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Is it possible to impose a limit (columns and rows) on

spreadsheet size? [closed]
calc size column row limit

Imposing a limit on spreadsheet size asked May 5 '13

Tony S
1 1 1 1

Closed for the following reasonquestion is not relevant or outdated byAlex Kemp
close date 2015-10-31 04:07:46.886337

Could you please describe how this would be helpful or why exactly do you need it?
mahfiaz ( May 5 '13 )

Thanks mariosv, that prevents me from selecting a cell I don't wish to use but unfortunately it does not prevent me scrolling too far down or right,
beyond the area I am using. I was hoping to be able to limit how far I can scroll down or right to, for example: column M and row 52.
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TonyS ( May 5 '13 )

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2 Answers Sort by oldest newest most voted

Hi TonyS, answ ered May 5 '13

0 m.a.riosv
18742 5 38 109
there is a way, that I hope will be enough for you.

Set up the cells in the range what you want use as unprotected.
Select the range, Crtl+1 - Cell protection tab - uncheck Protected.

Set up the sheet as protected with select protected cell disable.

Menu/Tools/Protect document/Sheet
- blank key is Ok
- uncheck Select protected cells.

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Thanks your answer worked for me

achurcheh ( Sep 11 '14 )

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Yes, I am always accidentally scrolling way over to the right of my spreadsheets answ ered May 5 '13
0 even when they are only, say, 10 columns wide . I do a similar thing when
Tony S
1 1 1 1
scrolling down, when dragging ranges especially. If I could limit the size to the
number of columns and rows I am using I would never be able to accidentally updated May 5 '13
scroll beyond the extent of the columns and rows I am actually using. It is
particularly easy to accidentally do with, an an irritable aspect of, Apple's 'magic' mouse.

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Asked: May 5 '13
Seen: 7,577 times
Last updated: May 05 '13

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