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Gandhithe Movie Essay - 669 words

Gandhithe Movie Richard Attenboroughs Gandhi is the portrayal of the live of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi was
depicted as an ordinary person, who lives and adjusts to the circumstances of the time and then becomes an extraordinary leader.
Gandhi was famous for his response to the racial discrimination, which had changed the empire. The movie shows what a huge impact
Gandhi made on India and on its future. Thanks to Gandhi, the country obtained independence from Britain. The greatest
achievement of Gandhi was the unification of Muslims and Hindus, which allowed the country to achieve independence. People of
different religions were united under common goal.

Moreover, they utilized non-violent tactics of protest. Gandhi was a Hindu, but he was convinced that all people are simply
extensions of the one source. In several scenes in the movie, Gandhi expressed that all men are one, merely manifestations from the
same starting place. He fought against not only the British, but also the Indian caste system that relegated certain segments of the
society as untouchables. He believed in equality for every man and as a lawyer by trade, he strategized the liberation of his people
realizing that through non-violent protest they had the power of God on their side, which was Gandhis main philosophy. Although
many of the Hindus and Moslems did not get along, it was very interesting how they were able to set all those hard feelings aside
when they all had the same goals. Gandhi had deep spiritual connection and was a man of strong principles, which proved his true
ability to become a leader. In one scene Gandhi recalls how he attended the temple long time ago and the holy man in the temple
read from the Hindu scriptures and then from the Koran.

This showed Gandhis attitude towards a person no matter what is a persons religion or race. The concept of non-violent protest that
was developed by Gandhi was a very powerful weapon, which British could not resist or fight back. Gandhis concept brought needed
results, but it also was the reason for Indian

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Essay Tags: gandhi, hindu, indian, protest, self-control This is an Essay sample / Research paper, you can use it for your research of: Gandhithe

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