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Graph Theory
Group Members:
Ajish Sekar - 106116002
Benedict Florance A - 106116016
Shyaam M- 106116090
Suresh Mudaliar - 106116096

1. Five scientists must not be able to open the cabinet, so when
ve scientists come together they must not be able open one lock,
so for every combination of 5 scientists there exists a unique lock
which they cannot open.
Therefore the smallest number of locks required = 11 C5
The number of keys each scientist has is equal to the number of
groups of ve in which he is not a part.
Therefore the number of keys for each scientist = 10 C5

2. The number of ways in which 11 players can be selected from

15 = 15 C11
The number of ways a captain can be selected from these 11 =
Therefore the total number of ways of picking a team =
C11 11 C1 = 15,015 ways

3. Divide 1000 into 4 groups

Therefore the number of ways of selecting 4 numbers such that
they are divisible by 4 = 4250C4 +4250C2 250C1 250C1 +
2 250C2 250C2

4. Number of ways he can schedule special dinner = 7 C3

5. Number of ways he can schedule special north Indian, south

Indian and western dinner = 7 C3 3!

6. Number of ways the exams can be scheduled = 5 4 3
= 60

7. Arrange the numbers in descending order. Then choose the

smallest element x of the rst group, it should be smaller than
or equal to k1th largest element and greater than the k2th smallest
element . Then choose (k1 -1) elements from the elements which
are larger than x and k2 elements which are smaller than x.
Pnk +k 1
Number of ways = i=k11 2 (i1 Ck1 1 ni Ck2 )

8. a) Suppose there are n distinct objects in a set A.

Consider set S containing two copies of each elements in set A.
Then S has a total of 2n objects.
(2n)! (2n)!
Total number of permutations of these objects = (2!)n = 2n
Since number of permutations is an integer, therefore 2n is an

b) Consider 3n objects in which 3 objects are of the rst kind,

3 objects are of the second kind and goes on up to 3 objects of
the nth kind.
Total number of permutations of these objects = 3!3!3!...n times =
(3n)! (3n)! times = 3n 2n
Since number of permutations is an integer, therefore 3n 2n is an

9. Consider selecting r objects from n types with repetition being


Take r balls and n-1 dividers. If a ball is present between two

dividers, then the object of that type is chosen. If there isn't any

ball present between two dividers, then the object of that type is
not chosen.
For instance, selecting 5 objects from 3 types. As before, take 5
balls and 2 dividers. Visually, O / OO / OO

In this order, we'd select one from the rst type, two from the
second type and two from the third type.
The number of possible ways for arranging 5 balls and the 2 di-
(5+31)! 7 7
viders 5!(31)! = 2 = 5

Similarly, we have r balls and n-1 dividers which aren't distinct

from each other.
Hence, using the same analogy, the possible ways of arrangin r
balls and n-1 dividers i.e. number of ways of selecting r objects
from n-distinct objects with repetition is (r1)!n! = n+r1 =



10. 7 apples and 6 oranges can be distribued in following ways.

4 oranges can be given to the students.
In this case the total posibilities will be 6 C4 =15

CASE 2: 3 Oranges and 1 Apple can be distributed

Total possibilities= 3!C3
x 6 C4 =560

2 Oranges and 2 Apples can be distributed.
6 7
Total possibilities= 2!C2
x 2!C2

1 Oranges and 3 Apples can be distributed
6 7
Total possibilities= 2!C2
x 2!C2

4 Apple can be distributed
Total possibilities= 7 C4 =35

So, total possibilities are 15+560+1890+980+35 =3480.

11. Let the ve blanks be B1,B2,B3,B4,B5.

Now atleast 3 blanks are to be inserted between two.

So B1B2B3B4B5 .
Six places are to be lled with 3 blanks.
Also these ve letters can be arranged within themselves.
So, total posibilities are 63 5! =25920.

12. Here the total number of chairs are 12 and total number
of boys to be placed are 5.
So, total number of possibilities are 12 C5 5!=95040.

13. Since the dice is indistinguishable, the possibilities are as fol-


If the three numbers are all dierent: C(6,3) = 20

If two of the numbers are the same and the other is dierent:
6x5 = 30 ways

If all three are equal: 6 ways
Hence, the total number of possibilities are = 20 + 30 + 6 = 56

14. Since in this problem, the dices are distinguishable, the

total possibilites are 63 =216

a) All x are greater than
No. of ways = r



= 53,130

b) Let x1 be y1 + 1.
The equation becomes y1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 = 20

No. of solutions =


= 42,504

c) Coecient of x21 in(1 + x + x2 )5 gives the no.of ways:

But the degree of the equation is 10 which is less than 21.

Hence no solutions

d) Coecient of x21 in (x2 + x3 + x4 .... + x10 )5 gives the no. of

solutions = 1290.
Hence, no. of solutions = 1290

16.There are n! ways to choose an order for the books. Once
chosen this order, we have to place k-1 bars between the books
to determine where ends a shelf and begins the next one. This
is like rearranging a set of n books and k-1 bars, and there are
(n1+k Cn ) ways to do this.

17. i varies from 1 to n

j varies from 1 to i
k varies from 1 to j
1st loop 1 toPn
2nd loop is n
P n(n+1)
3rd loop is n=

18. If B not next to A,then B has 12 options.

Remaining 13 persons (except A,B) can be arranged in 13! ways.
Hence 1213! ways

For second case, B has 13 options.

Remaining 13 persons (except A,B) can be arranged in 13! ways.
Hence 1313! ways

19. We need to move 'm' steps right and 'n' steps forward to reach
So, any path consists of m-right steps and n-forward steps.
Total no. of paths will be the no. of ways to arrange these 'm+n'

Total no. of ways = n!
Answer =


The no. of paths below y=x will be 2n 2n

n n1
(we neglect those paths whose reection along y=x+1 doesn't
reach the requred point , ie.(n-1,n+1))

= 1

n+1 n

20. n- matrices basically means we will be having n-1 pairs of

In general we consider strings of length '2n' consisting of 'n' open
and 'n' closed parentheses. Valid sequences can be characterized,
that parsing a string from left to right, starting with 0 from the
beginning and adding 1 when reading an open parenthesis and
subtracting 1 when reading a closed parenthesis we always get a
non-negative number. At the end we get 0.
let the count be the number Cn of all valid sequences of length
2n. The number of all sequences is = n

A bad sequence contains 'n' open and 'n' closed parentheses, but
reaches the value -1 at a certain step for the rst time during
parsing. When we get the value -1 we have parsed precisely one
closing parentheses more than open parentheses.
Reverse from that point on all parentheses, i.e. exchange all open
with closed parentheses and vice-versa. This results in a sequence
with two more closed parentheses than open parentheses. So we
have a total of 'n+1' closed parentheses and 'n-1' open parenthe-

The number of bad sequences is = Hence, the no. of valid

sequences is -

2n 2n 2n
= 1
n n+1 n+1 n

Here we are having 'n-1' pairs of parantheses ie. sequence of length

Replace 'n' with 'n-1' in the equation. The answer is =

1 2(n1)

n n1

21. The diagram according to the data given will be of a square

of length 5 units and the given line passes along the diagonal.
So, to make calculations easier, let us shift the whole picture to
origin. Then, coordinates will be-
(0,0) instead of (2,1) and (5,5) instead of (7,6)
The line will be y=x.
Total no. of paths will be = n+11

substituting n=5, 5+1 5

= 45 ways

22. We shall prove the result by principle of mathematical in-

duction on n.
1. Basis of Induction: For n=1, we note that any 3 digit integer
with three identical digits is divisible by 3. Eg. 222, 777 etc.
2. Hypothesis: We assume that an integer composed of 3k iden-
tical digits is divisble by 3k .
3. Induction Step: Let x be any integer composed of 3k+1 iden-
tical digits. We note that x can be written as x = y x z where y is

k k
an integer composed of 3k identical digits and z= 102.3 + 103 + 1
For example, x = 666666666 = 666 x 1001001.
y is divisible by 3 by the hypothesis and z is divisible by 3 (sum
of the digits is divisible by 3). Thus x is divisible by 3k+1 .

23. Using principle of inclusion and exclusion:

2 + 3 + 11 + 13 )-(denominators taken 2 at a
1000 - ( ( 1000 1000 1000 1000

time)+(denominators taken 3 at a time)-(denominators contain-

ing all terms) )
=280 numbers

24. A natural number less than 150 and more than 1 is prime if
and only if it is not divisible by any of 2, 3, 5, 7 and 11.
Let A, B, C, D and E be the sets of natural numbers (less than
150 and more than 1) which are not prime and divisible by 2, 3,
5, 7 and 11, respectively.
We use the Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion, to obtain | A B
C D E |.
Here most of the terms vanish. For example, the intersections of
four or more of the sets A, B, C, D, E and F are empty.
A B | - | A C | - ... - | D E | + | A B C + | A B
D | + ... + | C D E | - | A B C D | - ... - | B C

| A B C D E | = 75 + 50 + 25 + 21 + 13 - 25 -
15 - 10 - 6 - 10 - 7 - 4 - 4 - 2 -1 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 114

Thus, the number of primes less than 150 is 149-114 = 35 prime


25. Let aj be the number of pizzas taken on or before the j th
Then a1 , a2 , ..., a15 is an increasing sequence of distinct positive
integers, with 1 aj 25.
Moreover, a1 + 4, a2 + 4, ..., a15 + 4 is also an increasing sequence
of distinct positive integers, with 5 aj + 4 29.
The 30 positive integers a1 , a2 , ..., a15 , a1 + 4, a2 + 4, ..., a15 + 4 are
all less than or equal to 29.
Hence, by the pigeonhole principle two of these integers are equal.
Because the integers aj , j = 1, 2, . . . , 15 are all distinct and
the integers aj + 4, j = 1, 2, . . . , 15 are all distinct, there must
be indices i and j with ai = aj + 4.
This means that exactly 4 pizzas were taken from day j + 1 to
day i.

26. Let A,B,C,D,E,F be the six people. Considering A, of the

ve other people in the group, there are either three or more who
are friends of A, or three or more who are enemies of A. This
follows from the generalized pigeonhole principle, because when
ve objects are divided into two sets, one of the sets has at least 3
elements. In the former case, suppose that B,C, and D are friends
of A. If any two of these three individuals are friends, then these
two and A form a group of three mutual friends. Otherwise, B,C,
and D form a set of three mutual enemies. The proof in the latter
case, when there are three or more enemies of A, proceeds in a
similar manner.

27. Let aj be the number of books sold on or before the j th


Then a1 , a2 , ..., a365 is an increasing sequence of distinct positive
integers, with 1 aj 600.
Moreover, a1 + 129, a2 + 129, ..., a365 + 129 is also an increasing
sequence of distinct positive integers, with 130 aj + 4 729.
The 730 positive integers a1 , a2 , ..., a365 , a1 +129, a2 +129, ..., a365 +
129 are all less than or equal to 729.
Hence, by the pigeonhole principle two of these integers are equal.
Because the integers aj , j = 1, 2, . . . , 365 are all distinct and
the integers aj + 129, j = 1, 2, . . . , 365 are all distinct, there
must be indices i and j with ai = aj + 129.
This means that exactly 129 books were sold from day j + 1 to
day i.

28. Let a1 be the number of games played on the rst day, a2

the total number of games played on the rst and second days,a3
the total number games played on the rst, second, and third
days, and so on. Since at least one game is played each day, the
sequence of numbers a1 , a2 , ..., a77 is strictly increasing, that is,
a1 < a2 < ... < a77 . Moreover, a1 >= 1; and since at most 12
games are played during any one week, a77 <= 12 x 11 = 132.

1 <=a1 < a2 < ... < a77 <= 132.

Note that the sequence a1 + 21, a2 + 21, ..., a77 + 21 is also strictly
increasing, and
22 <=a1 + 21 < a2 + 21 < ... < a77 + 21 <= 132 + 21 = 153.

Now consider the 154 numbers, in a1 , a2 , ..., a77 and a1 +21, a2 +

21, ..., a77 + 21 each of them is between 1 and 153. It follows that
two of them must be equal. Since a1 , a2 , ..., a77 are distinct and

a1 + 21, a2 + 21, ..., a77 + 21 are also distinct, then the two equal
numbers must be of the forms ai and aj + 21. Since the number
games played up to the ith day is ai = aj + 21, we conclude that
on the days j + 1, j + 2, ..., i the chess master played a total of
21 games.

29) Total number of permutations = 6! =720

Number of permutations with "ace" = 4! = 24
Number of permutations with "fd" = 5! = 120
Number of permutations with both "ace" and "fd" = 3! = 6
Required number of permutations = 720 - 24 -120 + 6 = 682

30)Total number of permutations = 26!

Number of permutations with "JOHN" = 23!
Number of permutations with "PAUL"= 23!
Number of permutations with "SMITH"= 22!
Number of permutations with "JOHN" and "PAUL" = 20!
Number of permutations with "JOHN" and "SMITH" = 19!
Number of permutations with "SMITH" and "PAUL" = 19!
Number of permutations with "JOHN" , "PAUL" and "SMITH"
= 16!
Required number of permutations = 26 2 23! 22! + 20! +

2 19! 16!

31)Number of ways = n!(1 1

1! + 1
2! ... + (1)n n!1 )

32)Total number of permutations = 4!2!2!

= 3780
Number of permutations with "aaaa" = 3!2! 6!
= 60
Number of permutations with "bbb"= 4!2! = 105

Number of permutations with "cc"= 4!3!

= 280
Number of permutations with "aaaa" and "bbb" = 2! 4!
= 12
Number of permutations with "bbb" and "cc" = 4! = 30

Number of permutations with "aaaa" and "cc" = 5! 3! = 20

Number of permutations with "aaaa" , "bbb" and "cc" = 3! = 6
Required number of permutations = 3780 - (60 + 105 + 280) +
(12 + 30 + 20) - 6 = 3391

33)Total number of ways = 9!

1 odd integer at it's natual position = 5 C1 8!
2 odd integers at it's natual position = 5 C2 7!
3 odd integers at it's natual position = 5 C3 6!
4 odd integers at it's natual position = 5 C4 5!
5 odd integers at it's natual position = 5 C5 4!
Number of ways = 9! 5 C1 8! +5 C2 7! 5 C3 6! +5 C4
5! 5 C5 4! =205,056 ways.


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