un (I l\ bead :wr
thi;: let nm brainbla. :'\ot sh~. geenish-}ello"' btll ithn-Jb..x ,.,,o,.v ""1m/1hk. RcJ
cam.-nnl) obcr>cd on opca. Smaller lllld S:o.:licr then J>llllnbo.>us Rlltl. tqW&ICJ b~
111ltlt rd1mcs 0-JOOO m. plumage~
I Of '\TH IC \TIO' A large
""IA b/11< Aul '"' 11.ttps tail Spot-flanked Gallinule TagOi~
co.:lcJ or rump '' rrctliog Callinula (PorphyriopJ) melanops
'1tJ I Nqpilshtl) ~cd btll v.tthdccpttbuc.&n-
' l>/u, ""'' 10 "l'f"'t 11tJ11J1/1/e and Ml l>tu.- 10 It,....,,. U< 30"" 110 12"1 Pon1J. :mJ
11d Ne ll'J:J hnr:.ht IYJ, J\d d.trk "')' llf1 h,'l!J and breast. l~Le. "''h muh) cJscs "'
I KltUI l>rnv.n uh<H l'1n~m ''"'"n11> m.tllcrand bngjitcr mar.he "1th open cdgu fl
11111 I than nuth((n lun.t/1...-A,, nd llmJ1~1 Soutbcmmosl "'.k>prc;id aollmulo In Chtl.: fl
111111/11 tlll.1a.1ll~11<1) cl')' lnr11~ and ni.1~ lac~ bn1P11 colours 71)() m IOP'HIFICAI IOI\ 1\1
11ll lo1ll l-.1~ J1w hmwn wtth huflbruwn focc ond underpartS. attrdclt\C 'm1lll 11.tll1nulc. uwull\
I'' \'td1 r1111L 1~11 1111d 11rcylh bill VO ICE Usually given in ob~Cr\cd N1V1111mln11 near 1:uvc1
11t11 I 11 1t.11111cHt1uttdl1111. eerie 1>rnc1ra1ing >Ong. cl'\!eowww Stocky, Oat-hucl.ed, wtth -lt<111
I , I ti WWW' l'('t'(IU WW thw/1111' clrnt't'/' C/iU'(!t!p! rcmalc inter 11olntcll tnll lh~1 1. rnckcd ttl rcvcul
jl ..,.,low, 1>11m11lng hoor~ Imo the AOllJ!. Cull n plcrcmg weep!. white undertail pa1ehc$. Riii .vl111rt, l'lkkl'11 W t, l/11w /.!H'l'll
legs dull green; eye red. mirm /il'()ll'lt 11/1111'1', "'"" ('(lll/l'lll//1111
A11tt.1I Rilll Pid~n austral g~J' rieck and undtrpart.<nnd dnrker cap. Fln11k1 11111//t' Jll111"'1
white. Juv. brown above and buff on neck nod 11111lcrt>Ut1 \,j/111141
11,//11t .mtnrcticus spo11ed like ad VO ICI:: Son cluckln11 ound. Somcttmc
I 20 cm (8") Very rare, ~cently redis- louder hult-h11h-h11lt
cll\(rcd. prc\tnuly not Ccn since 1948.
I lttonc1lly I.no" n rrom Santiago area and Purple Gallinule TagOita purpurea
I akr o..
tmt, t>ut pn>habl) C~lt~tcd ID Porphyrula martinic.a
bc>th Sh) anJ cwcmdy dtfficuh 10 obscnc.
C\Cft U'lni pJa\bad., lnh1b11s Sc1rp1L$ L..30-36 cm (I 2-11 \11'11nt, lhrtt ~orJ, 1ll 1n nonh Ju
lllah"" It Paw,:on1&11 ~ forc.i bonier. partkuluty prone 10 agran.;; JU rel) .,. tm ta> l<1.rgd)
ti) requun abu"<l ot dead 411\d bcnl"1\er Slalks fO bidden m cgcuuon roL,Tlf IC 'flO\ ''" <II rord> 1
\\,l~IC' IOf "l lf'IC' \TIO' A mall. loag-billcd bnrtrnish, (J3kr bclo.... "th )Cll- k< 0111 )CJl<>,.'bh, Mtllg
U ,. tb britflt rr;/ /egs " J " l'hl l>d Coclu nd flic!..s htn'e dull b/w.grtt'll Moui. fd llltTrwlb.o I mOUl'{llf, pc
~ I l fi"i f~ Ind un~ b..- , lta.TMJ Nod a"'1 .,._,,lie abm'c ..mh purphsh-bluc: nl lllld ~ l\h;ltt,aloumt
1IU.tllf$ "'/th rifle \-rtfl 9,_ n1~ aho\C sacalcd
boll with st) blue weld,
l R )ti 111g pattlt Ju unlnown \ O ICE Song a
A I mculltc t.'C'-<ltt J tt-<ltt tu..,... each patT Common Moorhen TagOita del norte
t t 11wrn 11 0 ' 1n1cnal Wlk:a 1l.11rmcd. a ha.rsb Callinula chloropus
( 111111 ( 11011.TJ 1mmeJ1a1cl) b) a throaty pln.-.1-pltltu- l 3~38 cm (IZ t~"l MNh<>, po11J
" h 41f'('C;ltll that C'.i1h P>IC type I" en b) one mcmbtt CSIU3rth anJ h11hl.1nd Ja.. C. SJ1rUJ1111
ftl I' II south, should be 1.iu~cJ for in any mar>h)
mer mouth from VolpJr.ii>C> n<1rth O 11"1
01111 k R.111 P1denc1to m. IOf.NT IH C;\TIO'I u,uallyw1mm1 nr I 111ple Gallinule
I Im''""' }11111.1irt'mis s.Jlinilsi TX# 28 size of o tnallcr coot but 1w1m 11 lh ,.,.,,,
I 11 I' 1111 (~ (1") llttlo known . probably e11d hlgh~r thonjnmt. 8/11111111lll~ltl l'l'U 1111/t
111111 ~ 1111111111111 lhnn 11crccivcd. Wet sedge yellow bill tip. Ootrk brown nbtwc und d111 k
m 11 ~h1111111 wcl lint~~)' fields. Near Threat- grey on head onu u111loq1u1 I~. luf,f '' /i111
stripe 011}/(Jllks. Le11s green with rtd 'garter'. l.01111 dltl'k tuil,
' "' '' ' lllJIN l 'l fil ('A'l ION J\ 1!11y.Ji11ch-sized
1.11/ 1(111111111with ~lwrt iiltl<'k 11111. yellowish with white undercnil-covcn pntchcN, ~u~ll)' cc11, us ttnil to
/, '' ' ' ,/ "'"' 1111<1shm 111ol111cll w1I. /Jluckisli cock tail. Altiplano nico (garm1111/) 111111'11 liugl't 1tttd blnckllt
1111/o'd 1111ol 1111t1Acd ll'liill', m11trOSI even on uppcrpans. Juv. brown1>1t, ~~1l11r.11~ll f'to111 youn11 ~""'
"/1/J t /t, 11111111.. ,, 4 lklnw llJlrrblackbh by noticeable whirejlc111A .1111/'t' u111/ 1////111111 llllf'<' \/()IC I
Clucking notes, also a longer 11n111l)'(1I 1/11A 1/114-d11A111!
t y ''' \l 111 ' "11tu""J "''h chicks
1 1101111 ''"
phtrr phtrr phrrr.
I J 11 11 II 11.,1 \ Clll I \ h"'p kl1 Ut k1c
in '' 1th ,\tncru:nn lur-d'
Re d ga1 t11rtl Cont
White-winged Coot
"11111d atll( !.). M.1~!. rat!- th 11 hr c "h1lc s" tmming: somctunc-s coo fused ""h duel.; by le,, C\flCrtcnccJ ot>~nc
1 n d11 lcn hli.c 1>111, ~n,1 t\1'A1tllcd fn111t1I Jhaehb. as well as lobed rather than \\cbhrd fCC'I , /\II cc><ll ire blado,h, "' I
tn"""' ot ,.huc un t114' un.t.:n.111-.:<',nt .\pan from s:azc and gen~l .otl'UClurc, thc important 1dcn111iu1ton chln.,1
nlralc rt ire ti>( !>111 an.t ~ludJ cul<>W", h1cld shape and bead wpc.
Ju,cml~ arc palC'1" grey, <'ficn "'1th \\h11"h thn
11111 "''""'' u11J h1clJ 1harc' Jo out de,cl<>p unul fully gro"n. ldcn11tic411nn of Juvenile 1 d101cull, p1n1cularl~
'<'c chan1 c "llh ~~ . .inJ arc pcrhaps best 1dcnlified by the accompany1n11 aduhl

Whitt-wi nged Coot Tagua chica Andean Coot Tagua and ina
f "''' 1 leucopten Fulica ardesiac.a TX#30
l 35...a~ cm tl-'11") \l.anh&. L 40-.&11cm111> II> 1 \harl I.Ile. and
r "ldS aod J.le \fa) form >0me11mc, dc: ... cndana to Ju,.L .,jf c1lnds nol
l"'<'<kralNUd OocL 0 !.~ m. 4!00 e IDE.,'"OflC<\TIO' \ l.qc co.>1 1
IDE, l l flCATIO' Tbcsmalleg bull.) lk-.fy. althouib m..ch lll\lll<T 111.111 lhc
t ol lhc three ""'prcad coots. Has !\loo al11pbnocoot> ~P~",.., fl"'""'"'""t'd DI.IC
a rounder bead than the other No. 1 h hod) "'nh shghll) cbrkcr hc,J, hnlc "hat<
Olacl.t>h "-1th im.all white under- undcruul-co,cns Narro" "-hhc lfJ1hn1J edgt I
tol patch. Bill pale 1rllu>< "uh sccond.tnc. 81/I yd/011 "''" 111"&1 11p a111/ ' "'
___ _ _ _ ___.! ariub/1 colourn/jl"Q11t<1I rli.irld.
b11lhou. rrdjnm1o1l 1h1.-lt1 Li!g< gr,, 111ilt There
II Vrit/rorn d111/) ~11,,,, 1flk1t 111, b1/I) toun rntC11Jl!, l>ri1f.l11 a whitc-btllcd anJ shielded morph that ha ~-.:uncJ ''" "i."
a~g vJ/n., \'o tftlr!n tl11/f1on /'bill strup'J at JuMtfon of
loll/'"" "rilt fl"Qlll<J/ htc.JJ She>\\> broad. roondcJ fronul
hotltl 11u11c d11fcrcn1 from the potnted sh1cld of Red-fronted
Chikdunng "nl"f \'OICEComtn0<1call 1>a l1>wthlp0t

Ande an Coot
Giant Coot Tagua giga nte
1 oul I c11 11rcenish /It ///11111. u n11ril1w 11httc 1ro11t1111 <'<f1te on
Fulica gigantea
11 ..ui/111111 \'OICE A fi101 lnu11h11111 scroc~ (2 s); prrpq11u 'qua

/llt '111111 '1111u q1111. /\l~o cluckinlJ ko w-11011 ncJtcs, undo shorter L 48 64 cm (I Y- 2S"). /\hlph11111 lokc~ nnd poml
Bl'ccds on spcoiolly co11bln1c1~d 111111 1fvcgolu111111

, 111111 Cllncru lly hl11hcr pllchod 1ho11 Red.gurtcrcd Coo1 cn lls.
onen seen bnuling with ncliihlmur~ for n~.i111
Rl'd ga rte red Coot Tagua com un nrntcri~I 4000-4600 111. IO l:: !'H IH C1\ 1'1 0'
ful/ca armlllata hust- blud: rnot lackm11 wh11c nn undent1lhm<11
I 4J -~I
cm (17- 201 ~unh<'~.
pond and lake$ Ml) con~atc
an larae nocb 0-2500 !40501 m..
IOl ,TI FIC \flO ' L1111cst of
th<' three "1dcsprc1d coots,
II and \I tth pcculUU' head hapc llr<11J hulh ,.
N'l1K11 ponrJ'h.1 narro" h1/l hlrlcl. 1hu1 UPJ
to hatr '"" 41101>1 rlthC'r Ide' of rro1111 Ill
'-"---' COtnplufl po11rrttrJ, )a~cly ITd 1th I l'llll. I
"bite fromal al'Q and )tlln\\ baSt' to upper mandible "'h'
1) pacall) 1hc commonc-i an C and extends to side> of<h1cld Onl1 rrillclJ:rd "'"'' \ OIC I OI
vocal. Mufficd clucl.mg hoot,, h0<1-J111ul11111 h1mht1< II
S Chile Head square-shaped.
inrcrsperscd"' nh an IMO)'Cd H'HEE ~A WHHAA llHt'I A
8lack1 h "''th wnall "httc unJcT-
Also a p1gcon-lalc lfO" I. GGGGGRRRRRR
1111 pa1ch \o "'"'<'
011 ,..,o,.J-
""1 lta1 Mlrilc IC'OJ111g n/g, to "'"&1 Bill u11J li.1dil
Homed Coot Tigua comud a
" ldi a JarA ml'"'~ (bill trup 'J "' ''"" ''"" 1 btll
nrtd hidJ fr.mtlll hiclJ mod~tcl} pointed L~ Fulic.a cornuta
" It 'l'tt" nilc ml ti.bUI (pm,~ \ OICE \ q ' f \ n (-1-6 L "6-6.? cm I l8-z~1. Rare 1n ah1pbno bLd"'
1 f 11.ual nocn, dchvcred slov.l> and C\COly. nhttl; nltttl. rod.y botcom-. 1n and J'Wlll The blfli coru1ru.:
nM A11/trel 11111..1 nltu' nlc.-i'A lndl\ 1dual notes 'Cpantcd mound of rod;. unnl 11 reathc \Urflcc ot ,.11
t 1 Ion r tlun the ncitco. Call a sha11>. hq1ud chud. then build nc$1 on th" Sen"'" t' tn "'~1cr lei
Hrd fron ted Coo t Tagua d e fre nte roja nuc1ua11on, 4000-4300 m Nea r fhrc.11t11
(Ch1ll.'an populauon e>llm3tcd at JUt blO 111d
f 11111: .1 rufifrons
v1duals) 10:\Tl f'IC \TI O' H111e Iola, A,
L 31>4J cm (1 4 - 17") Manhcs Licking ,.h11con uncleru1l-co\CJ1~ :Sh11htl) '<ltUll ~
and pond> Mlh abun<Unt 'cge- ll____. 1lw1 Gi:tnt Cooi, 1n Chile the t\IO ore mcly r..., C1anlCoou
LU1on A moorircn-hkc: cool 1ha1 t~thtt Bn11h1 l't'llo" htll141th 11 r1ra1111<'/1rh11rr.11'c111 I on nest
11.ml 10 51ay cto,cr 10 cocr 1ban rests a1op bill and has brushhkc up. 11 "bcllcr dnclt1"''
the 111hcr 1wo common coo1s. 0- male. The brushy lip stand> erect hkc n hont, po1t1tltt1i111111" I Andean White-winged
11100 m. IO E TI FICATIO N lhe blll tip. Fltu-crowncd. an nppcurnncc occc11111111cll hv 1t.
proboscis. The bi ll , which Is pnninlly hldclcn lly the rrolw" I
is yellow with n p111kishnrangc bn ~e ond blnck culmcn I
green. VOIC F. Muflled grun1s.
I hit k krw~. l.1pw1ngs, st_i_lt_a_n_d_av_o_c_e_t_ __ _______ Peruvian Thick-knee
ftlnV t i 11l 1t1l11d .. di D ,.tlla11J lncy ha'e broad. n><Anckd Wtn&>, tarae <pu~ M lhc 'nM~'. ~nd ,11
I 11 111111 111111 I l!.1 I flK k ~'""'' .uc a ~null family (Burluntdael of rathn- ecccntntarrcann1 noc:1unul
11 uf ""hn h Cl\C 1111 1111 1111 """c11unJ11111> (Rccuniro.s1ndac} an: clcpn1-loolm1g <horcb1rJ.,, the l\OCCh "111!
bl' J I II 111 11 , '" I 111 k 'anJ \tl'l1aJi1, needle-like b1lb..

111\llAn Tluck knt'c Chorlo cabez6n Similar 1n Jtrucrurc 10 Southern LJI"''"" hn

11111 '"'"'' ~U/)(:rcl/iJfl!> smaller 1111d rclati\ely honer lcaacd Sh.Ire, bnghl
l 411,inllt I ltr 1ndcJ101Mnonbcmmosi t>Mc-psn colour-. and lorrc """" ""'S patch '"11
~ llC)S nl l h1lc, tho Lluui and At.llj)I . Noc- Southern. Andean ha> an ollf'"I /tnJJ nk Qi/
\ tunul, '''""'~~tune FOUPI h1ch roosr
in brroll. becoming ,.h1tc on Ct<>.,.n, and llrea t
ficld1 or lier \CICUIUon. oAni dl)I corn tcm11n.a1et 10 a cbrl;cr bbcki-b hnc tlwt
mlb 1\lthousJI tarre bitda.. tbcy Jo DOI !DO'~ 11 from ,.h1tc belly and e111 Uf'PCl"pl&lts bnl,.1111h,
Md cu be \'Ct) JltrK'Ull to spoc. \al al n1aJi!. but Hng~ocru and Kapobn ha~ 1 deep
,. hnl mu~h m<>rc KU\C G 500 m IOE,11- shttn., and the Wlnf bend 8 dirk J'W1>11h JI
111 llO'li \latgcplO\cr-hacb1nl"11luLvchca1hndhuac. Tail is ~hnc 14ith a broad blacl subtcnn1n.al band \ OIC't
wl I/tr t llnK ~" l.on11lc11tccJ. but has 1 shon plo,cr-hltc Sharp repeated co" notes. tcm-hkc in QUlhl)'
bill I h< l Lncn 'tnJ upn1h1, "uh 1a1I~ pointing dowow1lrd
11 en antil I h< le Jn po""" ~rvc. knobby 'l.nccs' as the White-backed (Southern) Stilt Perrito
nanHl 1m1h 'ind)sn:> on ncd. and body, shghtly arcycr Himantopus me/anurus TX#32
n v.lnJlt """' 811/ ,..,,,. 1lf'f''flllh.1cflu,. '"th o bliKk llp. L 41 cm ( 16.$) Manhy cdf!ts, ca1wan~ anJ
tll!J lrm.l aJonwJ b>"u ,,.,,,. ll{'tn:il1um um/ tlar4 croi.n sm~.
clccpl) Ooodcd field, ~um!\ null fluock 1n
111111 h1 arpc.trs lnn11nccked and longla1lcd; the i.fllgS situ" non-breeding ~ason LOI.Id anti no11tca1'1
11 ~II I"'' h '"1 tlw 111nrr prlm11ri"J 011d a sepurol<! pcmh CHtOO m IOENTIFICA llO~ Suh' ha><
I ".11,/1 up 11/ llllll'r prlmurlcr Complc1 wing paucrn ding- the lo11ges1 legs rtluti<' '" th111 hmii' tZ' ,,,
Andean Lapwing
""'"~ \. (llC't Noisy 01 nl11h1,
111111 lwti.trrou~.
\l'Olt1 """"' wlrt11.. loud 1111y hlrtl. A slim, medlurn-Hl1ell shorcb111t
with o 101111 neck und Nlrul11h1, nccdlc lik<
black bill. Strikin11ly ph1n1n11ct1, cntircl~
Southern Lapwing Queltehue (Treile) black and white. Crml'll, /11r-c1 um/ ft1r1111rc A
V.111,-1/us chilensis TX# 31 white contro:rt111g 111th blacA poSttK'11/11r un.a. llDfW 0111/ b,11 I
of11ec*.. Blad. ofbacl ind" 1ngs ~pan11cJ frum black ofnc.I Southern lapwing flock
L 36 tm ( 14"), Among the most
uh1qu11ou-. and no1ty. pcclcs 1n bya white bi-ind (the .-hue 'back'), Lo"'"' l>ilck, rump and 1<111
C. .uiJ S Clulc Wcll l ouv.11 to local ...-bi.It. Undcrwtngs ~I)' black .-11h hold h11c tnmglc"n
J>C<lplc In pain or mos dunng inner,.ing. Ho14ccr. most noc1ccablc arc the b1111h1 bubblCKJllll
brccJ1na ~ea>00. but fonn, large pint legs. Male blacker aho\ c. fcm1le hu bro" n<"t bac~ Ju, ,... White-backed Stilt
Oock~ tn non-breeding <cason. bas darkcT crown and browner uppcrput. Duk tro"n m~,
Oren (0UJlll). arasslands. field..
sugges1 Black-ncc~cd Suh H mcxicanus of N South America

pa.\IUICS llnd C\cn Cl~ parb and Repons oflancr 1n Arica probably refer tn JU'- ~uthcrn Sult
to<tcr p11d1e. Also mudllatS. \ 'OJCE Rcn11n1!nt of 1 <mall banana Jos. '"""P
10rn anJ c>eoann \, 1,nUltto Juan Fcm.o.ndcz and Des
'1ida1 t> noom IOl.\T lnC \TIO\ A~.\locky.
u1lru pl.>\c-t Lfi" ti....JN. "'"ha $lCCJ' fotthcad and
lfof Andean Avocet Caiti ~ adultm;ile
O.t uu..n tnltngly r~llcn>cJ ,.,,,.., 0"~""- '"'"' attJ Recurvirostra andina
IA "'t tin1U-& "' " '1rtp.- J.,,..,, muJl11tc of ntt'k and L 4.5 an (18 ) Rr<otnctcd to \ahnc L1kes61Dd po.n.1
md/11 1nw ,, lo1fKt' /tl,u AhlYllll (JfJtclr Blad. on face and 111 the high Ant.le Flock . my a. o.:1n1c "1lh
111111 I htt!kfcJ n.trnm Jy I\ hnc, .-h1lc head t! &fey, Mtb 0 >hon Oam1ng~ 2500-5000 m lln.NTI FICA' rtO\ \
ii n r 1 11.iJy hHfrcen. but 11tony, shoulders mon: heavily larac blacl and-whuc wader w11h short le~
"'' ""' 111J ll'f'<JI l>r<>n1y 1n the field. Bell) clean .. hue. (parucularly for a suit) and a droJrl~ up11"n~J '"'"
11 II r ht 1""4 "111t ""'' 4 11p, ,., l>ngltr rrJ onJ ltgs bnght b/11 The upturn on fcm3lb 1s srca1cr than In mat~
J 1ti J ''( In n1J!ht,lirooJ-wm11c1htructureno11ccablc.nnd H-'111111 bud1 >oth CtHttrostmg blutA1th-bm11 n 1'1111f'
>1l1t i '"'" 111tol v.11h /11fJ:o' hh/tt' poJtt:ltufrom 11rbt ' 10 bad and toil Rump "'h1tc, UnJcrv.1na.~ ha c "h11
f II "lull' m1<k,..111a " white wuh black rcm1gcs. hmng... and blac~ rcmiget LC bluell'CY No o er
\\ 111 1111 lJU lo10011Jll.11 k \\1h1rrn11n31 b;ind :uid narrow wh11c lap with White-backed S11h, but cosily i>Cl"'rated by bill ~hnf'<
1111 111 110011.11111 \111h-.111 I "flWln11 I ~1111ilar, bul always hn$ a.ad all-white head nnd n~k. VO IC'E A hq111cl 4wtp k11tp Andean Avocet
I U' 111 11 I 11111llri 111111 hnM 11 pnlc cap. VQ IC F. A loud, kwip..
111111 11111 1111111 A1111ln11'l'I A1111/1,11tr km111/tl(!u1-. . , cnch
I Ill 1111 I o l11t1M
Semipalmate d Plm1r

I "" 1''''" 11 oh" 'Ii' 111 '"" l) pl1111 """ ' llltrl. ,1ruigh1 hill~. All ,Ito" 111k.i-111 1>.1111.11 hrcu,1 h 11111 11111 111111 I
II olllh 1 1111h1 I'"'"''"' 111 .oh ''" t 111 1 .. 1111~ ullJron thc bindn<-ck.All .are llbl ll1cr,, 1111J 'llll\ 1><11nh 11 '-"' 111111
"'111 l"I"~ I Ike 11tht1 1h" "., t 1t.11,1,/r11" kcJ usually. They walk f<>f"'iitd. \lop. luol for h.>111lo1111I rn L 11 l'h t 1l
oth f'hli. lh If lllil In lho llliHI hl~ s:i11Jp1pcr>

o il.ired Plover Chorlo de collar Puna Plover Chorlo de la puna

Char;1drius co/lam Charadrius alticola
I U I~ '"" I~ ~ h"I lin<mfTl(ln brttd' bidc
slrcam 1th QDJ anJ J'Cbhlc oland. Or bores. rarely obscn cJ on "" 1 1n c~ lttnll'
\\ontc:l'lOC1u1.>>11. 0 l(JllC)f't IOf,lfflC \110" ~ U~bocllfl'NlanJ'1t01<L1h t 101
stun. cl.,np1ru (.'lt.:,,..,J,.~, "'"'"'' nh lon1t>b btll 5000 IOf'' lit I( \I ltl' 1 IJ I
- i IOllJ l<P- fJ 4a.J l>/u</Ohh,..J ""rq,,./ bfuc! large: IOCI..) Clot..t'<dr f> .. 17' 11 It
h<roJl-ltuttJ l.ikh "'hllC' u.Cl.u oa lunJMd.. Cnnu a.,o l>rot.-111 hr""'1 bnJl-battd Oft I
11nd t'OT-<1 '""'"' d"'"""""
br1gllteI CM! male, and brrint 1111d brv4nt "fl"' r 1i,...,,,
"'11141 brttding adult
rct11ncJ 1n mut turJ. }Urr.iunJ Ju J11Tc... m J,,,f -rAing on h1w111
appt'tJN II>
bf.,\cn ltKmb.inJ. nd fad. 1f hla.:L ""cmrwnoo Brccdtng male h.o J.,,,,,.,,)r,..,,f
hur ""
Oft 1.,. r / ,i:, ut 111/ oi;n l'"'A"A Ju ..q>orateJ from SrtO") t:Offlil!MeS aso blod C"Of<OIO'rl ,,,,,,h, bchinJ th<' IJ1l I If
11,.l \.-m1p.-lm~tcd l'IO\Cf> by cnttrdy lbrt.. hondncck ;and pale head and 8"k are ma1nl) rnu1amon I <:male h.1 J11ll 1 I
111nl "'r' \ OIC Mctalht c1111 and,,,, OOIC'\ Slmilar pauem and tends 10 \!)ow a pale 'UJ"'r<1l111111 II
brown and underpans 1h11c Bill and leG bl.w~ M11 I ..1
Semipalmated Plover Chorlo semipalmado apparently retain blncl nod cinnamon oma111en1iit1011 ol I ,
Charadrius semipalmatus and breast all year. runa doc$1lul ~ho11 n d1~1111c1 nn11 h1n olw
plumage like Two-banded Plover J11v./1m111, like fcmuk 11111
11[ I. 17 l'I cm (7 7.S"). Breeds in
duller, lacking all black and clnnnmon mi fucc VOi( I 1
no11hc111 hcrnisrhcrc, rr11~rnn1 IP
""~,. .. ('hll~ ; ' "llH' 1c 11111i11 nil year mellow, sluned ''""''fJ.

{ (immN.) In fur north . PrOl:rnbly
rrn>rc 1c11ular In(' l hilc 1h;11111111p
Ul(llCNI~ .
( 'ontn l (0 500 m).
Two-banded Plover Chorlo de doble collar
Charadrius falk/andicus FLK
l 17 18.5 rn1 (7 7 .~i ll1rlil1
ncdcd Cl11m11lr110 Mlh a ~hon. rn111rJtury. b1i:c1l111e 111S<1111~ 1111.t Puna Pl~r
th'l. bill Mthll) obl.ef\cd in non- ...
mo ing north tn "1n1cr \ I"
l>kchng pluma1c 1n C:h1lc IJ1t11H1 """'" ,./u/r l>t/1>,.. k1th br<!t'd in l Chile. 1><1111"' '"'"
l4/t11< f>rt.lt<!Ud 11"/ pu/<' upc-rn/111.,. Rru .. n t:ar"\'.O\CM and ('o;u1al rn nonhrccJrng _...._.,._,.,
1..ro <>-ntruJI fln>11sl1 ,. 11/t .. 1111, 1hm,11 II /t11, t'Oltar un Junni b1d1n11 u may be found
lt.indtt,. t aw,,,.,,.,,,.,,. ""nJ'"' btt.n1 rh1n1..,1.-or1>11al n11g. "ell tnl.mJ m lloNlcJ 11r.aulolllll
tloll hLl<l. "''h \ttl.,,., h !lllt.:h at hacc, kf' Hlk Orrecien and uth<!r ctlanJ In nun
bl..ulvuttJ b<ll, bl.Kl. btt&l-bunJ anJ rl(i.tl nutl..mp. ~tn .ca cn l'olflo~I tu mud
\OIC ~ Abt"Q1Kl(>o;)'llabkv.h1>tk,( /IJi llFl:."1thKttat llal$. sand} baches and ~uan~ IOt' l If I( \ rt O' A
on " JD1o11c- rather brgc md 5tod) CJMJraJriu. '"""a J'l'I bell I'd lcapc
BrttdUrg lllL lroJ n<-o /told Nack Nltd ""' lint lit. lvwN
Snowy Plover Chorlo nevdo broad1t.r. Bbcl. forebud bar cont1nut& a l>ld '"'~
Ch<1r.Jdrius alex.Jndrmus TX#33 n:stnctcd to fronW car-co-m.,. ma of cu"'"'O'cru anJ lllUJI
of head cinaamon. Bro..nish ab<l\c Md bite hclu . I <'male
l I\ cm (6"1 C,.....i..1 rhncr cloocly asso-
ha.s slight.I) duller face patlcm A -nt (putt<:UW!) C<"lln -
c1~1cJ "'llh .,.nJ\ lihc<> \ho c.'SlU.tfloc
ro the Falklands) bass brol..cn uprcr hrea,1-1>.inJ 'unb"'edcr
muJOa11 but OCH'< r~. ''""' .and Stnctly
and juv. dullcr. black ;and cinnamon bcina rc:rl...:cd by tiruv.11
c<>a<u1I 101 " I IHC \llO"'I A5tod.y.~hon-
1ic.kcd ( h11ru.fm,, l'alc tir""'t11'h at>ovc, the Allopauie Killdttr is laricr and h.b lun1- rufc>u\ ""'-~ 1.111 i ..vo-banded Plover
r.1le.i <.ht lean ( '/1111mlr1111 Shares 11h11e
Most "'milar 10 Puna Plover. "l11ch .tl>u mJy hat u Jouhk
'ol/m nn h1ndmr4 "11h Scm1pa lm a1ed banded appearance. However, Puna Jl" ''Y' Im~ h1okcn uprcr
Pim er Snowy has /1rn4c11 h1<'11t1- l>and, band. Funhennurc. 1hc lower band 11r ad flunn "iircy"h und
it has more extensive blacl.. on cur-c11vcm Some d11ll .1uv. vr
'"'" w11tl 111 ll/11cA ur h/11tA11h 1u11rile.< 011
h1, ,,., 1tr/n t town h111w111h WU>hed clnnnmnn 111 Qmc. wuh
non-breeding Two-ba nded Plover mny have 11111ch r~duccd
upper breaSlband and look q11itc likcJ11v./i1111n, 11111111. Mu~t <>f
/If.id /111o'/t1 11d /1111 11111/ h/11t'4 JIO.>lllrttl11r .11rlfli'. f//herw/se
1'1/111(111fr l 'hl/1 /1111'. Hiii 1rntlrcly hlnck, IQgR greyish Qr these dull Two-banded show UI lc11s1n'ph0Ni ' 11111tcm orn f'uil
upper breast-band, and urc lnr1,:cr 1111d sll 11ldly ~o~klor th1111
~111 yl~ lt I""~ N1111 lt1111ltlf 111ul .111v. slrnllnr h111 blnck of face
Puna, which is unlikely IQ be ft\1111!1 nw:oy 1111111 l11gh AndcN,
11111 l1 '" ' ",.1.,. 111 hy h111w11 Sn1111: (only 1nnlcs'/) retain
VOI CE A sharp risingwC'el , f11ghl ~ull u 1h1llcr 11/11.
lol 11Ii.h11111lilh11lo11111111l11111111h11111 ( lttlcun winter. VO ICE A
II h1il111111

u------------------------------------------------------ "
Black-bellied Plover
I " h11ib lh 11 uc ""' "" urllt ''"""' nc.ir "'acer. They feed "'suall). rather rban b) probing" 1tll rhc1r bill'
1 11 111 lln llc ~'I' albl o"' lii:loa\lour 1>1 running and quickly sropping. lookons and rhcn p11;k1na food liwn 1
l\\il f'/urnJ/IJ rlm-tn uf n:ll( hrttJcn 1nJ long~ mi~b "htcb ~nJ 1Utnc ofthe )Ut In Chile 1'1llJ<ot1 non -breeding
l -..n to N1>1llt l\nlt'm n , bul l'iUC tn l"h1lc The n.o dolterds att not cl~ly "litcJ but hate "'1ktn(l plu= adult
! I ni.1 \\,orlJ (l.MI .... , A l1u "'"""~/1111.

I I Ii l1rll1t d (Crey) Plovtr Chorlo artico forehead band and "'hue roi.tucuw 'upcrc1hum Cotnpl
1't11u,1/i ''IUJt~rola '"bireoa:l collar Dari> bro,.n abuc In n1,iir. \tnl1nv ""''
I '7 \0 mt I 11 .!$") ((111111, on '2nd wingstnpc and d1<11ncmc orani:c-rcd Nmp and 1111 Sh.11
be.ad~. ~rll;ltl,,.. or muJOal\. Often in flocks size. da:r!ccr uppcrparu, and 1:11Jour nr rump anJ 11111 Ur\< I
l'otllun be: >0hl.11) Brttd, 1n An:uc. non- difl'crentutefrom ratherd,.qm1lar~c>-~Pfocr \'01( t
l>rccJ1ng H>llOf to Chile, but nun... may MOSlcommon 1:.an ooomt1topoct1c At/14,~. 1\11/.Je Atll...
pt"ttd Clllltc (11)1 )Car tn C1"'1lrl')' IDt.:'Ti- repeal.Cd se-mil timcs l\l>o rnll "'hai abnnccl
t I( \TIO' A larac <rod.y pk> er. tooling
J,..,~hc.lcd and ~rcJ ar rear M ost ltlc Tawny-throated Dotterel Chorfo de campo
\ m~ncaa Gulden Pio er. bur larier "uh Oreopholus ruficollis
lllt<l.:t, >lOlltCTbtll fa.:c pmrm. C\Cft IDJU . Lis 2Y cm (10.S II S") Foorid
ubdued tli;1n ,\mcncan Golden Plocr, u ually dart~.., American Colden Plover
1n npcn uplanJ~. panicul1I
m 4/ f'"lltl111rn1 tlutt'nl uffac:t g11 inir II u f.c,aJ1 -~1 ed and " ll"")lattd$, and dry puns Prclco
rt ,, ,.,, ",,,,,~ Note much ht1r11r1mn1uf} t'\lt'MIOll M)'Olld
Oa1 1cmm. In nonbl'C'cdmi: '<
r 1' d In ll111h1. hluck '1<1111: pu.r d1oi:nns11c Also hns bold
On may be ~cen m nnck I11"
"'"'' 1111111111/'e 1md 11h/1~ """'fl
unlike Amcncnn Golden 1>0pulntions m C'hilc, 0111> 111 n1111h
l'lu ' 111~ lllnu~ ~l licd Plover more clcnrty mcukcd below ouc In .irn1h. Southcru hi 1;1 hl)
11111o1i~11ly 1>ullc1ncd ttbol'c th:m non-brccdlnJI nd . l'rom Mar, odult
ml11ru lory, bu1 111nvcmc111s sllll
11'11) hnl 111 llmw blnck 011 undcrp11r1~ nntl \\lhilc neck 11atch of ~ubjcct 10 clnrilic111ion. IOf:N'l 1
loo 111111~ 1l1111rnNc. VO ICE A 1hrcc-,yll nblc, wlm1lcdpe1-oo. FlCATJON A sliin plover with Sl!Uorc nppcriruncc 10hcud111111
\\ 1... 11 n.:uctl mny be shortened srrangcly 11prigh1 po.1111r1 . Loaac11111:tl topu nd-\11111
movements an: ch:ir.1c1cri\11c. Su~rbly coloured. with 11111,.,
A111Nic.in Colden Plover Chorlo dorado throat patch, grey t>n:u1. buOy underpart.> and l><J/d hlod l>o l/o
/ 1l1M 1/i\ dominia TX#34 patch. Aboc appears Sln:>n&Jy Jlri/'f'tl bludtllt 011 palit 1e/lvM Tawny-throated Dotterel
I. 24 28cmt10 2.S"l field:. and bvjfbad:ground. Head paltcrn \lnlo.1n11, ,.11b IP'C)' cru...n. "1111
tJPCf1 if8.'-b:nJ.<. b \\Cll b estu supcrcilium and hlad n~/111t In 01ah1, ma.) be conf~J "11h
1r1c~ a.nd beaches Breeds 10 oon-btttding Ammcan Golden Plou which ~ '""'''
An:uc. m1anm1 and nocibfttd1og habitat. Howccr, \\ tRC,lrtpe or dollcrcl nronacr, IDd
\l<llor rn Chile M0>r w1ntCT 10 uodcrwinp ...-tutc. not ~le)' QI\ en JooJ \ ICW, dottcrd \ bL>(l
ara la.nd of A11cnuna
In Chile belly parch and mort' complc\ body colura11on n011<tahk
miy occur on small nods. \ OICE A loud. clcind1n& "h"lc "hut'()(>QQ(> U\U.111
IO E,, l f lCAl 10' An clqiant- silmL
loolint1 hm ploHr "'"b long
u11J a11rnu.mv ,....,, ltl<' Blackhclltcd PloHr, but noce Rufous-chested Dotterel Chorfo chileno
t 'l'C' lang /''flllQn' nlt'llJUlll, tonier lea, ind ,ltmmCT Charadrius modestus FLK
'"' 11'> more tnluni face paltcm. cbJt ero,.n conlttiung L 19 22cm1& 9") R.i.;ky c
to 11 lu1J.tlflll'C'"1l1um l cnnooh~1nglkl ha.oomcgold anJ muJlla1> "'hen not llrtt-Ju11
lhn m Mime "J'l'CIJIMI feathers . GtT>11lt 11nd~n.111gs, 'bb 111 upland mo~Y rundra-hlt
~ 1 11 t l l'JI< h "' fllJ<.-1.-bcllted Ploer. l "ppnw1np neatly !l.b1~b "'tlb lmlc ,,.,, nd lu11
' 11 tall '"'J
1Q: """' "'"'I'
ronrn/"""''" '"'" bar Juv.
bm11 d 11\C'I J>et.lcJgolJc>nup~rp1n Al><>rcndsro
cu~h1nn plants In non-brccd111
SChOfl form~ mall Ooclo.~ ()1 t
~-1'1 "I 1111' 1h;mc1l1~1hcrrl111n 1rc1~ed <'II undcrp3ru, unltkc
ntU'I o( COUnlly, \lOC1ly 0 Wllllll
1111 l I Ill .1 1'1"' co I ro1m Mnr, cun Mon 10 how black on v1s1101. llH : T IFICA l'IO \
1111 I 11111111111<1 "'"r nctk 1i.1d1 nl brccdon11 plumngc. VO ICE gor11eo11~ hlllc 11Jovcr, llr<'cdlu~
II 11111 '~ ll.1ltl1 r/111 11 .,., 111ort- 1 m11m11, louder and more plumage spectacular. grey face ruul ('f/Sp wh/111 .wpc1rf/111111
o 1ol1 111 Ho 111'"111l1111l111n1i1I lll11vcr,
brown uppcrparts co111ru<t wi1h rrtfims h/V'(IS/ 1t111l blt1rk '""'"''
band. In winter re1oi11s ovcri1ll pt111cru, with bold 1mli .YllJM 1,.,.,,,flng a dult
I< 1111 111 .. 1 Chw lu grit6n cilium and darker brefJ.11. conirn,i ing w11h while belly. Rnthu
I /1 !I .11/t /II\ 1'111 lfl'f II\ dark non-breeding plumuac Oflcn ~ornc rufous vlsthlc 1111
bceasL Upperp3J1s unmarked und dark bf'(lwn Juv ~h~rc, " ""'
pattern bot paler. pan1cularly on brcu-1, und upperpan fcJrh. 1
crisply edged bulT VOi Ct: A '"'''Yll~blc pu--.tte' rh.11 foll
slightly: may become a ~u ~u1x11 "'hen ucucd.

1 Ill 111h11J1c1 '"' P llllAll IJ1111h ul 1athet" unifonn-lool..1ng barJ,, either cnurcl) dnrl or 1o1h11c l>eh11 ""
I "11 h lull 111111111, I 1111l 1J1 I ~ 111\0~ 'rcc:1ahsc in fccdirig 00 mollu"" \1'1 gl\c Jllptng call, OC<clCrMllRll ko
I It fI /It 1i;cll '''' f'I \Cl 11 tht "'k mcrnbcr of!M Pluviariclhdac. Thh ,., mall and odd 'hnrcbord, ''"'''Utt
I lole fl 111111 ,.,,.,. hon'"'" 11 Jo 1111,tl~ Jtl\thlc appcararicc_ 11 C\Cll fccJi. n )OUng crop mtlk, lokc a dcl\c llo" ""'
ID~ 1 l1~cly rd.11 ..1111 h a1h1'1ll tl'ltc 15). 01ademed Sandp1per-Plo\cro' hlc no other plo\crun I .inh, hnmg .111111
lol loll

lll1d m h O}'\tcrcatchcr Pilp1len ncgro on head, h.11 darl cr c)CtOl'llr

ll.tt!111,1top us atrr FLK ~boll hp In 01ght, ,.,ng. d.ul
l .n .a 5 cm I 17 111.1 Rod..y lbo\c:,.,c for a br-t1>1nrc fi
couu. sc:ldona tttl1 a....) from 1nntr il>Od.an("> 1<1 OC>lcr gr
r U'Ullll) on pair< ~ pairs C\J\CM<, lk~C Ill.ti m'\I '<00\I
11h >a.me. don noc Oo.:t.. Coast- anc> att cbrlo.hf'P"J or cn111tl
11 10:\Tl f'IC \ TIO\ Abulky dari. , nnt ,. hue: u Magel!
U)>lcrcarchcr. PP<'ar' bul l ier Undc:r,.1n1 hh a Jan. 1fa1l1
thnn A~"Tic~n 0):.1cru11:hcr nl- cdac 10 inner h~I r Sc~ \t.111cll '"'
llu>uah perhaps an 1lhu1on cau.cd Oysien::uchcr for .q>.iro11on from 1h~1,rcc1c, \ OIC't ( .111
b) d.lrk plumage S1ou1, dttp boll "-i! Or ph4'C<XJ. J1spla) an accclcr;1l1Rl1, lllf'ln ' -.C:nC'I r
pK-~e hn ..~hM'tthlt t k"l"lt t'~'t'ltl"&
111r rrol tu <>1hcr O)>lcn:a1~hcr. 81/I ,..,J """ u pulrr 11p.
I II w '"' u11J N. ,/ 1'ht1ul rln11 Other",.~ l>QJ1 cnur..I> Magellanic Plover Chorlo de Magallanes
N.11. 0111 kg,Jullr111l Juv. \ltnol.irbulbod) plum"l!cbrow~r
_,.,, I' I~ oran~c-yclluw boll hh 1 du,Ly up. Easily ><parable:
Pfuvianeflus sociafis
111111 l'lhcr U)''ICTCllhCI') b)' blacl "h undcl'JMM' Ind l,1ck or I 19 2 1 cni (7 11"). ltc,1roc1cd HI
1111 111p. 111 l11gh1. VOI C' ~. {"nll n whccp, or1>wcc11. Do~play Region !lrcc<I\ 1n hullo", n l111c tu~ . Magellanic Oystercakhr
111111111loAmcncu n Oyalcrc111chcr, an uccclcrn111111 poping series preferring shore hc11vy In ~all dcpo<il
oil ""'''' h111 louder uml lowco In pitch. Al$O lnrgcr, rnud-bon~cd 1'11rngo111t111 111~ 1 ,
Pot hrccding mny l'o1111 01111111 f1 11c~' .11 ,
Mugcllanic Oystercatcher Pilpil~n austral broader range of w11 tcrhod1c 0 100 111
11.it.'mdtopus feucop o dus FLK Neror Thrcntcncd 10.- Nl l l'I CA1 10' \
L 42 .lit cm (lb 18") Rc.1m1cd to 1hi; sborcbml wuh a pccuhar >hape, lorri .ind hn11hx1kon~ h 1
i.uu1h of 1hc coontr) ln brccd1n1 ~n. brood on lhc ccnuc L<>ng share ac:cc:n1ua1c:J by -t..111 leg Slnt
IX.:ur. on 1ru,land. and J>(lCld Mo'"" w Sharply pomrc:d bill ""h shgbr urum Grn u11d ""''" "
\tlndy coa'l\ or muddy c;tuane' m n<m- on h~. 11tt4 011d vpperpurt;, C'<11tu1t1ng 141/li t1h1lt' 1111J
l>rccdon11 ...,;a1c>n 0 600m IOE~TI F ICA- pans. Forehead and 1hroa1 paler, acccn1u1111n11 dArl lnr~ / 1
110'11 \ olnn and 1hin-b1llcd O) s1cn:a1chn-. bright f"C'd u11J It'll.> p1n~uh or rr1/d((/1 Juv. rUc:d white 111 At 'r1can
The boll " ltncr and appeaD longer 1han m breast and uppc~n), wnb duller eye ctilnur ""d more or.in 1ercatcher
\m.:n< n Oy,1cn:11chc:r 0111 bn&lll n:d. legs. \'cry fbl and J1n:c1fl1gh1. lool, arc~ "1th paler undcrp:ul
.. nh. ~1shI) mon: OIUJC llp 1a1.,.. rJY and modua1c:ly lnl mg white w1ng,tn1"' \ OIC ~ A 111
ltdtl'lnlal nng 8"'/1 pl""'"!.... /o'41c A011 l1<uJ ntti. clw\l Ult(/ wfustlc. :ISndu~ anJ then dooccl'ld1n r fH F-
1po11r. Undc:rp:lru and \all bate bolc \\-uir dart.. snc
Diademed Sandpiper-Plover
f If., liite sttond.lrl~ nd oc.1cr ~tcr ~ lJ ndc:rwmg
11 ,.hi1c un c:t111rc 111ncr half (lo bend> anJ ..i.n. bc)ond
Chorlito cordillera no
Phegom is mitchelfii
Magelbtnic Plower
i;J Jn\ h.> Jul up 10 bill ~nJ darlcr ~c AmcnCllll
01 ler<'.jalthn '' c\lrcmdy tom1lar In companson. Magcllamc L 16 < I~ cm (b S 7 S"J A 'pc<iJIHI til
"""' M.ad.cr r hm1gc. wnh no J10cttncc b<.'1\\Ccn rhc head b1gh-An<kan '>CCp\ anJ boa 1\pp.:ru 1
no I b;d,; .-1l11ur, borh bcma 111 blacl Funhcmion: ch.: orb1U1I hmve \Cry specific h1b1101 rcquorcmcr
rit 1 n yi:ll"" nut red, and \IAl<luntlly Ma,clwuc h~ a longer. dc1a1h of "'h1ch arc und,,.ar Ab."<Cnl '"'"
1l 1111H1 11111 h1 ll1gh1 , MJ~"ll.in..: ha. cnurely wh11e JCCOndvlcs. boss which &pjl<'Jr pcrkct 10 an ~cf\ 1
f 1t c1111ro 1nr~1 11nJcrwan1" whuc. ind the wh11c a1 the pcrh.1r~ due 10 ocrp11n11 In w u1h "'
I I ''"' 1111 " mnr~ n1c11mc VOI CE A h1&)i and weak r1n11..- prcfc=d hJb11111 ,., nn.. -cn(rcd 1
" mrer, and b1nh d1 ...1prc<ir 01 tb1 l>ca n
hs mo\'eme111~ arc undcar. n hero 01'1" "
10 be no inc.rcose m number~ on lhc nh1pl11110. 2000 ~000 111
Aml'rlt "" Oy\ lr1 colcher Pilpilen mos1ly above 35 00 m fn 11 or1h . Ncnr I hrcn1c11 n l
ll.1111111/n pm /J111ffatw. IOENTll'I CATION A srocky plover wi lh u /0111:, 1h111
doov1u;untd (Ill/ tue o sa111lplprr. Dl q1inc1i vc, h/11rk /1eml ll'1t~
crisp white diadem a11d bT1"g/11r11fim 1111111 While brcu,1-h.111<!
aod uriderpnn "hlle w11h fine bluck11h vcr111icult1111111
Uppcrparu dark gTI:)'hbrow11 . In l1111h1 h.a. r.uhcr rnullJ .1
wings. it fl1c 1n an undul111ng pallcm and luc~, 1 "int: 1u1
Ju\. bro\\nlSh w11h cnnmon "'I'-' 1111 connamon lm I
uppcl"Jl'll'l' lklu" \\hue " 'th d1k ~mtotllflun' \ OIC I '
mcl31l<bOI\, "'hl'lleJ ~ ... " "" ~
h 111g111( ,,mdp1per_!,____________________
l 1 .,,., Yellowlegs
I llCtll<.'litumtoiargc.gcncraJlylonglcagcd WUIS .. llh\ln111h1 blll\a.lonJI& !f
wrcn:1haand many bob therrmir rui.. ,.hm 11 rc-1 The)' tend 10 be qu11c '"' I
lfil '"'' Yl'llowlea P1toloy grande Solitary Sandpiper Pitotoy solitirio
11 'l/f" mrfilnoltuc.i Tringa solitaria
I ,!U .H tlll 111 13") Borcal L18-21cm(7 S") Bomil~T.\IJ,:n11111nC.h1lc ~n."'"d
hr.-c:J,., lhat pends n1>nbrccdmg near Anca r re b,.ater ron1h and ">oded lake'h"r
W><m 1n Chile. some fim-ycan fDEX flFI C \TIO' S1mllto~r,cll01lc1>bt11 mal
ma\ ocr-wnmcr W1d~pn:ad
horcb1rd and
and ttlauu~I) <honer ~ f>.uA nap :uul DllUr "'"'f'
Of CIUlflC' fart/,,~ cu.irk'/ borrrJ ~ grtt11, lk>I )ell "' l 'ltcl nri
lll:lnhn. 10.:tu.11111 bigh-al11tudc darl:. unlike )clio.. kp. Ul'PCTJ*b cl.it1t.tt ~ tiro..">h
"clland.. A ti..t-1t.ll J"cncral1.st ~ grey. In t11gl11 feet bu~I> proJ1bC)und1.111 \ O ICt A loud
4800 m IOE,T lrtC \TIO ' A striking P..ct'n"t'f'f l<c'("f
l1rsc Tri11Ko !bulk "m1lar to
\\I Ill! lt,;1o:~cJ ~llhl "lh a /011g. JcrpborJ hill (longttr thaJJ \ I
It /J 1h.11 u 1/igh1/1 11pl1ir11t..J t>n 1t1t>tt mdn'/Juulf und trntb
Willet Playero grande
I II"' .,,..,1..s;1111ll """'" l 8ficly lll'C)'l!lhbrown "'"b ,.bile
Catoptrophorus semipalmdtus
1111\k'.11' rtJ .,..1 .. h11c rump 1n 0111ht le.111hrrx/111-r//o,. Often l 3.l-11 cmcn 11> 1 tl<n.~Jbt.-cilcr."''"'"

l I II<'"' anJ hoJy cmbn:.:ckr lilllcl~ unifonn Jll'C) obo~e. 1n Chile but '>Omc, pr..-.um.ably amm, .. 1tt1
11h one l'JIC 1nJ 11.trk pcdd1n11 on w1na) Ju may be rcmo1n durin(( b<ircnl ummcr lnh1h11
I 1~e.I 1n Ch1k CJtl) 111 ">Ulhcm spnng. n ~ ~nsr pale C08$1hnc<i, f0f'aj1Djl m.>tnl} m Ltnd) nrea. b. I
II 11 I 111 "" 1c1l1.11, ~ml cucns Breeding .111 more h~ily rc>osting on rO.:k)' pJrh Muy ui.c C\IUJrfh
11111 L 11 ,~,.e. w11h dl11n" \lrc:~k1ng on nccl and bars on mudt101, 1f ovuilnhlc. o.tSlul 101-:N 1111 11 hr eding
ll1111k Hircmcly rn111l11r 10 Lesser Ycllowlc11~. except CATIOll< A large '11ndp111cr wnl1bulky bt1J ,
lllfl11<'111 ~ In ,;z~ onil ~l rucl urc. Grcnror ht1s bill !-lil)htl y um.I 1hickbnsed bill, C.ircyi~h In 1tl11tbrccdl111
1111111111utl 1111d longer rhnn hcnd. Fur1hcrn1orc, blll mud1 deeper plumage, while 011 undcqllltlS, l:\/~urii-1 /.:" 1
"'"' 1l 1hu11 In I c~Ct, oil en wilh noticCl'lblc 11rcy ba~. Grenier base 10 thitk hi//, anti grey ll'gv l11 /llJ1,/t1, t1rlk11114 h11/tl 11 1111
1 111111:11 loiritcr 1hnn Le' er. but difference c~n be d1fficuh 10 rnngstripe ctmmwmg ~lt/1 blad f\'ltl/flt't 11 l11tt t1111111 <1tt1l /~1
1 1 '"' .1 lone birJ /\hu'" Hllcc VOI CE 1Yrmu call note. to g~y tat/ S1rucrurnll) Mm1l3f 111 Clrc.a1cr \'cll.,wlci:,, t.~1
"lll.'ll Jl\CJ1 m 0111-ht. f11<Nl nna1na Tc""~r . .,.,. r.,...,,
wmettmcs brgcr and bulkier. "'"h gfC) lc11' nJ lhi<kcr bJ.cd bill 0.
rum no!C>- \\hen lnnncd &" c quicker. ,h<>n<-r ,,.,. notes in a not bob like )Cllowlcg. Brtt~ ~pcdltd 1b11\c ind t...11
It oo undcrpa11s \ OI CF. A loud 1wo 1 "'

l (\U~ r
Yellowlegs Pitotoy chico Wandering Tattler Playero gris
'""Bil fla\//pes Heteroscelus incanus
I. :?3 25 cm (9 - 10"). Borcal l 26-29 cm (10 11 "I Botul brttJ.:r, 0111r.n1 1n Ch1lc Ont

brdcr llw $pCnds nonbm::dmg
UI O\lk, SOUie fini)Clln
ma~ o>ef'!ouiruncr. \\ 1clc,prc:id
record from AntMP'l&. but houlJ IK'. lc)() cJ for on l'.aua I
Coasul. tnln<ted to rocky ~. riarcly fora11ni on s.a
beaches lDf. ,TlflC \ TIO' A hm, long-,.1ngnl $andpirn
horcbird ot ettun1e> and .,..itb rdau\CI)' 'hc>n k11> lot a Tnnsmc COC1$1sttttl> bubs
~ mch1Jing h1gh-ah11ude end. '\OD-breeder l1C) .,..bnc on undaparu. I a '"""~ d.ul
v.ctl.t.mh A ~botal g"1lenllt>l. bttt Ions C<Jlflrast1ng "1th 0./111" >!<po/,,,.uJ S1o<Ay 1d/l.11t k
pttf~ wmc cmcricnt >cgc1.111on bill grey-btitd /11 /11ght /t,11Jlf'r.I'101/ unJ ru"'f' "" "mgfl 1
near foraging arn' O -lllOO m. VOIC E /\ fo-i. rulhng 100-1t:tt1-tocJ.11H1 hke o dl\1an1. "<'al
1111 ' 111 IC \ 110.., \ medium-wed Tn11su. bull dmmctl)' Wbimbrcl cJll
I 11 111 \ \ hll< bJ.kcJ Suh. Fine. nt'ecllr//Ac bill hardly
h A , 111 I>. .. "hu II " <nttr.-11 Nud. h.u no up1um and 1s Spotted Sandpiper Playero manchado
1111 Iii lc11 1'1 uf h.:.ul .\4111111 nrr A """ ITIJr cru,.,, oftm Actitis macularia
1.t lor1i;ltt 11 """ Pft11llilj!c< hkc Grca1cr Ycllo,..lcg.5
11 ,/
h 1l'f< 111111 cl h~11r1l 11nf) lu 1-rcast-slde, ~p;tmlcd from
L 18 20 cm ( 7 8") llu~~I br~cdcr. 'JlCnI
non-brecJ1ng~son tn C'h1lc C'o:Ms. m.11111
1 1 1, 1 ly H<>Jv h.111 hulk of Whnc-baktd Snh) ind fine
1 1111 11~ l11il 1h 11 I hurter w11h11u1 nn obvious grey base. sandy beaches w11h M>mc rocky Mre~. IOI'
111 1111 lo,; tl11d.n nnk 111111111111~ roun1kd hcnu profile. nnd T IFI CATIO /\.moll, rcluuvc ly h1111
l~sgcd ~nndpipcr. IJrnwnish nhovc to hrc11.1
lh 11 11 1111 111111<111 1111111011ionulcly knobbier Al.<o rely on
nnd while below H'/1//c r~111l1t.1 /11~1m/ rn/1
"'' \. I Ill I l~p1 111f 111ll1w11whislfc<11111 l<m sho1icr, soner
11 I 1h 111 llo t I 11111< 111 t t1,1l11 '~llo\\l~i;s <love u long
at 11 ~pur l 111111edwuI;> /11(m11111/ jolcl1tl" '''
ff II n11l{1tlfl1illft11 Sirong focc puuem wnh ditrl. eyclrnc u11~ 1 11
supcrcihum. T11I lunger llHrn fold~'d '""
Bobs t'on..<tont/1 . Odd flight. "'"~' llcld ti.11;cJ ind 01r111'11
sballc,.ly and qu1~kly In brc.:J1n~ rluniJ c llalc au1umn 1.,
Chile! ht:come> empt~ '""""d b.:lo,. 111111111 C>lllnrc u1 Ila
\'OICF -\h1gli,,.hhlletlttl/l/1< 11t/'McY/l1t'<f1<,~I
I 'I I\ II 11I ( 111 lcw\ 1 Uplecind Sa_n_d_.p.._i..._p_e_r_a_
Whim brel
1,,~, 11;11ul1"l'<h ""h "'" '"" Iv ,1,.,.,.,,,'tf bills. "hicb they~ t"ttlcnhl " tup1d fouJ from th<: for.iiiini: uh!I
jlnih;' 111 t111kl "' mJ, hut""' k<1ly I 'pland Sandpiperappean lo be a curl"" 1>1lh h<lrl. ttn11gh11!111 (,.,J,.11
Ip'""'"'" '""II 11~1 hi lullt, 11'111<"1111..-, hu1'.mg an uprum. They u..: 1b.1r bill 10 rn>hc in -..ind or muJ Ooh e
11) 1 11 t ''""" l>f-.Jon~ 111 ti ' trll m l~-m1~.

Wl11111b1 e l (Hudsonian Wh1mbrel)

smallcurin.. bu1 ""'" tbt """llJU~ \~'h1ml>rel rnulJoh
l 11i1111to (Pe rd12 de Mar) in size "'th
l:tf1!ot fak1mo C-urlCI< Ocrall. like min 1
N11mt>t11us pha~pus hudsonicus TX# 35 V.lumbrcl "uh a finer, hnnl!r anJ 1n11~h1cr btll \g..111 br
in mind tlwtJU\ \\'h1mbrcl 111.)y lookomallcr brll<<I In 111 hi
l ~~ni(l7 SI S1nctlyC03StaL
C'1uar1cs. unJ) 1nJ rocl-y bca- dnnamon "'ng /1111ngs, unlike Wll1ml>ttl. An) po"1bl<' hi
rcquim. lholO<lsJi docurncnu11on \ OICP. Oo.:nhcJ .u
chc> Cicncrally ror.,rcrs laucr.
DrttJ., 1n l\'nnh Ammca. "IDlCTS
1n Chile bu1 '<)nit 11mm' I may
O\.,hummcr 1n the country. Upland Sandpiper Bal1tu
ID~ ' Tl~ IC TIO ' A brgc noo- &rtramia longiciJuda
ck..:nr1 curie" Appears bro"'ll. L 31 cni 112"1 ~al b=dcr \'af'Dnt, San111i:o. \ta.11r
""h ~~re paucm of <ponmg Antofaga.s1.11 and O.:Ccp11on I tAntan:llc.) 1 Pcr11.1p a rcgul
11ll c-Jtmi ''' uprcrp.irt~. Undcrp;1rt< buff), ariably urea.led migr.mt tn Andc. of An1ol4t:a'lll, bul mll'C d.llll 1cqu11cJ \
1111 1 tt11~I~ 1111 ncc:l anJ barred on Onls In 01gh1. "tngs its name: 1mphc. not found on coiis1>. prcfemng t:ta\\f,11,.1
111tlft1Tb fo1"" 11, f.<11/1 o/l<>t't tm4' /1<(11,., lncl1njj nny wmgstripc. including roa1111cs, IOI\ ' 11~'1(',o\TI O A rned111111-w1 I
111111111111'"'~ liuf h1YJ1111 wnh dorlcr bJrs l'crcltcd, i1nppcan;
shorebird with a peculiar ~hnpc. AJl/>t'tltt mtlttr " """ lm..t1 ,/
" " 1 111hrrn111. "nh ~ltgl11ly m111m<tl11111fw 4 rro11 11 and eycline.
and ploin-ft1cl'tl, 11/1(1 11 fll'1Jt' /w111(1 hlmk '.I'<' mul d/,!//111/ 11/1111
1111111 o il 11 1111 lcr bufT MlflCrc11iu111 nnd ccnrrol crown srripc. eye-r i ng. Long-winged hut 1(1 /f d/,1r1mp ur11011111,IJ hm~
llill 11l 111v 1111d winter od. ho~ nn c1bvio11s crrungc-riiuk base 10 ex1e11di11g bey1111df11/detl 11'/llJl.V, Ulll yellow with d11rk cuhrn11
1111\1111111111llhlc, l1111 becomes cutircly bluck 111 breeding scuson. and lip; leg~ ycllo,v, VO I C'I~ A liquou p1111///p, nlo n 1ri111.I
h11 (11111 11111,lrntc<l ) Irle nd.. b111 hn more cc1111ru~1111g pattern wbisllc like Wh imbrcl. but sol\cr und fo;icr.
111 1 1t1 11111, h<'' on 1ertl1tl< und wlng-cowru. Ollcn juv. may
h 1 llli11.rn11nlly ~mailer bill 1hnn ud Scparaied from
Marbled Godwit Zarapito moteado
"' '""')' 11111l~r on,1lcth1ghc<l t'urlcw by brown rump and
t1ul n " II hr11"ncr h<>Jy plu=sc 010.:rcnc~ 1n voice
Limosa fedoa
tlillJno " \ 01( .A 1;1p1d s.:nc1 ol lrqu1d. lwllo" "h1slles. L46 cm ( 18"). Borcal brccJer \Jt:ran1. al k:f,1 flc ttc.rJ,
q I yu1 q: ~u ~u1~u,...11n, of 1-anablc lcni1h. but U$Wllly Chile. C~t31, prcfc" andy hcachc, Cir ltdJI mudll~1
k'f 2 i 111 J.1r.111ui Lowlly all, tn 011h1 IDE,llFI C TI O'\ Separated fr(lm \\ h1mbrcl b) lt1n1,
Straight 10 u~uncJ .t.rl btll "''h orangt"p1ni. b.t<c M
1111\tll't highed Curlew Zarapito polynesio usually confUscd ""h lluJ.W>lttlt" t,od,.11, bul 11J1fu<tnd ha
Nmll'111us tilhitiensis complex barring '"' 11pf'1 r1vr11 Ru111p u11d 1a1f ".mn l>ru1tft
I 111 rn1 f ll I \,1~r~n1. rttonlc:d llfK:C: on ba.\1cr I. Pcrhap-.
like bacL and la.A.;"""' "'"l:lnf't 01m~111c nrmu"""'
Hing lmmg.1 VO ICE 1\ louJ .t,,.,.....4, lo"er puchcd. IC11Kkl
~1111 1 1 ul~I> 1hcrcr' S1ricll> CO.'hlI p.in1<ularly on sand and slower than I luJ-<>ruan uod.. 11
'' ,,,1,,,.i..~ (o,"t.. Orttd, rn \\ \l~u and "lnttt\ on
PMI t Wt11h \11lnc-r-.1Mc llU '\ Tll 1(. \TIO'\' MO>I surular
Hudsonia n Godwit Zarap1to pico recto
\\ hm1btd "1'1d1 " the t'lllv npa:tcd curie" 1n Chile.
ti ltlrhcJ ,1,rr, r. on h.i\tng rupAur u>laun>J and
Limos.J haemastica
nmy/ """fl wr11ra.11tng "uh the d.trlcr bail. Ta1/ a/50 l '9 cm I IS S"I Bon:3I brtttkr
tin "111,. I " llmad d.trl Nr> U uall) h~""mc l>utf>~ 'i1n,t1~ CO&>IAI. '""h I mirL~ 111land
"""''" 1 Olf /, rt111/1. cmd "vpufan unlike \\'hunbrcl. f'l'C'd1hct111n fore-tuartc< ""h hGh
~t 111<1 ulkn JJ'fl<'rcd -.me" lull ruffic:d. ,, ...,.a tidal change Nc3rly ~- t>f 11tc
fl l1wl 11 ~ l'"""'"'r 1u \Cc: th.: fmrgfilo111<nt< 0/1/ie 1/iigli "orld' popula11on "1n1er '"
Ii "'""' l!ll' tlt11 cu1lcw '''name li>et dwgnosllc. lara:e hap of, 1erra def r ucco
\ I 111 I ""' ~~ll.11k.~""-1 h1'ollC, /1".... ,.... '1011l(:llmcs lcni.'111- wr1h 2s; "1111cnng m 111lc1 111
1 .11 1111 \ ll.1111, 11, ,,,..,. 11, (flllll unh~c Whunbrcl. ('Iulo~ lslnnd. I OEN 1 1fll CA
T ION A rned ium -siicd godwor Hudsonian Godwit
I 1<111111 t 111 hw Z.1ruplto boreal with a hlack llJll, wl111t 111111p, bold while 1~i11g~l rl)lu 111111
N11111111l111 ili.11or111s contr&sting black wing /111/ng". l.<11111-winucd, with no1 lcc1thlc
primary cxtcn$iOn beyond 1c11l nls. In wl 111cr. 11rl)y with sho11
white supcrci lium ont.l whiter be lly c11111ra~un1:1 w11h clo1~c1
breast. Juv. :.im1fur, but buffy on brca>I. and cuvcrh and
scap ulnn have bulf11p1 ond darker 'ubtcrmmal rnnrb In M.or
Aprdistincltvc n1fou1 undcr11Jn w11h t.larl b.11\, nd bla~l'h non-breeding
back patterned "'"b iold, bern11 1c1 al'f)Cllr Ori! ~hare alooc
USU3lly suffiacnl 10 ~paratc ffl>m \\ h1ml>rcl \ O ICt A 1....
syllable 4-.. ........ c:d .
1 l11m11uc m
\1111'\' \ rath..-r
11 111 111t1h11111 11~.J A01111111< 1x lhJI arc not necessarily very closely related Ho"ccr, they arc 11nuc1l 111
1 11t '" 11, I''"'' "' 1 .11 <1lt.tr11 ...indpipcrs known as ' peeps' (Plate 43).

Red Knot Playero artico

Calidris canutus
I 111 ll<hul h..-cdcr "A11ml 111 l bile nh c.6 L ?3 26 cm f9 10") 01110
II ID lliltlh, -.uth lo Ill Mqon 0 J"OO m IDE..' Tl-
\1 llJ' " koni l~J . .t1m nJiiirr ,.,th ""2r sltgluly ' I bfccckr. rue in"""' or<lulc but
laric "1nunag roo.:cm111111.,u ift
t Ihm bill N.on btttdcr r;itbcr P'C)tdl. ttll ~ ~l ba) nr Ti.:m dcl fWC<l and I
IO'ht Ull&r1wu \/""Qi ai1~rri/J1"" ultl/ tk.rA n~btW. Stnn of \bgcllao Forfcl
tn lrcr ,.oattt riobina <unmntl), "'"'"ha! hkc a 'lanJ\ bno:"-'1 ba)' ntun
~r ( l'l.ik 41 I IL>ng &rtt1t lq:1 la Atsht, loot& kp nlCDd
11mh c\1c1"" muclntt IOt '
I tAtl C..111 nplrirc anJ Mfll/ """'' """I'
Breeding TIFI CAl 10 ' -\ li11r.1 p<I
Ila "lllWJ!Qft curOettt Mid .lcft..,ly bafnd uncltt- h.:l/1nl W1'tlf"J'l "tit rrlU11h
11& r.t t ~umLJf 10n.>n-~Jn&\\1lwn\ P'balat<>pc. bu1 slior1 I~. Straight bin btll b Iona b bcaJ ui: t/111/ grn11I.
1101 1(1111 "' ,,.,m hlc th~t pc.;10 .\dJt11lllally S111t olfre. Noo-breededmge~1 gm. '"'" ,,.,1.-r 1..-111. Brca.t11.t.'
i\Jp J1C! hJ1 loni;.-r &rttfl kK anJ brll 1ti.1 "It'\ tir.upt :md flanks usually barrrd or spoiled f11rly promn1<nl llJ1~
tinJ I .11. hk W1l11<111\ Ph~IMu1'4' h~. paler rac;c \ OICE eyelinc and pale superc1hum. often broken m ft"Qnl of C)' In
II r.1tth1111,11"'' but uully 1lcn1 fligbl. grey "11b weal w1ni:~1rtpe Hild 1111/t 11<'1 ""''r Huddy
comra.~tiog wilh darker back MO'>t ~mulnr t<l S;111dc1 l11111 h111 ltonstone
larger. wilh greenish leg., and lncl11111 lu11cr ~ black1~h w111
bend. In Oigb1, Sanderlin& hns n sironi:cr wing~rnpc 011d d111k11
l. 2 1 2S cm (~ I 0") . Bo real rump. VOICE Tends 10 be silent, cn ll u double wh1Hllc, 111'1'1'1
b1ccdc 1. l'M!lllC~ nn sn11dy or
" rocky b~HchcK, ~t rictly coustal ,
Ollcn llocks. In ninny case~ wi1 h Pectoral Sandpiper Playero pectoral
Surlliird. I l)tN l'l l'IC/\TION A Ca/idris melanotos
ocky nndplpcr with )hon legs. L 19-24 cm (7 9") lforcnl llrccdcr 1111
11nd a lwn J//1;/11/1 1111111rncd hill. common 111 C'lnlc. but rcponccJ fmm \~m"'
All pluma~c' h111" a tltw11C'/h'<' sues south 10 Osomo I or~11c' in mud 1-.111
bn11tl n~( ! '"'"' 1 n Orc&>1 darl...
ample emergent eaetallt>n Snhtry "' '"
"n111\ll11g "Uh 1\-llltc thn1~1. "11h a JI.tit 1>r \\hllt' m1ru~100
smaU flock>. 0 ~OOm IOF' 1111( \I Il l\
fh;m Ilic nttl-11.Jn tn l>rc~~ l"onbrttJcrJarxcl> bro.,.n
Highly SC\ually dunufl>b._ in ilrc fonul .
how ollni v.ahc'J cin1111m<>t1, ,.1th bro.,.n11J1 fa.;c .Jlo"uig
SJZC of large Pl' -..b1lc m.tlc I ~II~ ol
~ of,.,,,,op1c,bcn'Jin1rfw1. ~11m1 l odotrperbbite.
L = Ydlolct' A dW'ltpy, mcJum-sunf
,,, " i' ' " ll1&1i1 """''~ ..-ff/J( """ "f'l'"P'Jrb pott.-rw. sandprpc:r ,.t1ha1ut1C11UalCJrqr l"'J:' ,..u,..,
v. t hM.1. hitc.. llul rump J.irL. a bolJ hllc ,.1np1npe and non
~ aNl dull .rrlluw 8111 ~ loag a. bead, itnJ ~.. ~It
Mltpc f\=fld '" """> I rum ltultt ln.o<t CO\ M> to &cnul~
droop. In smtc """) appcan hlc hui;c Lc;w '>~
I t;i I ,.h11C ,.,,b D bn-..J blad, b.anJ 6r\'\:.kr< Clal.: (all in
Brownish abo e. includini hcaJ and nl O.vl. -.trcv1<J l'IC\ l
l 1kl Im~ ""'!Jlk-A face r-atcm. and arc N61)' ab.nc ilia a
mil btQSt. bm paJtJtnt mJ.t. ufvwp11r 111 /llt>ral IYJ:tCUI II
lJ l>.tt\.arld~ 1'ot1bc~-um1Lvto'-urlbml
o{IUUl<'!Tp<UlS ,.7tilc 01~ chuige fmm bm"n 1>rca>1"
hut r.r tnl by onnFC le'-' fiMI) urcumcJ l>Jl lip odJ ,. bile belly dlitincti' e. and gl\ C> 11 a ho<>dcd ~nee I aut
dJ I>~ luj'N M';HI l\ilt h~ anJ compk\ p;attcrn. "'"I obnous pale supen:ilimn. '1.:on-brccJJng anJ ~mg plun
\ u II I ,\ 11111 Ire 111 tu 111o111
sun1Jar. but more unifonn in ooo-brccJin' plurnarc "'hen bl ~
brighter buff or gol<kn-brown fnngc t<1 scapular< Nnc1
\111 lt11rd Playero de las rompientes lh..-lcs.s. even non-breeding plumage ha cJJrkcr centre 1
A11l1111.1 ""il"la scapulars and back. giving n nn obscurely )lr<:~kcd pf)I:~~ "''
l1 I 21 2$ cm (\I 10") Borcal lo 01ght, very wealc wb11c wingstr:pc and lurgc whn~ ~ulc h
rump. Most lilcely to be confu~d "11h 1lD1rtl' SRnd1uf11:1, l1111
noie clear division at pcc1oml line in nppr11pr:o1cly m1111o ,1
Pectoml Sandpiper. Also, PC(:toml hti\ yd low1~h nor hluck k~
and ollco has a more upright, longer necked l)U\lurc. Wluv
clearly extend beyond 1~il In 13aird's but fnll lcvol wh h 111ol 111
Pectoral. VOICE A rolling, low-pi tched r11111111. lowcr pil\'11111
ihttn similar call of Baird"s Snnd1>ipcr.

1111 ~--------------------------
" lt"I" 1 ul th, , '" '-'"''" and may be as small as a ~palT(m 01 \lightly larger. All OF\" bn'"""" ,., bre~ding
11 '" ht 1h11111h1111 11 .11111"" lr~.;l h1<Jc1"11 lncy arc rarely observed m brcedma plumage in Chile. and ~-~n be 141111
1 ra 11< u1oc """' '""" Ucnl""' 1 1ltc ,b;ipc and smr.:mrc of the bill. "1ng lmgih and leg c<>lour. among I 1
! ,r .,, a 110 I' r l1t1t is ll<n confused "'th them. Unlike the other ptc1es. n lack~ a hallu\ (lund 111\I
) 11111!1 hng Playero bl.inco least Sandpiper Playero enano
a/1,fm ,t/b.t FLK Cafidris minutilla
I !II i I <m (ti ~1. Boru l L 13 IS cm 15 C."I IJ.rul bn:C'dcr, sm.f
.. t>rn-J.:. but llOOk mnam in Ouk
during 10Uthnn "inter Clo><'I)
nu:inbcr. 11.intcr tn nonh J'llC' mott rc'u
1malf peep 1n C111lc ( dt:c of muddy p.n.I
ml I<> ~nd> bc~hcs. runmng and mudOah nur ""'r muuth Pref~
like a "1ndup IO) after ~Lmg ""'311 amount ofmlC'IJCbl 'cicu11<>11 or t b(I
"h. !Mn qu1cUy bacl. before eo-.,r 101':\TIHC 110'1 A mall r--cr
nc\I '""~ arr.-u Ui.ually 10 ,. uh a dhl1n<ll\C crou(hcd polurc o lkn
flod" IDr,TI FIC \110' Lar- foraging "ith bell) clO'IC co cwund ~nd "'''"ell bcn , ,
ger and bulkier th.in true peeps. Semipal~ ..............
1d/o1< orgreenlrh-.rello" 81/I <lion, o.1 /01111 a. hn1il >r $ht>t 1,
Iti ~ leg 11111 lr:uyhl black btll \r11r/1 al"''" an wndr finely Upped and sli11l11/v duun ..1/ unhkc St'm1palm .-.1 Sandpiper
b.,,. ltr l'.o" hrJmai plumage "n4inil "'"'' 11ppcrpart. Sandpiper 'onbttcdcr bro,.nihfl'CY h<'lc.... 1111c bclo~
f 1/,.,1 II" I 1111Jr1i.1rh "'"" "hill' l>.trl..rr ,/11111/tlu 11reu Upperparts bro1111er than Scm1palms1ccJ 11r Wcstcm, ubv11n1
1/1111/ ..1111ng) 1"blc 111 fC\l In l1J(lh1. ht1/d 11111g11ripc'. bolder in direci companson, and h~u\/ mflrr flnui11fl <1rr11Ard L" l
rh 111ti11111 '") peep' Hn:cJrn11 plumai:c rcdd1~b on brca~I, <emipalm:iti0!1$. VOICE A h1ghp1t~hcd11<1w1, lon~er than c.111
lo ..1 hi lll'l"''l'ln. Uud' moul11n11 1111,1 1h1s plum;igcobscrved o r Sem ip:1lma1ed or Western, with chnructcnllc 1olllng 1011~
111 I 111 111111111111 111 Chile. VOIC'; A shnrr . but so il kif1/
White-rumped Sandpiper
\r111l1lalmnted Sandpiper Playero de lomo blanco
l'l11y110 '<'mipalmado Calidris fuscicollis FLK
< 1/1clm pusilla L 17 19 cm (lo 7.5"). ll(>rcnl brw1I
I 11 I ~ ~m (S 6") l)orcnl breeder. rurc m er, ORC of WI.. 0 C\)Olll'IOll ~q"'
( htlc rmbahl> annu.il but pcrhap~ Jporadoc 111 Oulc, forai:c' in mudtla1i.. m et
( >.'ll>lI, mudOob near met mou1h' IDEN'n - moulh nnd 'horc~ ot ' halh"
~ ICA 110 A mcd1um\1Lcd peep w11h a l'll.~nianpctnd 0 <()(Im IOI'
""'' tul>ular '""t"-J 1>11/ 8111 of\cn <honer T ll IC' \TI O' \ lonr " ' "I
1l1;1n hcd lcn111h. and di>c ll(lt taper lo a fine J>C\.1' 1nmonn 1<1c111//)(1tmJ twl
"'''' Vrc,.cd Imm ab.lc or drrn:ll) 1n fronl.
I> II o >'11/, ,,,JI ,,,_..., nut rlllCly t1rJICd l'.mal "d>s
11 ltttr rtlffl/I J1<1gnoJll
ltp. ~cwi -brttdcr dull gm
4 l"ll1113to<>rul n tr..-1 like \\C1>1cm ~p1rcr. (Jp bloC"t. obtn'f!'. "hlli! MIOM. >nth Hl'WlkrJ j1m1L> Ju, (e.11111 <pmttl
N<"' hr\'<'llcr ilull iro:y1../i c and l\h1lc bcJo,.. \\liit<" LhrNI has ru~ scapuL1rs. mI ~c moulted,, t or1h1 plum.iir
id nur of bra : ""I) J"lf'ICly nurkcJ \10!ol umbr to b) thetr arm~J \ OI CF f tlun ""'I"' ., ,,,,.-/rA, \ttf'
I m 11\hllh 1-.::1 Iliffe~ trom lcu '>:lnJr1pcr m less
1 t1>l>l """''" I<,, t.tpcrcJ boll. bl.-..:1.. ICJ, p~n.:c of Baird's Sandpiper Playero de Baird
_ .....,,.l,..-11<10 ~<- f'lllmil&C anJ Ot. tron1 ~ Bainfs Calidris bairdii FLK
,J \\ h11 """l'fI S.11Klp1pl'r by "''"'' that Jo nm e\l.cnd
I ) J IJI lw Jolkrt"''C' m bill ~pc and '11'1k"tlln:. and L 17 19 cm ((le 7 ~-1 Bnr(lll
L I iot l rumr. """""'"" "' l.1ucr \ O ICE I\ 0<IC1 chnp.
brccJet fond or
h1t1h '\nJ, '"
"c1l.1mh anti ,h.1llu..- 1'JtA(lln1.m
~"' m11111v 11111l11y oI I c'"' s.1ndp11"'r
ponct. and mudOah I ht= "'" o
,.,dnrrcaJ C'h1kan peep .11 .1
Wr''"'" 4ilodp1pt'r Playero occidental
( ,,,,,,, , 111.11111 one ul thc two commoue" 'r<"
~SOOOm IOt;l'>l IVI C'A'l 10' '
I I I Ill I I "~I-IOI ~ kJ\I '""record'" I n:gton long-,.rngcd 'peep', 11r1mu111
llnl rr rr 11111 i., h,n 111111 ,,. Sem i palm ntcd Sandpipe r. t!.\IMi/ f><:)'Olllf l11i/ Ill W ,,, /)1114
1111 N I II II \ 1101' I ' " " "'~I) " nti1111 111Semip:ilma1cd. No1 rump und black leg. Up1xrporh hro1t11hk 1u1h 1ml~ h 111tH
II 111 l I 111111, 11"'1t.r 1..-1111 I 011k 111r ,hghtly larger ~Le MOSh 0 11 breast. Browner nhovc 1h111> Wl111c nompctl, uncl /111 I,

1 \\ to'" 111111 h1l1ll v h111!1'1 lq1~. Wcic1nhn~11 longer bi ll streaking 011j/tmA v. Bill nvcrugcHlonger n1ut is s1rni11htcr 1111111
11 111 1111111 d 11Ith It 111 /"""'1 ll/11 ,/ l11ilivlil111il ifttmt1ltts) Whi1c-rurnpcd. Juv. (early ~pring) crispl) calcd uhovc \\llh
I I , .111 ~ 111 11111 111 \\ , .1,111 IJjlCh di topmd warm brown brca:.t wash VOICV. A rull1ng. roui;h ' '" '' 1
I 1111011 t1111tt1I \11 11 r rnn ht hd pful fo r similar to l'ectoml Sandpiper, much ro11i;cr and clccpcr lho111
111 11111~ 1111111~ \~, 11111 "-" h,um li>c Least Sandpiper.
I 111 \ 1111 I \ 1111 h 1it,hul ~ ., ""'"'
l I 1111 lo 'I 111 I 1ttljhtl111lh11

II ~. ~.
111<IJ'llJ(t1 ul 11101 1.., '"'' 11 llICl\kd fields with ample cover The)' 1111: oflcn ken only whi;n the' rt
t htm' IMe 111'"'"' 11 t ,.,'"'' Mhcr "~"'l they also ha"e obvious fh1b1-displa)' Tbc pa1ntcdn1rc belong' too !
I Looi u( onlv ""''I'~ 10lfhl1Jc II h a s:malJ compact shorebird. .,.,th a ""'" h ~u"cd bill :and "'""' "
I truo 1111(1Q. 'hot I htll d llo"'U<hc1,. a '13Jldp1~with a loog. srupe-hlc bill Dollc:hcn att lll>t tnpcJ abo,

oul h Amertcan (Magellanic) Sni~ Becadna Fuegian (St rickland's) Snipe Becaona g1.111d
t:..ll111.1go piu.Jguaiae mage/lanicil TX#35, FLK Callinago striclclandit
,. L.:?t JOc:m(IO ll"I Thcscancbrd'snipc l 2~ 10 cm (II 12") On< Pf lh I
m Chtlc, "'1~11 Md common Inhabits
kno.,.n CllJlcan bu~ lnhat111.. """-' ,_
cdgcs of catt11I ( T\pl"1) and rule (Sc1rpus)
f l>CJWI If& lancl.. partlC'Ubrt~ 1>111 I
~. as "'ell flooded ficltb or pas-
anJ llud, lll\ldJy bosli n .\Ollxif.1~>11 t
t~. and .era y "'c11 ndJ or bogs. G-2000 "winnowing'
Unclear 1fnonhml l"'f'U~Uon ~re
m IOE'11 flC \ TIO' A 1yp1cal snipe, or mncly O\'\"nlo1n~111- 0 ~nor
,. ,th Ions btll. W1JICd f<k-c ind ~tnpcd back.
Threatened IOE.' I l fl CATIO' A
Lona '"''"~ for a <ll1pc, rnmanes often
ntcnd bc)ond tcn1al1 h.:c bro.,..111~ .,.,th """'"'" IAtJc rotund bod). t/o, 1
/if1C' and long dttp-ba~ b1ll .,.h1th 1
upercd11nn, d.ork cro.,.n, C)'~lnpe and thee~ <tnpe. Note
stantially dcq>cr based thn11 o~ Chilean <nope.. nd h .. n
c1 1111.c n bmlcn unmcdiatcly bclo"' C)C D.1rli hro"4n had
exteosiH: pink color:1110n II 1t~ bue. Ood)' dark bnmn, ' "'
1mJ ~ "/ 11/ar, "' '1 nfutll<'d by fo11r J:t>ltkn long1wtlina/ lines.
stripes present bul llbcurcd by dark background ,11 111
111\'H t uonKI) ,,,...akcd bro.,.n, rest of undcrpans wh11e, wnh
Strongly streaked on neck , and hr<>llllll' harn:d thm11~/1 .,
tlt11l1t1~ hnmng on flonk.K Ll.'f(I' )'t'/101111/i grr:rn In night,
underparts; no large wlt/11 /)t/1111t11<"l1. !lock sim lltirly 11.111
"'""~" 11111, w11h dArk sub1crm1nnl bor nnd whi tish outer with goldcn-ornngc longiludlnul ~ripes. Tcrtio ls, cown '"''
'' 111 '' ''' ll11rltr11/11g~ white with ''"'"" c/11r4 harrl11g. On the
scapulars less complexly 1>r11tcmol1 ll11111 In othcrCh1 fcn11 '"'''
f 11lkl11111I< 11rpcar1111cc I~ vnriolitc. Mo le 11ppnrcn1ly po ler than
the coverts merely showl1111paler 1101chin11 on dnrk fculfw" fu
'' 11111li I ur 'cfrnrutlon from luriicr Fuc11iim Snipe see that fligh1, broud. rounded won11 .. 11h 1111/r1lv tlarA u11tll'flll11
I'' I 1'111111 Snipe os c'trcmely similar In C'hile the two arc
Also, tail bro1111 11ntl lack hm111/er /lt111tl or ll'h/11' "'''
1lln1ll t ult 1o111pc 10 the nonh, runicul11rly at high elevations
rectrices. VOICE Nocturnal d1~loy dc'll:ribed IL' o ""'"
a1 1'11111 S11ulh AmcnClln d11TcN rrom Pun~ in lafller ~11,e,
repeated cl11p note:., and a pcm:trt1tma chorwn 1n odd111 .. n 1
l1111j!l"r "~'duller lea colour(noc hn11ht yellow). more deibely drumming sounds.
I 11.J 11n1k,...1ng paucm. lonacr .nd mot'\' pointed wings.
I n r t>tll ,1.,l .,..tcr rnuwy anJ brolo.cn eycstnpc bckm ey-e.
\ Ulf I \\moo"''"I d1,ply gncn iu bird d1c-. from a height,
South American Pai nted-Snipe
1.uh ncrhl'tt>llTl<Japhr""n<""" pith.....,.,., Cirnllfttl song Becacina pintada
llf, ,,. hoip 'ftoup clup '!'l'cd at 1-s mtcrvals fucapc Nycticryphes semicoflaris
nQI II I~ ft d L 19-21 cm (7 II 'I Uncommon to rare on Ctnl
Ulbab1b Oooded field. adJ4Cctll IO call.aal or rc.:J nw
l'un Snipe Bec.acina de la puma shes. Shy. d1fficuh to' Ccuuchcs 10 &mallc,t ill
C 11/m.,~o .1ndini1 of "C&ClaUt>n .nd rrn<kr ll"Clf ln'ISlbk 0 ~lltl I
l l ctn 191 Small '"'I'<' of h1&h~lcva11011
1 IDE:\1 l f l CAnO' A wnall. '"'pr:-hkc wader llh South American Painted-Snipe
a long11h hool ttppd />11/ Urov.n hood rcach1
"' lll>ll 1n the -1h. mo.ti)' on ""'"t Andt:2n bogs
breast, udDmC"J /r\ 14ft11., hrr<U/ <pur tlut ntm1I I
and mcrbanks. Uncummon 1n Oule 2000 SQOO
m 101 'TIFlCATIO' f\tr<'mel) >1m1lar to
1010 pale b;ick -cnrc. Arpcan largc:I) dark bm...
'5<ov1h AMCnClill Snore bul d1flm coo mcntly m abc>c. "'llh laf'Kt' ,.,.,,,. hlarcM> Oii ><11g-<mr11
Undctparts .,.bite to bulT. unbaln'd l ~ bnaJu )'Clio" ln1
ii .3l1Cf Uc, J'fOPC'MIOMtcl) hc.ncr finer bill.
has sttclicd head and hrca_,t Tail pale l>ro"n 1n 01,:ht, niJI
nnJ lhnncr kg /11 /11ght fi, 1'"" t'f'ad1 tat/ ""
~un11, l>ut e~tcnd l>e)'ond tail oo South Ament:.1n. orange or wh1te<dgcd hlc true nape \\ 1na hning .,. ,.,,
I q: nfl'unI f>ngJ,1,.,. ~r/IQM tha11 So111/i A111enron. c:o111rasting w1tb dart. rcm1gc1 and lc;td1n1 ~j,:C rake~ olTmu1
cxplost..cly tban true <ni1lC, ho<ltmr .iia1ah1 up bcfor~ m.al.111
t 111, "'""' , 1h(1c '' a \lt~hl d11Tcrcncc 1n fa" pmtcrn, "'"h
I"'''' '""''''H ,,,,,,,, 1/1uA In port1r11lar. .:Jtlmt d1Hlnc1 a11d forward progrc'5. Wi1111beats quick nd 'nopp)'; lea dRnl~ '"
fligbL VOI CE Hu~ky. mufllcd n111ht noie.
" 1r/1 1, '" '"" ''" 1111 t11nu, but llroken in Snulh Amcncan.
I tllt1t1f1f1t I i Iii 1111 full\' rnom: wh11c 011 OUler r rianory of Puna,
11111llllh 1 11111l 111t11" lfl1111dcd w11111s. t'1'111111rics ilo nm cx1cnd Short-billed Dowltcher Becacina chica
h v1111I 11111111"'' '""' 1'111111 ~hows auuro white on ou1orrcctriccs Limnodromus griseus Short-billed Dowitcher
1 ,1 ~ ~ N11h 111111 u 111~~. //11111111111, has lx:en n:imcd from L 25- 29 cm (I() II") Vugrn11t 111 C'h1f~. one record u1 rongn1
11! I" 1 Ut" 1 n 111 1!1 h<'I)' h;irr ..1l wl1111 l1nlt1j1,\, like South IDENTlFlCATION Sntpelilc ~h:ape, bu1 hJ~p:ih:supcnal111111
"' It 1 1111 I 11 111"'11111.111011' fonhcr nonh arc snnilar and dark eyeltnc. no other focc Mlnp1na. Nonbn:cdc:r Jllq
11111 '""' '"''' """'~ \ 0 1( W111n11win8 display above. unstnped. and "hot1'h bclo"' "th 8f'CY neck In /111!,lt
h~ 11 lnn11 "'"" 111111 ""'1 11 I 1rnunJ 1onr l.~t. 11p- "hite nunp anti la14er bac-. Breeden t'U>t)' on nccl anJ brc t
ll1 111101 ~ b:tf> .. , 1h11'1hq1/ barred. 5Uipcd and 'll'C(lfcd aoldcn ind ""tY on uppcrp..11
\'OJCE A qu1cl """''""'"" ltlc a rccdccl-ur. mulll,"11

I (If rtu1~.... ~r '"'r'I'<""
thal fOJ.agc mamly b) 5'\<-untrung.111d.1n1 roo.1 frOlll lhc .....kf T-..o re- ~
Ll11 ii lfln6 Ilk' 11on l!fffJ DIJ ~'"~" "hen they att m Chile.. All hac lobcJ h>o.. 1111 aJ.-.ruoo for s-..1mm1na c Ill
t n rn-<1 b\ h\lrlins in 11 ll&h drdc. rod.1ng at the small ~Is cJra,.n on 10 1hc ccutnl on.
Their brttdJ
11 1101001111;;. '"''" fcnulet bans~ ilnJ brigbu:r lban males. l1IC so rolcurc n:~. -..nh fonalc.cOlnf'd
I other h'f lk-OS lo mamg nl<lk~. -.I m.tlc-i. pcrfonmng nesnng dtllJe<. The J-aiu "a mcmbttof an cnorcly dotlc 1
I 111(11111.11. mm111f "'""' :uc l11>1n the Old World Jacanas ba''C cxtrcmcly lc>nll IOC$ ,.hteh 1hcy use 10 -..;ilk on n1..,11n
II I 1tholll 'IQ\;IR!l. !\ ID rhal~ll'f'I' , ""11C- pcrfom1 !he pattnlaJ catC

Pollito de mar tricolor Red-necked Phalarop~ Pollito de mar borNI

Phalaropus Jobatus
L 22 24 cm 18 -~ ~ S"). Boreal
brccdcr l llc c>nly rhalaropc that
.> n:Jlul.lrl~ t>bscr>~d inland 10
JI I 18 - 19 cm (7-7.$") 11r
breeder Pcl~ic while m (. hol
'"here II I~ lhc lll..CSI plwl.iro'f'(
Chile Prcfc,.. "'"'!>(' pond> and ('~1ntou foam lone:- ,.t;
la.L~. both u1 the aluplAno and
Paugunoa 0.:<Uf\ e>n ~cs.
I ten "'di ffCttlll cmipcr.it
mcCI IDf,TIFIC \110' I
muJnau and Ill.cs "" m1gnt10fl- mallc,1 phalaropc. but 11
ln IM high \nd<- oftco forages rUJ'll!ly rlumper and me>tt con~
lx-1" ccn fccd1n1 namongo~. than\\ 11<.oni.. Both ha'c a 1h
1 1 uo. I I' d<1n1? t1f1 food do 1urbcd h} the larger bircb. G- nudll'lJ.e hill but 1hu1 llf Red-necked ~ proponou11.11d
1011 111 1111 ~I ll'ICAl 10 A >Inn pholnmpc, w11h a long shoncr. Nun breeder >!l"I' ulHll't, 1111/111 hitl' mantlt lrtp<' 111
" ~ 1111l l11n1 lei: 811/ tll/11 and 11<'11//(. /tk1, 11111'1 s1n11lnr I<> obsc11re wltlt" ,\lt11111lw w lp1. Dark mas k nnd back ol 11rd
It ,f llr ~ell l'lt.1lnl'(11>e buf propo111011111cly lonucr, l)ifTcr~ from like Red Pho luropc. Wh11c be low, Ar sea sepnrntiun l'n1111 111 ol
111111 1 plonl11101lcK 111 lllck111g 11 wl11>1.trl1w unJ huvin11 ro white difficult , bur nolc sl'l.c dllforc ncc. Red is similor iii ~111 In
111m1 I lo1 /m1>: h>:' urayl.'llow in nonbrcctlcn.. which nrc grey Sanderling. but Rcdncckcd i~ &lightly larger rlmn the ~111111111
11111< 1ml 1111 lMck o( neck. white below uncJ 1111 forcneck. peeps. When swl111111i1111, Rcd ntckcd mies higher ln wutcr th"'
I '""II 1111<1 I.ore uey. but lacks mo~ m.1~kcJ uppc11rn11cc of Red. :i.nd rs mClrc bunyant At ...,a. uppcrparts of Rcdnt<~ I
nth r l'l1.tl.1t'!"'' h:i~tng a much1'<1/rrju1 <' /J<Jllc-rtt Uppel'JXlfb
t:tt Llt:~ing~ny p;tlclmcs or p;rn~m Orccdcn (early autumn)
appt:ar darker grey than lhe>\C ur Red. and show~ p.ale ''"I". I
seen ,.ell Thrn boll ul Rcdnl.ed a 1.cy fca1un:. bu1 d101, II
I onnamon nn 11<ek and a d.u\ f.11.'.c ''"JIC f cmale near!} io oOscnl' from a ro.:l1ng biiar In calm -.e:b ..md hen 1-utl
l.1\0-.icd IDJ corgcous. mal~ b<u"ncr on na:k \ by be close. 01ce '' aho uw:rul In ~ceding plWNJIC (from \I 1
d "11h I c-cr Ycllo.,.lcg' or S11ll 4'.tnJp1rcr From bead grey "11b con111b11n~ "hole throat. and brgc rcddi~ "'11
t tw .biwtcr ltg> IUld dumpier ID<'fC l'<'ll>clhcd ~ppcar- oo ocd->1~ &d. grey '"th 1oldcn unpcs.. Male duller 111.ln
1ao.:c nd nc.:1' '"holerOf\ Wrl--. l'hal.an'l'C. hum Srih female:. has -..hole .,upnlonl mtttlllll ctnMll'lon w .pcrc1h11
1Nf1 1rn I> ;.ho1ner ~-dumpier ht>dy, paler fa.:e and ncd. only female hu "hll<" 'Pt~ on front <>f eye. \ O ICt. A h1t:11
All hltutfln. thm. nccdli>-hkc boll \ OICf A IO\\plld1ed nasal pitched. hanUup "nular IU Sruidcrh1111 bu1 harper and <tronc;1
'" iohlll/f'lrlrlr Also:! clrup.

lteotl l'h1.1larope Pollito de mar rojlzo Wattled Jacana Jacana

l'lt.1/,uopuf fu/icaria janana jacana
!J r L 20-22 cm 111 K..S"I Oorl'al L 17-2J cm (7 9") Virrant. '"" ltpOflS. from Anca and I 1
bl'Cl'dcr Pcbgr~ 11>h1lc 1n Chill'. lSogales. Aronca1w f ClrliCS 11 cd zc or m3l'Shcs. par11<'t1lnl
the mo.I coml'llilfl rh;JI n1pC ofT- "'bttc !hen: IS some n..a11ng \C&CW>on or malled nn<:fCnl
shott t'onccn1r1tc 111 arclb of IDE:.YrtFlC \TIO' "l.lfl<" -..aJcr. '"'tha1tt-.l1 l1"'Jt i
c:olJer alt.T, rn Ufl"cllong .zones a1ld rrlah>e/1 1<"1111 "' Dul..>lJoai. -..11b ~kn.kr. long Deil
IDE,rlflC \110' \ thocbct Bill loi>g anJ thod., blunt<ndcJ. n<'4 lapCTCd .!\d and \<oWIJ
show $1lllang /afJlrl u:Jlu" pn11tant:. and stt"OnJan,r, th
yellow is aln10>t cnu~ly h1drlcn on arounJ mll.ong rt c- en n1t>1t
surpnsing -..hen the bird Ulke 01~!11 Ad has yl'lluw hill. th
rt'd wa11/es at 1>1111' 11111/ rrd Jmntttl .fhlt!ld. Head. tied. 111111
underparts bluck. co11tm~111111 with c111namonbrow1111ppc11w1
and wings. Ju v, (111urc like ly to occur i11 Chile) while bd1111
nnd ou furc11cck. Fuoo hos n wlo hc supcrollium. contras11111:1 1 1111
black cyclinc. und luck~ rrunrnl shield and wattles.

1'1 All
I ufous-bellied Seedsnipe
I 1111 I 111111 11 honocoridae): all occur m Chile Sttdonrpc ttl.1.)1 b.: mci-1 d1hd> olh ol
111111. l'lnHt I h h111 I" ''" -rc.:1c~ 1A11agis) are associated "-1lh b1gh aJr1nc 1one ind ~re cccoh~ocatl
n 1 I 1 p ;ar1111 11u ''"' 'I'"'' he'""
I ~nuUer species (T711noronul arc 11<!,1 ~cnbcd &>an un1n101J11t1hl r
~ rut 11 tar~ \II K Ju11f1<! rrca
,1.,,.. and dnmlcy on land. but 0) stronaly vn Iona. r;rntcd ,.."IP II
I f\Jtl rncd 1tho1e uod 1lr.l!1gly r}p11.:, The) hac sbon.. chidm-ltlc btlls. and nut)' form Ooch In hotb TltJ,..
(1 ~ "h 1ucl or ullcr mound.

L ~I 24 tm 11 9"1 WiJ.:
29 'I cm 111 - 12") ,\luge thmu11boot f'MCC OC.:utl ""
1ccJ1n1~ of rhc alpine zone. m1unta1n1 Preferred hal>1t
I ound both on tod.) ~~ and Al!Jr4n bng>., but 1151> U>n
Andean l>ug., but only uses lancr ,,,.~.y c-~ cJsc' unJ h>raz
11 ..J;4'cm lo nxky ,Jopes 2500 runa Jfiil>\lln<b ,, 1.d1a.cn1 h
lm "'uth) S500 m IOE'\'TIFI- ,..,,lnJ <oo <f1<MI m 1111 .., If
(. \ 110" n.. '"'I:'"' .wedsnipl!, FIC '\110\ \ ,111.:lv, du-. I
>ecd>nrt 1ub111n11~1f)' 111 11
I bulky. prnrmogan-ltke. r1ump-
bC1Jml ~nd 1mallheadcd w11b than A1tng1s species 8111 .II"" "1th 11 ltlurA llfl 1111d, 11/1
and legs yellow. Male has grey face and brc.tl, "h111 1/11,
"'" 1 ) <I """ll 1hllk lcll' lull ,hon nnd. 1111'\!>t, ollcn entirely
1,,,1.1 11h111w1h11n111n11111,rcnallcmeri. nlll sbort and 1hick. 0111/ined i11 blal'k. and llJll'l'I l"tlJ:t' oj lmmt l11m/,11d /,,
hlu v. v ul h11'C, lllnck 111 1111 lie.rd brownish-cinnamon. narrow black /i11e: there Is 1111 hlnck line t1lo1111 1hl' m1dh11
1111111111l 1l111~c1 Mo11ll1111 hcc<11nco II <'011111lcx h:mcd pnltern on the breast Crown brownc1, :ind rc~I or 1111c1u..,111rts wlt11
111 .i.1 I11lorc t;i vi1111 wuy 10 /111~<'(1 111111111rk1tl r1i(<111.v 1111dcr- Uppcr11arts brown, barred (111<1 cdgc1J h l u u~ nnol ~olil, llo
I"'' '' /1 11111/1'rfnll, ll1111cr1>t11 lN c lt11111111011-bro" 11, ~rypticnlly feathers having pu le 111>ldc11frln1,1cs1hut 11lve 1flc upp~1p11il
I' llh 111111, l111>c1 h11c~ u11d n11111l 1i1rcycr. Sc1111ulnrNnnd some scaled appearance. In flight. hu' bluck w11111 l111rn11K01111 '" '1 1
h 1d 1..11l"r h."c hlnckih cc111rc~. 1hcorc\lcnt is 111divid11ally cootrastiag with grey1:.h rcnn~c~ I cmnll' lt1ck 11rey 11tl'b '"
"' 1hl, """'' ur.: c\1cn~1vcly hlak. I C(I.\ hluc-grcy. A strong breast of ma le, 1hcsc urea' urc bml'n "'"" d.trkcr 111 .~
It li<n lnng po1n1cd "''"ll" ond putbclly npparent. OtbetWisesc>.es similar M<'~l lskcly ll> be c1111fU,cJ "th I '
I f'I 111111~ lf'~M hN"n"h, d.Jr~cl on rcm1ge,, t1111krpurtS Scedsnipe. "'h1ch is sub,tan11nlly smalkr ~hilc Orcy1>1, 1 I
111 I"'" /111111111 r11(111n Only h~blc IQ l>c .onfu~cd "irb lacks blacl hne along m1Jhnc ol l>rcdt Jn .11fJ111on. th, I
111rir1 rcnulc Grc) brc.i.tcll SccJ,nrpc. the large s12e and bill of Grcybrc::hlcd ~n: more smnwl> ~ell"" hm.il
11111 r 1..:c m:iy not be rr.un11 01 a <lnw..:c. Rufou,bcllied are more similar. but ho d1flc 1n lie \ 0 1( l ""o
h ru(OWI nol ,.hole unJcrr~ In .u!Jofl<>n, 11 la.:k> a cnspl) tcpetirh-c. OO\'cbl<c """' ot>p c11o~>p , ,
II "hllc hnGI l"'tCh ulJ h.u. blllC~. 11<>4 yello..-t.di. a llllc of c.2 per s
ti l rPJWU r;ano:m m.>rc cumrlc, , hnosl n1gh1jar-hl.c oa
~ tl<'ll!Cd. but simpla anJ ltll'tt salcJ m fanalc Grey- Least Seedsnipe Perdicita
kJ \ Ol<t <rours " e ~ h.>N> ol p1r1111 -1 poppmg Thinocorus rumicivorus FLK
hfn obrmcd or OllihcJ \ho a ,1.l,. "''"''P "'""I'
h II- lllJ. I If>. IQ"" f6 7 "1 \\ 1.Jesrn'
the only sm:ill 11ttJm pc hlrt)
Wh1lf!bell1ed Seedsnipe Cl\OCW ID '"Ian.I u~ \'llfl
l'1d111t<1 cord1ller.Jnil 11ustnil b:ib1U1t, bu1 pttkn lb1, di)
Atl1tf;I\ mdloumus ccrn1nI> unrrotlu<lf\ c ar
I '1> 2'1cm110 11"1 \large sccdsn1pc of
1nduJ1ng n.1l't.tgonon 1t11
v.11h "'"11 \C~CIAlltUI and $111>
1hc C\trcmc "'u1h In summer rnhabits
pebbles, Jc'ICT'I cd11c. bc,1,h..,. "'
OIJllll<" /\lllC Jlnrculrly where I rod.')
sand dune .1nd dry, 'Hiii) rm
~lllJ'<' m.-c1, 1crk1>1 \mJll \\Ct land. or in
Oats. 0-4000 m. IOEN1 I F ICA1l()Nl1kca mnll \cM110111 r
,,,..,,, 111 rn'hi11n plunl\ (.4wn//u). In winter
Grey-breasted Sccdsn1pc. llC1wcvc1, male hnc tm.1111k1 hi 1 I
111,1l'lld< 10 l'u1n11onl.111 wtcrr1c. 0 (wmler)-
fringe to lhroa1 and lower bl'\!a,I, which nrc conncct~ll h1
'000 111 IO~ N 11 ~I CATION Struc1urally
black line along 111hl//11t 0{ 1!01/1>. lcn11lf CK fll(llC Ni n11 l:11. f.111
hlf 11 111 1ll11111ild1 lt11l11us holllcd Sctd11lpc bur smaller. Bill
Least smal ler with t/111/n 11.!llow /1111\ 111irt w11/ 11 11w11 1111/d/1
!111111 111 V" I 1111111-. with dul'ko1 1111. Wnnn brown hc11d and
"'' I , .,1.,1111 . ly ..11,.,1kNI, hc.i1111l1111 bnrrcd uncl scnlcd 0 11 breast. 1r
ouili11ed throat, bird i8 burcly lur11c1 1l11111 11 ~lltlf'row, ti I
II 1/1 .,,,./,, 111., /1111 11111'1/>m/\ r1111111/r1/1p<1ll<'nt<!d with nifcms Least. VOICE A 1c11c111ivc, tnccNsnnl rc11clitl1111 uf v11duhl1
notes. 1oop toop too tor>... or Awr111At1'llfJ4w1m
11 I 1/ol /i.111111~ 111m/11~ 1111.t 111,11Ai11H, Kump more golden
ti Ill or
I (ol ''l'I" .,,..... \1111.rhl" llltllilX'r blackish-centred
11 11 uul la k 1, olh"1 I rldy lu 11" ~1111fu-cd wnh sym-
1 l 11 I I ) !<11 1 1.,l \nohfllfl\" l>ul llllltlJO:l o(cl"311Jy
I I It h11 '"""' 114'1 11 1.othcr 1h;111 ''rcakcd breast,
r I 11 11 1tl 11ry1di 11 hom-c olourcd leg>. not
l J1 1 f I t1llk' t 11 y hr u~l l111< <rt pl) pale
I 11 r al \I ll fl \ ~"' "h1t1110.,frit
111 ........_..__...___________________________________________ Least Sffdsnipe
PLATE 47: Jaegers
Pomarine Jaeger
Jeci;cn .trc: tM '""'Iler n~111bc:r. 11( the !1.1"1 family (S1cn:orariidac). cl~ relah\C$ or l!Ull :tnd 1011' All hrc-.l on lhc Arc:h, 1-.r ~lr1n.:
1uo.tra and arc pcla11c dunng lhc non h1ttJ1n1 ..c.t\l'>n (I c. while in Chile! lDc~ \\ 111 hun1 for 1hc11 own fooJ. but 11 ,.,,. llK-~
nncn '"'""' hl Uqi!Opar:tMll'11'1 , l>a\I ally 'h*''"I C>lbcr <peClts.. fon:ing them In dror lhcir f<'llJ bcrcr. arc '""<18 and f'<l\\ttfol
1111lhc\\111s. :aftd lla>nhk I hcy 111<,. unable l~ptt~dcrnl ,.bnc \\ln! ratcb 1>! lhc ba..:ol thc rnmancs In btJ1f1$
pl~ th.:' IM\ c 1'111J:<"r, moJ1 hcd ~111ral 1a1l fca1hcn,. hich are lost during thc n<>n llfJJng pni<>d L11rgc 1ftdl\ 1dual \'llna11011,
anJ rtumagc \'llna1t1>n J1JC 10 ogc and mnuh lden111ic.>11oa t'>ID be trid:). :ind '"m~tme> tnil'<'llJblc. \1ui;I uscrul arc d1frcrc:nccs
lft ~r\ldUIC a11J UJ'l"r\\lh l>.lll<"ffl fbcf\: aM'Cllf 10 be lll least fourgtneraJ 1C: l\f'H JUh"l'lllc fir>lf>~,I<, ""cundN\IC allctllIC,
1h11J..t>.a<i. ahcmalc, .\lld 11.lull tcletin11tH I (icnc:r.al ageing: 3duhs al\\ ii}'> lu\c cnhrch cL&rl< un.lcn\1ng,, ID nonhrc:ahn~ 'ICMon
1hcy lad.. 11111 '"""men. hJa,c hlncJ u1rcrt<ulcnc""' and more barring oo lm'.a" and lhn~ Ju\cn1lc, fiN b.><1c arc: VCY II lo
cb1..:ola1c a''""""~ 1<1 1..: "'' anJ mufrh, hul II \lk>w \trong barring. on the urkN '"&'- ind bd, w1lo. caps S.:conJ-~cat
1mm..1un: ,h,w .,,,,.... I> 11r111g un the un.i.:r.-1111. pamcularly on me a..~olbric-.. nJ a J.oirl CJJI, but hnl\\'l\Cr bi.>d)' plum.lt:C llwn
M111h 1111111 yc.11 1111at1!uu'' arc ort.n 1nJ1>11ngu"h.ablc from adults.. bu1 m-. I'<~'~ f<.., baffcJ l'c<lth.:r- on 1hc 1111ng hn1ngs
Sc.. 1nuu,f1,,h,,n ti '""' 011 ~ ~ 12~.

Pomarinc Jaeger Salteador pomarino cknsc:h 'oo.m:J,i'll<l/t1-rt'/lfl</'lllt"""Mf1Ylr '>hot1pc1111c'I/

Stercorilrius pomarinus e<'rl<"llSl"'ff '" tHttr.1/ < trfU Onl)' pakr JU\ h;u pale:
uppcnail-<:m-rt, JJrl hmls ll.l\c J.iri; uppnt11l ... oen.. unhke
I 17 cm I Ill S' I ot ~R cm (23"111111h 'tream-
tr' Pcla111.: I ounJ l><>th '"'hon: ~nJ m deep POlllilJlTlc Ju\ "'"" hkd) '" ho\\ I nultc:Cllbk \ohllC rnnwr\
patch oo lhc llf'J'C'"'an
\\atcr. u'ually klcrur.mt"'" M<>uh' c;uhcr
than other ""' '"""c' complcH.-d by Dec.
I IH I!\ flF'I C1\ I ION rhc lu')lc<t /111.'/f.l'r, lar Long-tailed Jaeger Salteador de cola larga
Qcr fcmaks mny bl! con ru,cll w11h ~kua>. In Stercorarius longicoudus
fli~hl llflf'Cllt1' /lllllW'/11/ um/ rfl'l'/1-('/1<'.~lt'fl, I 3X u111C 15") or 51! cm (23") with 1arcn111cr.
w/1111s lm1t11l/Jm"d nncl lc1111l h ot' head and l'cl111.110. l he lcnsi commonly obscrwll il\O!:~
Parasitic Jaeger
hody 1n lh1111 ol wl1111s 1, roughly si1ni lor 10 111 ( 'lti l~. Probnhly 1m1 rare, but rc<trlctcd 111
lcn~th ol b1"Hly nnd 11111 hchinl'l win~ . Strong, uccp-bascd bill. clccpcr 11 fl",ht11c wu1cr~. I c~s klcp101inrn,i11c
Nnn-t>rcctJ11111. ,1d ha~ dark car>. nnd hc~\lly h..rrcd breast .and lhnn n1lwr \f'C~IC~, tend~ In forn11c r11ril\ 0\\ 11
ll.1ni.., \luy n:1n111 '"'"'''"'""//Ill/
or b1~cd11111 ,c,1'1111. Rump rvoJ. On u~~ra11c. 01c hcghcr ahoc wokr
bn>.1111) l>orr,.,I lilad.. and \llntc. On uprcf\l mg, coven.' and 1lwn the 111hcr pc:c1e' IOt' ilt 11~'!(/\11()'
ll1gh1 rcath.:r' uniform fla, " I\ nhllt p111n11ri ht1j/\ ""''"' ~ ~m11/I, \I mt.I ~/11mttt<t /Cit l{.C"T '\ppc .,....
D~rlo.mllt'J'h aJ l.111 dirk, -crJr;ilcd ln>m l'ra,1llc b) >lr'llcturc: much roorc Sl'lk.~lul ;and hu.1)11tll M ~ "114
ind l'fC$Cl'l.'C e>f i><OHrtll:d un1ril llI lc31hcr. Br.~J1ni: more 1em-l1ke th..n rakt'nhLc ( umjW'llh\Ch, muh n1<11c
plum.age sr<ort long. n. "''" p<>tJ~ 11r1~J r. ntrul "" '"" ... body aod tail ;, \ i..11>1c hrhand ..-1n~' than bcaJ and b<..S> 111
1'01c 1h;a1111h.:n 'cnttal 1~11 fl=a1hc" arc r.....,ng 1w1c ..ummtr front of"' m~' f unh.:morc, th "tn~ lf'11<'41r J'f<'f'<'r1J<>1U1ld)
tu atl) au1umn 1n <h1lc11hcy rs>ear !4idc anJ bu-a.f11rf'Cd. 1oiig and nan-0\\; al the t>....: 1~ 111ings arc d1st1""ll} nanv\\Ct
unhkc lllI 1>f 0111<1 J)!CB \ 'amhk brc>;I t l>anJ. l>u1 t1.>uall} than lhc length nt" b<'ll)' 11l l>ch1mllhc "''"l!' 0111 ral/>et 'h1t.1.
full ~nil muukJ Ju, un3blc, lm p.ilc bru\\n 1<1 JM!. choc- but due: IO lb .Jl<lf1 knglh II appc11t< Iha<~ . rclall\ cl) 1h1ckC'r
11l11c, all ha\c un1fom1 un,ln:akcd ht11<1 :anJ darl rnm.ine>. to than lhc longosh-l0<l 1ng bill of l'~na,uic J.>etr. AJ "vnlv
"P In n111h1 !here " a """"' 11h11< /l111l1 "' ,..,,.. "' j(f['Ofrr j~er wnh grc:} th, "-' oppo>cJ 111 bl3d., 1an1 \d onJ olJcr
UllJtrtl./lf~- tJ\(T/\ imm. sOO\\ d1ayoo..11c Ufll'<'OO tn& pall cm "'11h ("llh'rl thal lll'I
1<aricrubl> gr"'"' unJ pulrr 1Jr1111 th<' l>/u,J.iilr pnlflt1nc arid
Parasitic Jaeger Salleador ch1co Sl!a>lldaria; lb!> dtlf=nC I ~ lnukcJ fof' \\here 'IC"lll-
St~rcorarius parasiticus darics mttt "'Cl'h Ju,, lc" hl.dy 10 >ho"' 1h1' f"lllCm I~ long-tailed Jaeger
no-o ,.-hur sha/Q un up('f'ri.11111,, al'U d1;agno"'" ~c'lf\-brccJ1n
l 41 cm 116 ~1 or SI rm 1101
ad. grc~"b. "'"" ,oulf nc~I blacl cap, 1hc Oank' and btta.~
"'uh <trearn.:" Pcl3111: The: com-
band may be finely harrcd \h1>1 'ho\\ >hurt l""nlcd lafl
moo ja\'iCf 111 l h1lc, ollm coastal.
'1.11i.tl) Ucph'l"J~.l"l11:, 1hus oftc:n
=men.. Bn::edm1 ad l.i..~ brTa,1-b.ind. ha ""''II nut car
and whltbh nccf.> (\cry rate )cllo\\ \\Mhl and,..,... /11111dl uh/~
ob cf\cJ ne~ con<cntrauons of
toil 1tfl!umer> N<> d.lrkmorpb .;ti Jm rnorc vnnublc 1>111
!ems. pcrlun1111111 11crnba11c cha-
rypically rold hm" 1111/r 1</lh gr11n/i1111\ln:ak1tl /11t11/ Juv. h11'
..c~. II)._,~ I IM CA fl()N A shm
broad-tipped 111en11011~ 111tc>111r11/1w.,,.,,e1 f)o;:, nut sh1'"
pale lips lo pnmnncs un1I hn' lca~1~mo11nt 1lfwh11c1m 11n111~nc
ofany jncgcr. Palest CXll'C111C pule {:>cy 011hcud1111d \111dcrp11r1~.
these dis1inclly palc hc11dcd ll lumui;us only 1lcC11 r i11 juv. I.cllll)

A\ Naf:C flllf MUllH/t

l'Jkr 1U1p. "d1 11nc1ty
PLATE 48: Skuas Chilean Skua
SkUll$ ~re the l.i.'l"r memhcr' 11 th,~'"" 11ro11d.ic. nnd Jrc related cloi;ely to gulls and terns. Skua are ~cry 51milJr 1uJ~rlltl"\ hut
larger; 500\\ ~ bru'A ""h plurn.i~ 111111 ~tlulth"'>J nd l11cl long cil meamers. Skuas arc bulky 'bru1.-.. '-'hith unon kkrtop.ir.l\lt1e
olh..,r "I"'"'"'
('cI thctr !t~t<lt ;\ nJuh M tmnhltUtt plumages arc qu11e SJmil.lt, prec1,c 411c:ing n 1tc:111 for ,1< 11,a. arc not
a\011labk It prul>ahl> ~lo them t lca,11hrcc )Can to m:itUtt. as inpcgcrs, bw lhi' require. further ~uJy Sku.u II\' ,..,.1..i.1c rn
pluma~c. but unly ~th l'oLu h.u dillcrcnt nlOfJ'h~. All lua> b.ae thick. pow"'1&1 btlh. lo Orght tM) ~ho,. buld .-httc rt.he:<
llhc ba cult ,. F"ti' n ht tlik: f-om "nc !Ind l:iclo,. I and rd.arhdy slK>n UJh Sec mtroduo:t1on to s cn on pa,sc I~
Chilean Skua Salteador ch1leno Brown Skua (Subantarctic Skua)
Sterconrius chilt>nm TX#37 Salteador pardo
L .SJ 59 cm i2 I 2J1 The com- Stercorarius antarcticus lonnber&t
mon lw 1n Ouk ....S the onl) TX#37/ 38. ANT, SG
rcan hld\ to be $1t from the
cOOHJ or cm 1 ihon rcLti"' Pelap.: L 51-6-J an 1-11 2~ I B=J, OCI Sllbanl:U<h< t>llDJ anJ
tn , mtn1l and Dl>r1hcm 1~. 'llb- A1112n:t:ic Pm111Jula. \\inter> <>lhlk.irc, pcrli.iro odm1\d~ ,
Allantic Occua. "llh rettnl rccun!s 1 northern bt'llltJ'htrc
bl and '""'" mlanJ tn !>reeding
area> f ....,,h.
Unique llllltlllg 'ku R3ng" m Ch1k unl,,..,.n lJ~cl> 101) m Ont.le> 1'4h.1&c arnl Bown
D, n I\ onlnntal 1'c'h 1n colo111e> oIT E roa,.i ofl -n"a 1.ld I u~go on 11\Jgraunn Statut 1n P.ic1lk Falk.land'
"ht<h m11y hc 1kn~ .rnJ as l:iq:c unclear. \fouh.- fr.mt cnJ oJ bnx-Jing \Cl<On m1mly fc:I> Jun
IDE:'\TIHC \ flO' Aerugc< the /11'l!nl Auu, bu1 hM a
a' ICMlll fl.llr,.. liut II< typrcally innlkr l cul1191c.1lly more gull
hkc 1hJn 11thcr ,kua-. forall'"i 1111 ,J111rc lor '"' cncbra~ prey. prt1port1onatcly "nllct head w1d bill than ~nlkland \ku
and ""'1111! gurh~go dumri~ when 1m11lublr Moults all~r Plumage "m1lnr 10 f'oJJ..lw11J hut 111lc11 "c1r111rr '""" 11 fc1" 1
br~-cd1ni;. l\1Jr !\ujt. u'uully cnrhcr 111 1hc period I DENTIF'l- golden sireuks on h11clik P11kr birds, thu~e hen' 1ly blmchctl.
C1\'l'ION Thuujjh lnrgc ;nul hul~y n 1~ 1yp1cnl of ,kuns, Ch1lc11n ""mu ptlsfr>.1 //11rAtr mmAwl rtr cw1111ttl /1wlc of 1'11lkln11d
i~ s1m1llc1 0111.I ~hmmcr 1hn11 lhc Jlrown Skun gr~up, wilh n \Jni.lcm mgs dar~. simi ln1 lO rc~I o( 11111lc11iam, l)nrkcr ituh
smaller bill, norrowur wh111~ 1111tl 11 ~rnnll cClltrnl mil fenlhcr vldunl moy be conli1scd with d11rk South l'ulor Skun. I lmwvcr,
protnrsion. Chilc1111 Skuu Ion~ 11 1l111A rt1p, 1r1111r1m11111 w//lt Sul>anturctic is l~riocr. bu lkier, more bul l-necked, hns rclotlvclv
cit11111111011 (11c10, lmmf/. 111111 lw/110, On ~111110 (u11c rclurcd'!) the loni;er legs, st:tongcr nnd longer bill, 1111d slwricr w11111~. live;,
face and undcrpum are 11n l ~ h111w11 I lowevcr. even tht'<" ni.ty d.lrkCS! Subnm.irct1c hlL~ wh11i'h or 11oltlcn wcu~ln111hro1111h11u1
how wmc cinnamon on 1hc thro,1t All have clm111n1m1 "111!1 11ppctp11ns, including cnVlfl' L>.iri.. South Polar h,i. nuwh murc
lu1111gn1h1r/11111d 1011111' 111 lli.:htl11t1l11 than rllt' u111/111irf\, umfom1 uppcrpan,, "nb a ct1n1rn,1rni1ly p~lc1 hrnllncck
tht:~ arc untfnmt in the l11own Slu~ gruur 1nJ d3rk :X>uth
Pow. and d.ltkcr th.111 th.: lod> 111 mo-t ~>Uth r,JJr M.rn South Polar Skua Salteador polar
hll\C a brc<>im111J"'"11rcv lit the b.a~ "'11h a lil~l 11r Ju, Stercorarius maccormicki Brown
SbOW~ C' CR-.1 CJ rfum.t1," mtJ I> C\ C'll fn<ll\' lrungly ctnn.tmt>D Subantarctic'
TX#37, ANT, FU<. SG
on w1derpu1' t 1nrumon ull..-n suliJ, not mottkJ br'"'" '" S ua
oo a.i_ Les 11 ~C> IQ\r Iii.kl. k L 50-55 cm (2C}-2 I "1 Brttd 1a \nure11.1 1ndi.J1n1 the
PciUnsula..,.hnt: ito,nUps,.11b ub.uiwaie Sl.111.aoJ ~rto
5"' of mixed populannn. may Ix h}briok llrgbl) mrsrat>!)
Brown Skua (Falkland Skua)
rcaclles norlbtto ~ill a~ ,.lftlcr M1y.i111111 Mllei
SaJteador de las Malvinas poor!) known off Chile Rq><>rtcJ from \lflom rta~cs olf
Stercorarius mtarcticus antarcticus CluJeaa COltSl. but idea!J:fiabfe pbQtoo (If sptmrM Uftl\atbl>k..
TX#37 / 38. FU< Possibl) migJ21eS "'di off,!Kn'? Dcl.ay. ~h 1111111 mio:h1as
L 52 -{>4 cm 12a zs-1 The Pro"'n Sl.ua r>t> cruup com aonhcm hemisphere... ~re tt pcrl'tll'n'S 'TI) quid. wn1g
""""' tbrtt t&.u........ or ...
ht(h ..,.,.., tn '"'' rc11un The) arc mooh in \!a) - Jul. In nt>nbrccdtn' ""'"'" dra"'n t.1 ft<h
up,.clfing zoncs. fDE1"TIACATl0' A <t111tlkr r.1<111"'tth1
trcinai sqiar&1d) here kl facthtatc lick! 1dcn11ficauun and com-
rAnMn, and may tndttd be <pc:.ac flrccd' tin the Fall.lands proponionatelysmall lhm bill. and shun kp l'ro1~1rtw11otd1
JnJ <N<t~ uf Santa C:ru1 and t huhut 1n \ racn11na Som( long-,.ing ed, ...-ith ndati,.ely narru" ""'Ill At rc,I. d1<pl)
h>l>111.luc "tlh Chtlcn SkuJ on Ar~cnttne ~>;hi No dcfinrtc short-oecl:cd. almoS1 hunched apj'IC4nlncc and. n:la1tc 10 otl~r
e<<r.I' Ill I ~lkl.tnd Skua lr11m ( hilc. hut could IX:rur at I! end slcuas. a Sleeper forehead and jlattrr c111w11. the head bc111~
111 S11~1t t> I ~1.t[!elhtn Mouh t1m1n11 umlnr to Ch1lc11n Skua. more squarish. Also, p11mary cxtc11s101111rcntcr Pohmoq1l111
1111 .N I I H CA I ION llro"n Sku.1 '" 11111111, b11/ky t1nd thick "ith pale and dark morph, :is well ns i11tcm1cdln1c5, 1 he 1t11di\I
/1/l/i-./ ''''ii'" 1 tu 11thc1 '~uM, l'nlkl1111cl aver:igc~ n Ii Ille smnl ler grey of all skuas. it never sltow, 1111rn/'/m1rd p/111111111r llkl-
Cllilean. Pale, intennediotc and n1 lcnsr ~0111c dnrk bi rdM hove 11
1lm11 lj11h1111111i. 111 lt111 hnK 11 11rnponlono1cly l11ri;cr bill nnd
nJud.v hv111I ll111 ~ l1111w11, M1111ctimcs with 1(u11se 1111l1/o11 sir"fl- small whi1ish 'blaze m the /)Ilse of tho llJIJlel' 111onrl/{1ft'. l'nl~
.,,,.,,4, ''" 111 .A 11.111/11Jl '' 11111 Jllllr lt. Mure so thnn in mo rph is mosl dis1inc1ive. huvlng n grey h ~nd , neck 111111
.111t,1111 111111 1l1t 11 11111t11lv 11.1lv hlolchctl thwushout neck, underparts which contrasl with dnrl.. bl\lwni8h11r1iy 11ppc1p:orl
111111~ 111 ~ 111111111111 'I' 111 l'nlr hl111,hed 111dlv1du0Js retnin n The blackish u111ierwiltgs c<111lras1 M1t111g/1 w/tlr 1/111 p11lt bmfr
1l 1 r~ I t f'" 111 1111 111 ,,,,,.4, 1/ 111 11t11 ~11k/1 copped Intermediates also show this conrrn,t. Dark birds uro owr.111
'l'I' '"''"' r t 1ul h111I 111) 'l'l'~lf ncJrly 11n1fonn dark chocolate-brown, very sparsely marked, unllkll llr11wn SJ..111
''""' '" "" ft~ ~I 11111 ho, 1 ht,. lrun1 1111ldcn >haft-
group which tends to be heavily 11rcakcJ on !lack ani.I WlllJI'
'" '~ ' 111 11.. l I J 1..111 I lul 11 L111 hy l.uv,r lie, thtd Pale. int.ennediate and even some d.irk birJ hac o p rlt 1
f"'Vr~tfot f1ll l1t ;nk., Wit ml liCl ol C Ulf\ill&U.ln utt \.hln, bindneclt.
'~'(! ,,, Utld\-:1 n It ,. ~'"'"''' Im l t.:IHflilftton
AGEING GULLS, TERNS AND JAEGERS A couple of dclinlliou un:: hclpliil A 1wo-ycar gull ' Is one 1h11l hn n 1111.:-ycar cycle of immature plumolal" before nd11l1hkc
f'l~mage is acquirtcl.. These include Orownh1KX!cd Gull. AndcJn (1ull. '(Jhrnc's uull and perhaps Sw~lltn\ Wried (iull o\ ' rhrcc-
(rull. 1c:rn and 1hc1r rrlallH nrt 1w111m111<ly ~an:ible. and often pose ulxun11.11 ukn11fi,~11on prnhlc:m.- fh~y JIJ" thrnut1.h ir guff is one lha1 undcrt10<:1 t\H).)t<ir cyde or
1n1ma1ure ph1rn~< l>chrr reaching adulthood. Tb" mc.rn 11\.11 lll\1~ "'" b.:
11111~ JrITcrtnl plumasc' bc:fol\" 111.1111111 Ind lbh lmgthy process is pan1.ill~ '"'Pl'll 1Mt ft'I" nululli! lh<:m Jppc:.u \Jnahk IP " t i-yar imm:uun:s and 1>C>:ond }'cJt 11111na1urn The"' 1n..:IU<k I ~" hmi;. r ranllrn .._ probabl> Grc}. l).lrh111 11.1111 IJ1!...J ond
Ilk lidJ A> gull> are 1.rfc J ,.,... ,,.. "uJtcd du;cly, there bas bt."Ctl 1110.. h 111rcl'C\I bllh rn rht-tr 1dc:n11fi,11CW1 and ~,.-ns p Gulls. Some Kelp Gull may m:llurc mtn: lo,.,ly and fall 1n1111hc n&t"l(<>ry ofa four-)~ gull" lcf11JI \l~(nl ur lhc
tbtuul!)kUl the hlrlhcrn b.-nurlk1\" tint ...... \Urmnaritt a mon: modan Ull<.kllf\J111g of SUJI moult and p!UID'1fC t)l'ti (Cit ~"ups of lhc renws.... h,,h furm. nou~c~ble whrlc ""''"""'''"the U('pl.'r)'.Jfl>- S1mi1u1y. scapuLr tic-\ nl th "" .... "'
ttic..c- 1n1..-rc: 1cd u1 bcw1nn1ng h1 P(:C ~11J 111J~ C.1111e, gulls. Bef0te ..i:anmi;. rcm,m"a 1h;at rn.>ull can bc cornrlc1< (all lcth\:r rle tips"' the longest sapUl~n. (c'"'" 1u 1hc: 1cru01h) The- (<Ml)k.11 nik ~the angle shown on th< lowu nli11 .. t1lol I ;;rict
n-rU...:JI ur p.anr.11Cbtgcly t>.Mly l..,it>c~ R"rla~. oo .,.ing and wl rc:nh.."rI ed !Wis tend 10 d10w a n<>C~<able gunyool angle. "hilc lhmhtll..~I cull1 du OOI.
\dull gulls h."c: cumplctc moult .. ftcr l..-ccJ1n,. anJ
pani;al nwuh hclorc "'""'""' lbc birJ on lhc left fli&YR" 111 TERNS
ha Ctlnlllll'll\Cll II< rrc-b;a.ic (complc1e1 mouh The llnl i.ms = sm:illei: sluntnef'nd u>Ulll) ll'flo.t.t1lcd rcl311\~ or i;ull lh~ull lh~y arc more cl~ and us~ll~ fo>1.1 '(' hy h1 n
fcallw:h h h.- ~fllJ<.-J re 1hc m~-Jian coen 1nnrr ivc~l"f 1mo lhc '"ates- for pre). They do nor <cngc h~c eull~ 1'01.1~mi ''""h""I'"-" 'ary bet,.een spca<"S. "llb son,._,, hL< ''" 1<111
cocrh and 1n11.-r l'fl"'~"'" ("111...n 1n bled:) ScctJ41ll.i11'' ulkl l.:1ng mon: gull-liJ..-c 1n then feeding bcbvmur.
lall 3n: 1c:nc-.cd "h..n lhc mm.nu arc h.Jlf.c>mplccc Muitl! Tern mouhs arc n<>t as "'c:ll undcNood a\ tho"' of rull~ 1..11 c lldrlul a. 1acih in idennf=tton A< the "'""' '"''' ""
L~ aomrlc1c1I ....h lhe '"''< rnmanc. inner ~onJ.inc, lhid !iil>tne's Gull su~ moult,. .a .triable llJ1J Oc\ll>lc ccnl th.II .k1"nJ' '"' "IK'fl!} tfood suppl) I and c.tnn<!C "'crl~1 l'" II)
sub~rut.r 1.,11 I"""'" llx'h,,.. ""'nlnslln,oh.-.. o"h 1bc ~ other high CRCTg) demand "'-ha.\ bttc:J1ni anJ m1irl101> h '' lo ""I a cbu1cc: fcalhs wear and mu>I bt rq>l.i;; l w
hoJ a"'l h...tv lt'lll!""' .:JI bas IC> b:Jf'PCJI sometime The rrcci\C rn;anncr 111 "'"' h ll>Ote '""fltV ,,..,.J> rt mcl. and ..-bco anJ ho\lt R\itll) fcalhC-n lllC
f 1lll<' ibl 1~ J i;iJll Pl II liN rlun~gc alter l"''"I Iii d<l"'u "' ltccf \-arics bctv.ttn >pU:. Of l";pullllllln.. X.<\fJ1nt1lO1hlltl.'lll '"'''l!l-:1f >lluallORS.
Th"'' rhe fU\c111lc 1111111 J!C Th.'. f,"lllhtrs a1c II Ilic s.amc lit" As 10 Olher btrds. the: com.('llt'lc nwul11,.(uh ~tkr llft,,lrn~ 111 u.lull II hlf'll~ing lS good, die~ fcalbcr>. rru) i,., m..ultr1I
l<h.,...-n 'll""Cl,.,,'""> ~"c"' \lmuluincooly "h1lc in 11& t ants the end ofbrccdin1 A p11113l 11x11h 111~1nh ""'lud1111t llK1llt'.1J1-ul ol"' tbt 1JU1 =mcrs. occur.. btlorc lhc 1>r,cJ1111
lie!;! Tiii' 111111111~ '' IN\IUlllllV "CU. lhU\)U\cnrle fc.11hc ....,.,,..n. and resuh.s in brccdinj! plum3j:C: I her ,, 0111d1 ""'''""' 111 llK rl<nl <I 1l11s prc-311trn31e (prc-bttcdm&) rn<1uh, nJ 11
,...,., .md 1.,.i. 1d 111\d\ 11111<kh. ct1mrarc<1 U> aduh 1ta1hc111 11,.,ludes some prim:u-ic tn <cv(ntl f!C<rr'
In 1.ir~cr l'Ull lht 11111uh Jr11m)uc111lc plumn11c (pmlJ1t\cnll1 The conlrastlllg oork wedge th.ii ll<CUr. when lhcr<: J"' 1l.1t~\'I HlllCI flllll~lflCS and
moull 111 ""'I'' I''"' 11111111! ) h1M~n lo11~11111c,.1ftcn in10 1l11 10.1kr inner primaries I< nn c0cct 11f lll\lUh I rch 11nr1111 11~"' Ill~ 1li11k llll') Wllh 11 flll"Ucry
li ~I 'fl"lll(, 111111 h 1111111111 111p4'arnoce;a.~ Lhcy wcur 1hc fcuthcrs h1illl lhc1r ll'"Y 111111 hccu111c h1111;k1<h. l'n11111ry wedge~
Fi1;11rl' kl 1~ 11 l11 lw i11111tm<I.11 I~ UJ1JVc11ile 1111he e11rl> II< in foci older, n:lui uclj prilllunc~ th:1I Ctt111f,,.I wllh llCWCI /llCY 111lll llllll'\, I he llanl 011
1>111111l 1hu llr~I pl c l>.1wi~ (pusl JllVcnil~) 1110 1111 11110 lii Hl lmsit
11h11m1gl'. Noic 1hul 1h.: hu1:k u111I cup11li1N h11vo been moul 1~11
lhc right shows a primury wedge '"""'!I Ill newly 1 ~11lucc1f 11111~r r111m11rlc 1~hown 1n hluck).
'1 111 ,c a ll primaries arc mnul1cd durl11g the co111plc1c (prc-huslc) 111111111, 1l1c 11uw 11111cr
( c) fh sl winlcr (slwwrl 111 hluc~J l w11111.,1 wi lh 1hc udul1 poninl 1110111! wllklr plllllllnes are due 10 a !.CCOlld rcpla<COIClll OI lhc'c fC~lhcr~ llW l)olfl 11 f lhc 11.ifliirl pre
plumage hc~ul\ Mlh 1hc 111cd1.111 c11wr'h, lhcn 1hc ,cnriular, I , ding tpre-allcmare) moult Ycl 'l<llllc tern hke Arcuc, Sou1h Amcncun 11111) Sm1wy-
''ll"'~ (111"11lurJ11111\ liN rnn1: 11 h~ complc1cJ lhc " nedTems do nol show a dark "cdyc, lhl\ h c11ht:r due t111ht f!r111Utn1.-. hem)( rerla~cd
par11.1l lir 11~ "'"" '"'"' 1ucnrlcJ mouh The h('~d Jnd ti. ...tv , 11 ooce or pc:rb3p> the sc:cond rc(ll.i.:cmcnr t>l thc pnmanc' ,. al~ c"mplc1c In Arcuc
l"e11hc~ h.icbl:cn rcplcJ(mcJ1um 'fi!)')and lhe ...cond r~ rll(IC ts onl~ one R"plx~-men1. 1n lhc other 1... 0 \f'tt!C\. lhc n1<1uh f'CllU~' lud}. lmmalun:o.
b;b1c f114'lUll 1' untna lhlJckJ. with new m.:.!1..,1 cu\cns, inn 1 , I these terns may repl11cc some rnncr rnmanc" dunna a panial mouh. anJ th<relure c-.in
J!R=U~t CO\CfU lnJ '"net pnm.mc:s 'lol'-' th.ii rNlfer Ull1 1Q10' adarlt (lllmat) \ltcd&c. Thc ~or .."-cncc of the dMl \lUlcr JlflllWlC> can be
I oru... n-boodc:J, Andun CIC I ha~ pani~I bt.Jy f114>Ull '" fill fidd mart. paru.:ul31'1)' foe 111< ulcnhfic.at1on of the Cmn1<n Ar.t~l)pr terns
1i1'st basic ptumaac I lifllc-w1nt<t birJ 1.uid tbc:n a
moult llllO fir.t aht"m.Jtc rlunwgc tli~l-summcr h1nl>), uohl
-'IOJ pMtw fems moult after brcahnr.. nut dunng m11r.111on l.0011dMan,-c m1pnt (borc31
I ,:c-Jas) show a 'CIY d1tTCl'l.'nl ,.,..uh p;illern fn>m fl'Jcnl\ f u~tl), ''""c the maior pan
&be ~ingle protr.Ktcd n1.,uh or laflcr 11ult. T,.C) p.11nb houlJ 1hc:ircompll'lcmoult 00.:1.'\l~ 1n the 1W>nl'fecd1ngam1,, Lh") '"'"'h 1n Ille C h1lnn spnng
he mentioned one'' 1h.11 a\1'11.ablccudcn..-., ho"'' 1h.11 dunl1J 11l 1umme.-. Auroal bcccd.:~ :1tt btttdrna at 1l11s tune. and .. 111 R\11 m<lUlt unlrl lhc Chil.:an.
prolr3Cll"d mooll rce1hc" of1hc .11nc acncrahon moulted l~l<'t wnn and winter. Nole that 1mrru11urc a11>1ral br~cd.."' be111n mouluna hcft>1c 3dul1,. Arctic Tern is the cxln:mc .amo1~ l>otcal
in rhc: sea.'" arc ottcn 1t1<>rc d1fTcrcn1 and morc ilduhhl c 1haii t, Jng terns: it has 1 \et)' lunt m11111111\ln fn"n 1hc Arel~ 10 '"" ice red. of \nuucuca and a ~ shon brcc:d1n~ pcnnJ. "' lllC'
~ mouhcd carhcr m 1hc ~""-'" Tbu.. the eatfy.mouhcd A .;ummcr is short. Then: j, lmlc t!M""lunrty for Arc.II' !cm tu 1M.111n 11 mouh before migration. as that lime ~ ~fk!nl 1rv111~
i.pp<:r..:apubn mav be 11ru... nl.\h. more hlc JU\cn1lc fcal~ Ii flcJge young before lhc uru.ct of c11J ,.cethcr "'mc Tern Jela) 11> ll'l(>Uh unul ti rea~~ On 1'8S'llS" lhr'_"'&h
but Wetmoultcd lo,.,cr Jcai"ll.an uc llfC)'-Ctntrcd, and t!IUff l h 1 thev arc 10 "om t>rccdlna (ihcmlc:I rlum3gc "'"b only 1 hint uf bud) muulr. Smtilarly, Jucsulcs moult hill~ l>o:hr<!
adulr-hkc Also. the ... hI'-' headed ll~.'11110.:C or lifll-)CAl'> ID 1! ~th. Smee the ADW~tll stnruncr Ill ali.o ~n. 1hc) ('ll...-fonn 1 Cf)' quid. complete moult '" !he loodrn:h 'OOlll('m
their fin1 spnna IPf>"M'o 10 be due 10 rc:uuncd and bla.I~ -before momg nonh 1pin A.a1labk dtta ~~ 1ha1 they 1mly moult ooce ptr year. from one breeding flltu>a&e '"
ju\'Cifllc futho:" ra1hcr llw1 llCW "h1tc rt.llhcn bcin1 moullal r This rcqoin:s further siud~. 11 I rm>rC hkcly IMI the NO moulh ocrlap such Umt it is difficuh co 1di:nufv lhc:m ~
in. The head fcialhcn Arc -.>me uf1hc la>t JUcn1lc fce1hcnt 1 .u:. Commun Trm nc..b f.inhcr Mllllh than A~1c. and an cummeni:e l>ody and inner primary moult before mrgtalll'R I hn
be replaced ,, 1 the complC'le ID()Uh '" 1he early ~uuvncr 111 Chile, enil 1hcn rcplacco lhe inner pnmarics ~before mo"'"1' 1111nh 11.. \
(d) firsl-spnng plumage folio" in& 1h~ ,.,.,, mouh cycle (one )'car) 1hc 1mma1urc I panial bn::,-ding plum~c. and lin9'h 1h1s mouh "":tr 1he breeding arou111l11. Elegant Tern 1.s s1m1lat. bu1U11 ht~<J l.11i;tl\
moult malchc> ll131 of aduh), lllcrc " a cornplclc mouh rn 111< 1 110
'" '' otico it has a much gr<'a1cr per uld to mooh b<'forc lea"nll for Chile 1n 0.:1 Nov. The ros1-juvenilc mouh of1c1t>\ ncftl 11111t
11 1111111 .i111111n11 und .1 p.irrrnl rnouh 1n la1c winter. However, rhe compleic mouh of unmnturc\ occur~ carhcr tha n 111 udulu.. ,, ,11 11 may 00 1ha1 they ore really prulrnclcd complete moult$ whrch 11n: \U>pcndcd during m1grn1ion. rather 1h,1n 11.u11.1l 111..11!1
'"'II' n q1111 111 muI be 11111cd M111rt11ann, r arncularly loog-dislance migtuliou, can huvc u Mgnr fkunl elTccr on 1ho 1 1111111~
111111 'h 111 11 l 1w111 ll I 1111glll~IRnc~ m111rnnl$ expend a grea t deal of energy rnigrullng 111111 nccd to dclny moull 11111 il 1hoy c<uuplth
tlt111 11111111111111 11 o1f l~n.i 11111s1 ~11s11c11d 11101111 during migralion. Also, long migru11on~ mc1111 111111 1h<:y hnvc 1wu sum111urN lo" "KUAS AND JAEGERS
w 111 lw11 1w111ol nl ""''II\~ n11l11;1 hl 11ml.lu11g 1lays, subjecting their fc<rthcrs 10 o rc111~r dcgr~c ofwc;1rins nml lildhljC. 1'h11 o I I; .11 nc austrnl brcec.icr vcr811' i111111ul~1011cc borcol brccdc1 pu11c111 occ11ro; in jaegcr and skuas. The rwo ~pcuu:H 11 l11o h Willi 1
I 1ou1~ 1111 .11111 """" "' I 11111~ h,, ... cx1~nK1 vt p11~1-juveoi le moults wb.ich arc llcHl'ly c11111plc1~ ir1 Mime coses. You1111 l'mnklrn , 111 t 11 1hcsr south, l'nrnsit1c und 1.1>1111111i lcd Jucgcrs, lend 10 delay 1n<1~t wing inoult u11\il they arc in Chi!<- llu1 lv J1 1111ll '"" '
Int'"'' lo r """1111111111 11111111\' 1111J -i1111~ hor.ly fca1bering while in North America, su>~11ds lco1hcr rcpl11ccrnc 11 1durrni:111 1 ~ 1 ,11 1., 11 uwicucc iu lhc bn:cding und tuying lift.a> l'omunne Jnc11cr. bcg1111irrmury moult while on North Amcrk.1, 11hh1111vh lh" Iii 11
01111111111 h llu 0 11h 110~ "'" In I l11lr ll.1b111c'' (iulls migrate to Chik in fufl1uvcn1lc plumage ond c111111ncncc [!O~lJUen!lc m1111lt "" le Ill Chile may ~how II pallcrn more like lhJI or l'anLlllc lhcrc I~ n ran1al pre-breeding mouh rhnl '"'""I
111 .. 1 .... 11 ....1.
111 111, '""' 1,,. t1111 t 111 '1111tl 11h 1d11h I rankhn~ Gulls begin mo11hing their b.'11) Md wme inner pnrMnc' whrlt 111 !11 '' ~ ,.,,11 as the ccnlral rcctncc' Juveniles do not mouh before reaching Chile. Post-JUVcnrk m11111i 1 "'"l'I ' ""'
I ut 11111 la"" "1111 111uul1 in ( h1lc. Sabines Gulls amvc in Chrle largcl)' 1n breeding plumJi)C:, ~nd ,,.:rf,.1111 t.fCtt

,, I0\11110 1111.. ltll'pl\Cf'-' Mnttr. \1uch rttent cbnftc:il>Oll ofaufl moult- IS due lo tht..,.,,,.. .,, SIC\, l,.,., re not -.ell undcn.IU<'<I 1n 1cmu of moulr. but Ilic C(lmplctc mouh l><<UI"\ l.1q;cl)I m the .... urh "' u1111 ..11 '' 1 "' r
t111 111W1Af) 01 h1>. "'lh rcfc1enccs tu lhcirother pubhclln ,. SICC! N (i """'<'II :?001 \.....,.. , an(" 'l'""" "1hc lonit dM<ll1".C! mrgr~ol. lioulh Pol~r .,hich ddo1y>11,. ...npktc n><1ull u11hlil ' 111 it. '""'' 1(1 I
ti 1hc.1u hI ""'''"'' itnJ rc-rffn\\ll >cf')' 'l""'l mol(llllh"R' h '' un.;kir 1l all 11CtC1I~ luu11Jl\lo~ l"''"J!" 111 I II "I ' I
- ---- =

PLATE 49: Larger gulls

Kelp Cull

2nd illternale
Kel p Gull Gaviota do minicana Juv;ftr.;1.ycar al"ll)~ wparabk fr.>m )>Uni Atlp /., bi< "'"'""''
Larus dommianus ANT, FLK, SC bill ands1rongli /iooJ('(/ apJ"aTl11k t'. ~l;COND- Yl>\R Montie
I ~lhmr.B"I\\ 128 142cm(S0. ""' entirely blJdtish, mcd1aa cO\cr\ IUcl) blad1,h ar>d
\:triable number of oihtt blacl.'1h co1cn; !loll ycllo" "b "'olh
~" I 11'c lfllmone>1. most '"'de- bl.aclu>h h.>nJ PCJU' llp. parta:&ll) concahnr red lip In
IJIRM i;ull 1n Chile \'cm~ ,...
brecdirig rtutnat;c o~ confu.cJ w1tli Mlp Gull <1( "m1Lv
LmJ f'Jn1<ul.arly 111 fora&e 10 urban
Baod-wkd ha r.-d iM1 lip of t-111, llOI j...a lhc COCI) a The bla,l
~.as (clllfttP-, ,.,...,., ourOr
t~nd ul BanJ-1<11lcd 1> rieain, nor bowing an) d<arL in1rv-
ct.: l ll'1"C\cr,pttfoi.nxkycoasll>.
""' ot~llMWlyocm
u1l lwc.mJ 1bt' b&nd al")'comrlcrc !UnJ
uaileJ tu.. brif1}11 )dlt>w lcii!S b) 1h1> age. dull arc)'1'11 th1r 10
lo l11n1 port> 0 -800 m IOI:: 'iTl-
1 IC-\ TIO\ \ Ihm: four")ear Kelp. Fiully. 111.1lk1 -.zc and rrop.>111on.a1cly l1>n11cr, ""'"'
paralkl-~1JcJ bill nf&nd-1111kJ u..:ful . ore 1tu1-Qnd 11<"1-
gull S1ru'1unslly, I titc unJ t>ullr.y w11h Iona~ lcp. and a woog
btll wnh a "ell m.uLeJ snn><kal angle. AD White head, neck. bn:edmg plum.1.;c ~unilar bul h.u darl hood and 1n:)'1<h H:L
1:11141\d unJ<"rrn< llppcl'J'.ln bl3ck1sh wuh -.hue teltdl and
'ta('Ul~cnh L)e colex1r \&r1Jbk. )ellow tu hro,vn, bill
Do lphin Gull Gaviota austra l
hrl~lif ll //m >111/1 ~J "nt 1 ''"'' r1rb11u/ rl~ ~. utr<I legs Larus s coresb ii FLK
grnnH/1 '"'""' ll'""ncrrhan boll, In nunbrccchng <casrm, bill I 41 1<1 cm (17 18") W HM cm (41"1
w11l ltf Olo111 duller, lcll!I m:a) appc;ar ohvo:glT)' In 01gbt. Uncommon 11ull of chc extreme ~ciu th
one: morrnr un tllllcr pnmory. JUV. Drown throughout. pales "
( 'na,lal, COlllCfCgllC$ at COIOn1Co o( lllJtll\C
011 thnldl Fo~e cnu~ly dark, 1111pcan. ma~ked llill black. legs
i!dult breeding
m111nrn"ls. 01herwi~c rtomgc~ for mollu~c
dul l pill~. Tnil c111ircly dark, ~none pule morki1111' on ourcr on n111ddy unJ undy coa~u I D~: 11~ I
n:c1rix Back. $COpulo~. 1crtl.tl$ nnd covens dork brown with CA I ION J\ mcdh1111sl1cd bu1"111c/t111111/
crisp burTfrinscs. HRST Vl'AR S11nilnr1ojuvcoilc, bu1 whitish 11<111r:r11lr/.1 t/t1rk-b1/led s:11/I I\ 1hrcC-)C1ll
on rump and 111l-co1 en' Undcrpnn~ whore wuh m11rk111gs on i,;ull J\I) S1rlkln11: dla.~110flldrlgh1 f't'd hill
brcas1-sides and flunks; head ln1gcl) wh11c with dar~ lnpc at1d h's:. "hll<' er' anti l't'I/ orbual ""ii
lbrou&h C)'t Obraons blnck1(h-bro" n 1cnpulnrs and cnve11s llead Md body llrcy. Mth bl3ck uppcrparu and ,. inp Nun
from lir.i prmg (0.:t on"arcls) "b1ch " pan of mouh m10 t>rcedt'f d.irl-honckd JUV 1f1RST\ (AR 8111 ha~ Ocsh 111
>econd-ba.-ic Sl.:('ONO Yr AR Montie n1>w cn11rcly blad.1~h. pmkuJi ba'IC anJ dorfu.e d3rl. tip, C)Cdatl, kg.. f'IUllh-all '<
median co1cn~ lai-cly hlack1Ji anJ 1 Miabk number of <'thcr l f!'CTl'31b bro"n anJ palcfnngcJ tnJUI., bl.1ck1h when older
blackish COIC~ 0111 )Clltl\\o<h w11h blackuh band nc;,r UJ'. l>atk hood. Neel. and brc1>1 ho-. a bro"ni'h "uh. 1i.u,
paniall) con.:caltnJ red fOft) ~ J'UI Often conflUCd,. llh BJnJ. looking 'dimer' lhan grey belly and IU\\Cf bl'C<l>I 1)111 WhOI<'
tailed Gull l\\h1ch ") TlllRD-YI AR Ltlc ad . bu1 181'' '* .. itb blad. ta.ii-band that doca nor rncli outer rcctncc~ ~stbasic
tmmaiuniy sud!"' Wirt.""' Utl anJ bl\,.n \la.Ji h urrnJM11 ECOl\1). VEAR Like ad bul hlh pa1112I or full <brl hood 1a

Band-tailed (Bekher's) Gull Gaviota peruana

Larus belcheri TX# 39
1.11DJDC1: V.-mgs may \bov. br"O,.sh "ash

Grey Gull Caviota garuma

Larus modestus
lstbasic _ k
l SI cm (20 ) W 1:?4 cm (49 ) Common L4b cm (111"1 C:harattcn\19' t>iru """
coo<Ull 111111 of 1bc ounh Doo not 'cnture of l'Clrtbcm cOlsti.. lci.s commt>11

inland Forages nn rocky and ~dy beaches. ' fanllcr<tOOth 'lc<l 1adcl"ft.,.cll
u ,.ell as around pon Cnlocuc> south al a"ayfromcout! C:ndcm1cbrcc:J
lea~ tn soulhcm I Rcaoon IOt!'ITIFICA- e.-0 1500m IOE\llfl C \ 00'
T 10 \ Srtu1llcr. lonacr nd ~trnmcr than Kelp A ~lom, luna--.ongcd, lon11leiwt d
Crull. In pamculnr, bill Iona and hnllowcr at gullwirhalona.1h1nb1ll Ath~
ba-e. ahbough 11 doc 1111 ~.. a gonydcal )'CM aull AO [)o~unc1 .. c, "'"''"''
nn11lc. A 1hrcc-ycar 11ull, perhaps four-year; gn-1 ,..Ith "'"'" ht'ad 111 hrrt'dmr
th11J b.i.o. ~h,ma1~ hmlJ '"'nearly rndi<hnguoilhablc from ads. plumage. Ht!tld tlusky 1,, nt111brtretli11g. Black bl// ltgs 11nt/ 111
Altru11 1lmA 1'111/ 1\1) Breeder ~imilor to Kelp. wilh while Contrastingly blacker pt'1m11ric~ and secondanc with cnp Grey Gull
hc111l .011d "'"" ,. .,,,,,,.~10011 w11h black11h upr crpnr1$. However, white trailing edge 1osccondnrit~. Tail 11rcy with broad blnckl\h
w/;u. 1111/ 11111 l>twul b/ul'A 11011/11111 ba111I The brighter 1ellow subtem1ioal band nnd whilo lip. JUV.IHRS1-VPAR llrowno~h
/>Ill '"" ,,,, 1H11,.l1 ''.I llp I.I'~ lirlg/11 bonona yr/low, not throughout Juv. has brown bnck wilh paler frini;c . Older blrll
~rrco11 h 111 lliMhl Iii 11olm1r., und lln ~ruund lacks white ups h11vc grcybro\\n back. Lack$ 11111hng cd11.c 10 wing~. nnd hnl
10 rnm.m1" N111t """ 1l11111 pl111m1l.lr diffc1s rnriioly In blackish brownish lncking subto:nnlnal h~nd SF('ONl>-Yl!AR Slmlldl
hum/ Mllll p.1lr 11"' n I, u1 11rll 1hrk band on bill JUV 10 ad., buc usually shows some bro"ni~h l'd~cs 111 sccond11ric~
Bn1"1mh w11h .l111A1, "'""' 1111tl "'"'"' 111113y look 'frosty' on or some covens. Even on breed Inti sc.1 n. ha dus~) "a.<h '"
uppcrp1n>d11 to 1"le lrrnttg lloll 1"11"" ''"an:yw1th crisply head.
demarcatt>d bl.1< Luh 11111~"1111l111ko1rJ 11 C\tmnc llpJ. flRST
YLAR L l'f'CIJWll llOI lhl.11)' Ill I'" due '" "car Clf pale
fnrigcs. Win~, llld) 11111"' 1 11111r.11o..1101u1 lh hN rnng
<lbcams ..mic cr<>-l>r"" 11 u1~1'llll I then l"l i!C< 11d-"'1,1c)
PLATE 50: Smaller gulls _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Sec imroduc11on 10 gull on pni:t 124. t lrc:)-hoodcd Gull (lams clrrocepliolus). recently confirmed fr<>m nonhc:mm<>I Ch ile
noc included or 1llU511"2led

Laughing Cull Gaviota reidora Sabine's Cull Gaviota de Sabine

l a ughing Gull...........iiiA
11110 breeding
breeding _.._
non breeding adult
Swallow-tailed Cull

Larus a tricilla Xemasabini

L3S-43cm(I\ 17 )\\ 'l'I I07cm1W t2") Bo1calbrttdcr l 33-36 cm (1314 .S") \\- 8~ ~I cm (}4 Jfi)

\~t m An.a. >t'\c:11I ro<J DL' r111c \nO' Onl} Bore31 brttdcr. pclas1c 1n C'holc 'iomcllnte'J
ads. b3-r been ot>i.cnal 1n C'h1lc OOlh 111 bttc.11111 anJ n.>n- Ul!>h<ltt.~atlarl a111ulllo,.,ofli<hpro<; 111

b recdU1g plum.a1c:' MoI "m1lar hi Franlhn , Gull planh IOE:i.'TIFICAT IO' 01,11nc11c. an Q
Strucru,.lly l.1f11cr, l1n11.r lc:"cd and longer "mgtJ llwl plum.ages bu blad outu ,.r,/11~ n11 ""'" 1/m
fnmli;lin' \\1lh .a Ju11n..ll\c /0111:. ""~'l"'J l:>fll lippnpartS
shi;baly d.ui.n \~1ng ~llmt d1flm lauah1n1 bas a/1-NocA
pr11ean<> /ii, l1,,g larg<" ,. lttl<' 11ps or Mtrn>n. Funhcrrnlltt.
<.cuttr,111' ..1rongl "'"" .,.,,,,._ '""'"'""''_. o" ""'""
oad Sttandann Tiu, pi111ern t) ""blc
from dhl;incc 1m1w onl; 10 S"allo\\IJ1 franklin's Gull
ou1er mm.an"" hlJ<l l\l 1hc b.1-c,, I'll I rankhn \black c. rC<>lncl Gull (\\hach ~) Ad arcy on 11wn1lc and 11inc,
CJ 10 lhe llJllUl<l -Cp3r:llcd from arey hJ~S by a \\hllC: !land. In "'"!!- "hi1e l3il ~ull greyish-blacl hood and 1r//oH1p,..I
non-bre.:Jang plum.igc, L:1u1hon ~ho"' dusly ma,i. and blucl hJI '" brr.,/mg plwrrug.- (from Apt') Juv imal.&r bul
~me hc.ul Unlong, no lht hooded look of franklin'~ bro,. n"h abuc and "" mnCT ,. mi. and ha. .brk lcnnm.il 1111
b.ind Moulrs oul of 1lus plumne on Chok, auonong '1n
Swallow-tailed Cull Gaviota de los Gal~pagos uppcrpJrls bu1 rcrn1111ns browno~h 1cniBls nnol ~oonc covcm breeding
Creagrus furcatus
Andean Cull Gaviota andina
L.SS--60 cm (21 2) .~") W 124 139 c:m (49-
SS"), Orc:ed~ on lhc Cinl6flil~Os. 01hcrwu.c
Larus serranus
pelagic. Feeds 111noghl,011 squid. D1suibu1io11 L 48 cm (I~"), Andenn hrccdcr, fouuu 1111
In Chile lllil u11de1src)od, prnbobly nnnun l, bul lnkcs, bogs ond other wc1l11nd. In wl11tu1
larger number In wnnn-"otcr lHI Nlilo) 'omc remain 111 h ighland~, 01hcr~ dc~ccntl 111
period> IOEN1 I FI CA I ION Mcd1um1l1cd co1 IOE l'ffl CA1 ION l.el)tc '",ye
pelagic 11ull 1hut can be: ~<>nfused only wnh gull, l;ugcr lhan nny Chilean 'boo.led' 41ulh
Sabine's Gull l hey tihnre .flrtktttJ: /Kl/ll'nt 11( AD Pale grey nbovc and .,.hnc on neck. hlll
"''"'" 011 11111J11 Swalluw-11ilcd 1~ much and undcf'Jlarl~ Arceder hn Murk houd 11n.I
ll\rgtt, w11h lflng dcninttl /111/ Then: I a b<>fd l>fu<! f'<Jt,h Jmofl whitt <"re t'ITUnts Non-brttdet h
arowul ')." uttd a ).,.,11,.,
car pult'h Olf n<>lll'l'rt'Ju HrccJong "hue head with du<Ly wa.h l>n cro1<n, J.tr\
ad. has blacl.1h hood. ircy neck nd rrJ ur/"1al nn>: T11I before: C)c aDd dad ear spoc. \\ana pancm di>llncll\t, '"" Andean Gull
longer and more: dcq>I) forlcd on S" 1110" lllcd I unhcmurc, ,..,,h" 11hilewetlgron outu / ,Janda lorgt po11J111r<1rtl11 tip
"hitc wmg po1ch less dearly ckfinal on $1<:lllo-.-uulcd an <1Ta1.:d by tlrrtt larg.- mirrors 0111/tnttl in blar4. Undcnodc<o uf 1st alternate
p;arucular lhc blAd. oa the llUttt w1n1 'blcc:J ~ 110 tbc: whtle. pntn311es ~ $0hdly blacl lhan uppcn~-. dearly dchn
Imm. basbro-.ncr Uf'PCt'PIR "Cl 1n11cn1n1h blad; ual b.and.. Qllllg the "-bite pnmary p:ucb \1 ml,, JWlln.lflG appc.ar al
black. FIRST-YEAR wb non-brttdang ad, but~ oran~
Franklin's Cull Gaviota de Franklin red base 10 bill. redd1$h legs. and brown on cocn nd 1er1t,1lt.
In fl1gl11, dadt SCCl>llCbries, d3t\. l.lilband and tl.ui. 1r11h~ e.lgt
Larus pipixan tO IJlllCT pomaries,
I LJtt...c)an(I' 1s1w86 9-&cm
' ().. 311 Oorcal lwttckr, winters
on large Oocks 1hrouahou1 C and
Brown-hooded Cull Gaviota cahuil
Larus maculipennis FlK
N Chile I arvcly tOISllll, but also L 30-)8 cm ( 14 IS") Comn1L111
nccurt on larser inland la.kc nd an C and S Chile C'ua.ul \b)
rctc:r\Oln., ... \\Cll a> nearby farm for:tlC On mudfl~ta an C$1Uafl0
land Also ;u aca. 11 least 10 30 OlhCrwtsc ICndj 111 JllCk food fr"lll
moles ou1. 0 500 m. IOEN rt~'J. surface ofwn1cr IOl~NTll'I(' \
C T I ON Asmnll~r.compuc1au11
Brown-hooded Gull
TIO Asmallgull.muchsrm111,,
...11h 1h,11 nhny hai. n hood AO. 01~tmctlvc wi"i paucm, thnnAndl:'.U1.A1Woyeargull All
wh<'tc Mm4 t1n 11mg ttp If gnmly rrJtr/t l<'d, anti t1tpumt<'tl 1st alternate
Grey abnve, "''" whuc tu1I 111111
/111111 >11 '"""' /H a 11h/1~ IHmtl. 0 1hcrw1)e grey above. wh11e body. llro w11 /11111</ 111 hri'1tl11111
1111 ll('f.k and 11n1h'r11nn~. rond showR pnn il1I hood nnd bold while
~yr tl<W111 Jllll ol~rk with red tip in nOnbn;cding, but red in
pl11111oge, and white eye cresc1:11tr. Dill ond lc1:1g red. No11brced,1
has dark ea.r and eye patches. Upp1m<'l11.r1 1llt//11c11w:. Ql'l'l ol//
hrc:r1h11~ 1h1111111 In ht(cd111J plumage (from Apr) hasfil11klfJ1 glT)' txupt white wl'tlge on ower 111111:. ct"ntrt1l prl1tume.r hlit A
//mlt1.111nol1 ''""' .1111hk"11 hl3ck hood I IRSTY"'AR Wings hpprt/. outer ont!S wltite to ttp Untltn1-in111t10>1 ' f(lrgr/1 hit I I II
''""'"' h "''h "''''k 11111111111~, llood well developed ni arc primaries, 11'i1h large 11hite parrh 111 tip <>.f11111rr 1mmartr1 \1 lrn 11l1r1g
\\hll r~ 11< 111 II.id V"'\, 111n1m,11n 111111 browncrw111gs. rest, white is ob1'iou1 on prl111urll'1. f'IRST-YHAR S11n1la1 h
fml 11 hit 1111/1 " 1 11 /' /tli11 A 111/.t1 rin/lt11/ l~md thal t/IJ('< not Andean. bw much snulla:r T)JIK~lly '>hO"'S bn1l11er red boll h
'""It ulir ~1 c llNll \I \I{ I 1~r J, """c n1en,l\c bl11cl and legs. In flight.show nlOll! c,1,-nw c black on 1nllC1' pnni"
on f'llr11t1r' 101th re.tu t'd "'1111~ ~la) l>< ,11nfucd "'llh aod more cxtcnmc ,.hncoo rnnur),.CO\erts and bend or"' Ulf
l;.u~h1n, lt\,11 not,,-: ~to1 lllff n.I h1k~t l'Allfln
J breeding
Unck't'tl-ing mnror f'\lth le" c\lrol\c on 1mm Bmwn hc>t><l<'I.!
PLATE 51 : Terns I
See page 125 rnr 1nuoducll11n to ICrD
non-breeding adult /-;
South Amer ica n Te rn
wo rn 1s l basic

Sout h American Tern Ga11iol 1n sudam erica no

Sterna hirundinacea FLK
Ant&rc11ea IDF" I IFI CA I 10' ......, ~

A smaller cm S11>dy and shnn
I 40 44rm(ll> 11"1\\ ti.I S6cm nect..cd \l.llh sh.>n. >n\111 bill ~n.I
03 14"1 The comlll(>n. "'de long \all ,.51k.tf lt"glllhWlL\ Mii
"J"'C...I tcm on C'111lc: Stncdv C<11151 s1a11d1111 R..,,.,gn "'""' ir.uu
~I. rarely far out al -ca -f'orm' l11cf'nl tht111 on 0111 ntlur sm11l"r 1st b;uic
Ond> Moolt \l~ !\Uf ID E.' \ tern Lons ~1m 1ngs afl'onl 11
graceful lool. \outllbounJ ad
rmc T lo' 1" " " 111an uchcr ($cp->\o' J wll 'ho" brccJ1ng
"molar tern\ , dcerer cbe Led
like plum.>~'C but !lf-') or undcrp3n\ mottled .ind rorch~aJ
rpcarancc Rill 10111: ""'' tout.
Lend.. IO lool la11c-l..:adcd I~ 'JICCl..lcd h1t<' Bill ~II n:d. Scpara1cd from !>.>11th Amcmotnl
sbon rclame IO body Sl7i~. lhboup rh)tcally loottt. the) i\nt.ircll< T<"m> b) lao:L n( full br~:hng rlunul!c tn 111...,1:;1
Antarctic Tern
appc3 ~boner llun those ofC-ommoo 1ern AD (11ey abo\e. ummcr. ~nd '\lru.:tural d1fTcreoccs Alw "'"" ""''"-'
/of,, A
<:tlge to tut/ of Art:111-, J1ffl'r<'11cn 111 111011/1 11111111g I-rum
paler juYenile
paler below, crisp black cap and "'"bill onJ lf'gJ Undcrp:tn~ non-breeding
gn:y1sh. but pale, oppcarma wh11c on mo,1 h&h" All p11mary ton1mo11 fern by reiuinc-<I brecdmll l1kl' plr1mo11 lud uftlarA adult
fcalhea same 11e. no daR "'cd&c on "''"ti Tra11tn1 alge 10 cmpul t>.1r thmner hlad 1rmli11g ttdge to pr1m"n"~ sh1H10
11eck. <11wlln hill etc. Ju, from similar lib.t>ic Commcn
pnm~rics thin and ensp, but brooder 1tian on An:llc 'fem T:ul
streamers not ll1ng, reach LO end of (11r ~ltgh1ly beyond) pri- lly la~t.. or darl.. carv-al b.ir, and 11 h11c serond11r1"'
maries on perched bi rds. Yer; ll111/11d t/1114 ""tu/I, 11 1111rrow
Common Tern Gaviotin boreal
tlark gll)' fin" 011 ou1<r t'd~e nj Oul4!1 tull fl'othtr, dtf/kult to
Sl!I! In thefiell.I No11hrtt1l111/l ml. rctutnt rr:1I bill. <.in1n' wh11e
forehead and lores. Tail loe~ .ircamcrs, b111 ls ~ ill woll forked.
Sterna hirundo
L 32'-38 cm (12.S 15") W 7<1 ~ I breeding ~dult
-" -----
outer edge becomes darker. llocs not 1111111 o black ish corpal cm (3 1 12"). Oorcol brccdc1'. An
bar. See olbcr species for llepnra11on JlJV llcttv/11 burf't'd " uncommon coos1ul 1crn or 1hr
(:ig::oggcd) on buck u11d tmiu/.\, ltke juv An1arct1c Tcm I lc-Jd
p;iucm like non-breedini:; ud., but dartt nwre c~1cns1vc.~1n:.,kcd
from forehead 10 c.rown. Dill blnck. leg~ block1sh or 11!11k red
White below S1m1lart0An1arc11c, cxccp1 s1ructurc and 1111411/
north . Moult~ Oct Apr, mo.-1
primaries moulted 1wice. 1on.i.
T IF'ICA1'10 Ul\:erand lon1wr
necked lhan Arctic Tern with
\ moulting
non-breeding l
4 Arctic Te rn

.bloc-tish brttut SJ1fll", daR.cr bmh may ho,., dusl.) "'a'h 11.:tt
.Aficrfirsi moult Uir'1-ba>1e) MS an:y Uf!pcrpani. fc10cr m~l1o.-
1ng.~ on wings, bu1 baned tcn1.1I~. \l.h1ch M:pMt"' f"im )'Oung
An:11c.Common Pale eaJl'.ll bar Olde~ 1mm (fiN ummcr,
longer bill and lc&l Compared t"
South American 11 1~ ~m~llc1
shorter legged and billed Howc\cr, boll may appc:;ir ltrn~c
diu: to thinner b:isc. Brcedmg plumage unhJ.ely to be ob...,,.,,J

">ond-}car) cry wrular tO ll<'O-bn:cd1n1 Common, Ibo.., 1n Chileoebcrlhanin latuunmm 1'c:>n-bfcicd1nsad <im1lu lu
bltcl btU and all grey tcrtuil '-otc 14 vfu ,,,.,,,, tlurt c:orpal firslswnmer South i\mencan. but Common ttlHi), Juli
'"' >UUCrutal d1fTcrcnees and d11Tcrcncc' 1n moult 11m1n1- bluclcish carpal bar, ~trongcr blact.. cdl(cs 10 1111, and al""' 1st basic
bas black btll (may be reddish in some )OClnl South \mm~
- -<
<\ntarctic Tern Gaviotfn ant.artico Olrr10.0 1nr:"""'1I m Dtt-Feb - Comm1111 JIJ\. al.oha.d.lr\
Clrpll. evca cbrka- ~I md dantt scconcbncs than you11gn Commo n Te rn
Sterna vittata ANT, SG
South American. Common never hu Strongly barred tcnoI \ breeding adult 1
11 m ( 16") W 79 cm (31"). Drccdl on Anllrct1c rcrunsula
11~1 wlt.1111arc111; ttlands. Appcan to ,.inter la'lcl) m Atbnttc:
1... ~ hn111"~ ~ ror Clulcan nwnlaml. Moult Mu Apt-
\ 10~ 11.TIFICATIO' Small Stocky Inn, b\it ~ltll alt&blly
llcad p;iucrn differs. with Common '11ow1na mnrc MDU<'ln
lo10cr cdJC to cap. droppmg down on car tO cre1.1e bo.-:id--
pbone$" patkm, and less black arounJ eye. Sec Arc11c Tcm
__,,. early wing moult
_ I

"l'"f thJn C'11mmon/Arct1c. not as lar&o a South Amcncan. Snowy-crowned (Trudeau's) Tern non -breeding adult
i1111tlr m Arcllc 1n Structure but bult..1cr ""th thicker, longer Gaviotrn piquerito
111 I <K> f An1arc11c shgl11ly longer and no11Cc."1bly thicker.
\111 u. t" on l>n-c:Jin.g plumage ,.,hen Arctic" in no11-brccd1ng.
Stema trudeaui 1st basic
i11i. h'lil 1n1t111t tm111g and Mruc1urc. Scrmrntcd from South L 28 -JS cm ( 11 14") W 76 79 cm (10
\111111 ..111 "' \llHillur ~i1.e, ~mnller bill , ahoMcr leas, lock of 31 "). Uncommon, both cooLol und "" -~
I,,,. Ii: '" 1111/. .turA<'r 11111/crpurt.1, am.I ;lightly flntr black inland lakes and marshes. I O:N I It I

1 '"'" .,fr, ''' l"l~111r1r.1. Juv nho similnrio South American, CAT ION t:.ariic and stocky, lung thId lotll leg colour variation Snowy-crowned Tern
-111<1111, 11nd 11w1111t1 rij 1f11rk l11wt.\'1 -'f/111' on A11wrc1ic and long legs bu1n ~hon 1ni l. All /Jlll,,l/IJ!t non-breeding
1 111~l111l11 1y 11~~ 1l111 k "'' 11111 Furthcrmur~. In Olgh1 1cnd$ to musked, never ~hows full cap. 11111 f lit/I 1~ adult
I ' ''"'"' c11111 11~0 1\-11111 pru1em, w11h whll<r .\"f'r'Ontlarics w1ric:J, hut olwuys pnlt-tipf)('J. On ad , htll
....... ' ,., .,, "It ' lhun \.mth fn1t._r1('U11 bla<:k wilh orongc ha.s11011d)C/1011 llfl I'" t
body, including underpans, whiter hr111I
I 111 ' " ' 11 <.n11lo t111 .lrtlco Legs orange. Broad trailing edge to primaric~. but ull \l.lllh
r. 1 11111~1.11/1,.1,..1 AN T, rLK, SG \hon tad Non-breeder similar bu1 "'bite below and "- hi I
bill base Young b"'kc oon-brced1n1 ad b\11 dart..cr 1t'f11I id
II ti I "' I II I ' I fl.,tc lltrcJcr, rnmn~md black:i<h ICJ!' In li"'t \f!nnJ! hnw lllu1 l ln ll
I ml uul 111 rm ott t ('' rnh tllfl th~ ,111111 ft\'""'-' w11h )'Cllow 11p, some grey on undrf)tan' 11nol tlarl \loCjlt nn
1 ' tHltt .. ut t lult ~1 ... ,fh ftu ~' "'' "' r11110.rt~ lrtlmcd olckr t'Ut~r lulh< t I
l'I I 1 111\ II

111< tt 11 11 c..1vlu l111 rnunj.1 Elegant Tern Caviotin elegante

' It ,,.,,,,, /rl(.J Sterna elegans
I II <Ill 11 h) ~.'1.1>WI du..cly lb!'UUcd L-t()-43crn(16" 11)W92 >6un(1h t
"'11h Ill nd1 ~rwclhn11 uf 1he ll umboldt Borcal breeder Cu:i.s1al. lorug1n11111 1..
breeding adult
( urrrn1 l'rdCJ'\ m r<>O'.\I on I~ rocks ur bays or beyond ~urr >one: on o.;c1111 I "''
"'"" nuuk ~lrUCIUrc~. nm sand. IOE TIFl - Oock~ often rooSl1ng on '\Andy 1>c.1tl
c \ fl0' A 'llX'~>). (lUllh~e tern witJi broad rocks wnb frankliu~ or ocher gull, I 1111
"'"'I:' U1ll di,cinlle, bemJi 1l11ck al !use. pnm~nes mouh Jul No,, inner pn111111
raruculnrly on upper rnandrble. Culmen m11ull Dec Apr 10t:NT I F'IC'A1 11>"1
~ur>~ down on 0\111:1" I fl 10 blunt lip (foT a largc.shm lcm w11h a loug nnd dron1H11
1enr). Relamtly short-1a1lcd. foil has shallow bJll In flrght appNJrs lint ontl /orig
1..11. nMt.- f!ull-hl.c cb~n tern-Ir kc Ad. gorgeous and dr:stloclJe. hut .<lwrttailcd. l(l11g lwggy crt'SI riouce:iblc <.-vcn 1n ""
11.,/1 1/111111111.I! /l/11<'M1/1-i;1t:1w11/i a Juri<t' ea1>. ltiglllfgll1d by breeding plum.age. All ag<!'l ba~c) dlo>< 10 f't'tf ht/I Bn!(h"
"'"' fa1< -rmpe 1hu1 eontln11r. m a ta~n .I plumt'. "'hich
""'""' Urh down bul wluch may turl out or C\en up"~rds.
depends on age and indI\ id1111I vuriulion.. M1>'1I cor1111~11 I 111
colour is bright rcdd1sh-0111ngc '"'" 11 yellow llp. A ''""" 1~ 111Yian Tern
II.JI 1111il 111:.< lmght r.:tl. Ounng brcedon{I. >C3,on, 1hcr<; is a Jlropnnion (<1 %) 'hows J:lrl< ~I ripe nc~r boll ~ Sin11b1 I 1st alte.rnate

Hh> \cll1l\\ p:uch on 1he gape. In nigh1. appears dark with leg colour is notoriously vnnablc.1he most common bconN hi"'~
Jolu~~n 1mmnrics and $Ccundu11cs, tho loller <huw111g a white with reddish 'knees'. ho\\ ever amount of rtd vnnc:< und ~.... adult
It 11h11 eJttc. In Oighl. can be confu>ed with Grey Gull, but
f,,.,k for lno11Tor11's Miffcr wing uc1ion arid mon: crr.nic f11gh1;
lu~rnl unJ bill differences di3i,:no~11c if seen. Juv. overall
some en1irc leg 1s red. AJ. pale grey nbovc and on nunp. whil
below and on tail. Non-breeding ud. lms n while for~hcnil.11111
eye patch and trc~L Orccdcl'!I (from Fcb/Mnr) hove c1111trlt
breeding adull
hr'"' nr<h wi1h jllllc lips 10 covert> nnd back feathers. Nape and black caps. At/. oflc11 hm " row blu~h 011 h1Jt{11. p1111icultlrl1111
ll~ci.. ri:1lcr, ~ ITording n capped 01>peani11co. Bluel< bill and legs. 11ed and brea.vt, most c.~1en8ivc in breeding plumnge. Mllul
In nli:l11, rump 11nd uppcr1:1il pale l!rown , con1m111ing wi1h in Chile, rhose in Scp- Oco (111 least) lcrld Ill be in w111g uU>11ll
1lurkcr rail. Older birds (tirst-bu>ic) ~how ttreyi~h bm.:lc, start of nnd bavc con1nmlog blucl.ish llutcr primar1c$. Bi1ds tn J.,11
tu~.: plume and n:dd1sh llp 10 bill Nc~1 pl111nni;c sequence Mar 11robably loQk 1'1 cs her, evenly gtey above, lacking bfnck.-h
(sccoml-basic/allcrnotc) like ad but b<>d) ll.~le1 bro" nrsh-grcy, outer pnnunC!>. f lJ'lot-b..,.1c omm. similnr to non-brccdmg ~,I
"'me- hat monlcd, nnd hill may hnve some dnrl.. marlcnig;,. but ltns gJ"Cyish carpal br. dnrkcr sccond:1ry bar and du'h fresh (Jan-Feb}
end of moult/
llJ'."l IU uil Al rcsi ~how~ d31kcr tcrtial cc111res. nm clllom I lgant Tern (Nov-Dec)
Peruvian Tern Caviotin chico averages more vclluw. Moolb latcT 11\an :Id, , ~nin11 rn Jn
Sterna lorata foo1hcr re11lncemen1 reaches PS by lime must dcpan 11Qr 1h r rom
Sou1h American Tern by larger Sl7c. >hJgg)' cres1 11.nd mu.. h
L 23 cm (9"). A rare tern oflbc north Apparcllll)
:l form.,rly more common, ollltough t c<J11~en1ru11on
f!lnj,!cr. drooped bill Nori-breeding Common rem ho~ bl.o..~
non -breeding

bill ltr>d d.ulc carpal bar. Sec $Jlnd\\1cll l<'.m ror :.cparu11on
of7() rcttnlly obsef'cd nlT An1ofo1p-i.t N('" 011
brOGd. long '4ndy beachc-. Jis1urh3nw al tliex
Sile) may be amsmg decline. I ori111e~ m hr<;ikc"'
Sandwich Te m Gaviotin de Sandwich
') and beyond. <>IT h~llo" bc:~d!C>
are pelagic 1n non-breed1ngsca,on Ne:or fhrc~1en
(<U all?I Sterna sandvicensis
L40-45cm(IC>. 18")W91- 94 ('Jll()6" n> \ 'agno1.<ccvcrul

t'd. IOENTIFICA1 ION fi111, lh< unulln1 U11t.-w1
1er11. Oill 1hin, >hBl'fllY porntcd nnd hing n... II 'i"'"
11/1011 u1th a darl n1/mm anJ lip. I 11..c 1>1her ,rnall ttml/>, tail
~igh11ngs 1n Chile. rnainly Ill north but o fut wuth u.s Corond
(VU I Region). Borcal brdet', Jlt'f'h#JlS more fn:qucn1 m Ch1k
1han rcoords suggc~1. sh()uld be 'carchcJ ror in large con
J bill variation

rorkcd bur l11cks long too l ~rc:unen.. Br<drn11 uJ ha Maet

r up 1"'1t!nillng Ill hm//netk. 1111h a 11h11r fi1rtf1 ,atl 1111<'ll 1hn1
rc:1cbcs ju.\l eye Piumagc grey. pal <In nrck Jnd undt'rp.m.'>,
lmmodia1cly below cari face 1s while. Legs d111l yellow. In llog.hl.
ccotn11ioosoflcms. IO ' flf 'ICA'OON A>hm. rncdrum~i1N
1em. slightly smalfer lhan Elegant Tent. haw ere SI C<'O In
non-breeding plumage. bu1shorter11111.11 l'legnnt Lm1g s1rn1(1111
bill. honer lhnn Elcgnm. ond l11cks droop. 811/ blad ,.fi}1 1<-lla..
leg variation
Ihm blck wedge on outer wing, rtca1ed hy r.:lunt'J older 1ip, all black in non-brced~rnnd imon.: le11- bluck. Nonbrccdin11 fresh Oan -Feb)
prrmunes. Rump and 13il a rcy, <'-Oncolo11rou> wi1h h;i<k. buJ race pattern qui1ed11Teren1 from thal ort:.legant. n1c 'mask' .. ~a ndwich Tem end of moult/,
11111 ~hows wh110 sides. NonbrcedmJ:I ~d. Mmolnr 111 hrccdmi; narrow; bemg 11nrrowes101 kvel of eye. Mask rcmnin$ narrow (Nov-Dec)
behind eye, bu widens towards nUJlC. Rye arcs bold uncl oflon
bu1 locks dear-cul forcbc11d pMch, and whnc nn crn11n more
c1(1cn~ivc. reaching 10 1111d crown, 13111 durker. llndl:1pnr1s break ' mask' behind eye. Wh ile fon:h~ad c~endve, on mosl b reeding
lrtri;cJy white wllh g.reycr brcnMh.~nd. Juv. l!l.:Y above, wuh
~~<1ly np11c11rnnce du~ IQwhile u11d darker grey cd11os 111 fcJlhcl'l!.
llcad ond hrca51 ~uffuscd huff. Noclearcap. Mh"1'n dnikcyc
reaching well behind eye. 11lving it 11 'b1.1/rf, /11'/lfllftl ' /uu4.
Compare wid1 Elcg11111. which b~~ whole l'Clllricted l~rscly 10
forehead and forecrowu. First-b3llic i111111. like 11011-breeding
p.nch und some s1rcaking on crown. Underpan, Whrlc. In t11i;lll. ad_ with dar.k secondaries. !!WY wrpal bar nnd dark on 1011
~hi1"11 trianglc ofinnCt"primnncs and sccondnnc~. wnttilSlini:: l1111n. from young Common Tern by larger ;lie. shaggy crest. _,
I\ llh iircr c!)vCrb and darker uuter primlrics .orne grey P ' bald-beitded' nppc:amncc and f)3kr cn1pal.
10 tuol F1r:.1-yeur greyioh wuh durkcr mn~k uml dnrker ~urpnl
rur Sr~ alone., sufficient to j)Cpanllc this spc,;u:r. from n1hor
l h1lca11 terns.
~pale lores. and dusky ,1rcakin11 <in en'"" unJ n.11
snnibt to JU\ BndkJ. ul1hou11lt melt<' .nlcJ th.an I 11tct
ikr backgrounJ colour ulull
111117 1~1 1A li6 lllnn1J.1 Jr1 Brcc.honEa,tcr
I) I H"1\e/ tonJ In fk\entLIOkJ.a IJ'UUI' OIMnolSC pelagic juvenile
HI ..n1cr 1tllhore from llumht>IJt ( wn:nt. 1'e>b Dec
BridJed Tern Gaviolin de bridas
\ilp 1 <~ lnn ..,. 1. rcrhP m1>-I hlcly after Stema anaethetus
nful I '"""IJ ti.: W.....ed for rn mlel', rather L 35-38 cm (14- IS"l IA 7t cm (10"1 V1;nm1 ,\n nnu
record of one collected bn"n (.ape lfom anJ I u' 1
1 11 1il1111 " lllt" II IC \HO' A tock~ tern. larger 1han
1h "'' 11.an lcrn I 01 1ra1!(hl our l>l1d. bill anJ Ram:trcz.. Regular in 1ror1cal off~ ""c" ..uuth 10 I fW
.Jnli;ill t>Lo<:~ kp Ad smk1nt1I)' bl.cl and "lure. Blad. An) fututt OCC1'1T'CO<C 1n C1uk ,.111 hlcly II< 1n the 11<..'f
n 111td lt11.- ""'"" Blad cap dt>C nor conrra.;1 "ilb IDE.'\TfflC \.T 10~ Suuc1wc 'Cl) \tm1lar 1n <ire tiad
Mi< I.ti.II Ni: l 1111111 f,.,.-lt.-aJ f'Ul Ir ,...a, 1i<s to Inv:/ of<')'<'. Tern. Like Gn:y-backcJ """ J11rl.n t:'i1p than Ila. 4. " .rn"' 11
\"'It nrul u11><rt>Jth un1fonn br..<l1'11 Ta1l lar~cly bl.aclc \\irh collar and l\lritt' fm<'liruJ flatrli tliut cxtr11d1 />.-1.. ~J
..1111 0111n cd" I ndcn-m11 h" h11e "inv hning< con1J'a51mg Ho><ner, Jar!crabu<'. fU1' 111 /111fo ct>11tr.1Jt 111/lt prmw
;;. th hl1rl1 It pumanc and ondaric In nun-breeding In plwna1c lone. somc"'bal mtnmcJ1a1e lic!\>ccn St~> wn
1l1J1111 ~ h~nk '' rccUcd and an md .. unct "l1111sh collar Grey-backed. Sec Sooty for ~rara11on Juv \Cf'Y mu.:h Ill
mY 1lrH tor In udd11mn. "h11c forcfi.,ad par~h no1 a~ crisply Grey-backed. but durkt'r and lc<S .coled above
I 1111 11 Wh11, undcq1am ;cpanue from only darl coastal rem.
rt. llh n km . Bh1ckn11d-wh11c: plumug;: shared by Bind Grey Noddy (Ternlet)
"~111111u1 l~1l h111-.: nidtc~ll) d1fforcn1, nnd skimmer hn~ ornnge Gaviotfn de San Ambrosio
h ' tn 111111111" hill M1i.1 in11lnr 1. (vngrnnl) Bridled Tern. Procelstema caerulea
\\hf lit 1H p11l~1 011 hu~k. contru,tin11 with black Clip. Narro"
,, 1111, <llll11rn111y he p1 csont on llridkJ Also latter shows longer L 25-30 cm (I 0 12") \\ 46 61 cm (IS 24 "). Ortcdrnn P.1" t"
" 1u11 hdurul C)C 1u forehead pn1ch Similorly (lreybncked
l. Salo y G6met and Dc:svcnlurnd arouri llns \'l>ltCd J111111
Fero.~odet. Nest~ Jul Oct, rcmoimna nco1 brccdlnt: 11t011nJ
I 111.;l11,hu\crlJp<l'1dcly w11h So<!ly inf! Polyncsion wn1er-
1 lok" llttdlcd ~h""' in11 pmlcr bc~ 11uln black cap, th1 year-round. No reco1J lrom C'h1 lcon m1inlund IOf N 11
Jllh 11 '" ~ t' c\ctt 1111>rc marked in Circ)'b3ckcd. Gtc)bxked
PICATIO:-i ;\ m~ll pale arty 1cm w11h a 101111 nulchcd 1011
I 1111('111 bln~"h on UPJ'Cl'pJI'\.\ Juv. 'iool) Tern blad.1<11,
Head. neck and unJcrpart. \\h1u.h-11rcy. con1n1M111a moJcrud)
"tlh ,.. ,,,, h<llv ~nd Hnl. lf~d nnd bte.HI unmnrlccd sooty "11h dnrler l!l"C)' wings and tnatllk Olltl.cr grey rcm1i;I:!> and
aail. Mo:.1 charuc1cri111c "blud:t"'trlr 11n111nJ n<', ,.h1,h II\
lI~ :\1 .. 1ule "PJ'C'l'" and "ID'> )how d1s11nc1 "hitc
it br8"-<>ed. almost sadappcanuKc. D.ut <'l't' !"'l<lr /.>..rd ....J
"l'I"" 11'"" 11 111icdkJa~c OlJcrftN)Cilrl'lamon: c,1ey-backed
hJl)'hl lt h !>;id A1a1n.juv 5.>ol) i,.~rablc from Inca postniorit b} a lr1t1.1lr ' "'""'' adJ1n111<> d1~11nc1 r~cc Jlkrn
I m I 11 ,.h11c bell) and "'"ll hninar> S....:ondycar rnun Bill aoJ I~ blacl... the bill thin and '" 'l'l) potnled. and Juli l l"fO
I l ad but hu 1muJo srcy blot.;hmg un unckrpJrts and shon of bud length In 011bt appcan "'hlll h ""h "'>
uppetparu. and dari.cr tail and 01ah1 re11hen Undcr11>1np
I "I\( i"'"' r
"'bite Ollcn con~rdcml polymorphic""" d.arli. anJ p.alc
morpbs. Thu is m crTOr. Jar\; JIOIMlllllOllt (ea.-rulta llfOUJ>
C1.-y backed Tern Gaviotrn pascuense Blue Noddyl arc uopial. ,.hJlc ~ rorul.i1on (11/bn111"
1cm.1 11111.i til g;oup-Grc) Noddy) uc subtropical or 1empcr1c Rcccndy k
I J bas bc:en 511UC$1ed 1ha11hc '"o populahon< 1tc bc.i ua1cd u
separaR~ ckae 10 COftSl\ICOI d10crct1CCJ>'" \llC, coloral10<1.
breeding biology. and waler temperature prcremicc In Chilean
offsborc Wands, the olb1111111poop1~ ri-n1 C;ui he conflf)ed
w11b White Tcm. but note grey w1n!IJ of Orey Noddy Ju hLc
ad., but bro"lle1' on upperparts und has darker pnmancs 1111d
1:111. "'hich contr.m well in 01&h1 Bridled Tern

Grey Noddy
I 1wn Noddy
~Miil ICtlll
lli.;L !Olo 1e1 .,..,...,~ l<a famol) ofth=~,C'\IRh}nhopulacl All ba\-C3 c:ll3ra.1Cft
"11h oh '""c' m~n.hhk l<n r tlwl the urrcr INJ1Jlbk. Tk1r bolk arc lato:nll) fl.intned artd long. Thi; aJ.lpwu
lo l) dut111un~ .,,., th\ IUJlfd<c ,,, quiet w:Uct" ""h the lo"cr nunJohlc ,...noall) ~When 111\- It
j , ""' 1 111 , or 11u LI> '" captlll'c the pre)'
(lru ... 11 Nuddy Cav1olin d~ S.in Fc!lix Black Tern Gaviotrn Negro
A11111n \lulidus Chifodonias niger
I I 111 f I 'I WM.! <'Ill (32") '\ tru1licul. wunn-wu1cr ;p..._:1~. L 23 cm 19"1 W 1>6 cm (26") Vagrant. one specimen """
llo I 1111 I "'''I, Suh1 y<iomc?. u11d the Oc>VC1tl11rud11 g1<1up. environs of S11111 i111111 llWNTl ~'ICATION A small wn11>1I
N 1 11,. i\l 11 One coa~ul ~1gh11ng fmm l'un11 Ctnc6n I\' ccm. Small-b1llcd and ~lmn wiled. Nlllc 1ha1 the w// /w1 ,, ,,
f '"''' ''"''II'' !luring fCSI of year fOt NTll'I C!\1 10 ' """'k 1101ch. Nnn-hrccJcr d,uk Iii'') abo1 e lllC!uding" '"!!' '" I 1\1,,. k Noddy
IJo aro lo no "11h a pccuhar <hapc, rathct th.m o forked while he low. Ilead ha.1 bl3Cl.t>h ~"I' <l001rasliag "nh "bate 1
I ll 110 )' '"''' long. bn>ad tails that an: doutolc rounJ.:J ~I me, head C~p C~lcnd' "' ~ black Car 'pol, and immedt31cf) t>,:1111
1 fl hm "Uh rcf~mdy ~hon rountlcJ "lnll f<>r a 1cm Boll !he ,.hnc 11cd, 111'lldn th<' po-.tcn caT-CO\'CT1$. Thu hd"'
d llkl llf'rCIO. _,, c:nd) th1d< to Up 811J1 .JI/ hfflH 11 11/t u
I ""' car. v. hue uf forche:IJ b.-cWQ r.ik ~ on
lite cap '''"I'<'I\ Jntlll '"~ Then:,. a neaU i./arl; t:tn ~
rhr iw'm>t-ilfc I CJ!' dull darl.. pink.. Win~ sho..., 'hhtl
1 1n; onto brown nape. Lure\ h114k, and h:u narro" datL:t earp:il bu nJ pnnunc- Tail gn>). like UJ'PCfl\.IR. I
= ""'
f) the lo,.cr one being clcarl~ \t1blc. iM brecchnl! plum:i~c. blad. Ofl baod and undcrpan,., conlnnllllf
t lol tulonlJ ullu the pale c;ip LC)l> and 11111 bl...:I. la 01ght ..,,,.lb "b11e 'cnt \ () IC" f A 'h.irr keep.
l'Pf 11 111tl) J.ir~. includ111g undcrnonii. loghll) pJlcr
11-11111 ncrt <onlra,.t with bbd. prinunc' nd ..ccnndarn:s. White (Fairy) Tern Gaviotfn blanco
1,,, '""""''"with a ~mall p~le pa1ch on forchc:td Pale rnn11es
Cygis alba
"' "111r.1 Jf1J1<'~ru111 browner and snlcd con11111red co ad. Uuck
11 .. 11 11ul~ t1p11111g <>n fn-sh juv Older 1111111 ( ror~c-bai.icl L 30 cm ( 12") W 71! cm (31 " ), Ncsl~ !or historically dtd s1I 1111
Hll 111o11c1 111111 grca1~r cxtenc of whi1c on cr11M1 1111d allcn Easier I., lllSl ob.crvcd at s.1a y G6mc7 buc nOI confirmed'"
r I 1111 '"'"' Ider covens, which look pale l>r<l"" co111ra,11nl! breed. 'ctSJul Occ . Noclln1111l records IDE NTIFICATIO'
1111h ,f 111 er '""r Bro"n Nad) IS ~111r.i1nc "1th '!ool) Tern. T1tr11n~t 1111-><hllc lorn. c'rq>11 blad, pa1ch around C)C -.lud o
,.1.. h ,,., "'"'' unckrpans. llO"CICf, JUI' '><><I) I\ brtcl) crea1c5 ll):c-<'ycJ l'f'<'rn..-c Small mUJ rclah\CI) 1.,
aid ITlllY l'<' <.doru.ed "ilh the n.>dd) '-otc lhJtJUI l>Nll) head. <lkn r<>undcd "mg' ~nd 'hon tail. which tS fair!~ well
''"" bro,.u a""""' llOf..:hOO. 81.a.:l bell, hon and ~mc"hal sptle-hlc. 1h1d. at

llD let r.uhcr lhan llUI aJJ11100. 1t ha
I II nd enc 11..J the "ing shape 1> lon~<r .tnd rtlOf<' pom1,-J. b1-c and f111e-11pprci I '"') lion md blxli<h.. JU\ '!mobr
I l'!Jagl~ foded. \\~111~ lining, m Urol\11 ~<1or.J1 J.iri.. but -pecU.-d bru .. nhh "'><In Uf'PCTP&l'IS :md CO\Cfb. SCi:
in .tll 11 "'' orSooc). See Bla.;k 'l;oJJ) '"' ~p;or.t11on Grey '-.Jci) l"r w:,...,a \ OIC A r.1tpinggn111d1 grwrtlr White Tern
~all. all gruntm~ or mu~h. e<in1111,1nl) u 11nmd1

Black Skimmer Rayado r

111.11 k Noddy Gaviotin de corona blanca Rhynchops niger TX# 40
\ 11um mi11ui us L 4(1 c111 ( 18") W 112 cm (41")
Widc1111:ad m coasta l buy. Chi
" u:incs anJ n-cr mou1h .. Doe~ 11111
breed in Cbolc. Usu:illy found m
tOOlmg flock.s >1ith 01hcr iufl, or
IC111 IDE:'\ Of'J C.~TIO' 81 lo;
1001 c anc:t.. hrre bdo\< Bt...."L.:. p
ilnd nape. contra>ting "1th 11 hole rntercedens
forcbcad and face Puw/1arlr
rlta~ bill. amn11<" ut l>.uc' 111/lt u lo/ad.. lip. Btll size and ""'1gth
lugbly '""able and ~\-ckpcmkn1. UgJ MOng,. to ,.,J MtI
Blac.k Skimmer m Chile lu<t cbd grey un~m~. a 1h1n
\\-hi1e u:uhng edge lo the ~ccondancs and mncr primar1cs.11nd Black Skimmer
while OD taifSIJc\ hmllcd 10 edge or OUtr rL'ClOCC, fc:dlllfC\
typicul of 1hc Amo1011 'ubspccit~ t'ineruscl!11.~. Reccn1ly. a
whiter form ho~ bcc11 1le1cc1cd. showing whilish undcrw11111i!. o
moscly white 1111 with tbrk ccncn:. and n hroad "hott 11111hn11
edge to chc w111g;,. I hc'c rare 'i~11or. ari-r 10 be or 1hc form
in1aud~nr from Arecnllna Al n."t. cc 10, 1mpoi,.1blc 10 scparacc
thetv.o form" \'OI C"t A <.Ull h.,rt.11\1' .:u/f !bu.all) beard"hcn
Ood taks oil
Hu k Dove

Ml "'11i'"'"" Kt>.l l~IChJ'\h.1r\111cuf1hcbcs1-kno"nbirdsmthc\\orld \ll.ire.1otl.\ ""h 11141!

II'" Ii~ tull ... lu:nu111I truunJ M1t1d11n~\\11hacom1cllpump1ogor1hchcad1nbca1 w11h1he,1cr1 11
I ...1 h.n't! I"' "1-Cf 1o11I I\ 1111~ olo\CS Drl' smallttand ba\e IIlOfC pomled lat15hapes GrounJ.dtl\o n: 1111\, ""' '
f ucloi Po~c- (re1a l P1gc.-on) Paloma Eared Dove T6rtola
1l11mli.1 /,..,,.., Zenaida auriruuta
l ~ 't>cm(12-14"1 Ub111u1tous L 23-21 cm (9 ll"J \ o
lft WbaJi a~,, <OftJttg.lllUIJ ID arul wodcsprc&d ""'" found
Lute numbcn m patb aod pLuti. ~-.ncty or hab11.11~ Url>.in
Seh.lllm found a\\&) from urban psn1cular1)' put.' and pr Jrn
ocnkmcsil. The n.mc: Rock Oo'-c 11cll fote>t cdi;c, agmull
bRc:d, 1n Europan chffi. bric .irea.<1. de.en o:i 1on und "'"' 1
urb.in ""'""~ tenJ 10 nc~I on o..~ 1101 nod, bul mJ\' .....
buolthna Due 10 d-Omc,11cu11on ptc 1n l'OUI" a1 food &our
and \Clc(1.-c brccd1n11. m.iny 2soo rn 1ot::o. 111 1c n 10'
"'""" und p.mcm' Mc ob'ICf\CU ma boa noel. of Roel. ()o,~ slim. mcdium~ozcd du\c wnh a lung"h 1.111 V1111d1 /,,,.
'I\ 11h11u1 hmher n:len..c' .ind rn1roduc11011,, populnuons tend abo1-e, l\illr large II/ad S/l<lb "'' rnnt 1 m1J111n 0111/ W 111
h """" I<> lhc no1ur:il fonn lnmxlu~cll 10 I nMcr I. nnd 1hc co~erts. mod tertials. Face and neck warm buff. wnh rr
Juan Pcrn~ndC'r 11roup. 0-4000 m IOt:'lll IFI CA ll O i\ A cro\\o, >mall blackt'ar marJ.. nnd ondcccru pa1ch on h111dn ~
'hlC'I.). mcd11.1moi1cd p111co11 w11h o dccp-ohelcd. relatively Male has stronger grey crown. wanner neck colour nnd lror
h11H31lcd arpcarancc. H1gh1 .irong un p111 111cd whig.~. fukon iridescent JX1tcb. Undcrraru bulT, l.>ccomln1111re)' on belly .111tl
111.c Olien di~pluys. glidina " ith win11~ rn 11 dcc1> V, Natural venl. Flight fast, s\roni; 1111tl dircc1, while tip 10 tail fc~lh"
pl11mugc W<~. witlo white 111111p m1</ dark /)llr.f "" g'1!mcr rowru onen visible. Toil groyi.1/t, wltlt h1Y1uwe1 r111111wl i>Ctl'/ci:.v. " "'' '
wul "'N>11dcme~. llcntl clurkcr 1hr1n body, wi1h 11rccni~h/vlolc1 five pain whiu-rippt.J ><'llh hlud wli1rm111wl har. VOi ('~ .\
ondc;cencc on h1ndnccl. (~1rongcr m male). D1Mmct1vc white melancholy. low cooin~. flfHHm /11>110 lt0<>0 h11111111
c.-rc und urungc eye, leg, 11mn11c-rcd (ircy tail "olh broad
bl1tkish 1erm1nnl band W111g lon11111' whill~h. con1ras1tn Pacific (West Peruvia n) Dove
lrongly "nh dnrl. uaolmg edge Wide variety or plumage Paloma de alas blancas
rattcntJ. a111<ng dooncstoc to>c:I.. 1ndudong ho rd ,. ,,h "hnc
Zenaida me/oda TX#42
rinmanc" rctk!Cd Wiii~ J'llllCm\, dVI. b..Jy r1Ulll4g<> ltf Rock Dove colour variations from do me1lK stock
c'~"crurou,onbod) \ O IC l. i\n:pc.1tcdlo\\ 11u1~1pumng
r L31 cmll2"l.Acomnt>nd<l,coftbenonh,v.ho<h
"111pidly c:>.pandmg ..outh. Urb3n :uc.u, C>J!C.:t>ll)'
"""'""'"' """'"'""' pul..'- a:. .. en as desert o.t~ and ancuhural itrcu
~ ll<I( tcnd 10 nock, but f!OUI' cOl'lffC~lC on
Pacific Dove
Chilean Pigeon Torcaza <Wtablc habnn 0 1500 m ID~'\ ll flCA llO ' Eared Dove
Paugioenas (Columba) araucan.J TX # 41 A stocl.'). laigc: Joc lli~ly bro"'"''harcy. "'th
l lS 17 cm ( 14 I S"I I ore I rmn1r1I~ a ,.'UIDCf, bufficr IOllC lo the ncd. Pale bro" n ra.:c

:-- "'
'"'""f"'"" rrefcmni; "''""''"'~ ll"'"th
<&11J edge ~umbn> phunmctcJ m 1941>,
coalnlSU with /MIJ blw"""' o,...,,.,J n'<' llftd <riV'
blart errr mart; male hb an 1tidc..:cnt pat(h on
' II/SO.. dU< Ill dlSCa.\o:, bul h.i\e oncrc:ncd back ofncclt. 8<:11}. ~'ftll, rump and k>,.cr ba<l. tpc:y, contrL~llj;
>llkC U>ually Ill mall 0Cl\l.ctl lc\\cl lhan With brOWllC'f body ID noghl 1\1...i DO(i.;ta!-J<, Ill n111b1 IUC the
o OllcD rcrche 11u1c1ly 1n foloatrc. large "hire ,.;ngpa1cha. conltll...trn& 111th brov.nc:r mner 111ng
rcciihn111hc1n-clt' onl~ ,..,. ncrln.Ju1r 3nJ bladi.sh renuges. Tao I &RY "nh blacl. suh1cm11nal ollll
onto n1&Ji1 0 ISOOm IOI/\ 1111( ' \ 110 '\ "'hitc terminal bancb. \losi ~im1lar 10 Earell Do'e m acncml
The l11rs:t pOJ:t-011 in Ch1/1 \lul.y. tkcp plumage p:mem and $U\ICIUl'C, bu1 '"hue 111nr pel,he\ and blu<
che\ICd ~nd lon11ta1lcd In n1~ht app..-a" bfo.ouo:r "'"'~cJ than eye patch ~cparatc\ from ~11 01her Ch1lc~n ducs/p111con'
Rock Dove, w11h h11ht1y le'' pointed win111ip l'l11m.11ic d.1rl;. VO IC E A rcpca1cd llaoahomluu1//1 llooop.Jmoodoodl"
l.ugcly 1<in~rolnurul \\olh rltir4 Wt'.! 1Vrt111 rnnw' '""II llooop-hooodoodlt'
hn1111r$, ven1. lo11cr bacl.. ''nd rump. f hght rcnthcr' bind. liul
xrey wltlt hroail hf(I('/. rnh1a111111ul hm1d 11111/ 1,.1/1 1, nnlnul Ruddy Ground- Dove Tortolita roj iza
/>11n// GI\ en n good look who I~ perched, u crlv1 whuc l1r1111/ 1111 Columbina talpacoti
1/11 1111pe I d/11gaM1tc, 11 bordcr11 hc lop uf nn ur~11 11 1 wc1111sh Ruddy Gro und-Dove
l 16 cm (6"). Vngrum. Two sci. of records 111t'holc,111 Angol
111tlc~cc11cc. Oill block eye 11nd legs red Ono ~ f1lu11111jl.C irnJ
ond Rruicagua. The i\ngoi occurrence'"' 11lcd i.ccrnl hint~.
l11rgc si1c scpnrulc lr(!fn 01h~1 C:l11lc1111 dove>, bul da1k culnur
suggesting an invasion from Ar11en1in n. which cou ld be
l~J't"' of Roel:. Oove my .111pcnr Ml mo lnr 111 no~lot ('lu icun fe male
n:pcatcd. IDENTIF IC ATIO A,,.,, dt11t'. mlll~ 111(1111.v 11'//lt 11
l'ogtun ha-clurl. undcrwrnjlb. and o 1a1l 11411cm of d.11~ .111J ralc
ro111ros1i11g grry head. and fem3lc '1m1lar In ocrall p.mcm,
h~11Ji.. no1;u..i u dark icnmn.il b;md 11.'1 on R111:k l}u\c Whn,
but duller brown on body and duller ~rcy con head Onl) likely
rurc I-and ofC:lulc~n d1~~ncN1c. \IO IC'E /\deep duubk-d l1<1<ro 10 be confused \\;th srm1lar-~1ucl l'rc111 (omundDoc. Ulack
110<>0<1 h..w./10()()() ,,,,...,.110000 u~ually bcjlm\\..lh
'potting on scapulars and -.'t-' al>..-111 m P1tu1, 1he rufous or
1 ""'rolling l'llRRRRRRRRRRR souaJ
brownish body contrasting .. 11h ~ !::"'> IK'9d ~ 11>0 dist1n.:11'c
or Ruddy_ YO IC A rcpca1cd, P'>i'P'"I: rtM'(l()lll p111 ...<>001
G; Ground -doves
~ amall ll'l<'mb.:nc>fthc ~ fllDUI) (( Ohabidac) T"'ogncraoc.urmCh1lc.1he1)t'"';ll io..~nJ{
anl lhc \nJ~ 111 l' 1111 1fo'trlu1~ /,., I he laftff arc stn.:11} An<kan. Clflcn fovoJ C high cic-allOClc\, 111.>Le
)'DOI"' holomd I ... home>. ("~aa pouad-do\c:iUC \O..~l and hu1ld l.llkbrd '"'L "'""-'I
" l'l.11c ~s

P 1 u1 Ground-Dove Tortolita c.uyana tJRJ di.<Ull< lllr /IQft! '1""llgf111g 011 b.1<l .naptdars tJi
,,/11111bmJ picui WinJ:i . wry:. "'""C...>~""" (culaur oj pn)("r d' h
pol<h aruunJ ,furA. n..-. In 1l1gh1, p:tlc up~n r
L l~nn(7"1 km:AAl .-nn1mon in di). open
noocc:3blc. "cb1l tail "'"h "'hnc up~ IO ou1~r " 11
nt.'11.,rraJ attJ a n.:uhural am, Oliaa 1n rural \ 'OICf Stlcnl. Wh1mng \\1n~bc2c- 'I> hen 11 ta~C$ olf
,,,..n_, and r-rt. ~1~) ronn \mall floe!.' 0-
1SOO m IOL'Tlll C \1'10' .\ un~ '1iin
Golde.nspotted Ground-Dove
croaking Ground '"
i;rooad-<lo"C ~UC "'""') 1....g 1a1I Sl!on
lcu.,d. '"IL .. 11h a ~h1h1 ,... JJlc anJ Tortolita de la puna
~I bobbing ot lht b:ad Gttnib""""'w Metriopelia aymara
ah.1'<! """ 11eo1r/I "'"''" 1mJcrptr1" B.1cl. l I an 11 ... rlumr d.l\c of dr). ur--n ru
broool>Ct lhu i;rcy cro""' nape an.i nl. S.>mctu~ nc3r l\Cltlcucuh. "'bcrc II nuy
r 111l<l 1a1I \I.ii.: bngh1crand more c\lcn.,"cl) gr<:> an bead all bul ullcn In bl\..... !J"UJ" ID 11~1. dr) JI
l Sm.ill l>l.>cl. bill and "hat.: c,c ll11tg J"l'l"1t tliag Lind ~tu~h more clo-cl)' "-OC1aicJ 111
f1i1l1 ""' "11h,, "ht111h 11tn.-I "" ll'~111e1 ,.,,, "''-' und hJb1t01IS than 1lher \f11r1np.-11u 1 lod, rna\ ""
ilflftl tm h/a, 4 rrm1~t:' '4 ""-i; l11t tHt Ir' ,. 01 "rb u number hundred, ll)f,n r 1c \I 10' \ 11
I nl 111.I Mw tn ju1m1rohlt light ( 1t1ll'rll'lt1fi-' hl(lrk. rn1und 11nd 'hMl4tlcd tp'OUnd-dmc On L'"""''
111111.1 "'"l hllli 1u/1 11111/~rp.Jrt \ OIC I \ quu;l, hooting lcr' uu3ll) mv1>1blc. often hohh tnal dcprc'" .11 Bare-faced Ground 0011
1 -oar ,,...,,,,,,oor ,,....YKlf)()OT ...
,. , ,,"'',,.... qu~1 l-lik~ po~lure R.111111J-hmlttI. le1tlt1' '~"
I\ 1lh l"Clll IOW<trJ> """or C3Ch yliJl:>i~ "'''',hart 1<1i/ 1/1111,,. Ill'<' Pal.- "'3ndy brown. C\Cll Jl'>lcr hdui.
l\o bare fMc p.uch In r<IOCI h~1. lnC'rcv1~rt '""" m~
<:ro,.k1ng Ground -Dove Tortolita qulguagua g.1/d f'OI' (p:ltlicularly male) l~l:icl '""on t<'ft11h 111>1 P" 1
ulumbmd cruziana in 01hc:r ~(, lrlt>f'< lw In ll1gh1 arreaR r0111nJ.. ""h bbd.1
outer ,.1n,: lilc lllad.ingcJ (1rovnJ0.1'c bu1 ll<t.: ('Al
I 1~ Cl'"' I~" i 1 Cm")tml, fC'Sln< led LO oaia
and oa,;i" alk), of t:.r nonh ( omnwn 1n ;agn- 1.111 ..m.l) "'''"" hod' col<'lll, nifucn f.u.,,., '" ruukr.W
pnAJrio ldallkuh 10 JttlanJ bo;I. of..,lutc: 1..,..11tch1 On
,..,11ural ~a_, n,..,....n r " ind urbaa pad>
and ...-dcir-- ( 0 ...- "111111 lluch 0- gnlllnd ~d lr\Jftl Rla.:1."'n~ by '"' n>1u:id
\ <h<>rt 1.111 auJ IKL of otangeyclloY. fa..'C 1>3l<h. b ,.di a' p~I 1
1~oo m Ill!:.' 111JC A110' \ un~ ~ound-
hod)~ c;.-1.:1""' OllCV\"Ctl'~"' \Oln: c;.i.-nt
clo\c on .a I .Jc ~ildc.T

I 'I 23 cm (II Cl"I The m1 t

"'"le prcad of thc lfrmo~l1a.
OC<UP~ lflg unct~ 11f 1"'htlll1$
C>ry 1hn.bb) pvn.a in nunh. \n
J=n ~-nil> Ill ccntral """'. imJ C\cD
open !Mlo<r.al 1n "'m1cr, !ohivN!)
htghbnd. in curcmc >OUlh. \lun-
'' I OllO ~000 m. but "1nw:1uncs
h .ca lt"d '"''nlcr) ~hl.v) '"
ID >mall flock~ IOt-' UH(" \TIO' 4 /tJf'J:<. II>< A1 gm11nJ
dou \\tth rda11dy Ion ~ii nd "''"'' On>"'" pJlcr on
und.:rp:1rh fl'htl< ,.,.. u111f />n1:h1 nr<1ng,-1cllm1 (<-11/1111r "'
/N'O<"el><~I druuJ l>urr p;lltlt h.(011 eh In 01ti111. "'""* ""'"
wi11g ro11/ru11> It'll/I '"'"'nu. /lttltor 1n111:r 111111:. m111;1/n11/
tt>Tr1$ ...1111t 11pJ1<'t1r111xm 11111 "'""(h 'lwJJdl1,el11 '"' ltud111,..
Dove Tortolrta boliviana edge uj 11 l11Jt On 11round. Cp;trnlcd frum C11hlcn,r1.111cd
Ground-Oo'c: b1> lar!'cr '11<-, lon~cr 1ru.:111n: unJ, 111 pan1cular.
long lllll and darlcr bru ... n rlunlllt:< G..ldcn- f"'llC-J b<l> lilCC
J"<llch \"OICf '>tlcnL
11 All Austral Parakeet

,. 1 1 I ,..,1.,urful but largd} g = srec1c v.11h charactcn<11c f\;11 hill ~re'

')fl' I ot p;ir.U.Cd.S. Captl\c spec~ of pam>h otlcn ~"K~pc. and mav l1m1
""' 1.. n~llltkd bmb ,.hid! may compn1e more 1han OM UIJIJI~ .

tM 11W<lr shortu /011,r 111<1ntlthf Pfumaac "m1far to \u

Scp:ir.uro by bill hapc, laq?cr '"" />r1gh1..r g1H11 p/11111
/es nntiC'..abl.- Jttr/.. 'ua/1111011 l>od1 /Uf'll.<'' re J /"'Ir
patclr. Jorlcor1t1g<'<'.I'~. J11/Ipln4 orhit<J/ nng. a111l <1#u/I,-,,
Im clMrlr d..,nnrc <lft'1l h.-l/1/'<Jt1lr \ O I C SUllrlar tu ,\11 I
Panikct. but foodcr ond more rc..c>TtJttng

Mountain Parakeet Perico cordillerano

Psilopsiagon aurifro ns TX # 43
Ll7 1'1cm(7 l\"I HraJ!inAmlCf oil.
chll I 1>r8"' 1n -hrub llabu.at 1nl .. 1
Pv/1/qt rn n<>nh. 2000-J8()(l m ID ' 11
1 II"'"' ,..,,,, Jl''l l>,mJ Chilean ub,pec1~ n c rio' ~ ""' ,..,,.,.,,.,, '"' " , ,
"' ) C"ntk1111,, 1>nly fonn chat ha> complete grey H11J~~fll{1Jr \f,lt1p>lll1Jno u11d11/u111> . Ur1
11 aJ u111fot111 tlrc "'''h "hue tc.ird,.>p-,hapcd 111ecn uboc and ycllo"' be lo". "'"h blue ri
II 1111l "l11t c-. lutllong nd t>lrc. hkc had. Sue. manes 811/ hrtl{hl 1tllt111 1ir 11ran1:<'1dl"
""' '"' "" hcll>.11nd hluc w11111s .cparutc from 111c<>- Sub)ptc~ '" 'inntragQ /\ndc..' du ller. 1111>1
lr1 1 "'~' 1 \ OIC" ~ Luud. 11rnttnl1 .1t.1'ttt11111 grot1up bluc-ttrccn Ind h~' greener undcrpnn. '111
1111 1 1'<' 11 with 'hnrpcr /..11e11 notes. and habrtat alone diu11110Rt ic '" C'hllc. VO IC t.: Culls luFh'
pitched nnd more plean1111hn11 1ho>O ol'other C'llilcan par11l c.:1
Amt 1nl 1 1.~ 1.~kf'ct Cachai\a Call is a rolling "'h1~1lc pr1et'I or prr/111,
I 11 11[flllll l111\ fl'f rugine us
Monk Parakeet Cotorra
Myiopsitta monachus
L 33 cm I 13") C'agcbtrJ ""'"!' tluJ " qurcl..I> (ohm11m
Santiago. BuilJ, la'ic colt>n1JI <trcl not,.. often 111 <f) J'<llb
IDE'll lTIC \TI O' "o other J"lralcc1ltl.cly1n wb:tn arc.i
\fo>tsimiW'IO 'founr.un P.irale.:t ti..! brgcrand h:lstl1111tn<""'
gr<'). (OIY!r<:ad tlrrt'<JI ulld Mart \ O ICf /\ gnuns, rol'ns
lcrrr1aoal:. pitch 3nd 'trcnsth v1n"' dcpcndJn.@. on Ute e>I
cxcrlcmcnL Flock'"''>'

GJ'oove-billed Ani Matacaballos

Crotophaga sulcirostris
L 32 cm (13 ") fl>unJ 1n ~griculnmtl area.-.
111 I luta Valle) Arm M~) '11111)' 10 other~ ro
dc<en nt>nh Mo-t do..,ly aswc~tcd wnh arC11 of
~.c ro er adJ~<cnl to h\~locl. pascurc> Perch<:'
on ll\Noct.. 0 \00 m. IOE,'TIFl C \TIO' ' ''
ocher an1 occun 1n (hale Chun..y wuh a lour
Oared. l'Otlndltppcd wl. -.l11rlr aet. u if ..u..Jy
prnneJto tlrt l>od1 u11J hit a lt/t'o/11 o"n Rather
_.,___ la111c hca.J "'1th n.u crown and 1lr11k olmm1 purmt
like bill. Gl\'en clo..c: 'rcw. 8""''."' ""bill obvious, but .ib,cnt
on younger birds. Sh111y Cowbml i~ \lnly ~11-blacl J"Mcrinc m
range, bu1 is much mnll~r wrth slJlncLird songhird Mrucwn:
VOrCt:: A hollow, "l11~llccl l'C<'tlllllll'Ul'I'.

Dark-billed Cuckoo Cuclillo de pico Negro

Coccyzus melacoryphus
L. 26 cm ( 10") Vagnin1. r<irdt"J fn>m :illey$ rn .'\nca. Shy
.1nJ ~ctrnn~. IOt~ '1 IPICA l'IO'I No ulhcr rlcbrcastcd
cucl i.a, occum:d 1n Chtlc I .OOIJ tlrm ~pc. with IOJli "bite
111'1'... J t..I, i;n:y CltJ'. tbn. mal. l>ufT underpart> and blacl bill
<'llld ulltcc lor kl<utrfic.t11on In Oaghl. long pointed win.,..
1114 1!1111 l~allcc h~c INeturc V01Cf A throat) G""" C11110
'- ai bw A'"''' /;.,1 4,,r"rrlU !\ho a mclmcbol). usaJ $C'OCS

n '" i.1100.. ''"""" G"'"'"g-.'""'8'"""'

I lj 1 llotn lC
11 1111 , 141 O wl
I 111 0.11 l 11 .111111 1111,...1.... 11..11 1... mr ,, \\<lll.no\\n group. Tbq 3tc nocturMI prcda1on; w11h "~l l Jcvch11><'1I t
111 11 lulh 11 Jl1111it. l1111 l.otl(d\ h11lol. 11 h\ k.11hcnng.so 3pp<!at small and pusbcd-in o .. I> arc l3ri;c-c)cd hull.) lunl
I I, t:tl oc 111,.1.,1111,111) ''~' 1 11\.111 nuln ooJ avcracc darker in plumage. Barn (l\\f\ tT)IOfll(UCI arc "11111.11 lo I 1
l11111h ''" l>C".11'1 h 1p.:1l l~ aal J1"~"htrcn0<.o 1n tbear s\.clctons and hne mnertoc<1ha1 arc equal m lt>n111h 111 the no lo
1 "".ore'""""' 1h.111 the 11111.l<lle h~ on l)pal Ol'IS..
M 1g t' ll.rn1 c Horned Owl Tucuquere Bubo '~pale. md facial dose ahu) "h1tc. Paler n~tlc lri;d 111
1t1.J(;rll.m1cus TX # 44 bcl-Ow itb fmc 'JIC'CUroi. -..1\1lc Jarkn female nu~ be'" '""' l
buff on andctpa.ns. pan1cul.trl) on braM l'pr<rJWU I
I <lhm!lll I A\\.uksprcadl.:irgc
and uey ...-.1b fine 1'hll'-' <pkhng In 01gh1. unckl'\\on~
-or l'foad habit.II ch<llCC "n
,.hnish. ..,th ooly moderate clarl.n11n M rnnur1.:s \ h.i
Jc~n M!rubl..nd ll!.ll'l<T'al. Jc.<-n
bufT and gi:ey ..ub-<wu12Jly paler th.an 1m1l.u- 11cJ ""'"
<M'<'<. u~ntuhwal I.and. open for
Clute. Funhcrmorc. lad.s ob'iou~ d.>rk morkong "'bend 1
e,1 and r~1gon1an ""l'f>C
flu \\hen,..,,

wmg. In 01glu ofir-n ibng~ leg, leg,' ire hct.l lljl.
owl rc11uarc <'pen count!') for
hunrrn11 and >hchcr for roo 11nv
they protrude beyond tat I The pale anJ unl>Jrm! lln-tmi\
underp:ins are d1agnos11c. Ne'er ha, 'c.1r\ and "h11c llrlllt
(II" hruh . d10<J dunng day.
:.hapd focial d1>c I\ not shared b)' an)' other C h1le1111 ""'
h J.,,_._ a\l"J .S.n-.er.,.. closed f~-
VO ICE Aloud htssongand p1crc1ng \llnt>l lh.11ha.the111111111
r 1 J..-.1111111111 for.:,1 edge or very 111xn. hl\\ lore'! Noetumal
oflhc sound ofescaping prcs.,un1cd \!Com. ;h/i/1/i/1h/rh/1AAAA.
o llMlll no IOI ' 11 H ( A 11 01" The 1111'111!111111'1 in Cltd<', and
Abo a single kii4 note whe11 foru11ma.
111 ,.,,1~ uuc that h:b /11111o1 'ttrr1 Bult..y onJ bm:ld-chc,1cJ.
11 1111 l.trf)'. H ry b111nd win11s. o lar11c hcud und , 1rong mlon.'
I' "II'" '11rroundcll by i;rey1sh browo fncrnl d" c. F'11dal
Short-eared Owl Nuco
o/111 u11tlt111d 1/,p/1 111 hluc,, 1111/1 h/11r~ 11npe1 [mm <;rt! IQ Asio flammeus
1111 lll11<k 111111 krng' hl11hllghl t't1cc, d1m11111nnc111lon 10 eye~ I.. 311 cm (14"), Op~n c<111111 ry. I 111
mil "' 11ec1c ,, i;Mcrnlly 111J111cSH1vc 111mcar:1 ncc. I hin
hill h 111><'1<1 lia 11nd large wlutc: 1"111 hon nccl. unmcd1111cly .. 11ely crcpusculor but 111~.Y fotJ~t
In day. p,1rticulorly m cl.irk, uwr
Barn Owl
h1l1111 hluck fucrn l <ll'c uut linc Un1krpar" lonely barred caM ~1 1uu1 ron>. lnhubll$ i:nt"lu111l
,,,.,,.,,._., 11c) on bully\\hllc: 1l.1rki,:rnund, however, brcasl maf'llc<, Pat.1g(ln11n 'teppc, P."
.1 " h tl.,td1ed .brL Belly cJn ~ 11nl1.1rrcd, 1tnd there ofkn rnrcs and uflllcuhur.il land Nr I
1 1 lu ll1 t1 .in11.1mun wa.1h on -cn1 ond unckl'Ul1l-co1cru on prountl, docs not rc<1uirc 1rcn
\\h "l"''hrd. <l'p~rutcd liom Rulnu1 lc~cd Owl by lllrgc II ~m IOI' 11,.1(. AllO ' \
I\ Olhna: hlJ,l1'11>U1l1n< h l '"' tit)<., )CllO\\ C)C, Jod ~.hum1<1'-"1tC<>,.luf1l(ICl1il/\"~
\ 1111u1l 11r1I 1 otli.:r th.an cnar..cl) b~rrcJ un<lc(Jl;llts. I rom Shm and long"~ngl'J: ul ,..,, pr1tt1urtn '"'""'/ '"'"'"'""'"'
holl<hI 0.,1 b) ''"'II 'raN'. hlacL outline 10 facial dose bn"Ond tutJiJhand protrwd 1in.,,.J 1u1/, unhkt 1n Ma11cll.;n1,
"'h11r rlir.ut J'.l1'h, hmd rather thn <1rongly 11reJl..ed O"L Ofu:nd1um3lorcrc~ul.v. ob>cr\tJ n>'"ll pm:bcd '
111h.~I , I mu. h i.h<>rt1'f pnmanl' In l11~hl. ~ broad- on posh ground.At rcq,yi:llo" ..,,.. allll crc)"ldurrfa,ial
11111 tu I \\11h a l.11.:dll!;1d <tc, ""'"orpnmori< m.Jy be' di.~ tha1 cbrl<en.10 bla.k1sla around C)ci> NI I~ ,,..1.,
1 lii1ll lout la< h 111mg c1nn.m..>n "'"ll patch~ ol Shon- eyes and on <upemlaa. g.-1ng 111 surpmcd arpnrancc F:o.;1"1
11l'd ' """ l\\11111 Rul<ouI~. k~r21cd I>) blJC' \Ile, dL'iC bcl..s blac}. f>otJcr nm UIN not USU;lll~ "htble. but
I lt~htl) p;ikr rnmary pc11d1. d.uler pnm.&t) diagoostJC 1n snWI "21: and rtxr-n1ct1t !ugh on top of hr;:iJ
n lllk1 il.ltl i.n-.." ""''r.i.;.11ng" 11h paler bell) If O~f\rd Underp:uts Rrtlllgl) ~led. 111>1 baned; trcal.in11 dc:n.c 1111
11111 hi ntlv lure n1hue d1flct('Q<;eiarc JJ'P<'l'C'lll \ O ICE bf= bm more JLlfusc on buny belly Often obKn cd 1n 01gh1
I 1 m 1 "' 'r 1111,h fr~n'IJtcs 10 11 lkcp. 11<1110,. ho.>11nf hen nano...-. long and ttl;:itl\cl)' po1n1cd "'"II
urc d1arJC
l L""'"", 1h, hn.11 nnte bcin3 j!ullurul Jnd '1bra1mg. tcnSlic. F/1gl11 lo" tmJ bii11n-jl1 /1A1 "''" J,,p mgl>td1>. Short-eared Owl
11..1 li'f 1h.i1 II hr 11..,1 not shallo" ones typ1c:1I of oihcr owl W~nn c1n1wm.n ba-.....
10 rnmanc; contr1,.1 "'nh bla~i.. promnry coHrt pa11 b
II 11 11 Owl Ll'C hul il Undcrwingi. "hllisb. wnh d1.ionc1 d;arl con1m~ on 11rc.11cr
undcrw1ng-covens. Subspecies in Chile ,. 1111n1/11 "'h1ch I
' '" 1/11.1 I Xll <1 S
"1 ~ni ( 13 l .. "1 A w1dc-
~umopolnan species but
ISOl3ted from other populo11ons nonh or the c11un1or Rccr11t
nbservurions in Anca mvnlH rather d~rl. lnrd,, n "unclcM 1r
l'eruvinn populations arc uloo darl VO ICh Alnmt tall a hAl'\h,
'"'' t.1M111111111c nolc, A~ 11nmc his.ins. two-syllable s/1kU-.1/1hltlo/1h/
111111hc. r1>n,IHIn hums, churchc~
11111 ohl hui ltlin11s. nnd ib therefore
, 01111tuHI 11c111 'cttlcmculs. May
I Pt I ol llt lktt1,\ 1ft'~''- "IUCh l\S lll 11"<)
.tu~ tti \untfr" I or.eye,,!\ m open
111111111 \ 111 hi ,,,1,IUH"\, n:Hiv~
II llMI II I IHI 111 1111 N I II I<' \I IO N
I 'ilOK'-
,1 111 , lrgged Owl

1iuf cll lno .. n l"flt"~ "'""h bl\.' nlkn noc:lum.al. with "ell.Jc.doped ialot\, anJ laia;e h>N111J IKI
I mnl C l>Slnh~ll.) "' "' lllAn m.ilo. and ha-' dad.et plumage on acragc. Py11ny-t111>h llr~ lrn), ,.,.1, 1 Li
id 11i.I 1111111..11 11111111s11, I~)' ur.. lowlc an O.i:ht,,. itb qui(k himng "1ng~.th l~ are often diurnal,,,.'" 1 u
.:>tn.'1 bo r lum~I

Rutuu\ legged Owl Concon rufous.. Rufous mOTflh'> ("' h1ch ~re rare) m.I) hnc 11111 1
111~ tufipN TX#46 &ails. Pale tall ban.ds/4'1rJ ,,,,,,..~,<JI ~h.ift tfe.i11i .- flnf
pygmy-owl m Oulc '" PCN\ UUI, which IS ~~led"' lfl(
I B J~ cm ( 1.\ l:'"I f\ no.;1umal forcM
TJM, pn:c1sc nonhem range lm111 of &he Austral " un~'"'
owl In~ urrange occun. rn taller, clO\C\I
but~ some arc migratory the t"o ma) be ymplllrt 111 i.11
unopy No1hojugu.r forct llu" c.cr. in
S..-cPcnivianfoncparation VOICE Amoooconou....:t1 I
north of111ngc, 11 UM:\ lallcr are.uor,hrub-
by (~1 in coolcf\~11~ In add1t1011, may
tcxn tool took ... g1cn a1 m1c of2 per,
o.:cur 1n old pmc rbniatnru. 0 I 1100 m.
IOf"T IFI CA110' \ tneJ1um tu Luse
Peruvian Pygmy-Owl Chuncho del norte
ov.l ,.1th Lugc. MJndcd head DuU..y bod). Glaucidium peruanum TX#48
short t1ul and btooJ. n>undcd w1ng' LIS 17.:m(I> 7") Rc<tn,~IOOA>1Hllf
1'1111111 ~ vimahlc, d.1ri.CM m arcu ofh11h rainfall Mu<h W\ ill I and /\n<kan .alley\ 11f nortlt Mo:.1 cut11111t
I l3fo....I f'lum3J!C \""DllOO. pale (cmalC m:irkcdJy dttfCR'.01 from 1n a1ncuhural area.. wnh l.ugcr '"'"' 1
.t 1l m.JI \II h.1c dm eye~. grey foc11I dAC~ and white l:ttgcr v~llC), of An and o;ov1h. 0 '~IMI 1
,,,.,,.._ Miid mou<tachQ. Dark C)Clo J"C 1t a &cntlc c\pn:,sion. 10J'j fl ~ ICATION lwcmclys11n1bt10.\
I 11111 '""'' nnly modert11cly ou11incd dukcr No1c 1hu1 1nif Pygmy.Owl. In Chile nll 11ppcnr 111 h.11
'"'"" .11.11111' ut1111ntl t')'l', j11ri<ll dl,w: If r11j1111 11r 1'11111t11111111 11rcy plumage C11mpnm11vcly. a mnllc1 1111 I
11.-111\\ fldk huO wi1h coor.<' d11rlc htlrn1111 tf111ntll'rt11/l-t111e11,1. w11h )urger eyes. shorter lnil. nnd ;.honer. rounded Wtnf' lh11
""'" \ 1h11l hrnwn wl1h p:ilc lipping. n11g/,, r1!};111J ...,,,, m(t1u Austral. Crown s11oucll r111hcr 1hu11 lrcukcd. In udditlon. 1111
,, ,,, I 11tf11111lo1c1111111 ,11nw rwltr 11/n/1 In OiJl)t1, o dark. p11/e tail bars al'f.' broad om/ fe11r (urnal/\ sl,;), hu1 '""' Austral Pygmy-Owl
,.,.,.,1 \\ 111~cJ owl In duy. ma) be diflcr~n11n1cd fro111 overlnp w11b grey-morph Au.lral llu1<i:wr 11t.. pul<' lm ,/,
'1 J1clf.1111o 01111 hy uniform bac. le> pr1mar1c \ OIC.E nCJl lend to mt:el 011 t/11 f/wfl. u 111 All\lnal f\n o>cnagc 1hllrr
Mu111 ..1. "'"'~11111 hoo1~. grrr 11roo-0 /Jf'(J<}(J GROOO AOOO cnee v.ltich ma) be u..cful 1n &he field i~ 1hn1 1hctt " n 1h1n
l.lHHJ \\....,,, c\<llcd lengthened lo l()Ogcr .en~ of raucou' ochre band on Lil<' hmJncd. 1mrocJ1~1cly bclOll- 1hc fal,c cyl'.
lu lung h11oM on 1hc bac~ of !he head /\ 1i\&r.1I uncr< a quick !oCl"ln of 1n1I
.. hisalcs at a iucc "'hch '' ca\11) 1m1Utkd, Song of Pcru".ui
A1ntral Pygmy-Owl Chuncho much qu1cler, running 1nl0 tnll, and not e:t<ily 1m11~1,'d
Cl.we 1d1um nanum TX# 47 \ OIC Quick tnlhJli sen.:.. 11f I t notes. J-1 per
L 17 21 cm(6 S ~1 A common rufous morph
Burrowing Owl Pequen
cr<alllc hulc .,,. I, bul more often
hon! 1han ..ccn I l~b11au nnttc Athene cunicularia
from a1y SXtlb In d.:nc. e>IJ V()(ht~ L I t< 26cm(7 10") A l\l~Pft'adbu1 sonic
(agus fon:t Prefer cd11c or more wb:n w1common ~mall owl uf open area.'
open(<>~. bu11l'iQ u,eo, rn3Lc>I" Found on beath tnand. y.a>.>l~nd dry ile...n
nal, whurban area. and 1111~...1 alk")~. gnuhur.il ~rc3,, airpo~ and i:Tfl.")
1ural areas with '>Omc lal')tcr &recs clcanna~ w11h1n ma1orral II nc'b under
or>hrub>.O 2000m 10:\TIFI- 11ruunJ m old ro.lcnl bum>"' anJ 1hc hk.:
' \I 111\ l)1ic~I PY&Jll)'-OWI, ,m:aJJ ...,h ~ llQJ anJ lon11 Highly 1~=1nal IOE,T ltlC TIO' In
I ( !ft m.l lu l'cru\lan l')'emyOwl. rclallcly Mfl.lllleycd, r.png"11~rc h1111t "'"l(fe,:g.:J o" 1 ..uh n:/u-
I :r ..,,lcJ
anJ IQ, lon11tt. more po1n1cJ "mgs. Van- twd_; ,,...,JJ t)"' U<JCI) b"""" <pCCllcd
" I' II he tCl'.'""'"J mW lhrcc buic """""".. each with ,.!Ute abo c. wnh a bni"n l>ul "'h11r-,pcd<led breast - i bilncd
,.,, '~''""'~ 1111l 11u,m1cd1atcs: a com11mn bro"'n morph a ll:tnks and bc<lly. Long "h11c 1h1ph;. Face d"11nct1vc IJJf'l.'t
n Ill sn lll1ttph ind rare rufous inorph All ha\.C "'hile !Wp<n::ilia and /urgt nliil<" tltff~ll ef'lrnlltJ ".1 u """''" Burrowi ng OWi
llnw \ u )tll11"1 hll'""" bill and line ~lte'!h on the hmstrap. Juv. similar bu& brcust oohd lm>wn nnJ unJcTr,1rt
''" 11 \\ 11111 h 1~1111 """ clark hN."I and streaked belly, the unbaned. Shan:s hnbnul wnh l11rgc1 Shon.cared Owl "ltich ~
I I 11111111r,1 ..,1111111111tl11111f hnc' 011 undcrpan~. As names a bu.lkier. ibort-lc&&cd ""I w11h a very d11Tcrcn1 li1cc pnncrn
I 111'1' 1 111 uf lru\\11 111oq1h uro 1ufous1irown, rhosc In nigh&. Burrowing h11s quick snnppy wmgbcats, 100 fnM 10
I 111 ~" v 11111111h ~ lo11111.md1hc rufou~ motJ>h 111 n nch(r count . VOI CE I hir~h. ~colillr1g t ll/111t111A "'''"' 1t'j11 ll'Ci!I
1111 11 111111 Ill '''""'" 11111t~h I he w11l1h nnd number tlf 1a1I R=ly heard $Ong con>1M~ of slow cvom11 110111.
l'I Al I hO I \WI Nighthttwk, Band-winged Nightjar and swifts
Lesser Nighthawk
llltnAl lll HCI'" "'" ...... 1110..~. \\)11.:h capture 1he1r pn:y '" n1i;hL They .ire 'lrong llycr-, l>ul "h.:n , ... I
i:tollnh Ibey ftU) r'f'Cll let(') ~.J lethargic. Generali) vocal. 1hc1r prc-.cn~c .. UUJll)' n:>t11<:J '" tht
~... 1l1ll1u11> 1'111 111 1ho Kn.al llbe'CU\~ bul SUOOj!I) J1um."1I. 1nd ma) be nlU\I dtt\CI) n:l.11.,11
l:---4''"""'"'! I hey i>CTIl m"' "' ''" 11 lrlu11hvm~. "idan:oJ\enconfu><"d w11h>..,all<"'>f Put~ Kl li21 S,.1f\o~ho"' rd.itt
"h1d1 ar-r llrre n 1111 o.:b.irue1I manner. On a'eta!!C. sw1n. fora11c btllhcr than~ ,,.-aJlm,

Andean Swift Vencejo chico

Aeronautes andecolus
111 (7 S >'1 Kurdol ltec, nc-ar Ana and
Iii Ill Kcg1on1 llndc;ar 1f11 i> rq:lll&nn Ch1lco..,ft11s
ii M ugr nt lnh.1ln1, Jc n <>.ltc: "'rth 1.tlln tren. and
Ill I
l. 14 cm <S S"I Rntnct<J tu An.k' <>I t
nonh Mo>t comm11n '"er h1J!hlanJ dull
,tont: UlfC) , bot Pill) J.~cnJ In Ul'~r J~I(
11 11hut11l arcu ""', for11(111 (rcpu,.;ul.r and or 1>3->C allc) .... tthrn the dc-.crt \lm(>M
tu rnl "'~uno Ilic, an J.i) ll>E' TIHC' \TIO:'\ TyplClll 11\\Jys in nud., of2 J rndl\1Ju;al' tn \If
ii /1 mt;l11h1< ~ ..ulr ''"" uttJ pmnuJ 1u/.,,," f.Ucnrr- Sometrrnc'J"'"' fora11rn11 Oc><;h .if'"""'"' Band-winged Nightjar
1 w 11 U11J u ln11g. ""'' lrc-J '"'' \\hue '""II band of m:ile un:I) dni,.11 by e<>-..J fora~rna Afll'l~ntl
nests in hole> and crach rn difl, vr road cut SOO ~OINI rq
ill In rttn;ilc t 1' n.UTO,. .1nJ panilkf -'\idcJ \1oh: ha; "'htIC
1111 11 1 1h h, nJ "lute ubtcnn1n1I w1lb.tnd female Jtlfers IO EN TIFI C/\1 10 ' rhl' 1111/1 Ch1lt11n HH/1 11/1/r /'''
1111 1 r tr" tI "h11c 1hr11at nnd bull uh1en111nal uul-band. undt!rparu. Struc1urall). i.ltm .. uh lt>nR. 1t<:1 1/11n lllnJI. ,,,.,/ bifasdat11s
N.it ''"' rn 111~1,1 111 '"uthcrn form of I c"cr Nighthawk, the " long tail 1/1111" mweratt'll ji>rA.-1/ U uolly Lb~ tJtl t~ lqw
lit q 11. I 111 hJr <an ol~n ppc3r "htllh ""' t) prcal of the closed. appearing somewhat JK111Hcd Uprcrparl\ lmmn. 11t1h
I '"' 1111 11111f111111rti "''' e"'11w/1 />11riv1I In Oigh1. pointed pale rump bJnd nnd \\hrtc neck tollnr llclow ll1r&ely whit
~'" 11111 u.1tr1111 t11tl ol11nc scp11ru1c from Oand -winged with darker Oaoi.., and ollen ad.irk b.1nd immcdtRlcly nh111.
i'll l11hJ~ ~ \t cI I C'-Cf ha '"''n11ly b.1m:d undcrpan~. long vent, Bmwn cap. i~oli1tcJ by while ncci.. b.rnd nnd un1l~'Jl11rt
"1111 lh 11 '"'" h to 1111 of ltlil, 11nd lack~ cinnamon neck collar. VOIC E A_ thrn, huny. lugh p1tohcd 111 sc~1llkc trill Ol\~11
\I lit I \ 11111!11n11cd, wml-lrl.c Hill Song bou~ muy last from scuuercd and may become (a,lcr nnd louder; 11:;::1:;;:,
u t 111 n11nutc "'"hft 'hnn p;111;,c between, RRRRRRR== :z:; U'uJlly more 1han Mc bird~ callrnp,.
wunding like a cncorhony ofb1111cs u111J trill" varyln11 rn prt.h
n.iml Winged Nightjar Gallina ciega (Plasta) \lttd speccl.
C111111111111/g11s longirostris
Chimney Swift Vencejo de ~him enea
I 'O l7tm(7.~ IOfl"I Tb.:onl)
rcEular n1ghl).ir rn C'lule. Vaned Chaetura pelagica
"4hrtal chor~c. but n:.iutr"" x'lfT\C L 12 14 cm C4 ~ S ~) "h.>real br,'C<k:r, 11
tlJICR llCh t.r for~grn~ l}cjcrt ~ prc<1~C
,. rntellnJt ransc I\ unclcu, hul
O<he,, ,\ndcan 'hrub 1one. 11W11bcr- ml oat nllcy.of d.....:t1 Peru nd
"' torral fore'!edge and northcmmo,1 C"hrle /\m'll bci;1"' tD 1'o lllld
a~r1<uhu,.1l one 31<00 111
ti ,omc Sll} un11ht ka,11 ch lJMJJlly ub<cr.<J
IOl.' ru I( ATIO' A long- alono: bo >Oll'Cl1mc up kt 20. oh<n wtth """
"'" cJ n11lllJM '"''h m<i.kr.udy centratlon' 1f ~'IUllo" 0 1000 C41()111 m
,. '''" td a loos. MflU<eltf'PCJ ~11 11.mJ.,..,~eJ IDE:\TIF'ICATIO' n,, 11n/1 ollJ.,r! .,.,,, 1n ( Jr1/ 't""
b.Jrd t Jf rlr, ''"''""'~ "'"''' 111 tltr-lr altJ bull 111 wrally. ., bulk) Clwc ,,.,..,, rd.atndy laric anJ hroall"'nt<d
Andean Swift
I lta l<lrt'i ">r11. ''P' to ''"'"' tluw P"',... nf tail fon~ J!lOlll' A is 1ypu:al '''tho' gcllCb. lhc 1.111" 'hort ""h
I ,..,,.,l/rl /i/,;i/ MhJtt' """" '"""rds ltasniftail. small protruding 5pine~ lrllm t"a.:h rc.:1n' 11<..Jy cn11n:I\ "10IY
I "" h I< lu.:cJ or ah~nt rn fc:malc. At n"'l. !he long brov-11. :tllhoogh thmat nottl<4hly p.1kr Rump ~1r111t1ly p.1lcr
f II'" II hurt I 1hc l.11l 11r \1alc ho"' a ,.bll.: neck than back. but no1 ti pale"-' thro..t At~ !.11~t.111<:c ta, Ab.1.-~lr1
I n11 I >co 1,.,ff "' <1n11.1mon h1ndncd' collar Much silhouene. scp3m1cd from Andean "'n by hulL1cr 1ru.;u~
I rcla11,ely shoncr wings und, n111\I 1111port~ntly. by 1h.: hrt
tail. \ndcan has a long. fl>r1<l'J 1.ul 1h.1t 11 "'unlly hold' clo-.cd
into a long pom1- \ OtCr Uu~ll) 1kn1 111 n11n-brccd111g
season. Call& arc A'cric~ nf,h1p no1e 1h.11 run mlo chJncr
chip chip chip 1h1p t hip1rlol1Jldot11 t'lup t'/1/11 Single hi/
notes aN gi-.~o at tunes.

I Ito 111 ,rlo 1111' lh<' whtlc throat

U1hf ltkc J
li:t 1111 il111n,t I 1
Wlul sided Hillstar

1111 1111! 1l1nd11ll11.id '"', ltn1l) tnikm1. to he !'\c.. World. They tend 10 be 'mall bird~ 1'hoch J'(U.oh'IC' 111 l!I
11~11 ll1l\\t'" "' hntong I hr11 111<1..tiht) rapid wmgbeals an: aruquc to the group. and allc'" 1hem hi J'<'I form trud
0 I <LV. 1hh ll1lbl.11 11< h111t1m111gb1rd\ associated ,...;di the high Andc-s, thc) >oho\\ ~h&hll)' CUl\Cd hill\ nil I
I "h11, m llK' tiul rhc') o!lcn ld h\ dinging to Bowers. atbttthan ho.-cnnl'. ft~n~ U1Cl11Jr ,,,.,, 11Co
I cro"t11WdL (;1;ao1 llU11U11mgl:>lnl" apt I} named; n 1s huge compared 10 all other mcmbcn of 1hc fdnul
1111 hml 111 p>ll<nH ~ <1111""11 1 1 nl 1A 1dcnuf1ca11oa. :and 1ha1 the) only ha\c tm 1a1I fcatMI'\

White ~ided Hillstar P1caOor cordillerano Green-backed Firecrown Picaflor ch1co

()11wt10chilus leucopleurus Sephanoides sephi1noides
fJ l I' 1'4 cm IS 5.S"). Andean k L9 11 cmlH l"I TJuo,
hunumngbird of<.' and !> Cbile. 'mall hum1n1ngb1rJ 1n c
lnluh1t.dry, rocky >allc)sanda- Clul.,, anJ he only <lllJll
"1""aho>cim:hni: Wrntertt\.-onh hkd> in the l111'l~nd' f o I
fmm C.. '141 rug-fed desert scrub. m<>1>1 a.nyv.h"''"' lnm pul
""' I prt..>l>.lbl) V.Jnln' ID Argrn- utbtan ~a 10 okl&r""'h ll
I SOO 1000 m. to SOO m m cun1111un in hrul> hlrct PJ' t
winier IOt: TIFI C" \TIO"I Th~ ni:r1cul1urdl 1onc~. untl 111.1..., 11
w1dc~rrcnd C.h1lcon l11llS1ar 1'1n1cr lldo" cre<h11c.O '~~"
t.I 1111... 1 nl hun11nin11h1nl w11h 1hin, cu!"'ed l111l 11nd largely Also Ju3n Fcmandet Is ID~ 'Ii I IFIC \I IOI\ Sm.di. h1111
" "II 1.111 ~I 1lc ltJ' 1m..rol1/ lf'"''"
K<lf/(~t 111th Jorie lower gr<:en hummingbird whh a 11rcc111h tn1l nnd obv1uu 11/o111 1
'"""'' t 1111' 'I'""" dull. grce11 1~h-llrown Otlow ,now whnc. bi-hinJ ~-e. Pcnkcd crown heh1111l eye. 0111 11ui1c ,h1111 ,
'"I" lor11l ol11rA 1111pr (111//1 ll/111! iridtCl'll<'<') 1m 111itlll1t1! c>f straight. Undcrpnns pale grcyi:.h. 1'11shcd llrc~n Qll 111111~. 1111 l
/, //1 1.11/ 1 11111 w11/1 Jurk wet m11rr 1vctr/1 1111<1 dork pair of fioely speckled from 1hroa1 10 l>llll)'. 1/(111' /io,1lrid11r""' '"'''
1111,1111111'/1'1'1 h-malc t!ullcr, lack~ 1101gc1 but ~hows chin crown patch that is 01111 vl<lhlt 11 /um .\f'111 hr111l11n, IC111.1I
"' 1i1na.i 1111 lhl<!al O~h>w pale 11n:ybr''"" lackmll belly lacks 1his pntch. In 1hc field. urpcnr~ mull nnd ra1hcr d.11~
11 If! I 11l h11 -.l111c bu,c und lll otherwise iritlc-<ecnt green. VO ICE A piercing. very h111h-p11chcd, quuvcrl1111 inll
111 v. 11 1 1 111. ''"' h1lbrur" may r1ccur 1011c1hcr. Nole structural
1111 111<H 111 111.: tall WhilC'1dcd hn a 1~n n11rrou omor Juan Fernande? Firecrown
(111 1HfJ th II h 1wrm" h> the h<IS< '\nd~n ha~ I broader Green-backed
PicaOor de Juan Fernandez
u 1 1 11 I "h1ch l'<"<"(ln\C~ d1 11nc1lv IN"UJJer1o"anb 11S 1'asc f1recrovm
11,1 I uf, 1h,. .hlTcrcn<c" le" rrarcn1. hut 1hc outu .-a11r
Sephanoides fernandensis
II on 111! '"'\I 11, <II anJf'<Jt'Ol/d 111 th<" b.1<1'. "bile on viduaM IOEl\l IFI CAT10' '01c th.: female and malt' 11
11 ....,, met bro~Jcr at the: buc \1alc \\l11tc-<1t!cd 110 d1fTercnt. bo1h in MIC and "olora11;n, 1h11 tbc> v.
J till I b the t>ro;ar bell\ In~. "hich "bl.a d..1s.b "'''b a onginally dc\cnbcd ~ ~ra1e \pt<:1e' i\ IAl'ft' humm;n hn ~
nJ KC'nCc I< males ~rhaf>1 no1 ,;afcl~ separable 111 the ... uh a rounckd head prl\lik and rclall\cl~ Iona brNd tul
I """" '""" 1ni.:tuf'll Jitkren.:c ol the outer l.ltl feather. Strong feet. 1'bich 11 UV 10 clu'S to llov.cn in ind \(,1/
1 1 th u1l fathcn u era~c mnrc: "hnc al their base. 01 ..ro// rich """""""t """ Moel.1th >11g ' " ' ' ~
1 ho 1 s,rc:rn mid 111011' arc lllOrC ttduccd. such that muuldns. Tail chc>tnUI Crottn pcllclt ni'1J rrJ, univ ~Wblc
1l l>.!r I '"' h ouier 1a1I as nano,. tr on \\ b11c-s1dcd. liad-OD. Female has srttn Ul'PCfP3"' 1'llh blue"' mc>llCS, and
I{\' rhe v.1ute 1n11udc 11110 lhc hallt.. bttatmg the an irtdesartJ blue ''""pat<"li Tail ,..ttnl\hbluc \\h11
I "b k hp llC: le'; '4jUlltt.:UI from the cbrk b:!Dd. uodetpalu "'llh nea1 darl. Pfto 'Pol' on 1hrooa1 ~nd 0.inb
It i)Uter "11 hand le' 1:mp apJ)C'arancc than \ OICE Undcscnbc:d
1 \nu I '""'' h .\n<lcan lhll,,iar
Giant Hummingbird PicaOor gigante
P1caOor de la puna Patagonas gigas Juan Fernandez
If llfl t>I 111/11\ t'\t~/111 \ , L 21 24 cm (R 9") II 11thly 111111ratc>t~ Firecrown
hummmgbirJ ofanJ \II.:$, from beach s1mntl
IQ 111111orr.il and Andean foothill\ and shrub
7QllC. AOCltllCd wilh CClllUI)' planl' Aguc
ond ocher "n11 lnr. mll bloomh111 nower. O
38110 111. I Df. II fl CA 110111 llt1f!.1!, 1/w
larger/ J111n11n/11ghlrtl. l"ltnl11 1/1.11i11Nl1
1111tl11la1/11g 011 ''"'' "l11gl11<JI, may uri>ear
swiOlikc. Robul.l, "ilh a moderately long
bill and 11 long. and hrond, m>lchcd 11111 lJpf)cr11,or11 11rcc1mh.
including 1ail. semntt-otT 1111111 "'"'f'
111m-/1 Below wann
brownish on male. flrey on fc111.1ll' d.trl. f>cdlcd on 1hroa1
f'"' t oJthrt'I
Resident northern peru111111c1 ( Pult<' rci;ionl b1t1 brillhlcr
~ "'11rm cinnamon \OJ( I ' I\ loud ''"JllC chip 001c
11,1.i\ Hummingbird

111..U.:1 1 ~I 11111 llll<111k "' ''"' '"" W<1rlll Thq icnJ 10 be .,,.iall btl'lb "bu;b >rc~wliw m c\lt.1<lmi,
'"'I I 1o, 111t!l '"'''''> 1111>l l\111ti..-.11,""' unique tu the group, and allo" 1hcm 10p:rfonn1ru.i h"C,., .uul
11 t ~ """'" I ..11111 '"'""m' .ire olt.:n 1mporumt in 1den11ficat1on. and that they onl~ h:&\c ten 1.111 i

U ul' I lu111m1ngberd Ptc.10or del norte ~II""' humnun birJ 1n C'hrlc. '"'" "1<1"
I l1mlo111 H' ~P"' Qi <h head l~thl Bill may be hthtl) I
than Pmt\l&n \l\.,..na1l r~1l hcld <ideJ 111
I ll S m I\ 1I \\ 1.Jc:..r"~ 1n rhc nQl'th. found fongmg. oaDd DOI usu.ally pumr--J f,/
11ruu11J ~h.'ttk"tlh anJ 3JP'i<uhural .Jra> 1n o.t>o
,,,n,) ,., 1.111>Jru "'h~t' (} I S00 m IDC:.' frfl- lu "'"ll ''"' ,.,,,. "'"'' ""'' ,,,.,.,,J ...
/qtf ft'"lltr:r. "lttcfl llf/\"11 (/tl\1 m I
1 \110' M.-.hum 11(\) hummmgbml. "'th a fong
<n\.Wnl "~""'"'""""' Ta1l bt.a.k ;and IM
"'"' f, "''> .t..01n,v lo11/ \1.Jk 11.ll lcHtJC. fort....! than body. \boH' ~en, e>ff-,.hnc !>cl,.,. "''h 1r111J'1 I
lull ,.,,,,.,. 1 ofln hdJ in u pmnl ur "irh ltf
andamldi~iplcg<>rgc1-.11hhluc11dc- \\hole btca 1 I
cros.'IC'J s.1<>..r-l1lc (1ITCl'I <>n bad, ~nJ head, \\llh
sep:i.ralo gotgd from }lTCC1I fl.anL All fcn12k srn
"11111 a'long <innm<>n Nlllf' and 'mall I\ hHc >p<ll and \cry pale: bufTbclo" Thn1<111<h1tf'11>1J l>t-111 />11//lcr T
l><lunJ C")C (Ull\lCI "''Jlbcrtyl'<I. \\ 11h blue "de' only moJcratcl) ttraJua1.:d. RJ Ix-mg lhc lnni:c'I rcw1' I
m 1., mil d111c l"""11:11lar tnf'C lklov. \\h111~h \\11h inner rcctri.\ (R 11 i< 11=n anJ bt1Md. ,..,,, 'ho" rulous N
I 11 .1.1 h 111 l111nh I cnrnlc 'ln11lur, l>cnll g1rcn aboc .,.,,h but can be: d1fficult tu sec R2 Sore 111hcrn1c hlnd1,h i.
"1 "'''"'"'II"'"'""'"" rlllllf' b111 13th i;orgc1 nn1f loni; ta1I l'rruvian
v.h11c ups. b111 R.2 h:I a llun arccnlhh hdnd 1>1:1.. ccn th~ mlu;
Su 111 "'"" l""h><:Ular pol "h1<hJ11on' pale Jlll>IOC11l11r lmc and bluck, :md u t.my (or ab-cntl \\hhc l1J1 S<'p;tnlllM "" Shea rtail
""I 11 ''I'' 1uo1111d tor of llrcul llndcrp3rl P"lc buff or i:rey female Peruvian Shc~11arl d11licu l1 Fc111olc wovdrn1 '""'''
hull "''"~"''on Onnb nnd hell) fJ1l 1i.111cc1111n ccntmf p.iir. whiter or paler on undcrpn. "nh tilt d111~e" hull nc.11 lh
It ' 'It I\< vrcco ba~' und urc n1hrrwiM! hind, c~cc1>11111s \>f thighs. belly and. to n lcss1r extent . brca~1: the 1h11.11 1
fl I \ \\h1ch .1tc white. T111t 'tln ly 1lnuflh: n111111fcd. I0-4 being consistently whiter L"hilcn Wo111lm1 1c11cl1> 111 Oy with 1111
lutt ., 1th.111lhc111hcf1' Imm. mnlc ,., female h111 hu' sonic indcs- <lil!hly coc~cd nnd 1.1\)e~ 1101 purnri 1he 1ml conMlclllh 11101
11111 'I"''' 11111hroa1 '>uh,pcc1c\ "'""'"'"'"' rn ""'' h of mngc vigorQusly, unhkl! the >he.,rrn1I. 'I he w11Ud,rnr~ tuil 1, h1111 1
111111.11, h11l <011>1len1ly "'" 11'h1111cr 11111. VOl <.:t: Mclodiou\ with smalh.'f \\hn.: lip<: when ""'"II Jp11eu111only 111uder.111 h
.. "' tit t Md l:t'I' ""'"' ~t'en ... ~1111ohlc 'JICCd~ nnd t\>flC gradua1.:d. 1hu~ llbplay>n~ n ~mallcr Jrca of" hue th.in If
,1icuna1L Buffy or rufou~ ba'"' tlhffituh 111 .;eel of \\lllhht
f>1ruvian Sheartail PicaOor de Cora dial!Uosllc. R2 ha' J sm.111 or no "hue 11p Imm 111,1lc h~
TlrJumJsturJ cora fcuuk but 1>lder bird. nu~ f>"'>C'' >hon 'lrc.uMr- I hq ~'
l 11 Ill cm I~ 6", 111Jk> tnduJmg 1a1l1. monfed gofiC~ nnd white brc.i,1-1>.11111' -cr.11a11ni.: 1ti.01 lr1 immature
., l;nlnu"n 1n <.h1le befon: 1971, nu" one of the grcyl5h-.,.h1lt' undcrp;art \ 01(. ~ \l.1fc J;l\C' ~ h1Gh m.ile
\ 1hc conunun hurnrntnfhirJ, rn 1hc l\npa and pi1chcd ::rrrrrrr dunni: d1,plav
Llula 1dlc) " .. "" rrden.' and llgn<"Ul- Sparkling Violetear PicaOor azul
lur.ll arc.I\ rn 1hoe ""'" allt)' (J 4110 m
ID' 1111( \ l 10 ' -I //In ltu111m1nghmhn1h Colibri corruscans
" ~ "'' t 1111 hn.11 IWll "'"c-- lli.:l tatl L 13-14 cm (S-5.5"> Onf m;cnlh <cmlimll'J io be rcs11i..,.1
<Ill bn!) ,.hen forni;rng. Ii/ nutlc lkl l'.llrr,,..-11 l<Hfl: tutl inChtk. Kno"'n l'rolTI the '.'-oror-aanJ Putrc area II l<~1un)
In ITramns Ult R: tJrr /r>n!(cT llw4 "'"'' ,,.,d h> dart Apparent!) -.i~rcad "her< .unJ., <I I ..,..,/,, " "'" 111
I 1 t1nd nut.'r nii: Strelllll<'n co11101..nl~ brokc:n .\bu\C' 3nJ \Jkl<:an \lll~g~ J000-3500 1n Ill~ VllH C 110 ' I\ LlfC
"" 01nh srcen. l>lhcr.... lC "h1llh l>ch.. GOl'l!CI <c.IJhh- hummingbird llh rn.>Jcn1 -It. 1shtl~ dru..reJ bill
rw1lc blue oo ,,Jes All femak crct"11 abo\(' anJ hully helu" Sl11moggrecn, \\llh rnll=~nt Muc "~'land C11tral i..,11), 'Clll
!hlll ' ' I <>!I llm..U nnJ p.1kro11 bdl) l1f lkUcnhl) Jlr.klu.w.-d. grt:)~sh Onl) C:h1k.ln hurnnuni;bnd wnh Jarl. undcq1ilfh
H lxrng 1h~ h>na~ rec"" RI i!"'cn, rc,1 hlack"h "nh IJl"!lc \ O IC I U'uall) founll llltng h1llh ur "n lrtt, 'IOlJtni;, 1
"hire hp!>.\\ hen folded 1a1I al'f><.r' f'\)m1eJ 01 tr<)\\rl-,h.1p.-d nnj!ing, ~'J>Clll1~e :J1np :/1c1p :hnp :/11'"1' :111'1'/I ' Chilean
a11f '"'" 10 Urln1111n "h11< "I" 11rf1C0&h lllri;cl) "h1tc ""
'""' 1 1tk I emlc c\lremcly "n11lttr m fomole l 111k:111 W1>0tl
111 111, -hc.1n1I furagn \\tlh 141111111n1cd do"n and pum1xt.1
""""'""''' II 11r11cu1 ~ I011Cr 1uu.I" 111orc c~1cn,l\cl) "h""
'"' th< 11111kr,.11k, 111111 f111 1hr11nurc " \ll"llllf\IY r:tdu111cd 011
/'t'f, /1,./ /t/1,/ lllllt l/1t buff 1111J1t /lllll\ Ult! \lfflt1g111 011 lltt'
flr1T1111, 1111 //w 111//I. 1111111. nrulc fuck~ 11111 sttcamws and i
""'' 11111 kmnk llowc1c1, 11 hn' Mltnl' mo11 li n11on1he g11rgc1.
"'""' h ""'''"th~ bre1hl 1111d a lon11cr 1111t 1h.in the femJ le
\ <Ill I \..1111111' " n11lcvll11hlc, hljlh flltehed 1m1c,

<lul1.rn Wood sta r Picaflor de Arica

I 11/1t/1.1 y.irr~llil
I 1 111 r1..u ,,..., Im<'. JI lea around /\rica G3nle1L'

Sparkling Violetear
l'LAI r 1:\: Woodpeckers andk_i_n.x
sh_e_rs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _____
J llPC"J.lltoC' m chm n lrw anJ btaneh1:1> of trees. and dnllmg m10 hart.; for looJ Amo1amt<.<1I
I und cl.a" ,,. "di A\ lJQf; 1.1111 c~ ~Ip tbil:In aWnlaiJI lheiT hold on II"'> Tiie) nca\atc lhcu
t k .:d od.K)1f~btnnm;imddl.-.qintochewaterforfood. Tbeyttndh>nncanhok 1nbanl
I' 011i~ !mve 1111y 1'1).. IM I r c bc~.k anJ long bills.
J lfl "ct Krngfi1her Marlin pesudor Oagbt. s1rongl)" undulaung .. nd rvundedwnt'Cd ,.
"'fk torquat.J ..1irus11 ramp p;ikb.. 'orn: " lood p11.r111:1" ,
SC\cnl tin= Abo a la11Jhtn1 ~of~ .. ,,...
I I 40~ cm 11 \ j I r ) TW C<J111mon ChiJ.
~in "ol .llDC and IC'I" I~
C21lltngfashcr. fmmd brscfy U1 tlac (~
zone akang tarscr "'c" or lake. Usually
obscn-N pcn'hed quietlv bnidc '<
Andean Flicker Pitio del norte
cdi:c or l1<,.cnn11 a, II forngc' 0 IOOO m Colaptes rupicol.J
IUI ).; rlFIC HIO' T1>c on!} large~
IL.3?-33.:m 112 S ll"I TcfTC\lnal, r

h her an <.hale SC<JCl~ MCh a long. ~harply ~
rot!UN "'Ii ..,,J""' ' "",.,,. ,_ ..,..,,
tufll wha'h make the head pr<:ar $haggy
IO hit!h clev11loru m the 1'\ A11J..'1 I 141
pana. boll> 11 ofJC o(1ru,L1111:b or bnt
N'~b an hole. an chm or rood cu .. ~rul Iii
'"' """" ,.,,}, ""''" prrontl.i""'" w h1/dlun.J/ l6N/ are ~1..i for rhc pn:i.cnce of tha'I >flCt 1r
, ' ~p;1ns 11nJ "ans blu... with >mall whal~ ~pots on nc 1m colonies or Qt lca,t IO<l6C llJl:r<
~ n I ""' blue 1.111 wnh narro" p.ilc ~ lklo rufous. Somcum~ an town, JSOO 500CI m IOI '11
ol /1~11111 "''' '"'~'' N11<J br..-.111-1"1n.t. In flight, ru(ou~ wing f1CATION A bulky larae "'oodpccler" nh a >en /m1t.1 p.
1111111 1111l .1n 111.1a,11n.-c p.ilc pui.:h ul l>a'-C n(pnrnanC' VOICE bJk biU ..itlt a f/1gl11 d,..,,,p. Bill ~hortcr an fcmal; 11
f. ud r umnrring 1,;h11Uct
butfy wilh a grey crown nnd nnf)<', m11fll hac n rc1I m11/u1 11
UpperpartS and 11'ings dnrk bro"'n wnh bro.id bully h.1nh
M1t"ll.micWoodpecker Carpinlero (negro) Below imnn buff. sparsely fPOlleJ 011hrnJtt,01hcrw1~ u11111 I
C.m11pt'phllus masellanicus cd oo underparts. Female Jimilar bur lacb malar ..1rcak. In lh I~
strongly andulaung and rounded-winged w11h bright "1..11
I "' 45 cm (15 ll!"j. Old-gruW1h or old
rump patch.. V01C A loud Ji00rl. at.., a Iona cha111 r
\'o1lrr/u~ 11r 4'""' mtJ fott<t. requires
rsc ""'" c tree Oncn m paar> 01 tn1~ of
1 " ""*le' and <> < female 0 -2000 m
Striped Woodpecker Carpinterito
IOI' llflC \TIO' \<ptacular.unmH Picoid~ lignarius
Ill 1>11' ,. ~ ,,,. ' ,. Doth lalEc aad LIS llant6 i"I \\1~hu1UM\ll!l
re -"nt. "'1th a propont0n.1tcl) loog mon "'oodpe.;.Lcr ol . - h>reil and dm
1 11 'itra h.ch1scl-t1~ bladuJ1 bill ma&onaJ ~I~ 111 10, Tlfl C \TIO'll
J "iitgJ blocJ. .,.,,. co11Tr<Dt1n,: A sm1ll c:hunl.) oodpccLrr ~ .a
rwin < u,.,/ 11 " " " " "Pi"'"'ittg SI~ Of bau of chisckblptdi-11 ~l.1 l>li;u,,./M/Ul
nJ ~ ......tano \1 mt .:00.. 5 trite upso IO semal looforg NTrtd oho1"t' o,,./ <tnpN ~
ond.mcs. form ma "hue ~pcs on uppapartJ.
ml ""24 and loon pollrtftl nrst,j<'941t o rwl fou
\Wr b.u ml"" It .... ...,,,.. .. h1d1 fcnult
lac~ Face >tnpcd, c:ro n bl.Ida~ ti~
t/trnd It UtM'lft(Jllr.,.,...HI\ 1'>tfXC'VT/1 Ctn""hicll loc~ and ma l, conua.11111 ,.,ch "b1cc
I fonunl. 10 tho Mk badr. dcra>dm, oa postllrC supcrcifimn WI SUITOUJlds car-co nu. - i ,. h11e face tnpf
Ch I n \\<>L>Jplcn. arc smaller llOd bamd \ OICE aa cbttks. Aho cbrt bleat mala- ~ lippapan. and "mp
1 i. ldwig. d1<l .,hid Also a load. <t1ICIC2JDg bbd.isb wuh dense nano"' ,.hale barring Belo.. ,.hale,
II II AtUFliJO beccming buff on bell) at>d undena1l-coctU, Ilea' aly craped
&om dlroat ID belly. andaull<O\Clb marked wath J.vk c~ua
VOIC Call a sharp pit>J. also a c~nenna tnll

10 H ~rn (12 13"). The mosc

Green Kingfisher Martrn pescador chico
"11k r~oll "oodpcc\.cr 1n C and Chloroceryle americana
-; I h1lc L1~c ull flickers h may L 2~21 cm(7..S-8"). RMc in Chlk. pcrhapsflnlyan mfrequclll
1..rr ''" the around for onb or visitor ro riparian areas or oosis vallc)'$ an the c~cn:mc nonh
111 1111 111~1~. hut I$ cqu11lly com (mainly Arica). Inhabits slowmovaog stream" a~ wcll 11s pond$
to" ohl 111 Ir- hlcC)11"':11 "'ood with adjacent dense vegctauon If) n 1FIC/\T IO /\ uny,
1111 ~11 Mor~ cipco N<illwfogus largchtadcd kingfllhcr wath a long, ~h3rply p<1ln1cd bill and
f1Ht I '" '"" ~ J :\' "<I al!ricul short CJCSt on "'3f' crown. Grttn n11 laroJ "f'J'I (/~1rt1 am/ k /"l/J.
lithl wuh 111hu~c111 trees. ns the lo.lier marked with 'l<hilt' 11att. '" alltrg a barr~d
Ml I Ill '1111( \I IO' \!>ult.;"} Q/fPttlTOllCr on the lllrllgt'<, A \\ hllc r.1mat collar CJ<ICnds 10
I 1111 ~ lull 1111/1 a lbebindnedc, sep:uating green of ht.iJ twm th.ii of back Thro.u
... ""'~ / . t and undcrpans hitc, adot'MJ b) a l,,.,'44 ch(-)111U1 brustbar'IJ
In male or IWO green breast lunJ an fcnt.tlc, atnd &rttn barri11&
l1ah ofbadunes In Oagln lln) " ' ' " .,.h11e ,.,"' hnaap
:mJ ...-bnc outer edges to an u1I '" 01ber J.;anafbhcT an 11>
r8ftCC' \ OICl, Lil e th<- lllJ'Pftt ol ~
Common Mine
1'1 A11 o'1 : Miners desertico/or - coastal desert

" I 11c ll1JI lu1111m1I, ,.,,11,.1 ... ~ hk 11w111rc Hnd bchn- 1our. lltcy 111"1mhole'1n lxm~ '" 1111<1 rr.11111~1 "'"
\If 11 11<11111 [,I Ohl!, 111~1 h"ulJ he." \>.1-eJ On wmg length subtle plum.1gc reulU"'' ""' Hiid I Ill\~

111111non Miner Minero ph phet<u phce" pl1<c 11 phc.-11 plct't" , 1111llljI1

10\1tl<1 runicularia TX#49 Call a sharp PEE() II '
I I' 11> ,m (1>"1 Wide<Jl"C:ld Ill
Greyish Miner Minero t hico
upc11 .and~ luhn.us I our porula-
"""" 1rca1<J .cp.u~tcly \II ha~c Ceositta maritima
tlro<pff& />1/J. J.irA ''"'ounJ to ~~ . l 1.J5 cm<S.S"I Unrommo~nun...,.,,,......,,
tur-c mrrtJ '""'' P'an nten often 1n arc3> nnrly dc\01d of cw.:w1 1
HM (\lm1I~ lo b11l lcnglhl. C"mna ?800m IDf\TIOC \TIO\ \ ,,..,11,,,,.
"'"" 11t ''"I" unJ ln:uJ.ini: on o $hOrt lad uroJ 1/1111 lci;htl Jrv.1'<--ri fl
/.rnnt ( C lllLt Uiwvtru and grr1uh. 1N1th no 11b~1ous held"'~' "' \\h
h..Jfmo1 rtl 0 IOOU m Uncom 1 below wnh hulf ""'h '" jlunlt....11111J>.1/1 I 11
""'' 1>-,,1,... or n1cr mouth' llr.mn ;1ho1c 1.ith ~1ro11gly loo and '"Ill& '"''" rm113ry c'1cn"on
111 "~rJ I " 4nJ thin l<lceral 1h1v;i1 tnP<' 11...-4\lly .in:akcd Bl3ckcr pnn1a11c~ und tail ct101r:i,1 >lrlfl I)
111 ''' \V111p,1nrc t1"11nc1 tu1I dark \\1th p~lc 'Ide>. and pale grey Uf)perp;J.n. 1';11 obv111u' '"''"i:'ltof
r llh l ,1 p.tk h.1w. l'A I \ ( ,() IA (n1111r11/ur111) 0 500 m block" iJh flJUTO" 1t hmsh uuta t'dJ11, d1a11no11c lloh1 I
~lo 1.1i... , h1cc1h 1n OJ1Cf1 P~1.1gon1a11 ''cripc. Sumlar 111
/I''""''"' hul lc" \lrc~~c.I bd11w '"'"" rt\lfrctcd lateral 1hroa1
'"'", 1'1011 rtllm N /\ LI 11'1.i\ O (1111c1w11e) Rare, high
''"'' I l.11. i..111tly, Jry nrc'" 111 p11n11 (JSOO 4500 m). rn le.
10 euggeralcd manner VO ICF Song a At' !r At k A, I
raspmg 1d1-1rrr

Creamy-rumped Miner Minero g rande

\ \.
Vh > h1uw1111ho11~.1.1lc l'\Jlllf)CJ wuh C(lc11~1vecrcnm 1n1I base. Ceositta isabellina
'"'' l l.11111ly Nllcukcd brcu,1 l>Mk ~tripe oil <;econdnric. (in
L 17- 1'1 cm(?"), l11 l11gh ''"
lh~ltt) I,,, f!IUllllUnccd thllll On Mllllhcrn forms NO R'ntll:HN
or c ( ho le. loo north Dry. I~'
Short. billed Miner
111 ' l II I f1/n..r11r11/or) Rare 111 coa,tol dc,en Snndy, open Puna Miner
slop<:s lllEN I IH A I ION I\ /111~" 111111/1
trCI "'mch111c,ulmm1 dcvoidorcge1n11on 0 SOOm PAie:.
.1111h I''<\ .1hmc Reduced h1ca.i srr~ak111g. Tail ~le at base
colo11rc1/ m1111r Kl/h 11 thrtA. 1/111/11/1 J,,,.,,,.
bill. I 00 f)Oontld wing. lt>n1 11r11n.ir
111 ult lI .,,Jgc'hJJ)Cd tcrnunul b.ind, hkc 1111c11"1w Winj!
e.tten11on (2'- boll) /)111/ /<ttt' p11111r11 11.J~
l' Iii"' I' 1kr than mh r '""'" \ O tC. Song a lnw. challcnng
11111 ! '"'111.111h1c <Mruuon p<krly unik"i.M.ld ('all ,h;itppllp alulo cuntru<1' "uh pnlt "rngt, v1"hk II
rcL Unllcrpirb pale buff)'. INllh 1hrlt1
brcastband ( onnJmnn "'"" J'-lllCrn Ju I
\hort billed Miner Minero austral lxking >1n>ng ~ond.uy b~r Cream rump Jnd tail ha"' l.1ttn
(,ttH1tlcr 11nt crrctic w11h cbrkcr lennllllll "'edge VOl (' I A lont1-<nn uf nngi"'
l 1Scml6"1 (ummon1nl' f1c1T11dtl cltcet no~. higher p11e:hcd. more mc1.alh< ~nJ lt1'tt thaa
I 1~go ....., "'...., nu1nl:ond ll1~hl) 1111gra- Rufoa:s-bandcd ~11n.-r. I l<b a sk111Jms. tuuamg 1h~lhm l.IK~
1ory. llrt('th '" 011 ...indy. orcn ~ttaS lD mlls inlerspencd tn so<'l!l
ICJ'l'C' 0 ~00 m tot ' flfl C'A rtO' A
"'""' n miner nh Iv t "'"?' uf" 1ltor1
/111/ I'""'"" ~"'"'"'"" l.i<' ltng1 ofl>dl
11111 ,1r3111h1, oo droor f3CC" jl<lttcm dull.
L II> 17 cm Cl>.5"1 t'o111Jl1{111 An
I l urru1UIJ tu c<C"crh U ndur~n "'h111sh, hrra~t
dean m111tt m and. trcc"l~' arc<1 Greyish Miner
lh.11 1111 1/1 /I .,4, 1/ lnd,.llncl "''"l'lripc, brov.nih not
111th bouklen.. d1 If, vr 1.i1,c banb
1 1111 11 " " ""'"~I~ rrc,11.cd bcl11w, hl.c Comm<ln M111cr
IOf: I IM CAl 101\ l...llJC nt1ncr
r '""''', '''""''"'lt"rf, 'tputnu:., "''"'''Common.also "uh horl p11mary c\lcn111011
11 "111 I' 11m1 hon 1>111 \ OICt' 'i<lllfl (2 8 I a ~ated
'>inc .t\. <lum111 1111d JkllI>< 1/11,f; hill
h I IA I h1 tIA 11 /11 /ltA p1111A
<hllfl 11111/ ttrmght lltll-11.-(tnr.J
p11/e '"''"" 11/11111, cc:ont ro\111111 with
1'1111.1 Mh111 M11lt'IO de la puna JJrkcr cyclln~. ( rn111y below.
I t'llt/l/,t //lllll'IHi\ whicish 011 throul and 001kcubly mor.- r/1mom1111 1111 /11111~
I I I \ 1111 ~ \") <0111111011111 alhrilano. prcferrrng (ollen hidden by wmg). 811/d r11fimr "''"11-"''IJI' 1\111 rufuus
11 hi 111 """ l1tll11k~ 111111~ho ubby 1.()11c~. also dusty with black subtcnninal band and ccn1111I rectr1ccN ( 1nvcl1c<I I
If , t 111111lt1l11l,1l1... \~IHI 5000 111, IDEl'l'l'IF' l pallern). Fonn lrarr/.<mrl from r apot> (II Rc~111n) mmh smaller
I \ 1111'11 \ t1Hll t1111\\t \\llh ,1rik111i;ly white and whner below. lockmg rufous flunb VO IC I: I\ lung \cric'
11111 q111 I 111111 liotl'hl hlll no l11ter-.1I throat or ta$plllg OO!Cj, llllCl'lif)CrM:d II llh ohOl i irtfls: dlll'lfl l'irll'l/I
"""" 1111111111y cxtcos1on chwif>- chwif>- ch.,eep- """""I,. c '"" 11 1 /11 .-<'pprrfl rr111p
chw;p. chwtp. ; call a oft C"h .... up
1 ~ 1il 1errr~111.1l l1111111111I """ 111h1.1,hcrhkc (Jlhnudac) appcaran<c due to thcir lontt. cul'\cJ bill' .11ul l111g 1
lh I;; IJ ,,~c.J I ht'~ n 11n '"'k 111 hJn~' hk<" mU1crs. to "hicb they arc clo\Cly rcl11cd Th1> pb1c tr~'' 11., I 1
h 1th rn.-1>C"CJ 11111 ~e Jl'<"<C <I n1111c1 that slulres lbc long, cuncd bill Ellnhcrccpcl'\ m.I) be d1ffi<ulr "' kki
htlrtul "' "''" 1.111 r '""' ..... col- and p;attcm or the bead~ bfc~;i
Wt.11... throated Earthcreepcr bn:<Ht Inman> "ayi;hLct"ommoo \11nnv.11ba11c

U n1lu11ll de Arru bill. but 3.l;o n<>1e d1ffcrcn.:cs in ta1l .anJ v.1n11 ro11cm ~r
U1111urt h1J J/bigulil from c:mhcreepen by obon 1a1I. \\tngh.ir.. brca_<I ''""L
wing.tu!~ \OICl. .\lung""""" l\lln3bkb11111
I IQ~ '2 m 17 S 11~1 R~ncud-rangc many s) ofPilf nO(cs. r\ cnly ;pa.:~ - i rt.licd. anJ Jdl\
\ l"-"<1..-S "hi<h 1teomrnoo tn ~and ~1D11lar sufficiently slo" ly to be easily c>untcd Call a li;alf'
IH'3rllv JrcJ' lnh.ib11sdr) n&\IOCS.adJattntlo
'tl<.llltural (i.:ld or Mll\c <mib 'OClG-3800 Scale- throated Earthcreeper Bandunlla
"' IOt' 111 IC '\TIO' Standard l,put.-mh1a,
"'"h J.1,.n.:uncJ bill ero.. n1.h .abo\c .. nb Upucerthia dumetaria TX#52
Plain-breasted Earthcreeper
l111i:dr r1t{01J "tnfll u11d 11111 &io... buff "''lb I 21 cm (8"> 111< c1111111
.I, /nli 1h,.iu1, "'hen lrc'h II.~ {111111 ;rn/1111( on bTt'tul Fau unh.rccrcr 111 ( 11nJ ~ t '"'
I 11. n ""'"" with grcyl\hbr.1wn crtm n, prunuw1te,J .. llab11111 va11oblc \ntlc.in I'
II fl l/1111H nd J.uLcr m~L llra1l 1/ur4'.-r .,,,,/ JP'l!)'l'r than uln11on' occupy 1hrubby .11
/11 A I '"""'ly -.m1lur to Plaml>n:J'llCd l:.unhrn:qicr, \\h1ch u"1a lly 11n dry ro.:~) ~lope \I
1 ) 11111,1111< Wf111ethroutcd bCp.irbk by i~ Slt<'ngrr face w1111er m dc~cn 01111~ vnlk>
I' Ill 111 wllh ~"Y wash 10 uown, ex1cns1vc rurous wings. dry ;hrubby nrcns Souht.-1111.I
11111111 tMI l.11i:..iy n1lm1' tcnml, 11Cahng on brcMt, co111ras11ng pe>pulalton breed' 111 open. -.11 I
11 hih' llllWll lllld VOIQC, VOIC~' A Slullcnng $enCS \\( 4- 10 0111.l shnibby shell 1111 cQ;m. "lul
lt11 I~ 1l1llvcr.u (luw cnou11h h> coun t) harp ch// nolC$. Patagonian populmion oecurs 111 ~hnibby ~tcppcs. () 1. 0110 111
CDEN'rrFICATl ON Q,crall, 1hc hrowncM of ('hllc'M c1111h
Philo breasted Earthcreeper creepers und the only one "i1h 1111/1 up1 111 tlrr mlll'r '''''
feather$. evident us pule 1ail con1cr~ In lli11h1 All fl<"flul.u ....,
II Hldunlla de la Puna
ofScale-1hroa1cd li.1nhcrccpcr po>M'~ a 11/~1/11~1/1'tlltrn11/ J,11f
I''"""' th/a je/skii TX# 51 Kull'> 1111 tlie l>r>'O>t th<mglt tltt mtrll\lf\ wtrt< 'Jlrllj/111/)hic .i//1
I 141 'm (7.S"> n,.. common canhcrccpcr tn Brown alx>c. \\llh ~li11h1ty darker or more airey~h hc10
th\' lllpbnu. mtncted 10 tbc north lnhabus Supnr:ilium "r// markJ nd often the'""'"' m ,ru u~ J/YMr J
\nous ~11ua11ons from dry ra\"lncs m lhe shrub urappNirstf'l!akeJ, A rclatl\'l"ly lon_g-\llo1n11Cd eanh.:rccpcr, 111!
1one to 1od.y sh.1pc' abu\ e runa iras.land or a loogcrpnlJ\81') cx1en"11n th3n ns nonhcm rclall\c, , In 01s;hl
l><>tcdatr,. lSOO ~000 m 11>1' rl FICA- ~amoderalcamoun1ofru(ou>1n1hc "'"II> Toil ~'~u
110' i.ndard lpuunlr111. brownish. lacks central rcctrices., m<>$1 of the ouicr or>c> ..re a .Un.er bl1el.nh
""'"'' rcatwu Bru1<n al>o\e and on 1n11gs. brown. wnh buff or rufow lll"> to th< outer 3 m:tncc... cw-
u1 ,....,. tnl lul'J{d1 to bout:> o/folJ~pnlfumo. Tad tinurng 3S a pale outer cd11c to 1~ C>lllcr l'Ctn,, C~h1Call)
MW " ' " ' ,,,r...,, ~i.lc Undcrpan~ bufl. thahtl) paler oo '"~ .3-4 race> occur 111 Chile The fonn lrif'<J/~uro t
hul nae ctc-.111) ikm=-ated; breast ma) acrage shgbtl) Andean. found in tile C \odes IOOC lbc ft>rm lrufltn'1nl nf
\ r ,1" rwt Jt'lllol llead t umc colour and d:m..ness lb Anca 10 Aracanu i.s )()nlCIJtnea ~rated fn>rn lt1p0/n1rn
L I I" ll~n '"'"l. "''" 1..J11111t<f s"~rc1l111111. Tmi&ls Tbcse two arc the p:ileq belo,., alRIO'l \\h1tc on the thr<>&t and
ft !t .1 C'<I rul1U S11nil.1rto Wh1tMhroucd ~ "-'"' the SClllcd bfta.,1 panem rcducc:d The)' bu" 11 loa,tt
rt r- n h n clou11on ran11e) bu1 browticT. with brown bell than the otbcT n.o fonns. and aradc 1nlo r3th other ehn.ally. Scale throated Earthu"I'"'
I ' 1 111nn. ""-.:ahng on bmm. rcstnctcd rufous becoming paler in the nonh Some '"Inter clo>cr to 1hc COlbl
' I . cnrr.J 11. lc:A contra,ung pale throat. and The central coastal form sa11mutor (bn:fil Con1.c111:1<m to
\Ill( I \111~h p11,hcJ tnll. ~ommcnc1n1 v.11b a couple Valdi\'111) 1s qu11c tl1ffcrcn1, ~'"much darker tlllln all othn
111 ""'' , 1111d d1.111~11111 rn fr'q11Cncy over its durallon. fonns. with a shorter bill fhc brca,1 ,cnhng 1s ''ronii. and
111 111 11 11111111 lh11her p11~hcd lhlin Wh11c-throatcd undcrparb pale brow111>h The tall orJ<lfllrtlJIOr I~ dorkcr, datl
111 In,,. h~ t. ~t to cClunt. brown including the ccntntl rcctrtcc.. w11h the pale comrl'5
reduced. Patagonian d11me1aria i~ similar lo the ltn11Jlr11111
''""''"' hlllNI Miner Minero de pico delgado group but darker. wi1h sirongcr breu.sr M'nling which son11:hm~
111111 111111/ro\lt(\ extends 10 the nanks, nnd hnN n s1roni;cr rufous w11111~trl1ie
I 1111 I 11111 11hf 1o11111l li1t l'hllc, from l.aucn N:uional VOICE A series ( I .S 3 ) or llCOld11111. Oll jllOIJ1 S)'llC!lpnrccl
11111111111111111li111 lnhub11s ru1her Oat no1es g iven n1 a speed ju~t fo~1 en1111gh 10 be uncoumablc.
Usually rises In pilch in middle nnd rroil~ uO' 111 end chKlp
clrwip chwlp chw1p cltw1p cl11wip rliw/1111 ch11/p clip t:hp.

hypoleuca - central and northern Ande)

l'LATl 6<;: Earlhcreepcrs and Crag Chilia Straight billed
!lflhotti..-n ll'C' cJ hc1-C' J1Hrr '""" I) 11,nl l /'"' <'1'1111u canllrrecpcN I Pbu bSI 1n 1heu .iiort ,,, <in1gb1 1..11
r e he' llffi unJ..-r l>.~11Jcn "'ll rulurnl t\1Ck A\11). alhcr llw1 e~c:a..a11n11,1hciro" n A 'ICp.&r:ll.: g..-nus.. (). IH't 4
en r,.,,..s.:J lnr 1~ 1.-~1>!hl 1..11...1an.i II'< L r;<1rd1..~ Band-u1la! t:anh."Tttp<T ,. 1he wlr mcm~r ,,f/ 1, m
11\il)> t ""'"' im1IM 111 ,.m.htr"' hlltt,,.r. II builds a S11ek. OCS1 ID~. f tnall). C:rag t111ha bdoop h ~ 11~
11 H 11 '"Ito><' affinmc, un,kJr h 11.:,1.,n a caHty in rocb or boulder.
\I i.11ghtbilled Earthcreeper Band-tailed Earthcreeper Patag6n
n.111durllla de pico recto Eremobius phoenicurus
llfJllCC'rthia rufucaudus

I 17.5 cm (7"). Re<:cnLly d"'"' 1
] l 16-19 cm (6- 7.S") C01mnun m 1hc nonh { (.'lulc, previously considcrctl c1111. , u
of 11.$ range, mucb lr~i common 1n C Chile Argcn11nm. Rc.tricted to Nr , ,, 1 t
RockJ ;;lopes, "llh scallcrcd It rubber) \ '>1ra11lt1 or Magellan. "here Ull< ....
ZS00-3S00m. IDF'I lfl CA"T IO:\ Ai.lam. lnhahm arc;a. or dense shrub~. """' I
loog-ud.cd can~ "11h ~ than """fllu ~ 1hc C) prc~hllc Lep1dopltyllum
l>tll as long as IM head. anJ two 1 .J1gh1 cur...: /ort' 0 SOO m. I 0 :'\Tffl( \ 1111
10 lbe culrncn \\'ill~ '"'" 1u1I c-1><1.eJ a1 Conasr,.ro-ltl.< lonp-tailN. kcq>1 uul meted Uf!"l!> ' Rock Earthc:reeper
1lwrp a11glr. oflu p.unung ..in1r1h1 up gJ?lll1d Often run' qu1tll)' bc1.. ccn shrub>. Shon
Boldly paucmcd... uh a 1~~1"1 head and fi~t'-po11trrJ />11/ Al><l'c &e>~h-brown. "11h onl\ ~h I
11/llng 11 /111, U~n;1/ium. BJck brown. ~~on11n111~ ruf\lUS darl~rw1n11 JIJ111, UJ'""'''"""'"""trasr.r ....~tltgre,, ... "
on '"'"'" ''''"Cl' ~.:Ir., rump and 1a1I Helo\\, 11h11 1hma1 1t1/011.< t'or-rmu/\ Uclu,. , "hue lhto;u ;ind greyib br., 1
''"'''''" ..-//It h11flj breast mrd />t!/~1. unckrpan c>b\cu"CI> bclly,jine~1 tn"AJ 11/11t1'h Iona 1ail has blnck"h, ,.,
lll<'0 l~1I r.1lcr n111s. uppcar. QS /(t/ltJf'I' Ul"e f'O/c> llf<'Uf<s 1111 U pairofn..-rrlu 11nJ />/orA mt/trfl I' fhli~ 1<ith exten,,111111/
b111t I " 411m11ntl Long tat/ r11jims 11 /111 tlfll A tips to all bm bases. In tllaJ11, 10/l 1111pl'11r1 lt1'l/,<'i)' rrifo11s ...irli 11 brrmd /.11
1111,1/ 1111<l 1J1Jtcrrec-1ric11>. Similnr Rock 1,onhcrccpcr (which 1erml11ol bo111I. VOIC': A s lmrply ascendang irill ( l.S 2 o 11~
r~I h1i. h<c11 recorded once in An1ofnJ1\la Due 10 contra.ling a finger running 1hrou1,1h 8 comb, acccntunted a1 enJ h\
iolutc 111....11 of Stnugh1-billed, could be confused w11h C'rag vanablc number or loud l<'old note, ttrrrrRRRRRRRR/111
1 l11h1 I 1111cr Ii&> a lnliglu. alm<1 uprumcd bill w11h a ,..re CHll'TP CHll'lP Cl/II II' Somc11me. only I.be mll is CtCll
I 1 ,.h1lc lhc canhcrttptt h:is a 1hu1. i.11)!h1I> dunrd ball
I 1rthctm,.rc, 1hc l'llnhcrcepcr ~ l~" ruI> 1lun the chalia Crag Chilia Chin coca
d orull). and lhc tail bcl.s11bro3dcbJ\1cnn1nJI ~~ \ OICl:. Chi/ia m~lanuril
1'' (l\.1tn ~ .\ qwct lnll tllOIC.. 100 11uld. l<l COUnl)
la 1111 3 11 s, liN I .) mcn:a,,cs ID p11.-h. m1JJlc I .l nrn ti.ii C- L P 19 cm (6 5 7.S"J. E'\OE\11(
I 1uder more ringtng. and 11>1 I ) falls and fades:
TctTNml Rc-i1dn\1onrod..ychffsanJroo;L Band-tailed Earthcreeper
\h>~ in ( AnJc. Some descend 10 Im
nit ttllp "hip "hip ll'HIPllHIPUHIPllll/f'llHIP>1h1p
cl~ ll11<ons tn "inter.
when may O.'C\11' in 'hnoh
..111 .. 111 "' ( ' .111 sMtp .. hl!t!.tt!
by arcus near rocky slopes. 1200 2500 1n
IO: N I IH C'ATIO S1~eofaoc;111hcrc'I'"
l(u(k Ctlrlhcreeper Bandurllla de las piedras "11h ~hortc1, &toul bill nnd pale bas~ to hl\1<1
l lp11C "' thi.1 andaecola mundlblc Oill moderately upiumcd. l.un~
Id Iled, hul h~< <hon row1ded wini;sand lr<up
black lcg.. lleadg111 '"""" 1111/r rwrrvwbut /011g w/11/e w1~1
c-ilium and dar! fan ,.,,,,,,.,.,,,,/( 1u1h stribng whlrc- th'"'"
B~I< grcylllO" n. bcconuna l>ngli1 rt1foiu on lo u hod urtd
"'"'P S1m1larl). on undcrpari. the "hi1c throat cra,111)
coostrll~ ,. ,lh the llltc) br~UI "hrcb becomes hnglr1 "'""''
on bdh on.I'"' ThU> bn1h1 rufou> 1s reslnClCJ to hmdpan
or body Taal ha' a "''"'" l>uu anJ /tiacrult ouur It.JI/ ,.,,.
1Ju. outu l\Y tru t'nlrrc~1 rofmu While tbroat. rufou.s l>od) anJ
clilfhab11at WfJ'OSJngl) C<lll\ agcn110 orth Ammcan Cany11<1
Wren CathrrfH> l1lt'tlc-u11111. and ~)' g1\c th3t un~suin in Crag Chllia
1bc lield. Could be c1.mfll\Cd w11h S1ruigh1-billed Eanhcrccp.:r
but culmco 01n111h1 on ch1ho, b1tl 1h1ckcr and has pnlc base ru
lower nmndiblc. rhc ch1lia hns n more slriking "hilc 1hron1, n
dark rufous vc111 . a rufou~ band at bn.\c of rcmiges and a lllacki,h
tail .,.;1h 1 rufouJ ba.c. \'01(" Song a nnging, loud, ngitu1cJ
series ( 1.5-2 s). mcrca\1ng 1n p11ch and falling al end: "ht!'A
M'nl.'t!k 1t"hK 11nl"f.'A. H'llF.H. 11"1/Ef"K WHEEi." dt:LA
,.-hut .. h-rrrrr Stan; \\llh a 11111 \\hCo very cx1.,1cd.
l'I Al I (1/ ( 111clodc11
llfl: I 11 111~1 l111h ll1..CI) II <><I 1lnl 14-llh .. at,r, lilld SOtnc :UC SlfictJy CoosuJ fbc) oRcn n... ~ 1'10~"" t1 ... I.. 1-il
l'O'fu1m .h l11Kt11c ,,, f11.o ""'hen ~nging, nipping !heir wmgs ocrihc body mnd bcaung th.:m to the lrmr
1.. J 11111 I "' \II I , r I "'"'''"pc '"'Y'D!; in colour and c.brkncl.~. a< IACll a' pale come,... hHI I

1111 "' Sto.>~ rdc Cinclodcs Churrete costero ("'Jl"n:hcdb1rd ~1 .........

C111 '"~le; ni&rofumo;us pu/(' "'"' """' """'' '"

t 10 f ' \1,1< 1' """"" ~tt found
""" <1!kla /tro1'nt1lt l<J ""'It
I u /lad<, ab>ent 1n O~rl bcl
...-.y lr\lm cc~ t \1 kcd prcfc:rcnc<' for ~~ VCt)' \lm1lar ID 11/C Dnd l10\
11-.l., '"~"' I Dt,llrl C \TI O'.\ The to Bufl-w1ni,<ed'C1n.:loJ,: I
lr c't Clulcan c1nchlolc~. n:~ of ~u1tral nanlcd h.t\ .,.,.,,,.,, ..,,.....
w Slr1c1l1 "'"rll'
~1m1lar 10 Dari.. not buff, and 8UI "' n
hclhcd (. tndodc anJ. IO IC'-.c-t C\telll. Grq-
llankc1t 1)11Tcno in larger ,;,... noticubly abk ltitf' S11Tabng. and theUnderpuh """''" "''" 100
white rhro.it contra-ts"'"'<'
tbi. k .irong lc11 and fcc1. darl<ci- plumage, the d:trk t>rca.o;i th.an <>n 'Ou1T-v.1ngcd P01"1cnur c>11cn11 ..n
d.r\.cr l>rn"' ncr undcrp.tn,, and "'duttnc-1 v.hitc thmst on nttkM<k''arc "'h11c. bulTl>n 'Bun... 1ngc.I I
""'~ "JI "I''
rt 1/11"" t!wl doe not c~lcnd m front of eye; cl~. Form hurnrnsiJ . rcMncl~d 10 t'~rc llum an1l u
~ 11111 1111 .11111 1n1I comer\ dnrkcr \ O IC EA slow trill (2 s). Fuegian islands,~ lar!,-er"1th a lar.-,erb11!. IMllUIC\J l>ot"<"l.111..
II r .-11111 on rt1h. 1hcn dcct<!3)tng and ,1011 mg whrp-whip- of Juan fcm3ndez I has m<>re c~tcn;11c brownoh "'"'" 1
1' /Ill' 11//ffP l'IP pip pip pip. flonks. belly and undcn:ul-covcn~ VOie~ S11n1la1 10 '""
Bar-wmgcd Cmclodcs. b111111ll ~lightly luw1r p11chcJ ll,,,.11
0.11 k bell red Cinclodes Churrete commences with more wu1cly ~crnrutcd notes bcf!m. trill
( 111(/ocles patagonicus
L. 22 cm (8.7"). The common summer White-winged Cinclodes Ch. de alas blanca'
clncli)de, of C ond S lowlnnds. the others Cine/odes atacamensis
"' 111~ winier Y"itor Vurious habitats ncor L 23 cm (C/,l"J 2500 5000 1rt Non-1111~
~t1cnlll, lake- or wu1lond~. 0 2500 m tory. I DENTIHCATI () ' Fo" I)' conluul
lfl f,1' rt !ll CATI () ' S1milor 10 Chilean with crc1m-"mged C indndc~ wluch '"'
'>tu\tdc and GrC)'-nanlcd Cinclodes ln1cr- ha "lrit/\h 11/ng;/rlpf' White "'1n~tJ
111cdrn1c 1n si1c bct,.ccn them. Scp.iratcd noticeably lar1owr u111I ltlns:t'r bllli:J. 1IA
frum <.holcan Sca~ldc by ~mailer size. t "'o" n1fo11J Uf11wrpar11 untl mnn .-onrr1111
th1nnn b1!11nJ lcp. b.1ld"lt111 nt/X'rt:tlium. :I mg grnult c-ro""' ll11tg rm1m nu11. l1A
.1 '''"'' 11>
t<>no t" undcrpan~ Oark-~lltcd 1 ""' fou<k. oot bullitt than bad. & 1n '( rQDJ
~ ' '' 111. In 11lr 1lrr omme1ltut<' t:t><l\/ Ul'J{t!r U'fd IO"l{l.'r /11/l<il Wtn&cd' 11 ltllC' /Ur/ rnrnrn dlOllfl<"I
I r,,~ Oankc.I h.a"n1o1darAgrr:>11hht-/ly"'1ththsnnc1"'b11e \ O ICT Sun1lar 10 a/1111 en1rn 8ar-11nacJ (.'111dudc' hlll
I l'ttunck~m fnwn 'Buff.,..tngtd' C1nd<>dcs by f11f1!er slower and lower p1td1cd Tnlkd \CCht>ll "~cnpllchtd
l dl!tlcr rlunugc anJ clar hot< throat and ~tlnnn.
\ llll I /I ruhu.,r tnll c:? sJ ,111.dcc1-cJtHHRRRRF.EFEE Bar-winged Cindodes Churrete acanelado
l 111 r:I n lr1lh11J hl)ll> c>n one pttch. louder and lo"' er Cindodes fuscus TX#54
11 '<>Jr Call a \hup qu1cl double note. cit !p. L 18 cm (7 I"). h<> dl\t1ncc
form trc.ttcd .cparatcly b=
Illa lo.hh Crnclodes Churrete austral Soo1hc:m nufT,.,ingcJ' 10 3000
Cm loclt'\ .mtarct1cus FLK m) 11 h11thly m1i,:ntory onhcm
I 13 cm 19 l"I As,oc1a1cd "'"h coastal (I II Rcg1onJ Cream-winged'
hatt111t\ nd bun.:h crass
Rc,tncted to the P~OC>-~000 m) 1s 11<>nm1gra1..ry
cllr<'llC OUth (('arc llom. Fucg1an 15 Buff.,.lnited C'l aclod n ' ei~
1.11141 I llH..N 111 IC/IT IO 'I T/tc on/.1 all- r/()(/,.~ f j111tm IO E/\ flF IC i\ -
,/,,,~,""""'''' Muy hnvc mdi>11nctly paler TI O, Mo~ ~miler to Grey-
th"~" llJ'<1tll111m anti" ing$trlpe, but on llankcd Cinclodcs. ' Burr-.. 1n11ed' is genc:rally paler, "'lh
111111 11111!111tunl these futures arc not 11ns1realurtl b11.JJ1111d~rptms. I111lc contnul bct11 ccn whole thro~t
olol /'11/1 1 t/111 llr /~If 11/ /11"" 11/ lour mand1'ble in and da.rker breast, pale lmrn 11 11p11erpul'fv, 1111/j wav/1 in
11 I 1 11 I ~I~ h1111t. 1~11111h11 1 11n Ito' 11lltlnrk bi ll. VOIC E supen;ilium, tlfawu:r bujf woslt 10 t't!flr f.A trn.1/mr r1/ 11h/1111/11'()(11/
1111101111111 neck patch, and more rxtensive bulT un 11111- 1.,dc~. VOI CE
Trilled pnrt of song on one pitch, rhw~1 11mFPt'FEFF.eEE
EEEEE'chl!M chec1 clwet, lus1i1111 2.S ' 'C'l'eum-,~lntitd
C inclodes' C.f. albwe111ris IOt~N'l IFl( ' A I I ON Oiff~r~ from
nominate in paler underpans. n111rc <tnn~mon uppcrpan~.
greyish crown and wlr///fh whrgtrlf' (d White-winged
Cinclodcs). Wingstripc ~ h11nic1 on ~Conll.inc' Bu!Jj wl~
co'ens pakr 1/tan />m:-/r aml ltu dr/f11'1' 11 m.11hnrs C'on;1an1ly
f1teks,.ings.much murc " ' ' ' - \\ hotc-,.on~cd \ OICI; Tnllcd
pan of song (3--1 s) fa.Ila anJ n<n tn Jlll<h cltttt (Mel chttt
~am-winged Cindodes'
rm Ef.F.E()()(}() OOOOUflH 'clr1,.1'clt1:'1'clru1
Wren 1111' lt 1"hlil 11 I
l'I A l I Ml: lrcer unner, 1 ushbird, wiretail and rayaditos While-throated Treeru nner

11 t l'I "' 111 11 11 '11n 111 11111. I 11<'1 h111 u "'" "ludi ..,., mol't' <tn\.mgly pauemed th'"11he11 rcl;111\c"'" llthcr I''""
1 I ..1. '''I , "11111.11.111 ..1 11ollhf111 hrm,.rhcre temperate sp<>eies. The "1rcu11I, bo\\c\cr, "in ad.a" ..1 11

Wl111i- throat~d Tree r unnt>r dull. ""rm bro\lon "11h11 paltt'llpcrc1hurn anJ h~ '"
oml'\t'bo grande lil.c bill. Superficially smnlar to '>c>u1hcm I h>IL"' \\ 1 11
I' J:lflh1ch11s illbogulilris \lagrlbnic Tap;aculo. but tail and lad, ul b.mmg 111 1 I
0 \ OICl Songa rolb~Lma n.!Jn n.J.J1y-n<'1t11 .111
I Ill 111 1t l 1 \rh.. r..al, hcha'o 111.c a $tuttcnng trill v. b1ch nsc 1n Pllh bet or<' Jc0<
nu1h,1<h \111<1 hl1ou~h 11 climb' rather
tbm J..... C1kl tri; ~' \ iln"'b r.,.,,,. lypa.
p.1111\.Ul.irl~ \ """''"~' () 1.5-00m. Brttd, Thom-tailed Rayadito Rayildito
1n 1= c.1\11) IOI \lf~ I C \'1 10\ Qwlc
unbL.-:an) iMhtt( h1br! b"d St.ud) ""'re Aphrastura spinicauda TX# 56
I!\;~ he.1J anJ lvn nit />11/ 11J. llf'{Unr..d LI-h'm!) S I \rbt>re3l. f.t<tnJ m

~r:,:i:;.,,~:711 ;:i~~~'~::~ ~~~u~

l:""), IJ1ll ha' J1rn11r11" /1<1lt>"'1\<' /II 11Utll
,Ji/oft' BrmHrt<figtt"> /<J t' 11nJ 1 ,.,,,.., C<>n I
I I tulh '" ,,, nltllt'(ltt~h t1111/tltn1<11, 1hc l.mcrnRen ruftCJ- .oudcd rcmn~nh In 11nrnll111.1I 11
nul m t" ult.it m.1nn~r Und.:rf>.tn ,lt,.1111111 """ gr1rge"m lf.lriety offc>r.111m lllnl'-'l!c. "'"" 11J
I ,,1, ,1,,,,,,,.,,, oJ 11/utc 'fl<'" r~1l rul11u' anJ w1ni;; hro" o tilei1nmt1 IO b;irk-11l~ur11ng. 1hu 111.1~ , 1 loa 11 e11 s1s - Rio Loa,
"llll 1t11111ln rulou' r.111crn. MoM hLcl)' 111 l:>c confused \\llh on branchc\ or trunk, 1n mJ11n<1 ..1 Antofagaslil
flt""' 1 ul.11 R~y.id110. but note l"tk 111 bull 'urerc1l1um. llullcr creeper Ct'nlt/11 N1my OocktnJ! h.:lt
\ "'' 11ulfr11 n111l lm11 urturncd bill of the 1n:cr111mrr \'OICt:: resemble nQnhcm hcntl'>phcrc 11i- /,,.,
~1.1.1lh1 lltk111g, >11111lnr to ruyn<J110 b111,1i~l11ly lowcrri1chcd. CVt.'O hanging up,idedo-.n 10 i:lcJn unlkr.ulc ur lcn\ ~' Utt
t110l 11n1c, l1111hk1l. ch14-<hlA <'hlA tl1IA A shon (0.7.S ), in a cuvity, either in n tree or hnnk 0 1750 m. f l) t' If HI '
l111il1 111lh1d mclulllc trill. nntJ cvnvc1~ullor1JI ,ot\ /I'll note> TION A superb liule bird. fii11 ofchnmctcr. S1r/A111g /rll'I '"""
of bluc:k emw11 u11d clti'i'A ;trip<' 11Qw1111111 bmml """''""
Wun like Rus hbird Trabajador supercflium. Greyish-brown bnck ~onlr3\I with luri;~ly 111h
l 1/1/1<>cryptes melanops TX#55 tail. :md mo bllld c1nnamt)n Mnp.:' un W111fl' (Jl\'cn 11 ''" I
view. complc >lrur111ri of1111/ 0011cc~bk "11h 11 li f ,,,
I 11 ~cm (.S .'"l I 11Und maml) m
lta"ing o 1n1fn1td '1/1orn '11111p. (llUf ttttl "J/'"1/11t11,J ""
Sr11p111 (ru\hJ m.11~h. -omctimcs Des Murs' Wiretail
spread n-Omlll31<' form 1i;a, a .h11c 1hm.11 unt.I hr<.l\t, hut "'"'' 1
1n flpll11 (Clltta1I) but ooly pen
fufru of Chilo.! and hullodtt of l\IJ \loc~ ha\c <1nn.i
rhcr3lly 'ikulking and ~crt;unl)'
CXli!'rKhng 10 lhc lhl'l\ilt. \1a)' he C11nfu-cd "tlh WhtlClhttlo11
mn<' ohcn heard thdn ~ccn. 0
l~OOm 10 .. , r l H('"TIO' A
Trtttu1111tt. but laucr ~ laflc longtt blllcJ and ldtl. 1 J'ill
supcrcilium VO ICE Commonly 2 ""dcrt1 trtll, ~ms c I
Aho a sputtering tnll of\31lablc lcn~lh, ..on1e\\h.11 hLc a t<lllN Tho m -tailed Rayadit o
dowu p:lll)' r..-.rlcr. 'Otnt: tnlkd ,,..:a1t1.a11<"" tna) tn"llll abnn
notes ofSe} rol<'f'IL\ upaculo Whnl al.mncJ. a rC'J'('lltcJ rlt
cl111-cltrt<h11-<'hrt-ch11-< /111

Masafuera Rayadito Rayadito de Masafuera pt111c11uda - widespread

Aphrastura masafuerae
LIS cm (5 9"'). f'Ol!MIC 10Alc1nd<1) SclL1rk I (MllwlucrJ)
m Juan fmUnde? group ~ounJ only at h1"""1 clcQ"'"'
600-1300 m. Inhabits t.l.:n'4: DitLonlu <>t /tJtthumuu1 loll
forest>. App3rcntl) r~nctcd 10 otca' of c1mrlt1c l'cm cm 11
kulkmg but wmc Tends tt> renu11n "'llhtn 1hc fem l.1)'tr
seldom flying above it Almoit ahv~y~ Ob\crvcd 1n J"llf
Vufncrablc(300 1000 md1vtcl11~1~. pcrh.1~ccn fc..,cr m 1.:cc111
years). IOE:-.IT IPICATION No ;llhcr 11m1lar \JICCtc on 1h1
~land. Differs from allopntnc 1 horn-1a1lcd Kuyu1lil11 111 II
I 11 Mw' Wit 1t.1ll Colll,1rga la~cr size, longer bill 1lrn1 u.ually hos n pale lowc1 11111111hbl'.
'1/1001 f/1t11/t~lf1/1tf\1(1\llfut~ii nncl less bold head p:111crn, 11ncn with n pnl~ forcheod. llmkr
pnrts grey-buff, less nch ly coloured 1hnn Tho111-1111 lcd Roy11di111
I I 1111'1 , I ll.'11-. h11111hoo (<'/111.11111c11)
VO ICE A churring ll'rrl la~tlng I 2 'but 11w11lly l\1511wc1 I
"" l 1 I 111~1111 11111 thlh uh hi >ec, morc s. Churrs arc repeated every 4 S '
1111 " 11 111 II I '1111 111 lllll N'l l l' IC' \ -
f II
Plain-mantled Til Splnclail

aegithaloides adult
1111red 1.111, Th~)' ny weakly on small, roundl:d wmi!f wa1h dl\tanctaw I _central
I loal 1a 11h11 I..:'"'''' \11, ) hf JC ah...y h111i; and probe fOI" food from bari., lcafi or brioche an 1hc m1111nc1 ul 111
1 I """" 11 m I'"" 1lua111M '"'"""l1 <"J"'" bu1 mtt)' ronn small flocks an nonbrttdang ~\<in The> nwkc noi
I re f ......~ .... 1uJ1n .......Ji lei hok >11cL nest> ofOlhcr fwmnids i;ut'h a.cana.tcro. (lf'" 'trcc1haln lh1111n

r 1:1111 rtlilntled Tit Spinela1I Ti1eral

I <'/t;nth<'nura .Jeg1thafo1des TX# 57
I IS II< cm I~ ' I t.n>grapb-
11> ~nable, foor fonn~ tttJtcd
...,...a~h btrc for r>CJJ ~
C'Ontrwl >OJft IM C'm,,.,_11 <t,...,!111g P11 "'"'"' ~.tl
ncd mos1 u1nu1\c: tn th lorm. t\tcndrna fnhcr onh ~
VO ICE Soog bw.zy cbautt, h1&hcT pucheJ stmplcnnd m.
i=-lrke tlun Dl."!(ithuloidc or gnsr, "~n ,
=1>-=11-=1>-=P cw'"P.f'P'r"PPP l"Pf"r'rlr
=1 =
:=p.. CM! ashon. ~ending trill orl l! note._ fRF.t-... 1 I
:\lore than 11ne '"""'"' ma) be
a.ptdlitlaofAyWnend \bpllana.i>- ~oom. '4'ruhanJ "'
'"' l\cJ All fumh bd. .trcal.1ng
at rnt<"rfiicc bcn\ccn fOttSt !Ind cppc IO~\ ru I C \ l ICI~
on 11ppcrp311' L a. argithafqit/a
Thts ~"OIU3n n:pRSentaUc I\ proponton.atcl)' tht /,,,, .,
or C <.hale nonh 10 Coquambo.
toill!dfonn. and is rcl:u111d) lon11wmgcd. Pull''"' rt Mi.u
\-OUlh 10 soutl11:m X Rca100. 0-
HOO m. forc-i cJ c. open forest. !ht pale crown colourofl>crlrpdu. more c1n11.im<lfl rather lhJn
rufous. Back pale grey. much grc)'cr 1han uv11.11ft11/111J. 1
"'"""al r1.1rl\, scrub CIC The wclllnown runn rn c Chile
1111 \ 111 IC \ l 10\ Sm.111 onJ ~Cl') fon11 tollt'll.,. rlh a >hon. COMra.rring paft buffi nrmp Pale grey on belly, pnlcr 1h.1n
grfst:es<"ens. may ihow a very hm11cd buff WJ\h to fl~nl' ,1nJ
'" ~ /1A1 />11/. f'ml /<'atheri 11'>inlt,f untl <l1t111s:l1 grudu111cd. inner berlepschi adult - Altiplano
belly but not the otrong bufTOanb or ut'fl1th11/o11lt.1. 1 h~ a1111,11
1 '"" luni;"'' R11f11111 wp 1111!1 d11rk ..in:11k1 ~ontmsts with
po1ch it small in 1h1s foml. hctng l"'nitularly restricted~ th<
1 Ii 1qwrdlium and trcakctl race. JJ11ck bru .. 11lsl1 11ntl
primaries, and a paler cinnnmon 1h;tn 01hc1 ro1111" Tcrtiul' cilgI pa/Iida adult Ay\1\11,
''"''" 11A.-r/ Wa ng~ huvc rurou~ COVCll~ morl r11/i111> 1v/11g$//'/11e
buff. not grey Ne('A' s1rrt1lw1g 1. JHrl1 b11(i. 1101 C'lrrll'/1c1>111rt1.11
1li111 'Ill"""''" 11 ni fou, pnn~l on do,cd prunaric~ lklow, grey Magallaries
ing witlt rite d1111amo11 crown s1rt11!11111; $11111lnr to burl11w 111
"" 11,,,i,I, 11111111 lw/l "" jla11h 111uf l1clfr. Lo1111 tail btackjsh
\\Illa 14lc '7<ltt'" 'hortcr ou1c:r rttmcc\ \o.hitr>hgn:y. Juv. srm1lar ln this feature. VO ICK Song ~ a rolhcl11111 chaucr. h1gh~1
li111l.111...1,1cc "rt.1k111J1, [tn!I hns duller crown, pnlcrundcrpans pitched. quicker and more musicul thnn llf'Jllllro/111d~) Coll
b1gb-pitcbed. buny, chauer. fl=lrt:i::t.
10111 '"'"~' 1~11 The $mlllC>I tif the four fonn.. but with a
l""l'"nl1111111ely tluckcr ball 111~ the tlarkct cro" n of he four.
ra11ulh luc: Ill J3rkcr rufoU> b..tkgr<Und ~olour Nape S1tcal..- Streaked Tit-Spinetail Tijeral listado
1tap ""''' h. dc~rl)' conrra,tana ""h rufoUJ cro.. n treakmg. Leptasthenura striata
Sho. .t..rlc,.t bre1~t colour ofan) fonn, und then:forc a mon:
11u t111r "h11e th11>at The larJc rufou. wine p.&tch c:\tcn<b
[ \ I L 14.S 16.S cm (~.S ta S") Pr'Cpun1 shruh
UJnt:, rcqw~ a large 'hn1b comp.nt'nl 1()00

wti C"-'n. IC111al cJ.11ed arc> 1>h rather than butT VOICE 4000 m IO E\l l f'IC \110' T)p1c<1I 111
13 I n c'c11cd. rolltdtUIJ cluua -.;eeotuatcd by SJ'lnC:Ulll !>INCtUn:, \m>ll Wllh trny brll and
MJf>< "'"<' tl114t11< l11Lt1-<lt1A111. cl11i1llllt1t1l'"t<-l1 k>o&. ~~-11pp<.,j tatl /l"'""' ,,.,.... ..-11~ ""''
p... "
1 11 1 11 <II a Jry bwJ. also doublt ckd srrmt1.forr Jtrongl1 ~tr..,1.-d d.lri. on -.hate.
'</ r! 1 4 La.,11rlu.>u11.rofllt)l1hc.m(l- lll Rq1ons) aod supuc1l1u111 1nd..11nc1 &1'! dtJr! 1&/111
11 I OU 1n dncn " >'Ille)') anJ -.:rub. IDE' Tl- lt!llSoe ,.,,,,., stfY'lih Thro;i1 whrtc w11b n.m>" datk 1.ttct~I
\ 11<" \1111<t11ully \lm1lar lo IH'J:llh.Jl1H,k3, 11 dttTcn from throat lllipcs.brcasz greyish bttonun& butTon flanl> and bcllv,
1 "'cr.oll ,,,. Jer.'lflt colnrJ11on lkto... arcy1~. 11nderparu obsruTl!fr s~a!.,,/ p.1/r fl'Olll l>rrau 10 ~111 W1np Streaked Trt-Spinetail
I ~ "'" loull 1'<'11) >J flJnl of ur11111tof..,Jn (ro-.n slrptly sho...- cmrwnon co\cn an.I terual fnngC$. onJ 1n otcn\l\t
r I t !tun ~11/i.1fm,f1 , but noc m'~rty I> pale ms tilt Olhtr rufous wmgstnpe. Ju has un>1K~kcd cap, 1.,..
J1>11oc1 ""P''
\\ 1111111 I ht P.." LkJ nJIUlt' of the upper blt'~<t 1\ ltsS ,..,u Ot1 bad. and buffy undcrpan ... uh faan1 duk ~hn&, 111thcr
I I, 1 I 1111111 1111111 1h.m rn the othcrthlt'c I xtcnl or wing th.;an pale sttt:iking Scpamtd from b.-rl~pr ltt PIJrn-m..1111lcJ
I I 11 n I ll!t'\ 1 h v.1111< trl.,Jc- "maier to ocg11Jia/01de.s. Ti1-Spioe!3JI, '11.'ltrch 1s symp~tnc:. by srrongly trcokcd bac~
\ 111 I l\4111d 111111.u 111111 Nllhttlnt1frs but qu1tkcr and hrghcr and pale. suealdna below 10 belly Strcokcd Jl>O h:u ~ iyi" 11111 llL
11 ,1 \ l1olft, ltrtthr. 11 h1 , htdl<h1-< l11, oth.:r bu.1~ ond contrastingly streaked face. ;\ndt'.m T11Spmct11ll / 1/111//co/11 1lto11 11r
I 111>1 1 111 '" ~"'"''"'"''' I . 11. bn t111f<'h i of aldplano and (not illustrated) hils bctn rcponcd rmm Mamalla (I Rc1ponl 11.1 11111 " '
u11 1 111111lo 1I Ill M~~llulI. JOO() ~()()() m. puna 11rnsslond and its presence 111 Oailc needs vcr1fic11l10n l.uucr similM to Jtl I''"*' 11
1111 t rtl 1111 .t1111h l1111hl11111I ~1 111111.c" IOt: T IF'IC'AT IO S1reakcd. but is br0itdly strcoked whnc (c~h 1>1rc.>I. outl rncJ
I hi IH 1 /,,, " '""' l111/Aw1 thon the 11thcrs, w11h a in black) on underparts, car-coven~ arc rufou~ nnd lucks ruf(au\
1111p11t11111il t. h11111 r 1111111 111 h1111cr11lngs Overall, 1hc wmg p:nch. VOI CE S<>ng ~ harsh chancr rr11cr~11cr$NI w11h
/ 1111 '"'"' /111111, 1111d c1l14c 11'1 coven s nnd higher notes: c lrrrt i '1 '1 '1 i '1 '1 '1 '1 '1 i whao 'ti i '1 'ti '1 '1 '1lt111
11,.h 1 th u1 111 ,,. r1ttl1;1/u11/e\ Jll he C'H't1" ' Ou1er t H Ht L Calls: a harsh cl11 Qr t:lp.
~ h l 1 I ltrrll a 111111lh1111111y"h /Jt>f11wt111frri)
ilh 111 ii hMhl I'" h '" lh hrr.1~1 in ..omc
1111 1f"""1~1., """ li11k111101111 l 1'ol11m 11alcr
ii I I l I 1I < 111t\1111t If t'l"'df
I 111 I \\"'I! I"' l1tl11 trttlu ""' ' r
t in u H t1 .. 11 U1lt11 Hu~t .. , ,t'
I ill I tfl111111 lrth~h ol ,f !>1111
t ,.., , It" '"'''''
Cordllll11111 ( 11111 ' ' ' "
111I 11 i'O: C,11t.tslcr o ~ Sharp-billed Canastero

111 llln 111k1I 11111 h11Dlltlll 11~" l'tnlJ l;argi: sucl ~IS (canbtero = b.i.kclm~l.cr 111 \1anl'hl I h<'} \
I 'II J~t1ll1 UI I I\ holl lttl Ill.I I 1111,11 lit fut I p.llletn ~ ~U>Ct"l" and sene Ha pnmal')' ulcnhh~llltn ll"Jhll<'
IH hn\i!I l"l''h "h1dt lhC) nllh """~I """me C'<tcnt: other indi\ldllilf(agc >('\n:IAI~?) la l 1hc P.lh &m
\11' "' '' I" 1l 11I Jd" .r J ral qu:ahl>-
h 'I' billed (Lesser) Canastero o.ce of lpucert/11a eanhcrc..-peh Somc111n~ onh M
1101<'10 di.' cola la rga trill is gt\ CD that olo11 IC'lllaN IM~
Adl1rnl'\ pyrrholeuca
~ I .. cm (I> 11 l>hrubb> area:' on An
Canyon Canastero Canaste ro de quebrad.o
Je:uul<'rC"', u uah, ob.cf'cd on or "'lhtn Asthenes pudibunda
hrubt>ct') II- 1000 m IOt '1 IFlC \110' l I~ cm (7 I Rc~cnll) \11sc1"crtd 1
\ stn4u11:I '""l(/111/nl can.1~1cr" wnb " commm1 aroi.nJ ruin: -.J '""'" Pr I"
l"b pointnl Ml \l<i) m:..11 a Soulhnu >hrub zone, \Ct} clu,cly ~>,~tal<J
lluu'c \\ rcn bu1 ha, 3 much longer, hl'\lbo... 301)() Jl,()()m IOf' Tll I{ \I II"
unbarred tail. l rrcrr:in, dull brl" n, wnh ,11m lott~taJ/~J CU1'cJI~'" r..:m1n1 " '
.1n tn1ll\11n,1 p<1fcr 'UJl"rciltum and p;alcr Sharp-billed m >lruc1ur.: h111 hn' n 1h1, i
unJc'T'an, Wrrtll' more rufou, ut b.l'e of .Jion~r bill I: ppcrpan~ "'"" brn,..11, ,. 1111 Canyon Canastero
f'h 11~ 11111 "'"" nl\h-blal when frc>h. ~ale bru"n when greyish head and c:rl<p /Ht/, 1111>1:rdl111111 1h111 ""'''"' "'h Dark-winged Canastero
1 ulut w 11h 111/fm' 0111'11 thrt nc;triu'' thu' Cl/'ttt.".ir' lcJrge/\ eye: Wings /()()A ,.,..,,,,, r11ft>11" 1/11, '111111111111 1.1 1/11 "''''
11/1 '' /runi ,,,.,,,,. 1>111 /1r111111 jmm 11/"11'" \'O ICf Song a exJ,1rsin:frro(am n11 >1ln_i;:1 Tu1/ llf'f'"" 1 laf)!dl' NJ/<>" n nlt 11
,..11 .. ~ 1111t lnll. 1ncrc.1,mg .i111h1ly 1n J!ll\"h before fol ling. I .S; rccinccs brownel', tall rrijim~ jm111 lwlm1 Undcr)lart~ ,,,, 1~ r I
1"111 1111 t Ito t lt11 1/111 r lnl'/ cltwl rim// t ltll'it clmii c/111/I wi1h a C'(11ttrm1ing "l111cr 1hro11/, 11 llr.in11c poich 1101 rtte><'lll
/111 I tll ~ lllll~klllll tl111 lk! \IOI CE: Song a 3~ slo" lrill. rii1111in1111th nntl folli111o111111111

C.u1 dlllera n Canastero Canastero chico

\ , th<nes mo desta
l 14., 1 6.~cmt5.~ 6.5") Rock) L 16 S cm (6. ~") Shruhb) Pa1~g11t11n
h>p.: "nh \CallcrcJ shrub. also Stepp<!, 3ho ~hruhby ~IOIW\ 111 /\ndc' N,11
11101~( cd~c orah1plano bol!~ or 1n gt11 lanJ . O 2000 111 10~' llH( \
lf't"I' l\ICk' prc>cn1 5CJ<l tsoulhl T IO._. I be onl} ,,,..,,,.1o,,, '"'"'""-'''" ,.
-INJO 1n IO t.' Ill IC,\ 10'1 A Ch1h Sl1mMdarrca"l''I"'-''''' .\1., "'"'
chunkv. ,..1a111tl1 ,Jwrt-lutJ.J un c:ro"" b.u! um/ "''"I' I ll<C h;h "'I'
pale >upcrcihurn anJ d.vt.. C)drnc 8<1.,_
,.buc. ""h muJ.:1111c >lrc-.1l1ni "" bfc:"'
>1do and fh.ftl, Tail rd~ll\d) 1hon, bul
rt"<tritt> <h.up/_1 !"'"""' Twl NJ, l ou1c:1 tli;w f"UrJ '"'"bu~
h1tc tip., ocninl 1'31T tin... n. \\ 1ng> l>tv,.llt'h 111th c1nno111~1n nest o f Oark-Wlngcd
~Ida aod buff lo"d' 1'1ngl!Qr.1ho a 1" J ,, J '""'"" "~ Canastcro
nift>us ""'gfriJ'<' Win lung for 1 an;a,icr. '>cf (. ol"'CP"<l r
Pipn "hicb dJITcB 1n wpc. u1I ond ,.1n1 pancm \ 01( t
Song a Stcadd~ n>1n11 mll la.ung I , JVf'tWll/1111 Hf T Dusky-t ailed Cao.1\tr1o
Dusky-tailed Canastero Canastero
Asthenes humilis Austral Canastero
IJ141 kwln1.-d CJnastero Canastero del norte LIS l6 ..Scm16 6 S"I I M)l.\llC'"' Rc.:1>rd:i
h I/ii ,,,., .111qu1pat' from Argcn1111a N<ju1rc co111irn1J11on M,ttnr
I I\ lh ~c111(l1 11.S") Pn: punallrub1onc. 1'111 s.:rub. dc1cn :.crub nnd cJ11c of d~n"C x.-nc
luil.1 loul~, ~~ nest l)n lnrgc cactus woo<llan1h 0 2200m 10~'"11 FICA11 0'
,, t.,,..,,.i. 'r I 2~00 lltOO m IOE:-.1 t PI- A Slod.-y, .1/iurtflllli'tl, 1/(lrA p/1111111g11/ CUllU~
' \ 110 1" I\ hul~y. tlt/1A./Jlllttl <lturt-1111/"t/ 1ero. Gre) br11wn 1tbo\c w11h dnrt.. cro1vn nml
'" l .iritdY1cnc,tr1 ,1I, b111also perches more rufous runop r11ces:1,v ... ,,,, crlp 11/11(~
111 1111111 I """'"''"
nnd coh1urful. llcad 1111xrdli11m 111lfl flurk <''l'litw 1 hw111~lrcnt..cd
'""' 11 111111t1 11111111/111111<111c/ 11cl'k-\/1fe,, (may show tlnrl ra1d1). "'~'' 11111 "'""
n 111 j I ot '"'' ' 1 llnf 1111h ltlar~rli wmgs whitish <freaking, cq111r1m11111 il'itlt hrl111t1 d111111111rJ11 flank.I
1 '' rtl/'I .. J .u/ , '" fl ll.ul Ul"f"Cll)att.5 Wingsd:itk brown wilh mfm lmult/,.r 11111hlndi,h Non hcn1
I ,. " I hlto '''"' II "' ''"' 11t1llWll)' l'alc
forms paler than 1hose on sou1b \'O I C"~ "1nir doc1 001 wund
'""'""'''" '~~., 11 11)11111' l~llt a11,/1111Jutuil- like a tnll, due to two-syllable r<>1111111m11 note' lu~b c. 3 1.
h \Ol<'t nsing in frequency and 'pecJ. lf111cl.l) J1:cetcrn1in11 Ill a
crc<eendo FNka ,,.._,_,, ,,.._," /' J... wl11 I"''" J>l pl rirr>tw
!1111111 1<111 ltllct ~< Nc11 \\011<1 .,i,,,..,.,,,. 111fa111uu' for their vocal but frus1n1rngly JJ<ull1ng nAlu1c. 111~ h
lilddm nL>ie, h &hhrl11111~ ii I ::oh11< Klilom '1s1Mc 1n the field. 4$ 1hc nostnls are hidden b> a wfi >hcth 1111 I
I 1h 111 11 IJIC'm"'' "'' '"" ta1Arnlo aiour. ai1ion1 them <Orne of 1hc ~howie>l and colourful of1he fam1I~ . 'f f..,sc "'"
It'" 11111<110 ""'" I he Imel l11m Nf(J aa large Utt ca1tio. and an. not aCf\C 10 rcrchma h111h mu~-.... I h
th .lath,,. ""11 uh \\ h1l<lhrua1~ Tarac:ulo bwl~a ittd nest 1n adctt.c .brub

lU11t l. thro.ited Huet huet Hued Hued de sur Moustached Turca Turca
I 1r.11>J1t0<hos trniiTX #58 Pteroptochos megapodius
l 2 \ 2S cm(~ 10' J L<cly u:m:Wlal L2J 2.. cm111 95 J l'llDf./\ll( . \1"1 r
Y.<t l(mrcr.nc fo1~11nd forci.t edge. Doe~
- rc'CIUUC Cluls.,UN l'"boo th1<l'"' bu
1 l1mJ ofth<m h dues ho10ccr need larsc
ne "uh 1:41111:1 to nc-1 m 0 1500 m
IOt 'fll ICATI O' A l~rvc. bullo.y lllpl-
culo. qa1111/-/1lc I ora1c by ~cra1ch1ng
ffi r. t~nal Dry rod.y I~ 1'41'1arnb1I
some 'hrubbef) it ptncnl. retches "''
ancnlly on mra:c boulder-. tend. 1<1 ":Ill rr
exposed poitllon, wa1h tail r111....,d II \1M
C3'001m.hcghcrckat1011>1n north lilt ~
T IFICAT IO' AlaflC. bully ~'1'""ul1l,'1'
numl~ on ivounJ w11h ah 1111.:l, ro,..:rful lik.-. Run:. q111ckly wuh 1a1I coded I''
fttl. Ou" 10 II durlo. plun>gc and darl brown \0-llh a 5h>Ck) lk>d), th1t~ hill. ' " '"'
l\;1!11 11 t rl.:.11n~ colour. an: d1flicuh IO -cc in 1hc field powerful blaclc legs and ,quan:-\hJpcJ head F.1111rt'/1 ""'" ~'
/1111 A11I :1 1 /11, C' nnl. l>rn/J/ unJ l>otA. "''" u tlurk r11/<111> llp/JC'rparts. Face s1rongly Cot1tm>ll> "llh pale '<Upcrcrhurn. ,J, 1
' '''' Mc"' cumru,11n11 " rhc l><tt'f' /1111! 1.11 f'Ult:h Lo,..:r back ereline and uf7per ehee"" ,.,,,,,,.,,,, 1111/t lt1t'J:I' 11h111 I"''' h .
""! 111111p rut nu, with Jar~ bnrru111. S11111 Jorly. belly. Oanh anal lu1.-cr rhtclu and malur rtKitm. 1hmm 11111/ ltl"(11.\/ lJl11l b r111111
""'' 1tJ1I"~"' rufou, wnh \!Brk ~cnh1111 throu11hout. 0111 and accentuating the white 'moust:u:hc UndcrpHn\ h;11Tcd \\ h111
I"~ lil111 ~ hill nurdy bluck Nol ~ymp.11nc """ ( hcMnu1- and brown from lower brca1n to u11der1uilcovcn, toll l\1111\ 11
ll1111.1ti1I llurl-huct, hu1 rdcntllicd hy grey thro:.11 und breaM Mou>tachcd Turcos en th1> no11h nr~ pukr, w11h 11 y,r..:y 1t1m '"
I' 11 1f~1l from 'mnllcr Chucno r11puculo I Plate 72) by grey the uppcrpans. Sepam1cd from broadly ym1111111c Wl111o
11111 11 111J '"""' .ind luck of cmmtnmn upcrc1l111m VO IC E tJ1roa1cd Tapaeulo by tWC11 's much Jarver i1c. butlo.ict trut t\1h
'"'JI'"" r1td1<'d J"l"crlul >CnC,(lf hOOI\ (I> I~~) thnt ,.,,eett. while mnusrnchc' and dark thru.lt ond bn:at \ Ol('E 'it'"
''JI hl11h und then low: 'Khtw>-"h1w1.11l10!J-llHOO-llHO- sequence oflow hoot (5 I 0 ii) that \luw~ ioward end i./rl><II
llll(J(I 111/1111 ll'/100 11'1100 111100 W/100 Nole> ,.JtO()p.,.JcOQP,.ltOOP.. Jc00/> 11/rOOf' -11/1001' 11/rOfll'
101 mousti loet>unt Al,oa fa'il, dc-ccndma 'enc' 1111 /Al' - 11hOOP. C~lb include a lon11-.cnc of quttk 1"'1'1''"11 ""''
I JI~ II' lli4 41' II <><JI'"''"'/' M~f' '"'"'/1tm11p Call a hafll 1>01-wo1 ..-01-wo1 . or plu11-plt.1p1lup1./up .. 'J>CCd1ngu1
"11 I 11 h I H n:pcntcJ "'"'' "hi:M fr. .,.,. liet toward..~

<hr, tnut throated Huet huet White-throated Tapaculo Tapaculo

I luril tlu<'d castano Sceforchilus albicoflis
l 1t~1011to<l10~ c.utaneus TX #58 L 18 20 cm (7 l<"I I '01 uc. lmntnlll Moustached Turca
2$ .i ll I IA1fd) letTt.lnal . Temperate DI) slo~ wuh thad, .U.ru~ p.rtr<ul.ul .ilert posture on
and lu" cd~c. 1mcnll) 1n drier attU th.en .,Jong giull ,.., rnc' anJ other w a.racu~ rode
1111 ~ thro.trd lluc1 huct. thc 1.. 0 ue n."'hcn: >)m "'lk.'tbcr dr) '
11o...1nv In c\trcmc ""'' h
occu..,.1n moire opc.s <ken Knlh o 1500 m

tot::oo.'TlnC\ n o ' AmcJmm.tj1.:J 1.1ra
culo. im1lu m ~hall" unJ \IN tn clo~ly
n:la1oed Chucau Tapa1:ulo ('o.;l. t31I "h1lc
runnin11 on grounJ. bot "'hen 1a bu.h.-. "'
"hen calllnl! lttJlds tut/ huriwntul ur ""'" J""'P' II Ccf
MOU5tached Turc:tJ. Ulll and leg' blnck. ~um1 brown nboc
tnduding tail Crown brown, "1th crn11 'Kh111'h 1111><rc 1/111111
that bruudens l>Rltintl eye. brvwn ''""" thmugh eye and upper
cheek con1m~1in11 w11h wlri1< 1/om<11 Un<k>'l'Jlh oll~whlll". with
ariable tlarl< barring from hreU\I 1e1 umlcrtnll-coverh Wi11tt-'
warm brown, w11h 1in} huff >pot. on llf"S ol covens. Non hem
uwcamue greyer on nape, baclo.. 5ca11ulo10 nnd rump. ftn1I olkn
hns wh11c tips and dark suhtcr111i1111I rnJr~' to 1cr11al' and
co~cru.. forming lwo na1Tow win11bnrN. 5cpuri11cd from b1oudly
:.ympatric MoustncheJ fut.:d b) Mnallcr .i1c. more ~lc11u111
>hapc. white throa1 and hrea\t, and w11nncr bro"n rro"" 1.111
and wings. VOJCE Song a na'ttl, mu01cd rrrc~cd \enC) 1f
2-4 note. PA-PA-CUU PA-PU< PA-PA CU(I 1\101111 notci. a
~ruff QC. 4-QVA-QUA-QU4-QU'4t t (/(
Chucao Tapaculo Och1 r tl.u1lu ti I 'I'" ul11
o 1>11ll; 1ar. I'\\ \\oNM ubo """" 1111J!llC11l' for lhcor vocal but frustrauni;I~ <Lu IL mg nJlooh~ \II 11,.,,. 1
o It 110"' lloi' pl t '"duJ t:l11x 10 To1'3<UIC1. J bngbtly co1C1urcd and cml:ilcm:ilt> !'IC 1f ( hot.,. '"''"l
''In 1l 111~ed lap;! ulo t tmtlu 111 the "'1\llllcr Sc.11al1>pm group, but ha. a COOlhLt" 1>111lUldoh1clt1o"1 h I'
ti V>tl 1.1 "ulut h~'"' hn J('.S(-nbN a tan oucc due to1he1r gl'C) colour end luh11 ul running"" lhc-
I hnn !Id 1h11 ~~.. llJ,.lt11g 1111.kr Jcbn> and~"" through tunnel> to aoid dctc<.'1tun TI1e ')'l<'ffi311'11 of \<"1
~ r ft ti thru I h Ut\.11 ar...h >C"'

Dusky Tapaculo Churrfn def norte

Scyt,alopus fus cus TX#S9
I 0 lh:"1(7 7 ~1 Tm-otNI Tempcraic L 12 cm (5 I 0c: .c th1d.ct" 1rtdu~ 1
forc>I 'Ith 1.lcnJC unJcr.tnr<""y 'u<h > br.tmMc- ,. h1ch nttJ not be DllOI: 1l1lco.I "
'""'""'"' boambo<l"' Diiier lhni~ \t.N rornl or 11oc\Jl~nJ .., bul Qrc "'"~"
"''" ,1lon11 Jcn,r -.~c!Jlltun l><nl.:ring ""ICT. Muu,.hLc b.:hin1uur, <rt.-P"
n" SI.vii.in~. but cn1c"open, ruMtng lo sround and C\Cn unJ.-r 1kb<1' l>tlh ult I
qut<U) vn ll""'nd "uh 1~11 coded. Calls >Cc lltkler IQIU1'111 Cll'l:llm>l~tl<C' 0 ' fllMI I
fll"'I 'lti!hll) Cle\ ll<'d pen; h, U>U.lJly ''lh I DLS I lflC \ T IOS '\>mall t.1po1cul11 "11t
WI o.lrtl<JICJ 0 I ~00 m IOt. S 111 I C \ - dull 1..tit> "h It:" 'o11c and >INlur( 11<11
1t<l 'll l hunt..), mal1unM11.:J Wp.tculo. A " ha t la!..: a 'hun IJ1lcJ '>crnthcrn th.,
"' ,do.on"'"''" h1nl o f C'htlc\ fo1csh. Om11n ''""n and Wren. Shgh1ly lnrger, w11h ~rongcr loo~ 1ng 1.,,,.
I' uot th'"'"'~''' u,lfh 1t1(C1ll\ HIJl('rc:illtmt amJ bri1i:h1 MagcllanicTopaculn Atl.c1111ro/\ Illar~"" Jol/\'1'. lli//i 1cll"" ' ~
HI 11 rh"'"' 11111/ ltro11.1 U 11pcrp;ir1 ~. w111g11 un1I 11111 warm li:gj. Juv. brown nnJ hl1m:d throuahou1, ondmll n~ wll : In
f,1.,11-11 //1111~' ~1t111111/111111111rAl'd, \t'lf/llJ.lll// .flt1111 /1 h/ack- dull yclloL Imm. <taic' 1n1cmwd1.t1c, 11rcy1~h 11 11h ~"""
.111,/ 11 /1111 /o/11111//lll' w111 rufuu~. Only cun ru,,1blc wnh 11111, h barri ng tm l1 :1nks a nd vent, ano.I bni" ncr w.1~ h 10 h111 ~
1.,, ... I .1111111111111 J1 k1 h uCl hUCI~. holh of.. htch h11VC chc\lnUI Compnred to Magellanac, l>usky "darLcr 11rcy. nc.trl> bh1< ~
~ th. , """' 111111 u h" ld p111k111h burc patch 11round the eye. lacking conrrasr11111 blacki>h lor~ 1md hamnj/, on cnl l>u'~'
m1l ,I 11l 1h1U.1t 111 lll111 k -1hro111ctl lluc l huct l"hucao ha_ j?r'C)'. has )ello" rsh rather 1hn11 du ll ptnk lc~s. and 11/1w111 /1t11 u ,/,,,
h~n 111111~ m.t ~ lr1k1ni;I) blnckundwh11c belly. unlike tro"' J"'. and 1mm phamn~e' difficul t tn 'cp11r:ttc, hut""''
)111 1 1, 1 \I ll C I l nm11al.c.ahlc. ~1110"' c <0nf!. ucccntcd )CllO\\t'T leg~ of OU,J..). 11nd dhttn<ll\C \CICAf tJ 1 ITe<clll~ Dusky Tapaculo
"I '"'"" 1 r I /II '(Jiu ( lru'rlru <hit la '''"II nc:orly I~ l'unhenn(lrc. D~k) oc<ur m 1h1clc1' 11"11> fr<rn f1tr'C\I, 111111
a11ay from ChV<quta romhoo \ OIC'I ~ l\J..al a-.cndmi; , h1111
trill (OJ s) dclm:rcd ill 0 5- tnlcn.ih tn1/llll' trul//11' Intl/Ill
Qd.,,. fl.inked Tapaculo lrill//IP..
0 1111 1111 dt" la Mocha
fujjt J11f,l />1JriJdOXiJ Mag~rtanic Tapaculo Churrfn del sur
11 I 14 1< cm(~~ '-"I '\ "'"LmJ1.i.pa..--ulo Scytalopus mage/lamcus TX#60
"' o.lcn~ thttktl, rrcfcmos Chuqwo I 10 12can1-1 ~I O.n..: 1~1dc1., pant,
l\2nobuCJ. but .1...1 1n !kn_., br;ambJ,., an.I ul.ut) (hu"(u" '1.imb<1<11n "cc "mpcr.~
ll"'k' l.lll)!d) 1nh.il>11> ''Mln.1d.: 1lu,Lct- lo>n">I ur fore>C cJ c, u"<111l) near ..aicr
e11hcr an f<lfnl ur ~ lorct lannland ~-co \lou>t:hlc bcha\loett, crccpma du<' '"
lmlt" 11 llllJO m 111r ' fll'I C" " o' A grQWld lllW '"en .. ridn 1t..-brh l>1ffi,ult 10
Kc ull<lcT n.11u1al c1n:uni,uo;;e.i lh&hl.ind
popula1111n 1f t \n.k-\ 1..:.:11r< 1n ;are> of
large boultkn adjJccnl 111 ""'"' ,.clln<I'
llf-.tn'alll> 0 3000m ID~. ,flf l C' \flOS
A small iapaculo-. i1h Ihm bill ~nd t/111/ pinA ""'"'At p111Hn1
hor1-1ailcd and ':mnblc plumJee T~ ri~I nd fu1t W<'1
1hro11gho111. 1111/1 cin1111111011 11ur /lnnJ.., t1111l 1-.-111, "h1~h .trc
b:trrcd brown. llcud h~s ,i/vn1 -11/1111! crrm111~1tth "mtrmllng
with blue~ loN.\ . 1hc cm\\ n p,uch hr" un tr1Jc...:l'nl 'llWhty. Ju.
brown and b3rreJ 1hr<1ughnu1, 111c lu1ltu11 11111 lnlcn11cd1u1c
plumages exi>11b.11 arc a1t.- hkc, hut hu vc han "ct hack' 111111mi>t c
extensive flank oorring. Plumn11c vnnab11t1y u ccn11111ly l'd ntcd
10 ugc. howcovcr. the " hilc crown ra1ch 1.111 " flf>em on J"'''
white some ads. do nor hflvc ii i\ h1ghluno.I Jl<lf!Ulu11on in the C
>\ ndes is fargcrantl blocker. hn vrn11 fc,, c\11'thl\ c llan~ h~mnj,'
and appan:ntly never ha' p.1 lc ~11 ~w11 p.11.-h \ 0 1( F 'ions~
loog..rcpcull\ Clon-('lrhc,.tmr dmt< ttm f/nrn "'"<hue.., .
"ith att<:nl on second) llJ blc \ l.in11 'Jll .c 1 cry 'hon nn111n~
lril~ triiiiilipp, lbAt J..-,,.,cn.t hi;hll)
Black-billed Shrlkt ly111111

~ I I ''" II Lu "'"'"> "" ,, lo .. "' lht \nJ.:, (Ir other open or >Cltll-O~n arc.b The) perch r\>lllllWlllh, lfi
I up11 1111~1 1111c ""'"'8 ''" r1r1 "hk:h ""'' mduJc hzarlh 3nd small mammals. Lari:ch <1lcn1 Rulou.... ct-1..,J I 1
1 ">'.Ill loq 11111111 111 hpc '" ~hnlc-IHant, "'bile lhe >OU!bcm Clw>colatc-1cntcd l)ran1 "a colourful J,..
1t Ian.I

lt11lo11\ wtbbed Tyrant Birro gris li.J 1n XII Rct '"" 11>1 "IU
f'111lo1t1/m1\ rufipt'nnis CA1 10' \11J wnl
I II 1 R~mtl) d1lKQ\~10t:b1k,r.tttandHr) local
II tI 11 'I I RttJm) Pnd"'~ ..n ~hr1'bh>t nxkumJ chff>
1 n '"" ~11 pmbtc>r drc~ h sround for IO(ld. \uy ti.>1 er
rr I \<' n \mm.'1111 Kn"I Otttd> 1a Pc./1 ff71U RR'' cs.
hi I n, prn.w:I """"' on df) pun.i er.a,.l;and v. nh shrub
iitl rt J~oo m rnt.,Tlfl C \fl01' L1 ...," small
~ '4)r. >11h Ions. lom bl~k bill \tnl Kfl'l lhrt11tgh<>ut. M<N<> "1 .-r ""'
Jthk l//1tt
I~. unlike bld le~' of BldC~bolkJ Sh.Ire .Uri. 1.111
fl b. lh l'al. 1upNloral u'IJ ,..,,, "" 1IT.-r d1~11no;111c
f'I N111l1'1<0U .. h1tc 1n uul In ll1gh1 J111mct1>t. 11i1h
Grc:n. 'lhich "l.1rger. l>ul~1cr 11nd h.1, lrt>nger hill I
bellied bch "'rongl) cmnamon untkna1l-cocn, S111111.
n /~I//"' '" 11111111 um/ turl frvm Ollh:k-b1llcd Shnkc
micmpt,,.ro <m.allcr. p.llcr and '"""' grcy"h \ O IC' t 11,.ut
11 " '"" 1/11111t1!(<'. 1/imnur l>u./1 uird thmn<'f' foil/ Lael.<
known, higb-p1tchcd. <implc 1ocJluat10n
Iv"''"'~ 1-111111 l.111cr Vagr.1nt ( htTI lycutchcr h~ -.milar
I tit U 111 lu1thl'1h O.\lnn11m11nhmwn. \OI Ct. A~hon.hogh
1 111 to. ,t lll \'tllll' ltquu.I no1c. tu t."
Great Shrike-Tyrant Mero
Agriomis livida
HI 11 k hlllt'd Shrike-Tyrant Mero gaucho l 2<> ~m (IO") 'I he lnr~cst th
\1111111111\ monlana ctnchcr, si1c nfthruh K1111\\11 I
l 23 ml (l>"J. Widc!.preud m Andel., cn1 MTill ll hird~I Pound in modo 1

J I h111 ul~t> occuN at lnw ckation.s

m 11 Rc111nn OOen found 1n ahi
pl~no '111.igc,, pcrcb111g on buold-
111cly nrid 'hruhlnnd u1 ..ell 1
rnrc>i cdac nr 01icn N111/111/11~1"
ll>f'l't 1n etremc 'ulh. 0 2C"KI 111
1ng. '""''de In nntuml hab11a1s. IDF' J II IC \110'1 fllrxr "~'
1 u<11ally ro<k) lope> near ST'llS~
land. rrdcri ,,. rcrch on rock.
/.ulh ooth 1h1. ! hl>olt-J bill Otoh
>hnlcl)nint .-uh ri,h """'""'"'
b..11) anJ undmu1l-<"01,rt . Ma) he <onfu,cd for Au 1111
uthcr titan bu.hc O ~soo m
1m "TlrtC"\110' T11t<ma11oi Thrus;h. but note mon: urnght ""'"'"' tkcpl>~-cJ bill. h(,/J
drroat nrrukin~. oJ111h>nn hod nJ bd, ~nil blact..sh lep.
O:lrl. la.ii ~!cs from all bu1 Cirt) "1'1hcJ (1roit l1~t. \\llh
stronger lhroa1 '1n:tl.1ng iUIJ cinND1<>111~1 \OIC I L 111d
<lenl. calls,...., .I: <tr

Chocolate-vented Tyrant
Cazamoscas chocolate
... Neoxolmis rufiventris
L 22 cm 18 s-1 A nltng I''"
of orni
Mero de la puna t' Pat~gon"n gra.,\IJnd .. 1th "-Otltt"'J bu'~
. .'l
Often pcrd1c tn fence "'"" a. --~11 "'
shrub, Fonotic' on grouno.l w11h u11r1gh1
po>turc. ~olm1ry Pr in p~1" Olien ""
motion lei>. on pn>m1n.:111 rcn:h, dmp-. do.-n
to wound 1n teed May nm l'h1k on ground.
OiclJng wing> ocMmly when p:iu~cd () SOO m ll)EN 11
f'ICt\TION Striking und d1M 1 n~11v~. 11 l11r11c llyc111chcr .-11h
h/ut?grey lrrod a11d hn:nt ctmlrt111/11111r/1/r 111/1111.1 1111tft'f'/11trt1
Wi11g.r bolilly f>alll'rneJ, 1.-/1/t 11 /1/w ,.,,,,,.,,,_ hlmA 11rlm11rJ.-v
lorgl'fr ruflms w:co11durfl( 11111/ 11 /1111 1rr11//nJ1 d111 D1~t11ic11vc,
/n11g poi1111!il willgs gnt o murtin l1At' tir "''"n p/mu-11.t ..
1mfHl!>S1or1 When perched may be c1onfu,cd Mth A11,1nil
Thrui.h. bu1 note grey head, 1nch11Jl1111 1hroat blnck bill und
leg.". mtl 1>1ng pattern, \ OI C~ A ,harp. ye1 !>Oft ,.,,,,, ~h111.
11lst1 $11l~lc") llable sofi call,, '"''fl
I'll" I' ,......., l) t "'
l'I ~ 11 i'ji C..1u uncl ty1.rn_l_ , -' - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - --.;:c
1 111 u "11 11111 11,..,,.i, 1 "'11h l1111g lq:. JOO unique upright poqure The) att \cl')l ,nulu. dtffc:nnt in c<1l111u
,; n 11 llJ'f'C 11 II rnlntl<"ll 1u1<I .,,c \le) k31Urc Ill note is 1be dcgrtt of contr.1\1 bcl,.ctn th<! b2ck and""'"'"''
t I" I '"'""I"'' 1~, i...,. hlu11) .i1 1ltn& b.:I<>,. and crisppak fnng~ to tht pnm.:ana. Gcncnlly tlent. In rrmi: II
I 1,, "1th ""' h11ttnll) hl, t11~ltt and Jangling legs.

I '''""' 11o1pr d Ground-Tyrant mfr<qotntfv 4000 SOOO m. IOI:.'\111 It \

U 1111111011 de nuca roj1ta TIO!\ A dull 11r01111dtyr11111. which 1 't<u.oll
1n1crmcd111c l>ctvvccn Wh11e-br<>.,.cd 114
i\11111 11.1 t1col.1 rufivertex TX #62
Rufc111>-narc:d /fo/1111.1 '"""" p.111h ,.,..,
I 17 17 Sc111(67 C>.9") Oryprc-punaw11h nnJ wmr1111,.1J10it11/t to <ee m tlti! /irltf 1\111111
1\mt IJllcr '13ll or hu,hcs Al<o rocl..y hkcty to oc~ur "'"h much W-Ccr Ochrcn l'N
''"IX"" ;ind ai;ncuhunl field< Oficn rcrdlt'S and Wh1tefron1cd. wluch have wmc~ ~.s<h ...
"" hu~hc. fence JIO'' or tJll talk Hire~ 10 the tail 1tp. and I ~le rant! on the fold.:d Sondln~ Oih(f
1.111 11u1d.I) 1nd cumtently ~so \nonh 1n wise confusion h~cly "'''h R11f11uH1ip(d. v.hicb tenh to
Mnterl .isoo m I D ' I It IC" \11 0 ' A found m dncr h.abtUI< Puna h3. a dttTute rufous crown p.ll I!.
r.11 ., <hm grl'Undl)'NDI .. ,,h m dl\llDCll\e .,.,hj,;b 1~ DOI en.ply dem.lrcatcd In odJ1tt011. tt> gr<'> "11"
/.,,,.,. b1ll tlra1 '"" a J.,.,,.,.,n,J llp Paf,, pan caforutwn ,,.,, <> l>ro11 '' 11mr. which ts 1~1 tn RufIWI
hf111 X"''
alH1h' "11h wntrast/Hg hfackulr 03ped. n.c.Jtad. <""".,'" "'uh th< ..11tg. turf mod..rattft. artd
" nJl in.f '"'' Bnght ru/<>111 nap p<>I< h. clearly 11i>anctly less tlW\ on Rufou<-n.1pcd \ O ICf UnUi<i .. n
r. tnl \ln .. h11esupcrcihum n:;i.;hc-11<~ye UnJcrparb
1111 1 ''"' 1l1J111k l!fC)' i\d scpamtcd lrom &1m1lnr 11round Cinereous Ground-Tyrant White-browed
1 1"'' ty tu~h Murel' of ~onu:1>1 het'l>..-en bad. and ,. mgs1 Ground-Tyrant
Dormilona cenicienta
1111 11111 .i111 1111111" 11npe pmcb. Juv. luck~ na.,.- p;ud\ and Cinereous Ground-Tyrant
ti l1u th ., "" un 1dcn11fien1wn 1>1ublc111, but nolc p:tlc blue Muscisaxicola cinerea TX # 63
"l't'"' I' 11 '' l11ck11111 any br11wnih. Juv. c-ttremcly s1m1lnr L. 17 cm (6.7" l. Andcan slo11cs. prcfonltg h~
,, I "" ""'" ' ' ''"""I ryrnlll but has hl,!hl Jowtlcurvcd btll ltp. roc~y area~ l'lotC"s 18il quicklv and con

\ 111 I '"'""' ""'"' mrcly ptvc< un acnal 1lt~pl~y. and then &istrnUy. 250() 4000 m to"11'1FICA'l'ION
""' , , 111111 111~h rtll1cd '"'""" 11 \flll) n:itn.:d. I p.1/1" l>lu<'gl't!1 gr1111111J 11 rnm
1111h ...,,,,,. unJ1 '1"'"' \'1nm..n I~"' h St.1111
Whll t' h1 owed Ground-Tyrant ,up:r<ihum that 16 nOI n111tce.1hlc behind eye
111111111101111 dl" ccja blanca $tn"")C NM/ru., J>.-r..c<ft pa/t /iJc an.f Jarl.1T
M tni:s,1u1I Most 'tmtllr to Rufou .. ruap.:d
Afu,, ''""ofJ albilora
Ground Tyran1. "hteh lcl a cro" n pa1d1
L 111 c:m (7 11 .\~. prdtmng a.<ajuv Sep.irated b) ('1ncrcuu.Gn>Un,f.Tynant'~t.-n.Ullt"\ to
mo1'lltr Mliulton< and bog' 1110"1 show l>nno'11Hh >1tng> .ind the 1h11r11rb1fl fac~mg" tlo11,,,..,,,..1
abundant brtteltnj! IHIUDd tyrnnt cun-r. Bl<lt'l:JC) bad. much l"'ler 1han \\'h1tcbro" ed. 1mJ
tn ( and ~<. Chtk Flaro Utl hkc Puna. Unlikely to occur wtth 1hc ln11cr <pcc1cs \ O IC.'
01hcr 11rounJ.1yrnn" but let> Unlnown.
frcque:ntl) . ISOO -100(1 m. IOE.
1 IFI C,\TI O' A grtifli hro""
11r1n1ndtyran1. wtth off white
Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant
unJcrr.>n\. Cro" n pu1d1 J11rl. ri1 Dormilona chica
Ii ltl fl, , ''''' ""'"' d.t1111:<111J Face 11o111enul1S11ncu,c. Mus<.isaxico la maculiros tris
lnl<' 1tn.l I,.,,,. "hu. <llf"'trlfwm lh<Jt" n<J/IUtJ/>f~ L IS cm (.S. 'I">- Ory Andean habi
, 111 l I h1lc m11,1 hlely to be cont~cd .-11b tat>. prcfcmng rockier slopes or
1 1d ~"'""' n.1(><.'tl (1ronnd Ty.-.nt' Wtme-bro,.cd banks. 10... er 1n ,..1n1cr Rarely Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant
t rlll'llC'I""""' '"''" 1n~ uni\ ,,,oJtrat~ <u111rast nJrC< llil 0 (wmtcrl 3700 tn
t 'vn 1,J.,rA,, 11 "'X' t,11f \upnnhwn "rong behind IOP,l IFI \l 10 :0. rhc H1tufl
, "'""-~oth '" ~'"' 4.'1'0~n p.uch and Rufou'i- '"' wvuntl llNnl Sru~1ur3fly.
, '''".It "''"" l"'lch tbJI m<re eleatl) fh11rt-w1n1:etl. uppN1r1n11 a u
Ill 11 111 I.th , "'"'" ll.tldt of Wtutcbm"cd Lauer dwrtir prunan ru~n~""'"' .iml
,1 h h1h 1. 11p11fhl 1h.1n R11fou~nnr1ed and mnrc c ~posed tail nrea whc11
perched Pcrchc more hort/onrnlly thnn u1hergruund-1yro111s.
BfQ1t111/s /1 with huff wadt 10 underp11rt~. which lllU) hmf
objcurr. .w v:11kitt11. 7'1'u />11{} wl111:flw '; the llttly gr\lund tyninl
lh3t consisicnlly 'h"'" wmsb.1n.. lltll ,mnll. t>ut 111vcn n very
close view the rdftrn <1r OlllllR<' />tn~ t11 tlw fmll!r man1l1hft i
d1agn0Stic. \ OICE (i1vcs vrn:dl oe11.1I d"pluy. 1111t1lc Otltel\
in group. that pccd4-ur 1nJ <nd 1n a m'ldulatcd "h1stlc
0111 111111111.1 111 1.1 Puna tL.tk..tbA. TA. TK Cf11c1HHI /11'1<1 >:tnous \tmpll" ti4 and'''

...,, ' ... 1h11'1@ ltl

I 1,. I 1 tt11t11u n fk'I
tli ' 11111.111Ihi1t hut
Whit 1111111 .. ,11 , 11111111 Iv "'
1 Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant
l'li\11 7 1. <.1011nd ~1.inh II
11 I h 1111 I \ h 111 II i.1111~, 111111 t \\ tth l1111u le11s nod unique upright posture They arc ~cry ~1m1l~1. ;JdTcnng 111 coh1111 I
1 "'" '"'' hn "l'l'<I'"" , ..1..1111111 11101 .1 Ju,crulo IAck en>wn ~diet.. .how blul'f)' 'trcakma bclnw and "''I' I"
11 I"'" 1 t. 11 1411 11111 In l"'"l.ClhQperfonn11C11aldisplays ... 1thslo"' buucrOylt~c0111b1~nddan11hni; I

'"' n.1pcd Cround-Tyrant wnh white wpcrc1lium 1ha1 narro"'~ bclund eye. Al ""
I 11111111lun.1 f1a1lc angle. cinnomon-brottn nntrol cro"n trtr< m1y be " oi.N
M11u" ico/J flJvmucha TX#64 UJIPCIP311$ vcy. '""'
mu1cd ht~y dun 1n (u''"'"ln
Rufous-mpcd. Jn . lacks Ja~ fotthcad, but "<f"JMN
I lCJ 'rn I X"l Puna, alpine SJqJrolbra/ arra oJtd UZI! ~ICS from ( lllCfC.1'1) All<l
h;ih1tJI,, prcfcrs modcralcly moi51 Rufous-aaped \-OIC E Call ~ Mlfl 111! and a tn .-1 ln"'n
"''.. "'oth hon &ft-" Con>1S1cntl) p11cb than 1tio.c of Whu.,.bfn..,\!tl Gruund tyrant
01d,, and Oatc$ tail 10htlc forag-
1n1 ~ lc~trcmc !IOUlh) 200G-
Cinnamon-bellied Cround-Tyrant
4 ~00"' IO E"\l I F'ICAT IO '
S1ruc1ur1tly. s1m1lar 10 Wl111c- Dormilona rufa
fron1cd ond d10crcn1 10 other MusdsillCicofa capistrata
groundl)'l'llnt> Thc5e tv.o have L 18 cm (7.1") Breed, in ra
lll!!J:l rr '' /1t~g lI tltt' ta1/ llp Ind />(1/d ttltltt! {ortttt!Ud Pa1<11on1an tq>pcs, pan1cul.ul
1 I r 111 f"ll Ion I un~nnorc. they arc l~fXC and sbo"' a area SUbJe<I to lnw gr:v1nii pi..
11 1111 1 /"''' 1m1/ 11n tlr1 /u/JeJ ut11111/1mt.f. Othrc-napcd is >Ure M1gnitc nnd wmlcN in l11jtl1
'"' 1 , ,.,11111 nnly to Wh11c-fron1c1I Ad has npu/r )~/low naptt elevation 11rusy punn. Kc11111rc
I'"'' 11 l11~hl\ >h1ble lr<1m rear bur oflcn mcon~pocuou\ ur other bllnks or ln'icr rock for "~""'
11111 \ 11c) 11rooml tynmt \lo1tl1 a bm..,n1sh tone, unlike rlie 0 .ISO m (bt=ling), 3000 -l~IMI m
"~ 11 ( 111c1c11u,, Rufou,napcd and, to i.omc extent. '" nonh 1o~:N' l l' IC1\l'ION"
1'1111; .,,,;llh<'IH (Jn oltwn-1.v 1s 8ntnllcr nod dnrk~r. Juv. very
mcrli11m-si~,ed. ~hunky 1;1111111111
11111111 ltk1 Wltlto. lro111c,1, bul s111oll c1'. /11t.1 s/ig /11/v lcs~ white tyrant. Dis tinctive patte rn of /1//Jrll (t111/i('(tl/ mod 11111,vA
"" '"'"'" 11d ""' wltll<' rm .fecu11d11rl<'~ nnd c1isp pale fringes conrrosti11g with rufous rap I 11rlt. pal~ '"/Wl'tt/111111 l'nlc ~r~~
1 ''"'"""' \()IC I A11 ..-1.gocn m \~1011.., hcocxcitcd. throat and brcasr blend into won11 clnna1r1t111 lw/11 m11/ '""'
Grcy-br0\1 n abo1 c. show1n11 /111/e c1111tt11\I 1111/r JorA1r '""~'
White- fro nted Cround-Tyranl 011d tail. Juv. has black1~h 1111 k but nu crown patch and 1ht

Ih111 11loti.i giganle wings are cnply edged cinnamon Juv. may be confu.,..d with
Daric-fad ()round-Tyr.int, but norc p;ik r1n110Mon 1111,1/t w
"'""' ,,,11ucold .Jfbifrons 11Niuparu \ OICE \''"or tui''<'
I '~Ill (II S"l Onl) 1n I Rcgl<ln. Ratncttd
'" /,,;ff,/,,/ (l>cJt,:J hubttat "' a/11p/QJto, 31\loay~ Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant
on 111111,t \tie> C'on"'tcnrl) O&lt\ 1411 when
fu11~1n 4000 ~(ii)() m IDAVI II IC \TIO'I
Oormilona tontita
I ,,,...,..,, ~.could h<-confu,.al v.1th <llntc- Musdsaxicola madoviana TX#65. FU<
' lynnh1 Nut Olll~ I.vi< bl.t abo ,.,,,l.J..,.
dum L 16 cm (6 l I \ancty uf l'('C1I
.ill mlorr grouttd-nru ..11, """ u pcll,.,..llid hab1111s Dr~'Cd 1n alpine 11nc 1n
'" I ~<t Odor,...n:ipcd. long "'"XS rr<1<.lr tu 101/ 11p. SAn~U>m.'11mcion rt'<'~)' Lia
ltt./,J "'"B 1~u1"1 "'' fiJ./rJ "11.l"n~. the b .t tu """' In "'n((r ~nd lI '"'"
~ pK11<1tn \\ "&' 1ran,lu.:<111 m 01gh1, mon: 50 bnJs, oetutnnit 1n pa'turn, in
thn i:wunJ ty1nt' BN"1J .. 1t11c j;,,...JtNJ. tnOfte aihural ric1J-. de.en \Ctub anJ Cinnamon-bellied
,. 1hanuot1,11,. 1L1p.'dura11yochnarou11J-tymn1.wkc Ground-Tyrant Oark-fa c('d Crou111I ly1 11 11
bcac~ The unc Clulc~n iimunJ
11 hr 11 ,,,. ,1 h '''" h .,round tymnr. but brown"hJl'C)' not t)'mnt tNt can he: found common
' ' y I "'" 'I'"' f'llc I~', drl~-r on btta>t. Ofll)' sl11!)uly ly 1n the Cc:nrntl Valley and nc.lr
1 II 1 "l'I 11 th " " 1u, c111Mmon fnnin to "'ing- 5ca IC\>d dunng m1grauoo and ""1n1a flu.:h in non-brn'\1111~
t lull~ "111 p 1wl ind ht11w11cr upp<rJ1<UU VOICE sea.<on. 0-1500 m. IDEl'fflfl C \TIQ'oj Metf1um-\11cd.1.hun
fl III lo/I II/ II/ 11.,. 11,11 di 75_. llllC~ai>
0 Icy structure. Th .. tfarkest >1mt111d-1yru111 J').rrk 11rcy"hbrown
above and paler grey. 11111 "'hue, on unddftlJns BttrA <'tllllrtllt<
Ill 11 I. f11mll'tl (,round Tyrant /111/e with darker tail und Wlll>tf Mo't 111H1ccablc a. blm Anlr
linot11tl1111 t 1h frt llll' ll<'f;lld jot:e, fuckiJllC /Hlfl: SU/)('rrl/ll/lt/. Q"Cll 411IOll \llCW~, moy lhUW
Aflltt II Ill! tl/, f fr lllfl,tfn
warm dark brown wash 10 lundcrown. Al..c1 11 dark 1 h111 And
J>C'IC~y wash 10 1hro111. Juv. p11 tcron he111t, t11~kH dork Qhln, uud
I 111 1 1111 iK l "I I 11111111111 low tl~nsities in has pale cinnamon frini.;c 10 coverts 11nd whitish frln11c lo
1lh 1111 Ii I 11111 1111\'11 1lrl~st. 11"ky alpine primaries- Falklands populntoon (mur/11111111u) '' 1.irgcr 1111!
I 111111 rlh 11111 \t I" t.tlllHI l ~p1~.1lly bobs greyer than m:tinhwd formw VOIC: 'i.111 ""lfk,yllablc notes
ltl t 11111 1 lh 111 111111111 11 '~IHI .lSOO m
1111 111 1111! \ 1111'11 \1.11p.-1 11111 1ou nd
H , l'JP!'1I th lfl olhcrs

11 '""' ff'i'l'\// <// 1h llll<llH'

" "'
\l11n I I 1lh 11
rlC?ld l y 11ml

~pectaded Tyrant
run Andean (White-winged) Negrito
Colegial del norte
I ll1<m16"I rclJll\clv common ""11mCr Lessonia rufa
'"''"' lo 11t2nhc of l nJ 'i {bile l:-c- L I :?.5 e111 IS9) Rninctc:d It> highlanJu>l lhc Ill
m.tn.hj '" rccJ-frm~N ronJ or la!.~ v.berc lt'1dent . Tc~1nal Rolhblt. cd
Prckr. recJ, 1.\.1rpu), bu1 Ill.I) alJ<> be lakes and other h1ghl3nJ ,.etlllnJ Ch
found 1n can.a1l Cl>pAal.. ;uiJ nl.lnihc< .. uh tiSIOC,..,.,.i lliull v.atcr. JSOO J~>O"' Ill~' llt I
11>nic muJJ) edgc1 1r adJ<1ccnt licld' in C,\TlO' .._,/ump). 1ht>rtt.111,/, /11n~ Ir~ I '
"h1ch to hl'lli;e kn.:,1nal. m1'1\1ly feed' bflleJ rathr rou,,./ 1 tngC"o/ .,,.,,11 j/\, ,,,, he /
nn 1rounJ, l>ut lcmhrial m.alt con>r1.:- 111Dle Nod. ..-ith 1111.,,,. "'''"''' In 0111h1. prim
uou1, J"'<h1n11 h11h on rccJ or taller ~ho"" 11h1flh n/th. cr<u/lng a pu/1 111ng //,,
I II I IN~I n1. hill muI er'"' l\nJClo 111 mi&l'lll111n. IDt,!\- Compared 10 Au<tml Ne11n10, n1.1lc A11uc.in Ii 1
111 II \ I Ill'\' A chun~y. t~lhcr lmrt-1111lcJ fl~cnlchc:r HI/I $hg)ltly d.:in.<.T rufous bad:, ..-ho<h 1 <anJC,. llut le" c1>mr''"
~ / 1 /'<tnlrtl 1111./ I'"'" h-mnnrfltn " ' " l)p1cal of lightly l;uogcrthan i\u,1ral. Andean" lcn "''!!ally J1mo1rl11
1 '" 11141 ll~<ll<h<n., Srcctnclcd l)im111 hJ lon11 lcll' In 01gl11.
11,. w111yi. me hmud nnJ rouml~d . M11/1 t/111/11('//w, hlock 11'/th
lhan Austntl, females con be quuc dur~ 1111d dilllcuh 10 1, 1r
1he fonncr. F'm11/~ hu r11(t>111 111111111<' /1111 ii h/1,,.4thJ;'<'', t
I tr ,,.,, 1tl1111 "'""' pr/Ntur/1'. <1c~11111111 Mrikma. thagnnM1c. 011 fiend. Wings and nil bla.c k"h, w11h u hrou 11/\/r I'"""' ...
1.1 .. ~ oml "h11c IVl'1lf pancrn M.1lc ul~ll ha' ""II<,.,.... .111r jultl~d primaries. T11il entirely black, lacking 11 while cd1r1
'"'"'"' d /.1 /lr.1/11 /lfllt lr1111111 11//1111'.1/ll'f'lllCfo. Female qui1e IJclow blackish-grey, may op1m1r mou lcil tlo1 kcrou liclly, \\ 111
1hll. un1 .utJ nrten cooh"e' obwrcr. m,11111 bm"n uhove wuh a p;1ler grC)' lhroat \'c:n1 darl. . \'OIC'~: Uunlly "tcni. ~"'
" .~ ..I h...1., l>d1m />alt' /111/f nth u 1h111(1 >flnJAt'1l lma11 faint oocsyllablc co II nnlc~.
I' 11. hull 1111crc1l111m 1:on1ni-1in11 wilh Jiuk cu1l. 111c fcuwrc:.
11 ''Ml lrn1~i.., "'"'" lrom 01hcr 'lnJlCJ i>(Cic' Mc 1hc 1harp Austral Negrito Colegial
'' ""'' l1 l11/I "'hui.h r)c<. lon11 lc11 anJ upn1:h1 rotur.:. and Andean Negrito
N ht n 1Jtu 111111-1 /'"' h1, 1ha1 arc al~l ""blc on the d1,.cd
Lessonia oreas
[ I 11 5cm14 ~1. ( mm<ln 1n ti~
ll 111 111ung 1hc "'"'" ~onfu,i1n 'JlC'-IC ;, C>m:nlkr:i P1p11,
"I icb1 ho'11nl.rJabo1c:anJ~l<1" \~n frumthefcao~ c:\.tf<"mc 'uu&h, tc,., cetrnmuf'
n 1~ ab."'" lrnulc '\JIC't.SdcJ T)ranl ha' bla,l le&"' 001 fanhcr nonh Tc:m."Stn~I fonJ 11f
I' i.1 h i.., 11mr 11c Comm<ln "'"e1 I Plate Ml \ O ICE almo<t any apcn arc11 lrnm
t.I I knt Male dnpla unol~ tl},ng up anJ ti.cl. lo '" hQ.:~ to ngr1,-uh~ral licl.t but
I" b h1ng the Jharc vf ,,,de, < ~ 10 111 in dwnc:tcr. re<1uor~ lb1 1rca. "'1th hu1t "'
1 ''"''~ '""l'I' 111 .ound II 1hc: OJ>e\ uf the 01""1 ,pa.....: ci;c1J11nn 0. cup1c mlHI
at N ' "' uf llUJ'bc ur l;ilc.s In
\hot I U.1INI Field-Tyr.11nt J'~llr' ID brc:cd1n1 iCCln, but
01hcnnsc u.'u31J} 1n loose Oo.:ks I h11hl) m1Jnllnry, ><me:
' ' 11nO\lJS de cola corta
rcachiqg 11;cll to the 11<>1th al1>ni1111C rn;a.1 I "" l.;anJ rc\'.<>rJ, of
M1H<s1.ill.J brt'111cauda ncgmos in tllec~1tt111c: north ht>ulJ ~ do>el) ll<:Nllmn:J IQ
I I a<kquatel)' 1Jenti fy lht!m t0 r~ S1m1lrl)" 11 " JIV"iblc
tlut m ... inter some Ao,1ral 1'ciinu'I\ ma> 11;.:ur 1n 1hc: nonhcm
highland,., 0o llOI 11.S-.Utne 1Jcnt1fic:at1<-0 bll..:J I'd flCl>OO, lhe
prccisedis111buuoru. 11f1hc,.., J'C"c a~ '"11 bcm11 Jc1cnninc1I
0 IC,lOOm. IOE~l f'ICAT I O'I ti 1/111111 l11Jrlt111/1J lt111JJ
h"'8eJ. mrl"billetl. ratlter rotJ11dunx.-1l m11// /l1c1J1dwr Id Austral Negrito
mall' blad. M11h ru/ous 11umth In 01i;ht pr111111rlr., 111111 khlt,
unly sl ightly paler 1hnn rc.i of wln3. F~mnlc ~hurcs rufou,
mantle bu1 ;, greyish on head wuh l111l11ly JMler 11pcr~1li11m
Wmgs and tail blael. with 1wn nnrro11 rnfnu, "inlJ.bUr> niul ,,
rufous panel on folded primnric>. Tnil wh11uCclf!C<l , 1hi' hcmt:
111os1visible en Oigb1 Below gtc)1Sh-bn11n. oll-eun:ly Wc:llkc1I
anJ wbite-thmated. Vcn1 white Imm nMlc "1111l3r tn ad 1m1lc
bul has br11wner wmgs with 11at~ n1l1111~ w1ni: flHh. ~um~ o l~o
show slighlly paler 1hma1 nn1I 11p.rnh11m V()l('I' UIWlly
s1lcru. bu1gi1esson nl<!ulhc ul4m1 ""'~ / 1r I"/' Al .o a h1wh
1mchcd r..1Ucr. Song no1 knmn

n .................................._.........._________________________________________________
Whlte-browed Chat r yr.1111
l'I Al I "/7: Chat ty1ants and northern flycatchers O'Orbigny's Chat-Tyrant

I t "" r an i\111kia11 '"'"I'

<I II ' 11d1c1> "hrd1 ach1ce tbcrr greatc,1 tll\cl'o11\ n1'1'1h nf ( hl I he 11u111bc111 I' 1
! tt~I 1.t.:1cd I l>c It dce t(ult~\'l thcd1:1t hran1.. .trn.l laHlec;i.~n;1lh been mdudcd in (l. l1th<""1 \rnulonu 11
<"I 111 .1111<HUll\l''-1''"'" II ranJ, 1111;1n IH>m n.;.,,l)ranl tlyca1cbcr;m ns torighl nuilc rlunlJ):.'C .cnJ tron11 '\II II J11"'"I
nu M1 'Plwb1" endue!.- M:Ht.111 !rf/tJm1.1t-lol.c I) rants" ith hidden crov.n !"'I.din 4fld 1-ll'f:\ "' >""""h "'m
t 1k t 1 ~led i.. llrun-cnlnuted 11\\~lchcrt>tt ia,onom1c Notn). finally. Altlf"/t"!(llt Oycatd!Cr areo mm1l
~ II\ 11111 rrlu, 11h M:i<l I J tr ,,. nd-t11f<Mb females.. 111 t""" 11 1\n 1n1

O'Orbtgny's Chat-Tyr~nt P1lajo roiizo distmctne. Belo" \\h111"1. v.nh &J'C' brca"Nnd
Or lltl1oec.J oen.Jntho1des "11>11to1lanks. Alk>r:unc "''h tllat-t)r~nl> \\h1d1 hn
.. bite "1lpcrcill-" '" other ~1m1br O)ld>Ct In 11
L I~ I ~ II> 7"1 C11<:om'"''"' In the :-.;
\'OICE !\ picmoll. Jc-<:cnJrn1t na><al h1tk. Zll

\nclc lnl\Jh11\ -.net) llfh1ihbnJ atc&l,. llh
htub C<1t11roncn1 or tr"' Sh''"~ prcf=ncc - . lasting I'
lnr the re.. "'"'tncni: tand ''' f'>ltl"P" 1n
(.hi!<- b111 ~I "cnl'-"' kM II and 1fbgic>. 21'00- Vermilion Flycatcher Saca-tu-real
~000 n1 11>1 'fl~ IC \flO' I\ medium Pyrocephalus rubinus
Siied lly,athcr wnh a IAfic heat! and long
1111 /11111111J.11t'>cl/~ lrtAlnJI ,.h,,, "'/ nt/111,,, \IK>,cgrC)-
L I 3-l ~ crn t~ 6"1. An ob1ou <"'""'
of the non hem tlc\Cn oa"' vdllcy I""
1\11111 ""h hl11<kl\h w111~' a111l 1u1I I \\U dn11.1n11in w1ngb.ln open ficltl nntl other a~m:uhurul arc' , I
Iii " "'""' rrnnrm111n 1111/1 p11lrr 1/1rcu11 ScpJrublc from pcr.:h1ng cnnp1cuou1ly un fence r< 1
\ t1111l 11 Whit bro\c'tl t"h~I r yr:ini by c1n11.1mon untlcrp.1n nnd u11l11y wtrc>. IUF.... I l'IC fl()"I M.11 I
lu ..1>111,h h:o1.~. O'Orl111111y', ucrniic lnr1i1crund ten~ lf>~cut t1m;tivc, hrl1:l11ntl0111111d111111t/\ 1111tl 1ri.1
11 hl~h.r ck"11111n,, \ OIC"E u~11nlly ilc111. So1111 a ruucuus ~""""""'II 1111h hr11111111/1 1tp/1t'rf11t1 II ,,
1111111~ ...-roe 11r 11111tncd wh1tlc,, rc1111n"cc~11 ofthru of l'tuiu mask No 01her s11111ll ('hllc11n p.r.-cnnc i< red bcln". 111
111.111tktl li1-Spl11c111il from ctnlml 11111C, 1111/11'<'/.lwu-whnta. dowlark.s 11rc much lurJ,1cr nnd lcrrctnul Yo1111i: 111.11, hi
''"""I /II,, II /11'('111 /lt1/l('('fll111-11 /1t(/u, Smncllntc alcn by female but has pn1<h) reddish on hrcll>l 1111d co11 h1111l Ve rmilion Flycatcher
lkolh llklllb.r. lll ratr funhcr C<lfllU\lll!l thc p:!llClll. browni;h-gn.iy abo~c and paler bcll'I" ( '"''"1mr11, "'"'''h 1
1/1ma1.ji11eh ww1kctl 011 bf'(mt ui11/ """' P~td111r '' .l,/1111
Whtte-browed Chat-Tyrant Pitajo gris '""' Bran-coloured I lyca1chcr 1s 11nilAr rn hu11c, h111
o,Jithoecil leucoprhys WJSU'Cakcd and bulf> or pca.:h..:olourcd Cl1I untlcrp.111' \.OU t
I 14 ~clll(("l <"<mnl"n1111Jicrrcpunai.brub Usually silent. m:ilc' ghc rolh<krni: """" "' .11.rul d1,rla) 1
prt-pi1-nRJRJRIP.. p11-p1lf'll TIRIRIRIP
t->tir L'<--i 'net) 11f>hNhby h1b11at,, mclud-
1ng tn to,. n ~ml \Illa c,. uuall) hrubb~
r~\ anc' ''-'nnatly ""'" ct~P'lm'~ t lo~er
Bran-coloured (Rufescent) Flycatcher Whit Wllll ,,
k\11111>11 th.in ll'Orb1gn) \ t hal Tyr.uu. bu1 Cazamoscas pico chato Bl.u !! l y11tt1l
o>.-lap ~\(Ml .11i1Mtm IOt 'TIFIC A Myiophobus fasdatus rufescens TX#65
110' '\ nl(J1um-sucJ .,.. f O)atdcr Lii :hml45 l l111lc~ru-n1~(hrl.. r.nha
1111 u lUJctu.":11 ,f '""" 1.111 Ctrc) f.i.:c "''h tnlu1g .. hue rare Dcscn oa'" \Ill )' wnh taller n '"
1ll1rn1 \hm"C" ll'C) .. 11h hflhl hro.. n "' b. 1111tl bl;;cker 0-500 r IOf 'Tl rl( \TIO ' .,h P
uJ WI lo iumn- CllllUltk'll "'"J;l>.u-o. Bein,., l"'lt' cd hkc 1111 Ew ,J,. ..,. O)c t,i..,r \ ,11,
~Ill h 1/u ~~t unJ ""I 'ice D'OtblJn~ , for -.cp.irallOll.
upn~1-p.:n:hrn11, O} catd~r "'nh ",.,.,.. ""'""'
\ 1Ut 1 1 onm1<n oll ~ h~rr 4", 1'.""111c1crnc' a lrgluly
i<h np('t'rpar/\ 1t111/ /I~'" h1 hull t ' " " ' " ' ' " "
il.""ll'('!lillinitl" 'I> wn .....,:amonuC.n<'lhl'Crle'llfrtp:al -f.-rp.11'b T1t<1 '-'11 ~rlfSlhun urtJ Mtn}: /\IM'l,
I nm ~Uf\tnlJ lh rlh ~nJ t~gth, P<H Pt'"'P"""' and concealed crown patch Short""'"' /.uj/ 111....,.1/1,,,,.
I Pl" I 'l"l<'cJ I c ' llOlt per ! ' female Vcrmaliun Flyauchcr \ 01( ~ A lo" mll latina c I 1

l'1l 1gu11hm Tyr.-Jnt Viudita (Peut~n) White-winged Black-Tyrant Viudita negra

{ r 1/111,1111,,hu /)cJrvirostris Knipolegus aterrimus
L 16-17cm(6-7"J. Vngroot,oncoighlln1tin VII Rc111on Prcfcrc
dry sc.rubw11h miler hnibsor rnall 11cc" lt>.,N I I FICATIO
Male hlat:k witlt hl1t<'h<nv1I /111/ um/ ltif)lt 11/11/(' 111111111rrp.: /11 Bran-coloured
(ligltt. Pemule lt'orm bmw11 ahm1, llu/f~ /11/011 11 llh hrl>:/11
n1(<111s rttm/J 11111/ 1111/ l>tm:. VOIC'f. U~1111lly ~llcnt, ;1mg 1i1l~c11 Flycatcher
rn hon aenal drsplay a 'harp m1>ec1 h~1:11 .. ,.,.,,

l'l /\1 1 /R D1uc.on, dot adilo, rush- tyrant and e laenia
!Ju t11 1 , '" "''"''I 11.. "" 1111ta
""'"'arc 1111..:b more d1H= east of 1hc- Andes The doraJuo l>clon ., 1" ""II 1v
1 '111111 11111 11 flH 11d1n " " " 11,.11 ~re"f Jl\1:1'>11) tn.A~. The rusbl}ranllsamon~ 1hcp1cuic>111I die 11,, d
1 111 11fbu11l th, 110111111tlo11 th" f 11111ly uni) tnduck::s Juli gJttn <"" brov.n <pcc1cs On lbc other lund, the cl4'111
I I J11ll IC<ll phllll 1~<

I 1tt'!t'yt'd D1ucon Diucon (Urco) "''"g.' Gn:t'n bxk conrrasts "'"" bilk: face und ~cllm11
u/1111 pyrope cro..11 dlid... .. tth c:onccalcd red patth , IK>rJcrcd h\
I :! I cfl1 It< 1 I Pr.-...n.:cd J~
c "" p,.,.,hc prnmm<'ntl) at'1p
supttdhwn. White 1hroa1 conmhh "''th lcnoc>n )'cll,. , 1
.ittl!lllmted b~ hbck b.uon bta"~o-, nta,J"'h v. 1np
a v. bite >tnpc from the co\cl1~ throui;.h the lohkJ 1
bu he,, l"hh or ut1h1) "''ro.
sccoadanes.. A1 tht' correc1 angle, the red undotn.ul-c:on:tt
I orc,1 cJ11c. f.nnland anJ open
''"" I I om1-. 'm.111 nocL~ during
OO\KltlS Ju\ lack bloc on r.,-c,
oot ha, d.lrl n1.1-~ llJt(i Fire-eyed Oiucon
m11r 1...a ...t ontt'r ~ 2000 m grcaUsh upp:rp.111.' ma> be .c:alcd pale> dlo" \lo\l norrc~
IOt \I IH C \TIO\ /\ large the ~lo" ~ ~ duller than nn . ~ml rh.- hr
OylJkhcr w11h an alc:n. 'C111Clll bar absent. VOI CE \ popp1n1 '"'
\\llh a b.11mlllll

po,11111: 1)"11nc1tc ''lloucttc.

quality acccnt~d b> a 'hon bua P""'P 8/.//./T rrn '"' p
>fl 1 1111r 111 lar11<'. llJMllf'f'Cd hc:.ul 1rnd 1>ulltduu1 throat
ll11lh 1111 1.,11 ""~ Plumage grc). darLc1 on"'"!!\ and crn,.n,
\\ ilh ,, ""~"' wh 11c throat U11dcrp~rt> whtll'h v.olh gn:y
It 111~, In l1 11Jhl. d1.1mc1c1i.11c1mtc b;"t 111 t.111 cuntrn\t1ni: with
ol 11k r ll""Y llPf'CfJln~. {'011hl he cuofu,cd w 11h i:oun\l-t y~.111~. llcrc >Ubdr v1d~d 11Ho 1hc 1n1
1..11 th, 1h11ton 1s larvcr, ha. n red eye. t mudt lcs tcrrn<triul thtlciln mxn, \\h1ch nrc c1,.1111hl Warbling Dorndito
,11\11 lul k ll pule \llfXlrCiliu111 00cu found llC;tf slmilnrly ~rC)' in lhc field nnd mny be d10mn1
I 111111111111 I)1ilCtf.l\nch Apllrl from cyr-colour do OcrcllCC\, luucr 'reek~ 1Chllet111' Whlte-rrr
1 111"ll1.-111c~ier. 111111h:i u ho111l11c1 bill. l\hllc tai l corncn;, E111c11iu l'lo fio f; 11 t'/r//1'111 I
'' ) '" hro" n"h hrcoM hJr11t und crnm11no11 rem nunk\. I Scm (5.9"1. One o( 1hc curmnun
\I II ( I I 1cn.. rally ''tent hut utlc" ~ oi l 111. ;111d a IW! et:J. e~t hrccdon11 forci.i bud' 111 lh
tim titth.'' a . . <"n an \('ftc\ 'onv cs a pt ul1u1 hh111 T-f.. count') L<n&-d"t~ncc n111Jr.u1I
"11 ''""' -hon rill note' tcrm111;111ng on a lloun'h ab<ettt on "rnlcr Variety nf h1h1
111s. but require. rre.:s or tullcr 'hruhhc-ry. fr1>1n urb;in ~rllcn\
W,1rbleng Doradlto Pajaro Amarillo and parh tn matorrnl and old IJlllWlh \01hufu1u and
/,rudocofopteryx flaviv'ntris TX#67 ,frilllCana f~ On m11'f31Jl'ln n11rc c.ithohc on hJbllat II
2000 m. IDE'.\ TIFI C \TIO' .\ ,W>JanJ l)tonmd. "4:1ni1 dull
I I ' ' un 14 Q' I Ra1.: on Chile Stn<tl~ 1nh bu
Oh\C Mlh a "'httc C)Crona anJ t .. u bntll .. h11c \\llll;Nr\ \II
'"""'"' ..nJ "Cl nJ'Jnn "t"' Require c11hcr Sc1rpu lends 10 keep crt'<1 r:u..c:J. rc>c.Jlon&,. hllc ccntral cru Dr;ikfi
{ruihl 11' Jir'a 1co1tta1h. hut ltrm<r roorc moroJU!lt
~"~' off'-\\h1tc. "th''""' "~'h 10 h,,... ,t ..1""5 l!d
l'rtf<'~at..-- .trc:a WJ.>CC11ltO,.ct\\1llo"'
1h.. ~ri- ~1nrcron ,...,_ or C 1lcan porulrron ~ 11 small 31t11\Unt 111 )cllnw '"' -.nt Tcn1a1, h:l\c
hold. cnsp ,. hitc fnn~. M'C\ind.tnn cJgcJ "hue bu1 oor h)
1111ln""" U ~00 m ll)L \ 1111(. HIO' \ '~
1UJ1.1ll ) Ctl""'"' rnal'h hirJ Tn Nonh \mnlC.lllS. may ~- fonrunl! a pale l"ncl "'J'M*icJ from ""'" v.1n1har b) a 'Chilean' White-crested Elaenia
dAri. line.,\ shnn-bollcJ but lon~V.on~J n~..:archct l'nnul)
1rrll) W ;;fN frm.ik )CllUl\thro.11 Gt't>lhl1pn but
t'1t~ long. Pnmnr) 'p:oc:inr '"""'en. v.ub a large: g:ar 11111
r>(fthc~ \Cflll~ll) ~nd bill lrU\IU(C I> that of~ ' Puuvl.111' Whl r ' 11rr t 11
t-.:1,.ttn P"' :uid l'6 Ju\ lad., crown p..itch anll ,.1n'har 1e11i.al
11 11ltl 111 "" ahon"C'.11.trkcr anJ ri<hcr "" <ro"n ;md (ace,
n111 ""JI "1111 kmon \Cllov. unllcrp~rt Often ha.. t\\O and secondary cdgtO> m<.rc bun) 'OICI Call u k..c11 "'
f.:o-/ero Son1f a rcptatcJ thrccnolc "hrlplrtf/.11 .1lo ~
f " ' 1111 '"''"' ""lllhJ" lOnl!IC!lgCd fora 01'111 bird. \1o-.t
l"l:pe'1tcd II pen) / 'b=i. ' Ptrul1n' \\ hltr-crc,trd ~ lac11la
b<o ' 1fuw.-.1v.11h I'" M.in)-c:olrun:d Ru,h t)ranl. "hicll
Fio-fiodcl none. u n1()t/~>1u LI ScmlS 9") I Rc1111n Lrh.in
r In m~ l11h11.1t !';of.: bfov. n"h crown .1111! up11crparh c~raised
nrcu. trees on agnculrurJ! >1rc,, nuuvc -crub H{lcturmn ;11el
I 111 .lor~.ht .. ""'th.it tlw )dlov. uf un.tcrp.1n> c\lendo., to
ropanan area>. Paruall) mogrJIOry. <>nic rc"dcnt ti I O!)(J m
111 1111. ot 11111 du11 \111 hin1,1crtallcd and billed tlun the ru~h
10\fTlflCATION Compared tn r 111/11111" l'cn1111111 ha' u
1111111 \\11h f''"l"""""'"'ly lunjlcr win11' VC>IC~. An in~>cl
lo~ f u111 111 /I II Iii /11 IA 111# yellowish crown patch and ')'cnn11 Nole extremely 101111 crc't
when raised. Wingbnrs i:rccni~h-whi1r an1I poorly d~ma1c~1~d
Similnrty. 1cnials ond sccondnrie~ urc le~ l'M) l'd11cd lhnn
M 111y 1 o lr;111 etd Ru'h Ty1 ant Siote co lores c/ri/e11si.1, and nrc tireenish-ycllow. Scco11dtltl~' yc ll1m cd11"d
f 11 /111111 111lnJ:1l\lt1I ro ba.-.e. thus pale wmg punel extend~ lo lc\\cr w 111(,lbur. Shm1cr
1111 Ill (1 1"1 Mtorshcs, primary cxu:ns1on. w11h C\Cn'Jl"t<cl pr1111,111c' \ O ICh t 'nit
1'1'1" " Ill "" 1111!01.ltcl)' R\SO a plwew which 1s u~ually buuicr than '/11/i '"'' '4'rnet1mc~ ~
U ol I .. 1111 \ " ' (1u'h 1ulc) clearerfeuoo. Song a rcpr:111~d 1 Ii I -t
1111 In h.ihrlat ~nd

Many colo 111 111l lt11t h ly1 1111
111 1\11 i'R Dh1t on , clrn .1d1to, 1 ush-tyra
....... nt and elaenia ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

11; 111lu "' "" '"'"'ii' l\ 111\11 " " 111ud1 more dicr>e "3l.I of the l\ndc' The dllldllo t>.:lonir' hi o m.111 "
Ji fl ' 1d It 1 tit lbc:tH Ill! 011 Jt\cr.lly in Afl,'Cfllina. The rw.hlyr.utll amon11 lltc J"l'elhcI of the fl)<! I
l(huol.. tlK: tH~h'tl 111 I 1hl 11 11111) only include, dull green or bro"n specie' On the 01hc1 hund. the clacnt11
I if 11111 I '11lu11

01ucon (Urco) "'"gs. Green b.tcL con1ta\I ""h blue face ~nd )clh"
Crown .tan... llb concnlcd red patch, bordctcd b) \ti

I I <"DI (lo. l " J Pro11<>unc:cd duo ~rlnun. \\'b11e lhro..t rontnht ""h
accnuuaied by black bar\'MI bn-~-->do Rla.:~1.!1,. mp
' "" l'cr~hc' rrnm1ncJ1ll) uor
a "'1ute 'trill"' from the co\Crh thr,,..gh the folokd I
l>uhc1, ~IJ ur 1111l11y ,. ,re.
~ndanrs. A1 the Cllrrttl an1lc, 1hc ~d unlkn111f...,11<cn
I orc,1 fdsc. fJrmland ind op<'n
fo~ Furn" ITlilll fK>ck, dannJ
oi..ious. '"" la..L:. bl~ un fa.:c, but h;a, tl.lrk IN.SI., and I Fire-eyed Oiucon
~~11111) be ...:alcJ pale ~ell.,,. Mot rHIC
"'1t!r.11ton "nd ...n1cr 0 ::?000 m
the yello" underpam Jre dulkr 1h3n on ad'> ~nll the bt<:i
ll> t: \llH ( \110\ \ lari:c
bar absent VO ICE: A JIVl1111nl '"I \\1lh a bo.>un.utg
tl~a1d..:r ""h ,u1 alcn. <cntl
!llhlurc, l>tllll<lt\C \lllOuCllC. qualiry aettntcd by a ~hon buu P'""P Rll/.lf /''""I' r1 11
' ., I ""II "' '"~' tlJlll111pcd hcJIJ anll puffed UUI lhl'O'Jt
1111111 ul re.I C) C rlunt~SC 1'1!)1. J.ukcr ''""'Ing> and cru"n
~ Ii n 1111ktn1t 1<1111< 1l1ro.11 Undcrpurh wlumh " " h i;rcy
fl 111~ 111 lltithl, ch.ir111:tcr"t1'' pale"'"" 101.111 conltlt-ling w11h
1l.11L re~ "l'l"'.P.r<- C1111ltl be cvnru.,._..i Mlh gmund-t)rnnl$. ll e rc uh1li v1dcd 11110 11t c 1>111
11111 Iii 1111111111 "' lttr1tcr, hn' n rc1I eye. ~ 111uch le~\ 1crrcs1rio l C:ht lcun 10~11. l'h ich arc <cp.m1hl
llll I 1< ~' 11 p.1k \1111-:ICthum Ollcn lound near MlllllUrly grey
Warbling Ooradilo
i11 1hc fiel1I 11nd muy he dtflclf
1 111111n111)111-.1' 1inch. Ap.111 finrn cyeclllnunl1ffcn:nccs. la11cr s1>ec1~s. '( ' hllcnn ' Whlle crchd
1 111.tll<'r hrklc1.111HI ho 11 ~ho111hick hill, " hitc uil l comcn.. Flr nl ~ I lo> flo f;; 11 1h//1n1" I
'', "' '"''"""It l>rca,1-hand and c1nr1o111urn tear Onnk' I Scni (S.'l" I. One 111 the c1111unt111
\till I 1..ncrally llcnt bttl uucr. u 0110 p l . auJ u I Wl!< I , C\I hrccdl1111 fo1cs1 birth 111 1h1
"'" lltlll' II"~" Ill u -.r1C\ '>onf " J /II "'""'' 11/w1 r T- c11unll) I on11d1,tance 1111~1111 1
hort call nntc. 1crm111.11in11 m " llnun'h ah~ent m "' 'ntc1 Vnnc1y ol hh
rnts. but ~u1rc- 1rec, or taller 'hnibbel'), from urbJn sarJ,"
WM bling Do radito Paja ro Amarillo and parh 10 m3tom;I and olJgro\\ th \11th11fujtll ~n I
l ".111docolopleryx flaviventris TX#67 <fmucana forcI. On nl1)!'311llR more llh1>l1<: on h.1h11M1 0
1000 1n. ID E:Yflf'lC>\ fl O\ \ ,f;u1d;arJ l)'fJtWtl , ~tna; dtl I
I I' ~ c (.I 1)"1 R~ll! 111 (bric \tnclh 1nhab1~
11 .....,.., .nJ "Cl l'J>;ln~n II~ Rcl.fUll'\:> e>thtr Sc1rp<a oh'c with a h11c C)Cnnr mJ t.,.o bold "hnc "'"l!hu,. \d
lends 10 lccp Ctc\I r.tt~d, l'C<ahng "hllC tt:nlrl thl"'D J'Uld
1111 111 "' 71rli11 (cu1111l1. but fomic:r murc import.int
l'rtf.-n nunhoa1"11 'unm ...i...-,wt tu .. Cl"''''"
l;ndcrpvb off-,.h11c, ,.,thoh<c "'"" I<> bf<-al.,Jcs ll1lil
011\ kt l \\ 1nh:nnl' i!found llf Chr lean l'<'Pulat111n ~ a -.m.an am"""' ot )dlu" "" \cm Tcn1.11l ha
hold. cn<p "h1le fnngc :.c.:on.bnc. cdtrcd ,. h11c but not
11111110"11 II 500 m IUI \I II IC \ 110 ' \ en
~{omnngapalcp;antl ...,...r.ucJ lr.wnfu,u:r.,.in l>.rl>y
ll.)~1.tt nP"i'I b.rJ I ""1ll .\mt:n<.-an-. ""'>
d.irk lrnc. A"Shortbtllcd but l<>ng,.1n11cd Oy.:J8'hcr Pri= 'Chilean' White-crested Elaenia
111111111, u<-t .a fcmak )cllo.,1hro1Jt GtY11/r/1plf but
re he \f ltlll) ~ntl lull lructurr .. that ul c"tnsion loog. Pn~ :-pactnt ~\ctt " " " ot IJF r Ill
1I Iii "" lllKt c. Jarkn anJ n.hcr on Hll"'" and f111ec,
t-cn<ttn p~ and Pt>. J0> l.t.:k><TU"n fl"''" and .,.,n bor lcrtqJ 'Peruvian' Whtle! (lrINl 1 I
and sundary edging~ more b1ttl)'. \ 0 1( t ( '111 a {1nt1 u
1111 \\llh k111nn ~\"llO\\ untlcrpJrh Often hill> hO
/tttr-fn:o" Son~ o1 rqia1cJ thrttMlc \<tp 111:.. I o
mon \\ In h.1r. I ons-lcssctl fur 1 -mall bonl " "t
'"'',,;ii "'th 111 \IJny...:ohrurcd Ru,ht)'mnt. "'h1ch
repeated (I pe:r SI 1'/>=:1 Pt ruln' \\ htlt Cr f\INI cnl1
flo-fiodd none E. a '"'"'.."" l ISeni1'\ 'l"I I Rc11mn l rt.on
Ill "' lo '"" ,, N111, hro\\ 111\h C:IO\\" llnd urpcrpa~
attaS. ~in agncuhurnl su~. DJll\C '<ruh C)!CL.lllon a" I crest raised
I. '"'' y111l lhJ1 tlu: \di''" ur untl.:tfl.ln> c>ttcnd> to
n parian areas. P~nmlly migralllf). \Ontc remlcnl 0 I000 m
1h1011 11111111111 \I " l1111j!1r 1111 J,ll 11nd bol lc~ 1111111 the ru,h-
IOEi'iTIHCATIOl\ Comrared Ill <hll.-11>h. r cruv1a11 ha'"
t llh l ''"l"lllto>1L1ld 1011~11 \\lflj,' VOI Ct. An lm<!CI
I lnl h I II /11 11114 11114 ycUo\\ tsh Cf'O\\-n ra1ch od eye-n ng. N1llc c.ircm<I)' 10 1111 Cn:\I
when rascd. W111gbarsj!1 ccni~h- wh11c H111l 1l<lorly dcrnurcn1cd
Sunilarly, tcrtinl, ;ind \C~ondnric' nrc le.- cml) edgcJ lh~n
M 111y 1 11l111111tl lt11\h Ty1 nnt Sicte co lo res cliili!:trsis. fld arc grccni <hycll11w. Sccvnd"nc~ ycllowftll;\<'tl
l t11 l11111 111/1111"'' '' lO base. thus pale wi ng poncl cx1c111I~ 1\l hl\\ t r wlnllbar Sl111n<1
HI ' "" 11 11 \ lar<hc. pnmal) c'<lcn>1on, with ccn,11accd rnmnnc' V()l(' I ( ~11
o p/1eew which ts usunlly b111.iricr 1h11n c/11/e111 i.-. ' omctlrnc' u
dcarcr/ceeoo. Song a rtrcared chb.- 1

Crowned Sl.1ly 1lyrn l lu '

1111\11 '/ J V.1u1.111l lyr .111~t~

i- ~---------------=

f lht mn:,1 mt:r.'!Ot) p.L'>L't\llC' tn '><1u1h \men \ " tit.!~~ ,.{11, Great Kiskadee
lluc '" "calhcr llf faull} IUI"~"'" ~nrul of h~ nni;ra1ury '!'< !ult
II 1411,l<"f l\TMll l~lhan \\lutc<tt'lcd n .........a

Ctd-1 t '~dee Senteveo Eastern Kingbird

1'1ti111n11s iulphuratus Suiririboreal (Benteveo blaco y negro)
I 4 \ I 11 11111 \a~ran1 One of lh<' mo 1 cvmmon and Tyrannus tyrannus
P J 1 ~11nc, ul uoptcJI \men< ahh111111h u"'tnl L 11.5 em Ill S") Va11ran1 lloml breeder lha1 ,,,,.,..t
hu11111t I'"'"' 'lope ofSuulh \mcttca Ch1kan rcc11rtb arc breeding seaM>n frnm t reru 10 NW Argen11nu I
''"'" I II, \ VIII nJ \1ctropolt1an Kc111011' l'erdte\ 111 open. various times from I nm.I II and once tn V Regu111 1111 1
''" 1 11t1h1 '"~ 111 lugh on a 'ltJg. Prcfc" upcn ~rc11~ w11h a vagr.mcy and m3y Ol;CUI annually tn N Chile. Open It, 1.1
~ " I 11 " trn-. "' lamiland "11h perch '"c' Prcd1hc1mn for farmland 111 the bn:cJin11 ..,.,on, more closely 8>>0<:1~1 I
J nl p1>11J '" 1alkr cge1;iuon alon11 n\Cr IOF,Tl fl- foiest eJ(!e 1n non-brecJ1n11 ~n IOE' TIFIC \ 1111
1 \I ltl ' \ l>ull). .il~ fl}ca1cbcr 1> 11h 11 pr.pon1onJ1ely c:hun~. mU><ular lot>krng t>ran1 Small for a kingbtrJ
IAizc hell.I an.I~ bud bill 11~""""'' 411 utlt ,,,._,,.1n,,,. pniportUwcly 'mall bill Loot "'u'~ with lo'1gpnn"")
..,,.., llilUff. -~bf....~ 10 rwtlp C-calcJ )Cltow cnn~ 5100.. G~ bac l.. cu11rru11111g "'1tls b/.,cA;,r lt'IJJ u1td f
f\11 h 11inia1 /lrigfit ""''" l>ttust 1n he-II 1t'/la"' Wrng and \\mgsbbcl<1,h ... 11h ftMrullo whtt'h fnn1ing "'hen I~ I
tul bro11o'D, 1u1 ha, ru..i~ inn~ 10 .-1nr and 1a1l OL.d legs. Oal bul W"C"at> O\CI' hmc Below nt1nd1 ,.Jute. Mllh o K"
\ 0 1( I llud U'F.4-1.n-DEF.! al>11 a do\\n.1lurttd II 1/ 'WOSh 10 """" 111111< th""'' '"""'Jlh """ blarl..r<lr rl,tt
~"" 11J J1r- lf!IEE:;E ..-biteofthnxltwtal"An>Undrearcor-c<l\cns. To1lblad 1th l
white rerm11wl b<Jtttl \ OIC . S1kn1 1n non-breeding"' 1
Crowned Slaty-Flycatcher Tuqulto grls
Empidonom11s aurantioatrocrlstatus Fork-tailed Flycatche r Cazamoscas tijeret,1
I 17 cm (7"), V111.1r11111. one record nco1 ( '1111111111 (I I Rcl)ion). Tyrannils savana
llrccd lnr1;<ly In 1hc Chaco au~1rul su111111...r, 1111cncling n<>n- L 25-38 cm ( 10 IS"), Vu11ru111, rccor(lcd from Llum 1111d ~ ,,
hrccd101; ~c11<111 111 '\muwnia. Open 'cri~ wuodlund when from Camaronc~ Volley (I R.e11111n), Breeds (alStrul ~11111111 I
hrccd1n11. anJ hwlund tropical forc'I canopy 111 non -breeding from S Boltv10 and Hrn11I ltl C /\rgcn1ina. spcndmr '" Tropic.al
''"" !Of ' Il l IC \TIO' Ashm. mccltum11cJ tynint ""h ruttding seast1n In 'I Soulh Am.:ma Open areas. pan"ul
n \Ctlto;,tl po I \II rlunugc~ hacd11r4 '"''"' UIMi('Wllltr4H giasslandsand1f1~ult11111l 1rta\ IOf'<TIFlCATIO' A '"
Ing pole "'/ .. 111""' Ju. 1Ch1lean rc.;01J1 1c)1h-bro"'~ kingbttd wllh 1 /J11IJt1 '""' 1m/ .\d male ha., lo~'el 1 1
M\C nJ 11tifutllf<.'#I) Sirr-uW. Oro111 nuh w1n~1 "1th J'llc:t" ju\. is shon-u1ltd c\lrcmc Pair grn hart Nlnll'Vftrllj; A
111m~ P~lc IJC) lhrilQI and brU>t, .,.h111'11 l>clly anJ \Cftl. blacS ""I' l..ndt'rp.lfT> cr11p ,.,,,,,. ,.,,,,. larg. .. 1r1t~ tltl\
anJ oblc11tt lllR';almg on b<ca.\l Tail i.v...n "'"" rufou~ged ttiudJJ!g ID lftt4.\tJ<"J, \\ IDJ.' bl1<k1 h. 13il aJso bla~ll'll \0 Ill>
outer rc<tn'.' Ad U>lid f.I""' Ph<>' c. unlrnll<d. "llh bl.act.ash white C<\f;c to bai.c: o( l'Ulet rcctn\ \Ole U!<U.ltl} 11Cllt
11 anJ pilcr I!'\") und.-f1"1rt l3lacl1 h cru"'n ~"Oflrra<h "''th otherwist 1 son mp.
i;rcy loJy ''" 11011111 I<>\ anci;a1cd I l)ca1chcr l'Onrgatus
which "unf<dr1I .1 in Ch1lc. b\11 "a l1m1-dl\IJncc m11m1nt Trop ical Kingb ird Suirirr rea l (Benteveo real)
lh~t Ctluld c 111 \,111c~dlcd I tyc"ichcr ha;. more rongly
Tyrannus mefancholicus
\ltcakcd ttpf>' 1 in.I. t I' .-11lly. underpart VO tC F Generally
\llc111 A \Ofl ht tic L 23 cm (9"). VagrJnl, rcp.>r1cd from lquiquc and Sant"'"
Widespread in 1rop1c1I and ub1rop1cal South Amcnn
Migratiolb pc>orly und<r.luod Open artaS with lal};e lrcc' H
Streaked flyulcher
f~ edge AL"' common 1n urban $llU3ttons IDE' I U I
Benteveo r ~ uln (l\('nteveo chico) CATI0:-1 A large lunahud wnh a large btll. sbon win J
Myodyna It mMe11f11lm long. strongl.o 1101, luJ /JI/ GfrY _.,ad "ult Jar*-"' ....,,1
l l'lcrn(7 ~ CODtta$IS ,.,th gttenl<h bad "T1il0Ut Nl~. rnr ofunJ,.rparlt

Soutbcm P<'I' yell-. \\mg> blado.1\h, uul dad. browu \ 'OICE A 5tndcnl
kl<llh to N A1 trill. t1-trri1r11rwn1. tonacr when nc11ed

Cliff (Swallow) Flycatcher Sirro comun

Hirundinea (erruginea bellicosa
L J5.5 cm (6"). V11gmn1. one record from Tcmuco ( IX Rc11iun)
Commoo oo E slope of Andes in Argentina, migrations nol
understood. IO l<:NTIFICATION A slim, very la11g-wl1114<'il
flycatcher. lorgrl> r11fn11t wltlt a browner head. Uppcrpart
rufous. browner and shgh1ly ~1tcakcd on back. rump vivid
adull 1r1o1I!'
rufous. Throat "hite, n:tl of 11nderpans rufous. IHngs lurgtly
rv(o1L1 mj11glt1. apJ1""nng as larg;- rufous ing panel Olt C'l<JsrJ
,.,.Jun""' Olld prunarfrs Tail hro><'ll I/It fV/auf b.Ht'
\ O IC I '\ cha11rnn11 1nll with an in1rod11ctory "'hHtlc
fl I) rN"'7TrTtl'N

..._ 186
Crowned Sl.1ly 1lyt 111 h '

f the '"'"t trH r..1tury ~scrrncs ut S~tulh \tn\:tu::t tu h 1hc uaw V.t lt
1 ~ h1 llOlhcr Of L.ult\ n;ntpt><'CI Sncr.al 1fthc>c mt r~h"" f'C'
la1ft l)rnl, lal'l,!cr 1han \\ hiu:-c=rcJ I larnra

r 1 1 k.ulf'f' Benteveo Eastern Kingbird

f'(llmtJ11' , ufp /wr.Jtus Suiriri boreal (Benteveo blaco y negro)
I c 1111 I \11r.m1 One nf 1hc mn,1 common and Tyrannus tyrannus
I ul raun11 ' 1f 1rop1cal Amcnca. allhouj.!h ab.cnt I 21.5 cm 18.5"). Vagmnr IJoreal breeder 1hn1 '!'<"''
1 , nt 1h l'.11 '"' 'lope ul Smuh Amcnu Chilean record< arc breeding season from C Peru 10 "\\ \riicnllna IC
m I II \ \ 111 anJ \letropoh1an Rc1110M Pcrchc tn 11pcn. \anous rime\ from I and II and once tn V Rc1111111 I'
I 111111v "II< nr h111h on ~""II Prefer. orcn Ul'\:8\ 1v11h a ~agnncy and may occur annuill) in C:hitc. Qrc:ti 11 I
r 1.ir er lie<'> 01 farml:md wnh pi:rch \Ile< l'tcJ1hc111'" for (Jrmland in the brccdma scawn. more clo,ely l""'' ''' t
4 ol f'<ltlI vr 1allcr 1c11c1311on alon11 n1cr) lllt;"O 11 Pl forcsl edge 1n nonbrtt1.hna -c:a..m 10(, T IHC \1111'
( 11( >' \ bulk). sh..:!..) O)calcbtt """h a pror<>f1.K1RoOtdy chunky, masculv look1n111y111n1 Small for a lungh1r.I w
1r ho t anJ lari:c black bill HC'nJ b/u(J:1.li u 11/r /111<11/ n hilt proporu~I) vnall blll t.q "'"~' v.nh ~ rnm.u1
~ 1/iu111, bIL bro-611bh 10 nnnp. Con.:cakJ )tllow crov.n ston. Grey bod.. con1ru1tin1t 1111/J blat Au ht'ud " "" r
't fltnN11 /11111h1 ''""" /lr.:rut II> l>dlt 1r//ci14 \\'"II' 11nd Wings bbckr,h "11h 11.UTtlW ..1111rsh lnn1ung,. hen frnh I
I , 11 J"' h.a> tu") fnnj,!c 10 lllOr" anJ 1a1I Rlacf. lcp Oct) bu1 ll QI'$ O\ Ct 11mc 8d11..- r1111rrlv "hlll' ><llli 11 g
\ me F \ t.MI AF.J:. ~ e,..1)1 nlso a downlurtcd IH/e 1<<1>/t ID bm.t<I. 11"111/t' tltt't>OI <lllllTtJUJ "th """'"" <
,., , ~nd a A11>- II Ill El ... hneof1hroo1"mf')nl\10nd rcnrC11r.c11v.:n.\. Tuil Muck 11 1111 r
wh1tt'unninul ha111I VOICt. !>1len1 1n nonbrccdin11 1
Crowned Slaty Flycatcher Tuquito gris
Empidonomus aurantioatrocristatus Fork-tailed Flycatcher Cazamoscas tijeret.i
I t 7 <Ill (7"). Vu11mnt, one record ncnr t:alnmu (II Rc111on). Tyrannus savana
llr.:cd\ larscty 111 1h.: C'haco ou~ul wrnmcr p.:ndlng 11on- L 2S-J8 cm ( 10-1,S") Va11ront, recorded fmm Llu1n ur1d 1111
lnccd1ng "'n, on 1n Amn111niu. Open w nc womllunu when fmm C~marOnC$ \llcy II R.:111on) llrccds (austral ~um..
l>rccJtoit. anti lo"bnd 1rop1cal f~ unupv 111 n.1n-l>rccJmg lrnm S Sohn nod Snu1I 111 C Argcn11no. >PCndmJl "' Tropical
11C.Jwn IOt....T ll-I CATl01' A sltm, mcd111rn,VcJ IVrunt ll uh breeding SCI'"'" '" !.; s ... u1h Amcnca ~n area-. paMt<UI Kingbird
cr11c:al p lure \II r1uma11cs have""'' r""' ~a11J.-ontr41<1 "'"'l:mJs311d ~gn<uhurI a~J,. IOt ' l l f"ICA rtO' .\ "''
lllX pair 111~ rrthuRI Juv. (Ch1ICdn rcc!lrdl i:rc) llhhrc>\\ n ~1ngb1rJ w11h /tJ"lf/D11tc 1'111i: twl Ad. m.tlc ha, lon~>c>t
lih<l\C anJ INllllltClf t~W llro-. n1Ji llli;J '"'" r~kt
,.,ngbar-. Pale gr.:y 1lm>a1 and brca.,1, "'"'"h bc-llv 11i.I 'ctn
JU '' hortt..1lcd c"r(lllC I'"'" ll'C'I 1"1rt rontra,<llng 111
l>la<A cap /,, 11d1'rf"VU cmp -..1111, .,. ult lmxr "h1ti' tlit
nd obictMT >lrul.tnll on btca.'1- l~I bfu,.11 llllh Nlt'l>-C<l&al , " nding 1<1nt-eA.udes. W1na blac\.1sh, 1a1I alw blac~"h "'''
<>UIC1 rccmcc'> Ail ~ltd grey 3bovc. un,lfc~ccl " nh Ma.l 1,h "hnc cd$e '" base of outer tcctn\ \.OICE IJ-uall} ,,kn
uil nd palcr(tc) umkrp3tb. Bhrd.i-11 "" '" C'flhllI 1th <>thcrni<c a .ofi wp.
grc) body. Ju" "m1lnr 10 Vancga1cJ I l)c~1d1n I ''""1(1111
which unt'C\.'<>nlcd 1n Chi le bu1 1> a Ion It l~n 11ui;rn11t Tropical Kingbird Suirirf real (Benteveo real)
1ha1 "'uld occur Variegated flyca1chct hn 1111111 1111111111} Tyrannus melancholicus
.trcalcd u~ and. c-pi:cially. undcrp:in' \ 01( I 1,. ,,..,..11y
.. tent A ~ofl wh1(llc L 23 cm (9") Vaarani. rcponcd fmm lqu1quc and S311u.. so
'h1dc.pread 1n 1rop1cal and >uh1rop1cal Sou1h ;\ mcmi
Streaked flycatcher \hgrauons poorly undcntood ~n area """ large ""
forest edge. Also common 1n urtr.ln s11u211on' 1Dt: 1\TH I
Benteveo rayado (Benteveo ch1co) C " TIO.S A latxc k1ngb1rd """.I.tree bill.~ "'"i' d
Myodynastes maculatus lnng. stro"lfgl) nouhecl 1u1/ GtT.1 hrad "ult darJ:rr "''"'
L 1'hm p S ). \'arrant, one rccon.I rmm \ ':allt n 11 11ll l(q1.. n1 comnscs with grccn15h bo~I. Tltroot """""- ra1 of111Hh'1"-'
Soulhcm populauon b<ecds (au,1ral """"'"'' lt om llh~,. hll(lt<. Wmp blackish. 11111 cl.1rl brown VO ICE A tndc:111
outh to N Afl1cn1111a, ~pending non-brccdrn~ 1 ttn 111 N Su111h mil. 1k-1rri1rllri1irl1. lonacr when c\ c11ed
'\mcnca. forN t'<lgc Md open forc-1-. r 1111tculJl) 1111 1111111
11rct1~. 10~ 'TIFICA1'10N A large, bulk) ll)~.11c h<'t . n llh 1 Cliff (Swallow) Flycatcher Birro comun
th1c~b.ucd powerful 11111, which 1~ blnckth wnh .1 I"'' h.1.. Hirundinea ferruginea belficosa
111 lowcr mnndlblc. Wcll 110111cd, as ~ ~"'""'"'" //11v>11t1lm111 I ltJal
L IS.5 cm (6"). VaJP'l'm, one rc<:ord from remuco (IX Region).
hruwni~h oml finely m eakcd, but h:1s brl~ht 11/1/11 111111" I/tum.
Common on e slope of Andes in Argentina, migrations not
1l11r1' musk u11d white molar s1ripc. W/i/11 1/1111111 b1111/1T111 "" undct$1ood. IDENTIFI CA1 ION A slim. very longwin111d
1furl trtn4)\ /111t'ral tltroat <trifH.';. Vrper11 arc. '""" " .111d
f/rcatcher. Largely r11fa11s with o bro><?lt'r ltt!Od. Uppct'Jlol'b
~trc.1kcd, b.-commg r11{011s on r11mp; wh11t !>floll ~tlh 11p
rufou!I.. browner and shshtly mc:il<cd on back, rump Vl'1d
.t.u~ =~in11 lll belly and rear Oanks. ' ( 111 ...lutc \\mi: ht<" n adult male
rufou.~ Throu1 white, rcs1 or undcrpans rufous. lnngs laf'&I
111th p;ile tnngan11 throughou1, CrtllLIOll l" OJull wm~l"'t 1111J
nJ/"'1111jligh1. ap('t'l1Tlng as large rufovs .. mg pan~/ on c/011d
plcr plnd on folded scc:ond.ano anJ pmnJnn Itnt~I
f111ply fnn1ml "'b11c lonii pnmorv P"'ft'""" fail hu.,.JI)
1ctondur1u and primorfu Toil"'"" ill '11/ous "'1
\ OICE A chauenng tnll w11b an 1ntrocluc1ory "h1" k
l"d~cd "'"' \ OI C'P c.JI a harp, hqu1J tl1111k '" clnu4 14
II llEEO.trrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
11,, II h;" ..1111 'llffDIH' "~""" \II arc: outwardly ~tmilar. bu1 u1fkr tn kn~llt and '"" ''"' I
tK lull 11 1t lft 11 ,. 111 '"'" Jcn,lly or >lrell)(lng On bell~ and prc'i,CJ\;;r uf lr\'.Jl.1ni; t>tl 111'1'('1 Tufled Tit-Tyrant
n II 1 o''' ll n< 1wl for &'~ ''~le: arc: ICtll<lllilll ofkinglet.~ R.-,:ulw ralhcr 1han ~h1~k.nk<, 1111 IM I
111 h 1 "" 1111111h I 11 '" 111 in-ccis from ~,cs; and bnncbc:s.

CJc hud1to (Tonto) 1.1,il Ho,.~C1'. boll -hghtl) ~er and "''
11 hll..,.
shOTter :md bro.1der. nOl l<>ng and '"''I'>' tu J,114
brot>'lUSh~n-e. ,. nh Jul.c1' tail llllJ,. 1nJ- C''I 1>1014 ~
I II 12 'II .i ~ J Tk onl) Ill
rlfWfl ,.Jiite enmn p.Jtd1 '" n 111..- oj t'rnt Pale supcn;
1)1~111 in ( ' id ~ (hrlc, lll1d the
and dart.. e)clo:M gnc J1fTcmi1 ' lccl' to Tuflc:J 81/l h
1"\>mmon and ... cll-Ln.111.n f>CClt:> 1.,/f,,,..buse to/ott~-llcl1h/<(.,h1ch "\tsobk In Ad~\
m the 4'0Gllll) lnhabth a 'i~'I)
(;ndetp3ns "hice. bcromin11 )rllo,. un bell> and "m1 11
11 h.obo1.a1> fr.m forcI cdi:c In
~ and beth ltroutllo trc.Jl.J, 1111/tlf' n"'""' '" A
m:1hrt1l &nJ de\.:n '"rub '\m Tufted. Wing> ha\i:: ,,. "
/l..>IJ "1111., 111glvr Jui onol
unuual 1n c11y r.arl' .and .anka- aJ.. bu1 lacbc:tc,1 :md "more lo.1-.cly 'lrrakc:d on unJ(ot Juan Fernandez
~' "ell ~' JrOund farm and \'OICE Call a >ITon (0 ~-) Oal Intl lhit h.t' n 11,
11o;uhural land Y> llh ,ome Tit-Tyrant
1n1roduction: p ~rlli1p Son~. a ,.,n htu./)' '"''' r" ,._..,
'"' '""''" r f'.011~ ,,, fo1111ly 11roup. <omc11n"'' Ooch St."<ID sccta ..
I 11 n 111 rdmgw.a"n 0 WOOm IOI.:\ Tit ICA I 10!\
I I I 1111 \01111i1hlno;r>:,IJ11JJl11ng.num,.11111 Boll
Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant
If t ft111 i . '""'''" "''"' pat.. rel/oh' ('' t' '" dt1r4 fau'.
I JI .. ~I'"'"' ''''"'"'" lllhct by yclloll In. jll\ing II a Cachudito de cresta blanca
11 lI "'"" ( I 1<1111 11111l focc 1na1nly blackosh-grq. Anairetes reguloides
1111 1111111111 ", l'<lf u l he1lll go q1~h nn1I nurrow ly L 12rn1 (4.S") Oc~cnoa....,;1hu1 rc111111~ l.111

11 I 1 >1111 /11111/1111 ll 11/11' /J/ur4 fl\'lt t/1111 c111/1 (nru11rd pro11(11 1lnn of nnuvc v~~c1111 1 un, 11pj1111 ~u1I
Yellow-billed Tit-Tyrant
I 1 1h1111i11111hchnc.unM1 c11kcJ 1 hmaiandbrcn'I ubsen1 frnm more hc11'!l) f.imwd nnlllh "
.... ,., 1111. 1"11"" 1111 ht:lly nnd \cn1. "'"'"''',."
1 11 11. ,/ f1w" 1111" '" />,l/l'. tail and "''"II' bruwnL,h
vo lleys. l'ouml in dcn'c ,hrubby lhl\~11
"dj3ccm 1n 1alkr Ir< such a 1ic:prc111c,.. u"I
II 1111 ub1 '"" "m~h.1r Juv. '11n1lar IO nil bu1 h(" t11hcr lo\\Cf grM tllf \lttubb)' llCCIC ~h
I 1 " ' I L'"I! ,. "r> ,,.,,, <;1n:dk1n11 on unllcrp;i.rh keeping \\Cll hodd,n 111 'hruhl>cry lJ,11,1111 I
I """"''' 1"" n.uru" 1'ufly \11nub.of\ \ Otc t: paus.C>-IOOllm. IOE' T IHC.\ 110 '\ Ul\l'fnnJ >h~lnly nt<~
I n 111 '11 1111ll.1rrtr111fl/P, "olh 11o;cc111 JI cnJ thockscl lhan symp:unc Yell<>\\ billed l1H~run1 llill lu
J 1 1111111 1//111111 <1/1~11pUIU11p Jcl~~cd 11.1th oru1tg< red lmur m11nJ11>!., b11HhlCT 1h.111 ~di!'"' ha'
Ydlo..,billcJ.. Se~uaUy domorrho.-, ...1h m~lc """" Stnl
dun fem31c .\d. male has ltm1t.. Ill'' pm1111..-J "'"' t <l'l'.1 "
a1rgnhiwcro.. ,.,,..,,,1i,n1:en1re ,\~i.1h~\Ch\tl horn
rathtt lh3n ~single <'resl Fau l>/41(1. ;inJ C)C ..S..rl. 11.11h'
dari. esiaululg tt) '"""'' \OO\r grcyl'h 1>t1h hw.id hlJ,lo.llh
strc:tkiog. TJuoonf Clule'Vll t11-1w.1111.-11htrr-<1i<\l fl/'J"t'tf'Ul(i
Belo-. "biac ,.;1h broad bldcl 'treai.., '"' bra..i and lbnl.s. ht
brca..-i ~1ng C<'llllc..:1n1J om" kloJI) d.ul area' clo'\C:t t. lhr Pied-,reste.d Tit-Tyrant
lht031. Tail MiU:Ju.,Ji ,. otlr 11<1nv" .. 11,1, rJg<' t llr (JIJl'r .-.-rtrt
and na171'n< .,./rj1, 11p lo all tn tnr.>. uni)'' l\tblc lnm ti,,ln\O
Wings blacL.i>h ""h h<o hl'Oolil t1A11c t11n~l>lln .tnJ 11.hol
fnng~ 10 die U~n13l~ Ad rcmalc >llllllar but ha a h<wttr C:tC'>l
much less darl: on face and a lr.-a\.cd m1hcr 1h~n >0hdl~ ""'"
lht03L Aboc.. b:k:k more ""'c and bel,. '1rcal.01111 IC'< bn~d
:md darl. than male. Juv. much more oh>c. h1ck111i; 1111111111
crest and lhc:ttforc more hkc Yello"' billed llo11ccr.J11' l'1cI
rn:s1ed does appear >lrenkcd (Jlbco1 ot\,uot<?ly) 1111 bad. th.
lower mandible 1s ornngc, nnd face dnrkcr 11t.111 Ycllowblllcol
lackrng a full pale supcrcihum t\1110. d.ulo. u11l 1oppcd whnc ""
c"ch rcc1ri~. VOICE A scold11111 yc1 n11"icnl ocrlc (I ~~ 1 I
or quick whi~dcs: 11l t'l,1111'1!1'1 tret llW ll't'I lt'CI lt'I/ llt/ II 111
rwee1 u etrr.
Chilean Swallow

(11 mnd NI.Kt "'h1"'1 ao1 I, fo1a1:a11& ln..'11) on the "nJ. "''mctuni: rttht.1lcn ''" ''""~ 11\p: It
f1111tltngl....,11a11.t l11..-..k1 1,,. r.latL'\11n~, <;waJlo"shacl~ bill.-inJkuJ..1rh """'1 kp.hJt t>r ~
'"'' nun
""" nlhn farltd ilf flOkbcJ ca1ls. 5,.,11..,..._ arc among 11\r .,...._. h1Fhl} 1111 r it'") I 111
mo 1l1< 1 lfl'"l.."" r< nJ 1h,,. !>.>~al ,. LOI ill Clule.

Clr1lcan Swallow Golondrind ch1lena Bank Swallow (Sand Martin)

rit 11 Onl'l.I mt!Jt!ni FLK Golondrina barranquera
L I~ 0 I l ~cm 1S j s1 Tbc mo-I Riparia riparia
C<>mmon of l l11fc'1 nallo$,
ahhoueh Doi the.,_,.,~
"'"'lllml popubtiom ..~""<>
b.11 1n C Chile di< only ~peeled
....I..,.. mmlft B~m ,..
be. ,.111 u.c manm;ilk onci. such
as 111.>K 1ff'onkd b> old ~ldiog:s
or r\Ctl n~1boe1. Often Oocks.

sluu structure, Tail only ~hghll) noccb~d Bw"" ,u,.,,

aga Jargr~1 ,,.hit<' b.-Jo14 f cnsp lm>Mflllt /.,, '"' b.
olwuys prese11t, scparn11ng the "hi1c throJI '"'"' 1
undnpan:.c Bro"'""'"-<""''"'' ltlRhltJ:llll'J It; , ,,..,,,,..,,,
ji'Om lhrQul ollfo neC'k"irle. Sm.111 nmt>unJ ol white it
on forchead.Mos1apt10 be confu~ed ""hJU Blue .11111 i.I 1
or Chilean Swallows. Tb<1 crisp. "cllfom1cd brc."1 lo 01 I
e.ru. Sv.oallo\\ is dlagnosuc. runbcnnort . the rnmp I ' ' "
dnrlc (white on Chilean) and 1hc whnc c\1<"1111on I th II(
sides 1s ooc. prcscnl 111 Chilean or Blue-and" b11c S1n1< '1o I
Bank S1>-allow 1ssmallerand sltmmcr \'OI C~ CJll a do I
lnll. clrnrrt.

Andean Swallow Golondrin11 de los risco~

Hap/odit!lidon andeco/a
l1~ nn cs~ 1 ltnuktcd 10 alurbno ,
~ W.d) 1n lov.bnch. 01\as found 1n \ 111.ttn,
ii oscs cuds or holc'I "' llouift to tirm1
times in small 00C.l.i.. bot oflm (MJJO alont
en~ akrpbno bop or ~ l000-1500
.. cm.~-). c - . lht most IDE="ll nCATIO' "chunl.~ . wtis!i HI
,. ulcsprud brccd1nr Clulnn 1oa Strucninn> ""'toCtitT -..Im ..
R'allm . H&hl> m1pl'). rest fall rlfest aJld S(/Ut11?-c11/ IOI}. f#oo>" d1rn bt'o1'n/JJr ftl//t iuj
drn1 ""'~ 1n f.u llOllh. Brttd. 111 ~ uiJacoa ut good l1glu, ine> "'-ru~lt Rt""f'
C'll\ me daa 1n10 nnh banks. pal~r bron. lacking mdc\ccncc . In omc h1h1\, and
S.>eial ullco Oodu 0-JOOO m. particubrly ...11na Witd. rump appears pale butT T1ttw1 Jrm
lll~~llflC \TIO' A chunk) lfrt!nsJr..bro-.,,, contras1111g 1111/c "11/i darA: {IJC<' O.VA o/tlrratu
'"nll11>1 "''h a lon&hh, dupl bladsi111opaltrbitllyond u1t.Jnr.,1l<01~ns llll"c-a, unJCt
lit': ......""11.,...1y fedall 101} pans DOI dean lntc. but r11hcr \N4Slk:d ralc btown ()I' buff In
n th Mr. A, "111111 Wl1il<' throu.1 and field. appears a <brl. swallo"' ""lib paler ~lly and paler rump
h ou ..1.Jc lll1K (~cc and "'bnc Ad. may be ..-oofuscd with Ch IT SW11llo" but Andean <.larker
below and lacks clear division 1>1:1,. ~en ~rk 1btua1 and p.ile
uruk-rpans. FlllthmnoK. Clill'(" h1ch M!C) is much mort ct1lnur
ful and complcicly poucrncd Juv. paler below w11h pale
cinmmon forehead and 1hro11, may loo~ cxlrcmcly lnular to
young Barn Swallow, b111 note ,qWltc 11111 w11hou1 any "h1tc
\ 'OICE Usually gjvcs \'11riOUS liquid mlls, \81')1"8 111 lcn~th
and pitch. Also a liquid quip call. Ch~ttcnn1150l18 near nest
Barn Swallow

Southern Martin Golondrma negra

Progne elegans TX#69
l II> I~c:m 16 7"1 Borcal l 18-22 cm (8-q '). \\Jgr:lltt h1>h>r1cal rc.:orJ lr.>m s
hm:~ The onl) !liorth Amcman ara. Confirmation ol ~-.:ulT'Cn<:c ttt1uircd The borc~I hr
('J<>cnnc rhat ttJ!ularly "''"~ ... and bighl} Dllgra!Of) ~rplc \bn1n P ,.J, ,,.. 1< ~ ' I~
far outh H T1c"a dcl Fucgo . able vagr.anL In ..\tge1111RA. a nun1n ul open ;m:3, ...,, h
~n lub11.tt fnm agncultural farmland and Patagonian ifa'lanJ IO"; Tit I( \I Ill\
llc, dnnl "
1nallc>>and p;b- large <wallo\\, I) ptcal Pmg11<" m.1nm Stru,cuntll) ""
tun:,. U\wlly near "'atcr. Usual!) nl<ed. long-,.1ngcd itnd h.t., a dhltncc norch on tJol \/.,/,
tn Ood. >hen w11h other 1ire/yd11Tli:. opf't'O~ h/ar Lull in 1/1~ Jw/J //111 ..1tr. 1""'' I><
"'illow' C) 2000 rn. I OF~r-.TIFI- plumage ha.i a purpl<"blur lrldrlUll' '" orrwr11~. h I
Perhaps only separable from Purple Murun bee ul><,.cl I .i.r
rcrenccs in mouh ~chcdul~ Southcm 11101111> in "'"''~I 111111111
to "inter, Purple m nu<tral 'pnni; ru M1111111cr 1111<1 llpl11 I
deeper mil ruri-. Female tlarJ; "''" JIUY/llil/1.h/11(' "'"' ,, ''"'
abo1e. Below .wo11 brow11, 11/1/i 11nrn.m palt'r jf111gn (""'"" 1
more wh111sh on lower nbdomcn. I uck~ lllllcr f111cho111I 11111 So ut hern Martin
coltaroffcmak Purple. VOIC f. Vnnctl iiur11l11111 11Qic~ uncl 11111
Peruvian Martin Golondrina peruana
Progne murphyiTX# 69
l IS cm (<1"1 Rcaular 1n Llura 1nJ \ r
Vallt")~ near Ar1'a. Uually 111 ''"'" numl
~I "'ith ocher .... allo"' IOf.',l lllC \110"; '
small ,..or1111 , harJl) larscr lhn I 111
S,.aflo" Tat/ 110>11uaN1 j ..rl,. ,/ \f.,l ,
durl. "''" durl "'"' /#1>/ purplult-N... 1 1
ant"<'. Underpan du\k1cr than South 111
1111 ~w llow Golondrina grande ~I~ in~.c:nce more fblnc1cd Fcmo/r darl al>m 111'
I ''' /1,./11/1111 /)yrrhonota blue tridact'nu: 011 /tucJ, unJ ><afltl/arr lf<"<HI an.I """P ""''
I 1l 15 cm(~ 6"1 Borul like llM<'rpart.s. \\hen "'om. da;l..y cull.aranJ l<rchcaJ ll)'JIQI
bm:Jc:r Rc:guUr onl} m nonh. bul pa.let. Belt< Jt>/11/11 dush bmun, lad.11111 \Cahng or \trca\1111
' ""IJ r<llrnllall)' appear an}"' ho<tt \OICE link.Do""- Pe.ruvia n
m Ch1k. Open hab1ms 'uch as Martin
rannlanJ anJ dc..cn oe.1s valleys
Brown-chested Martin Golondrina parda
fcnJ h) uccur 1n Ood1). often Progne tapera
w11h \llhcr ,.,.allo. ., usually l 16 an (6"J One \lght re.:ord from Anca IOF";TU:K \
'"""'11 Jll'"UP or Barn s.....110-. TIO'\ A slim. long"'lngcJ m:in1n "'"h 1 modcmrcl) no1chc1I
o 'taNlm llH";llFI CATIO'I A tail. Nouccably laracr Chan 8Jn~ 'i"'alln" 8m1t 11 <1hm,
lacking 1rldesce11('e. Belu11 Mhllr ,.,,,, /!rouc/ bm11111r/t ""'""
band and brown spa/11111( along 1t1lllll11t 11) l>Nu11 \ 'O ICl
Mclod1ou. liquid no1cs. /ll'r~ fllte 1wllrrrrr
Brown-chested Martin

(nol to ot.)
11 It l \ W11 nit t 11111\h''t ,111d Rufous-tailed Plantcutter
Grass Wren

art.I n.11~11 <ltntr:llf 11iwktp.i1

Fa.:c comple" v.11h cbA ey.:h
and Jvlo. pat'h ~'<>11nJ eye a
l I< 14) A ~) IHCDOflloct
chttl lb.ii e<>nlra>t\ w1lh p1lcar
1r11"} fichh and sedge niarsh
l>unni brccJ1n1 sca,on >tngs on rear car-.:o en Uprcrran Rufous-tailed
lrom a pc:l\:h on ullcr egcWJon ife) w1lh Jvlo. rrulung \I. ll1tJ Plantcutter
bla,Ju,h v.tth /,Jrg( l'lh11, ptllCnm

0 1000 m IDE,T IHC .\TIO:'>

l~s.11r u~J "'cJ1.i11 111<rh. lnu
\ Jm311 "'rcn "'Hh a long bil
male 1m1l.u but rufou> foreh.-.1.1
More 1rtl1n11I)' patterned th~n
cro\1111 Streaked. less-dC\oelllpCCJ "'h1tc shoulder patch. rI
Southern llousc Wren. Cro"n
t111rk. co111r1111111g 1111/r pnlr huff below, and more strc;ikcd l emol~ otrcokcd thrnush11u1, """
with a cinnamon wa.h 10 forchcnJ and chin Ocl<l\\ oil l'o-hll<
1/lum 1111./,1111"1 r11//11r, l\ice bufl'y. 8ac4 /lluckuh w11h
>lreaked fmm thftlat in vent, Blocko>h won11> have two nnr111'1
10 "'"'' ''''I'
1 ll11111111111n mmp. Uclo11o whole but wam1
huff"'i.ng~rs. lncks "'bile wing patch. \ 'OIC.. F, A "c1rd, m11
I 1111 111 l'ff 1 t1lo' tlitn~' and lo..,cr belly \ent cmnomon
nasal trill preceded by s11111erin11 notes: cl111fn'/11111-1l111p d111r
\\111~~ "'""" '""''" wolh wcllrna1kcd p11lc und dork barring THRHHHHHFIEEE. The mlled ponion r.:c111l~ u lisl11n~ '"''I
I 1111.. 11 \1 llh l>10>.1d ll11rk bundtnjl. Scpnn11cd fruni Southern
as it gives line when o big flsh hos been landed
111111 \\ "'" h~ lh1hl 1u1 Alsn, Ono~~ Wren ho~ a striking face
I Ill I 11. 11.J h.tck, tron11I> burred \\tng-covcns and
lo ~I 1 ' " " ' ' 111111~cuhlc io1I band, ~c Wl\:nlik'1 RU$hb1rd
Austral Thrush Zoruil
11111 1 I nJ l hb \\ nn (Plate YI>) of the I ~lkl:inds. Turdus falcklandii FLK
\lit I "''"~ ql"'""'ll varied nunibcrof1nlled phr.a'!Cs.all L 23 cm (Q") lomm!ln "'
t "II """ i> h...1cr, ""tile norc h1p-1111111t111rrr chip- fannlitnd park, forc.i cd 11 .t Austral Thrush
oN,.......,,.....,, , /111 1,, 1 Imp h11pcbup opm \'utl11Jju~111 forc~l.Al..oJuau
FemanJcr I . ""here 11 m} ha1
oulh 1n House Wren Cherc-'n been introduced 0 lOOO 111
l11t.l,,,/vt1\ nrusculusTX#71 IO E,Tll IC \TI O' l}p1c11I
TurJu1 811/ 011,f h-g 1 din Mal
l 11 cm (4 l Common. "1dc-
prcad rc<1c found an>"" bctt grc) ab<"c "'''h blxl.l\n bC'lld
Th mm "lrtt~ 14 ltli hlucA111t
111 hh <-<>me \<rub or ~rubbct) for
heller, from Jc~crl scrub 10 ~rn>:z.b GJ'C) i~h tn.bt md bti.(fJ brfow '"""~ ,,,u,-h hr1glttt'
oro:11ge-b11jJ). Female browner aoo1c, ,.,1th p.alcr bc:id and
Io>rml.and cJ~c. forest edge. urban
11< C<M >t~ -<rub Cl' ~ ) SO()
brmrur.sh .,.'tSll on brca..t. Great ur1111on 1n inten"t> of ff\')
coloucabo1c and onng.:-buffbclmil. Jui dcrucl} roitcJ bclo....
m IOI' flflC \110' A mall
,.,,.uhuhptl) duncdbiU and on bacL YO ICE /\ slu.... mcloJ1~ "'h1.ilcJ -ona. '>'P""'
Rrm.,. tl1n,,1ilro111 -..11/r ruf11u1 of a Turdw Call 3 o.a.aJ ..1r,ulot alw a cliff cliu ,ltctt/Uf
la /,1<J.1 '""'''"""B pattrm. Long la.ti
"n """ narn11 l1 "'1rn:J Below, "'h11uh- Chiguanco Thrush Zorzal negro
n1111g r~l ,111n.1mon on rear nunk and Turdus chiguanco TX#72
II '"ll tnoh 11n, II) li.trrcd Jin paler, has
Chiguanco Thrush
L 26 mi ( 10"). F1nnl~nd1:d11c.1own) 11nd d"
~I'~ 111.11~ Iii I lu111 \lnllcy (I Region) scrubby ra~1nc.. O JSOO m IDt.. ru I
I 1 r h I> 1..,, 01111 hu1 b~mns on back CATI01' 0 11/1 1/arA 1/1111/i 111 CIt/le l'yp1cnl
11111 .1 1'1 11 lih th 11 ml on ,111cccn1cd oflcn, Turrl11r s1ruc1ure fwo d11Tcrcnt form~. chin
u(l/tCI) in Putrc and rcgio11, t11t1/1n11liru.1 In
highl3nd~ of Antofoga,hl Mnle c:ltlJluom ,,
dull grey wllh yellowish bill und lcg8. l y,
chcStnut and no 'is1ble urbnal nn11 Fco1111t
dull browmsh, whh duller bill Male u111l111J
cinu.r nearly black with orange-yellow leg nnd bill, and bm" 11
eye with narrow ycllo\\ orbital ring. Pcinalc greyr<h. ltkc ni4k
clttguonco but has duller btll. Jui hrown wuh ob~urc \ll\:3kmg
nd 'JlOUlOg bclo\\ \ O ICE S"'cct. mcloJ1c TurrJu, '<'"
llOl1\el'lul1-tridcnt and high p11chc<I Call a nhal t"lirtt.-r. Alo
A l11h N ll CF.I.
Vrr1 v
I""""''...-"" II~'"'"" a II ~""'r n.c,.
arc 3ccomplhhcJ >1MJ:<'T\ the 11<11'l'<"oc~1rea1ed ll(r
M "1 ou I ud ' '" 1hru h trol JOJ fill< \\uh ltmg t.t1I' and U'-'lall) a gn-y1\h plu1110igc lhc) arc lllO<I .:l<tl) ttl
4S1urni.b<"J b<i 1Jftly ~re thnr ,,...,.1 t.Ucn1 and ab1l11y to m1m1< 1n "'""''PC"~~. hence the tl.lJl\L""I 1
I "'' '" tc~.u '"" ll.1hk uf rlu 14: 111 p.iol"i Of lnpkb. ~locldngbtrcb an: bc>t ukn11li~ ti... .ubtlc dJOL"rclll"t
lftl I t II '" nJ 1.111~11 th I Ii.-)'''"'
J1lTcr on the strengrb of1111cral thro:u ~npona. iaol ~t;cms. wrng ~'Ut<u 1
'" .111111 un rhc Oank'

V rt v /01111hlo dorsirojo (Zorzal tropica l)

lhc 'h)' on1I rc1mna nature of th" tn ~
14//1.11 "' fu~n!scens mgb1rd, wluch keeps ro 1.hick cover. (I \1111
I 111, 1111 I ") V111J.11111I, u11c ~pecuncn fro111 llurn Volley. Uorcal " 111 . 101~ 'rl l'IC/\1' 10 A smnllct 111.1
It 1. 111 ,f, .t.lft<c m1gmn1. ! OEN rlFI C'/\ l' ION A ~mall ref11t11'tlv ~f111r1- tmltlf mockingbird 1>1111 ~
1111 h 11hlu11 \\lll~undrctirinaruuure fntirdy,.,1,.,,1htt111n .. 1hurt mull Mii Long "ings. "'ult j,
I. '"~" '""'" 1(1 cul. ( hecl.1 >,'ITI , ,,.,.J,1r~ anti 1111 lu j. r111111n nlnllJrt L.~cnly greyi'h '''""
I k~'" "hni."1 wilh grey ll.u1~
II tJtu/ ,,,..,,.,, J1~ strrobnR un thfT~ll <;"~'"
""" """"' '"""

from""'"'ntorump Faupar1ernn, .. 1
rmp, unhle C1ulcan Mockingbird. I
hI U t<iilJIU. anochcr long.J~lk'.C mttf'llll. c.,wJ .!:J andl>11lb~I. C'on~tmgcbrk~clinc
I I h l> mm: olh'e abo\ e, ~ b<>IJ bufl\ pr:.IJCle<> hitc <upt-rc1hum. and ~le a~ face Lads strong al
x '"" lluoat. \ O I CE \ MMI '1ihtt<T. lripa or lam-al'""'"' 'rlpt':f lklov. ,.bite ~I. ""<J\hrJ
pale grey on bre11.1, ~n.I whole on re~ of undcrpans. ,.~,!..:ii Ch ilean Mockint;lm i i
Crt1111r1y bellied Th rush huffy OR "'3r fbnJ.' $.>me luc 1nd..i1ac1 ~on rear 0 ' L
\\ ongs blaclmh w11h ht1fJ uhllt' 111ngbnr.s and wh11et11~ J
l1111.1I th.1lt halero (Zorzal argentino) fetter eo ...m . Tail bl.id w11h "hole outer edge and lip> 1u tll
I 111 " ' " 11m11urochalinus b111cc:ntrnl rccmcc,, Scpnrutcd from Chilean by overul l grn I
I 1111 I~ '"I Vui;r1111I, One record from Vallcnar 1111 Rci;11>n), plumage. smaller hill, lock tifdark lntcml thro;11,r.ripes, pro11111
r ' ,,.., n 111 'l11\'111tnn. where some popu lnl1(111\ urc 1111111111ory. ltona1ely shor1er 1011. Mnnllcr ~11u. proponlonatcly longerw111~
1111 \ 111 U \I ION A slim, longtailcd nirt1u1 Ncrvo11>ly 11nd longer pnmary PMJllon, grey ralh-r lhan bufTy .,..a.o,h It
" I 1i.11>1111ulf,1 tlro<>ps 1n11gv. 81'(11111 111><11 ;' /1v111 brca.~. more strik111g fuec pnllcrn. wh11c-11pped l=r COV<ll
.11 fir/I .full 11!llo11ish. IC r;1t)'th I hrn.11 "lure and bl:icker "'inJ! lhal c<>nlral llh paler grey back \ 0 1( I
r II h Hrc-,.,t dull buff. bccommp "Jr11nlr "'' hdf1 Song morc musiC11I anJ ancJ 1han Chilean. phrases lonn
I mforn1 hn11 n urpciparu alkl bs):cl~ ,. h11e unJct "'OleS tripkd or Joubl~ w<M m1nnCI)'
le hum \1t"1'al and Clu~nco lhni.hn \ O IC I
......,,,, Wh ile-band ed Mockingb ird
Tenca de alas b lancas
1111" 111 Mue;kingbird Tenca Mimus triurus
1111111 t1nr.1
l 22 cm (0"1 \llRntn1. with many rec11rJ,
I ~,, 'm 110"). El\'DEM IC. ('ommon on 11Cn1b Pcrhp more frequcnl than curren tly
1'1 HCa'. upen mmomal, fannl~nll, forcl c<111c 1hou11h1 A h1Jll1ly onoarntory species th.ti 1~
1111l 111b.m <II~. Like~ 10 pefl;h 011 u1ih1y wires prone 10 wu11tlcr. 11 cou ld show up auywhcrc
.1111l 1\'lcpho11c pules. 0 2200 m 1llt; 11 Fl fr\lnt N C'holc 10 l .akc Dis1ric1. Likes Qf>Cn
( \ 110' A large browm;h mocl.11111bml. IJ1ll ;hrubby ~111s u> well as urbnn scnings such
I""' ntl 1hiclcr lhlln othct mt1<l1nab1rtl' n\ small '111agc, 0- 3000 m. LO~:STI fl.
' P 1le llJICf'C'tlium and darkc-r c>clonc, 11tc CA1 101' ''" a11n1ct1c. briahtly coluurcd
uh I 1/uu.11 u h.1r.Jc-n-J bt l"""'1 Jurkfu1 ral and 1111) Pf\>p<'fhOncd ~bird. Sl111t
h II urtpo unJ pal<' m<1/ur ''"f'C' nl>o1< fong-toiled and s1Mlf /11r u "''" l..m1:b1rd Long wmgs.. and Ion~
I IJJ<.l\nu.b j,!rC\ frum ~r., .. a '" urrcnaol- pnmary enctbion Bl>IJ/du I'""""
1th blackish C)ehnc and
hot 1t 001 anJ bo1ll) e:rey bfca,1, bccomona "hne upcrciliunt o IJ1cml 1bn.:11 s&npcs. Greyish cro..11
I 1' I //<1,.Li tmng/1 11rn1l...J \\ 1np .iio.. cum:i~ IOblck. bus lm1trlvt'I... "'"'P uNlupputa1f-corrtJ
I 1'111 f ~tc11\l<>ll .ind''"' \\hllc \\ 1111tbJr> unnamon. Whne underp;in> l>c.:onung buffy oo rear !Ltnl
""' lie llhl.:nt -.;..1c 1hc 1.:,~ oa\J - and undcru1l-co\c:ns Tu1f Mut A "''" outf'r J-..4 "'"'rrces
II L l1k h ~ 1p111.rr,.111dh.1cl. Whlloedgcd ""';rel> whm. thu~ more white on tnll 1han 1n oiber Ch1IC11n
111 1,.1,., 111 "'II '"''~f'I ccnlrnl ll'<lnx mockingbirds. 8/rJdilt "'"I:' """lilrge wh11e pn1ch on
n I ti 11111 11111\' f.uA-1"' 11\111.!", hh\\ rit.:r upporpnrts. .recondories, primury-covc1 t~ nnd outer median and gtea1cr Patagoni.lll Motklngb itd
I''' II 1111 h '"'" 1lo11k llunk 'll'l'1tking secondary-coven~ Th1> patch, olon11"11h 1hc largely white mil,
"Ill I I 111 1111t111 ~111ihl1rl ""''~ 111 rc1w111cd IS distinctive. Uoulcrwlng lurgely while. Brownbucked
l tttl 11 11ul1 1ltl 1 tt1p1d111 T\h,rc Mockingbord M 1fort11/if ha. bl~n rcponc:d from Pu1re and
I \llh f'""'"I ,11111I1111 111111<1' occurrence needs documen111111. Ornwn-back.cd differs in its
l~rJlc.r ~ze. bull.1cr 'hpc. tiro"' ner uppcrp:in~ and in 1he
I " 111 Rar I """" placemem and c~1cn1 of Lhr "'b11c "'ma patch. On Bro,.n
h;i..led Ille 1<log pa:b inclutk. the pnmal)..:o'cn~ and base
ol the mm.in~<. bu1 001 &he \\1n1-coens. VOI CE Song While-b anded Mock1n1tb11cl
m1 ial ttompln Phnun lon~cr th.m odla '"" o mr.>1:lo.-
'" h11ol1. nOC< mrkd 11r lll<lrC. blll uned,. includes muDU:I)
11th""') 11 111 1 .1 humcJ ()all a ""''P
!'I f\ 1I H'1: l'1pih, w.11hl 1\ .1nd Red-ey
_e_d_ V_ir_e_o_____
Hellmayr's Pipit
,, " I; 1,11 tool ttc '""' luh ,,, ~ ul.nJ; "h1<:h "all rather tlmn hop. They .ire nomm11"I)' d1fftrul1 IO 11lt111tl
\1tu1 '"''" 1111 1,.11hu 11011,,,. dY.t oo the luoJ 1oc (ballu_') Funbcnnore. the1r1cn1.al arc \<f')' l.trl'.c "<"0111
111 th 11 11111tt r 11>. 1..1,1 t "''" II hA'" .1 ~<>mplcx 01gb1 soog and displa) Chile'' "arblcr. .ire h.11h ostam II
' ' I 1<..1 <"\l~I '"~ " .... 1c.r1<~J 1n the Ame~ bw ID Chile II Onl) ha. OCCWTcO. ,. r1111t
11, ll111,1y1 \ P1p1l I D 'Tlf'IC \110' A I
ll 11l 1r111 chrco .irgentino (Cachirla palida) Sk>el.)' p1p1t Y. llh a lff1>1/1 I
;\111/111\ 111/lm.iyri dabbt!neiTX#73 lurgr li1/I u,,.J 1.-~ lvng lu..Jr

~ \1)1.
r " n:.0<.h 11 l "'l'"ma). Vic1ma and ocar
Rcll1u11) Pn>Nhl)' ..n un.:ommon and ttgubr
'""'' ' .\1"'"&.
purtrr11 n11h ' """"'""'
,..,1,. >Uf<"l'I /11191
Jarl t'1t'f11t<' 111"1 ('Qlt' Ul\'11 M
1 I 1fic, our uiu of lh.. I'.\ Regino S1:1t11.> rcqutJ'C~ t'\.'t' "1f l'Ur'"t"t)\f'rlf. t\hle h 4.1'1"
I 111 111011 11rnl.1nd, IOt, 'i I ll'lt \110' Scpar:llcd from l1llt'J tlurl purt1rvl<1rl> o1t lt1t0
klcta I>) ' ' " " anJ ..ubde plumage iJ1frnm.:e~ Smalla- ~Ji:.- The cbrl. co1rc<l\eM fnn
I II.I hrfl'r h1111/, /.,,. (ballux) lh.tn C:orrcndena llcllmayr'> C0011'3$1S w11h the whirt malar and />n-,,.,d J11rl Iulo rvl tit
llnm l.it1111l tl1t11<1/ rtri~ \\c.il.. la.:c pattern. h;is an s1rrpu. \Vhitc below, llc11111) ,1,...ak. d 1111 lir..m1 ond I" .11
1 "/'" { ,,,, ,/ 11ppnm11111 1h11 f(J /.,.A 11/ ht>IJ eye/we. in
broad and utU"i onjlunk.s \OOc boldl)' ~ttt.ikcd. "'llh tn
1thlo1t 1n I id) wrl.. eye Pale .upeK1hum not ob'''"' Lores .,11;1e 'su:rpenilcf'1 t>n back Lcj!.1 d.1r~ pink f'nil cl.irk with wl111 Yellowish Pipit
1 oh 1 111111 .. 11 < orr~ndcru No obvmu pale putch bcl<1w eye 0<1
outectwopa1nofrcctrices Ahtplno form r.11nmun art "~"
I h lhno1 ', .111tl Im h "pmn1l11t'11t Jur* '"''"' l>orrkr If> tht' golden-brown bovc with a ~rong~r buff WHh to br ~.1 I
"' ,,, tt I he ,mnllcr hlll tend~ tu have a pinker luwcr VOICE Aerial sona uni.ring "s bird ascend '" m.unt.un
111 "'' l11tf, 1h.111 ( 'orrcndcna U111ft.'rfHJrlf flnd1 fln:oA~'ll 011 hu{fy
bc1gbL. then u nasal bun; ns it i;hdes or pnruchulc~. clilp1 pll1
/.,,.,., Jwn11111: "hrt111lht111tl: 1111</ 1111/y t'\/~11d/11g 11urrowly cllipi-piti-cil/pi-pitf .. Zll/t/fl?.l/Zlll/Zlllll rhlpr 11111
, "'" /lowh S1r~11~1t1l( on C'orrcnd<:m much hc11\'icrthroughout Thebuu is longest on the final 1mmch11lc 1111hc gro11111J. 0111111111
Hi>h 11.llh, r~1111c11l11rlyon Onnh.Abovc, brown with butr, lrcaks,
~ng tinkling. no buues Cnll u Ont rl11<'ll1
'"'' W[I~ \\hllc upcndcr~ unlike C:om:ndem Lcg.s rinker
1111111111 t 011<11J1:ra \OK ll SMg ""' bu11c~ more 1111cgratcd Red -eyed Vireo
lh 111 I Ui.11111ru f hc b1v1c\Jrc 'h11rtcr, .md u'IUally n dc.<;ecnJ.
Verder6n de ojos roj os (Vireo ojirojo)
11 " " " ' hll11"I b) nn a'ccndin11 bun th11..r:111 " hlp-t;;ip
~IJ'" I l l I , 1111><1 /ZOO r:htfH r/l.'f.' r:hlflf> 1700 chtpt::tp
Vireo olivaceus TX#76 Co..-rendera
h I' I !/ lo1uund ""'li' ''""ct. mtW"C "''Med, lack buac;. L 15 cm {6") Vagranr. hmoncal rernrd fmm Vnllcn"r flll Pipit
Region) and recent one II 7.apahu1nr (I Rcg1t>n) IOt' 111 I
Yrlluw1sh Pipit CATI OX A '1TUlll. bulky 113=nne "uh a t1<mg hill and '''"'"
t1.11l11t111 chico peruano (Cachirla chica) llf>Olc at lip. Ad. b.l rNI ,,,, 1mm br<>11 c~c \1ron11. />w,'
.A11tl1t1\ lut~SCt'ns peruviens1s TX#74 ').fine contrvru: ""h pair s upH'ril111m Cmwn gr I l>rm/t ,.,/
11arro,./d>lad im111nlia"I' al>o>'<"l"1>U'f'1/1u"' Aboc I'""
I I \cm tS"l Re tnclcdln'&..-i.tl pl.un DOrtb i...,iov. ,. hiti.tl.. ,. ilh yell<I'" ,. ash rn 'cn1 1..-g, N11, Xfr)
OI \n<A Pf'llllArtl)' IOI mouth of I luta Rl\et
<~.ii trand. h<n ~~ on )ADd, ~b Blackpoll Warbler
"uml>cn pmh.iltl) Ouc1u;itc dqtemhng on
11A1l.;hk cr\alloalt c JI),.,_ .. nycarsl.
Monjita Americana (Arai'lero estriado)
II lllU m IOI '1 It I(' \110' T'hc fMo//n1 Dendroica striata
L l-4an(5..S"l. \'aitrant. One rttonl flO'lll \'alJl\ta ('.\Re ''
A loog-d1stance mi&r.mt th;i1 1~ hkcl) tu 1>ccur ti""
I l>t "I
T IFICATIO' A $hMl-l<J1led fo1t1>-.,111grJ,.urNrr fu,. A
W'Ongpanenr, .,.;lh palcr~11pcrc1hum und 'trong d~rk cyd1n,
1fborou.-e ntt/J JarAstrrah, '-'lo-. -.h1thh "uh )'Cllow ".-ih
to throat aod dull >lre<1"1ng 1hrou1Jhou1 Wrng~ blnclmh witl1 Black poll W.u hlr t
/WO bold whrtl! winghar$ Ug> j/rt'I tlf bft1<A1>h lilllh \el/"
fce1. Ad. male boldly s1rc.1kcd bl"ck und white, w1th lnrsc wh1h
face p3tcb.

American Redstart Candelita americana

Setophaga rut/cilia
L 14 cm (5.5''). VagrnnL One rc~ord fmm A1J1pQ V~llcy, M'\ct11I
ffom l'u1re(I Region). n>~: 1 IVICA1 I ON A ohm, lf>nJ;lml"'I
warbl"r. All plumages rdcntilicd by tr//011 (/e11111le Imm I 111
orongl! (ad. male) />ase rn otir..r mrrlref Also, n w//1111 111
orangt patch OJ ha.tr of11r1mur/~s u11J >ru>ndurrt 1 ( 1t1lc 11
record> f\3,-c all been offcrnale 1mm h1rd\ which h.11 c ' J'h")
h~ad. j.!f\.'CnCI back. and yetlo" tail i...~ nJ lu-c t11 mn~
lJcl(t1> "h111,h, "uh a" /11111 (I 111alr) 11r 1>1,1111: 1. Ihm I""'" "t
m.111) 111,ll "" '"' ,,,,..,,,,, Youn m.ik 11lltn rUe1l M,t; ~
con <ho \11 111.11, lrfd hl.o< I 1J urun ~
1'1 1\11 tt6 Conebills, sccdc11 lcrs and Blue-b la ~k Grassquil
Tamarugo C()nl'hlll
n 1111 11111c uu u1 u11I) on the"""" I utteb1lti. :ire small. wari)ler-hkc b1rJc ~uh smnll c.1n"''' t11ll 1h~ WJI"'
c lnereous Conebill
('I 11n I! 11n~ tl\.11cJ he' lfe ion 111 huJ, "1lh 1bicL. ~ng bill. of open. 11r..s-.y <olc,. "uh ("''"'"mu I
n h11h "''"'""" l11.:d.1"1111.1lh11 nl 1ll 11f 1hc..c htr<h has aned. from ucating conebill Hrcl1ti\01tf "~rbkr>(l';1111h
I< rrn htm' \. ,....,,1, lrt'"lcJ ~;,1h th< l.anai:cr> !Thraupultt) orbun11ng~ (Em~nmlac) Recent O'JA wul)>1>
-1 II "'~ t en cf\

Clnf'rt'OUS Conebill Comesebo chico )Ump aisplay "~ tjngmi. Female l>rm11J1h-gh"\ mJ ""
Comro~trum cmereum s~ fan: pulltTJt &lo-.. ""''" '"'" bru"n lm1l1 ""hi
UIUljlollks Wingsbbcb~-n..u1lblxb-Mxo-.n l>M
l 10 llcmH 4 ~1 CommoamOl>b~
uf the nnnh ind prepuna shrub 1onc.
longtt btlled and bbicl.tt wmgcd th:in (cnulc ( 1intnu1 1hr 1\lu black Gras.squit
~ VOICE \blc gt\CU high 1n<tlll..cp1~...
Oc~up1t .luul>by am,, Oh\t' pl.uuauons.
iruckn~. r1p.inJn ..crub tamanJ&o fOttSb 0
1~00 m IOI,:\ r!FI Al 10"1 A "natl p.u-
Chestnut-throated Seedeater Corbatita
ocrmc v.11h a ha'l!I)' pointed bill \\ 111 remind Sporophila telasco
Nonh American ob...-ncr> ul a l<r1111>uru l 12 cm (S ). Commun on Q3~1 nlk)'

rM 1 <re)' .ohm c Wl\hCd nltH~. n111 pure grey. lleuJ gre1~ Anca FounJ 1n farm field. anti field c,I
'<11th 1 1111,J>lllllf "h11; $Uf'<'rt tlluitl afld >lttthtl> 1l<1rA1r t'1tdtnr Oficn percbe; on u11h1y v. irct 0 MO 111
Ill 1d.1<h ""'II' IYllh urcy cuvcrb "'"""" tthlll! 10 .. ~ri..ngl>or IOEi'i r1FIC1\flON Sm~ll nnd chunky'""
" '" " h111 /111111/kc1t hlrr u1<11 111 h11r~ 11/ miter 11r1111nri1s. shon ta1t and shon. deep bill wllh cur.c1I <ul
111 I 1 h I 111 ( 11.lrr11Drt\ 8"'> h<'comlnJ( h111J <Jll f111nkv 1111d men. like 11 hny p:1rro1 Ad m:1lc g,...,
m.t.11o11I "'""''' On om.: ind ividual,, undcrta1l-covcru. can stroaArd hlncAlfh, 11111/1 t't11111u.11/1111 11/111
I 11111 ho 111h1 huff. NUIUICsl1ng T11111uru110 C'oncbill. Fcm11lc mmp. Wings blackish wi1h nanow "h1lc wmgbnn. n11d "1111 Chestnut I h1 mh ii
1111!1 1 k' ~rcy. 1M111cul"rly on und~rpnn-. \IOI E Song a bases 10 primaries (' hn11dkcrchlcf') Blucl ih 1311 wllh who Seedeatrr
hlI 11111 JI 1'hull~r 11.-11n11. more thun I 'h /II'<! t l1 pll - rl1 base. White beluw, w1ih s11111// dCtrk nl{n11.1 tlmmt 1111t<h Fc11u1I
I .-/11111 .. 1w11~yll11hk now" d~ltvcrcd slii;htly lower bl'Qwnisb ond s ircakcd Dull hrown f11cc lncks contrnMtni
h I 1111 ""~" l'on~hill. pnuem. Streaked above, brown1\ h 11 lnJ:<>..1/1 t> ltlle 'httm#.
chfef', and while rail hnsr. ll11ffywl111c btlClw "1lh nurro"
r..m.u ugo Conebill SIJCak> on Olllll.s and chc$1 Sec Bluc-blacl <lrns\(ju11 for '>CP
C 01111\<'bo de los tamarugales ration. VO ICt: A choppy 'urbk (2 l ,,, ~tans ofT~l11,..ly nJ
C. 111rtHlrum tamarugense buildl> IO a Ouny.

I II I~ cm (4 S ~1 l .oull) common dwing

Band-tailed Seedeater Semill~ro Band-tailed
hru-Jini; .a-.>11 in tam.truso fl't('Ctj inland of
l11u111ue Al'>O (l111> \lllC)'' cl~ loAnca In Catamenia analis Seedeater
nun.hr,~1n1 OCl\Otl muc<> higher. 10 pre L 11- 12 cm (4S S"I Comm<'R on pre I""'
J'Unl hrub /OllC Dcs.:nbcd ID tbc 197Ch shrub ;one Prefen hrubby ra\ lllC 1d1~cnl
( llt.n IC<Ur'\ "'llh mc>rc "''~cadCincnlOU> > fanned ur tcrr.td held.. 2~ HOO rn
t 011<1..11 o 3500 m \ulncrabl. lll E;\ nn- IDE"l'TI Fl C T IO"I I\ chunk), lon1-u1lcJ
seedeatcr All plumage hac htN'I w111l'OI
.n-://"'41>/t />11/ olftl "hll< fo.Jlfd al httr of luil Plain-coloured
(bcsl ~ Ill n1~hl or frum ~IO'A) \1alc: 1rq. Seed eater
hitc on bcOy. 03rler C)'d1nc ll111g; l>lurlufh """ """'"
primary ~ 1;n1 n.fo..s Female "'""'""h llnd \lrCJkcJ
tllrougltoul. with 1"0 poilcr wingb:in nJ "'"'" dlle hafldk.-r
duef'. Male rna) be confu~d with m.11t ll~nd -ta1lctl S1cm1
finch. 001 latter largtt, ha. propor110011cly loniccr hill. llJrl
mnsk, Md lacks white primary b.i.n and ru.I) \Cfll rclll31c
scpanited from oll similar smull a1.rcakcJ finches by while t:u l
b:lnd and yellowish bill. VO I Cf: Song n lugh pitched, <111nvcr
ing trill ( I s long) on une pitch

Plain-coloured Seedeater Semillero peruano

Catamenia inornata
L 13 cm (S"). Reponed from Mam1nu (I Kr111on), occumnc<'
'"Cl11lc requires verificntilln. Any C'hi lc;m Cttlllfl1111/u i.cclkatcr
should be assumed 10 be lland-rnoled , IO l<NTll'I CAT ION
Male darur rha11 80JUl-1a1lt'd. "llh rnttlY'l1 dart tall. 1111 "h11r
'ltondkert:ltief' and ora11gl'J1fnJ. lull Female ltkc ll1ntltalled.
but 110teor.ingc-pink boll, lack nfrn1I band nnd all-da1k primary
1 IAI I Ri' I lowt1 pil1c.c1, ~altalor, conebill and tanagers Slack-throated Flowerpiercer Salta tor

I I 01\ M UJI ,,, '~"'

\11dc.111,r-:<u:s thnl feed 1'0 nectar. They ba\C h~lipped btll\lh~l lhC) U-c' IOCIC h 1111
I " I '"' II ncctt.r oflong 00\\CTS. This ID cffcctrobs the no.. er. h the bird d<>C..\01 I
rcrn1111111g Dc:t'CJ hllho;
'"' II "' 11~ \ d.ol w got that l1'1"crpicn:<n arc w.ag= (Thtaupicbe) md are c\o..,I) related lu "Qllcbo lh Shtl
ti ri v. 1.itipi. .1 Nco1ror~ gr.,ur of la'ie ~~nes "11h thick btlls: they att rel.tied '" 'l;cJ111hcm C'ar.lon.il C.11
I 1 id di 1f~d" 11t11111t.;, carJnul ~ (Cmlimhdae). Bluc-3nd-ycllow Tanaiier 1s dearly a WIAgcr Nl<J
4 ail I k C"\ lcnu, hut rc,cm rmrcoc """" "'U"'lS 1tw 1bc powp that include$ ummcr Tan~~ !rcnus l'1rofllal ~be" cla
I t .linhd.k There,. prc-<'ntly 1=1 OW< in lhe (am1ly-k,..,I ~.siem:m~ of1hctc &roul"'

Hint.Ii. throated Flowerpiercer Comesebo negro tlrroct, lllftl bltKhslr .....,4 BacL JTCCft, Co>lllra>llnJ "rth I
l>it.ltJsJ brunne1ventris lo-" bact and,..,,,,,,
\\1np bl11d:1>h ""b lilue-crey C'd
I l'<m(S' J llll:ally(<>mnwnrnnlnDC$\\tlh Belo" .ndla" wu.li an ororrn ''"' 10 /.ff~t Tari d.u1i 1.
duller. v.11b p;llc bluc:-grcy h<~J and 1111\c b.KI. !kl'"' I
J'llfl'IC'-Oo..mna.<;,./anum bash<~. on pn:-puna
hnob Joni: Pcrhor< 11\Ui>l c.munon r>ear towns hitt thro;st. buffy bttas1 a.DJ h111.b undcl'Jliln' \ 0 10 "
nJ '1ttavc v..h~rc 11t,1l1rtu. 1rce~ DU) a monolc>nou> .cn.... of cle.rty "1qMra1.:J '"''" 11t>1.,,, ..
nsing. some follrng chip cJt,.u hip ,,1,,.,'4J chip It
l'ftl 1do sccnnd,11')- uuf\:c of ncciar 3000-
\~ m 1 0~ , , n 1< \TIO' A ~mall. shm
Each boot l;tsts :?-3 ~. \q)an11cd by 1 S ~ Rec.dis "'"I:.'
'booded sierra-ftn.:hc$. <:all a n1.al ttht111A
r;Menne v..uh .a r11ri111J>~I ltu1..tlIHI/. "'1ol1<-d
w1./ A"' 111111med l<llHr m1111,lt/lc /\d OJ<~. l3rgely hlm:J.
h 1111 tm~ 111~1/r "'fll'ITlllum Wings blntk1sh wirh gfl!y
Summer Tanager Piranga
ho .t.1 r Cl~'-.:r ""en) Btlm.- lurk tltn111111, 11th CJ small Piranga rubra
J,/,,, 4 1/1111111111111/i 1111d c11111r1,,1f11J1 ,:rty j/011/u. Ju~ grcyrsh- L 20 cm (8"). Vagrnnt, one spccnncn from ncnr A111ofajju,111 tll
1.mwro 11~"" "11h narrow pnlc wrn11tinrs. Oclow olT-wbilc. with Region). Boru:tl brtt.der ttnd l11ng-ch~1uncc m1gmn1 which coould 11111~-and-yellow
~ th11t.11 tMlc n1.1tnr 11riric and dark 'trenkin11 on brc11s1 occur again. IOENTlf'ICATIO A lnrac pu\lWrinc. 1hgh1ty
11111 th111~' !Idly nnu vent clnnnmon. VOI Ct; Song. u f11>L. smaller than an Au51ml I hrush. Jlf// /w111:1 1111111111/t /1<11111# 1n11ager
1111Ll111p lh111y ofh111h-11i1ched 11111c~ Sonii ls l<mJ!. scpamu:d coJ011r. long primor, pmj11 /Ion. /\J, m1tlt' n11lrdv ntl. wt1lt
I .I oncf\ ~" Sh5htl> lo" er p11chcd. lo1111or nod more slightly darker wings .ind 1a1I Female erccnh abo'c ontl oq
<: 11111' th.111 ( 111crcnu. (\1ncb1ll """ \ling~ and 111. lu/oov .l't'llaw 11/1/1 u p11td11 11111/t; l>ri&hlI
cllowonundcna1l-cn~ensnnd 1hmn1. lrnrn male lrkc female
.oltlC'n billed Saltator Pepitero but h3s n:d patches"" face and uppcrp;rn. \ O IC'E A 'h1111
111t.1tor Jurantiirostris 1hrec-no1c pit-tl-tuW..
I 'O cm (8' ) l..ncommon around h1j!hbnd
\ '''"n' :and ~tllatn on prl'-l'Una ~b zone. Ciant ConebilJ Comesebo gigante
lnh~hoh a m" of ,.hrubby bonlcn 10 sncul- Oreomanes fraseri
11-nl lict.t, "nh t.tller 1n1r11duc:cd 1rccs (such

d11" nJ rcrrn"rt'CSI 3000-3SOO m.
'n ..c \00' 11'tfaoAlblnllThm..tt..
\ hunLy l"i-''<flnc "''h" I~<'. rok>utful btll
1 1all 0111 , .,, '"' u1tJ l>n1tht '"'""ll'" \bo c grey.
11' ~J '"" ~ ~ "-"""'-'"'
l 14 an (S S"I RttCPll~ dt"<:l\n-cd tn (hok'

rare. no d<>uh1due101hc !'2nl)I

habit.II P.,J, IC'pu "ooJland, Pp/1 /rpn "a
\hQn 1n:c "''b OaLy rcJd,.h wt...
Summer Tanage1

In V.I l1K lolAtlt rAl~1,.,_1,,}cltr..J. '"Iha occurs hri.;)Kr 1hoin any \>IMr ru1tc trttS m
" '1"" ''""" b, l11nJ "". Olad. of f.a.:c CC)CllUUICS the' Clulean An.lcs The J1,1nbu11on or 1,,/..,.
l u1L lllklcrcoitoa l>lucl l>th, ch on -.hrle bu1 difficult fq!U as patch> and "' bc.:t>n\111' - frai;rnen1tJ 11 " cut
I I " lht' bla<'- t11h 11>c htta.a and nan'- arc grcy.1hc for ft"""()Od Go;anL Cuncboll fllr.IJI"' b> prt>b1n11 1hc tul) t>.ut.
I I llli111ttn. .,,,,/ 1/t, 1 ~"' J>,1glrt <'tllJIU"'"" Tml l:>la-d.- on the tnm1.. and br:tnch~ \Cardunv for 111-cc1 rn:y. 3000
Mht11 ' ' ' ' ' ' " n111'r I\'< lflC~l Juv sinular to a.cl.. 4000m. Near'Thrcatcu!d IO E' fl fl CA 110 ' \chunl.y ras
1 h au I fl! Iii;,,. Lhhcrcy. "11h .upcrcrhum a le !K'rinc "ilh a long, >harp/> p111111.-d fotll Bluc-vcy m1"n and
Ir 1 I 1 u )I h 1>1111 rth.-11h.m -.h11e. Tbc blacLr>h Cb1g- uppcrp:rns. 1ncludrn1 Wiii~~. fi1t hm laf'fl' "h111 cltt"* pu1d1.
l l1t 1 1, 1 1111 1llv Y1t1r.11r" ond lul bngh1 ycllov..isb u dark cltl!ltnut tTt/Jn" 1wJ pot<lr urt111ntl nt'. 't:lllllMll/f u
f I 1 hit r "', .1nrl lhc llt.1111r'' bnlold ~upcrcilium narrow ll'hit<' supl'nlltum Largely "hue check\ d1agno\11c.
I 1111 II \ lllC I .,,1ng h1u1l 11nd clear. remnusccnt Below rufoUli [mm ('lt/n 111 1111tlt'rt111l-1m trl C'hc,tnut under
""""" 111111 ' 1111111 ""111llv JUI un,lcr 2 sin lcnglh. a pansandsohd-colourcd uppcrp11ns may SU118C1 lllnckthronlctl
"1111th1 111~~111 011 th~ fonnl pan. Flow10rp1crcc:r, bu1 larger <11e. chunkier h~pc .md P11fyltf1"'
hnbitut of Gion1 C'oncbill alone scr\ e to 1dcn11fy 11, ~nd the
~rlluw 1.1111l~l'r N,1ranjero whire cheek pnlch nnd lock of 11rcy llonk~ ;ire conclu~ivc.
"" 111/ll /1,,,, 11/'ll\/\ VOJCE Song a h1gh p11chcd, 1111klini: scric~. 1101~N ~ho11 und
quickly delicred. Call a higll. 1hon 1< "'"


,,, '"'""s:
111Al I HK: Ycllow f111cht\ lit ight-rumped
111 I "' 1l" 11111 ..111t. Ht 1111< 11, \I 1k, '''" )<ll1m1.J1.~ femaloolherycllo" crgreyuh Q\cr.ill, thcy trnd1<1 l>c u11\I
111111 I 11 I"" on.I mien ih uf ytll" '"'' t"'> a "ell as rn bill shape and " 111g length Re<:cn1 i:cnc11c '1:11 u
11... 1. '" '"' 1...., " " 1 I l11nll\"LI' I r.111,.-r tlun 1:Jumuig$ tEmbcruidac) Saffron I inch (Chmhuc :u.afrin) .'iJrrJ/o< /71110~
II ii ht I ,....,,.,1-..11101111'1u on .Uld \ 1llJ11~a. IJ\ Rq;oon. where itbn:cds \fal( becscabh-hed lrom C\CiipCdc~

lh nht 111rnpcd Yellow-Finch Greenish Yellow-Finch Chirihue verdoso

th nl111r tord1llerano Sicafis olivacens
!.11411" 11ropygu1/is L 13 I.I cm CS") C'omm<111nptt-puna,hn1b 1"1i'
I 11 I I cm (S ') l\lllplalkl. in dncr ofko ' '1:$. as ,.ell as di') setl"-deicn iq1<>tb ;mJ alh"I
Grea ter
,. houc lf 1n1mI corrals JS00-4SOO m . ~common ycllo... liD<:h 10 h1~hlanJ 1(1"'"
llil ' 1111( HI O' I\ lonJ"1nccd )cllo,..rmdl, villages 1000 4SOO m. IOt' flt IC TIO' Ytllow-finch
11h /,,,.. P'"'"'" mn1111n. Rclatl\cly \mall. ycllo" -finch wnh m<tdcnc prunaty '"ten. "'"
''""I"'' hill, ""h >h11ht tune 10 culmcn \lalc ooticcably c:uncd c:ulmm M11J. gF..rn11h 1tlh1
h.1, i:lil..1111/11.- cnm" C'Unlraslurg "11'1 g~ enr ~Ion. flunk;, ~ilgluh "'',.
o/11 <' th.Jn ho-II> Bil('~
"" , - ,,,.J 1..llr> lltf'U<JI und nttA-ucfe, Grt.1-
,,,.,.4, ,/ up(l<urancr Ju1~11u111c
t'pJJ<rpan1 grt'),
g:rccn. somcnmc- ohcarcy. n11n11
man y~lluw lhun hu.-k 'ocp11a1cd from Pun1
'"' >

rump '' """ Delu" ycllo", w11h contrusllng gr<:J Yellow-Finch by greener plumage, and grccm'h ruthcr tlt..11
//1111A o I\"'!:' ~rcy w11h rmrnnnc' and .ccond~nc. edged pale yellow WtJ1%<0'-e11s F.-niol<' 01 r11/I gn.-nnh 1<1 J11/l nn1. "''"
\ 11 111nii. 11.1k wm11 panel fcmAlc brownih above nnd tl{JJJl!Ql' obst'urt!ly 1treuted "ho'" Ore)' face, ycllnw wii.h I
I II" h.:ln\\ Jim"" tur-nHrrtt, cuntrallng wllh grccm\h throar and vent, vnriablc In c~tcnt. Mos1 sim1lor Ill li:nhlh
"'"" 111111 ~dluw 1h1 ont, like mole. Uclow yellow on throat. Gremer Yellow-Fi nch. but avcragci m11rc }cllu" on 1111dc!f1-l'I
''" 1 t w111l vc111 \\httc on belly VOIC ~; Son11a 1tqu1d trrll , or is $mailer, hos c urved culmen nnd much shoncr r1ru111111
''"" IU1111il cl11111c1 More muslcul 1h11n Orccul'h Yrllow l'inch. extunsion. VO IC~: Song consitS uf dry trill&, ohnng1ni; 1-.11 h
111 1 111111111, m"al lflllr abruptly during delivery. So111c songs mny recall trill 111
fumariids, but more varied ~ongs s"kJll lt~c Cn ll 11.11111.
(,11,1ll'r Yellow-Finch Chirihue dorado Patagonian Yellow-Finch Chirihue austral
4i11 .1 /h .1u1 lvenlris
Sica/is lebruni
l 14 ~ 16ctn(6") Aycllo\\ lioch
L 14 cm (S.S") ll1c only yellow finch If\
of roc~y alpn1c ''"PC~. aurnctcd to
the Puagon11n lo" land Gru~y "CP!"" 1
l\nd.:an "ct land "'here "'a1lablc
near eanhcn b.snl foi ncsun1 0 .SOil m Greenish
SOO m (ctrcmc south). 200() IOf.~IFI CATI O' A compac1 ycllu,..
4000 m lll~.l'i flH CATION A Yellow-Finch
finch !\blc luf'J:<'I> tn ulil >-tllo" ""'~
10 t/il'()dt, hrru11 urr.f bc-1/1 . Uppcrpa11s i;rcy

"""" fTC>h. bloed!Cdoh>< 1th ... c..1, ""'"'

not brighter than b3cl Gl'C)Onl.cd arrcanan.:c d1 llll(lnc.,
G~ ltatd. utliyd/,,...ulrAir-con-r \\ 1ng crt)' w11h )clh,.
green shoulder Fcm3lc duller, i:..v... n,,, (,~.u.-n ycl'"
on belly. Ras yellow wing end and dull crn-n \hooldtt GttJICI
Ycll0'4 -Finch is IJuga ,..,lh lonecr pnmar) c\lcnuin M.alc
ha' cnurd)' yello"' head and 01nh female. .. miler.
Pattgoowi simllcr. bti """1er "1nt:1 "'"" ,:rccn1 h Jhld~r->
\ 'OICE Song a "ariahlc, squeaky, .iuttmna ...arble Patai;onian
Grassland (Misto) Yellow-Finch Chirihue Y~llow-Finch
Sica/is luteola
L 13 cm (S") The onl) lo,.,l.ind
yellow-finch 1n m<l>I "' Chi le
'" ,,,,Y1llow
,,,,, .., fint h Chirihue punei'to Common .n fonnlond. pnsturcs,
field cd11ci aml open 111111orral
I II ntl~ 1h"<'l"Cl~l 111 l 'h1lc. Known mau1ly Alsn ompry lots In urlln11 11rca~ ()
111111'"""'"' \M 111 111(1111111111 /\ ycl l11w ll11ch of llot 3lt1plano 2000 m. 11n :roi n Fie'/\ rro A
1 1~.,,1 1 1111 I 1111 111 Ill . ' I lf'l <'i\'l ION Shaped like " '"'" yell11111-/i11cli wfl/1 1/111,, /11//
h 111 h 11.,,, 1111,11 1,1111 nhl1111 11tlmury cMcn~1nn and und >h<lrt 11 "'I:' I he 11rrlr C/11/t>1m
'" '" oft111 11 11111 hl11, ~ 111 11111k Mule br1glrl '"'"'"' ji111 h 111111 " 111Jl/((uh/1
t ttJI tt ultI rt.I. 11.n, . /~' 11 m).;r t1h ti\ mtd streol<e.J aboH!:. face pottl'ln 1/1.vt1111111. 1111/1 1'('/11111' 111<'11
AI J ""
I I ""'' ''" "'">: .,,,,,
~ ,,,.,,~.,/~JI,,
~ t 11ul 111111l1r flt 111:d4 11111 nhtf\; ol1\c
,,,,,,, o.ro111ul e1eron1rus1i11g 1t11/11/ur, 1 1 h.. J., '"''' Jur*111rn. M~y
~\Cna!T()Wdari;/111ert1/1hni.1tll/H'I /11 '"" 1'1//111t: 11llh 11ll...-
111 1 101 II \di 111 h h~ I u~d\ ~ell"" MY1fl l>artd l'C1W1lc 1m1la1 l1t11 '"""!\<."I 2b.ic, ~ ohc
hlM 11111111 \lllf I I 11111111 lklnw tend> 10 ~hem ,trc.1~nl lt"'t l>.1111J \'OIC . Sona a
"""1111fut. C<ID:ll)hkc, ''"' 11111 "" 1hllete111 pn<he,. and
'l"'"d' f\\o-,)'llJhlc tl1gh1 "'II A "hr, r...-m1n1>ecnl nf [&l.1~m
J.;111i:h1rJ '" \ cu.... \\a11.11I 11..i.rrrl/,1 fT,1111 1> ~
llil liliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_____ _...,______________~~~----------------------
I I 11, le ,11 1 Ot\ n c~ Ium Cl) Anie11ran l"rrul) This pt..te CO\CtS th<: 1yp1al bla.:lh1rd , Ilic '1ra, llc 11
p I ft' I utwlV h!A l \\llh' 11\IDll kHI<, <>f indc..cence m the plumage. The)' fo1,1gc llll the ljrllUlld u l
Lnn\\11 o ' 1111 ' 1>h~" ti"' !>1111> 1rucrtcJ 1nlo 1he ground. but or marsh \Cgeuuon and t foii;:1bly 'j'.)Cnctl t
t !Ind rc\ul pt~ The muo;dc. u...S open lhe bill are la~ m 1ctmd. pcmmnnll them 10 "orl. the ~1111
etn 1cn1h ""'th t\C 11 tt11 11ln1cn, tu ....,,t lhc gaping'. \\1iilc se-cnl Chilean r
~ larscl) l>1.id., 1ht) d
anJ r.>n nl1~11om

A11U1ol 8lo1( kbird Tordo ~a .;mall, lim fcmale R.cd-,.111cd BLM:lbird. ThC'
t"ur11cc1~ curaeu!> slwpl) pouned bill >ep;i.n1tc> n from oth~r trnkcd pa >cr1
1 ~ bbd,bird I> duuncd) i.11tt than a ram'" or Ii
l .:?~ ~ cm I~ 11 "J Commoo m
edgc, Uf>Cft ,.n,
\\Ckldl.ind. VOICE Song a lu""h TR./J,"")1}1 , the ><'<>lld
nbal "IJ) ~ a..-.:ompon1eJ b) cltip no!.r:4 and a ~
matorr.il, ~~ta\lbmd
cit...,.. Ult is a .lu-c.t
rumland '\01 anoc1ated "11h
anlc, ~nJ 11\)Cj not oo:'ur 1n open Baywing (Bay-winged Cowbird)
pUIU(C tll If\>) llC "here
1here ore n1> tree~ or ~brubs 10
Musico (Tordo bayo)
rnchon f~ tn..mall1roup.. Agelaioides badius
\\-h1ch nrc pcrh.1p~ fiun1ly [trnups L 19 cm (7.5") Vagrant. a h1,1oncI recurd fn>m Cumc\ I\ II
1111 tnqu1ull1>c, in 1ome rcrech lhe) ~cup) the Region). on-migr.11ory .md mO\c. lnclc w11h1n 1h homr run
I 11 rudi< nl JU}' 1n Olhcr rinn Of lhC "tirld. AU~trnl und 1hercfore very unlikely to havenmved unu1dcd from ,1<m
1111 U1111I lnr.11 m unly 1111 Che 11round bu1 ma)' accrnr al
1bc Arule~. The record ma) pcnam hl an c.c:aped ind" 111tu1
n td 111,c,1 pr.:y !rum br~nchc or b.1rk. 0-2500 m. Jahabi1s dry woodland' and ~crub, Omurimes ncu1 lur111lu111I
I Ill 'I/ 111 ff \'I ION I\ l11r11c. hulky blackbird JJlll /tmg am/ IDENTIFICATIO Shapet/1uy11111chl/~111rowl>lrrl buih1
I 11 l'l""'""'"'"I)' kn111h uf head 11111 uud leg black. shoner, more 1v11ndl'il wing,t , Bill und lcjj~ bluck. Gl'('I' w11h
I "' r.11/1 d w11/ l1111 1111111. m>J11g It's Poin1cd 1hmUL ti;1nhcrs brow11 wasb 1hroughout. with cont1'11>lln11 b/11d; /111<'< thw Baywlng
1 11 1.. ) h< .11.kJ a11rcarancc ob:.cnl en 01hc:r tnilcan prt'.tent 11 ma~Attl apJH.'llrm1t:r. lli1111.1 c/1111u111011 m(1Jt11, wnh
t 11 I I 11111< rlu1111111~ 11/art with 11 darA /J/11r lrldc1ce11c<' dnrkcr cen tres co coverts t1nd 1cnlal~ hul blnd1. The v1
ri ''''''"''' '" ..... in,,,,,
flltl Thu. arrear. bl~ck ID
11 um 1~1110 \uun11cr bird (nmn\) ha\C browner
d15>1milar. in shape and sue, female Spladed T) 111nt al
bu largely rufous wings. but is ~1reaked nn 1hc hrca>t \'01(
1111trl hom male: Shiny C"owlnnl b) Jari:cr511c. and Song a Lu:) mclodtc ~u l'lf ,.h,.tk on d11lC1TDt pucbt
1 I ly l~t'f f\rll unJ 1111 \,>a1t d11fcrcn.:e d1aanos Call a lo" churi.
II " 1 I \ell'""' mi;cJ lllackbud m.n be C(IO(ealcd. and
all I !KL ~ord&11cr' l 11mcria~. <rnalkr<tze. Shiny Cowbird Mirlo
,. 1111 ind mar h hab1ci1 \ OIC"C S..ng. plca>in& Molothrus bonariensis
I I frrillumd shonn 1' """' tn 01'11111.:tl\C l 19 W cm 17..S 111. l mmuo
"" ""'"'
n thr
1hat 1> 1hc common n11h1 call and and " 1.ksrrcacl TCftt:llrull wh1lt
(oragtng. f 0111C11 1n open liclds.
rarmbnd. p.nluro anJ 10 USC"'
ciaullfl nh hctt><l .\ bll"~
bird rt:rcheJ on a Cll" or""'""' IS
l I'> 20 cm 11.S x1 L.xall) Shirt) Cow bird \\ lulc brttJuie.
rommon bl.clbird of mah~. foond 1n tora1 edge, "'rub, m.lC<'f
lil~I :t<lj;l(C:lll
fields Qt olh<r Wet ral. prJau. .:11y parl.s d.: l>uriqg
Ltnd; l)ptoll> brttds tn $..1rp113 breeding season usuall) .olt1.tf) or 1n pi111. Ood, 1n ancmoon
Ill tl")hc> but Will al' USC C3Uatl and e'-.:ning. as "ell a.. in non-breeding sn'IOll Oroocl p.inl'llc
11\plt.11 l>unns brccdtng sea.oo. which has a great man) dlfletcnl ho\t \pcc1c' O 2000 m
111.1lc 1ni;, 11nd d1~pla>~ from IOE:'liTl l'TCATION 1\ mcdium"'cd chunky bln~kbird
pcrchc~ ID marsh .
I llmlll,nl smaller lh.:mAui.cnl Thrush. S1mng~1 p<>intril c-1J11io al hi/I that
I 111111 hi .11111 more d1fficuh 10 is shorter than ltead l<'11grh When foragm11 on 11round, 'omc
1111 \ 11111 \ 110' A'""' /01111,wiled baveo di,,tincti'c habit of cocking th<' 1111 Othcr(01le.m bl.icl
I 11 I I I I I 11 !hi .ind 1 rry t/1tn, p111111cd birds do not do this. Bill and leg~ blr1c~ m ull plumo1i1c~ Ail
I If 1it1 11 11// /t/11, A 1 tin '"'"""' v/11111/ders m11/e appears b/uck in tit<'f/1/d bm /11 gotnl llsh1"'11 pl<'t1fiftK
I 11 111,c . "" 1!.111 hh" und nearly blue iriduscem:c tfJ 1!1t r11111-e bo<(I' lndc~ccncc siron11cr nnu
11 f 11111111111111M111111 111 111.i~. 1 (''''''rt'fwerts more easily visible thun on Au~rrul or Yellow-winged Olnck
I \I ,

1 '' ''"'">'' 't'//ou- birds. F.,ma/e dork bro1rn. lt'/th f'<llrr 1hm111 um/ pair <11p1r
' " uifi I f m' h.1; hroad, c1/111m. U11ifor111. 1111strl'aked appc11r1111r111//\1/nctll'I:. Ju\ (lruc
I l\llh I 11 \ .,,,... summer.early aurumn) lilc fcnu.lc bul no11cc~bly >trcakcd
below. and obscurely treakcd above. Juv dnrkcr. and le>
cn,ply >treak~ than female Yellow"' in~cd oi.clb1rd A larcc
cr~d'ed btrdbctng fed hyan entirely d1ffercn1 lookmg 'parcni'
I ' "hull Cowbird \'OICE Son11 a hqu1d swsJc. not
I '1catd as night v.b..ile. "'h1ch ,.. a,..,.., of hall'
.i J,1 tlo anJ tl1011 tnll> lasltnJ < ~' I ctnal<' II\<:."' di)' (l\ollct
111 M1.1clowl,11 ks .ind allies
Long-tailed Meadowlark
ol I 1 11olac1 ""' "" .... """~I> '\mcncan family. This pla1c covers the mcadowla1t\ ~nJ .1Jh~s. 1cr1< 111
11 h 11 I
nl 1111-.:1111i S.1.nh '\n>encan mc:ado"'larks m: red-breasted m mal~. female hll lmlc r.11! d
I I I II ;I h11I I a l11~hh m111rt1ry borcAl breeder lhat I> more sp:ltrO\\hl:c 1n oppciran,c. 1hh<>11&h 111~ .,a111 rtl
I Jl !llc1lu.. lllrb l<1<asc oa lhc ground b) gapmg'. ,.here the bill is mscncd 1010 1hc pund nd h1< 111
11 1- In,.'""'' anJ l>um1.. 1n11 msc.:ts. Wbcn 'pping' .mea<lolllarlcs may ~inJ n"nhcm hc:m1rbcrc oNn
( I rnt~t lllklh.:r "~ 1Jta1 u~ I~ 1~ ttthmquc.

/o"'t'r l>rr.tnt, fla1tks gr.-,./>ro1<1t ""lo l>lacAult Mr.-.1Af

becoming more .olidly bl:ick1,h ,.bcn "'""' bC'll (tTih(
iDd1Hdualssbo\< solidly black bfca.i. o<k. 1n1cn<>r nanh 1 I
I 2~ 2l! cm (10-11"1. Te~tnal
to rcar ..dge of red bell~ pratcb Tall Jltort, l)l'i<al 011 mcado1I
\\bca fccd1ns, but pcrcbn 011
" ircc.,""" ~nl \hrubs. ('ommon
and "''dcprc.od. the onl) mca-
Ian.. grey-bro"'"ll 1111h nam>11 blad1h tu" In f11f.1/I/ "'"' -
5JiuiJJ,r pal<"h mtJ "''"'8"10/ ca-rrt>, "'"I '"""I:'
F=alc much more streaked than m.tle. lack ma wlu.I bla, k1
du,..lark 1n C anJ S Chile found
or cnrn.on areas. Fatt tiro..-11 "'11h pale buff>-"'hllc su1><:1
'" 111h\land. farmland. pasture-.
c1hum. Abo'e bro\\11 with blacli.1>h "rnl1ng Thro.:11 "h"
..:rub "11h open ll"'"Y patches.
a11d l'ata1001~n .icppc During w11h streaky blttk1sh malar arc 811//1 '""" il11r! ""'""
Strrulang "" brea.fl. j1011kY unJ "'Ill s..11, u1111rruAt ,/ .,. ,
breeding ...:a.~on male S11111> from
,.MheJ p111#.ull outrongttretl on >0mc. In the nonh th"" th
1 t 1 ich """" '"'"II noel" 1n nonbrc.:dm11 pcnod.
'default' meado"IQrk. and Longtuilcd and Peru\ 1an Mc~J"'
1111o11.tu ..1111 I 1'kr 1 but pcrhap> no"' c~11rpatcd ~ l500 m.
Jatts ha'e ne'er been recorded a11he >Olllc locn lo ty. l l owc~ c1
1111 'I ti IC \11 0'\' \ t.or11e mcndu"'lork, with :i ah mmcr
it i~possible thm either or both coo Id occur 111 II 1tc111un (Anh
l1111 t1110 111h.1Jh rcm111i...,cni ol a typ1cul blnckb1rd rtus is
fagnsta). Peruvian may be scpnr111cd from Long-101 lc1I on ~ho11~
t 1111>11. 11111 1111hc '"''X"' 1111/. which mnkcs tl11s siocky bird
alone. being smaller, longer legged and ~honer tlllcd. " 11h ,,
111 " ll11t11w1 1h11n II re.illy Is. 81//lu11g 1111.t S1rr111x~1 10011111:d.
I II h/1 ,, 11~1/111/ ,,..,,., Ad mtilt 111v11Ard 11/1111e. wi1/11wic/11'SI.
stnl<ingly 1hick bascd bill. Pc111vlun has o durkor bnck111<111111I
colour. and becomes more .ohdly blnck1h 1hon Longt111lt1I
It I I .in\\ 111111h hull cen1ral cro"'n M11pc. n d 11111ro/urol
Nore differences 111 song and Long tnilcd's luck lf o llt~lu
lll1111r ti' /.111:11111/111, .111pt1t//111111htl11111/1'.l'<'. I nee blackish,
diJ;play. Females also scpuablc on hapc \ OJCt' S1mllt1r too
HI 11111 "hlh" r 111h ~"nJ1ng fro111111pc: UpJICTP111' grcy-
Loog-iailed Mcadowlorl. but son uu~lly dcl1'crcd "'111
1 fH\\11 ""'' hhu k"h lrC~~'"ll mo1c !!Ohdly blcki'h \\hen
accompanying shon n1ghtd1~rlny. Introductory nutc' 111111<
11 j1 ud "'lot 111111111(rl B..Ju,. cnm<t>n from ch1111n lt>111!r
mu~ical. and tnlhng whine I dncr and more mcchan1col
I Jlunl..1 '" 1 ''"'"" Ml/h Muc411h lft'aimi: bc.:omm~
sounding than m Long-1a1led Call 1 ch1111.
hlh Ma.:hh >0h.-n ,.om Tull long/tlf u m1:01/n11/orA.
1111 11 th '"""'" bfac !1>/i b..Jri th,.,ug/10111 In 011ht.
Ii 1- /J,, /1<1/1 h 1111.I "111rgm<1/-cu1crt1: 1<111t1 l1mnf(f White- browed Blackbird Loica argentina
I le lll!J(h mne $lrcokcJ 1lun Nk. lklm1,1 ..,hd Stumella superciliaris
\'tin ion arc-.., I ace llro,.n ""h pak bufTv-h11e L 17-18 cm(7"). \~gruu.. onc record from &A."Jcl T1>ru II\
ol\h.1 ~ bro,. n "uh bladi.1.h trtl.Jna. 11rroat R..tp0nl. C>mmon in Aricnun.t and ''"'"II) m11)r1ury Opn1
II d 1 Ni11 ihli ""'''" """' Bull) "1th dark bcO\\n grassbnds. ffi.."'iTlfl CAl 10' A vriall n>ea.l<>,.larl 1t.11b a
bf I fllll.t. IUlJ 'cnl Bell) '"' unlcd and shon. aiwtnffi./ik.. bill. 8111bl.iclhh"1th rtnctal rrcy bale
~I It l f llmi;er rcJ on IOll'k. \\'1n1s llDd ~1l ,1mlbr 111 male.. #ale im.cli .,,.,.., wl1d/1 l>la<4nlr tllu1t both "'"" Bobolink
~ bmwner b.~1ns SJC)'h \ OICt Gl\cn fro>m specres Bnght "hue >llf)t't'C'llll"'1. h1xh/1glrtol b1 .lorJ.. juu
1 t , 1,..,., ....... ~r..11ci...-JbyIU>.tllune.-lt11>- I.sch mlsuprvlorul and pak pei.:h at Pre Blac J. "11111 /111111r
t 1111lill11 r.ooo rile linal "hioc drop> 1n Female Bobohnk.J.ike bti1 more <olidly cbtl on l>.lck.. and ~kt
t II h ~or1...rt on fllll1ks and belly. with >On1C rcdJ1~h 111.h on belly \ OICI
Call a lo,. chuck_ White-browed Blackbird
I mvl1111 Mf'.irlowldrk Loica peru ana
\lllrn //, /11//1u11,1 Bobolink Charlatan
" " "" 111 I") I O<nlly common in Dolichon}?' oryzivorus
11 111111111' 111.. y uh-\tmnc north lnhnbns L 16 cm (6"). Vagrant, Boreal brecdi.-r Two !'\!Cord$ 1n Ch1l1: 11
and II Regions). A longdist~oce 1111gmn1. pnmc to 'aaruncy
and likely 10 occur again. ID E NTI H C A1 ION A ~ma ll
sparro11~/ikt! lcwritl witli a slwrt, pi11lrh bill. 1i1/I fi""'"'"
slinrply pointed. !lend has 11/ilI' '<'111111/ t'r1111111 ,,tripi'. t1111f
whf1ish lores tmd tlnr! /l(},)t(}('11f11r tlrtp.. ; u1hcrw1fie pale bull
Streaked above wnh pnltr wltim/I 111,111111d1r.>'.' Ouffy hc lu"
w11h "hitish throat, cnsp bro11nult tn:11A1111111n.f10111i.s. lllt1k
undwhne ad. male plumage unhkely Ill occur tn Chile AJ
mile (not illu$1n1tcdt h~ blmcl. undcrpan<. bulTy nape," hotr
.;c.1pul:lr't ~nd urcakcd bacl.. VOICE Call a harp 1>l11k
''""" 1llv l,1<,1f1nl I 1th111 thc cn1b.:r111d 'patrows <Embcrui.bc} I lol4"'"' rcn1 mok.ul.r ""'~ ~"
I I ~l~I! ... uh the tm<lgm 1Th111upld.lc). S1cm1-fmchcs arc a dl\co.e gt<up. "uh a uhwruup flulOi!
"""J 11lll111<hcs nw} rc.:all tbe f?COW ;,.,,,..., of ,\mcnQI Al><> treated hcrcc arc 1140 1
" th bri11h1 b1lh Both or thC'-C, B.. nd-iailcd and Moummg, ~omcumc' p.erform 01111'1 dt play;. 1 l>cl""
1 n otll\'.1 ., nu Im< b rte5.

L 1'4 l1>cm1~..S 61 Tcmpcntclorc:nanJ rr~lnttf\I Rll? h.J,t td le1t1-..-1 mt1ffJ1hl

forc31 edge, 1htcn1 from open areas
lt:nntnal '"hen roragllli. but often rn ~
rruilc bas .sJtj,,,
blad """ I " 'la AI
h0t~I bol -houlJ.:r d.arL sn:> <:11 1..rl,)
Male mi;' from cleatcd f'C.'rd1 Fomu bl.icl. (, P1""7"'Tlf brlghlla "' he /rm 1a11
mull Ood.' in ron-brccd1ng '"a'on (} Olf <he/ i>.Y:<1111111g 1.-1/,.,. <'II ,.......,. hd
1<1N1 m llH'' rll I( \110' The more <'111 1t1ri1, ,\d. fmlal<" "mrl.ar h> mJle bul duller I hNMI " I
fl111h1ly plum~11cd ol 1hc rwo >Outhcn. wings bbcki>h-bro\o\n .anJ boJ~ )"~ll""'"h \ O IC I S1n11I 1
hol<lcJ arcrro lindi. Blllh ..:"e' have P;iiagonian Sr<"rra-Frnch. bul notes mon: mu\lcal dch\1
~~lo\o\I) and acragc lov.cr rn J>1tch. foll a h11Ch.1hin 1

Mourning Sierra-Finch Yal

Phrygilus fruticeti
l 17 1IJ <Ill (Ii.$ 7 S"). W1J,
~rrcnd but u l way~ 111 ~hrullhy 111
~crubby lie" never an t>pct1 w~
land unlcs' !>ordered hy ~hruh
an.J ah.cn1 lr<lm for<"" I .1r~d'
1\ ndcan ' llpcs nr nuuurr~I llI
'hrubh) Pltagontan ICf"f"t II
4000m IO~ ,Tl~' I C"\ rtO'l'
I' ling IV'"' ltou-p-1> op /h<qJ-fK'Op lri:c>l '1en1-li11ch 81/I t1rtin1
lI / r"''I l ~II a di) /cp. p111t. duller on female \i,dc chansc 1rrc.ar11ncc ,.,rJ1ni; 1u
14eaT. bcconung, more -ohdly bl~~l1"1 Grey hcud.. t-k gn:y1J1
wnb blxk muling, ru'lflp /:'T<'I <1rUI unJtrr<14t'd Bl.1c~ fore":
tu:d 1hroa1. awnJi11~ In"""'"' Jonn1"1C Nud kb \\ h:otc bC'lO\\
\\-'inp blackish "'th'"" 1Al11t1 MtttgbtifJ , Ad rcrrulc tncrll
-trc:al"'1. wilb 1'olJ .. ,,,,.. '111tgbor> r he 11u1rral.nl ,..,,,..
I 14 lt11;m 1<..s t.1 Opco ha.bt
l>""' '"'" 11111Jm0n cIre. Af'd" Ir" J1ugnm11c I omt """' 111u1
l:ib from Jcs<-n -crub 10 All<kan found 111 l>Jup :ind \'intn ti llCCJOflJ. 111.1lc C1111rch bbclt.tl
alorc~ a-.d Pua1on1an ~tcppc on bead and bacl.. Rear lbnh ~y 14 llh bliclo. trQ.\. \ti mgbut)
1 m~ cd c nJ ..:rub 1n { coasul '~ 113nOV.. - ) Ix ab,,cnL Fcnuilt> 11m1lr 10 rruilt> of l}fll,.I
mow11a11, I Of' flHC \TIO:\ foflll.. VOICE So~~ comple\ bun \o\ llh a nn1111 DOfe go~
10 finale. CHZZZZZF.. ,1t.. 11p. la,1m11 c. l < Recall' qu:ilrl}
or Agda;,,_, bL1d.birJ <or> ,
Sand-tailed Sierra-Finch Platero
Phrygilus a/audinus
L 13 14 crn (5 s s 1 Inhabit VQflOU
~hrubby "'CJ JdJaccnt 10 Ofl<:11 l!fU"Y pniche,
0 2500 m. ID N flHCA1 10 A "'Mii
slim ~1crrn-finch w11h o /m111p111111..t11 t//1111'
bill All plum11gc~ show wltltt 1ull-lou11d
Fr{lm below OllflCU"" us 11 while lllil bnc. from
above the "hue tnrl bnnd I~ bwkcn /t111
yellow. Orey head nnd d1c,1. ll<'comin11 "hilt
on belly und H:nl C'on1rom11g 11/uc Altlrr1
Abo,e brow11 w/1/J blat:k/511 11rea/Jng Wrna~ arcyr,h-hl.id,
"''thout "rngbars. female bn1wn "11h arey h1ghh11hl~ on Im<"
"nd nccL. Streaked 1bo\c 3nd below. f"f>Cf' lrr:or.t. ltJ<Ain Sierra-Finch
ltnllf>Dl<lruj .\foumlng S11:rroF't11<lt \-O IC'l Song;a '11cc1
In t <"'"'.uu.-.Jly ~-.:n rv.1cc orthrce 11m~,
Plumbeous Sierra-Finch

111 h 111 11 hhl11t11.1llv .1.11"ll1I \\ 1111111 lhc ml>cl 111d 'rarro"s (Embcrvid.i..-1 I le>"'"'" rcnl muk.ulJI ,.,,,\ If
II 11 1 111 fin.he~ h1:lu11g ,.,11t 1h, 1.111 er' I fhraup1cbc). The Luge!) grey .1nd dnrl.b1llcJ 'fXtlC' .ire trc~1.-1I h
hli l111o lh hi 11..icv l111d1" 1111 ,.h1<h aa1l.tbled31<1also~ they arc lan3&C" 01u.;.i-fin~~ .in: rn" ,..111
1 rul , 11 c ml I h ') "' 1 1101 t..... a cl<>>CI) n:latcd as cum:n1ly class11ied

f'li11 11hc-ou~ Sierra-Finch P.iiaro plomo frmgc~ to

tcrilill. lrnm. \nmlar t>u1 11p.: "a'ht-J l>rmn
,.,,, n:du~ unicolor ~ <hglulydulkrrufOU> and 1rcal.cJ l11Cc\\ h11c.ihrw
\OrCE Call a J\00 .. 11r.-nt.
I I< 11 <m cl> T') \\ ilkspn:3d
\ndcan pcc;1e> ol rucl) AnJeln
,1,~ ....i "'<tl.anJ rdgc In ahi-
White-throated Sierra-Finch

. "\)
pl:tnll ..nrn n.:ar ><.'lllcm.-nts 500 Cometodno de Arica
l'<"'lh) <ooo m (nonhl IOf~- Phrygilus erythronotus
1 IH C' HIO' I\ \loct..y f111ch
"'"h a larre-h.:3dcJ a~rancc.
L 14 15 cm (5 ~ fl"I un....mnron ""I
round at OOrdc"' ufl>lfodolll'\ lr.>a:llll'

U1ll blac:I. Ad mak ""'''""" /r<Ni- ,Jopc, 31'00-1500 m ll>E;\ II~ IC' \ 1111'1
arr1 \hy '111'1"' pale C)'C cn:s- l\d. i:;rt)h.:ad.:J. 1-koos '""nll f'lll<m "
111 /,,, .l.1 ./urA nrlme Ur~rp.in m.t) arpr <>b\Cun:I~
r 1\ <'ol Ilic 11111lom1 ~111><min1.c 11H.I lacl. ol n cn~p white
"hue en:sccnl bcto" C)C and ii"""" 11
COH~rts "'"' ""'"' unl/f'('Ul..tJ lllllJ: ,,.,,
lit 11111.:11111,.. 11 from \\ h11c-1h,.1;1tcd S1crr~-F111ch and Whue- ~r. luclun -..,,,,,,. wl111111111tl1 81'1111. 1/1"'"
\\ "'I'' 111111"'' I 1nd1 Mo't cn,ily conl\J,cd wi1h Ash-brc3~1ed 11hite. gn') l>rroll>.mJ and n:\I uf underpart "l111c 1111111
1 1ri1 f "" h I\\ hllh .cc). fl't1111lr hnn11111111/ tn11k1/ 1/1ro11li >1milar bu1 back bro" nish und <1rcukcd Inun Q11ld be "'"'h1 ,1
, 111 1111111 t1111ily rhnn 111 l'cmulc Ah-bn:as1cJ (\\luch ..cc). \\Ith Rcd-b~ckcd Sierra-I inch hu1 r t/111/~r hm111111h11w. ""'
t "'et 1nmxlr \l1t.11lttd 1111 11111h11mr1.~. Som\. vt1ri111 ion in r11.Jous. Some i11 Lauc:.1 orca n1.1y be hylulds \IOICI: ( .111
1111111111~ "ilh norchcrn rcmnlc, bcrn1111rcy<'r l\foy be conrused short whecnk.
.. 1111 h 111111 111 /111111tll'lt1 ll11chc ( l'l111c 1/3) b111 Plu111bcous is
n~ll , I hull. v and l~cl.. )Cllllw on 1a1I or wmg'ind 13ch Whjte-winged Diuca-Finch
11111111' 1.1<1' 11.1mrn VO ICE /\ 11111lc nmc dchvcrcd ccry
fl Ill 11111llv41lu\\n,turn:d hu11y tnll urn mo1~ ntuMcal
Diuca de alas blancas
lu 11 "'"hit t .111 .1 l11gh fl Diuca speculifera
( \ I L 17 18 crn (7"). C'otnm(\n ol11plann '""' "
A'h b1f'ilSled Sierra-Finch Plebeyo found 1n bo(cdal hnb11~1 JHOO ~000 r11
Whlll lhou 11 ti
l'/11 y~t/1n plebejus
I IOEI\ TlllC \TIO' \lotrgr '''"'" fi,.ch> , ~
long\IWf<> Ad ~y ""h tr1Al"JI 1</i1tr1~1t1lt s1 .. ,, ,, 1"''"
t 11 t 1 .m 11 s1 ,\tupl.ino. rrcrc.- dry )1t~
""""'' ...''> rocly shopes '*llh >Om< gr.a-> or.en l>c-fn,. a,,J
<"H ""'r"
ct-off .. 1111e '"'""'
Bek>,.. VCY <>n btc11.t and lunl.'. bell~ and
111 l.11i;c '"""cn1r,t1111n' 1000 IOOO m IOE'\T l- ''ml "'bttc llm~ 1>1.,.4 "''" lotfJ.'<',. ,.,,,.,...,,,,,
1 ll \ 11<>' Tiie ,,,,.,11,-.1
~1r1TOfirtc1i. 'hm "'th at bast" ofprtnwm. 8111 nJ kr bl.6'1. \\ llM p.11ch bcl,.,.
1, I en""'flt// e11/I, blaclo.hh J mai.- C)C and bold \\1ng patch idcnuf) 11 from bru;idly >mrJ1nc
flJ;t"I ltn11n t/nlf/1 <trruk.IU111tflf""rJ1'tr1< \\ w-tbro;r.led Siern-Fw.:b. "'h1d1 .. al.., \l!Ultcr :on.I \hmmn
""'I' tn '""' ltJUlrnilcJ f a.:e ha a d1"1n.:U\~ \ OICE Call 3 high, nstnf 11wp
f I 1'
"'fl(" 1/111111unJ1/url <'1.-lin<" Uclo\\.
1 t Oii bn-oI hJtrt11 ml it.-//1 mall .. zc.
n ht llcol 1"1" p.alcr rlurn.a~c ailJ l'l'fttrail1ng
Common Diuca-Finch Diua
In Id 11 hu1n rtuml>cnu< female bro" n.
ltll Ii
It ti.u 111\11 Ji lrt/1 '"' l>rr:t1t ~,,ar.ucd from L 16-17 cm c6 () s1 Common
t ~ ly h 11 1hfkrcnc' lrongcr face pauem :tnd "'cll t..no"'n 1n (hkiln cnun
, i "'' '"' m1.1 1p.1n, \ 01( f A b1eh-p11chcd. dry cry .. dc and iiardens I annlnnd.
I h\ l1u11 111111111~ nolc I /.U// rl11p cltipo matnmtl. fofe1,I cd~e. C~rdc1~\ cit
Ji ltlUJ I tniroduc~d tv laICr I 10~ ' 1'1
FIC rt O, A rlumr hlld1e.t,
loniirnllcd finch wnh a pukc1I
cruwn Walh, llAI' " 1111)' 1/11t11/,
C11lmcn d1s11nctly curved , bill
blue-grey wilh cfark cutmcn. Ail. mn lc rln1 k groy 011 heud wi1h
small white eye cresccnb. G,.,_,,
11pprfHJrll Ucluw 11/111e 1l1ro111
rrfsplv outllnetl by gn.v et1rowr1< 1111tl""'' />1~utb111/ Rem
flunksmul ~nl cm1111111on While belly c\lcnif\ 10 the\! In un
i1werted \I s hape. Tail blackish with hrootl 11/rlte "'"II>
r.'C'tnres. 'Female browner. Some hnH1 dull wrn11b.1f\ Northern
mosc 111- tV Regions) race cr0Htm11m h"> much lri:< bill
\ OI C-f' Song rtcasant. mus1c1I. ~ually 4 S nntc~ dclo\'Cn:d
I oh lt11tf1 n" "P """""fl nl'FE/P, "'uh oc..cnl on linJI nc>lc
Black-throat ed Finch

'""r~ a1, ll"'J-!"'U . '"'~\ .tnd long-\\mgcd finches. rccallrng th~ ,h,1pc of111'yftncl1c t.11"''
lu11k1 \kn.kt htll('>l 1 ond1"dO1'<1Jly ..Ji:tpcd. ~lcndcT bml The'"'"
n:nutntn 'r;irru"' 111<lulc
1 "' A d It "'" II 1ltctwwc:l lhc RufOUS<ollred Sp;irro",
Ul11d. lh1u.1lt'd Finch (Canary-winged Finch) lull f.,,. ")mt h 811/ olld l'Ss ltr1gh1 J
Y11I 'nntr 11 Ad gfl!) tltmu.~hc>ul "Ith Mud "''' (
~frf11111c/f'r<1 melanodera FU< sttt1J1f ,.h11r ,,... u111 l-.l<1" "'" Imm b
I 14 l~,'"11(<< 6"1 Ar.orcfinchofP;olll-
Abcc moJcnucl) treakcd llch>" 1111 l\I
ll>'lltan s~..Wnct. "htdl ha\t "'" 1-n >'cr- ..,,th band 4'f ,.,.,ab on brnat Bill u,,J
gr.auJ I lat area "'1th .mp!" bunch pss ydlm. but duller than 1J \I, 1ng hll l1
"' rrctmcJ M~> noel tn non-bf't'Cdtng bro'-'-U with bu IT)" "'1n11ba11 \bo an 1nttrt11~J1~1c rhuna
lc:&i(>ft 0 <oom IOt' rl f'IC \TIO' OM
y !low- bridled
folder mun.~ \'OICE Sons a l&nl~ lkli.tr"J I~ Jl(r 5) &c:n
o l lhc: ml soraco.i Pa~gon1a.a btrJ:>. l4s) of single "lusll~. each at)o1ng hgl11ly m pll<h \111111 rmch
\f.11c h.u bla;4 mmt und 1hmm. outlined disnncth e. ulhng ~OC> of ..:old ma. t-uuy lltl(~ f hi,.. A
f(tJ.I of lk~ I"'~ lb II urpcr ltfu.t \bo\C Oh\C chip-TTZZZI'
1 " II t 141!: '" """ ru..-pt l>la..~nli lrrt1al1 undpnmary
1111 ltd11" y.-llom on belly. h<oming wb1tc: on vent and
Rufous-collared Sparrow Chincol
1.J.: ml l' '<rt fat( ''" ,/ 1~II" ~c:malc: Mrilled abo' c
- 11 l!l'l<I\\ FolN'f,,. f'"I" "''"' cmmnJ t')I <1nd Jurk out/1111t to
Zonotrichia capensis
, , ''''"f'''''"''"''Altt,Jdrk111r-..pnt Pal..mu/,1r\lrl/Jt!Co111rusts l 14-lllcml55 6") (\1m1w
h II~ t 1rl J,,, ,1f thrr1<1I \f111~ The wb'f'C~c> prmcetontana
1 lu1t111l 111 I htlr, 111un111n1c: on the ht lklnnd,. Lullcr is lori.;cr.
.. 1hrnuah1.111t c~llcmcl> " ' ti
knowr1 . Almost nit hablluh 1111111
u llh I I 11 ~cr hill un<l r~duccd yellow on wing~ and lail. beach~ w r~ky alp111c ~ur
1 1 11 1hlr 111 ,1U pl111111111c~ lrom y.,uuw-bntllcd Finch by lnrgcly Alo ab1111dn111 hi IOIVO~ nnd Cllll''
111111 11 luv 11111110) or extensive yclluw fringes ou wlnss 0 450(1 m lll l~NT ll.'I C1HI 01'
t I '" 11 I \ OI( t Kcpcat-.l ahcma1in11 .encs or 2- 3 clC<ttly l'ck"d cnwn Ad. h.1 1111/' ./
1~111 I (2 I"' I >W~ct "h"tlc' ,,.,.,, tcttll' , .. ,.., /<'C//c /omll 11 tth grey buck ground, bl.11 I
I tit I "It I If lt1tcrul U'\i"" 1n11e lllld c-.~1111.
/\"apt' und hmdnec:! nif<111<, un,trc~kcd lldck bu>\\n \\1th
Yrllow hr idled Finch Yal cordillerano blackish Stl'C3~ing. Wini! bnl\\n wtth ll\ll bold .-hi1c w111gl.1t
M1/1muchri1 !filnthogramma Belo,. 14hiu: ,.frh blurt 'I''" r>n /trr.;>1. uJ/''""' ,,, o n11n
pu1dt. JU\-_ bro" n and mnl.cJ bclu" lack ini; ruhu' c:ullui
I 14 17 cm (S 5 7"1 A rare finch of rocky
II'""" /(Inc :aJiaccni 1u 11ras>y areas Open
and brcas1 markings llo""'.,.' 11 J,,.., hon a"''"'
s~ Ma.I pa11,.,.,, rr"'""'"""' o} aJ Sc\mal w"-reac 1a
r,;.. a1 low"r clc:\At""" 1n,. nlcr 0 ("10-
Chile. most uf them "m1l1r llOl\t\Cr. at1rr11/1, (~anuai;o
1,-r1 I SIMI 'OOO m I Dt. Y I I ~ ICA110."\
Ando and ~ugorua) I~, l:i.:b cro"n 11npcunJ ha... long
Male "4' "'"'A ..,.,,, ul/J tlvt1d1. "'''""'"
thndlnll 1t)'rilu ... &cl)' pll&JNIC \an.tble.
primal) c.~&emioa Jui SJm1br to n"rthcm flll1ll. hut d.u\n
and more broadl} \lrcakcd lltad lac:h uh\IOU\ 'tnpm11-
~OlllC male' (!\Crall JIC)' from nape LO
\ '0 ICE \~~. m.iny rciiomt d.altth, bu1 l"l"'r.al pal1<'tP
rump alld Oii btt...i nd llanh Rc..1 of
of 2-l asceoJ1ng "'h"ll~ tull<)\\CJ b) a tnll, ,.,,.,...) .......
1mJc11Yrt~ "'hole Oth..-n )tllo\\ on bell).
r!OIAll pnJ b;a.: .. \fo1t lwe n/iorc 1111/ nl;.~
trrTTrTTrT. The 1rill unc 1n kna1h ind re..d Call ry
g<ognplncalJy from h11!her CNp 10 a \II.up <li"f'
I lllrc:okcd aht'\c: and be..._ Tl1tv0/ lmc
House Sparrow Gorri6n
Passer domesticus
I 15 cm (6"1 lnrr.lJu.:cJ 111 t:h1lc
1n 1904.~l,qon l 1,tc:r I nJJu.111
Pcmdndc1 11roup Muinly urb.111.
common in 111w11' \lll111c~ Qt1d
fonnl3nd IDEN I IHCA flON A
s1oe~y. lur11c-hcadcd p11,scri11r
wtth o shurt con1cnl bill. Maleh"'
blnc~ bi ll . fcro11lc: horn-wlourcJ.
M11/,, /1111 gl"l't' ct1/1. t11111 lmm11
MJJt', grey cheeks um/ cn111rci;1111g blar~ /11/1. Abo\'C brown,
streaked blacld. h, below pa le grey. liwlflll! /111$ bmw11 cro1111
andpol~ sup~rcflium behind r1 e, torr> dull l>m" 11 ()n11rr114"J adult
>,'1'1;)1Slr-white Jx.lo>c and oo checks Ah1>1 c bmwn tnd \lrcal.l-d australis
R<>th ~c:'es have whito~h wi1111bars. the uppcrnnc t>c11111 l>rootlc1
...1 "'""' ll<)ttc:able \ 0 1c r. Soni a mo11<>1onou """< 1f
, l11cr. ( 311 .a nlhnf frmp. nl\O a ~It rault nntl "mrl~ 1111
11 I """''" d1Jll"""lt "'"~ part1cul.1rh "l\Cn m r."'" ''
Cl <l \\/ll" lt l\
1lurk b illed Siskin i mni.lllltt' 11i.1l1

111 "'' 1 ''' tl1 t.111111, I 1111~111111.11, th~ j!nhllinchc' and true finches . .\II ha\'c 'hnn. c11n1cal hill ul \~1y1111
'" 1 114,L 1n the hc11ol )di"" \\111i;>1ri1oe .mJ vwblc amowm of )ello"' on th~ unJcrrJrb ,\ILarc Ions" 11
h h1 Ii llln" 11:1 11 $f>C<tl'"> lltC th lor111t;M4 "'"~ed. and all baC cJearl) notched la1h St~~'"' lfC ll\ll~ll~ l\lltnd Ill 111
I h 11 hi ''""'""''"an,,.,. tml. : ''""~ 1-n l>tll s11.c and" ingp3tcbsue 10 idenufy so~ofthc more J11l"uh JI>"""'
I t r ~cnt of ~cs. Some includt mtmtCT)

I 1111 k h tllrd Stskm Jilguero grande unJnJ"'"" ~rdli""' '""'"'

ulur/1 Cl.1ssiros tru side, lte.J sti..-~ p-ttDl!>b
co\Crh, ourhncd 1n )<'II>
I lh11115 ~-, \ran:.lucah1,l.ine'lf1hch1gh
.:onnu11ng "tth him I. NIJI
\ndcJ The t t111ta111 form tcniuuUJtrl.f I
, ..all blo. t <h111 p111<li \\ tn
PCCUri oil JI) I~ ""h a mcickntc 1'hruh
ClllJ>on.:nt ~dJJC(nt to roHr Nurthcm bla.:l1"1. \11th '"" Hlln" ,..,
ban. and M yell,;,. lro1tdl.
-"""""' r.. rn,;i, -.I tu fo "" <>Odlan.l
t"ltu/ "a" ltt 111Jor '"''n' m11
20011 4000 1n IO I ' Tll IC \ TIO' 5tru.:
m/llC('J Tail bLic:la<h "''h~lh
rurally " l.rc l1>n "'"~cd nJ cl) big at bca.e of O<lltt n:ctri.:~ Imm male hl~ lcmalc l>u1 h"'
btllnh..Jr.1n flt< '"'' j ,..,.nJ
1'11/" th "" I.:
traces ofbl:icl. chm 3nd cJp fcm:ile p.1l~m11rpl11c, 11rc"11 ~"I I looded Siskin
''''' 11t1pr. "'H' [t..!11 mur4 ~lalc ,.rduuv
gn:) morphse.xi'<I \II hac u slightly p3l<"ruru un n..d ..11k
o 1'/a1 t f<,,.,./ u111/. '7'"" o/ll'r hark \l'//o"nlr
'\\ ingssho" 3 small )'CllO" 'handlcn:h1cl ratch1lc" Oh\1"11
I in.I rf:ll P'''" ""''"'"'.t: '"'"' /tr('<)\I '"'"' /(/ nupe 1h:u1 io other si~kins VOIC f. The >lnnJrd <i''-'" ""'" '"
1I II 11111 tlw ~cllow c\lcnb 111 lhc undcrlullct"cn . Olnck
compare otlh.-n. b) \ am:d. lonlJ. mu,1cI >Cn< Quick i111J
wm \\llh ""''\din\\ "m~bJr. ilnJ 1d/11 /11t11Jk.-rc:hic'f
chuppy, \ltth man) note~dn11blt1l urrepc11tcd. ("II u t/111n
'""' I fo111~ h111'""11/t/1 Bl.1ck to il wnh ycllnw br d~. 1111111.
'" 11 111111.11 lo li:tnJI. bul hn~ J.uk hood r ..11111/1 ll"'"i.v/1
1111 "' h. Ill 11111111 rh/t wlnJ1l1<11'\ 11111/ .1 dlt111 ll11ndA,f'<hi<f
f' "'It 11 //i111 1clll'" 1111/, Molu 1111111d1111I duller 11rco!n i~hycllow mole
1. 1... 111ol 1111 rump 1uil h11 r.11rt1 uJ n/11111 LnJutufl I 13 cm (S") lltjeh otp111c ltlp<~. "'"'II) 1n
'', r ,, h1tc "Uh ,/11,Ai '11\<1~~ h:mn1c unwi/11111 /m J..., _u!l/ott sites \\Ith 11 >llcublc ~l1111h co11111or1c11t, 1ur
" 1,11/ o111I hu .1u,L) .ireo~ on undcnJil-cnvcn In Peru. tteularly ne3r trc.1m Wiii')(.' 2500 JOI~) m
/, nl ~ 111110 m.1y ho" d.1r\. cat" ....,par.>tc umuJ11111 from IOE:O.T II IC .\110:\ \ /1111:11. Ion.~ 1111111.,/
It it.I d I 111 h~ l~rger bill, lo'llct llC, l1111~cr pnnianc~. \lfkin. Ad ""'"'""' h/11rl.tl1 m1 /1,t1d, /1> 111
I I 11 lt~h1t 11, ll/11/an/111/ 11 lt1/1 1111 ft<./11 unJ u11.t.:nu1/ Bla c.k--chinned
unJ buc! uth ntru>/lng '""''"' """P
11 r mot Cntni.llnjD'llo" path1mn~'>i<kand/111/,. Belo" ftlurl. tcrmmaro ''' ,,.., 1111 ,,/ /111<'. '"'' Siskin
1 / u11 '" t 11/ I cmnk Th1clh1llro ~rcy"h and h;i lon~cr. nf undtTf'<Jrl 1~//"" Ulad. "'"~' h.aH t\lo
1 h4ndLnd11c1 ~1ch \ OIC I l~r,.I '"~'" ~s. ) ello" "incbar, 1nd '""ll )~llo"'
\hal ld<mrt aQd ln\\tt r1td>c:d th.tn Bia, '-..:htnncd. H1\ 113nJttn:h1ef". 1111 cxtcn<1el) )dfu" ""\Ide<> I cm.alcdult.:1
RI I lj\Yltl)' I ~II an UtIWTcJ /rfl'.lt than male. l>ro\l"lltt. oncn 0/11~""'""" " f nJ ,. ~
Flatrh ,,,,,.,w oli-' """P _, 11/w N- rt A.,/ Bl~ ~
I l1 w 1lf'cf S 1~k 1nJ1lguero peruano Muctish lll'f'"P'Jrl> Kidr /lo,. "'"V'Jiog"'" \ OIC
simibrroOlhcr.,.J.ms.buiddi,cmf,Jo..I) "Id' m ..al
C!1durf1i m 1g~llOJnic~
choppitt. c~n a n.L"1.I phtt...
I 11on1-4 ~1 I Rcg1<>n, from 1,,..f;&nd dbCn
(Wlie h> prc.puna <h1Uh ,,_ l>r) aret_,
to1t "-' 1>t Mll'tt 0 l70Um IOE, T I Black Siskin Jilguero negro
1 1< \ 110 ' \ \/unilarJ. 1m;1/l./>1llrJ m.bn Carduelis atrata
M 11 I '> 1 /tud. 1rll>' 11.WtT/UrlJ und L 12 cm 1S"1 <\lt1pl-. Jry d1ruhl>) "'' Yellow- rumped
ftl., """'' lll..ck1h "'"f' hac l\1111<://o... 3.SOO SOOOm IOt;'.\llH C 110 ' A"11u//, Siskin
1,,, u 111gla.u' 1111,/ ,.,,..,ofrc ielltn. primary long-Htnfl't/ t1A1n \d d1<l1n..mc. ulmt>I Black Siskin
Al I} "'' ttlll" 1'1'//1t on 1111/ ~ Tiucl.- cnllrr/1 hlacl """ 1 tlluH hC'//1 11nti
ll I t i 11 t" 1ol "'''I'"""
1111111 n1.1lc l1~c female bur hu 1111dert111lCt1W!rh Wing\ huvc larg; r~//1111
1 oi 11tni:J>Otl."lt. /arg..r tlr1m tn "'hu t1tAJn, and
ad. end to la'k "'"lib.tr~. l1 I cxtcn~11-cl y
cd&ed y~l l ow. Ad fomuk ~h11htly brownl!r.
Imm. hkc fcm~lc. but cctl hmncr, "'th
11111am<111 wi11gbur.f m11l 11ul<:c11/1111rt1tl lit/I. Srr11c may Hhow
more extcn~ivc p3le yellow on 11ridcrl'u1" ) dhm -rumrl!d
Si~km 1s most st1111lar, hut f313ck cJ"h 11,m11cd b) lnfllcly
black undcrpart~nnd blal!k romp VOi ( ' " l yp1rnl i,k111 ~ong.
jllJll 11' I (I 1aried but delhcrcd vcf') 'I"" l h ml 111 h r11chcd Oflcn
includes mimicry. Cnll J m11111 t1<,. ~ml r /111p

tllUO tlH I)
: I ,1lkl;md Jntl Sou th Georgia tubenoses --------=- c1 1 winged Petrel

, (1~(1'rocdbmhrmn11ruu occur 111 ....kn nc:ar th< fU..laodsor ~th CJO>rjll3 hilt
k'u "'"" b.\I \\I ( ! ~t.>m>-Pcnd ta. bo ~tly confi1111cd {1\1111 Ch1k

v;ithout darl.cr M pttcm t>D uppe.,.111g. 1.:111 brnv. n

concolorous ,. ,,h UJIJ>Crrat' BrvK 11-lwoJcd. d.-Jr/1
from 11hi1.: 1>"111' 111 1lt<11g/11, harp Pfttora/ tfi11<1011 1 n
parts ..-h11e otlru th11111/vr! '""' /Jnd.-n11ngs Ma, 41h 114
uppe~ and v. hue bcll1 Ugjlc'fl a JC&er m pan<m. hut 1
shape. O:irl plum.,~c "1th 1..olatcd "hnc belly d1ogm"11,
Soft-plwnni1cJ l'.:trcl for ~cp3ranon

White-faced Storm-Petrel
Colondrina de mar cara blanca
Pelagrodroma marina FLK, SC
L IS-21 cm(7 I\ )\\ 42 4lc:m(lf>-17"1. Summcrbr<ktu
Trislan cl.a C unh.1, alM> \u,1r1h~ ...... lol;and; t>1h<:r P.'1'11
12tioos 1n nonhcrn hcm1 !'h= \'<ry =mt)) .:oofirmtd
Chileaa v.alCrs, ltC'3l' c\I i-mJro Scu.irt I Fb~ CTl'&IA-all\
(Atl 111t1c) Yellow-nosed Albatross stiff. JM') 1ngb<a1 ID '\l lFICATIO'\ A l.nx.- SIUI,.
Alh tros pico fino JWl1d n>1h ~ l<llC t, " I ,,..,J m .J. d "titp;. LDni l
1/1,1/,n!<lfCh~ c. chlororhynchosTX#76. FU<. SC a1enJ bc),i11J ''"' 111 /l1glr1 01..1. b1ll 1s lnng and dl'l>I'!" ''"
panern t/111111< 111-. 1< ht/< 111~1T1/m'll, JarA nuul 1ind "li/11
I I ' ' ' " ' 'N J21\\ lb'0-200cm(71 78") llr<cd('P""ll 1hro01 11ntl .fm.-l1!'11d. (111/iq111m 1n11rt'l1 11/1111t l!.t<:ept Jml
1 1111 I nstnn dn Cunhn aud Gough A w11m1cr wntcr
111111111 ,
pms 011 /1n111.11-.-/d('' Ahove brownrsh11n:y w11h conlm;1111~
I'', 1 1h111 1c11ulnrly reaches ~uu1h 10 ln1i1u11< o t F1il ~l1111Js paler greyi.v/111111111. 1'111<' ll"'l'hmw1111"111gt.:u1wts 111111ru..1w11/i
111ol 111111. I 1c11rgin, but usual ly fonhcr nunh . Ncur I hrcatc11cd black renrig.,, Tull :ii'" conlra;hng blue!... Undtrwing blad
1111 I>. 111 I( \ 110'\ A 'mallcr mullymJ" k wuh p 1111111 neck "ith contra\llRll whole: v. 1n.: hn1ng, Whlrc $Upcrc11ium. dJr~
11J I 111 \11 l~hJ"'I< iirey luadund ,.,,,,., /1~h.-vd 811/ l>l<uk mask and \\h1tc: undc:rrt1' dr;igno.11~ S.:C Plate 13 for mo<1
" I " 'lllilu.'A rlJg~. ~'''"'lnj: """~ ar "" cu.n,u1')). mm spn.,C"'
nJibl. ollb~I. l;"""''"l!~ll} hhc, 11hbl.ick
anJ lriUTIJ't h/ad k.Mfmg Nx' ~1<"1 Utubt IO (j~ Broad- billed Prion Petrel paloma pico ancho
I and Bullet, A~ latter unk-n 111 Atl:m11e.
PachyptiliJ vittt FLK, SC
( 11 ~ by D&fTO" CT blxL l~1ng o:Ji:c 10 unda
L 2>-30 cm I Ill I? 1 \\ S' NI cm (22 26 ). Spnng .ummcr
' I ralct ll<") ik:.aJ and 311-blad IOV.CT m&nJ1hlc JU\ ""'
1111111 "'"'ll
llJllcrn. but <ho\\s \\lntc head and nll-hlad. bill. breeder on lt"~'" d1 Cunh nd Gou11h... ~its \\JICI'\ nrar
South Geo"i1a, ft-,, regular near the Falkland... IDE:-. nl-
I ' /1 v.1111 '"""''"mg vntl lrcvd J~f"'r<1t<!Jmm 1111 , Him!-
' I mJ 1,,, 1 1,, .1.Jc,/ 411>.um.u<. CATIO'< A lur1wpr11111Mllh11 lorgeheud am/ m<1.<m-. l:>lvcA1<h
bill. Heat/ p.Jll<ortt f"K'lr/1 d11<ntl. ll'lfh /11c/., UfKITlltum v1
pale an lore.;. 1/111 111111<-.11' 1/11rk-furtJ In nddiuon 10 the l>lmA:-
1111 pl11mai;cd Petrel Petrel collar gris
ish bill, 1h1) II" c' 11 11 d1~11n,m c Rppc:tmnce, il 1< pcrbap~ the
l'lfl1111/1nm.1 mo/lisTX#78, FLK, SC easiest prion 10 1dcnt11) .11 ,ca Belo\\, C'.t1tml... darA pv1cl11!< Atlantic r.trel
I m 1 I ' 11 I\\ X.l-'lS .:m (33 J7") Summer bN:<:Jer '" brea.sr.,.iJn ma} C\cn rr-car 10 form 1 brcasi-b.1ml un .omc
11 d~ 1 111111-1 and <ioui;h. ~ \\ell a. on lmh.111 O.:c;1n individuab. Urr<rn rng 1\1 ol moderate contr.ISt intcosuy. 81.i.;I.
I .\1 11 II N " /c~!JnJ Oltco common in '''"' hcl\\c.:n tail-band m<>dcrutc or C\cn n;arro". ~rum bclo.... 1~11 "h11c l>llh
I 1IU 11.1 nndSuurh("""fl:'' IDE'\rll K\ llO'\ A,m31l dark tip and dJrk ~cntrJI ''"JIC Mn'! hlo.cly lo occur "'th Ant
1 l m I~ h(lfl "Inf J Pc. ltldm- G" 1 " ' " " ~ r11t arctic Pnon 8n,.J-h1lkd .. 11rgcr. d.ui.tt beaJcd. l:u)cr billed.
I un1fum1a;n:)1sb w1. la.L1ns,. h11c 1~ andb~k.-btlkJ
It .rltm1 l111iJh wparilium, "'hue lhfwl
.111.b.ntd f.1nd.-ra111g1 /~/1 hJA{,ft Fairy Prion Petrel-paloma chico
I h om:itltt s11-<'. s.h<nCT v.1ni;., .. hue Pachyptifa turtur FU<, SC
t .. 1111 1l11riat.a!KIMr.itcmonb.1o:l E\trnn-
L 23-2$ cm (IJ 11"1 W ~n Ml cm <22 >31 Summer brffilcr
1 1) I I l!u I Almolnr h l\"fJUCkn rcud (rlalc
on Falk.lands no.I S;111th C1c11'l111, but unc<>mmon. IDl"'l IH-
I 1 11 i ll 111111~ .-.1~.- nl "'"ll' Jnd undcr"llc~ CATION n1c M11uf/;,11 /ll"lt111, wflli a ,rn1al/ bill. Vp/1<'11111rt.1
pale bhtcgf"U)'. 1011tt"111tl11f( .v11111111(v ultlt tlark llJIJ''rni11g M
pallem. Fu~c pule, 111u1111g con1rn~1 w1lh p:iler hrc~ and ~upcr (
cilium. lbu._" /'urt*JUlllt''" mJI t1mtrt1\lm~ t )it undcqurt..,. brru\I
patches tmull unI ""'' "" / m1g ,.,,/ hiz ,..,,., """'" b/111!
l"11nal l><Jnd lno 10 ul t.:111 kn 1b fr"' MfuM, tall
~ ,. ltJu M11h on/I' u Jar! lip M 'it hkci) In occur 11h Broad-billed
Thm-billcdl'nL'll.fllll)'Uhgflll)'l!Nllc'f ... Jlbk:.5~ Prion
I.Xe p;&ll.:f'J1. ruon" l."nnln tmg M on "3(1;, ~ wl-bnd.,
hfll<'i;IC)' Ul'l'C'ff"ln 1111'1 only <I.it\ llp 00 uncknidc of tad
111Al I <&l.ilkl,u1d .111cJ South Georgia waterbirds and passerines

It 1 A\tit I 11 \\.11t1h111h 1111l 1>.1t! 111"'' lhJI occurin the hlkland, or Sou1h ("""1 bul ur<' nol ran ol the rv 111
Falkland Stcamt'1 DUI I<
1f 11o N th 1lll<"r. arc numbct I air.anh Lt> South Gcortia mJ 1~ FallLand- hi<h 1ltt "'" tr01cd her. 1 1! older m;1le
I ' l'l'J n '11m c-ot.k1na\:~ tu tht- ''Ian~~

I 1111 1rn1I ~l~Mner- Duck (logger) South Georgia Divi ng-Petrel Yunco Georg1111
011 I 111 (Q1wlro ) malvinero Pelecanoides georgicus SG
1 1r /11 r1 "' br<1chypterus FLK L 18-~2cm17 9"J. (l'mmo~ un ~uth Gwr1na. uh.:1 1 1
I I ' '" 1l I II l \t3nnc. f hglulc~\ h>ril'C' orr rocky lation> m lnd1.in Occ~n ~ntl Ne" /ca13nd rcgmn """'"' 1
111111< 111111\ 1h.i~ 'hd1crcd from \lrM "ac D<hon. breeder. Both Sou1h (11!Q'l1IJ and Common 01> lllfP. 11 I
f 11111h '''"'r'. mi~ !loci. m pru1c.1cd hart>.""" Rud.y common on South C1~'<'rg1a. lhrrc" n11 'dct~ull dl\tn!lJ>-lt 1
1 ""' 11l.1tl) 1tli:i~cn110 ~cir be(!-. mt,, I IH C' \110'11 !here Ho.-c1cr. Sou1h Gcorr111 0 1\lnt:Pctrcl > nlhcnl hllfl
h111f\ ,111.L 11,,.,.., nc/t,11/,,.,./, ,J, -rl . .,, ,...,,or ,.Jrm lbt Falkland., 1or ' 1 IFI ( \TIO' Typical di\11111: pctrd
I W'f,t" f'"'P'>n1"11 oj n11npunJ ,/,>r,al I""" r\/md small blacl-and" bite tubcn.c 1h.t1 Otes" 11h qu1tl . "h111111
1 ilil J ""'I:' Wini;' often drooped, p.int<Ufarl) "hen wmgbc31S. rcmm1!.<:cn1 of 'mall nuh (.\k1da.:) ol nonhc1n South c,,.J,11'" tt1t1l11 I
llfl ~ unJ 'lk>1 tbl(l. lll<lhh) Pr:an'c -rur '" t>cnJ hem1Srhtte. h~l) ..1m1l~1 i.>C'ommoa O.Hng-Pet1d 11'1.M
t I IJ r-b-nru"11luprc>n<"'"'"'bla.l1U1I S1m1Llr 13) and not al"a>'' 'Wlcl> tJ.:n11fi.1blc at ,ca. So111h r,.,,'llla
I 1 I ly11111 lorntr l)ud, (Pla1c 2SJ bul l~f'1'. bullr'f. ~ht>n.C1' lras pu/u fa, r ,.,,,. /"tier J;'.r') lrtf"' b.fimJ l'h u,,./ /1s;lt1 1
11..J honer anJ 1h1dC1' billed ()/J,., .,,,/, hct:t>lffn pokr .-ar..q,1 <Tl //run c,,,,,,.k.,, In 111,ht """'" Gt'<Jf1CW "''
"'"'' hn1./nl, mu<h "lutcr thJn ni.1lc I ly11111 Younger 1<hi1er. pltlf!r 1111tfen1111111. \\lulc ('umnton "" ~rcyJSh 1111<!. r South Georgia Cormorant
111 d. I 111~ linJ h 1ql.11l grc) head" uh "dltkmarca1cd "h11e win~ On 1hc "ah!r 1hc 'rur11l11r ""~ tf f"'/f!r: ,.J,11,r I
I It 11111 111 I .male J1fTcr- from r l)'lnll. 1n \lrU\;IU~. hlll thus more ca<ily "'bit 1h11n dull 111c) 1>h ''"~ ol Comm1111
l~1t 111 II" 111 pll111111;t<' 11111/ tf11rkl'I; 8""''"''" hi//. I cmulo f'nll..- Diving-f'crrcl
1111li11 l..t h1n\\111'h cdgtnll 10 ha\;!.. Ond llwnl.. fculhcn,, 1111d IS
1> 11111.1111.1 }ti~) 1h:m Hymg. South Georgia Pipit Cachirla grande
Anthus antarcticus SC
\1111th Gtoorgia Cormorant Cormor;in Ge6rgico L 16.5 cm (65"). M1"1ly 1111olf,lmrc1'1nnd~ 111 Sou1h Gcm11i.1
l'/i.1/.tr11u ori11< georgianus TX#79, SC group. rare on m.1in 1<l~nd. "here lar~cl> C\cludcd h) pre-en .
1 'I" J. C'ommon on cw" 1hn"'ihou1 So.1th of introduced ra1~ lnli.'lbll Jcn<.c 1u.,-ac ira'~- al..o l'(l< l )
11 h It><~<. 1hc Sooth OrLnc' and '"u1h Snnd- sho=. 'lear lluca1cncd (lOOO 40llll p:llN) IDf.i\ 11 fl ('\
1111 'I II IC' \110' The 11nl> 1~mnt1r I tn .\,1111/i TIO'\ Tiie uni' fl'j,?111111 ,..., "rin1 ''" \. Urh Grtll"f(tu \ l:.lfl
c anJ,. lute bclv",. ,,ha ,. h1lc fon:.tnn bully prpit "lh a larsr bill "'"'~' """'n ,.,,,, c-h.-.111ut .. a,.,
1 h l 111r1"''""'!.'.' /11,1: strtking. n11/1 1ollt111 rctrun111/e, to~r-<'OYrfs 1mdjn1tf/n ''' '""K' 111'1111!.- >trt:uW l~th a/..11\" South Georgia 01111111; l'rt ..I
NII Nit h<l't c?nl abov- or. unJ., ,. urn.,,~J.v I') tmd pon1C"U/11rl ""'"" Ci1011nd cul1>11t 01 ulldcrp.u1 "1111c
ti,.,,, It I "m>Cl) ~1m1lar io lmrcnal lllld \n1~r.:11c ~rinL \ OI CSona&1>en m ll1i;htor from i:round GwunJ
IS). Snurh Gcu''" u ubl.~n11lly m.illt'r.
''"'"' '"" f l'l.t1c songasbon (2l 1111klm111111cn ecr> I>~. Acrul \On "mil.tr,
" 11'" t'<lHt mllcl~ "'""'" '"'"' ml/ l'un\)llnl <>f "h11.: un but lft 3Jd!lK>n lo lh\' llnlhnJ D <!"'"
btuJ I m''"cd C~ll A
I 11 ~i. fill" on.I t<n.1111ly mu.h lc-s 1h<ln on l\nli1M1c. Whuc <harp r.ip!
I In I 1fl nl c).:. lmnlll oimilar m ocrall p.111cm 10 ad..
il 11" r 11l><:r 1h;in bla<l In .1Jt.hlll>n. 1mm lao:ks Cobb's Wre n
1 11 "' h 1n1I ~.1rundc, f :ice p.111crn probilbl> more Chercan malvinero (Ratona malvinera)
r 111 w mcull '"" anJ rdor.hc 1>111 '""In.I)
be Troglodytes cobbi TX#SO, FLK
1t1 d11f; "nt1Jlc ln>m 1mm An1oa1ct1<
L 12- 13 cm (S S.S"I Rc~ln<!cd 10 ntdcntfrcc ''land., 1n 1he
Falkbnd$. Tu'"'' lfll"' on <""'"b .ali<> forafC' 1n ulp and
debns :n bigh-udc line Al"' 1h1d< ,hrubbcf) <tWll) from CO.hi
Vulm:rabl<' (onl) 4 ~00 8000 bird.. '"'"~tcJ tn lat<' 1m.1
IDL'\ rrnc \TIO' r..n Ol lhc ll<>u-c "ttllJTUllp.inJ =""' South Georgia Pip it
Southern Hou...- \\'n:n of m..unland l ur11cr and bulkier. w11h a
loog bill n1ml1 ""'"" ... uh J 11rc~l\h .. a,h 10 h~Jd .in.I
breasl. uppt'rpart.< "'"" n ctnd 1111 \/f'l'tlAt'd Wing. bm" n, Wllh
crisp ll:orring on rc111 111~' Tt11/ 1w111111r hroM1. """''' mfm.
wi1/i nctrro11 J11r4 "'"' 11clow pale bro" n1h. ri111111111r111 1111
belly 1111J " <'Ill. Easier 111 >CC llllm sy111pn1nc \i111 -. Wl'cn ( l'loll'
83). l ack of dark crown co111r.1>1inl! 1 uh .1 hu lf "'f"'rcilium.
unsuipcd bru\\n back. dMk i:rc)-hrn\\1111mk1p.111' rnlornuon, Cobb\ W1111
oicc. and behaviour <"11nrn1.- 11'11111 I'''' " \\ 1<11 VO ICF. Son11
a amble plc.i,ing ,....,;c, ol 1nll .1nJ 111 II .,. en in l}JlI
Jumbled mann(r ol Tn11:/,.,/111 ""."' 1 nll rndud<' a d111:
.md ~ Fll.\ptng blVJ
I \llvN y Crt'b~

I 11 1lll' IJ 111111h'll fonns occur in Chile. nominate occipitnlis in lheccotre and south, and lhe altiplanoJimit,. ""
111 1111 1101111 :-in11them acciplralis 1s migratory, moving north in winter, atwhich season it is mainly COiistul. wlJll~
111 ""' m" 1' appnrenily sedemary. The differences between the rwo are marked, and more obvious than has h111

111111111llv hct:ln portrayed. Jn plumagc,juni11e11sis is much closer to the flightless Junin GrcbePodiceps lacza110111~11
1~111 1hun ii i~ to oecipiralis. Fjeld.~ & Krabbe (1990) describe differences in vocalisalions berwecn th1111
, fo, h 111r1td1 our observations. Our study of specimens and live birds su.ggcsts thatj1mi11e1isis changes JitUe 111 II 6. Shy Albatross g roup _ . R bertson & Nunn ( t 1111q 11t 11 11. ''
al i it:; n:femng to nlbatTosses. o
1.1 111f 1n111crn while occipita/i.t bas marked breeding and non-breeding plumages. Differences in plumage. sca"'111.1l Se note 2 for son:c gencr po i - sJead1 Whlte-capped Albatross, .w1M111 t-1111'111
111111111 111 11nr1clll'nncc. migratory tendency, voice and h1.1bitai suggest tbar the two arc better classi lied as species. 11 ',1'
l'hlUfl as four species: ca111a Tasmamnn Alba . /' d ca/lfa arc qoilc similar. wlllh: i11b 1111 11111
1. W1111dering Albat ross '"'111ir11 Chatliam Albatross. Morphologically, srcuu i an d. Nunn & Slnnlcv 1t1111x11111 ul ' ill t
' ilhcr differenL from lhe cam ~lea ' - . I d b t r adi was oor included m 1h~ um1l' I 11111 i
al d' pair 111e phylogeny propose in
I"''' 1 11~1111 1axonomic issues require more research within albatrosses: generic subdivi.~ion~ and specics-lev('I

i111d eremila as sister raxa. with Nmta as s~sccr to L~at c_ a c, u s e d ;ecular data suytlcsl tltrit th 'di '11,,,.,
111 ~1te. bill colours, P wnage. rce d' lTerent islands which In 111r~l1<1 h ' 11 '
1r1,11111111011,,_ fraditionally, albatrosses were classified within two genera, Dio111edea for the typical aJbatrosse .. h d"ng 1 rmics wm1enng range an mo
' .
, cc1cs Three of the taxa nest oo 1 1, 111
Mup includes more than one ~p d' tc populations. A srno1 ll 1111111hl1 nl ~\ 1111
1111l l'l111dwrria the sooty albatrosses. Nunn et al. ( 1996), working with molecular data, discovered that Diomet/,u 11
1111\ 1111ly11hylc1ic witb lhe mo llymawks ' being more closely related to sooty albatrosses than to olher Diomedt'll
~\trcmcly close pcoximi1y. aJtd there appear 10 be nbo m~-rm~ .:a d ofChathamAlbalru~~ !1<01>;:11 Ill I'''
I In ) that Diomedea be henceforth considered to comprise lhrec genera: Diomedea, the gi.-eat albatmsse~. l\lbatrosscs have bred io thc Chall1ams. close lo the reel mg isdan ...e Snares where Sahm\ 11 ..11111 111
/'h11.,./1111f/'/11, theNorlh Pacific albatrosses or 'gooneys'. and Tltala.~sarche, thentollymawks. The sooty aJbatrOSS(.:s
also suggests thal more thm11111,, ~T'" I I '" " "
. lb
In nddition, a patr of Chatham A atrosse .
s has recent y neste on u1
h -
.' I I
l'Jo111'/...,1m were confinned by Nunn eL al. (1996) to constitute a valid group. Under Lhc new ;trrangement, each IShirlbai 2002). Such geographically close ncstmg by' ~:.e t~x.1 I O~c interpretiition wo11hl 11, h i '"''hi i tlu lo n
1111111' 11111r;1i11s species that MC each other's closest rola1ives. and are tJ1crefore monopbylc1ic. The previo~
.1 ...11i.' ,lf10n did not conform to 1his pallem. and therefore tradjtiona l taxonomy did not adequa1ely describe
;he problem lies in whether to elevate all four to
I Ho vevcr morpholog1ca Y ic 1
1ctl evde.ff.erences bctwe<in C hi11ht1111 u111J

111 II 11111 ''
i. wi thiu the group. The new arrangemen1 is gaining wide acceptance, but there is considerable
IJJl(ll as two polytyp1c spec cs. ' _
greater thua between White-capped and Tasmanian, perhaps s~~es:ing
that three spc<.1c:. uie 10\ 11 F 1 ' 11111
1 1 11
111 111111.:nl at the species level. Robenson & Nuon ( 1998) proposed that each terminal taxon thm is diagnosablo -
ucplh ana Iysts
. ofthc mo1ccular data rould help to resolve tb1s rssue.
111111phulugtc111ly <r genetically be elevated ro specie:; status. Jhus increasing ll1e traditional 14 species to 24.
t 11h111111111cly. i;enctic data and analyses of those data were not published. Several terminal taxa dilTer not only 7. Black-b rowed Alb atross - R ben~
& Nunn ( 19'.IK) ll c11t lh1 ilh 11111 '
See aote 2 for some genera poi ~ d Cam bell Albatrosses 'I: im1111111i/11 111~ 1111111 1111
t11<11L, 11h11 ly hut morphologically. in distribution. in breeding season. and other aspects of lbeir biology. It is clear I nt - rcfcmng 10 albarrosscs. o .on
111 " ' 1h111 ' 'VUfJI taita curremly considered subspccie~ merit elevation to specitii; status. ~pccies 8lackbrowcd Thalas11arclze 11Jela11op~111s an ' b p d R cnt research h.i~ 111111111 lt1<1I th II 11 th1
u.nclerwings ~nd a yellow eye w en a u phri~ andc FalklaudS'
I ''' 1lw W:md.::ring Albatross, in particular, Robertson & Nunn ( 1998) suggested 1hat 1he Wandering oc Snowy
' h d It. unltkc Blac.:- rowe "
. I I mc/1111111d1//1 1111 I 11111 ' t It
be of dark-eyed Bl.1~k hit\" > 11t
111111 f)/11111l!t/e11 exulafls, Tristan Albatross D. dabhe11C'11a, Gibson 's Albatross D. gibstmi and Antipodean I 1 i 1pa11itla typica me 11110 I 11
different gene11c popu a ions. " . ' II u
\ ll1lhl /J r111hpod1'!lsi.t be treated as sp1.-cies. and also reu1ined Amsterdam Albatross D. amsrerdame11.ris which . . I Ii I I T com1)ltcate matters. a sma num r I I
indistinguishab le 111t1e c c o . . b d vith pile-cycd , w,/11 1111 II 111 h 1111.11
. -d b eds 111e dark-eyed birds inter ree ' 111111 1
l1111l 11h1 11111 h1cm wltlcly recognised at the s11me level. These proposed species diIfer in their breetling lal-itudc. bill Campbell. where m1pav1 a re - I 2001) Curluui.ly ,111m ,,1 t i1 "" . i
ulI J1111n~ ~i1c~ 1111tl the extcm ofwhi(e plumage in adults. TI1c snowy' Wandering Albatross is the only taxon I h males randomly (Moore ei a -
each other, rather t lan c 1oosmg f
U 'despread 1ypc W1cfo,1111 ul "1' i11h n t
111011lu11111,~ ~xtcns1vely white on the upporwings and underpart s. Data presc11ted by Nunn & Stanley ( 1998) d r.
Campbell are of the Falk an s onn .
although most are o le wi
-Th ked genelic clifferc11c11' .itlcl p111,1111o11 ,1
111 " I llt.11 1hw111 11> sislt:r LO tmripodensis. and exufaas LO anl$fertlame11sis with d<Jbbene110 being sis1er LO all occur on the Falklands.! (Moore et (1/. 2001 ). c mar d - -" "'amphc:ll A li1111111 ~ h11 w11, "' I
1(1111111111l1111w1l 11t,xn, While It is likely or even probable lliat more lban one species demands rccog'nition, more suggest that at least two spet1~s arc mvolved but - moreId stu Yr Js requtnru. "'
(Moore &. Bntrnrn llJ!J(I I
I 11 11 "111111J before a clear undersranding can be reached. ln Chile, exulans is 1he common fonn, but recent in Cl1i le, but banding recoveries suggest that II cou occu
1111 fin It 11rl 111~1lut:i xhnw that some individuals of antlpodc11sis also reach southern Chile (Nicholls et al. 2000).
ll11y11I ,l\lb>1l ro\!> 8. Cook's -Petreld d Masaticrra Perrel Pterodrom(J dr.llP,pi
eJ 1 ' aiia Their ,CJlilYilltllli

I lo ,1 , 1111111
Previously mclu e . . h- . " de at ions. The structural and 11'1111111111 ihlh "II u
11 I 1111 mtu- 1w11cr.t1 ll<lint:t rcfcmng to albarrosses. The 1wo fonns, sourhem epomophora and more northerly logical differences and b10geog1ap iccon~1 r, I 'd ed spccies1111hc: <""A1/1111,1 ul 'l'IH I I
Ju. 11111 ..1111..,,lt, d1tl~r c11nsi~1cmly i11 rlumage. Robertson & Nunn ( 1998) classilied them as species, while these taxa as between many of the others current y const el\ .
t 111lo 1 1tNx) Jl1~111011Mrnted that the two fonn a rnonophyletic group separate from 1hc: monopbyleric 9 Herald Petrel I r
\ 111,f tll lJ11llJ1 W1tli111 Royal Alhalrnsscs, consi stent and marked diOereuces in brecdiag latitude, morj)hology,
sugg~~t Pac11ic popnla1ions, ltert1ld1ca, a~e
. . . o.flcn s lit from Allanricar111i1J111111t11111 I It 11111 imott
1 I 1 f (1111111 H1111t "" 11111111.:1wtks 1wo species are involved. Nore Iha! limited hybridi$ation between p I I' (B ke-& Kow1 .:'0011111111 ' '11111pl I
11 1 , 11 1 I 1111n 11 1111111 '" 11111 l~l11111f, New Zt:uland. as well as from Enderby in the Auckland group.
0 . a ""rs more clos.:ly allied to hero 1 ico roo
ccan~ p..,-. ke & Rowe t l996) showed that on ll e1HkrN1111 hl,11111 JI t 1''
l'I 11100
W11V111 t\ll11 tl1 11 group11s 0needed. Broo . h 1 different br~~dtni 11 .. 1 11111 1 I 11
r Herald Petrel niated assortahvc1Y- a< 111 1 I
1 r 1 t 1111
"" 1 11jtt111th1ilc:11111~ 1tir1lbat1osscs. Now classified in Plmeba.l'lrw, which 111dutlcs this und morp IS . d . I DNA Th 'Y reStllTCCted the 11111111! l'l11 1.l1 1111111111 ' 11' 1 Ill 1 I 11
difTe7~cc~~:1;1~::a~; ;~:rel r~stri~ted

!~o<llt [ 111111 111iui111,.11 is ;o far offshore wi1 h1., '111t hu 1111I 111 I ' I I I I
~etre.. th~ -.11~1
lill fll<' \litlUNiy lrcal.:d wilhi11.D/omedea.
stghtmgs11iavc . :mvo lved pale birds ic heraldit-a in nt1 l\'t

10 Ke rguelen Petrel
1 1111111111 11 h 111111 11111lh.11111~e' l'W11111xn exist: lhc 11om111at. hll:i:d1ng on lhc Solander
1111\ 111 w1111111111f 1,1 1111 h11 1li11i 1>111h~ l'h11t11111ns n11d '1hrt:c K111gs, Robc11son & Nunn Tra~1ionally classified in Pterodmma ()limo (70IUI) 111111111111 'ii 1111 '
moq,hol~gy, ectoparasitcs. intcrnul <11rn11J111v, -~~h'hll 11.11111 ""'' ''""
11 111 1 1 '' '"' 1 t
d b 'i lar!).c :1rea of 11ni.tntu'I l c 1,.. tll 1111 N1111hc111 t. 11 11 111 1u11 tu 1
1h 11 fl 1 11..1 1/'11 '""'''""' It h11, lwc11 '"l'l'C'lcd In hcp.111ol1h.: lulmanno: p.:lro:l.,or <'Vl'n ,,.,1c1Ii1111 'h1,11''''" 1 lh '"" f rnups arc isolate y' I I outhcrn fom1111111111111 "' h 1111111 1 I I I
1.,11 111 1111 11111k11.1m111ctl //I u1habits Puna gra.<;!>land\ m A lip (UIO d d11lcrc111:c' w1th11n.1.l1 llt1111 ' ii I 11 t
N11111 ~~ J1fferenees arc subtl~;,nd ~en:.~~1~:~~~::,u~:.;w1th tul'llf"" n1m h1:111u l1u11t' 1 I Ih
I h1m' The t11oo forms dr er s ll I bct11oeen the l\l.O fomi-. "'" "'"'"' Iii I 111
1 , 1 1t11h I 1111udc h1ccd1n~ ro11ula11on (exasperatus) a.' well as 1hc more 1empcra1c ,,. '""" "' \Ill lid II rn.' on the front orlhe l31'SI d1fft!f'COD ,,~nl y uld ...uggc-.t that th.: l\\CI hllll h 1\1 I
, ,,,., ""''''" hli;hl)' m1gr.11ory. bcmg a transequa1oriaJ migran1. while oc:i:an11 '" app.:.ir.. 10 IJr~rh h 11111 I link aJapm~ !>.tgmfic:ance and that ~his d1 le~~~~: c~1n:md) low) and thJI '"'~~ "" t it
" 1111111 ''" 1uth1:m hcmi,phcre lllcy differ rn size and suucture. A molecular nnaly\ls ur their rcl.1111ln,lt11" t Hu c,1,en that rheas arc Oightlc-.\ (tl1sfpehnw.1 II form, the "'cananl event that ...:1.11111 ''Ill Ill
t ol h 1~ ln111111c \\hClha I Cr)ipllc ~jl<.'CICS IS imolvcd. t l:>k babil31 bct~een lhc range~ o t e t\\O . ho ""r.'ltc t.bC!IC l\\O f.>111" ' ,1111 '
" 1..~ to follo\lo tho-<"" ...Cr I
1 --- tbemsCl\C:S. \'eh:ncen<nCO O shght thCt\\Ohltll tmlV II
12 , Rockho pper Pe ng uin 1 "'""'' ti morpholo111~al d1 en:nc~ ar1:
th II h1 Lhal although p\umngc an :dcd to uddr~., th~ quc,nnn
t r ,,.,,11.<'rl> hrccd111'111111dL')'1I In'>tan d.i Cllllha, Gough and Amsterd3m Island)'' ..omc111nc" tre:11cJ 'fX'Clfa 11.lj I t me ago. Gcncnc ~udres ar1: nc<;
h111h;u 21111.!l Ilic nonhcrn and -<ltltbern (nominale andji/lw/iJ fonns differ m their head l\ll\Jmcn1.itron. 1Ml
Ir 1!111 '""'"' Jou\cnun ( 1982) ..talcs that head ornameou11on 1s important 1n pair fonn.111on among cr1: 1,11 I~ Yellow-billed Pintail ~ a cont1111:11tal form ol the s ..1111t Ir '' I 1
rks treat Ycllo" -billed P111t111I (s1111111u111/u) m I org1 " '' ''t:n1h~J11ll)' " ill
1., 11 111111 1]11'. ,111J 1h:11 other species or cr~1ed penguins Eudyptes differ 10 a s1milnr degree cenaml) 1trjlUl'.\ JU
1\1111 ..11h.: need for mon: 1horough ")~lem3uc study oflhe ~up. and that mo,dnt may be a 'fX'<ICs Onl> lh I recent wo . ). Whtie '" plumage the t\~O arc extremely "~1edar b.l!I l m~)' I'><: -uL ''' h' n hi I II
, , '111113tC veorgtl'U - 11 \o1 re tudy ~ 11\!IOU u I I"~ I
11u11111111 fclftll ('outhi.:ml" 1..no~n rrom Chile. ., -1 d and differs bt.:ha' ioura Y n ., . . Ju ahho1111h th I 1th I '''" I n
, ,,111pact. sborter-ta1 c . . . I t 'd and lt.1'> clearly dl\lcrgcd from 'flm1c:1111
- . that geo~t('O IS l~O (I c
I ~ M,1c.Honi Pengu in ",pccrcs given (P & (.'roxnll 111')(1)
" .. hes the island as a vngrant once
t 1 ~ 11 l'<n~u1n F:t11/1p1<1 11hleJ.1"11 which breeds on Macquarie Island, is cum:ntl} rcgurded a~ ~pcc1fic from
~ l.11 '"'"" ln1I wns 1rud11 1onnlly t1calcd ns a subspi.:cies. Only chrysoloplws 1s known from Chile, 20. S pe ckled Te al . nc~tll disttnct, us A11dctlll Tlllll I ht' IWll I hi!<'"' l I I

I ... rmlimital u11di111m1 is currcruly ot1cn rct1-;1rd.:1I ,1: ~~yc~1ffcr '~' $ize and color.it ion. lntcr111ch.11t "' 1111\ 11 I ti
tit . M.1sked Booby '1 nmtera and southern //1111mwn cons1.,tcn I t' s m northwest ;\rgcnttn.111111011 11111t1 ' '
ll\'q11tly wt'rk hos fovuurcd the supnn:itio11 of the Masked Sula dnctylall'o and Nu1cn Boobies S. wo111i 111 spi:trn~ .1t11p ano o..,,,,. . I I I 1nt ditli:nmt c 1iva 1011. ' I I I 11 111 , I
I ht! , 11"'0 may ~iccur ra1h1.:r t' OM.I y, ll1 . t'cu lurly givcn thal the l' "~ I I ' '
ln1 I h11,td on llllicrunccs 111 bill tolour. si;.c,juvcnilc plumage, ecology. distribution, und ll11111cd i111crbrce<liny ull 1t~ug ie cd d but the iwo m11y be \lest co11sldi.:1cd species, par t vcni )liht ,.011 hyh1 "" '' i 111 II II
,tud1es are ue c 1 mur1l IIolosrc1I difference~ are , &"
\\ h" 1111 NO 'IC('Ur symputncally (Pitman & Jehl 1998). Even more recent molccul:ir 11nnlys1~ of the \:tnuus . plit by many a111hori11cs, ahhOllJ.l., 1 rly different ial<."1 th1111 lhn 111 t 1'' '
group 1s now i. {1<1llirt1>lrl~ appear rn be more e ea
1~1rnl.tllm1' 11 Mu,kcd llooh)' 'UJ1pons thi~ treatment (Friesen el ol. 2002). Only Mo,l.ed llnoby occurs ofTChrlc, 1
The South American tttxa wrt 1111
\\ l11h N.11~;1 Is unknown 1h1s far ~outh, but i;ould possibly occur during extreme H Niilo C\Cllt..
I' lmp l'rial Corm oran t l II
21 P una Teal a nd Silver Teal I
11 er they differ radical(> 111 11h11u I '
ccics rn the pa~ owe\
l I 1 1111 I 111\. t1.11l-chc~kcd a/h11e111t't' (Ktng Cormorant) and whitc-chccl.cd atrirt'JI\ (Blue-eyed Connon111t) wcrc . have been rreated lb a Mil& c 'P !though lh.: t11oo ar.:; .tl11111.1u"
''" 11l.1ut T"~''" Only lo..rng type- occur on the fal.klandsandon m.atnland SouthAmcrtl'3 lhe King t)'f'C 15 more Tbei.c l\\O
colour. babital and m1gro101')
h3b t '<o mtcrmcd1atc' arc l..nown. a
t1!l1111111un111<. \tlan1rc "Jc.~ hrlc Uluc-c)cd types occur dispropo11iona1cl) on the Pacific Inland popula111>n~
ui I '1 l.il.c:. .nc ,111 Olul'C)cd I here" broad O\erlap between the mo. w11h no behavioural 1solotrn11 mcchnnt'll1' 22 . Andean Duck re ucntlv treated coosp<.--c1fil':illy \\tlh lh
r 111o111~10.:i:cl l IJu-.cv l'>H6). ahhou~h thcy d1ffer rn plumage and facial ol'll3mcnt.itron lhbndt\Jllon \\b liN Aroen.::m t.a'l;a Vt!rrugm1<1 ond un./111u) ,1rc I q . ln. bncr ~ ~ h1tcd1< \ .1 111AI
111111 nlcJ tiv ll.:\lllcr.. ti.. lcr-.churcn fl971>) and confumed b) Siegel-OallSC) (1986) and Ra,mu ~n (1991) Canbbean (and DO" European! Rudd ) Duck 0 J"inu1u
Sou '"''
r er and mJICS "
are enurel!o' d.ar"' I11"""4kd
11.. \ \'Cl \l\Til.1p rn the ran~Cl> or the 1\\0 IS large :ind mlennedmtc ind1v1duals 3rC drfficuh 10 defCCI II ha' N:cn ~"ulhem rerr111:111<'a (that in Chile) I\ lag ... ~ ko ... 1h1\ lom1 11'>~~ 1111 '
pIumage.. While ""' J' d hn\.. bcl\\ccn 11... ... ~ I
111 'tlit 11112111.c) arc \:olour morph ofa smglc monotypic spec1~ Thu~ raT. no one ha~ follo11ocd 1hc tkvclopmcnt Rudd) Duel (andina) has been 'ullJ!c'tc I a he e current!) cn11rd\' .ill.,p.at11' II " I
r~ " h)t>i1J wung 11> tktcrnunc the11 morphology. and no ncsl5 ha\c bL.--en fuund cont:unmg )Oung ofbolh .
expect ed tn 3
hybndpopulatton(IJcld..:i 1986) l1011oc, cr.1 y~ . Pl ioccnc II Jehl i 1''
, , .,tcd to h.t\c been 111 h,., ci:.
'"I ul I
I I I 11111~ 11111lo:rnl.sr 11oorl.. rs nc1.'tlcd to rewlve the relationships of all blue-eyed cormorant\, but 111 panrculJr d"sram:e TUlle or contact "Wl:\l:C bee adequaidy clipla1111 h ~
1111 ,,,1,1, ur I h~ l ''c for 111oo morph . a oppol>Cd to 'ubspecics ma comple\ anJ c'1cn 1vc 1onc of ~'Conda""
argc I has
beenm:11ntamcd for \UCh J long pcnod has ll~I
d 11""mc111mn,1c Ja,1or ra r
~ than hy..nd Ofll'lfl t 11111
I 11 I..: 11 d~.1rl) mJdt.: suo<>esl that variauon 111 andino I\ UC I I r ntircly blact..-hcatl.:11 '""''"'. n\I
bl albcll. le~' 11111 "'"
11, A11r.11 t111 Corm orant jamnice11s1s arc also vana e. . 'o limnera I vam1tnhty of male head c11l11111 "' 11"
do OCCOT (J:IJUmillo per;- ob~) (i1ven the gen h meter tO MUtly f.:malc 11l1111t.t11 Ii I
1 lit , 11t"' '"""I' 'p.:c11:~ )latus lo Lh" taxon. ~epa.ratrng it from lmpcnal Com1orant 1 he two differ omrcally infonnatrvc c a I II ~
may not be the mo~t ta,on . I bcucr u11dcrstand111g. ol 1 "" 11111'' 111
I 1 111 111 111 111 pl11111,1pc .rnd bchnviourul repertoire {Siegel..C.nuscy 1986, S1cgcl-Ca11~cy & l cfCHe 191<9) a11di110 but rc~earch 111 thb area may help t~re,~c ''d South American /\nck1111 I h11 \ Ht 111 ti
1111 , 11 , 1l111t 111lt 11111l~rnhir ~ludy is required to mdcpendenlly corrobornrc or refute the 'pcc1cs-levcl hypothcsb tillopatric forms. North /\mcrrc,111 ~uddy . ~1c rn~~e :lo$cly rclatt.'<1 tn I at..c I ht\ '""I h I .t 1t
I to11111 Re carch which $U~C~b thnt l\ndc.111 l)uc.i.. s . I h clc11tly nlly /\1111 "'111111 H'''' I
~ h dat~ p111lcu larly th.: b1 ~1:d111s d1~pl.1ys. w uc
10 many 01 er ~.
1"'"11111 1 111 iii I'" n~ h1llh h:irrcd und unbarred morphs. All Ful~land~ birds, le111'11Jll1r11 111c unbarred
11 11111111 111tl lit 1, "" 1l ln1111 \\.1t>r11!11~1lly restricted to Tierra del Fuego1but recently both have hccn found there
1\i 111~111111111 II 1 ""' 11.11 II lhl'tC Mil two dis1inct populations tha1arc n11Aini; lh1111111h ~cr11nd.1ry c-0ntuc1
" 111 ..111 "'"t pl1 ~ 11h .hr ht Iv dlllercnt di>tributions. No morph~ arc obvmu' 111 t.-111.1lc' 11 rs po. s1hlc
I1 1 IJllt 11 11111' 111~1>l\,1I hu1 1h1' will probably only be rcsoho:d throuvh m<'lc,ular work
I "d I d positive assonnuve ma1111g w11h111 mc.1~ ut ""'''''I
111111.I ii "lo
u11 1v1 ua s anfb b 'd' t' on A nmdem analy"~ or the P"1hk1111~ "'"''"'"ii
1-11 1ol I 1u l1t: '''"'I", 11" 14 ilh ll1.01h1111..:J I lawl.. Aa-111it<!r l11col<>1. {'lulcan I law!.. "an 11llop;1t11( .11111 hnutcd area o Y n ' 3 I
I 11 I 1,.~1111 111,11 h 1 'l'n1ah nl tc 111h.1h11 tcmpemre forests and forc~l edge Wh1li: U1colourcd sho"'' m 11 11
1 111101111111 1opul.11mn \ 111.11w11. ( lt1lt:.sn I hi\\ I.. 1,. much less so. being coru.1s1cotlv bam::d bc:low. and J\ er11
1 ;:i 1h m thl' I'" oluurcd Ju\ ~1111c, arc al" 3)' cnspJy streaked below. There arc al~ \t>eal d11lcrcnc~ " 111 I
1 111111' 'l" 111hhcat1110 (Jan1m1llo """ ob' ) \\ c follow !he Handbook o/tM 81nlf 11/ th~ lll>rld in affording Ch1k 11
II \\ \ pcc1h\ t.uu,. more wort- 1 n<.~kd lo detcrrmoe iflhis is an adcquarc ~y~tcmauc rreatmcnt. a; \1.cll 11, 10
11111 1 11,I hm\ oth~-r tau w11h111 the B1colourcd llawk are related to each other and to chtlt!Mi~ u. White-backed Stilt 1
. ns c1tie \\ ith Black-nccl..cd suit //1m1111111p11 "" '" '""'~ "' II
'J,'> 11.irris's Hawk .1menmes treated as co pc A an rrom plumage d11Tcrcnc..:,. \\ h111' h" I 1t 1111 I/
:~:::::;:=::~:;p':: ~=~;::~~~a (:.C\ICOllUS und A1t11dft'nl or Il.iw.111) 1n
I h ~ ,,,, "' 1m1up (I larri~ 's I lawl.) ol the USA 10 coastal Peru and Ecuador d1ffc"con\1s1cntly Ill \ize and plum;1gr \IUI c I I llOlllll
I 11111 ~ hum ill<! more south..:m und c.i~tcm umcirn::ms group (Bay-\\inged Howk) Adult, or u111rmt111 hJH
plumaie (neocenyJ compared tO the more boldly pancmcd hcJrrt>1 group The laucr 1s e'tremdy
K t h Plo\o:r is w1dc~pri:ad glob:llly A thorough ,111~1 11 '''Iii ' I '
llhln." 111111u1u1e-hlc
"' 1:11 ult~n fomgmg and breeding m coopcrau~c groups; this beba\.'10Ur t' unl-nown 1n 11mnnnvr. 1crgu'-OllL~ 33. Snowy Plover
< hurodrius alexandrmus. or tile en t!> cd G en mart..cd d10i:rcn..-c.' "' ph11111 11111 I I
\ I hr1 11..- (2UOI I ~uggc-t allo\p1~--i \t:ltu<, may be warranted for the t\\O To ~umc CJ(tcm th~ may pamllcl th<" "' - eluded 111 u/C'.tuntlr11111\ 1~ warr.1111 1
... tween 1he 1orms m ~umlar 111 plumage ""'"" th411 1111 1 I I
,. 11...11111 t rc,1cd Coracar.t, alth..,ugh the d1 ... 1s1on between the cwo taX.l 1s not in the \311lc gcogrJph1c 11rc;1 th ther cni-cies of ChoruJrr11 are C'tlremc1Y
nJ at some o Jr . , hA . d t.. , t anbbcan) and"' .,,/,,1111/in ' 1 1
1'< \\ Id ta'tll nllt>mt (Non mcnca an ""
/.b . Variable Hawk onolved. The ":oil ew -ocrll other ;han to OJ her tro.3 in ult>1n111/rm11.1 and ure clearly scparalik "" 11h1111 I
l11t\f1111,ly con\ldcrcd two species. Red-b:1cl.ed llawk (Buleo polyoso111a) and Puna llawk (8. poe1hlrhro111 ). 1cru)aremores1m ano..., Id
World fonns. They also arc s1ructurJlly ~honer-legged than Old Wur tax.a.
lh1 If 1~cr1 ~cp.1ru1ed on d 1 1Tcrcncc~ 111 W1111:( fom111 lae, 1he larger size and highct clovattonul rnngl! of Puna 1lawl...
111d 1l1lkrcn1cs in the morphs shown by cnch (V11urie 1962). More recently lnrquh nr ( 1998) found lhnt s11~ 3 4 American Golden Plover , I .
. . I vcr rtuvillllv du111 /1iic11 ;111d Pacific G11ldc11 I' 111\1 1 1 /II I I 1 I
d1th11.111ccN hctwcc n highland und lowln11d birds is clinal, as is wing formuln. Plumage varitttion 1s cx1rc111c, whh
1711111r11hs llocmn cnrcd and muny more potcn1iall y occurring, bUL morph type docs nm correlate with morphomi:tric rhe speci.fic treaunent or AmCrtCUll (loltkn r. o,. fdff, 'Cll~CS in plumoi;c displays, vocali~11ln>1111, 111111 1111 ill Ii
well accepted. The two were ~cpnratcd on thc.b,1sds I~ I ~11 ' le but no cvidc1~cc is available thHI ii hi"'' i 1 "'' 111 1 I
1.11111llcN (.~11c oml wi ng fonn ul:1). Vocalisalions do not differ between Punntype 01111 l(cd-bockcd-typi: hawks. wcstem Alaska. Note th at /l1iw1h:1s hccn cla11nc rom 11
<111r11 th111 there arc no diagnosable chnmc1cri. for these taxa they are now 1rca1cd con,pccifically, with pofv.-011111
1<1.11111n!' rmonty. Farquhar (1998) llllfCd th:ll the isolated taxon, e:csul from the Juan Fcrn:\ndc1 1,tond~ \VU\ 35. Whimbrel .. is browner rlu 11111.. 111111 .. 1 "
, 011 1.1cntly dilTcrcnt from all othcrVanablc llawk:.. Hcsuggesredthat with more rewarch 11 might dc<,crvc 'p..-c1e' "'lew World hudsonicus differs from Old World phu<'~['"' ar:d ~::':~;;~smb~t have bec11 t1< ""'' ~uh I lh II
1.11u, \\l111:h I crguJ.On-Lcc' &. ( hn~llc (200 I) J.fTorded. opposed to white rump The two rroufl\ "ere ongma y m:a c th'm ag~in Zink f!t 11/ I 1111'1 1.. 111111 ii! ' i
for many vears. although some tiutho~ now sutzge~t sepJmtmg I c ic;ic~t with dilfcrc111.c~ I '"' " (I
-icnet.ic rufrerentiation between h11d\onmo and, '"r~g":;si .it':~~:~: lbe best oam.:tl I hill 111111 \\Ith I
27 Southern Caracara
II d tn .111 C\otm111a11on or a large number or specimens. Dove & Bank!. ( 1999) coucludcd that there w;r, no and suggest thal l\\O i.pcc11:~ arc in,ol\cJ, the cw or orrn
CHlci1<.c lru chnal ch:mgc tn the ( 'rested C:imcara m South America. and that three b1olofical sp1~ ~Id be
1 " 111 -.I Southern Caraca111 Curuc nra plonc1u, orlhem Crested Car.ic:tra C chemw1 o.nd the cmnct Ciu.idilupc 36. .s~uth Ame.rican Snipe b "'outhem mugellwuca compared to more m11tl1Cr1 1 '
I If I 11.1 ( /u/Ul>\11\ The genu.~ or thl\ group w~ previously Polyborw, but Cnronvn ha~ pnonty Prehnnnary analyses or ~und'> producc,d d ~ owmu dJ,p1Jyi. The le\ cl of dlllci.".11\C I II l'' I I
th two h:we M"mfit:ant y 111ercnt wmn
lR. Pt>rcgrine Falcon demonstrate thal e 0
, d IT, rrobor.iung more recen1 rl'L11.,11111"" 1 I t1I
. . r G /I 11<lj.:O Punn Snipe IS 3 1Ml 11 1crcnt, t;O II
o1hcrspec1es pairs o a ' 111 k I f \nH'ICs-level differences bet\\1'<11 '"" ' 'i
I 11111 h"nth l'alhd ralcon Fn/et) kn.:1.-nb<>rg1 "'~considered a spec:ieli. P11lhd 1".tlcon occur\ m outhcmmu)f s es. Further analy~..,. and \.OCal d.ita w1 I c Y con mn ..-- . .
I' 11 1u111 1 p.1ni.:ularl} at the C-J\t end or the Strau of Magellan. Now. lhis form 1' 1-no"'n 10 be a pale morph of the :::;guaiae. The Falt.land' popula1111n h:t' )Ct to be 'ubJcct~d to \OOll analys~-
' 1 1111 11ti l'-=C11:' of Pcrellfinc falcon (I lh~ & G31llt 1983).

37. Skuas II andtemS. Thesmallc1 IJ~ u I

J. Ill.i r k Rail The !at!?ermembcr\orthc 1.unilv "tc1<t1Jntd 1c arc rl!IJtcdclO'>Cly togu " R
111 1 1111 111 <\11:en11ne 11nd wuth rcru' 1an race raltnasi is ,ery little known Vt'IC:illy 11 t $111Ular to jumuicnu1\ ., I 1 a ntai11<.'ii 10 <,ep;arate geDCrJ.. c'""' II n 11
and the. larger sk:u:b (Ct1th1Jrm /Ill were, 111111 recent y: m I to "\l-u:is Rather th:1111t;,11 I 11111 I '
11111 11111 11 111 the number or 1ntrodnctory notes 10 the main ki-ki-turrr voc:aJ1<;;lllOf1 (J Ru11 pcrs. comm.) The detennined that P{ll1Jt1nc J.1c11r "mmc clo-cly related to ( ~lwror . (A~derssoo llN'I c "'"II .1111 I I I
1111h \111r111 .111 t."a ol lhh 'pcc1c~ tlem.md &tudy. as they di.ffi:r const)fcntly from each other and 1n rcl;1U1ln to Jacgerinro Cnthurm ttJ 1he cnt111: w1111p hi!' ~'Cn )'\lb~umcd m10 ll'l't:Qranw.
111111h 111I1 1 1.1111culnr arh:ntion ~hould be paid to their vojces as more 1han one species may be mvoll'ed
\0 A111 h1 1111 Coot 38. Brown Skua d f d li1101111l 111t.in11on. The foml\ i111/r111 '" I 11111
The systematiCli ors1u1ihc111 skua-. m-.: in urgc11t nee o ~ ' , (Wti l! s iecies The t:1x11 /r111r11/11111I 11111 '" '
l'h 111111~f y 1 1,111~1 1 11-. 11 s11llNJlcc1cs or /\111cricon Coot Fulica americmw, h111 thu ltttlcr is rnori: closl'ly ulllcd 10 hamilto11i are vari ously 11~111-<l.:1~ suh~1)ccic~ o~ onc,spcc;c~ '.'r ~~p 11\~ rc r~ortllcrly brc11dl11111111111 ' 11111 "' l I
\\ Jt111 "11111111I 11111 1!11111 111 /\11dc1111 (Fjclds~ 1983). With in Andean Cool there urc two busic Jypcs: w llow-h1llcd, arc molJlbologically mllrl' s1111il111 1h111i IO /<11111 Jt!l'f.:. om ~ we''. i I 1st (Dcv ilk"~ 11 11~ I lttl ,
1 11 11 111111 ii 11111 1 ~l t l'l11 lq11lcl 11111ivid uuls. nnd white-billed. white-l'ronled n11d grcy. Jcggccl hull~ I ht: li1~11ypc is kn 10 hybridise rarely wil h 1111 1111~//NI on the southcm /\1 gcnl ne co.
11111111111111u11l11111 I 'l11h wht ll thl' Nl'l:ond hos been detected twice in wintor. F1cld~n ( i'lll'l 1k1111lc1l 1hut. while by~~~ses wi1h South Polar Skuu on the Antarctic Pcnmsula (Parmelee 1988).
1111111 1ul lh 1111 11111\ 11111 l'VI'<" hr;.c1l~ ,II u 111vcn lake. they overlap al a smnll 1111111hn ul II' '\p.1rt lrom sofl-
1 II 1111 111m lhl) 1l1f111 111 p1d1111:1I h.1h1t.1I .11111 food In areas ofsympatry. ml\c1l 1 11h .11, 1111111111m, oh hough 39 Band-tailed Gull
I 1 11 ~ 1Ili t ii 111 rl ul 1111\\ 11o1 Ill\ c n'"'rt.i11vo: mnting b) shield type I k ""'' hukl th 1t 1lue to C\lt:n\i\e p .- ly included otlantino (01ro{' Gull) of Atlan11c South America The 1141 lhll~ "'
11 '" 111 1 11 hi1111 11l' loc 1 c111111kr.:d un.: .pcc1cs. Mari.cd d111i.-1,11 r 111 11111ph1l11 v. d1.,tnbu11on. b::::~ and wmtcr plumo~t:, and ecology. Oev1llcro; ( 1977) dcta1b thei..c dtfl(ll "' 11 1 I
111 ti 1 11111 1 tI 11 \11 " 1h \ h1Lc1I S.\lllJ'.tlnc.111'. J.1d.c lll a hyh111l 1n11(' "11h 11 ~111\ 111tcrmcd1a1c supporting their spc:.ei lie reco1tni11on
111. Plai n -breasted Earthcreeper
1111111I.'il.11trnh:f11ccd du....1 .111cn11on In morphology and plumage all ul 1hc \\<llld'~ ,k1n11n , 11ttme:. lumped with Buff-brca.-.1cd I :inhcn:eper l1111n11h111 1 "''"''"''' f iii ' I
f 1111 ' 111111.11 I h, 11.111. plu111.1gcd 1m1 ""n-"' ol the Am:uon basm is as s1g1111ican1I~ J11Tcrcn1 m ph11111 13 ~ 11 " unre.ol\ed. A thorough analysis of 'ocah..a11on.... p.1n11.ul.11 Iv "l11t1n lh
1111111111 l111111 s 1111hc \llll"f'tC'J' :I'" ntlm1n.11c 111~1'r from African Skimmer Rynch"Jl'}lo11rmtnf. Olacl. Sl.111111 111 1hwcM Argenuna. is required
ul "''"' th.m 1u1c 'f>1.-.:1c,, bu1 l..n1>1-. ledge" lacking to resohc thi questron
S2. Scale-throated Earthcree per
4111 C h1lr.rn Prgeon crnl ~ubspccics are rceogm:.cd for \\ h1ch voc.il charnctc" arc """" 11 ""'
" .11 I ~111111 prc<.cntcd da1., from nuclear .ind mitochondrial D A th11t dcmon\lralc<> 1h:u C\\ \\ ,., 1,1 timl'luria 1s quite sirnilnr 10 central and nonhem C'h1lean lr.1111lt'11< 11 /111/111111111
f 11/1111!~ ri '''"' .m: no1 of 1hc ~me group a.' rhc Ohl World Columbo. They suggc:.t tr.l.n!>femng all or the p,,, .. .,,utor ts unstudied 1n thtS rc..pcc1. and 'hould be compared with ,)!h.:r rt111l.11t1111
W llI r 11/11111/10 ht the 1;1cnu\ Porug111<'nu.1 .
Sl. Grey-flanked Cinclodes
4l fl<lclfic Dove 1 "'Ju;1n fem:indez sub,pecrcs. l><l(htrr>n1i/ has not been compared to mJ111IJml 1m1111/111111111
11 II .1.1 ,,1<:~ 1fi~.1lly dl!ilmCI from Whuc-\\ macd Dove anuitla asiat1c-a based on Bapll\l1I t'I al. (11)')7) Tho 1" cn lls 1SOla11on on AleJ:mdro Sclk1rl.;, and plumage d 1 ffercn.:c~ from 11u 1111..11. ' " 111wn11111
1ll11ut1h lornh ltlTer m morphology, and Mnkmgly m wng. The name WcM Peruvian Oo\c has nlso been u~J '"'
m l iJ11 C 1111> but gm:n how UJlncce"nly long that name 1:.. and the potcntral for confu:.1on "nh Pcru 1 1~n 54. Bar-winged Cindodes
l't 1 /',,,,,,.,,,, ' " " " ..""!" v.c haH eh<>:.cn lo emplo> the English name corned by Baptl>lll 1997) "'al. ( .: ru.:cs f11"11s and a/lm1m1rn dJITcr m rluma{tc. \~tee. mignuory beha\1Ql11
unknown. and we are currently 1n\C!>hg.i11ng 1h" j, uc. The form re,1m:tcd 111 the I ' u 1.1.. rt "' 11 !'
<I'S. Mc>ontCJin Pa rakeet Jruno prci.umably represent ano1hcr group
I 11 Ill t I\ 11l.1lc1l in the gcnu) BolhtJrhrnchu; but no" 1r.msfcrrcd 10 Psilopsiagon (Collar I 997) Th" change " 1
1t1ll11\\11I hy Juniper & Parr ( 1998). SS. Wren-like Rushbird
I hi; ~pecics shows marked geocr.111h1c v:1r1u11on in ' " e and <larkncb' of 1hc un1lcrp.111'>. h111 1"' 111 111t" 1111
M . M,lf;t'llil nic Horned Owl
.1tffcrcn1 rorm!i are similar.
f\ 111 I h'111t 0111h11ntics lm vc chosen to 1rcm 1h1s fom1 us specificall y distinct from Grcnl lforncd Owl 8 11 11, 1
111 ''"'"""' hn,c1I 1111 lhc w(lrk of Kon ig c l"' ( 1996), 1'hc two arc separable mainly on diffcl'cnccs in voice, as well 56. Thorn-tailed Rayadito
M 111 111.1ll1:r '"c t11'111t1gllflnic'11.~ ond its n:lu1ivcly smullcr and weak.er ICel T he cant11c1 .1onc between the two 111 ln,uln.r forms arc darker below, and ure rccoiJni~cd ~ub~pcci fically. Coin11a11111vc vocal unuly ~ r 11 iii 1111 11111 ,,r 111
""''"" ' l\11t"nt1na (where rhe two apparently behave quite separately) uad Peru (where the situatron may hl .ire unavailable, although there ''currently no C\ idcncc to ~ui;ge 1 that they d10'cr '"'"1.11111all\ 111 1111 ' I
'"'"' ,111111111\ I) I anc ;,, 1111.) rcqmrcs study.
57. Plain-mantled Tit-Spineta il
,. !;, l\,1rn Owl ~our ,ubspcctc~ are l.oowo in Chile Current I)'. Jarwnillo 1~ conducting rc">Carch lllh 1h1\ ~'""I'
I ,r/ I 111111 ,uggc-.t 1h:11 ~omc 'ubi.pcc1c~ of Barn Owl may warrant specie' Mal\J~. but the "Y~tcmnric' 111 bc \OCJI d11Tcrcnces bet\\ ceo 1hc ta\a, amt more than one ::-pcc:1e' m:i) be m\ oh ctl
111111, :-. "r, 1c"' '' farfrom being rc)()lvcd More \\Ori. rs needed to dctcmunc 1f r.cw World la>.3 11r, 58. Black-throated a nd Chestnut-throated Hoe t-hoels
1111 th-e in oihcr panl> of the "orld
Jlt,1onc:illy, there ha:. been some hc,uanc) to con"Jcrthc;;c 1\10 as 'f't."-''C' llo"cll ~'\. \\~hh t l'l'J II 1 11 I
dalTercnces and summari~cd plumage d11Tcrcncc,, C'hesser ( 1999) u'cd molc,ular 1cchn11.111"" '" \ '""'' I 11
111 11 krcd con.>pc:calic wnh Chaco O" I Stm. charoensi.I. but they differ m morphology. ccolot;) are biological species. Moustached Turca '' "'1er 1<1 the huct-huct cladc rctcntrt1n m l'1tw111 '"" 1 111 I 1t 11
I 11111~111.1111lv. Ill voice (S1ranccl.. & Vidoz I'NS) mokcular diua (Chcs.,,cr 1999).
59 . Dusky Tapaculo
11 1111111 I rn11:1mou:. Pygmy-0\\ I Glcwndi11m hra,ihanum. from \\htch 11 dJITcr. cc>n>t~tcntly m voac.: Pn:\1ously con,,idered a ,,ub!>pc1:1c., of 1hc: \nd~n l apaculo So 1ul11pu~ maitt.'11111111 u I lie r1111
11111111 lic1w111 the two, bu1 other \<ocalts:111ons chlTcr greatly. Konig e111I (1999) state that they al~o b<.-en ~ubjcct to recent reappraisal. and Du'k) l Jp;iculo has been 1rc:11cd J~ \pct:tc" du..: 1n 1h th "' 11
111111) 111111111.1\<.:re1101 prt.!>Ctltcd Mannc-t 11/ ( 1989) found plumage and morphology to bccqui 11ocJI , 1,c and large!} unbam:d rlumagc (l'J~ld ...'t & Kr.ihbc 1990. Krnbbc & Sch11lcnbc111 1'1'1 1

I 1 11 I 1/11/111"' I prtJ.111:, Konig':. 1991 d.""'npuon ofperull1lllm) and nun um. \01cc:" thee. :-.:ntral tool l\.1agcllanic TaJl3Culo I) clear on ''Le, Jllunugc. habu.11 and w1ce I Rl1cru' & \ 1llc t l't I1
1111111111 11, 111 1t1h11l11111 of1hc'e morpholog1cally similar ~pecies.
60. Magellanic Tapaculo
111vl;111 l''t'tlllY Owl <;cc Dusl.y Tapaculo11bo\c, tb1., 1J1'<on '".i' .11> fomlcrly lumped wt1hm Andt:3n I .1p.i~11l111. 111
II 11 I 11\I11'1111 I ~11w1111111\ f')gmy Owl. but differs md1cally from that tawnnnd frnmi\u.'>tr.il Pygmy nwx1/la111c11.l The l\\O Chilean Sotulop11' may nn1 C\Cn be <ii~ter la,,1, ahh1u)o!h 1111111' 11111 I t
I (1 lllj f 1111f i 1c,1 1hti. hypothesis. i\n unnamed taxon cx1~1 :. in the h1ghlandi. of San1rngo 01111 l\.knil11f 1 1
pro1 c 10 be a wclJ-markcd highland sub\pec1cs of Mu~cllanic fap;tculo

11111111111111 \ l~I~ 111 thi~ ~pccics, wi th mu ny named subsp..:cics 1n C' lt ilc and olher pA rls of 61 . Grey-bellied Shrike-Tyrant
I '''" I I''''Ill .111w1~1 Ihat the Putagonian race cunic11/mi11 is vucn ll y different from Mil;nitory mlrroplera of Patagonia and resident 11111/ecuht of the A11d~1111 pu1111 1111 11111q11i,.l111n 111 I II
111 mt 11 1.1111 ~ ' "'" ,..,,,111\Jlion dam are needed from nll taxa. M nthl.!r fom" within cnurcly allopalric. The rclation,h1p of1hcsc fonn' requires lunhcr \llnlv
62. Rufous- naped Ground-Tyrant
<;ub\pcc1e~ differ io darkne:.' of pluma1?c Jnd crow n colou1 G1\cn the nlf\ 111
recently proposed to be specie, (Che ~r 2000) any allopatrte hmn th~ iii 1 111
in C'hc~cr (2000) sho" linle dl\crgcnce bct\\CCn pollidin11 from \1v11111111

-.>uthcm "'fiime:c "3> not sampled

1,11 1uhlc appearance of birds there muy also 111d1catc that there "11111111:, ti 11 1111 .. 11 ,1 111m ' '
I 11 I hu11p 11 11hl'l.i1111,1pp11ll111111111I l'.o'r.111t \fmrrsm:icolaalpina.Chei.ser(21l00)fuund1hemorcrc,1t1<1<-d l liru>h(Fjcldsi & Krabbe 1990) Adcta1lelhtudy ~ 11ce<lc1lot lhl ( 1111111.111\1 tu '11111 I '
11 11 1p111l 111 ..11111I f\r,11111" 11< 1i.h1h)'kll( and nOI closely related to Cinercous, 1hc laucr (at lea~ cmtr,.11 1 1c1ly how many specics-le\cl La\a C'>1St, ;md the c:1<1~tcncc e\l.:nt .1111 d~11.11111 1 I l I

1 1 l1 II 1111111 hi Ruh>11' 1i.11><d ( 1r11und f) rant. More detaiJed anal~is 1s needed to n:,oh c the 'Y'tcrna11,, nf
73. Hellmayr's Pipit
I 1 1 11111 \ .111.11) '" 'U~f.!l-..t' tlull l mefl'OU' Ground-Tyrant is polyphylcuc The placement of ~ub'Jl':"'"' .:Iker (1999) found that Hcllmayr, r1p11 Wti polyphylcuc b.t'o(;J on n111le, 111~1 1L!I It
'""'""''-~ lr11n1 nortlw.c,:'t \rgcntmJ "unde.ir and 11 could belong ";lhgriseo Plam-capix-d C.round-Tyrant
( c peci~-level taxon may be 1m ol\ cd lie sampled the lorn" Jw/1111111~ t 11111 I
(, t Oc lm. naped Ground -Tyrant , tm:h occurs in Chile. Funher scudy i' nl..:Jlo-d to confirm rela11on,h1p,, .11111 tn 111l l 11I
111 1 111''"1111\/rl\ ~ ~111allcr and oollc:cably dart.er in lhe field than more nonhemflm111111h11 II 1<; unkno\\ n 11 1 u.:c differ in pllllllll8e and. apparcntl) )1i;n1fiea111ly, in 101cc.

1h1 l'l!''l'h~ vnri.111on 1s chnal or not G1\1Cn the extreme similarity of ground-tynmt ta'a recent I)' propo,cd 111
74. Yellowish (Peruvian) Pipit
I 1 11cs I C"hc,..cr 2000) :ioy allopatnc ronn th.11 is diagnosable demands atld111onal ~udy Ille fOfnl permianus trom co:btal nonh<:m (. hllc Wld Peru d11Tcr. '1gnllic;1ntly lm111 ll1< """"' 11
11 1
rt~ DM k faced Ground-Tyrant Limls of South America. Apart from d1~1111ct plumaic d11Tercncc . the '"'o J11ler '''"' "' 1 1 II
I 1IL 1111111 "''"Im 11.1110 1~ 11 resident fom1. which is both laqterand greyer than tht highl) m1gr.itnl') m1;11aln ol the (Jarumillo pcrs. obs.). Probably more than one pc.:1~ 1!.111~0111..'<I Voelker I t<1 1 11,l11l 11ul 11 11111
11111111 11.1 lhc t\\tl arc allop:unc and 1ntcrmcd1ate~ arc unknown. Giu~n the c'lltreme 'imilanty of 11ruundl}r:int ' tUd)
hn11 "< n1h rrupo-cd "' be: 'pcc1t\ <Che ~r 2000) any allopanic form tlut i) d13gno:.ablc need, forthcr study
75. Correndera Pipit
Mt. Rr.1n -colo ured flycatcher \ oclkcr (19991 found that Corrcndcm P1p11 "a.' polyphylct11: 1>3\Cd 011 molecular daw. uml 1hu """ 11111
111 ul"l''"''c' 111/l'ff<'tt.1 ofno11hcmmo't Cl11k and coaslal southern Peru is r.id1cally d1ffercn1111 plumugc from m:iy be involved. He sampled the foml\ ct1rr111Jpru and r utumlltrU< from thc ~outhc111 "'"I 111<1 "'I 1tl
h 1 111 ..11-n1lo11rc1I flycatchers More clatu arc needed, but vocally this fom1 appcnr~ to d1fkrt1u11c strongly. With highlands: Falklands birds were not ~amplcd. Annlyi.cs of \101cc 'hould be conductcil 11111111111,1 l"'l"'l llllf
"""' 1111111 11 muy he clear 1hat ru(c.~cr:11~ dcmnnds species status as Rufcsccnt Flycatcher. ~.nnpling within the context of u mtm: 111-1lcp1h genetic ,111<.ly lo t.:luc1Jotc the 11ohlh1y 111 1111v I' ''' I I '

Id. Wnrb ling Doradito 76. Red-eyed Vireo

'd11tli1'I111c 1111goi11g to dc1crn1in.: tht: l(lxonomic status of the Chilea11 populations. r hc systematics of tlie Red-eyed Vireo comp lex huvc 10111:1 provoked in tct'csl. Tl11:r.- ,11 1 11t11th1111 1111111 '''" t
migratory fom1s (the o/iwue11v group). scvernl rcslclcnt popululions in 1roplcnl Soulh /\111~11 ' 111111 iii. 11111 "'' '
hH Whilt' Crested Elaenia Chivi group oft:he southern cone Sevcml populnt1on~ exhibit clcur differences in plum.il'i: 111111tl111l111 11 11 1 "'
1lh" ,,.. 11111ny n.1111cd sub~pccics or Wh11c-crcstcd Elacnia throughout Sou1h America Mo\t nrc rc~idcnt /\ 111
addition to migratory behaviour ond habitaL More thon one s)ll!cics may be 11wohct.11111h" l""'"" 1.,,1 ,.1.1111
tl""'"i:lt v .tcma11c review of the species 1~ warranted as within Chile lhe highly m1gnuory -.outhcm c:/11/tn,11 , tudy 15 needed. particularly using molecular 1cch111qucs II is unclear winch popula111111 h.1 l" " ' " 111 11 1 1111
1111 "h1111 the h11'\!c:ly n:~1dent and nonhcm m1>tlestn in plumage. structure, habitat and '01ce Wi1h111 Chile, t\l.U
J1 1 l'I""" h l>e 111\ol~cd. ho" lhci.c relate to ta\a else\\ here in South America " Its) clear 77. Yellow-nosed Albatross
cc note 2 for some general pomt~ rcfcmng 1011lb3troo;~ . Robcn<.0n & Nuno ( l'NKJ ~" 11 \ldM .1 thl '" I
,,,, P1111v1an and Southern Martin.s coniam rwo basal forms. oominatc:Atlan11c Ycllo\\illO'ltd and lnJ1an Ycllo\\no-.ed \lha!H "11u1fo1 1 '
11 !.111111 1lh r11111l111 (l'eru\1311), m11Jt ''"(Galapagos) and elegam (Southern) .ire trc;ued ha 'Ingle ~pcc1c, , The laucr is v.hiter-beaded ~an adult MMe \\Or\. 1s ncc~-d to ~uppon th1" ..cp-ar.1111111 11111 tit 11 11t1 I
ti.,,, \1.111111 1,, ''"" m<id<:'tll M.uun '}'lctllilti'-'j, arc unresoh1XI.. but recentl)' lhc<.c 13,u ha\e been rcpnkJ " been recorded from waters near the r alt..htnd~ .ind outh Gcol'!IUI
I J1ill1 I 1 I hcv J11Ter m bi.re. nwlc and female pJum3ges.. migr.uory tendency anJ hah1ta1 preference~
78. Soft-plumaged Petrel
~fl <.111 '(Sedge) Wren TradtUonally the t\!.O northern fonns vt'dt' unJ nt(ltlt'1ru) "-CIC con\ldcred C011'Jl\:O.:tl11 111th lllllt '"I
1f,1tC11\f\ 1, a complcit '''uc; there arc at least 10 named sub>piC'>. many of whith :ire 1snla1cd mollis. Bourne (1993) d.:mon:.troh:d thlt \lgn1ficant morpholog1lal d10cn:11c.:' C\ISlccl llC'l\\ 1111 f t
I 1 I l'l!il11 11111111.lrl'c' the huge 11covroplm: d1\cr>1ty known within South Amcnc;i. wh"h" much ~.ilcr '>ugge:.ted that all should be gl\cn ,pc..:1e' 'WIU' Bret4gn~llc ( IC)l}S) 111131)...:d \l,.;.1h'"""" f!, 11
" 11) llh I P<' IC' orC.nttilht>nl! . rhrcc major groups ba\"e been idenuficd, one tn ..... onh Amenca ('i'-'llgc concluding that the t\\O nonhcm h~1,ph.:rc lorn\!> arc clu-cly related hut th.ii th1v l11mhl t
11 tr1 1' 11 1J11llhcr m the An~ .ind Centro! Ameaca. and alhird in the -.outh<:m cone of South Amcnca sp..-.: 1 ~ different from southern mo/11-. ~unn &. Stan le} 'i. ( 199!1) moleculJr da1.1 "'ll
1 h 1 II
I 1 Iii I 1111..1.1111" < cnaml) more thJn one species appears to be in\lohcd, but the "'ue require' much more arc not sisters to mollis. strengthenmv the 31Jumcnt for rccogn1 mg two 'Jl\:<.:ll"'\ I he ,1, h '' ' ti
\\I ti Ii <11 th~'c gmup' dc-.cf\c' 'Jl<.-cies status or if the dhision is more con1rlc't 1) ttnblo\\11 two taxa in the north 1s oogomg, but all publt~hcd C\11dencc conclude' that the
Petrel sensu striclo) and the nonhcm t;no ure 'pccu:s

t 11 1.1 1 11< lrc11111:ntly lrc,11ed w11hm one species, House Wren Tmg/odrt1.r uedo11 . Orurnlicld & 79. South Georgia Cormorant
11 11 111 t I >lhl p11111d,.1I !lncltc 1IJta tltat prnved the 11111sc11/usgroup(Southem I louse Wrc11) to be 'ig.111fieuntly Recent literature often affords specie~ ,1atu' to thi s 1oxon. 5cpamtc from l111p111.1I 1 '" "" "'' It
llfl , Ill I 11111l 01111t 1~1111h1111 11011,c W1c11T.11edo11 and Brown-throated Wren 7: hrt111rwi11>llis. considering this, and Antarctic Com1or11111, separate fro111 lmpriul C'nr11111111111 "' lt .. 111 '' 11 II
Molecular work is needed 10 determine relationships wi1hl11 ll1 is gro111).

11ltll111 '" 1 ii '''"" 1111111111111 In Chi le, birds in 1 Region clearly bclo1111 10 1hc h111w11i~h C'l1ig11111icr1 80. Cobb's Wren
h1I 111111 l111lil .1111I I II 1!1111111 they n:prcsenrthe blackish n11thrnti11111-.11lthu111lh l'jd<ls!'i & Krnbbc Tmditionally Jumped with House Wren (~cc note 68). the lulklLtnJ, c111ln1111
1 '' h 111 It 11 I" 111111 1111111 l'111n: Otherwise. there arc seemingly no m1~r111cdmtc pupulmions 1n I louse Wren in plumage. morphomctric~. hob1tol, ccol(lj;Y und wrnlt '''"" 1\11 "1''' 1
II I II t 11111. I tllup ''"' \\ hdhcr bolh fonn part of a chnc 1111 th~ ll11hn111 ''de of the Andes divergent than bou.~c wren 1~a for which genetic matcrit1I '>l!Pf'I"" "11 '""" 111 I
1 1111 111111 1111L111h11 '1'1'11 nth pu~ populations occur 1111d.1tl\d1 du.c pro'1mll)I \\ollhin Capparella ( 1996). Woods ( 1993) wmmamc> many chJntctcmll1 tl111 lfit" 11 I
111 l 1 II 101,01,,,,,111111 11..:hminaf) e'iden<c 'Ul(ll<':!>I 11'.:.1h...it1lllb. Ch1gu;mro
I I I 1111 It.111, "1th c'' 11 ll1ru'h TwJm /11<1u1..r. l1<11< ~' .:r 11~ intenncd101c and
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I 111 "" 111 llll 1111\ l' j!Cl1Cru S11rpl1Jpelta and Col11111bt1 . A11A 118: 874 MM7 Voelker, G. 1999. Molecular cvol1111011ary rcla11onsh111s 111 the U\1:111 gcnu' 1111/111
''''' '"'" f ,,, u/ \1~:11r1/, i11 P111g11i11J. their Evo/11//(111 1111rl Adaptfloe ( '/1111111/1r" Puul Parcy, Phy/. & Evol. 11 : 84 94. 1
Wurham, J. J982 A distanL rccovcry of Bu ll ~r's Mollymawk. N111om/.9 211. .l 11 I I
Woods. R. w. 1993. Cobb'~ Wren 1h1glotfrtes (al'c/011) co/lbl l)f 1hc Fulklunil l~ l.1111 11111/ 1
I ''"'"' /11 l'111ml of the World. Pica Pres~. RoherisbruJgc.
1 I 1 1111 ..1 1hc Chestnut-throated Ilue1-hue1 l'tl'fll/lf)(hM ca111111c111 195 207.
/ml. R. M.. Roh'\\ er, S .. Andrccv. A V &. 01nma.nn, D l 19'l!i frnr" llu11111 I~
DNA differenuauon m btrds. Condor 97 639 -6-$9
SCIENTIFIC INDEX I ng11//J miizar 60 Lessonia rufo 180 I ti
f 1 l/l/11 I /tl/1 11111 IJ(t "1 <'grrlct grailaria 50 limnodromus grise11s 114
lJuteo wu1trall1 88
" ' ' ' " /1111< u/111111 JO(\ Cistothorus platensi.v 194 I 1.g1:11a mJpica 50 limosa fedoa 108
llutorfdes .vtriat11s 68
Ir1 1111111111 W1</<',.1Jlt1. 148 Coccy:1i5 melacorypftus 141 f ulfr'll ardcsiaca 96 limosa haemastica I08
Calidris alba 112
l1rl11m11h1 liculius 206 Co!apres pit/us 154 I 11/iw armillata 96 lopltone1ta spec11laroide~ 76
Ca/Idris b<iirdii 112
1....1.11,,, 1/111/11.1 206 Colaptey rnpicolo 154 f 11/ic:a corn111a 96 Macro11ectes giganteus 36
Ca!idris ctm11111s 11 O
1'111"1"11/I lll1tfho/(1 174 Calibri corruscans 152 f 11/ita giga111ea 96 Macronectes ha/Ii 36
Calidrisfuscicollis 112
1111/111'11/v liiltla 174 Colora111ph11sporvirostris 182 /11/icu leucoptera 96 Melanadera mela11oderu 2 14
Calid1is ltimantopus 11 o
/1:1111r11/,\ 1/101/IUll(I 174 Columbo ara11cann 138 I 11lic11 rufi.frons 96 Melanodera ;ca11rliogram111a 21 q
Cafidris mt111ri 11 2
I11,111.tt>. ft:rfl(111dt!::.it11111S 188 Cofumba livia 138 I 11/marus glnclalaides 40 Merganelta armata 76 Par11h11/11111111, /tu 111 111
Cll!idris 111e!m1otos 11 O
11111/l'c/1:1jlal'frostris 188 Columhina cnciam1 140 f .al/i11ago undilla 114 Mlriopelia aymara 140 Parrlim/lm 111.1. 11lru11 I
Ca/idris 111i1111ti/la J J2
l1111l1N1s pflru/11s 188 Columbina picui l40 I r(tl/iuogo par11gnt1itle 114 Metriope/ia ceciliae 140 Panflr111/111 l/lll)ll/llld/ "'' I
Cllfidris p11sillll 112
1111111 ,,., r.:g11faides 188 Columbina talpacori 138 1,111/in<1go stricklandii 114 Me1riopelia 111el1mopiera 140 PaR.~er d1111w~tw11 1 'II
Cal/ipeplll califomica 28
///111 h11/iume11sis 78 Co11iros1rum cinereum 200 C.alli1111/a ('/1Joropus 94 Mlhago d1i111a11go 9() Pawg/011111" 111"<1111 111111 I I ft
Campephil11s magellanit 11s 154
I 11111 I I (1110p11!/'(I 80 Con/rostrum tomarugense 200 Galli1111la 111ela11ops 94 Mimm patagonicus l96 Pawgo11u' 111~~"' I ' !I
Ctipr/11111/gus lo11giras1ris 148
l11n1 ,/1'\c-ors 80 Coragyps arratus 84 (111rrodia nereis 52 Mimus tenca 196 Pelagrod1n11111 11111111111 I I If
C<tracora plt111c11s 90
111111 Jlmlnwris 78 Coscorobe1 eosc.orobtt 72 <icosi11a 01110.rctica 156 Mimus rriurus I CJ6 Pe!ccanot'd<"' >1111111!1
Catduelis atra/a 216
111111 l/l'lll'gica 78, 220 Creagrusfurcarus 128 (;l!QSflla CtJlliCu/arilJ l 56 Molotlmis bonarie11sis 206 PefC!c.tJJ101d, "1""1 "ll' 11 ' '11
Cardue/is barblJlus 2 16
, ,,,,, 11/tlfrt/1?11 80 Crot()plwga ~11/cirostris j 42 Geosil((L isflbe!lfna l56 Muscigralln brnvicauda I 80 Pel<tcant1id1"1111r1111//11111
Carduelis aassi;vsrris 216
1111/\ /111111/ 78 C11n1e11s curaeus 206 (1eosi1ta maritima 156 Muscisuxicola 11/bifrons l 78 Peleca11uidl!"' 11r/11111111 '
Card11elis magellanica 216
I 11111 1/bilotrix 80 Cy11110liseus potagon11s J 42 Geosilta p1111e11sis 156 Mu.vcisaxi cola afbilora 176 Pelecwm" 111111111 hit
Carduelis uropygialis 2 16
111111 1.r.11color 78 Cygnus mela11corypftm 72 Geosiua ri1fipe1111is 156 Muscisaxicolo capisrrota 178 Perroeltelit/1'11/11't1h1111111,, I 11
Cau1111e11ia ana/1:~ 200
' " " ' " 1/111/llfll.1 J36 Dap1io11 capense 40 Geosiua umuirostris 158 Muscisaxicola cinereo 176 P/wellw11 rwtlr11<'t/1 "'
Com1111mia i11ornarh 200
11111111 1/11/idus 136
Catltan11s aura 84
De11drocygna a111111nnalis 72 Gera11oae111s 111ela11ole11c11s 84 M11soisa,ricolaflavin11cha 178 Plrt1etlio11 li11uir11 '.\It
11111111. 11111urc11'c11s 220 De11drocyg11a b/CiJ/or 72 Gla11cidium 11anu111 146 M.1cisnxicola f romaliS 178 Pltat:1lto11 r11brk11111/11 111
Ca1ltarus fi1scescens J 96
1111/1111 <'nrrcm/,1ro 198 Dendrocygnu l"iduma 72 Gla11cidi11111 penia1111m 146 M11scisaxicola j 11nimmsis l 76 Plwh1cmC"1.1r11.1 IJ// I ' I" fl 1
Catoptrophorus Semipalmatus 106
l11tli111 111.Jlmnyri 198 Deni/roica striou1 198 Gygi.~ alba 136 Muscis11xicola 111aclovia11a 178 P/wlacmr1m1.1 /111111~11111111/11 1
Ceryle l arquata J54
11111111.1 fl//11,1',.ens 198 Digfossa bnmneitenlris 202 I/aematopus arer 104 M11scisaxico/a moculirostris I 76 Phahicmrom 11111111/11 It/ 11 I
Cltaetura pelagica 148
l11lffm1t1ru 111<1tafiterue f 64 Diome4ea epomopltora 34 Haema1op11s le11capod11s I 04 Muscisa:r:ico/a r11ji1er1ex l 76 Plral11cr1:ic1)n11 /1111111/111111 "
Charadrius alexrmdrinus I 00
l1 1h1ll11m .~pi11/ca11da 164 Diomedeo e:n1/ans 34 Haematop11s pa/liaws I 04 Mycteritt americ:ana 64 Pha/(Jcroc111111 Jtr11111111d1 ''
Cltaradrius a/licola J 00
lf'hll ,1 11rgmo 11 O Diuca dti1ca 2 12 Hulobae11u caeru/ell 42 M.yiophobus.fasci"flls 182 Pltalacmt'1Jr111 c1r111-!11111u II
111lr1t1tltt111111 btrvim.wris 44 Churadrit1s col!aris 1OO
Di11c(I spec11l[Jera 2 J2 Hoplochelidon andeco!a 190 Myiopsiua mo11acl11is 142 Pltalacrv1111111 11111u1 1/111w 11 1
Churadrws.fa/kfw1dic11s t OO
l1t1 l111tll'l1~ /i11'\leri 56 Dolic/1011yx oryzivanis 208 Heteroneua arricapil/a 82 My"dynflStes maculatus 186 Pha/am1111.<' /till 111111 111i
Charadrlus modestus I 02
111111111 Mt.1 P"'"F.t111ie11 56 Egreua coen1lea 66 Heteroscelus i11ca1111s I06 Neoxolmis rujiwmtris 174 Pha/(1mpm loh.1111 1111
Cltarodrius semipalmutus I 00 .Egrella sacra 66
Hl1110111ap11s mefa1111rus 98 Nesofregella fuligi1111sa. 52 /halarou , /111 11/111 11 h
'''"" 11/1111 Choradr(us voc(ferus 102 Egre1111 1h11la 66
I i/1 11 l'I II/ /j(I Hinmdinea ferrugi11eo 186 Nella 111J1lftroplhalma 82 Plwh:oh1111111Y a//111 111/,11 t 111
Chilia. melanura 160
Egretfa tricolor 66 Hiru11do rusrica 192 Nella peposacp 82 Plta{l:f1/1(111111\ 11111111// ''"
Cliilodouias uiger 136
Elaenia albicep.~ 184 Hymomops perspicif/ara 180 N"otftoprocw omata 28 Plta/,.11bmw111 ,,,, ...,,J,.,.11111 11
Chio11is alba 56
Elt11111s leucurus 86 lxobrychus t't1vol11cris 68 Nothoprocta pelll/aJl(/ii 28 Phegcm1/\ 111111 1111111 111 I
Chloepltuga hybrida 74
Empidtmomus Janana jacatta 116 No1ftoprocw perdicaria 28 Plt/uuu111I 1 ,,,, /,111"/ 11 I
C!tloephaga mela11optora 74
a11ran1ioatrocris1a111,.1 186 K11ip1Jleg11s a1erri11111s 182 N11111e11i11s plweopus 108 P/to'baw l1111101 ,,,,, !11
CMoephaga picta 76
E11icog1101husferrugineus 142 larosrema i11cll 132 N1m1e11i11s tahitiensis 108 Pltn1'/J111111 fll\I ti 11
Chloephaga palioceplwla 74
Enicognathus leptorftynchus 142 lams atricil/a 128 Nycticora:x 11yc1icoro.x 68
Chloephaga rubiditeps 74
Eremobius phoenicurus 160 larus belchel'i 121\ Nyc:ticrypltes semicollaris 114
Cltloroce1yle americaittt 154
Eudromias elegans JO lt1ros do111inica111t$ 126 Oc<t1nites gracilis 50
Cliorrleile.r acutipt'llnis 148
E11d)1p1es cl1rysacomr! 54 larus mac11/ipt'11Ttis 128 Ocea11iles ocea11icus 50
l'i11clodes t1111arc1icus 162
E11dyptl'S c!tryso/()p/iw: 54 Larus 111ode11/11s 126 Ocea11odroma hombyi 52
Cl11clode:; atacame11sis J62
E11dypl11/a 111i11or 54 larus pipixcan 128 Oceanodroma morkltami 50
C111dodes.fusc11s 162
Eu1::rall11 P"l'(lll(}\ 11 172 lams ,fcoresoii 126 Ocea11odro111a tethys 50
I lm'lmf,w 11ig rvjim1r>s11,f J62 IIulidia 1m~ll1i 152 Larus .terranus 128 Ochthoeca leucopr/tys 182
I 'ftw/m/e~ 1111s111/e1i 162
Eu rr11111c1 lllfl}/1111rf (>4 lateral/us jame1ice11sis 94 Ocl11hoeca oena11d1oides 182
1 111 t'ftJ1l1'.\ fl(ll<Jfl'mirus 162
P11!t11 fu1111111i/1, ')2 l ep1asthe111ira aegithaloides 166 Oreomanes fraseri 202
I ,,, //I '111//11111 1!(1
1 /1 , 111
F't1/1'(1 /1t'f"Hl'l//fls 92 leplasthe1111ra striMa 166 Oreopltofus riificollis J02
lt11m11v 1\(1
l i(1/n1 .1JlmVl'l'illS 92 lesso11ia oreas 180 Oreo1rocltil11S estello 150
/'1W'"' t'f/.1 ut!1b11<' St
' 1/11/r,,1/iarhl'nr/1111 1lt1111111111 I 11 I
l \ "01r1/i1 11111111 r tit11 5Co
li1d111r11 mlligt11r111 I ~-1 SPANISH INDEX
I 'l'.>:tl.We/i< /111p1111 56
llll'u r11/>111 ' II.! 7i1l'/1yl'i11et11111e)'111! Icl(I
l'rnwephrt!tJS rubinus I82 \ f.!u ila 84, pescadora 92 C hirihue 204. austral 2 04,
/ '1/11/1(!1/ l/t/1iJ11111/11/S I 8(1 Tcwhyeros hrad1.11n<'m,\ 'lll
Rol/11s 011f/1rcticus 94 \J!ui lucho 88, chico 88, de cola cordillerano 204, dorado 204.
1'111111(1,, 11/11/11 70 liicbyen:s pnradumic'/I\ 711
l{ecurviro:>tra m1di11t1 98 roji.:a 88 puncfio 204, verdoso 204
j.,.,,,,,JI,. /1/11/ 68 Tad1yeres ple11er('.t 76
\lhatros de Buller 38, de cabeza Chocolate 174
Rlwdopis 1espn 152
/'/1 l..1<//1 1 /dg11a11i 68 Tholassarc/1e bullen JS
Rhynchops niger J 3<1 !,'Tis 38, de ceja negra 38: de Chorlo artico l 02. cabcz6n 98.
1'1111 t.1/1 1/11111illiet1 I 02 Tlialossflrche ch//Jmr/11wd1m 1111 frcnte blanca 38, de Galapagos chileno r 02, cordi llc rano I 04,
Riparia riparia 190
/'/,11 /il/i, M/UUIUl'()/{J J 02
Rolla11dio ro!/and 32
T//(/fassarche cama 3a 36, de las Islas Chatham 38, de campo r 02, de c<illar I00, de
l '/1111111wll11s .vo('ia/is r 04 17ta/assarclte c/11ysosto11w IH errante 34. oscuro 36. oscuro de doblc collar IM, de la Puna
St)/laror a11ramiirostris 202
1'1//111" gt1llt1rdoi 32 T//11/assarchP meltmop/iris lX manto claro 36, pico fino 2 LB. IOO, de Mngallaocs 104, dorado
Scelorcl1il11s al/Jicolli.~ 170
l'rdln11N 111uj1Jr 12 Tltalossoico amorcticu 40 real 34 102, gril6n 102. ncvado 100,
Scelorchi/11J' rnbecula 172
l 1udt1tf " fJ<'Cipi((f/is 32 Tha11111t14fura cora 152 Araiie ro eslriado 198 ~emif'llllmado I 00
Sryialopus Jiiscu.1 I 72
/ lo,/!/1111/111< pmlicep.1 32 T!tedsticus melanopi,t 68 \\ e dcl tropico de cola blanca 58. CJ1oroy 142 Fio-ll o I!ltl
Scytlllap11s ma1:ef/011it:us 172
l'llt>\11/i11is r11/ipen11is 174 Tl1i11ocorus orbig1~1'ia111Lv 118 de cola roja 58, de pico rojo 58 Cl1uca.o 172 f lamenco 1:h1k1111 II
SephlJl1aidesfem a11de11sis I 50
1,,,1il11 rt"P' 1111: /011ops 94 17ii11ocorus n1111ici11or11,~ I 18 "''e fragala graode 60 Ch uncho 146.delnonc 146 Gallina cicitn I IH 1'1 11" " ' '1 I I
Sepho11oide.~ .<ephu11oides ISO Baila rin 86 C hurrctc 162. aciinclado 162, C ari:i a~ll l nl1, l1v 1.1 t1h 1 111 1
I '1111f11 1r11l11 111arti11icu 94 Tltrmrpi.1 bo11ariensis 202
Setoplraga ruticil/a 198
l'm1 .//11ri11 ouq11ino1:1ialf.\' 48 Tia11101is ingouji 30 Bailarin chi co 198, argentino 198, austral 162, chico 162. costero 66. CUCll ''" tl1 111~ 1111 II I f
Sicafis (11trive111ris 204 peruanQ 198 162. de las alas blancas 162 grand.: (1h, h11111111v1lh 1 "
/'nu dlnrlo c/11(!rea 48 Ttnomotls penrlandii 30
Sicafi:l !ehru11i 204 Ba ndurria 68 C hurrin de 111 Mocha 172, del buairnvo Ml, 1r11111111 hi
/'111 Hl/m fa westlandico 4R Tringaflaipe~ J06
Sicali.t lwea 204 BanduriJJa 158. de Arica 158, de norte 172, de! sur I72 C ari.Ha a.l111tuh1 Ml
/,.,, 1 l1t(11111 Clleml.:o I 34 Ti'ingo melanoleuca I 06
Sica/is lmeo/o 204 la Pua a 158, de fas piedras I60, Cigiieiin de cabeza pelada 64, Caviota ;indi11:1 I 'II .111 "''' I '
1'11:,:111 tlc'Ran~
192 Triltga solitaria I 06
Sica/is o/iJ,tu:e11s 204 de pico recto 160 Pillo 64 cahuil 128, 11~ J i.11111111 1 Ill ii
/'111,1111 murphyi 192 'froglodyres cobbi 220
!Nealis lll'Ofl)'[!.iolfs 204 B:ititti 108 Cis ne coscoroba 72, de cucllo los Galfip(1)!11s I '" 1h ~11 11111
/'10~/11' IU/lf!ra 192 Troglod)'tcs musculus 194
Spemlunas speculoris 76 Bcca sina I 14, chica 114, de la ncgro 72 128, domin11:111111 I lr1 '' ""' '
I 111 1111/0111lnpwryxjlovive11lris 184 Turd11s amaurocha/i11us 196
Sphenistus lmmlio/d1i 54 Puna l 14. graode 114, pintadu Codornii 28 l 26. pl:run1111 1.\11 , 11 111111.1 I ti
l'11h1r11111go11 a11rlfro1u 142 Turdus d1igua11co 194 114 Colegial l80 , del nortc 180 Ca\11orfn antmli1;n I Ill 1111 '"~ 11
Splieniscus mage//1111ic11s 54
l'wnocm'lllitt tun1pace11sis 64 Tiirrl11sfolck/a11dii 194 Bcntevco 186, blaneo y acgro 186, Colilarga 164 JJ4. :\rliC!'I 1'(I i1J.11l1 II I \11
Sporophi!a te/osco 200
,.,, 1 ..,.,,. /I/I(/ /l<'flll(lfll 64 ~kmmus 111e/onclro/ic11s 186 ehieo 186. rayado 186. real 186 Comesebo chico 200 , de los borcal IJll. chin I 1 ' '" lilI
Stercor<1rim a111arctic1111 122
('t. mtlmmu 11/l>a 44 1}ra111111s sava11a 186 Blrro c 0 m(m 186. gris 174 tamarugalcs 200. gigante 202. 134, de C\1Ytlllll hlum I I ,, I
Sten:ornrius cliilensis 122
f't1 1.,i/111111a 11r111i11jo11ic111a 44 '/)'ra111111s l)ro1111us 186 Bla oq uillo 30 grandc 164, 11egro 202 San Amhros1u I H 1h ''"'
Stenorarius longlcaudu,~ 120
l 1111.,,Ji,,,111,11ooki 42 T);to alba 144 C:1cha 1ia 142 Cometocino de Arica 2.12, de Felix I )(/, 1lc S11111h h 11 I
Sten::orarius mactarmi<:ki J 22
l'ii"wlm11111 ,/t'filippifmo 42 l/p11c11nltio albigula I 58 Cach ir la comitn 198. grande 220 dorso castaiio 2 12. de Gay 2 10. c leganlc 11:2 111011111 I IJ "' 1 I
Slercorarius porasilicu.1 120
/ 1(1' 11 lo//fll/11/ ( 1\'/f!/' I/(/ 44 Upucertl1ia a11d((ecola 160 Cucbudito r 88, de ercsta blanc~ dcl no rte 2 1o, pntag6nico 210 136, pascu~n ~c- I 11 plqu 111
Stercorarius pomori11as 120
[ '1 '11/i01/111 lll<'<'r/O 2 I 8 Upucerlhiu d11111erarin I 58 18g, de Juan Fernandez 188, del Cc>ocon 146 130, su<tu11w1 k1111n I Ill
1 Sterno a1111etlwt11s 134
1 1 hn//11/111/ i/W\'lJ<'Cf(l(Q 44 Upoc<>rrliiajelskii 158 nortc 188 Cond or 84 Oolondrina hH 11.11111111 II I 111
Sterno elegans I J2
l't '"'''"Ill(/ "'.11111( 40 Up1uerthio rufucaud11.~ 160 C11frjuen 74 Cor batita 200 bcnncj:1 t 12, rltll1 1J.1 1'111 ti
Stema fuscato 134 Caiti 98 Cormoran antartico 62. de las dorso ne1,;r111111J,1h 11 11 11
11, 11/1111110 l111Jtlf'<1.wrl.\ 42 Vane//11s chilensis 98
Srenw '1ir1111di11acea JJO Canastero 168, chico 168, deco la roeas 62, Ge6rgico 220, guanay 190. grand~ II' llqI I 1 I
l't 1til1111111111111. -r11ptern 218 Sterno /tinmdo I30
lltmellus resple11de11s 98
/' /I,.,,,,, 111111/11 Z11< Vireo olivaceus 198 larga l 68, del nortc 168, del sur 62. imperial 62, tile 62, yeco 62 pnrda 192, 1 1 ~1m111>1 I'/
Sterno Lonna 132 168, de quebradas 168 Cotorra 142 Colondrlm1 d t 111111 II ' I I
Vo/ari11iajacori11a 200
Ster11u l111111tu I 34 Candclita Americana 198 C uclillo de pico oegro 142 blanc112111 11111 1 fl 1 1111" 1
flu/mr grypltus 84
Srema paradi.rnea 130 Ca nqu ~n 74. Colorado 74 C uervo de pantano 68, de la puno $2, tk gm11111111 ht.1111 ' I
Xema sabi11i 128
Stema sa11dvit!tmsis 132 C aranca 74 68 \'fCllbl' hh111 1 I '" ti 1' 1111
Xe11ospingus co11t:alor 214
Sten111 lmdeaui 130
X olmis pyrope 184
Car anch o 90. cordillerano 90, cor- Damero 40 ncgrn ~n. 11111111 ll, 111 '"'""'
Stenw vi1101a 130 dilleran o del sur 90. negro 90 Diu ca 2 12, de alas blancas 2 12 sub11n1111 llc11 '
Zenaida ouricu/11/11 138 C arpinleri to 154 Corrlt'l11 , I I
Stdr rufipl!s 146 Diucon 184 .
Ztmaido meloda 138 Cs rpintcr o ocgro 154 Dormiloua ceni cicnta 176, cti1ca G11 a1111~ 11.'
Sruml'l/a bcllicosa 208
11, Zcnotric/ti11 capeusis 2 14 Cazamoscas chocolate 174 de 176, de ccja blanca 176, de Ha lchn fH 111111111 H '1
W11n1<llc1 luyca 208
CQla corta 180 pico chato 182, fcente oegra r 78, de la Puna 4)2
Stnr11111/o s111>e1t i/iaris 208
.'i11/o d11< fllmn1 58 tij ereta 186 176, de nuca rojiza 176. fraile ll1111h1 I'
Ce rnicalo 92 178, gigante 178, ru fu 178, 1111111! U\11 loH
\11/11 (;11t'llJtll.'1l'1 58
Cbarlati n 208 tooti1:1 178 ll1111h "' 11111 "'
\1t/11 1wh11111 f1 <10
td111I 11. I Ch erl:lln J 94, de las vegas 194, Esp atuh1 70 1111111 11111 1( I I 1111 I II I I
\11/11 \l//11 'H
1111 MaJv inero 220 Fard ela atlantica 46, bfanca 44. I /11
\11/11 l'lllll'>J0(/1 (II}
C hincol 214 blancn de Cook 42, hlanca de .l(w1111t1 Ill
C hiricoca 160 Juan Fernandez 44, blanca de .Ill"'" ''" . , ,. ' " 1111
1 111111 '111 uq111 i11i. 111111111m
It Ul, pl1111:nd11 '111
" 'h 'tI i:lga nt c 111111\rti co 36, Salle:idor ch1ct) 12(). chilcoo I ,
1" 1' ,1, 11h1 "'' 1o h111hfll llI, ih: ~ub11n1artic.o 36 de cola larga 120. de las ENGLISH INDEX
11 11 t.I 11111.1 k I
l'clrcl-palooi.a anuirtico 42 c.b' Malvinus 122, pardo 122. Jlnlut
I~ ltllll Ill \ llrntross Atlantic 2 18, 131ac.k- Tawny-throated I 02 11!111" 1 1 I 111
") ICO L22, pomarino 120
I 11 1111 111 HI - 18, de pico delgado 42, pico hrowed 38, Bullcr's 38, Dove Eared 138, Pacific 138. 12K. ll11l pltl11 I I 'I '
ancho 2 18 ScmjUero 200, Pcn1ano 200
f lh1 fl I Siete colores 184 ChaLbam 38, Grey-headed 38. Rock 138. West Peruvian 138 llK, till \ I '' I lj I
Peuco 86
I uh 11 OH. Argon1ina. 208 Pcrua.nu
Peuquito 86
Suri 64 Ligh1-111aniled 36, Pacific 38, Dowitcher Short-billed 114 Lau~hh11 l '11 ''""' 1
11111 Royal 34, Salvin's 38, Shy Duck Andean 82, 13lack-headed Swnllow 1111h 11 1 ~
Peutren 182 Tagi.i.:i a.ndioa 96. chica 96.
~ l 111thll'l11 JO 3S. Soo1y 36, Wandering 34. 82, Crested 76, Lake 82, Harriet ( 1111tn111 I J 1 11
comun 96, comuda 96, de Waved 36, Yellow-nosed 218 Ruddy 82, Spectacled 76,
i\lm 1111 l'l'~tador 154. cbico J54 PicaOor a.zul 152, chico 150, wl11vc1l Kl
ITemc roja 96, giganre 96 \11i Groove-billed 142 Torrent 76 Hawk Chlh.!1111 Hh 1111111
\ l11111111hullos r42 cordillera no 150, de Arica ,
0 ~ta 94. del none 94, purpmi 11
de Cora L52, de Juan l~ernandcz \,occt Andean 98 Earth crcepe.r Band-tailed 160, Rufou~ lutll'1I II 1111111
\1<t11 174. de fa Puna 174 gaucho Plain-breasted 158. Rock 160.
1 7~ ISO, de lu Puna 150, dcl norte Uay wing 206 Whit<: lh101il 1f II>
Tapacolo 170 nit.te rn Stripe-backed 68 Heron Corni r11t I 11111 ltl11
I S2, gigante I so Scale-throated I 58, Straight-
l\ lliino 1% , aimral 156, chico Tenr a 196, de alas blancas I% Olack-Tyrao l White-winged 182 bitlcd 160. Whi1ethroated 158 Stnat11d hi!. I 111 1111111 I I
Picurio 32 1

rI ~11. 11rdillcrdno r56, de la Pideo 94, ausrral 94. moteado 94

Pat.ag6nica 196 ' lllackbird Austral 206, Whitc- Egret Cattle 66. Eastern Reef 66. Wh ite1tCl'k<'1I 1.11
1111,1 156. de pico delgado 158 Tijcral 166, lisiado 166 browcd 208, Yellow-winged Great 6{>. Snowy 66 Hillshlr A111k1111 ' Ill \\ 1111 I I
P id encit o 94
~1ulldc 156 ' Tiuque 90 206 Elaenfa While-crested 184 150
\llrlo 206
Pillo 64
Torcaza 138 Bobolink 208 F'alcon Aplomado 92, lluct-huel Olnrk 1l111111io I 1 11
\l o111fll11 i\m~ricana 198 Pllpilt\n I04, austral J 04 ncgro Tordo 206, bayo 206 Booby Bluefo<>red 60, Brown Peregrine 92 C hcstr1111 -1h111o1htl I '''
l\ h llco 206 Torilo 188 58, Masked 58, Peruvian 60. Field-Tyrant Short-tailed 180 Bommini:binl f 1111111 I fl 11 1 I
:u11ll1 (,4 Pimpollo 32, tobiano 32 'f6rtola 138 Red-footed 58 Finch Black-throated 214, 152
lli1u 1111Jcro 202 Pingilino antarrico S6 azul 54 d Tor tolita boliviana J40 Bu'V.ard-Eagle Olac.k-chested 84 Canary-Winged 2J 4. Slender- lb is Bh1.CkltWc1t fill, 11111111
Na:rlllo 200 Adelia S6, de Humboldt S4,.dee Canastero Austra l I 68, Canyo11 billed 214, Yellow-bridled 214 Whitc-fo1:c1I Ml
cordillerana 1-10, cu;ana 140,
N11111 144 Magallanes 54, de penacho I68, Cordil!ernn 168, Dark- Firecrown Gre1mbackcd 150. J acao:i Wmll\-11 l 11
d~_la Puna !40. guiguagua 140,
l'df11ru nniarillo !84, plorno 212 amariJlo S4 , emperndor s6 ro11za 138 winged 1(\8, Dusky-tailed 168, Juan Fernandez 150 J aeger Lc111g-1.11h1I I 111 1111 1 111
. macal'Oni 54, papua 56, re; 56 Trabajador 164 Lesser l68, Sliarp-billed L68 Flamingo Andean 70. Chilean 120, r o11H111111 1 111
111tomu 111<, untartica 56, de alas Kestrel AllH.'rl~llli 11
Piq uero 60, blaoco 58, cafe 58, de 1'taro 90 Camcam Chima.ngo 90, 70, Jamcs's 70, Puna 70
hla1 1l'i1~ 138
patas a?.uJes 60, de patas rojas Mountain 90, Southern 90. Flicker Andean 154, Chilean 154 Killdeer I 02
1'11111111 ihic;170, Gra nde 70 Treilt 98
58 Striated 90, White-throated 90 Flowerpierccr Black-throated 202 Klo.g1>ird h1~lt111 I.Nit I 1111 h ti
1..11111611 160 Trica hue 142 Cha t-Tyrant D'Qrbigny 's 182,
Pira oga 202 Flycatcher Bran-coloured 182. 186
1 111 Tril.e 206
'" mlll.'ojillo 76, castailo 82, White-br()wed 182 Cliff I !16, Fork-tuiled 186, Kingfisher C11c111 I '1 1 I 1111 I
1oltm1do SQ. corrcntino 76. Pitaj o gris 182. rojizo 182 Tucuc1uere 144 Chili a Crag r 60 Rufcscent 182, Streaked 186, 154
1 11lt1111mcntcs 76, cuchara. 80. Pitio 154, del norte 154 l \1rc.a 170 Cinclodes Bar-wmgcd 162, Swallow 186, Vennillon 182 KiskacJce Clrcnl I!<(
1ft 11111. 11.1ulcs 80. gargamiJlo Pitotoy cbico 106, grande 106 Urco 184 Blackish 162, Chilean Seaside Frigatcbird Great 60 Kite Whit1;-1111k1I Kl<
1 ~. 111i,ton chico 78, jerg6n solit:irio I 06 ' Va ri 86, huevcrero 86 Fulmar Antarctic 40, Southern 40 Knot Red 1IO
162, Da rk-bellied 162. Grey
Pi11(1ueo 74 nankcd 162. Oustalet's 162. Gallioule Purple 94. Spot-flanked Lapwing A111.k1111 IH 1111111 111
111.111111 71:!, j1:rgon grande Vcoccj o chico 148. de chimenca
1 1 Pizar rita 2 14 L48 While-winged 162 94 98
' 1r' l!ll'1> 2!!11. juarjual 76
PJasta 148
111111" II' pu1111M 72, puna' 78, Y~rd~roo de oj os rojos 198 Condor Andean 84 Giant-Petrel Antarctic 36. Hall's Logger 2~0
Platero 2JO V1ud1h1 J 82, negra I82 Concbill Cincreous 200, Giant 36, Northern 36, Southern 36 Ma rtin Orow11d11 .,, ,1 I"
1 111.1111 111ro nncho 82, ran;i de
I" "l1ll.'Jlu ~2. real 80,
11111111111c1 H.2, ,iJb6n 72. silb6n
Baird LL2, de las rompientes
artico I I0, blanco 112. de Yal2 0. ausrral 2 !4, cordillerano 202, Tamarugo 200
Coot Andean 96, Giant 96, Homed
Godwit HudsQniaii 108, Marbled
Pemvia11 11J ""1111 I lit
Southern Ill '
110, de lomo blanco 112, de Yeco 62 96, Red-fronted 96, R.cd- G<>ose Andean 74, Ashy-beaded
'1' ,,),, hl11 11r(172. vcrsicolor 78 gartcrcd 96. White-winged 96 74, Kelp 74. Magellan 71.J,
l 't lh """ 110
potas Jargas 110, cnano J 12, Yegua 48
1 1 1111~ 10 11 1
grandc 106, gris I06. mancbado Yunco 52, de los canales 52, de Cormorant Antarclic 62. Ouanay Ruddy-headed 74, Upland 76
I 06, occidentaJ t J2, pectoral 62, Imperial 62, Magellan 62, Grassquit l.llucblack 200
1' 1111111 I lr1 Magallanes 52, Ge6rgico 220
110, scmipalmado 112 Neotropic 62, Red-legged 62, Grebe Greal 32, Hooded 32,
, ., '" ' It II l 1fl I ttlUll 11 ~, Z11rapiro f 08, bore;il J 08,
vuefvepiedras l JO Rock 62, South Georgia 220 Pied-billed 32. Silvery 32.
.. 1iftfl, ' 1111 I 11\ ''"'r.ltlh:r:1110 moreado 108, pico recto 108 Cowbird Bay-winged 206. Shiny Wbile-tulted 32
111 r. 11 I I~
Plcbeyo 212 polinesio I08 '
206 Ground-Dove Bare.faced 140,
1 1ill1 Ill If ii Ill , 1 IHll'l1t1 ~K. Polli to de ma r borcal 11 6, rojizo Zorzal 194, ArgenLlno 194, Cuckoo Dark-billed 142 Black-winged 140. Croaking
116, tricolor 116 chalchalero 194, negro 194 Curlew Bristle-thighed I08, 140, Golden-spoiled 140, Plcui
') '"'' Ill 1111lli11'11lllll ~I(
11 111
Qucltebue 98, de la puna 98 Zorza!ito dorsirojo 196 Eskimo 108 140, Ruddy 138
" 11 ' ii \11 1 'K. 111 la
I 11111 '" d1 111111 llUc Quc!ru Malvinero 220, no volador Oiuca-Finch Common 212, G round-1)'ran t Black-fronted
76, Volndor 76 Wbite-winged 212 178. Cincreous 176, Cinna
' " ,, Iii 1111 I Ill I' I
lt11ro 194 Diucon Fire-eyed 184 mon-bellied l 78, D11rk-faced
r1 ""
I fl l I 1<11, 1tllit u I6-1. de Masafuera I64 Diving-Petrel Common 52, 178. Ocbre-naped 178, Puna
I 111111111 I 1 - l(11 y11tlor I;() Magellanic 52. Peruvian 52, 176, Ru fous-naped 176, Spot
I 11111111 jlll I( 111..,1111 I XI) South Georgia 220 billed .176, White-browcd I 7c..
l Iii 111111 11.111 ,_I' ll Ill I 1'111 j H2 Oor adito Warbling 184 While-fronted 178
Dolle rel Rufouschested I02. G ull Andean 128, Bandtailccl Ill!,
I 11" ll1111h 11 .. 1111 11 I I I l(11h11" "1111 1111 l lph1111I IOX. Wc-.1"m 1111111!:1'1 llh!l'.rnd '.l'Cllm 'IP
I, I I lfo 'l111tl ~ 11<11 I 11 I I ' \\' l11tc-n1111pcd 112 '-1111u11cr 'tP
11 \h II Hh 1111 \111~m.1n 1111 :0.11111l11lpe r l'lovc r Diademed 10.J l'ap:iculo < hu;:.111 172 l)u.,ky IP
Ill 1. I 1 h In I l\h1~ll.1111o 1111 St'cdr111er Band-tJiled 200, M.ircllan" 171. lkhrc-Ouni..ql
1.-1111111 \11l11t '4>11th \111c11r 111 111 ( hcs1nu1-1hroated 200. Phun- I 72. Wh11c-1hr0Jtcd 170
l'11111l.11f I 11 J\u,lrJI I I" l\lonk colourcd 200 httltr Wondcnna. I06
11' \l11u111.11n 1-1.? Slcnder- Setdsnipc Grey-breasted 11 R. fu l Uluc in~cd 80. Crnnam1111
h1lkd 14.? Lease 118. Rufous-belhed 118. 80. Puna 78. Sill er 711.
l'J11n1 lluml\\ing 142 \\ hite-bellied 118 p.:tl.lcd 7M
l'dlc n l'CllJ\IDn 60 big Antarctic 62. rmpcnal 62 Trr n \ntarc11c 130. Arctic 1311.
l'tll!Uin Adchc S6. Chin tr.tp 56. bcartail Peruvian 152 Blad.. 136, RndkJ 134.
I mpcr"r ~6. Cicn100 S6. bcl.rft :uer Buller's .t6, Common 130. l:lq:ant 132.
I lumb.1ldt "i4. l\1n11 56, I mlc Christmas 48, Flesh-footed -18. Fan) il6. Grcy-Ncked 134,
54. \IJcarom 54 Magellanic Great -16. Liule -16. Manx 46. Inca 132 l'cru11.an 13~.
"4. Roel.ho~ "i-1 Pink-footed 46. Sooty -18 ancl\\ ich 132, ~nowy.
l'N rcl J\n1arc11c 40 \1lan11c 218. beot hbill American 56, Sno11.y cm"ncJ llO. Soot) D4.
Blue -12. C JJ>C -10. Cool.~ -12. 56 South American 130. l n1deau i.
f)c hhpp1 " 42, C.rcal-\1 rngcd ho.,elcr Red 80 130 White 1)(1
.? IR. Grey 41!. I h:rald 44. Juan brike-T} rant Black-bilkd 174 fernll'I 134
femnndc1 41, Kcfl!uck11 44. Great 174, Grcy-belhcd 174. Th ick-knee Pcru1>i11n 98
Kcnnadec 44, Masn11em1 42, White-tailed 174 l h ru~ h Au,1ral 194. Ch1guanco
\itortlcd 44. Phocm\ 4-1. icr ra-Fin ch Ash-breas1ed 212, 194, C'reamy-bell1cd I%
f>inrndo 40, Snow 40. Son. 13nnd-rniled 210, Black- hooded '1'11111111011 /\ndcun 28. Chilean 211.
plumaged 218, Su.:jncgcr~ 42, 210. Grey-hooded 210, Mourn- Elcgu111-crcs1cd 30, Orno1c 28,
We~tlond 48, Wh1tcchi1111cd ing 2 10, Patagonian 2 10, Pnlngonit111 30. J>11 nn 30
48. Whitc-hcoded 40 Plumbeous 2 12. Red-backed Tit- 1iln ctall Plain-mantled 16<i.
Ph11la ropc Red 11 ti, Rcd-nc<'ked 212, Whue-throated 2 12 Stn:nlo.ed I "6
116. Wt I son ~ 11 <i Siskin Black 2 l(J, Black-chinned Til-Tyrnnr Juun Fc111undc1 188.
Pli:eon Ch1lc.rn I 38, h:rnl 138 216. Hooded 216. Thick-billed 1'1ed-crc:.,1cd 1811. I uncd 188.
~inc a il South (icorgin 220. 216. Ycllow-rurnped 216 Yellow-billed I KK
Whitcchccl..cd 711, Yellow
billed 7R
kim mer Black 136
k ua Brown 122. Chilc:in 122,
1 reerunner Wb11e-1hroa1cd 164
Tropkbird Red-billed SR, Red-

Plpir C'om:ndc:ra 1911. llcllmayr\ lalkland 122. Sou th Polar ta1lcd 58, Whitc-uulcd 58
198, Suuth c.c:org1a 220. 122.Subantan:tic 122 ID rca \fou,11chcd 170
Ycllo "h I<I!! la " Fhcatcber Crowned 186 Turn~lo n c Rudd) 110
Plan tcu11r r R11tousta1led 19-1 nii}e F~gian 11-1. Magellanic l}ntnt ( hocol3tc "cn1cd 174.
Ph11cr \mcnc.an Golden 10.?. 114. Puna 114. South J\mencan P.11agoman IR:?. Rufou-..
Ulack-bclhcJ 102. CollJrcd 114. Stnc:kJand's 114 "ebbed 17-1 pcctaclc:d 180
100. G~ 102. \l;ir.dbni.: 104 prron !louse 21.:t. Rufous- \eery 1%
Puna 100. cm1p.dma1cd 100. collared 214 \ 'iolc1ear Sp.1rl.hn1i: I 52
SnO\\)' 100 r11.o-bandcd 100 poonbiU Ro,.-cate 70 \I~ RcJc)Cd l<>ll
Pochard Row-lulled 1\2. te1mer-Ouc:k FalllanJ .!W. \ ultu rt' BIJcl. M, Tu rl..cy 8-1
Southern 82 Fhghttc,~ 76. Flying 76 Warbler IJl.1cl.poll 198
Prlon J\ntartllC 12. nrood-b1llcd li lt Southern 9 . \\'hitc-bad.cJ \\ hlmbrel 1011. iludwn1an IOl\
1 18. lairy 218. Th1n-b1llcJ 42
98 \\ hi, rllng- Oul'k lllocl.-bclhcd
111:111)-011 1 Ausrrnl 146, tori. Maguari 64. Wood 64 72. Fuhou, 72. Wh1tc-faccd 72
l'cn11>1.1n 116 to rm-Pet rcl Blnck-belhcd 50, Wigeon Ch1loc 80
t)11 11 ll l '11lifornH1 28 i:.lliot 's SO. Galapago~ 50. Willet 106
ltnl l 1\us1ral 94, Black 94. Grey-backed S2. Homby's S2, Wi retoll De~ Muri.' 164
l'lu111l1eou~ 94, Spoiled 94 Markham's 50, Polynesian S2, Woodp ecker Mogclla111c 154,
lfo ~1Hllto Mn~:irucni IM. fhom- Ringed 52. Wedge-rumped 50, Stri ped 154

hulcd IM White-bellied SO, White-faced Woothlnr C'halem1 I52
H1d ,\ l11rl A1ncr1ca11 I t)8 218. Whitethroutcd 52, Whit e Wren Cobb 's 220, Uru~~ 194,
ltl1111 11.uwan'" M.Puna 64 vented 50, Wilson's 50 Sedge I 1)4, Southcm 1lnui.e I <14
lt11 h I 1 r11 11I M.1ny-colourcd 184 S urniird 110 Ycllow-l<'inch Brillhlrum11cd 204,
lt11~hlllt 11 Wren lal..c IM Swallow Andean 190. Oan.k 190, Grai.,lomJ 211-1. Grcotc:r 204.
'M llMl lll C 111hl1II hilled 202 Barn 192. Blue-and-white 190. Gr~cmsh "1()-l, M1~10 204,
'oMtllhtfllljl 11' Chilean 190. Cliff 192 Po11ti!o111an 20-I. Puna 204.
0111111111 1 II 111.> I I". I e.l\t 112. Snan Black-necked 72, Grr,th:r 111(1, Lc,'Cr IO(.
I 1111 11 1111 S11111pal111.11cd Coscoroba 12
11 J S.l1t 11 11111. " l'"lllI 111(1, nm Andean 148, Cbimne) 148
1 14 11

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