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C* SL Tien ontrolled

Fellow ASME
L. SB Yao
Graduate Student. The present paper presents a two-dimensional analysis of conduction-controlled rewet-
ting of a vertical surface, whose initial temperature is greater than the rewetting tem-
perature. The physical model consists of an infinitely extended vertical slab with the
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
surface of the dry region adiabatic and the surface of the wet region associated with a
University ol California,
Berkeley, Calif. constant heat transfer coefficient. The physical problem is characterized by three pa-
rameters: the Peclet number or the dimensionless wetting velocity, the Biot number, and
a dimensionless temperature. Limiting solutions for large and small Peclet numbers ob-
tained by utilizing the Wiener-Hopf technique and the kernel-substitution method ex-
hibit simple functional relationships among the three dimensionless parameters. A
semi- empirical relation has been established for the whole range of Peclet numbers. The
solution for large Peclet numbers possesses a functional form different from existing ap-
proximate two-dimensional solutions, while the solution for small Peclet numbers reduc-
es to existing one-dimensional solution for small Biot numbers. Discussion of the present
findings has been made with respect to previous analyses and experimental observa-

Introduction conduction model has been quite successful in correlating rewet-

ting phenomena at low coolant flow rates [1, 2, 3]. 1 Recent investi-
Surface rewetting refers to the phenomenon of establishing liq- gations [4, 5, 6], however, suggest that at high coolant-flow rates
uid contact with a solid surface whose initial temperature is great- two-dimensional conduction should be considered for predicting
er than the rewetting temperature, the temperature up to which rewetting characteristics. Several two-dimensional analyses and
the surface may wet. Rewetting phenomena exist in many indus- numerical calculations have appeared very recently [4, 5, 7-9]. The
trial processes involving very hot solid objects to be cooled in li- validity as well as limitations of these analytical and numerical so-
quids such as in metallurgical quenching or very cold liquids to be lutions are not at all clear, particularly in view of the fact that the
in contact with solid surfaces such as in filling a cryogenic liquid basic functional forms of these solutions differ among one another.
into a container. Recently, considerable interest in this problem The present paper presents an analysis of conduction-controlled
has been generated as a result of emergency core cooling consider- surface rewetting based on the conventional model [5-9] of two-
ations in the postulated loss-of-coolant accidents in water reactors. region two-dimensional conduction with a constant wet-region
Numerous experimental and analytical studies have been made on heat transfer coefficient. The approach follows closely the Wiener-
surface rewetting by a falling water film as in the case of BWR Hopf technique [10, 11], coupled with the kernel-substitution
(boiling water reactor) spray cooling and by bottom water flooding method [10]. The solution for large Peclet numbers agrees well
in the case of BWR and PWR (pressurized water reactor) core re- with the numerical results [8, 9] and reveals the limitations of
flooding. It is now generally recognized that falling-film rewetting other approximate analytical solutions. The solution for small Pe-
is conduction-controlled, while bottom-flooding rewetting is con- clet numbers contains explicitly the influence of the Biot number,
duction-controlled in the initial period, then followed by an almost and reduces to the one-dimensional solution [1-3] for small Biot
instantaneous rewetting phase, the controlling mechanism of numbers as expected. A similar mathematical model for the case of
which is not yet entirely known. small Peclet numbers has been suggested by Horvay [12] for the
For the conduction-controlled case, the one-dimensional (axial) dip-forming process. He applied also the Wiener-Hopf technique,
but due to approximation of the resulting kernel in terms of the in-
finite product of its roots, his solution is expressed in an infinite
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division and presented at the Winter series convergent for small Peclet numbers. In the present prob-
Annual Meeting, New York, New York, November 17-22 1974, of THE
script received by the Heat Transfer Division July 31, Z974. Paper No. 74-
WA/HT-49. - Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.

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lem, however, the wetting-front velocity is unknown a priori and
the infinite-series solution would not give a clear physical picture
of the rewetting mechanism.

The physical model under consideration is an infinitely extend-
ed vertical slab with liquid coolant supplied from above as shown LIQUID FILM
in Fig. 1. As the liquid film progresses downward, the surface
which is initially at a temperature, Tw, higher than the rewetting
temperature, To, is first cooled down to the rewetting temperature
at which the surface begins to wet. Behind the wet front, the sur-
face temperature drops sharply and approaches the liquid satura-
tion temperature, Ts. The heat transfer characteristics outside the
slab are simplified by assuming a uniform surface heat transfer
coefficient, h, over the wet surface and the dry surface to be adia-
batic [1, 2, 5-9], This common assumption allows the decoupling of WET FRONT
the heat transfer phenomena inside the slab from outside.
The present model simulates primarily surface rewetting due to
falling liquid films. For the bottom-flooding rewetting case, the ex-
istence of a vapor-film boundary layer would require that an ap-
propriate heat transfer coefficient be incorporated into the model
as in the one-dimensional case [13]. With some modification, the
present model for a slab can also embrace the cylindrical-rod case.
In fact, the results of these two cases are nearly the same, as to be Fig. 1 Falling-film rewetting of a slab
indicated later.
Consider now the basic mathematical formulation. The tran-
sient two-dimensional conduction equation in a coordinate system
moving with the wet front at a constant velocity u can be written
as [4-91 At y = 0, x < 0: 0y = 0 (8)
2 At 3' = 1, for all x: By = 0
3T !(a T 2
dT > (9)
At x = 0, y = 0: 6 = 9a (10)
where p is the density, c the specific heat, and k the thermal con-
ductivity. Equation (1) can be expressed in the following dimen- (11)
B = (Biot n u m b e r )
sionless form:
Before attempting to solve the mathematical problem as pre-
>v-p(e + ej = 0 (2) scribed in the foregoing, it is essential to understand various physi-
where cal regions of differing nature. When the wet-front velocity is suffi-
ciently large or P 1, thermal boundary layers are developed in
- T
_ * y (3)
y = 5 the slab behind the moving wet front as illustrated by Region I in
T - T ' o'
Fig. 1. Region II is the undisturbed thermal region. At a distance
PC 5
(4) from the wet front, the two thermal boundary layers merge but the
P =, " . (Ppnlot n, i m h f i r)
k thermal field is still developing (i.e., T is still a function of x and
and subscripts x and y denote derivatives with respect to x and y, y). This is Region III. Finally, the thermal field approaches asymp-
respectively, and 26 is the thickness of the slab. The associated totically the fully developed state in Region IV. The phenomenon
boundary conditions are is very similar to the thermal entrance phenomenon in a fully de-
veloped flow channel. In the present problem, however, heat con-
A s x *- : 6=0 (5) duction in the axial direction is important in the neighborhood of
the wet front (Region V), where the boundary-layer assumption is
A s x * : 9 = 1 (6) no longer valid. Thus the present problem, in contrast with the
y = 0, x 2: 0: 6V = B(6 - 1) (7) thermal entrance problem, requires an accurate description of the

a = constants, equations (45)-(47) Tu. initial dry-wall temperature dimensionless Leidenfrost tempera-
A = constant, equation (22) u wetting front velocity ture, (Tu, - T 0 )/(T. - TH)
B = Biot number, equation (11) X axial coordinate, Fig. 1 0 0,-+()_
c = specific heat of solid X dimensionless axial coordinate, 0. Fourier transform of 0 for x > 0,
d = constants, equations (23)-(25) equation (3) or (33) equation (12) or (39)
D = constant, equation (38) Fourier transform of (I for x < 0,
transverse coordinate, Fig. 1
i = V^T y equation (13) or (40)
dimensionless transverse coordi-
h = heat transfer coefficient y constant, equation (19)
nate, equation (3) or (33)
k = thermal conductivity of solid density of solid
transformation variable, equation
P = Peclet number, equation (4)
(12) or (39)
t = time
T = temperature s one half slab thickness, Fig. 1 Subscripts
T0 = rewetting temperature D dimensionless temperature, equa- x, y = derivatives with respect to x and y,
Ts = saturation temperature tion (3) respectively

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temperature field in Region V. Since this region is very small, it by the first two terms in the asymptotic series expansion near A
can be expected that the solution for P 1 does not contain the 0:
parameter 5. Also, solutions for slabs and rods should be identical
in this limit. Region V becomes larger with decreasing P and cov- cothA = - + + 0(A3) (20)
ers eventually the whole slab for P 1. In the latter case, other re- A o
gions do not exist. If, in addition, the Biot number is very small (B Substitution of equation (20) into equation (18) yields
1), temperature variations in y are negligible and the one-di-
mensional solution in x should be a good approximation. Again, in , ( B + 3 ) [ Q - ((P/2) - ^ P 7 2 F T 1 ) ] e ^ a > Q)
the one-dimensional limit, solutions for slabs and rods are nearly
the same. It should be noted that for P 1, one-dimensional solu- a
tion does not hold regardless of the values of B. _ (i5.)r^i_ , A n _ n ~ iV i
;L iU U
To obtain a general analytical solution to equation (2) with its 3 a* - a -t((P/2) + /WJWT^)1
associated boundary conditions as given in equations (5)~(10) does
not seem to be practical. A numerical solution is possible but x e_(Q,o) + ( f ) ~ [ ( p / 2 ) I .rwzy-TA)} . (21)
would not reveal any functional relationship among various system where
parameters. Moreover, the numerical solution for P 1 may con- 3B
tain substantial errors if proper care is not exercised, since the A = (22)
3 + B
smallness of Region V for P 1 requires the use of an extremely
fine grid for computation. At the present state of knowledge on 3 + P [ ( P / 2 ) + VTP/2) 2 + A ;
d, = (23)
surface rewetting, it appears much more logical to seek approxi- (p/2) + iWW^W
mate analytical solutions that would reveal simple functional 32
forms. This is achieved here by applying the Wiener-Hopf method dn = (24)
coupled with the kernel-substitution method [10, 11], both being [(P/2) + v W 2 F T ^ 4 ]
standard techniques in mathematical physics, to the individual -9
d (25)
cases of P 1 and P 1 and then matching the limiting solutions * ~ (B + 3 ) [ ( P / 2 ) + / ( P / 2 ) 2 + A]
for the whole range in a semiempirical manner. The adopted tech-
The key step in the Wiener-Hopf method is the established re-
niques are particularly attractive for the present problem in the
sense that solutions for the wet-front velocity can be readily ob- quirement that both sides as in equation (21) are identically zero.
tained without solving first the complex temperature field every- Thus, there follows
where. M
e ( a o) = {(3 + p [ ( p / 2 ) + ^ / 2 ) 2 + ^ ] _ i.)
Solution for P 1. Following the Wiener-Hopf method, the 3
* ' [(P/2) + vW2FT~A] 2 A
Fourier transform used to reduce equation (2) to an ordinary equa-
tion is defined as
Aa-} (26)
a - z[(P/2) - V 7 P 7 2 F T ^ 4 ]
Ot(a,y) = f e 8(x,y)dx (12) ziA
e.(a, o) = [ ( p / 2 ) + j^yrr-A](a - a>)
&Aa,y) = fle e(x,y)dx (13)
The temperature distribution on the surface can be obtained by
and the inverse transform is applying the inverse Fourier transform of equations (26) and (27)
1 as
0(x,y) = pT; j_ + ; T 9(a , ,}')e~' a ~ v da ( T = r e a l , p o s i t i v e )
(14) K 0) = [A +
iAP^/^ + W2fTl)/3] _ 1}
where [(P/2) + V 1 P 7 2 F T ^ 4 ] 2
0(a,y) = e + (, 3 >) + Q.(a,y)
x exp{[(P/2) - Jlp/2WT~A]x} + 1, be ^ 0) (28)
Equation (2) becomes
6(x,0) = exp(Px), (x s . 0)
ffae + (-a20+ ~) = 0 (15) [ ( P / 2 ) + ^ I P / 2 ) 2 + Af
dyL (29)
The associated boundary conditions given in equations (5)-(9) be- At the wet front, the temperature is
A + 0(P)
60 = 0 ( 0 , 0 ) (30)
^ 4 ^ = B(e>,o) + - ) (16) (P/2) + SWW+A}2
dy W The discrepancy in higher-order terms between lim 8 (x,0) and
rf0.(a, 1) dO.(a, 0) x -0
= 0 (17)
lim 6(x,0) results from the asymptotic approximation of the kernel,
dy dy
Solving equations (15)-(17) gives which is valid for P 1.
Thus for P 1 equation (30) yields
e t (a,o) + e.(,o) = (- B cothA ) ( e > , o) + ) (is)
A ' id (31)
where o1/2(l
A = (a(a - iP)) (19)
For B 1, A = B, and equation (31) reduces to
Equation (18) is equivalent to an integral equation and the term
in parenthesis, ( - B coth A/A), is the kernel function whose trans- (32)
form must be decomposed in accordance with the Wiener-Hopf
method. Exact decomposition of the above kernel in terms of sim- which is, as expected, the one-dimensional solution [1-3]. This
ple functions seems unlikely to exist. Since the major contribution verifies that the one-dimensional assumption is indeed valid for
of the kernel is in the neighborhood of singular points correspond- the case when both the Peclet number and the Biot number are
ing to A = 0, it should be a good approximation to represent coth A small.

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 1975 / 163

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Solution for P 1. The thermal region that exerts the great- 2V2exp[(V2 + l)x] , . /An.
est influence on the speed of the advancing wet front is Region V, a 0(x 0) - ' , l=r LJ^_^ , {x < 0) (49)
y(x 0>
very small region normally neglected in thermal entrance consider- ' - (l + 4ZD + l)[l + V I F T ^ ]
ations. Since, the major concern in surface rewetting is to correlate Applying the condition that 0 = 0o at x = 0 to equation (48) or (49)
the wetting velocity, Region V is in fact the only region of interest gives
here. Due to the smallness of the region, the parameter 6 does not
play any role in the problem and the independent variables x and
y are nondimensionalized by
1 + V2 r
72 L
l + n+m[Tr\.f (50)
or, in the explicit form,
y Sf
(26/P) (2k/pcu)' y = (25/P) {2k/pen)
Tn -
+ LM{IM ^n
Equation (1) becomes
20, - (0 + Oj = 0 (34)
The first term of equation (51) confirms the functional form of
For the associated boundary conditions, equations (5), (8), and Blair's asymptotic solution [6, 7] but the numerical constants in-
(10) remain unchanged but equations (6), (7), and (9) are replaced, volved are slightly different: 1.707 (i.e., [1 + \ / 2 ] / \ / 2 ) as compared
respectively, by to Blair's 1.571 (i.e., ir/2). It should be noted, however, that for
most cases the second term in equation (51) must be included. The
As x - , 0 i s bounded (35) present solution agrees well with the numerical results [8, 9], which
At y- = 0,
0, frx aa 0,
0, 90Vy = 2 Die ~ 1) have already demonstrated the inadequacy of the Duffey-Port-^
l (36)
x o, ey 0 house solution [5]. The difference between the present analytical
solution and the numerical results for P 1 is less 20 percent and,
As y 0 (37)
as expected, is increasingly small with the increase of P and the de-
where crease of B. The absence of 5 and k in equation (51) has already
= JL
fl =5 (38) been suggested previously as a result of smallness of Region V for
P pcu P 1. This is further confirmed by Thompson's numerical solu-
tion [6].
For the convenience of simplifying subsequent algebraic devel-
opments the Fourier transform employed here is defined as Semiempirical Matching. Equations (32) and (51) contain
the limiting relations for P 1 and P 1, respectively. For engi-
neering applications, it is advantageous to establish a continuous
OM,y) = fj" eUc"Uxe(x,y)dx (39)
expression for the whole range of P. Rearranging equations (32)
e.(a,y) = ileUa-1)xe{x,y)dx (40) and (51) gives

and the inverse transform is

- ( i a - l ) x - &(a, y)da (41)

eix, y) 2IT
- B ( l - fl) _ 1
1.7O7-O.250 O ], (P 1) (52)
P9o (1 )!
Following a similar procedure as in the case for P 1, equation
(34) and the associated boundary conditions give and the expression
-2D B(l
9 M,o) + e.(a,o) = yp= + , 0 ) (42)
1 a + iJ (1 - @o)
As in the previous case, exact decomposition of the kernel does not (1.707-0.25e 0 )[3(l - 6>0)2 + P ; g 0 ]
appear to be fruitful. In the present case, the standard approxi- {[3(1 - e 0 )' 2 (1.707-0.25fl 0 )] + P i 3 ( 1 - e0f + P 2 %]T
mate method of kernel substitution [10] is used. Replacing (53)
+ 1) in equation (42) by (2/(a 2 + 2)), the Fourier transforms of
which have the identical area and first moment, gives satisfies both limits in equation (52) and provides a smooth contin-
uous relation for all values of P. In Fig. 2, equation (53) is used to
i4D(a + rl2) 2 show the variation of P with respect to B at different values of 0Q.
9+(a,0) = a (43)
rfiD + 2 + i a + r/2- Also shown in the figure are the one-dimensional solution valid for
-i4a3D P 1 as given in equation (32) and the solution for P 1, equa-
G_(a,0) = (44) tion (50). Compared with the numerical solution [8], the semiem-
> - r/2
pirical formula overpredicts the value of (B/P) by a factor of 10 to
where 30 percent.
(V2 - 1)[1 + JAJT Discussion
-1 The present two-dimensional analysis not only generalizes the
(46) widely quoted one-dimensional solution [1-3], but also provides
(V2 1)V2(1 + V2zT
for the first time a clear physical picture of the roles played by the
1 Peclet number and the Biot number in the general problem. It fur-
V2:(l + V2/F+ 1)[1 + JW + 2] ther clarifies the various existing analytical and numerical two-
dimensional solutions reported in the recent literature [5-9], which
By the inverse transform of equations (43) and (44), the surface deal, in essence, only the limiting case of P 1.
temperature distribution near the wet front is obtained as In the framework of the adopted simple physical model, the
present analysis depicts a rather complete analytical picture of the
AD 2(2 + V2~)fl exp[-(v^Zr+~2" - 1)*]
e(x,o) = 4D + 1
falling-film rewetting problem. It should be emphasized, however,
[AD + 1](1 + v i m ) that the present model represents an idealization of the actual pro-
(x a 0) (48) cesses involved. Many complex factors have been omitted in this

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ter, however, was not shown in Fig. 6 of the Duffey-Porthouse
paper [5]. The scattering of data as well as the uncommonly large
heat transfer coefficient is probably due to the fact that at large
coolant flow rates the precursory cooling effect and the subcooling
effect are more likely to exert considerable influence. Since both
effects are not taken into account in the present physical model
and both tend to increase the wetting velocity in the actual situa-
tion [13, 14], the use of the present solution to correlate data would
logically result in a large scatter of data and a large heat transfer
coefficient. Probably due to the same reason, the heat transfer
coefficient obtained by Thompson [6] from correlating high-pres-
sure data is also quite high, in the order of 106 W/m 2 k. Despite all
these shortcomings, however, experimental data at large coolant
flow rates show a definite quantitative trend as predicted, and this
has been successfully demonstrated by Duffey and Porthouse [5]
and by Thompson [6].

id 3 l L 1 1 i i Acknowledgment
ICT3 ICr 2 ICT1 I 10 I02 I03 The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Nuclear
BIOT NUMBER, B Energy Division, General Electric Company in this research.

Fig. 2 Variations of Peclet number in falling-film rewetting References

1 Semeria, R.', and Martinet, B., "Calefaction Spots on a Heating Wall;
Temperature Distribution and Resorption," Symposium on Boiling Heat
idealization, such as the variable heat transfer coefficient in the Transfer in Steam-Generating Units and Heat Exchangers, Manchester,
sputtering as well as the film region, the true nature of the rewet- England, Sept. 1965.
ting temperature, the subcooling of the coolant, the coupling of the 2 Yamanouchi, A., "Effect of Core Spray Cooling in Transient State
After Loss-of-Coolant Accident," Journal of Nuclear Science and Technol-
liquid-film convection and the solid conductions, and the precur- ogy, Vol. S, 1968, pp. 547-558.
sory cooling in the dry region ahead of the wetting front. Some of 3 Sun, K. H., Dix, G. E., and Tien, C. L "Cooling of a Very Hot Verti-
these factors which have been assessed individually include the cal Surface by a Falling Liquid Film," JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER,
numerical study with a variable heat transfer coefficient [4], the TRANS. ASME, Series C, Vol. 96,1974, pp. 126-131.
experimental study of the subcooling effect [14], and the one-di- 4 Thompson, T. S., "An Analysis of the Wet-Side Heat Transfer Coef-
ficient During Rewetting of a Hot Dry Patch," Nuclear Engineering and
mensional analysis with precursory cooling [3]. For further im- Design, Vol. 22,1972, pp. 212-224.
provement of the present analysis, instead of seeking more general 5 Duffey, R. B., and Porthouse, D. T. C, "The Physics of Rewetting in
and exact solutions, the logical direction appears to generalize the Water Reactor Emergency Core Cooling," Nuclear Engineering and Design,
physical model by incorporating some of these effects presently Vol. 25,1973, pp. 379-394.
6 Thompson, T. S., "Rewetting of a Hot Surface," Proceedings of the
neglected. Fifth International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol. 4,1974, pp. 139-143.
No comparison between the present analysis and the existing 7 Blair, J. M., "An Analytical Solution to a Two-Dimensional Model of
experimental data is presented here, since it will merely duplicate the Rewetting of a Very Hot Dry Rod," Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories,
Ontario, Canada, Personal Communication, June 1974.
what has already been available in the literature. At low wetting 8 Andersen, J. G. M., and Hansen, P., "Two-Dimensional Heat Con-
rates or small Peclet numbers, the one-dimensional solution which duction in Rewetting Phenomena," Report No. NORHAV-D-6, Danish
is valid for small Biot numbers has been correlated successfully Atomic Energy Comission Research Establishment Ris0, Denmark, June,
with experimental data [1-3]. Existing measurements for small Pe- 1974.
clet numbers do not provide a wide range of Biot numbers so that 9 Coney, M. W. E., "The Calculation of the Rate of Rewetting of Hot
Fuel Rods by Emergency Cooling Systems in Water Reactors," to appear in
a definitive comparison of data with the two-dimensional and the Nuclear Engineering and Design.
one-dimensional solutions as given in equations (31) and (32) can 10 Carrier, G. F., Krook, M., and Pearson, C. E., Functions of a Complex
be made. Variable, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966.
11 Noble, B., Methods Based on the Wiener-Hopf Technique, Perga-
For high wetting rates or large Peclet numbers, experimental mon Press, New York, 1958.
data have been correlated in similar analytical forms by Duffey 12 Horvay, G., "The Dip-Forming Process," JOURNAL OF HEAT
and Porthouse [5] for the atmospheric-pressure case and by TRANSFER, TRANS. ASME, Series C, Vol. 87, No. 1,1965, pp. 1-16.
Thompson [6] for the high-pressure case. In accordance with Duf- 13 Sun, K. H., Dix, G. E and Tien, C. L., "Effect of Precursory Cooling
fey and Porthouse's correlation of experimental data at large Pe- on Falling-Film Rewetting," ASME Paper No. 74-WA/HT-52; to appear in
clet numbers, the wet-side heat transfer coefficient in the present 14 Yoshioka, K., and Hasegawa, S., "A Correlation in Displement Veloc-
physical model would be a linear function of the coolant flow rate, ity of Liquid Film Boundary Formed on a Heated Vertical Surface in Emer-
and is of the order of 105 106 W/m 2 K for the mass flow per unit gency Cooling," Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 7, 1970,
wetting perimeter of the range from 0.04 to 0.4 Kg/m-s. At large pp. 418-425.
15 Duffey, R. B., and Porthouse, D. T. C, "Experiments on the Cooling
coolant flow rates, in fact, there exists a large scatter among Duf- of High Temperature Surfaces by Water Jets and Drops," Report No. RD/
fey-Porthouse [15] and Yoshioka-Hasegawa's data [14]. This scat- B/N2386, Berkeley Nuclear Laboratories, England, Aug. 1972.

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